Eric Olafson, Fleet Cadet (Vol 3)Chapter 3: Basic Training free porn video

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I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.”

And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments.

The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.”

We saluted and he ordered us to sit down.

“I am Lt Aurelius. As you can see I am of a human species, called the Pan Sarans. We are native to the Upward sector in the M-0 Galaxy. Like most humanoid species of this Galaxy we share ancestry with the Terrans, Saresii and Sarans.

Why the Pan Saran Empire split form the Saran Empire and why we Pan Sarans dress in this anachronistic fashion is your assignment to find out by tomorrow.”He obviously referred to that polished brass chest plate he wore.

“Once you are established officers you are allowed to display one or two things on your standard uniform that shows and links you to your heritage as long as it not interferes with your regulation equipment. Mr. Olafson that means you will have to cut that hair and shave for now. You may wear braids and beard if and when you are an officer. “Cadet Olafson.”

I blinked as I had almost dosed off and was startled by his sudden calling of my name.

I struggled to my feet wanted to argue but instead just mumbled a grumpy.” Yes Sir”

“You will cut your hair to basic training requirements for standard human males. Braids are not acceptable.”

He picked a few others and told them to change their appearance or grooming habits.

Only then he began the actual class: “You will be instructed and drilled to stand, march, run and respond to orders in an unquestioning manner. Drilling performs a psychological function, by inculcating the response to commands and training; you will act unhesitatingly in the face of real combat or danger situations. It can also serve a role in leadership training. Combat situations include not only commands to engage and put one’s life in danger, but also commands to disengage when military necessity so demands. This conditioning is essential for military function, because without it a military unit would likely disintegrate under the stress of combat and degenerate into a mere armed mob.”

I felt a strong invisible force pulling my head up. Before I could yelp, Narth who sat next to me whispered.You where about to fall over.”

Aurelius continued his lecture unaware of my almost predicament and kept on with his sermon: “You will be subjected to rigorous physical training, both to prepare for the demands of combat and to weed out the less able or insufficiently motivated. That means all of you regardless of species or origin; you must be on peak of your species physical development. You are trained in marksmanship with standard and exotic weapons. We teach you the maintenance of personal weapons. How assemble them, clean them and perform basic rrpairs if necessary. You will also learn to use bladed and other archaic weapons. Unarmed combat and martial arts, first aid, protective equipment usage, and basic survival techniques in every environment you might end up: deserts, Ice planets, jungle worlds, deep space and everything in between. Further training will focus on basic spacemanship, and skills such as firefighting, damage control basic engineering, and signals.”

He took a deep breath and kept on listing:”To top it all off you will have classes in astro navigation, propulsion physics, xeno linguistics, xeno biology, xeno technology, diplomacy, strategy and tactics, geophysics and a host of other classes.”

He took a drink of water.” Simply listing this is a tiresome and exhausting exercise, but everything is exactly planned out and millions have done it before you, so you know it can be done.

“After you finished Basic your almost over the hill and the following years won’t feel as demanding because you get used to it.

“It is my sincere wish that just once everyone be here in this auditorium one year from now. However not all of you will make the entire journey. I challenge you to proof me wrong. Show me you are the class that can do it.”

The dorms where simple, with beds that had to be made up every morning manually. Always Nine Cadets to a dorm. I shared my dorm with: Narth, Owar, Wintsun, Limbur, Naxwax, Azey, Galmy and Olia.

Azey actually was called Azey Azey Azeytytalitonitusiviy and he was from Oromarl. Most had problems saying his name. even the instructors called him as we did Az-Az. Oromals had humanoid characteristics, meaning he had two arms, legs and a head with the usual sensory organs but due to their size, about two heads taller than me and known body strength as well as their gray greenish skin, pronounced lower jaw Terrans often called them Orcs. Naxwax came from Oromal as well, but he belonged to a subspecies similar but twice the size of Azey. Needless to say that his name was a similar word monster so Naxwax was all anyone remembered.

Galmy was a female from Maltyr. She was almost human, had really long black hair, black eyes and her skin was white as deep frost snow. Her body was extremely thin and fragile looking and she appeared to be no older than maybe 15, despite the fact she was almost 60 years old in standard years. She was very quiet and appeared to always like a nervous animal that was about to run at the slightest sign of trouble.

Owar was a sickly looking human from a Terran colony world at the galactic rim area. He was quite intelligent but I wondered why they let him into the Navy or why he wasn’t treated for his conditions. His skin reminded me of dull dirty yellow candle wax; his eyes were sunken deep into the skull and had a reddish color. He explained to me that his appearance was due to a not entirely successful genetic tailoring, to make the colonists of his world more adapted to their new home. On his planet, they lived underground for many generations and they farmed mushrooms of many different kinds.

Wintsun’s home world was like Nilfeheim one of the earliest planets Terrans migrated to, after the Galactic Awakening of Earth. And just like Erikson led his followers of the Viking movement to a new world to live according to their own rules, Alice Brown, of a militant communist and back to nature group led colonists to Sunflower, as Wintsun’s home world was called. Local conditions and genetic alternations with plant DNA made their skin green and allowed them to absorb light and turn it into additional nourishment via photosynthesis.

Limbur came from a world with triple the standard gravitation. His muscles and bones where denser and made him quite strong under one grav conditions.

Narth and his home world were still mysteries to me and everyone else.

Making our dorm complete was Nena Olia. She came from Europa moon in the Sol system and had the typical arrogant attitude of Terrans (All planet and moon colonies in the sol system considered themselves to be Terran.). She wore her hair short and used holo-dye making it sparkle and change color depending on the light source. But not for long as Lt. Aurelius confiscated her bottle.

We had to get up at 0400 standard and went to bed lights out at 2200 every night. The time between was planned for us down to the minute. Physical training, small arms training, hand to hand combat. Classes on xeno biology, military history, tech and science. Learning was different from school. In addition to Hypno- training, Neuro-direct uploads we had old fashioned standard classes, with books, hand written notes and teaching instructors After the third month only one hundred thirty one Cadets remained. Both Naxwax and Azey had left, but it was because they had to attend the funeral of their king and would be allowed to return with the next cycle.

We learned to survive with only the bare essentials in almost any environment. Snow and ice, mountains, jungles, ocean world, Forests and every extreme one could think of. I was surprised how many cadets had never seen open fire or knew how to make it. While I too learned new ways of making fire at least it was not strange or new to me.

We were educated about bobby traps and hunting for survival. Every one physically able learned how to ski, Arti-Grav belt flying, sky diving, riding on horses and a host of other animals, swim and dive. The instructors yelled at us, insulted us and did not let up.

The number of cadets every morning at breakfast was a little smaller each day.

I hated dancing and culture class most of all. Why was it necessary that we knew how to play chess and a host of other games? Everyone had to pick one and learn how to play a musical instrument. Why did I have to know how to sculpt in clay or draw a picture with coal on primitive paper?

I rather went on another survival training mission than sit in that class room and listen to samples of music from hundreds of cultures and discuss the nuances and highlights.

But it was required so I did my best.

Before I joined the Fleet time had little meaning to me. T ime does not mean much too a civilian. What was the difference if you slept in a minute or took a little longer to eat your meal?

To a cadet at the Academy, a minute had sixty seconds and each second counted.

Instead of getting up at 0400, getting up at 0348 was a better idea. In ten minutes you could shave, bathe, polish your boots and have time for mending a rip on your uniform.

Yes they made us do small repairs. And two minutes to spare if something else had to be done.

While the rest ofn the Union was supposed to adjust to the new time keeping system, where the minute had one hundred seconds, the hour one hundred minutes and the day had 20n hours. Day names were replaced by numbers. Instead of Monday it was First Day of the week. A week had ten days. Each week had a color name and the word month was replaced by annual divider or simply divider. There were ten to a standard year. It was more than just complicated, at least for me and I was glad that the Fleet resisted that new time format and still used the old Terran time system. It simply felt right and I could estimate the time of day or the length of an hour more or less by intuition. It turned out many others had the same problem and thus oposition to the new system that was supposedly more inclusive to everyone and not Earth centric.

We just completed a grueling nine day march upstream along the muddy banks of Jones River, a local stream about five hundred miles to the East and to the rivers source. Loaded with full gear we were ordered to map the river, record life forms and take samples. After we returned tired an exhausted we had to spend twelve hours in the labs to analyze the water samples, catalog the specimen and everyone had to dissect one of the specimens with making careful scientific notes.

All could be done with scanners, robots and machines. They did teach us the use of the most advanced drones and remote probes but usually they wanted us to do things first as hands on and as simple as possible before we moved on to more advanced ways doing things.

Dr. Gary our scientific educator checked on everyone with meticulous sense of detail and he would not ever miss a thing.

It was Dr. Gary who told about the planet. Originally Green Eden was slated to be colonized. It was a moderate garden world with lots of life and water. The planet had a gravitation of almost exactly one grav and neither harsh winters or blistering summers.

The six by one kilometer brown dirt strip and the wooden houses were left behind by the original colonists. There were many more buildings all over the place, but most were overgrown and mostly rotted away. The ones by the landing field had been restored and kept in good repair for various scenarios.

We came across quite a few of those ruined and totally overgrown left overs of the old colony. left especially on our march up to the rivers source.

It was not entirely clear what happened but the settlers split into two groups and the dirt strip was made not just as a landing field but as some sort of demarcation line between the two sides. Armed conflict broke out and the settlers wiped themselves out. According to Lt. Aurelius there were only about twenty survivors and in very bad health when the Colonist Bureau sent a ship to check on them. Dr. Gary said it was some sort of religious matter and the difference of opinions. He told us that few things got humans as riled and as ready to fight as about insubstantial matters of spiritual believes.

Something I could attest to reflecting on the history of my own world.

The Navy maintained the strip and the buildings both for various welcome scenarios and as a reminder for what happened. While Dr. Gary dismissed it as fairy tale, there was a rumor going around that there still were colonists living in the jungles, more animal than human now and more ape than man. Another rumor was that the colonists found a great treasure and were not willing to share. Since the Navy needed a training facility it started to use the planet.

Narth leaned back and pushed his hands under the sleeves of his robe. The twenty centimeter long snake he had caught on our trip neatly dissected and separated. His work space was always clean and tidy. I knew he loved the lab classes as it appealed greatly to his inquisitive nature. The PDD on his right in drawing mode showed a perfect drawing of the animal with detailed notes about its anatomy.

While I got along with everyone, and I had made good friends, Narth had slowly but surely become my best friend. Even now I did not know much about him, even though he tried to explain whatever I asked. I learned that the Narth had no concept of names. They were a society of perfect telepaths, and they recognized each other on a completely different level. Names were not needed. Narth not only meant him but every Narth and the civilization as whole. He told me that the word Narth itself was not a name either but the acoustic expression of a descriptive thought, whatever that really meant. He once said Narth was not so much a race or a species but a level of existence. We learned about many humanoid and non humanoid species and civilizations in Xeno Class but not matter how alien they were, they all shared some common ground. Whenever I talked to Narth about his home I felt his was the most alien of all.

All this however did not stop us from becoming close friends.

I was still working on the big fish I had caught. Narth turned his attention to me and said.” It took you less time to catch and cook ten fish over a fire while we were walking to the Jones Spring then to dissect this single specimen.”

“Narth, there is a difference between gutting a fish and dissecting it and you know that. Not everyone has such neat Psi powers to help in dissecting.”

“I have not used any such means to dissect the snake and you do not find psionics neat, but I shall offer you assistance.”

The fish before me was dead and cut open, so it was quite unsettling to see it move again and turn on its belly. A fine line appeared and it neatly split along its length, exposing its viscera.

Galmy who was long done with a beetle turned to us and said.” What do you think happe nd to those colonists? Do you think it was a religious reason?”

“Differences in opinion on traditions almost wiped out the colonists on Nilfeheim. So I think it very likely and I am sure it happened more often than not, especially during the second Exodus.”

Narth used a stylus to make perfect scientific sketches of the now separated innards of the fish on my PDD said. “Why the migration of Terran groups is called the second Exodus? Before that they had no means of faster than light travel.”

Dr. Gary had approached our group and answered. “There was a religious historic event described in one of Earth’s most important religious books called the Bible. The first chapter was called Exodus and describes the migration and wanderings of a particular tribe. When Earthers left Terra by the millions to settle other worlds, they called it the second exodus.” He then checked on Narth’s snake and my fish.” Good work you two, now it looks the same artist made both drawings. Eric do draw me that fish’s heart.”

I took the stylus and my hand started moving over the drawing surface without me doing it. Narth’s voice in my head said.”Stop fighting me, I never get the lines neat that way.”

Dr. Gary however was satisfied. “I guess you two have similar precise styles.”

Then he addressed the class. “You all did well both on the expedition and now in the lab. All of you have scored at least 60 percent and that means you passed this challenge. So I give you the rest of the day off. Regular duty begins tomorrow at 0800 hrs.”

He was rewarded by a loud cheer.

The Camp Idyllic installation was mostly underground and spread over several habitat modules connected with corridor tunnels. The installation had twenty levels. Our dorm was at the east side module Sub level two, and the lab we were in was in west side module Sub level three. Now there was an Inter base transport system and slide ways, but we cadets were not allowed to use them and had to go everywhere on foot. The fastest way to the dorm was via main lobby in the center module. There also were a series of GalNet terminals. My plan was to get there as fast as possible, since there were more cadets than terminals and they could only be used during spare time, something we almost never had.

The lab vanished before my eyes and a strange pulling sensation in my neck and the next thing I knew I almost walked nose first into one of the GalNet terminals. It took me a moment to realize what happened. Narth said with a happy tone in my mind. “Now you be the very first to use GalNet and you teleported without any ill effects.”

“Thank you, I guess. You could at least warned me.”

He pointed at Gaarl, who was a Quadiped coming out of the connecting tower. “Any delay and we would be too late, Eric. There are those who are very fast on their legs.”

He was right and I was glad to be able to make a call. Then I said.”You first Narth, maybe you like to call home as well.”

“I do not need GalNet to call other Narth. I am in contact with Narth Supreme as we speak.”

“You are certainly full of surprises.” I said and activated the terminal. “System, I like to make a call to Planet Nilfeheim, Olafson Clan.”

The GalNet logo flashed over the two Dee Screen. These GalNet terminals were not Avatar enabled. The Olafson logo of the two wolf heads appeared and then the call was answered by very pretty blonde young girl wearing her hair in braids. She was standing by a terminal in father’s study. It was Exa, the orphan I had encountered on Twilight and managed to send home to Nilfeheim.

She yelled excited.”It’s Eric. Eric is calling.”

Father came into the sensor view and I realized how long it was I had even thought about them. He looked the same and yet there was something different. His brooding look was completely gone. My father had a smile uner his mighty black beard and the smile reached his steel blue eyes.”Hail my First Born. I hope thy call brings good tidings.”

“I have this opportunity to call home. I am still in basic training. I wanted to hear how things are at home.”

“So you will not come for Yuletide. It is less than four weeks to the festivities?”

I made a surprised face.” Yuletide was never celebrated on the Burg.”

“Many things have changed, my son. I am not only free of the drugs but I also see the errors of my life and there are many things I did that cannot be excused by the influence of the drugs. As you decreed, the Burg is no longer a place of sorrow and fear. I have the court yard decorated this year and everyone is invited and we celebrate Yuletide as your mother always wanted it to be.”

As he mentioned mother, I clenched my fists and old rage and horror boiled inside me almost to the surface and somewhere deep inside I cursed myself for not making good on my promise and killing him. I knew neither Tyr nor Old Egill would approve of such thoughts and I did not let my feelings reach my words. He noticed anyway and his smile vanished, but little Exa tried to push his bulk aside and twirled around in a deep red velvet dress with snow white fur trimmings.” Look at this dress, Eric. Uncle Isegrim got it for me for my birthday.”

Same as Eric Olafson, Fleet Cadet (Vol 3)
Chapter 3: Basic Training Videos

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 31 Interlude Aboard the Devastator

Richard stood by the view port in his office aboard the Devastator. The Ship was still on its way back to the LMC. The Narth were certain that the next Y’All invasion would come from this direction. He had seen the Narth Sphere during the last Y’All invasion and now that the Narth Supreme had personally told him that the Narth would be on the Union Side and hinted he would share some Narth technology with the Union he was far less concerned as he was before. He smiled at his own reflection,...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 30 Interlude Luna

His new aide alsdo a Commander came into the office of the Admiral and said. “I am unable to raise the Commander or the Midshipman. The local police found the Laboratory empty, but found the flier of the Xenobiologist 3 miles away near the mountains. No sign of the two. There is a piece of ground burned by TKU before a cave entrance.” The Admiral leaned back and pointed at the file he was reading.” I was reading up on the Big Bone Mystery and I wonder why we never put more efforts in this to...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 24 Scorch Marks Interlude

Stahl’s suit shield had collapsed twice, and the scorch marks on his armor showed that he came awful close to making his ideas of retiring quite mute, but the Steel Gauntlet had managed to secure the alien ship, and the grey skinned Kermac Captain still struggled in his augmented suit fist. Stahl had grabbed him, before he could activate the self destruct. Sergeant Black Horse, a genuine Terran Apache shouldered his monstrous boarding axe and said.” Ship Secure, Big Chief.” None of the men in...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 33 Interlude A Dragon Is Born

Swybar was the first out of the D 60 Long Distance shuttle; the two men that accompanied him followed down the ramp and looked around. One of them was a disguised Kermac, that much he knew but he had no idea who the other was, but he expected him to be an agent of the worm. All three of them were disguised as humanoids wearing heavy insulated and heated suits and cold masks. Patches on their suits identified them as civilian contractors. All his life Swybar thought it was impossible to forge...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 11 Ranger Baker Interlude

The music blasting from the speakers onto the flight deck of this small specialized space ship was called Country music and no one past the Sol system would know what it was, the man in the one person command center of the ship however grew up in Texas, long before the Galactic Ascent and he sang along, knowing every lyric by heart. He was a big man, with fists like five pound hams, a barrel chest and a weathered sun tan. So long ago he had been a Texas Ranger and now over three thousand...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 12 The Steiners

The next day he did as he promised and took me with is rugged freight bed flier to the southmost tip of Bifrost island a deserted dark pebble beach. Most of the rocks where about fist sized but there many much bigger and a few almost house sized. “These are carried by the glaciers from the mountains and after every Longnight they go a little further till they end in the sea.” He explained, “Eventually carrying our small mountain range away to the sea.” He took the metal box with him, handed...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 7 Distant Events Interlude

Carl Kerry leaned on his staff and let his gaze wander over the peaks of the mountains and the alpine meadows before him then he looked over his flock of goats grazing on the herbs and grasses. The orange sun in the sky migt eventually be fixed by Wurgus engineers, but there was no hurry. The local star would last a many hundred million years before it begun to expand, reach the next stage in a suns life and become a red M Class star. In the process of this development swallow the Planet...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 17 An Enemy Returns Interlude

The communications officer of the Devastator reported to Stahl. “Sir we have no contact to Fornax Hub. The last message we received was a distress call and now it is silent on all channels.” The old Admiral wished the huge ship could go any faster and glanced over to captain Harris, knowing full well that the ship was already pushing its engines close to the red line. He did not want to push them any further. The mighty Devastator would be of no help if she arrived at a crisis with damaged...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 20 The Steel Gauntlet Interlude

The five potato shaped space ships immediately attacked. Their weapons were consistent with Y’All technology and so were their shields. Stahl looked over the scanner results and was convinced it was exactly the same as 1500 years ago. The Chief Science officer confirmed it.”Sir, these are defiantly Y’All ships. Even the power output and everything is exactly the same as it was 1500 years ago. It looks like they made no improvement at all.” If this was the case, the Admiral thought, then this...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 2 Ragnarsson Rock

5009, OTT The days after her death were like a haze. I woke in the Union Clinic. It was the first time I could remember being away from the Burg. When I first regained consciousness I was floating in some kind of gooey liquid, whatever I tried I could not move and through the liquid I could see people moving. I was certain one of the shapes was father. When I woke again, I was no longer in the liquid but in the same room. All was gleaming white and clean. A man with a broad smile greeted...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 7 Erik Ragnarsson returns to Nilfeheim

The weeks to summer break went by faster than I liked. Mr. Walters came into class this morning and said after we greeted him. “Tomorrow will be your last day of school and you have three month to prepare for the next year. Everyone in class will advance. While your grades and results have much room for improvement, they are satisfactory. Today I want to ask if you know why we keep time the way we do?” He pointed his finger at Yngve.” You will not speak.” Since Mr. Walters gave positive...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 15 SIF

Two days later, the Elders placed Ragnarsson flags and a shield with the Falcon symbol in a ritualistic ceremony into the Caves of Extinct clans and had the alcove bricked shut. An Elder smashed my Grandfathers signet ring with a hammer on an anvil and tossed it into the ocean. The Ragnarsson clan was no more. After the Ceremony Hogun took me downtown again, he explained that a lawyer had come to open my grandfather’s will. The building where Hogun landed the floater had three floors and...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 35 Interlude Logistics

Lt. Harrison liked logistics. He never wanted to do anything else really. It fitted his meticulous character and string sense of order, to be responsible for material flows and acquisitions. He liked proper filled acquisition forms and hated the ones filled out partially or incorrectly. He expected that the fields not needed were marked with n/a for not applicable. How easy was it for the requestor to fill out these Computronic forms, why could they not pay attention to the little details,...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Prelude Part 6 Naming Day

Prelude Part 6: Naming Day A new egg-shaped stone cut from a single two-ton boulder marked the grave of the little girl. The stone had been dug out from underneath the snow; a stonemason had chiseled the name Freya Olafson and the date into the stone and then it was carried to the cemetery behind the community roundhouse. There, also under a thick layer of snow, were the rock mounds and rock markers of the graves of the most revered. On a planet with so little land, the dead usually...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 9 Keepers

I found the Halls of Hasvik easily enough as they could not be missed. Next to the huge doors ;which were as I could see now, were made of dark wood with large Ultronit bands holding large timbers together; was a smaller metal door and I knocked there. It did not take long and another man opened, he too was dressed like the other one but he was the stark opposite of the Old man I met the day before. He was fat, Midril would have appeared like a weightless Elf compared to this man. His woven...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 8 Checkpoint 96

Non Union ships wanting to do business in Union space have to stop at one of these Checkpoints that dot the imaginary border between Union and Free space to get Customs clearance and a transponder code. While civilian ships could freely enter Union space, they could only land on Union Worlds with the proper Customs documents. Detected warships of other civilizations would result in a border alert and cause an immediate response from the fleet. Checkpoint 96 was a small ice planet with a...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 31 DECK 54

The Devastator was an enormous ship and the outer corridor of Deck 54 circled the ship at the horizontal equator of the main hull. It was almost seventy clicks long. There were IST (Inter ship transport) stations in regular intervals, every 20 meters was a security door, open during normal operations that could be closed in an eye blink and reinforced with force field curtains. Dividing the entire ship in millions of individual sealed compartements.All Union military ships had the same...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 2 Consequences

Lothar’s beam burned through my chest. It felt as if my entire torso was on fire, but I was alive. I did not faint or pass out instead fulled by burning rage I ran towards him, his face was pure horror he still held the small weapon he did not fire a third time. I reached him in mere seconds, buried my knee in his groin and smashed the palm of my hand against his nose with the hope I would shove his nose bone up his brain. Something completely impossible f course, but I was furious and kept...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 19 New Yall Interlude

The Devastator had made it. No one aboard knew very much about the old Celtest engines, except Centron the Ships AI that was also not a product of Union Tech but the ships original AI, utmost loyal to Stahl. Centron warned that the old engines would need serious servicing before they could be used again at these speeds. That would mean the way home would take much longer, unless the Chief Engineer could figure out how to service the alien engines. However this was a problem, they would face...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 25 Fornax Cluster Interlude

In all these years it was the first Stahl ran to reach the bridge of the Devi, he had barely made it back aboard and was still wearing his battered combat suit as he stomped with augmented muscles and eight tons of Terran battle gear on the bridge. Harris just informed him that another wave of Y’All ships was approaching. His mighty ship shuddered and he heard the Harris ordering all attack wings to be deployed. He reached the bridge. Harris had disappeared inside his command chair now in...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 26 The Herald Interlude

The Call has been made and the Herald was about to complete the first part of the mission. He had been sent in advance to gauge the strength of this union and to secure the secret of the weapon that was able to defeat the Y’All. He had not been sent alone, but with him he had 300 mighty Y’All ships crewed not only by a new generation of Y’All warriors, but also by a large number of cloned beings, called the Kermac. It was decided that the Y’All should be led this time by an intelligent...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 13 Funeral

The image of Ardalf’s face as the sword slipped into his body would not leave me and I dreaded going to sleep even more than before. When I finally was so tiered I had to sleep I would dream and see the scene all over. One particular dream was especially disturbing as I saw my mother standing by the dead boy and shaking her head. Father was busy integrating the Steiner clan and he left me completely alone, even when I was at the burg and he was there. I spend most of my time at Uncle Hogun’s...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 1 Alone

The last thing I remembered was the stinging prick into my neck and then a nauseating spinning sensation that dragged me into nothingness. I was supposed to perform an Orbital assault jump as part of the final challenge and to win the Reagan trophy for the Devastator. My friends and I equipped with heavy battle suits had boarded a Drop ship. Strapped into the drop rack, my suit malfunctioned and nothing worked. At first I believed I was dead, but I felt still nauseas and I opened my eyes....

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 10 Reunion

Even though I had little medical knowledge, my time serving in the Devi’s sick bay and getting basic med training at the Academy I was helping with the triage of wounded and somehow remembered Dr. Dwyer my old Nilfeheim doctor as I derma-patched an eleven year old’s scrape wounds he had suffered falling while running and hiding inside an service crawl. The Casualty numbers were depressing. “943 dead among them many civilians and 1532 wounded of which more than 500 were very critical. Over...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 32 OLAFONS GANG

Har-Hi and I returned to our dorm and Mao greeted us.” Have you two decided to kill each other at a later time?” “Yes we decided to postpone that.” Har-Hi answered. “That is good. Because we are complete now and I am tired to be behind in everything.” I said.” We are complete in what and where are you behind?” “First things first.” Mao replied.” You got to meet the rest, just in case so you don’t bust furniture across someone else’s back.” Mao stepped into the middle of the dorm room.”...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 7 American Spirit

The ‘American Spirit’ was nothing I expected a space ship to look from the inside. It was more like a luxurious villa, complete with garden, swimming pool and green lawn. We stepped through a glass sliding door under a blue sky with a single yellow sun and on the green plant surface he called grass, was a table with umbrella and a few garden chairs. Rolling hills with forests in the distance. “All simulated of course,” Alex explained. “The walls are actually only 30 meters from us, but I...

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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 4

The Bowels It could have been any Maltyrian but I was certain it was Galmy. At the same as I said her name I realized she would not recognize me. She still had these inhuman big eyes and that translucent complexion. Her hair was the same midnight black as I remembered. She said. “You know me, Captain... ?” Her eyes scanned over my uniform blouse looking for my name tag. “Captain Olafson?” She was out of uniform so I could not see what rank she had attained since I seen her last. “Yes I...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 3 Union school

The best day in my life was when I turned seven and I could go to Union school being away from the Burg and away from my father was like breathing lighter air. Everyone had to go to Union school. That was Union Law and it superseded local law. Union school was such a long part of our society that it too became an Old Tradition and therefore was good. At school I learned that Nilfeheim was a Water-World and that we all originally came from a Planet named Earth and settled here long time...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 17 Mother

It was the last hour of our last school day. Mr. Walters handed out the final grades and said.” This is the last time I am doing this for you. When you return next year, a new teacher will try to pound some knowledge into your thick skulls. I am going to be transferred to another school, still on Nilfeheim but they thought I be best suited to try my hand on the even wilder Neo Vikings of the South Pole.” He then shook everyone’s hand and said a few words to everyone. When he reached me he...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 23 Thunderstorm

I went down the narrow stair case to find out if there was a God living in the Old Man’s basement. Now I had reached the bottom of the narrow stair case and it expanded into a large natural grotto. The old man had a very large, and from the looks of it a natural Sub Pen under his rock. It was cold and moist and without my light it would have been pitch dark. There was no god and no mystery down here. At least there wasn’t any more garbage either. I did for a moment see a movement in the water...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 5 Grandfather

Mr.Flensburger was now gone for a week and we had a new teacher. Mr. Walters was his name and he was much different to the jovial and gentle Mr. Flensburger. He was stern and had a no nonsense approach. This Monday morning, right by the main doors I saw Yngve Lofdahl waiting for me. He had a busted; bleeding lip and his left eye was swelling. Like me he was wearing a fur vest over a linen tunic that reached halfway to the knees, linen breeches and boots. Usually he always looked like he wore...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Personae Dramatis

(List of Characters) Eric Olafson – A teenage Neo Viking leaves his home world for the first time. To travel and eventually to join the Union Navy Elena Olafson – technically a cousin to Eric, but since she was adopted by Eric’s father, she is now known as his sister. Isegrim Olafson – The current clan chief of the Olafson clan, and Eric’s father Lothar Olafson – Eric’s half brother The Ancient – aka Elkhart the Keeper. An old man claiming to have forgotten to die. Officially he is the...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 73 CELTEST

The Devastator had excellent recreational facilities and offered something for almost any taste, but the most liked recreation area was called The Village. It was a small down town area complete with shops, cafés, micro breweries, night-clubs, restaurants, Virtu-show halls and theatres. The sky appeared real with moving clouds and a warm yellow sun. It would even rain or snow once in a while. The Village centered on a park with grass, trees, flower patches and narrow duro-crete walking paths....

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Prelude Part 4 Volund

Prelude Part 4: Volund 4999, OTT The crumbling walls of Olafson Burg were no longer on his mind. Volund was now the steward of Ragnarsson Rock. Erik Gustav had kept his word and had given him the stewardship and rule of all that was Ragnarsson on this world. There were tanneries in the extensive basements, several Nubhir farms on the permanent ice of the southern polar region, and large Fangsnapper herds. Best of all, there were five modern and well-kept fishing boats and three hunting...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 22 ARSENAL IV

The Hyperion approached Arsenal IV just as Captain Zezz said with only eight hours to spare before I had to report for my third year posting. The extended time of my stay aboard the battle ship appeared to have gone by even faster. The Klack XO touched my face with his antennae. “You have been outstanding at the OPS station. I have seen many others struggle with that position.” “Thank you Sir. Your guidance and the tutor ship of the other bridge officers was the real reason I managed.” To...

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