Love Never ChangesChapter 13 free porn video

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Codsworth was working on the flower bed just outside my house. “Oh, hello, mum! Welcome...” He was speaking to my back; I was running to the planning room.

I didn’t have to open the door, there was a gathering outside. “What’s wrong, boss?”

“Where’s Maxson, and is there still a vertibird here?”

Danse realized something serious was up. “Ma’am, Elder Maxson returned to the Prydwen. However, we do have a vertibird and pilot available here.”

“Good. I need four of you with me. Danse, Rhys, Deacon, Glory. You have ... three minutes. Load heavy.” Glory started towards the building where she’d stored her mini-gun, Danse went for another. I saw Scribe Haylen using her radio to communicate to the vertibird. Rhys and Deacon ran for their combat armor.

“What’s going on?” Desdemona demanded.

“I’m going to stop a war. There’re some synths at Bunker Hill. A rogue Courser is on his way to capture or kill them, and if he has to wipe everything out at Bunker Hill to do it, he will.” I started to run down the hill, where the vertibird pilot was already starting to spool up the blades.

“Bullseye! The Railroad agents monitor 105.3 as the emergency channel. Tell them the code word is One Lantern. That’ll tell them you’re in charge of all of them.” I nodded my thanks to her. I hopped into the front of the vertibird, next to the pilot.

“Does your radio reach the Prydwen when we’re airborne?” I could see the four running our way, Danse in the rear since he was in power armor, although Glory was having a hard time running with her mini-gun as well.

“Yes, Sentinel. Where are we going?”, she asked.

“Bunker Hill.” Deacon and Rhys jumped in, turning and helped Glory get in. Danse just turned around and sat on the floor of the vertibird, his feet on the skids. I nodded. “Let’s go, now!”

She already had us in ground effect, so it was easy for her to get us into the air. Once we were above the tree line, the pilot flipped two switches. “You’re clear for the Prydwen.”

“Prydwen control, this is Sentinel Wilson. Scramble all available units to Bunker Hill, now, now, now! Power armor, drop outside the city to defend it. The enemy is NOT, I repeat, NOT, the Railroad. Rogue Institute forces will be attacking. I am on my way to the site now. You may find hot landing zones. Ready medical units for medivac and probable casualties. Over.”

“Sentinel Wilson, this is Captain Kells. Understood. First units will deploy within ten minutes.”

“Copy that, Kells. Wilson, out.” I looked to the pilot. “I need 105.3, please.” She was a wizard with the controls, switching the channel while we were heading southwest at nearly 200 miles per hour.

“Railroad units in Bunker Hill. This is Railroad Heavy Bullseye. One Lantern, I say again, One Lantern. Do you copy?”

It was quiet for a moment, then I heard a man’s voice. “This is Heavy Nightmare. One Lantern. What’s going on, Bullseye?”

“Prepare for an immediate attack on Bunker Hill by rogue Institute Courser. Friendlies are on the way. Brotherhood of Steel units are friendlies and will assist in defense.”

“We’d heard about that.” I heard him flip some kind of switch, then a siren started to wail in the background as he continued speaking. “I’ve sounded the alarm and...” He was interrupted by the sound of an explosion. “Good timing, Bullseye! We’re under attack now! Nightmare, out!”

I could see through the front wind screen the flashes of weapons firing. I also saw a lot of other flashes, from teleportation. I’d forgotten to ask how many synth relay grenades was in a large number. Apparently more than twenty. We came in low, on a hard bank.

“Send me some help when you can!” Danse jumped out of the vertibird, landing on a synth, opening fire with his mini-gun.

“Damned fool!” Glory yelled. Then she saw one of the synths that was injured pulling out a synth relay grenade of its own. “These things are bringing in reinforcements by themselves! Get me lower!”

The pilot glanced at me. I nodded, so she skillfully pulled us back into a near stall about fifteen feet up. Glory jumped out of the other side of the vertibird, opening up with her mini-gun as well.

I noticed shots being fired inside the settlement itself. “Can you get us down in there?”

“Not and take off again!”, she said.

“Combat loss the bird! Put us down in there.”

I heard Deacon from behind saying, “Oh, fuck, boss! This is so going to hurt!”

I have to give the pilot credit. She only took a couple of feet off of each rotor, and the actual Bunker Hill monument wasn’t damaged too much more than it already had been. It was still jolting. When my eyes focused again, I saw a hatch in the floor of the trader building closing.

I hit the door and jumped out, Rhys and Deacon right behind me. The pilot grabbed a rifle from beside her door, but got tangled up with a Gen 1 that the vertibird had landed on. It grabbed her leg, breaking it, so she fell. I heard her yell in pain and anger, then shots from her killing the Gen 1.

In the meantime, I threw the hatch open and simply jumped down, my rifle at the ready. I could hear firing ahead, as well as more teleportation sounds. How many of those fucking grenades did that bastard have?

There was a tunnel leading away from the hatch. I ran down it, oblivious to immediate danger. It opened into what must have been a basement of a large building. Two turrets were smoking rubble along one wall. At least one Railroad heavy was dead, several more were injured. The remains of half a dozen Gen 1’s were scattered about the room. I heard another turret open up, through a doorway, and continued running, shouting, “One Lantern!”, so they’d know we were friendlies.

The sound of the turret blowing up was just ahead of me as I rounded a corner full tilt and hit something I couldn’t see, falling backwards. I heard a grunting noise, and realized I’d just ran into the Courser, using some kind of stealth system. I could hear him scrambling to his feet. “X4, verbal override, stand down, RobCo Legal One, Wilson, Tina!”

“Your tricks won’t work on me, I’m afraid. I have been purged of all weaknesses by Doctor Loken. Nothing will prevent me from finishing my mission.”

Coming up right behind me, Rhys and Deacon both jumped over me. Deacon slammed into the Courser, which told Rhys where he was, so Rhys grabbed him as well. While I was getting back on my feet, the three struggled hand to hand. Deacon suddenly cried out in pain, when X4 bent his arm backwards, breaking his shoulder and causing him to fall back. At the same moment, the stealth system ran out of power, so Rhys could see his target now. He began punching X4 in the face.

Blood spurted as a solid punch broke X4’s nose. The Courser shrugged the pain off, bringing one hand up and grabbing Rhys by the throat. He started choking him, picking Rhys up off the ground.

“Put him down. It’s over, X4. You lost.” I’d lost my rifle, but I still had my pistol.

The Courser looked at me while still choking Rhys. “You are human. You are soft. The Institute must survive, must...” He didn’t get to say anything else. Three shots into his head put an end to him.

Rhys gagged a little. “Cut that a little close, Sentinel. But ... thanks.”

“Not often you’re forced to kill one of your own grandchildren, as it were. Here, give this to Deacon and then go tend to the rest of the wounded.” I handed Rhys most of my first aid supplies. “I’m going to see what’s ahead.”

I picked up my rifle from where it’d fallen. I’d have to re-zero the scope after such a nasty fall. I continued to the end of the hallway. A ramp led downward. I followed it to a small room, where four figures huddled pathetically together in fear. There were three men and one woman. One of the men looked at me as I walked in.

“I ... I’ve got money. It’s yours if you let me go.”

I asked, “Do you know who I am?”

The woman said, “No. You’re not dressed like a Courser. I don’t want to go back. Please don’t make me go back!”

“Did the four of you escape together?”

Another of the men said, “We had to. They were going to use us again. We couldn’t take being used anymore.”

I lowered my voice slightly, slinging my rifle so I’d look less threatening. “Who used you, what did they do?”

The one who’d offered me money said, “The two of them. They kept us in a small room. Would come to us, beat us, use us. Said we were just toys for them, anyway. We were machines, so it was fine to treat us that way. They’d laugh when we’d scream when they violated us, or hit us.”

My voice was very flat. “Who?”

The four of them shook their heads. The one who hadn’t spoken yet said, “They were both men, both bald on top, like Y9 is. One was colored like Y9 as well, with a lab coat that was half black. The other was colored like F6, but he had some short, dark hair on the sides and back of his head.”

I recognized the descriptions of both men. One was already dead, the other soon would be. “All right. You’re fine now. If you don’t want to go back to the Institute, you don’t have to. The people that are hiding you now have a way of helping you out here. If you want to do so, though, I can guarantee that if you do return to the Institute, no one will ever hurt you again.”

The woman looked at me, puzzled. “How can you guarantee that?”

“I’m Father’s mother.”

“You’re the one! The one that they were both so upset about, the one that would take the power away from them! They would curse your name and hit us when one of them told the other about you.”

I gave a huge sigh. “One of them is already dead. Let’s get you four taken care of, and then the other one will be very, very soon. I promise you that.”

They followed me like little, frightened children. Deacon was waiting in the hallway. He’d put a coat over the bloody mess that had been X4’s head. He’d rigged a sling for one arm. “Rhys used a Stimpak on me, but my shoulder is pretty dinged up. I’m going to be out of commission for a little while, boss. I, uh, I heard a bit of what was said back there. I can take care of things here, if you need to, um, leave.”

“Let’s make sure things topside are under control first.”

We started down the stairway I hadn’t even remembered climbing, meeting Rhys coming back. “Sentinel,” he said by way of greeting. “I’ve given a Stimpaks to everyone that could still use one. Those coats these folks have are pretty tough, it’s the only reason most of them are still alive. I heard a number of explosions from above ground, then things have been pretty quiet for the last couple of minutes.”

“Lead the way, Knight!” He nodded, a grim smile on his face as I acknowledged his rank. I looked to the side as I walked through the room. He’d pulled all of the Railroad troops to one side, piled up some Gen 1 bodies to give them a little cover, and made sure they all had weapons nearby if need be.

One of them raised a hand. “You’re obviously Bullseye. I’m changing my name from Nightmare after this. This was too close to a real nightmare. Thanks for saving us.” I nodded.

I looked at the four synths, still following us. “Stay here, with these men and women. We’ll be back shortly. There’s water, help care for them, please. Deacon, you, too. You can’t climb a ladder like that.”

He looked frustrated, but nodded. “Got it, boss. Come on, you four. These folks need some water.”

Rhys led the way to the ladder. The hatch above had closed at some point after we’d come down it. He started up it. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”, I asked.

“I’m expendable in case we don’t hold the surface. You’re not.” He popped the hatch open, scrambling out and taking up a defensive position. I was close behind him.

It was quiet on the surface, the quiet after a battle. There were still noises, just not the cacophony of screams and gunfire. A few people whimpering in pain or fear, the sounds of people running to help others. I did hear the blades from more than one vertibird. I looked to where the one that had brought us here had crashed.

“Lancer Bennett, ma’am. Not exactly in combat shape at the moment, but I don’t think we’re doing any more fighting.” The rifle she’d taken was bent and destroyed, as were two more Gen 1’s that hadn’t been there when we crashed.

“Ad Victoriam, Lancer-Sergeant Bennett. Come on, Rhys, let’s see what the butchers bill is. And just for your information, you’re not expendable, not to me. None of my troops ever are. I may have to order you into a combat where you’ll have a good chance to get killed, but that’s different.” He followed me. The inside of the settlement was surprisingly undamaged, other than where our vertibird had crashed. Half a dozen Gen 1’s were laying in pieces around the place, with a couple of Railroad members making sure there weren’t any left. Several armed caravan guards watched us suspiciously. I recognized half of the traders in the Commonwealth. The Courser had hit right when the most armed people were inside Bunker Hill, which no doubt made a difference in keeping human casualties down.

I opened the door to outside. To say that things along the streets outside the city were a bit of a mess would be an understatement. One Brotherhood suit of armor stood, burned out. The faint smell of cooked pork came from it, telling me the operator hadn’t bailed out. Half a dozen Brotherhood troops were being treated by some medics, right next to several Railroad members. I saw two more bodies of Brotherhood troops, five Railroad members, all brought together.

Two familiar figures came walking up. “That was one fucking shooting gallery. Those damn synths kept bringing in more and more of their own reinforcements. I’ve been fighting these chrome domes for years, never seen so many of them.”

“The way you fight, I wish I could remember you,” Danse said. “You’d make a good member of the Brotherhood.”

“Oh, hell, no!” She nodded at the burnt-out power armor. “You’re not catching me in one of those death traps.”

“Danse, the pilot of our bird is just inside the courtyard. She’s injured. Glory, there’s half a dozen Railroad members in the basement, injured, along with the four synths that X4 came here to kill. Get them treated, and I don’t really care who does what, if they need to go the Prydwen or what. Oh, and just for clarification, with my rank, I can give a battlefield promotion if it’s deserved, can’t I?”

“As a Sentinel, yes,” Danse agreed.

“Good. I promoted the pilot, for actions above and beyond.” I paused for a moment. “Rhys, you’re a Knight, correct?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Wrong. Carry on, Knight-Sergeant. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some unfinished business to attend to.” I hit my Pip-Boy, relaying back to the Institute.

There was a Courser waiting in the teleportation room. “Welcome back, ma’am. Father would like to meet with you. He and his escort are waiting for you on the roof of the CIT ruins. Do you have those coordinates?”

“What the hell is he doing up there? No, I don’t have them.”

“He was concerned that you might not. Please stand by.” The Courser worked the console for a moment, then I flashed out.

I was back outdoors, standing in the middle of what looked like an empty roof. I turned around. Shaun and X6 were near the western edge of the roof. I guess Shaun asked X6 a question, as the Courser raised his hand and pointed east. I walked up behind them.

“Extraordinary. Thank you, X6.” He continued looking away. “Welcome back, mother. You know, in all my years, I’ve never set foot outside the Institute. Not once, since they day they brought me here. I’ve never had a reason. Standing here, looking at this, I’m reminded how fortunate I am that I was spared a life in this wasteland.”

“I know it’s going to take more than a few air fresheners and a couple of coats of paint to make it like new again, but I think we’re on the right track.”

I moved up next to him. He reached down and took my hand, holding it tightly. I could see a few tears on his face. “I know that to you, I was kidnapped from that Vault. In truth, the Institute rescued me. Both of us, really.”

“So, why come up here now?”

“To put things into perspective, I suppose. The experiments that the Institute was doing, I was the perfect candidate; an infant with uncorrupted DNA. But if something were to go wrong ... if I died ... well, the Institute realized that a contingency plan was prudent. Another source of pre-war DNA, preferably related to their primary sense. It only made sense that my parents should fill that role. So, you were kept alive and safe within the Vault. How far-sighted, yet ironic, of them, all things considered.”

“But I presume you wouldn’t have returned and found me here if there wasn’t something to report about Bunker Hill. As I have never been up here before, I had to have X6-88 show me where it even is.”

“Under the rules of the Institute, was it allowable for synths to be tortured for pleasure and used as sex toys?”

He looked offended. “Certainly not. While I admit synths were considered property, they were valuable property, not to be abused. Such actions would be in violation of policy, and subject the violator to severe punishment, possibly even banishment. The thought that someone in the Institute might do such a thing sickens me. Is ... is that what was happening?”

“I had all four of the escaped synths tell me the same story. They were programmed to be almost childlike in their behavior, but even an abused child can run away if things are too unbearable. Apparently, the members of the Institute that were keeping them for their own pleasure weren’t happy that you had let me out, that I was coming. So, they tortured the synths even more. The synths were just machines, so who cared?”

Shaun lowered his head in shame. “I had no idea anyone below would do such a thing.” I could see the drops on the roof as more tears fell from his face.

“They’re safe, now. But only just barely. And twice their number from the Brotherhood and Railroad died defending them. Defending fellow humans who had been abused by the so-called self-righteous scientists and leaders of the Institute.”

Shaun’s face was cold now, facing me. “Who?”

“X6, what did you hear me tell that mobster, Ernie, about my civil authority?”

“Ma’am, you are the lawful civil Governor of the Commonwealth.”

Shaun was very sharp. “You did mention before that you wanted the Institute to work with the civilian government of the Commonwealth, didn’t you? Very well. As it would be rather difficult to deny the physical location of the Institute is within the borders of the Commonwealth, that would tend to make us subject to Commonwealth law. I must admit, I’m not familiar with those. Would you happen to know someone who is?” By the time he finished, he almost had a wicked smile on his face.

“Why, yes, I believe I might. Would you like me to get in touch with her?”

“There is a meeting of the Directorate, to confirm Alana as head of the SRB, and ... more that’s not on the agenda all the others are fully aware of. If you could perhaps have this legal person attend, that would be good.” He had a sly smile on his face. “I’ll meet you there, please.” He turned to X6. “Thank you, X6. I appreciate you bringing me up here, so I could see the sky with my own eyes. Please take me back inside now.”

“X6-88, ready to relay to the Institute with Father.” They both vanished.

Without them there to see me, I sat down on the roof. By his words, I knew Shaun didn’t have much time left at all now. My own tears fell to the roof, mingling with his.

After several minutes, I didn’t even bother to stand, just pushed the button to return to the Institute. The Courser was still waiting. He ran to help me get up.

“Are you injured, ma’am?”

“No. Thank you for your concern. What’s the status of the Coursers now?”

“Temporary Acting Director Secord had unit X3-74 meet with all of us. Two Coursers were found to be acting against the policies of the Institute. They resisted and were terminated. The rest of us are operating under his command at the moment, pending any change in orders from the Directorate.”

“Are there any search and retrieve missions ongoing at this time?”

“Negative, ma’am. All Courser operations have been suspended, pending review of the necessity. We have been appraised that a change in Institute policy may be forthcoming and to be ready to assist whatever these new orders may be.”

“Very good. Carry on.”

I headed for the board room. Shaun had shown it to me, before. I decided that showing up, still reeking of gunpowder and with some blood on my armor might be a good thing. I walked into the room just as Shaun was taking his place at the head of the table.

I looked around the room. It was like many conference rooms I’d been in before. Large table, half a dozen chairs, drink glasses and water carafes in place. Shaun was at the head. To his left, along one side of the table, was Madison Li, Alan Binet, and Alana Secord. To his right was Allie Fillmore and Clayton Holdren.

“Ah, good. We hadn’t started yet. If you could take a seat, please?”, Shaun asked. I sat between Allie and Clayton. “It’s clear that our safety needs must be an ongoing concern from now on. With that in mind, where are we on Phase Three?”

Alana frowned. “Excuse me, sir, but ... is it wise to have this meeting, given present company?”

“I will address that issue, but there are other subjects that require our attention first. The level of unrest in the Commonwealth is on the rise, as we’re all aware. Your report?”

Allie said, “All Institute facilities continue to be completely secure, with the exception of ... one notable breach.”

“Very good. Then I think that Phase Three will help with that. However, there are other issues we also must address. You’re all aware that there have been some recent ... issues regarding some of our long-term policies regarding synths. Some of these have caused many of us to re-examine these policies, in light of recently acquired information.”

Madison nodded. “I agree with you on that, sir. Some of the things we’ve been working on in Advanced Systems have been placed on hold, pending policy review.”

Clayton looked a little concerned. “I’ve had some discussions with the people in my department about this, and they’re not sure these changes are warranted.”

Alan said, “While some in my department disagree with them, I think our traditions have caused us to overlook what these policy changes will mean for the future of both the Institute and the Commonwealth.”

Alana was visibly upset. “I’ve had quite a bit of internal strife within my area. One of my Coursers is acting ... well, a little odd. In addition, our stockpiles of Gen 1 synths have been drastically reduced. I’m not sure I should go into everything here, though.” She visibly looked at me when she said that.

“Considering that I just killed a Courser that was following illegal orders from a resident of the Institute, and two others were also terminated internally by the SRB for actions against the Institute, there’s been some things going on that definitely need overhauled.”

Shaun said, “I quite agree. And there will be something done about that. While Phase Three will take care of one of the most pressing issues facing the Institute, that of our power needs, it will do nothing regarding other, long-term issues facing us that threaten our survival. We’ve not considered those issues, unfortunately.”

Allie Fillmore looked puzzled. “But ... I don’t understand. The reason we’re where we are with Phase Three is because it will give us all the power we need, for now, and for centuries to come.”

I saw Madison nod. “I think I understand. While we may have enough energy, and we are relatively self-sufficient for food, there are still items and raw materials that we will still have to acquire from the surface.”

Clayton looked offended. “My team makes more than enough raw materials to process for food for us now. We’re projected to easily be able to keep up with the demand.”

Alan turned to him. “Of course you are, because we’re not replacing ourselves. What good is plenty of power and food going to do when there’s only half a dozen of us left down here?”

Clayton was puzzled. “I don’t understand, what do you mean?”

“I’ve realized that we’re all looking at our own areas and not looking at the broad picture. There are only three children under the age of twelve in the whole Institute. Barely a dozen under the age of twenty-five. The rest of us are older than that. We’re probably the best collection of intellect left remaining in the whole world, and we’re blind to the fact that as it stands, regardless of power or food, within a hundred years, we won’t have enough people here to keep things running.”

That caught the rest of the department heads by surprise.

Shaun spoke into the silence that followed. “Excellent summation, Doctor Binet. That allows me to lead to the main purpose for this meeting. As I’m sure most of you are aware, I’ve been under the care of Doctor Volkert for some time.”

Clayton frowned, objecting. “I’m not sure this is the right time...”

Shaun interrupted him. “Please, Doctor Holdren, it’s time. I’m sorry, this is ... difficult for me. Our best efforts have failed. Every experimental treatment we’ve devised has been unsuccessful. I’m ... I’m sorry to say that I am dying.”

Madison was shocked. “What?”

Shaun continued. “We can talk more later. Right now, the future of the Institute is at stake. The Institute cannot survive without leadership. The Directorate must continue to govern with the best interests of all in mind. And that includes our interactions with the Commonwealth. To that end, I am naming my mother as my successor.”

Clayton rolled his eyes. “Oh, boy!”

Alana protested, “You can’t be serious. Not after the incident in the SRB!”

Shaun smiled grimly. “Even more so, after that incident. Acting Director Ayo was using synths for personal pleasure toys, torturing them and sexually abusing them. Had he not been more concerned with taking my job, and doing his own, there would have been no issue in SRB.”

Alana recoiled in horror. “I ... I had no idea...”

“Unfortunately, I do. Before I get to the final reason I called this meeting, I am formally announcing as well that you will take over as the Acting Director of the SRB. However, with the changes we are making, the actual name of your department will probably need to be changed. Probably simply to Institute Security, but I leave that choice up to you and my mother. The same also goes for your department, Doctor Binet. You are not making robots any longer, not making machines. You are creating human life, the future of both the Institute and the Commonwealth.”

Binet looked stunned. “I’d ... I’ve been saying that, but to realize you took me seriously, believed me ... Thank you, Director.”

“Don’t thank me. Thank my successor. She can be very ... persuasive, especially when she has facts on her side and not simply emotion.” I noticed Madison unconsciously nodding in agreement. “And so, this brings me to the last reason for this meeting. As Doctor Li so noted, while the Institute may have sufficient power for ourselves for far into the future, we are not self-sufficient. No matter what we do, we shall require the Commonwealth.”

“Since it is also impossible to relocate the Institute outside the borders, we are also a part of the Commonwealth as well. Therefore, we are subject to whatever laws that exist in the Commonwealth, and to the civilian government of the Common as well.”

Clayton laughed. “What laws? What civilian government? That doesn’t exist.”

Shaun smiled wickedly this time. “In actuality, Doctor Holdren, you are quite wrong. In fact, I have asked the senior member of the Commonwealth government to join us at this meeting, to discuss the laws of the Commonwealth and how the civilian military forces known as the Minutemen will assist us, and we them.”

Madison and Alan looked at me, the rest of the Directorate turned towards the door to see who would come in. I used that opportunity to turn my chair, stand, and move next to Shaun. The three spun back to the head of the table, their expressions unanimously one of surprise.

“Thank you, Director Wilson. Good afternoon, I am Governor Tina Wilson. Under the laws of the Commonwealth of New England States and the State of Massachusetts, I am the lawful and legal head of State for the Commonwealth of New England States, and the Governor thereof. As this entity, formerly known as the Commonwealth Institute of Technology and now known simply as the Institute is physically present within territory under my jurisdiction, it is both my duty and my honor to represent you.”

I could see a twinkle of glee in Madison’s eyes, a huge smile on Alan’s face, a look of amusement on Allie’s face, and slack jaws from both Alana and Clayton as my words sank in. I didn’t give them a chance to interrupt.

“Now, obviously there will be questions about the actual governing of the Institute, as well as how it will work with the civilian militia, commonly known as the Minutemen. To that end, I simply pledge to work with both the future director of the Institute as named by current Director Shaun Wilson, as well as the Commanding Officer of the Commonwealth Minutemen.” I quickly stepped to the other side of Shaun’s chair. “Allow me to introduce myself, I’m General Tina Wilson, Commanding Officer of the Commonwealth Minutemen. Hold your questions for the Governor, please.” I slid back to where I first stood. “Obviously, you are scientists and know that one piece of matter cannot occupy the physical space of another piece of matter without causing a rather energetic reaction. Fortunately, job titles and thus the concurrent responsibilities entailed are not matter. Anyone who has ever had to do more than one thing at once understands that.”

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Lady GuinevereChapter 50

I heard giggling and woke up. It was still dark in the salon, but I could see Erin and Frank as they scurried to the door leading to the cockpit. "What time is it Erin?" I asked, sitting up and trying to adjust to the darkness. "Four o'clock," Erin said. "Why did you to get up so early?" Erin told Frank to wait a minute, came over to me and whispered, "We've been up all night, Jen. Frank and I have been making love all night." I giggled. "You two are going to be beat...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 21

The next week seemed to drag as I waited for Sunday and the chance to go fishing with my brother and the others. I was glad we were going to have the Gordon's along to teach us, but I also would liked it if it was just the family so I could go topless. My brother and I ran every morning before school. I started leaving my bedroom door open a lot more and would get all giddy when Eddie saw me prancing around in my underwear or naked. Because we were so busy with school and sports, my brother...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 39

I wasn't all that interested in the movie and decided to have a little fun. I started to rub Brad's leg, slowly working my way from his knee to his crotch and back. Brad slipped the arm he had on my shoulders down, cupped my boob and began to massage it through my top. I slid my hand over his hard cock and squeezed it through his cotton shorts, moving my fingers along its length. "Are you playing with my brother's dick?" Kathy asked, giggling. "Yeah and he's playing with my tit," I...

2 years ago
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You are sleeping in your bed, having a great dream about you and Angelina Jolie in a very swanky hotel in Venice, having wild sex on the balcony, overlooking the canals. The dream ends. You think you hear a tiny little voice say, "And sprinkle this one good. I think Peter and Wendy need something to break the logjam. This one will do nicely." In your sleep-stupor, you open one eye a bit and see a glowing moth hovering over your bed. The moth's body looks strangely like a person. Then you go...

1 year ago
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The Neverending Dare Game

The four of them had been inseparable, best friends since elementary school. Now, having just graduated from high school, it made perfect sense for them to get an apartment together in the city. On their first night in the apartment, Stace breaks open a bottle of champagne and calls for an apartment meeting. Stace was the ringleader of the group, she had the strongest personality and usually had set the tone for their activities together. She was a curvaceous brunette with a rockabilly style,...

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Neverwinter Nights

Ah YES! The lands of Toril! What a place. A land of myth, and lore. A land where dangers, and adventure are around every corner. The infamous Spine of the World, Baldur's Gate, Helmsdeep, Waterdeep, the Underdark, Undrentide, Luskan, Amn, and Nevewinter city are just a few of the places any adventurer would seek. Some would go to these places to gain power, wealth, or even fame. Some go to these places to do villainous acts of evil, and some, heroic deeds of good. But for THESE 4 adventurers,...

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Fornever in Blue Genes a Wish the Heart Makes

A Wish the Heart Makes: Fornever in Blue Genes by Tigger Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Fictionmania and Nifty may archive this story. Anyone else, ask me first. From Walt Disney's "Cinderella": "A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on...

4 years ago
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The Return of Nevermore

This is the twenty-second story in my Legacy Universe and was written as a serial over a several month period. Normally, this is where I'd point out that the story could be read on its own, but in this case, it helps to have read some of the previous Legacy stories. A complete list of the Legacy stories will be provided at the end of the story as well as the order in which they were written. The Return of Nevermore By Morpheus Part 1 It was early afternoon but Julie Matthews...

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NeverWorld Chapter One

NeverWorld Chapter One Randy Butler curled up in a comfortable armchair in the corner of the Student Center. There were students all around him talking, eating, and working. Even though they were all strangers, he felt comfortable here in the large crowded hall. Randy was lonely. He hadn't made any new friends in the two weeks since college began. He had hoped to meet other freshmen taking classes at Philadelphia College, but it wasn't happening. He wasn't meeting anyone...

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NeverWorld Chapter Two

NeverWorld Chapter Two Althea Smallwood found herself drifting off as the lawyer representing the group of fairies would not stop lecturing her about his clients "God given rights". She wanted to close her eyes and put her head down. She even considered taking a recess but wanted to end this case now. She tried what the other justices had suggested. She had pinched herself, she had tried chewing gum, she had pushed her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Nothing was going to keep...

1 year ago
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It wasn't going away. It had come before, and it had always gone away before, but this time seemed different somehow. This time it was heavier, lingering longer, filling up more of the empty spaces around her life. It was seeping through all of the uncaulked cracks in her psyche and was running down the walls of her brain. The cloud had taken on an almost physical form around her. It sat on her eyelids and made them heavy. It rested upon her shoulders and forced her to slump. Although she...

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Guineveres Dirty Little Secret

The sky looked like somebody had taken a white pebble board, masked it off, put some ultramarine blue in a thin wash, then dropped some Payne's grey into it. The close foreground of the sky was a dark and angry mixture of blue and grey; almost black, fading into a soft grey at the tops of the trees in the distant. The hunter green trees bled into the sky, creating an image of incoming rain in the distance. About a third of the way up from the bottom of the painting, silver over red greyhound...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 43 Katiersquos Neverending Desires

Mrs. Jackson’s pussy was a smoldering mess since her husband returned to England a few weeks ago. She paced around her bedroom and kept glancing at her phone. Last Saturday night Katie volunteered a shift at the soup kitchen. She was dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a blouse as the sexy mother fought the feelings erupting inside of her as multiple men stared at her. Some of the vagrants complimented her as they walked past her about how nice she looked that evening. Their admiration...

2 years ago
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Betting On My FamilyChapter 21 Leaving Neverland

Getting dressed was harder than I expected, mostly because I was harder than expected. I’d never wondered before why so many young girls wore black tights for three solid months every winter, I’d just enjoyed it. But after squeezing into my smashing pair of forest-green leggings, I knew why. It was, by far, the most comfortable thing I’d ever put on. Sure, I’d needed to use an available pair of scissors to cut out a nice oval through which my unit could dangle, but aside from that, they were...

4 years ago
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Jenns CoverupChapter 3 Dinner at Guineveres

"Jenny; you need to call Tony Parmalee. Tell him we are taking him out to dinner tonight at Guinevere's." Jenny got out her cell phone, but wasn't at all happy at what she was being asked to do. Sammy had been a teammate of her husband's for several years. When Joe had retired, he was able to get a number of his ex-teammates retirement accounts. Tony had made a lot of money over the years and had a sizeable 401K worth several million dollars. Since her husband had been declared legally...

1 year ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 9 Fishinrsquo In Neverland

Sam had planted an idea. Vivie was fishin’ in a different kind of honey hole, and she wasn’t after fish. She and Jennifer were sitting on a bench in a park, each with a bag from Subway. They were dressed down in faded jeans, tee shirts, and worn sneakers. Helva’s drones had indicated that the park was frequented both by runaways and pimps on the hunt for those runaways. Jennifer had started training in martial arts the day after she became Vivie’s dependent, and now was Vivie’s preferred...

1 year ago
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Loves Journey

Love's Journey -------------------------- The flowers are in bloom In the early weeks of May The little boys chase frogs The girls just sing and play. Above a field of green Beneath a tree of pine Two friends sit side by side Two lovers intertwined Moral laws be damned Let only God lay blame Love shall rule the day Though chromosomes the same. Years and years as brothers Divide by hate and pain Wandering the desert Stuck out in the rain. Separate bearing...

2 years ago
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Loves Awakening

This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love's Awakening A warm wetness was working it's way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Loves Equal Loss

Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...

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Lovers Desire

Disclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 41

The six of us sat in the salon, reliving the events of the day. I snuggled against Brad's side and moved even closer when his arm went around me. Cindy and Kevin prattled non-stop about the fish they caught and the awards ceremony. Several times, they would be saying the same thing at the same time, making the rest of us laugh. As I watched Cindy and Kevin, I realized that their joy was as important as fishing the tournament and even winning. I glanced up at Brad, caught his eye and smiled...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 42

The next three weeks were filled with our normal routine. Eddie and I ran each morning with Brad and Kathy. Cindy rode to and from school with the four of us, telling us about how much better things were now that her father was out the picture. One afternoon after school, Kathy, Cindy and I went to the mall to shop for clothes. After walking from shop to shop, we stopped in the food court to get a soda. "How is your mom doing, Cindy?" I asked. "Mom's doing great! We found out Dad had...

1 year ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 43

I was getting ready for bed when I heard a light knock on my door. I was naked, looking for a tee shirt to wear to bed. It didn't dawn on me that it might be someone other than my brother and I said, "Come in." Frank opened the door and gasped. I turned around, giggled and pulled my tee shirt on. "It seems like we keep meeting like this, Frank." "I'm sorry, Jen, you said come in." "I know, don't worry about it. What do you need?" "Can I talk to you for a few...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 44

When I woke up the next morning, I dressed in one of my running outfits and went out to see if Eddie wanted to go with me. Frank was asleep on the roll-a-way, my brother on the folded out couch. I went over to the side of Eddie's bed and shook his shoulder. "Eddie; Eddie, do you want to run with me this morning?" Rolling on his back, Eddie looked up and nodded. "Get ready, I'll wait outside for you. I want to stretch and warm up." "Okay, I'll be out in a minute. Are Kathy and Brad...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 45

The next morning was crazy around the house. My brother and Frank hadn't packed and were scrambling to stuff the things they wanted to take into duffel bags. I finished in the bathroom, sharing it with the two boys as they came in and out like I wasn't there. I laughed as I showered, thinking about how things would be on the boat. After putting the last of my toiletries in my bag, I took it out to the kitchen to be loaded in the van. Eddie and Frank were finally ready and took the things...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 46

I woke to the feeling of Brad's hand between my legs. When I opened my eyes, I saw him smiling at me. "Morning, Little-bit." I squirmed against his fingers, moved closer and kissed him. "Morning." "Are you ready to get going?" "Mmmm, maybe in a minute." Brad slid a finger into me and moved it in and out. "Nothing like waking up to a nice finger fucking." I reached for Brad's cock and curled my fingers around his shaft. As we played with each other, I glanced over my shoulder...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 47

I woke up at four thirty, when the alarm went off. Brad's arms were around me and his firm dick was nested between the cheeks of my ass. The clock was close enough that I could turn it off without disturbing Brad. I took his arm, pulled it up to my boobs and held it under them. This was my favorite time. I loved the feeling of being naked and held in the morning. There were many times, when I was alone, I would hug my pillow and imagine it was Brad. Kathy and Eddie were sound asleep on the...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 48

Every one of us must have been exhausted because we never woke up to go to dinner. The feeling of something between my legs woke me early the next morning. As I came out of my fog, I glanced down and saw the top of Erin's head. She was licking my pussy and pushing a finger in and out of me. When I groaned, she lifted her eyes to mine. I smiled at her and Erin sucked on my clit in acknowledgement. My legs opened wider and I settled back to enjoy her tongue. My climax came quickly and once...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 49

"I think Erin should go first," Brad said. "Remember, the first four dares have to be between a boy and a girl." Erin thought for a moment and said, "I dare Brad to kiss Jenny's foot." Brad picked up my foot and began to kiss it. He took my big toe in his mouth and sucked it, causing me to squirm. I had never had my toes kissed and I loved it. After releasing my foot, Brad said, "I dare Jenny to kiss Frank on the mouth, with tongue." I knelt, put my arms around Frank's neck and...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 51

I was stunned as I lay next to my brother trying to sort out what had happened. While I knew my parents knew Eddie and I had sex, I never really wanted to be caught doing it, especially with my brother. Once my heart stopped pounding, I rolled toward Eddie. "I think we're in deep shit, Eddie," I said. My brother always had the cooler head and this was no exception. "Maybe, but maybe not, Jen. I mean they know were not virgins. If you ask me, I think they already knew." "Do you think...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 3

At school the next day, I talked with Cindy and told her about the conversation my brother and I had the night before. She was flabbergasted, but pressed me for every detail. When we were in PE, I listened very closely to Mary Jo and her friend talking. After school I told Cindy that I heard Mary Jo say that she was going to meet her boyfriend at the park that afternoon. "I wonder if she's going to give him a blow job." Cindy said. "I don't know. I don't really know what a blow job...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 4

After tossing and turning for an hour or so, I got up to get a drink. I went to the kitchen, got a glass of water and headed back to my room. As I passed the glass doors that led to the patio, I looked outside and saw Mom and Dad in the pool. Most of the lights were out so I had trouble making them out, but when Mom stood up in the shallow end, I could see she was topless. I quickly ran back to my room, closed my door and stood against it for a moment. I went to my window, pulled back the...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 5

When I woke up the next morning, my crotch was sore. I lay still and rethought the events of the night before, remembering what Mom and Dad had said. It finally dawned on me that Mom had started her sexual experiences at about the same age I was. I also began to wonder if I was normal. While I was curious about sex, I had no desire to do any more than what I had been doing. I found great satisfaction in exploring my body and really enjoyed the climaxes I could provide myself. I got up, went...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 6

We had fun at Cindy's. We watched music videos on television, ate pizza and talked endlessly. At about ten, Cindy's mom told us she was going out for a while and we shouldn't stay up too late. We agreed and she left us alone in the house. "She always goes out when my dad's gone," Cindy told me. "He doesn't take her anywhere." I nodded and Cindy told me to follow her. We went out to the backyard and she led me to some bushes between her house and the neighbors. When I started to ask...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 7

Over the next couple of days, I was in a quandary, at least mentally. I had a hard time sorting out my feelings about the things that Cindy and I had done together. I was also somewhat shocked by the things we saw Kathy and her brother doing, not so much what as who. For some reason, I felt that my sexual education was like a tornado, screaming along out of control and sucking everything in its path. My mind was in a state of overload and when my raging hormones were added to the mix, well,...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 8

We arrived at the airport; Dad parked the van and we all went to meet Aunt Sally and Frank. We waited at the gate and when they came through the door, Mom rushed over and gave my aunt a big hug. My mom and aunt began to giggle like Cindy and I would, hugged a few more times and then let go of one another. Dad gave Aunt Sally a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. He said hi to Frank and shook my cousin's hand. Aunt Sally came over to me, looked me up and down and told Mom how much I'd grown....

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Lady GuinevereChapter 9

The last few days of my aunt and cousin's stay were fairly uneventful. We went to the beach to swim in the ocean on Monday and I was allowed to bring Cindy with me. She spent most of the day ogling my brother and cousin, making nasty little comments about what she'd like to do with them. I wore my yellow bikini and Frank kept his camera trained on me most of the day. I don't know how many pictures he took, but it was a lot. That night, after we dropped Cindy off at her house, we all hung...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 10

School started in September and things were quickly back to normal. Cindy and I tried out for cheerleading, but neither of us made the squad. The main topic in the locker room was Mary Jo and her baby. I learned that her parents made her go to an all girl school. October rolled around and my parents told my brother and I that we could have a party if we wanted one. Eddie and I talked about it and decided it would be fun to have a few friends over. Mom and I planned the party, deciding on...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 11

Christmas came on a Thursday that year, and on Christmas morning, we all sat around the tree in our living room. We opened packages and showed our gifts to one another. Most of my presents were clothes, including some items from the store where Mom worked. My brother also received new underwear, getting boxers instead of the white briefs he normally wore. After all of the gifts under the tree were opened, my dad got up and left the room. Dad returned carrying a box, placed it on the floor...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 12

We found a place to stay for the night and Dad pressed a button on the dash to lower the anchor. Once the boat was secure, we went into the cabin and I helped my mom fix dinner. Eddie took one of the rods out of the locker and went out to the cockpit to fish. Dad had bought bait from the marina and put it into the live well. After dinner, we watched television for a while and then Mom said it was time for bed. We were going to start early the next morning and it had been a full day. Mom and...

1 year ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 13

Once my Mom and Dad were gone, my brother and I decided to watch television. While Eddie searched for something to watch, I went to change. I looked through the things I had brought with me and wished I had packed something a little sexier. I decided on a pair of red lace panties and a blue satin pajama top. The top had three buttons down the front and if I sat just right, it gapped between them. When I went out to the salon, my brother was sitting on the end of the settee watching a movie...

4 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 14

Mom and Dad decided to take us out to dinner again. We all changed into clothing that was appropriate for a restaurant. I wore a skirt and a sleeveless top that buttoned up the front. My brother wore kaki shorts and a tee shirt. Mom wore a halter sundress and Dad had on slacks and a sports shirt. We picked a restaurant and were seated in a booth. Mom and I sat on one side across from my dad and brother. After the server gave us our menus and took our drink orders, we all started to make out...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 15

I don't know what time my brother came into the room, but when I woke up in the morning, he was in the upper berth. I got up, went to the head and returned to the room. I crawled back into bed and lay there frustrated. I had wanted to fool around with my brother, but I must have fallen asleep before I could. Slipping my hand between my legs, I rubbed myself until I came. My moans must have woken my brother, because he asked if I was okay. "Yes, I'm fine," I said, my fingers still...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 16

It was good to be home, even though the trip was great and I had a blast. I helped unload the van and then flopped on the couch to rest. The last two days had been long and I was very tired. I heard Mom in the kitchen, listening to the messages on the answering machine. There were four or five from Cindy, the last three sounded like she really wanted to talk to me. I really didn't want to call anybody right then. I went to my room, opened my notebook computer and turned it on. During the...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 17

School started after the Christmas break and life got back to normal. My brother and I ran every morning, went to school and did our homework in the evening. On the weekends, we would all go to the boat. Most of the time we only spent Saturday or Sunday, but sometimes we spent the night. Eddie and I were getting pretty good at pulling the boat out of our slip and working our way through the marina. The first time I tried to back it into the slip, I almost crashed into the boat next to us. By...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 18

"Wake up," I heard Eddie say as he shook my shoulder the next morning. "Time to go for our run." I groaned, sat up and saw my brother standing in my room, dressed to go running. I got up, grabbed my outfit and went into the bathroom. When I was finished, I came out with my running clothes on and tossed the things I wore to bed into my room. I hadn't said a word to Eddie and I just headed for the door. My brother followed me and we started our warm-ups and then began to run our...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 19

The next morning I got up and went into the kitchen. Mom and Dad were just finishing their breakfast. I asked about my brother and Mom told me he had already left to go fishing. "Mom, you and Dad can go when you're ready, I'll cleanup the kitchen," I said. "Why thank you, Jen. That's very nice of you. What do you have planned for the day?" Mom said. "I don't know, I think I'll just stay by the pool and do some reading. Maybe I'll work on my tan too, my butt's getting white...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 20

When I woke up early the next morning, I was lying on my side, facing my brother. Eddie was still sound asleep, the covers kicked off his body. I raised my head, propped it on my hand and gazed at his nakedness. Eddie's mouth was open slightly and I could hear his every breath. I looked down his body at his chest and watched it rise and fall. My brother's penis was erect, lying against his stomach and I took a deep breath as I stared at it. I thought about the previous night's activities...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 22

My mom's voice woke me the next morning at five o'clock. I rolled over and pulled the sheet over my head, but she grabbed it and uncovered me. "Come on, Jenny, it's time to get going. Tom will be here in a half an hour and you need to be ready to go." "Okay, Mom, I'm getting up," I groaned as I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. "Where's Eddie?" "He's in the galley having breakfast, your brother has been up for a while. He's all excited to go fishing." I got...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 23

The next couple of weeks were fun. Dad was able to take some time off work and we went fishing at every opportunity. We did pretty well all in all, but not as good as we did with Tom. One afternoon, after coming in, my brother and I were finishing up cleaning the boat when an older man came up to our boat. He waited near the stern, watching Eddie and I as we put away the mop and hose. "I heard you two kids like to fish," the man said, startling me. I looked the man over as I walked to...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 24

Eddie woke me up and told me to follow him. He led me out to the salon and to the starboard settee. Kneeling, we looked out the window and watched our parents and the two couples on the boat next to ours. My brother slid the window open and we could hear what was being said. "You sure have great kids," Amanda said to Mom. "Thanks, we think so. They are the joy of our life," Mom replied proudly. "I don't think I've ever seen a brother and sister so close," Meg said. "If I didn't...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 25

"Get up lazy," I giggled as I shook my sleeping brother. "I want to go running." "What time is it?" Eddie said as he stretched. "About six, it's beautiful outside. Come on, get up, I want to go." "Okay, okay, do I have time to take a piss?" "If you hurry." Eddie went to the head and I quickly changed, putting on my bikini, a pair of socks and my running shoes. When my brother got back to the room, he laughed at me. "Is that what you're going to wear?" "Yup, is it okay...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 26

I was walking down the front walk when I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Kathy standing on her porch waving at me. I walked over to her house and sat on the steps with her. "How are things going?" Kathy asked. "Okay, how about you?" "Just great, Jen, just great. Are you and your brother still, you know?" "Yeah." "Me too, Brad and I are really having a ball. We haven't fucked yet, but we keep talking about it." "The same with Eddie and I, but I really want...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 27

It was still raining, but there was no lighting or thunder. We moved around the pool, coming together in waist deep water. Eddie put his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. As he kissed my lips, I gripped his butt and pulled his crotch to mine. "Is everything okay, Jen?" "Everything is just wonderful. I don't think I could be any better. How about you? Are you okay with what we did?" "I'm fine with it. I don't regret it, as long as you don't." "Eddie, the only thing I...

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