Secret Lovers Ch. 01 free porn video

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The weekend my life started to change began like most of the others before it. As usual the alarm clock sounded off. It always seemed to be too early, and so I slammed my hand down on the snooze button. It was barely a minute later that the door to the bathroom opened, and Christine stepped out, toweling her lovely brown hair dry.

‘For heaven’s sake, Lee, are you still in bed?! We need to get a move on! Get up and hit the shower while I see what you have in the way of breakfast food.’

I stayed in bed a moment more while she crossed the room and opened the window shades. The sunlight streaming in highlighted the lovely figure that her bathrobe did little to hide. As she turned, she saw me watching her. A smile played across her face as she came to me and sat on the edge of the bed. Leaning down, she kissed me tenderly.

‘Come on, Love, we have things to do today,’ she said.

‘I’m not usually up so early on a Saturday, Chrissie,’ I mumbled back. She swatted my rump playfully.

‘Lee, you said we were going to Clinton for the Little Italy Festival! Now get up, clean up, and dress up!’

As Christine stood, her hand swept across my breasts (whether intentionally or not I couldn’t tell. Since we probably didn’t have time for sex at the moment, I decided to consider it an accident.) Since I knew she would be really hurt if I backed out of taking her to the Festival, I kicked the covers off and stood. She gazed at my nakedness in admiration. Christine, my girlfriend of only 18 hours, is beautiful. She’s about 5 ½ feet tall with shoulder-length light brown hair. She’s originally from Scotland, and though she has lived here in the States for 3 years, she has managed to keep her delightful accent. She’s got a curvy, full figure, but only a real jerk would call her fat. Even though they were hidden by her robe, I could see the points of her nipples through the fabric.

As for me, well no one would call me ugly, but I don’t think I compare to Chrissie. I’m an inch or two taller than Christine. My hair is medium-blonde, and comes down to my ear lobes. I ran cross country in high school, and I still love to run. I have small, firm breasts (32 B), and a small tight set of buns. My boyfriend loves to squeeze my ass when we’re doing it. Yeah, I guess I should take a second to mention my boyfriend…

You see, this is why my life is changing. I haven’t told Chrissie that I even have a boyfriend. And, I haven’t told Jess that I’ve been cheating on him…with another woman. I knew the whole time that this was wrong, and that someone was going to be hurt. I didn’t know what to do. All I knew was that I didn’t want to lose what I had with Christine.

I stood up and stretched, then headed for the shower. Afterwards, I slid into some casual clothes and some comfortable shoes – the Little Italy Festival has lots of stuff to do but not a lot of chances to sit down. By now I was beginning to get hungry at last, and the smells drifting in from my apartment’s tiny kitchen were really mouth watering. I walked in to find the table set with scrambled eggs, sausage, and buttered toast. I honestly didn’t know I had that much in my pantry.

‘This looks good, Chrissie,’ I said appreciatively.

Chrissie smiled and pulled out a chair for me.

‘I’m not used to such gentlemanly treatment,’ I said.

‘Which one of us is the gentleman, anyway?’ Chrissie asked playfully.

‘I don’t know, honey. I’m still new at this.’

‘Really?’ she said, laughing. ‘Well, you could have fooled me. Being with you has been incredible.’

That was the weird thing: I’ve never looked at other women in a sexual way – not until I met Christine. I first saw her Wal-Mart of all places. As it happened, we had both picked out some jeans to try on. I arrived at the fitting rooms at the same time as she did, and we found out that there was only one available. The clerk was really busy trying to calm down some older woman that was pitching a fit over something.

I sighed to myself. I looked over and noticed Chrissie for the first time. She smiled politely at me saying, ‘Do you mind if I go first? I’m in rather a hurry, because of my schedule.’ I was instantly captivated with her voice, and the neat way she pronounced schedule as ‘shedule.’ To my surprise, I found myself saying, ‘I’m in a hurry too. We’re both adults, why don’t we just share?’

My breath caught in my throat. What had I just said? I was even more surprised when she smiled at me and said, ‘Okay.’ She strolled right into the open fitting room as though she owned it. I followed her in, quickly closing the door behind me and locking it.

Then I noticed her intoxicating scent. She’s so beautiful, I thought. She pulled her skirt off without any hesitation showing off the lacey thong she wore. The full curves of her waist and belly flowed smoothly down her abdomen to the vee between her gorgeous legs. I must have been staring at her, because she gave me the strangest look.

‘I know it’s cramped in here, but I’m certain you can change too. That was the idea, yes?’

‘Oh, uh, yeah, I mean yes. That is the idea.’ I was stuttering, and fumbling with the catch on the back of my skirt.

She laughed. ‘Here, let me help you. Turn around, hon.’

Slightly red in the face, I turned around. It was only as my skirt came undone and dropped to the floor that I remembered the fact that I wasn’t wearing any panties.

‘Oh my, going commando, are we Love?’ she said.

‘Oh jeez! I’m so sorry!’ I spun around without thinking, and her eyes widened slightly as she took in the sight of my shaved pussy.

‘That’s quite alright, Love,’ she said quietly. Before I really knew what was happening, she had come closer, wrapping one arm loosely around me, looking straight into my eyes. Her other hand drifted down my flat belly and pushed easily between my legs, lightly caressing my mound. I gasped softly, and she leaned in and kissed me. It wasn’t the light peck on the cheek that my friends sometimes do. It was a full-blown kiss like Jess would have given me. I was completely lost in it. Without even realizing it I had wrapped my arms around her and opened my mouth. Her tongue brushed against mine, lightly at first, and then she suddenly became very aggressive. Her hand ground against my pussy, one finger slipping between my lips and stroking my clit. Only the fact that her mouth was locked tightly on mine kept me from crying out in pleasure.

She was still holding me lightly with her other arm, giving me every chance to back away if that was what I wanted. But I didn’t want to. I was shocked at how quickly I was getting wet. Already her finger was spreading my juices over my inner lips as she played with me. I was breathing hard, still urgently kissing her. Our tongues were dueling like a pair of fencers. Suddenly, the familiar feeling of approaching orgasm hit me. I knew myself well enough to know that once I get to that point nothing is going to stop me from going over the edge. That was fine, because she had no intention of stopping anyway.

I climaxed against her hand, crushing her body against me. (I guess I should mention I’m a lot stronger than Chrissie.) We stood there like that for a minute, both breathing hard, me shaking as the aftershocks of my orgasm washed over me.

After we parted, she smiled again at me. ‘I’m Christine, by the way. Or Chrissie, if you prefer.’

Her face and voice enchanted me. ‘I’m LeeAnne, but feel free to call me…anytime.’

The line was so old and cheesy that she instantly started giggling like a girl.


We snuck out of the fitting room as discreetly as we could, although I’m sure we weren’t fooling anyone. At least no one said anything. Out in the parking lot we sat on the bench. I don’t have a car, and was waiting for the bus. We talked quite a bit as the sun slowly sank. She told me all about herself and her life. She called herself
a ‘lipstick lesbian,’ and she wasn’t shy about it at all. She told me how her last relationship had ended when she had taken a job here in the U.S. It had hurt that her lover wasn’t willing to come with her, and in some ways she still wasn’t over her.

I told her a lot about myself. I’m an aspiring local singer. I make a little money at it, but to pay the bills I still have to have a day job. I work as a book keeper for a local printing company. I’m ashamed to say that I lied to her when she asked if I had anyone special, telling her that I had been seeing someone off and on, but it was nothing serious. She asked a little about him, but she backed off when she sensed how uncomfortable it made me. I was even more ashamed to be cheating on Jess. Jess is really good to me, and I know he’s in love with me. Up to that point, I thought I was in love with him too. But after meeting Christine, something in me changed. Chrissie and I just clicked. Everything about her was fascinating.

Finally, Chrissie glanced at her watch. ‘Well Lee, I seem to have completely missed my dinner appointment, and it would appear that you’ve missed the tram. What do say I give you a ride?’

‘You already did, Chrissie!’ I said, unable to keep from laughing.

‘Cheeky bugger!’ she said, smacking my thigh. ‘How about I give you a lift home? I have an auto.’

‘Thanks,’ I said. ‘I’d really like that. I hope your dinner appointment wasn’t important?’

‘Oh no, not at all. Just a few friends from work,’ she said. ‘I’ll make it up to them later.’

‘Would you maybe like to join me at the Little Italy Festival tomorrow? You know, to sort of compensate you for missing your night out with friends?’

She gave me a look. It was the sort of look that seemed to say she had something else in mind.

‘I promise you’ll enjoy it,’ I finished lamely.

‘I’m sure I will, if we go together,’ she said.

We walked over to her car, an ancient-looking Chevy Celebrity 4-door. She unlocked it and we got in. I noticed her looking at me as soon as pulled out of the lot. It’s a short drive to my little one bedroom apartment from Wal-Mart. I invited her up without a second thought.

I unlocked the door and showed her in, then turned to lock the door behind us. When I turned around, I was shocked to see her completely naked for the first time. Her clothes were in a pile at her feet.

‘Uh…wow,’ I said weakly. My knees were shaking.

She approached me slowly, the look in her eyes seductive and wanton, and yet there was still that control. I could sense that she was being very careful, giving me every chance to end the encounter if I wanted to. I didn’t want to.

Chrissie’s body finally pressed up against mine. She confidently untied the belt of my tunic wrap and opened it, pushing it off my shoulders. My firm little tits don’t really need a bra, but I wear one anyway to keep my nipples from poking holes in my shirts. Chrissie made short work of pulling it off of me, commenting on how pretty it was (Thank you, Victoria’s Secret!). Then her hands touched me. It wasn’t the rough groping of a teenager, or even the loving touch of my boyfriend. Her touch was pure electricity, energizing me and making me shiver. She cupped my breasts firmly with her hands, teasing my nipples lightly with her thumbs. By now my pink nipples were like little glass-cutters.

‘You’re quite lovely, LeeAnne,’ she said softly. I loved the way she said my name.

‘Chrissie, you are so incredible,’ I said quickly. I felt like a dork. I was acting like this was the first time I had ever been with anyone, man or woman. I was a total spaz. Christine didn’t treat me like that, though. Instead, she turned me around with gentle pressure on my shoulders and unfastened my skirt for the second time.

This time, though, she didn’t let me turn back around. Chrissie pressed the full length of her body against my back and wrapped her arms around me. Her hands caressed my breasts, belly, neck, and shoulders. What was really driving me crazy, though, was the feeling of her body against me. I could feel her nips getting hard as they pressed up against my shoulder blades, and her neatly-trimmed little bush was brushing against my ass. The slightly rounded curve of her belly was resting against the small of my back. Her skin was incredibly soft and smooth as silk. She felt so good I could have stood there forever.

Then she pulled away from me. I cried out, thinking she was leaving. Then she took my hand.

‘I think it’s time you showed me the bedroom, Love,’ she whispered. I didn’t hesitate. I led her to my small bedroom. The bed was a queen-size and took up most of the space.

‘Nice,’ Chrissie said. Letting go of my hand she moved to the large window and closed the blinds, and then the door. It was now very dim. For the first time that night I felt some hesitation on her part. This time it was my turn to reassure her with my confidence. Taking her hand again, I led her to the bed, turned down the covers, and laid down, pulling her with me. The sheets were cool and smooth as I pulled them up over us.

I gently pushed Chrissie onto her back and snuggled close against her. We started kissing, and I started exploring her body. My hands combed through her hair, following the lines of her face and neck down to her beautiful tits. Even in the dark, I could tell her nips were a lot darker than mine. Very gently, I fondled her, touching every part of her. Finally, I lost the last bit of my nervousness. I knew what I liked to have done to me, and I figured that was a good starting point. I dropped my head to her right breast and ran my tongue over her nipple. I alternated swirling my tongue around it and flicking it with the tip. At the same time my hand caressed her other tit, very gently tweaking her nipple with my fingers.

She gasped and moaned, her hand coming up behind my head to keep me from pulling away. I knew then that I was on the right track. I moved so that I was partly on top of her so I could kiss and lick her left breast. At the same time, my free hand wandered down the satiny-smooth skin of her belly to glide through the thin patch of well-trimmed hair above her pussy. I teased her by tugging her hairs lightly, then moved on down to cup her whole pussy in my hand. I started to rub her just like she had done to me. She moaned a little louder and her arms wrapped around me. I wanted to break loose of her hold just long enough to get the lube I keep in the night stand, but then I had a better idea – something Jess did to me that drove me wild every time.

Lifting my face from the heavenly pillow of her breasts, I got on top of her and kissed her deeply, letting my tongue go as deep into her mouth as she would let me. Her moans got louder and she kissed me back, her tongue playing with mine. I took hold of her wrists and stretched her arms up over her head, pinning them gently against the headboard. Taking the hint, she grabbed a hold of the brass rail and held on. Pulling back just a little, I kissed a hot, wet trail down the line of her jaw to the hollow of her throat, and then down her collar bone. I kissed my way into the deep valley between her breasts, and over her abdomen, stopping briefly to tongue her navel (that earned me soft giggle from her).

Finally, I moved lower. Trembling slightly, I bent down and kissed her pussy lips. I wet my fingers in my mouth and used them to open her slightly. I slid my tongue over her clit, and she shuddered in pleasure.

‘Lee…oh LEE!’ she cried as I used my lips and tongue on her clit. She trembled beneath me and her hands held the brass headboard even tighter. Sensing that she was getting really close, I decided it was time to use Jess’s secret trick. I very gently slid a finger – just one – inside of her while I drilled her clit even faster with my tongue. In minutes her orgasm exploded through her. Her body shook, and she wrapped her thighs around me and squeezed as she climax
ed, but I didn’t stop. Some women (like me) can have multiple orgasms and I wanted to see if Chrissie could too.

I started to put pressure on the front wall of her pussy while my tongue kept up its attack on her clit. She started bucking like a bronco and I had to hold on tight. Suddenly Chrissie started to gasp, and then I was shocked to feel liquid spraying into my mouth. Reflex made me swallow it. It didn’t taste bad, but for a second I thought she had pissed on me. Then it hit me: Chrissie was one of those rare women that ‘squirt.’ I’ve seen videos on the net of this happening, but I’d never seen it in person. It startled me enough that I backed off.

‘Oh dear heaven, Lee…’ she said, out of breath. ‘I never thought to warn you. I do that sometimes when I cum.’

It didn’t take me long to recover. I smiled at her. As I began to realize what I had done to her, I started to feel really good about myself.

‘Chrissie, that was amazing! I’ve never met anyone who could do that!’

My new lover gazed up at me, her eyes shining in the dark almost like a cat’s.

‘Are you quite sure you’ve never been with a woman before, Lee?’

‘Quite sure, Love,’ I said, trying to match her accent.

She pulled me up so our faces were at the same level again and rolled us over so we were lying side by side. She held me close, her tits pressing tightly against mine. It was a delicious feeling. I pulled an arm free just long enough to drag the comforter over us, and then I surrendered to the urge to sleep.

Sometime during the night, I woke from a deep sleep to feel something warm and wonderfully wet between my thighs. I pushed the covers aside to find Chrissie licking my pussy lips with hot, even strokes. I moaned softly as her tongue traced over the crease where my leg met my body, then she moved over to plunge it between my pussy lips. She grazed my clit with her tongue very lightly, teasing me. It felt really good, but it wasn’t enough to get me started on the road to orgasm and she knew it.

She moved up my body, kissing her way across my belly until she reached my tits. Her eyes glittered in the soft glow of my nightlight as she took my left nipple in her mouth and sucked it. It wasn’t the first time someone had done that to me, but like with everything else she did, it was different and exquisite. She sucked my left nip, and then the right, using her hands to caress whichever side she didn’t have in her mouth.

I pressed my head back into the pillows and arched my back, trying to force my whole breast into her warm, wet mouth. Her hands stroked my sides, and then moved down my hips to my thighs again. Christine very gently put a finger inside me, stirring my wetness and spreading it over the folds of my pussy like butter over toast. She watched my face intently as she slid a second finger into me and started to move them in and out. She built up a steady rhythm, putting pressure on the front wall of my pussy and rubbing my clit with her thumb. The pressure was firm yet still gentle, and it was driving me wild. I couldn’t last against that kind of stimulation for long. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes before I was shuddering and moaning as I came.

I could have gone on all night, but she moved up my body again and pulled me close against her. I slid my left arm beneath her shoulder and laid her cheek against my breast, gently stroking her back with my right. We slept like that the rest of the night.


While Chrissie made a quick trip back to her place for some clean clothes, I started on the dishes. As I was putting away the last of them, my cell phone rang. I picked it up without bothering to glance at the caller ID.

‘Hi, it’s Lee,’ I said.

‘Hi baby,’ came Jess’s voice.

My heart flipped over. ‘Jess, honey, I thought you were working this weekend.’ How I prayed he wouldn’t hear the tremor in my voice.

‘I was supposed to, yes, but I’m really close to overtime. They’re trying to cut down on the O.T. this month, so I’m working a half day today and I’ll be off tomorrow. I was wondering if you’d like to come over tonight? I got some steaks at the market,’ he said, a hopeful tone in his voice.

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So, it was about time for the annual Christmas/Holiday party, and as usual, I was more than ready to participate. Of course, I was a lapsed Catholic, but a secret pagan side of me thought of it as Yule, which was the true origin of Christmas, anyway. Anyway, the parties tended to get a little wild at our company, a publishing firm where I was one of the rising young editors. Many of us were single young adults, and it was not unheard-of for a few people to get laid at the thing each year, often...

1 year ago
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Lets Be Friends or Lovers

Since they meet at the Academy, they have been friends for several years. Beyond friendship they had been partners on the streets several times, but today was different. Caterina sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled on her pantyhose. Some how today’s date felt wrong. She was tempted to cancel it again, but could not come up with a convincing reason. To call it off claiming a headache would not work because Amanak would tell on her without realizing it when Arms’ questioned her. Caterina...

3 years ago
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LEZ Be Lovers

--- LEZ Be Lovers (FF, MF, bi, blackmail, cons, interr, nc, oral, impreg, safe, toys) by Krosis of the Collective --- When I arrived in the big city, ready for university, I found that I didn't even have anywhere to live! The place that I was going to rent had been rented to someone else, probably for more money, or maybe they just didn't like black people? I would have complained, but did I really want a landlord like that? I spent my first night in my car. I barely slept, I...

2 years ago
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Shared By Two Lovers

Shared by Two Lovers Our car pulls up in his driveway. We have escaped from our place with nosy teenagers..]  We had previously decided to watch DVD’s together me and two guys. Let me describe myself, I am a 5’2 brown haired, blue eyed and sexy I have large bouncing breasts that will fill a man’s hand, firm erect nipples, flattish tummy, big hips, big bum, big thighs, and a shaved pussy *meow*. My lovers are two wonderful men both about 5’4”, larger guys with warm and tender kisses, roaming...

3 years ago
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The picture belongs to SprinklePoo: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I love you so much.' I couldn't make those words come out, no matter how much I wanted to tell both of them. As if reading my mind, she slowed and, over the course of what could have been centuries for all I knew, she pulled herself out of me, but then continued to gently press herself against me with just enough pressure to almost slip back inside. The delicate...

4 years ago
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Secret Moments 1

Secret Moments 1 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of...

2 years ago
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Secrete Sex

I was still in high school, I spent the weekend over at a friends home. I was afforded my own room and after eleven the family went to bed. i t was well after midnight, when I felt the bed move, thinking nothing of it I drifted back into deep slumber. I was startled by the weight of a heavy body climbing over me, as I laid prostate on my stomach. Suddenly I became aware of a massive blunt appendage probing my neither region.I tried to raise up when I heard the deep rough voice of my friends...

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Controlled Lovers

All rights reserved by Author Edited by my friend, takemedown This story is from the imagination of tcs1963. It contains Bisexuality, light Femdom, some may even say coerced or forced Homosexuality. If this offends or doesn't interest you, please feel free to find another story. Thank you... Controlled Lovers I was late coming home from work. As I entered our house I noticed the living room was dark. The only light coming from the flickering embers burning in the hearth. Shadows were...

3 years ago
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Same Day Lovers

It was a regular Monday, nothing much to fuss about. The summer day was warm and subtle. I was expecting the boyfriend. He arrived at 12 PM or so in his wife beater and some tore up jeans. We chatted for a minute and then it was on, as usual. He began to rub my pussy until I became really wet. He already knows the secret to my pussy is just rub! I'm like the magic lamp of sex. Rub me a few times and you can bet you were going to get laid. Minutes passed and I was nude on my bed....

2 years ago
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4 Curious College Girls Ch3 Not So Secret Lovers

By John Morrison/anonymous Creator of “The Adventures of John and Holly” Chapter 3: Not So Secret Lovers Cynthia unlocked the door to the suite, entering the darkened living room. She was wearing a tight blouse that attempted to show off her B cup breasts. Her curly shoulder length blonde hair was all done up, and her long athletic legs were being shown off by her tight short skirt. Julie walked in just behind her, the pair just returning...

2 years ago
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Internet Lovers

Red Roses x: okay my love 5.30PM I will be waiting, Mwah… That was the message we parted on, I turned the computer off and rushed upstairs to get ready, I could not believe it I was going to see my love for the first time and have an evening together, what was I thinking? Oh, I know what I was thinking? I put on my jeans and boots and a jumper thinking its going to be cold where we are going, then brushed my hair and looked in the mirror, smiled at myself and left the room heading down the...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Lovers

Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...

2 years ago
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How my Mother and I Became Lovers

I've decided to tell you the story of how my mother and I became lovers. My promise is, I'll stay truthful to what really happened but I'll take some liberties here or there (hopefully to not bore you with the details). This is my way of expressing myself, to put it in writing and release it anonymously; I can't exactly go out in good company and tell them I've fucked my mother. It started in 2010 when I was 16. My parents marriage was not going well. My father George ran a huge construction...

2 years ago
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My New Lovers

While reading a spanking story on lush one night I became so turned on by it that I couldn’t help but run my hand down my stomach and slide my hand into my lace underwear. I was freshly shaven after my shower and my fingers felt amazing rubbing my warm and moist lips. After rubbing my fingers around my slit a few times I slowly pushed in one, then two fingers. I shoved them in a few times before becoming a little frustrated. I reached for my hidden vibrator before remembering I hadn’t gotten...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lovers

Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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LimitsChapter 32 At School d Shower Lovers

Katie's unfiltered passion and, yes, constant nudity had finally become too much for Meredith's self-control. She barged out of her meeting with Gwen and Jordan and found the blue-eyed nymph patiently waiting in the hallway, oblivious to all of the leers and stares from the unaffected. Meredith rushed up to her former friend-turned slave and kissed her wetly as she held her flawless face with both hands. Katie moaned and hungrily returned the emotion as her hands slipped over Meredith's...

1 year ago
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Lauren gets two new lesbian lovers

"Can i stop yours tonight?" asked Lauren "Yeah sure, my parents are away" replied Jess "Great i'll see you about 6?" said Lauren "Yeah but i hope you don't mind Katies stopping the night too." said Jess "Thats fine, see you later" said Lauren 6 o clock came. The doorbell rang. Lauren was greeted by Jess and Katie, who were giggling and stumbling around. "Your drunk" said Lauren, hardly shocked. "Yeah, grab a drink" said Jess, filled with enthusiasm. Jess' mum had left the alcohol cupboard...

1 year ago
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BBS Lovers

The BBS lovers wrote back and forth to each other, til they both had enough of writing letters. Both were married but not to each other. They lived over 1500 miles apart. They both wrote to each other asking if they could meet. They both came upon an agreement and meet halfway. He landed at his halfway point on Friday late afternoon, waiting for his lovers plane to land. When it was for the plane he got all nervous and excited. He heard them announce on the loud speaker that the plane was...

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James Is Stunned How Anne Has More Lovers

James knew and agreed in writing when he married Anne .It's the 1970's. "Sexual freedom" "Women's Lib." He signed an agreement to share her with other men. She has an overactive libido. She had sex with boys in grade school and high school, and college. Recently while he was gone for a few days, he learned that Anne and her friend Carol had fucked a lot of guys. James and Anne have been married 2 years. They dated in college. Both are in their early twenties. Anne was always honest with James...

2 years ago
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Secret Affair With Team Member Dhanya

Hi Readers, This is Deep Roy from Kolkata, West Bengal. I’m visiting ISS in every Sunday’s & checking all the latest stories. From past 4 years I’m reading everyone’s stories which I would like, whether it’s a real or fiction story by the submitted author. But it’s made me hornier & gives me sexual pleasure. After all I thought why I shouldn’t share my real story with ISS which happened recently (after a long time affair) & this is my first story for all the readers. Now let me introduce...

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Secret Girlfriend

My Secret Girlfriend "So, off to see the woman you've stashed away again, Ken?" Barbara was always teasing me about my love life (or lack thereof). I'm guessing that married women feel they're entitled to know everyone's business for some reason. "Uh, she's not 'stashed away' Barb, just, well, she's a bit shy." "Is she really ugly, is that why you don't want us to meet her, Ken? We won't judge. Let's set up drinks after work, just to be friendly." Boy, she never lets...

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In The Cover Of The Clovers

"The Devil made me do it." Have you ever heard anyone say that? You're probably thinking whoever said that is just using that as an excuse to get out of trouble. You could be right, but on the other hand... it could be I really did make them do it. That's right, I'm the one and only Devil. Pleased to meet you, by the way. I would shake your hand, but, you know, the Corona virus thing. Being the Prince Of Darkness doesn't mean I have to have bad manners. Good manners or not, I've been...

Mind Control
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Walk like a man A story of the Apolloverse

James William Casey did not know what happened. All he knew was that he went to bed one night with his wife in the two storey suburban home and woke up in Point Place Mercy General hospital's intermediate care ward. The machines beeped and their sensors felt strange on James' now enlarged and bulbous chest. Carolynne, James' wife stood in the room and looked at him. She clutched at the wad of Kleenex in her hand and listened as the dr. whispered to her. When he stopped talking,...

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Lovers Lab! What’s the best part of playing video games on PC? Is it the incredibly immersive graphics that you display on your 8k monitor? Is it the complex storylines and narrative of your favorite characters? Is it the supreme performance that only a $5000 beast of a machine could accomplish? Fuck no. None of that shit is the best part of a glorious PC experience. It’s the sexy ass mods. I’m talking xrays, nudes, fuckable NPCs, giant titty mods, and all that awesome shit. You can’t do that...

Free Sex Games
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InterracialSexx, also known as Brotha Lovers, has a blurb out on their tour page saying they’re “Celebrating our 20th year as the best interracial sex site on the web!” As a guy who spends most of his waking day fap testing free tubes, sex forums and premium porn sites, I’m used to seeing that type of big-dick bragging just about everywhere. Everybody’s always claiming to be the biggest or the best at something, but in this case, the site’s longevity does speak to the quality of their content....

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Another meeting of weblovers

Kelly nervously watched the occasional care drive by as she stood outside the hotel waiting. A few moments passed before Alan came out. ‘I got the key, we’re good until morning’ He said, putting his wallet away. It had been four weeks since they last met up, and both were eager to repeat the events of that day. But they also wanted to try something else too. ‘What room number are we?’ Kelly asked as she fiddled with her cellphone. ‘8’ Alan said, eager to get inside. ‘So, we’ve got about an...

Group Sex
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Secret Thrust The Decoy Ch 0102

Chapter One The flanks of the bay gelding were slick with sweat as it galloped across the bridge and through the water gate of the city. Swearing merchants and shrieking fishwives leapt out of his way as the rider thundered by and then reined to a sudden halt in the muddy street before the door of an inn. Before his mount had fully stopped, the rider leapt from the saddle and spun around to survey the street behind him. His wide-brimmed hat, sporting a jaunty ostrich feather, covered long...

3 years ago
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Secret Brotherly Lust

Secret Brotherly LustDon Abdul ©2009Danielle is very pretty woman, she knows she could have her pick not only of men but also beautiful women should she decide to swing that way. She however dreads having to keep her affair with another woman secret. She realises that every woman has a secret, and although she has never had an affair since she got married, her mind is already burdened with a secret of her own, a very closely guarded secret she has never ever shared, not even with her closest...

1 year ago
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I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...

2 years ago
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Secret Moments 8

Secret Moments 8 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the...

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I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...

4 years ago
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Sylvia and Rosalie are lovers

Rosalie Blankenship was the sweetest lover. She was used to being submissive sexually (but not any other way) to her big husband. For the first time since I had been having sex with women, I found a lover who was on the same plane as me. She didn't want to be a dom for me, and she helped me understand that there were other roles I could play with her besides being her sex slave. When she was holding me, I noticed how strong she was, her neck and arms and shoulders and back."I'm a drummer,...

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Written by one of my wifes lovers

Your wife is now with superior man. You, are but a caretakerof her soft flesh, serving first me, then her, obeying our every wish and whim. she has chosen this because you, are a snail of a man, an unfit partner for any female. By her word, you, you will never have sex with her again, never feel her silky skin against you, never deposit your pathetic squirt of semen inside her. Now all these things will be done by other men, men worthy of her voracious appetite to be used as a purely sexual...

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Secretarial Skills

Damn it's cold out today! Julia thought as she hurried from the parking garage across the street and into the building she worked in.Stopping by the mailroom on the main floor, she picked up her office mail and then grabbed a cup of coffee and made her way to the elevator to head up to the fourteenth floor where her office was.It was indeed cold out that December morning–one of the coldest her hometown of Buffalo, New York had seen in some time. And the cold was only part of it; the wind...

Oral Sex
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Secretarial Revenge

Secretarial Revenge Ally is happily serving as Mr. Davidson's sexy little secretary, until she discovers the truth about her identity. Chapter 1: Performance Review Mr. Davidson summoned me into his office with a sharp, "Ally, get in here!". I shyly looked up from my computer monitor and tried to avoid the sneers of some of the other staff in the office. No one would say anything, but everyone could see that something was going on whenever I went into his office to 'help'...

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