Eric Olafson, Fleet Cadet (Vol 3)Chapter 22: The Assembly Interlude free porn video

Egill terminated the connection and leaned back. Algear glanced at his friend.”You love that boy and you told me so many times and yet you criticized him and snarled at him during the entire call, I do not understand.”
“It is my way to show him, I care. He understands.”
Algear sighed and said in complete unison with the Narth.” Humans.”
Egill padded Algear on the shoulder. “ I explain it to you one of these days.” To the Narth he said.” Now can you explain to me why Eric is on the Assembly List as High representative of the Narth?”
“Narth Supreme decreed that Eric is Narth and when Eric speaks he also speaks for Narth.”
“And you think that is an explanation?”
“Yes one thinks so.”
Algear smiled at that and then said.” Well at least he is not in the Fornax Cluster as you feared he might be.”
“I don’t know what exactly is going on there but the Attikan Representatives spoke of a major fleet built up aimed at that cluster and I heard the Devastator signaled Attikan forces from there. My grandson had the uncanny ability to be somehow always in the middle of the biggest trouble. I think there is big trouble brewing at that cluster.”
Algear wrinkled his pretty nose.”It would take even the Devi many months to get there, if not years. How can she report from there?”
The Narth raised his hand.” Distances are relative to the speed one travels. Space is not absolute in any case and it appears logical that this formidable ship traveled perhaps at a greater speed. This is not a mystery to Narth, however I would be greatly thankful if you explain to me how trouble is brewed.”
Before Egill could attempt to explain that to the Narth, the current speech of a ThreeOz was interrupted by the speaker of the Assembly.” I must apologize for cutting your speech time short Representative Molx, but I must call the Assembly for an emergency meeting. We just received a report from fleet command that the Devastator is currently engaged fighting Y’All ships in the Fornax Cluster. The report also indicates that the Y’All ships are crewed by the Kermac.”
That announcement caused quite a stir. While only a few very long living beings remembered the first Y’All attack, everyone knew about the devastation and the horrors the last Invasion had caused.
That the Kermac were involved came as a shock only to a few. Many knew about the rumors that they were involved somehow with the earlier Y’All Invasions.
The Petharian representative, who shared similarities with the Y’All was the first to speak.” The Petharian are home to the M31 Galaxy and we have not experienced the Y’All invasion but we are now members for over 1000 years and we know well about these meddling Kermac. I say we declare war on them and wipe them out of existence once and for all. No Kermac, no Y’All so it seems to us. Every Petharian will be mobilized and we will stand to the last soul by our Union brothers.”
The Klack Queen herself was next, she spoke via Avatar.” This time the Klack are with the Union. Neither Kermac nor Y’All can conquer us now. I agree with the Petharian, the Kermac have meddled and stirred trouble ever since they ascended and it is time they do that no more. The Klack will be part of the victory or die with our Union.”

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