Harriet - A PrisonerChapter 4 free porn video

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Today was colder than the first and there was a biting wind to add to their misery. Gwendoline had taken pride throughout the winter, in being outdoors and stripped bare. She had been mostly nude since discarding her mourning garb. But even she was beginning to think that they should take a break after a couple of hours. As soon as Harriet asked for a respite in the warmth she would agree.

"Come on Harry" she thought half an hour after the two hours were up. "Ask me to let us have a break, PLEASE Harry!"

Harriet herself was desperately hoping that Gwendoline would realise the impossibility of staying out all day without a few periods inside to thaw out.

"Just ten minutes would be enough," she thought. "PLEASE Gwen, have some pity on me - it's alright for you, but I'm only flesh and blood."
But neither proud young woman would lose face in front of the other and they were stilll working away, feeling more dead than alive and in horrible pain, when Jenkins came out with their lunchtime picnic meal. He paled in sheer horror at sight of their bodies, blue with cold. Their pain was etched on their drawn faces.
"If you don't mind my saying so, your Ladyship - you two really should get indoors, at least for a while. You both look terrible and I don't doubt it's just because just neither of you wants to be the first to give up."

"Put the things down, Jenkins and come back for them later. I take note of your advice. It was well meant I don't doubt and your fond feelings are most deeply and warmly reciprocated." She kissed him on the cheek and said, "Now bugger off."

Jenkins went away, pleased to have been told that Gwen was fond of him, but appalled at his mistress's headstrong pig-headed folly. Her lips had been deathly cold against his face, but it had been an unexpected pleasure and unprecedented to be kissed like that by the golden haired girl he had always doted on! He felt he was walking on air as he returned to the kitchen and prayed she would come to no harm out there. At least there's a nice warming drink in that basket for them, he thought.

They sat down to eat the meal, but soon got up and got back to work. It was the only way to survive. The extra-strong mulled wine, laced with rum, did its work on them and they struggled through somehow until four o'clock, when Gwendoline threw her pick-axe aside and said she had a little paperwork to do and was going inside and Harriet was free to follow suit if she wished.

Harry watched her walking back towards the house and prepared to resume working, but Gwen suddenly turned round, came back and started digging furiously again. When five came she sent Harry inside and carried on working herself for some minutes - she had showed weakness and so sentenced herself to extra misery as a self imposed penalty.

Once both girls were indoors, the brandy was produced again and they drank it in the same sexy way as before. They inspected each others' pinched and frozen bodies.

"I have a confession, Harry. I was ready to suggest coming inside every couple of hours to warm up for a bit. It was atrocious out there today. But I just couldn't lose face in front of you!"

"I've exactly the same confession to make to you." Harriet laughed hysterically. When she had recovered she continued "Why couldn't we have listened to Jenkins. He must think we're both certifiable - I saw it in his face yesterday."

"No, Harry. We made it, didn't we? That means that we can do it again, if need be. We stayed out all day today and we'll do the same tomorrow. Just think about it Harry! We can do it! We did it! We're two very hard, tough ladies! Now, doesn't that make you feel just great?"

Harry agreed and after dinner, she suggested they have another early night and told Gwen there would be no dropping asleep before they had warmed each other up with a bit of violently active sexual athleticism.

As she rolled over and off Gwen's hard body, Harriet wondered exactly what her friend had been doing to make herself so incredibly fit.

"Oh, I have a private gym in the house. I have been working out under a personal trainer for weeks and weeks. The only disappointment is that I don't look muscular like you were starting to in the autumn and soon will be again. My stomach is hard as a rock now but just seems to be more concave. I think I've actually lost weight. I'm still stronger than you are, though - you could see that, could you not?"

Harry certainly could see that. Gwendoline had been shifting twice as much stony soil as she. She didn't want her friend to look too rugged, though - it wouldn't be right for one of her graceful build. Now she, Harry, was different! Her large bones simply begged to be covered by lots and lots of rippling muscles! And by God, they were going to be!

The next day was Saturday and Gwendoline said they would work until noon and have thirty six hours respite. She further warned Harriet that they would be going to church the next day and would obviously need to be dressed for that and for Sunday dinner to which several guests had been invited. She did add that she, Gwendoline, would discard her shoes straight after church and Harry was very welcome to do the same.

"Is there a law that says you have to wear shoes to church, Gwen?"

"I hadn't thought about it, Harry"

She went out and returned in a few minutes.

"I just phoned the Rector. He says he doesn't have any objection to Lady Bountiful occupying the family pew without shoes. Nice old boy! And I'm the patron of his living anyway. Thanks for raising the matter, darling - come here and be kissed! and let's get out there or the morning will be over - we're a real pair of lazybones today."

In truth Gwen had still not got over the last terrible day and it took great will power for her to take Harriet's hand and walk demurely with her out into the gardens. They had been working two complete days, one of them together, and the signs of their labours were pitiful to behold. Every blow to the ground had yielded a derisory result in terms of soil excavated.

"I hope it thaws out soon, Harry. We could be here twenty years in this icy hard cold and still have hardly scratched the surface!"

Then she saw the wheel marks on the lawn where they had been tranporting stuff over to the projected rockery. She gasped with horror.

"Oh, Harry! Just look at those horrible, unsightly tracks on our lovely lawns. My gardener will murder me!"

Jameson, the gardener was the only servant Gwen had always dreaded. Her father had early on given him permission to smack her if he caught her stealing fruit and he had never failed to take full advantage of this sanction. Her bottom had not felt the heavy impact of his hand for many years, but she still feared him, even now that she was his employer.

She scurried away and came back carrying two large rectangular metal boxes, each with a handle at each end and each capable of holding as much as one of the barrows.

"We'll just have to carry the stuff over in these"she announced. "Feet marks won't upset old Jameson as much as wheel tracks, Start transferring the stuff and take it over, I'll carry on digging."

Harry obeyed and gasped and strained to lift the first full box off the ground. Gwen looked up from her labours and scowled furiously at her.
"Stop fucking about, Harry and get that fucking stuff moved! GO ON!!!. You fucking feeble useless arsehole. You frail wimp. Call youself a labourer? - you're pathetic - you cripple."

Stung by these insults, just as Gwen intended, Harry managed to lift the heavy box and carried it over to join the distant heap of spoil. Her muscles stood out like steel bands and the veins in her forearms and upper arms looked fit to burst out of her skin. A steady stream of jibes and insults caused her to hurry up and she never once paused to lower her burden to the ground. She was sweating at the end, for the first time in the last two days - and this was the coldest day yet. She rejoined Gwendoline who smilingly congratulated her. Gwen then picked up the other full box as if had weighed no more than when empty and carried it over and returned at a run.

"See Harry. I'm a whole lot stronger than I look aren't I?. I think I could probably take two of those boxes across at once, one on top of the other. What do you bet me?"

"I wouldn't waste my money, Gwendoline - your ladyship. We both of us know quite well that you could do it!"

One of the guests for Sunday dinner was none other than Janet. She sat opposite Gwendoline and kept eying her and Harriet throughout the meal. Her presence seemed to act as a conversation stopper and Harry was relieved when the meal was over.

She had enjoyed going to the old Norman church with the Countess and been highly amused when her barefoot friend and a barefoot Harry had been ushered by the sidesman into the Foxe family pew. The two girls had stood outside the church after the service of Matins and spoken to all the other worshippers, most of whom were Gwen's neighbours and/or tenants. All had affected not to notice the exposed and not too warm feet of the two girls, and had spoken to Gwen with all the respect that they had once reserved for her beloved and dead father.

"They're all afraid I might put up their rents" giggled Gwen as they walked back to the house, through the frost covered fields. Then her voice became more serious. "Chance would be a fine thing. You can't do a thing in this country any more without cutting through masses of red tape. Just as well for some of them, I can tell you. Worry brought Daddy to his early grave and they caused him a lot of worry, some of those people we just met. You needn't think I'll forget in a hurry - their time will come."

Harriet, the Marxist idealist, held her peace for once.

Now they were back at the house and Harry, uncomfortably clothed, tried to join in the conversation, but could see that her friend's sunny happiness had been badly affected by Janet's unexpected arrival. She, Harriet had intervened to rescue that relationship towards the end of the journey, but the more she looked at the two, the more she regretted doing so. This woman was a very nasty character indeed, she intuitively decided.
Gwendoline and Janet retired to Gwen's room and undressed. The Countess made to embrace her lover, but Janet struck her a stinging blow across the face.
"You have been a naughty girl, Gwendoline and I am very angry with you. You know what happens to naughty girls, don't you Gwen, my pet?"

"What are you talking about Janet. I was so looking forward to seeing you again. Don't spoil it for me - please Janet!"

"I hear you have been very unkind to Harriet this week. Naughty Gwen! Well, I'm about to be unkind to you. Far more unkind than you were to Harriet. You need a severe lesson and part one starts right here and now and more will follow throughout the coming week!"

"But it was for her own good Janet. I'm only trying to help her and she's free to leave if she likes! I know that girl so well - I know what I'm doing and I'd do her no harm - really Janet my love!"

"Bend down and touch your toes, Gwendoline. I think fifty of the best will do to start with. If I see you move I'll start again at number one -so it's in your own best interets to keep perfectly still. You will count them out for me in a clear voice. If I can't hear properly I shall start from the beginning. I don't care if you have to stay in that position all night - we are going to do this properly."

Janet picked up that studded belt that that once entranced Gwen and now horrified her after her very effective aversion therapy at Mrs Travers's hands.

"I'm not into that sick kind of thing any more Jan. I hate it now -- please don't hurt me. I was so looking forward to seeing you. Don't spoil itall like this."

Nevertheless she bent down as ordered, such was the quasi-hypnotic power this woman had come to have over her. Janet stepped back her eyes aflame with demonic glee and anticipation. She held the belt by its furthermost extremity and aimed it so that the other end would strike Gwendoline's as yet unmarked bottom, bearing down on it with maximun speed and force. She gave the belt a few preparatory swishes, that made Gwen sick with fear.

"Very Well! Let's waste no more precious time! I'm waiting to hear that loud clear voice, Gwendoline! It's time to begin!"

Gwen shuddered and in a clear if tremulous voice called out "One"
Harriet chatted to the other guests for half an hour after Gwen and Janet had left, but found herself beginning to nod off to sleep and made her excuses to the assembled guests, who all prepared to leave. She wandered out on to the terrace and stood against the balustrade for a few minutes, looking out over the dark-enshrouded grounds and up at the clear and starry sky, lost in thought, until the cold began to penetrate her clothing and she became uncomfortably chilled. She then made her way slowly upstairs, pausing to look at some of the paintings hanging on the walls. Grim loking lot, Gwen's ancestors, she thought - all looking down on her disapprovingly. Small wonder she feels she's a lot to live up to. I'd sell them all off if it were my house and replace them with something more cheerful - Jim's painting of me, for instance! She continued her leisurely way up to the first floor.

As she neared Gwen's room - where she had spent three wonderful nights - on her way to her own, she heard that terrible noise - that sound that she had hoped never to hear again.

From inside that room came the all too well remembered sound of leather being viciously applied to skin and Gwen saying "Forty-Five". She ran along the corridor until she reached the door, which was locked. Five more blows were landed even in that short time as tried to open the door. Gwen's voice sobbingly cried out "One". She banged her fists against the panel and screamed at Janet to leave her friend alone. The hideous noise and her Gwen's counting continued and Harry thought she would go insane with rage and frustration. Jenkins, alarmed by the commotion came hustling along the corridor.

"You can't go in!"

"Bollocks" cried a tearful and angry Harry. "You can hear that can't you? OPEN THAT FUCKING DOOR - NOW!!!. You love Gwendoline don't you! Known her since she was a baby. Do as I say. I'll take the consequences! If she sacks you, then you can come and work for me."

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Josh worked as a field service technician for a large, extremely conservative computer company. His bosses did not know Josh was gay, nor would they have approved. They were so homophobic Josh had to remain in the closet for fear of losing his job. He was happy his job required him to travel most of the time because it gave him a chance to play around without worrying about the boss finding out.  At a first glance Josh looked like your typical lanky computer geek, and rarely did anyone give him...

2 years ago
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Pandora The alien dynasty chap 1

INTRODUCTION Pandora was a population of mythical alien creatures .They were the original inhabitants of the planet pluto . But they received a curse from their gods for trying to conquer the universe .The curse was that the females of the race was completely wiped out .These alien creatures were shape shifters and can turn into anything. Their king was cronos who lost his hope in the survival of their race . THE HOPE A burning space craft bolted across the sky and crashed into pluto....

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Mina sat quietly waiting for the man. She was in his room sitting on a bench that would have come from a garden she guessed.....heavy and ornate cast iron ends linked together by the solid wooden slats that made up the seat and the back. The slats were five feet long so the bench was five feet wide.They met in a bar and during the course of their evening the conversation had gone to places she hadn’t been with boyfriends she’d known for two years or more and though she was in the home of a man...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Lily Larimar What It Takes

It’s a lovely morning as Lily Larimar walks up behind her honey Jay Romero and leans forward so that her bra-covered boos rest on his head as she massages his chest. Loving the way Lily’s hands feel on him, Jay tips his head back for a sweet kiss. Then he encourages Lily to come closer so they can both indulge in one another. Lily, of course, is happy to comply. She finds herself on the arm of the couch with Jay’s hands running all over her slim body. As he tastes Lily with...

3 years ago
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Space the Final Love Hotel

"I know it's around here somewhere." President John Sheridan stalked the halls of Babylon 5, Ambassador Delenn half a step behind him. They'd had one half shift off after the wedding, but ever since, every being in the galaxy, it seemed, had been relentless in seeking audiences with them. They'd barely had time to eat, much less... "John, really, it is not that urgent ... we can wait..." "We cannot. I cannot." He whirled and pressed his bride to the corridor wall. She squeaked, in...

2 years ago
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Auntie Paula enjoys my dick in her ass

I had fucked my Auntie Paula that afternoon at her house by the seaside. Better we could say, she had fucked me…After enjoying a very nice sex time at the backyard, we both dressed up and went to the beach, to meet my mother there.I knew that my mother knew what had happened…She smiled at her younger sister and whispered in my ear that Auntie Paula would give some lessons about anal sex later…I really was having a strong desire to do anal. I had already fucked many girls, but none of them had...

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A Dream comes True ch 7

A Dream comes True. ch 7 by Julian Irwin. Before you start reading Chapter 7 Firstly I would like to say, thanks to those who have written on the review page. All your feed back is most welcome. Now some have asked for Jessica to be Punished and humiliated. Well look I am sorry that won't be happening. The reason is I want this as a sweet loving story. [I hope] The thing is right from early high school I've been beaten and humiliated. Have you ever been taken into the bush after...

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rich boys love 35

when got up the next morning me and harvey went to the bathroom to got get ready for graduation when we came down stairs are parent was smiling at us and my mom asked if we would have a picture taken i looked at harvey and said "harvey i look a mess" harvey kissed me on my forehead and said "no you dont babe you look like you was carved from angels" i looked lovingly into harvey eyes and smiled harvey smiled to and my mom took the chance to stap a picture i took harveys hand and we walked...

2 years ago
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Bride Of The Vampire

Summer breaks were always exciting but when they had the change to go to Europe, well the members of the literature club jump at it. The trip was tiring but fun, that is until they got Romania. Bad weather seem to plague them. Rain, cold, and fog; didn't this country ever have a nice day they asked the bus driver. "Just bad time of year," was all they got from him. The rains started earlier in the day and never let up. But rains are not very good if you are driving on dirt roads. The club...

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The Last ManChapter 12

We were having a stew that was made from canned beef, and dry noodles mostly with a few canned vegetables thrown in for color. It was not Sandy's best meal, but we were running out of the good tasting stuff. Sandy said, "We need to get started on this farm thing as soon as we can. We are running out of staples. Luckily Sherrie had a little bit of meat left, but now we are out of everything. The stores are starting to look picked clean. They occasionally get a truck from a warehouse, but...

3 years ago
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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 10 The Battle of Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Voldemort deeply inhaled the cold, stinging air as he turned to face the thousands of his supporters behind him. A few of the Death Eaters gasped in awe at the impressive sight of him. Voldemort was stood high above them on a giant stone, with the impressive castle of Hogwart’s behind him and the large, full moon casting an angelic glow on him. Draco stood just below Voldemort on his right side on a smaller boulder as Voldemort raised his wand in the air; commanding silence....

2 years ago
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First Time Incest With Mom at the Beach

Let me start by saying that I first started reading incest stories when I found one near a Tobacco bookstore when I was a bit younger (18), to be exact. When I first read the mother son ones I was immediately hooked, and since I thought my mom was attractive, (44, size 36D breasts and a curvy figure, I was 20 athletic body and a 7.5 inch dick with some girth to it), began looking at her differently. Needless to say I kept this only as fantasy since my father was still alive and fantasy was...

1 year ago
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Dear Prudence

"I'll take care of your coat for you, Prudence," I offered as I helped her remove her fur jacket. "Thanks, Mike," she smiled. "I'll see you at the bar after you've finished that little chore." That was when I noticed Steve Watkins and Barry Reynolds standing between me and the coat room. I could barely conceal my distaste as I attempted to walk around them to hang Prudence's fur. "Did I hear you call your wife 'Prudence', Mikey?" laughed Steve. "That's a name you don't hear...

1 year ago
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El of a ThingChapter 7

FRIDAY 10:25 A. M. Nexus Portal, Chicago, IL Mazal had finally won the right to lead the group through the expedient of age. Being the oldest brother had to count for something and obviously, it had. Polite arguments could have gone on forever, he felt. 'Pride - although in essence a good foundation - could be a real pain in the back end, when progress was the goal, ' the thought passed through his mind. Before setting out from Elfrealm Vankell he'd had the foresight to access the...

4 years ago
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Pollyanna part 1

8:45 PM, the dressing room is buzzing, everyone is putting the finishing touches on their make-up. Most of the girls are already in costume, G-strings, pasties, and high heels or boots are standard for all the girls. They individualize their outfits from there, the usual stuff you see at a gentlemen’s club, cowgirl hats and vests, French Maid outfits, leather dominatrix corsets with matching thigh high boots, and schoolgirl tops and skirts.Michelle decided to go with the schoolgirl look. Since...

4 years ago
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I Let My Brother Fuck Me

I Let My Brother Fuck Me Hello, my name is Karen. I am a fifty-seven year old woman and I have been very happily married to my wonderful husband for thirty-nine years. I am the oldest of five children and I just let my little brother Brian fuck me again, yes again. He is forty-four years old and I think he is still very cute. He was only five years old when I got married and he sure grew up into a very handsome young man. Now he has gotten heavier, but so have I. It all started a...

3 years ago
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Its Good Getting To Know Your Neighbors

"Really, how many times are you going to fucking do this? That's 4 times this week," I thought to myself when I saw my absolutely stunning hot neighbor taking off his shirt to jump into his pool. I began to put on my "Snooki" tanning lotion all over my DD boobs. He swam for a few more minutes and went back inside his house. My mysterious hot neighbor was tanned, very tall and strong, with dark brown hair. I live in a small rented house. It was over a hundred degrees outside at least. I tanned...

Straight Sex
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01 Buckleys The Bar

I was nineteen, nervous and about to visit my first gay bar. Having opened the door slightly during my later years at school and my attempt to experiment, I ended up being bullied for being bicurious. I had indulged in the occasional fondle and wank session, in my final year of school but wanted more. That wanting more sudden got me the attention I did not want, the school bullies. Since school and since no one I wanted to know what made me tick, I was always scared someone I knew would...

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Office mai masti

Hi friends me Anish from Kolkata I work in a private office in Kolkata. The office is located in a really old building. We normally don’t work on Saturday’s, but as there was some work that had got postponed too much, my boss asked me to come on a Saturday and finish it off. He also asked the secretary of our department who was a girl called Anju to come and finish off some correspondence. Anyway being a Saturday, I took my own time to come to work and I arrived at around 10.00 am. Our office...

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The Back Room of the Bar

“Oh my God!” That was all could think. He put his entire cock in me on the first thrust. I was wet, I had been anticipating this little tryst. But still I was taken aback as my vaginal canal completely filled with warm flesh. The head was stubby with a wide rim, enough such that you could feel it. His girth was average, not too big. It was the length that told the story. It was clear from the first thrust that my cervix would be involved in this hookup. He either had to step forward...

3 years ago
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Awakening Her Desires VII

Mondaymorning. The sun had risen hours ago. David had called the domestic staff and pleading flu had given them all the week off. He had cancelled every business appointment and social engagement he had made for the same time period. Damn feeding the gossip mill at work. Once he had begun to realise quite how voracious was Charlotte's appetite for his own favourite type of sex play, he wasn't leaving her for a moment when she might have time to reconsider. To recall her staid, respectable C of...

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Rising to the Occasion

"Well, there's nothing physically wrong with you, at least." The Consultant Urologist had the biggest and bushiest eyebrows that Ben Farmer had ever seen. "I would say, at your age, the problem is most likely psychological." Ben nodded. He'd thought that was the case but better to be safe then sorry. "I am reluctant to prescribe any medication. The risks of side effects are always there and medication treats physical shortcomings, er, if you understand my meaning?" Again Ben nodded. It...

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A dream cum true3

A knock at the door. I jump to attention as I know it could only be you. My heart racing even more than before as I turn the knob. There you are standing before me in nothing but an over coat just I requested(you always listen to what daddy says like a good little girl) you to wear with nothing on underneath. God you look so perfect standing there. I can tell you are nervous as well so grab your hand gently and pull you inside and close the door behind us. I lean down and kiss...

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Laundry Day at the Country House

The sun had barely risen over the horizon when Marie entered through the gates of her employer’s country house. Her employer wouldn’t wake for several more hours, but Marie needed to be there in time to have the fires lit, breakfast made, and the myriad of other chores begun before starting the day’s real work of managing the property. Normally, she would have the help of the other servants to ease the burden of managing an estate, but as this was her master’s retreat from the world of the...

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Honors Folly Ch 02

From a distance, Honor heard the four men either raise or fold. She had no idea who was winning at that point, so lost in her own thoughts. There was only one man at that table with whom she had sex. With the others, she just acted like herself. No sex involved. Nothing like this had happened to her back home. It must be the crazy energy of Vegas that helped put her in this predicament. Maybe the city had a different effect on different people. Honor sat back on the hotel couch, eyeing the...

4 years ago
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Half Priced Taxi

For those of you about to read this story, you may want to check out my first story entitled "Singapore Slinged" as it will help you understand my girlfriend Linda a bit better and in turn make this story more enjoyable. Enjoy!After our little 'experience" in Singapore, me and my girlfriend Linda's relationship in the bedroom went through the roof, just the images of that night alone were enough for me to get in the mood to pound her for hours on end. Although what Linda done in that hotel room...

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