BarbaraChapter 21 free porn video

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When the judge declared the court to be in recess for fifteen minutes, Bobbie took the opportunity to escort Cindy to where her parents were sitting and then all four moved to an unoccupied corner of the room. Bill and Kathy looked at Bobbie expectantly, while Cindy, who Bobbie was holding in her arms, appeared apprehensive.

"I didn't want to lose a moment to tell you what a delight Cindy is," Bobbie began. "Furthermore, I can't tell you how moved I was by her words on the witness stand this afternoon. Looking at you both together, I can tell that she is exactly right: Your trip to Heaven is truly assured."

Looking at Bill she extended her hand and said, "I can't tell you how overwhelmed I am by what you have suffered for our country, nor how proud I am to be able to teach your daughter. Not that she needs any teaching, though."

Bill took Cindy from her arms, gave the girl to her mother and then took Bobbie in his arms and kissed her. His kiss of the purest love almost destroyed the girl. When he released her she was dazed, but her eyes were glowing with love. "I didn't know the half of it, did I? Mr. Cartwright, you're unbelievable!"

"The name is Bill," he replied with a grin, "and I'm not nearly as unbelievable as you are! I can't tell you what it means to us to have Cindy coming home every day with her eyes just dancing with joy. Everything Kathy and I have tried to teach her, you reinforce. Beyond that, though, you introduce her to things that would never occur to us.

"Imagine! Our little girl, only six years old, talking about the City on the Hill. Mrs. Conroy, I cried! And Cindy was right, too. I almost never cry. But to hear my little daughter talking about America as a beacon shining to the world caused my heart to turn over. I never knew those words, but it was exactly why I never gave in! And my daughter understands! There are no words for us to thank you enough, except to say it made all the suffering worthwhile."

"The name is Bobbie, Bill. And thank you." Turning to his wife she asked, "May I give you a kiss, too?"

Pretending to be flustered, Kathy's green eyes flashed and she said, "Kiss? Me? You're not ... one of those strange women are you... ?" Then with a yelp she gathered Bobbie in her free arm and gave her a kiss exactly like Bill's. When she released the girl, she added, "And the name is Kathy, damn it!"

"Oh! Okay, Kathy-damn-it. I'll try to remember the next time."

Turning to Cindy, Bobbie held out her arms and said, "Okay, Imp, it's time for you to go to work!"

With a wink at the adults she carried Cindy back to the table. While she was being carried, Cindy snuggled her face in Bobbie's neck and told her how much she loved her. Before putting her down, Bobbie lifted the girl up so she could kiss her full on the lips. In an instant Cindy began to work her lips on Bobbie's the same way Andy did and communicated the same inner purity, love and goodness.

"I love you, Cindy," Bobbie murmured as she set the girl on the floor.

"And I adore you," the little girl replied with the warmest look Bobbie had ever seen.

Taking seats around the table, all the children sat up straight and looked at Bobbie attentively. The children all had notebooks open on the table in front of them and fountain pens poised ready to write.

Bobbie smiled at them warmly and said, "Kids, first, I want you to know how flattered and impressed I have been by your behavior all day today. You have been perfect ladies and gentlemen."

Then with a grin she said, "But how about if we get back to normal now, shall we? The name is Bobbie." The children all giggled and looked at Bobbie worshipfully. Then she said, "The subject today is the Constitution. Mike, what was the constitution for?"

With the judge's permission, the spectators had left their seats and were now gathered in a circle around the table. After hearing what Cindy Cartwright had said, the people had decided that these children were certainly worth listening to.

Mike Morris sat up even straighter in his chair and said, "The preamble of the Constitution says, 'We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish the Constitution of the United States of America."

They could hear gasps from the surrounding crowd at the way a six-year-old boy could casually quote from the document itself.

Continuing, "But really, Bobbie, it needs to be considered in conjunction with the Declaration of Independence. Cindy quoted Jefferson's words: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' Actually, Bobbie, in the first draft it said 'life, liberty and property.'

"Taking the two documents together, the Federal government was to provide national defense, and security to people and property. What our government provides is rule of the majority while respecting the rights of the minority."

Looking around at the spectators, Bobbie asked, "What did you all think of Mike's answer?"

"I think it was terribly incomplete," Kramer said. "He didn't talk about equality, for example, except very briefly.

"Perhaps it's because the documents don't, either," Bobbie replied. "In fact, the Declaration says it perfectly: 'all men are created equal', but the equality is in the sight of God and under the law. That is the beginning and end of equality." Looking around she asked, "Anyone else?"

"Yes, Mrs. Conroy," Judge Callaway said. "Michael Morris, I think it was an outstanding answer ... for a college student in an advanced course on constitutional issues. For a boy of six, there are no words to express my admiration for the way you answered the question. Young man, it was perfect."

Mike beamed at the praise and his mother, Judy, standing behind him whispered, "Darling, you have made your dad and me so proud!" The little boy beamed at the praise as his mother squeezed his shoulder.

Then Bobbie asked, "The Declaration came during the Revolution and the Constitution was ratified in 1789. What else happened in 1789, Susan?"

Susan Carlson had brown hair and warm brown eyes. But like her mother's, Susan's hair was sun-streaked in colors ranging from platinum blonde to brown. It was utterly gorgeous as was the little girl. Quickly she replied, "The French Revolution, Bobbie. That was the year the Paris mob stormed the Bastille."

"Okay, Sue. We had ours and they had theirs. Were the results the same?"

"No, Bobbie, they were not. Their revolution resulted in the king being beheaded. It was followed by the Reign of Terror with thousands of people losing their lives. That dissolved into the Directory and then came Napoleon. As late as 1810, there were guillotines in every town square in France with weekly public executions. In those days, to be executed it was only necessary to be denounced.

"A man might be denounced, for example, by someone who owed him money. It was an easy way to get out from under a debt. Even as late as 1800 the whole process would take less than a week. A man would be arrested, tried — if you could call it a trial — pronounced guilty and executed all in less than seven days."

"Why the difference between their revolution and ours?" Bobbie asked quietly.

"It was a totally different thing. The French Revolution was grounded on the principles of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Noble Savage: the idea that man is naturally pure and good and only governments — or kings — are evil. Our revolution was grounded in the belief that men are flawed — we are not perfect. Since we are not, the Constitution is fundamentally a limitation on the powers of government. Moreover, it is set up with checks and balances among the three principal branches of government: the legislative that enacts laws, the executive that enforces them, and the judiciary, that interprets them.

"In France, because of Rousseau's legacy — since men were thought to be perfect, restraints were not needed — there was no limit on the power of government and it almost immediately became oppressive. As the man said, 'All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.'" Looking at Barbara the little girl looked forlorn and added, "I am very sorry and I apologize, Bobbie. I can't remember his name, but I'll look it up tonight and tell you tomorrow if that's all right?" [Lord Acton]

"That will be fine, Sue," Bobbie said quietly with a warm smile. "Do you want to add anything?"

"Basically, Bobbie, it is as Mike said: the rôle of the Federal government is to defend our shores from external enemies and take steps to make the land safe for life and property. That's really all there is."

"Thank you, Sue," Bobbie said quietly. Then turning to Callaway she asked, "What did you think, Judge?"

"Wow!" Callaway exclaimed. "That's what I think: Wow!" Looking at Susan he said, "Young lady, we have not been introduced. Who are you?"

Rising quickly from her seat, Susan, who was wearing a lovely yellow pinafore with a big yellow ribbon in her hair, went to the judge, made another exquisite curtsy, smiled warmly up at him and said, "Judge Callaway, my name is Susan Carlson. I am privileged to meet you, sir."

"Susan, the privilege and pleasure are all mine," the judge replied. As he had done with the other girls, he took her extended hand, bowed, and kissed the back of it.

Susan blushing with excitement and pleasure, said, "You are so gallant, sir. I don't know what to say!"

Callaway looked at the girl closely and realized how incredibly beautiful she was. Dropping to his knees he enfolded the little girl in his arms and gave her a warm kiss. Sue returned it with the purest love. Back on his feet he looked at her with great warmth and asked, "In whose harem do you belong, Sue? Mike's or Charley's?"

With her eyes as big as saucers the little girl whispered, "I love Michael Morris, sir." Then she added, "Is that bad?"

"Are you Ken Carlson's little girl?" he asked rather than answering her question.

"Yes sir, I am. I am Ken and Kathy Carlson's eldest child."

"Are your parents here today, young lady?"

Ken and Kathy moved through the crowd to stand beside their daughter. The judge rose and said to the crowd, "Susan asked if it was bad for her to like Mike Morris. Folks, what you may not know is that, while Mike Morris, Sr., has a Medal of Honor for valor, Ken Carlson has two! Major Carlson is the most decorated military hero in the history of this country."

Extending his hand to Ken he said, "Sir, you cannot know how honored I am to have you in this courtroom today. I said earlier that I served in Vietnam. I vividly remember all the stories about Carlson's Rangers." They shook hands and then he looked at Kathy. "I also remember hearing all the stories about Kathy-grams. You're Kathy, aren't you?

"I hope you won't hold it against me ... or my daughter, Judge," Kathy replied.

He just shook his head and said, "Then there is Katherine Carlson. Aside from authoring Kathy-grams which were letters written in blue ink on blue paper and which inspired the most brilliant performance in military history, Mrs. Carlson personally rescued a man from certain death when a major sewer line ruptured. She did it by swimming in sewage and by using superhuman strength to free his trapped foot. Then she singlehandedly set his broken leg, an act that orthopedic surgeons rated as impossible."

Then he snapped his fingers and added, "Oh! I almost forgot. Kathy took up the game of golf. Within two weeks of playing her first round she enters her first small tournament — the LPGA Kapalua Open — which she wins by fifteen strokes over the finest golfers on the ladies' professional tour."

Looking back at Susan the judge said, "As the daughter of our country's greatest hero and one of the most remarkable women who has ever lived, yes, Susan, I think it would be all right for you to like Michael Morris. In fact, I think it would be great!"

He beamed at the girl who beamed back and then blushed red as a beet. Turning to her parents he said, "You must be so very proud! I absolutely cannot believe these children. Your daughter's answer was an 'A+' — for a graduate student in comparative governments! What did you two think?"

Ken Carlson picked his daughter up and held her in his arms. As soon as he did she nuzzled his neck and kissed him. "When I first met Kathy I dreamed of holding her in my arms and eventually making her my wife. Then I dreamed of her being the mother of my children.

"Frankly, Judge, never in my wildest dreams did I even dream of fathering a girl like Susan. All I can say is that I love her almost as much as I love her mother. Perhaps you can't fully appreciate what I just said, but I think Sue does. She knows that for me the sun rises and sets in Kathy ... and I love my darling daughter as much!"

"Oh, Daddy, I love you so very much!" the little girl exclaimed. Then with a look of apprehension she asked, "Did ... did you like my answer to Bobbie's question, Daddy?"

At that, to the amazement of everyone, Ken Carlson began to cry. "Did I like it? My darling daughter, I was utterly stunned and amazed! That a daughter of mine could be so smart! Honey, you must have gotten all of your brains from your mother, because I barely made it through school. You couldn't have gotten anything from me."

"No, Daddy, I got nothing from you at all," the little girl said loud enough to reach the corners of the court. "Just honesty, integrity, love of God, love of country and an appreciation for some of the truly incredible things you have achieved.

"For example, Daddy, if it were not for you, Tom Conroy might not even be alive and certainly his father wouldn't. If it were not for you, Karen Chan could not be alive because her mother would have been dead long ago. I could go on and on, Daddy, but I won't. You're just the finest father who has ever lived. I love you so very much and I so very much want you to be proud of me, sometimes, too."

At that comment, Ken began weeping uncontrollably while at the same time holding the little girl tightly. Susan had her arms around his neck and was hugging as tightly as she could. "Be proud of you sometimes?" he cried. "My darling daughter, I'm bursting with pride! You have honored your mother and me so very much. I can't tell you how proud we are to be your parents. Be proud of you sometime? Darling, we're proud of you all the time!"

Then pulling her away so he could look into her eyes he added, "Maybe we have both learned something very valuable today, too, Pumpkin. Maybe we should tell you more often how wonderful you make us both feel, how proud of you we really are, and how much we love you."

After kissing her softly he added, "My darling daughter, it would be utterly impossible for me ever to love you more!"

Then Kathy said, "Kenneth, can I get into this act, too? After all, I knew her before you did. She did spend the first nine months of her life in the intimate confines of my belly. May I hold her, too? And kiss her? And tell her how enormously proud of her I am? And tell her that if she loves Mike Morris, she has my permission to continue to see him? May I?"

With a grin, Ken passed Susan to Kathy who hugged the little girl tightly. Then she whispered in her ear, "My darling Susan, I have some warm milk in my tit waiting just for you. I can't wait to feel your mouth sucking at my nipple and drawing nourishment from my body into your own."

Pulling back just enough to look into the girl's eyes she asked softly, "Interested?"

"Oh, Mommy! I can't wait!" the little girl screamed and then dove back to nuzzle at Kathy's neck.

When the children were assembled again around the table, Mike Morris gave Sue's hand a squeeze and she melted him with the warmest, most loving smile he had ever seen.

Then Bobbie asked, "What about the second amendment to the Constitution? What does it say and why is it there? Casey, do you want to try?"

"Thank you, Bobbie," the black girl said quietly.

Then sitting up straight she said, "The second amendment notes that 'A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'" Looking around at her friends, she continued, "It's a very interesting amendment. First, while most of the Constitution provides limits, particularly on Congress — 'Congress shall pass no law... ' — the Second addresses the whole nation: neither Congress nor the states may act.

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Hi Friends, i’m Shilpa, 21yrs, 5’8″ slim and fair girl from Bhubaneswar. I’m fond of reading stories. But when i came across this website I couldn’t but help reading every story. Now I’d like to explain how I got my boyfriend and the divine sex satisfaction he gave me at our first sex. Ye tab ki bat hai jab me +2 2nd yr me thi. Un dino na jane mujhe kya hogaya tha. Roj roj sapno me ek handsome ladka jo ki dikhne me Imran Khan aur Ranbir Kapur ka mix tha, height karib 6 ft. , ek dam john abrahm...

2 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 18 Vegas 16 months ago

“Is he breathing?” were the first words I heard. A pair of brown eyes, topped by a lock of brown hair, peered over the front seat at the still figure in the back seat. Me. Next to her, at the wheel, was a head of brilliant red hair, who could only be one person in the world. “I dunno,” said the red-headed driver. “Pinch his nose.” “His nose?” the brown-haired girl actually wrinkled her own nose at the thought, but when the driver of the plush town car merely nodded, she shrugged and...

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Renee Adds to Our Marriage

Let me tell you a little about my wife and myself, before I get into this story. My wife Renee, and I have been married for eleven years now. Renee is 42 and I am 55. We are compatible in every aspect of life except in the bedroom. She is five feet ten inches tall with long legs and long blond hair. Her breasts are perfectly natural and as firm as a twenty year old with D cups. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman. This story began about three years ago. I have always known that Renee had a...

Wife Lovers
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People of the TigerPart 2

When even their laughter had subsided, Tira spoke. "It is amazing to me how much I love you, Tika." "And I love you very much, Tira-Mother." "So, do you have any questions about today?" "Yes Tira-Mother. What is 'wealthy'?" "Well Tika, you have traded pretty stones with others when you were on the infants ground, right?" "I have seen others doing that, Tira-Mother." "All right. Most trade is done with things called 'credits'. When we take the animals we have hunted to...

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The maids knickers part five

Of course, once Chi-chi had left, I missed her (or perhaps getting inside her knickers) really badly. And what made it worse was that she would bring her boyfriend to sit on the wall opposite the house every night. She knew I'd be watching her sitting in the moonlight making out and she'd always put on a good show. Partly hidden by the bougainvillia bushes, she'd draw his cock out and masturbate it into a full erection. Then, when they were both well and truly ready, they'd move off and...

2 years ago
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Ape GirlChapter 4

The noise of a startled, angry bird made Blair sit up and blink herself into a rude awakening. "Shut up," she screamed at the noise as it flew past her window. "You haven't got any manners at all." She pulled her mosquito netting back and stared out into the dim light of early morning. The jungle was beautiful all right. But she sure hated those damned noisy birds for ruining her sleep. They had a way of doing that. Disturbing her sleep, even her conversations with her father. She...

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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 5

Gloatingly, Fred Holden looked through the sheaf of pictures, again, examining each one carefully and studying all of the sexy curies of the naked, blonde-haired woman, whose likeness he had snapped that afternoon. He had rented one of the Polaroid color cameras, and he told himself: Damn! Taking these was one hell of a lot of fun. I'll have to get a good camera of my own, and go back there to take some slides! He went back to a shot, looking right up the lovely, tapering thighs of the...

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Panties for Sale Chapter 1

Why would anyone buy a plastic frog sprinkler brand new, much less put it in a yard sale? I set the thing back in the box and stood up. No one had come out of the house yet and judging by the things laid out for sale I wondered if it was a sale at all. I looked back at the street then at the house. No one had stopped but me. “Oh! Hello.” I turned to see a stunning blonde house wife come out of the garage carrying two plastic bags. “Hello.” I smiled warmly, trying be nonchalant. This was...

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A Shared Fate

Emma closes the door behind her, leaving Megan alone with her not-so-secret admirer and both of the girls can’t help but stare at each other longingly. The blonde girl slowly starts to wander over to the bed where Megan is lying, kneeling on the edge of the bed and crawling over Megan’s body. The girls start kissing passionately, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths as the kiss gets more intense, Megan slowly strokes her beautiful partner’s body, her hands caressing and fondling her...

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Daughters Horny Urges 8

"C'mere, Janie. Sit here, beside me." Without wasting time, Janie sat down, her heart beating wildly in her chest. Their arms wrapped around each other and they kissed. Her flesh was tingling all over as her father's hand crept under her dress and felt between her legs. She arched her back and thrust her cunt forward in anticipation of his caress. At his touch, she groaned, "Ooohhh ... oh, yes ... it's what I need, Dad! Feel me there ... touch my pussy ... oh, yes ... Yeahhh!"...

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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

2 years ago
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A Step in the Right Dirction 2

A Step in the Right Direction 2Otherwise known as “A Second Step “In the first story, I accidentally walk in on Jane’s daughter who is living with us. She was getting into the shower and… well things happened. When that finished up I was truly thinking that life could not get any better. But then this past Tuesday I came home and… well….. As I came home from work last Tuesday, Tara was just leaving I assumed to go to work. She has a summer job of waiting tables at a Cracker Barrel as she...

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Nieces Special Christmas Gift

Niece’s Special Christmas Gift By Reeb   This Christmas was going to very different from the ones in the past. For the first time, all the niece’s and nephew’s were old enough to be part of the family Pollyanna. My sister’s youngest daughter, Allison, or Ally as we called her, had just turned sixteen and since she was working, she had some money so she wanted in on the family tradition.   At our Thanksgiving dinner, we always pick names for the Pollyanna. Our tradition is always the...

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The Unicorn

Here it is, my contribution to the “Welcome To The New World” event. I hope you like it. I couldn’t believe he was gone. He was thirty-five, six years older than I was. Way too young to die. Then again, he didn’t die a natural death. He died a horrible miserable death on the streets of some third-world shithole, gunned down with several of the men he was trying to do business with. Turns out they weren’t the respectable businessmen they had led Steve to believe they were, but high-end drug...

3 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 10

A little before 7 a.m., I saw three nurses and a doctor enter Ilsa's room. They exited a few minutes later and I knew Ilsa was gone. When Katya walked out of the room, I wrapped her in my arms. I think she was surprised I was still there, but I wasn't going to force her to go through this like I had. I had fought my emotions all night and I was determined to be as strong as possible for Katya. I let Ilsa's mother cry on my chest for as long as she wanted to and then we sat in the coffee...

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Road Trip

Road TripI just wrote this story and I would love all the comments you would like to leave for me.My family was driving across country to see my mom's side of the family....My dad was driving and my sister was sitting next to him up front. We had a big van with a bed in back. Mom was sleeping facing the front of the van and I was behind her. I suddenly felt her hand rubbing on my cock. Maybe she thought it was dad behind her at first. I don't know for sure. Then she pulled it out of my shorts...

3 years ago
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Big SkyChapter 2

Nancy slept until the bus stopped four hours later. They were at a truck plaza on I-5. The driver announced that it was for forty-five minutes and advised them to get dinner since it wouldn't stop until late at night. Nancy got off to go to the bathroom. She had a burger, fries and a coke. When she paid the bill at the register she grabbed a Snickers bar just in case she became hungry for later. She settled back into her seat and put the pillow to the window once more. She closed her eyes...

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Mi primo Chuchi I

No puedo decir que me llevara una alegría cuando mi madre me dijo que mi primo Chuchi, al que hacía al menos tres años que no veía, compartiría habitación conmigo durante unos días ese verano. Desde siempre me había parecido un pesado, tenía que cargar con él cada verano, cambiar mis planes, dejarle mi bici, acompañarle…. Él, que vivía en Madrid, apenas acababa de cumplir 18 años y había aprobado la selectividad con buena nota, yo tenía algo más de 20. Así que no fue precisamente entusiasmo lo...

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3 dimensional bitch

I am Deanna, Bitch of the 3 dimensions. I am originally from the Oracle dimension. The other two dimensions are known as the 'Technology Dimension', and the 'Savage Dimension'. As an Oracle, I have the power of Apparition, and over the inhabitants of the savage and technology dimensions, I have the power of mind control. Other unpredictable powers can emerge based on situations, but these are the main two tactics I have mastered. I am, due to a blessed birth, the only woman alive who can pass...

4 years ago
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Hot Beauty Anjali

Hey there! Anoop here I must confess that this site is a marvelous place for people like me to share my experience and read experience of other people. I believe we people have tabooed sex a lot and I mean sex is for enjoyment. Okay so enough of off topic discussion here I go I am 20year old student studying BSE. My story is basically when I was in my early teens I used to go to tuition to this Sir. He was our family friend and I was poor in math so my parents requested him to teach me. He had...

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Dark Crystal

The Dark Crystal (revised and updated) by Olivia Evans "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke The Dark Crystal? is a key major component of the standard survival kit of a starship. Intended to be used by shipwrecked survivors to make modifications to their bodies in order to survive in otherwise hostile and deadly. Depending on the environment some changes are merely cosmetic and minor, others involve complete restructuring down...

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My Bucket List Four

“Take that dress off. No more clothes the rest of the night.”He didn’t have to tell me twice. I kicked off my heels and dropped the dress. Willis picked it up and hung it on the coat rack.“You’re stunning. You’re sparkling. How do you do that?”I said, “You mean 'How do you do that at your age?' And I’m not telling you. I’m not here to counsel you, Willis. I’m here to fuck you.”And that’s how we started fucking at his place. I stripped that bastard and left his damn clothes in a heap by the...

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Step Mother fucked by Father His boss and Driver

Today I will tell you the story of how I saw my step mother being forced to have sex with my fathers' boss by my father and my driver itself. I always refer to her as mother only.My mothers' name is Rajani and she is 39 years old and she is actually extremely beautiful for her age. I am studying Engineering and my father is a high ranking official in one of the best companies of the world.I always stay up at night and study and my mother also sleeps late after watching television for a few...

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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 3 Old Times

Chapter 3 Hermione Weasley: The New Ministress of Magic! After the shock resignation of the beloved Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt two weeks ago, Hermione Weasley was yesterday voted in as the new leader of Great Britain's magical community. Citing fatigue and the need of a younger leader, ex Minister Shacklebolt requested a quick...

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We left the party. I followed her up the stairs in the wake of her exotic perfume. She slipped her key card into the door lock, I followed her in and stood in the middle of the short hallway of her suite. The lights were mostly off and the remaining lamps gave her skin an almost shimmering glow. She had come across as stern, but passionate, so this didn’t worry me. She wore a tight black party dress, sleeveless, that only just reaching mid thigh. She was toned and fit; about a foot shorter than...

Straight Sex
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Chrissys Little MistakeChapter 3

Bobby only stayed one week. He explained that he got thirty days of leave a year, and was saving the last week for when she had the baby. Again, I didn’t attempt to pry or spy, but I couldn’t help but notice that they spent a lot of time in either his bedroom or hers. I just tried to throw myself into my work. There were frequent stops for self abuse, but that was becoming pretty routine too. As I look back on it I’m more and more convinced that it was that one brief moment when Bobby...

1 year ago
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Zaryab And Adnan Ki Sexy Kahani Gay Sex Story

Adnan ko mein koi ek saal sey jaanta hoon…..wo koi 18-20 saal ka bara chikna launda tha…..6feet ka lamba slim aur muskarahut yau ghazub ki….jiski missal nahii…wo Toronto -Canada shayed refujee status pe aaya tha….aur ek apartment building mein 3 Pathan key saath raheta tha….usskey saatiyoon mein uski jo sub se ziada madad ki uska naam Zahin Khan jo taxi driver bhi hai….aur shayed koi 40 saal ka hooga…isska room mate tha… Waise daikhney mein Adnan bara chikna…aur ager kissi larki ke kapde...

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Reginalds FamilyChapter 3

“Fiona, let me tell you a secret, which you must keep to yourself. All of us were virgins, and none of us had even been out on a date! When you are not pretty, or even worse, too tall, no boy wants to ask you out. Reg didn’t ask us out, either; he didn’t even know HOW to ask a girl out. Through our study group we gradually became closer, and Reg was invited by Frances to share her accommodation as it is much better than his basic university student lodgings, and free as well. Then, as Reg...

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Last Stand

The team moved through the clinic, rubber soled boots squeaking on the metal floor. They stayed in cover and shadow, keeping low and out of sight. They had infiltrated without incident so far, what few ADVENT troops had been guarding the entrance had been dispatched silently, the alarm had not been raised. Alien blood dripped from Moreau’s machete leaving a trail behind him. The clinic was in a remote rural area, XCOM didn’t know what kind of research was going on here, but it was related to...

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My Sisters Best Friend Raegen

Now don't get me wrong, I could've easily been out doing other things. I knew enough people at school, and had enough friends that I could get into any party I wanted, but I guess the party scene was just not my thing. I had never been to a party, never had drank before, and was still a virgin. Not that you'd guess that if you were to look at me. I am about 5'10", well tanned, nice build, and fairly definitive muscle tone. Of course I never worked out, it was just in my genes. The fact...

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Becoming The Favorite II Henry is Horny

Introduction: Big brother finds himself addicted to the charms of little sister…and gets caught Hi, my name is Henry Harrington. Im a Sophomore in college and I have two sexy younger sisters named Emma and Elizabeth, we call her Lizzy for short. Emma is 18 and Lizzy is 16. This is my story of how things in my life went from normal to orgasmic in the blink of an eye, and then a certain complication threatened it all. I always tried to be a good big brother and look out for my sisters, but I...

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