Chaste Ch. 01 free porn video

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It was a beautiful day outside, and so the self-defense class was moved onto the back lawn. The class was comprised of 7 women and one reluctant boyfriend, most of the females being eighteen-year-olds, bored college students on break. A pair of the girls flirted with the instructor outrageously, and Chastity vowed to herself that she would never let her daughters speak to a grown man that way. He was obviously amused by their antics, his responses were veiled insults that’d the girls didn’t seem to see through. His smile was sharp at the corners, and made her feel sad.

She regretted this whole idea, wishing that she had her brothers nearby to learn this from. Still, she knew she needed help – even after moving out of town, the house was broken into. She was thankful that she and the kids hadn’t been at home, but it was too much for her to think she could sit back and do nothing, and still be safe.

She wouldn’t start by buying a gun. *I believe in walking before careening down a ski slope on rollerskates, thank you very much.* It could be a possibility in the future, but only after training and making sure that it would be a very last resort.

Maybe that was good enough reason never to get one – She didn’t think she could ever use it.

At any rate, she was starting out slow and steady, learning self defense. She had put new and supposedly better locks on the doors, reinforced windows, and gotten a motion-sensor light for the front porch.

Now it was time to actually put her hands on someone.

She watched with a cold feeling in the pit offers her stomach, her heart racing, as the instructor began working hands-on with each girl, showing her how to handle a would-be assailant. She told herself that her fear was irrational, the man wasn’t here to hurt her, only to teach.

It wasn’t that easy. He was huge, his muscles pronounced in a way that suggested he was a bodybuilder. She blushed as she thought of it, as if that were too personal, as if she were undressing him with her mind.

She was getting annoyed with her own unconscious mind.

She had to get herself under control before she started hyperventilating, and so she moved away from the group.

Standing in the shade of a tree, her eyes on the movements that she had paid to learn, she planted her feet and raised her arms over her head, stretching to the limit while breathing slowly and deeply in through her nose. She stopped listening to the giggling girls flirting, the instructor’s deep laugh, the couple arguing as they practiced the moves, and the pair of older women gossiping. She listened instead to her heart thumping, breathing slowly and concentrating on slowing the rhythm.

It wasn’t working. His hands caught her eye, she was suddenly focused on his fingertips as they grazed a woman’s arm, straightened her posture just so. Like a punch in the gut, she realized that she wanted him to touch her.

Shock and dismay had her squeezing her eyes shut, blocking out the sight and the awareness of reality.

*I’m not that kind of person. I’m responsible, honest, respectable. Hormones? Nope. I’m above it.*

She ignored the faint thought beneath her little pep talk.*liar…*

One last deep breath and she felt the air in her center, below and behind her belly button. It was warm, tingling, alive inside her body. She was strong. She could handle this. She opened her eyes.

He towered over her, hard as stone and just as silent.

Her shocked gasp burned her lungs as it ripped roughly in and her knees locked, making her stumble painfully back.

‘Whoa, you ok there?’ He reached out to steady her, concern warming his dark eyes. She kept out of his reach, but barely.

‘Yeah, yeah fine. I was…*centering my qi.* just concentrating. On the wrist grip. I don’t think I can…throw somebody.’

He grinned affably and the light of him took her breath away. ‘Didn’t you see all the others do it?’ She looked at the girls doing cartwheels, the older ladies chatting animatedly. They had all thrown him over their shoulders.

‘Yes, but…they’re not…me.’

The light faded and his smile was gone. A grave tone fell over his voice, making him sound more frightening than he looked. ‘Oh…do you have a special condition?’

She blushed though her cheeks were already pinkened by his nearness.

‘No! No, I just…I just don’t think…I mean I think I don’t get it, there must be something I’m missing.’

All business now, he crossed his arms over his chest. ‘ I just need to make sure. I know you filled out the medical disclaimer, Chastity, or I wouldn’t have let you into the class.’

Her sudden abashed feeling made her angry. She hadn’t done anything wrong! ‘I’m not dishonest, just insecure.’ She stepped back and crossed her own arms, the tree against her back. It was a bolster, and she was grateful for it.

‘I see.’ Was that a look of distate?

Heat suffused her cheeks and she didn’t think anymore, only felt. He directed her and she followed the instructions, her hands trembling but her face determined.

Soon, she was looking down at him on the ground, something in her on the brink of release.

He grinned up at her. ‘See? What’d I tell you? You can do it.’

But Chastity wasn’t mollified. ‘You staged it. You’re too big, strong, graceful and skilled to NOT have.’

He stopped, one knee on the ground before her, and gave her a look she couldn’t quite read.

‘You need more proof, then? Mrs. Doubting Chastity?’

Her chin thrust upward, she nodded curtly. ‘If I’m *actually* attacked, the guy – singular. God help me if its plural – isn’t going to *leap* over my shoulder, and even if I threw him, that doesn’t mean he’d submit.’

He stood fully, dusting the grass and dirt from the back of his legs. ‘You’re absolutely right.’

He looked into her eyes. ‘That’s why this is the beginner level series.’

She flushed at the dismissal in his tone, and looked around to see most of the other women had gone, and the younger women that were left were watching them closely.

Her blush deepened and she suddenly despised him, walking away from her now with such a cocky posture. All men were alike, she had to remember it.

The week had gone by in a hectic blur for Chastity, with work piling up and kids being kids. When the day came for self-defense, she strongly considered hiding in the basement for an hour and a half. She could drink a glass of wine and read a smutty romance novel, the babysitter would still get paid and she could recharge her drained batteries.

She changed into her workout clothes and went anyway, cursing herself on the drive.

When she entered the room they were using for class that day she noticed that attendance had dropped severely. With only five minutes left until time to start, there were a mere four women in the room.

The muscle-bound trainer stood near them, talking about nutritional supplements. Chastity’s stomach flipped in her belly and her pulse skyrocketed.

His skin seemed so smooth. She wondered what it felt like to run her palms down his chest.


She nearly jumped out of her skin as he called out to her. ‘Uh..sir?’

He frowned and she noticed the way his lips angled slightly downward.

He laughed. The sound set of shockwaves in her lower belly.

‘Call me Mike. Mike is an easy name to remember.’

Another blush took her by storm and she nodded, staring at the floor.

‘Listen, it’s about time to start, why don’t you partner up with me for the next demonstration?’

Could she refuse?

For the next hour she was in turmoil, stumbling over herself and being set aflame by his slightest touch and his teasing when she inevitably made a mistake.

He had to do a lot of touching, correcting her posture, moving her into position. By the end of the cl
ass he stood and spoke to the other women with his hand resting gently on her shoulder. She trembled the entire time.

She barely noticed as they wrapped things up and the other women, all older, left the room without making demands on Mike’s time and attention.

Not that she wanted it.

But as she turned to gather her things and go, his hand fell onto her shoulder. She jumped violently at the touch, and trembled from head to toe when his grip became tight and heavy.

‘You’re afraid of me.’

She jerked her shoulder away, anger suddenly washing out all the other unidentifiable feelings. ‘I’m not afraid of you.’ She spat, ‘I don’t LIKE you. I don’t TRUST you. That’s all, and there’s nothing wrong with that.’

‘There is when you’re not learning a single damn thing. I’m trying to teach you to defend yourself, but as you are, you won’t use a single tactic.’

Defensive and belligerent, her chin came up again as of its own accord and she glared hotly at him. ‘What do you propose to do about it if that’s the damn case?’ She fisted her trembling hands.

He didn’t sneer or laugh at her, but regarded her somberly. His eyes melted into her and his lips magnetized her gaze.

‘Remedial lessons.’

She didn’t understand him for a moment, as her ears seemed to block themselves off for no real reason. She blinked up at him and he waited patiently for her to grasp it.

‘You mean extra time with you.’ She finally said, her voice almost a whisper.

‘Exactly. You’ll see that I’m harmless, really.’

She shook her head, shaking away the cobwebs that he put there. ‘I don’t have the money ‘

‘I won’t charge you’

‘My babysitter does ‘

He flinched and she smirked at him for an instant. ‘Reality bites, doesn’t it?’

His eyes returned to meet hers, and all her bravado drained away at the hot look in his eyes.

She stepped back and shivered.’I think it’s best I don’t come back.’

‘I’ll come to you.’ He was so insistent, and she didn’t understand. Worse, she was growing increasingly aware of the thick wetness spreading down her thighs. She was so wet she was soaking through her leggings. She wondered if he could smell her.

‘That sounds like a threat.’ Her voice was tiny. She hated it, hated this feeling that he was giving her, hated knowing that she would be back, that she would accept extra lessons if he insisted one more time.

He turned his head away from her, hands on his hips. He let out a sigh and took a deep breath before continuing.

‘Chastity I’m not threatening you. I’m going overboard, maybe, but I’m not a threat. I’m attracted to you. That makes me feel a little bit…territorial.’ when he looked up again, his eyes were clear and his face passive. ‘I’m sorry to have made you feel uncomfortable. There is no other trainer for this course, though, and I really do worry for you.’

‘Do you worry about all the women you teach?’

‘No, Chastity, just the ones that look like victims, ripe for the plucking.’

She was speechless for a moment. Who did he think he was? She was no victim!

‘So you’re sexually attracted to victims?’ Her voice held contempt.

‘I’m sexually attracted to smart, spirited women with strength.’ The smolder was back in his eye and he stepped toward her slowly. ‘I want to protect victims, teach them how to protect themselves.’

‘You’re… contradicting…’ she backed away from him, only to bump into the wall behind her.

‘A victim is someone who would let people run over her because she thinks it’s easier or better that way.’ He stopped less than two feet from her, and she could feel heat emanating from him as if he were a radiator.

‘A victim is someone who has been hurt and learned that she will be hurt again, it’s only a matter of time.’ His voice softened.

‘I…took this class so that…i could…’

‘Defend yourself. But you’re not, Chastity. I taught a move in class today that would have me on my knees if you used it.’

She blinked and then remembered. But she finally saw his point – she was so overwhelmed by the feelings flooding her that she didn’t, couldn’t act.

‘I have to…’ she coughed, shook her head, and straightened her spine.

‘I have to get home. If you’re willing, I can come in on Monday morning, from 9 to 11.’

He stepped back, and she felt as if she had won a tug-of-war contest

‘I’ll be in the loft above the basketball court.’

She nodded and practically ran from the room. She could smell herself with every step, and was sure that he had, as well.

She fought off the thoughts of what it might be like to have sex with Mike.

He was attracted to her. That changed everything.

Monday morning saw her nervous and wired. She arrived a few minutes after 9 and passed people walking laps in the gym to get to the stairs. She noticed how they all walked in pairs, chatting animatedly. She envied them for a moment, and then made her way up the steps.

She found a door to one side of the bleachers, and inside was a large open space lit by natural light from the high windowa lining one wall that spanned the length of the building.

Thick mats covered the wooden floor, and in the middle, Mike was moving a mam-shaped dummy into place.

Why didn’t they have the class up here? Despite the smell of dust and age, it seemed perfect.

‘You came.’ He grunted, wiping his hands on his sweaty shirt. ‘I was worried.’

‘About?’ She looked at the dummy, a molded silicon torso and head. It wasn’t as big as Mike, but still it was bigger than she thought she could deal with.

‘About you going mouse on me.’

She looked at him finally, wanting to avoid it. His brown eyes sparkled with amusement. He liked to tease.

Two could play at that game.

‘Well if I was a mouse, I’d be scaring YOU, wouldn’t i?’

He grinned and her heart flipped. ‘Are you calling me an elephant?’

‘If the elephant saddle fits.’

She kept her face straight, but it was a struggle when he laughed so infectiously.

What was it about him laughing that turned her on so much?

She did her best to pay attention, to keep up with him. And ignore the distraction of her growing lust. She was almost sure that he was distracted as well, if the way he lingered close each time he had to touch her.

The difference between this session and the last was huge. Chastity practiced blocking and by the end of their two hours, she felt confident. If she couldn’t stop an attacker, she at least wouldn’t look like an idiot for trying.

She also realized the reason why this room wasn’t used for the class, as they both poured sweat.

She had never realized how a sexy a man could look in a sweaty gray T-shirt.

And the smell – nothing like any man she had ever known. He smelled sweet and musky, a strange combination, but one that excited her. She could hear people walking and talking downstairs, and realized that they probably couldn’t hear her.

The thick mats would be perfect for…

‘So, since you did so well today, shall we go ahead with the class, or do you want to meet again before then?’

He was leaving it up to her, and she wasn’t sure what that meant. She just knew what she wanted.

‘Can we meet again on Wednesday?’

Wednesday, he taught her the shoulder throw again, insisting that she practice on him. It was an uphill battle – she simply couldn’t believe that a 5’3′ woman weighing 121 lb. could throw such a huge man.

She got into a rhythm, and by the end of the first hour he was mock-attacking her from behind, and she was tossing him over her shoulder like a rag doll.

‘Uncle.’ He lay on the mat. His brown eyes smiling up at her. ‘I can’t take much more of this.’

She grinned mischievously. ‘Giving up, huh? I conquered the immortal Hun!’ She
playfully put one foot on his chest and raised her arms I’m victory.

He groaned, a purely sexual sound, and she realized too late that she might as well be shoving her wet pussy into his face. She stumbled backward.

‘Chastity. You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?’ He had risen to his knees, reaching out to steady her. His hands were burning through her clothes as he placed them on her hips.

‘Okay.’ She whispered. She was frozen in place with his hands on her, his head level with her belly. She felt an ache that started in her pussy and expanded until it seemed as if her whole body were throbbing.

‘You did well, and I’m proud. You’re all caught up with the class now.’

‘Yeah.’ She smiled, but she knew it was weak. Neither of them moved, but stared at each other silently for a moment.

He stood up slowly, his hands sliding up her ribcage. She trembled and fought back the moan.

He stared hard down at her before stepping closer, their toes almost touching.

‘I want you.’ He said it with no hesitancy, no guilt or shame. The words, his voice, his body heat, all had her aching from her neck to her knees. She wanted him, too.

He slowly leaned down, his fingertips moving up slightly.

She tilted her chin up and met his kiss unafraid.

His lips claimed hers and his tongue teased her, working her mouth open to accept him. It didn’t take much, and she whimpered when his body heat melded with hers. Her nipples hardened as they were crushed between the two.

His kiss opened a floodgate in her, and she moaned and slid her hand under his shirt, experiencing his warm, sweat-slicked skin. She didn’t notice when they moved down to the mat, or how he had gotten her shirt off.

He pulled the top of her sports bra down below her breasts, forcing them together and upward, her hard nipples teasing him. When he wrapped his lips around first one, and then the other, she had to cover her mouth to contain her moans.

In barely a second he whipped off his own shirt and she reached for him, wanting to touch and kiss and lick every inch.

He was too impatient to let her have her way, and covered her body with his as he kissed her, one knee between her thighs, pressed against her heat.

It was real, it was actually happening, and Chastity gasped as she looked up and saw those eyes burning down on her.

‘I want to see you.’ It was a rasp and a growl. ‘I want you naked on the floor for me, now.’ She didn’t register the act of removing her clothing, but soon she was completely undressed, lying on the floor.

It was incredible, there was so much to it. Being wanted by the man she wanted, being naked while he was clothed sent a chill up her spine. The sounds of the people in the gym seemed clearer now, and her heart raced not only with lust, but with fear.

Most of all, it was the way he devoured her with his eyes that made her melt, the fluid literally pooling on the mat beneath her pussy.

He surveyed every inch of her, sometimes turning her body, but whatever he looked at, she didn’t feel self-conscious.

No, she felt beautiful, sexy, powerful. Like Aphrodite, she drew him into a trance of lust.

Her eyes stayed locked on his as he pushed down his pants. He was a predator, climbing into place over her . Her breath came in shallow pants, and tiny moans escaped her.

‘Quiet now, my little chaste sparrow.’ She could feel him probing at her wetness.her whole body trembled in anticipation.

He covered her completely, and she wrapped her legs around him as he thrust deep and hard into her

It took her breath away, and she gasped as he began thrusting into her slowly, filling her in a way she hadn’t felt before. His lips captured her rising moan and his hands fisted in her hair to keep her head still.

He moved slowly at first, but couldn’t maintain patience as the pressure in both of their bodies built. She raised her hips to meet each thrust, clenching him tight each time he slid out, and he could feel her body quivering on the edge.

He bit her lower lip and pulled her hair, and she dug her nails into his back as they both reached that point and plummeted over it.

Tangled together, bodies covered in sweat, they lay silent for a moment. Neither wanted to move, to break the spell, or face the reality of what they had done.

Chastity sighed, and Mike pulled back to look down at her. He searched her face, and what he saw there had him slipping reluctantly out of her arms, gathering their clothes.

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Firstly, I'm in my 50's and travel alot. Maturbation is my biggest stress releaver.At home I get sex once in awhile and it's just OK.On the road I have found a friend that will suck and fuck anytime.His name in Gerry.Gerry was visiting town and we met up for a few drinks. My wife was seeing some friends that evening and was expected home till midnight.Feeling horny, I invited Gerry back to my house and we drank some more.As this went on, I got bolder and striped off my cloths and sat naked...

3 years ago
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Ted WhoChapter 15

Sandy kept her housecoat on while she unbuttoned my shirt, removed it, motioned for me to kick off my loafers, and then started unbuckling my belt. When she pulled down my pants, she took care to pull my Jockeys down with them. Unceremonious. I wasn't hard yet, although I was sporting a semi. It had all happened kind of quick, and Sandy's frumpy housecoat wasn't doing it for me. In addition, I think I was still wondering if Sandy wasn't maybe too much of a flake for me. "Socks," she...

3 years ago
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Wife touch some ones elsersquos dick

First time wife touching some one elseHi my name is J and my wife’s name is M this story is about when I saw my wife grab another mans dick. If you have read our other story you know what’s going on at the story goes on. Me and M where having a great sex life he had sex almost every day for about 2 years and one day I started to tell her during sex would you like to touch another mans dick and possibly have him fuck you really good. The first time she didn’t say anything but she did get very...

2 years ago
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Surprise 3way Part 2

It was now very apparent, that my wife and I were no longer alone in the dinning room. I was seated in the dinning room chair, blindfolded, my wrists tightly secured to the arms of the chair, a tender hand caressing my very full balls, another hand seductively stroking my hardening cock, lips and hot, wet tongue on my left nipple and another hand feeding me whipped-cream covered strawberries! As I devoured the strawberry, in a seductive attempt, I felt cool whipped-cream being applied to my...

2 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 43 Deja Vu Again Damn It All the Magic of the Woo Clan

(SUNDAY, MORNING.) This last week was somewhat unremarkable, considering we all were missing our pregnant ladies. Yes we had chatted on the phone a few times, still not being told the real reason that they are not at home with us. I can tell you that old when you get here it will all make so much sense, or you would not believe us if we told you. And poor Sandy was just allowed to say hi and bye by Pam as she would most likely to me whatever was going on out there. I had given my word I...

1 year ago
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PervMom Janna Hicks Pay Attention To My Pole

A couple days later, my stepmom walks into the room calling me a big baby once again. She tells me she is leaving for a little bit, and since we have been having such hot sex, I am not too happy about it. She tells me to stop being a baby and start being a man. I get up and grab her by the arm and tell her she cannot leave because it would be child neglect. So she gets down and gives me all the attention I could ever ask for. She sucks my eager dick and takes me balls deep. I guess my stepmom...

1 year ago
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ConflictedChapter 11

"What are you two doing?" Dad asked, his voice terse as he stared at me and my practically naked sister. His face was a mask of conflicting emotions, and my brain worked feverishly to try to come up with an answer while I hid Kelsey's t-shirt behind my back. "I'm doing laundry, Daddy," Kelsey said, quite calmly, after the question had hung in the air for a few seconds. "Naked?" he scoffed. "No, of course not! Jeez Daddy!" Kelsey sighed, as if explaining something to a simpleton....

1 year ago
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A New Toy

You're dressed in a beautiful navy blue suit and crisp white dress shirt as you arrive to pick me up. I'm in a short white cocktail dress and jeweled sandals to show off my new summer tan. We both look at each other, admiring one another, feeling that incredible attraction that always seems to ignite when we get close. We embrace and kiss gently as if we want to make this evening last, and you know your kisses always take me over the edge.Arriving at an upscale dimly lit restaurant, we ask...

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New Horizons

This Story takes place in an alternate Earth. This version of Earth is currently in the Year 2043. The Tech level only being slightly more advanced in most technologies due set backs from the crises of the 2020's. Despite this the world has made significant strides in the field of Trans Dimensional travel. They have started a new program in which they pull people from other realities to study and integrate into their society. Do to the release of an artificial contagion that plague society in...

2 years ago
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Summer Vacations With Mamis Part 1

Hello, Indian Sex Stories readers, this is my first sex story. The first real sex story that happened a few weeks ago. My name is Sunny Desai, 21-year-old Gujarati guy, living in Ahmedabad with the light muscular body and 7-inch dick. Now, coming to the sex story, It had been the regular routine for me to visit my Mama’s house at Surat every year for summer vacation since my childhood. I had 3 Mamas(Mother’s brother) all 3 of them got married and had joint family business in the diamond...

3 years ago
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A Cautious ManChapter 19

With the help and advice of Lexi and Junior, Bill found a new home for them. It was in a nice three bedroom, split level in a middleclass neighborhood and it had a pool in the back yard. The youngsters were delighted with that feature. It would be the magnet for many of their friends over the next few years. For Bill, however, it was a lonely and unsatisfying life. He loved his children and they returned that love many times over. When he took a moment to examine his existence, he was forced...

3 years ago
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CuttyChapter 26 The New Rules

The Cops The sound of the vacuum cleaner filled the room as Donna busied herself cleaning the last glass splinters from the room. Her mind was far away, contemplating her situation. On autopilot she moved through the room, shifting the furniture to clean underneath as she went. The glass splinters were everywhere, and she wanted them gone so that she wouldn’t be reminded of the shameful accident if even one was found later. She grabbed the dildo from the small table where she had placed it...

3 years ago
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Setting up Lucy1

"How do I get myself into these predicaments?" Lucy asked herself, as the young man rubbed his hardened cock across her face and lips. "And where is Howard?" She opened her lips slightly and the long thin penis slide between them. Her tongue flicked the head tasting the pre-cum that oozed from the tip. She felt one of the man’s hands working its way under her light print dress. His calloused fingers scraped against her naked thigh causing her to jump slightly. Opening her mouth a...

3 years ago
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father exam step daughter

I am a physician assistant at a busy walk-in medical center. My duties include everything from minor first aid to doing complete exams on the patients. There are four physician assistants, four physicians and eight nurses who work rotating shifts twenty-four hours a day. We all get along well, and we help to take care of medical problems in each other's family, this since we are the only medical facility within fifty miles, that being the reason we are so busy. My spouse and I have been married...

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Dreaming of Harriet

In my dream, I knew we were going to make love, it was a forgone conclusion. I disrobed, hung my clothes on a chair and got into the shower. I had just properly adjusted the water temperature when she slid in behind me. I wanted to turn around to look at her beautiful body but she wouldn't let me. She encircled my body with her arms and said, "Let me bathe you and then you can do me." That was the beginning of one of the most erotic dreams of my life! Her soapy hands running over my...

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Michaels Prom Night A Chrissie Conway Story

Micheal’s Prom Night (A Chrissie Conway Story) Kelly and I are home for a few days and were staying at Kellys' mom’s house as usual. All week long all her brother Michael can ramble on and on about is the senior prom coming up this Friday night. He andTwo of his buddies decided to pool their money and talked Kelly into renting them a Cadillac for prom. When any two of them are together all then talk about is how they arefinally going to laid on Friday. They been waiting the entire school year...

2 years ago
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Tied Up AuntChapter 3

Black high-heeled shoes, incongruously elegant for a librarian, clattered down the steps to the basement. Jacqui felt her heart fluttering with delighted anticipation. Why, I'm behaving just like a schoolgirl on her first date! She thought. She smiled at herself. Her lips were very red and very shiny. "Hello!" she called, leaning out of the stairwell and peering around in the gloom of the basement. "Hello?" There was no answer except for a slightly hollow echo. She stepped forward. Her...

4 years ago
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I'd love for you to suck me off again until I'm rock hard then i want to tie you up spread eagle on the bed and blindfold you then start to lick you from your feet up your leg to the inside of your thighs then across the lips of your wet pussy hearing you moan and watching you squirm then I slowly eat you and nibble on your clit until you cum in my mouth then slowly move up your stomach to your breast where I lick and tease and bite your nipples until they are hard then I shove my tongue down...

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Pathways Part 1

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Standard disclaimers, this is a story of fiction and all characters...

2 years ago
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My County Tis of MineChapter 2

As Martha hopped on the bed and I became the meat in a two girl sandwich, I spent probably the busiest three hours of my life, sexually, that is. Katy started by saying, "Let's see what you remember, find me Marty's clit. In a second, Marty rewarded me with a pleased grunt. Katy leaned over and kissed me, "Think you can find her G spot?" Even if I couldn't, looking was a lot of fun. But there it was, just as advertised, that pimply flesh at the top of the second cunt I had ever seen,...

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Unexpected encounter

I truly felt like a fish out of water when it came to travelling. Maybe it wasn't so much to being in a different place. It was just the moving around, not being able to do anything which I would consider constructive. I hadn't really wanted to go on this stupid training course but my boss had nagged at me to go on this thing. I'm convinced he felt that sending me on one of these things was to do me good and not just for the good of the business. The rooms we were given were really plush,...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 91

Friday morning came... actually Friday didn't come but I did; several times the night before and once more that morning. Susan dragged me out bed and loved on me in the shower. Audrey was waiting for us to finish before reminding me we needed to work out. Roy and Sam seemed to be very anxious. Audrey was working on her third kata when they brought out pads. It had been a while since I had worn any protective gear and at first it was a little awkward. That soon passed as Sam and Roy gave me...

3 years ago
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Snow White

The queen stood naked before the magic mirror and asked 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the sexiest of them all?" The face in the mirror leered at her stunning face, marvellous big firm tits, smoth belly , tite pussy and lovely legs and said 'Snow White, who is now of age, is the sexiest of them all.' The queen flew into a rage and summoned her chamberlain (you know that means, he who sleeps in the chamber!) who was also her gigolo, a big handsome brute with a 12" cock thich was always hard...

1 year ago
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Cam Rabbit

CamRabbit! I did it, guys. I found another one! I found another high-quality live streaming smut site, just in case you haven’t gotten your fill of live sites yet! Let’s be honest; Camwhores will always be one step above recorded bitches in a studio because those bitches might be dead by now. Bitches you watch live are obviously still kicking because you’re watching them as they are streaming, duh. In all seriousness, though, cam girls are better than porn stars because there’s a sort of...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Unexpected Fun At The Speedway Mart

Jeffrey Blume worked at the Speedway mart/gas station. These locations were open twenty-four hours a day. Jeffrey liked working the night shift, because not too many people came in. A few people get gas, but for the most part, people just come in for cigarettes and beer. If you're lucky enough, you meet the women who come in with no money or credit cards. They cry and give you some big song and dance and finally would offer sex for payment. Jeffrey has had his dick sucked so many times from...

Straight Sex
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WebYoung Jenna Sativa Jade Baker The Nudist Next Door

Jade Baker walks over to her new neighbours home baring a housewarming gift. She’s met at the door by Jenna Sativa and is instantly greeted with open arms! Invited in for tea, Jade is escorted to the living room where the girls begin to chit-chat. Jenna leaves to get some tea and when returns, she’s completely naked! Jade is alarmed by this very sudden, and revealing change of outfit, but Jenna simply replies that her family are nudists, and adds that she’s also a lesbian!...

1 year ago
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Smelly Feet

So one of my friends slept over at my house the other day. She has long brown hair, a sleek slender body with a beautiful curvy chest and ass (her ass is particularly nice) and i obviously have had a crush on her for some time now. We have been really close since about the age of 6 and we love the same things, videogames, skating and just hanging out and talking. Anyway she asked me if she could sleep over and i said yes as i always do but this time my parents were out of town for the weekend...

3 years ago
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RebirthChapter 14

The look in Renata’s eyes was terrified and pleading, and her cheek was starting to darken with a new bruise. It would probably be a nasty purple in a few days. I started to move toward Renata more out of instinct than from any belief I would actually get to her. I felt a hand grip tight onto my shoulder, holding me fast. I was still a little shocked to see her. In the back of my mind I had already resigned myself to her being dead, as I couldn’t make it add up for the Russians to keep her...

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The Price Of Vengance

"I want him dead for what he did for me. Simple as that." "'Simple as that'? Are you sure you're willing to pay the price we ask?" "Anything. There must be some way to put an end to him." Up until a couple of years before that fateful night Carla Greer had been a rising star in the FBI. Gratuating at the top of her class and in charge of numerous high-profile cases she was set to attain great things in her career, and with her fiancee and fellow FBI agent her life couldn't have been more...

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Fantasy about my Brother 2

The water was icy against my toes as I swung my feet back and forth. I sat on the edge of the wooden dock, my arms stretched back, letting my body absorb the sunlight. Sounds of the waves crashing against the dock and birds chirping relaxed my muscles. I wore a white, with blue striped bikini, along with shorts. I looked out to the horizon, nothing but trees, a blue sky and a couple of clouds beyond the lake. I breathed in and out deeply, smelling the water with every breath. “Hey you!” a...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Chapter 5 Songbirds Delight

Book Nine: Blossoming Danger Chapter Five: Songbird's Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chaun – The Haunted Forest The werewolves howled as they carried me through the dark woods. I thrashed. I punched. I kicked. The bitch didn't feel it. A chill settled onto me. Werewolves were an all female race, single sexed like all the creatures born from Las's masturbation. The God of Lust had spewed his seed across the world, spawning...

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Anne Henderson 2

Their comes a time in people's lives, when a decision is made which may change the course of their life for ever. Anne had reached that moment. If she had came out of the ladies room, in the Robin Hood Inn, and said.....'I want to go home'....she may well have married Rob, had three c***dren and ended up 'bored, ever after'That is not what happened. "Hi babe, you good to go?" "Yes, I think so. Some air will do me good, will these shoes be alright. Don't think they were designed for walks in the...

1 year ago
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LindseyChapter 4

From the earliest days of our relationship, Lindsey and I have tried to create opportunities when we could spend whole days and, especially, whole nights together. So we were both very excited when circumstances permitted us to go away to a seaside resort for a couple of days. When I picked her up, we decided that one element of our plans couldn’t wait until we had arrived at the resort hotel we had selected for our first night together; so we stopped first at a local motel. It had been two...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 432

a Male Fairy Tale Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, "Will you marry me?" The Princess immediately said, "No!" And the Prince lived happily ever after, and rode motorcycles and dated thin, long-legged, full-breasted women, and hunted and fished and raced cars, and went to titty bars and dated ladies half his age and drank whiskey, beer, and Captain Morgan, and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony, and dated cheerleaders and kept his house and...

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The Pleasure Worm

Though all the settlers were allowed to do what they wished with their stakes they were still required to start off supporting the main settlement with materials until it became self-sufficient, this meant that a their lands would be divided between crops, livestock and woodlands for timber. 6 months had passed and everything had settled into routine when one morning Sabine was shocked to find a strange looking caterpillar crawling on one of the leaves of the crop they were growing. Trying to...

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Naked Day part 20 Home

She waived the paperwork at me. "I'm clean. I'm clear. Nothing. Just an extra note from the Doc suggesting I be more careful. Now, I'm all yours. Get comfortable, get a drink. I want to entertain you". I already had a hardon. Felipe had outdone himself. There was a jacket of sorts made of the finest lace. Black with enough blue silk to make that color stand out. It both hid her and promised so much. When I was settled, Cindy made a grand entrance. She dance before me, spinning and...

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Part 1 The First Time from HIS point of view

We have always had amazing sex. We thoroughly enjoy one another. Early on in our relationship, we began expressing our fantasies to one another and opening up more and more. With no judgement passed either way and each of us natural pleasers, we fed on each other's fantasies and worked hard to make them come true. Much of the fantasies we discussed circled around BDSM and rope play/restraints. She very much enjoys being restrained during sex and I'm still learning my knots. I'm not certain what...

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