Forgiveness Part 2
- 4 years ago
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I tried, really tried, to write frequently and send little 3 inch audio tapes at regular intervals. However, on January 21 ‘68 Khe Sanh started the six month siege and on January 30th the Tet Offensive began. The main offensive lasted two months, but so-called mini Tets were also launched in May and August. We were flying 18 hours a day and remained on station off the coast of Viet Nam for 60 day line periods separated by five days in Cubi Point for R and R. The sailors called it S and F for Suck and Fuck. The aforementioned Olongapo was specifically designed to give horny sailors all the pussy they could want in exchange for dollars or Philippine pesos. The Japanese had their “comfort girls” in WWII and the US Navy had Olongapo during the Viet Nam war from ‘66 to ‘74.
The intervals between my letters home were in proportion to the heat of the war. After 18 hours on the flight deck and a prospect of six hours off duty before doing it again left little time to write or make a recording. We had no email or Skype in 1968. I cannot deny my correspondence to my wife and kids was not what it should have been. Whether that was a factor in what happened to my marriage, or just an excuse, is not really important.
Before the three months off the carrier for some time home between the ‘68 and ‘69 cruise, the Vigilante wing moved from Sanford, FL to Albany, GA and of course MaryAnn had to do it all herself (with three kids under seven). She excelled as a competent Navy wife and packed up the house and kids for the move from Sanford to Albany without a hitch.
The time at Albany between cruises went by very fast with not much time spent with MaryAnn because of all that had to be done to get the squadron ready to go back out for another ten months. As I write this I have a real problem remembering that I was home at all. The situation did nothing to strengthen our marriage. As I learned later from MaryAnn, she really would have rather I had not come home at all. She missed her fucking time with Victor and wasn’t getting much from me.
The next few paragraphs will describe the worst time in my entire life, bar none.
After two years on the Kitty Hawk I arrived back in Albany in October, 1969. I was in receipt of orders to NAS Norfolk, VA, to detach in Feb 1970 for three years of shore duty. I was a happy sailor ready to assume the duties of Husband and Father. Ha, not so fast.
Being separated from MaryAnn for so long, I was not very good in picking up on her state of mind or moods. I did know she was not the same Southern Illinois housewife that I left nearly two and half years earlier. The welcome home sex was not what I had looked forward to those long months at sea. I got the distinct impression her mind was someplace else while we were fucking. She was jumpy, moody, and not as talkative as I remembered. I think she tried, but as I learned from her later, I was the stranger and Victor was her real lover.
About four weeks at home I asked her to meet me at the O club for Friday night happy hour. She got there about 4:30 and was in a surprisingly happy mood. I could tell she had spent some time on her clothes, hair and makeup. She looked like a million dollars.
We danced, drank, danced some more and ate a little. It was the best time together in over two years. When we got home about 1AM were all over each other. MaryAnn undressed me and pushed me on the bed. She took her clothes off quickly while I watched with love and wonder. I admit I partook of a bunch of LBFMs in Po city and got my root sucked regularly in port. But this was mind-blowing. Before I left in 67, I could rarely talk her into a poor excuse of a blow job. Her distaste was palpable and a real put off. I rarely asked –or rather begged- for a blowjob. It just wasn’t worth it. I would think about the professional dick-suckers in Po city when I fucked my wife in the missionary position.
But this; Wow! Unsolicited dick sucking that was amazing. In retrospect the alarm bells should have started ringing loud. How did she learn how to suck a dick like a Las Vegas thousand dollar hooker? That was what I should have asked, not what I actually did which was gratefully think about all the future world class blow jobs I was going to get.
In the soft cotton-candy afterglow of the best sex EVER, I said something like – remember this is the cusp of the Seventies, the sexual revolution was in full swing. Something like “Darling, I feel bad about your lack of sex during my long absence and the fact you were a virgin when we married. Have you really only had one lover, me?” The actual words I can’t remember. But MaryAnn got big eyed and blurted. “It was only a few times and I really didn’t enjoy it.”
Introduction: Cuckoled husband gets his quiet revenge My wife is a Captain in the Marine Corps, stationed at Parris Island, S.C. Im a sales rep for Hallmark Greeting Cards. My job entails a lot of travel throughout the Southeastern states. Recently, I finished early with my accounts in Savannah, GA, so I thought Id stop at Hilton Head Island for a day of golf since my wife was on weekend duty. I got a room at the Red Roof Inn and joined a threesome for 18 holes. I had a nice dinner and a few...
None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the storylines contain adult themes including sex. If you are underage or if this offends, then please go elsewhere. Some elements of this story are based on fact, the...
Forgiveness Leah's Story. By Kyorii. Part 1. This is a stand-alone story in two parts and can be read as such, however to gain full enjoyment from it I would recommend that you read 'The Model maker' and its Prequel 'Trish' first to gain a greater insight as to the past of some of the characters, I hope that you enjoy the story. Chapter 01 Brother. A young woman is sitting at a...
Greetings and salutations, reader. I'm writing to you, addressing you, with a very specific goal in mind. This story is not the first I have written, however it is the first I've felt comfortable enough in it's quality to publish online. As such, there is a task I'm asking you to complete. Tell me what you think. The more specific the better, obviously, but even a simple, "It's good", or "It sucked" is better than no feedback at all. Point out any errors I might have missed in...
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Melinda and I drove back to our condo and changed clothes. I told Melinda that I had to go out for awhile. She looked disappointed and said, “Right now? ... on our wedding day? I had big plans for you big boy that don’t include clothes.” I said, “Hold that thought, Beautiful, I will be back in four or five hours. I have some very important business to take care of. I will tell you all about it when I get back. Keep your pussy wet and warm, Honey.” I got in my truck and called my team back...
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I wanted to punch the bitch’s lights out. But, what would that accomplish? Maybe the Big Chicken Dinner, a Bad Conduct Discharge. I have three children that I spend way too little time with now. If we divorce I may never see them again. Do I love MaryAnn? Shit, I really don’t know. I never analyzed it. MaryAnn was just my wife; my children’s mother. You are supposed to love your wife, right? We’ve gone through everything together. Then it really hit me. We haven’t gone through the last two...
Disaster! About four months at my new job at Fleet Aviation Electronics Training Unit Atlantic Fleet (FAETULANT), in Norfolk, VA I was ordered to take my two day training course on surface to air missile evasion tactics on the road. I was to fly to NAS Albany, GA for the two day course and then take a Navy vehicle to NAS Jacksonville, FL and repeat the course there. Then drive back to Albany and fly home to Norfolk. When I got home, I told MaryAnn about the trip. She got really excited and...
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When I finished my tour on the JFK I received order back to RVAH-11. While I was away from the Vigilantes the Wing had moved again to Key West, Florida. MaryAnn had to make the move from Virginia by herself once again; although my oldest, Brad, was a teen-ager and was more help than the last move. The atmosphere at Key West was much like that at Albany. Infidelity was the norm and the sexual revolution had been won. MaryAnn and I never discussed it but we sort of drifted into a sex no-fault...
My next duty station after Key West was back to Pensacola, Florida. I was actually at Whiting Field, Milton, Florida, but we bought a house in Pensacola so the kids would have a better school, and Milton, FL was really a red-neck small town. I transferred to NAS Whiting, near Milton, in June, 1975. As a full Lieutenant, I was able to afford to buy a decent house on Confederate Dr. in Pensacola and settled in to an unspoken arrangement with MaryAnn. She could do what she wanted and I would...
The three years I spent in Pensacola were not the best years of my life, but hell, it was shore duty and I got my share of good sex away from MaryAnn. We had our moments. She never truthfully apologized for her infidelity, her blatant cheating, and for going back on her promise to never contact LTJG piss ant. In Jan of 1978, I got a great set of orders to BuPers in Washington, D. C. Just a few weeks after I received my orders, I went to a Change of Command ceremony at the Naval Aviation...
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The four of us laid out a map of what needed to be done. There were a lot of favors to call in, but the hardest parts fell on Beth. The first difficult task required Beth to go to work as if nothing happened. At least ‘Don the Rapist’ would not be there. He wasn’t scheduled back into the office until Thursday. We’d be ready. She also needed to get an hour off for a doctor’s visit. While at work, Beth would approach three of the six women Don-the-Slime had admitted to molesting. The other...
Beth’s two co-workers and their husbands were due at our house at 7:00 PM. Beth called me late in the afternoon and told me more good news. The one woman was good friends with two of the others who no longer work at Coulton Industries, and both agreed it was time their husbands knew. They would join us as well. I called Tom Willis to warn him, and he suggested an approach for the evening. The ladies would meet on the back porch when they arrived while Tom and I broke the story to the...
Thursday morning, the president and owner of Coulton Industries arrived at his office to a hoard of serious-looking individuals. Beth hated this portion of the process. She loved her job and liked Mr. Coulton, but there was no choice. Bob Coulton looked like a confused and defeated man as the team joined him in the main conference room. Tom Willis led the discussion. “Mr. Coulton, I wish I could tell you today was a good day for your company. Unfortunately, that would be a lie. Your sales...
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Author’s Note: This is my story, I wrote it, stealing is lame. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. To all the editors and critics who repeatedly use ‘clumsily worded’ in their corrections for my potential use: The words I use are specific, get gooder brain power. Any comments and feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated – Not to mention everyone likes to have errors pointed out. I apologize for the delay in chapters. My bad’s bad, busy, busy. The next chapter is all sex and will be...
Hi indian sex stories dot net Friends mera naam sandip hai. Or me rajkot gujarat se hu. Meri age 26 yrs hai. Yeh meri 3rd kahani hai indian sex stories par. Koi bhi bhabhi, ladki ya aunty sex ke maje karne hai to mail kare. Ye sab secret hoga. Or safety bhi hoga. Mera e-mail id hai Aap sab jante hai me ek flat me rehta hu. Mere niche wale flat me rehne vali reena aunty ke sath sex karta tha. Aur uski saheli priya ke sath bhi sex kiya tha meri second story ki heroin jab mene priya aunty ke sex...
Tracey arrived just before the kids were to head out next door – she’d ridden over to us on her bicycle, so Brad stored the bike in the garage (making sure to avoid scratching Joan’s car) and brought Tracey through to introduce us. Tracey was an attractive 15 year old girl, her breasts were nicely developing. She’d brought a bag with her swimming gear and before much more conversation could take place, Brad had whisked Tracey off next door for a swim and to meet up with Meg and Shelly. Joan...
Rolando sent a large black SUV around to the hotel promptly at 6pm, as promised. Poppi and Tammy were arm in arm again, waiting patiently for the driver to open the door. Tammy wore a thin white gauze dress that was nearly see-thru. It had thin spaghetti strings that tied at the shoulders to keep it on her, and it clung to every curve of her body. I don’t know where she got such an outfit, but I suspected Poppi gave it to her to wear. Poppi was wearing a light blue dress that was also...
Hey all! Karishma again. I hope you missed me. I am back to narrate another sexperience of mine. This one took place in the first few weeks of my job in the USA. I joined my job in the USA and everyone there loved my cooking. I felt good when everyone appreciated me. One day while I was in my break, I received a text message on my number saying, “I know you are a good cook, but are you still good in the bed or have you lost the energy? Waiting for you in Room No. 1102”. I didn’t know who this...
IncestThis is my first story so any feedback is appreciated My wife and I had been married for almost 2 years at the time of this story and we were definitely in love. We get along on all levels except when it comes to sex. My wife Stacy is more conservative than I am by far. This was an issue before we got married, and Stacy had promised that she would work on it, however for most of the 2 years things had stayed the same. Now when it comes to looks she is hot with a capital HOT. She is 5’6’ tall,...
Casca knew her stepdaughter was extremely disappointed with the birthday present her conservative father had given her the night before. What young lady wants roller skates? C’mon now. This stepmom knows quite well what every young girl needs – a big cock! Anna is ecstatic when the big stud her stepmom found brings out a birthday cake for her. As she blows out the candle Anna’s one wish is that her little white pussy will soon be filled with sweet dark chocolate. Stepmom Casca...