A Trip To Remember 1Chapter 2 free porn video

In the morning Mary again took charge. She said, “I have more work to do today and may need Tom’s help. You two can do what you want. We will be dressed for dinner and in the lobby at 6:00. If you want to join us, you may. Whichever of you decides to be my bitch tonight will have on a collar. You can find a pet store or make one out of a coat hanger. If you are going to be mine tonight, you will be marked as such.” She looked at Tom.
He shrugged. “If either of you want to be with me, you will have on no bra or panties and your pussy better be shaved.”
Mary still naked rubbed her bare pussy. “I will be ready if neither of these two want to submit sir.” it was clear that play time was over and the two girls both were putting on clothes.
At the door, Alicia said, “Thank you both. I hope to see you tonight but if we don’t, I don’t think I will ever forget last night. It was memorable.”
When they left, Mary closed the door behind them and turned to Tom, kneeling in front of him. “How did I do, Sir? Did you enjoy that?”
He pulled her onto his lap. “You did good. I was afraid she wouldn’t hold out but when she squirted, I was reminded how amazing you are at dominating girls.”
She smiled, “And how about those bets last night? It shouldn’t take long for us to be rolling in it. Tonight’s win should net over a quarter million.”
Tom said, “We should probably pay some taxes if they know who we are and there is another you and me running around somewhere in this parallel universe. Should we write them a letter? Make a deposit in their account? Will they have us arrested for making an ATM withdrawal. This is getting complicated.”
“Shit. I didn’t think of that. Let me make a deposit to cover plus a little and then I can leave a message on their phones or write a letter.”
Tom said, “I will take care of it.”
Mary said, “I want to go shopping to start our inventory but what do you think?”
“I think that just like now, we will miss something or forget something. We need to prioritize the things we need, the things we want and then the things that may help. We should think about where we will be and what we will be doing. Are we going across the country on the Oregon trail? Are we going to France for Bastille day? I’m thinking that the Romans are great history but not prehistoric. What was it like 2000 years ago? I have had some ideas on things we should buy and not buy.” He explained his thoughts on materials and technology to her.
She nodded and said, “I’ve had the same kinds of ideas. I like the Roman empire to start out. Let me start doing research and figure out what we will need, what we may want and what may help us to get ahead in society.” They went down for breakfast making sure that the sign to keep out was on the door. Mary said, “I will take the sign off when I’m back in the room and they can change the sheets and towels while I’m here. I don’t want to leave the replicator while they may be here without us.”
Tom went down to the casino and then down the strip to Walgreens. He bought a burner prepaid phone and then took a cab to the bank and deposited $2000 into the account. He’d taken out a thousand the day before and this would cover the withdrawal and then some. He found a quiet bench in the park and thought about the day and the time and then added three hours for the east coast and dialed himself. He heard his voice on the other side answer the phone.
“Tom, just like when you were overseas in the jungle or the desert, you sometimes just had to be quiet and listen. Now is one of those times.” He didn’t hear a hang up but didn’t hear a voice, so he continued. “Thanks, I’m sure the voice sounds familiar. Like when you listen to your voicemail recording. It is a freaky time and I am here from a different time in life.” He then listed his email password, his ATM PIN, who he lost his virginity to and how many kills he had in action. Only he knew that number since not all were recorded. Tom continued, “I needed some money to take care of things and came back to this time to do so. If you go to your bank account online, you will see that there was a withdrawal yesterday in Las Vegas for a grand and a deposit today for two grands. I don’t want you to call the cops or the bank. It was me. I will be gambling and making the money I need for my mission. It should be a lot of money and you may owe some taxes at the end of the year for gambling winnings. If you do, it will be in your account and you will get some paperwork from the casinos. I will make sure that there is more than enough to pay taxes and you can take your girl on a nice vacation somewhere. In this universe are you dating Mary?”
“She is with me and used her credit card some so wait until the end of the month and just give her a check. We have enough now to use cash for everything, so it was just the seed money we needed to start. I’m sure you have a million questions and think this can’t be true but the less you know the better. If you follow my path, then you will know about it in a couple months and be able to figure it all out. If you get to the end of the year and don’t know then it skipped over, you. I wish you luck and will do what I can to take care of you. Have a great life.”
“Thanks. If I wasn’t used to taking orders in the service and recognize the voice I might be coming after you. Good luck on your mission.”
There was a click and the line went dead. Tom in Vegas sat on the bench and wondered how he would have reacted if he’d received that same call a month ago. Why didn’t he receive that call a month ago? This adventure was weird enough without chasing every thought down a rabbit hole. He was away from the strip and went into a pawn and jewelry shop. It wasn’t the one on TV, so it was slow with one or two other people in the place. They looked more like locals and not some gamblers down on their luck. One had a guitar he was trying to pawn and the other was a local guy looking at some construction tools.
Tom walked over to the display and looked at some jewelry. An older lady came over and said, “Can I help you?”
“I was thinking about buying some gold. I don’t want any coins or anything fancy. Maybe something with the weight and carat stamped on it. Do you have anything like that?”
“We do, it is in the back we melt down some of the jewelry we take in. We also have one-ounce bars.”
She left and came back with two bars. One that was a commercial bar stamped out at an ounce. The other looked more homemade. She said, “Spot gold is $1240 today. We buy for $1220 and sell for $1250. Tomorrow it could be higher or lower.”
Tom had three grand left after he put the money in the bank and bet the night before. He said, “I’ll take one of each.” She was happy to take the cash and he walked out with two bars. The one that was minted had a case with a label on it. The other just had a sticker with the size, carat and inventory number. Back at the hotel, he kissed Mary on the cheek as she worked on the computer and he dropped the tag and label into the bag. He closed the lid then opened it to find two gold ounces in the bag. They each looked like the ones that were now sitting on the dresser. Tom laughed and said, “No need to gamble when you can just print money or like King Midas, make gold.”
“Holy, Shit,” Mary said as she picked up the gold bars and set all four in front of her. “Silver, gold and copper. We may be able to find some old Roman coins if we are going there. My list keeps growing as I read about some of the places we may go. I am thinking of either Pompeii or Rome. If you want to go to Florence or Venice those would be alright.
“I’ve also been thinking about what we will do while we are there. Are we going to be tourists, are we going to buy a home, set up a company? What are the plans?”
“I don’t know. In theory we don’t age while we are away so we could become immortal if we never come back or jump from what that universe to the next. I think we should go until we don’t feel safe or feel like it’s time to move on. If the Spanish inquisition comes after us, we should stay out of the way.”
She held up her yellow pad. She flipped through three pages with red ink then six more with blue ink. “Red is what we need, and blue is a good idea to have. I keep adding to each list. I have everything from toilet paper to aspirin. Medicines could be handy to take with us since we can’t get it while we are there.” She handed the list to Tom.
Sitting back, he read through the list of red items and the list of blue. “That’s a good list. I can think of a few other things, but they would be in the blue and low down on the list. I think we should win tonight and then place bets on the tournament. We can mail the tickets to Atlanta for Tom and Mary. I spoke to him today and he was cool about it. I was proud of myself for the way he handled it. With what we make tonight and being able to make gold, we should be set.”
“I would like to not draw too much attention to us. So, you may have the right idea. Let’s get through tonight and then come up with a plan.”
At 6pm they walked into the lobby to find two girls in dresses with heels and both had collars on. Mary asked, “Are you both my girls tonight?”
Alicia looked at her while Kelly blushed and looked at the ground. Alicia said, “We are both without bras and panties and both as shaved smooth. We were both in a place last night that we are still too excited to forget. We are both of yours to use as you please.”
Tom said, “Good girls, let’s go.” as he walked off.
Mary hurried to catch up and said, “Come along girls.”
At the front of the hotel they walked across to a French restaurant and found a table. They had a nice meal and when Tom paid the bill, he tipped heavy but used all but twenty bucks of what he had left in cash. They went to the casino and went to the sports book. They all pulled out their tickets and two of the three tickets won. Tom’s was for $300k and the girls had $20k heading their way. The manager of the sports book said, “Sir, because of the amount, we are going to need some tax information. Uncle Sam is always wanting his cut. The good news is that we can set you up in our players club and we can see about comping your room or getting you some free meals or show tickets since you are gambling at a high level.”
Tom thought to himself. “They just want me here to hopefully lose back some of what I’ve won. But a suite would be nice as we plan.” He said, I heard you had some condos. Do you think you could set us up in one of those?”
“Those are for high rollers. Do you play in the casino more than sports betting?”
“We can. My girlfriend is working but I like to play cards and sometimes play craps or blackjack. What kind of action are you looking for?”
“If you play at the thousand-dollar tables we would like to average a couple hours a day.”
“I can do that.”
“How long are you in town?”
“The way we have been winning on the basketball games, maybe through the end of the tournament. If we keep winning is that going to be a problem?”
“We like the action on the tables because the odds are more manageable. If you take one side, we take ten percent from you. We then must get the other side of the bet and get ten percent from them. We work with the other casinos and buy, sell or trade risk so that the casinos make money without much risk. Your money comes from the guy on the other side of the bet. The more you bet the more it allows us to take on the other side. Our job is to find that spread that makes the bets come in on both sides. You can bet all you want and win all you can. We just have to find the people to match up.”
Tom, Mary and the girls all filled out players club cards. The manager said, “Do you want to move tonight or in the morning?”
“Not tonight. We can stop by the desk when we are ready.”
“Call down and they will send a bellman to move your stuff for you.”
Mary asked, “Did you girls want to go dancing or back to the room?”
Alicia said, “It is our last night. Can we go back to the room? We must check out by 9am to catch our flight. Maybe we can get your number and meet up another time.”
Mary looked at Tom, but he said, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
The girls each had ten thousand dollars they could take away from Vegas along with the memories they had of the nights with Mary and Tom. It was a lot more of the same, but they went back and forth between the girls and then had the girls perform on each other as Tom picked up Kelly’s phone and snapped a couple picks of them together and one of Alicia with cum all over her face. If they wanted to take it with them, they could. Or they could hit the delete button. They scampered back to their room around 8am without any breakfast as Tom and Mary took showers and got moved over to the condo. It was part of the hotel complex and had a gated walkway to the pool along with an assigned cabana and access to a butler and chef if they chose to use them.
The bellman told them to go ahead and he would be there soon with the bags. Tom just picked up his backpack and told him that he could take the rest of their stuff. The condo was nice with three bedrooms and a lounge with a bar. There was a kitchen and dining room. Out back they had a private Jacuzzi. They did bet the next set of games to be played but only went on single games and not the multiplier. They bet two hundred grands on five games expecting to win four of the five and since they were playing the spread, they would win another hundred and twenty thousand net for the day.
Tom sat on the big sofa and Mary snuggled to his side. “This is nice. I could use a nap after those girls kept us up all night fucking and sucking. I think we need to start working on our plan and stay for the next couple weeks. We can bet some on the games. You can play cards and we can get ready to go. Did we decide on a place?”
“Let’s start in Rome and if we don’t like it, we can find someplace else to visit. You can pick the year. I hear Caligula threw some outrageous parties but he was also prone to killing people for no reason so we may want to go for door number two.”
“I think we should get a car so we can get around and not draw so much attention with cabs. If we are going to be buying a lot of stuff, we can go to grocery stores and Costco and not draw so much attention shopping on the strip.”
“Good plan. Now I am going to take a nap and you can go play cards. No women tonight unless they are smoking hot and leaving tomorrow. I need to catch up on my sleep so I can think clearly.”
Walking into the casino carrying a smaller bag that the casino had given him when he cashed out Tom pulled out the card, they had given him for the loyalty club. As he slid into a chair at a blackjack table, he pulled out a stack of cash and dropped his card on top of it. It was a thousand-dollar table in the high rollers section. The pit boss came over and picked up the card. He looked at it and said, “Welcome Mr. Andrews. Buying in for a hundred thousand?”
“Yes, thank you.”
A hundred thousand-dollar chips were put in front of him and the pit boss ran the dollars through a counting and counterfeit machine to make sure they all checked out. Tom was hoping they did since that was the same money, he’d gotten from the casino the night before. He was up and down after playing for a couple hours. He still had about $80k in front of him when he decided to call it a day. He asked for chips instead of all that cash. He would be playing more during the week. As he was standing up, a guy and a lady came in and walked past him heading to the craps tables. They were a little older, but she was smoking hot.
Following them over and when they stopped at the table, Tom asked, “Do you mind if I join you?”
They both looked him up and down and nodded to each other, “Sure.”
They each bought in for fifty grand and Tom dropped fifty of his eighty in front of him. He said, “My name is Tom. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve never played craps before so let’s hope for some beginner’s luck.”
“I’m Roger and this is Heather. We’re from up in Sacramento, how about you?”
“I’m living in Atlanta right now but grew up in Kentucky and have worked all over the world.”
“What business are you in. I own a bunch of cable TV companies around the country.”
“I’m between jobs right now. I was in the military for six years and am in college right now finishing my business degree.”
“Most guys in the service don’t walk into this room or drop fifty grands on the table if they do.”
“I have been winning a lot betting on the basketball tournament and the casino asked for a chance to get some back. I played blackjack for a couple hours but lost about twenty grand and was getting bored playing with just the dealer. I guess I should come at night when it is busier, but I’ve been going out to restaurants and clubs.”
With that Roger told me how to bet and I put a grand on the pass line. He threw the dice and rolled a 7. Everyone got paid and we all smiled. He ended up rolling an 8 next and then threw a few more times before rolling another 7 and resetting the board. Tom got the hang of it and asked a few questions. The dealers were helpful. Heather rolled next and rolled a 5 she ended up hitting her number and then rolled a 7 before rolling a 10 then a 7.
Tom threw an 11 and then an 8. He kept throwing but didn’t hit a 7 or an 8. He threw mostly 6s and 9s as the bets on those numbers kept winning. He threw seventeen times and let it ride on the 9 three times until his five thousand was forty and he took thirty-five off to get it back to five. Everyone was winning. When he rolled a 7 it was a big letdown. Roger rolled next and did well. He rolled about ten times before he rolled a seven. Tom was asking a lot of questions about making odd wagers because it made the payouts work out better. The dealer was explaining the small, tall and all bets when Roger threw the seven. Heather was complaining that the guys had both thrown for a long time where she was out quick on her turn. When it was Heather’s turn she was about to throw when Tom tossed three thousand-dollar chips on the table and said, “Small, Tall and All.”
Just then, Heather let the dice go and it came up as a 4. The dealer moved the chips onto the bet and Roger said, “Tom most people only bet a hundred or so on those bets. They pay our 34 to 1 on the small and tall and 175 to 1 on the all.”
“I thought the bets were minimum $1000.”
“The dealer said, not on the high odds like craps, hard eights or the small, tall and all.”
Tom said, “I believe in Heather. She can do it.”
Roger had been winning since he walked in and threw three chips and said, “Small, tall and all. A thousand each.”
Heather said, “I want in,” and reached for three chips.
As she did Tom threw three more and said, “Tips for the dealers, small, tall and all.”
It took twenty rolls exactly, but she hit in every number except a seven before she rolled a seven 2-6 the small, 8-12 the tall and when you get them all you get the ball. Everyone was screaming and others came over to watch. $34k for the small, $34k for the tall and $175k for the all. $243k for Tom, Roger, Heather and the dealers. Others were now playing and winning but she only rolled a 4 once and others missed out on the whole show. A few others won the tall and were happy to win 34-1.

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