HeroesPart 3 free porn video

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Craig called on Saturday. We were on the phone for a couple hours. It was great.

He gave me a big smile when I saw him in school on Monday.

Monday, at lunch, I got a nice surprise. I had just started digging into the meal, when there appeared Angela. "Hi," she said.

"Hi," I responded tentatively.

"I owe you an apology," she said. "You were right."

"Thank goodness, I thought you would hate me forever."

"I was really mad at first," she said. "But my parents were a lot more understanding than I would've guessed. Very worried, but understanding. And Shannon really is great."

"That she is," I agreed.

We chatted a bit, and then we were invaded. Craig, Alex, Johanna, and Cap all came over to the table. I introduced them all to Angela. I thought she was going to freeze up, but she didn't. Well, mostly she didn't. She was all right. Craig helped--as did Johanna, who was sitting next to her and deliberately including her in the conversation. Including Angela Cressey in a conversation is no small feat, let me tell you, but Johanna was dogged. I threw her a smile of gratitude. Which she caught.

This kind of set the pattern for the week. We all ended up at lunch together. On Tuesday, a couple of Johanna's friends started joining us. Two of the types that I would've considered Princesses--these must've been the ones that didn't diss her when she started dating Alex--but they were actually very nice. Even to Angela.

Then came Thursday.

We were all at lunch. Angela, after watching us moon over each other for almost a week, finally got the gumption to ask Craig and I, "Are you guys dating?"

"Couldn't you tell?" Craig laughed.

"We just started, actually," I said. "This past weekend was our first date."

"And it feels like it was our millionth," Craig said, "and I mean that in a good way."

Oh, he was getting me all warm-and-fuzzy.

And then I blew it. "Yeah, for some reason Craig must have a thing for overbrained fat chicks." I said it as a joke.

Craig knew better. He knew that underneath the joke was, pretty much, how I felt. And he got mad. He turned to me with a look on his face I'd never seen before. "Oh, stop it," he said, loud enough to interrupt conversation at the whole table.

He grabbed my face and turned it towards his. "You listen to me," he said, luckily a bit softer--I think only Angela heard. "There's no such thing as overbrained. You're smart. That's a good thing. You should be happy about it. Stop apologizing for it."

I was stunned. And he wasn't done. "Furthermore, you are not fat." He put his hand on my stomach. "There's nothing wrong here. No, it's not sixpack abs, but who cares? It's not fat. It's just soft, and curvy. Girls are supposed to be soft and curvy." He then very obviously looked at my boobs. "Like those. Just perfect."

"Well," I said, trying to--I don't know what I was trying. To save face or something? Anyhow, I said, "It's mostly my hips. And my ass." I turned to poor Angela who was trying not to get involved. "My ass is so huge it stops weather systems."

Craig grabbed my face and turned it towards him again, and leaned in close. "You silly little fool," he hissed, low and soft, "how can somebody as smart as you be so damn stupid? Listen to me, Ginny Klusse, the only thing your ass stops is traffic!" And on that flabbergasting note, he very deliberately turned away, and very very deliberately started talking to Alex.

Poor Angela. She was staring at me after all this, desperately trying to think of something to say. And we all know that thinking of things to say isn't Angela's strong suit. I took her off the hook and changed the subject.

Craig studiously avoided me for the last fifteen minutes of lunch. But he wasn't done. As we were leaving the lunchroom, he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me over into a quiet part of the corridor.

"Ginny, this is the thing. I like you. I like you a whole hell of a lot. And I like you just the way you are. So when are you gonna start?" And then he walked away.

It's a good thing I can navigate my classes on autopilot--because, for the rest of the afternoon, I had no choice.

I had group after school. I kind of wished I'd had my private with Shannon, but today was group. I did tell everyone I'd gone on my first date--and gotten my first kiss--which they all were happy about. I didn't tell anyone what had happened today, though.

After supper, I was in my room, and the phone rang. It was Craig. "Look, Ginny, I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. I was way, way too hard on you."

"I don't know if that's true," I said.

"It is. I was," he insisted. I heard him sigh from the other end of the line. "I'm sorry. This is harder than I thought it was going to be."

"What is?"

"Look, I knew I liked you. I liked you last year, I told you that. I wouldn't have asked you out if I didn't like you. I guess it kind of hit me suddenly on Friday night exactly how much."

"Oh," I said, thrilled, and scared out of my mind, all at the same time.

"That wasn't my first kiss. I haven't done much more than that, mind you, but I have kissed, and I've made out with girls. A number of times." He took another breath. "But never, ever like that."

"Oh, God, I thought it was just me," I said with a nervous little chortle.

"Not hardly," he said, and I could almost hear the smile over the phone. "Not even a little bit. It took my breath away."

"Mine, too, but my mother said that's because I need to learn how to breathe through my nose."

He lost it. "You're something else," he said when he stopped laughing. "By the way, I can breathe through my nose just fine and I still almost passed out on your porch."

"Oh," I laughed.

"Anyhow, it's quick. Quicker than I thought. I really do like you a lot."

"I feel the same way," I said softly.

"Good." His voice got a little strained. "But it's hard. And sometimes you don't make it easier. When you were running yourself down at lunch, it kind of hit me. I'm rapidly becoming crazy about a girl who, not so long ago, tried to kill herself. If I told you that that didn't scare the living shit out of me, I'd be lying."

"Oh. Damn, Craig, I don't know what to say."

"I want you to promise me something."

Oh, God, I thought, don't. I can't promise that. I can't. Not yet. "What?" I asked him hesitantly.

"I want you to promise me that, if you feel that way again, you'll call me. Just call. Give me a chance to talk to you about it. Please, just promise me you'll do that."

My heart went right into my throat. "Yes. I can do that. I promise to do that."

"Good," he said with a huge sigh of relief. No bigger than mine! He asked me something I was capable of--that came as a great relief. "And Ginny? Stop running yourself down."

"That's going to be harder. Uhm, do you really think my ass could stop traffic?"

He laughed. "Ginny, I like to think I'm a gentleman. I try to be, anyhow. If I weren't I think I would've left handprints."

"Oh, God," I croaked through the giggles. "That sounds, er, intriguing."



I vowed to try. If this guy liked me, there was a reason, right? Maybe I'd figure it out.

We went out that weekend--in fact, we went out twice, both nights. Friday we went to the movies. Saturday we went out dancing, to a teen dance club nearby. I am an absolutely horrible dancer, but I went. It was even fun.

"I know you don't like me running myself down," I said to Craig during a break, "but let's face it--I suck at this."

"But you're having fun. That's what counts."

"It is fun. As long as I don't think about what I look like!"

He didn't say anything until we got back on the dance floor. When there, he steered me to a mirror on the wall. "Look. What do you see in there?" he said.

I looked. I actually looked half-decent tonight. Mom had helped me with the makeup and it looked good. My hair--which was reddish-brown and straight--was in a ponytail. First time for that in years. I'd been in the habit of hacking it off to get it out of my damn face, but I hadn't cut it since before the hospital. I had to admit, it looked better longer. I was wearing a nice blouse, and a knee-length skirt that at least made my ass look like it was in a single zip code instead of three.

"What do you see in there?" Craig repeated. "I'll tell you what I see. I see a pretty girl having a good time. For one thing, she's a lot prettier than she thinks she is--and she's having fun, which makes her absolutely beautiful. So what if she's not going to be winning any dance contests any time soon. She can keep up with the beat, she's not embarrassing herself, and she's having fun. In fact, to me, she looks happy." He spun me away from the mirror to look at him. "Ginny," he smiled, "happy is good. Go with it."

"OK," I smiled back--and we started dancing again.

God, he was right. I was happy.

How the hell did that happen?

I got even happier when we got to my house. We went out back of my house, where there was one of those big porch swings--though we had it on the lawn and not on a porch. We sat there for a while, making out.

After a while, he said, "I need to ask you something and I'm not asking it to piss you off. I'm asking because I need to know, OK?"

"OK," I said, curious.

"Do you like me because you like me or because I was the first one to ask you out?"

I grinned at him. "What are you grinning at?" he asked, obviously a bit confused at my reaction.

"Nice to know I'm not the only insecure person in this swing."

"No, you're not," he laughed.

"Good. As for your question--I'll be honest. I've thought about it. I'm pretty vulnerable to any kind of sweet-talking and I know it."

"Did I sweet-talk?" he chuckled.

"More like actions than talk in your case. Anyway. I thought about it. And I guess I realized something. I never would've been able to admit it, not even to myself, because I buried that kind of shit back then--but I liked you last year, too."

"You did?"


"Oh," he said, looking insufferably pleased. I couldn't complain--I was, too. "You mean before I dissed you with my birthday party."

"Yeah, before that," I laughed.

"Don't worry, you're invited this year. It's in February."

"I'll mark my calendar," I deadpanned. "Oh, and I hope you like older women. Mine's New Year's Eve."

"I think I can live with that," he laughed. "Anyhow, you're sure?"

"I'm sure," I said. I looked at him. "You really are insecure. You spend so much time pumping me up I didn't realise."

"Part of it is because this is really quick." I nodded agreement--it was, but it felt right. "The other thing is, well, I know I'm nowhere in your league." I looked at him blankly. "I mean, I'm not a dummy, but you..."

I interrupted him by pointing at my scarred wrist. "I should be living vivid proof that brains are not all they're cracked up to be."

"I understand that part, but that's not what I meant."

"OK, let me explain to you what a high IQ is. Did you ever hear the polite euphemism for kids that are lower-than-average?" He looked at me blankly. "It's slow. I mean, you've heard that. 'So-and-so is a little slow, ' right?"

"Yeah," he said.

"It's accurate. And I say that because I am fast. Look, I understand different people have different talents, but I'm going to speak in generalities here. There is not a thing that I am capable of learning that you are not. Anything I can learn, you can too. Almost everyone can, speaking again in generalities.

"What the difference is, is this. If it takes you an hour to learn something, I can do it in twelve minutes. I won't learn it any better than you. Just faster."

"I see," he said. "Of course, where the difficulties come in is that while I'm taking the extra forty-eight minutes to learn Task One, you've moved on to Two, Three, and Four. And I'll never be able to catch up."

"Oh, I'm not nearly that diligent," I laughed. "While you're taking the extra time, I'm not learning Two and so on, I'm wasting time playing The Sims." He chuckled at that. "There are things I'm interested in. And there's things I'm not. That is a little easier, because I can get history studying over with quickly. And since I hate history, the less time spent, the better. That's an advantage. Things I like, especially if they're not the same as the things you like, I'll stay ahead of you. But if you like history, you'll pass me in no time."

"Not particularly," he grimaced. "What do you like?"

"Two things, and I'm eventually going to have to pick one. High-level math and physics and that sort of thing. That's like breathing to me. Pre-calculus is like second nature. The other one is languages."

"You mean like spoken languages?"

"Yeah. I'm reasonably fluent in five."


"Yeah," I laughed, "but that counts English. The others are German, Russian, Spanish, and Japanese. I'm probably best at Spanish, I started learning that when I was like three. German is the least fluent, because that's the one I'm taking in school."

"School really slows you down, doesn't it."

"Yeah, and that's what makes me stick out like a sore thumb more than anything."

"I can see that." He thought for a minute. "Five freakin' languages. Jesus."

"That kind of stuff I'm incredibly fast at."

"Is that what you want to do?"

"I was leaning more towards the other thing. I think I want to do something with science. Engineering or something. Or maybe even theoretical physics or the like."

"Yeah," he said. "And in this whole global economy, speaking all those languages can only help you. Even if you go into research in something like theoretical physics, you'd be communicating around the world."

"Exactly. I'm going to do Chinese in college because that's going to be an important language. Anyhow, what do you want to do?"

He smiled at me. "Well, we sort of share an affinity for math, but not the same type of math. For me, it's figures. I'm taking accounting this year and I love it and I'm good at it."

"So, you're thinking along those lines?"


"That's cool."

"Look, I know this is quick," he said.

"We already decided that," I laughed.

"Yes, but I'm about to get quicker. I was wondering if, you know, you'd like to make this a steady thing. You know, us. Exclusive."

"Craig Tolland, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"Well, yes," he grinned.

"Then, yes," I grinned back, and leaned over and kissed him. "Was there every any doubt?"

"There's always doubt."

"Not in this case." Then I realised something. "What I promised you Thursday meant a lot to you."

"Yes, it did."

"Good. Look, I would never ever put the burden on your head of saving my life or anything stupid like that. I'd never do that to you. It wouldn't be fair." I took a breath. "But you help, OK?"

"Good," he said. "And I mean it."

"God, I really am crazy about you, Lyubovnik."

"Same goes," he said. "Lyu-what?"

"Lyubovnik. It's Russian. It's your new pet nickname. If we're going out, we have to have pet nicknames for one another, right?"

He looked at me and cracked up. "God. Remember when you were in the hospital and I told you that last year I thought you were part 16 years old and part 30?" I nodded. "Well, apparently I missed the part that was, you know, ten."

"Oh, her. I had her locked up. She's just escaped recently."

"Good, she needed to," he said. "So, what's that thing mean, anyway?"

"Lyubovnik? Hmm. Maybe someday I'll tell you," I smirked.

"Oh, jeez. Forget engineering, you should go into the CIA. International Woman of Mystery."

"Klusse--Ginny Klusse," I deadpanned, then cracked up. "Doesn't quite roll off the tongue like 'Bond--James Bond', does it?"

We snuggled and kissed and cuddled for a while after that, until it was time for him to go. He walked me to my door and kissed me again. I watched him go back down the walk.

When I went in the house, Mom and Dad were sitting there, watching a movie on TV. "So, how was your date?" Mom asked.

I couldn't help it--I screamed it. "GINNY'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!"


Shannon was ecstatic for me in our session on Tuesday. Then came group on Thursday. That was interesting.

One of the things Shannon always had us discuss was our successes and setbacks. So, of course, Ginny having a boyfriend came up.

They were all happy for me. Of course, Zoe had to say something. It'd come up in previous sessions that Zoe was no virgin. "Good, maybe now you'll get laid," Zoe said.

"Well, not right now," I laughed. "I'm going to have to play a little bit hard to get. But I'm looking forward to it."

"Sex isn't all it's cracked up to be," Karen said.

"How would you know?" I asked her. "You've never had sex." She looked at me incredulously. "You haven't. I might not be a shrink, but I know enough to know that rape is not sex."

"I tell her that all the time," Shannon said.

"But, it's different," Karen said. "I mean, I responded. A couple of times I came!"

"Oh, that don't mean shit," Zoe said. "All that is is physical. It's a part of your body that responds to stimulation getting it. That's all it is. Look, if you rub my clittie a certain way, I'm gonna have an orgasm, and whatever else is going on is irrelevant."

"That can't be true," Karen said.

"It is. Look, one of my many talents is that I give an absolutely hellacious blowjob," Zoe said, cracking us all up. "It's true. I'll make you forget your damn name.

"Anyhow, Seth is gay. Not attracted to girls at all. I'm guessing that if I stripped naked right now, Seth's Little Head wouldn't even twitch, am I right?" Seth laughed and nodded agreement.

"Right. But if I ripped his pants down and got my mouth on him, I guarantee it would twitch. It'd be like steel in a second, and I'd having him cumming his brains out before he could say 'Wait, I'm gay!' Absolutely guarantee it. Because it'd all be a physical sensation."

"Don't you think sex is mental?" Shannon asked.

"Sometimes. Not always." Her voice dropped a bit. "Look, I can tell you guys this. When my brain was more haywire, I slept around. And I mean a lot. I'm not even sixteen years old, and I'm over 50. Guys, I mean." She took a breath. "Sex shut up the voices. The ones in my head, I mean. If I was having an orgasm, they weren't there.

"Anyhow, I have, a couple of times, slept with guys I absolutely could not stand because I'd heard they knew their way around a girl. At least twice I had to do it with my eyes closed so I could ignore who I was with. But I came. It was all physical. I've also slept with older guys--in some cases, the proverbial old enough to be my daddy. And I'm not particularly attracted to older guys. But they're experienced and usually good. Hey, I slept with a balding pudgy guy in his forties. He wasn't attractive at all, and he was a little too enthusiastic about bedding a fifteen year old, if you know what I mean. It was disgusting, if you think about it. He was a fat old pervert. All of which doesn't change the fact that he made me cum so hard I saw stars. "

"It's better when there's emotions involved," Shannon said.

"I have no doubt about that," Zoe agreed, "though I can't quite say I have any experience in it. I've had sex with friends, and friends is better than, you know, pickups--but I've never been in love. I'm pretty sure I wasn't capable of love up until recently anyway, not that kind of love.

"But my point is you can get off without emotion. I mean, is there anyone here that doesn't play with themselves?"

"I used to... before... but I haven't in a while," Karen said.

"Yeah, but you used to. So you know what it is. And it's completely physical. I'm not having an emotional relationship with my right hand, right?" We all cracked up at that. "It's the physical stimulation of a pleasure center. Yeah, I know, fantasizing can help get you off a bit quicker. But it's still almost all physical." Zoe looked right at Karen. "And that's all it was with you, too."

Karen looked positively grateful. Damn, Zoe was cool.

"Zoe, does it now bother you?" Shannon asked. "Being that active, I mean, and with so many partners."

"Somewhat. Because I'm past it, but that's my reputation, you know? Now that I'm feeling more like an actual human being, I want what Ginny has. But at school I'm the Designated Slut and the crazy chick that tried to off herself."

"Well, I've got the latter, plus School Brain, and I found someone," I said.

"You got damn lucky. And don't you forget it," Zoe laughed.

"Just keep looking, girlfriend. Hey, Sam's available."

Zoe shot a speculative look at Sam. "Hmm. That's an idea. He's cute--and sweet, too."

Poor Sam just blushed crimson! Zoe wasn't done yet. "So, Sam. You want me to teach you what I know?"

"Uh, well, um..."

"Shit. This is the offer of a lifetime," Zoe teased. Poor Sam just squirmed!


It was November now. The month passed normally.

Well, normally for me, anyhow. Which was more normal than I used to be but not quite, you know?

Craig and I just got closer and closer. We still hadn't done much physically, but that was OK. He'd confessed that making out was as far as he'd ever gotten--with the odd grab of a boob through a shirt and bra, but that was it. He was a virgin, too. I think that made me feel a little better. So, we were kind of working up to things. That was fine.

I did notice that we'd gone to a school dance in November and he kept playing grab-ass every time we slow danced! "OK, so you do have a thing about my ass," I said to him.

"Guilty," he grinned.

I was still in therapy, and still in group. And group was working out well, because I considered those people friends. Zoe really was a hot shit. We'd traded phone numbers and talked a couple times a week.

Then, after group one day, Seth came up to me and asked me to go get a cup of coffee. I did, and we were just chatting. In the course of the conversation, he mentioned a place.

"It's kind of a club, but it's not advertised. I just found out about it a couple months ago, and now I go there almost every weekend. It's for teenagers, no booze. There's a coffee bar and couches and tables and stuff in the front room, and a dance floor with a DJ in the back. So you can chat--or make out on a couch," he grinned, "or you can go dance."

"This is for gay kids I take it?" I asked.

"Mostly. What they call it is gay-friendly. In other words, straight kids are welcome as long as they're not going to have a problem with two guys or two girls making out in the corner or dancing with each other." He grinned. "You do see some stuff there, though."

"What do you mean?"

"One of my best friends in the world is a girl named Catherine. In fact, she's the one that told me about this place. I knew her from a camp a few years ago. We still talked, but she didn't know I was gay--she didn't find out until after my suicide attempt. That's when she told me about this club. I didn't know that she was bi.

"Anyhow, she's bi. She has a boyfriend Tom, and a girlfriend Stephie."

"That's gotta be confusing," I laughed.

"Oh, it gets better. Stephie is also bi and has a boyfriend, Rich. Tom and Rich are also bi. You can figure out the rest."

I cracked up. "I've heard of a love triangle, but a square?"

"That's pretty much how it is, though the two unconnected couples--that'd be Rich and Cath, and Tom and Stephie--aren't completely hands-off either. The love is along the square, as you called it, but the others really like one another. You see, the parents involved know about the hetero couplings. And are pretty cool with them. They have no problem with the two couples going off for a weekend or something. So there's been moments where all four have had the opportunity to be in the same place with some privacy. From what they tell me, it's basically your big pile of orgasming body parts."

"So it's like this big foursome?"

"Yeah. They quote double-date unquote," Seth laughed. "Evidently there was one night at the drive-in where it started with the two hetero couples making out, one in each seat--but it ended with guys in front, girls in back, making out."

"It's lucky it worked out, though. I mean how do you arrange something like that?"

"Very carefully," he deadpanned. "Seriously, it started with Cath and Stephie, they've been lovers since they were 12. They always knew they were bi, though, so guys were always an option. When Cath met Tom, they fell pretty quickly--and Cath felt she had to tell Tom about Stephie. Tom not only had no problem with it, but confessed he was also bi. They went actively looking for a guy to complete the square after that. They actually met Rich at the club. They noticed he was looking at Tom and Stephie. And Tom and Stephie were both checking him out. So they reeled him in."

"That's great," I laughed. Then I twigged onto it. "You're telling me all this because you want me to come to this club, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Look, Ginny, I consider you a friend. I like going out with my friends, and this is my favorite place. It's also safe--and that means for you, too. You know that gay and lesbian teenagers have a ridiculously high rate of suicide, or attempts, or suicidal thoughts." I nodded. "Well, the reasons might be different between a depressed gay person and a depressed brain like yourself, but the impulse is similar. The ostracism in school is similar, too. People there that see your wrists will commiserate, not judge. Karen and her boyfriend have actually come a couple of times. Karen loves it--and Aaron thinks it's cool as well."

"Karen and Aaron--I get a kick out of that, rhyming boyfriend and girlfriend" I laughed. "Anyhow, I think I'd like to. I have to convince Craig, though."

"I bet you you don't. I bet you all you have to do is ask him."

Seth was right. "Sure," Craig said the minute I asked him.

"You sure you won't feel uncomfortable?"

"No. I'm open minded. And I might feel uncomfortable if we just wandered in there out of the blue, but not if Seth is there to introduce us around."

"You've never met Seth," I laughed.

"But he's your friend, so you'll introduce him to me and then he'll introduce us around. I want to meet him, to tell you the truth. Karen, too."

"As long as you're sure."

"I'm sure, as long as you're not going there to satisfy your secret urge for girls," he laughed.

"Not hardly," I laughed back. "I'm completely straight."


So we went, a couple Saturdays before Thanksgiving. Seth met us there and led us in.

It was as lot of fun, but it was also very very interesting. And educational. I learned a lot that night.

First of all, I found out that everybody likes Seth. He's the life of the party. Everybody came over sooner or later. Which was cool for Craig and I, being the newbies, because we got introduced to everyone. But Seth was in his element. He was a people person. It must be especially tough on a people person to be ostracized--here, he wasn't.

"This place must've been like a godsend to you," I said to him at one point.

"Yep," he agreed happily.

At one point, I saw him talking intently to a good-looking guy. He came back grinning and said, "That's Adam. We're doing The Dance at the moment."

"The Dance?" I asked him.

"Oh, you know--the little looks, the eye-lock, the shy little smile. All that shit you do right before you ask someone out."

"Go for it. He's cute," I said.

"I know," Seth agreed.

So, I liked seeing Seth here.

And then there was Karen. I think part of it was the place--she seemed very at ease and comfortable there. But that wasn't most of it. Most of it was Aaron.

I'd heard her talk about him, of course. And because of what she'd been through, the way she talked about him sounded almost like they were in a relationship between two scarred people that were hanging on by a thread and didn't know if they'd ever be able to get past the scars. But, damn, that's not what it looked like. It looked like two people so hopelessly in love with each other that they wouldn't notice if a bomb dropped on their heads.

It was very, very nice to see. In group, Karen is Miss Angst, even when she talks about Aaron. When she's with him? No angst at all. There was one point where we were on a couch. Seth was on a chair facing us, and we were talking, but the rest of us were on a couch. I was sitting, quite happily, on Craig's lap. But Karen and Aaron were completely curled up together in a little ball. Karen looked like a well-fed cat sunning herself--completely, utterly content. And Aaron just doted on her. I know the hell she'd been through had affected their relationship--but he was just a complete rock. I noticed it immediately. What I really noticed was the touching. Not sexual touching--just rubbing her shoulders or brushing her hair out of her face, stuff like that. Aaron did that constantly. Karen basked in it.

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Tracy woke that morning with the sun in her eyes. Apparently she forgot to shut the blinds last night. Rubbing her closed eyes she reached for the blinds and shut them. She sat back down on the queen sized bed and yawned, stretching her arms and legs. Tracy got up and headed towards her bathroom. When she was inside she locked the door and started undressing. The young girl was well built for her age. At 16 she had nice firm, toned legs and large 36C breasts which and the cutest little nipples...

4 years ago
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Holiday voyeur fun

A few years ago while on holiday in Cyprus I was checking out the holiday complex for voyeur opportunities one night. The complex had mainly single story accommodation and I saw a window with a chink of light coming from the not fully closed curtains. As I got closer I noticed a guy lurking nearby so kept back to see what he was up to. I don't think he saw me because a few minutes later he approached the window and started to peep. After a while I made my presence known to him. He was...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 5 Corrupted Love

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Chapter Five: Corrupted Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirteen: A Painful Blow Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My soul poured into the jade beetle I left in my father's study. It was as close as I could get to him. I needed him so badly. That lust surged through me. It filled me with such passion. I missed him so much. I needed him to breed me. He...

2 years ago
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My Brother BradChapter 2

After Rachel had left for school the following day, I began getting to grips with the housework. The place hadn’t been touched for a few days and I got stuck into the task with gusto. As I progressed through the day my thoughts kept dipping back into the colourful weekend I’d spent with Brad. When we had first caught sight of each other, the sexual attraction between us was evident; our eyes had sparkled at the sight of each other. We had both matured some, and fortunately it had been a...

4 years ago
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Kolkata Business Trip Part II

Read part I here ........After the long session of sex we ordered food. I was sitting there on the sofa sipping my drink and having a smoke wearing my padded bra n lace panty only. Saurabh was lying on the bed nude and facing me. We were chatting and then he told me he is a sports trainer and works out. Thats where he got his stamina i guess. The room service told us that food will take about 20 mins so we were watching tv and after i finished my smoke i got upme- i should change to normal, the...

3 years ago
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Fancy a wank right now

Masturbation Is a wonderful gift we all enjoy. Next to sex with a loved partner, which is not always available when we need it, wanking is fantastic. I don’t know if you thought about it like this, perhaps you just take it for granted, but you can do it anytime you feel like it, practically anywhere, take it slow or make it quick, do it somewhere safe or take a risk in public, use your hands use a vibe or dildo , do it hands free, and unless you want to do it together with someone you only have...

2 years ago
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I Hope You Dance Ch 07

The day of the dance came and Jean-Claude found himself at Silverglen. He had postponed a hot date tonight because he simply couldn’t stand the idea of Chantal in someone else’s arms. He had her right where he wanted her and he had to make sure that she remained there. He’d spent too much money and he needed hers to bail him out of his situation. Plus, he needed the money to pay off Horace, the man that was going to make his baby problem go away. Katie would suffer a fall down a flight of...

3 years ago
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Vegas Baby Three of a Kind

I was trying to get this out in time for Christmas, but a 2 week bout of writer's block hindered that situation. That said, I hope this leads to a Happy New Year for you and yours. First, allow me to say that Brett Lynn is a pen name, and that I disclaim any connection to any persons who have that name in real life. I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights, and please do not read this is you are under the age of majority in your country or if otherwise prohibited. ...

2 years ago
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Method Acting

Method Acting by Justin Black There's a lot to be said about being the best... and we were, the critics agreed, the best acting school in Chicago. Arguably, we had the best schools in New York and L.A. beat as well... but you're never going to overcome the snobbishness on either coasts to get them to admit that. Not that it mattered. We were the elite. I can show you a list as long as your arm of our alumni who have gone on to national -- even international...

1 year ago
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BangRealTeens Molly Manson Molly Manson Is Glad She Packed A Dildo

Never before has the cute face of Molly been filmed for everyone to see as she gets fucked by a huge cock, but she’s ready to turn into a big star and let everyone see how well she can take it. Starring in her own film is an amazing feet for this eighteen year old amateur, and she’s proud to be part of the BANG! Network so early in her life, and she’s also glad she packed a dildo to prepare her hole once she hears how big the cock is that’s going to be inside of her...

1 year ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 26

The only threat to Gray and I rested with Yonnie and a couple of former Russian soldier, or so I had been told. My plan was to simply outlast them all. To begin with we needed to lure them out to play. To begin the process, we kept the FBI clear of the picture. When more exposure was necessary like the arrest of Sasha, we tried to hide them behind the Virginia State Police. The Virginia State Police was so happy and quick to help us, they obviously knew something was rotten Henrico County....

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Gaand

By : Sameerlovely50 Baat tab ki hai jab mein school mein padhta tha, age hogi yahi koi 18 saal tab tak mujhe in sab cheezon ka itna pata nahin tha mein haryana ke ek chote se goen ka rehne wala hun, naam hai sameer. kad 5’10” body se ekdum majboot aur fit ek din mujhe kisi kaam se apne pados mein jana pada jab mein unki sidhiyan chadhta hua uper pahuncha to meine unko pukara par koi aawaz nahin aayi ghar kafi bada tha mein andar chala gya ke shayad andar koi hoga. Andar gya to dekha ke ek...

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No longer any sort of virgin

Doing the rounds  No longer any sort of virgin. A Fantasy about women removing a mans virginity. Bob was an attractive young nineteen-year-old. He attended Freedom College and was a handsome young man who was however still a virgin. Two terms at the college had not managed to get off with any of the attractive young women and it made him very depressed. He made friends with girls but it never seemed to develop. One evening he got very drunk and made the mistake of mentioning it in...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter 5 Platform orgy

They arrived at platform 9 3/4 with half an hour to spare. The four of them stowed their luggage into the last compartment and came back to Mrs. Weasley to say their goodbyes. They then piled onto the train right before it started to take off. They all were changed into their robes right away. They sat down and waited for the lunch trolley to come by. Harry bought them all snacks. After eating their chocolate frogs (Ron still has not finished his collection) and cauldron cakes they cuddled onto...

2 years ago
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Mere Randi Maa 2

Hai dosto mene apako mere pahale story sunae thi jesaka name “mere maa randi” hai or mene apako kaha tha ke story apako kaise lage wo ap log muze mail kar ke bataye par muze jetane mail ke ane ke sabwana thi utane aye nahe to dosto ye story padane ke bad aap log jarur muze mail kareye or bataeye ke apako story kaise lage to me apane story start karta hu. To mera name ashish hai mere age 21 hai me ek college studant hu mere maa ka name jaya hai unake age 39 hai wo ek housewife hai unake fig 38...

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Channel Surfing

At the end of the divorce proceedings, I ended up with the house which, at least, saved me from having to move. But we went our separate ways and, after six rather rancorous years, that was a relief. There was only one thing I missed about my former wife, that was her sex drive. She was the horniest woman I’d ever known, so I went from sex every day, even if we were pissed at each other, to, well…none, nada, zip. Oh, unless I provided it myself. Sure, I did some of the bar and club stuff but...

4 years ago
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Her Perspective First Big One

The First Time My Hubby Let Me Taste ChocolateUntil recently, my hubby had only shared me with two guys, and hisbrother, who sometimes brought some friends. I am a 27-year-old Asianwife, and for the most part I enjoy being a shared hot wife.My hubby has a friend in the Marines, Hank, who he was good friends withback in high school. Hank is a handsome black guy. His friend was finallycoming home after three years in the service, and he was having a small gettogether with his old friends at his...

1 year ago
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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 9

Tasty teens pray for a pause to chill from hotness and refresh for appetising aphrodisiacsA break, blonde blue-eyed beauty sexy Sarah asked, and as our guest, her wish is our demandLea please show her the shower, so she can refresh herself and serve her, my sexy secretaryLea's eyes brightened by my invite, as she's been eyeing long the blond young yummy Goddess!You will be joined by juicy Jenny and cute Kate soon, who look like needing a break as wellOur other guests I request to help me to...

2 years ago
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Born To Be My Lover Part 2

Not knowing what to do, Sarah goes to Monica’s apartment for her advice. Monica is shock at the news and advises her to break up with Jeff. But Sarah knows that Jeff will not give up on their relationship so easily. So Monica suggests Sarah that maybe she can let Jeff catch her fuck another man in her room at the office, that way, Jeff will leave her for good. Sarah agrees with Monica that it would be for the best, so she decided to use Nick, an associate in the office who had the hot for her,...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XI 9 The First Signs of Spring

As I drove up to the small house with a tall privacy fence in the rear, I found I would be walking farther than I would have liked. Not only had Mrs. Johnson's 'study group' taken up the few open spots, but her neighbors each had several vehicles and there weren't any parking places along the narrow street. I was already running a bit late, having stayed at school a while longer when Joey had asked me if I was mad at him or something. Joey tried to make it appear the source of his...

2 years ago
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A New JobPart 2 My First Day

My First Day It had been over two weeks when the Fed Ex package arrived. The events of the last interview had often stirred my thoughts, I was a caldron of emotive confusion. I often found myself, late at night, stroking my cock as I reviewed all that occurred during that brief interview-her powerful demeanor, her cropping of my ass, her statuesque body, and yes the gift of the red pantie. Yes the red satin thong that I often wore to bed as I stroked my cock. The way I dutifully hand washed any...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Reagan Foxx Dixie Lynn No Nurse Is Good Nurse

Dixie Lynn is on the phone, telling her friend that she’s pretending to be sick so she doesn’t have to go to a boring family gathering. Once everyone else leaves for the gathering, Dixie will have the whole house to herself, so she can have as much fun as she wants. Dixie then hears her parent, Rachael Cavalli, entering the room, so Dixie quickly ends the call and goes back to acting like she’s sick. Rachael tells Dixie that she called Reagan Foxx, a nurse and family friend,...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 4 The Making Of A Lolita Doll

They had taken the two girls to another room. During their short walk Buffy had been shackled at wrists and ankles. Dawn had been all bubbles and giggles, swaying her non-existent hips and chest. "Oh Master, make sweet Dolli puffect... titties, ass... mmmmm, totally puffect!" Fink had grinned and smacked her teenage butt. "Don't worry, lil slut," he said. "There will be a heap of new exciting flesh on this lil Doll's ass... I promise." Dawn had squealed and skipped on her silly...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Raat Bhar Bed Par Chudai

Hi dosto, mera naam sameer singhania h main 21 saal ka hoon lund kaa sizw 6.2 inch h. Ye story mere ghar ke samne rehlne wali ek joint family ki bahu sweta bhabhi ki chudai ki h. Ek baar mere ghar ke sabhi log bahar gye aur unke ghar ke sabhi log bahar gye kuch din baad aane wale the. Main apne ghar me akela tha aur wo apne ghar me akeli thi , mujhe kuch jarrrat padti to main unhe keh deta aur unhe kch jarroat padti to wo mujhe keh deti. Ek baar wo mere yaha doodh mangne aayi..Main kaha ki...

2 years ago
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Lady In The House Part XV

Lady in the House - Chapter XV By Michele Nylons After the warden left my cell my mind was racing. Why were they bringing my sister here to visit? How was I going to remove my makeup and nailpolish? What was I going to do about my semen-stained clothing? I heard the keys rattle in the lock of my cell door and Steve strolled in. "Well Michele it look's like you are starting to behave. The warden seemed happy with his little visit," he smiled mischievously at me. "Now...

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I David Cross laughed, shaking his head as he watched the computer monitor. "Imagine that! The first major success of our business is dropping its largest and most expensive asset into a hole and burying it. Good thing we didn't put that in the business plan!" Elaine Norman, the sole woman of the trio, joined with her two partners in laughing. She turned serious a millisecond later. "The regolith looks like it has the consistency of cat litter. Works for cats." "There's bound to be...

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One Hot Sexy Night

It was a late summer’s night. It was cooling off; yet there was still a hint of the steam from the heat and humidity of the day. As I was sitting on the patio to enjoy the beauty of the night, a bottle of Chardonnay by my side—the smell of sex was in the air.Who will be the lucky one tonight? I wondered. Certainly not me, I am all alone and I have no one. As the thought provoked me, I was startled from my erotic train of thought by the rustling of the leaves from the tree limbs above the patio....

First Time
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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 8

Robert stared at the baton he held in confusion. "If I'm not the Knight, what's the point of telling me that long story? Polygal said I'm your ally in some way." His mind started running through the possibilities. They had talked about the Knight's lieutenants being there. Maybe that was possible? Would they be covered under the reincarnation plan? How far sweeping were gods with those sorts of claims? Tenacity nodded. "And you are our ally." "But not the Knight?" The Shrine Maiden...

3 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 15

It was another day before Lady Eslada and Queen Lorida sent a request for Jorgarn to visit with them at the castle. Jorgarn had buried himself in his training routine in preparation for his return to Longview. He tried to force all thoughts of his conversation with the Princess and the King out of his head. Sir Torbert had been conspicuous by his absence so Jorgarn had yet to be able to ask him some of the questions that had come to him unbidden. He could sense Denae's presence in his head...

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I was sitting in the bed decorated with flowers, awaiting my husband's arrival. I never ever dreamed even in my wildest one that I would be married off to a old guy, who turns 60, within a few months. My eyes were swelled up with the tears that I cried after I got engaged. It was my fate, a young girl who turned just 19, a few weeks back is now someone's wife. I am not against marriage but with a old pervert, I just can't digest it.I am really not in mood now, to tell my past nor how I look. I...

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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Kay Carter 31741

Kay Carter is all alone at the office and her co-worker has a picture of her boyfriend, Johnny, on her desk. Kay is obsessed with Johnny so much that she starts to go down on herself with Johnny’s image in her mind. In the middle of playing with her pussy out at work, the best-case scenario emerges, Johnny arrives with flowers for his girlfriend and catches Kay in the act of masturbating to his picture. A little taken back, this eventually turns Johnny on and he gives Kay that cock that...

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Lauras Story

I've always liked guys. Don't get me wrong. I am most certainly not a lesbian, at least not a strict lesbian. But recent events have made me realize that, at the very least, I'm strongly bisexual. I've hidden my attraction for women for a long time, keeping these feelings under tight lock and key. Only once did I try to tell my husband about them but I told my story badly and I don't think he really believed what I was saying. I never mentioned them again until that fateful night Sharon...

1 year ago
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The Tango

The Tango words 3263 It was a beautiful sunny October afternoon on the campus of the Pensacola University in Florida. Eduardo was a young man half Portuguese and half Polish. He was shorter than average with the shoulders of a swimmer. His auburn hair was longish and he had a stud in his nose and a ring in his lip. He was a pre-med student, and he was in class studying anatomy and physiology. That is, he was attempting to study. He was seriously distracted by a classmate named Sunna. Today was...

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Halloween Scenes

HALLOWEEN SCENES by Throne Randy's wife Jan told him, "Calm down, dear. It's Halloween. Nobody's going to think it's odd that you'll be dressed as an attractive girl. Besides, the party is at a place out in the middle of the woods, and everybody there will be into our scene." "I know," he said in a small voice. "But I've never been around other people when I'm... dressed." "Well, Randy, everyone there will love it when they see you as Candy. I know I do." She cupped his chin in...

2 years ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 11 Inferno

The temperature gauge drew ever closer to the red line. A large trail of dust billowed behind Bayonetta's GTO as it raced down the long dirt road. An occasional patch of trees and stretch of dry grass were visible here and there, but vegetation was increasingly rare as they proceeded into the badlands. If the pattern held, soon there would be nothing but boulders, scorched Earth, tall rock-faces and desolate canyons. The sun beat down on the yellow sports car mercilessly as Cereza and...

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Horse Head Mask

The loft was on the west side of the city, in the seedier, industrial part near the tracks. That was part of the appeal, having to brave the slightly meaner streets in order to get to the best Halloween party in town. The other reason was landlords for old converted warehouses left their tenants well alone. I couldn’t believe I’d been lucky enough to score a coveted RSVP spot -- a friend on Facebook had said they couldn’t go, and asked did anyone want the slot? I’d been on my phone when the...

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The Damage is Already Done

While attending college, I worked part time at a grocery store to pay my expenses, but found I really needed something that paid better, so I signed on with a male escort service just to see what would happen. The agency arranged plutonic dates for me. I could then provide extra services for whatever terms I could negotiate. To my surprise, the well-to-do, mostly married, white ladies really liked the novelty of having a big, black, handsome (I’m told) college student. I started by...

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my neighbor

My neighbor is a real bookworm. She is 18 years or so you would expect that they would have lots of friends, would have a boyfriend and that she often would go. But nothing of that. They would rather read a book. She is very kind and sweet and they may be best being, only she is a bit shy. At least if I contact her than she behaves always a little awkward. Maybe the reason is simply that I am a grown man and she is a girl that even through all hormones vultures. She lives with her mother in the...

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unnecessary roughness

Some years back, I was on an overnight business trip. I would often crossdress in my motel room to entertain myself and practice looking sexy. I could pass as a real woman from a distance but not so much up close. I'd been strutting around in a short a****l print dress and platform heels, admiring myself in the mirror and occasionally walking around outside my room in the motel parking lot. There was a convenience store/gas station next to the motel, and I kept walking over toward it, daring to...

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A Trip to London Part 1

and was thinking of how miserable she had been recently. With work and with her private life. She didn't have anything exciting happen to her, around her, or near her. The only excitement she had had recently was sending some very revealing photos to an adult web site that she had recently stumbled upon. And some to a gent that she had meet on the same site. So far he seemed a decent enough guy, lived across the pond, but seemed okay besides that. He had showed an interest before...

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gf and her ex boyfriend really big cockand cucko

did you ever think about the cocks that your gf or wife has had before you?before even being with my gf I knew she had fucked with this guy who was famous in our area to have a really big cock ..Once a friend of mine had showed a picture of a girl that we know where she where sucking that cock..When me and my girlfriend started HAD to be a couple ounces we had a talk about my cock, where she said That I'm big enough for her "maybe a bit thinner" .. I had not connected the 2 things at once, but...

1 year ago
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Lost in the Wrong Part of Town Gay

It had been a difficult year. My wife had left me and we had a quickie divorce. I had to find somewhere new to live, somewhere that did not cost too much. I decided to rent at first while I sorted myself out. Driving home from work on only my second day at the new flat I became disorientated. I had no idea where I was but I saw a pub so decided to go in and ask for directions. As I walked through the door everything went quiet and everyone stared at me. Apart from the fact they were all black...

3 years ago
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A New JobPart 1 The Interview

I had been working as a top executive for a start up Internet Company. When the market fell, we were unable to raise capital. We found ourselves having to dissolve our enterprise. We were deep in debt and without jobs. Though holding an MBA from the University of Chicago, I found myself in the lines of the unemployed, over qualified and not marketable. After a year of resume rejection and with my unemployment benefits running out, I became desperate. I needed work.It was when I was at my lowest...

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Foreign Exchange Chapter 2

 Saturday was Kevin and Max’s racquetball match with lunch afterward.“So, I hear you and Shelia had a date last night. Did it go well?” Kevin’s inquisitive voice and eyes on his best friend.“Well, well, look who’s now an FBI detective. Yes, it went very well. Shelia is a very nice lady. Smart, attractive and sexy. I like her and she asked me to be her date next Saturday at their formal,” Max said with a smile. Then he said, "Thanks for letting Ari know it was okay to introduce us.”“That’s...

College Sex
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Giving Thanks

Sometimes, a story starts out as a fantasy - a work of pure fiction. I lie in bed for hours, thinking about it, letting my body tell me what works and what doesn't. When the story is complete, I sometimes play it out with my husband, making it a reality. But as it unfolds, he adds his own sub-plot, changing my tale to suit his desires. Then, I write about it and share it with you... He sat in the living room, on a Saturday evening. It was dark and cold outside and we had nothing planned. As...

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hot tub

My neighbors 18 year old sold me some cookies and after some fun in the house I asked her if she wanted to go into the hot tub in the back yard. She agreeded. I gave her a long t shirt to put on and we went to the hot tub. She was beautiful petite with small but round tits under the t shirt. We sat down in the tub and relaxed. She put her hand on my leg and moved it to my cock, it was already hard. We played around for awhile and then I picked her up and sat her on the top step and started to...

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MagicianChapter 109

“We can do it, but it will have to be timed to perfection and casualties on the Daoine Sidhe side will be very high,” Morgana stated to the Alliance group meeting chaired by Verenestra. “You can take out Elphame, Annwn, Afallach, Emain Ablach, Cnoc Meadha, Cnoc na Teamhrach, Inis Vitrin, Niðavellir and Rathcroghan, in one strike?” Draíochta Sinnead of the Craebh Ruadh asked, looking astounded. “Yes, though naturally we aren’t going into details,” Morgana replied with a thin smile. I could...

3 years ago
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Lynah My College Sweetheart

Hi, guys and girls who love to read Indian Sex Stories to fulfill your sexual fantasies. My name is Chakravarthy, age 29 years old, 5’8” tall, average body build. Not too handsome but a good looking guy. I am from Malaysia and my dick 6” in length. I am a regular reader of sex stories on this site. I wanted to share some of my sexual encounters throughout my life until now. This happened during the second semester of my college life. Lynah, she is a Filipino mixed Malaysian Indian. We were both...

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Coming OutChapter 3

I responded rather groggily to the knock at the door, which had turned into some real banging, forcing me to slip some of my rather crumpled clothes on that Sunday afternoon, at which point I opened the door to my motel room to find Pastor Lawrence Myers and two deacons looking rather intently at me. Myers was the new minister at our community church, and from what I had seen, I was yet to be impressed with him. The previous pastor had been chased off, which was bad enough, because I really...

4 years ago
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My foot fetish experience

I have a major foot fetish my fovorite part of the female feet are the soles. Today I'm going to tell you about my very first footjob. So it was my senior year of high school i was 18 years old at the time and i had a killer crush on this sexy readhead she was also 18 and a senior her name was shelby and she was the captain on the varsity cheerleading squad which made me like her even more. She had the sexiest feet i had ever seen she wore flip flops alot so that was a big turn on her feet...

2 years ago
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45 Saal Ki Chut Chodi

Hi friends ye meri bilkul sacchi story hai.Mera naam nitin hai meri age 19 years hai or mai Ranchi me rehta hu abhi. Mera email id hai Ye story bilkul sacchi hai maine apne ghar ke pas rehne wali ek aunty ki chut mari thi kuch mahino pehle ye usi ki story hai to ab mai story suru karta hu. Us time mere mami papa ko koi kaam tha isliye wo city se bahar gaye huye the to mai ghar me akela rehta tha khana Pina bahar hi ho jata tha mare ghar ke pas 1 punjabi aunty rehti thi unka koi baccha nahi...

1 year ago
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Slut week Day 2 Student Slut Part 2

This story continues where Student Slut Part 1 left off…You don’t have to read the previous parts, but it will help. Check out my other stories too! I appreciate all of your comments too. As he let me breath again, I knew that was it. I took him deep into my throat as Buzz pinched a nipple hard, rubbed my clit and had his cock push hard against my G spot. I felt the orgasm rush through my body, my muscles clenching and relaxing uncontrollably as it went. Woody held my head as it happened,...

4 years ago
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Donna And Megan Part 1

As she took another sip , she thought to herself…. ” I'm tired of being alone , I want to share my life with someone…someone I can support and mentor ” but she didn’t know where to start.. So she went to the one place she could possibly find an answer…. “Google” … and after a couple of hours she landed on “seeking arrangement.com”, she made an account and started looking for prospective partners. After weeding out many fake and desperate profiles, she came across a profile. It was of a...

3 years ago
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My Rookie Evening

Not too long ago, I met an old college buddy of mine. I hadn't seen her in at least eight or ten years and she certainly had changed. She looked like a million bucks with fashionable clothes and beautiful matching jewelry. The mystery was that back in college she never had very much money for the nice things in life. She came from a fairly poor family. I asked her if she had collared a rich millionaire for herself and she replied that she had not but had landed a fantastic job. Then she said...

First Time
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From Strangers To Sex Buddies

Hi Everyone, It’s me Rajiv again. Thanks for all your comments, suggestions, reviews. It helps me big time. After sharing much of my old experiences I thought it’s time for me to share a recent experience of me. Thanks to Indian Sex Story, it helped me meet new people and gave me new opportunities.This story is part fantasy and partially true.This incident happened a couple of weeks back where I received a review from Krithika(Name changed). We used to chat casually and grew close in a matter...

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