Living In Devin's WorldChapter 3: Devin's Awkward Brushes... free porn video

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“Let’s pick it up for one more lap.” That bouncy ponytailed runner’s breathy encouragement had that eternal Piper Positivity.

Devin was dragging ass, they both knew it, but Piper would never call her on it, she was just too nice. She’s been slow all morning. She hadn’t been up to meet Piper for their 9 AM run, so Piper jogged the 4 miles to her place and when she got their Devin wasn’t even up yet. It was already 10:30 by the time Piper got to her place and for some reason Devin insisted on taking a shower before she went for her run.

After all that Piper was still the one throttling her pace so they could jog together. Piper jogged with her head held high, arms high and close, hands loose, chest up and open, ready for air. Devin was just struggling, concealing the soreness between her legs that had been a strange source of hidden pride.

Devin was thankful Piper wasn’t bugging her about not training. She had been running plenty, she just was dehydrated from last night’s drinking, but that was something she would not be divulging. There was no way in hell she was going to tell Piper about the exhilarating and odd thrill of walking home with a juicy pussy that was leaking a man’s cum into her little panties. She didn’t want the judgments or especially the lectures - she even banished those from her own conscience.

As they came to the lest bend in the park’s trail, Devin, then Piper, broke down into a walk. She’d had enough, so she stretched her long arms over her head, which pulled her old “SuperReader!” baby-doll t-shirt just above her navel.

“So... phew I missed you, what happened to you last night?”

Devin’s mind flashed to the drinks, the touches, the orgasm, and Phil’s cock. She vaguely remembered staggering home, and being as quiet as she could getting up to her bed. She fell asleep in bed with her tank top and bra in her hands, where she’d been sniffing them because they smelled like him, like them. “Uhm, not much, you know. What do you mean?”

“I mean I texted you a bunch, we were supposed to get together after my cheer meeting.”

“Oh yeah, how’d that go,” Devin deflected.

“I ended up hanging out with Pennie, Demora, and Alicia afterwards. We kept on working on new cheers after the meeting was over.”

“You come up with any new ones?”

“I’ll show you one, if you can keep up with me all the way back to the house!” Piper gave a taunting wide open smile, side skip stepping and encouraging Devin to run. In that instant, she seemed like an over eager little puppy dog, bursting with boundless peppy energy. Energy like that is infectious, and Devin decided Piper had plenty to spare, so she fed off it without concern as they jogged home. ‘The JV squad really had a big win getting Piper. She was born for it.’

Devin collapsed down to one knee right next to the hose in her backyard and turned it on, so completely drained she couldn’t even look back up to Piper. Devin greedily sucked down water for breaths at a go. While Piper went on as she sometimes does. She took to the hose, too, since she’d run so much.

“Good run, that was good, and girl, you really picked it up in that last stretch, rock on!”

“I wanted ... to see ... your cheer.” Devin was clearly the more winded of the two.

As Devin flopped down, Piper popped up, “Well you earned it!”

Piper, in her running shorts, white sneakers, and midriff runner’s tank-top, bounced out to the grass. She spun to face Devin, head down, arms akimbo, feet at shoulder distance apart for a still moment. This was the crazy, mind melting, invasion of the body snatchers transformation that she, Sarah, and Micah (just a friend) sometimes joked about when they watched the cheer squad go. Micah would narrate, “One second, they are totally normal girls, the next second, they are...” Then all in unison, “CHEER-BOTS! (Dun, dun, duuuuuun)”

Mecha-Cheer-Piper raised her head in that perfect clear-eyed cheer smile, hands clapped together palm to palm.

“We’ll put you - back - in your place On the a - ttack - in your face Hurricane, Hurricane, Our shooters make a three point rain! Don’t step to this, don’t even try The Blue and Gold of Garland High!”

“Very good Piper,” her mom’s approving voice came from the sliding glass door. Devin looked back to see her mom with a carafe of water with fruit in it.

“Yeah, that’s a new one, Piper made up.”

“Wow, even more impressive, Devin you-,” her face suddenly turned to a scowl, “Turn off the spigot, oh my goodness were you drinking hose water?” To Piper, “My daughter, ugh.”

“Jeeze mom.”

“You know what that water is, it’s rain drainage and sewer water. It’s filthy and it turns things yellow, and you want to drink it? No, here, I have filtered water with mango and lemon. This, here ladies, this is a palatable drink after a run.”

As annoying as her mom was, she was right. Her mango lemon water was good.

“This is wonderful, Mrs. Fawkes, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome Piper, and tell your mother, we love your manners and she did a wonderful job raising you.”

“Thank you, mom,” Devin groan as an afterthought.

Piper giggled at their continued back and forth. For some reason Devin and her mom just didn’t seem to get along these days, and she couldn’t understand why. Or maybe their sniping was just how they got along. They were funny. Piper looked back at the house behind them where the girls had gotten drunk in the hot tub. That’d been a fun night.

“You know what would be great right now,” she whispered conspiratorially out of ear shot of Mrs. Fawkes, hoping Devin would get the hint, “a hot tub.”

The way Piper looked at her meaningfully for some reason stirred an angry green monster inside of her. “Uhm what? Where’d that come from?”

“You know, we just got done running, it’d be cool to relax in a hot tub, you know, wouldn’t it?”

Devin deflected, “Yeah, a pool would be awesome. Mom, can we get a pool?!”

Debra chuckled and called back to the from the patio table, “We don’t have room for one, unless you want to rip out Mr. Kushing’s bushes and buy his yard.”

Piper tried again, “Nah, a pool’s too much, just a hot tub would be nice.”

Devin replied, “Doesn’t your dad have a hot tub at your house?”

“Yeah, but not really. I mean we have one, but the heater is never on so it’s pretty much just a kiddie pool. Kinda no point, you know.”

Piper was really starting to irritate her now. That green eyed monster of jealousy was growling inside her. It just played a scene of Piper looking all hot and perfect, and Phil would see the two of them, and then everything would be over. Why would Phil want her when little miss perfect was right there too.

“Why the sudden interest in a pool?”

Her mother’s sudden proximity startled Devin, “Eek, mom!”

Piper replied, “Well I was just saying it’d be nice to cool off after a run.”

Debra suggested, “Well, I know Mr. Kushing has a hot tub, but I think it would be pretty rude to just go ask to use it ... But do you know what we should do? We should go over there and bring him dinner sometime. I haven’t seen him out in the neighborhood for a couple weeks. Maybe he might like some company?”

Her green eyed monster calmed, suddenly replaced by the thought of dinner with Phil. She couldn’t show too much excitement at the thought, though. Still, it would be really nice to just spend some time with him. She had to play this cool.

“Yeah, ok, whatevs,” she said off-handedly. Perhaps a little too dismissively, she realized.

“‘Whatevs’? Come on he used to be your favorite! Every day, can Mr. Kushing come out to play? Pick me up! Pick me up!”

“Okay okay. I’m not a baby anymore.”

Sensing her daughter’s embarrassment, her mom continued, “This child, God love her, she actually came to me and asked me one time, is ‘Mr Kushing really a grown-up’? She’d known him for a week, but all the kids loved him, and some of the mom’s did too but that’s another story.”

“Mom!! Oh my god, ew!”

“Wow, do you think he’s handsome?” Piper asked with a giggle at Devin’s obvious torment. There were few moments of schadenfreude that Piper enjoyed, but their banter was one that she just happened to like.

Devin offered to Piper, “He’s a little tubby.”

Debra corrected her daughter, “Well he’s not fat, sure he doesn’t have a six-pack like he did eight years ago, but he’s still a handsome man.”

“Oh em eff jee.”

“He was quite the looker back then, still mostly is.”

“Mom!! You are embarrassing the hell out of me, just stop talking. Go away.”

“Devin!” Piper was shocked, this was not the normal banter.

“Young lady, what’s gotten into you? You know what? You are going to go take a shower and get dressed, then we are going to go over there and YOU, young lady, are going to ask that very nice man that helped raise you if we can bring him some dinner. Did you know he’s been having a hard time, lately? He has always been there for us and now we are going to be there for him.”

Devin had to bury the snicker she felt inside. ‘Yeah, he was having a really hard time last night... ‘ She didn’t say a word.

Mrs. Fawkes continued her lecture, “The world doesn’t revolve around you, and it is time you started acting with some compassion and deference to the needs of others.”

‘Oh, I’ll take care of his needs, mom, and he’ll take care of mine,’ she thought.

With that, she had to say her goodbye’s to Piper and headed to take a shower while Debra gave Piper a ride home.

Ding dong dang dung ... Dung dong dang ding.

Phil groaned. His head ached, his face was scratchy and he reeked of ... oh yeah. Last night’s miracle. He was a wreck after he’d gotten her out the door and heading home. They hadn’t used protection, they hadn’t worked out any stories, she’d gone home drunk. But most of all, he’d had sex with an under-aged girl ... that he knew ... in his home.

There was another knock on the door. Phil groaned and slung his arm into a robe, pushing up from the couch where he’d passed out after putting a hurting on that bottle of rum after she left. But when he got to the door, he just about shit a brick. Devin and her mom were at his door.

‘Oh shit, oh shit, did she tell? Did Debbie find her drunk? Oh no, I am so fucked. Oh God I am going to jail, everyone is going to know what happened ... I am going to get pounded in the ass by a bug Black man nicknamed ‘Treetrunk’. I’m dead!’ He wiped the schmutz out of his eyes and opened the door with a squint.

“Hello, yeah?”

Debbie was taken aback by his appearance. He was clearly either hung over or possibly still drunk, and in a robe at almost noon! “Hel-oh my goodness, Phil.” Her face quickly shifted from friendly hello to concern and on to nagger. She turned back to Devin, “Honey, could you give us a moment?”

Devin, who had been waiting in faux frustration with her arms crossed threw them up in the air in faux disgust and faux wandered off, staying within earshot.

“Phil, talk to me. What happened last night?”

‘Oh shit, oh shit,’ kept running through his mind, and he started tearing up, his lower lip trembling. He felt like the earth was falling out from beneath him. “I- a- a- I got- I was really drunk last night I was out of control, it won’t happen again.” He could see Devin’s look turn sour at his last words. He tried to catch her eye as he repeated, “I’m sorry.”

Debra missed that look to her daughter, she was busy spying a mostly empty bottle of rum on the floor by his couch. “Phil, that’s okay, I understand, just ... just go get cleaned up, I don’t want Devin seeing you like this and she has something to ask you.”

Ass pounding terror suddenly gave way to intense confusion. He nodded and scurried off to get cleaned off with a quick pits-and-bits shower.

Devin’s mom continued her teachable moment lecture, “See, honey, I know you heard all that, Phil is having a really hard time with his break up and we should really help him out now. You are going to ask him to come to dinner at our house tonight, I want to get him out of that house.”

Dutifully she did, in that most stilted odd conversation. All the while biting back the hurt of his meaningful “never happen again” words.

“My mom wanted - we want to invite you dinner tonight.”


“Okay, come over at seven.”


Phil stood confused by the facts, but still let his eyes be drawn to Devin’s flowing sundress and her smooth pretty bare shoulders, much more tan than her bare bottom had been. Devin seemed apathetic but inside was confused by churning emotions, jealousy, love, hurt, and Debra was simply beaming with pride as they left the entryway. Ignorance is bliss.

The same newness that Devin had experienced all last week was now running through Phil’s mind when he arrived for dinner. Pleasantries with Debra passed for normal, but in his head he kept hearing a mantra, “I fucked your daughter, I tasted your daughter’s pussy juices, I came inside your daughter.” It was distracting and nerve wracking. Debra took his out of sorts demeanor as a symptom of his depression. Devin, on the other hand was petulant, hardly even looking at Phil.

Mr. Kushing was present physically, but absent in all other meaningful regards.

Devin shoved his plate in front of him as she was setting them before Debra sat down, Phil tried to give her a helpless questioning look, but she shot him back a tight lipped sneer. ‘Yeah, I’m beautiful, but only when you’re drunk,’ she thought. With every mention of Clarissa, Devin seemed to get a little colder.

About halfway through dinner Phil asked, “So, there’s an upside to all this craziness.”

“Oh?” Debra prompted with prim politeness.

“Well, after our break-up, Clarissa left several canvasses, lots of paints, a stand, basically a bunch of her art materials at my place. She’s not coming back for them, cause she’s more of a sculptor than a painter.”

“Oh, are you going to try out painting? Maybe take some lessons?”

“Me? Oh no, I have no artistic talent, but I know you were always artistic, Devin. It’s yours if you want it.”

“Oh, really that’s so sweet, isn’t that sweet honey?”

Devin turned an icy raised brow at her mom. She’d never taken any painting lessons in her life.

“Oh, but we really don’t have any room for that here.”

“No problem, she can come over whenever she wants to paint in the mini-studio downstairs. Just so long as you don’t throw parties or anything crazy like that.”

Devin’s chilly countenance thawed as the warmth of realization dawned on her. Maybe that whole ‘Out of control, it won’t happen again’ thing wasn’t for real. This whole time, she’d been freaking out because he didn’t love her, but now here he was trying to set up a way for her to visit!

She looked up to see Phil unclipping a key from his key chain and presenting it to her. “What’dya say, paint whenever you want on the condition of you get your mom’s permission and no parties, deal?”

For the first time that night, Devin smiled, and the family’s dinner warmed up. She eventually warmed up and started chatting about running, Piper and Sarah, the Cheer squad (including queen Demora: captain of the Varsity squads), and Alicia (captain of JV football cheer squad). Though she wasn’t a part of it, she listened well enough to tell Piper’s stories as though they were her own.

That night as she drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t wait to start painting. She smiled, thinking about the genuine warmth in his eyes when he looked at her. And he listened to her tonight at dinner. He really was special because he was the kind of man that made her feel special. She patted her lower tummy and thought, for the first time ever, how nice it would be to have his child. ‘This is love.’

Phil smiled to himself. He couldn’t help but relish the idea having that eager young high school girl all to himself.

The very next morning, Devin made sure to text Piper and Sarah and tell them all about dinner. Piper was curious, but Sarah was more eager to talk about their own plans. They were planning on meeting up with Jake and his friend Bobby for a double date. They were going to a butterfly park, Piper’s idea of course. She’d manage to get that as a concession from Jake for some as yet unrevealed foul-up, and Bobby just wanted to see that “chick with the tig ole bitties!” Sarah didn’t mind cause she’d heard that Bobby was packing.

Piper was worried Devin might get offended having not been invited to the park, but Devin didn’t seem to mind. She was more interested in bragging about the new art thing she was going to be trying out.

“You sure you’re not mad?”

“Piper, I’m fine, look, I’m going to be trying something new, and I have basically my own personal studio, I can go over whenever I want.”

Later while sitting outside Piper was chatting with Sarah about all Devin’s plans, assuring Sarah that they were totally fine. Sarah barely paid her any mind, until she suddenly turned to Piper, “Wait, back up there, he gave her a key?”

“Apparently, yeah, she’s going over there today.”

“Ask her if he has booze!”

Piper quirked a brow at Sarah, but slipped her phone out and thumbed out a text.

“She didn’t say if he has any, but she says, ‘No parties’.”

“Oh score, man, what’s this guy like?”

“I don’t know, Devin said he’s a fatty, but her mom said he had a six pack a few years ago and she seemed to dig on him.”

“Oh my god you think her mom hooked up with him?”

Piper just stared at Sarah with a bemused look of silent surprise.

“Oh yeah, I bet she did it. That’s awesome. Does she have a pic?”

“I dunno, lemme check Facebook ... Huh ... There he is, he’s on her friend’s list.”

“Well shit, he’s kinda cute for an old dude. Go mama Fawkes!”

It was about time to do some house cleaning. Phil yanked the comforter off his bed and saw it. The red stain, the evidence. The proof that he deflowered a beautiful young girl in that very bed. Just thinking about it, he could almost smell the sweetness of her hair. She was an ideal, a paragon, a vision of perfect loveliness and innocence that he had turned into a rutting, cumming sexual puppet two nights ago.

“Wow. I’m so going to hell.”

He was shoving his sheets into the laundry when he heard the chimes of his doorbell. The door opened up to reveal a smiling Devin Fawkes. She was leaning on the door jam with one arm, hip cocked out to the side, wearing oversized sunglasses, a loose orange floral surf top that sat off her shoulders, a faded blue denim skirt and Keds with white socks. “Hello, lover,” she announced.

“Shh, watch it girl. Get in here.”

“What are you ashamed of me?”

“No, not at all, I just don’t want to go to jail.”

She grinned as he closed the door behind her, “I guess that makes me your jailbait.”

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Charles led Connie through his house and out into his backyard. Connie followed silently. They ignored Caroline Ralston as they went by her. She was busy peeling carrots at the kitchen sink. She ignored them as well. "Sorry," apologized Charles once more, still looking a little awkward. "It's okay Charles," Connie said, giving Charles a smile. "I understand. It must feel weird talking about this in front of your sister." "Yeah, it is," agreed Charles, nodding his head as he...

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An Awkward SituationChapter 10

"Hi honey..." Charles mother said as they passed through the kitchen into the house, "will your friend be staying for supper?" "No Mrs. Ralston," Connie answered firmly, as Charles turned to question her. "I've got to get home soon myself." "Okay dear," replied Caroline Ralston with a smile, "just remember that you're always welcome here." "I will Mrs. Ralston," nodded Connie. "That was weird!" Charles declared as they stepped out of the kitchen and into the hallway that...

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Crystal ClearChapter 9 Recovery From an Awkward Moment Crystal at Play

I looked at the pretty young woman and pondered how to answer her question, 'Mr. Mellon ... err, this is delicate ... I don't know how to put this ... but, well, ... do you have a child ... by a woman who lives in Greenville, Ohio – a baby about seven or eight months old?' I practically choked out loud. I did indeed have a child I'd fathered in Greenville, Ohio. Crystal knew too, but other than the baby's parents no one else should have figured out the lineage of that child. Crystal...

3 years ago
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Angela Meets Devin

After writing ‘Angela’s Education’, my first submission to Literotica, I found myself increasingly curious about the characters of Angela and Devin. This Prequel is a love story with no sex. If its sex is what you are seeking I recommend Angela’s Education. Angela is a lady and will take some courting before surrendering. ***** Angela paced the sumptuous lobby like a cat. Her long legs flashing through the short slit of her conservative business suit. She dialed her boss’s number on her...

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Awkward Onsen Japanese Bath Small Dick Exposure

Where to start? It has been awhile since I wrote something of my experience. Anyway, my wife and I went on a two week vacation in Japan. We have both wanted to come and visit for such a long time, and so we did.There are a lot of things to do and see. Great food, beautiful sceneries, rich culture. My wife Cristina and I though new our trip won't be complete without exploring Japan's least talked about attraction - sex. No we did not go into night clubs and got ourselves in a "bukake". We went...

3 years ago
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Awkward Anne

Anne was just about to cum when she heard the basement door creak open. With quick, calm motions practiced over years of concealing similar close calls; she removed her hand from her worn, plaid pajama pants and casually placed it on her thigh in order to discreetly wipe away the glistening wetness that was coating her fingers. The dark, glossy marks camouflaged well with the fabric's pattern and were no more noticeable then any of the other myriad stains that preceded it. Thankfully...

2 years ago
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Adventures with Devin Pt1

(Everything in Adventures with Devin are based off true events.)When I was thirteen my best friend, Devin, introduced to me the world of porn. I had only jerked off a couple times before he showed me some porn one night when I spent the night. He flicked on some porn and asked me if I had ever jerked off. I said yes, so he stood up took off all his clothes and started beating off to some porn. At first I didn't know what to do, but soon found my self naked and jerking off with him. For about a...

1 year ago
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Ally and Devin

Finally, high school was out. I raced out of the school and rode my bike down the street into my neighborhood. As usual, Mom wasn't there. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table. Soon afterwards, my phone rang and I lept up to get it. "Hey Devin, are you home?" my best friend Ally asked on the other side of the phone line. "Mmhmm, but Mom isn't here... Why?" "Can I come over? Jake just broke up with me and I..." Her voice cracked. "Sure, you can come over," I said quickly. We said...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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That Awkward Question

“You are going to have to push Mrs. Oakley,” the Doctor said, peering up from behind his mask between Farrah’s spread legs, “On three, okay?” The moment had finally come and Farrah was so nervous she wanted to vomit right then and there. Her husband, Jeremey, was right beside her, holding her hand like had promised, encouraging her as he had promised, waiting for his newborn son to come into this world. “One.” Farrah felt so dizzied she might pass out. It was finally happening. All these long...

3 years ago
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A boy and his female cousin share an awkward first time experience while watching a movie in his room

Many years ago, my cousins were staying over at our place. I was pretty young, around 18 years old at the time, and as a horny teenage boy I was always looking for something to turn me on. My cousin was only a year or two older than I was. These were my mother’s sister’s kids and they had been visiting my parents from a nearby city. Late one evening, I was in my room watching caddy shack, the old Bill Murray comedy movie about golf that was very popular at the time. My cousin came...

2 years ago
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Awkward Massage

I lifted up the blinds slightly and peeked out the window. "There she is. Oh, all five feet and six inches of her sexy beauty has returned," I moaned, prior to bringing my other hand to my crotch. "Oh, Kandace, from the light brown hair atop your head to your small, but sexy feet, you are a babe," I praised her, eyeballing the back side of her body. "I'd love to put my schlong right in your slit, if you let me," I mumbled, rubbing it.I breathed in and out heavily and broke a small sweat too,...

2 years ago
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The Awkward Brother

This is my first story, so I would very much appreciate any advice that can be given. Be easy though "I'm home!" I called while opening the front door after driving home from school."Hey! Dad's at work and Mom went to an old friend's house or something," my twin brother, Matt, replied from the kitchen."Shit, really? I needed to talk to one of them about my car, it sounds like its dying." My day just went from good to fucking annoying."I can check it out for you if you want." Matt was a car...

4 years ago
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Caitlin and James Part nine An awkward weekend period

Caitlin and James - Part nine - An awkward weekend period Chapter 26 - Friday evening I get in the lift and think about why Justine wanted to pash me, and hope it'll never happen again. In the lobby of the building are Kathy and Wanda from sales, along with Michelle, Kathy's girlfriend. I try to avoid them, but Michelle spots me and catches up with me. "Sweetie, what's happened? You look flustered," she says grabbing my arm. "I can't talk, I have to get home to Caitlin...

4 years ago
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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 9 The Awkward Year

July 1967, age 12 It was the summer of love, apparently. The London suburb of Wimbledon didn’t seem to be any more or less loving than normal, but I did at least go and buy the Beatles record Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, which became the soundtrack to the summer. I spent lots of time singing along to Lucy in the sky with diamonds and With a little help from my friends, learning beyond doubt that my singing voice was best saved for the shower! As the school year gradually drew to a...

3 years ago
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An Awkward SituationChapter 18

True to Connie's word, she showed up later in the day. Charles had been home from the mall for a couple of hours, and was outside washing his car when she arrived. For a moment Charles could do nothing but stare. "Hi there friend!" Charles called out as he watched her stroll up the walk. Connie was wearing a dress. It was ivory in colour and it looked great on her. With it she had on a matching wide brim hat with a red bow, a red hand bag, and a pair of red pumps. The contrast between...

2 years ago
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You: heyStranger: f 20 us hornyYou: m 19 hornyStranger: mmmmYou: want me to make you cum?Stranger: yesYou: can you talk dirty?Stranger: yesYou: show meYou: you wanna suck my dick?Stranger: i have pjs with no underwear onYou: I'm in my boxers..You: take off your pjsStranger: can you take them offYou: I'll tear them offYou: :PYou: ;)Stranger: and throw me on the bed and tie me upYou: sureYou: also use clothes pinsYou: on your nipplesYou: how big your boobs?Stranger: 48cYou: what color your...

2 years ago
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Awkward Anne Chapter 3

Anne couldn't remember the dream she was having, other then it was one of the best of her life and had left her feeling warm and at peace. As she lay with her eyes closed and her head still resting on Kevin's chest, she took comfort in the feeling of his body pressed against hers and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Still, there was something in the back of her mind that felt a little off...something that wasn't quite right. Anne closed her eyes tighter and snuggled closer to her...

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Awkward Anne Chapter 3 reupload

Anne couldn't remember the dream she was having, other then it was one of the best of her life and had left her feeling warm and at peace. As she lay with her eyes closed and her head still resting on Kevin's chest, she took comfort in the feeling of his body pressed against hers and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Still, there was something in the back of her mind that felt a little off...something that wasn't quite right. Anne closed her eyes tighter and snuggled closer to her...

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An Awkward SituationChapter 3

It was over now. Charles had spent his load for the fourth time that morning and he had nothing left to give. He laid there gasping for breath as his sister slid off of him, slumping to the carpeted floor beside him. "That was so good!" murmured his father, standing up as he spoke. Yeah it was good, thought Charles in response, yet ... still he shouldn't have let it happen. It was wrong to have let his sister fuck him. It was really wrong. "That was good!" intoned his father again....

2 years ago
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Awkward Anne Chpater 2

Anne's large, brown eyes creaked open, blinking through the early morning sun that was shining unpleasantly into her face. She groaned, arched herself into a languid, feline stretch and began untangling herself from her twisted bed sheets. The flowing, overlarge Batman shirt had ridden up past her waist, exposing her small, bare ass to the new day. The shorts she had been wearing the previous night were drying on the closet doorknob next to her plaid pajama pants; she smiled devilishly...

2 years ago
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Awkward Beginnings

CHAPTER 1 The Australian early summer sun was hot, the air-conditioning unit supplying the cab of the pickup was gasping as Hogan Harrison rolled into a small servicing town in the New South Wales Outback and angled parked in the manner of other vehicles. Two vehicles down he saw a young blonde struggling and then fail to heave a box on to the tray of her pickup. He strode over and went to lift the heavyweight for her and his eyes gyrated as she slapped him. ‘Gawd why do that?’ he bleated. ...

2 years ago
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Awkward College threesome experience

“Hey your name is Courtney right?” I asked her. “Yea” she said un-enthusiastically. “I’m Stephanie. I couldn’t help but notice you look upset. What’s the matter?” Courtney responded “Well it’s nothing really… I just… I think my boyfriend has a crush on another girl and I’m getting a little jealous… I hate wearing these tight clothes that make me look slutty, but I have to get his attention somehow.” “Well you look great, and not too slutty. He is lucky to have you and if he...

2 years ago
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Awkward Situations 2

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Mico freshened up in the bathroom after our long trip, I left the room. The last thing I wanted to see was his face. Outside our room - which was actually a rather isolated cabin on the shores of a sparkling lake - I met with our facilitator and asked to change rooms. "Hey, sir. Is there any way I could change rooms?" "Why? anything...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend Tricks Me Into Being Filmed in an Awkward Position

I had wanted to film my girlfriend and I having sex for months now, and she had been very resistant to the idea because she was worried that I would put the video out on the internet if we broke up. She was worried about protecting herself and her career and didn’t want to get screwed over, so we came up with the idea of a ransom video. It was basically a video that would be humiliating for me if it was released, and that wouldn’t contain any shots of her at all. Her first suggestion was me...

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Its Awkward Sometimes Asking for Help

Author's Note: While I have a fairly definite idea of where I'd like this story to go, it's possible you might have some better ideas of how certain choices may go. I encourage you, if you'd like to see a certain path explored to add a chapter at the appropriate decision point, and write whatever choice you'd like explored in the Answer text field, and write, "This is a stub for future content." in the content area and I'll consider writing something in that vein. Don't go writing your own...

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An Awkward Office Affair Pt2 Her StoryA Me

As I look over once more at the picture of his doting wife, I feel no malice towards her. She’s a pretty little thing, indeed I even feel tinge of guilt as I’m clean myself up. What I’ve just done is nothing personal against her, she’s been pleasant enough to me whenever we’ve spoken on the phone. Any feelings of guilt I might have though are overpowered by the thrilling sensation of using another woman’s man. Having a married cock plunging deep inside you, his ringed hand pawing and grappling...

2 years ago
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An Awkward Office Affair Part 1 His Story

Time John showed a difficult employee who's the boss!I'd been working at my new job less than a month and already I had a problem. Her name was Abbi. Abbi was my inherited PA, the PA to Steven, who handed the reigns over to me in May, after a marriage break-up had seen him look to pastures new. As I got to know people it became clear that his marriage break up was in no small part down to the affair he had been having with Abbi, which it seems the whole factory knew about...Abbi was a big...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend Tricks Me Into Being Filmed in an Awkward Position

I had wanted to film my girlfriend and I having sex for months now, and she had been very resistant to the idea because she was worried that I would put the video out on the internet if we broke up. She was worried about protecting herself and her career and didn't want to get screwed over, so we came up with the idea of a ransom video. It was basically a video that would be humiliating for me if it was released, and that wouldn't contain any shots of her at all.Her first suggestion was me have...

2 years ago
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The Awkward Brother Part 2

If you haven't read part 1, I recommend that you read it before you read part 2. That made us both wide awake. We both scrambled up at the same time but that only got us tangled up in each other and we wound up falling off the bed, creating a bang that a deaf person could have heard. We stayed silent for a few seconds before we heard Mom say, "Are you guys alright up there?" That was when we heard the footsteps coming at a pretty fast pace up the stairs... "Shit shit shit!" I tried to...

3 years ago
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Awkward Sexy Time Pt 2

After I had broken up with my girlfriend, I was left to wander the world of women. I had met a cute woman who was in my work group at school. We immediately started getting along. We had a similar sense of humor and similar relationship pasts. Both of which allowed us to make a powerful connection. Soon enough we were hanging out outside of class; I took her fishing, she helped me pick out my dog. We were inseparable. We did hit one snag though: neither of us wanted a new relationship. We were...

2 years ago
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Awkward sexy time

Real story:My girlfriend and I had been dating for roughly 5 months. If you know relationships this is usually the prime period for tons of sex. One night, after dinner and movie, my girlfriend and I decided to head back to her apartment for some "physical activity". Upon entering her apartment we discovered that her roommate had left and was not planning on returning until late, the following morning. This was perfect, (her roommate was always complaining that we had sex that was too loud)we...

3 years ago
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My Awkward Moment

"You know, James," Mother started her conversation, "that wearing girl's panties does not make a person a girl." "I know, Mother!" "So, why do you do it? I mean, did I do something wrong? Are you deviant because you didn't have a male role model around? There must have been something that I did to make you turn out this way." "I'm not any way, Mother. It's just me! I'm comfortable wearing these clothes. It doesn't hurt anybody. Nobody is at fault. It just makes me feel...

3 years ago
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My Awkward Moment Part II

Part II The ice cream shop was busy, but Mother and I stood in line as if nothing were unusual. She looked at me closely and brushed a little hair from my face. "You look happy!" she said. I felt wonderful. A mother and daughter standing in line for an ice cream. What a natural feeling. I couldn't understand how she could feel so comfortable about all this 'girl' stuff with me. "I've known for a long time, you know," she looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "I've found your...

2 years ago
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Trying to Be NormalChapter 4 Awkward Conversations and a Big Send Off

I was in bed with Anh and Natalie later that evening. I'm not quite sure how they worked it out, but they managed to rotate using some complicated selection criteria so each night I had a slightly different combination of women in my bed. We'd found five to a bed was pushing things, but I had a feeling that would change as soon as the rest of the women arrived. Or maybe not, depending on how things went with my potential upcoming dates. We were having a good time. Anh was whispering advice...

1 year ago
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An Awkward SituationChapter 5

"Yes my mindless slaves," cried Clyde Walker into the microphone. "Fuck for me!" "Fuck for the Master of Earth!" cried the audience as one. "Yes!" hissed Clyde with satisfaction. "No!" cried Charles aloud. "Everyone stop fucking right now!" Everyone stopped moving. Everyone that is, except for Clyde Walker. Clyde winced with pain. "What the fuck?" Clyde screamed out in surprise, clutching his forehead as he did. Charles was surprised as well. He was surprised to see Clyde...

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An Awkward SituationChapter 6

Charles didn't say anything in reply. Part of him felt the same way. Still part told him that they needed Clyde alive if they were going to get their world back. So, instead of saying anything, Charles gazed up at the girl. That was when he recognized her. The girl was Connie Adams. Connie was a petite red head, whose long straight hair hung down her front, covering her small, round breasts. Her skin was pale and her eyes were green. Connie was in his sister's homeroom class. She was...

4 years ago
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An Awkward SituationChapter 7

As the wave of agony faded, Charles pushed himself to his feet and then scrambled up onto the stage. Quickly he strode towards where Clyde was bound. As he walked past Connie, he grabbed hold of her by the arm. Forcefully, he dragged her to her feet. Then before she could protest, Charles forced her along with him. "What did you just do?" Charles demanded to know when he came to a halt opposite Clyde. "Answering my own question!" insisted Clyde glaring angrily at Charles. Then his...

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