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It was five years later and John Callaway was in his chambers. Although he had returned to the appellate bench, by coincidence he was again serving in a special term of the Superior Court. He had just arrived, hung up his coat and was now checking his calendar. Seeing the notation penciled on it, he smiled. Today was the day Gloria Smith was to appear before him again. Just then, there was a knock on the door and he invited the visitor to come in.

The door opened and Martha Bradford Garfield entered his office with her huge tiger, King. Following her in were Gloria Smith, who had a baby in her arms, accompanied by a very large black man; then Jane Carter and finally, April Jackson.

After they all took seats, Callaway looked at Jane and said, "Well, Miss Carter, what is the position of the District Attorney's Office in the matter of The People vs. Gloria Smith after five years?"

"It's Jane Barnes now, Your Honor. I just returned from my honeymoon." Then she pretended to look hurt and added, "Doesn't it even show... ? But as for your question, I would rather Gloria tell you about herself and then I'll give you the State's position."

"I'm sorry, Jane," Callaway replied trying to look contrite, "but I thought that silly grin and distracted look was just the normal appearance of all young women working as prosecutors in the DA's office."

She grinned, pointed a finger at him like it was a pistol and said, "Bang! You're dead, sexist!"

Callaway laughed, then asked Gloria what she had been doing.

"Judge," she said in a beautifully cultured voice, "I am now Mrs. William Carson. This is my husband, Bill, and my baby daughter, Martha. I'm sure it's obvious who she is named after. In fact, I am delighted to say that Marty and her husband, Don, consented to be Martha's godparents."

Sitting up even straighter in her chair she added, "I can't tell you how happy I am that Martha was born before you send me to prison."

Then she began her recital of events: "What happened over the last five years? Well, first I served a period of slavery to April, here. And when I use the term, slavery, I use it advisedly. Never has a human been made to work as hard as they worked me. And it wasn't just April, either! It was the whole family. Do you know who was the very worst? Their daughter, Casey! She is a slave-driving terror."

Tears came to her eyes as she continued, "That little girl — she was only six years old at the time — worked on me every single night and all weekend long. Do you know what she was doing? She was teaching me! Arithmetic, geography, history, English, religion ... Handwriting! She made me shape letters hour after hour after hour until my head spun. But my writing did improve.

"Was that all? Don't I wish! She taught me manners, deportment, bearing ... Could you imagine being naked and just walking back and forth, back and forth while this little girl criticized everything about me? That's what I did and that's what she did."

Then she smiled warmly and said, "But whenever I was about to drop from sheer exhaustion, she would make me lie down flat on the floor. Then she would strip naked, climb on my body, hug me, kiss me all over, and tell me what a wonderful job I was doing. I would feel so wonderfully warm and snugly and be about to fall asleep.

"Was I ever so lucky? Oh ... no! She would pinch my bottom hard, order me off my ass and back on my feet. There was so much more for me to learn and so little time for her to teach me!

"Why all of this work, you might ask. To fit me for my next job — a job about which I knew absolutely nothing. After eight months, Casey allowed as how I was ready. What did that mean? Ready for what? Well, it meant that I was prepared to be a lending officer in April's bank. That was impossible, of course. After all, I only finished the tenth grade. But did that slow down the little monster? Hah! Don't be ridiculous.

"Do you know what she made me do, Judge? Can you possibly guess? She makes me take a whole set of College Boards — the SAT's and achievements." Then her face fell as she added, "And I scored 800's ... on all of them! Is she finished yet? Of course not! Now I take the BSAT — the Business School Aptitude Test ... and score in the 99th percentile.

"'But I'm only a partially reconstructed prostitute!' I screamed.

"Little Miss Monster then ordered me to strip naked and follow her into her room. There she made me stand in front of a full-length mirror and look at myself. To my utter astonishment, I see that I was naturally standing up straight with my tits thrust out, and my nipples were as hard as little pebbles.

"Then she reached under her bed and pulled out a scrapbook — or sort of a scrapbook — and made me follow her — still naked, of course — to the library. There she sits me down beside her and goes through the book with me after first putting audio and video tapes on the players. What is the book? To my astonishment, it is a before-and-after scrapbook of Gloria Smith. It turned out that the audio tapes were of me speaking. Everything about my voice had changed — particularly my vocabulary and sentence structure. My handwriting was now like Casey's own. The video tape showed me serving at the table, exercising, and just sitting in a chair like a lady.

Finally she says, 'Miss Smith, now you're behaving like the real lady you have been all along!' Then she throws herself into my arms and smothers me with kisses."

Looking at Callaway she said with tears now flowing in twin streams down her cheeks and her voice cracking, "Do you know what she did then? She looked at me with tears in her eyes and asked, 'Miss Smith, I hope someday you will be able to find it in your heart to forgive me for all of the things I have done to you. For all of the cruelty I inflicted on you, for all of the mean things I have done to you!'"

Gloria stopped to try to regain control and then continued, "All that little girl did — and she was only seven years old at the time — was to take a cheap whore and make her look like a lady — an educated lady — in eight months! Anyway, now I am a vice president at the bank, although with Martha here, and facing a long prison term, I'm sure that must now end.

"But are the Jacksons through with me yet? Have I escaped? Do they leave me alone? I should have been so lucky! After almost a year, I am introduced by Ron Jackson to Bill, here. Bill Carson, as you may know, is the free safety for the Los Angeles Raiders. He got to know Ron because both of them are perennial All-Pros and play against each other in the Pro Bowl.

"Anyway, Ron told Bill he needed to clean up his act and to do it he needed a good woman: me! Me, Your Honor? Can you imagine anything dumber than that? A partially reconstructed prostitute who couldn't clean herself up, let alone anyone else, without being hounded twenty-four hours a day?

"But maybe Bill should tell you more, if you will permit it?"

Callaway said he was all ears and please to continue. Just then the baby in her arms became restive. Looking at him Gloria said, "I'm sorry, Judge, but it appears our little friend is a bit uncomfortable."

She shook her head in feigned sadness and said, "She is a perfect example of what I was just saying. Casey made me over to appear to be a lady in only eight months, but I can't even get our baby toilet-trained in three!"

Gloria used the washroom off the judge's chambers to change the baby and powder her little bottom. When she emerged, the infant was wearing only diapers; Gloria had a sleeper for her to wear in a large bag beside her.

Before she could do anything, though, King communicated, "Mrs. Carson, would ... could ... would you put Martha on my chest? Marty's children have always loved it, and I'm almost sure..."

Gloria pretended to glare at him and exclaimed, "King Garfield! I'm amazed. Just because you saved my life and personally eliminated the most vicious gang of sadists in the country in the process ... I mean ... Hell, my life certainly wasn't worth much. But just for that, you want me to let you ... with my daughter!"

Suddenly her expression changed totally. "King, would you like to eat her for your lunch? She is wholly milk-fed, so she should be very sweet and tender ... Better yet, what about me? You've seen my milk-laden jugs — both, with all the milk in them, might make a nice snack for you, along with my baby. Or, you might enjoy my tits along with my buns. They're nice and tight — there's almost no fat at all — but I don't know how they would taste. Perhaps a leg? Both legs?

"Darling King, what would you like?"

Then her expression changed again. She glared at him and said, "And what's wrong with you, anyway? Are you a slow learner or something? How many times do I have to tell you that you don't ask a Carson ... You tell us!

"When you say jump, our only possible response is, 'How high would you like me to jump, darling King?' Clear?"

Then she dropped to her knees, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Gosh!" King complained after he recovered from the incredible flow of pure love and goodness from Gloria's lips, "You have one hell of a nerve! I only want to hold your baby on my chest, but you have to almost kill me with one of your kisses first."

Then he shook his head and said, "I guess it's a good thing Bill is a pro football player, and a defensive back at that. They have to have a kamikaze complex to survive. I guess that must be why he's still alive."

Gloria couldn't contain her giggles and Bill Carson laughed loudly. Then King grinned — or a tiger's version of a grin — lay back and spread his legs. Gently, Gloria put her baby on his chest. The tiny girl happily crawled around it, pulled with both of her tiny hands at the wonderfully soft fur, and then just lay down on her belly and wriggled on it, cooing as she did.

Then with the utmost gentleness, King enfolded her in his paws. In just moments the little girl was sound asleep with the most beautifully innocent smile on her face. When King just very softly purred, the baby seemed to love the sound. She wriggled her tiny body on his fur and then just totally relaxed.

"Thank you, Your Honor," Gloria said softly. "Please accept our apologies for wasting your valuable time."

"Waste?" Callaway exclaimed. "Mrs. Carson, seeing your incredible love for your infant and seeing her incredible beauty and happiness are not, nor ever will be, a waste!"

Then he smiled and said, "Kelly has already given birth to one of ours! Can you imagine an old fart like me — already a grandfather to Kelly's older girls — now a father again? And Kelly? She just seems to get younger." He sighed and added, "And I don't think we have stopped yet, either."

Then he looked at Gloria and said, "Mrs. Carson, there's something I should tell you, I guess. You see, I remember so vividly that day five years ago when you came to see me. When you told how Marty had prayed and then God restored your body and even your virginity, I remember you looking at me and wondering what I could possibly be thinking.

"The answer? I knew it to be true. How could I know? Because just a few weeks earlier, two little children had knelt on the floor right here by my chair in this very office and prayed for me. They really did. What were they praying for? They asked God to spare my life.

"You see, on that day just over five years ago, I had an inoperable malignant brain tumor. I had less than a week to live. Well, they prayed and I could feel the pressure recede in my skull. I had a CAT scan the next day and to the utter amazement of my doctors — but to no surprise to me — it was gone. Gone completely!

"But did those little imps stop at saving my life? I should be so lucky! Oh, no! They had to roll back the clock, taking more than twenty years off my age. So our son, Ken, is their fault!"

"I never knew!" Gloria whispered.

"Almost no one else knows, either," Callaway said. Then to Jane he said, "And I would appreciate it very much if you said nothing to anyone about this."

Jane Barnes appeared to do a double-take, sat up straight and said, "I'm terribly sorry, Judge. I'm afraid my mind had wandered back to our honeymoon ... and back to my bed this morning. Did you say something?" Then she just winked and grinned.

Bill Carson also grinned, shook his head and continued, "Anyway, sir, I would like to tell you about us now and then go back in time. Well, sir, today I guess I'm a force in the black community. I'm on more Boards of Trustees than I can count — fortunately, Gloria keeps track of them for me — and I guess I'm a wealthy man. That's her, too. She has been my agent for four years, also.

"What makes it all go? She does. Whenever we go anywhere, I have a queen at my side. I'm sure that the only reason I'm on so many boards is that they hope that I will bring Gloria along to a meeting sometime."

The big man sat up straight and said, "A big problem in the black community is the way we so often treat our women. That is never a problem with Gloria. The treatment she receives borders on reverential! They absolutely adore her and — I'm sure — wonder what she could possibly see in me. A question, I might add, that has occurred to me more than once.

"What does Gloria do for me? Not a whole lot. She's my agent, of course, and I have the best contract for a defensive back — in the AFC, at least. Does she stop there? You jest! She goes over all the game films analyzing my patterns and forcing me to change them constantly.

:The result? My play and my stats keep getting better and my salary keeps increasing. When I tease her about it, she just says that she's taking care of her meal ticket. Then she usually grabs at me and says she wants some of her fee paid ... in cum!"

Then he looked hurt and added, "But it's terrible, sir ... It's not right! You're a judge. Maybe you can help me with equity. You see, sir, because I am highly paid, her agent's commission is pretty big, too. But she only pays me five dollars a pint for cum! Does that sound like a fair price to you? But that's how she insists on collecting her agent's fee!"

Looking puzzled he asked, "Judge, does your wife do that?"

"No, Bill, she doesn't," Callaway replied seriously. "All she does is wrap her legs around my thigh and give me second-degree burns with her cunt. When I complain, all she does is raise her nose in the air and say I wouldn't have the problem if I cooled off her love box enough with my nice warm cum. She says that if I'm burned, it's my own fault."

Then to Jane he asked, "Does your husband complain about things like that, too, Jane?"

"Of course not!" she exclaimed. Then with a wonderfully salacious grin she added, "We haven't gotten that far, yet. He's still stretching my nether openings to fit around his marvelous cock! We're working hard so that I will be able to take his huge cock inside me completely to its root in just one thrust."

She grinned and added, "You notice my legs are spread wide — they're not together in a nice, lady-like fashion? That's only because they're as close together as I can get them. The muscles in my thighs hurt too much to get them any closer together than this."

When everyone laughed, she looked puzzled and asked, "Why are you all laughing? I don't think it's at all funny."

When she squirmed uncomfortably on her chair, Gloria commented that it does feel a little uncomfortable the first few times after you've taken your husband in your ass.

Jane blushed red as a beet, but then grinned and said, "It sure does, doesn't it?"

"Anyway," Carson continued, "Let me contrast the present with the time I first met Gloria. Well, I was a real hot dude! I had more chicks than I could count. Ron Jackson introduced us and Gloria lost no time in telling me that she used to be a prostitute. She is such a ... a ... a..."

" ... Great piece of ass is the phrase you're searching for, darling," Gloria interjected blandly. "I am a great piece of ass, aren't I? Or a hot cunt? Or... ?"

Bill Carson just grinned and shook his head. "Anyway, I started to take her up to my room and she asked where I was going. When I told her, she slapped my face so hard, she almost knocked me out and stressed that the verb was 'used to be' not 'am'!

"Back then I had all the toys: the expensive Porsche, the Rolex, the closet full of threads ... They impressed all the chicks. Gloria? She just shook her head and pronounced them all a ridiculous waste of money. She made me give almost all of them up. Is that all? From her? Hah!

"Then she started asking about my education — my college degree. When I said I was missing a few credits — only three and a half years' worth — towards a valuable degree in Recreational Science, was she impressed? Hell, no! She just howled with laughter. Then she made me work.

"You heard her complain about Casey Jackson being a slave driver? Well, believe me when I tell you that she learned her lessons well! Judge, she told you how Casey worked on her nights and weekends? Well, how would you like it every single day! Beginning at seven o'clock in the morning, yet!

"The first day, when I stumbled to the door I was naked. There she stood. She looked at me up and down, said she had seen all the naked men she cared to see for a while and threw me a bathrobe. Then she starts me working on my handwriting.

"Later when I got passionate and she did, too, we headed towards my bedroom. When she asked where we were going and I told her, she slapped me again so hard she almost took my head off! Then she tells me that there are no free samples and no test drives. If I want her in my bed I'll have to marry her first. But before she would even think about that, I would have to shape up.

"Well, sir, she's such a magnificent woman, she became the incentive. I ended up getting a real degree — in business administration — in a year and a half.

"Is that all? Hah! Right at the beginning — after howling with laughter at my agent's contract — she became my agent. Then, working with April, she worked on my pass coverage. It seems that Gloria is a great passer and April may be the most gifted receiver alive. Anyway, although I've never been able to stop Gloria, no one in the NFL — with the possible exception of Chicago's Mike Cassidy — is nearly that good.

"We were married almost two years ago. What did I get? Not much. You see, sir, through the grace of Almighty God, my wife is an unbelievable combination. She was both a virgin and an experienced prostitute on our wedding night. Her whole focus in life is to make my life happier and make our love life more thrilling. All I can say, Judge, is if she gets any better, I'll be dead. I really will be.

"As it is, every night in bed, the first thing she does is to weigh my poor testicles in her hands and estimate how many episodes I might be good for. Then she proceeds to drain me absolutely dry! How?"

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It was one stormy night and I sat at the TV watching some daft horror movie that had stupid little blonde teenagers screaming running away from a sexy, pale skinned vampire. I switched it off with the remote control and closed my eyes for a second. I heard a door creaking from upstairs so I slowly made my way up the stairs and checked out all the bedrooms and there was no one there. Erica, honey, you’re being completely ridiculous, I thought to myself as tiredness overwhelmed me. I walked back...

2 years ago
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IT watches Always0

Part 1 By AllFurredUp So, there I was falling at hundreds of feet a minute, my hands sweating my eyes watering and my mouth wide open wanting to scream for my life but nothing coming out of it. I was about to hit the concrete wall that is the Atlantic Ocean and probably die. But we need to start at the beginning of my Story. My name is not important but for ethical reasons let’s just call me Lyle, I’m a single average guy that lives in the city alone, no friends, family, siblings, or...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Bday Party

Charlie opened the door and reached for the light. Nothing happened grumbling she wondered where her roommate was at this time of night. Reaching for the lamp she turned it on. The light came on and Charlie screamed as Jodi and their friends jumped out screaming surprise. Charlie looked around laughing as they sang happy birthday.Pulling her toward the kitchen the room decorated with streamers and balloons. Jodi proudly showed her the cake covered in little cock candles all waiting to be lit....

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Gina Valentina The CEO8217s Reward

When Danny Mountain comes downstairs after his morning shower, he checks his email and receives some good news he hadn’t anticipated. His company will be featured in an upscale magazine and he is absolutely thrilled. In the mood to celebrate, he calls his favorite Nuru masseuse, Gina Valentina. He tells her the good news and asks her if she can come over and give him a massage. She happily agrees and hangs up the phone. When she arrives at the house, Danny kisses her passionately....

4 years ago
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2 Broke Girls In Love Ch 03

Max Black had been very cranky all day. Which wasn’t unusual for her. In fact it was pretty much her factory setting, but she was snapping so much Earl had to ask on more than one occasion if everything was alright. Even Han asked, in between half-hearted threats to fire her. She wouldn’t tell the gnome anything, however she was used to confiding in Earl and when she didn’t it was obvious to everyone this was bad. But she couldn’t tell him about this. She just couldn’t. She couldn’t tell...

3 years ago
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Rescue Climber

I swung from one hand and reached up and over to catch the narrow ledge. I looked up at the overhang and the stranded climber hanging from his harness. I did not bother looking down since it was over two thousand meters to the base of the cliff. I pulled up and shifted as I swung and reached and shoved my hand into a crack. Slowly I worked my way to the climber and hung from one hand and clipped a follow me rope to his harness. I continued to move out and up and finally caught the edge and...

1 year ago
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Camping with horny wife

Let me tell you about a camping trip we went on. We got to the camping grounds early afternoon, unpacked the car and set up the tent. While we were setting up the tent we notice a couple of guys a couple of spots down from us were also setting up a tent it looked to be about an 8’’ by 10’’ tent. After we had a snack we went up to the pavilion to play some pool and air hockey. While we were playing air hockey the two guys from earlier came in. They started playing pool, I notice they kept...

Group Sex
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WinterbornChapter 3

I think I'll take a couple of days rest in Albuquerque, Dillon thought as he rode into the town. It was pushing two weeks since he left Amarillo; he, Buck, and Buddy the pack horse had covered a better than 20 miles a day. Dillon hadn't pushed the animals too hard; he wasn't in a hurry. About every third day, he'd ride Buddy and let Buck take it 'easy' carrying the pack saddle and gear. One reason he had been able to make 20 miles a day, day after day, was that he'd followed the Santa...

3 years ago
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Angies New World AdventureChapter 9 Day Two in America

The room phone rang at exactly five am and a sleepy sounding Bobby answered it, a female voice on the other end of the phone announced, “This is your requested five am alarm call!” and then the line went dead. For about five minutes Bobby looked down at his wife of one year and thought to himself how lucky am I. then he gently leaned over and kissed her forehead saying “Angie, my love it’s time to rise and shine!” Angie began to stir and seeing her husband so close she smiled and blew him a...

1 year ago
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The American Bride

The American Bride    In the early days of Michaelmas Term, when the showers of summer have given way to the glorious, cool, sunny days of October, the Thames Valley takes on a mellow autumnal atmosphere.  The grass is still green, the trees still in leaf.  Roses still bloom before the cottages and families still walk along the towpaths, enjoying the fine weather.  The days grow shorter.  The farmers attend to the haying and harvests, and on especially clear days one can see for miles,...

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Quarantine Fun With Newlywed Malaika Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, thanks for reading my previous story it was a bit long but I hope you did not get bore. As you liked the previous part 1 bring to you what happened next. Do read the first one to link it with this. I and Malaika were carrying out our jerking act in the balcony. I was holding my dick from the bottom in my hand and the dickhead in the circular window grill. Malaika made me push my dick in there to get a fill of penetrating the hole. We heard mom approaching so I had to pull out the dick...

2 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 5

Chapter Five - Where Do I Stand? Or, My Week Of Longing The morning after my embarrassing ordeal serving as maid to Grace and her lover, Carl, I awoke, showered for work, and as I did so, I washed the soiled yellow panties. I washed them because I wanted them to be clean for the next day. There was no doubt that I was going to wear the pink pair under my trousers that day. No doubt. Wearing Grace's panties made me think of her - think of the pleasure she permitted me to bring to...

2 years ago
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It was almost dark outside, and it was almost time for me to go to work. I took a quick shower, shaved my legs and armpits, then changed into my street clothes. Tonight, it was a knee length red dress, and matching blouse. As was my habit, I wore nothing underneath either. I drove to the Starlight Motel, and checked into my usual room. Mark and I had an understanding, and it had worked for both of us for almost a year. He was a widower, his wife having died 5 years before. Making sure nobody...

3 years ago
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Inviting the new neighbors to a BBQ 2

Sunday dragged by; it felt more like a week than a day. Not even an emergency call to fix someone’s heating or air conditioning, which in one way was a good thing because I was in no fit state to concentrate on fixing anything let alone drive somewhere… I couldn’t possibly have concentrated. I wanted to apologize to her, but that would have been crazy; no way I could just knock at their door and say “Im sorry I raped you last night”. I was convinced that either the police would come to arrest...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 49

It had been a long day and I took April's advice and turned on the TV. I watched Jeopardy and then Charlie's Angels. I was such a pig. April went upstairs, and at the half way spot in the show, I turned off the TV and said, "I want to hear you play, my pet." Her face got bright and she ran to get her instrument. She started to put it together and said, "I call my mouth piece Britt's cock. I'm going to play one of the songs from the band and then I'll play some Mozart." The first one...

1 year ago
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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 8

-Tampa: Brad and his Ladies- "Okay, lover, give it up. What's been eating you?" Brad grunted in surprise as Grace sat down, not in front of the holo-tank but on top of it. She crossed her legs then her arms and looked at him sternly as the colorful figures in a wholly forgettable historical docu-drama cavorted around her. Brad hadn't been paying it that much attention but even considering that history wasn't one of his stronger subjects he was still pretty sure the ancient God-Emperor...

2 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 19 Like a Conversation Going Exactly How You Rehearsed It In Your Head

"Do you remember when I said--we love you and those with the inclination are in love with you?" Brian asked me. He was holding up a dime that had been reduced by four half-moon bullet cutouts. I raised an eyebrow at him. The Bus Terminal was only a couple of blocks from the town's indoor shooting range. Considering the zombies habit of attacking anything they heard, practicing in the range made more sense than on the roof of the warehouse. "I'm in love with you," he said. John-John...

1 year ago
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BFFs Eliza Jane Liza Rowe Sydney Cole Bridesmaids

Eliza and Dylan were finally getting married. All her girls were so proud, and super excited to be there for her on the day she ties the knot. The girls were getting dressed and attempting to look their very best as Eliza prepared herself in a separate room. When she stepped out, not only was she in awe of how pretty her girls looked, but her girls drooling over how beautiful Eliza looked! This was sure to be a spectacular wedding. As they continued to get ready, the best man wandered into...

2 years ago
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A Lifes Intent Ch 01

‘C’mon Shella, you’ve gotta see the gown I bought for the prom!’ a beautiful young woman said excitedly, pulling her friend into the house. ‘Slow down Karyn!’ Shella exclaimed as she bumped into the frame of the door. ‘What’s the big deal about this gown Karyn?’ Shella asked as she was being half led, half dragged toward Karyn’s bedroom. ‘You’ll see, the guys at school won’t know what to do with themselves, especially Jason!’ Karyn said with a smile, referring to her boyfriend who also...

2 years ago
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VIP Foot Massage 1 The Introduction

Wayne and his wife wanted a foot massage. They found the perfect place that satisfied all their needs. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16 years old. Any reference to an age younger...

3 years ago
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Haleys BunchChapter 16

Bill’s turn: Sometimes I absolutely HATE the alarm clock. It goes off. At least I’m not alone. I groan. Moans and whimpers escape from Deena and Haley. I’ve got Haley in front of me, fragrant brown hair touching my nose. I breathe deeply. I feel Deena cup herself up behind me. Nirvana is formed right here in this dimly lit bedroom as stray sunlight filters in. I think I’m awake, although this would be the makings of a fantastic dream. It is, actually, although wiggly females on both sides...

2 years ago
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My Tenant My Wife

Hi guys , i had been reading iss for more than two years now i am gonna share my own story to you all. To start with let me give a intro of my self , my name is abdul my family consists of four . We have a independent house this story is about how my tenant’s wife became my wife and my age is just 21. My tenant suresh moved into our house in the year y2k with his newly married bride her name is veena . Within a month of marriage veena became pregnent . I used to call her akka. After delivering...

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Storms Never LastChapter 3

After her internship, Annie was offered a position at the UC Davis Hospital. Moving back to Davis worked out well for me. We found a nice three bedroom, two bath house in a good area in Vacaville, just a twenty minute drive from the hospital. The distance for my work wasn't bad; it was maybe a half-hour drive to Napa. When I needed to drive to western or northern Sonoma County, I'd just stay overnight at my folks place. I usually did this every other week or so. I'd generally stay for two...

2 years ago
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A Scandal in Beverly HillsChapter 3

Stern picked the print out of the finishing solution with a pair of plastic tongs and hung it on the line to dry with the others. This one was his favorite: Amanda Westphal on her hands and knees with her head between the maid's legs, her huge, perfectly symmetric breasts hanging down like ripe cantaloupes. Photography was a serious hobby of his: he spent more money than he could afford on darkroom equipment and chemicals, making up the difference by avoiding unnecessary expenses like new...

2 years ago
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Confession Of A House Wife Whore

I've always had a strong sexual appetite, I can never get enough. I met my husband five years ago; we married a little over three years ago. The downside is, my husband is a truck driver, and is away a lot. I've always been the faithful type. I may love sex, but I don’t condone cheating. He wasn't always as busy as he is now. It’s gotten worse this past year; he seems to always be gone. At first I bought a lot of toys, watched a ton of porn, and masturbated several times a day. Now anyone can...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Settling for something different

I’m a straight 35 year old white male. I have been happily married for almost 10 years now. My wife and I have a great sex life and she is always down for trying new kinky things I come up with in bed. One day she took a trip to visit her family that live out of state and she was going to be gone for 2 weeks. I had mixed feelings about her being gone for that long. On one hand, I wouldn’t have to hear her giving me a hard time about not getting something done but I would miss her.Once she left,...

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Girls Gone Wild Girls Night In

It was yet another hot summer night in Chicago and coincidentally Noelle’s AC broke down during the heat fest. It was so hot in her penthouse even with all the windows rolled down that we decided to just strip down to our bras and panties and carry the party onto her balcony. I’ve known Noelle for five years so it was like second nature to see my best friend practically naked. It was the night after graduation, so we were celebrating with a Margarita Night. After a few too many margaritas and...

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Ravaged By Him

Sophie knew what she was doing was wrong and even immoral but she couldn’t look away. She was so enraptured by the sinful sight of Connor sitting on his chair, naked, furiously jerking himself off as he watched a hardcore porno on the computer. He had no idea that she was there since she had been let out of class early. Surely, Connor had kept his bedroom door ajar to hear if someone had come home. But she had been so silent that he hadn’t even heard her.And she knew she was going straight to...

2 years ago
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Our first and only SwingMMMMF

This happened around 5 years ago, my wife was 39 years old and I 42. We had been together as a couple for 16 years, and married for one year....yeah yeah...I was a bit slow to go on my knees and ask her.... We have a nice life, both sexual, comunical and emotional and we love each other deeply, but as every others. We have our ups and downs. And this was a down period. So, back to the story. I give her a calendar each 1.december..small gift, small every day till Christmas eve....

1 year ago
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There are hundred of legends of magical objects of great power. One of those objects is based on the idea that the pen is might then the sword. Quite literally a pen that could defeat an army of swords because it could change reality so that those blades would lose. As the form of writting changed over the years, the different objects took their places beside this pen. Chalk, pencils, typewriters and finally the personal computer became the tool used to alter the fabric of all that is. In fact...

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whole something new

So I have a girlfriend and we do allot of stuff but like all men I have dreams. Every guy in the world will tell you that there are thing you would love to do that you keep to yourself and don’t tell your chick unless she’s in to that thing. I got to do my dream thing last week and I just could not believe my luck. Let’s start at the beginning I move a few weeks ago and I don’t really know anyone in my area. So I'm on collage and I'm studying accounting but just out of high school so I'm still...

3 years ago
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Rent Control

© Copyright 2004 "Sabi niya, nag-e-ebict siya sa akin!" I cried into the phone ("He said he's going to evict me!) "Walang pera na ako!" ("I don't have any money!") "Hindi!" ("No!") "Hindi ko alam, nanay." ("I don't know, mother.") "Opo." ("Yes, ma'am.") "Sige ho." ("Okay ma'am.") I hung up the phone, despondent. It had been a forlorn hope, anyway. Mother had scraped together every peso she could to get me to the States to attend UCSF. The scholarship paid...

3 years ago
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Nina Finds Love and Discipline

It was a chance meeting. 38 year old Nina was doing her favourite pastime, shopping for clothes, when 18 year old Ella came up behind her and asked “How have you been Nina?” Nina spun round, recognising immediately the stern voice of the teenager. “Fine erm thank you Ella” she stammered, looking around to see who might be within hearing distance, knowing she was blushing. Luckily no one was nearby so she continued “Fine, and well behaved” she added with a more confident smile. Ella wasn’t...

1 year ago
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Uncle HarryChapter 12 Back at the Cabin

When we arrived back at the cabin, Cassie and I sat down and started to quiz Cassie on how she felt with what had happened over the last week. Sandy started. "Cassie, my love, Daddy and I need to make sure you're comfortable with all that has happened in the last week or so. I know it has been a pretty eventful time for you and I know that from time to time you've been ... scared... ? no that's probably not the best word, perhaps apprehensive is the best word. Do you have anything you...

3 years ago
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An Irresistible CoWorker Part One

I started working for a new company and was hired with six other people. One of them, from the moment I laid eyes on her, was someone I wanted to get to know more. Her name was Kelly, she was twenty-seven years old with tanned skin and the most wonderfully round ass. I could not take my eyes off her. I have never seen an ass that was so big, yet so prefect. She was wearing tight black dress pants the showed off her assets perfectly and a red blouse that was slim fitting.When our boss was taking...

2 years ago
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What happens in Vegas

Dad raised me pretty well, and when I was five he married a very nice lady named Phyllis. I never called her Mom or anything, but the three of us did pretty well. When I was 12, they had a kid of their own, my little sister Denise. We were so far apart in age that we never got very close, but we always got along fine before I went off to college. During junior high, while I watched Phyllis enjoying her new infant, I had some desire to track down my birth mother, but then I remembered that...

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