Ambush at the CampChapter 6
- 4 years ago
- 27
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Barbara Dawson was sitting cross-legged on their king-size bed watching her new sister, Kristin, unpack. They had just arrived at the Kapalua resort on the island of Maui earlier in the afternoon and were settling into their suite. When Bobbie had asked Kris which bedroom she wanted, Kris had just marched her into the master bedroom and informed her that they were sharing it. "What's the sense of having a wonderful brand-new sister if I can't use her to keep me warm at night?" the girl had said with a quick grin.
Having only a few articles of clothing that still fit her reshaped body, Bobbie was just watching as Kris unpacked two suitcases and put her things away. As she did Bobbie noticed how beautiful all of her things were. Her clothing was tasteful, stylish and very understated. At the same time everything she had was so elegant.
Something had been bothering Bobbie about Kris for days now, ever since she had learned about her new brother and sister, Ken and Cathy Bradley. As Kris put things away she began singing softly to herself. Suddenly Bobbie recognized the tune and her mystery was solved. "My God!" she exclaimed. "You're ... you're Kris Bradley!"
"Sure am," Kris replied casually. "But what's news about that?"
"But ... I mean ... You're ... You're Kris Bradley, the singer!"
Kris looked at her sharply and said, "That and a buck-and-a-half will get you on the subway! Big fucking deal!"
"But, I mean ... You're famous!" Bobbie insisted.
"And Andy Warhol said everyone will be famous for two minutes. Those were my two minutes," Kris replied. Then with a grin she added, "On the other hand, the CD ran for nearly sixty minutes so maybe I'm a little ahead of the game."
Bobbie was staring at Kris intently. Now that she remembered the name, other bits and pieces from her memory were coming together. Glaring at her accusingly she said, "You just completed a major film didn't you? Your very first and you're the female star! I read about it. I understand there are a couple of nude scenes that almost ignited the film."
Then Bobbie began to cry, got off the bed, retrieved her suitcase, and, even though she was now blinded by her tears, began to re-pack her things.
"Where in hell are you going!?" Kris exclaimed as she realized that Bobbie was packing to leave.
"I'm getting out of your life!" Bobbie exclaimed through her tears. "My God! What a family! In just three children we have an All-Pro wide receiver who's also a Baker Scholar — and a Rhodes Scholar designate; the only woman in history to play professional football — and win the MVP award at the Pro Bowl — a woman who's also Phi Beta Kappa, a valedictorian, one of the most brilliant bankers in the country, as well as being a world-class mother.
"Now I find my sister made a record that went Platinum in one of the shortest spans of time in the history of the recording business, a sister who's the sweetheart of all our Armed Forces in the Middle East, a sister who has just stood Hollywood on its collective ear with the most sizzling screen performance in memory — in her first motion picture!"
By now Bobbie had finished stuffing her things willy-nilly into her bag and was headed towards the door. Her parting words were, "What on earth could I possibly bring to this party?"
Kris's first reaction to Bobbie's tears was one of shock and dismay. Initially she was going to interrupt her but when she saw the direction Bobbie's comments were taking, she just let her talk. Kris was expecting her parting question. When she heard it, she was sitting on the bed with her knees up under her chin leaning back against the headboard. "Do you really want to know the answer?" she asked quietly.
Bobbie had almost reached the door, but Kris's surprising response stopped her in her tracks. Wheeling around she dropped her bag and exclaimed, "As a matter of fact, yes!"
"Then strip and get your tight little ass into this bed beside me," Kris replied.
As she spoke, she was shedding her own clothes and then slipped under the covers. Bobbie looked puzzled for a moment but then did as she was asked. When she slid under the covers, her new sister was waiting for her and took her into her arms. Kris held her tightly and just breathed in the wonderfully clean natural fragrance of Bobbie's body. After kissing her warmly, Kris held her closely and felt her firm tits mashed against another pair that were even more firm than her own as well as being very slightly larger.
Hugging Bobbie closely, Kris's mouth was next to her ear. Whispering, she asked, "Do you remember Snow White?"
"Snow White!?" Bobbie exclaimed. "What does an animated film have to do with anything?"
"A lot," Kris replied. "Do you remember when the wicked queen asked, 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?'"
"I guess so," Bobbie whispered back. "But still, so what?"
"Well," Kris replied with a grin, "Kenny Clifford is my mirror on the wall. While we were filming out here I spent a lot of time with Ali and her family. Like everyone else, I adore Kenny Clifford. Anyway, the very first time I met him he said I was the most beautiful woman in the world. It became our little private joke. Whenever I saw him, I would ask him and get the same answer — until a few weeks ago.
"Then when I asked, he said I was one of the most beautiful women. Well, I now know him well enough to know that he can't lie. I mean it! He absolutely cannot! So when he said it, I pretended to cry and asked who's more beautiful?
"He hugged me while tears were flowing from his eyes. You see, he hurt my feelings — or thought he had — and that's another trait he gets from his mother: He can't do that, either. Anyway, his reply was Barbara Dawson. Then he proceeded to tell me about you.
"By the way," she interjected, "Kenny uses a unique definition of beauty. Of course it includes physical appearance, but primarily it's sheer goodness. That's what he was really rating you on. Anyway, while he was in the middle of telling me about you, Andrea Cartwright comes and joins in. With those two little angels raving about you I knew you had to be very special."
Pulling away slightly so she could look into Bobbie's eyes she added, "And you know what? They are absolutely right!"
Then she fused her lips to Bobbie's and worked them in the most loving and passionate kiss Bobbie had ever had. While she was kissing her new sister, her fingers were roving over the girl's body caressing her magnificent skin.
When she finally eased away, she said, "Bobbie, you're exquisite! Can we take a nap now, together? Just like this?"
Bobbie reacted to the tender touch and responded by stroking Kris's body at the same time. As she was held she could feel all of the accumulated tensions she had been feeling just disappear to be replaced by a feeling of wonderful warmth and lassitude. All she could do was to murmur, "Mm mm..." In just moments, the two girls were asleep in each other's arms.
About an hour later, Kris was awakened by soft knocking on the suite door. Using the soft light filtering past the window blinds, she looked at her new sister in her arms. Bobbie was holding her closely to her body and Kris delighted in the feeling. The girl's body was so warm and soft, yet firm, with skin like the smoothest satin. Since her hand was behind Bobbie's neck, she gently stroked the girl's hairline. As she did she was rewarded with a soft smile coupled with contented sounds coming from deep in her body.
Hearing the knocking at the door repeated, Kris carefully eased herself out of her sister's embrace and padded out to the door. Checking in the peephole, she smiled as she saw her mother waiting patiently. Since she was nude, she stood behind the door and quietly opened it a bit allowing Vangie to slip inside.
Closing the door behind her, Vangie took her daughter into her arms and kissed her lovingly. Then she whispered, "Bobbie's still sleeping, isn't she?"
Kris raised an eyebrow and replied, "Yes, she is, but how did you know?"
"Because the poor kid has become an emotional basket case. You heard Marie the other night: She wasn't exaggerating in the slightest. Your sister is madly in love with Tom Conroy. She goes down on him and displays her naked body to him. Can you possibly imagine what that does to her? Particularly since it would never occur to her to get herself off?"
Giving Kris another quick kiss, Vangie slipped off the terry robe which was all she was wearing and said, "Why don't you go see your father — the key is in the pocket — or go play in the traffic or something? In other words, why don't you get lost? I want to get to know my newest daughter!"
"Oh, Mom!" Kris quietly exclaimed. "Do for her what you did for me the night after my adoption hearing. She needs comforting so desperately!"
With a quick wink Kris put on her mother's robe and slipped out of the suite. As soon as she left, Vangie padded into the bedroom and carefully slid into the bed where Kris had just been. She smiled to herself as she felt Kris's residual warmth in the bed and saw Bobbie's hands moving, obviously searching for her recently departed bed-partner. When Vangie moved into the girl's arms, she saw a lovely small smile appear and then watched as the girl sank back into a deep sleep with her body now tightly pressed against her own. As Vangie dropped off to sleep she smelled the wonderful clean scent of Bobbie's body.
About an hour later, Bobbie slowly awakened. With her eyes still closed, she sniffed at the wonderful aroma of her bed-partner's body — a natural fragrance that was so fresh and clean. Since her arms were around her, she gently moved her fingertips over her sister's back while she gently moved her body against hers. The feeling, she decided, was delicious. Squeezing, she felt her tits mashed against another beautiful pair.
Then she moved her head slightly, put her lips against her bed-partner's and kissed her lovingly. Her eyes opened suddenly when she realized the taste was different. It was only then that she realized it wasn't Kris, it was her new mother!
Her eyes widened as she exclaimed, "Mother! But ... but it can't be you!"
"Why not?" Vangie inquired softly as she snuggled even closer to her young daughter.
"You ... you're too young! You feel exactly like Kris." Then she wriggled her body against her mother's and shook her head. "No you don't. You feel so ... so wonderfully warm and ripe, sweet and juicy..."
"Oh, shit!" exclaimed Vangie. "Not another one!"
Looking hurt, Bobbie asked, "Another one what?"
Vangie grinned at her then gently kissed her eyes, her nose and her ears, finally formed her lips to her daughter's and poured out her love. Moving away slightly she explained, "That's almost exactly what Kris said the first time we were together like this: She said I was like a ripe pear! I'll say to you what I said to her," she continued with a wry grin, "You really know how to make an old woman feel good: comparing me to an overripe inanimate object!"
Bobbie's eyes gleamed at her mother's quip. Then she asked, "Mom, could I kiss you? Just once? Please?"
Vangie's eyebrows knitted as she pretended to frown. "Barbara! Really! I mean ... Just because I'm mashing my bare tits against yours ... Just because you're grinding your gorgeous bush against my bare mound ... I mean ... Really! Aren't you being just a bit ... forward?"
"Yep!" Bobbie agreed as she melted her lips against her mother's and just poured out her love. As she did Vangie was holding her tightly and running her fingers all over her bare back. When her hand reached one of Bobbie's bare asscheeks, she squeezed as hard as she could. Rather than make a sound, Bobbie just mashed her groin harder against her mother's and made a deep sound of appreciation.
When the kiss ended, the girl asked, "Mom, could I just look at you? You've seen me bare, but I've never seen you. I can feel you and you just feel scrumptious. Do you look as good as you feel?"
At that she flipped back the covers and moved her body away to get a good look. As she looked at her mother lying on her side with her head on a pillow, she just whistled softly. "Mom," she asked, "are you as good in bed with Dad as it looks like you are? My God! You look younger naked than you do dressed. You're just unbelievable!"
Then she frowned, moved farther away from her on the wide bed and asked, "But how can you possibly stand to be so close to me? I'm a slut!" she wailed.
Grabbing the covers again, Vangie pulled them up over them both and moved close enough to the girl to take her again in her arms. "No, my darling," she whispered. "I'm the slut, not you. You have been tormented beyond human endurance both physically and psychologically. I did much worse things while stone sober. Incidentally, we have started the wheels turning to identify and punish the ones responsible for your degradation. The one thing I can promise you is that they will be very, very sorry!"
Then with a quick grin she said, "Come on! It's time for you to take a shower and get dressed. We're meeting in our suite in about thirty minutes for cocktails before dinner."
After sharing a shower and admiring her new daughter's utterly perfect body, Vangie gave her a massage with musk oil. When she finished and said it was time for Bobbie to dress, the girl began to cry saying that she really had nothing to wear other than a few pairs of jeans.
"That's what you think, darling," Vangie said with a warm smile. "You're wrong on two counts. First, we sent a ton of stuff for you on ahead of us. Second, you and Kris are nearly identical physically. I'll bet there's not one thing of hers that you couldn't wear."
"But, Mom!" Bobbie protested, "they're hers, not mine. I couldn't possibly—"
"What in hell is the use of having a sister if you can't steal her clothes every day?" Vangie interrupted with a grin. "Besides, you can bet your last cent she'll be stealing yours!"
With that Vangie produced a lovely sleeveless silk dress that fit Bobbie as if it had been custom-made for her. In fact, it had been. After putting it on, Vangie carefully brushed and combed Bobbie's short hair. When she was finished she went to a drawer and took out a wide gold link collar that she fastened around the girl's slim neck, then gave her a gold Rolex watch saying, "You better put this on yourself."
Bobbie looked at it and gasped when she realized it was solid 18-carat gold. Turning it over she read the inscription and began to cry. It said 'To our darling daughter, Barbara, from your parents with all of the love we possess.'
Putting it down on the dressing table, the girl just reached up for her mother with tears flowing from her eyes.
Vangie took her into her arms and hugged her tight saying, "It's such a little thing, my darling. There's really nothing that your father or I can do to adequately communicate the depth of our love for you. But please believe me when I tell you it's very real."
Then she looked at Bobbie with a wry grin and asked, "Now, could you do me a favor? Could I borrow a bathrobe to get back to our suite? I gave mine to your sister."
Bobbie frowned but her eyes were dancing as she replied, "Mother! Really ... I mean ... Well, hell, if you just ran kind of fast..." She giggled as her new mother stuck out her tongue looking exactly like a thirteen-year-old doing it, then threw her a robe from behind the bathroom door.
Dinner in the dining room that night was also a different experience for the girl. First, rather than sitting facing each other across the table, her new parents were sitting next to each other at the square table. At first she was puzzled but the reason quickly became clear: They had a shared physical need to touch one another. She realized it was unconscious on both of their parts. Ed would lightly run his fingers up the inside of Vangie's thigh, while she would unconsciously stroke whichever part of him was closest.
At the same time the dinner was a delight. Bobbie just listened as the other three talked about an incredible range of subjects. She also found that her mother's humor and caustic wit was concentrated on making denigrating comments about herself, her appearance, her lack of education — anything at all.
After dinner, as they headed back towards the senior Bradley's suite Bobbie whispered into Vangie's ear, "Mom, you're so full of shit, it's ridiculous!"
Kris and her father were in the lead and kept going as Vangie stopped short and wheeled on Bobbie demanding, "What did you mean by that crack, young lady?"
Pulling her mother towards her, Bobbie melted her lips to hers. Then she whispered, "Mom, you're so brilliant! Never in my life have I heard such drivel! 'Poor little me! I barely have a high-school diploma... ' Maybe that's true, but you know far more than any Ph.D. I've ever heard of. And your head is screwed on straight, you exude goodness and love..."
Bobbie kissed her mother again and said, "Mom, you're just great! God, I love you!"
Vangie was looking puzzled as she looked intently into Bobbie's eyes, searching for some sign of teasing. There was none. Then she murmured, "You're serious, aren't you? You really mean what you said?"
"Of course," Bobbie replied simply.
"Oh, my darling daughter!" Vangie exclaimed, "I love you so very much!"
Bobbie soaked up her loving kiss, then kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose. Then they resumed their walk back to the suite. When they arrived, they found Ed and Kris waiting for them. "Bobbie," Kris said, "you already had a good look at Mom this afternoon. So tonight you prepare Dad while I work on our mother."
Rolling her eyes she added, "At their ages, it takes a lot of preparation to get Dad's cock up and to get Mom's cunt in a receptive state, so..." As Kris took her mother by the hand, Vangie used her free hand to spank Kris's bottom as hard as she could.
Kris wiggled her small ass and said with a wink, "Thanks, Mom. It's not as good as a man's cock, I guess, but it's better than nothing." Vangie just rolled her eyes and they went into the master bedroom together.
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For the next few days all I could think about was Joshua’s huge black cock. I would steal a cucumber from the refrigerator and pretend it was his big cock fucking me while I moaned and squealed with pleasure. Although the cucumber was close to the size of his enormous cock, it wasn’t quite the same. It didn’t feel warm, nor did it have the ridges that would form when the veins on his cock became engorged with his pumping blood.I made up my mind. I had to have the real thing thrusting between my...
TabooWe were just putting together our breakfast in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. It was a little bit off the beaten track, about an hour or so off I-40, but Dolly Parton had always been an idol of mine. Ever since I was eight and I saw her on TV with those huge tits, and this was my chance to see Dollywood. Arti had never been, and still wasn't, much of country music fan, but she was a good sport. I kept trying to educate her to the finer points of that genre, but ... what can I say? She still...
me and Connor loved to fuck around in public clearly from our first time.. but this time we were bold and wanted to be noticed... we walked into the theater and as soon as the lights went down we snuck up to he front just in front of the screen... and we layed down and started to 69 while the movie was starting... nobody could see us and Connor was especially excited and i had something special for him.. i grabbed his cock and said "shove it in me sweety i want to feel your cum deep in me"......
January 3, 2013 When we stepped out of the doctor's office, I stopped to put on my coat, while Jules dug through her purse for her keys. "Told you," I sang with a smug grin on my face. "You still took a crazy risk letting him fuck you without a condom. You don't know, he could have some kind of disease." She'd been in rare form this morning. The night before, we'd talked for hours, until she took me to bed to drive me crazy with her tongue. We'd woken up late and had to scramble...
I was standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the garage; I’d just got home from a date that didn’t go as I’d expected… I sighed and leaned against the door frame for a few moments. Finally I returned dad’s keys to the hook next to the door so he wouldn’t know I had used the car while he and mom were away [and I added gas to the tank, too]. My little sister, Jamie Lynn, was at a sleepover so she couldn’t rat me out. I closed the door to...
len[/i]tin[/b]es day[[/image]b][[/b]/b][/b]
When Axel exited the cramped tunnel, he found the worshipers already engaged in combat. Rayner, however, was nowhere in sight, meaning he’d gone deeper into the battle to fight more fearsome foes. Axel knew Rayner was alive because of the way the worshipers fought. They were all under the effects of Rayner’s skill, Battle Cry. It meant Rayner was doing his part and Axel had to do his own. Since all the monsters were engaged and Colin and Haro were taking up the task of keeping other enemies...
Hi ,this story is about how I managed to massage a beautiful aunt in her bed room when her husband is out of station.Me and my neighbor aunty lives in an society where so many apartments are there and coming to the story one day I saw an aunty near the opposite apartment where she is waiting for her husband and my apartment is opposite to her apartment and I said Hi to her and she replied with hello and this continued for some days and one day she rang the door bell and asked for an help in...
‘Salut Martin! Ça va?’ he asked greeting of the owner of the Italian bistro on the first floor of his building who was coming back from the market. They knew each other quite well by now, Martin was giving Alex cooking lessons and Alex had installed wi-fi access and his point-of-sale packages and kept them running. Alex felt it was a good exchange and it had many benefits for both of them. Alex spent many a night on a corner stool in the bar chatting with the regular patrons or pouring drinks...
Note : This story is completely fictional! As Helen walked into the school she rolled her hips from side to side. She felt the stares of all the guys in her year gawping at her phat ass. She walked over to her form room and pushed open the door. Ryan and his mates sat in one corner listening to each others jokes, like they normally did. Amy, Nikki and Stephanie sat in the other talking about fit guys and who they’d like to fuck if they got the chance. ‘Hey’ Helen said perching on a table top....
First TimeIt was two o’clock in the morning, and everything in the house lay still. You are down the hallway in your office and I’m on the couch watching late night television. I am a naturally horny person so I’m feeling the need to get off. It had been a few days. You were working hard and I didn’t want to bother you. But I couldn’t get the thought of your body out of my mind. I wanted you, I needed you. I close my eyes and imagined you taking your clothes off for me. First, you lift off your shirt...
The House 12. The Mother-in-law. I stood still and she was petrified, and an eternal 5 seconds passed, in which I thought: how long had she been there? All the time! How much had she listened? All of it! Had she listened to the porn movie? From end to end! Had she listened to Malu? In detail! Had she believed what was said about me? She had to see it! My mind was dizzily asking me these questions and she answered herself, she didn't do anything. And since I was the married one, I had to be...
It was obvious to Bernard that while Madam Chao might have to wait until the end of the week for the participants in Florence Daniels’ programme to appear, she didn’t intend to let the occupants of the wire cages sit around contemplating their misfortunes. “Slave work hard, earn meals. No work, no meals. No work, bamboo beating. Understand?” she had snapped when the men had been taken out of their cages the next morning. English might not be her first language but she managed to make herself...
I exchanged different mails with the Asian guy named Cheng to specify the details for the weekend, where Bena had to serve him willingly. He seemed some kind of successful business man with a huge house and a special cellar room. He wanted her to be clean shaven down her sluttish body and her pussy pumped up. He told me to get all sex toys from us to his place. So he received a big package of dildos of various sizes and shapes, whips, clamps, that huge traffic cone like plug, ropes, needles,...
Hello all ISS readers,,i am really thankful to this site since its given me d best sex experience i ever got,,let me tell u about me I am Ronit,5.6,from Delhi, studying in Bangalore,i used to read sex stories a lot but a girl author named apurva,attracted me vry much,she had given her 2 experiences along wid her id for review,i wasted no time in sending reviews to her,soon we spoke through mails,and came to know tat she was from Ashokevihar,just 20mins from my home…after few days chat we became...
The next afternoon, Donnie (Donnie Rock) once again summons his sexy Genie (La Sirena 69) and makes his second wish; to have sex with a hot, young brunette with big tits. The tantalizing Genie is happy to grant his wish, only this time, after being bottled-up for centuries, she seeks permission to stay and watch the action. Donnie happily agrees and without further ado, an already horny, well endowed brunette (Bella Rolland) appears before him. While Donnie and an eager Bella go-at-it, lust...
xmoviesforyou{Having discovered who has the power to turn him into a girl, John finds there may be yet another with power over him.} Jeanni Lamphear Will Make Your Wishes Come True 4-5: The Beat Goes On By Ron Dow75 4: What Good's a Crue? Jeanni Lamphear, the Golden Girl of Entertainment, left the Colgate Manse at more than 3:30 in the morning. 'HE' was totally dejected. "Great! How am I going to break this stupid spell. It's bad enough I've got I have to worry about four perverts, but...
Humorthese days I had conversations with friends about past fantasies and past real stories..I've chose a couple of them to share. I'm not a story addict, therefore it's all very brief, just an intuition..the first reminds me of a house in brussels where I worked for a while..always imagining that something nasty could happen there with a poor lady,lost in the fog..and finally tightly roped in the small room under the staircase..ready for a gagging and whipping session.. and a throathfuck to end...
A unique, gorgeous chick from the USA. Liv Revamped is sporting her skimpy pink lingerie and is looking to play. She is laying around the furry bed and you can see her without her panties or thong on already. You will definitely love what you will see as her perfectly shaped butt looks tempting out there. After showing off her best asset, she goes topless and starts showing off her cute, small tits. She does that before unveiling her already naked trimmed pussy. She spreads out her legs in...
xmoviesforyouHi everybody, I have recently started visiting this site and love the stories to bits. I live in London but I am basically from Hyderabad, AP. I am up for any relationships or casual sex in and around the London area. I know there are a lot of Indians in London and any names will be kept secret. I am a tall, medium built and average looking guy and I am sure I’ll satisfy the most of the lusty women. Please email me with your comments to Well this story is about the wife of my friend. I had...
When I got to work, Kelli was ringing some customers out. She smiled as I walked up to her to clock in. I asked her how her date was. She said my fuck session in the store made her exceptionally horny and the guy got a blow job in the parking lot. Then she told me that I forgot something last night. I asked her what, did I forget to clean something up?Kelli told me I left my camera on the shelf by the lube. Oh the surprise on my face. Kelli said she looked at the pics and had downloaded...
It was another hot day in the early summer and I was bored. I left my house walking, through the back yard and down to the creek just a short distance across the woods. I wandered along the creek bank going downsteam until I came to a shallow wide spot where I crossed and continued downsteam to where the fence that ran along the interstate highway was. There's a fallen tree there that broke down the fence so I crossed over to the highway side and continued walking, not knowing where I was...
The next week was an unending nightmare of pain. The days and nights were filled with her unrelenting fury. I was kept naked, collared and shackled. She had chained and hobbled me in a fashion so I was unable to gain my feet. My world became the punishment room and here Ingrid ruled. She used a short rubber-covered billy club to beat me. She knew exactly were to strike on my thick muscles, not leaving massive bruises, but causing intense agony. My thighs, calves and arms felt bruised to the...
I grew up with divorced parents, in the rural midwest, and I never experienced having a family household. My father was really not there, he tried to spend time with me, but he failed, so most of my time was spent with my mother. Now as a c***d of maybe 4 to 5 years old, my mother obtained a new position at a nursing home, so she had to begin to leave me at my grandmothers to be watched. Now my grandmother has been a widow my entire life, I have never had the chance to meet my grandfather. As a...
Hello to the readers of the stories in ISS and the readers of this story. And readers I am sorry if this narration turns out to be a long one but it was so fun for me I couldn’t leave out a single detail. This is Priyanka, and I am a student studying in Bangalore, in a prestigious law college. And if you would like to experience any particular incident or have something to say about this incident you can email at and I have a pretty fair complexion and kind off a nice body and I know many I...
Hi dosto me vicki 21sal ye bat 3 din pehle ki jab mere dono dost bilal 21sal or zedan 20sal dono farm house gay the unho ne mujhe bhi invite kia tha be bas janeki tayari hi kar raha tha ki meri choti sister zara jo ke 18 sall ki doll hai wo mere gale per gai ke bhi ap ke sath jao gi uski bohat zid karne per me man gaya q k meri behan ki jawani or uski sexy harkatoo ne mera dimag kharab kardia tha or me usse chodna chahta tha . Mene dil hi dil me usse chodne ka plan bana lia bas mene gari starte...