GingerChapter 10 free porn video

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"You guys look so innocent."

Ginger giggled, "We are now, but I don't know about tomorrow morning. Maria, let's go, I want to meet your family. Mostly I want to meet your grandmother."

I spoke up, "I'll drive and you two girls can sit in back."

"Pete said that so he can keep his hands from wandering ... Actually it is so I'll keep my hands off him."

"We know that." Ginger was now questioning Maria what she had been doing. Maria still had until the week after the wedding to graduate. There were no classes as such, but some activities that should be completed before the day to put on her cap and gown and walk out into the world.

I positioned my rear view mirror so I could glance at Ginger. She soon realized what I had done and smiled when we caught each other's eye. It didn't seem long before I drove up in front of the villa. "Come Ginger, meet my grandmother. She is looking forward to meeting you. She may show a little jealousy because she thinks the world of Pete. She credits him with all kind of good deeds. She is right in that so no one blames her."

One of Lenora's grandsons took the keys to my car and drove it away as we stepped out. I followed the two women into where Lenora was waiting for us. She rose from the chair where she had been resting. Tall and elegant she greeted Ginger as Maria introduced her. She kissed both on the cheek and did the same to me and I received my usual hug.

"My, aren't you beautiful. No wonder Peter fell in love with you."

"If I am beautiful, it is because of Pete. I have matured so much in the last year even I can't believe it. Pete has made no demands on me, but with his subtle comments and advice he has challenged me to become what you see."

"I can believe that. Look what he has done with my sometimes wayward grand daughter. A lot of the credit should go to you as well. I often despaired of her ever growing into a young woman I could be proud of. Look at her now, though. She is ready to graduate from high school and has set herself a goal to become an integral part of one of the family businesses. Again it is from the example you and Peter set that has accomplished this."

"You give us too much credit, Lenora."

"Whatever, Peter. Come we'll go in so you can join your family. We'll be dining here in the villa this evening, but for now you will want to get together with your mother and sister and reconnect with Ginger's family. I heard two young boys asking when you were going to get here. Oh, and there was one sweet little girl wanting to know where her Uncle Pete was."

Mom whispered to me that she felt out of her element here before we sat down for dinner. "I know, Mom, I felt the same the first time I was invited here. Just be yourself and Lenora will make you comfortable." I was right for Lenora had Mother and Tony beside her on the end of the table. Ginger was on the outside next to Mom where they could speak easily.

Right after dinner Maria took Ginger over to where she lived to show her own home. It was just across the way and they wouldn't be gone long. Fernando cornered me about Ginger and Maria going to the same institution to learn a trade.

"Pete, you know I am going to hire a well known chef to open up the Abbey? He will be hiring for the different positions. The best I can do is to urge my chef to give them both a chance to see what they can do."

"Fernando, that is as it should be. I will speak for Ginger and in a way I could speak for Maria too. I have faith that both will come out of the institute in the top five percent of their class. I predict they will be an asset to any chef you engage. The Abbey will be ready to open shortly after they graduate and will be anxious to put their knowledge to work."

"I hope you are right. I would hate to disappoint Maria. It would actually bother me more if Ginger wasn't hired."

"Why is that?"

"Because I would lose you as a friend and have done so much for me."

"Fernando, may I remind you that my career and Ginger's are entirely separate. I am old enough to know that everything I wish for isn't going to happen and I know Ginger feels the same way. We both had major disappointments in our young lives. That is why we are with each other and together we will face life and be able to handle whatever problems occur. Ginger will be well trained in her chosen field so if she isn't employed at the Abbey it won't devastate her. If I'm assigned somewhere else in my field, she would have the option of following me. We have already discussed this."

"That is a relief to know. I was just giving you a head's up if her being employed at the Abbey was her only plan. That might leave just Maria for me to deal with."

"Ginger and Maria are friends. She just might follow Ginger if she is employed elsewhere."

"Yes, I suppose that could happen." I looked up and Maria and Ginger were returning.

"Pete, you have to play with the kids, they're asking for you. Everybody is together and I've met everyone." Ginger took my hand and when I came through the doorway, the twins and Amy headed for me.

My niece, Amy, usually shy, grabbed my hand and led me over to a gaggle of kids belonging to the Lopez family. I knew a couple of them by sight. "Uncle Peter, sit on the floor with us." I sat down on the floor amongst them.

I had been setup when suddenly Maria and Ginger shouted, "Pig pile," and the kids all landed on me. I was totally buried with them squirming and laughing all over me.

Lenora finally said, "Enough, children, let Peter get up now." The Lopez kids immediately backed away from me. Gram and Great-gram's word was law. "Maria, run into my apartment and open the drawer to the sideboard. You will find a couple boxes of chocolates. Bring them here for the little ones. Peter gets the first piece."

Randy spoke up, "We'll leave you two alone tonight and tomorrow. Also by us arriving a few days early it gives you one more day to be with family. Ada and Robin will be here Wednesday. It wouldn't be right to change Senora Lopez's agenda in obtaining your license to marry so we will keep to that schedule. Tuesday morning we visit the judge so we can get the waiver to marry on Thursday. Tuesday afternoon you two will have a meeting with the priest. I have been assured there won't be a problem.

"I think we will have the license in hand in plenty of time. Wednesday will be the rehearsal with the dinner in the evening. On Fernando's recommendation, Tony has reserved an establishment for the dinner and approved the menu. I've left the wedding reception in the capable hands of the Lopez family. This should be a memorable wedding for my daughter and her husband. At this time I would like to thank Senora Lopez and her family for finding rooms and transportation for us while we are here."

We split up shortly after this and returned to our home because the kids were all tired. I took Ginger through the back apartment where we where quartered until the main house was furnished. I gathered that Maria, Adoria and Delores were taking her shopping on Monday. Tonight and tomorrow, though was for us.

"Sweetheart, are you hungry?"


"Ginger, come on and wake up, sleepyhead, I'm starving."

"Pete, you wouldn't be if you hadn't expended so much energy last night."

"I was just rising to every challenge. Okay stay in bed, I'll make my own breakfast."

"Pete, I'll make breakfast, but I need a kiss first."

"You need a shower, I've had mine. I'll get us something to eat."

"Pete, just give me a few more minutes. I'm going to love being married to you. Let's make it a rule that Sunday morning breakfast is your chore while I lay here and think about how lucky I am."

"You got it, sweetheart."

Before the coffee was done though, arms went around me. "Pete, I don't want to let you out of my sight. I love our home. I'd be satisfied with living with you in this little apartment if that was all we could afford. Let's not keep up with the Joneses or be them either. Also, we have had a long distance relationship and we love each other as much as any couple. We'll deal with anything that comes down the road and still be happy at the end of it."

"You're pensive this morning."

"I know. Just think what kind of a person I was a year ago? I was a fat, unhappy, dumb kid with little prospect of ever being happy and then you appeared."

"Yes, you were all that but think of what my situation was at the time? I had a mother who I was worried about, a lost sister whom I barely remembered and then I found you. Now we are facing a bright future and we've done it together. Another thing I was thinking about is the friends we have. Most of them aren't yours or mine but ours. Nice feeling isn't it?"

"Umm. Pete, do we have to get dressed this morning?"

"No reason to, I guess. I do love looking at you. Did you know you bounce when you walk?"

"Do I? You mean when I walk or when I jog or when I run in place or all of the above." Ginger was giggling and then she gave a demonstration.

Taking Ginger with them on Monday, the women, or most of them, went shopping for furniture. When I had Ginger alone that evening she said, "Pete, our whole house is furnished. Our dining room table has eight chairs and a sideboard. There is a matching server to go with it. It isn't here yet, but will be delivered during the week. You won't see what we have until it gets here and is set up. That won't be until we get back from our honeymoon."

"How much did it come to? We did have a budget for furnishing our home."

"I have no idea. Harriet and Roberta had their cards out and Maria had a card too. She used her card a lot, but I think Delores and Adoria were picking up some of it. No young couple is beginning married life better than we are."

"I know. It is great to have such good friends. Our house is paid for and we have money for your education. I'm overwhelmed at what our families and our friends are doing for us."

"We've kind of done our part by fitting in and being friendly. I know we could make it on our own and it would take us a long while to get there, but we would have. I feel our love is that strong."

"I do too. Your mother isn't coming in until Wednesday, is that right?"

"Yes, she and Robin are on the same flight. I'm glad she was able to come to my wedding. At one time I didn't think I had any love for her because of the way she treated me. I so wanted to be invited to her wedding, but I was left out totally. I think she has changed and regrets not paying attention to me. There is something bothering her and I have no idea what it is. Maybe she will talk to you sometime before she goes home."

"I don't know her well enough."

"I think she will talk to you if she talks to anyone. People just seem to gravitate to you."

"Enough talking, it is time for you to do some of this gravitating to the one you just mentioned who loves you."


Our week was laid out just as Lenora said with every task falling into place just as Lenora promised. Ginger and I finished with what needed to be done by noon on Wednesday. Robin, my brother-in-law, and Ada, Ginger's mother, arrived Wednesday afternoon and I had to leave to meet them at the airport. Robin inquired if I was nervous about tomorrow.

"No, not at all. I'm excited. Not as much as Ginger is, though. All of our friends and family will be attending. We couldn't ask for more. All the furnishing for our home has been purchased and Maria is going to organize it while Ginger and I take a short honeymoon. The two will be starting at the culinary institute a few days after we return."

"This must have cost you a bundle and put you into terrible dept?"

"No, Ada, it is all paid for. The Lopez family took me to heart and paid for much of it. Robin, Mother and Randy also opened their wallets so we have little dept to contend with."

"You must hate me because I haven't contributed?"

"Mother Adams, Ginger and I are aware of your financial situation. We are just so happy you could attend. It means more than you know for you to be here to see Ginger and I say our vows."

"Even after the way I didn't pay attention to my baby these last few years?"

"Ginger forgave you and meant every bit of it. Now all you have to do is forgive yourself. Start from today loving Ginger and forget what went on in the past. Eventually we will give you a grandchild to love. Enough of this. Tonight you will be together because I won't be seeing her until we meet at the altar tomorrow."

"I think my daughter has found a treasure in the man she has chosen to marry."

"Thank you, and if I can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to come to me."

"I may just do that."

Robin spoke, "How is Amy doing?"

"She's having a great time. She not only has the twins, whom she knows, but there are another half-dozen kids of her age to play with. She sleeps well at night because she is so tired. My mother dotes on her of course and Tony does too. I'm taking you to the Villa because we will be going to the rehearsal shortly as soon as you freshen up and dress. From there we go right to the dinner."

I knew Ada was feeling guilty and in the essence of keeping harmony, I asked, "Mother Adams, you'll be sitting with Randy as mother and father of the bride. You have your part to play in our wedding. Ginger asked specifically that you perform the way tradition dictates."

"That hurts. Ginger is my daughter and I totally ignored her. I didn't even want her at my last wedding. I'm so ashamed."

"Don't think that way, please. She was hurt, yes, but she is over it and it is behind her. Ginger has matured greatly this last year. She isn't the only one in our family who has."

Robin spoke, "Mrs. Adams, Pete is speaking from experience. Harriet and Roberta both had a long way to go to gain maturity. Pete seems to be the only person who was born mature."

"From what I know of Peter it seems so."

We had just time enough to freshen up and change before we met to go over the wedding rehearsal. Ginger and I had been so busy we went with the standard wedding vows. Some of this was because Ginger and I were Protestant and the ceremony was being held by a priest in a section of the local Catholic Church the Lopez family attended. We dressed, not for the rehearsal, but for dinner afterward.

I had a short conversation with Ronald Sims, who was related to the Lenora Lopez family and was a power in the firm I worked for. Having Jack Gibbons as my best man certainly did not hurt my image at all. Jack had been with the firm a long time and I'm sure he passed on some things to Sims about me that he wouldn't otherwise be aware of.

I wondered how Randy would answer when the question was asked who gave the bride away was asked. He couldn't have handled it better. "With my family, I, Randall as father, along with Ginger's mother, Ada, we are proudly willing to give Ginger into the care of one Peter Brown."

I managed my lines without flubbing them. Amy, my niece, was to be the ring bearer. Ginger's brothers, the twins, were deemed to be too young to take part in the actual ceremony. Wendy was glad of this. "There is no controlling the two when they get excited. I do wish them present in several of the pictures though."

Neither I nor Ginger had attended many weddings. My only one was when my mother married Tony. Ginger did attend one when her father married Wendy. She was in her middle teens at that time. We both needed the rehearsal and stumbled a few times before we got it correct. Maria, she from a large and extended family, had been to many weddings and laughed at us repeatedly, but we took it all in good fun.

The dinner was served buffet style with everyone vying to fill Lenora's plate. As soon as the dinner was finished and the plates were picked up, Lenora rapped on her glass. "I'd just like to say a word here. I know many are tired and tomorrow will be a full day for all. I have a large family and most members are here with me tonight. Over the last year I have come to know Peter Brown.

"Peter has done more things for my family than I can list. I understand he has brought his own family out of the dark and into the light as well. Tomorrow he will wed a young woman who shares the same qualities as he. Tomorrow this will be a match I feel was made in heaven. I wish both a full cup of happiness."

I felt I had to reply. Ginger stood with me and we bowed slightly to this Matriarch who governed her family. "Thank you, Senora, for your kind words. I met you a year ago. At first I was a bit afraid of you because I had never met a person who garnered more respect from her family than you appeared to. Soon you put me at ease and I came to hold the same respect for you as your family does.

"It isn't only the respect, but it is the love you hold for everyone that makes you so great. One other thing I would touch on. You show us the best of the old ways of living that are fast disappearing and yet you are tolerant and understanding of the new. May you live forever."

"Thank you Peter and you too, Ginger. Your words bring extra joy to me." Lenora raised her wine glass to us. Maybe there was a hint of moisture in her eyes. We soon broke up. Tomorrow would be the culmination of so many things that had happened in the last year.

Jack dropped me off at the house and promised to be here early to pick me up in plenty of time. Joan Matthews would be attending. Our guest list was always expandable and I wanted my best man to be happy.

My thoughts were with Ginger tonight and all that had happened in the last year. This would be my final night of sleeping as a single person. Tomorrow I would be a married man. I worried I wouldn't sleep and I did have a bit of struggle getting there. Mostly this was from being afraid I wouldn't wake to get dressed in time.

This didn't turn out to be a problem. Jake Gibbons and Joan were early and had coffee while I got dressed. I thought I looked fine. This was before Joan took over and adjusted this and that and I found I looked twenty-five percent better. I was ready to be married.

When Jack and I entered through a side entrance, I was surprised to see so many people in the pews. Most of all I was surprised to see Benny Eden and Freda, Ginger's classmates here. They were waving and trying to get my attention. I knew I had a few minutes so I went up the aisle to ask how come. "Ginger said if we could skip school we would be welcomed. My Dad lent us the money to fly out. Ginger said before you went on your honeymoon she would show us where you will be making your home."

"Have you talked to her today?"

"Sure, we spent the night with her and Maria."

"That must have been awkward?"

"Nah, not really. Rafael Santos was there too. You were the only one missing. We had a blast."

"Sorry I missed it. We'll get together at the house this evening."

"That's what Ginger said you would do. Rafael said he didn't believe you would because it would be your first night as a married man."

"He's wrong. When friends come this far to see us, we'll give them some time. I'll talk to you at the reception." The ceremony went without a hitch. When we exited the church the photographers took innumerable pictures and we headed for the same place where I had attended the Christmas party. The reception was being held there.

All of the firm's personnel I worked with came through the receiving line. Ronald Sims clapped me on the shoulder and hugged Ginger again mentioning how much Lenora thought of me. His wife, Lenora's oldest daughter said, "We'll be seeing more of you, I'm sure. Mama has told me some of the things Maria has been up to and how you have kept her out of trouble. A year ago I had fears she would never grow up, but look at her now. She is a beautiful poised young lady. I'm so happy you have befriended her."

The line moved slowly because everyone wanted to say something to us. Ginger handled the guests easily, being gracious and friendly. Finally the last person went by. I whispered to Ginger, "How do you do it? I'm a nervous wreck."

"Pete, you don't show it. I'm the same way. I'm so fearful of making a mistake. We have come a long way since the night we met, haven't we?"

"Ginger, more and more, I realize we were meant to be together. So many good things have happened to us. Kiss me and we'll set aside this moment in time to remember for always."

After the required dances with those of relatives and friends, I approached Lenora.

"Thank you for remembering me, Pete. I do love being a guest at weddings."

"Lenora, you are more than a guest. Ginger and I have had a most happy and trouble free day. It is all because of you. You not only arranged for my family and friends to be here, but have done so much to see that everything went as planned. I also wish to thank you for the monetary contributions too."

"Pete, think nothing of it. Look at what I have gained since I first came into contact with you. My son Fernando has direction in his life and he also will soon be wedding Adoria. Maria has matured where I never thought she would. Your wife is lovely and for a person her age, she shows maturity for one ten years older.

"My son-in-law, Ronald Sims, continues to be amazed at the way you contribute to the firm. It isn't just the vision you apparently have, but the dedication to the details that make a great architect. Those are his words and I'm just repeating what he has said."

"I could get a swelled head listening to this."

"You could, but you won't. Go dance the last dance with your wife. I think the band is ready to pick up. I want a last word with your mother and sister, before I retire. I have reserved a minute with Ginger's family and I am getting weary."

Lenora put her cheek up to be kissed as Mom and Tony approached to say their good-byes. I found Ginger with Maria and Freda. "So, you are coming to see our home, Benny?"

"Yeah, we're going to follow you. Is there room for us?"

"There is. You and Freda might have to bunk in together."

"So, what's new? Maria and Rafael have dibs on the back apartment, but we can curl up anywhere."

"Ginger and I will see that you are comfortable. I must remind you that our family will be there at eleven in the morning before heading for the airport."

"I know, they told me. Freda and I have a flight that is two hours later than theirs."

"Benny, Ginger and I will drive you. Oh, it has been great to see you both. Hey tell me what you are going to do when you graduate?"

"I've got it all planned out. I'm going to try to be a doctor. Maybe a surgeon. Freda wants to be a nurse. The two careers complement each other."

"You two are definitely a couple?"

"We've talked about it. For now we are just friends."

"That's nice, Freda."

"Maybe we are little more than that. We do know we like each other a lot, but we know things can happen to pull us apart. We aren't like you and Ginger, knowing immediately that you should make your life together. So we'll give it some time."

Ginger spoke, "I don't think we knew immediately, but every little contact between us did draw us closer. I had never been treated so nice by anyone, so it was natural to be. God, I was so thrilled when Pete sent me flowers for my birthday and then he called too."

"It was kind of nice to call a girl and have her so thrilled too. I figured I was doing something right to keep her as a friend. She was also doing a lot for me as well. I was very worried about my mother at the time."

I looked at Maria. "And what about you, Maria? Do you and Rafael have any plans beyond an occasional date?"

"Pete, it's a good thing you asked me and not Rafe. He doesn't talk much as I'm sure you've noticed. He is more the type to talk with his fingers which is a language all his own. Benny taught me a few words one time before he met Freda. You remember don't you? You and Ginger were both lecturing on how to behave with the opposite sex."

"That was on a couch underneath a blanket, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, that's right. I think it was the first time I met Ginger." Marie paused and we knew she wanted to say something. "I don't know who to ask but as long as both of you are together, I was wondering if you would rent me the apartment where Rafael and I are sleeping tonight. I mean Ginger and I are going to be going to the same cooking institute and Rafael doesn't live that far away. It would be so convenient. I don't really want to live with my parents and I don't want to live where I don't know anyone." She paused again, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask you tonight. It just came out."

"Maria, I'm sorry," Ginger tried to look stern as if she was bothered, and then she burst out laughing, "Pete suggested that it would be nice to have a friend living there. He even had you come and furnish it and he wouldn't have purchased anything you turned thumbs down on."

Tears came to Maria's eyes, she was so happy. "Uh, what happens if I have someone sleep over? Are you going to be a terrible landlord with strict morals?"

It was my turn. "Maria, you will be renting the space and what you do there will not in any way change how we feel about you. I will say though if your family objects to your lifestyle, it is for you to explain that Ginger and I have no say in what you do. If you don't flaunt it, I think even your grandmother will say nothing about it."

"It will be only Rafael, and his father works for Uncle Fernando, so you can be sure we will be discreet."

"Okay that's settled."

Ginger, said, "I have a suggestion. In the next five years there are going to be a lot of changes in our lives. We'll be in contact off and on, but I think we should make a date to meet here or in one of our homes if we should move. Hopefully Benny and Freda can be present. We'll meet and go over our lives and what we have been doing. Let's make it five years from this Labor Day. We'll all be old enough to split a bottle of wine legally. Rafael, we charge you to bring a bottle where you personally grew the grapes and bottled and bottled the wine."

"Hear, hear!"

Labor Day, 5 Years Later

Ginger and I were still living in the home I had purchased before our marriage. We had been busy preparing the house and yard for Benny, Freda, Maria and Rafael. There would be Maria's two babies, one six months and one two-year-old child. Freda and Benny were bringing their two month old infant with them as well. Ginger and I were playing catch-up ... we were expecting at Thanksgiving.

Benny and Freda had a few days away from his hospital duties and planned on seeing some of the sites in California. They combined that with seeing us as fulfilling the promise of five years ago. Freda was nursing a small baby and Benny was hovering about. "Benny is a new father. Can you tell? I do have a job in a clinic when Twinkie here gets to be six months old. My Mom is married again and is living in the same town were Benny and I are going to be living. He has privileges at the same clinic where I am going to be employed. It's a nice town and we hope to settle there forever. Will Maria and Rafe be coming as promised?"

"They'll be here in a little bit. Rafe is bringing the wine."

"They have two children, now, a girl and a boy, right?"

"Yeah, a boy of two, and an infant girl."

Benny spoke up, "I understand she is working with Ginger?"


"Benny, I told you that many times. I wonder if you ever listen to what I say."

"Freda, I was just making small talk. So what else is new that I was told that I'm supposed to remember? Pete, you're still designing houses, I take it?"

"I'm still at it and busy. There are always different opportunities out there that are interesting. It has been six years since I was hired by the firm I still work for. They are still happy with me. The Abbey, where Ginger and Maria work is still the high point of my career so far. The most satisfying project I've been involved with anyway. It may be just because it was my first. There is one other that gives me a whole lot of satisfaction and it surprises me that it has come together as it has."

"What's that?"

"Back when I first completed the design on the Abbey, I was assigned to design a church to replace one that burned. The congregation had plenty of money and I had free rein. Maybe I didn't tell you, but I was at cross purposes with the general contractor who built the Abbey. He couldn't stand me because I was so young and he was always looking for ways to tear into me. I resented this, of course, but as the building progressed, I could see where he was perfect for the construction."

"By the time the Abbey was completed, he came to respect my design just I respected him as the building contractor. I recommended him to build the first church I was involved in designing. Soon I was chosen to interview another church group. It had a small congregation and definitely had little money to build a house of God where they could meet. This congregation had only a lay preacher to guide them and had been meeting in lofts and basements of old factory buildings."

Same as Ginger
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I work at a hotel/resort as a manager. Since I’m a manager I live on property. The office is open 24 hours a day, so sometimes I’m called to help guests in the middle of the night. It works out best that I stay on property. There’s an employee that’s been working at the hotel for almost a year now as a front desk clerk, named Colton. When I first met Colton he seemed a little bit different than the rest of the guys that worked the front desk. Not in a bad way, he was just quiet and not as...

1 year ago
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Getting Out Of A Ticket

Getting Out Of A Ticket Being a cop in a small town like East Hampton is boring 10 months out of the year. The 2 summer months make up for the boredom of the rest of the year though. Once September hits and all the out of towners leave the whole area breathes a collective audible sigh of relief. That's the way it was on that fateful Wednesday afternoon. Humpday was about to take on a whole new meaning. I was watching this one stretch of road to pull over anyone for...

1 year ago
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The Door Next DoorChapter 2

Ben opened his door. "Molly -- come in. I didn't hear you knocking at first. Are you ready for Lawrence?" "I need your opinion on something." "What's that?" She handed him a yellow Post-It note. He read, "Hi. I've seen you in here and think you're pretty hot. Give me a call. -- Brittney. And, her phone number. Where did you get this?" "There's a sandwich shop where I have lunch. She's waited on me a few times. This was stuck on my check today." "What's she...

3 years ago
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Jake GillChapter 12

“COME and sit here, Gill dear,” Gertie patted the side of the bed and turned to address Barrington, who was already walking forward, “do you have both the documents ready, Barrington?” “Both, Gertie?” he asked and, on her nod, continued, “of course,” handing them over to Gertie. “Are these the pre-nups to sign?” Gill asked. “No, of course not, dear ... we don’t, well we haven’t so far, gone down that distasteful route. If you feel it necessary or events warrant, you could of course opt for...

2 years ago
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Oral Sex With Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone.. Ye pahli baar me apni stories share karne ja raha hun.. I hope ap sabko achi lagegi.. Aur padne ke baad please apna feedback jarur de me mp ka rahne wala hun meri email id he Last year 2015. Me ek ladki se mila kisi website ke thru mila. Wo ladki. Chhattisgarh ki rahne wali thi he. Starting me to apni itni baat nhi hoti thi but dhere dhere baat karte karte kaafi kuch janane lage ek dusre ke bare me.. Fir mere no. Exchange karne ko poocha first time usne mana kar diya.. But...

3 years ago
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My first sexual experience with an older man

I had just started working, not yet old enough to drive and still a virgin. I used trains to go to and from work, and one afternoon I was waiting for a train and I just happened to be standing near the male toilets. It is an old station, with buildings made of bricks, but very little in the way of seating. So I was leaning against a wall near the toilet entrance when I noticed a man in his mid fifties looking at me. He was well dressed in a suit and he carried a brief case. It has always struck...

2 years ago
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43 Years in HidingChapter 4

My issues of the previous 43 years have caught up to me at different times of my life. I knew I wasn't taking care of my health. I wasn't taking care of my job. I certainly wasn't taking care of my husbandly role. My doctor, family doctor for 20 years, left me a message on the weekend I was contemplating an end to it all. He said that he really wished to keep seeing me but that, after a year of not heeding his reminder calls, he felt that if I did not want to continue in his care, he...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 7 The Courtship of Phillipa Goddard 29th December 1987

It was just a little after 11 am when I rang her door bell. She opened the front door immediately. "I was thinking you wouldn't turn up." She was flushed and agitated, "it would have been all my fault, I shouldn't have badgered you over those bloody silly names." I handed her the book I had bought at W H Smith's on the way over to her house. "I stopped to get this." It was a paper back copy of ' Death to the French' She gazed at me for a few seconds then threw her arms around my...

2 years ago
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My wife at the car wash fantasy

In the mid 90s my job transferred me to Atlanta form Indianapolis to Atlanta, my wife had just gotten out of an abusive marriage in her late 30s and we were then living together but not yet married. My company put us in a hotel until we sold our condo up there and could buy something in Georgia. I was working nights and had to sleep days. She was bored so she decided to go to a nearby self service car wash to wash her car, There were some apartments next to the car wash and she happened to...

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A Wish Unwanted Part 20

A Wish Unwanted - Part 20 by Limbo's Mistress I awoke, blinking several times as I sat up and rubbed my sleepy, slightly crusty eyes. My cheeks felt tacky with the tears had dried on them and my stomach fluttered with a combination of fear and excitement. Today was going to be a big day. My first experience with cheering in front of a stadium full of people would be taking place in less than fourteen hours. Sometime between now and then Jen would be returning from her week-long...

3 years ago
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Academic Hero a Late BeginningChapter 3

After two weeks of intensive training, Professor Jackson was ready for his adventure to begin. Rather than training with swords, he had spent his time working with simpler weapons that could be made by hand in even the worst of circumstances. Is it easy to use a club? Everyone knows how to use a baseball bat, or at least they think they do. How well does a club work against a sword? He found out that there were some things that worked and others that didn’t. Professor Jackson did not fare...

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Blackmailed Into HomoHumiliation

When I started with the company Roger was the top salesman, he had the best clients, the best bonus and the best company car. Within three months I had eclipsed him. It stood to reason, I was fifteen years younger than his forty, I was hungrier, I was more ambitious. I was just plain better than he was. He didn't like it and resented me and I knew he plotted to discredit and do me down at every occasion. But that only seemed to affect him and his sales, I just ignored him.Then after six months...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 236

Characters in this chapter. Jeff – The Prime. Diana – Wife and Clan Queen. Art – Young FBI agent who was in a shootout in Atlanta. Bobby – Nurse from Atlanta who is Art's wife and Sandra's sister. Sandra – Nurse from Atlanta who is Art's wife and Bobby's sister. Jill – Bill's wife who was kidnapped and abused by Doctor Ingles. Matt – Alpha – new FBI SAC who has just reported to the Denver office. Courtney – Matt's wife who believes that Jeff and his family might be aliens. Hope...

1 year ago
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Private Mary Rock InDepth Interview

In Private Specials, Elegant Sexy Ladies Vol. 2, journalist Mary Rock has set out to do an in-depth interview with soccer player Dante Colle, but this is, so “in-depth” has a whole other meaning! There’s only one thing bound to happen when a sexy nympho like Mary gets one-on-one with a stud, and as expected, it doesn’t take long before she’s treating Dante to a deepthroat blowjob before spreading her legs and offering her beautiful pussy for an intense and intimate fuck that has...

3 years ago
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My First Time3

But before I begin this sexy scene let me give you all some descriptions. I call myself Elaina and I am a cross dresser and I am Asian. I am 5”10 and weigh 177lb and have a C cup sized bra. I am a very passable and have been called mam and miss on more than one occasion, even when I wasn’t properly dressed entirely. His name was Tim a 22 year old college student and he is 6”3 220Lb and extremely muscular. He had a nerdy kind of complexion but worked out a lot. He is also a red head and had...

3 years ago
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My First Ever Sexual Exploitation fiction

I had just appeared for my 7th standard examination the students and I were attending waiting for result declaration. One night, to pass time I read a lesson about hostel life, which intrigued me. A few days later, we had a guest, Mr. Jerry Mhaisky, my maternal uncle from my aunt’s side, who used to live in a Govt. Boys Hostel situated in Nandel, near Cincinnati, Ohio state. I was attracted towards him and we used to chat. He informed me that at his hostel he had a separate cot, bed, bed...

3 years ago
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Fantasies of the Unsure

Will stopped abruptly just inside the door and scanned the room. Tim almost ran right into him. "What did you stop for?" Will could hardly answer. Here were all the people he worked with day in and day out and yet he could recognize only a few faces. He probably would have stood there longer if Tim hadn't pushed him further into the room. "You're holding up traffic, bud." Tim was slightly amused by his friend's rapt expression. Will had only been working at Alliance Computers, Inc. for...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 7

Talk about a conflict of emotions. One minute I was high as I reviewed everything that had happened so far and then I was down in the dumps as I remembered that Natasha had said they knew who I was. If they did what were they going to do about it? If you went on the little information I had, as in the two comments at the end of the video they were going to carry on as they were. The trouble is, did I believe that? If I did then I could carry on presenting them with dares and enjoy the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e17 Penelope

“The United Kingdom of Zoo – Series 4, Episode 18: Penelope” by Luke Ozvik Series 4, Episode 18: PENELOPE We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something familiar... A narrow single car width country road, leading through an area of barren, rolling, grassy hills. Dry stone walls rise about 3 feet on either side of the narrow road. A few cows...

3 years ago
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Hello friends, I am reproducing the story earlier sent by my net friend Jayan from Kerala and penned down by me for my readers. This is really good incidence which he has narrated as per his memory. Tell me how you liked the story? Send your comments to [email protected] or [email protected] sultan sir. I am writing to you as I wish to share my experience with you and request you to post it on the ISS so that all my friends on net would read it. I wish to congratulate you for the...

2 years ago
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The Day Hike

It had been unseasonably warm and sunny that morning as we pulled to the side of the road, next to a faded red dash painted on a tree. The three girls quickly got out of the car, eager for the opportunity to stretch arms and legs, and breathe in the fresh mountain air. Gravel crunched beneath their feet as they walked around.“I can’t get a signal,” Mei complained, waving her phone around.“Me either,” Shruti confirmed.“Pop the trunk, Justin?” Kaylee called from behind the car. I did. Then I shut...

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Married with benefits

Marissa is a twenty-four-year-old "lady" married to Matt for a couple of years. They started dating in college and she thought Matt was the guy for her. She dated a lot of guys before meeting Matt. She dated assholes with big dicks, nice guys with little pricks, and quite a few nerds oblivious to female anatomy. Matt was tall, handsome, well endowed, and sex was passionate if not raw. Even though something was amiss with the relationship she had with Matt, she decided to settle down for Matt...

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DSRS Exile Fleet part 3

DSRS Exile Fleet, part 3 By: Erika Rose Admiral Amanda Rains stood on the Bridge of the Battle Frigate, Constantine. She'd received word that an Altered Drone had dropped out of the Black Hole and was on a course that would take it to Fleet Command at Earth, Lunar station. Vice Admiral Horn had three Battle Cruisers flying escort, as the GP had tried to intercept and destroy it. The big problem was that the GP were using small six man scouts. Much faster and easier to hide than...

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Camryn Takes Her Life Back

Darryl got to his office at the gym late, as usual. He had spent the night before at “Robert’s Place”, which was a little local pub where Darryl liked to try to pick up women. The pickings were slim so Darryl spent the night nursing a few beers and taking an occasional shot to keep things interesting. As he got to his office door, he noticed an envelope taped to it. He looked around the locker room, hoping to see who might have left it there, but no one was around. He pulled the note from the...

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sitting on my sons lap

It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things.I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

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Hot Night With My Sons Friend Alex

After my divorce, I had dated quite a few guys but I found that none my age could fully satisfy my unyielding unquenchable lust. I was 47-years-old, a redhead with 40DD tits and a nice round ass that men loved to fuck. The problem was they came during our encounters and fell asleep. I was ready to go at it again and instead had to settle for hearing them snore for hours on end afterwards. I thought about having a gangbang but though I hungered for more men, I wasn’t yet ready to make...

3 years ago
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Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti That's right, I collect asses. Women's asses, of course. I'm as straight as they come, and I'll knock you right on your ass if you suggest otherwise. After two years, there are eight items in my collection. Each exhibit consists of a photo album rubber-banded together with a spiral notebook. The albums hold the pictures -- the shots of the women bent over, their bare asses revealed in all their glory. The notebooks contain the case notes: the physical...

2 years ago
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An ClochnChapter 66

The Órarduine were quiet as they looked off in the direction that the Deities had taken before vanishing. A few moments later they heard Star say, “Good afternoon Command Staffs.” “Good afternoon,” they replied. “It is good to have a strong link with you all again.” “Well it is good to hear from you. How is everything?” “About normal, although we’ve recently had a few incidents on our primary ships and at Tara. They’ve all been dealt with very effectively, however this has resulted in...

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Facing the Past

© 2009 All rights reserved ‘Chris, sweetie!’ Lorna Kincaid bustled out the door as her son stepped out of his car. He stretched as he stood, giving his protesting muscles a break after the four-hour ride. ‘Hi, Mom,’ he said with a smile. He gave her a hug and had to bend down to kiss her cheek. Her head didn’t quite reach his shoulder. ‘How are you?’ she asked. She waited while he took a duffel bag out of the back seat, then took his arm as they walked to the house. ‘How was the ride?’ ‘Not...

4 years ago
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Christian Wife Defiled

Melissa Morgan's female intuition sensed something about this new parishioner, a huge muscular black man named Reggie Johnson, which made her very uneasy. Her husband, Bill, failed to notice Reggie make his way beside her during the service. All houses of worship carried in their air that same musty stench Reggie despised of old prayer books and Bibles. His eyes contemptuously beheld the obnoxiously large cross – symbol of suppression, sexual inhibition, the eternal opposition – suspended...

1 year ago
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Playtime Stories Ch 13 Unbelievable Motel Reward

Ok, so this one is hot, but is mostly fantasy…I have ‘earned’ a few nights kinda like this though… 13. I also fuck the hotel managers of another city. To be able to come and go all dressed up without anyone noticing is usually very important. Sometimes my company will have me stay at a premium ‘nice’ hotel. So I’ll get a slightly less nice motel on the side so I can do what I want without having it get back to my boss. A little caution and a few extra expenses go a long way. One of the...

1 year ago
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Mind if I Join In

Rick woke with a start, for seconds he wondered where he was for the surrounding were not his bedroom, although he was in a bed. The slight movement beside him began to restore his memory. He sat up, the woman was on her back, the sheet was well down, passed her navel, her tits and they were not the massive melons that he fancied but sufficiently large enough to not embarrass her. Her nipples were still erect and as she inhaled the whole tit wobbled in a most erotic manner. On the other side a...

4 years ago
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How Jason Loves His Mother finale

I had the most satisfying job that a young man with very high testosterone hormones could ever dream about. I was featured in making a number of Porno videos for my mom’s best friend, Hilda. I was getting paid for fucking all those different pussies. Some of the older women requested me to make videos with them. They wanted see what a strong hard large young cock that could stay fully erect throughout a long photo shoot. They liked the fact that I could cum multiple times an hour maintaining...

2 years ago
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Geek GoddessChapter 8 Kim

When I saw Nick move over toward Kevin and Amy, I got this queasy feeling inside. I knew that there was going to be trouble. I could feel it in my soul. When Nick hit Kevin in the stomach, I ran over to try to help Kevin. By the time I got there, a crowd had gathered around them, and it was almost impossible to get through. I pushed my way through the crowd just in time to see Nick punch Kevin in the face and watch him fall to the floor. I raced over to Kevin and held him. As I cradled his...

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First taste of shemale piss

I am a straight guy that has a fantasy about being fucked by a shemale, but unfortunately in the place that I live in no one can find one . but one day while I was at the latin dance class a new girl arrived she seemed very nice but real tough, she was about 165 cm. , slim and a very beautiful face with green eyes, wide lips and long brunette hair, she needed some one to dance with and since I was the best in my class the trainer told me to dance with her, and while we were dancing I felt her...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Alex More Hot Little Nuisance

Little Alex More loves bothering her neighbor Mr. Turner! He’s so big and brawny that she can’t get enough. Today she decided to really annoy him. She snuck into his house while he was gardening and waited. When he returned to cool off, she popped out hoping he would be surprised! But he was actually not too happy about it at all. He picked Alex’s light body up, threw her over his shoulder, and brought her into the living room where he proceeded to fuck her face. She needed to learn about...

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Aflam Porn is an Arab porn tube site and it will give you exactly that. You won't have a well-designed layout and when you will enter, after a little browsing, you will think that the template will fall down and break. But, you are not here for the looks of it, right? If you are reading this review in order to find out if they deliver good Arab adult entertainment, then I need to tell you yes. They are sharing great porn videos and like on any other tube, all of them will be hidden under a...

Arab Porn Sites
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Private Stacia Si All for a Facial

Stacia Si is a young and feisty brunette who has come to Private Specials, Adorable Teens 5 to fuck her dream man Nik Rock and this wild teen is after just one thing… a hot facial! It doesn’t take long for the action to get started between these two as Stacia reveals her sexy body and tattoos, offering up her juicy pussy for a taste before getting down on her knees for a nice blowjob. Then enjoy the rest of the action on as Stacia gets fucked in all her favourite positions,...

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Opus OneChapter 33 104 33

Drei Morike Lieder (1888) ... Hugo Wolf (1860 — 1903) I. Auf ein altes Bild Allison had gotten there early, wanting to take in the atmosphere of the conservatory. She had called to let Emily, Sandra, and Richard know that she had arrived safely, but she rejected the offer of lunch, not wanting to distract them before their recital. We'll have fun the rest of the week, Allison thought. Right now they should focus on themselves. She wandered around on the lowest floor, passing by the...

4 years ago
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My Family Chapter 4

Once agian I apologize for the delay. I also have started to get the daughter invovled and she will have a more involved role in chapter 5.CHAPTER 4 – The Plan in Action After my conversation with Cindy earlier that day about how she had shaved our daughter’s pussy and ass and how Ashley wanted to watch us have sex that night, the day seemed to drag on. We had dinner together and although no one said anything, we all had the same thoughts. Cindy had told Ashley that she wouldn’t tell me that...

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Mistress Roulette Part 3

My wet femininity throbbed with urgent need. I had to stay focused and make sure I behaved, or Mistress might add several more days to my chastity! I felt I couldn't handle another hour, let alone days. Heels approached the door! Oh god, this was it, I hoped. Was it Mistress? The dim clack of expensive shoes poured into the room. Whoever it was, they didn't say a word as they approached my bed. I could feel the woman watching me. I couldn't tell if it was Mistress or not, my nose was still...

1 year ago
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Exploited Teens

The folks behind Exploited Teens call their site, “The original, unrehearsed and entertaining amateur videos featuring the real girls next door!” I’ve reviewed enough online smut to be skeptical of those kinds of claims, but a few facts back them up right away. For one thing, the site has been around since 2000, which is like a goddamn century in internet years. They also pull about 300,000 visitors every month, which certainly isn’t chump prides itself on its “true”...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 19

Gwen and Steve were up early the next morning. Gwen was going to attend school while Steve planned to take the rest of the week off to recuperate. He expected to return the following Monday. He hoped that his face would be back to normal by then. As she gently washed his back, Steve heard Gwen begin to sob. He turned and asked, "What's wrong, Gwen? Why the tears?" "Seeing these awful bruises makes me realize how bad your ordeal must have been. Look at these marks, and these stitches in...

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Manisha Ki Chudai

Hello dear iss readers have been an avid reader of iss quite sometime and enjoy reading all those fantasies so called true story. Well I have too my true sex experience which I m sharing with u. I am vikas. That very time my age is 20 years old and I am living in JAIPUR.I m 5.7’talk fair good looking guy. Here I am going to tell about my first sex experience with my neighbor. Her name is manisha. She is very beautiful. She is 20 year old .she is studying with me in the same college because we...

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A Girl named Areola Part 01

by Vanessa Evans Introduction This story is about how 2 sisters spent the summer break after their first year at college. Part 01 Yes I know, who the hell would call their daughter Areola? Well my parents did, what they were thinking I will never know. When I asked my mother why, she just said that her and daddy liked the name. Of course I never realised the problem with me being called Areola until I reached puberty but by then it was too late, all my peers were sniggering at my name,...

3 years ago
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Seduced into Sucking Cock

At the request of consolex, hope you enjoy ;)Content: femdom, for-ced-bi, cum eating, humiliationYou've just finished your laps. It's June and the evening sun was still hot; you're sweaty and exhausted so you head for the showers. The locker room's empty as its late in the day, and the other guys are done and gone. You strip and head inside the large open shower room, fantasizing about Tina. She has three classes with you and is smoking hot. You soap up and day dream about her. Imagining her...

1 year ago
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Just what is Tokyo Motion? Is it a viral dance taking TikTok by storm, or is it a reference to the roughly 1,500 earthquakes that happen in Japan every year? Well, if you’re really wondering, I guess you aren’t a regular visitor here at ThePornDude. Like every other website I’m writing up, this is one designed to help you bust a fat nut into a tissue or an old gym sock. The theme today – as you’ve probably guessed – is Asian porn.I’m not talking just about any Asian porn, though, as you...

Asian Porn Sites
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Masters Return

Cum Girl was idle. Her children had left for the night & Master was away on 'business'. Though what business it was that had left her here alone for three days with so few instructions to complete she did not know. What was worse, this imposed inactivity, this lack of Master instructed sexual release, was having an affect on her body.All day her nipples, usually so placid, had been stiff & erect rubbing themselves against the thin cotton halter she'd worn, sending sharp pulses...

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Domes Early LightChapter 8

I asked the bartender about Jack Harrison, and he could be no more helpful than the first bartender. Dammit, maybe I am not going to get back to Joan as soon as I thought. I had almost finished my terrible excuse for a beer when a man walked through the butterfly doors. “Hello, Smitty. This here gent is trying to find Jack Harrison. Have you heard any more from him?” “Naw, I ain’t heard from that bastard since yesterday. If I ever do see him again, I aim to blow a big hole in his gut. He...

3 years ago
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Chantals Savior Pt 01

Chantal’s Romantic Savior (Awakening) ‘Oh, I’ll bet that one feels good,’ Chantal thought excitedly as she looked at the computer screen in her deserted office. ‘If only I had the nerve to order one.’ The screen was filled with a large black dildo offered through an online erotic toy supplier. It was six thirty and she was still at her desk. She fantasized about using the toy to satisfy her cravings, or having a deep-voiced gentleman slide the monster into her slippery cove. Her nonexistent...

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