BarbaraChapter 22 free porn video

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When the gray Clifford limousine pulled into the circular driveway of the Cartwright mansion in Beverly Hills, Andy was waiting outside with her mother. While Bill Clifford remained in the car, Ken jumped out as soon as Fred Clark opened the door. Ignoring the others he took Andy in his arms and melted his lips to hers. Then Ali got out carrying her youngest, Kristin, who was just over one year old.

After kissing Connie warmly, Ali raised an eyebrow and looked at her daughter skeptically. "Are you sure you can handle it? Is your milk going to be good enough? After all," she said archly, "Kris is used to only the very best!"

Replying in kind Connie said, "Oh? What about poor Andy? Are you sure she won't be poisoned at your tit?" Then dropping the pose she took Kristin in her arms and loved and kissed her. "Nursing your own sister! I mean, Mom, really! Isn't this really ... a bit much?"

Then with great warmth in her eyes she said, "Mom, I love you so very damned much!"

Looking over to where Andy and Ken were still locked in each others arms she said, "God, Mom! I feel so badly for poor Andy and Ken. Would you please look at them. If you were to mention those two to any outsider and say they were in love, they would think, 'How cute!' But those two are truly in love in the most adult way."

Looking into Ali's eyes she said, "And after what I saw this afternoon, it looks like it's spreading. Did you see Sue Carlson and Mike Morris when court adjourned? He gently squeezed one of her ass cheeks and she just turned and melted into his arms."

Then she glared at her mother and said, "You run the damned firm. Why didn't you plan better? Why did you allow so many of us to have girls as first children?"

"Darling Connie," Ali replied blithely, "I can't do everything by myself. After all," she continued airily, "I did have a little boy!" But then she looked at Ken and said, "I really can't wait, though. We both know that our kids are not ordinary. Their children are going to be utterly spectacular. And by the way, daughter, for a first effort, you really didn't do too badly with Andy."

The women warmly embraced again and then Ali gave Kristin a kiss causing the little girl to just beam happily. Dragging Ken and Andy back to the car, they were off. As they moved down the driveway, Ali looked at her granddaughter and said, "Andy Cartwright, I don't know about you."

With her eyes wide the little girl replied, "What did I do this time, Kenny's Mommy?"

"Well..." she responded, drawing out her words, "for openers, you put our lives at immediate risk."

Ali's words were stunning. The little girl's eyes widened and tears came to their corners. "How did I do that?"

"Andy, what did you do when you finally came over to the car?" The little girl thought but couldn't think of anything. She had just gotten in. "Darling," Ali said, answering her own question, "you extended your hand to Fred who was holding the door and said, 'Good evening, Mr. Clark. Thank you so much for driving us to the circus tonight.' When you held up your arms, he picked you up and you kissed him.

"Andy, you nearly knocked him down. Now that you're getting older you have to understand that your love — undiluted — is really far more than most people can take. Now look at him. I'm afraid poor Fred is still in a daze ... but he's driving the car. Heaven knows, Los Angeles traffic is dangerous enough as it is without being distracted, let alone trying to handle it in a daze." With a grin she concluded, "Now do you understand?"

Andy who was riding facing backward in a forward seat opened the window separating the limousine's two compartments and said, "Mr. Clark, I think I should apologize for kissing you the way I did. Gram is afraid you'll lose control or something."

Fred adjusted his rear-view mirror to be able to see her without turning his head and spoke into the tiny microphone he used to communicate with the passenger compartment. "I'm not at all sorry, Miss Andy. When Ali said we were picking you up this evening the first thing I thought was, 'Oh, boy! Maybe I'll get one of Miss Andy's kisses.' And I certainly did! Young lady, your kisses are in a class by themselves. I do have a question for you, though: When are you going to do something productive?"

"Productive?" she responded, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Productive. You know: useful. Like marrying young Master Kenneth back there. That would be useful! It would get him out of my hair and you can just fry each other's brains with your kisses instead of using them to destroy the world. You two have to get married, you know. I am certain that there are no other people your ages alive who could survive the intensity of your love.

"And even though I'm a lot older than you two, I'm certainly not blind. The most wonderful thing is to see you kiss one another and see the incredible level of passion you possess flowing between you. And this is on top of the purest love I mentioned earlier. Young lady and young sir, with anyone else, you would be dangerous menaces! But together?" Clark just slowly shook his head and let out a long low whistle.

"Oh, in that case..." Andy turned towards Ken sitting beside her, reached out her arms and in seconds was enfolded in his. They spent the rest of the trip just locked in each other's arms with their lips together, separating very seldom and then only to breathe.

"My, what a wonderful idea!" Ali exclaimed. Turning to her husband she said throatily, "Bill Clifford, I need you!" As he turned toward her he saw her unbutton her blouse and peel it back to expose her perfect breasts now refilling with milk. She had nursed Kris just before dropping her off. They locked in a passionate embrace while Bill just gently ran his fingers over all of her perfect body that was within reach.

Nearing the Forum, Clark announced, "Folks, we're almost there. You can break it up now."

Andy and Ken eased apart with sighs. Seeing his parents locked together he couldn't resist. "Mom and Dad, what are you doing? Good grief! Don't you realize there are impressionable young children around?"

Easing away from Ali just enough to speak, Bill Clifford replied, "The answer to your first question is that your mother and I were necking. That's because there wasn't even time for a quickie — it's all I could do. As for the second part about impressionable young children: Who? Where?"

Andy and Ken just giggled at his reply while Ali ostentatiously put her clothes back together.

Bill and Ali Clifford were one of the world's wealthiest families and he was quick to give her incredible investing skills credit — or blame — for most of it. He constantly teased her about bombarding the family with ever more money when they couldn't put a dent in what they already had. With total assets of more than $10 billion, the family investments were necessarily widely spread. One of them was the entertainment conglomerate that controlled the circus; the Cliffords were, by a wide margin, the largest single shareholders. As a result, when Bill had called his office and told his secretary he wanted four tickets to the evening performance, it was a simple matter for her to call the office of the CEO of the entertainment company, introduce herself, and explain what was required.

As they pulled up to the main entrance, there was a delegation of senior officials from the circus waiting to greet them. When introductions were made, a very well-built man with flowing blonde hair was introduced. It was Gunther Gabel-Williams, renowned as the foremost wild-animal trainer in the world. Of particular note was the fact that he was almost alone in the world in working with tigers as opposed to the far more tractable and less ferocious lions.

Recognizing him, both Ken and Andy were wide-eyed as they were introduced. Again the Cliffords were so pleased and impressed as Andy made a most graceful curtsy and then extended her hand. In the finest continental manner, he kissed the back of her fingers bringing a blush to her cheeks. Ken bowed and then shook hands. Already Gabel-Williams was very impressed.

Because arrangements had been made to show the Cliffords around backstage, they had arrived well before the evening performance was scheduled. After a tour, they ended at the cages where the tigers were kept. Earlier Gabel had ordered ten of the big cats to be placed in a training ring available for him backstage so he could give the children a private demonstration. With the cats in the cage, while he was preparing to enter he saw something he had never seen before in his life: As Andy and Ken stood near it, the big cats all came over to them and just looked at the children lovingly.

Then he saw something truly remarkable: The tigers were seated back on their haunches and looked exactly like house-cats — they even wrapped their tails around their forepaws. The two children had started at one end of the line and apparently were introducing themselves. Incredibly, it appeared they understood the tigers and the tigers understood them.

"Good evening, Prince," Andy said softly. "My name is Andy and this is my lover, Ken. We are both so happy to meet you!" The response was a sound that Gabel had never heard: it sounded like a purr! The giant cats — averaging about 600 pounds apiece in weight — were purring! Of course, given their great size — they were all males — it was like no sound Gabel had ever heard, but it was undeniably a purr. Moreover, the names the children were using were in several cases names Gabel used, but more often they were names he had never heard. It appeared that the cats actually had names. In addition to Prince there was Rudy, Will, Fred, King, Charles, James, Ferdie, Sasha, and — remarkably — Lester!

Finally, when the introductions were complete Andy turned to Gabel and asked, "Could Ken and I go into the cage? They so much want us to and we would like it very much."

Turning to Ali and Bill, Gabel shook his head and said, "I really don't know what to say. I am seeing something I have never seen before in my life! You see the way the cats are sitting? I have never seen them do that. Never! You, perhaps, overheard Andy introducing the cats by name? Prince, King, and Sasha are names I use. The others? I have never heard them before. It seems that those children are actually communicating with tigers!"

Shaking his head again he continued, "Twenty minutes ago the idea of small children going into a tiger cage — and coming out alive! — would have seemed utterly ridiculous. Now? I'm confident the cats will not hurt them. Will you permit it?"

After talking to the children and getting their immediate agreement that they would do absolutely everything Gunther told them to do instantly, Ali and Bill reluctantly approved. As the door was opened, Ali moved backward against Bill's body and whispered, "Darling, please hold me tight! I'm so scared!" Bill put his arms around her waist and held her tightly against his body.

Gabel was going to lead the way but Andy told him that it would probably be better if he remained outside. He could remain by the door and give them instructions through the bars. Remarkably, when the cats heard what Andy said, they seemed to visibly relax so Gabel-Williams did what she asked. The two children entered the cage and the door was closed behind them.

"Okay, guys," Ken said, "let's shake hands. Okay?" One after the other, in the same sequence beginning with Prince, the tigers came up to the children, sat down on their haunches and then extended a giant paw. Because of their great size, the children needed both hands to shake it, but they did.

When they got to the last cat, Lester, and had shaken hands, Andy cocked her head, looked skeptical and said, "Lester, are you sure?" The cat nodded its great head and seemed to smile. "Honest?" she repeated. Again the great head nodded. "Well ... okay, I guess."

With that Andy went close to the giant animal, wrapped her arms as far around his great neck as she could reach, hugged and then kissed him. When she released him, but before Ken could do anything, Lester dropped flat on the ground and actually covered his head with his forepaws!

"Oh, it's not so bad, Lester. You don't have to be so embarrassed. Hasn't a girl ever kissed you before?" The huge animal removed one of its paws which had been covering an eye. After looking at Andy for a moment, he quickly shook his head.

Ali and Bill were standing well back from the cage beside Gabel and watching. Gabel was awestruck. "That is absolutely unbelievable!" he whispered. "Can you imagine? That cat actually asked your daughter for a kiss and then covered his head in embarrassment when she gave him one!"

Turning to the Cliffords he added, "I can now give you my personal guarantee that no harm will come to those children. In fact, you could consider them to be safer than in church. Those tigers love those children and would guard them with their lives."

Andy and Ken were having a wonderful time. Dropping to her knees, Andy dove at Lester and kissed him again saying, "You big sissy! It's not so bad, is it?"

This time the cat rolled on its back and just extended its paws in the air. Again looking at him skeptically, Andy said, "I don't know..." Then she shook her head and said, "Mommy wouldn't like it, I'm sure." Then she smiled warmly and said, "Oh, Lester, please don't cry! Okay, we'll do it."

While the cat continued to lie on its back they went to the door and quickly stripped off all of their clothes except for their shorts. Andy explained, "Grandmom, he wants us bare but I told him he would have to settle for this. Okay?"

Ali, who was completely stunned by the events, could only shake her head. Now stripped down to just their shorts, the two children went back to the tiger, climbed on its stomach side by side and embraced each other. Then, with the most incredible tenderness, the huge animal wrapped its forelegs around them and just purred.

"My God!" Gabel-Williams exclaimed in a whisper, "I didn't know the half of it. First, a tiger will never get into the position that one is in. Never! He has intentionally made himself completely vulnerable and totally defenseless. Now look: he is holding those children to his breast — and utterly loving it! As far as I know, this has never happened. Ever!" By this time all of the circus people who could were crowding around the cage and watching in stunned silence.

When they got off Lester, all of the other cats insisted on doing the same thing. Finally, when they were finished, Andy put her hands on her hips and in her most imperious six-year-old manner declared, "Well, this is a fine thing! We come to the circus to be entertained. Instead, you guys have us entertaining you! Now why don't you get off your dead rear ends and do something amusing."

It was as if she had cracked a loud whip. First Prince, using a huge ball that is used as a part of the elephant act, jumped on top of it and carefully rolled it in circles around the perimeter of the round cage. When he got off, the children were laughing with glee and Andy gave him a warm kiss.

Then four of the cats got to their feet and stood close together side by side. Three more carefully and gracefully got up on their backs followed by two others. Now there was a 4-3-2 pyramid, missing its apex. Prince was the last tiger left and he looked at Andy wistfully.

"You're sure you can do it?" she asked. The animal nodded its head rapidly up and down. With a lovely little grin Andy said, "Well, okay, but you better not drop me!"

With Prince lying down on the ground, Andy climbed up on his back and straddled his shoulders. The big cat then climbed up the first, then second, and finally the third layer of tigers. Because the animals are very large — nearly four feet high at the shoulders — with them standing four high, Prince's great head was well over sixteen feet above the ground; he was far above the top of the cage which only extended up ten feet. When he stood still at the top of the pyramid, Andy stood up on his back and extended her arms proudly.

Instantly there was thunderous applause from all of the circus people surrounding the cage. As experienced as they all were, they were seeing something that had never been done before, beginning with the creation of the pyramid itself.

But it wasn't over yet. At the top, Prince slowly backed up as far as he could and then extended his forepaws in a bow leaving his haunches up in the air. Then the two below did the same thing, followed by the three below them and finally the four at the base. Because of the angles downward, by the time the last tigers were in their bow Prince's back was nearly vertical and Andy was sitting on the back of his head with her legs around his neck.

"Unbelievable!" Gabel-Williams murmured, "Simply unbelievable." Then turning to the Cliffords he asked, "An idea has come to me that seems almost ridiculous, but I must ask you anyway. Would you allow your children to perform tonight in the ring? You see, what we have been seeing is a first in history. No person — ever — has seen what we have just seen. It has never happened."

Then with a warm smile he added, "I guess I've been in the circus too long. We always think of our customers. If we could let the customers see your children and the great cats ... It would utterly blow their minds! Would you? Please?"

"Oh, shit!" Ali muttered and then with a broad grin replied, "Mr. Gabel, I have a confession to make. You see, I was a motion picture actress, so there's more than a little ham in me. And since Kenny's my son, he could have caught it, too. The answer is yes if the kids are willing."

Turning to Bill she asked, "Do you agree, darling? Or am I being completely crazy and stupid?"

Bill took her into his arms and whispered in her ear, "My darling, we've known for a long time that those two are not ordinary children. They have extraordinary powers — I guess we're seeing more of them tonight. I agree, darling. We'll let them."

By this time the tigers, after first straightening up in the reverse of the way they had bowed, had slowly and gracefully dismantled their pyramid. When Gabel-Williams asked the children, they were utterly overjoyed. When Andy told the cats, it was apparent that they were delighted, too.

After cocking her head and listening, she just shook it, muttered, "Big babies!" and asked Gabel for grooming brushes. "They feel they have to look their best so Ken and I agreed we would brush their coats. May we?"

After some scurrying around, large wire-bristle brushes were found and the two children carefully groomed the giant cats who just lay flat on the ground and purred while the children worked.

By this time the huge Forum was filling for the evening performance. After the opening music, the ringmaster introduced Gabel-Williams. The trainer, now dressed in a glittering outfit of spangled white, stood in the spotlight and announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the circus! Tonight, we are not going to do our regular show. Instead, you are going to see something never seen by anyone, ever!

"You are going to see two small children, Andrea Cartwright and Kenneth Clifford, work with ten Bengal tigers right here before you using the full scope of this circus floor. Frankly, I don't even know what they will be doing. I do know that earlier this evening those two children had the cats doing things I have never seen them do before in my life!

"There is one thing I can guarantee: you will be entertained! However, for your safety, because the tigers will be running free, there will be riflemen spotted around the entire ring with orders to protect the spectators at any cost.

"Finally, a few words about the cats: First, the Bengal tiger is, with the exception of the very rare Siberian tiger, the largest cat in the world. The tigers you will see are all males and weigh, on average, 600 pounds apiece. Since I doubt if either of the children weigh even forty pounds, you will see about three tons of ferocious cat being handled by about 75 pounds of human. Since we do not know what the children will do, we cannot use an announcer. Accordingly, I will also be your announcer this evening. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Andy, Ken, and their big cats!"

Gabel-Williams was sitting at ringside with the Cliffords. Ali clutched Bill's hand as the band struck up a quick march and the spotlight moved to the corner of the ring. There were Andy and Ken with their golden bodies nearly bare but with their arms out-thrust in greeting. The two kids sprinted across the floor and then did a series of incredibly rapid somersaults as if they were trained gymnasts. After making a complete circuit of the circus floor to the wild applause of the crowd they ended up back at the entrance.

Andy took a tiny microphone and said, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I am Andy and this is my lover, Ken." In spite of their youth and small size, there was something about the two together that prevented any snickering at her comment about Ken being her lover.

"Now I would like to introduce the real stars of this show: the tigers. First, here is Prince." The huge animal came out, made a bow and began to trot slowly around the huge ring. She continued the introductions with Rudy, Will, Fred, King, Charles, James, Ferdie, Sasha, and Lester.

By this time the cats were all trotting in a circle and Andy and Ken moved to the center of the ring. When Andy called them, Prince led them over to the center where they formed a huge circle around the children and then simultaneously on her order, sat back on their haunches like house-cats. Again, they neatly wrapped their tails around their forepaws and just looked attentively at the children.

Gabel announced quietly, "I have never seen what you are now seeing before tonight. They look exactly like house-cats, don't they? But they are anything but! They are, in fact, perhaps the most powerful and dangerous animals on the face of this earth.

"Now listen!" he exclaimed softly. "I am going to ask that all music and noise cease at once. I want you to hear something no one alive has ever heard: the sound of ten full-grown Bengal tigers purring! Listen!"

There were gasps from the crowd as they realized what the incredibly deep sound they were hearing was.

Meanwhile, in the ring Andy grinned at the cats and said, "Okay, guys! Now it's time to entertain the paying customers. What are we going to do?" She cocked her head and said, "Okay, that sounds good."

Ken grinned at her and dashed off. A few moments later he was back followed by roustabouts rolling ten of the huge red balls. Fearfully, they positioned the balls evenly in a circle around the ring. Ken ran back, snapped his fingers and the ten great animals rose as one and fell into line. He then ran around the ring. Each time he reached a ball, the first cat in line moved aside and sat looking at the ball. When all the cats were positioned, he returned to Andy's side at the center of the ring.

She signaled to the bandleader who struck up a merry clown tune. Instantly the cats jumped up on top of the balls and began to roll them at increasing speed around the ring. Andy and Ken then ran around the inside of the perimeter of tigers encouraging each one by name. The animals seemed very excited and pleased.

Again Gabel-Williams announced, "Cats can't do what you're seeing. At least, I have never seen or heard of it ever being done. Could we have some applause? They are really doing a wonderful job!" The applause burst like thunder as the tigers were now racing around the ring with their paws going backward on the balls so fast they were now only yellow blurs.

"Okay, guys, that's enough," Andy called quietly. The animals slowed the balls, stopped them and very gracefully dismounted, returning to their circle at the center of the ring. When they were again seated, Andy went from one to the next, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, thanking him for the performance. Now the purring was so loud it drowned out all other noises.

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Core of NightChapter 1

When Cogo's father's father was a young man, a new star was born in the night sky. It was a tiny, blue white star, unnoticed by anyone on the planet. As the seasons passed and Cogo's father grew from a child into a boy, the star grew larger. When Cogo's father Gofna was eleven, on the hunt where his father Cogo's grand sire, was killed by lions, the star was prominent in the low southern horizon. When Cogo's father, Gofna, was a proud man of twenty, the star was the brightest in the...

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Mote Boobs Wali Mausi

hi friends..m 22yrs af age n m from delhi…..m addicted to sex n masterbates atleast 3 times a day ……i have done sex wid 4 prosties till date n wid my mausi once……. now i shall tell u d day wen my dream came true n i fucked my sexy big boobed mausi… mausi is 28 yd drs of age n lives in delhi..she lives in a flat in an apartment…..she was married 3 yrs back n have no child.her husband is in navy n is away from home quite often….so she lives mostly alone in her flat.whenever i get a chance i...

3 years ago
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If I Told You Part 2

II. Yes, I did call Tony later that day and we agreed to spread out the next photo session over two days so that Tony could get several different layouts for different parts of the ad campaign. Peggy had agreed to let me have the Thursday and Friday off which meant that I could be at Tony's earlier in the day. Denise met me and she and I really got down to work. Shower and shave from my neck to my toes. "Look's like you could use a laser treatment or at least a body wax," Denise...

3 years ago
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Naughty Nymphos Knot Training UKOZ Ep 4

5Emmanuelle (19 yr old coffee colored Welsh girl)Over the last three shows we’ve visited England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, which only leaves Wales to cover the four nations of the United Kingdom – and it’s to Wales we go next.A pretty girl walking along a sunny street. She has a dancer’s body – lithe and strong, with long legs and a narrow waste, slim arms. She wears ripped skin-tight blue jeans that show off her legs and little ass, and a loose, low cut sweater (when the interview begins...

2 years ago
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My Dearest Darling VirginiaChapter 14

A week after I released my balloon, Doug got suspended from school for a couple days for getting into a fight with Michael Drake. Michael had gotten back together with Susan the day after Joyie's suicide, which proved my theory of his using Joyie to make her jealous; and the two of them were reenacting a "love" scene between Michael and Joyie -- making fun of Joyie. The group they hung with were laughing their heads off and having a field day until Doug and some of this team mates walked...

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Spanking Tube

Bad boys and girls belong at SpankingTube! There’s nothing hotter than watching free spanking videos with girls quivering and whimpering as they get spanked, caned, whipped or paddled. Or, hell, even getting spanked can be fucking awesome. There’s not much better in this world than a strong dominatrix paddling your ass until its Christmas red. Whether you’re a dom, sub, switch, or bitch a good spanking can really get the night going. A little pain makes pleasure just that much better! Trust me,...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Airport Meeting

It’s Friday, and the excitement of her upcoming trip is all around her. She packs up the last of her things, tidies up her house and drives to the airport. Going over everything in her head, she hopes she hasn’t forgotten anything. A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth, and her mind wanders to the fact that for the next week and a half she won’t be needing much other than her body. She pulls into the parking spot, gets out her bags, and discourages herself from running to the airport...

2 years ago
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The Empty Headed Beach Blonde

My Dad left home when I went to University, a few months later he visited me on campus to see how things were going. We met at a local café around from my student flat. "Hi son. " I turned to see Dad in his business suit with a very attractive blonde in a matching jacket and skirt following a long behind. She was older than me but a lot younger than him. They sat down her skirt rode up her long legs showing the suspenders and tops of her stockings. "Hi Dad? " I replied not happy that his...

1 year ago
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Born To Be EvilChapter 6

"This is fucking madness, it's all out fucking war" We were in my office above the club, all of us and we were all a bit shell shocked, Sherry and I had been saved from the blast because we'd opened the garage doors and stepped back behind them to let George drive the car out, we'd only been stunned but poor little Kerry and her dad had been blown to bits in the explosion! "Well it ain't none of my lads Tony" Larry said softly, "I'd put me fucking life on it mate" "If it is,...

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Jared woke the final morning, incredibly sad. Today would be the day she sends him on his way. He didn’t want to go. Unsure of how to approach her, he decided to dress in his clothes and meet her, not as pet, but as Jared. Dragging his feet downstairs, he tried to find anything to do that would stall his time. Once he had run out of things to do, he knocked on her door. He waited with a heavy heart. “Come in, Jared,” she said, businesslike. He opened the door and entered. Looking around the...

4 years ago
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The Office Boy

The Office Boy By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name was Mike Grant, and I say was, because it's different now. I have two years of college and I'm taking classes at night to finish with a degree in Business. In order to support my school expenses and have some spending money, I found a job working in an office as sort of a glorified office boy. I'm 5' 7" tall with soft brown hair and blue eyes and I have never weighed more than 140 in my entire life. Valerie...

3 years ago
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Back Room Ch 04

He got out of the cab first and leaned over to pay the driver through the window. She leaned back, enjoying the site of his firm butt. She loved the look of his body. He wasn’t perfect but it was his very imperfections that made him more approachable, more enjoyable, more human. He was drastically overpaying on the tip. She laughed silently thinking how much their show must have been worth. She shook her head and followed him out of the car. A few of her friends were renting a house in the...

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foot fucker

Sometime in mid winter this past year I had been looking for new feet to tribute. I was browsing cl for a few weeks and found someone asking for a private tribute for his wife. So I sent him an email and he replied with a pic of her. She was a decent looking woman. I said I would gladly tribute her if I could see what the soles of her feet looked like. He replied a day later with a picture of her soles and they were perfect. Her soles were wide and high arched. He said he had wanted to do a...

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The Rescuers PerspectivePart 4

Part Four- Mother Rena's gift She woke to the sound of a thrush singing as it perched on the windowsill. She turned her bleary eyes on it as it chirped at her. As she shifted her body in the bed to get up the startled bird flew quickly out of the window into the morning light. She was still so tired. Her old bones ached in the morning chill, but for the first time in weeks she did not feel the urgency that had driven her over the long dusty roads from the keep she had lived so many...

2 years ago
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Bachelor Party Wife

Andy planned for weeks the best bachelor party for his brother. His brother, Karl is twenty-three years old and marrying girlfriend of five years. A telephone rang from the other room. Andy ran into the study and answered the telephone before the machine. " Hello?" "Mr. Gray, please?" A female caller asked. "Yes, this is Mr. Gray." Andy replied. "Hi. This is Brandy." Andy smiled because he is talking to his busty stripper that he hired for the party tonight. " What's going...

2 years ago
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That Night

We met them three years ago. A chance message on a website to a faceless, nameless couple. The usual banter back and forth using the typed word. Luckily I could type and was able to keep them interested with conversation. After several months of conversation and an exchange of as we found out later to be outdated pictures, a meeting was set. I remember the rain that evening as we drove to the meeting place, a nice restaurant in a neutral town. We parked and waited in the car as we had...

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Terras Pearl of Power

You are Terra, a woman in her mid-twenties. You have shoulder length red hair and freckles to match, though mostly faded due to taking care of your skin. You're fairly attractive, though single, and you have a B cup bust and a fit bubble butt. No one would ever really say you've got big assets but it's not like you're exactly a stick. You are kind of a nerd, or at least you were but now you don't have as much time to indulge in nerdy things. Except maybe once a week or two. "Nat 20! It's a...

3 years ago
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losing my virginity

true story about losing my virginity - for the second time.I was pleasantly surprised when I met Brian. It was rare to blindly meet and find that they didn't lie about themselves over the phone. He was a tall, dirty blond with a lean frame and nice toned arms coming from his fitted white t-shirt. He had been totally upfront about who he was - and total party boy. I'm always attracted to confident guys and he had this in abundance. He was very sure of himself – a total turn on for me. There's...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay AJ Applegate Ashley Fires Stella Cox Dream Pairings Bound For Love

After an innocent game of tennis, AJ Applegate and her girlfriend Stella Cox go home for a shower and sex. Someone sinister is watching the lesbians fuck through the window but they don’t see the peeping Tom. AJ’s attention is trained on making Stella cum. The masked snooper keeps watching as AJ rides Stella’s tongue till she cums. After insatiable Stella grinds AJ’s slippery pussy, AJ runs downstairs to get them a snack. Neither of the girls see him gain entry to the...

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The HealerChapter 4

Gevase Starbase was both the Fleet and Ground Force training centre for Healers, though the training regimens in the non-healing areas were different, Ground Force being a lot more physical and lower tech in nature. I was actually met in person when I arrived, which surprised me. Normally the AIs take care of that sort of thing. As it was, Optio Culsen had her reasons and orders. The first being to get me fitted and kitted in my own armour which acted as a space suit as well. This was a...

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CFNM for my sisters

My parents were very modest about nudity around the house, except when it came to me being naked. I hadn’t seen anyone naked since I was a toddler but both my mom, dad and sister seen me almost daily whenever I took a shower. I guess it was because I was the youngest of the family and the notion that ‘it is OK for girls to see boys’ , that gave my sister the freedom to walk in on me whenever I took a shower and see me in all my glory. We lived in a small 3 bedroom house with only 1...

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This is a true episode of my wife which happened two years back. She narrated the incident to me afterward in detail and I thought of sharing on the anonymity of the web.About my wife – Aged about 39 years and mother of one k**. She is good looking – a typical Bengali conservative wife, born & brought up in Kolkata–large doe like eyes, long hair, fair complexion and a height of about 5ft 2”. Well maintained 35-28-36 figure. She is quite proud of her overall looks, figure & personality...

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Sex With Neighbour When Uncle Was Busy In Office

Hello everyone, myself xyz from Bangalore… I am 5.6 in height average body and my dick is normal 5 inches length and 2.5 inches thick which can satisfy any lady no matter what is her age and today I am going to write a story ohh sorry rather than telling it as a story lets use the word incident because its a real incident which happened between me and my neighbour aunty on 26th august when her husband was in office….. It was a usual day for me as I stay at home normally and look after our...

1 year ago
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What Goes Around Comes Around Part 1

It's going on 1:00 in the morning, and Brian still isn't home. I have a feeling he might be cheating on me. Our marriage just isn't the same. After he made chief of staff at General Hospital, he has been distant, cold, and cranky. He rarely sleeps in our bed. He makes excuses to get out of the house on his days off from work. When he is here, the phone will ring three times, I'll answer it and nobody is there. That makes me think he is probably cheating on me. I don't know what else to think....

Straight Sex
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Santas Tinsel TeaseChapter 7

Scott wakes up and thinks he is dreaming. The young woman next to him appears to be his adopted catgirl sister. He moves his face closer to hers and kisses her lips. Tinsel’s eyes remain shut but she smiles. And then he remembers the night before, Christmas Eve. The woman next to him is real. He lets his hand travel down the length of her body, then rests it on her smooth pussy. She parts her legs just a bit. With the allowance, he pushes his a finger against her clit and rubs. Then he hears...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 34

Jane hung by her wrists, her ankles spread wide by harsh ropes attached to them. Her body was glistening with sweat and a fair amount of blood. She was in more than a little pain, but the sexual pleasure she was feeling blazed from her in waves so strong Ken felt sure even someone not Circle would feel them. Dinner and dessert had been wonderful, but eventually things had wound down. Sandy had left with Helen and Davyn, and Ken wondered if this would be the night she'd seduce them. Of...

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Vampire Nights 2

It had been two nights since Darla had been with her Vampirelover. Morning had come after their first night and she had woken with their naked bodies tangled together. His place was dark, the windows all covered. She had managed to find her clothes in the darkened room and dressed herself quietly, leaving her number and address for him beside his bed. Leaving him there had made her sad but heading home to get ready for work had forced her out the door. These past nights she had waited for him...

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The Office Slut part two August 2010

THE OFFICE SLUT part twoYou may remember my last encounter with the office slut and what fun we had together.Well it was a hot summers day and the birds were singing,it was great to be working outside.It was a large garden and the clients were out so I had the place to myself; and I was working in a was secluded park of the garden.I was daydreaming a bit and pondering if I could have a crafty wank or not when........My mobile rang:Are there you are Mr Kingdom,are you working at 110...

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Thus conscience does make cowards of us all

-What was he some kind of masochist? -Maybe, but I don't think so. -Huh, why? I mean look at the way - hey get the fuck outta here! You, Franklin, get this clown outta here and get the film from the camera. No press and no pictures damnit. God damn grunts, you'd think even a beat cop could tell the difference between forensics and a reporter. -Yeah, but hey, manpower. Anyway take a look at the note. It explains why he did it this way. - Lemme see it. -Put a glove on first, its still...

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Paul Chapter 1 - Introductions This is the story of a person who is very special to me. First, I should introduce myself and tell you about my family. We come from a small rural town in Gloucestershire, England. My name is Elizabeth Bunden. I am 22 years old. I have brown wavy hair and I am five feet six high with what I think is a nice figure. I took a vocational course in media studies at the local college of further education and I'm now working as an assistant, well tea girl,...

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Calliopes New Life

Following the party and her introduction to the family, Padraic and Calliope settled into their own routine. They discussed the rules and in an effort to keep his baby happy Padraic compromised on a few smaller issues and Callie learned to be cared for after so many years of having to look after herself.The biggest concession came the day after the party, when they had gone to sign the contract with the amendments they had made to it. Callie had sat up on his lap and turned to him seriously,...

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An Exchange Student 3

An Exchange Student 3 By Paul Jutras In what was a normal school facing the start of winter, 14 year Paul had propped up his book in order to hide behind it. While everyone else was listening to the English teacher going over the previous night's chapter in the assigned assigned reading, Paul was giggling at the local town gossip rag. The paper had stories about things like a four-legged woman opening a dance studio and Martians threatening to attack the Earth. What was bad for...

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Hot Newly Married Lady of Mumbai

Hello, friends, it’s ANIKET again with another sex story. I am 28 years, 5’8″ tall, smart looking person with athletic built. I am working as a software engineer in an MNC.I stay alone in a small rented flat in Andheri(Mumbai). Daily I commute to my office via train and then via share auto rickshaw( It is the best way to travel in Mumbai). One day when I was about to board the rickshaw, I saw a beautiful married lady about 5’4″ tall, slightly over sized came running to the rickshaw. She was...

2 years ago
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Blackmail The Price Of An Apartment

I arrived in Washington State, mid-summer for university. I did not know one person. The closest “friend” I had was Max, who lived three hours away. If you haven’t read my other stories, Max is my benefactor, my occasional lover, and my Sugar Daddy. My relationship with him may sound strange to an outsider, and it is complicated to explain.I met Max online, and he was the first person to call me and treat me as a “she,” even before I knew I wanted that. He encouraged me to follow my dreams, and...

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SRU Family Squabble

SRU: Family Squabble By Morpheus "Stop picking on your sister, Chris" Nancy screamed at her 11 year old son. "I'm sick and tired of hearing you two fighting" "But Mom" Chris whined, "Lizzie started it" "Don't give me any of that" Nancy said, glaring at her son, then at her 9 year old daughter Lizzie, "I don't care who started it, you're both grounded" Both Chris and Lizzie stared at their mom in surprise, and anger, then turned around and left, knowing that it was...

1 year ago
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Mistletoe Party continues to a Dinner Party Part 2 Sams Story

This is the continuation of our story with the second couple we swapped with. The story is told from Sam’s point of view. No, Sam didn’t write it, he told me and I wrote it for him. As Nick and Ashley drove off, Taylor pushed me back on to the couch and pulled my cock out. I knew she would want to try to get a taste of Ashley’s juices on my dick. “MMMM,” she sai,d “I can smell the scent of her pussy on you.” As she ran her tongue over I my cock she looked up and said, “ok tell me how what you...

Wife Lovers
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An Amy Fantasy Ch 2 Twists of Fate

Part 1, Amy’s Sunday Amy’s thoughts returned to the present, leaving behind for the moment her mental recap of her date with Professor Daniels, Marc as she was now calling him. It was starting to get dark. How long had she been sitting there going over the most marvelous 24 hours of her life she wondered, there were no clocks in sight so she had no way of knowing. She got up from the sofa, walked to the small dorm fridge and got a bottle of water opted for the bed in her room rather than the...

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MIL Road Trip

True story My MIL was coming home from the East Coast during the winter. Bad storms had delayed her Flight multiple times and she couldn't get to the closest Airport. So my Wife asked if I could drive hundreds of miles away to pick her up at the airport. She was very worried about the weather and just wanted to get home and driving was the only way she could get home in a timely manner. Let me set the stage a little. I had just found out about my MIL's affair 2 weeks prior. I told her I was...

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Culdesac 1 Sally

In a small urban town just north of LA where the people fit loosely around church nor state lived a young woman coming of age in this world of information. She wanted guidance, support and inspiration. Her parents raised her by one motto: 'Plain girls that want to be included in sports can't be shy. Be Courageous.' This taught her two things; 1. Don't be plain, and 2. Just go for it. Coming of age in the modern age was tough, fraught with too many choices and not enough boundary to be...

2 years ago
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Massage Helps To Satisfy Lady Desire

Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Akshay from gurgaon, working with a company, 34 years. Here I am narrating my experience which is lust with love. I regularly visiting spa and massage parlor for relaxing and most of the smart girls gives massage and it is true relaxing. So I thought to learn massage and I asked one of the good therapists to train me, in a beginning she refused because of bandwidth but later she agreed because of extra bucks. And I learned from her. Not the point to...

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