BetrayalChapter 34 free porn video

Finn parked the Starfire on a snow covered, side street, just out of view of their target. Before getting out, they armed themselves to the teeth. Liv put the P-22 in a leather ankle holster and the Steyr in the holster at the small of her back. Clipped in her front, jean pocket was a Spyderco Endura with the Emerson quick opener. The pocket knife would flip itself open by catching on her pocket if she yanked it out in a hurry.
Liv and Finn reached for the P-90 submachine gun in the back seat at the same time. "Hey, how come you get the P-90?" Finn asked. Neither released their grip on the weapon. "I gave you a ride and saved your life, remember?"
"Yeah, that's why you get to drive the car," she said with a playful gleam in her eye. "You get one or the other, not both. I want the P-90." She patted the transversely mounted fifty round magazine. "So, what's it gonna be, cowboy, the car or the gun?"
"Fine, I'll take the MP-5." Finn released his grip on the P-90 and grabbed the Heckler and Koch submachine gun.
"Besides, there's nothing wrong with the MP-5," Liv said as she grabbed two magazines for the P-90 and attached them to a tactical belt.
"The P-90 has a fifty round magazine. But I'd rather drive the Starfire." Finn put the MP-5's strap over his shoulder and the Glock in a belt holster. In his front pocket he carried a Strider folding knife that he had purchased while deployed in Iraq. The knife was one of the toughest in the world and had literally been a lifesaver. Finn never left home without it.
Crouching, they stealthily approached the house. The snow had stopped, but heavy storm clouds still covered the moon, and the virgin snow muffled the sound of their approach. Finn and Liv circled the house twice before choosing a plan of attack.
The dilapidated, two-story house appeared unoccupied and ominous. Liv shivered at the sight and felt the adrenaline kicking in. If she hadn't known better, she would have sworn the house was haunted. Finn motioned toward the back door with his MP-5. Liv nodded, dug into her pocket and pulled out the lock pick set she had grabbed earlier. Finn provided cover while Liv worked the frozen lock.
"Got it," she whispered as the knob turned slightly. Finn nodded and took up position next to the door. He motioned for Liv to cover him as he pushed the door open and paused.
He was surprised to find the interior of the house bathed in a harsh red light. With the thick blinds closed, the house had appeared dark and empty. But now, with the eerie red light framing the door, it looked as if they were entering hell. Hearing no alarm, he slipped inside and entered the living room. Liv stayed glued to his side, providing cover. "Stairs are over there," she whispered. "You wanna go up, down, or stay?"
Finn pointed straight ahead, and they began searching the floor they were on. The silence was deafening. Each creak of the wooden floor made their stomachs leap into their throats. With sweaty palms and pounding hearts, they hastily examined every room. They found a large kitchen, a game room, a communal bathroom, a closet filled with tools, a wet bar and several Spartan rooms filled with bunk beds. But there was no sign of life and they made it back to the living room without incident. Finn shrugged his shoulders and pointed at two doors. One was labeled up, the other, down. Liv pointed down and took a position that let her cover the door.

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