Tales Of An Internet Whore free porn video

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Bianca was however, a young woman with the same sexual urges as other females, she was brave enough a year ago to purchase a dildo on-line and often spent nights pleasuring herself. Tonight she decided to log onto a chatroom for the first time, after hearing it was a good place to find men.
Not knowing exactly what to do, she logged on as “Bianca” and started to get Personal Messages from an array of men. Most of them were far too dirty for Bianca's conservative mind. However, one guy stood out from all the filth, humbly with the nickname “Gent” and a gent he was.

He asked her how her day was, what she did for a living, he himself an Accountant. He was 28 from the same city and she couldn't believe her luck, she hadn't held down a conversation with a man in years and on her first night there she was talking away. About 3hrs had passed whilst they exchanged messages and he said he had to go, she felt devastated until he typed his mobile number and asked for her to text him to stay in touch.

The next day, she began typing a text, what does she say? She was so bad at all of this, after 3hrs of drafting and deleting texts she finally sent it “hi its Bianca”, she kicked herself after and sat there waiting for the beep to signal a response. Her stomach turned as the minutes, turned to hours and no response. What shall she do? She ran home as soon as her shift was over, strangely checking herself in the mirror before she logged onto the chatroom, she searched the names and couldn't see him. She stayed logged on, bypassing dinner just in-case she missed him.

It was approaching midnight, still no sign, she was normally in bed by 9pm and was feeling tired. She decided to log off and retire to bed, she took one last look at her phone, which was in the bottom of her bag, he had text back an hour ago saying he was in meetings all day, but would await her call at any time. She trembled, and started to dial his number, it started to ring, her heart beat so loud she couldn't hear the phone. He answered and sounded so calm, so sophisticated and charming. They spoke for hours, he asked the questions and she answered, fully talking feeling so confident and comfortable, but also so flattered that he was interested in her pretty sad little life. It was 4am when she said she better sleep, he wanted to continue the next day and they agreed to call tea-time.

Bianca woke up , late she ran around trying to get dressed so she could get in as fast as possible. She had never been late before, her manager was angry but also shocked and she promised it will never happen again and would work through lunch, although she was starving as she already missed dinner she worked to make up the time lost. By 2pm she was starting to feel the affects of no food and lack of sleep, then in walked a courier with a huge bouquet of flowers.... for her! She was shocked but also embarrassed as the students laughed at the thought of anyone being interested in her. She opened the card, it read “Speak to you this evening, Anthony – Gent”
She was confused, how did he know where she worked, but also realised she just found out his name was Anthony. She put the flowers in a vase and waited for the hours to count down so she could run home and spend more time with him talking. Finally the clock struck 5pm and she grabbed her flowers, coat and bag and cycled home.

She called him straight away, eating a mircowave meal to ensure no time was wasted, she asked him how he knew where she worked, he replied that she said she was a University Librarian so he called all 18 Universities across London and was lucky on the 6 th one he called. She thought it was so romantic!

They spoke f or another few hours when he asked her out for dinner on the weekend, it was Thursday evening and he was proposing Saturday night, she was stuttering but he smartly made her feel the need to say yes and so she did. She had never been on a blind date before, her heart was beating knowing he wouldn't find her attractive.

Saturday came fast, she spent the day getting ready. She chose her best dress and cardigan, wore her hair in a ponytail and chose her favourite glasses, to most she looked the same geeky self, however to her she had pushed out all the stops. 6.30pm finally came and the cab was at the door ready to take her to the restaurant, her heart was in her throat in fear as she rocked back and forth in the back seat. She arrived at the restaurant, it was very classy, women dressed in sexy designer dresses, high heels, she felt out of place in her charity shop floral number.

The waiter looked at her up and down, almost in disgust but asked her if she had a reservation, “Anthony Gent” she stuttered. He looked shocked to see the name on the reservation list and showed her to her table, he hadn't yet arrived so she ordered a tap water and ignored the snobby stares from the other women. She stared at the door, looking at each guy wondering if that was him, a good 10mins had passed before she saw a guy walking towards her table, he was tall, dark, handsome and had a fit build, her heart beated wondering if he was going to stop in front of her or run out as fast as he could.

He stopped, “Bianca?” he asked, she nodded very nervously, he bent over to kiss her cheek and told her she looked lovely, then took his seat. She couldn't look at him, shy and almost wanting to vomit in fear, but he was calm and very confident. He ordered and they began to converse, although she was not talking much, scared she was going to say something stupid. She looked around at the women, all dressed with low cut short dresses, feeling intimidated wondering if he wished he was with them, but he didn't look at them once.

They finished dinner and Bianca just wanted to leave, the sniggers and stares all evening made her want to die, he insisted that he drove her home, it being the gentleman thing to do, she accepted and got in his car. She didn't invite him in, but he kissed her cheek goodbye and said he would call. She ran up to her apartment, crying at how bad it went but resigning herself to having a great dinner with a sexy man.

A few days went past, Bianca was back at work, it was lunchtime and she grabbed her bag heading for the park to eat her homemade sandwiches. She came out of the university doors she couldn't believe that Anthony was there, waiting by a very shiney sports car. He removed his sun glasses and smiled as she walked towards him, he asked if he could join her in the park and she smiled, part wondering how he knew but over-ridden with the fact he was there.
They walked towards the park, he said he was snowed under at work and apologised for not calling. He asked her to accompany her at a work function, she shivered at the thought of being in a room full of classy women, but he said she would be OK and if she was really worried they could go shopping on the weekend, 'Pretty Woman' style. Even though it was borderline insult that he had to buy her classy clothes she was blinded by his charm, almost thinking it was a sweet gesture and kindly accepted.

The weekend came and she met him outside her apartment, they drove to an exclusive high street and Bianca felt shy to walk in the classy shops, but he held her hand, she started to look at the dresses, they were very revealing, he picked out a couple and asked her to try them on. She looked at them, feeling very shocked at the plunging necklines and the shortness. However, again she felt obliged and walked towards the changing room.

She put on the first dress and looked in the mirror, feeling exposed by the cleavage and legs on show, she walked out to show Anthony, he was impressed and his face gave her a buzz of acceptance, she tried on the other two, feeling more confident. He chose the 2 nd dress, a royal blue strapless very tight mini-dress. She handed over the dress as he went to pay, he handed over the £400 outfit and insisted on lunch. At lunch, he spoke to her about the work event the following weekend, it was the first time he mentioned to her it was out of London and they had to stay at a hotel. She was horrified, but he reassured her that they would have separate rooms.

The week went fast, Bianca however found time to get a full wax and a strapless bra! She packed on Thursday evening knowing he was coming to pick her up at 5.30pm sharp the following evening. She cycled home, had a shower and awaited his arrival, he was on-time and helped her put her weekend case in the boot as they drove towards the motorway. She didn't know where she was going, she never asked, she hadn't told anyone about Anthony yet nor about this weekend. She knew her friends at the book-club wouldn't approve of a internet meet or a weekend away with a man.

They arrived at the hotel, a large stately home in the middle of the countryside, he checked them both in and handed her, her key. She was next-door to him, but like a true gent he helped her with her case inside her room, he asked her to relax and be ready for dinner about 8pm, he new a very classy place a few miles away so no jeans! He smiled and left the room. She started to panic, she only had that expensive dress, a tracksuit and the jeans she was wearing. What was she going to do? She looked out of the window, maybe there was a shop, but there was just fields!

There was a knock at the door, she went to open it and it was Anthony, he had a box in his hand, “I couldn't resist, you looked like a princess in all 3 dresses so I went back to the shop and got the remaining two”. She opened the box and the red dress she tried on last was in her hands, still with the £300 price tag showing, and the £200 matching heels which were very high. £500, was a months rent, again most would be insulted but she felt she had to thank him for a thoughtful gesture, especially as she was panicking she had nothing to wear.

He left the room and she had a shower and looked at the dress, it was very revealing, short and tight. She put it on and felt very aware she was showing more than she was covering, she sat on the bed nervous that she would had to go in public with her boobs and thighs on show, if only she had a cardigan or something she would feel better. She didn't know what to do with her hair and had no make up, but it was now 7.30pm and he was at the door.

He came in, giving her that impressed look which made her feel good, he said apparently innocently “do you need more time to do your hair and make up?” she felt so small and embarrassed, “erm, I seemed to have left my make-up bag at home” she said, realising she had never lied before and didn't own any make-up “Oh, well we will sort that out for tomorrow, shall we go”.

She walked with him, in her high heels, trying hard to walk with grace and at his fast pace. She was dreading the faces on her as the lift doors opened at the lobby, he held her arm and she felt men staring, almost aroused by her body which made her feel funny, she was unaware if she liked it or not. They climbed into the taxi, Bianca very conscious that went she bent she, her ass was slightly exposed, something Anthony noticed but acted as if he didn't.

They drove for about 20mins and arrived at another hotel, loads of chandeliers. A few women stared, but not like they did before, more in ore of her perfect body and stunning dress, men stared more almost drooling. They sat by the window and he ordered, she was more talkative this time, maybe the attire made her feel confident? He started to charm her, telling her she was by far the most beautiful woman in the room which made her blush but feel really good. They ate and left to go back to the hotel.

The next morning, she was awoken by a knock at the door, it was a woman who said Mr Gent had booked her a spa massage for the morning, after breakfast, then a pampering session with her hair and make-up done all in her room. She said that Mr Gent had to quickly drive back to London as he forgot something, but would pick her up for 7pm sharp. She was taken aback by all the information and made her way to the shower whilst the maids cleaned her room.

She came out to a massage bed, where the woman was standing awaiting for her to de-robe. Bianca was naked under the robe, and felt a bit shy to de-robe, but felt she needed to keep composure. She de-robed and laid face down on the massage bed, whilst the lady started to caress her back with oil and began the massage. Bianca laid there starting to relax and enjoy the experience, feeling so lucky that she found a man like Anthony who treated her like a Princess.

Bianca fell asleep whilst the woman relaxed her, she awoke hearing the woman whisper in her ear that her bath was ready, she was dazed and sat up whilst the woman held out her robe. She walked towards the bathroom, it was dark only lit by candles and a strong scent of lavender, the tub was very bubbly and had a sprinkle of rose petals resting on the top. She climbed into the bath and soaked until she was told to come out.

About 45mins had passed and the woman knocked on the door to let her know that lunch was coming, it was already lunch? She climbed out and grabbed her robe, the woman informed her to go into the room as she would clean up. She ate lunch and watched TV whilst this woman rushed around cleaning and then said she will be back and left. Bianca was so relaxed that she didn't care as she was in heaven.

The woman returned and started on her feet, painting her nails. For the next few hours Bianca was pampered including her hair and make up, which she wasn't allowed to see until Anthony arrived, but could feel that she was caked in it. She put on the dress and shoes and awaited Anthony who was already 5mins late. There was phone-call and it was him, he said he was sorry he was late, but the taxi was outside and whether she could come down. Bianca looked at the woman, who said to go and she will clean up and leave, she didn't even look in the mirror. Bianca was so scared to keep Anthony waiting she ran towards the lift, without fear of what she looked like, she would do anything to keep him happy she was grateful he was interested in her as he was the best she was ever going to get.

She noticed the stares and smiled at the drooling men, Anthony was waiting by the door and had a look on his face better than he had ever, she felt so good that he was pleased with her. He grabbed her and said she looked amazing, staring at her the whole journey apologising for doing so. Suddenly she was in control and he was the shy one. They arrived at the event, over 200 people, very posh and very grand. She was starting to get nervous and excused herself to the ladies. She finally got a look of herself and was part horrified and part shocked. She didn't recognise herself, the dress was way too tight, the make-up was almost stating she was a sex hungry whore with bright red lips, her dress barely covered her ass-cheeks, but the more she pulled it down the more her boobs nearly popped out.

She finally came out of the toilet, Anthony greeting her asking her if she was ok, she smiled and walked with him. Anthony knew a few people, all men with women who stood by their side looking slutty, she was no one to judge, she was his trophy slut. There was a man, with a camera taking pictures of groups and couples, Anthony called him over and whispered in ear, then Bianca followed Anthony onto the terrace, it was cold so only a couple of people were out there, Anthony went around the corner where no one was and the photographer appeared. “May I take a picture with you princess Bianca?” asked Anthony, like a charming Prince she could only feel flattered. She posed with him and smiled. He asked for one of her alone, for his wallet so she could be with him daily, she smiled and looked at the camera, the photographer took about 8 pictures and then left.

They stayed outside for a further 10mins, Anthony wanting to look at the stars, but Bianca feeling the cold on her exposed body. He held her, pulling her close and started to kiss her, Bianca felt nervous but didn't have the guts to pull away, soon enjoying the sensation as her clit tingled. He looked at her and said that it was time to go, they went to the front and caught a taxi back, kissing in the back seat. They were back at the hotel and rushed to his room, she then started to feel nervous as the door shut behind her.

He removed his dinner jacket and tie, grabbing Bianca kissing her again, her clit was pounding, she was so wet, he was so good looking, the guy she imagined whilst she played with herself on those lonely nights. She laid on the bed as he unzipped her dress at the side, revealing her black bra and knickers, he pulled her bra down, kissing her firm huge boobs and he unzipped his trousers as he climbed upon her and inserted his hard cock into her wet pussy. She was in heaven, all the sensations trembling her body as his huge hard cock pounded her rarely used tight pussy. She could hear herself losing control as she screamed in pleasure, he stopped and sat on the side of the bed, playing with his cock indicating for her to suck it, she was horrified but didn't want to act so. She got on her knees, determined to seem like she was experienced, not wanting to disappoint the man of her dreams.

It tasted salty and she wanted to gag, she was just about to stop and pull back when she heard him say “Bianca, this is my favourite position and you are so good at it, I am so lucky to have you in my life you're perfect” she felt she had to carry on and closed her eyes sucking hard to make him cum. She felt him pulsate and cum in her mouth, she didn't know what to do and just swallowed. “wow, you are amazing” he said. She felt dirty but also proud he was satisfied. He stood up and held her hand to join him in the shower.

Bianca woke up the next morning, in Anthony's hotel room, yet he was not there. She looked around and saw a note saying he had to get back to work, and didn't want to wake her, but left £50 for a taxi. She felt dirty at the money, but was more interested on where her clothes were. She grabbed a robe, picked up her dress and went to her room. She looked in the bathroom mirror, her make up was all still half on, but she looked classless. She showered and made her way home.

Once home, Bianca couldn't get the feeling of shame out of her mind, where was Anthony, why hasn't he called, what if he dumped her using her for sex, what if he was married? She replayed herself sucking his cock and swallowing his load in her head, she was a dirty whore, how could she do that? What would the bookclub think? She only met this guy 3 weeks ago and already fucked him!! He didn't call that night, but Bianca just went to bed to be up for the next morning.

She arrived on time, back to her flowery dresses; cardigans and no make up. No one would know what a slut she has been. She went to the staff room, in her pigeon hole was an envelope, hand delivered. She opened it and nearly fainted, it was full of pictures of her, naked and a CD. The pictures were of her in her hotel room, on the massage table, legs spread with clear shots of her face; pussy and boobs. But how? She was asleep (or maybe put to sleep) – that's how! How did the woman know where she worked? She looked at the other pictures, it was of the party, on the terrace, she looked like a whore in that dress. She felt to vomit as her head spun, she needed to call Anthony.
She ran out of the staff room, putting the envelope in her bag and locked away in her locker. She called Anthony, it went to Answer-Phone “If this is Bianca, then I assume you have checked your post... ha ha, very nice hey? Have you watched the CD yet? I will call you when I am ready, this phone SIM card is in the bin and was not my real number so don't leave a message”. Bianca was shaking, she couldn't believe it, she felt drowsy and disgusted with herself. She was all sweaty and pale, when her boss came over, he sent her home assuming she was sick.

She cycled home very fast, almost getting run-over, she ran to her laptop to play the CD, it was titled the “Secret Life of the University Librarian”, she watched in horror as it flashed naked pictures of her, then of her at the party, in the bath with rose petals. Then her worse nightmare, the whole time of her in his hotel room, fucking him, screaming for more and sucking his cock. The quality was hazy, like a cheap camcorder but she was identifiable. She felt sick, shaking at what was happening to her, who can she call for help? She was ashamed! She waited by the phone, hours went by and nothing. Then at 2pm, a private number called, it was him, Anthony:

“ Hello!” she answered abruptly
“ Ha.. hello Bianca” he replied, smirking
“ You bastard....I hate...” she screamed
“ Ha ha ha, now now Bianca, that's not nice” he laughed cutting her mid sentence
“ Why did you do this” cried Bianca
“ Oh, shut up and listen, you've bored me for weeks with your pathetic life, so don't speak unless its to answer a question I ask you, do you understand you bitch?” he shouted
“ Yes” she said scared
“ Did you like your movie debut? Yes or No?” he asked
“ No.. I ..” she cried
“ I said Yes or No whore!” he shouted
“ No” she replied obediently
“ Neither did I, I thought it was poor...” He said calmly, Bianca feeling relieved that he had come to his senses “So, I hope the next one would be better ha ha” he said finding himself amusing but tipping Bianca to the point where she burst out crying
“ So Bianca, do you think your students would love your pics? Yes or No” he asked
“ No” she answered
“ Well the few that I showed loved them hee hee!” he said, Bianca was mortifed
“ What? Who?” she said shocked
“ Shut up whore, you will know when they make themselves known to you, so tomorrow I want you back at work tomorrow, understand?” he shouted
“ Yes, how did you know I was off?” she asked
“ People are watching you, both on CD and in the flesh haa haa” he replied “right, do you have a pen slut?” he asked
“ Yes” she replied after getting a pen and notepad
“ Good, here are your instructions. Tomorrow I want you to wear a blouse, one of your pathetic charity shop ones, but I want two buttons undone from the top. I also want you to cut one of your skirts, so its just above the knee, is that understood Yes or No?”
“ Yes” said Bianca
“ I will be informed if this is not done, and no tights....” he said then the phone went dead
“ Hello?..... Anthony?” she said realising he gone.

She got up to go to her wardrobe, she picked out a blouse and a calf length skirt. She, got out her scissors and started to cut, she realised it wasn't straight and cut it again and again, crying as she realised it was way too short and had to get another skirt. She finally got it on the 4 th skirt and went to sleep. The next morning she showered and put on her new outfit, she felt exposed, although not as much as she did on the pictures. She left her house feeling everyone staring, she came into the staff room and had a few looks from her colleagues. She made her way to the library and felt all of the students staring, a few staring at her cleavage getting aroused. She felt the minutes turn to hours as the day was slow, she looked at every student wondering if it was them who Anthony had shown the pictures too, if it was them who was spying for him, it drove her insane not knowing.
She arrived home and burst out crying, it was an awful day. She went straight to her bedroom and to her shock saw a suitcase on her bed, one she had never seen before. On the top was an envelope, from Mr Gent, it read

“ Inside are your clothes for the week, don't worry I found them for you in a charity shop and have taken back those expensive dresses from your wardrobe as they were hired! I have labelled the clothes for the days of the week and am glad you cut that silly skirt up. Oh, by the way, leaving your key in your bag whilst taking a lavender scented bath was very stupid!”

She ran to the door, chaining it shut. She couldn't believe he had been in her apartment, she felt violated. She opened the case and saw the most sluttiest clothes, a bag of make up and really nasty underwear. She closed the case, and wanted it out of her sight, she opened the wardrobe and it was empty, all of her clothes gone. She couldn't believe it, what was she going to do? She laid on her bed staring at the ceiling until she fell asleep in her clothes but awaken by the sun on her eyes the next morning.

She went to shower, almost forgetting what was happening to her, until she opened her wardrobe, she picked out the hanger that said “Wednesday”, it was a very tight blouse, low neck, a tight knee length skirt, black stockings, suspenders and little heels but no bra. She went to her bra draw, which was empty, but decided to wear one from Friday's hanger. She dressed and looked in the mirror, thinking it wasn't as bad as it could be, she left the house, she couldn't cycle any more, so she boarded the bus, with many of the students who were staring at her making comments.

Finally she got to the University, avoiding the staffroom she went straight to the library, her boss stared, he was an old balding man who probably hadn't erected since the 1970's, but was starting to as he stared at her cleavage. He called her into the office, sat her down and said

“ Is everything OK Bianca?” he asked staring at the outline of her suspenders
“ Yes, why?” she asked
“ Well, you are dressing differently...” he commented
“ Is that OK?” She was hoping he would say no, so she had a reason to give to Anthony
“ It's more than OK, in fact, I hope to see more” he smirked and winked, Bianca felt sick
“ Can I go now?” she asked
“ Yes...of course, maybe we could do lunch?” he asked drooling, she ignored him

She came out into the library, it was pretty busy for that time in the morning, mainly male students, Bianca tried to see which could have seen her pics, but it could've been any of them. The male students, were staring at her like she was a piece of meat, Bianca called her boss over, enquiring whether they should ask some of them to leave as they were noisy, but her boss said no, probably enjoying them leering over her.

Bianca had her lunch by the library desk, nervous to go out. It was at lunch that her boss called her over, saying her boyfriend was on the phone, her heart jumped and stomach turned, he stood over her as she took the call

“ Hello....?” she said wondering who it was
“ Hi bitch, is he standing there with you?” he asked
“ Yes...!” she replied
“ OK, well just listen, smile and answered relaxed” he instructed
“ OK, I will try” she replied
“ Are you wearing a bra?” he asked
“ Yes, I believe so!” she responded
“ Why?” he asked
“ Erm.... how do you mean?” she asked
“ I didn't give you one to wear today did I?” he asked
“ No, I thought it was a mistake though” she said
“ Is he staring at you, your boss?” he asked
“ Yes, very much!” she replied
“ Staring at your boobs and legs?” he said laughing
“ Erm, I believe so” she replied looking at her boss
“ Drop something on the floor in front of him and bend over so he can see more” he demanded, Bianca nearly fainted thinking about it and then dropped a pen, bending so her ass was in his view, she looked back at him noticing the bulge in his pants which made her stomach turn
“ Sorry, I dropped my pen, what were you saying” she said
“ Right, bitch if it isn't on the hanger, don't wear it. Now, go to the ladies and remove your bra, then take it to the boys toilets in block A and hang it on the back of the door in the far end cubical. It will be visited after 3pm so you have a couple of hours, if you fail at your task, your boss gets to see your CD! Understand?” he said
“ But... that's....” she stopped realising her boss could tell something was wrong “OK by 3pm. No problem” She heard the phone go dead, but carried on so her boss wouldn't get suspicious “OK, you have a nice day too... bye!”
“ So you have a boyfriend?” asked her boss
“ Yes, its new a few weeks” she said fake smiling like it was good news
“ Explains the new outfits, I hope to meet him someday” he said
“ Someday” said Bianca walking fast out of the office

She wondered who could've told him that she was wearing a bra, how would he know, she looked around the library at the sea of sex hungry faces. The clock was saying it just gone 1pm, she better get her task sorted, she excused herself quickly, she may have until 3pm, but her lunch break was over in 25mins and this was going to take time. She ran to the ladies toilets and removed her bra, her boobs now unsupported and very bouncy. She looked for somewhere to hide the bra, it was wired so not hideable in her hands, she stuffed it down her top but the top was so tight it showed an unusual bump and it was useless hiding it in her skirt.

She realised she had to put it back on and change in the male toilets there was no other way, she undid her blouse again, the top button, which was already low was coming loose, on its last thread almost, so she had to be careful as if that one went she would be showing a lot. She put her bra back on, then her blouse and left the toilets, looking at herself in the mirror in disgust. She ran to block A, it was lunchtime and so many students around and in the toilets. She pretended to fix the notice-board displays, ignoring the wolf whistles. It had been at least 30mins since she left the library, her boss would be wondering where she was, it was now 1.45pm and her lunch finished at 1.30pm. She decided to go back just to show her face then make an excuse to go again, she arrived back into library and her boss was standing there not looking happy, he asked her to come into the office

“ Bianca, lateness is not acceptable” he said sternly
“ Sorry, I had to....” she stuttered
“ I know do something for your boyfriend by 3pm, I heard you on the phone” he said
“ erm, yea... he needed me to go Post Office, there was a long queue” she said
“ Did you get it?” he asked
“ Get what?” she said confused
“ What you needed from the Post Office?” He asked
“ Erm, no he said to come back after 2 as it was too busy, is that OK?” she asked
“ Well, I don't like making a habit of these things Bianca” he said
“ I will, make up the time” pleaded Bianca
“ OK, well on Saturday we have a stock take, will you come in?” asked her boss
“ Erm, this Sat?... yes of course, anything, for free I will do the whole day!” she said being over accommodating realising it was now 2pm
“ OK, you can go to the Post Office, but not just yet there is a queue out there, so wait about 15-20mins” he said, Bianca nearly died at the thought of waiting

Bianca ran to the queue, helping her colleague as a flood of students piled up. She was going so fast, she was making mistakes and the queue was taking longer. She looked at the clock it was 2.25pm and the queue was still there, although shorter. She went to the office and asked her boss if she could go, he looked at the queue and was about to say no when Bianca said “Please, I won't be long, please” and he was so turned on at her begging he said yes. She ran to Block A, to the male toilets, it was less busy as students were in their lessons, she got to the toilets and the caretaker was in their mopping, she looked at him in disbelief.

“ Hey Bianca, how you? Look at what these dirty students have done, water everywhere” he said
“ Oh, horrible students” she babbled
“ You OK? You look flustered!” he asked, stopping the mopping
“ I'm OK just, sorting out the noticeboards – don't let me keep you” she said smiling
She pulled out pins and re-arranged the posters of the noticeboard, silly Safe Sex posters that no one read anyway. Then she had an idea...
“ Bill, can you let me know when you finished” she asked the Caretaker
“ Sure love, any reason?” he asked confused
“ It's just I have to put these posters up in the boys toilets and am abit embarrassed” she said
“ Oh, well I will do it for you love” he offered to her shock “Im done now”
“ Noooo, No, erm, you are way too busy, especially with the flood on K block” she said
“ There is a flood on K Block? When?” He said surprisingly
“ I thought I heard the students say something, maybe not” she said
“ Well, I better check it out – all yours” he said running towards K block

Bianca couldn't believe it worked, she felt bad as K block was 10mins away, but hey! She looked around and with the poster ran into the toilets, far end cubical and closed the door, she looked at her watch, 2.40pm her heart was beating. She undid her blouse and took off her bra, her heart beating and her hands shaking. She hung the bra on the door hook and then froze, as she heard someone come in – was it the guy who was spying on her or a random student? She looked at her watch, it was only 2.45pm. She quickly did her blouse up and carelessly the button came off in her hands. She looked down realising how much was showing and covered up.

She heard more voices enter the toilets, 3 guys, talking. Then the door closing as the smell of cigarette smoke begin to fill the already foul smelling toilets, Bianca froze, they didn't realise she was there, but they were going to hang around for a while – what was she going to do? She quietly sat on the loo and waited, listening to their conversation, which was moving on to her!

Guy 1: “Yo, you seen that Library woman, man she is fit”
Guy 2: “Ha ha, titties to die for”
Guy 3: “She is worth a shag!! Haa haa”
Guy 2: “A gang bang, I'm having that arse, damn in that tight skirt!”
Guy 1: “You see her suspenders the skirt was that tight”
Guy 3: “Haa Haa, never seen so many guys in the library man, everyone is in there”
Guy 2: “I heard there is a Myspace page started on her, people talking about what they would do to her, what they have done with her and who can get the best pics of her on their camera phone”
Guy 3: “Oh Shit, I'm going to check it out man!”
Guy 1: “I was on it last night, nothing special as they were yesterdays pics, tonight there should be a few more risky ones”
Guy 2: “Well on Ben's phone is a few ass shots, she bent over a few times today!”
Guy 3: “We should have prizes of best pic of the week Ha ha!”
Guy 1: “There is already a competition on there for people to choose outfits for her”
Guy 2: “I want that bitch in nothing except my cum haaa haaa”
Guy 3: “You finished, we better get to lecture, its nearly 3”

Bianca was horrified, she couldn't believe it a Myspace Page? She quickly composed herself as she needed to get back, she opened the cubical door and ran quickly to the toilet door, which was now closed and made it harder to see if the coast was clear. She quickly opened the door and ran out, no one saw her but one of the teachers couldn't figure where she came from. He looked at her, she looked at him, he looked at her exposed cleavage and she looked away and walked fast, trying to cover up.

She came back to the library, her boss looking angry, she smiled as to say sorry and sat behind the counter. The only thing on her mind was getting home and getting on Myspace. The next two hours went slow, she was paranoid at the guys coming in, looking out for camera phones but couldn't tell if people were texting or taking her pic. Her missing button and lack of bra was also annoying her, she couldn't stand still all day, so it kept slipping. Finally 5pm came.

She decided to walk home, it was less humiliating then a crowded bus journey. She finally got home at 5.45pm, she looked around to see if anyone had come in her apartment but it was just how she left it, she got out of her clothes and into her robe, logging on to Myspace. How would she find her page? What was it called? It was pointless there was millions of pages! She finally gave up at 9.30pm and made herself toast before heading for bed, then the phone rang, private number..

“ Hello...” she said
“ Hello slut...” said Anthony
“ Please don't call me that!” She said almost annoyed
“ Why? What else do you call a bitch who strips in a toilet?” he said then laughed
“ What do you want?” she said not amused
“ I wanted to see how you were, I heard you had an accident!” he said cryptically
“ An accident? No!” she replied
“ Oh, so the button on your blouse that I loosened didn't accidently come off?” he said then laughed “I am impressed if it wasn't an accident and you did it intentionally”
“ That was not funny!” she said almost angered at the way he set her up
“ I found it funny whore, very funny. So did you enjoy today?” he asked
“ No” she responded
“ Oh, pity we did!” he said sarcastically
“ We? Who is we?” she asked
“ Now that will be telling! Don't worry though Bianca it will get much more enjoyable” he said sadistically laughing
“ How do you mean?” She said almost regretting she asked
“ I mean, this is just the beginning of our journey!” he said
“ I heard some students talk about a Myspace site” she said hoping she could see it
“ Ah, yes did I forget to tell you that, opps – have you seen it?” he asked
“ No, I tried to look for it, what's the address?” she asked
“ Get a pen” he instructed, she ran to get a pen
“ Got one” she replied
“ Write, 'I am a myspace slut' on your boobs” he said
“ What..?” she said in shock
“ Do it slag! I will know if you haven't” he shouted, Bianca wondered how he would know but did it anyway
“ Done” she replied
“ Good, I will get you the Myspace address to you tomorrow” he said as he put the phone down.

She held the phone and laid thinking, until she slept. She awoke the next morning, walking straight to the shower, she passed a mirror and stopped to look, she read the message she wrote on her boobs the night before which she forgot about, she scrubbed it hard off in the shower, she sat there as the water caressed her body, hearing the postman post a letter through her door she turned the tap off and collected her small package, it was hand delivered, she opened it, it was a tube of red lipstick with instructions to wear it today.

She went to the wardrobe picking out Thursday's outfit, it was a shorter skirt, tight with a split and black, the top was a tight white blouse, the buttons were in tact, but it looked small, no bra or knickers but a pair of fishnet tights and heels. She gulped at the thought of wearing the outfit, she put it on and realised how small the blouse was, it was so tight that the buttons were straining, especially around the bust. She applied the lipstick and made her way to the bus stop, after a gruelling bus journey she went to the library and faced her boss's perverted face.

“ Bianca, you look.... amazing” he said
“ Thank you” she said as she placed her bag in his office, no longer wanting to go to her locker in the staffroom
“ That's a great blouse” he said as he came towards her “very.... tight”
“ Thank you again....” she said not knowing what to say
“ and fishnets... wow Bianca, your legs are, arousing” he said
She made her way to the front desk, the library already full staring at her huge boobs. She looked away as the guys became less discreet with their comments, it was going to be a long day. Lunch was soon coming, Bianca had forgotten to pack her sandwiches and dreaded the thought of going out or even to the canteen, it hit 1pm and her boss came to her with her bag.
“ There you go” he said, as he put on his coat “Did you not bring a coat?”
“ No, I never” she said confused
“ It is nippy out there!” he said, realising what he just said
“ Where are we going?” She asked
“ Oh, well your boyfriend called earlier, but you were busy I then took the liberty to see if he was free to have lunch, you know to thank him” he said
“ Thank him for what?” she asked curiously
“ Only a man would truly understand, but to thank him for making you come out of those old lady cardigans and be young again!” he said “Now come on”

She followed him in shock, she was scared it would be the first time she said Anthony since the hotel. They walked to his car, she climbed in being conscious that her skirt was rather tight and revealed a lot when sat. She wondered where they were going after they drove for about 10mins, maybe her boss was the spy, maybe he knew Anthony from before, maybe they were both in on it? Finally they stopped at a small country pub, it was fairly empty but there was still enough men to stare Bianca walked in.

“ Hello darling” said Anthony as he kissed her cheek and slapped her ass discreetly “and you must be Mr Hedges?” he said shaking her bosses hand
“ Oh, please call me Bernard” said her boss
“ Bernard, would you like a drink? Go on have a beer” said Anthony
“ Oh go on then” said her boss
“ Good man, and usual for you honey?” he asked Bianca
“ Erm, yes!” she replied still in shock and also wondering what her usual was
Bianca and Bernard took a seat whilst Anthony went to the bar, she was watching her boss and was convinced that he had never met Anthony before.
“ Seems like a great chap” he said to Bianca
“ Yeah, great!” she said still stunned
“ There you go, two beers for the men and a vodka and coke for the lady!” said Anthony as he came to the table
“ You drink spirits” asked Bernard surprised, although Bianca was equally surprised as she didn't drink, except sherry for Christmas
“ Yes, well I shouldn't tell you this Bernard but Bianca is a Spirits Queen, she can handle it and likes it strong!” added Anthony
“ Oh, well I never would've guessed!” said her boss shocked but impressed “So how did you meet?”
“ Well, I was out at a nightclub and she caught my eye, dancing in the most appealing dress, I knew she was out of my league, but thought I would try my luck and she was single and here we are!” explained Anthony lying out of his teeth
“ You frequent nightclubs Bianca?” asked Bernard very shocked
“ Erm, occasionally!” replied Bianca
“ Occasionally? More like 2-4times a week darling!” said Anthony “She is one hell of a mover on the dance floor!”
“ I can imagine” said her boss, getting turned on
“ You can imagine my shock, when our first night together, about 3-4days after we met she gets ready for work and dressed, well like my mother!” laughed Anthony “We had a discussion about it, sorry if she was late boss!”
“ No its quite alright, I remember the day, she is never late. So what was the discussion?” asked her boss
“ Well, I know she is a Librarian, but she is still young she doesn't have to dress like she is 70, she should dress like she does after work or on weekends” explained Anthony
“ I agree, I think she is a beautiful girl and I am much liking this Bianca” agreed her boss “Why did you think you needed to dress old Bianca?” asked her boss
“ Erm, I just thought that....” she stuttered
“ She thought you would disapprove of her Bernard” said Anthony
“ Oh no, no if the truth be known I hated your flowery dresses and cardigans!” laughed Bernard
“ Well that's settled, drink up Bianca not like you not to down your drink” smiled Anthony

Bianca took a large gulp of her drink, almost choking at the potent strength, like it was triple vodka and a drop of coke. She fake smiled at her boss and Anthony, Bernard stared in amazement and Anthony watching to see how tipsy she was. They ordered food, and Bianca just sat there watching Anthony and Bernard getting along like old friends, he contaminating her boss with vile images of her being a party animal that sleeps with a man she just met after three days, Bianca was raging but what could she do

Bernard got up, insisting he got the next round in, Anthony playing the gent offered to help carry, at the bar Anthony offered to pay for Bianca's drink as 3shots was expensive, Bernard was shocked that she drunk so much, but still agreed to pay. They returned to the table, Bernard placing another glass of strong vodka and coke in front of her.

“ Bianca, you haven't even finished your first, whats up honey?” asked Anthony
“ Erm, nothing... just not thirsty” she said, feeling tipsy
“ Bernard, she is worried what you're going to think, I am sorry here let me pay you for the drink, she won't drink it” said Anthony playing the gent so well
“ Bianca, it's ok, your young I won't judge you – its ok relax” said Bernard
“ Why don't you show Bernard your party trick? Let me get the straw” said Anthony, leaving Bianca confused and Bernard intrigued “She can sip a whole glass through a straw without stopping, and swallow!” explained Anthony
“ I don't believe you! Bianca?” said Bernard
“ Yes, well you know the real Bianca now, go on babe show!” insisted Anthony

She put the straw to her lips, the smell was very strong almost stinging her nose, she looked up at Bernard he was shocked, surprised and almost turned on at the thought of his innocent librarian being a classless slut. Anthony gave Bianca that look of both 'do it you whore' and of pride. She closed her eyes and sucked, feeling the almost acid like liquid enter her mouth and sink down her throat almost inflaming it as she felt the heat go down her chest into he stomach. It felt like she was sucking for ages, finally that dry slurping noise came and her ordeal was over. She opened her eyes, dizzy and faint, she looked around with her blurred vision and was met by applause from Bernard, she remained still trying to catch her bearings and stop herself from vomiting.

Another 30mins passed before finally Anthony said he better get back to the office and shook Bernards hand, insisting they done this more often with Bernard agreeing. Bianca tried to get up and lost her balance falling shamefully back into her seat, Anthony ran over propping her up like a caring 'boyfriend' but whispering in her ear 'stand up you dirty whore your embarrassing yourself'. She got up with his help and walked towards the car park, Bernard opened his car door and Anthony helped her in, Bernard and Anthony stood outside the car exchanging pleasantries and they drove back to the library. Bernard looked over at Bianca for most of the journey, she was unaware her clothes were de-shevelled and she was showing a lot of thigh and cleavage. Bernard spoke about how lovely and perfect Anthony was and how he was happy she found a great man.

The arrived back at the library, Bianca was feeling very drowsy but was able to keep mildly focused, she put her bag in the office and then Bernard said that someone left an urgent search request on his desk for her. A search request was when a student or teacher required books from the archive in the basement, a place rarely visited except by rats. Bianca was not in the mood for such a task, but Bernard suggested it was best as she was 'under the influence' and it was urgent.

Bianca took the request sheet and made her way to the archives, maybe it was a good idea at least she would be out of the glare of the students and had a chance to sober up. She read the note as she walked, seemed as if a particular student was doing a project on Space. She finally made it to the basement, it was a creepy place, no windows but once the lights were on it was OK, she walked down the length of the room which were divided by 10meter high bookshelves, but indexed into subjects. She finally made it to the science section and climbed up the ladder, she needed to etch her skirt up to make the huge steps, but she knew she was alone and no one would see, the books she wanted seemed to be high up and she was still fairly drunk.

She found the first book, pulled it out and turned it to see the cover, she was shocked there was a post-it note on the front 'Hi Bianca, all 15 books on the list will have post it notes on the front, the other 14 will feature one letter and all 14 letters make up the Myspace website name'. She was so confused, how did Anthony manage to do this? How did he get the request done so fast and how when he was with her at lunch? She started to look for the other 14 books, all strategically placed to get Bianca up and down the ladder and although all about Space, they ranged from Science; Gardening; Interior Design; Psychology and anything that used the word Space. She was exhausted by the time she found the final book, she collected all of the post-it notes which spelt 'UNILIBRARYSLUT'. She ran up to the library, all sweaty and out of breath, it was already 4pm, she put the books on Bernards desk.

“ Why would someone want all of this?” asked Bernard confused
“ I don't know!” said Bianca almost not caring
“ Well, email the requester to let them know they can come pick it up” said Bernard “but not straight away, you better go to the ladies to straighten yourself up”

Bianca felt insulted, but made her way to the toilets anyway, she looked at the request note, the requester was TENG, she washed her face and re-applied her make up, she did look awful and her clothes were showing some wear and she tried as much to get them to cover her body. She went back to the Library, she now had a clue who was behind this, TENG, was he a student or a Teacher? She sat at her desk, logged into the University database checking both student and staff database, no name listed, she sunk back in her chair. She told Bernard who suggested that if it was needed urgently they would call or come in and to leave them at the side.

Finally it was home time, she took the bus as she was tired, drunk and her feet were killing her from the heels, although they were low heels they were higher than her flat bowling shoes that she was normally wore. She ignored the stares from the male bus students, however she saw a guy get his camera phone out, he definitely was not texting, he was making it obvious he was taking her picture. She felt the urge to scream at him, grab the phone out of his hands but instead she just stared, standing whilst he clicked away and his friends laughed. She felt so humiliated and decided to get off the bus and walk the rest of the way.

She got in and logged on to Myspace, typing in the user name UNILIBRARYSLUT, her heart beated as the page loaded wondering what she was going to see. The page loaded and she felt dizzy and ill, it was an all background, the words UNILIBRARYSLUT in bold red letters. The page was blocked to non-friends, she couldn't see anything. There was a note stating it was strictly for accepted friends, but if the real Bianca wanted to view she needed to apply with her real name with the password “SLUT” and message the name of the Library Search Requester to verify its her.

She signed up, using her name Bianca Jenkins, she messaged the member known as UNILIBRARYSLUT and typed in TENG, which she realised was an jumble of the word GENT as she typed. She waited to receive something, to notify her she had been accepted, she was tired, feeling sick and hungover, she sat in front of her laptop like an obsessed mad woman, refreshing the page. She paced up and down her living room, which was now in a mess as she let it all go over the past week. Finally, 2hrs later she received an email, saying UNILIBRARYSLUT had just accepted her as a friend

There was over 2,000 friends, most from her University but some from all over the world. There was a blurb about the site, a bold statement urging all members to keep this site private, only inviting trusted friends as Bianca could get sacked and then the fun would be over. It was clever in the sense that people who felt sorry for would also stay quiet as to not get her sacked. She looked at the comments box, there was over 4,000 comments, of guys saying the most vile things about her body and how they wanked dreaming about her, she felt sick and degraded.

There was a pictures sections, she clicked on it hoping that none of the pictures from the hotel of her naked were up, but they weren't, just hundreds of pictures of her at work, some pretty revealing angles she couldn't understand how so many had been taken without her knowing. She looked so whorish in her clothes, she avoided mirrors the whole week so she didn't have to face herself and now she was bombarded with reflections of what she looked like. Even the pictures from her bus journey were already uploaded, she was staring at the camera and the caption read “She posed for us!” insinuating that she consented.

There was other things, including a competition to win her bra, with a candid picture of her in the bra, she was shaking, how did they get that picture, it looked like it was in her bedroom, which meant there were camera's in there, possibly camera's in her living room watching her right now. She looked around and couldn't see anything, she ran into the bedroom and couldn't see, she felt so violated and realised that the one place she felt safe was also full of camera's and she now was fully under Anthony's control.

She sat back down, staring at the screen as the news that she had joined was emailed to all the members and comments started to fly in. Asking her to get her tits out, to suck their cocks, she wanted to log off and throw the laptop across the room, but was compelled to keep reading. Her phone rang, private number could only be him, she answered and heard his laughter. He asked her how her day had been, with no intention of wanting to know. He asked her to read the statements on the comment box from her “fans”, she was reluctant but realised she didn't have a choice.
He instructed her to get her dildo, she was embarrassed he knew about it. He asked her to place her feet on either side of her desk, lifting her skirt and spreading her legs, then made her rip a hole in the crotch of her fishnet tights. She done as she was told, part of her really needing still impress him, she rubbed her tits as she read out the comments, she slid the dildo inside of her as he hurled the lines of filth at her, she was finding them hurtful but he made them sound like it was a fantastic thing, that she was desired and wanted which strangely turned her on.

She found herself screaming in pleasure as she pounded her dripping wet pussy with the dildo, he asked her 'Are you a whore?” she was screaming 'Yes', 'Are you a cumslut?' she screamed 'Yes' without thinking about what she was saying just hearing him say 'Good Girl' was all she needed as it meant he was pleased with her. He told her to repeat after him and scream it loud 'I am a whore'; 'I am desperate for cock'; 'I want to be gangfucked by the students'; 'I want to suck Bernard's dick dry', she was confused with the sensations of pleasure and screamed out what he said to, she was tired, sweaty, out of breath and desperate to climax as she used all the energy she keep that dildo going in and out her pussy, the energy pushes making her scream, each thrust she was almost disappointed that it didn't make her cum and she needed to do it again, her arms aching in pain, she wanted to stop, but she wanted to continue just to feel the pleasure but also to impress him. Finally, she felt it and screamed in pleasure, her face and body dripping in sweat like an hour in the gym. She couldn't grab her breath and panted like a wounded animal. She called Anthony's name on the phone but he was gone.

She staggered her way to the shower sitting on the floor as the water cooled her burning body. She felt so dirty, the same way she did when thinking of swallowing Anthony's cum. All of her conservative principals were being challenged by what she has started to become, maybe she was a whore, maybe she was what everyone thought she was, 2,000 people couldn't be wrong could they? She dried her body and went straight to sleep, it was past her bedtime and she had to be up, she fell asleep the minute her head hit the pillow.

She awoke the next morning, looking in the wardrobe for her Friday outfit, a shorter skirt and a vest top, although the vest was from a kids store for a 9-10yr old and very cheap, thin. She put her out fit on, the vest showed her mid-rift a little, the skirt was mid-thigh, she could have done with a bra, but forfeited that a few days ago. She looked in the mirror as she applied her make up and checked her outfit one more time as she put on the heels, which were a bit higher than previous days. This was by far the riskiest outfit she had wore all week. She left the apartment, greeted by a cold breeze that made her nipples stand to attention.

She got to work, greeted as always by her boss, this time his erection was very noticeable as he licked his lips fixated on her nipples. She felt creepy, but smiled back. She looked at his desk, realising the Space books had gone, she frantically asked who collected them, but her boss was vague, saying it was a student and almost confused by Bianca's demands wanting to know who. She ran out to the library to see if anyone was around with the books, there was no one. She ran back in asking how he took them out without having a card, her boss said that the computer was down and he did it manually, she looked at the paper knowing no member of the University had the name TENG.

She walked back out to the front desk, sitting down awaiting her loyal 'fans' to come in pretending to be into books but really just there to take more pics of her. She was conscious that she was not caught in any poses, being aware that she was often photographed when bending or least expecting it. The day went slow as always but no special tasks or major events, maybe he was bored?

She came home and heard a strange noise from her living room, he laptop was on, a video playing on loop. Did she leave it on? Maybe, but she definitely didn't play a film. She stood over it watching it, it was of her last night fucking herself, she didn't recognise it at first, she never seen herself like that before. She looked around to suss where the camera could be, but she couldn't see anything. She switched the video off, it was a CD with the title “To my boss, Mr Bernard Hedges”. She logged in to the Myspace page, it looked like someone had logged on with her account already as she had left comments calling all the members bastards, which is something she would've written, but it wasn't her as she was at work. Her anger was met by a flurry of replies by angry 'fans' who were calling her all sorts. The members had grown to 2,500 and more pictures of her that day, mainly from the library.

She was really tired, she decided to have an early night and made her way to her bedroom. On her bed was the suitcase, he had been again. Obviously, it was him who left the video on her laptop. She opened the envelope and read the instructions:

“ Hi bitch, hope you have had a good week. Your weeks clothes are in the suitcase, this includes the weekend. For tomorrow, I have prepared something special for Bernard as I understand you are helping him with a stock-take? When you get home tomorrow you can wear Saturday outfit number two, you need to wear much more make up and await instructions”

She totally forgot about helping her boss with the stock take. She opened the suitcase and looked at the clothes, they looked disgraceful. She pulled out the outfit for her boss, it was a boob tube and matching skirt, both black, skin tight and tiny. She had black heels and no underwear. She unpacked the case and went to sleep. The next morning, she put the outfit on, she looked like a true slut with the bright red lips and pink blusher. She left towards the library, it was dead with no students, thankfully. She walked into her boss's office, watching him salivate over her body, she always saw him as harmless but that moment she felt a bit nervous, like his dick had taken over his senses and he would just attack her.
She walked over and asked where they should start as she was going out that evening, he wanted all the shelves cleaned and books sorted. She grabbed the cloth and made her way to the library, it was closed only him and her in there. He started to come closer, she was on her knees, polishing the bottom shelves, he standing there watching, trying to look busy. She felt his eyes all over her body, realising her ass was in the air.

“ Bill said you were doing the toilet posters the other day” he said
“ huh?” she said looking up, realising she was eye to eye with his bulge
“ That's what I thought, but he said you were putting up posters in the toilets” asked her boss
“ Erm, oh that, some guys had torn them down I was just putting it up” she said
“ Ah, well A block is far how did you end up there?” he asked
“ I don't remember” she and got up to get more water for her bowl

The rest of the day was pretty much the same, her boss following her. He let her go get lunch, but when she returned she could hear him in his office groaning, she thought he was in pain, but peeked through the door and realised he was having a wank. She stayed quiet, watching as he came into a pink coffee mug. She then ran quietly to the door and acted like she just came in. He had already zipped himself up and acted innocently. She put her bag down and made her way back to the shelves, he appeared behind her with a cup of coffee, in the pink cup. She was stunned and disgusted, she said she wasn't in the mood but he made out like he had made it for her and told her to join him back in the office.

She followed him, taking the cup as she sat, he watching her awaiting her to sip, she looked at the cup, which had a frothy top “extra cream” he said smirking. She smiled and took a sip, she could taste the coffee and the salty “cream” which made her want to gag, but didn't want to make it obvious. Bernard started asking about what her plans were for the evening, she actually didn't know but made it sound romantic with Anthony. She gulped down the coffee just so she could stop talking and get back to doing the top shelves. Now being on the ladder, her boss stood closely under her, looking up catching glimpses of her naked pussy.

Finally it was time to go home, she got home pretty fast and got ready. She put on the pink mini skirt and matching boob-tube for tonight outfit. She sat awaiting

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As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....

2 years ago
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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...

Group Sex
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Tales of Corruption

In every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...

4 years ago
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Tales From A Hard Drive

Tales From A Hard Drive By Angela "So 'ow did yer get 'ere then?" "It might help if I knew where 'here' was!" "Alrigh' keep yer 'air on! "Look sorry... what did you say your name was? - I know you're trying to be helpful but I'm damned if I can work it out." "Look mate, what if yer tells me where yer was doin' ... y'know, kinda before, like. Most of thems that comes 'ere, y'know sudden like, finds its best" "What do you mean 'those that come here suddenly'? Does it...

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Tales From the Faux Fillies Dressing Room 1 Caught By Mum

Tales From the 'Faux Fillies' Dressing Room. Cross-Dressing and Transgendered Tales by Maria Ski The dressing room was a hive of activity as the girls of 'Faux Fillies' got ready to go home after a busy night. Alexia smiled sweetly as she opened a bottle of 'Chateau Picard' white wine and poured a glass for each of the assembled girls. "So," Alexia said, "who has a tale to tell?" "I do," answered Jessica an auburn haired beauty said, "I call my little tale..." Caught by...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 2 Best of Both Worlds

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 3 Inside Trader

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 5 Confession Is Good For The Soul

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

4 years ago
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Tales Of Sport And Hunting Part Two

III and IV are next, both together. Then, the conclusion to this memorable day. I don't know what was up with that first link... Here's a version I'm now happy with so I guess it actually worked out. Thank you so much for the positive reaction to Affairs of a Family in Sin! That meant a lot to me and there will be more to come! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume...

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Tales From the Netherworlds

The Netherworlds. There are a countless number of them in the universe, all with their own societies and customs. Why, nearly anything you could think of could be represented in the form of one of these demonic worlds. A world that has been converted into a gigantic spa resort run by slimes that poison their customers instead of detoxifying them? Why not? A planet-sized brothel that contains only prinny sex workers? Go for it. How about a world that is made entirely of pastries, populated by...

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Tales of the Whores of Kaenor

There are those who say Kaenor is the finest city in the world. Certainly, there is nowhere where more cultures mix, where more peoples and races and secrets can be found. Much of this is due to its location, on a peninsula that makes the northern half of the Straight of Swords, which separates two great seas. To the west is the Endless Ocean, stretching out to strange lands beyond the horizon. When the wind blows from this cold, deep sea, the city is beset by storms or shrouded in thick fogs...

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Tales of a HustlerMe and Lil Bro

Tales of a Hustler---Me and lil Bro---The Best Summer EverSummer had arrived non too soon, as usual. I never cared for the colder months. Fuck some snow---I can see it on TV.Out on summer break, my lil Bro Dustin had called and said he really wanted to come and spend some time with me. Only seeing him every few weeks at a time, the last couple of years had left him wanting. I told him one night in one of our intimate bro on bro talks, that he really needed to find someone closer to his age. He...

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Tales of the Season Kendras Story

Tales of the Season: Kendra's Story by Tigger Copyright 1999, All Rights Reserved Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its...

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Tales of the desperate amateurs

Tales of the desperate amateurs. Tales of the Desperate Amateurs By YarianaSo there I was, nervous as hell. I was picking up my first couple to film. I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew that I had had it with asshole bosses. I also had no illusions about being an expert in something as taboo as filming porn.She was not as pretty as the picture that she had sent me. It would not be the last time that this would happen. I picked them up in front of their trailer. She had been pretty...

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Tales of Anna A

Tales of Anna (A) - by DarkMatterTales of Anna (A) by DarkMatter Synopsis: Man meets woman, and they decide to team up for some kinky (and painful) sex. There is an excuse of a plot wrapped around it like a tiny loincloth. I - The Chance Encounter Anna is a beautiful young woman (well, of course she is, who would write about an ugly woman? I mean, this is fiction, after all). She stands 165cm 'tall' (sorry, no feet and inches today, metric it is), on shapely legs and looks at the world out...

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The Barbie lez Fantasies Week 88 Internet Sex

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 9 Decisions

Patrick woke Jake before the sun had risen. A runner had come with orders from the admiral. Patrick told him his breakfast was waiting in the sitting room with the orders. Jake through on his uniform from the day before and walked barefoot to the table to retrieve the orders. He broke the seal and read them thru. Jake was to turn over the Bulldog to LCMDR Perry at his earliest convenience and report to the admiral’s office. No later than nine o’clock this morning. He mused at that. He had...

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INTERNET RELAY CHAT When Predator Becomes Prey

I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the...

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Internet Relay Chat When Preator Becomes Prey

I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat?When predator becomes prey.?? drkfetyshnyghts 2009ForewordIRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that can participate in...

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Tales From the Faux Fillies Dressing Room 2 The Birthday Ballerina

Tales from The Faux Fillies dressing room. By Maria Ski The tale that follows is an expanded version of the caption I created as a TG request for Cinderella 123456. The caption is called 'John becomes a ballerina'. Were as Bella from 'The Faux Fillies' calls the tale... The Birthday Ballerina...! As usual the dressing room was packed with off duty performers and club staff. And Bella looked over towards two of the male bar staff playing a hand of poker and grinned a sly...

1 year ago
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Private Internet Access PIA

Do you have Private Internet Access (PIA)? I know many people are pretty fucking surprised to learn how often their Internet use is being spied on by bosses, apps, baristas, oppressive regimes, your wife and even your internet service provider. If you don’t believe me, I guess you’ve never gotten an ad for dick-sucking machines moments after asking your buddy if he’s ever tried a dick-sucking machine. (Speaking of dick-sucking devices, your mom wanted me to tell you to clean your...

Best VPN Sites
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Is Internet Porn DESTROYING your marriage Chapter

Chapter 1Is Internet Porn DESTROYING your marriage? (that’s what the card on the wall asked)My story began a year ago at the start of summer. I’m Kathy, a social worker in my home town hospital. I went to school to become an RN but got pregnant with our first before graduating. I plan to go back some day, I hope.My husband Joe is a furniture warehouse factory worker. We have 2 teenage daughters, a nice split-level home, 2 good cars, Well mine’s a Chrysler mini-van, and what I thought was a good...

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Tales of a HustlerBlake

Tales of a Hustler----Blakehybristophilia: the fascination to the point of sexual arousal than one experiences towards another that has committed the most heinous of crimes—****, k**napping, murder, etc. or is overall a particular hateful person, like a bully, racist, or career criminal. Through the decades there have been many titles---trick, trade, rough trade,chicken, foot soldier. I guess I've been called them all.Dudes hustle the streets for a variety of reasons. Some say it's just fun....

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Tales From the Shack Necessary Evil

Although this is a Tale from the Shack, it can be read as a standalone tale. As with the rest of the Tales from the Shack, this is written in a Noir style. I typically don’t write graphic sex into this story line and that remains true here. Special thanks to Sbrooks and Crkcppr for the editing and Beta reading. Any remaining errors are entirely mine -- probably added after their assistance. Favors. In my world, favors are more important than almost anything else. A favor owed is immensely...

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Hot Blowjob Sex At The Internet Cafe

Hey fellow readers, I am Immanuel Kari Kalan, 22, and this is a story about how I have been given a surprise blowjob and masturbated by a stranger who later became my slave. The main protagonist of the story is my Radha. Of course, her name has been changed to make her not feel cringe because she is also an ISS reader. Now 31 years, she is an average Indian housewife, but really good dressing sense and figure. I don’t know her exact stats, but she is one hell of a woman, her structure is...

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Tales of the RAC The Verdict

Tales of the RAC : The VerdictKathryn pushed the food around her tray in small circles. She knew she should try to eat the small bits of dry chicken or the weird grey grits that came with it. If she was found guilty, this might be her last chance for a meal that wasn’t prison rations or an intravenous protein bag. Still, it was nearly noon and her lawyer would be able to leave the courthouse and give her the news. That was one of the positive things about the revolution. When the USA became the...

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Tales From The Psych Ward

1Tales From The Psych Ward 01 - "Of One Mind" BDSM / Fantasy / Altered Reality / MM / MF /MFMby The Technician = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =It's so nice to be insaneNo one asks you to explainRadio by your side, Angie BabyAngie Baby, you're a special ladyLiving in a world of make-believeWell, maybe...      Well, maybe...From the song "Angie Baby" written by Alan O'Day and sung by Helen Reddy in 1974This series of stories is inspired from my own struggle with...

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Tales From Helena Ch 4

As Staci reviewed the details for her next appointment, she couldn’t resist looking down her long, slender, tanned legs to what she considered her ultimate demonstration of how she had finally turned the corner. Gleaming up at her from her dainty (euro) size 36 feet were her first ever pair of “Jimmy Choo” shoes. The beautifully sculpted, 4 inch heeled, Amada leather peep-toe pumps made her feel deliciously decadent and, to her, were well worth every penny they had cost. Even the figure...

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Tales from a Small Republic

Tales from a Small RepublicTayna's Story1As the recession hit the small Republic and many of the mines which had previously employed both men and women below ground were forced to close, there was a coup d'etat by the Generals and a much harsher regime imposed in an attempt to return some stability to the economy.One of the problems the Generals promised to deal with was the number of girls and women who turned to prostitution simply to try to get enough money to feed themselves after losing...

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Tales from Inryo

This page serves as a central root from which many one-shots, short stories, and adventures can branch from. The root itself is just to define a starting point, setting details, and main purpose for each tale tied to it. Effectively, this serves as a base-level introduction to the world- the stories themselves do not necessarily need to be read in order, or at all, to grasp what is happening within any given branch. Before going any further, it's important to impart one piece of meta...

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Tales of the East Indies

A real life adventure - or maybe it was all a fantasy - you will have to make up your own mind. They say confession is good for the soul, so here, for what it's worth, is one. It covers a recent visit to one of the more civilised parts of South East Asia - and, no, it wasn't Thailand or the Philippines. Whether I am proud of what happened or not is not something I wish to examine. Who can ever fully explain their actions? I guess only a shrink might be able to tell me, and I have never been...

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Moms Internet Site

Mom’s Internet Site Our life turned to shit when my father knocked up a girl in my high school, got a quick divorce from my mother, and then married the girl. He even moved away so that not everyone would be aware of the incident. Fat chance of that happening…every kid in school knew that it was my father that had knocked up ‘Betty the Brain’ as we affectionately called the little wallflower. To our knowledge she had never been on a date or even been kissed. I thought that she was too...

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My Lovely JenniferChapter 2 The Internet

One evening while Jennifer was fixing dinner and I was working at my computer I went on the Internet to do a search for 'Pantine' products but thanks to a typo I ended up with search results for 'Panties.' I saw my mistake and was about to correct it when one of the search results caught my eye. It said 'Upskirt photos of unsuspecting women.' This may seem unlikely, but up until that time I had never gone to any pornographic sites on the Internet. I clicked on the Upskirt' topic with...

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That Naked Girl From The Internet

He looked around his new apartment smiling. The smell of the fresh paint greeted him. He took a deep breath to inhale its aroma. He looked around at the furniture he had just finished moving into place. He thought he had done a pretty neat job. He was exhausted and sweaty having had cleaned the place from top to bottom and moving around the heavy stuff to their proper places. He flopped on the sofa and turned on his new 37 inch TV that was hanging on the wall. He was Michael Kein, standing...

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Satellite Internet For Rural Areas

The dial up connections have gone and the satellite connection have taken its presence with the high speed service options even in the remote areas. It is irritating to work with the low internet speed that also increases the monthly bills. The direct connections are reliable so if you are planning to select a service for your home or office then there are some factors to consider like check whether the tower is located in the near by area to establish the faster connection, the DSL facility is...

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It was a few years ago, when I lived in Amsterdam, that I got talking to a woman, from the South of England, on the Internet. We got on really well, and often, our chats turned to sex. Sometimes we would share our fantasies. After about six months of chatting, she started telling me her deepest fantasies. One night she told me that she often fantasies about being watched while having sex. She said she would love to have sex live on the Internet, or to go out dogging. She said her husband was a...

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Dirty Teacher in Internet Cafe

Have you all noticed the increase in young female teachers having sex with their students, boys in their teens, whereas in the past, it was the sole domain of girls like myself, who were dropping our knickers for Sir enjoy.As menstruating teens we girls have more hormonal problems to contend with, our ovaries start producing eggs and our bodies go into heat, a craving for sex and men, its not that we are bad or naughty, we simply have no control over our cravings and are turned on quickly,...

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Tales of Cera Lords and Cats

A/N: Here is something I’ve tried to write for a while now, and finally succeeded. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. Also, English is not my main language, so if there are typos or mistakes, I apologize. Tales of Cera will be a series of stories that happen in the same world, but each story will focus on different people and even different periods of time. Some stories will refer to others and one or two may be crossovers, but no need to be worried. I will give an A/N if that...

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Tales of Kairndal Part 1 Act 13

“SPEECH” ‘THOUGHT’ (Character Change) (Drake) The sun poured though the window high on the wall illuminating the particles of dust floating through the air. It shone off the polished white marble of the throne room and sparkled on magnificent golden frames, each containing a portrait of a previous monarch of the newborn kingdom of Kairndal. The room was eerily silent and empty save for only two men. Veldan Carrik, the fourth king of Kairndal sat upon his throne, looking down upon...

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Tales of Priya a Paranormal Lesbian Fantasy Awakening the Slut Within

THE TALES OF PRIYA, a lesbian paranormal fantasy.Part 1: Awakening the Slut WithinThis is a story of an 18-year-old half-Warshari, half-Witch, who starts waking up to her life. Her name is Priya. She is 5’7” 135 pounds, 34C-28-34. She is fit and works out every day. Her urges have always been towards girls even though she tried dating a guy, but she felt awkward, and it didn’t work out. Her best friend of two years is Bell, who has secretly wanted to have sex with her since they met. Arabella...

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Tales of the eKids Ch 04

Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Disclaimer: Swear to God, I never heard of ‘The Day after Tomorrow’ until last week. I planned this plot line about six months ago. My loyal readers know that I would never stoop to steal a plot from a ‘B’ movie. I steal my plots from much classier sources, in this case: ‘A Brain for All Seasons – Human Evolution and Abrupt Climate Change’ by William H. Calvin. Part 11 Helen Randolph was officially the publicist for New Man,...

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Tales of the eKids Ch 06

Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Part 20 The Attorney General of the United States thought that first he’d try the easy way. He had his secretary place a call to (where was it?), Statesboro, Georgia. He thought, ‘we won Georgia pretty easily. Maybe they’ll do what I tell them to do without too many questions.’ His phone buzzed and he picked it up. ‘Whom am I speaking to?’ ‘This is Chief McArthur of the Statesboro Police Department.’ ‘Chief, Bill Ashton here....

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Tales of the eKids Ch 05

Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Author’s Note: Any resemblance to any Administration living or dead is strictly coincidental. Part 16 The Vice President of the United States looked across the conference table at the Attorney General. He let the A.G. stew in his own juices for awhile. Somewhere there was a leak. He hated leaks. Someone was going to get his balls cut off. Finally he spoke. ‘Bill, we can’t have this. It’s an election year. How did that little...

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Tales of the eKids Ch 02

Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Part 4 Eamon Turner woke from a restless, dream-filled sleep. As his eyes opened slowly he realized he had his hand wrapped around a raging hard-on. ‘This is ridiculous’, he thought. ‘I’m going to go crazy at this place. This girl is driving me nuts!’ He pulled his fist off of his pecker with disgust. How long had it been since he had to resort to that kind of relief? Girls were a dime a dozen. Why was he so fixated on just one?...

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Tales of the eKids Ch 01

Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Author’s note: Thanks to Joe J for allowing me to incorporate characters from Twice Lucky Chapter 1 Prologue We who are the shared memory of the Adkins clan do begin this chronicle of the birth of the New Men. Our thoughts return to the beginning of our race, when the sharing was in its infancy. And before, to the Progenitor – he who it was that gave us life but was not one of us. By this means, we, the Star Travelers, shall...

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Tales of the eKids Ch 03

Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Part 6 Elle Adkins lay with her eyes closed, her face grimaced as if in pain. Her fingers were slowly caressing her small round breasts as she worked her pink nipples in time with Eamon Turner’s tongue. She was alone in her bedroom. A few meters away in an adjoining bedroom Emma Adkins and Eamon Turner were making love. Eamon was deep in Emma, and Elle felt every inch of his length, every centimeter of his breadth, every ridge on...

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Tales of an American Geisha Slave Boi

Introduction: Collin, a Business School Graduate, goes to Japan, hoping to find his dream job. What he finds instead, is a whole different life, based upon his dreams and nightmares, in a situation that he thought no longer existed in Japan. Tales of an American Geisha-Slave-Boi Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating...

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Tales from the Oedipal Zone

The Oedipal Zone idea is a creation of Squelchapron, from his old “freeusecaptions” Tumblr. The original captioned stories (Field Observations and Paragon Magazine) have been used here with his permission. An Oedipal Zone is an area within a more general free use world. The normal free use tropes apply in most parts of the world: society functions more or less as it does in the real world, but adult women are expected to submit to any sexual request from an adult male. This is a relatively...

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Tales Of Eroticia

Welcome to Tales Of Eroticia! Before you start, remember to press the ‘start game’ option at the side, and be sure to give your character a name. Also, if you enjoy the story, please leave likes and comments on the chapters you enjoy the most. That way, I can write more stuff that more people like. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the story! To begin, please select the race of your character.


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