Chaste Ch. 01 free porn video

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It was a beautiful day outside, and so the self-defense class was moved onto the back lawn. The class was comprised of 7 women and one reluctant boyfriend, most of the females being eighteen-year-olds, bored college students on break. A pair of the girls flirted with the instructor outrageously, and Chastity vowed to herself that she would never let her daughters speak to a grown man that way. He was obviously amused by their antics, his responses were veiled insults that’d the girls didn’t seem to see through. His smile was sharp at the corners, and made her feel sad.

She regretted this whole idea, wishing that she had her brothers nearby to learn this from. Still, she knew she needed help – even after moving out of town, the house was broken into. She was thankful that she and the kids hadn’t been at home, but it was too much for her to think she could sit back and do nothing, and still be safe.

She wouldn’t start by buying a gun. *I believe in walking before careening down a ski slope on rollerskates, thank you very much.* It could be a possibility in the future, but only after training and making sure that it would be a very last resort.

Maybe that was good enough reason never to get one – She didn’t think she could ever use it.

At any rate, she was starting out slow and steady, learning self defense. She had put new and supposedly better locks on the doors, reinforced windows, and gotten a motion-sensor light for the front porch.

Now it was time to actually put her hands on someone.

She watched with a cold feeling in the pit offers her stomach, her heart racing, as the instructor began working hands-on with each girl, showing her how to handle a would-be assailant. She told herself that her fear was irrational, the man wasn’t here to hurt her, only to teach.

It wasn’t that easy. He was huge, his muscles pronounced in a way that suggested he was a bodybuilder. She blushed as she thought of it, as if that were too personal, as if she were undressing him with her mind.

She was getting annoyed with her own unconscious mind.

She had to get herself under control before she started hyperventilating, and so she moved away from the group.

Standing in the shade of a tree, her eyes on the movements that she had paid to learn, she planted her feet and raised her arms over her head, stretching to the limit while breathing slowly and deeply in through her nose. She stopped listening to the giggling girls flirting, the instructor’s deep laugh, the couple arguing as they practiced the moves, and the pair of older women gossiping. She listened instead to her heart thumping, breathing slowly and concentrating on slowing the rhythm.

It wasn’t working. His hands caught her eye, she was suddenly focused on his fingertips as they grazed a woman’s arm, straightened her posture just so. Like a punch in the gut, she realized that she wanted him to touch her.

Shock and dismay had her squeezing her eyes shut, blocking out the sight and the awareness of reality.

*I’m not that kind of person. I’m responsible, honest, respectable. Hormones? Nope. I’m above it.*

She ignored the faint thought beneath her little pep talk.*liar…*

One last deep breath and she felt the air in her center, below and behind her belly button. It was warm, tingling, alive inside her body. She was strong. She could handle this. She opened her eyes.

He towered over her, hard as stone and just as silent.

Her shocked gasp burned her lungs as it ripped roughly in and her knees locked, making her stumble painfully back.

‘Whoa, you ok there?’ He reached out to steady her, concern warming his dark eyes. She kept out of his reach, but barely.

‘Yeah, yeah fine. I was…*centering my qi.* just concentrating. On the wrist grip. I don’t think I can…throw somebody.’

He grinned affably and the light of him took her breath away. ‘Didn’t you see all the others do it?’ She looked at the girls doing cartwheels, the older ladies chatting animatedly. They had all thrown him over their shoulders.

‘Yes, but…they’re not…me.’

The light faded and his smile was gone. A grave tone fell over his voice, making him sound more frightening than he looked. ‘Oh…do you have a special condition?’

She blushed though her cheeks were already pinkened by his nearness.

‘No! No, I just…I just don’t think…I mean I think I don’t get it, there must be something I’m missing.’

All business now, he crossed his arms over his chest. ‘ I just need to make sure. I know you filled out the medical disclaimer, Chastity, or I wouldn’t have let you into the class.’

Her sudden abashed feeling made her angry. She hadn’t done anything wrong! ‘I’m not dishonest, just insecure.’ She stepped back and crossed her own arms, the tree against her back. It was a bolster, and she was grateful for it.

‘I see.’ Was that a look of distate?

Heat suffused her cheeks and she didn’t think anymore, only felt. He directed her and she followed the instructions, her hands trembling but her face determined.

Soon, she was looking down at him on the ground, something in her on the brink of release.

He grinned up at her. ‘See? What’d I tell you? You can do it.’

But Chastity wasn’t mollified. ‘You staged it. You’re too big, strong, graceful and skilled to NOT have.’

He stopped, one knee on the ground before her, and gave her a look she couldn’t quite read.

‘You need more proof, then? Mrs. Doubting Chastity?’

Her chin thrust upward, she nodded curtly. ‘If I’m *actually* attacked, the guy – singular. God help me if its plural – isn’t going to *leap* over my shoulder, and even if I threw him, that doesn’t mean he’d submit.’

He stood fully, dusting the grass and dirt from the back of his legs. ‘You’re absolutely right.’

He looked into her eyes. ‘That’s why this is the beginner level series.’

She flushed at the dismissal in his tone, and looked around to see most of the other women had gone, and the younger women that were left were watching them closely.

Her blush deepened and she suddenly despised him, walking away from her now with such a cocky posture. All men were alike, she had to remember it.

The week had gone by in a hectic blur for Chastity, with work piling up and kids being kids. When the day came for self-defense, she strongly considered hiding in the basement for an hour and a half. She could drink a glass of wine and read a smutty romance novel, the babysitter would still get paid and she could recharge her drained batteries.

She changed into her workout clothes and went anyway, cursing herself on the drive.

When she entered the room they were using for class that day she noticed that attendance had dropped severely. With only five minutes left until time to start, there were a mere four women in the room.

The muscle-bound trainer stood near them, talking about nutritional supplements. Chastity’s stomach flipped in her belly and her pulse skyrocketed.

His skin seemed so smooth. She wondered what it felt like to run her palms down his chest.


She nearly jumped out of her skin as he called out to her. ‘Uh..sir?’

He frowned and she noticed the way his lips angled slightly downward.

He laughed. The sound set of shockwaves in her lower belly.

‘Call me Mike. Mike is an easy name to remember.’

Another blush took her by storm and she nodded, staring at the floor.

‘Listen, it’s about time to start, why don’t you partner up with me for the next demonstration?’

Could she refuse?

For the next hour she was in turmoil, stumbling over herself and being set aflame by his slightest touch and his teasing when she inevitably made a mistake.

He had to do a lot of touching, correcting her posture, moving her into position. By the end of the cl
ass he stood and spoke to the other women with his hand resting gently on her shoulder. She trembled the entire time.

She barely noticed as they wrapped things up and the other women, all older, left the room without making demands on Mike’s time and attention.

Not that she wanted it.

But as she turned to gather her things and go, his hand fell onto her shoulder. She jumped violently at the touch, and trembled from head to toe when his grip became tight and heavy.

‘You’re afraid of me.’

She jerked her shoulder away, anger suddenly washing out all the other unidentifiable feelings. ‘I’m not afraid of you.’ She spat, ‘I don’t LIKE you. I don’t TRUST you. That’s all, and there’s nothing wrong with that.’

‘There is when you’re not learning a single damn thing. I’m trying to teach you to defend yourself, but as you are, you won’t use a single tactic.’

Defensive and belligerent, her chin came up again as of its own accord and she glared hotly at him. ‘What do you propose to do about it if that’s the damn case?’ She fisted her trembling hands.

He didn’t sneer or laugh at her, but regarded her somberly. His eyes melted into her and his lips magnetized her gaze.

‘Remedial lessons.’

She didn’t understand him for a moment, as her ears seemed to block themselves off for no real reason. She blinked up at him and he waited patiently for her to grasp it.

‘You mean extra time with you.’ She finally said, her voice almost a whisper.

‘Exactly. You’ll see that I’m harmless, really.’

She shook her head, shaking away the cobwebs that he put there. ‘I don’t have the money ‘

‘I won’t charge you’

‘My babysitter does ‘

He flinched and she smirked at him for an instant. ‘Reality bites, doesn’t it?’

His eyes returned to meet hers, and all her bravado drained away at the hot look in his eyes.

She stepped back and shivered.’I think it’s best I don’t come back.’

‘I’ll come to you.’ He was so insistent, and she didn’t understand. Worse, she was growing increasingly aware of the thick wetness spreading down her thighs. She was so wet she was soaking through her leggings. She wondered if he could smell her.

‘That sounds like a threat.’ Her voice was tiny. She hated it, hated this feeling that he was giving her, hated knowing that she would be back, that she would accept extra lessons if he insisted one more time.

He turned his head away from her, hands on his hips. He let out a sigh and took a deep breath before continuing.

‘Chastity I’m not threatening you. I’m going overboard, maybe, but I’m not a threat. I’m attracted to you. That makes me feel a little bit…territorial.’ when he looked up again, his eyes were clear and his face passive. ‘I’m sorry to have made you feel uncomfortable. There is no other trainer for this course, though, and I really do worry for you.’

‘Do you worry about all the women you teach?’

‘No, Chastity, just the ones that look like victims, ripe for the plucking.’

She was speechless for a moment. Who did he think he was? She was no victim!

‘So you’re sexually attracted to victims?’ Her voice held contempt.

‘I’m sexually attracted to smart, spirited women with strength.’ The smolder was back in his eye and he stepped toward her slowly. ‘I want to protect victims, teach them how to protect themselves.’

‘You’re… contradicting…’ she backed away from him, only to bump into the wall behind her.

‘A victim is someone who would let people run over her because she thinks it’s easier or better that way.’ He stopped less than two feet from her, and she could feel heat emanating from him as if he were a radiator.

‘A victim is someone who has been hurt and learned that she will be hurt again, it’s only a matter of time.’ His voice softened.

‘I…took this class so that…i could…’

‘Defend yourself. But you’re not, Chastity. I taught a move in class today that would have me on my knees if you used it.’

She blinked and then remembered. But she finally saw his point – she was so overwhelmed by the feelings flooding her that she didn’t, couldn’t act.

‘I have to…’ she coughed, shook her head, and straightened her spine.

‘I have to get home. If you’re willing, I can come in on Monday morning, from 9 to 11.’

He stepped back, and she felt as if she had won a tug-of-war contest

‘I’ll be in the loft above the basketball court.’

She nodded and practically ran from the room. She could smell herself with every step, and was sure that he had, as well.

She fought off the thoughts of what it might be like to have sex with Mike.

He was attracted to her. That changed everything.

Monday morning saw her nervous and wired. She arrived a few minutes after 9 and passed people walking laps in the gym to get to the stairs. She noticed how they all walked in pairs, chatting animatedly. She envied them for a moment, and then made her way up the steps.

She found a door to one side of the bleachers, and inside was a large open space lit by natural light from the high windowa lining one wall that spanned the length of the building.

Thick mats covered the wooden floor, and in the middle, Mike was moving a mam-shaped dummy into place.

Why didn’t they have the class up here? Despite the smell of dust and age, it seemed perfect.

‘You came.’ He grunted, wiping his hands on his sweaty shirt. ‘I was worried.’

‘About?’ She looked at the dummy, a molded silicon torso and head. It wasn’t as big as Mike, but still it was bigger than she thought she could deal with.

‘About you going mouse on me.’

She looked at him finally, wanting to avoid it. His brown eyes sparkled with amusement. He liked to tease.

Two could play at that game.

‘Well if I was a mouse, I’d be scaring YOU, wouldn’t i?’

He grinned and her heart flipped. ‘Are you calling me an elephant?’

‘If the elephant saddle fits.’

She kept her face straight, but it was a struggle when he laughed so infectiously.

What was it about him laughing that turned her on so much?

She did her best to pay attention, to keep up with him. And ignore the distraction of her growing lust. She was almost sure that he was distracted as well, if the way he lingered close each time he had to touch her.

The difference between this session and the last was huge. Chastity practiced blocking and by the end of their two hours, she felt confident. If she couldn’t stop an attacker, she at least wouldn’t look like an idiot for trying.

She also realized the reason why this room wasn’t used for the class, as they both poured sweat.

She had never realized how a sexy a man could look in a sweaty gray T-shirt.

And the smell – nothing like any man she had ever known. He smelled sweet and musky, a strange combination, but one that excited her. She could hear people walking and talking downstairs, and realized that they probably couldn’t hear her.

The thick mats would be perfect for…

‘So, since you did so well today, shall we go ahead with the class, or do you want to meet again before then?’

He was leaving it up to her, and she wasn’t sure what that meant. She just knew what she wanted.

‘Can we meet again on Wednesday?’

Wednesday, he taught her the shoulder throw again, insisting that she practice on him. It was an uphill battle – she simply couldn’t believe that a 5’3′ woman weighing 121 lb. could throw such a huge man.

She got into a rhythm, and by the end of the first hour he was mock-attacking her from behind, and she was tossing him over her shoulder like a rag doll.

‘Uncle.’ He lay on the mat. His brown eyes smiling up at her. ‘I can’t take much more of this.’

She grinned mischievously. ‘Giving up, huh? I conquered the immortal Hun!’ She
playfully put one foot on his chest and raised her arms I’m victory.

He groaned, a purely sexual sound, and she realized too late that she might as well be shoving her wet pussy into his face. She stumbled backward.

‘Chastity. You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?’ He had risen to his knees, reaching out to steady her. His hands were burning through her clothes as he placed them on her hips.

‘Okay.’ She whispered. She was frozen in place with his hands on her, his head level with her belly. She felt an ache that started in her pussy and expanded until it seemed as if her whole body were throbbing.

‘You did well, and I’m proud. You’re all caught up with the class now.’

‘Yeah.’ She smiled, but she knew it was weak. Neither of them moved, but stared at each other silently for a moment.

He stood up slowly, his hands sliding up her ribcage. She trembled and fought back the moan.

He stared hard down at her before stepping closer, their toes almost touching.

‘I want you.’ He said it with no hesitancy, no guilt or shame. The words, his voice, his body heat, all had her aching from her neck to her knees. She wanted him, too.

He slowly leaned down, his fingertips moving up slightly.

She tilted her chin up and met his kiss unafraid.

His lips claimed hers and his tongue teased her, working her mouth open to accept him. It didn’t take much, and she whimpered when his body heat melded with hers. Her nipples hardened as they were crushed between the two.

His kiss opened a floodgate in her, and she moaned and slid her hand under his shirt, experiencing his warm, sweat-slicked skin. She didn’t notice when they moved down to the mat, or how he had gotten her shirt off.

He pulled the top of her sports bra down below her breasts, forcing them together and upward, her hard nipples teasing him. When he wrapped his lips around first one, and then the other, she had to cover her mouth to contain her moans.

In barely a second he whipped off his own shirt and she reached for him, wanting to touch and kiss and lick every inch.

He was too impatient to let her have her way, and covered her body with his as he kissed her, one knee between her thighs, pressed against her heat.

It was real, it was actually happening, and Chastity gasped as she looked up and saw those eyes burning down on her.

‘I want to see you.’ It was a rasp and a growl. ‘I want you naked on the floor for me, now.’ She didn’t register the act of removing her clothing, but soon she was completely undressed, lying on the floor.

It was incredible, there was so much to it. Being wanted by the man she wanted, being naked while he was clothed sent a chill up her spine. The sounds of the people in the gym seemed clearer now, and her heart raced not only with lust, but with fear.

Most of all, it was the way he devoured her with his eyes that made her melt, the fluid literally pooling on the mat beneath her pussy.

He surveyed every inch of her, sometimes turning her body, but whatever he looked at, she didn’t feel self-conscious.

No, she felt beautiful, sexy, powerful. Like Aphrodite, she drew him into a trance of lust.

Her eyes stayed locked on his as he pushed down his pants. He was a predator, climbing into place over her . Her breath came in shallow pants, and tiny moans escaped her.

‘Quiet now, my little chaste sparrow.’ She could feel him probing at her wetness.her whole body trembled in anticipation.

He covered her completely, and she wrapped her legs around him as he thrust deep and hard into her

It took her breath away, and she gasped as he began thrusting into her slowly, filling her in a way she hadn’t felt before. His lips captured her rising moan and his hands fisted in her hair to keep her head still.

He moved slowly at first, but couldn’t maintain patience as the pressure in both of their bodies built. She raised her hips to meet each thrust, clenching him tight each time he slid out, and he could feel her body quivering on the edge.

He bit her lower lip and pulled her hair, and she dug her nails into his back as they both reached that point and plummeted over it.

Tangled together, bodies covered in sweat, they lay silent for a moment. Neither wanted to move, to break the spell, or face the reality of what they had done.

Chastity sighed, and Mike pulled back to look down at her. He searched her face, and what he saw there had him slipping reluctantly out of her arms, gathering their clothes.

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TO UNDERSTAND THIS STORY YOU NEED TO KNOW THE TV SOAP STORY CORONATION STREET. THE STORY IS FICTION ken looked at his granddaughter Amy and told her to go and get Simon for his tea, Amy begrudgingly went upstairs she put the landing light on but the bulb had still not been changed and the landing remained in darkness, Amy approached Simon’s room and stopped when she saw the door was ajar and Simon was standing naked his back to the door, Amy smiled as she admired Simon’s naked bum, to her joy...

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Nova Confesses

"So, are you with child now?" she pondered, sitting on the other side of the couch."Maybe I am, what the fuck are you gonna do about it? Also, do you own any blouses, t-shirts or any top that's not a tank top? How about skirts or jean shorts? Why are you in gym shorts?"She clenched her fists and began grinding her teeth too. "I just knew you were trouble the minute I set my eyes on you.""So what, you are actually gonna try to get back with him? Even though he is engaged to me?""Maybe, he told...

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How Do I Look

Laura and I had been friends for years, really close friends, but there had always been a hint of a certain mutual attraction.I often go around to her place for a bottle of wine or two and usually the conversation turns swiftly to sex. She loves to tease me about her past sexual escapades before she met her partner, and I try to respond without seeming too eager to hear more!Laura is 29, 5'2" and a size 8. I only know her size as I can't help but have a look when she leaves such gorgeous...

Straight Sex
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A guy and his 15 Party

So all three Jinns had him sit while they modeled for him, each one appearing in a dress, then naked, and then in another dress. Damn! Did they think he was a superman? Within moments he was harder than he'd been in some time, the sight of three naked females with unblemished skin, well endowed breasts, plus three drooling pussies had him almost to the point of grabbing the closest one and screwing her brains out. Jake could tell they were doing it on purpose especially Gen, she was by far...

3 years ago
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How my wife got back to loving bbc

I came home from work early, around two, hoping to surprise my wife and maybe we could go out and have some fun, movie and early dinner perhaps. Pulled into the garage then walked into the kitchen expecting her to be there or in the family room watching TV, but the house seemed empty. While flipping through the mail that was lying on the counter I opened my ears to the sounds in the house trying to locate where my wife could be. Everything seemed quiet until I picked up a strange noise coming...

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Hard Rain

© May 20, 2001 Preface Subject: Stories From: '--' To: [email protected] Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 11:22:00 -0700 I noticed your author bio on asstr and was very interested by it. You mentioned a desire to have people pass on requests. I have talked to many different people over the last year about my own desires and a few people said they were very interested in my ideas, some even said they might develop my ideas into a story, but these people have all...

4 years ago
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teacher gets a hard look

And Janice was the absolute dream girl for him. Since earning his doctorate and the phd initials, he had devised his own addendum to pretty young girls, bestowing a DDG designation on them....drop dead gorgeous...Janice was drop dead gorgeous. As a young boy he had masturbated to pictures in Playboy his father had brought home...sneaking them off to his room or bathroom to fantasy fuck sessions. He had always been drawn to tall, thin blonde girls with big tits, round asses and long legs in...

2 years ago
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Moms Camel Toe

Mom’s Camel Toe Oh my God! I couldn’t help myself. My mother was lying in the grass sunbathing. She had on a new white bikini that I hadn’t seen before. The bottom was tucked right into her pussy lips causing the best camel toe that I had ever seen. It appeared to have been designed that way. The material was deep in her pussy too. I could see where it had gotten moist either from sweat or from her pussy juice. I chose to imagine that it was her pussy juice and I made a mental note to...

4 years ago
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With my married sister

I am not willing to mention either my name or my sister(cousin)(My father’s brother daughter) name…. For Narrating it iam taking my name as Rahul and my sister name is shruti…Except names that is mentioned wrong rest all is correct… I am Basiclly from tamilnadu…….Me rahul aged about 25 years and .and my married sister is about 35…. My sister husbend is working as a software engineer in bengaluru….. I hadfinished my and is stillmaking job trails…The incidence happened at my sister...

2 years ago
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The Sound of the Slammin Door

Edited by Barney R. Adjusted further by me. All errors and omissions are mine alone. She started the screaming fight, and then all I heard was the sound of the slamming door. Author’s note: References to medicines and medical practices are all figments of my wishful thinking. ‘She’s leaving now ‘cause I just heard the slamming of the door’ From Ruby by Kenny Rogers I am Ralph Cooper, 34, and soon to be ex-married. My soon to be ex-wife is Caren Cooper nee Winslow, 30. I met Caren...

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Getting along with a coworker

Lacey, a former co-worker, was the object of my effect. She was a cute looking, if not stunning, blond. She was about five feet, four inches tall, and weighted close to 110 pounds. She was also the subject of many a fantasy of mine.Reality met fantasy, and it involved a ride home from work. Her k**s were with her ex husband for the summer and she was lonely. I don't have k**s, so we talked about hers. She talked about how she accidently broke her sons favorite toy. Me, being pretty handy,...

3 years ago
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Marlee Final Chapter

The best way to learn a business is from the inside. The best way to take over a business is also from the inside. “Hi! My name is Marlee. That’s all you need to know. For the past two years I have been working on the inside of a big-time bank in New York. I have observed bankers of dubious business practices who manipulate and skillfully maneuver hard working people out of their savings and dignity.” “Of course, I could have gone to the SEC. But I was carefully learning and planning. My goal...

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The Barstow GirlsChapter 2

On Saturday I drove by the clinic with Jake. Sharon closed up and climbed into the truck; instantly my dog went to her. "Hey, Jake, you're supposed to be my dog," we both laughed. We went to the street fair and walked around. Sharon held my hand and had Jake on his leash in her other hand. We went to the hot dog stand and I ordered three hot dogs. One for each of us. Jake had his gone before we even got mustard put on ours. Mom and Dad were there and I asked them if they would watch...

4 years ago
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Quaint and Curious Customs on Pudendor

Author’s note: This is a chapter from my novel, ?The Goddess-Queens of Pudendor.?(Google ?Pudendor?). Grad students Taryn and Stanley, after a night of sexplay in a park, have been abducted by aliens. They end up on the planet Pudendor, the female counterpart of the planet Gor. On Pudendor women rule and all men, and many women, are slaves. Taryn, Stanley and two other abductees are captured by the slave trader Kamita and her henchwoman Savitra and added to their coffle of slaves. At the end of...

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My continuing journey

The next weekend I could not contain myself any longer, I had spied on her bathing during the week from outside our bedroom window so much that the cum stains on the window was becoming noticeable. It was not enough, I knew I was obsessing, but I had to repeat what I had done. On Saturday night Linda went to bed quite early as she was tired. She was wearing her usual nightie with panties. I waited impatiently for her to be well asleep before trying anything. This time she was lying on her...

2 years ago
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Lovely boy ka lovely gift

Hi dosto me aik arse se hindi me stoies jama kar raha hoo me 1 lovvely sa loving larka hoo khair aik parha likha larka hoo per muze stories ka shauq bachpan se hai apni collection share karo so here is my gift. Stories of madhurima in her words. Let me tell you about myself first. I am 22 yrs young girl, fair, 5’6” in height. My name is madhurima. Though my name sounds Bengali, I am not. I have an inviting figure of 35-24-36. Right from my school days, I’ve been very much figuring conscious and...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Cock Slut Craving for Dog Meat

As a young girl, I frequently fantasized about fucking a dog. And now, to this day, I still rub my hot pussy until I cum hard while thinking about being filled with dog cock. As a child, our neighbors had a couple of medium sized dogs, some kind of Pitbull mixes, and I first caught a glimpse of dog sex while watching the male fuck the female out in their backyard while I stared from my bedroom window, fingers slick with juices while I rubbed my tingling pre-teen pussy, loving the new...

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A nudist8217s adventures while on the why home

I spent the holidays and a couple of weeks after at my Dad’s place in Chicago. I was indoors and nude the majority of the time. I had planned it that way so that I wouldn’t have to haul three suitcases along with me. My dad knows I am a nudist and that I intended to be naked while I was visiting. He got divorced from my stepmom last year and I think he was just glad to have some company, so he told me that I could be naked during my stay. When I left my dad’s place, all I put...

4 years ago
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When its the Car its different

Disclaimer: All the names of characters in this story are fictitious but the story is not, this is because my name is rather unique and Google is fucking powerful after having read numerous stories on ISS and I really felt like it was time for me to put up my tale of pleasure ride. This is my story of how in search just a companion I became a part of something so intense and amazing that me and my partner cherish it for life. Today and I am going to tell you a story o what happened between me...

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Flight jacket lover

It's late in the evening as your boss leaves you halfway up in a cherry picker, dealing with some air con vent, he shouts up at you. "I'm heading home lad, the keys to lock up the place are by your tool box down here, make sure you tidy up when you're done!" You shout back, "ok boss" and you're soon alone in the warehouse, why is it you always end up having to tidy up you think as you finish securing the cable on the vent and drop the cherry picker, just gotta tidy up, lock up and drive you ute...

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Naughty Weekend Part 2 Much naughtier

Groggily, I open my eyes. Squinting from the sunlight filtering through the large window over looking the beautiful beach my eyes begin to adjust to the surroundings. ‘Where am I?’ I think. Taking a look around I realise I am in a big beautiful hotel room with my lover, Kev. He had brought me here yesterday for a 4 day weekend affair, leaving our partners behind and enjoying it with love and sex. We had spent the most of yesterday afternoon and evening making love on every surface in the room...

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Bloodsport Fairytale ch 3

Introduction: life on the run is hard for a vampire First and foremost let me apologize profusely for the unbelievably long wait between the previous chapter and this one. All I can offer by way of excuse is that life can be a cruel mistress indeed. Not long after I started working on this chapter, my computer crashed and took all of my work with It, because I am borderline computer illiterate and simple concepts such as anti virus and data back ups continually elude me. And seeing as I am...

3 years ago
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Falling In Love With Kyle Chapter 2

Damn it. It was just a dream, again. I’d been having dreams like this ever since the first day at the dorms, and increasingly so since he asked me out two days ago. It was the morning of my date, and when I remembered this, my stomach filled with butterflies. I laughed at myself. What is wrong with me? I was acting like a little kid, going on my first date. I could handle this. It was one date, and it’s not like I’d never done it before. It would be fine. I got out of bed and went...

3 years ago
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A Chance Encounter with Kaley Cuoco

You are sitting at home watching TV when you turn over to The Big Bang Theory and see sexy shot of Kaley Cuoco. The beauty plays Penny who lives next door to some nerds who are shy and can't really talk to women, then starts dating one of them. You love the show mainly because you can relate to the nerds and she is really hot and she wears revealing outfits. You can't remember how many times you have jizzed off thinking and looking at her massive tits and how many times you have thought about...

4 years ago
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spy hole

Went to my town centre toilets as had done many times before, there is a hole in wall so you can see guys pissing in the urinals, each day i went in i saw hundreds of cocks all ages all sizes all colours, this day i saw this k** must have been about 12 or 13 he was looking around and no one else was in the toilet, he pulled his dick out and i saw a nice soft uncut cock he began to piss, it was so hot seeing that piss flow after he finished he began to shake the drips off i then noticed he was...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book OneChapter 4 Made of Stone

Mike yawned, the morning light through the white curtains casting a blissful glow on the room. He scratched the back of his neck, his foot kicking the lump near the bottom of his bed. He sat up, leaning forward to give the lump a playful pat. “It’s time to get up, Tink.” Mike watched the lump slide to the edge of the bed, disappearing over the edge with a thud. “Owie,” Tink muttered, standing up holding her bottom. She was wearing a tank top night shirt, one of the things Mike had ordered...

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i dressed up as a full girl

i lost some fat and still had my nice butt so and got some fake boobs yes fake boobs you can get them on the internet anyway. one evening i thought it would be fun to go out as a girl so i got a pair of panties a pair of black leggings and i attached my fake boobs a little glue helps and put on a blue bra and black tight shirt. i went out to my local adult store and walked around the booth area for a bit. all the guys were looking at me checking me out. i think a couple knew i was a guy but...

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The night my Niece became a woman

The females in our extended family are very strong minded. We all bear a resemblance to each other, and more importantly, our feminine attributes, looks and body, are very similar.My niece, a budding young woman in her teens, is a prime example, she is very beautiful and has a marvelous body, for girl in the flush of youth.She is attracted towards me, because she knows a bit about my history, and my attitude towards sex and men.She knew I entertained men outside my marriage and thought it cool,...

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Note to reader: This story has a slow build, so if you are looking for a quickie you want to read another and come back later. Thanks. September 1975, Denver Daniel had a big decision to make. And he had to make it soon. He was sitting in a lecture hall, lost in a daydream while waiting for the professor to arrive so class could begin. Daniel was beginning his sophomore year as an engineering major, and the fall semester was only three days old. His dilemma, and the big decision that was...

3 years ago
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Wife Conversion Part 2

Since the next day, Friday, was a work day and spent from the night’s activities, Kathy and I decided to go to bed early and try to get some rejuvenating sl**p. Even so, we woke up late and I had to rush off to work. My wife and I agreed that we would talk about Thursday night’s events when I got home from work. All day my mind would drift off to Thursday night’s events and I found myself with a ‘hard-on’ most of the day. I couldn’t wait to get home and fuck my wife, but then it dawned...

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Reluctant Photographer

"Why not?" my younger sister screamed at me, "mum it's not fair, he won't take any pictures of me." It was my birthday and I had received the Digital Camera that I had requested but Jill, my 15-year-old sister was bugging me to take some picture of her. "Look who wants to take pictures of a scrawny thing like you," I said nastily. "Mum, he's being horrible to me," she shouted. "Pete, be nice to your sister and take a few shots," said my mother. "Yeah ok," I said somewhat...

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Hot Midwest Summer Faded Inhibitions Part 2

It had been nearly three weeks since Terrana arrived home to see family and friends. She and her sister Trista have continued their intimate relationship confidently and respectfully. Terrana made sure to spare no details to Killian.The subject of sharing Killian continued to creep into conversations between Terrana and her sister, just proof that it was on both of their minds."You know, when I met Killian, I made it clear to him that I would never ever let another woman touch him," explained...

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It was written

I am just sitting here, waiting for you. While you are over there, with my words, touching you. I envy them I am just sitting here, waiting for you. While you are over there, with my words, touching you. I envy them.

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My 1st sex with my sister

Day came when I was in 4rth std . My mom n dad were on job getting our disrolled life back on track. I used to be in school up to 2 pm and return by riksha wala along with my younger brother. We were tenants at tre place. They have two sons among eldest was 5years elder than me named Prashil. we used to play hide n seek. When ever i used hide Prashil also hide with me and used to have body contacts with me this went on and then he used to tell me to fondle his dick by which he used to get...

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WebYoung Gina Valentina Chloe Scott I Need To See Her Naked

Chloe Scott has a secret she can’t tell anyone. She has a crush on her stepsister Gina Valentina. When she finishes up in the shower, she places her cell phone in the bathroom to film her sister. Gina, who’s now knocking on the door, is telling Chloe she’s gonna be late for work and needs to hurry up. When Chloe opens the door, she finds Gina annoyed that her sister hogged the shower for so long. Closing the door behind her, she drops her towel on the floor and exposes her...

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Final MissionChapter 3

Lt. Tracy Parker was the only passenger on board the special MAC flight from Andrews to Hickam. From there, after an hour's rest, she boarded an A-2 sent from the U.S.S. United States to pick her up. It was obvious she was an important passenger. The pilot, Lt. Bobby Gates from Kerrville, Texas, was a "nugget" or Navy aviator on his first tour aboard an aircraft carrier. So was his co-pilot and flight school partner, Shelly Schlumburger, a sarcastic brunette from Amsterdam Avenue in...

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