Chaste Lovers free porn video

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Category Miscellaneous Keywords Sex Toys Chastity Belt Femdom Bondage I wanted a man after my husband died and I wanted him to be mine all mine and only mine. How to do it? Chaste Lovers By Janet Baker Chapter One - The Guggenheim The fates have hurt me -- hurt me terribly! Please excuse my frustration but the devoted and darling man of my life passed on four months ago after suffering an unexpected and terminal onslaught of pancreatic cancer. Wealthy -- fairly -- we'd enjoyed a wonderful lifestyle of parties, civic involvement, arts, theatre, ballet, opera, and sex, sex, and more sex. We were probably the horniest couple in Greenwich. We were in our mid forties, handsome, lithe and just plain desirable. Sex with that gorgeous man had been sheer heaven. Now I need a man! I want a man in me, on me, all over me! Oh God! I need a man! How I need a man! A husband would be acceptable or even a lover. Lovers should be easier to find than husbands -- I was thinking -- especially at my income and social level. But I must beware of opportunists. I'm sure that there are many who would cheerfully marry me for my money but that's not what I want. In a husband I want love -- love -- and devotion and honesty. For a lover I can compromise -- the primary qualification being sex -- good sex -- lots of damn good sex. I survived sex deprivation by using some sex toys. A rabbit -- you all know what that is -- provided physical release, hour after hour, but not the intimate emotional satisfaction given only by a loving man. Or woman! I was beginning to feel that intimacy with a woman might fill the enormous emotional gap in my life. Maybe I was just getting desperate. I wondered if men ever feel the need for another man if they are without feminine intimacy. I read that some species of monkey become homosexual with females being unavailable. Drink failed to comfort me; week after week I drank, trying to find solace in the bottle. Annette -- my faithful maid -- finally gave up trying to comfort me and threatened to resign if I did not come to my senses. I started attending AA. I spent time with my psychiatrist -- we all have them in Greenwich -- and slowly I returned to the real world, regaining my sobriety but simultaneously realizing the depth of my sexual frustration and deprivation -- my desperate need. I would lay abed thrusting the poor worn rabbit in and out of my vagina, replacing batteries almost daily. "Annette," I announced one morning, "it's time to face the world." "Oui Madame, I'm so 'appy for you, how may I help you Madame?" she asked with a rare smile on her youthful French face. Annette was in her twenties and had been with us for three years. She was reared in this country by French parents and spoke perfect English, but when she chose she could muster a charming French accent. Charming to my husband, that is, who liked the idea of having a 'French Maid' and insisted she use it when performing her various duties. At times I had harbored the uneasy suspicion that my husband engaged her with the romantic expectation that we all might become intimate or at least he and she might reach an intimate understanding. I liked her -- she served us well -- a very efficient young woman but as yet I had not developed any lesbian desires and we had a normal employer employee relationship. "Annette, I wish to go to the city. There is an exhibition at the Guggenheim and I would like a companion. I want you to come with me." "Oui Madame, when do we leave? I must press this dress." "We'll catch the noon train, Annette but I want you dressed as my friend, not servant. Let's really dress nicely Annette, it's been too long -- too long I've not been out in public. We're going to an opening -- it's winter -- dresses, sling backs and furs. Do you have a fur, Annette?" "Oh no Madame, je n'en ai pas en. Je regrette Madame." "Pas de problem Annette, you may wear one of mine. Let's raid our closets Annette! It's time to sally forth! Today I face the world!" "Madame, I am so 'appy for you!" "Annette! When we are out together as friends you must call me Janet or Jan. I will refer to you as my dear friend Annette DuChamps." At the Guggenheim we were greeted by the director, an old friend. "Mrs. Rogers -- Janet -- I'm delighted that you could grace our opening. We all mourned your loss with you but we're so happy that you are back with us." "Thank you, Percy, delighted to be here. May I present my dear friend Miss Annette DuChamps?" "A pleasure indeed Miss DuChamps." "Thank you Mr....?" "McNaughton, Miss DuChamps -- but please, Percy!" "Percy, will we meet the artist?," I asked hopefully. "And Percy, as you know my art knowledge is not too extensive so I would appreciate your private and candid advice as to whether I should patronize this gentleman." "Certainly Janet, I know that you are the soul of discretion," he replied as he glanced at Annette with an unasked question in mind. "I understand, Percy and I assure you that our communications will remain private. Will you escort us in please?" "Certainly, ladies, my pleasure indeed." Percy escorted us in to the gallery where the exhibition was being held and on the way I was greeted by several of my friends. I was beginning to feel at home -- like my old self. "Ah! There he is -- the artist -- Monsieur Jacques DuBois." "Jacques! Jacques! Mon cher Jacques. Permettez-moi de vous presenter Madame Rogers et Mademoiselle DuChamps" "Enchant?, Madame, Mademoiselle, un plaisir, mais excusez-moi, il faut que je parle anglais." "Pas de problem, M. DuBois, je parle francais, jetais etudiante en France et aussi mon amie Annette parle francais parfaitment, mais au meme temps, je prefere que nous parlons anglais, d'accord?" "Monsieur DuBois, would you please show us your work and explain it so we may better appreciate it? Oh yes, and tell us how you met our dear Percy. And yes, call me Janet." "D'abord, call me Jacques. We met in Paris. There is a student housing on the right bank where students from many countries live at low cost and do their art. I had a small showing that Percy attended. He liked what he saw and here I am. It's as simple as that!" "What a coincidence Jacques, I know that building. Many years ago I bought the original of a print from a Norwegian artist who resided there. I have it in my New York apartment. I'll show it to you some time, I'd love to show you my collection. Hopefully you'll have time before returning to France," I said, carefully controlling my gushing - - this fellow is handsome and charming -- he looks like Omar Sharif. "It would be a pleasure... Janet. I should be here at least three weeks." "Wonderful, Jacques! Ahmm, Jacques, c'est la saison de l'opera. Do you enjoy the opera Jacques?" As I lifted an eyebrow. "Oui, yes I do. I have attended the Opera Bastille many times and before that the Palais Garnier," he replied, his smile broadening as the implications sank in. "Wonderful Jacques, tomorrow they're doing Aida, a new production. Can you be my guest at the opera tomorrow evening?" "Yes, certainly, but can you get tickets this late?" "Of course Jacques, I have connections at the MET. Very good connections," I replied as I smiled my most brilliant smile and made mental note to order tickets and dinner at the Grand Tier Restaurant. "Jacques, I will give you my address and phone number. Come to my apartment at least two hours before the performance. I'll show you at least some of my collection before the opera and the rest later perhaps." What to do? How to handle it? This man has distinct possibilities. I can tell from the way he looked at me. He's in the right age group. H'm, I'll return to the gallery tomorrow morning, confirm arrangements with him, then the hairdresser. After that I'll dress! Oh! Will I dress! Dress to please! Dress to attract! Dress to seduce! Do I need something new? I'll check with Bergdorf's after the gallery. I do have my city collection; I should find something if Bergdorf's has nothing better to offer. I don't have much time. I'll decide tonight if I need something new. Oh! I can't think straight -- I'm so excited! "Annette, we have to go home now, uh to the apartment. I need to check my wardrobe for a dress tomorrow night and I'll put you on the train to Connecticut. I'll call you when I'm ready to return to Greenwich. Oh, and Annette, I want you to do some shopping. You're going to need some really great outfits since we'll spend lots of time together. I can provide some accessories for you if necessary." "Oh Janet, you don't want me to help you dress?" "No Annette, if you stay that long, you'll not be able to make the train in the daylight." "Je comprend, Madame, Je comprend bien," she replied with a knowing voice. She knew I had an interest in that man. Well, so what? I have a right to have a date. Annette is really attractive and under the right circumstances could be serious competition. She could equally be attracted to the man. I'd best keep them separated. Back at the apartment, readying for the opera. "Annette, I'll try the silver lame halter top and silver sandals. I'll wear the glimmer stockings, thigh high since I don't want any garter snaps showing against the silver sheath and I'm certainly not going to wear pantyhose. Some diamonds and Chanel No. 5 should complete the ensemble." "Panties?.... Madame," she asked me under raised eyebrows. "Of course," I snapped. "Thank you Annette, you've been very helpful and I enjoyed our day together. You're a fine companion and I expect that we'll do things together again. But now, let's get you to the train. Please call when you reach home and let me know if all is well. OK?" "Certainly Madame and thank you for a lovely day. Are you going to buy any of Monsieur DuBois' art?" "I'm not sure yet, Annette. I'm going to ask Percy if he would view my collection and suggest whether or not Jacques' art would fit in. Perhaps covering an entire wall or wall section. I'm not sure yet." "What do you think Annette?" "Frankly Janet I was not impressed but that's likely because I have no art training." "But Annette, shouldn't one buy simply on the basis of what one likes?" "Oui, Madame, but one can buy a work of art as a souvenir of attending the opera with a new friend... can't one?," she replied with a smile bordering on a knowing smirk. "Yes Annette. Don't miss the train Annette. Good bye Annette!" I said with amused asperity. "'voir Janet," she smiled with raised eyebrows. The next afternoon. Ah! There's the bell. I'll put my shoes on later. I want to test his reaction to stocking feet. Different men have differing interests -- fetishes. "Hello Jacques, come in please. Let me take your coat." "Thank you Madame Rogers. Percy has told me that your husband passed away and I want to extend my condolences." "Thank you so much Jacques. It was a dreadful and unexpected tragedy and yesterday was my first day back in public. I am so glad that you are able to view and advise me on my art collection. May I get you a sherry before we start?" "Please, please do Madame." "Jacques! My name is Janet... please!" I poured two sherries and handed one to Jacques, standing close enough to him to waft some Chanel towards him. "This way Jacques... please," I purred as I took his arm and directed him to the library where I have most of my collection. Jacques was complimentary but somewhat noncommittal towards my modest accumulation of art except for a Degas that I inherited from my mother. He raved over the Degas, it was beautiful and quite valuable. "Thank you Jacques for spending time with my collection. I really appreciate having an artist give me his opinion but now mon cher Jacques it is time to leave for the MET. We have reservations at the Grand Tier restaurant. We'll start with dinner and at the first intermission we'll have dessert and then a brandy at the second. The table will be ours for the evening. I hope you will be pleased." I purred seductively as I held his arm and guided him back to the foyer. "Please wait just a moment Jacques while I don my sandals and fetch my fur." "Certainly Janet, mon plaisir." We passed a pleasant evening at the MET, chatting away about mutual friends, experiences and of course the performance was up to the usual MET high standards. I took Jacques backstage to meet Placido who was singing Radames that night and then we all adjourned to Placido's restaurant for tapas and champagne. Jacques was impressed at my level of connections at the MET. "Well Jacques, you've had the best of the best that the U.S. can offer you -- the MET and Placido. But now Jacques, I have one more surprise for you. We'll take a cab back to my apartment." "Very kind of you Janet but it is getting rather late and I must return to my hotel. Could we make it another evening?" "Yesss, Jacques, another evening would be fine. How about tomorrow? I'll cook dinner for us and we could dance a little and I have a suggestion. Bring one of your paintings that you think would go well in my apartment. I'll pay you and we'll enjoy dinner together and have a brandy." I hoped he would not pass up a sale. I wanted him back in my apartment! "Alright Janet, tomorrow would be fine and I have just the painting for you. It was not included in the exhibition and I'll specially price it for you at only $3000. I'm looking forward to dinner Janet. Thank you ever so much." He smiled and left. Oh well... if I can have sex with him $3000 should be cheap and I'll have a painting. Yes! A souvenir of an evening! I can hardly wait! I'd better call the caterer. The following evening he arrived carrying a rather large oil already elegantly and tastefully framed. We placed it on the easel in the library for all to admire. I liked it. It was a caf? scene typical of Paris. Yes, I know there were literally hundreds if not thousands of caf? scene paintings done by aspiring artists over the years but I liked his approach -- I liked the painting. I bought it happily. "Jacques, I love it! I do! I'll write you a check and I'll show you the rest of my collection. By then dinner should be ready." "Janet, I thought that you were going to cook dinner for me." "I was Jacques, but by the time I decided on the menu I realized that I needed help.... so I engaged a caterer. We can spend more time together. Come to the salon with me Jacques, we have a dance floor there and after dinner we can dance a little. Wouldn't that be fun?" I asked hopefully. He smiled and replied, "Certainly ma chere madame, I would be delighted." "I hope that dinner will please you, Jacques, we start with ?escargots de Bourgogne in garlic butter, then coq au vin and for dessert some cr?me brulee. Wine naturally and after dinner some Napoleon Brandy." A little later.... "Janet, the meal was superb. Your caterer is first class and the service was also quite good. I enjoyed it so much. You have gone to a great deal of effort to entertain me." After dinner we adjourned to the salon to dance. The caterers cleaned up and left, leaving their bill, leaving Jacques and myself all alone - - all alone. I put on some slow dance music. "Come Jacques, let's dance," I said hopefully with an encouraging smile. After a few turns about the floor he said, "You dance very well Janet, do you take lessons?" "Yes I do and I was an aspiring ballerina as a teenager but never good enough to dance professionally. But much stays with you and I enjoy dancing and it keeps me in shape. It's also a useful social grace." I hope he noticed my shape. "Yes, I can tell that it's very good for you." He smiled an encouraging smile and I pulled a little closer to him and sort of melted against him allowing him to feel my warmth and smell my perfume. Oddly as we danced very intimately he maintained control and did not develop an erection, so I held him tighter and started to rub myself against his pelvis and he still maintained control. What the dickens! Am I losing my touch? All I ever had to do with my husband was to look at him and wiggle my hips and he was ready. H'm! The direct approach is next! "Jacques, you're a fascinating man and you know Jacques.... I would like to make love with you. H'm?" "Janet... my dear dear lady! You are fantastic! I would love to make love with you but I have a small problem.... I am gay... sorry. I am really sorry... you are a beautiful woman and extremely desirable but I simply can't! I'm not even bisexual -- just totally gay!" Oh Christ! Oh freaking Christ! I'm hot! Hot! Hot! And he's gay! Oh NO! "Mon cher Jacques, I am greatly disappointed but I do understand and will certainly not press you to do something that is for you, simply out of the question," I replied with as much equanimity as I could muster. We continued to dance and chat and I suggested to Jacques that I see him tomorrow at the Guggenheim with the intention of acquiring a few more of his works. I wanted to appear suave and uninterested in learning of his orientation but mostly I wanted to conceal my irritation at being deprived of some good sex. After he left I ran to my bedroom and grabbed my poor overworked rabbit. After a few orgasms I called Annette and asked her to come to the city tomorrow to be with me for a few days. I told her to dress for the museum and also we would do a little night clubbing and to bring some appropriate evening wear. She asked me about the opera and Jacques. I said, "I'll tell you about it sometime," and left it that. The next morning when she arrived I called Percy at the Guggenheim and suggested lunch and that Annette and I wanted to see more of Jacques' works. He agreed and the four of us -- Jacques joined the party -- went to the Russian Tea Room. I bought another painting by Jacques -- a scene at the Moulin Rouge. Yesss, I knew about Toulouse-Lautrec but I really couldn't afford any of his works. That evening the four of us went night clubbing. I feared that it was a mistake since I certainly wasn't going to seduce either Percy or Jacques but there might be some floating singles I could eye. Music was good. "Annette, let's dance," I said hoping to attract male attention though risking their misunderstanding of two women together. Annette looked surprised but stood and we made our way to the floor and danced. As some new men glanced at us, I smiled back and eventually two came over to break in. We welcomed the interruption, using the interlude to become acquainted and do a little discreet belly rubbing. The gentleman I danced with was local and a marketing manager for some company or other. He was a good dancer and responded properly to my seduction, giving me his name and phone number, which he had conveniently on a business card in his jacket pocket. I took the card and smilingly put it down my cleavage. "I apologize Chris but I am with friends and staying away any longer would really be impolite. Could we meet again please, I'll call you tomorrow and we'll discuss time and place. Do you have a friend you might introduce to my friend Annette?" He pulled me close, smiled and said, "I do have a friend and with the greatest of pleasure Janet, I'll await your call." I nodded, we returned to the table and I resumed chatting with Percy and Jacques. Annette seemed to be much engrossed with the fellow with whom she was still dancing. "Percy, will you dance with me please?" Jacques knew he was being somewhat ignored but.... As we got up to dance, Annette finished with her partner, nodded to me as we passed, and invited Jacques to dance. We passed a few pleasant minutes with idle chatter and returned to our table. "Annette. Ladies..." I rose with her to go to the Ladies. "Ouai Janet, what's up Jan? Problem?" she inquired quizzically looking at me. "No problem, Annette, I just wanted to get a briefing on your dance partner." "He's a very nice fellow, I'd like to see him again. Uhh is that all right Madame?" as she leapt into servant mode. "Confidentially Annette, I am searching for companionship -- male. I miss my husband and just between us girls, I miss sex." "Oh oui... Janet so do I! The man I danced with seemed interested in me. There may be possibilities there. How about yours?" "Definitely interested, in fact I promised to call for a date. We don't know these men -- really. Why not suggest to yours to meet also? Chris says he has a friend for you but we could change that. We could make it a double and we'll have security in numbers. We'll learn more about them and see if we can trust them. Is it your time of the month Annette? It's mine, I'd have to do oral -- well -- only for a few more days." "Je suis OK," she replied. "Janet we must return to our party." "Lets. When we return home I'll tell you about Jacques but if you want to have fun, dance with him and see if you can get an erection from him." "Ohhh, maintenant je comprend..." "Yesss, right... he is... but he's a good dancer." Returning to the table I apologized, "Sorry gentlemen, but my face needed a touch up." "Percy, what do you think of Jacques' potential in the American art market?" as I deftly changed the subject. Annette jumped in and said, "Jacques, while Percy is educating Janet you may dance with me, please Jacques." He didn't have much choice and they rose to dance. "Well Janet, he has a great opportunity in the American market. He is already quite popular in Europe and if I were you, I'd buy a few pieces. If you come to the museum tomorrow before the better pieces are reserved I'll help you select. You should do well and keep the expense under -- well under -- one hundred thousand or so." "They can't be sold from the exhibition but when it is finished the works revert to the artist and at that time you could acquire your selected pieces." "I'll take you up on that and I appreciate your advice. Oh by the way, not that it matters but did you know that he has no 'interest' in women?" "Yes, I knew that, Janet and if I'd known you were curious, I'd have told you. Did I create a problem for you?" "No Percy, but I was taken aback when he rejected my advance. C'est la vie." "Obviously Janet, my dear old friend, you have finished mourning and are now 'dating' and you just leave Jacques to me -- we have 'much' in common." He smiled knowingly. Back at my apartment Annette and I discussed the museum trip. "Did you enjoy dancing with Jacques, Annette? He's a good dancer." "Ouai, he is good but as hard as I rubbed him, I couldn't make him have an erection. He just smiled pleasantly and chatted with me. He is very nice." "Percy realizes that he is gay, but then so is Percy. I hope they're happy together," I replied. "Annette, lets go out tonight to that nightclub where we met those two fellows. The fellow I danced with may return." "OK," she answered with alacrity, ready to romp. Chapter Two - An Unexpected Surprise We arrived a little early, took a table , ordered drinks and got up to dance. Dancing with Annette was an eye opener. She danced hot and close -- very erotically. I reciprocated. We looked at each other, eyes speaking volumes, I breathed deeply, rotated my hips -- we pulled tightly against each other, ground our pelvises against each other -- she put her head on my shoulder. "Oh my Annette. What are we doing? Are we.... ? Oh my.... Annette," I gasped as I thrust my crotch against her firmly and rotated my hips. "Oh mais oui ma chere maitresse, I think we are... ! Janet! Later! The men are here. I will have trouble dealing with them while I'm thinking of you -- of us! Oh my Janet! Oh my my!" "Annette! We'll greet the men and later go to the Ladies together. I want to kiss you." "Yes Janet, please... I need you... I think... oh my... I don't know what I think. This is so new." A little later, at the Ladies.... Oh my God! What am I thinking? Annette is an employee! Stop! Stop! A moment of sanity reared its ugly head and I cried out, "Annette! We must stop! I'll explain! You are technically an employee. We must stop until we have reached an agreement on our relationship. We'll discuss it tonight and see our attorney in the morning back in Greenwich." "Janet! Hug me! Kiss me! I don't understand what you're talking about. Hold me tight Jan, please. I feel so.... I need you Janet... hug me Janet.... Kiss me! Kiss me again!" "Oh my darling Annette! What feelings I have... I can't explain... I only know that I want you. I want to hold you... kiss you... oh... oh my! Annette! We have men expecting us. We must cool down -- compose ourselves -- we'll wait 'till we get home. We must control ourselves - - we must!" When we returned to the table the two men were looking for us. I waved, hoping I didn't look as though I had just had sex. The evening's chatter was strained and bizarre since neither Annette nor myself were under complete control. The men were clearly confused. They expected or at least hoped for the possibility of an intimate evening's end but we put them off with the promise of another date. We returned to my apartment -- hotly anticipating but trying to look cool and in spite of ourselves we hugged, kissed and ground our pelvises together as though we tried to push through each other. We rushed to my bedroom, ripped our clothes off, I sucked her nipples, kissed her breasts. I spread my legs, she kissed my labia, tongued my clitoris. God what a feeling! "Annette! The rabbit! I'll get the rabbit!" Thank god for the rabbit. What a yowling howling screaming pair we were, taking turns with that delightful little toy. Finally satiated, exhausted we lay together in each others arms. "Oh god, Annette! Is it love or lust? That was so good!" "Yes... yesss Janet, my darling Janet, whatever it was it was wonderful. I think I'm in love but I know I'm in lust! Do we really need men Jan?" "I don't know about that but I do know that I need to shower. Let's take a shower together, Annette. I want to douche and smell sweet for you. We'll wash each other -- it should be such fun and then we'll make love again, OK?" "Oh ouai, Janet and we'll use that lovely body wash and get all clean and sweet. I want to douche also. Jan... do you have a double dildo?" "No, what's that?" "It's a dildo that fits in you and has a penis extending out for your partner and when you push, it pushes back in you. I hear that it's gobs of fun for us girls." "No Annette, I don't have one but let's go on line and see what we can find. First... shower time! Let's go!" Showering was delightful.... "Oh Jan, I love the feeling when I'm soaping your lovely body." "I love it too Annette! Soap me around my pussy, sweet girl!' "That's enough Janet, I'm starting to shrivel, let's towel off and get to bed again!" "Hot little girl... kiss me again!" "Janet," she said, looking up at me seriously, "I'd like you to try something for me. I've never had it done to me but I've been told that it's great fun, gives an exciting feeling. Will you do it for me, please darling Jan?" "Oh Annette, what do you want me to do?" "Janet, anal probing is very exciting, they tell me. I would like you to lube your finger, poke it into me gradually while you're tickling my clitoris with your tongue. Be gentle -- please." "I'll try Annette". I got the K-Y lube, lubed my fingers and slowly inserted one finger into her anus as I watched her expression. She closed her eyes, breathed deeply, rotated her pelvis. I kissed her. She kissed me back savagely as she ground her pelvis ever more vigorously and quickly. I moved down her body and tongued her clitoris causing her to cry out. "Janet! Oh God, Janet that is so good! Janet! Put another finger in me please, quick!" It took time but Annette came with a series of loud cries as she had her orgasms. "Oh my God, Janet that was wonderful! My dear sweet woman you really know how to touch a girl -- I loved it! Let me do it for you Janet, I want to caress your breasts and suck your nipples. I'll do it while I'm licking your clit just like you did me. Jan I'm in love! I love you Janet! I'm sure I love you. Do you love me Janet? Do you?" "Yes Annette, I do love you. Hug me 'nette -- hug me tight!" "Janet, I'm ready for you to do my pussy. Do you have anything other than the rabbit?" "No but lets try the rabbit and I'll do things while the rabbit works it's charm on you. I'll tickle your clit and tongue you while I thrust the rabbit in and out -- in and out -- until you orgasm again." A long while later two exhausted but happy women collapsed into bed together. The next morning we rose after untangling our bodies, did the morning bathroom things and went down for breakfast. "Well! Well! Well! What do we do for an encore! That was some night! Annette, we have to have a sisterly discussion. No longer are we as we were. What do we do?" "I don't know Janet, I only know that I love you and I loved what we did together. But yes -- we must discuss our relationship." "Right, I'll call our family attorney. We have to have an understanding. You can't work for me. You can live here -- we'll share the load excepting that which I hire in. I'll give you some money -- I'm not sure exactly how or how much. I do have a problem. I still want a man! Or men! I loved what we did but I don't see it excluding a normal relationship with a man -- a man with a c o c k. How about you Annette? Did our lovemaking make you forget men?" "No Janet, my thirst for a man has diminished somewhat but I'm still desire a normal relationship. I... still... want... a man." "Well... you know Annette, we may have stumbled upon the best of all worlds. We can love and entertain each other and still hunt for men. I think a whole new world has just presented itself to us." Later my attorney, Chauncey DePew returned my call and Annette and I went to his office for a consultation. "Chauncey, I want you to meet a dear friend of mine Annette DuChamps. She was/is my employee, employed as my maid. She is no longer my employee since we became lovers yesterday." His jaw dropped in spite of his poker faced training. "Wellll! What may I do?" "We want an official termination of her employment so there is no hint of employer coercion. She is free to leave my house at any time -- I am free to ask her to leave at any time. Should she leave for whatever reason, she will be given a gift of money for her short term expenses. I am well-to-do and cannot entertain a suit for any reason. We want you to draw up an appropriate document which we will both sign and you will keep. Any questions?" He thought a while, finally responding with a shrug and said, "Are you planning to marry one another? There are many men who would love to court and marry you, I know." "Doubtful Chauncey. We are both heterosexual and want men. Evidently without visiting a shrink, we have found ourselves somewhat bisexual. We had a joyous affair but still long for normal relationships. We will probably hunt as a team. We are both attractive and desirable. We're ready to hunt! When can you have a document ready?" "A few days, my secretary will call you. Do you have a sum in mind in case of separation?" "Ohhh, let's say five thousand." We returned home to discuss our mutual needs, fell into bed, satisfied immediate pressures and slept for a while. We then dressed for dinner, trying to decide where to eat for maximum exposure to the upscale male population. Chapter Three - A Hunting We Will Go "Annette, I think we should go into the city for dinner and dancing. We'll stay at my apartment. There are many places where we can dine and dance. That'll give us exposure to men. If that doesn't work, we'll try a ballroom. You dance very well." "Of course but maybe we should just dine at home, uhh, your apartment and then go to a bar where one can dance." "Good idea but I do know of suitable places where we can do all three and best of all, I've been to some and I've seen the scene. Not only that, many of the patrons are traveling men and some are fairly high level diplomats and executives. We might make out. But one thing we must remember and that is to not -- absolutely not -- get separated. If we go to a hotel we go together even if it is only one of us who has an arrangement with a man -- or woman????" "Not for me Janet, I want only you. After last night it's only you. But I agree, a hotel, we can't take new men home." "OK Annette, let's dress and have at it!" Later that afternoon, having arrived at the city apartment... We took a cab down to the theatre district to a restaurant I knew, entered, took a table and ordered, giving the waiters an eyeful with our well displayed cleavage and from time to time, a lot of leg. We were eyed by numerous men, most of whom had women with them. However there were a few who appeared to be available. When the music started Annette and I got up to dance. The music was low and slow and we danced intimately, possibly too much so. "Annette, I'm afraid that we may be dancing too suggestively for some men. That is, they may think that we are 'girl friends'." "Oh, you mean lesbians?" "Yeah, let's dance a little farther apart." "OK Jan, then we'll go to the table but if any of them look our way, smile." "Right!" "Janet, do you recall the men we met the other night? Perhaps we should call them and ask to meet." "Good idea Annette, if nothing happens in the next half hour, we'll try those fellows." The music stopped and we returned to our table. A gentleman walked over and introduced himself. "Ladies, I'm Paul Wilson, I work downtown, could I buy you a drink and may I ask for a dance? My card." "How do you do, Paul, I'm Janet and this is Annette. Yes to both. Order please and then we'll dance. While you're ordering, Annette and I will decide who dances first, OK?" "Lovely!," he chuckled, "What may I order?" "Just tell the bartender two more champagne cocktails." While he walked to the bar to order..... "What do you think Annette?" "Well, handsome, not quite middle age, well dressed, evidently has some wherewithal. Let's see how he dances and lets pump him for his life history. He might be a little old for me but he is rather good looking. Let me dance first. We can bet on who makes him tumesce fastest." "Annette, you are evil -- I love it!" "Ladies, two champagne cocktails. I had the bartender transfer your tab to mine. Now, which one of you charming females may I dance with first?" "Paul, after much discussion and some hair pulling and arm wrestling we have agreed that Annette will dance with you first and then I," as I smiled my most gracious smile showing my perfect teeth and my luscious red lips. They left to dance while I sipped my drink and watched them. They closed, clutched, Annette thrust herself against him, kissed his neck and in a few minutes signaled me that she had succeeded in bringing him to erection. They continued to dance, Annette withdrawing from him to permit his erection to subside. The music stopped, they returned to the table and took their seats. "Paul, tell us about yourself. Are you local, a New Yorker?" "Yes, I'm a personnel manager for a Wall Street firm and at the risk of being up front I'm divorced and quite frankly looking for feminine companionship. And you ladies? Tell me about yourselves." "I am a widow, Annette is my friend and we are both single. How long have you been divorced, Paul? May we ask what happened?" "I've been divorced for six months, separated before that for a year and no, please don't ask. It's personal and painful. May we dance now Janet?" "Let's Paul, tell me more about yourself. Have you been dating long? I was widowed some months ago and I'm just returning to life." "I've been dating since a few months after my wife left me. That would be about a year now that I've been out and frankly it's no fun trying to date. We men always have that fear of rejection as we approach a lady intending to ask for a dance or a dinner or a date. I have the impression that it's much easier for a woman." "Possibly Paul, I really don't know. My experience is limited. My husband and I met while in college, dated, married and never needed to date anyone outside our marriage. We were fortunate I suppose in never needing any outside 'entertainment' or distraction. We had a perfect marriage," I choked slightly, remembering my lost darling. "I'm sorry Janet, if I've touched a nerve. My reactions to my wife's leaving were more anger than sadness. What I'll tell you is private. She left me for another man. I thought we were happy but she met someone in her office, fell in love and left me. I was devastated." "Oh Paul! I'm so sorry," I said as I held him more tightly. We continued to dance, silently, each to his own thoughts. I started to speculate about a relationship with him, wondering if he could be suitable, faithful and yes -- one must be prudent -- if he were free of any medical problems. How would one broach that most sensitive area? The band stopped playing, announcing a break time. We returned to our table. Annette had met a young man who was busy chatting her up. He was a cute fellow, somewhere in his thirties, I guessed. "Annette, Paul and I have just had a lovely dance together. Introduce us please to your friend." I raised a quizzical eyebrow. "Jan, Paul, this is Charles, he's a banker, works for a branch of Credit Suisse and his name is pronounced 'Sharle' and no, he is not French, he is Swiss, from Geneva." "Enchant? Charles, un plaisir de faire votre connaissance. Gentlemen, please excuse us while we take advantage of the band's break to visit the ladies room for a touchup." As I rose to leave signaling Annette to follow. In the Ladies we freshened our lipstick and discussed the men -- of course. "Bien Janet, not to put too fine a point on it, I would like to screw! Mais! Est-il propre? I'd hate to suck him off through a condom -- it would be distasteful and equally so would I fear screwing without a condom. What do you think?" "Ditto. I like Paul. Either one or both could suit our purposes. Even if they are both clean, they might catch something from someone else during the time when we are involved with them. We would have to assure their loyalty. We would also want to broach the subject of medical testing before a full blown affair. Possibly we could get them interested enough to be able to persuade them to undergo medical verification. I think they are interested in us but not enough yet for that level of agreement. Let's try to hold off until we're sure they are hooked, then spring the medical aspect on them and see what they say. Let's try for a few dates to know them better but to be on the safe side we'll always carry condoms in case we get carried away. When we arrive home we can indulge ourselves. Oh yes, we must buy some more sex toys. We'll try forty second street in case there's still a sex shop open." "What should we buy Janet? I like the idea of a double dildo and perhaps a strap-on and maybe some fetish clothing." "Oh yeah, let's return to the boys before they decide to leave us." "Fat chance, Jan, Charles got an erection within two minutes of our dancing. He'll wait!" The men were indeed still waiting -- as expected. "Gentlemen! We're back! Paul... let's dance!" "Janet, I love dancing close with you but I must ask if you're teasing me or are you interested in something further?" "Paul, I told you that my husband passed away. He and I used to dance very intimately and I guess I just did what I used to do. However I would like to see you again. Suppose I stop by your office tomorrow at noon for lunch?" I replied, avoiding a direct answer. "Please. I gave you my card. The address and phone number are there. When you arrive have reception escort you to my office. I'll have them informed. I'll make reservations at Delmonico's for two at 12:30. Don't be late!" He smiled broadly, anticipating.... "Certainly Paul, noon... I'm looking forward to it." I pressed against him as we continued to dance. As he became tumescent, I looked up at him and smiled, winked, thrust against him. He inhaled sharply then slowly moved my right arm down and behind me in a controlling mode, pulling me tightly to him. I gasped slightly, turned my face up to him and we kissed. First a mere brushing of our lips then a forceful deep kiss, tongues twirling, exploring our mouths. "Oh Paul, tomorrow! I'll count the hours!" We composed ourselves and returned to the table. Annette and Charles were still dancing. "Janet, could we have a night out together sometime? Ballet, Broadway, Opera or perhaps just a movie?," he asked, optimism in his voice. "I'd like that Paul, may I suggest a foursome? Annette and I have similar tastes. Let's ask Charles of his preferences." "Well Janet, I was really hoping for a date for the two of us," his face slightly downcast. "Oh Paul, there's lots of time for a quiet tete a tete, a personal evening. I'd like to get to know you better.... before we engage in an intimate eve, as would Annette. Perhaps you would like to date Annette also. You could ask her," said I with a smile. "Now Janet, that's very interesting. It isn't often that a woman tries to divert an interested man over to another woman, especially a very young, very attractive lady. H'mm, perhaps you find me uninteresting?" "H'mm, Paul, good point but Annette and I are very close and I think Charles is very cute and sexy and I might ask him for a date. We could make it a foursome and simply switch allegiances for the evening... and after all, we've just met and we don't know each other... really... and none of us seems to have 'staked out a claim' as it were, on anyone. H'mmm Paul?" I evaded answering his concern. "I surrender! We'll take it slow but I want you to know up front that I find you interesting, no, fascinating, and I want to know you better - - much better. Quite frankly, for a divorced man of my age -- approaching fifty -- Annette I judge to be in her twenties is too young to be interested in me and you are somewhat older and you are definitely more mature and I am damned well interested in you and only you," he stated with a firm finality. "Thank you Paul, it's refreshing to be candid and I do find you to be very pleasant and as I said, I want to know you better before I engage in intimate relations. We do have some minor obstacles to overcome. I'm sure that you want to become better acquainted with me and -- I hesitate to mention it -- but there are health issues. Annette and I feel that we are... clean... but we certainly don't know about you and Charles. I feel that the four of us -- sometime in the near future -- should have some blood work done to satisfy our mutual concerns. Realistically, Paul, how do you know that I am not a hooker?" "Wellll now... Janet... I do understand your position. I don't know Charles and obviously can't vouch for him but I assure that I have not had relations since my divorce." "Then there would no trepidation on your part to drawing blood for verification, would there, Paul?" "Of course not. I am somewhat off put by the suggestion but I understand and if it is mutual I will willingly comply." "Good! You and I together can visit my doctor, have blood drawn and if possible, include Annette and Charles. I will brief Annette and she can speak with Charles. Possibly we'll all go together. Important though is the agreement that these results will be available to all of us. Agreed?" "Fine with me. Let's see what the others want to do." Annette and Charles returned to the table and I nodded to Annette indicating the Ladies. We stood but Paul interjected, "Ladies, you just recently returned from a ladies room conference. Let Charles and myself take our turn." He laughed while Charles looked on puzzled. When they returned, faces smiling, it was evident that an accord had been reached regarding blood testing. I had briefed Annette and she was quite willing to be tested. We agreed that this was only the first step. The next step was to secure their total commitment and/or acquiescence to us only and only us -- if indeed they were the ones - -the ones to be ours as long as we wanted them. With this agreement behind us we all resumed dancing and drinking and chatting. The dancing became more explicit and the chatting more erotic and suggestive. Clearly both men were excited about the possibility -- no likelihood -- of sex with the two ladies they had already found most exciting, not to mention beautiful and evidently willing. The evening's end approached and the men suggested taking us home. We declined, the doorman flagged a cab, we hugged the men goodnight and returned to my apartment. "Annette, do you have a date with Charles? I'm meeting Paul at Delmonico's for lunch and then I think I'll go up to forty second street and see about buying some sex toys." "No date yet Jan, just an agreement to lunch next week. Janet, suppose you ring me when you finish lunch and I'll meet you at forty second and eighth and we'll shop together." "OK, will do." At Delmonico's with Paul the next day... "I liked your office staff, Paul, they were very nice to me, escorted me personally up to your office -- nice office, Paul." "I'm glad they were nice -- they should be -- I told them I met an extremely nice lady and was taking her to lunch. They like me and were most sympathetic when my wife deserted me. But... that's past -- let's let the past remain in the past. I may be rushing things but I hope in you I may be seeing my future." "Oh Paul, that's so sweet but too too soon Paul, we hardly know each other. I would like to date you though. Tell me what you like -- what you are like. Do you have any children?" "I have two, one of each, both adults, both in college. They live with me when not in school which by the way, somewhat inhibits my social life." "You mean you can't take a date home whenever you wish." "Yes, basically, but realistically I have been dating occasionally since she left me and now and then the house has been available but not too often and, to be candid, since I've been single for some time I'm not that experienced in attaining intimacy." "Paul, I misunderstood something you said. I thought you had not dated since she left." "Perhaps I misspoke, I have not had intimacy, that is, sex, since she left. I have had a few casual dates -- lunch -- that sort of thing." "I see, I think I did misunderstand, Paul, if we reach that level of familiarity, we will find intimacy even if we have to take a cruise ship somewhere." I laughed. "Well Paul... when shall we meet again?" "Would tomorrow be too soon?" he asked hopefully. "Not at all. But.... Annette and I are very close. We like the idea of double dating until we know the men better. We've just started dating as you know and we're unsure of ourselves and leery of becoming involved in a bad situation. We simply want some time. I'll see you tomorrow but don't be surprised if we become a foursome." "Wonderful! How about the ballet if I can get tickets? If not, then perhaps a Broadway show?" "Good, touch base with me and I'll update with respect to Annette." "Now I'll walk you to your office Paul, then I have to see Annette uptown. Stay in touch. If tomorrow won't work, try another day and let me know." The walk was short and pleasant as we chatted about everything and nothing. We kissed goodbye in front of his building and I headed uptown to buy some erotic toys. The cab dropped me at forty second and eighth and there was Annette waiting on the corner. "Annette! Were you waiting long?" "Just a few minutes, Jan but I've already found a good store with the most awesome toys for sale. Come with me -- I'll show you -- I've already picked some things out." I followed her into a sex shop, populated mostly by men. I wished I'd had a veil but I did have my dark glasses -- I really didn't want to be recognized even though some of the men were respectable looking. She pointed out a toy called a double dildo. It was clearly designed for two women. One end inserted into one partner and strapped onto her with several straps. The other end again clearly designed for her partner such that when the wearer pushed, the dildo pushed into herself giving both partners a good screwing. "Oh Annette, grab it! What else looks good?" "Here are a couple of rabbits even larger than yours and here, this is a vibrator shaped to locate and titillate our 'G' spots and if we want to go walking, we could wear these dildo panties. Some have one dildo and others have two. Oh Jan honey, I can just imagine our walking in Central park with every step a delicious sensation!" she giggled at the thought. "Oh Annette! Oh my God Annette! What fun we'll have! Oh! And look! They have restraint devices. Oh my! That brings up such thoughts -- restraining our men? Oooo! Would they submit to that? But Annette, if a man were somehow prevented from having sex except with us he could be ours alone. But we might have to prevent him somehow! H'mmm, look! This gadget is a chastity cage. When worn, a man can't have intercourse or even get an erection. Wow! Keep this in mind Annette!" "Ladies," interrupted a salesperson, "may I be of help?" "Yesss, I think soooo," I replied slowly, formulating questions in my mind. "This cage. When locked on can it be removed without the key? When worn, does it show?" "The cage may be cut off albeit with difficulty and showing is a function of the clothing. If you wish I will demonstrate." "Please do. This should be interesting." "I'll return in a few minutes ladies, it goes on quickly. Confidentially my girlfriend makes me wear one to keep me honest." "Janet, I'll be damned!!" Said Annette with wonder in her eyes. He returned shortly, showing us that his cage was not noticeable at all. We were impressed and stood there thinking about the ramifications of what we were seeing. "Tell me about this... situation... how did it come about? Did she force you?" "Not really," he replied, "But she made it clear that she wanted me exclusively and although she said she trusted me she knew that I was and had been very popular with the ladies and would feel at ease if she knew that I was wearing the chastity cage. And ya know, in some perverse way that I can hardly explain, I like wearing the damn thing and I do like pleasing her. Each time I feel it, I am reminded of our relationship. I don't feel it a punishment, rather a pleasure. It's such fun when she lovingly removes it and strokes me to an erection." "Why weren't you wearing it today when we came in to the store?" "Well..." he said embarrassed, "we were ah... making love and I was late for work and I had to rush and forgot." "That's very insightful. Our men might fall right into line as has this man. And if they don't, we might try handcuffs, pull their legs apart and put it on, locking it securely." "Hmmm.. Might work.. We'll see. If we add sex, they might not complain," she added. "Yes Annette, these could do the job," I laughed, and added, "We'll think about it -- at least one for each man in different colors and some handcuffs perhaps." "Oh Janet! We are going to have such fun!" We collected our purchases and the young salesman checked us out. I paid cash -- naturally. "C'mon, Annette, let's grab a cab and hurry home. I'm getting hot!" We reached my apartment in a state of increasing passion, both of us ready to romp. Boy did we romp! We boiled that double dildo, making it clean and warm to the touch. We lubed it and carefully inserted it deep into Annette's vagina, strapped it tightly to her. I lay down on my back, spread my legs and Annette slowly, lovingly pushed the other end into me. She looked into my eyes, smiled, kissed me and started to thrust -- slowly at first, then with increasing speed until I screamed with my first orgasm. She had already been through three and was working toward her fourth. She finally collapsed on my chest breathing heavily from exertion. We kissed. Passionately. I caressed her breasts, she, mine. As she withdrew she gasped, "Oh my God, Janet, that was incredible. Suck my nipples darling Janet. Here I'll hold my breasts for you." "Mmmm, that's so good Jan, let me do yours now." "Annette. I have an idea. Let's put on those dildo panties and take a walk as you suggested. It should be really exciting and then we'll resume when we return. We'll walk across Fifth Avenue, go into the Park, find an ice cream vendor and suck on a couple of popsicles and think about each other as we suck. We can sit on a bench and wriggle around exciting ourselves with our dildos." "Janet, oh Janet that makes me so hot. Let's do it! Let's walk and hold hands like lovers -- that's what we are -- now... I love you Janet, I'm sure I really do love you. Kiss me... Please kiss me Janet... Please!" We kissed and rubbed against each other. I broke the clinch. "Annette! If we don't go out now, we'll end up in bed again. Let's put the dildos on. We'll help each other don them. Sit down darling, lift your feet." I slid the panties up to her crotch, hesitated, lubed the phallus, pushed her legs apart and slid the phallus into her vagina as she gasped and rotated her hips. With the dildo seated way up into her I pulled the latex panties up around her waist. "I just had an evil thought, Annette. Suppose when we go out we tease the men by wearing these panties -- and -- over the panties we lock female chastity belts." "Oh cute!!! We should carry the keys, though, shouldn't we?" "Of course!" "It's something to think about, but let's take our walk. While we're walking, if one of us is about to orgasm, we'll squeeze the other's hand. What sharing that'll be!!" "OK Annette, deal! Let's go." We walked across Fifth, into the park, bought hot dogs, sat on a bench, and teased each other by sucking and chewing the wieners, laughing, licking our lips, screwing each other with our eyes. I... was... in... love! I wanted to cuddle, kiss and screw that girl. I wanted her so badly. "Janet, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "I'm thinking I'm in love and I want to return home quickly because what I want to do can't be done here on the park bench." We finished our snack, returned to my apartment and fell into bed without undressing. Those dildo panties were worth their weight in gold. We ground our pelvises together, kissed passionately, stripped my panties off and I threw my legs apart, inviting Annette to perform her wonders on my pussy. I pulled her head, smashing it against my labia, inviting her tongue into my vagina. I squeezed my legs, imprisoning her head by my thighs and exulting in the passion of the moment. I orgasm'd. The release was a crescendo of feeling -- I cried and shook uncontrollably. "Janet!! The double dildo! You wear it this time, I want to be screwed -- badly. Janet darling, my dearest Janet are we ever going to be satisfied with men again? Those hairy sweating creatures -- those fellows who come once then roll over and go to sleep. Will they ever please us again?" "Oh God Annette, I hope so." I laughed. "Annette, maybe we can persuade them to depilate. Or, maybe we can find an Asian man already hairless. Are they really hairless or is that just another myth?" I lubed and inserted the dildo, strapped it on securely and asked Annette what position she wanted first. "Doggy style, Janet. I want you to make love to me while you hold my breasts. Jan... you know what would be so erotic? You binding me to a cross, spreading my legs and then raping me. That would be so.... erotic. I think I would come while you're binding me. The thought is so powerful. Screw me now Jan -- screw me please -- hard Jan -- harder!! Harder!!" "Oh Annette we are so fortunate. We have found a healthful and tender way to express our love. We are having such fun!" "Janet, do you ever think about screwing a man? This double dildo would do that quite well. Some men would like it, I suspect most would not, but for us would it -- could it -- be part of our control over the man?" "Maybe, but once we're done, he's back to normal. And remember, part of our desire is to assure that he would be faithful to us -- you or me. I like the idea of the chastity cage that we saw demonstrated in the sex shop. Let's talk to that young man again and buy a cage or two." Chapter Four - Chris I called Chris and suggested dinner and movie and asked if he had a suitable date for Annette. Subsequently he returned my call and we arranged to meet a few days on. We met at O'Neals near Lincoln Center, had dinner then attended a movie down Broadway. Chris and I held hands. Annette's date, Joel was a colleague of Chris and seemed to be an amiable fellow in his thirties. Annette seemed to like him. Chris, I found was quite nice with a background in law. He was not a practicing lawyer but was hired because of his legal background. After the movie we adjourned to a club where we could dance and drink. This gave us an opportunity to become more intimate and to determine whether these fellows had potential for sex. Neither Annette nor myself was yet ready for a permanent arrangement. Happily enough both men danced closely and intimately, thus producing erections almost on demand. This boded well. We exchanged partners and experienced the same. Things were looking up. Conversation went well, the men seemed to be nice intelligent guys and were showing distinct signs of being interested in us beyond simple erections while dancing. It was time to talk. "Annette! Ladies!" I announced and we trotted off to the ladies room to hold a council of war. "What do you think, Hon? OK? I like mine. He seems decent but certainly interested. After all we are a hot looking pair." "He's OK Jan, as best I can determine but it takes time to really know a person. I'd like another date with him before sex though." "Definitely 'nette. It's late, let's call it a night, make another date then home." "Gentlemen, we've enjoyed the evening but it's late and time to leave. We'd like to see you both again. Could we make another date before we get a cab?" "Absolutely," said Chris, smiling broadly. "With pleasure," added Joel. "When? Tomorrow?" "Nooo, I was thinking of attending a play at the Vivian Beaumont next week. If I can get tickets for Wednesday, would that be suitable for you fellows?" They both nodded affirmatively. "OK guys, pencil us in for Wednesday. I'll call with details when I get tickets and if I can't let's still keep that day for dinner, OK?" I secured tickets, informed the men, suggested a snack before the play and drinks later. They were of course thrilled. We met at O'Neals as planned exchanged hugs and kisses, kissing becoming more passionate than before. Snacks were good, conversation lively. The play was good. This time I stroked Chris' thigh and he mine. We glanced at each other with unspoken lust. I licked my lips, he squeezed my leg, I ran my hand up to his crotch, my little finger touching his... After the play we returned to O'Neals for a salad and champagne. I held his arm tightly. Annette seemed equally in tune with Joel so at a suitable moment I announced the ubiquitous journey to the Ladies. "Annette! Ladies!" A few minutes later at the ladies room I said, "Annette, I'm hot! I'm ready for sex. How about you?" "Yes Jan, how do we arrange it?" "I've been planning for this eventuality. I've reserved a suite at a nearby hotel. We'll have two bedrooms and a sitting room. I brought condoms -- you? Also I've prepared letters to mail to our attorney for safety. What do you think? Shall we?" "Oh yes Janet, I'm ready -- been ready -- I like Joel. Let's go break the news to them." "Boys, Annette and I propose that the four of us go to a hotel where I have reserved a suite. Are you interested? Don't all answer at once." There was no disagreement and we walked down Broadway a few blocks to the hotel I had selected, entered and went straight to our suite. "Joel, you and Annette take that room, Chris and I will take this one and let's return to the sitting room in an hour or so for a rest and drinks, OK? Each room has its own bath. Enjoy!" "Chris, come here and kiss me. I want you. I want you in me Chris. Help me undress please. I'll help you too." He unzipped my dress and I let it fall to the floor, stepped over it, turned and kissed him again. I took my cami off showing my half bra with my nipples peeping over the edge. He gasped, smiled, bent down and kissed each breast and suckled each nipple. "Chris, roll down my stockings please." "I'd rather you keep your stockings and heels on if you don't mind," he responded softly. I smiled, nodded, said, "pick me up Chris and put me on the bed. Pull my panties down first please." He placed me gently on the bed and finished undressing himself. He got into bed with me and prepared to make love. I stopped him, asked him to put on a condom which he did. I lubed it for him, spread my legs and guided his lovely tool into my vagina. I was so happy. He was the first since my husband died and he was gentle yet virile and had much stamina, allowing me many orgasms before he climaxed. "Oh my God Chris, you were fantastic! I loved every moment. I want to change positions after you have recovered. I want to impale myself on your penis and rotate myself and squirm and rummage around until I've come again. I don't want you to come though, I want you for more. I want you to take me doggie fashion. I know! That chair over there should be just the right height. You bend me over the back and enter me from behind and hold my arms so you can thrust into me powerfully. Oh Chris, I'm so happy!" "Janet, I've never met anyone like you. You are so wonderful -- so exciting -- so beautiful." "C'mon Chris, let's rest awhile, meet the others, chat, drink. I'll put on my satin robe and my mules. Here's a robe for you. Ha! Yes, we came prepared." "I love it Janet. I'm impressed. But suppose Joel and I weren't interested or able to join you tonight?" "It's only money Chris, and Annette and I wanted to be prepared in case we wanted to go farther. And yes, we both wanted to." We encountered Annette and Joel in the sitting room, both looking quite satisfied. "Welll Annette, does he measure up to your expectations?," I laughed "Oh yes, Jan, indeed, and measure is the right term to describe him -- large measure. He is extremely well endowed and he uses it to perfection. You must try him Jan -- if he'll let you." "Well Joellll? Am I next?" "Janet," said Chris, "I'm not really into swapping. To me sex is a private and emotional experience. Something to be enjoyed with someone you care for, not just a casual affair." "I like your attitude, Chris. Would that mean that if we see each other that we would be exclusive and not have other lovers?" "Yes." "But Chris, you are very desirable. How could I be sure that you would not fall for some lady and even without intent, be unfaithful to me? I do understand men to some extent you know." "You would have my word." "That's reassuring Chris but with STD and HIV so prevalent, one can't be too careful. I think that if we are to continue this relationship we should have blood tests. After all, Annette and I have both had

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Chaste NancyBoy Husband 1

CHASTE NANCY-BOY HUSBAND by Throne My wife Miki was still in bed. I had been up for an hour, putting coffee on to brew and making sure there was a clean champagne glass in case she wanted me to make her a mimosa. I went quietly down the hallway in my short apricot-colored camisol and hip-hugger panties, with fuzzy bunny slippers on my feet. Peering into the bedroom I saw her stretched out on her back with the covers alongside her, naked except for dark stockings. She is a petite...

2 years ago
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Chaste Cuckold Chiffon

Chaste Cuckold Chiffon by Throne All I had on was this little nothing of a pale yellow top with spaghetti straps -- it ended right below my nipples -- and a matching thong that was barely there. It was so shameful, I was on the verge of crying. My wife looked at me with a critical eye, tilted her head to one side, and pursed her lips. "Really," she declared, "you need some make-up. It's a bother for me but I know Dante will want to see you in full twink mode." "Please." I...

2 years ago
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Chaste Ch 01

It was a beautiful day outside, and so the self-defense class was moved onto the back lawn. The class was comprised of 7 women and one reluctant boyfriend, most of the females being eighteen-year-olds, bored college students on break. A pair of the girls flirted with the instructor outrageously, and Chastity vowed to herself that she would never let her daughters speak to a grown man that way. He was obviously amused by their antics, his responses were veiled insults that’d the girls didn’t...

3 years ago
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Chaste Pansy

CHASTE PANSY by Throne Arnold had been under his wife Randi's thumb right from the start. While they were dating and then after they wed, she had led him around by the nose, using the lure of her voluptuous body and the power of her manipulative mind to control him. There had been some sex but she always got him overexcited, so that he would ejaculate before he got into her or immediately after entering. Then she tricked him into making a bet with her. When she said that women...

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Chaste NancyBoy Husband 2

CHASTE NANCY-BOY HUSBAND 2 by Throne My wife Miki had gotten me a something new to wear. I'm always uneasy when she finds anything else for me to add to my expanding wardrobe of female clothes. It's usually something shameful, that's too tight and leaves too much skin exposed. But what can I do about it? Nothing. Ever since I foolishly let my chastity fantasy do my thinking for me, and agreed to have my cock locked up, I've been at her mercy. She rarely sets me free and, when she...

3 years ago
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Chaste NancyBoy Husband 3

CHASTE NANCY-BOY HUSBAND 3 by Throne I knew something was going on. My desirable Asian-American wife Miki had just gotten a package in the mail and told me it contained something special that I was going to wear. She opened the carton, as if I was too much of a weakling to manage it. Inside there was a gift box wrapped in ribbon, with a big bow that had been slightly flattened in shipping. She had me fluff up the bow and made a joke about how talented I was at fluffing, and that...

3 years ago
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Chaste NancyBoy Husband 4

CHASTE NANCY-BOY HUSBAND 4 by Throne This was what I had been dreading for the past two weeks. I knew my desirable Asian-American wife Miki had been going out clubbing with her cousin Lia, and Lia's tall broadshouldered boyfriend. My bride had liked Lia's idea of getting a lover for herself and no longer depending solely on me licking her pussy to keep her flaming libido under control. She would come home late, her long, glossy black hair slightly mussed, her make-up retouched and...

2 years ago
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Chaste husband about to fuck his wife Or is he

Last night my wife said she felt sorry for me. She said she knows how bag I wanted to fuck her. To put my big cock in her moist, wet pussy. So tonight she was going to give me a treat. A special gift she said. All I had to do was agree to 3 solid hours of love making. If I could continue for 3 hours. Give her the most intense hard driving fuck she ever had, and keep it up for 3 solid hours. If I could satisfy her sexually, than she would get on her knees and give me one of the most intense and...

1 year ago
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Reality Lovers

RealityLovers! What is the most useful application of virtual reality technology that we have available to us today? If you answered porn, you would probably be right. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any better use of virtual reality. Sure, maybe it could be used to help train cops or firefighters before they have to go out into the field and put themselves in highly dangerous, life-threatening circumstances. But I don’t know, porn still seems to be the best way to use it...

VR Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Weekend Lovers

Introduction: This is my second attempt Friday, 5:00 P.M. Mandy walked over to the back door of her neighbors house. She looked around the backyard and surrounding bushes, making sure that no one had seen her enter through the side gate. A devious smirk played over her lips as she entered the doorway, her whole body tingling in anticipation of what was to come. The Dietrich family had lived next to Mandys family for the past two years and they had gotten on rather well from the start....

3 years ago
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Welfare Mothers Make Better Lovers

Welfare Mothers Make Better Lovers Neil Young was right. Welfare mothers do make better lovers. Divorcee! So there I was doing my laundry when a young mother entered. She was pushing a shopping cart full of dirty clothes and her baby was in it too. Just then the music that was playing, started to play Neil Young’s song. Well that young mother let go of that shopping cart, lifted her arms up over her head and started gyrating her hips to the music…and then she started singing along...

1 year ago
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My Wife and her new Black Lovers

Posted with author's permissionMy Wife and her new Black Loversbywunderboi©My special thanks to a 'follower' Annette for sharing her most welcome personal family stories and for her enthusiastic and generous permission to publish.++++++++Azzo greeted Monica in the Kingston/Manley airport with a tentative hug at first, but then warmed to the role of being 'her Black husband' very quickly in case any onlookers were observing. He was thrilled to feel her arms go around his neck and her big firm...

1 year ago
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Chastening Day

This story is a work of fiction. Do not copy anything in the story.CHASTENING DAY   Act I:   A BOY?S LUCK, A PRIEST?S CALLING? smack magnetCh 1: A priest, a boy and a villagePavel couldn't wait for chastening day. After years of imaginings, he was old enough, and fortunate enough, to join in the spring festival. There were so many girls he might be paired with. There were two or three who he had often imagined chastening. Many were astonished at his luck in being chosen at all. But to be chosen...

3 years ago
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The Samurai Lovers

Samanosuke was older than Ukyo, perhaps nineteen, and was one of the more skilled swordsmen in the castle. He was also Uneme's lover and a good friend of Ukyo. Samanosuke was a rougher in comparison to Uneme. His hair was pulled back in the samurai topknot, his face was scarred slightly, and his hands were rougher and calloused. He was taller and more muscular than Uneme or Ukyo but he too was beautiful in his own right. What made him even more desirable was the fact that him and Uneme took...

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Stage Play Lovers

“I had the screenwriters put in a love scene, kissing, necking, lovemaking, all the fun stuff.” “No, I won’t fucking do it, this play wasn’t written with intimate scenes, why the last minute changes with gratuitous sex?” I was talking to the director and producer of the off Broadway play we were rehearsing. I played the title character in the production which started in two days and now they decided to change the ending. “Because gratuitous sex sells. The story ends with the two...

1 year ago
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Sis and I become lovers

I said no, be my guest. After about ten minutes she began to get fidgety and she said can I talk to you. I said no problem and paused the DVD. It wasn’t a real good movie anyhow. She said you are not going to like this but I saw you and Jan having sex last night. I said how did that happen? – we were in my bedroom. She said I was looking through the window. Shit I said how much did you see. All of it. I saw you from the time you went in till you went to the bathroom...

4 years ago
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From Strangers to Lovers

I had finished my summer job and was now ready to move to FL to start a temporary job at an automobile repair shop. I was mostly working just to survive and did not have any real goals but just wanted to have money and enjoy life. I was renting a small room at the back of my boss garage and as the weeks pass by I was starting to get bored and wanted to get another job. I was rewarded for my hard work with an increase. It seems that Mr. Vick liked my work approach and so he gave me an...

3 years ago
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From Strangers to Lovers

Introduction: Tom is a wealthy business man Hi, my name is Ben and I am 31 years of age. I am a hard working person within the Advertising sector. I exercise regularly and try to be as fit as I can be. I would like to take you on a ride down memory lane to when I was just 17 years old. I had finished my summer job and was now ready to move to FL to start a temporary job at an automobile repair shop. I was mostly working just to survive and did not have any real goals but just wanted to have...

4 years ago
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Secret Sex Lovers

"YES", suddenly said Kendra, with hot sex in mind, love juice and saliva now running from her from the mouth of her black lover, Joachim. As she added, "Can I start sucking you again now?”"...on your mamba snake, right now?" Her eyes in a trance like state, as she slowly, seductively and teasingly, unzipped his trousers, looking to explore her lover.Joachim could only nod dumbly indeed and completely under Kendra’s spell and at at Kendra's hot unsubtle whoring.Joachim’s naked black love pipe...

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Panty Lovers

I'm an 18 year old guy my nickname is Em. I'd had a couple of boyfriends in the past. It was fairly well known in college that I am gay, but its no problem. The college is big and attracts all sorts of people. I'm due to leave after exams in the summer. My current boyfriend is Michael who is a few weeks older than me. This is the story of how we met. Panty Lover - by Em Michael and I have been lovers for about six weeks. We are both members of the school running team which is...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Lovers

My Wife's Loversby One Wounded Dragon©I had told my wife of my panty fetish long before our marriage. I explained that I was heterosexual, but had worn panties most of my life. I'm normally very masculine, but when I was very young, my mother had dressed me in panties. I find them soft and very sexy, a daring secret I enjoy. My favorites were the silky feminine styles, usually soft pinks and lace. She hesitated and I feared I'd lost her. Then, she asked me what my favorite fantasy was and I...

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Childhood Friends Pubescent Lovers

Chapter 1: Playing with Mike When I was about 10 or 11, a boy named Mike came to live near me. His dad was in construction, and they built a house on the undeveloped side of my street, directly across from us. Mike was 2 or 3 years younger than me, but that was a lot closer in age than any of the other kids in the neighborhood. Besides, he was big enough for his age that we looked almost the same size. We quickly became close friends. Mike and I found that when we played together, we liked...

2 years ago
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New Passions New Lovers

Ashley is eighteen-years-old and has just left school. He has blonde, has curly hair, a surfer's body and is six-feet-two-inches tall. He lives with his mum, Jane, and has just finished school for good. His mum and dad separated when he was eight years old and he has lived with his mum since and his nineteen-year-old sister lives with their dad in France.Jane, their mother, had a series of relationships with women and men since she got divorced. Later, she made a conscious decision to be...

2 years ago
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Tape SlavesChapter 7 The Lovers

"Love is too young to know what conscience is." WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another." JESUS OF NAZARATH Gina Robinson, now a high school senior, complete with driver's license, drove her mother's car to see Hannah Bliss, home from college for Christmas. Gina had matured into a pretty young woman, though you had to look hard to see it. Her eyes were no longer quite so wide and innocent looking, she had grown both up and out. She now wore...

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Sibling Lovers

I stood in the kitchen preparing dinner and looked through the open partition over the bar at the love of my life sitting in the chair in the living room with her legs crossed. She was dressed in her robe and reading quietly while sipping the blush occasionally that was sitting on the table beside her. As I looked at her sitting there with her bare legs showing, it took me back to when our relationship first started... I was eighteen. Melinda was twenty-two. From the moment Melinda touched my...

1 year ago
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Shared By Two Lovers

Shared by Two LoversOur car pulls up in his driveway. We have escaped from our place with nosy teenagers..]  We had previously decided to watch DVD’s together me and two guys.Let me describe myself, I am a 5"2 brown haired, blue eyed and sexy I have large bouncing breasts that will fill a man’s hand, firm erect nipples, flattish tummy, big hips, big bum, big thighs, and a shaved pussy *meow*. My lovers are two wonderful men both about 5’4”, larger guys with warm and tender kisses, roaming...

1 year ago
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Lets Be Friends or Lovers

Since they meet at the Academy, they have been friends for several years. Beyond friendship they had been partners on the streets several times, but today was different. Caterina sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled on her pantyhose. Some how today’s date felt wrong. She was tempted to cancel it again, but could not come up with a convincing reason. To call it off claiming a headache would not work because Amanak would tell on her without realizing it when Arms’ questioned her. Caterina...

3 years ago
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LEZ Be Lovers

--- LEZ Be Lovers (FF, MF, bi, blackmail, cons, interr, nc, oral, impreg, safe, toys) by Krosis of the Collective --- When I arrived in the big city, ready for university, I found that I didn't even have anywhere to live! The place that I was going to rent had been rented to someone else, probably for more money, or maybe they just didn't like black people? I would have complained, but did I really want a landlord like that? I spent my first night in my car. I barely slept, I...

1 year ago
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Shared By Two Lovers

Shared by Two Lovers Our car pulls up in his driveway. We have escaped from our place with nosy teenagers..]  We had previously decided to watch DVD’s together me and two guys. Let me describe myself, I am a 5’2 brown haired, blue eyed and sexy I have large bouncing breasts that will fill a man’s hand, firm erect nipples, flattish tummy, big hips, big bum, big thighs, and a shaved pussy *meow*. My lovers are two wonderful men both about 5’4”, larger guys with warm and tender kisses, roaming...

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The picture belongs to SprinklePoo: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I love you so much.' I couldn't make those words come out, no matter how much I wanted to tell both of them. As if reading my mind, she slowed and, over the course of what could have been centuries for all I knew, she pulled herself out of me, but then continued to gently press herself against me with just enough pressure to almost slip back inside. The delicate...

2 years ago
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Controlled Lovers

All rights reserved by Author Edited by my friend, takemedown This story is from the imagination of tcs1963. It contains Bisexuality, light Femdom, some may even say coerced or forced Homosexuality. If this offends or doesn't interest you, please feel free to find another story. Thank you... Controlled Lovers I was late coming home from work. As I entered our house I noticed the living room was dark. The only light coming from the flickering embers burning in the hearth. Shadows were...

2 years ago
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Same Day Lovers

It was a regular Monday, nothing much to fuss about. The summer day was warm and subtle. I was expecting the boyfriend. He arrived at 12 PM or so in his wife beater and some tore up jeans. We chatted for a minute and then it was on, as usual. He began to rub my pussy until I became really wet. He already knows the secret to my pussy is just rub! I'm like the magic lamp of sex. Rub me a few times and you can bet you were going to get laid. Minutes passed and I was nude on my bed....

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4 Curious College Girls Ch3 Not So Secret Lovers

By John Morrison/anonymous Creator of “The Adventures of John and Holly” Chapter 3: Not So Secret Lovers Cynthia unlocked the door to the suite, entering the darkened living room. She was wearing a tight blouse that attempted to show off her B cup breasts. Her curly shoulder length blonde hair was all done up, and her long athletic legs were being shown off by her tight short skirt. Julie walked in just behind her, the pair just returning...

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Internet Lovers

Red Roses x: okay my love 5.30PM I will be waiting, Mwah… That was the message we parted on, I turned the computer off and rushed upstairs to get ready, I could not believe it I was going to see my love for the first time and have an evening together, what was I thinking? Oh, I know what I was thinking? I put on my jeans and boots and a jumper thinking its going to be cold where we are going, then brushed my hair and looked in the mirror, smiled at myself and left the room heading down the...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Lovers

Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...

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How my Mother and I Became Lovers

I've decided to tell you the story of how my mother and I became lovers. My promise is, I'll stay truthful to what really happened but I'll take some liberties here or there (hopefully to not bore you with the details). This is my way of expressing myself, to put it in writing and release it anonymously; I can't exactly go out in good company and tell them I've fucked my mother. It started in 2010 when I was 16. My parents marriage was not going well. My father George ran a huge construction...

2 years ago
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My New Lovers

While reading a spanking story on lush one night I became so turned on by it that I couldn’t help but run my hand down my stomach and slide my hand into my lace underwear. I was freshly shaven after my shower and my fingers felt amazing rubbing my warm and moist lips. After rubbing my fingers around my slit a few times I slowly pushed in one, then two fingers. I shoved them in a few times before becoming a little frustrated. I reached for my hidden vibrator before remembering I hadn’t gotten...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lovers

Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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LimitsChapter 32 At School d Shower Lovers

Katie's unfiltered passion and, yes, constant nudity had finally become too much for Meredith's self-control. She barged out of her meeting with Gwen and Jordan and found the blue-eyed nymph patiently waiting in the hallway, oblivious to all of the leers and stares from the unaffected. Meredith rushed up to her former friend-turned slave and kissed her wetly as she held her flawless face with both hands. Katie moaned and hungrily returned the emotion as her hands slipped over Meredith's...

1 year ago
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Lauren gets two new lesbian lovers

"Can i stop yours tonight?" asked Lauren "Yeah sure, my parents are away" replied Jess "Great i'll see you about 6?" said Lauren "Yeah but i hope you don't mind Katies stopping the night too." said Jess "Thats fine, see you later" said Lauren 6 o clock came. The doorbell rang. Lauren was greeted by Jess and Katie, who were giggling and stumbling around. "Your drunk" said Lauren, hardly shocked. "Yeah, grab a drink" said Jess, filled with enthusiasm. Jess' mum had left the alcohol cupboard...

1 year ago
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BBS Lovers

The BBS lovers wrote back and forth to each other, til they both had enough of writing letters. Both were married but not to each other. They lived over 1500 miles apart. They both wrote to each other asking if they could meet. They both came upon an agreement and meet halfway. He landed at his halfway point on Friday late afternoon, waiting for his lovers plane to land. When it was for the plane he got all nervous and excited. He heard them announce on the loud speaker that the plane was...

1 year ago
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James Is Stunned How Anne Has More Lovers

James knew and agreed in writing when he married Anne .It's the 1970's. "Sexual freedom" "Women's Lib." He signed an agreement to share her with other men. She has an overactive libido. She had sex with boys in grade school and high school, and college. Recently while he was gone for a few days, he learned that Anne and her friend Carol had fucked a lot of guys. James and Anne have been married 2 years. They dated in college. Both are in their early twenties. Anne was always honest with James...

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In The Cover Of The Clovers

"The Devil made me do it." Have you ever heard anyone say that? You're probably thinking whoever said that is just using that as an excuse to get out of trouble. You could be right, but on the other hand... it could be I really did make them do it. That's right, I'm the one and only Devil. Pleased to meet you, by the way. I would shake your hand, but, you know, the Corona virus thing. Being the Prince Of Darkness doesn't mean I have to have bad manners. Good manners or not, I've been...

Mind Control
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Walk like a man A story of the Apolloverse

James William Casey did not know what happened. All he knew was that he went to bed one night with his wife in the two storey suburban home and woke up in Point Place Mercy General hospital's intermediate care ward. The machines beeped and their sensors felt strange on James' now enlarged and bulbous chest. Carolynne, James' wife stood in the room and looked at him. She clutched at the wad of Kleenex in her hand and listened as the dr. whispered to her. When he stopped talking,...

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Lovers Lab! What’s the best part of playing video games on PC? Is it the incredibly immersive graphics that you display on your 8k monitor? Is it the complex storylines and narrative of your favorite characters? Is it the supreme performance that only a $5000 beast of a machine could accomplish? Fuck no. None of that shit is the best part of a glorious PC experience. It’s the sexy ass mods. I’m talking xrays, nudes, fuckable NPCs, giant titty mods, and all that awesome shit. You can’t do that...

Free Sex Games
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InterracialSexx, also known as Brotha Lovers, has a blurb out on their tour page saying they’re “Celebrating our 20th year as the best interracial sex site on the web!” As a guy who spends most of his waking day fap testing free tubes, sex forums and premium porn sites, I’m used to seeing that type of big-dick bragging just about everywhere. Everybody’s always claiming to be the biggest or the best at something, but in this case, the site’s longevity does speak to the quality of their content....

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Another meeting of weblovers

Kelly nervously watched the occasional care drive by as she stood outside the hotel waiting. A few moments passed before Alan came out. ‘I got the key, we’re good until morning’ He said, putting his wallet away. It had been four weeks since they last met up, and both were eager to repeat the events of that day. But they also wanted to try something else too. ‘What room number are we?’ Kelly asked as she fiddled with her cellphone. ‘8’ Alan said, eager to get inside. ‘So, we’ve got about an...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Sylvia and Rosalie are lovers

Rosalie Blankenship was the sweetest lover. She was used to being submissive sexually (but not any other way) to her big husband. For the first time since I had been having sex with women, I found a lover who was on the same plane as me. She didn't want to be a dom for me, and she helped me understand that there were other roles I could play with her besides being her sex slave. When she was holding me, I noticed how strong she was, her neck and arms and shoulders and back."I'm a drummer,...

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Written by one of my wifes lovers

Your wife is now with superior man. You, are but a caretakerof her soft flesh, serving first me, then her, obeying our every wish and whim. she has chosen this because you, are a snail of a man, an unfit partner for any female. By her word, you, you will never have sex with her again, never feel her silky skin against you, never deposit your pathetic squirt of semen inside her. Now all these things will be done by other men, men worthy of her voracious appetite to be used as a purely sexual...

4 years ago
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One between Two Lovers

----------------- Max was there just watching tv and I was doing what I do best, what I enjoy so very much. On the tube was some paid actress riding on a dick, giving such loud moans and all sorts of crass language, telling us how much she loves being the dumb whore she plays on screen. Right now I was that dumb whore in my own special way, sucking my best friend's dick. I'm called Joey but also called Sarah by my two best friends because I'm their 'girl'. I'm not really a girl...

1 year ago
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The Dog Lovers

The Dog Lovers by Author Unknown Chapter 1 The big German shepherd panted, as if grinning, up at the tall, curvaceous girl with the long, ash-blonde hair, and whimpered in excitement when she reached down and petted his great head. She smiled, revealing a perfect set of even white teeth, oohed a pet phrase at him, then directed her attention to the attractive brunette standing in the apartment doorway. "Has he been a good dog today, Peggy?" Carol Dorsett...

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Old Friends New Lovers

“Boy, have you ever changed! A couple of months ago you would flirt with our friends with no intentions of letting it get out of hand. Now you’re lining up people you’d like to fuck!” I thought about how when we visit Michael & Kathy, we always end up in their hot tub naked. Michael waits until just after dinner and says “Let’s get naked and jump in the tub!” He likes to sit next to Bonnie and check out her tits and bare pussy. He never fails to say “Kathy, I think you should shave yours...

2 years ago
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Old Friends New Lovers

Introduction: Wife swapping tale . . . Each year we take a sailing trip with our friends Michael and Kathy. Weve been friends since our college days. Bonnie talked about trying to seduce them. She new that Michael was a real horn dog, Kathy says he fucks her every day. And she says that Kathy thinks I am attractive. Boy, have you ever changed! A couple of months ago you would flirt with our friends with no intentions of letting it get out of hand. Now youre lining up people youd like to fuck!...

3 years ago
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Class Reunion My Two Lovers

I went to my high school’s 25th reunion expecting nothing. I was recently divorced and figured I might as well get out of the house, enjoy a trip, have a few laughs. And ended up at a table with two women that had, long ago, been a part of my teenage fantasy life. By the end of the weekend, adult reality turned out to be even more interesting than my adolescent fantasies.One of my old classmates was Beth, a girl I had dated a few times my senior year. I had some very fond memories of goodnight...


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