GingerChapter 6 free porn video

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In the evening I ordered in pizza and watched a movie on television. It was a western. One of Louis L Amour's stories. I could lose myself by watching something so far removed from the problems of the day. My life had smoothed out, but there were all of these outside forces intruding.

One thing though, I didn't mind Ginger intruding on me and she was no real problem. I was thinking about the Lopez family and how I was connected to them in my work. Looking farther down the road, this was my first project and after that I anticipated hundreds of projects in my lifetime. I didn't see where I was going to be tied to the Lopez family very much in the future.

I called Ginger during the first TV commercial and explained how I had taken Maria home to her grandmother. Also I related what had transpired when the Deputy Sheriff had arrived with Maria's handbag. Our conversation ended and I found I hadn't missed much of the movie.

At nine the phone rang again. Lenora started right in with a question, "Peter, why do you want Maria to go with you to Minneapolis to meet this Ginger of yours?"

"Senora, I'm going to say some things you may not like. This is about Maria and the way she has been raised. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and has been sheltered all of her life. I have called her stupid, but I don't think she is really. She has done some stupid things, but that is because she is so trusting and doesn't know what real life is about beyond the family."

"She dates. We let her go out to dances and things."

"Yes you let her go out, but with whom? You mentioned she had a crush on her cousin. Her cousin certainly isn't going to grope her breasts or try to get her panties off. That was the trouble last night. Someone did and she didn't know how to deal with it. She wants to try her wings and fly a little.

"That is why I believe Ginger would be a good person to hang around with for a short period of time. Ginger could at least tell Maria where the danger lies. Ginger has had a rough time with living in a broken home with little affection. When I met her she had very little self esteem left. She learned that if she had any kind of affection even for a short time, she had to give up something for it.

"At that point in her life she was supposed to give up more than she wanted to. This was the night I met her so she rebelled and it was almost her undoing. If the police had found her, she would have had a record of sorts. Her mother probably would have disowned her and her father wasn't able to care for her. I shudder to thing of where she would be at this point now six months later."

"That is only the length of time you have known her?"

"That's right. The payment I have received for helping her is that she has lost almost thirty pounds and has turned herself into a beautiful woman. Mom took over because I asked her to and has also encouraged her. This should have been her parent's responsibility. Her life sucked, but through Mom's and my intervention she has a good life now. Also she found a book on how to act with class. I have to believe she will take much of it to heart."

"Maria has a good life. We have given it to her."

"Yes, but the world out there is much different than the one you grew up in. It is filled with hazards much more terrible than yours and Maria needs to be warned. My suggestion is for Maria to travel with me and have Ginger explain what the real world is before she gets hurt worse than the time she had last night."

"Okay, I agree with what you say, Peter, and I suppose I trust you. I would like to be certain of her safety. Fernando has to go into the home office of your firm sometime this winter. He will pay round trip plane fare for all. The only catch is that you might have to work a few hours the week you are on vacation. Would you agree to those arrangements? I would also expect that Maria will see her uncle every day."

"Sure, I wasn't going to hang out with the two girls that much. I want to stick close to my mother as much as I can. I trust Ginger to keep Maria out of trouble. She is extremely street smart."

"Okay, consider this arranged." I immediately called Ginger when Lenora hung up.

Maria didn't get to travel to Minneapolis with me the week planned. Roberta's brother-in-law, George Whitmore, died during the previous week and she wanted me to attend the funeral. That was the only way that my mother would attend. Roberta really put the pressure on both of us and now that Roberta had been folded back into the family she insisted.

It worked out fine and I took an extra three working days off so I could attend on Thursday. I had Fernando to speak for me as he said I would work on his project at the firm's headquarters during the week of the school vacation. I surmised that I could see Lenora's hand in first talking to Fernando who in turn arranged it with my bosses. Lenora wanted to have Maria bond with Ginger and learn how rough the world treated a young woman who made poor choices.

I reached Minneapolis early on a Wednesday morning. Mom was glad to see me. Ginger, she almost knocked me over when she came into my arms. The kiss I received was about the hottest one I had ever received. Mom was smiling and then she sobered. "Peter, Roberta will be here this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I want to talk to you before she gets here. This is about me. I've met a man and he has asked me to marry him. I've been without someone to love me for nearly thirteen years. What I'm saying is that I have accepted his proposal."

"You're really asking for my permission aren't you?"

"Yes, I guess I am."

I turned to Ginger, "Is this guy a good man and will he make Mom happy?"

"I believe he will. I like him a lot. He is a widower and kind of quiet. He works every day and he doesn't drink. Also he dotes on Harriet."

"That's good enough for me. When is the wedding?"

"I think maybe during the school vacation in the spring. Ginger will stand up with me as my maid of honor. I'm hoping you can attend at that time.

"I'll be there for you, Mom. Now tell me about this funeral of Whitmore's? Where is it held and is it going to be a big one?"

"It will be large. A lot of the teachers will be there and some of his former students. I doubt there will be any of his persuasion in attendance. He never came out of the closet to anyone that Robin is aware of. Robin and Roberta are his only relatives. Amy, too of course.

"I was surprised at how insistent Roberta was that you and I attend, but she has been. She'll be here before noon tomorrow and we will go over to the funeral parlor with her while Robin attends to details. He said he also needs to see his brother's attorney as there are some things that need to be addressed. Robin is the administrator of the estate."

Ginger had to go to school. I hated to see her leave. I wanted to hold her in my arms. Hell, I wanted to make love to her. My plan had been to wait until she finished high school and then college before declaring my self. I smiled, thinking the way she was acting she wasn't going to wait that long. She would be the one declaring that there was no need to wait for so long.

I talked to Mom before Roberta, Amy and Robin arrived at 11:30 Thursday. Mom told me all about this man of hers. His wife had been sick for a couple of years before dying three years ago. "Peter, Tony has stayed over here a few nights. I know I haven't known him long, and I never believed in love at first sight, but now I'm just so comfortable being around him. Maybe it is because he deals with the public all the time. He works in a home store. He has a salaried position running the heating department with six clerks under his management.

"You'll meet him this evening and he is taking us all out to dinner. He thought for a long time that Ginger was my daughter and they get along famously. I think you will too." I could tell she wanted to say something more. "Peter, Tony is nothing like your father. Ginger said Tony was quiet, but that doesn't mean he is shy or retiring. I think I'm going to be so happy with him. I have no doubts at all."

"That's great Mom. There is something I want to ask you about Ginger. Do you think it is too early for us to start a relationship? I know she won't be eighteen until July and by that time I will be twenty-three. I was going to wait until she completed her schooling, but that's going to be a possible five years from now. I'll be almost twenty-eight then. That's not to say I'm going to keep her barefoot and pregnant either. It just means she will be a married student going to school."

"Peter, I think she will be ready for marriage when she finishes high school this spring. She really is a mature individual. Of course you will have to speak to Randy, her father. He may have other plans for Ginger. You may see him at the funeral tomorrow. He and Wendy are such close friends of Robin they will come up for the funeral. You could talk to him then. Are you going to say anything to Ginger before you do?"

"No, because if he doesn't agree with me, Ginger might not see it the way he does. I wouldn't want to cause trouble between him and Ginger."

Mom looked at me. "That's smart thinking Peter. This isn't just lust for her is it? You do have feelings beyond that don't you? Why, I ask is because I helped with the picture she sent you. She had trouble managing the camera when she was trying to get the reflection of herself in a picture. She finally came to me and asked me to take it for her. It came out wonderfully well and any red blooded male would love to take her to bed."

"I know, and she is beautiful. The picture didn't influence me so much. I think I came to love her soon after I met her. It is nice she has turned into a swan, but it doesn't matter. Mom, seriously, do you think Ginger and I make a good match?"

"Peter, I think you two are a perfect match. I love you both very much. You, because you stood with me when I lost your father, and later when we lost your sister. Ginger, well she needed a stable influence, something she wasn't getting at home and she didn't really have a home. At first you stepped in and were an older brother and now I honestly think you should be her lover. She is ready and you certainly are."

"Thanks Mom, you're the best." Just then Roberta pulled into the driveway.

Mom and I barely knew the deceased and certainly we were not sad that he had died. The best we could do was in not saying anything against George Whitmore. That was only because it would have hurt Roberta and Robin.

Robin extended his hand as he came in. "Hi Pete, I'm glad you were able to make it. It is good to see you."

"Thanks Robin, Roberta said I should be here. I also knew Mom would want me with her."

"Yes, I know you didn't have any affection for my brother, but he did do a lot for Roberta. She is here to support me and you and Harriet are here to support her."

"Good enough. It gives me a chance to see you all again. It is good to be home for a few days as well."

Roberta came back from taking her bags upstairs, putting them into my old room. I would be bringing the blow-up mattress into the living room for me to sleep on. She came to me and I received a warm hug. Amy was shy again, but it didn't take long to get back to where she remembered that we had fun together a few months ago.

We had lunch and then got ready to go over to the funeral parlor. Robin and Roberta picked out a marble container for the ashes. The body itself had already been cremated. There would be an after-funeral get together at a local restaurant. One that George had frequented. This was to be held soon after the service.

Robin asked for the use of a small conference room that he and the attorney could use immediately following the service while the people were going over to the restaurant. He informed Mother and me that we should be there. There were to be three others with us. These were people we didn't know and nine in all including Amy.

We were not long at the funeral parlor today. Roberta came home with me and Mom while Robin went to converse with the lawyer. Mom couldn't see the sense of us being included in all of this.

Roberta answered, "George asked that you and Pete be there when the arrangements were made. Robin is just following his wishes. I'm sure there is a reason and I believe it must have something to do with what the attorney will be saying to all of us after the ceremony. I don't think Robin knows for sure what that will be yet." I shrugged, knowing I would find out tomorrow.

Ginger got home from school about an hour after we returned from the funeral parlor. "Come on up to my room while I change." I followed along with her. We walked in. "Close the door, if you would. Now kiss me. Kiss me as if you loved me."

I looked at her before taking her into my arms. "Funny you should say that. Ginger I do love you." This was one hot kiss and finally we broke apart

"I knew it. Pete, I do believe we are made for each other. Sit on the end of the bed while I change."

Ginger never hesitated and started disrobing. Her blouse came off and then her skirt. She looked at me with a quirky smile. Then she reached her arms behind her and unsnapped her bra. "You can look, but you can't touch."

"Okay. You're teasing me, but I'm fine with that for the present. Someday though..." I didn't finish as her breasts came into view. Ginger's face was bright red. Nonchalantly she stripped her panties off and went to her bureau. Her backside was facing me and it wiggled delightfully.

She found a new pair of panties and turned and pulled them on. "Pete I wanted you to see all of me and what I look like. I was going to show you everything in the picture I sent you, but I needed Harriet to manage the camera so I didn't dare. She would think I was awful."

"She might not think you are as awful as you think. We talked about you this morning. She says you love me and I shared I love you too. If your father comes up tomorrow, I'm asking him if he is going to object if we start a relationship. I want you in my life. It will have to be a long distance one until you get out of high school and maybe some after that. Someday though, I want you to be there when I come home every night."

"Would you seal that with a kiss?" Ginger ran and landed on me, tipping me onto the bed. She was in her bottom underwear, but I found a lot of places to kiss. Finally she said, "Enough, I can't take anymore. That is the first loving I have had since I met you. You know I would have let you do this and more that first night, but I'm glad I didn't."

"I know. That would have been just sex. Love should always come first. We will get to the sex most anytime now."

"I hope it will be soon."

Just then there was a knock on the door. "Pete, are you in there?"

"Yes I am, Roberta. One second and you can come in." Ginger had got into her bra while I was speaking and had pulled on a pair of jeans. She was just pulling a tee shirt over her head as I opened the door.

"Pete, you shouldn't be in here alone with Ginger."

"Roberta, I invited him. I wanted to show him something."



"Did he touch you?"

"Of course. Not all over, but enough. You should know that he is going to ask Dad if we can start a relationship. I offered myself to him once and he turned me down finishing it up with a lecture. I loved him for that. He has come to love me as well. I'm hoping someday we will be married."

"Pete, is that the plan? Ginger is young."

"I know she is and I was going to wait a few years before asking her to even join me in a relationship. I haven't seen her for almost three months and there isn't a day when I haven't thought of her. She will be through school soon and I'm willing and she is willing. If her father is agreeable we might make a happy life together."

"What if he isn't agreeable?"

"We'll have to wait awhile then. We are both young. While you are here, ask Mom about Ginger. She knows her better than I do even. She has done a world of good for our mother."

"Hey guys, you're talking about me."

"You notice it is all good though."

"I know." Ginger came and put her arm around me. It was only natural for me to lean down and kiss her. Nothing passionate, just a kiss to show affection.

"Pete, Amy was looking for you. Would you entertain her while we women folk get dinner? Robin just came in. He isn't saying anything, not even to me, but he looks elated about something." Robin was quiet during the evening. He seemed to be watching me and Mom continually.

We were just finishing dinner when Wendy called telling us that they were in town for the night staying in a motel and would be leaving right after the funeral tomorrow. The twins weren't with them. I was sorry to hear this as I wanted to see Ginger's brothers. Mom and Roberta told Ginger and me to go visit with them for a little while.

This would be my chance to talk to Randy about my plans for Ginger. I was anxious as anyone would be about broaching a serious relationship to the father of your girl friend. We made small talk for awhile and I didn't know how to open up the conversation. "Pete, you're nervous tonight. Is something bothering you?"

"As a matter of fact there is. Randy, how would you feel about me dating Ginger? I mean having a serious relationship with her."

"You're rushing things aren't you? She is still in school."

"I know she is. We really haven't talked about the future, but I want her to finish school here and then I'd like to ask her to become my wife. As you know I have just started working as an architect and I'm just as excited about my chosen profession now as when I was first hired. Right now I am working in an office, but there will be times when I'm out doing research and talking with clients. I enjoy all phases of my job."

I had said everything in a rush wanting to get it out. Randy smiled at me. "You must have some idea about the future even though you haven't discussed it with anyone."

"I have. I would like to have Ginger further her education. I think I can afford to swing the tuition if she doesn't choose too expensive of a school. I would like to see her learn something so if anything happens to me she would have a backup source of income. Right now I'm living out of a motel and that sucks although it does have a kitchenette in it so I do cook many of my meals.

"I had a relationship with another woman for more than two years while I was in college so I know it can work. Ginger is going to have to make some changes in her life. I'm talking about where she will be living. My mother is going to be getting married soon. I don't know as you have room for her to live with you and she hasn't said if she wants to."

"I didn't know about your mother. I knew she had been dating." I laughed as I said I didn't even know that much until today. Randy got serious now, "Pete, how about your student loans? You must still owe a lot."

"Not that much. I've received some bonuses so all of those and one quarter of my salary is going to paying it down. I was on an eight year payment plan and I have half of it paid off already. I can refinance if I have to. To be honest I didn't think I would get involved with another woman this soon after leaving college. Then I parked one night on a side street because I was weary from driving and this angel knocked on my window."

"More like a fallen angel."

"Dad, maybe I was at the time, but I changed."

"Yes you did sweetheart. So how are you going to work this? Are you moving back here to be with her?"

"No, I'm set for the next two years where I am. Fernando Lopez wants me to stick right with his project and the construction will take two years. He will be in town next week. His niece and Ginger are friends since Ginger saved her life so they are spending the week together. I have to work three days, but I will be with them evenings."

"Ginger, what did Pete mean when he says you saved this girls life?" There was a lengthy explanation of what went on the night Maria had trouble. It ended when Randy said, "You two do make team." We laughed for that was what we had said about ourselves.

Wendy, who hadn't said anything asked, "Ginger, you have said little about Pete's proposal. How to you feel about this? He isn't rushing you is he. Don't be afraid to speak up."

"Wendy, I've been ready to marry Pete ever since he came back from England. I haven't pushed him but I have been hoping, knowing I wasn't ready. I think I am now. I've been reading how to act proper in all situations to become more mature for my sexy older man. Lately I have made more of my feelings known and he is very receptive. Can you think of a better person for me?"

"How far are you into this relationship? I mean have you been together sexually?"

"God, no, we haven't seen each other that much. The first time we are alone we will. I was hoping it would be this week sometime, but I don't see any chance of it."

"That's rough. Your chance will come and it will be all the sweeter. Your father and I had a terrible time trying to find a place to get together."

"Thanks Wendy. You're a great Mom to me."

Randy asked Ginger if she ever hears from her mother. "Hardly ever. We don't have anything to talk about. She can't understand how I could leave her and go live with another person unrelated to me and be so happy. I am going to write and tell her that I have found someone I hope to marry. She very seldom mentions you dad, and never asks about the twins."

"I guess she is out of our lives for good then."

"I guess. She hesitated before she spoke again. "So are you okay with Pete and me having a relationship?"

"Yes we are. I thought it was understood."

"Would you do me a favor by going over to Harriet's and sleeping in my bedroom? I would like to stay here."

"That would mean Pete is staying with you."

"Yes, that's a given."

"I would like to see how Robin is taking the death of his brother. I guess Wendy and I could do that. We'll see you at breakfast then. We were invited anyway."

Same as Ginger
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Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello, my name is Jessica. I am 18 years old, about to finish my last year in high school. I'm rather short, standing at 5'2". The women in my family have all shared a similar body type. I on the other hand do not. My mother, Sam(short for Samantha) stands at an average height of 5'7" with a slender build. I am short, like I said, and am not skinny. Now, I'm not fat, or even thick, I just don't share my mother's slender build. I suppose the biggest...

1 year ago
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Trip with mum

Note : This story is completely fictional! We were heading home from out trip and my mum and I both were still horny from all the fucking we had done in home my father passed threes years ago my mum and I am alone in home, weekend we arrange a holiday trip to any place. We had practice incestuous relation from since my father died after three months mum encouraged me to fuck her with my monster. here is one of my trip fuck with mum for all mother fuckers) Feeling horny on the way I reached over...

2 years ago
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“Would you like to watch me blow his nine-inch erection,” she asked sensing my interest. “I will ask him and get back to you, I told her excited at the thought of watching a ten-years older, still sexually attractive woman bringing my man’s thick, nine-inch erection to orgasm while I watched.” Later the same day Sarah was excited when she asked me if I was interested. When she told me she could organize some of her girlfriends to watch to make it more exciting for all of us I was...

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Sheena Didi ek sath ek raat

Hi my name is Rahul am from Mumbai this is my true story, please if u like my stories send your feedbacks to my yahoo id I am 19yr old single guy studying in some college in Mumbai, and love to live to the fullest. The incident I am telling you today is a real one and happened just few days back. Ye story mere or mere sister ki hai ki kaise maine apni sister ko choda. Mere ghar me mere mummy papa ke alava mai aur meri 21 saal ki bahan sheena hai,wo bahut hi khubsurat hai, bil kul katrina jaisi...

4 years ago
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Episode 40 8211 The Customer8217s Seduction

Mr. Sharma was lost in thoughts, how 3 years ago Divya had slowly manipulated and seduced him in his own store. He had not been able to forget that fortunate day, when this sexy little randi had walked in to his store for her wedding shopping, and then ended up banging with him in the context of measurements and fittings. Though he had been with her a long time ago, yet seeing her outside Gautam’s apartment, Mr. Sharma could identify her at once. And almost immediately the memories from that...

3 years ago
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Stuck in Amber

STUCK IN AMBER (complete) Copyright P326R1, 2019 CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTED My wife Emily and I have an extremely beautiful friend named Amber. She works as a waitress at a restaurant we frequent. One evening, we're having dinner when a crazy guy walks in with a gun and just starts shooting up the place! He's yelling a bunch of stuff that no one can hear over the deafening pop of what looks like a 9mm. I have no idea what this guy's problem is, but he seems intent on...

1 year ago
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My New Fuck Doll

Mom loved her half-sister, Doreen, very much. She hadn't seen her in ages. That didn't stop mom from calling her and keeping tabs on her. Aunt Doreen was a lot older than mom. One day, mom went to a garage sale. She saw a beautiful big baby doll that she thought Aunt Doreen would love. She bought it, and brought it back to the house. She showed it to me, and said she was going to send it to Doreen. Mom didn't know that i had a sexual fetish with dolls. That doll was calling me, to take...

3 years ago
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Filling in for Beth Part 6

Filling in for Beth - part 6 "Without further ado! I'm proud to present! Coach Hannover!" speakers announced from all around the stadium. The college president, a short, impeccably suited man with graying temples swept a hand toward Tom and stepped out of the way. They shook hands, the athlete and the academic, and Tom stepped to the microphone. I'd picked up the gray suit from the dry-cleaners the day before and pressed the shirt this morning, so he looked sharp. Seeing my...

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Railil Sex Matter Sambavam

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Rajesh, vayathu 26. En vazhvil nadantha unmai sambavathai ungaludan pakirnthu kolkiren. Naan siruvayathu muthal pengaludan nerunki pazhuguven, jollyaga kindal seithu kondu happyaga irupen. Naan parpatharuku velaiyaga 6 adi uyarathuku irupen. Sunni nindu perusaga 7 inch alavuku irukum. Entha oru penukum en suniyai parthal, umba vendum endra aasai thaan varum. Thinamum kaiyadithu suniyai perusaga vaithu irupen. Perunthil, pothu idam endru ella edathilum penngalai sila...

4 years ago
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Confession Me a prostitute No waywell maybe

For a few months, we hooked up for sex whenever he was in town. On the whole, it was good. There were times he didn’t treat me very nicely but most of the time he lavished affection and praise and compliments. And of course there was the money. During that time, he had paid me over $3,000 in total!!One night when he had taken me out to dinner and was sweet talking me, he told me about a friend of his who was going through a divorce and said he wanted me to do something for him. He wanted me to...

1 year ago
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New Neighbor Jenny Nicholson

When you read her tweet about just moving to Washington, you don't think much of it. I mean, there are plenty of cities with that name, and the odds of her picking the one in your state is incredibly low. And even if she did pick the one in your state, it's not like you'd [know. That means that when the moving van comes by your bedroom window, your first thought isn't that your favorite youtuber ever, Jenny Nicholson, is moving in next to you. Your thought is imagining how cool it'd be if it...

1 year ago
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The Housewife and the Painter

“Honey, I’m tired of painting now.”Rich smiled to himself, shaking his head. He knew from the tone of his wife’s voice what she was doing. He didn’t need to turn around to know that Jennifer was standing across the room in her blue painter’s coveralls, her hair tied back in a messy ponytail, strands falling over her paint splattered face, one hip dropped with a hand resting on the other. In the other hand a paint roller hanging loosely from her fingers, a pout making her already full lips look...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 3Chapter 13

Beth came over, so we drank wine, and relaxed in the big family room. Brittany had to give every single person a hug and a kiss before Lilly could take her to bed. The talk turned to underwear, and Laura and Marny both raved about the support in their legs, and the support of the bra. After they talked about underwear for ten minutes, I asked a simple question, "Have you given this underwear company a name yet?" "Mary wanted to call it Mary's, but we vetoed that. We kicked around Happy...

3 years ago
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Plain Jane

Part 1 – The Beginning Plain Jane Got the main Interest down Under her gown. -Tony Tiger© 2017 It wasn’t quite that bad for little Jane, but she’d gotten close to her best male friend long before looks were even noticed. Even before hormones kicked in, just simple curiosity about bodily differences was enough. She and Joseph spent a lot of time together since early childhood because their neighbor mothers home schooled a passel of their marital issue. Being the same age, they often worked...

3 years ago
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A dream in Jamaica

Katie draped both arms over his shoulders and kissed his neck as they moved slowly in time to the music. “This is beautiful,” she said softly. “I love it.”“Well only the best is good enough for my girl.” he smiled. He ran both hands down over her back and caressed the curves of her sexy little bottom as she pressed herself against him."My girl," she said with a smile. "I like the sound of that.""Since that night we chatted on facebook, I've always thought of you as my girl."“You’re thinking...

2 years ago
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Judo The Gentle Way

Light forced itself behind my eyelids as I woke up with a groan. My head ached and my mouth tasted as if it was a stale ashtray. Reaching out to my side, I found the bed was empty. Vague memories of a floozy blond I had picked up in a bar came back to me. I swung my legs out of bed and went to splash water on my face. The image that stared back at me from the mirror looked like hell. “Well, another day in paradise,” I thought to myself. Two years … It had been two years since my wife, my...

Love Stories
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 257

Special thanks to squaddie117 ‎ for this submission. ✧ ✧ ✧ She was only the... Admiral’s daughter, but her naval base was always full of seamen. Astronaut’s daughter, but she knew how to take off. Athlete’s daughter, but she was always ready to play ball. Barman’s daughter, but she knew how to pull them. Blacksmith’s daughter, but she knew how to forge ahead. Bookbinder’s daughter, but she knew her way between the sheets. Bricklayer’s daughter, but she was certainly stacked. Butcher’s...

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The weekend part 3

I was working on getting the grill good and hot before I threw the meat on. I looked around and Heather was working on the baked potatoes. Getting them ready, putting butter and season and wrap each one in foil. Mickie was making a side salad to go with it. And Trish had pitcher of lemonade. Since she was done she decided to see if Steve was up and see when he was going to join us. Mickie was soon done with her salad and made her way over to Heather to assist her. The grill was finally ready as...

1 year ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 5 Out of the Frying Pan

In accordance with the agreement I'd struck with Liira, tonight would be "date night." In part we were doing it to re-kindle the bond between my mother and I as we'd drifted apart, but part of it was to suit my growing interest in my mother's sexuality. Ordinarily, I would have simply done a casserole or some spaghetti, but I wanted tonight to be special. I messed around in my room for a while after I heard my mother leave for work, waiting until I was sure had gone and not forgotten...

4 years ago
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A World of My OwnChapter 3

Fernanda made me realize something. Hypnotism was not a requirement to achieve my goals. Any opportunity to intimidate and control could satisfy my desires. As I headed back to my room to prepare for Jan I knew I was going to have to expand my thinking. A plan was starting to take shape. A new world was coming into focus. This might just exceed my wildest expectations. For now, I needed to focus on Jan. Yes I was going to take her virginity. What I began to realize is I wanted her to enjoy...

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New friends 3 Picking up Sam

I phoned Chris just as I pulled up outside of Sam & Ben’s house, whilst talking to her Sam opened the door and waved I returned it finished the call and went in. Calling for Sam her voice replied that she was upstairs in their bedroom and to come up. As I entered the bedroom she was laid on the bed a slim vibrator in her hand moving up and down her slit, her other hand pinching and pulling at her nipples, my cock stiffened and I quickly stripped off my clothes. My head was soon replacing the...

1 year ago
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Sex and the Extended Family The Beginning Part 4

After my encounter with Jeff, I really felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. Our lovemaking left me totally satisfied. I fell asleep on my rumpled, soiled sheets with a smile on my face, my body coated Jeff's his jism, my no longer virgin pussy filled with his cum. I don't really know how long I slept but I slowly became aware of someone sucking my nipples. At first, I thought I was having a very erotic dream. My eyes closed, I surrendered to the currents of sexual arousal coursing through...

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He fucked my bestfriendWhile she slept

Tammy was having problems again with her man so she asked my man and I to go out with her to get her mind off things. So we went to some hole in the wall and had some drinks and danced a little. Tammy started getting a little drunk and started dancing all seductive like some drunk stripper. It was erotic but kind of sensual at the same time. She caressed her body as she swayed to the music. I watched her as I walked on my way to the restroom. Mike sat at the table watching her. She was dancing...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 21: NEW LIFE REFLECTIONSI woke up disoriented. Where am I, what woke me up? The sun is barely up. Long shadows and rays of light penetrating through the jungle canopy. There’s that noise, again. I am stretched out on the ground along b**st’s stomach and chest, his front leg over my upper body. This has become a favorite sleeping position for me since we arrived on the planet. Although it is much more comfortable on the beach sand at the lagoon. I raise my head to seek out the source of...

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A day off from High School

This is a true story about a time I cut school with a girl at my high school in New Jersey. We were both 18 at the time I believe. It started out with us being in the same Chem class together, I was struggling and she was a decent friend of mine. She is Korean, I am Chinese. I dont know if you guys know the big difference. She is about 510 and slender, with these long legs that are evenly tan and no gut. Well on PRE test day she called me and asked if I wanted to study together, I said no I...

3 years ago
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Fantasy about my little Chinese wife as a party sl

My fantasies of my wife being a party slut are always more anonymous. A regular beat-off fantasy is that we are going to a monthly swing party at a friend's house. It's after work so of course I'm late and my wife has gone ahead without me - it's a turn on that she's so eager to suck and fuck that she goes unescorted. I show up two hours late I'm greated at the door by the hostess who proceeds to say:"Your wife is such a little slut. She found one of the young single men almost right away and...

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Keeping My Sister in LineChapter 3 As Told by Teddy Reddick

(As Told by Teddy Reddick) My dad sent us to our rooms to write out a confession of what happened over the last few weeks. He and my mother talked about what should happen. I was mortified. My father and little sister had both seen me with jizz on my face sucking my own dick. I felt there was no way I could live this down. I don’t know if I could ever look my little sister in the eye again after she saw me dash to the bathroom with my dick flopping, and my face glazed with cum either. I...

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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 5

It's Michael vs Ted, and Sarah vs Scott. What's left of the crowd gather behind them, and watch both games at once. Each of the four players select their characters, and begin. Michael and Ted play together all the time, and are very attuned to each other's play styles. They are about evenly matched, and either one of them could win. But Sarah on the other hand, has only played average level opponents in the tournament, and now faces one of the best players in town. Her game starts,...

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Omegle Chat Leads To Sex 8211 Part 3 8211 Deepika8217s Erotic Tease And Hotel Sex

Hello everyone. I hope you’ve liked the first two parts of the story and this is the third part and second day of Deepika’s stay in Hyderabad. Thanks for your feedback and your messages on Kik. I did have sex with a couple of women after this incident and I will surely write about those incidents too. Coming back to the story. After reaching the hotel, we slept properly and I woke up only to her blowjob. It was late in the morning by then, around 11 am and Deepika was giving me a sexy morning...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 670

Backpacking Six weeks earlier continued. ... Dessie grinned at her husband. “I vote for another handful of trail mix and to keep moving. That will give us more time to look for a good campsite as we start getting into those mountains there in the distance,” she said while pointing with her pole. “Sounds like a winner,” Phillip said, his voice jovial, much to Dessie’s pleasure. There had been a trail of sorts before they stopped for water, but it veered to the East at that point. After...

4 years ago
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Kaseys Awakening

Part 1: Kasey had just turned 18, she was a quiet honor roll student at her high school in VA. Her parents died in a car accident years ago, leaving her living with her drugged out brother who never assisted her with anything, only stole from her to buy more cocaine and other drugs. During long parties at her brother’s house she locked herself in her makeshift room to study and occasionally have privacy to pleasure herself to escape the horrors of her past and present. She didn’t...

3 years ago
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ReunionAug 5, 1976by Noelle O It was my first leased home, and as I walked to the door I looked out of the window to see the purple and orange-drenched sunset stretching it’s luscious fingers across the surf and sand, leaving tiny diamonds in its path. There had been a soft knock at the door and I opened the door to the tall lanky man standing on my front porch. The deep summer wind tousled his graying hair attractively and his smile appeared framed, as if in portrait, against the rich...

1 year ago
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BigCockBully Reagan Foxx 30870

Reagan Foxx has new neighbors and unfortunately they happen to be a frat that parties and plays their music loud. Reagan’s husband has tried to get them to turn the music down, but they don’t respect him. Reagan calls one of the frat boys, Apollo, over to try and get them to stop playing their music so loud and to get them to respect her husband, but Apollo isn’t easily convinced. There’s only one thing Apollo will accept that will get him to play his frat’s music...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 7 Friends Again

June 1978 Wednesday at work was tough. I hadn’t gotten much sleep and the random terrible thoughts kept entering my mind as I went about my tasks. Jennifer wasn’t able to make it for lunch, so I ate alone. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, either at work or at home. I made sure to write my thoughts, especially the dark ones, into my journal. My dream that evening was about Jennifer, and resulted in soiled sheets. I took that as progress. Thursday morning was my second visit to Doctor...

4 years ago
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A Necessary Cuckolding Part VI

AlanAlan wasn’t sure if he would make it through to the end that day such was his emotional turmoil. It began first thing that morning when Dawn asked him to help change the sheets and the duvet cover. He gave her a puzzled look when she started to strip the bed. “You can’t expect Bradley to sleep in dirty bedclothes!”“They’re clean. We only changed them on Monday and we haven’t had sex in the bed either.”She shook her head in despair. “Would you want to sleep in another man’s bed without clean...

2 years ago
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A Roll in the Hay

When he first appeared on my screen, I thought he was just another client looking to buy time. But as we exchanged quick-witted banter, I learned that he was a cop. Interesting, I thought so I kept the conversation rolling along. I was drawn in by his quick wit and charm. After a few hours of online chatting, he urged me to call him, but I was unsure of just what his intentions were. Curiosity got the best of me and to my surprise I found myself dialing his number the next day thinking that...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Very Sexy Cousin Sister

By : Preetloveu Hi friend’s mera naam Preet Singh hai my details are Location:  Jalandhar (Punjab) Body type: slim Lund size: 5.8 ” and 3 ” thick Profession: computer Engg Yeh meri pehli story hai agar achi lage to mail me at ab story pe chalte hain baat piche saal ki hai june ka mahina tha main apne bhuaji ji ke pass ludhiana me gaya huya tha. Mere bhuaji a govt school me teacher hai or fufa ji central govt ke retired officer hai. Onka ek beta hai jo delhi me job karta hai or ek beti jo ki...

2 years ago
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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 14

Shannon was but part of his name, not the first nor the last, but the middle, after his mother's people, and he chose it as his only identification when they released him from prison rather than to use an alias. Should he resort to the full Andrew Shannon Connelly there were those, he felt, who might remember him, although it was doubtful there in Canada. Generally, the sportsminded were hockey people, some football, but baseball had yet to come into its own, even with the new Montreal...

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Under the Table2

Business was slow since it was 10 p.m. on a Friday night and we closed at 11 p.m. My section was empty and Sandy was next up on the seating chart anyway. I wanted to be ready to go as soon as I was cut so I walked over to Lindy the manager. “Hey Lindy, I’m gonna go put my left over lunch and apron in my car. You think it would be OK if I took my break early? I asked. “Were pretty dead and I don’t think we’ll be getting anybody else tonight. Sandy’s up on the seating chart anyway so go...

1 year ago
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Mother Nature Sees All

Sadly, I did not foresee my world of sensuality, natural order, soft shapes and curves being redirected by the very life I in essence created. Being run down and taken over by sharp edges, clean lines, driven to control rather than let events unfold. I cry, watching my flowers, trees, waters, and life be destroyed by the human race. Known by many names; Gaea, Akka, Danu, Jord, Neith, as well as a host of other words all roughly translating to Mother Earth. I am patience embodied,...

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