A Mom s Love Story
- 1 year ago
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“What did we get?” Ed was being all practical again.
I was still afraid and Koz was half in awe of me. Not good.
“A Marble, a Brass key, a Silver lockbox, and a scroll tube with fuck knows what’s inside.”
“I have a key,” Ed waved her silver key at us, “and you owe me.”
I did?
“You do.”
Never argue with a woman who thinks you owe her. Especially when she has two razor-sharp swords at her sides.
“Koz, can you take the Marble and key? I have tons of keys. I want the scroll.”
Awe diminishing slowly, she accepted the two pieces of loot. Two items, and one a key at that wasn’t as good as a Silver lockbox, but still good. “I’m fine with that. You did pretty much everything anyway.” She replied to my proposal, after a brief thoughtful delay.
I couldn’t blame Koz with the awe thing, we all had it at one point or another.
“Jason shares,” Ed added. Oddly, I thought. Ever since we entered this Dungeon, Ed had been acting strangely. She was almost too relaxed around Koz, almost as if she knew her before, where she had been ‘Edna professional normal’ around her on the outside.
Almost like they were... close...
I had no clue.
“Save the Marble for later, you can Identify it here. We open our presents after major runs together. We also trade.”
“I heard,” she didn’t quite believe it.
With magic items, it was hard to not want to immediately use what was in hand. Heather’s idea of waiting and trading, hoped to lessen our greed and impulses. Group greed and avarice were better than individual greed, she reasoned. We could bring out our faults into the open that way. It sounded strange and felt strange. But seemed to work. Besides, we found the trading part fun.
I had just as much greed as the rest. Well, maybe not as much as Nat. But my fair share. Kate’s only activated when it came to the big ticket items.
Actively oversharing my spoils was damn hard at first. It had become easier as we all got stronger. I now didn’t quite feel like I was completely on an island.
Most of the time.
“Koz, we do not discuss Jason outside of the Dungeon. You can laugh at the way he dresses. But do not talk about his Skills. Do you understand?”
“I don’t even understand how he does that. Killing a Lord is one thing. He is just better than I am. Two hundred zombies solo? I know that he uses a Spell to augment his Axe, but still, that is beyond what anyone else can do. How doesn’t he get exhausted?”
“Synergy,” I answered. Ed would take it from there. Gods, I was tired. After a long run, the mental strain always got the better of me.
“Jason gets some stamina back with each area of attack spell. Not much but everything adds up. That is something else we do not discuss. Your choice, tell your superiors, or stay on the team.”
Ed was back.
Lieutenant Kozlov looked hard at my prone form. I wasn’t moving until we had to go. Or Ed made me.
The atmosphere became serious. Even with my eyes closed, I felt it get heavy. “I have to give them something.” Our Air Force liaison finally spoke after several minutes of silence.
“You saw his fight up close with the Ghoul Lord. Give them that.”
“That Spell...”
“You couldn’t use anyway. Didn’t you notice; Jason only strikes with his blade in broad swings when using it? Your weapon does not have an edge.”
“Has he showed you how to use that spell? You have an edged weapon.”
“He doesn’t know how to teach others. We believe that it is because Jason does not have a Mage class. He might be able to learn Mage spells, but that should be the extent of it. Besides, look at him; that spell takes a toll.”
“We are still low Level. Give it time,” I added. Either she cooperated or she didn’t. If not, I would keep her on the team, but she would not run any harder level runs with me.
Heather and her stupid test. This was an amazingly dumb way to do it.
After our run, Ed dropped Natasha off first, then took me home while I rested in the back seat with my eyes closed, trying not to fall asleep.
“You’re too heavy, get out by yourself.”
Oh, we arrived.
“Don’t you dare break my car.”
“What was that with Koz?”
“She is too good for you to bury in a side team.”
“Are you reading my mind again?”
“Still,” I heard her tired smile.
Har di Har.
She waited until we were in my condo before speaking again. I wasn’t complaining that everyone had a key. I didn’t have to bring one with me on runs.
“Go shower, the girls left us sandwiches in the fridge.”
At least I was wearing boxers. Ed only had a towel wrapped around her exceedingly fit body. But we were both too hungry to say anything.
Until I was finished that was. “You are distracting in that outfit.”
“Thanks,” she didn’t even blush.
“Serves you right. That will teach you to weigh four hundred and fifty pounds.”
“Four-hundred-and-twenty-two,” I replied while laying on what used to be my dining room chair. Now splintered and broken.
“I’m not helping your ass up.”
I glanced under the table at her legs. Noticing that she shaved. A pink line amid the shadows winked at me. I pretended not to notice.
“Aren’t you going to get up?”
“I think I’ll sleep here.”
“I’ll use your bed then.” I watched those fabulous legs stand and head to my bedroom.
Maybe I would sleep right here...
“Jason. You cannot sleep like that.” A strong feminine hand with chipped blood-red nail polish, reached out to help me up.
I remember climbing into bed and curling up and that was it.
“How did it go...”
“What the hell is SHE doing in his bed?”
“Let go of me you mastodon!”
Creak. Click.
I need to oil those hinges...
“I told you it was too soon.” Ed was not pleased by the tone in her voice.
Glad it wasn’t directed at me.
“What happened?”
“He soloed the fucking run. He doesn’t trust her.”
“Did he sleep at all?”
“Cat naps, but only when I was on watch.”
“Will Natasha tell them about his Spell?”
“She knows she is off his team if she does.”
“She still might though.”
“Yes. She is still under orders. Not reporting something that significant, is cause for a court-martial.”
“Your gut?”
“She will hold off. Who knows what else that grabby bastard,” the last wasn’t said with any ... bad thoughts? Heat? ... not sure how to put it, “is hiding.”
Possibly with affection?
Maybe a little.
“You slept with him this afternoon?”
“I was beat, too. It also reassured him. He got good sleep for the first time in six days.”
“What about Kate?”
“She needs to grow up.”
“The Boss?”
“Handled it like a charm. Never even touched him. Go back to sleep Jason. I have watch.”
Sounded like a plan.
Coke, a separate glass of ice cubes, and a dagwood sandwich wrapped in a paper towel on one of my plates.
Someone loves me.
“I’m awake and thank you,” I called out.
I checked the time, 15:37. I hoped it was only Wednesday. Twenty-four hours asleep was one thing. Two days was another.
“It’s about time you woke up.”
Starving, I chewed.
“You look better.”
I nodded with my mouth full.
“I received a copy of Natasha’s report on our run and you. I wasn’t entirely happy with it, but she didn’t go overboard.”
“Thanks, Ed,” she waved me off.
“Thank you, Ed.”
Sighing, “You’re welcome, Jason.”
She looked good in those dark blue dress shorts and tight white tank top. “Is today Wednesday?” It was amazing what a change in attitude, hair-style and clothes could do for that woman. She went from a seven-ish to a solid nine.
“Yes, you only slept one day.”
“Are you up to going to Beau’s in two hours?”
“I thought DB was hosting?”
“Beau stole it. He has a new place and wants to show off.” Hesitating, “Austin sold both tickets.”
“Something wrong?”
“He got five million. Says next time he can get more.”
“Five?” I choked out.
“Said he could get 10 next time.”
Holy shit.
“Who bought them?”
“Quincy from the Texans.”
Ah, that made sense.
Quincy was a good choice for Austin to hit up. “He was pretty messed up at the end of last season. I can see paying that, for all those fixes his body needed. He’s probably sedated up the ass right now as the pain from fixing that shoulder, back, both knees and neck is hitting him.” But he was older than I would have chosen. 37, I thought.
“Don’t forget the hip. He never reported it.”
We football fanatics were a breed apart. We followed the injury reports closer than the actual players most of the time. “His career was over anyway. Five million to escape pain-free is well worth it.”
“That’s Austin’s thinking. He wants to talk to you about taxing some of their Silver earnings. I don’t like it.”
“You’d rather draw them in?”
“Not that crowd. They are too high profile and prima donna-ish. Your friends are all mid-tier and young. They got their Weapons naturally. The ones who purchase the Jokers will be cocks in the yard.”
“Feel strongly about that do you?”
Enough said. Tyler Quincy was and is a prima donna. Leader of his own pack and otherwise all-around ass. His commercial and interviews turned off the fans older than nineteen.
“Jason, we will discuss your wandering hands later.” I heard more than a little hint of reproach in that command.
“I was asleep in my own bed. You can’t blame me.”
“Jason.” Her tone warned me off from saying more.
“Sorry.” I gave her a sincere apology instead of my earlier joviality.
“Go shower.”
How I finished my sandwich that fast, I had no idea. Naked, I stumbled into the bathroom and showered under Ed’s critical eye. To the bathroom at least. Edna didn’t follow once the shower started warming up.
Ed changed back into her everyday clothes; i.e. stiff, off duty, security-merc, no-nonsense, ready-to-kill apparel. No nonsense shoes, black business slacks, black long-sleeved shirt, and a light windbreaker.
Heat must not affect her.
I was in jeans and a newer college jersey. (Last two digits of my graduation year number and no name.)
She drove. I had come to a hard conclusion that I would not ever be driving again while she was with me. She loved her car too much and teasing her about her taste in cars was definitely VERY VERBOTEN.
Beau rented a mansion...
Marshawn was renting a room from him on the cheap, we laughed at Beau for letting Mar freeload. Mar shamelessly admitted to it. I had heard that both Matt and Austin were leasing a condo downtown, smaller than mine, but high up in the same building overlooking Lake Michigan.
We were let in, only to hear an argument. “I don’t care how much it costs. I want the next pair. Do you hear me Austin Marrs?”
I didn’t recognize the voice, but the face was plastered everywhere in this city. The Bears all-pro running back in the last year of his second contract. He wasn’t getting a third. He had slowed too much last year and it wasn’t because the QB or line sucked. Open discussion of the lack of cartilage in his knees on the sports talk shows wasn’t a guess.
Lionel Eggerton went to push by Ed and me and bounced off. I didn’t give an inch.
“Mr. Eggerton, I will sell you a pair for the low price of twenty thousand Silver nuggets. Gate Currency only.”
“Who are you?”
“Their friend and teammate. The deal stands, just let them know when you have the silver nuggets. Remember, earth silver does not work. And I do not accept cash. Good luck this year.” I stepped aside.
“Twenty thou in silver? No prob.”
“Did he skip out on training camp to come here?” I asked once the door closed behind their obnoxious guest.
Laughing, “You know he will bring you a necklace from his stash, don’t you?” Mar wasn’t an Eggerton fan.
“I think he will at least try to find the real stuff. His last contract got him sixty mil. Endorsements probably the same, if not more.”
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She was absolutely beautiful. She was the most popular girl in our high school and in the final grade and was cheerleader since the beginning of the school year. Karma She had beautiful ice blue eyes with striking blonde hair that made her the most noticed and admired girl in our school. she is eighteen and had the most curvaceous body after me that was. Her hips were nice and slender and her...
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continued from ‘new in the office’ After that early morning encounter Yvette was transferred permanently to the sales department. A day earlier then planned but maybe that was for the best. As horny as i was i don’t think i would have managed to keep my hands off her that day. And the last thing either of us wanted was to get fired. The day seemed to drag itself on forever but eventually it was time for me to leave. since i started earlier i had about an hour left before she would be...
When I got back to my apartment there was a message on my answering machine to call my brother. I called him and he told me that what we had talked about at the courthouse was doable and I told him to go ahead and do it. Then I went to bed and slept like a log. Friday was a busy day at work and even though I had my hands full trying to finish the job I was on by the end of the day I was still able to think about my evening with Susan and Gary and wonder if I would ever do something like that...
"Wake UP, Joe!" a voice shrieked, as Joe Black aka Viewtiful Joe found himself kicked out of his bed. "Urgh... Silvia..." muttered the red-headed hero as he looked up at his girlfriend. "It's Saturday... let me sleep in peace..." "There's no time for that!" shouted the blonde as she grabbed their V- watches, tossing one to Joe. "Big John's back, and he's attacking Downtown!" Joe immediately shot up upon hearing the Gedow member's name. "He is? Well why didn't you say so!" he...
The Girlfriend Chapter 6I shuddered and closed my eyes as Sam took me into his mouth. I knew I should stop this right now and my hands moved to push him away just as he wrapped his tongue around the head. When he flicked the spot where the head meets the shaft I moaned, and instead of pushing him away my hands held him in place as his tongue danced around my cock which was now as hard as I could ever remember. I opened my eyes to look down to see my cock sliding through Sam’s lips. This can’t...
I was visiting a friend of mine who was having a weekend long party to show off the new house. It had everything, a big boat dock, pool, garden, the works. This house, originally built by some drug dealer in the seventies, spared no expense. The most interesting part of the house was the bathroom in the master suite, it covered a quarter of the second floor of the four bedroom house. It was bigger than the master bedroom. The primary feature of the bathroom was the Jacuzzi hot tub,...
[If you haven't already read the first half please go to my profile and check it out.] ..I was feeling a mixture of emotions at that moment including excitement and fear and curiosity but I looked around and there was nobody around that could see what I was going to do and this man Mitch didn't know me so I knew I could do it without anyone else findind out. I got down close in front of him and opened my mouth to let his penis head slip inside. It felt odd but not unpleasant, just a little...
This happened a few years ago when I was 22 years old, working in an office, and living in a rented apartment. My parents lived in a village about 20 miles from me but were both killed in a car accident so I inherited their bungalow. I transferred to the bungalow and obtained a positition in a nearby office where I became friendly with Ted who was a computer expert, which I wasn`t. He persuaded me to buy a laptop computer and set it up in a room in my house. I had no idea how he did it because...
The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned” what he wanted to do”? But he just replied, “get ready and you will find out”.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...
I'm not young and inexperienced, by any means. In my early, sexual-awakening days, I had more opportunities than a lot of guys I knew in the area of sex, both alone, and with willing females. I'm not bragging, but I lost my virginity at 15, and there were several girls who met me as virgins and left me knowing how a man satisfies a woman.One day, I met a girl and settled down. We raised two great k**s, sent them off to college & marriage, and discovered anew the rewards of an empty house....
Her name was Rachael,she was 15,blue eyes,blonde hairs,36Cboobs and a nice firm ass. My name is Seth,i am 16 and i have an athletic body thanks to years of tracks. Rachael is a virgin and has never allowed me to do anything beyond kissing.Whenever i asked her to have sex with me she would just say that she has...
Hi readers, thanks for the response for my previous experience sharing. Please share your feelings and comments to my mail id “”. Please read my previous stories. I am very close to my sister and my sister also very close to me. She reached me many things in my life. Without wasting time I will go to my life experience continuation. It is a continuation of my previous story, I use to suck my sister breast daily and that is my regular work, later some days we use to stop the breast sucking...
Incest40 Something Mag! What makes a MILF? Beauty is obviously part of the equation. Everybody loves an older woman who’s taken care of herself, aging like a fine wine instead of getting all old and haggard. I think attitude is a major component of a truly fuckable MILF. The broads at 40SomethingMag, for example, all have this eager enthusiasm for dirty sex that gets my blood pumping as soon as I hit the landing page.40SomethingMag.com has been around for a good long time, pumping out cougar-fuck...
Premium Mature Porn SitesLessons Learned (day one) Disoriented and with a pounding head ache, I attempt to open my eyes, Twisting my head side to side I begin to panic as I see only darkness. My jaw throbs as I realize there is something hard between my teeth. My arms stretched over my head. I tug hard, my scream muffled as my wrists pop, but remain in place. Thoughts are running wild, "where am I? Why can’t I see?" My breathing becomes ragged, as I try to breath around the thing between my teeth. It catches, and...
iVisit the Brilliance Bar (Takes place after "iHire an Idiot". Carly visits the Pear Store to see if there is more between Ashley and Freddie than him helping her with a sociology paper. But it seems that Ashley isn't interested in Freddie. Her interest is in someone else in the iCarly crew.)(Notes: The episode "iPearStore" where Freddie goes to work at the Pear Store takes place in season 6, two seasons after "iHire an Idiot" but I'm assuming that he worked there before then and that's where...
III. Kind of Blue Behind closed curtains, the rain pattered against the window. A dim light shone from one small lamp on the bookcase. Scattered clothes the silent signs of previous undressing. A sultry John Coltrane tenor-sax sounded from the speakers, “Kind of Blue” was the favourite CD. It was close to three thirty in the morning. And Jason’s room was permeated with the scent of sex. Her back arched in a sharp reflex, throwing her bouncing breasts forward. Clenching hands sought to...
They met the others back in the clearing, all toting their various kills. ‘Hello Stevens.’ Angel said in a sing-song voice, clearly still enjoying her high from their romp in the forest. Stevens looked from Angel to Amanda, a scowl appearing on her face. ‘You got hurt.’ Amanda stated, noticing the yellow-tinged bruise on Stevens’ waist. ‘She charged me when I was going for the male.’ Stevens nodded at the large moose she and her partner had killed. Amanda strode over, running her hands over...
Friday October 21 My mom was of two minds. The first had me going to the vet with Duke and us both getting fixed. I was sure Duke wasn’t onboard with that idea. The second was reveling in the possibility that she had a little granddaughter in her arms. I figured the little girl couldn’t be mine. Dawsons only had boys. The only reason we had a little girl in the family was that Greg had adopted Mac. I spotted Ashley Kincaid and Scarlet White, the two girls I suspected were the mothers of...
Young slender Becky Larson had been, as ordered, secured over the top of the large oak table in my private dinning chamber. She was dressed in a crisp schoolgirl uniform consisting of a starched white blouse which buttoned up the front, a short plaid skirt, white knee highs, white cotton panties/bra and her hair had been put up in little schoolgirl pig-tails. Becky was tied with her shapely smooth legs pinioned with narrow black leather straps at the knees, her ankles bound together and then...
My wife Terla and I became swingers last year and since that time a whole new world has opened up for us. We have joined clubs around the world and spend our nights trolling friend sites for potential lovers and three ways. I am not an active participant in the love making but I enjoy watching Terla with different lovers. Not long ago I convinced her to try having sex with a very well hung black man who we refer to as "Big Gun" because his cock is all of 11 inches fully erect. He comes to meet...
Cindy had just gotten back from school – barely through the door, in fact – when the sight of her uncle soured her day. “Oh, welcome home, pumpkin.” her father said. “Uncle Jeremy just got here and we're having coffee in a minute. Would you like some?”“No.” she said coldly and strode up the stairs to her room, glaring at her uncle as she passed him.He was a scrawny, yucky man. He dressed in dirty slacks and didn't bother to groom his hair properly. And, god, he said the most inappropriate...