Chaste Ch. 01 free porn video

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It was a beautiful day outside, and so the self-defense class was moved onto the back lawn. The class was comprised of 7 women and one reluctant boyfriend, most of the females being eighteen-year-olds, bored college students on break. A pair of the girls flirted with the instructor outrageously, and Chastity vowed to herself that she would never let her daughters speak to a grown man that way. He was obviously amused by their antics, his responses were veiled insults that’d the girls didn’t seem to see through. His smile was sharp at the corners, and made her feel sad.

She regretted this whole idea, wishing that she had her brothers nearby to learn this from. Still, she knew she needed help – even after moving out of town, the house was broken into. She was thankful that she and the kids hadn’t been at home, but it was too much for her to think she could sit back and do nothing, and still be safe.

She wouldn’t start by buying a gun. *I believe in walking before careening down a ski slope on rollerskates, thank you very much.* It could be a possibility in the future, but only after training and making sure that it would be a very last resort.

Maybe that was good enough reason never to get one – She didn’t think she could ever use it.

At any rate, she was starting out slow and steady, learning self defense. She had put new and supposedly better locks on the doors, reinforced windows, and gotten a motion-sensor light for the front porch.

Now it was time to actually put her hands on someone.

She watched with a cold feeling in the pit offers her stomach, her heart racing, as the instructor began working hands-on with each girl, showing her how to handle a would-be assailant. She told herself that her fear was irrational, the man wasn’t here to hurt her, only to teach.

It wasn’t that easy. He was huge, his muscles pronounced in a way that suggested he was a bodybuilder. She blushed as she thought of it, as if that were too personal, as if she were undressing him with her mind.

She was getting annoyed with her own unconscious mind.

She had to get herself under control before she started hyperventilating, and so she moved away from the group.

Standing in the shade of a tree, her eyes on the movements that she had paid to learn, she planted her feet and raised her arms over her head, stretching to the limit while breathing slowly and deeply in through her nose. She stopped listening to the giggling girls flirting, the instructor’s deep laugh, the couple arguing as they practiced the moves, and the pair of older women gossiping. She listened instead to her heart thumping, breathing slowly and concentrating on slowing the rhythm.

It wasn’t working. His hands caught her eye, she was suddenly focused on his fingertips as they grazed a woman’s arm, straightened her posture just so. Like a punch in the gut, she realized that she wanted him to touch her.

Shock and dismay had her squeezing her eyes shut, blocking out the sight and the awareness of reality.

*I’m not that kind of person. I’m responsible, honest, respectable. Hormones? Nope. I’m above it.*

She ignored the faint thought beneath her little pep talk.*liar…*

One last deep breath and she felt the air in her center, below and behind her belly button. It was warm, tingling, alive inside her body. She was strong. She could handle this. She opened her eyes.

He towered over her, hard as stone and just as silent.

Her shocked gasp burned her lungs as it ripped roughly in and her knees locked, making her stumble painfully back.

‘Whoa, you ok there?’ He reached out to steady her, concern warming his dark eyes. She kept out of his reach, but barely.

‘Yeah, yeah fine. I was…*centering my qi.* just concentrating. On the wrist grip. I don’t think I can…throw somebody.’

He grinned affably and the light of him took her breath away. ‘Didn’t you see all the others do it?’ She looked at the girls doing cartwheels, the older ladies chatting animatedly. They had all thrown him over their shoulders.

‘Yes, but…they’re not…me.’

The light faded and his smile was gone. A grave tone fell over his voice, making him sound more frightening than he looked. ‘Oh…do you have a special condition?’

She blushed though her cheeks were already pinkened by his nearness.

‘No! No, I just…I just don’t think…I mean I think I don’t get it, there must be something I’m missing.’

All business now, he crossed his arms over his chest. ‘ I just need to make sure. I know you filled out the medical disclaimer, Chastity, or I wouldn’t have let you into the class.’

Her sudden abashed feeling made her angry. She hadn’t done anything wrong! ‘I’m not dishonest, just insecure.’ She stepped back and crossed her own arms, the tree against her back. It was a bolster, and she was grateful for it.

‘I see.’ Was that a look of distate?

Heat suffused her cheeks and she didn’t think anymore, only felt. He directed her and she followed the instructions, her hands trembling but her face determined.

Soon, she was looking down at him on the ground, something in her on the brink of release.

He grinned up at her. ‘See? What’d I tell you? You can do it.’

But Chastity wasn’t mollified. ‘You staged it. You’re too big, strong, graceful and skilled to NOT have.’

He stopped, one knee on the ground before her, and gave her a look she couldn’t quite read.

‘You need more proof, then? Mrs. Doubting Chastity?’

Her chin thrust upward, she nodded curtly. ‘If I’m *actually* attacked, the guy – singular. God help me if its plural – isn’t going to *leap* over my shoulder, and even if I threw him, that doesn’t mean he’d submit.’

He stood fully, dusting the grass and dirt from the back of his legs. ‘You’re absolutely right.’

He looked into her eyes. ‘That’s why this is the beginner level series.’

She flushed at the dismissal in his tone, and looked around to see most of the other women had gone, and the younger women that were left were watching them closely.

Her blush deepened and she suddenly despised him, walking away from her now with such a cocky posture. All men were alike, she had to remember it.

The week had gone by in a hectic blur for Chastity, with work piling up and kids being kids. When the day came for self-defense, she strongly considered hiding in the basement for an hour and a half. She could drink a glass of wine and read a smutty romance novel, the babysitter would still get paid and she could recharge her drained batteries.

She changed into her workout clothes and went anyway, cursing herself on the drive.

When she entered the room they were using for class that day she noticed that attendance had dropped severely. With only five minutes left until time to start, there were a mere four women in the room.

The muscle-bound trainer stood near them, talking about nutritional supplements. Chastity’s stomach flipped in her belly and her pulse skyrocketed.

His skin seemed so smooth. She wondered what it felt like to run her palms down his chest.


She nearly jumped out of her skin as he called out to her. ‘Uh..sir?’

He frowned and she noticed the way his lips angled slightly downward.

He laughed. The sound set of shockwaves in her lower belly.

‘Call me Mike. Mike is an easy name to remember.’

Another blush took her by storm and she nodded, staring at the floor.

‘Listen, it’s about time to start, why don’t you partner up with me for the next demonstration?’

Could she refuse?

For the next hour she was in turmoil, stumbling over herself and being set aflame by his slightest touch and his teasing when she inevitably made a mistake.

He had to do a lot of touching, correcting her posture, moving her into position. By the end of the cl
ass he stood and spoke to the other women with his hand resting gently on her shoulder. She trembled the entire time.

She barely noticed as they wrapped things up and the other women, all older, left the room without making demands on Mike’s time and attention.

Not that she wanted it.

But as she turned to gather her things and go, his hand fell onto her shoulder. She jumped violently at the touch, and trembled from head to toe when his grip became tight and heavy.

‘You’re afraid of me.’

She jerked her shoulder away, anger suddenly washing out all the other unidentifiable feelings. ‘I’m not afraid of you.’ She spat, ‘I don’t LIKE you. I don’t TRUST you. That’s all, and there’s nothing wrong with that.’

‘There is when you’re not learning a single damn thing. I’m trying to teach you to defend yourself, but as you are, you won’t use a single tactic.’

Defensive and belligerent, her chin came up again as of its own accord and she glared hotly at him. ‘What do you propose to do about it if that’s the damn case?’ She fisted her trembling hands.

He didn’t sneer or laugh at her, but regarded her somberly. His eyes melted into her and his lips magnetized her gaze.

‘Remedial lessons.’

She didn’t understand him for a moment, as her ears seemed to block themselves off for no real reason. She blinked up at him and he waited patiently for her to grasp it.

‘You mean extra time with you.’ She finally said, her voice almost a whisper.

‘Exactly. You’ll see that I’m harmless, really.’

She shook her head, shaking away the cobwebs that he put there. ‘I don’t have the money ‘

‘I won’t charge you’

‘My babysitter does ‘

He flinched and she smirked at him for an instant. ‘Reality bites, doesn’t it?’

His eyes returned to meet hers, and all her bravado drained away at the hot look in his eyes.

She stepped back and shivered.’I think it’s best I don’t come back.’

‘I’ll come to you.’ He was so insistent, and she didn’t understand. Worse, she was growing increasingly aware of the thick wetness spreading down her thighs. She was so wet she was soaking through her leggings. She wondered if he could smell her.

‘That sounds like a threat.’ Her voice was tiny. She hated it, hated this feeling that he was giving her, hated knowing that she would be back, that she would accept extra lessons if he insisted one more time.

He turned his head away from her, hands on his hips. He let out a sigh and took a deep breath before continuing.

‘Chastity I’m not threatening you. I’m going overboard, maybe, but I’m not a threat. I’m attracted to you. That makes me feel a little bit…territorial.’ when he looked up again, his eyes were clear and his face passive. ‘I’m sorry to have made you feel uncomfortable. There is no other trainer for this course, though, and I really do worry for you.’

‘Do you worry about all the women you teach?’

‘No, Chastity, just the ones that look like victims, ripe for the plucking.’

She was speechless for a moment. Who did he think he was? She was no victim!

‘So you’re sexually attracted to victims?’ Her voice held contempt.

‘I’m sexually attracted to smart, spirited women with strength.’ The smolder was back in his eye and he stepped toward her slowly. ‘I want to protect victims, teach them how to protect themselves.’

‘You’re… contradicting…’ she backed away from him, only to bump into the wall behind her.

‘A victim is someone who would let people run over her because she thinks it’s easier or better that way.’ He stopped less than two feet from her, and she could feel heat emanating from him as if he were a radiator.

‘A victim is someone who has been hurt and learned that she will be hurt again, it’s only a matter of time.’ His voice softened.

‘I…took this class so that…i could…’

‘Defend yourself. But you’re not, Chastity. I taught a move in class today that would have me on my knees if you used it.’

She blinked and then remembered. But she finally saw his point – she was so overwhelmed by the feelings flooding her that she didn’t, couldn’t act.

‘I have to…’ she coughed, shook her head, and straightened her spine.

‘I have to get home. If you’re willing, I can come in on Monday morning, from 9 to 11.’

He stepped back, and she felt as if she had won a tug-of-war contest

‘I’ll be in the loft above the basketball court.’

She nodded and practically ran from the room. She could smell herself with every step, and was sure that he had, as well.

She fought off the thoughts of what it might be like to have sex with Mike.

He was attracted to her. That changed everything.

Monday morning saw her nervous and wired. She arrived a few minutes after 9 and passed people walking laps in the gym to get to the stairs. She noticed how they all walked in pairs, chatting animatedly. She envied them for a moment, and then made her way up the steps.

She found a door to one side of the bleachers, and inside was a large open space lit by natural light from the high windowa lining one wall that spanned the length of the building.

Thick mats covered the wooden floor, and in the middle, Mike was moving a mam-shaped dummy into place.

Why didn’t they have the class up here? Despite the smell of dust and age, it seemed perfect.

‘You came.’ He grunted, wiping his hands on his sweaty shirt. ‘I was worried.’

‘About?’ She looked at the dummy, a molded silicon torso and head. It wasn’t as big as Mike, but still it was bigger than she thought she could deal with.

‘About you going mouse on me.’

She looked at him finally, wanting to avoid it. His brown eyes sparkled with amusement. He liked to tease.

Two could play at that game.

‘Well if I was a mouse, I’d be scaring YOU, wouldn’t i?’

He grinned and her heart flipped. ‘Are you calling me an elephant?’

‘If the elephant saddle fits.’

She kept her face straight, but it was a struggle when he laughed so infectiously.

What was it about him laughing that turned her on so much?

She did her best to pay attention, to keep up with him. And ignore the distraction of her growing lust. She was almost sure that he was distracted as well, if the way he lingered close each time he had to touch her.

The difference between this session and the last was huge. Chastity practiced blocking and by the end of their two hours, she felt confident. If she couldn’t stop an attacker, she at least wouldn’t look like an idiot for trying.

She also realized the reason why this room wasn’t used for the class, as they both poured sweat.

She had never realized how a sexy a man could look in a sweaty gray T-shirt.

And the smell – nothing like any man she had ever known. He smelled sweet and musky, a strange combination, but one that excited her. She could hear people walking and talking downstairs, and realized that they probably couldn’t hear her.

The thick mats would be perfect for…

‘So, since you did so well today, shall we go ahead with the class, or do you want to meet again before then?’

He was leaving it up to her, and she wasn’t sure what that meant. She just knew what she wanted.

‘Can we meet again on Wednesday?’

Wednesday, he taught her the shoulder throw again, insisting that she practice on him. It was an uphill battle – she simply couldn’t believe that a 5’3′ woman weighing 121 lb. could throw such a huge man.

She got into a rhythm, and by the end of the first hour he was mock-attacking her from behind, and she was tossing him over her shoulder like a rag doll.

‘Uncle.’ He lay on the mat. His brown eyes smiling up at her. ‘I can’t take much more of this.’

She grinned mischievously. ‘Giving up, huh? I conquered the immortal Hun!’ She
playfully put one foot on his chest and raised her arms I’m victory.

He groaned, a purely sexual sound, and she realized too late that she might as well be shoving her wet pussy into his face. She stumbled backward.

‘Chastity. You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?’ He had risen to his knees, reaching out to steady her. His hands were burning through her clothes as he placed them on her hips.

‘Okay.’ She whispered. She was frozen in place with his hands on her, his head level with her belly. She felt an ache that started in her pussy and expanded until it seemed as if her whole body were throbbing.

‘You did well, and I’m proud. You’re all caught up with the class now.’

‘Yeah.’ She smiled, but she knew it was weak. Neither of them moved, but stared at each other silently for a moment.

He stood up slowly, his hands sliding up her ribcage. She trembled and fought back the moan.

He stared hard down at her before stepping closer, their toes almost touching.

‘I want you.’ He said it with no hesitancy, no guilt or shame. The words, his voice, his body heat, all had her aching from her neck to her knees. She wanted him, too.

He slowly leaned down, his fingertips moving up slightly.

She tilted her chin up and met his kiss unafraid.

His lips claimed hers and his tongue teased her, working her mouth open to accept him. It didn’t take much, and she whimpered when his body heat melded with hers. Her nipples hardened as they were crushed between the two.

His kiss opened a floodgate in her, and she moaned and slid her hand under his shirt, experiencing his warm, sweat-slicked skin. She didn’t notice when they moved down to the mat, or how he had gotten her shirt off.

He pulled the top of her sports bra down below her breasts, forcing them together and upward, her hard nipples teasing him. When he wrapped his lips around first one, and then the other, she had to cover her mouth to contain her moans.

In barely a second he whipped off his own shirt and she reached for him, wanting to touch and kiss and lick every inch.

He was too impatient to let her have her way, and covered her body with his as he kissed her, one knee between her thighs, pressed against her heat.

It was real, it was actually happening, and Chastity gasped as she looked up and saw those eyes burning down on her.

‘I want to see you.’ It was a rasp and a growl. ‘I want you naked on the floor for me, now.’ She didn’t register the act of removing her clothing, but soon she was completely undressed, lying on the floor.

It was incredible, there was so much to it. Being wanted by the man she wanted, being naked while he was clothed sent a chill up her spine. The sounds of the people in the gym seemed clearer now, and her heart raced not only with lust, but with fear.

Most of all, it was the way he devoured her with his eyes that made her melt, the fluid literally pooling on the mat beneath her pussy.

He surveyed every inch of her, sometimes turning her body, but whatever he looked at, she didn’t feel self-conscious.

No, she felt beautiful, sexy, powerful. Like Aphrodite, she drew him into a trance of lust.

Her eyes stayed locked on his as he pushed down his pants. He was a predator, climbing into place over her . Her breath came in shallow pants, and tiny moans escaped her.

‘Quiet now, my little chaste sparrow.’ She could feel him probing at her wetness.her whole body trembled in anticipation.

He covered her completely, and she wrapped her legs around him as he thrust deep and hard into her

It took her breath away, and she gasped as he began thrusting into her slowly, filling her in a way she hadn’t felt before. His lips captured her rising moan and his hands fisted in her hair to keep her head still.

He moved slowly at first, but couldn’t maintain patience as the pressure in both of their bodies built. She raised her hips to meet each thrust, clenching him tight each time he slid out, and he could feel her body quivering on the edge.

He bit her lower lip and pulled her hair, and she dug her nails into his back as they both reached that point and plummeted over it.

Tangled together, bodies covered in sweat, they lay silent for a moment. Neither wanted to move, to break the spell, or face the reality of what they had done.

Chastity sighed, and Mike pulled back to look down at her. He searched her face, and what he saw there had him slipping reluctantly out of her arms, gathering their clothes.

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Hey guys back with a new story. I would like to thank to all those readers out there who liked my story, as you would remember, Karan, from Delhi. This story is about how I became physical with my maid whom I always thought to be a decent Indian lady. This happened when I was 20 i.e. last year. So the story starts like this…. As normal day I was lying in my room when my mom came and told me that she was going out for shopping, and told me that maid will be coming to clean the room. Now let me...

3 years ago
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Dad I Have a Question Part 4

PLEASE NOTE: This is part of a completely fictional series about a single father, his daughter, and her friends. No actual virgins were harmed in the making of this story. Brief synopsis of events so far: Jamie, teenage daughter of single parent Bill, asked him a question about sex. One thing led to another. When this chapter begins, Bill and his daughter have been having wild and satisfying sex almost daily for a few weeks. Jamie's best friend, Kiersten, who is spending the weekend...

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Becoming a HuCow part 2

Chapter 2 My mind has long since been bent to My ranchers will as I feel him pumping inside and out of me. It's Milking time at the moment which occurs twice a day once in the morning and once early evening. This is the best part of us Cows day. The formula that we had been injected with, my Ranchers own design, I think he must have been a doctor or scientist in his previous life but I digress, means that us cows produce a huge amount of milk every day. By the time milking...

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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 22

"Could I join you?" asked Sophie, sounding desperate. Sarah arrived first at Charles De Gaulle Airport and waited for Melissa's plane from Barcelona to land. She called Sophie to check in on what had been happening and told her the plan to spend their last two days together exploring Paris when Sophie asked to accompany them. "Of course," Sarah replied. "Do you need to ask Melissa?" "Sophie, would you like to just be with me? I'm sure Elliot would love to spend time with...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 12

2056 a.d. The Aleutian Islands He could barely see the water in front of his boat through the heavy, but swift moving fog. He knew he was somewhere between two reefs. Shutting off the engine, Jake pulled the lever to drop anchor. At sixty feet, the chain stopped and Jake breathed a sigh of relief. He was in the channel with very little possibility of holing his ancient little craft on an upthrust rock. He sounded his deck horn to see if any nearby craft would respond. Only the brisk wind...

5 years ago
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Encounter with an older man

I checked my "personals" mailbox one day inDecember of 1999. I was surprised to see a reply froma man called "cen-tex bear". I had forgotten allabout placing the personals ad months before, whichbasically stated that I was looking for a man to havesome fun with from time to time in the Central Texasarea. The ad listed a phone number, so I called it andtalked to a man I'll call Trelane. He told me he was59 years old (I'm 38) and that he was basically a"top" only. I responded that I'm...

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My dad Part six

Chapter sixMy DadI woke up a few hours later because I had to have a pee, Ana was still asleep and had her hand on my right breast, her other hand was between her legs, and I thought yes we have something in common, both of us like sleeping with a hand on our pussy;s, she looked very beautiful just lying there naked, she had a lovely body and I wondered if she would remember what had happened between us earlier, I went to the toilet and sat down I started to have a pee and Ana said you will...

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Return to EdenChapter 19

As the lander lifted back off—it would return when they called on their communicators—Igwanda, Meiersdottir and the baby went easily with those who had met them. They'd been greeted courteously, even effusively, as soon as they exited the ship. Their greeter was one they'd not met before, but it was evident that he'd been practicing his Standard speech; his enunciation was nearly as good as Joe's. When Meiersdottir asked for a name to call him, he simply told her to pick the one she...

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Its My PartyChapter 5

The R & R time was taking a bit longer than Mark had first estimated, but he was sure he was making the right decision. It was now10:15 AM, and his sister and two classmates were happily finishing their showers together in the large bathroom. Emily stood by the open door in the connecting pantry, acting as the link that kept the group connected. Jada and Fatima stood a few feet away. Jada hadMadison’s phone plugged into a nearby outlet, and she was idly typing 911 every twenty seconds or...

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Boy Scout Camp

Even though I was very young when I started having gay sex with my friends,I was not always looking for gay encounters at every event.I was at a boy scout camp with several troops from around the tri state area for some fun and competition.I wanted as many Merit Badges as I could earn and was doing fair because of sheer determination.We pitched our tents in a fairly organized manner,each troop having their own area to maintain.Two guys to a tent and everything was kept in a neat and orderly...

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A Time of PurgatoryChapter 5 Tim and Jas meet

Over the next few days I was like a dog at a bone, worrying at a decision. There were two voices in my head diametrically opposed as to what I should do. I was very aware that meeting Jas would probably trigger an invective in me that would not be contained, yet at the same time my desire to see her again was pressing. Eventually I took the cowards way absolving myself of the decision. I would enlist Pippa's aid to pass a message to Jas, to see if she wanted to meet. Pippa was angry with me...

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My first threesome with wife and shemale

My sex life with wife was becoming monotonous and we were looking for ways to spice it up. We explored different options which involved fantasies of both of us which we had not been able to fulfill. I had a long time fantasy of having a threesome with wife and a shemale which I shared with wife and after some discussion we agreed to go ahead with it. I had always watched shemale porn with interest. Recently my interest had increased and I was watching more and more of those videos that had...

3 years ago
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My Irish Nymph

This is dedicated to my Irishgirl, and may not be as erotic as you are used to but it really is just a story for my dear girl. But I hope you like.There was once a wood nymph that lived in the forest of the land of snow-capped mountains and sheep. She would fly through the trees beating her insect wings as fast as she could try to escape a terrible loneliness. She watched the humans coupling, clutching at each other as if trying to become one.She came to enjoy watching the humans "fucking" as...

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A Dream Come True2

A Dream Come True – 2 By celeb fan© Dear friends, I am continuing where I left off the previous part of this series. If you want to read the precursor to this, read the story with the same title but, part 1, I hope you like it. After she passed out, I kept kissing her tenderly along her neck, her boobs and licking her pussy. She awakened after quite a long time and her first reaction was to look at her chest, where I was licking her boobs. She caught my face between the palms of her hands...

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Daniel 12

The noise grew louder as I got closer to the gym. And when I openedthe door to the locker room, it became evident by the amount of hootingthat something was up. As I stepped through the door, I hat to immediatelystep back as not to be knocked over by two guys running past me. One wasnaked, his cock jumping up and down as he ran and the other in his boxerschasing him with a ratted towel, snapping it on his ass causing yelps ofpain as the towel made contact with his naked skin. As I...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 211 on the Lam With the Irishman

'What the fuck?" Martin asked in a weak voice. "Suicide bomber, gone wrong," I replied. It was what I said, but it wasn't what I thought. "Okay, so tell me how you found me?" he asked. "The chick that exploded pretty much found you," I said it more than a little angry. "If your friends in the CIA or Swamp Thing had been able to find your coordinates, they wouldn't have needed us. We didn't know it but our job was to get them the targeting information." "Yeah, when I saw the...

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Suni Aunty 8211 My Bitch 8211 Part 2

Note:- Real NAMES are changed because its a real story. I’m Robin again. Hope you liked my first part of this story. First part of this story was how I get Suni aunty(my mom’s cousin’s wife) as my bitch. Second part is about how I started fulfilling my fantasies with Suni aunty. Like Suni aunty is a wild bitch, my fantasies was also wild. May be you couldn’t accept it as normal or real. But its all true & and I did it with Suni aunty. I was a simple & lovely boy to those who know me. But inside...

3 years ago
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After School JobChapter 10

We did not have sex before school that day, but the start of school only affected our honeymoon a little. It gave me time to recharge during the day, which was good, because when we got home after school we fucked like bunnies, took a nap, and then did it again when we woke up. We found that actually sleeping together was addictive. We hadn't slept in separate beds since Dad left. We slept in Addison's bed most nights because she had a queen sized bed, while I only had a double. Addison...

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Sex with email sender

Hi all. Well am flummoxed!!! I had an empty mailbox one day and the next it was flooded! I individually thank each and every soul who wrote to me especially one Gail who was really helpful I wont say who he is but I will tell u our story. For the benefit of the guys who never read my previous story, I am 20, quite pretty Muslim girl married to a workaholic. I am based in Nairobi, Kenya. I was India for a few days last month. I have 36 in firm breasts tiny waist and lush hips not fat as I work...

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Come Into My Arms Jack Pt 01

CHAPTER 1 Five dolphins played off the bow wave of the Lady Helena and then sliced forward like torpedoes just below the surface. Sunlight glinted off the crests of the swells rolling through the Hauraki Gulf and the spray thrown by the bow waves. Idyllic, spoiled only by the thump-thump of the big marine Caterpillar down below. Something a little smelly arrived beside Jack Garland as he watched the dolphins and a metal mug of hot coffee with one sugar banged on the safety rail beside his...

2 years ago
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Ready to get all messy at Dirty Shack? It will never cease to amaze me with the things that you people get off to. They are absolutely insane! I'll be completely honest, and I'll say that I don't get this fetish, at all. Is it about degradation, humiliation, disgust? Did these people really sink this low that watching someone take a shit arouses them? Damn son, just, damn. However, that's the world we live in. Even though this is definitively not something that floats my boat,

Scat Porn Sites
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A Perfect Life

I entered the room, the flickering candles illuminating her body. Sensual shadows and erotic curves entranced my mind. The perfume of cinnamon and nutmeg filled my senses. She moved slightly, her hands bound to the bed head, her face masked and gagged pressed to the down filled pillow. Her body curved as she knelt with her ass in the air, legs parted, cheeks firm and round. I could take my pick, and neared the edge of the bed, the height so well judged that my erect member so easily sought its...

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Seduction Of Juicy Mausi Lucy

Hello this is Sisfucker. Hope you like this hot Mausi and her nephew. You may email me at My name is Vicky, aged 21 years and live with my mother Roma aged 40 years. Mom is a school teacher and is very sexy. She has the magic figure of 36-25-36. She is a little darkish in complexion but she always gives me a hard cock when I peek into her room while she is changing her clothes. I have masturbated to the sight of my mother. She is my sex goddess. I thought I had won a lottery when my Mausi Lucy...

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Rebuttal of Cows and Girlfriends

Frank was livid! The love of his life was being treated as a COW. Things were going to change, and he was going to get his wonderful bright, Intelligent, happy girl BACK. When Frank went into the Army, he had just finished graduated from college. He had always wanted to go into the Army, he felt a strong need to protect and defend, and he was finally old enough to enter. He was smart. He had finished high school by the time he was 15, and his BA when he was 17, and his masters a year...

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Who Needs a Man

Leila was locking up her shop late one night. Her shop, she savoured the thought in her mind, remembering all the sacrifice and hard work it had taken to start it up. Despite all that, her shop was her own. A small piece of her soul had been placed in the little boutique on the corner of the usually bustling street of Dalkey. She looks past the mannequins on display and squints out into the darkness, then shakes her head at herself. It’s 2am, Leila, she chided herself. Who do you think is...

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Sex With Lesbo Aunts

Hi to all,I am a regular visitor to this site,and I have always likes the stories.I am from the lovely city of trichur.I always wanted to have sex with aunties. The aunties in our street have always fantazised me.Especially our neighbours.There lived two families in our next house.In one house there was a family,where there was a husband and wife,he was in the military.they had no children,because the aunty (Shanthi) had some problem,she was some 35 or 37 yearsold,she was well built with huge...

2 years ago
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NubileFilms Aiden Ashley Matters Of Attraction

Aiden Ashley and Oliver Flynn have long had a mutual attraction, and now they can finally indulge themselves. They begin their intimate encounter in bed, with Aiden already nude and Oliver down to his boxers. Laying together so that Aiden’s face is by Oliver’s knees, they indulge themselves in sweet caresses as they explore one another. It’s a simple thing for Oliver to let his thumb glide up Aiden’s bare twat and then slip inside. Aiden’s head falls back in...

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Maid Takes Away My Virginity

Hello readers, I am Rohan and this is my first story on ISS. Let me give you a brief introduction about myself and my maid. I am 18 years old. Like all other guys of my age, I was desperate of sex. My maid is Sheetal who is around 45 year old. She has dark skin colour and beautiful long hair which is a great turn on for me during sex. Like all women of her age, her boobs were hanging and not the ones you would expect to have sex with. She was a little chubby. She was not the most attractive...

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Out of ReachChapter 02

Ernie and Tom are ready for school a bit earlier than the previous days because they’re going a different way today. They’re going through the back fence and walking to school with Melissa and their cousins Nancy, Margaret, and Pearl. Ernie greets Melissa with a two minute long good morning kiss; which stuns Nancy and Pearl because they didn’t believe Margaret when she said their shy, geeky cousin had scored one of the prettiest girls in the school as his girlfriend. They chat about many...

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thoughts of you

everything is so fukd rite now i dont know what to think our how to feel or if im even feeling anything life can b so fuckd up some times so confusing so chaiotic so jumbled..the thoughs are crippeling the feelings are numbing the moods are crushing and maddening... then im pulled away to more distracting thoughts....your carress warms me your passion drives me and your love keeps me afloat... hopesof being tucked away safe in your arms.. your eyes keep me focused as you stair deep into my aged...

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Hi, everybody, I am Harshith from north Karnataka I am 22 years old just now I have completed PUC I have a huge cock 7 inches which will satisfy anyone easily I am a good looking and I have an athlete bodySo let’s get into the story this is the real incident which happened with me. This is my first story in Indian sex stories please forgive me if there are any mistakes. This story tells about how I had sex with my aunt. This is a real life experience so it’s actually quite long as I have...

2 years ago
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FamilyHookups Lexi Lore Cute blonde Lexi Lore fucks her older stepbrother

Lexi Lore is in big trouble. She had a threesome with one of her college professors in a classroom and now she’s suspended. Her mom decides that she needs to have her stepbrother come stay with her to keep an eye on her during the suspension. Once he shows up though, she can’t take an eye of of him and his fat cock! She sees him getting naked in his room and can’t help but proposition him, why don’t they have sex and forget all about this babysitting stuff? Once his cock is in her mouth, they...

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Waiting II

I wait in a different place, where the path bends and starts downhill. I hide behind two trees that stand next to each other. There is a space between where I see the path well. I imagine if she stopped and looked she could see me.. I feel a choking in my throat as the excitement builds and I hope she will be running past soon. I feel my penis hardening. I reach inside my pants and touch it, feeling the sparks of sexual electricity move through me. She is here now, I can almost feel her as...

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Private Misha Maver Anal Therapy

Heartbroken after a recent break-up, Misha Maver is visiting her therapist in Private Specials, Urban, Sexy and Anal Loving, her ex said her pussy wasn’t good enough, but today on, the lucky Max Dior will find out he was wrong! Watch the curvaceous Misha show off her big tits and sexy tattoos as she strips off and offers up her sweet pussy for a taste. Then enjoy this busty star in action as she returns the favour with a sloppy blowjob and 69 before going on to receive some deep...

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EverlastingChapter 2

Back to the fall after their trip to Maui... Amie is crazy about fall. It always seems to her that it is the start of something new and exciting. This year, she and Lex are seniors in high school and only one more year and she'll start college. "Your father must be home Amie, his car is in the garage." "Yes, Mom, he said he would be home today. He must've caught an early flight because I didn't expect him until around 6:00." Marnie pulled the car up to the curb and Amie threw the...

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The Mean Street

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."--Rod Serling *** The Mean Street ... A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Marlene was a young girl that had made poor decisions all throughout her life, decisions that for one reason or another would haunt her until the day she would die. A day to be determined on the mean...

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Clive and The Twins

Clive was a single dad with a daughter who he shared custody with his ex-wife so he spent half his time with Amber and half on his own which suited him and he made sure he made the best of his time with Amber. Clive had just got a call from his ex to say that Amber had the flu and wouldn’t be coming this week which was a shame as the plan was for two of her best friends Lyn and Beth were due to come after school for a weekend sleepover and to use his PC for some school project which Clive had...

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