Harriet - A PrisonerChapter 6 free porn video

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One morning, a few days before the Grand Lodge meeting, Harry was awakened by a massive and painful kick in the ribs from her already wakeful partner.

"Get that arse out of there, you lazy cow! I've got something really jolly in store for it today"

"Not corporal punishmnet, I hope" Harriet muttered sleepily. "I love you Gwen, but there are limits"

"Not exactly, darling."

Gwendoline collapsed in hysterics as soon as she came out with this reply and Harriet's heart sank. This hare-brained, mischievous girl was planning something and it might not be entirely to her, Harriet's liking!

Gwen led her friend around the back of the house to the stables, where two horses had been prepared. One of these animals was snorting and prancing about eagerly - she obviously could not wait for a bit of welcome exercise! Gwendoline led this frisky steed up to Harry and bade her mount. She nimbly mounted the other herself and turned to Harriet, her eyes shining and her face red with excitement.

"Now that the ground's not so hard, we can take them out for a bit of a hard run. They've been missing me, I can see that. Don't go over the boundary, darling. Don't do that whatever you do! My neighbours tend to be a bit strait-laced."

She spurred her mount and trotted off. Harry followed suit, excited at this change of routine. Despite this excitement, she was rather apprehensive about being out in what was still rather cold weather. It might be uncomfortable sitting around for too long, even now. She need not have worried. The up and down motion and the effort needed to keep a very frisky steed under control soon warmed her up. Half an hour later Gwen drew up and allowed the still cautious Harry to draw level.

"It's getting a bit sore, bum-wise as you implied earlier, Gwen my love" she panted, "But what worries me one whole heell of a lot more is the soreness between the thighs. Without riding breeches, it's surprising what the friction does to you"

A squeal of laghter greeted this, and Gwen assured her it would be like raw meat in that last named region before the day was out! She knew all to well from personal experience.

"Never mind my love, I've something to put on it when we get back. Wonderful stuff - only trouble is it stings like hell!" She laughed even harder at the last part of her sentence. Harry reflected that her beloved's cruel streak was making another highly unwelcome showing today!

"Come on, Harry. Let's have a race!"

And with this challenge Gwen was away, her hair flying behind her in the wind. Forgetting her physical discomfort, Harriet urged her horse to break into a gallop and it obliged eagerly, so much so that Gwen was soon overtaken and left behind muttering many obscenites, drawing deeply on her huge vocabulary, and cursing herself for having given Harriet the faster steed.

"No - Harry! Not that way you bloody fucking arsehole - you damned fool" she shouted at one point, but her friend did not hear and Gwendoline followed in the same direction with extreme nervousness. It was a long time before an exhilarated Harry came to a stop and turned around to await her defeated friend's arrival.
"How about that, Gwen!" she smiled when that lady finally came up.

"Not bad Harry - you fucking idiot - you educationally subnormal, cretinous half-wit! We're miles outside my property. We'd better get back before we're spotted. Didn't you hear me shouting - or are you stone fucking deaf and well as terminally fucking stupid - which last I have long known about anyway?"

Harriet did not cease smiling at this and Gwendoline saw the funny side of it herself.

"Let's amble back along the road, darling. It's still early in the day I fell we could be lucky!"

For some time it seemed that Gwendoline's optimistic prognostication was right until that lady glanced over her shoulder and promply relieved herself of yet another string of obscenities.

"Holy fucking shit! We've really fucking blown it this time, Harry - thanks to you, you fatuous congenital fucking idiot! SHIT AND FUCKING ARSEHOLES!! SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!!!"

"Something wrong, Gwen?"

Harriet's question was soon answered when a police car overtook them and halted a little ahead of the naked equestriennes. One of the two officers got out and stood in the road as the two girls reined in their horses.

When she recognised tho officer in question, Gwendolines face broke into a delighted smile and she swifltly dismounted and kissed the young policeman on the cheek.

"Hi, Bob old fellow! Lovely to see you again. I can explain, Bob - nice old darling Bob!"

The young constable smiled.

"I'm absolutely sure you can explain, Gwen, my dear. I know of old about your incredible explanations! Sadly I don't have the time to listen to whatever entertainly inventive and highly unlikely excuse you have for me!"

Polce Constable Robert Mc Andrews explained that he and his colleague, Sgt Wilson, had been on their way to see Gwen when they saw her and Harriet having their rather chilly and over exposed ride.

"We just have a message from the Chief Constable asking if you will allow your grounds to be used for the annual Police Sport's Day, as in previous years in your late father's time"

"Only on condition you win the 1000 metres again, you lovely hunk of manhood! I don't want to have to present the trophy and kiss anybody other than you!"

"I won't let you down, Gwen!"

"You'd better not!"

PC McAndrews prepared to get back into the car, but not before assisting the very athletic and perfectly capable Gwen back up into the saddle. Any excuse to make contact with that very delectable flesh!

He stood beside her for a moment and Gwen, acting on one of her many zany impulses, disengaged one bare foot from the stirrup and caressed Bob's blushing face with her big toe. After complimenting him on the smoothness of his shave, she jerked her foot upwards and sent the officer's cap flying into the air, letting out a shriek of maniacal laughter. A laughing and ever more red faced Bob retrieved his cap and prepared to get back into the squad car, but his Sergeant seemed to have other ideas and emerged himself.

The Sergeant was a stout man and obviously not unaware of his own importance in the great scheme of things. He fixed the paralytically hysterical Countess with a severe stare.

"We won't take any action against you this time, Your Ladyship, but I must warn you that this kind of behaviour could get you into severe trouble if persisted in. May I as an older and I flatter myself wiser person than you advise you that rank and position do not only bring privilege, but also responsiblity and obligation. Chiefly, Your Ladyship, there is the obligation to set an example to those less fortunate than yourself."

He then told the two girls to get onto their own property and off the Queen's Highway as soon as possible - they might not receive such lenient treatment next time.

"Fuck off, you pompous lump of lard" said Gwen, but not until the squad car was almost out of sight.

"How come you and that Constable are so matey, Gwen?"

"First boy I ever had sex with, Harry. Daddy thought I should get to know some of the village kids. I got to know Bob very well! Better than Daddy ever knew about, thank Heaven! I was only fifteen and he was twenty three at the time. He was fantastic! I still dream about him at nights!"

The two ambled their way bak to Gwen's estate.



"That fucking, flatulent prat - that constipated arsehole of a Sergeant was right. Alleyiua! - Praise the Lord, Harry! I have seen the light! I have a duty to set an example - and I know just how to do it!"

"AAAAEIIIIIHHHHHGGGGHHHH!!!!! Fucking bloody Hell - that fucking hurt, Gwen"

"I warned you it might sting, Harriet. And don't be such a booby. How do you think you would cope if you ever had real hardship to put up with? It's your fault any way for having such soft skin in that region. You get no sympathy from me. I take you out for a nice ride and you almost get us arrested and then you make this silly fuss as soon as we get back!"

Gwendoline put back the top on the bottle of surgical spirits and bent down and kissed the affected area, and then transferred her attentions to Harry's clitoris, which she caressed with her tongue for a few minutes, Harriet responding more and more affectionately until the pair of them gradually became enmeshed in a tangle of arms and legs.

Harriet finally extricated herself, and ran her fingers through Gwen's hair. (That on her head, that is!)

"I love you, Gwendoline Foxe, I really do love you. What was this revelation you had after that fat pompous Sergeant read you that lecture, out there?"

"Setting an example to others, Harriet. How can we do that when we only go about naked inside my grounds? There is a whole world out there which needs to be educated to enjoy being the way we two are! We have been so selfish in keeping it to ourselves and Jenkins & Co. And I am going to start with this locality. When we have the General Meeting, I am going to end the day by having a nude ball in my house and the local youth will be invited to come along. I'll get the notices printed and sent here by special messenger tomorrow and you can deliver them around the village!"

"Not naked, I hope, Gwen! That really would get me arrested!"

Gwen frowned for a few minutes.

"No, Harry, but I must think of some suitable apparel for you. I was quite good at dressmaking once. I think a nice bikini would do. Let me get my tape measure and we'll soon get you fitted out!"

After Gwen had finished measuring Harry she gave out a low whistle.

"Gosh, darling, but you really are starting to fill out nicely! Let me feel those biceps again! Oh, yes!"

After this encouraging news a gratified Harriet needed much less persuading to brave the villagers' stares on the morrow and she went out to continue digging, while Gwen looked out her sewing machine and hunted around for suitable material.

"Not a lot of it is there, Gwen? The bottom looks like you made it out of dental floss! I'd say it just about covers the vital parts and no more, always assuming my bum is not a vital part! And my bush sticks out - can't I give it a tiny bit of a trim?

"NO! - you bloody can't. I'm not having you mutilated. There's nothing illegal about a few hairs poking out - I hope! And now take it off, darling until tomorrow. I'm missing the sight of those lovely lovely tits already."
Next morning Harriet looked over Gwen's shoulder and read one of the printed invitations which she was to deliver later.

"By kind permission of the Countess, a ball will be held at the Hall on Saturday 5th March for the youth of this village, starting at 7.00 pm. Clothing will be optional and discouraged and attendance restricted to those between the ages of eighteen and twenty five. It is hoped that many more boys than girls will attend as fifty nude girls are likely to be present in addition to the residents of the village. Admission, food and alcoholic refreshment will all be free."

"That'll teach that fucking obese pig of a Sergeant to read me pontificating lectures!" chortled a delighted Gwen. Off you go Harry - I don't have time to drive you to the village, and anyway the exercise will be good for you!"

An indignant Gwen had refused Harry permission to wear shoes and by the time she had walked across the dew laden fields her feet were wet and covered in mud and bits of grass. They were also rather cold - it was still February - and Spring had not yet sprung, even if the temperature was now getting quite a bit above freezing. Even with the cover afforded by the satchel full of leaflets slung over her back, the fact that both her generously rounded posterior hemispheres were open to the air was obvious to all who cared to look, and they were legion!

To say that her presence in the sleepy village, attired as if for a day on the beach in high summer, caused a bit of a stir, would be an understatement, and a knot of small boys soon formed and followed her, cheering and laughing from house to house as she delivered the invitations and pinned one to the door of the Village Hall. Net curtains twitched as scandalised ladies watched in horror and disgust as the muscular, beautiful and semi naked Harriet carried out her appointed task. At least one young gentleman, emerging from home to go off to work, went back into his house, feeling a sudden need to manipulate his aroused manhood.

Harriet wondered what this would do to Gwendoline's good relations with the Rector as she pushed a leaflet through the Rectory door. She knew that the Reverend Mr. Merryweather had two children of an age to be eligible to come to the ball, a daughter of twenty one and a son of nineteen. She doubted, though, that either would turn up!
"Mission accomplished Harry?"

"All safely delivered, my darling. A very interesting and highly enjoyable morning - I think I might have a future as an exhibitionist! I sure caused a bit of devastation to one or two young men - they'll certainly be flocking up here to see more!"

"Good! Now come here and be rewarded my sweet! Get that bikini off first, though! You're looking very overdressed!"

The remaining days before the Lodge Meeting and Nude Ball were partly taken up with organising those two events. There was a band to be hired for the Ball and large quantities of beer to be ordered. Gwen also decided to take up the matter of Harriet's body in a more systematic way.

"These peasants only drink lager, Harry. Yuck!" said a disgusted Gwendoline as she saw the piles of cans being taken down to the cellar. "I'd never give that muck house-room else! Maybe we could have a few dozen cases of wine delivered as well, though. No spirits, Harry - it's going to be a pretty wild night as it is! I just hope there aren't any "incidents". Some of the village boys don't need much encouraging - our nice lady masons had better look out!"

"Are we going to make a few bedrooms available for the young people to go to?"

"Why would they want that Harry?"

"To get better acquainted!"

"No. I don't want an orgy, Harriet. Just a chance for young people to have a nice time, dancing with naked partners and seeing that the human body is not to be hidden away but worn with pride and without embarrassment. They can go outside and copulate on the lawn, if they are that keen on each other."

"I bet most of them are that keen!"

"We shall see, Harriet."

Gwendoline satisfied herself that the long-suffering and capable Jenkins had all the arrangements well in hand and turned back to her friend with a critical look. Time to start securing the second of her objectives!

"Let's go up to my Gym and have a bit of practice, Harriet. I was observing your technique when you beat Janet and there are a few weak points I would like to help you iron out. You shouldn't just be relying on mere strength as you were then. You nearly lost, you know and suffered a lot of totally unnecessary damage."

They went into the gym, for Harry, the first time she had seen this room, which from henceforth she was to get to know far too well!

"This morning I am going to keep aiming for your stomach, Harry, from all sorts of angles and you are going to block me every time and I mean every time! You'll soon see why it's a good idea to stop me, I shall be putting all I have into it!"

Gwen thereupon aimed at the said abdomen and Harry was too slow to stop her. She doubled up in agony.

"Straighten up this minute, Harry, you pitiful wimp! Here's number two on its way!"

She obeyed, stood painfully erect and managed to block the next one. After many repetitions when she slowly began to achieve a higher and higher success rate, a perspiring Gwen called it a day for the time being.

"You did well, my pet - really, terribly, awfully well. You should have taken this up at school, you know. If you had you'd be streets ahead of Jessica and me by this time. And I truly mean that! When we've got your reactions a whole lot sharper I'll show you how to protect the head!"

Gwen looked approvingly at her friend as Harry smiled at the compliment, rubbing her red belly.

"Let's do a bit of weight training now. Get under this and keep up the lifting until I get back. When it hurts so much you can't push up even one more time - Push up TEN more times. You've got to suffer if you're so keen on this Amazon body. Then I'm taking you out for a ten mile run."

Gwendoline disappeared on some errand and Harry started pushing upwards on the machine and soon became soaked in sweat, despite the fact that the room was unheated and the windows were wide open. The pain in her arms and shoulders became agonising and she started involuntarily to cry out each time she pushed, wondering just how much more she could take of this torment. She was about to relax - more like collapse - when Gwen reappeared and immediately resumed her all too familiar role as taskmistress!

"Come on Harry - you can do another fifty of those, and you fucking well will! Stop being so bloody defeatist. I'm going to stand over you and count. You don't go ANYWHERE till you've finished."

By whatever means, Harriet completed the exercise and had then to be helped off the machine and to her feet by Gwendoline. When she had recovered, she was ordered to follow her tormentor outside into the pouring rain and do the dreaded ten mile run, after first quenching her raging thirst. Gwen ran with her for a few minutes and then excused herself, saying how lucky Harriet was, not to have all the boring jobs to do that she did.

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 12 Aftermath and a New Problem

The next morning after a lecture from both Mom and Dad about avoiding any more fights, plus reiterating Bill’s point about not talking about what happened without permission, Mom drove me to school. This was to avoid being accosted by other students at the bus stop for details. She walked up to the school with me, I headed straight for my homeroom, while she headed for the principal’s office to drop off a printed edition of my statement, in case the school decided they wanted to get...

3 years ago
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The Swedish Holiday TripChapter 13

The first sense I got in the morning was the smell of sex that was still hanging around all of us in the tent. With the four of us in the tent, that indeed was designed to hold four, no one was able to lie in the middle unfortunately. The girls were still asleep, my cock was up before I was, I had noticed, which was a good sign for a middle aged man like me I guess. I was spooning with the girl next to me, because of the reasonable temperature, the sleeping-bags were not zipped up, anyway,...

4 years ago
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The Polaroid Christmas Gift

The Polaroid Christmas GiftBy Catalyst500 This story is very tame by XHamster's standards, but if you enjoy it, do so because it is a true story!When my father passed away, I was cleaning out his home so that I could prepare it for sale. I came across a metal strongbox in the back of his closet. I recognized it immediately and remembered that's where he kept all his important paperwork.After sorting through all the expected documents (his will, insurance policies, birth certificates etc.) I...

4 years ago
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SlamPig Crackwhore Fucks So Hard

'That's the best needle you'll ever get, you fuckin' slut.'He pulled his jeans up and looked down at her as she struggled to untie the knot her panties were getting into around her cheap and glorious fuck me stilettos.She looked up at him and stared. She did not hate them anymore, but she did not like them either. It was pure economics. She immunised herself with heroine, but she always needed more. d**gs, like sex: you always need more. That was why she was kneeling in One Lamp Alley playing...

2 years ago
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Apartment SlaveryChapter 2

She arrived for supper on time; I had every thing done including a couple of chapters in the library books. I had the advantage of a year of massage therapy due to an on the job injury some time back. There was no hello or acknowledgement of my existence from her just some muted cursing about the traffic and some idiot she had dealt with at work; more or less as if she was talking to herself. I served her supper and stood next to her like a good waiter. She pointed at her laptop case...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily MJ Fresh Don8217t Snitch

My stepsister MJ Fresh & I (Brick Danger) are hanging out in my room when her dad gets home – he is pissed, hollering about something. She asks me to cover for her & so I do. But now she is complaining she can’t get a booty call with her dad around. She starts pawing at my cock and when she realizes how big it is she wants it! She gets me hard by sucking & jerking me off. Then she gives me a boobjob with her amazing tits! I slide it in her perfect pussy in reverse...

4 years ago
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Noises from the bedroom next to mine

I lived with my parents in a small 3 bed roomed house. I had my own room which was next to my parents room. My mom was 38 when this happened and I was an inexperienced teen.We had all just had dinner and were watching telly together as we did most nights but, unaware to me, this was no ordinary night. I went to bed at about 10ish to listen to some music. I put my headphones on, while I read a book. I must've dozed off as I woke I still had my headphones on. It was late and I assumed everyone...

4 years ago
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Maheswari aunty

Hi this is Kumar from Madurai again, this is time I am going to share my earlier experience with maheswari aunty. When I was working in Salem, I used stay at hotel and since I stayed continuously that hotel has become very familiar to me and I can move around as if it was my hotel. One day one of the hotel employee has given one number and he asked me to recharge that number since he was on day duty and he cant go out. I recharged that number and I called that number for confirmation. That was...

4 years ago
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My Dogging Failure

(skip to =======> if you want to just read sex)There had been quite a few messages exchanged that had led to this point. Here I was about to swing open the door to a pub that I had been in before to watch World Cup matches. This time I was here to meet Paulie. He told me to ask the bartender for him. Maybe this was a way for him to feel special? Did he slip the bartender a few extra bucks to point him out? Maybe he frequents here enough that he is known by name? The familiar smell and...

3 years ago
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A Private Tour In The Museum

Amethyst looked around and realised she had been too long in the toilets. Her high heels echoed with each step as she walked in the huge hall of the museum. She had lost her friends and she'd have to look for an officer for help. She frowned as she thought about the one who greeted them at the entrance - a tall and tanned man, in his late twenties, who had looked at her from head to toe like she was a fugitive. She'd turned her eyes away under his scrutiny. Her small frame had made her feel...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Darnell and Carmela

My name is Darnell Lamm, that's Lamm with two M's. I'm a clerk at Bradley's Super Market downtown, or I was at the time this story begins. This is my incredible story. "Okay, Sam, I'm on my way, and I'm walking not driving, so don't worry about me, okay. Sheesh! You're worse than my mother, rest her soul," I said, as I exited the Iron Skillet. Sam watched me go out and smiled; he could smile; he had my back, read looked out for me almost every night. The Skillet was my favorite...

1 year ago
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Jav Tube! Come one, come all. Step right up and take a peek at the hottest Japenese babes ever to walk the earth. They won’t be walking tonight, though, and probably not tomorrow either. No, the girls on Jav Tube are generally found on their backs, on their knees, or sometimes suspended with ropes for better access to their tight orifices. Leave your wallets at home, folks, because the show here is always free.Fans of Japanese Adult Video or Asian ladies, in general, have been spanking it to...

Asian Porn Sites
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Watched while fucking his mum

This is a story of when I met up with Paula, when I noticed her son was watching us.I must have met Paula about a month ago while shopping, she was by herself when she dropped her purse and I went to pick it up for her. We began talking when she told me that she was a divorced mum of two her eldest being a 20 year old daughter and her youngest being a 14 year old son. She told that she had a partner but he was rarely home as he worked up north alot. After talking and flirting with her we...

2 years ago
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The Trip

Pam and Lori have been friends for many years. Pam had a very nice handsome dad that was now divorced from Pam's mom and the mom moved far away. Pam told lori she used to lay in bed at night and listen to her dad fuck her mom. Some nights he would fuck her mom three times or more and her mom would beg for harder and deeper. Then Pam would play with her pussy as she listened. She told Pam her dad was a sex maniac and the girls would laugh. This week end he was taking the girls to a concert in...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 666

At the Castle Six weeks earlier continued. ... There were, indeed, the ingredients for sandwiches. Freshly baked turkey sliced onto the side of the platter in addition to a profusion of cheeses and other items with which to make sandwiches. Glenda cut a slice off the still-warm loaf, slathered butter on it and took a bite. “Oh, this is truly superb. I could make a meal out of this bread with nothing to go on it except butter.” Laughing, they began. Dessie, after a few minutes to build...

2 years ago
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Unintentional sex with elder cousin sister

In this story, I am going to share an experience with you, which I don’t know even today that how it happened, but it just happened. Starting with me, my name is Shivam, I am 22 years old having a light brown complexion and 5’7″ height. I live in Ghaziabad with my mom and dad. About 2 km from our house, we have our uncle’s (dad’s elder brother’s) house. He lives there with his family consisting of his wife and his beautiful daughter. Speaking about his daughter, her name is Shivani. She is...

4 years ago
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Sex in Wales

I erected a tent in a field in Wales and went to a nearby beach which was fairly deserted. I lay on my back taking in the sun. As there was nobody near me, I slipped my bathing trunks down to my knees so that I was virtually naked. I wanted to get a sun tan on the whole of my front. After a while I began playing with my cock, getting it almost hard. Unfortunately, I hadn`t seen someone coming towards me from one side. As soon as I was aware,I hastily pulled my trunks up to cover my nakedness. I...

3 years ago
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Meagans Breathing LessonsChapter 7

“Mother, because of posing for that painting last night I almost bombed my exams!” As soon as Meagan closed the door behind her Meagan ripped her blouse open sending buttons flying, then she tugged her tits out of the cups of her bra. “Oh that’s better. I’ve been fighting the urge to do that most of the day!” “What are you talking about? And why in the world did you just do that to your blouse? You better not have failed those tests because you were daydreaming about posing with Peter...

4 years ago
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Mornings on Horseback IIChapter 5

"Mmmm..." I scooted my butt over, close to Mark as he started his truck. "Are your balls aching?" "Oh, Stephy..." Mark grinned at me and we followed Chris slowly out of the parking lot as he was driving his mom's car. "I said I was gonna tease you, remember?" I rubbed the obvious bulge in his jeans and his cock had to be hurting all trapped like it was. "You are a tease." Mark put his arm around me once we were on the county road and he didn't have to shift anymore. "I can't...

2 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay Chapter 3

Chapter 3 I set up my Lumix camera on my gorillapod, adjusted it so it took in all of the bed area and checked a picture, perfect, it covered it perfectly. I adjusted the zoom to the place I wanted it snapped off another shot. Even better, now I’d be able to record our lovemaking so that we could watch it at our leisure later.I walked back towards the bed, as I did so there was a tentative knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it wide. “Come in Ilke.” I said to the lovely brunette...

4 years ago
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Lene the Whore of the WeekChapter 6 Day 6

I was sleeping late after last night, I was awake when my sleeping bag was unzipped, and I thought it was my husband, who wanted to make love to me. I felt a tongue hit my clitoris and gave a deep sigh; it was just the right way to get awake. I stretched my arms out to caress him while he licked my pussy. I got hold on a warm soft woman's body; it was Anne who was licking me so good. It felt good, so I let her continue. Suddenly her mouth was pressed hard against my pussy; I looked up and...

2 years ago
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A 4hand massage in Thailand

BACK IN PATTAYA JULY 2019 – 4-HAND MASSAGEA few days ago I had a massage from a guy I found on internet, he gave me a very good massage and more than that also, I had a good time with him. Afterwe talked, and he told me he has a friend and can do a 4- hand massage to mewith his friend. Nikom is top and his friend is more bottom he said, they are just friends, but I think more, never mind. I decided to give him a call, he pickedup quickly the phone, happy to hear from me. I asked him for a 4-...

2 years ago
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Revengeis It Worth ItChapter 5

I rode into the village expecting to arrive to a quiet little place where nothing ever happened. Man, was I in for a surprise. Today was a wedding day for one of my sisters. The women always go all out for a wedding, so this was a big deal, and a bigger deal than usual, since Gray Eagle was now the headman of the village. He wasn't a chief the way Whites think of it, but he was the one that everyone came to for problem solving when the problem was too big for them to do it themselves. This...

1 year ago
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Scratching an itch

During my time in the navy I was based for a time in North London and had a girlfriend in Kensington, I would jump on my little moped and go and see her when I could. Quite often I would have to travel back to base late at night, my route took me through Harrow on the hill past the Grove open space and i would often see people sat on a bench alongside one of the paths. I had good idea what they were doing there and one night I decided to take a chance. I parked up and looked around, there was...

2 years ago
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I got to know about my momdad

Pari and ajay new infoWe had maid and her son moved in our part of house for the nights. In day time they are in their part of the house. She still do our cooking.Maid is from Tamil Nadu. She is very fare colour she looks very beautiful naked or in cloths. She got married early age. He husband was alcoholic. He us to beat her up. She got son from him. But she was not happy with him. As a woman she could not do any thing. She spend few years with him and he was getting worst. She called her...

2 years ago
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college begining of something fun

The next thing I heard was “hey” and I replied, “What’s up”. She smiled I smiled back at her. I Introduced my self “Kevin” she replied, “Lisa”. Lisa was about 5’3 maybe 120 with these long legs to die for. She had beautiful blue eye and a perfect tan. She said “ill she around sometime” I was like “ you sure will”. I had never seen a girl smile so much after that line. I watch walk away and she knew it because she add an extra swing in to her walk. All I could think was wow what a great...

4 years ago
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Exhibitionist wife A very private show

Mrs O introduced me to webcam sex, I'd never heard of it but she told me she used to do it all the time before i met her. There was one bloke she used to cam with named Chris and he was always her favorite, so much so that she arranged to meet him for drinks, fully expecting it to end up in a night of sex but he never tried it on. She thought it was strange but thought no more of it until he contacted her to cam again which she was happy to do. She put on a couple of shows for him and he asked...

2 years ago
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Another Fucked Up Day Pt 2

Another Fucked Up Day …Pt.2 November 14th Blog Entry: ‘Tis the season for social outings. Yes, those blessed events where smiles, eye contact, playful touches, and engaging, sincere conversation are required. I’ve told you this before, blog followers, that I don’t enjoy myself socially. I find simulated camaraderie draining and I can’t keep from silently mocking those around me that have perfected their pathetic, faux façades they call life. I especially loathe my husband Jake’s friends. They...

4 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 12 A New Home A New Hole

Agent Peel had asked us to wait a couple of days before making an appointment with Jess' lawyer Goldstein so the following morning Kim suggested that we all take a drive and she'd give us a grand tour of our new Hollywood Hills home. We drove up out of the city then along the twisting drive to the tranquil haven in the center of Los Angeles between Downtown, the Valley and the Ocean where green hillsides and foothills dotted with an array of inspiring architecture, quiet meandering streets...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom London River 24791

London’s son is gone for the day, Tyler decides to do his buddy a favor and help his friend’s Mom out. London only needs a few more hours to complete her certification to become a massage therapist. She asks Tyler to get fully undressed do give a proper massage, he complies. Today she let’s Tyler know she is not Kevin’s Mom, she is the massage therapist and he is her client. She starts massaging his cock and balls, he is shocked but open to suggestions and helping out...

3 years ago
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A trip to remember part one

The summer holidays was upon again and I had booked to go to Scotland  with Jennie as she had nobody to go with and her family was  very churchy and her father was the local vicar in the Parish. She was a nice girl and had a terrific figure, but was very quiet  and seemed to be naive  as regards what went on with young people although she worked in an office with plenty of the opposite sex  around her.Anyway the time had come that we had to leave for Scotland to explore this part of the UK. We...

First Time

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