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Chapter 1

Jonathon Wetherall knocked on the front door of number 12 for the final interview before selection. He waited somewhat nervously for the door to be opened.

'Jane' admitted him into the front room that was being used as an office. As usual the other woman 'Margaret' was already seated at the desk.

"This shouldn't take long Mr. Wetherall," 'Jane said, "we just need a couple of more things".

Jonathon hadn't quite figured out what the relationship between the two women was.

'Were they living together in a lesbian relationship? Or were they just friends?' He couldn't tell. For the last three weeks he had absently studied the 2 for some sign, but their attitude had been entirely businesslike.

"... So you've studied the contract... ah, Mr. Wetherall?" He became aware that 'Jane' was talking.

"Sorry," he said, "lost in thought for a while."

"I asked you if you agreed to the conditions in the contract?" She repeated somewhat peeved.

"Oh yes, no problem."

"Good. So if you are selected you should expect to hear from us by Friday. Did you bring your test results?"

"Yes, here," he replied, handing them the brown envelope.

"Good. We'll be in touch, that's all, you can go."

As Jonathon walked back down the path he began to wonder whether it was such a good idea after all.

All this carry-on just to donate a little of his sperm. Psychological tests, IQ tests, DNA profiling, medical history and, of course, tests for STD's.

When he'd answered the ad in the local paper he'd hadn't expected it to be such a demanding process.

'Jerk a little semen into a flask', and a quick $500. Good money for something he'd be doing anyway.

The contract though had run to a couple of pages. 'If 'Jane' conceived he would have no claim of custody.'

'He would forgo any parental rights. In return there would be no maintenance order.'

He walked back to his tiny one-room apartment, he shared with his cat. It was in the usual disorder, clothes strewn about, dishes in the sink.

'I really need a housekeeper,' he thought to himself.

He searched through his CDs scattered haphazardly next to the stereo. Bic Runga, Kristin Hersh, Kim Deal, women singers, pleasant voices, good melodies, but with an edge, a certain something. He chose Kristin and put her on, settled into his armchair and closed his eyes.

On the verge of 40 Jonathon had never really stuck at anything in his life. He must have had, what, about 40 jobs so far, one for every year of his life. He made a bit of money writing copy for a local radio station and the occasional 'voice over' work. 'Voice overs' was where the real money was but it was hard to get regular work. Once your voice became associated with a product other advertisers were reluctant to use you. It's a reality of the business.

'What other jobs had he had?' Salesman, truck driver, mechanic, TV repairman, none of them had held his interest for longer then a few months.

Women? He'd come close to marriage once but he'd screwed that up. As the day was coming nearer he'd suddenly got cold feet. A bad case of the jitters. Sue had finally gotten fed up with his erratic behaviour and walked out of his life. A fine woman she was too.

He wasn't that bad looking. He'd always worn his blond hair long but it was beginning to thin out alarmingly. He now kept it in a ponytail. He described his features as 'Nordic' looking. His body was well proportioned and not showing any middle aged 'spread' yet.

'Two more days and I'll know whether I'll earn myself $500,' he thought to himself.

On Friday morning the phone rang about 9.30. It shook Jonathon awake. He picked the receiver up struggling to clear the fog from his brain.

"Yeah, whatizzit?" he said.

"Mr. Wetherall?" it was 'Jane's' voice.


"I'm pleased to tell you that you've been selected."

"Good, thanks," he replied.

"I want to start this weekend," she went on, "is that convenient?"

"Um, sure."

"Ok, 2pm, Saturday?"

"I guess that'll be ok," he said wondering what game was on and whether he'd miss it. Hell! $500 for a wank, he could afford to give up an afternoon.

Saturday, 1.55pm Jonathon was outside number 12.

"You're prompt," said 'Jane,' "I like that."

'Jane' was in her late thirties, he figured. She wasn't bad looking, 'a bit plain', he thought and she'd always wore conservative business suits when he'd seen her. He thought maybe business executive or a lawyer. Certainly a professional type. Jonathon assumed she was a lesbian whose biological clock was ticking and wanted to have a kid before time ran out. Her hair was always tied back giving her a rather severe look.

'Jane' talked briefly to her friend 'Margaret' standing in the hallway of the rather expensive looking house.

"Do you want to stick around?"

"Do you want me to?" "Margaret' asked.

"I think he'd be alright, he looks pretty harmless to me."

"Ok, I'll be off, I'll see you on Monday."

With that 'Margaret' left. No peck on the cheek, no lingering expression of affection,

'Just friends,' Jonathon thought. 'This whole set-up is looking a bit weird.'

'Jane led him through the house to a door down a short passageway.

"You can get ready in there," 'Jane' said.

"Ready?" Jonathon queried.

"You know, do what you have to do, I'm sure you don't need instructions," she told him with a wry grin.

"Oh yes, of course." He flushed in embarrassment.

Jonathon opened the door to find it was a spare bedroom. A double bed dominated but for the most part the room was Spartan.

"Er, just a minute," he called to 'Jane' retreating down the passageway. "What do I do with it... er... you know. Don't you have a test tube or something?"

"Test tube?" She asked in surprise, "oh, I see... ha ha, that's funny. Did you assume... oh... we didn't tell you perhaps... I'm so sorry."

Jonathon was confused.

"No test tubes, I'm afraid. We'll be doing it the natural way. I thought you knew. It's not too late to back out if you want. Although it would be a pain finding another candidate on short notice. You were the outstanding applicant, believe it or not. All the characteristics I would want for my child."

"I was, I mean, I am," Jonathon was flustered. "Natural way, you mean like... together... I mean..."

"Unless you can think of some other natural method. 'Together,' would seem the only way," 'Jane' smiled.

"Do you have some sort of religious objections Mr. Wetherall? You know, it did ask that question in the form we sent you. You should have stated..." She continued.

"No, no objections, it's just... a bit of a surprise... I assumed I would be using a test tube and..."

"We believe that intercourse is the more effective way, Mr. Wetherall. So, if you don't have a problem, shall we get on with it? I do have a dinner appointment."

"Ok... sure... no problem... I'll just go back there and... get ready," Jonathon stumbled out the words.

"Please." replied 'Jane' continuing up the passageway.

Jonathon sat on the bed with his trousers down and his limp dick in his hand.

'Get ready,' he thought, 'get ready? How? This whole situation is about as erotic as mucking out the stables.'

He tried to think of porno he had seen, girls he'd lusted after. He even tried to remember girls that had turned him down way back in school. Now he was the dark avenger, stalking them, giving some payback for the humiliations he'd suffered as a teenager.

Abducting them and taking them to a cabin in the woods, in his imagination, over the next week he would turn them into his willing sex slaves. They would call him 'master' and be ready to accept him anywhere, anyway, anyhow and anytime.

Jonathon squeezed and stroked his unwilling penis as first Melissa, then Annette and Joanne took him into their willing mouths. He tried to imagine their budding teenage breasts bobbing on their chests, their eager young faces. So eager to please and grateful for every compliment.

"Mr. Wetherall? Are you ready yet?"

'Shit' he thought.

"No, not yet... sorry."

"Look, what do you need?" 'Jane' said, "I haven't got all day."

"I'm not a machine," Jonathon said in exasperation. "I can't just turn it on and off."

He heard her sigh outside the door.

"Can I come in?"

Jonathon quickly pulled up his pants and said,


'Jane' had changed into a long silk nightdress. It hugged quite a slim figure with well-proportioned breasts. The way they jiggled when she walked across the room revealed she was braless. Her hair was still tied back severely from her face, though, giving her a stern, authoritarian look. She sat on the other side of the bed.

"Listen," she said, "I'm not looking for a bell-ringing performance here. I just need you to produce the goods. I'm not interested in you as a husband or date. All I want is what you have down there and I'm willing to pay for it. That is what we agreed to. I'm sorry I don't have any porno here, I'm not interested in the stuff. I don't read romance novels, they're not worth my time. I'm a busy woman with a successful career and no time or inclination to have men come in and screw up my life. I don't know what turns you on, or care, but I've only got one hour so you'd better find the trigger soon or the deal's off and I'll go look for someone else."

" I want to play my part," Jonathon said, "But this whole thing, the atmosphere, it's so clinical and businesslike. I need a bit of tenderness, attraction, chemistry, perhaps a bit of lust. Perhaps a bit of romance, even though it's being paid for. A fantasy of a romance even."

"For heavens sake," she said, "men!"

'Jane' came and sat next to Jonathon.

"Take down your trousers," she ordered. He shyly pushed down his pants. Almost instinctively his hands covered his genitals.

"Good grief, we're a nervous wee thing, aren't we? You're not a virgin are you?"

"No," he replied.

"Good. Would it help if I rubbed it for you? But I don't want you groping me like a like a two-bit lay in a back alley, understood?"

"Sure, yes... I mean... go ahead..."

'Jane' set to work stroking and manipulating Jonathon's dick. She seemed to know what she was doing and soon had him semi-rigid. She would pause and run her fingertips lightly down over his balls and along the inside of his thighs. They were cool and smooth to the touch.

"Better?" 'Jane' asked.

"Much, thanks. If you don't mind me asking, you must have had some pretty disastrous relationships in your past. To make you so... against men."

"One," 'Jane' replied, "I do mind you asking, it's none of your business. Two, I'm not against men, I just can't be bothered with them. Three, I don't need the chat, thanks."

"Ok, ok... whatever you say." Jonathon lay back and closed his eyes. For once he tried not to think of England, or sheep, or mucking out stables.

"Think about this," 'Jane said, " how many chances do you get to get a piece of arse that's willing to pay for it, no strings, and won't come round the next day with her big brother?"

" It may help," he said, "if I got a look at the piece of arse I'm getting."

"Sorry, I don't do strip shows."

Despite himself, Jonathon found he was getting hard.

"That's better," "Jane' said, "Let's get on with it then, shall we?

With that 'Jane' lay back along the bed and pulled up her nightdress. Nice, well-shaped legs emerged, which she bent up and spread. She held the nightdress between her thighs, concealing her crotch.

"C'mon, hop up," she commanded.

Jonathon knelt between her thighs and edged his way forward, dick in hand.

"Now don't charge in like a bull, ok?"

As he neared her crotch she reached out and grabbed his penis. Taking some KY from the nightstand she squirted a little on her hand and smeared it on him. With another squirt she reached under her nightgown and did the same to herself. Jonathon got a tantalizing glimpse of her black bush.

"Ok, come here... that's right... I'll guide you. Men never find it on their own... there... now be gentle."

Jonathon eased himself slowly into her, with 'Jane's' hand firmly wrapped around him, controlling the action.

"Ok, come in... a bit more... you can go right in now... " 'Jane' instructed.

"You're tight!"

"Oh please?" She reacted, "don't give me that macho bullshit. You're as big as a stallion, ok?"

"That's some attitude you have lady."

"Hard won! Now shut up and push."

Try as he might Jonathon just couldn't get there. He even tried rapidly working himself at her entrance, but then he'd look up and see the look of impatience on 'Janes's' face and he'd wilt. Finally he sat up.

"This is a waste of time," he told 'Jane'.

"That is the first thing you've said I agree with," 'Jane' replied pulling down her nightdress.

"I guess you're just not up to it. You'd better pull on your pants and go. I'll find someone else."

"You'd better look elsewhere than the human race," replied Jonathon.

"I'm not paying for the sarcasm, Mr. Wetherall, go home and feed the cat."

"You're not paying me at all. How did you know I have a cat?"

"I'll send you a cheque for $80. As for the cat... it figures, Mr. Wetherall, it figures. Good bye."

Life pretty much returned to normal for Jonathon. By the second week he'd managed to successfully delete all thought of 'Jane' from his mind.

In some ways she reminded him of his ex-fiancé, smart-mouthed, too sure of herself and arrogant. Sue had finally been one over because Jonathon's wit and sarcasm exactly matched hers. By the end of the 'sword-crossing' they would dissolve in laughter and wrestle on the bed and then...

But 'Jane' was as cold a fish as he'd ever come across and a complete turn off.

Three weeks later the phone rings at 9am, Saturday.

"Mr. Wetherall? This is 'Jane'."

"Whatdayawant? I left my balls there?"

"Are you still interested in a job?"

"You're kidding me?"

"No... Well?"

Chapter 2

Jonathon's cat lay across his legs. He tried to move her so he could sit up. The cat hung onto his leg with her claws.

"Roxy, ow! Cut it out."

"Whose Roxy?" Said the woman on the phone. "Have you got a girlfriend there"?

"No," said Jonathon, "my cat... she dug her claws into my leg."

"Be grateful it was your leg. Now! Do you need time to consider? Don't take all year though."

"I would like to re-negotiate some of the conditions," Jonathon said.

"Such as?"

"Well, kissing?"


"Kissing! And a bit of cuddling, chat... and stroking. That sort of thing," replied Jonathon. "And call me Jonathon, not Mr. Wetherall."

"Oh good grief! What does a lady have to do to get knocked up?"

"Perhaps you could start by not treating me like a prick with a piece of meat attached?"

"The question was rhetorical, Mr. Wether... Jonathon..." 'Jane' answered.

"See? You're getting the idea."

"Don't push your luck, buster. I'll be in touch, bye."

Jonathon stretched back on his bed and began to chuckle.

"Good God Roxy, I never thought I'd hear from her again." The cat ignored him.

"C'mon get off me, I need to take a leak."

Afterwards he walked through his devastated lounge and began to pick up his scattered laundry. Roxy followed him with a confused look on her face. In the end she headed for the cat-door, having satisfied herself her human had lost his mind.

In the afternoon, Jonathon settled down to watch the game, as he did every Saturday afternoon during the season. The phone rang, he hit the TV mute button and picked up the receiver.

"It's me," 'Jane' said.


"Are you doing anything at the moment?" 'Jane' asked.


"We need to talk."

"Do we?" Jonathon replied.

"Don't get cute. Can you come over?"

"Just a minute, I'll check my diary," he replied.

"Cut the games Mr. We... Jonathon, perhaps we can work something out."

"Perhaps if you said please"?

"Listen, Wetherall, you're really getting on my nerves. Now give me a fucking answer and stop wasting my time."

"No, the answer's no, until you show me some respect," Jonathon bristled with anger.

"Oh! Fuck off, then." The phone rang off.

That evening Jonathon was listening to Kristin on the stereo and was attempting to learn the script for a job he had on Sunday. There was a knock on the door.

'Jane' stood framed in the doorway dressed in a long woolen coat. A hood framed her face.

"Can I come in... please."

"Why?" Jonathon answered.

"Well, to get out of the weather for a start."

'Jane' walked through into the lounge.

"It's a pig's sty," she said.

"I tidied up."

"You needn't have bothered."

"If you've just come to insult me some more..."

"Ok, ok... no I haven't. I want to talk."

'Jane' settled herself in his favourite chair. Jonathon decided to let it go and took the sofa.

"I'm not a kissy, kissy, touchy-feely kind of person, Mr. W... Jonathon," 'Jane' told him.

"I got that. Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Depends on the question. I'm a very private person... Jonathon... I prefer not to... get too close. I like my distance. I prefer it that way."

"That's sad?"

"That's not a question."

"Ok," said Jonathon, "two questions..."

"You said one."

"This is not a contract negotiation," Jonathon said firmly.

"Ask your questions."

"What's your real name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"That's not an answer."

"Touche! It's... Joanne. I'm sorry you're not getting my last name. Next question."

"Why do you want a baby? You don't seem the maternal type to me."

Joanne sat thinking over the question for what seemed like an age.

"I don't know how to answer that one, to you, anyway, I have my reasons."

Joanne looked towards the stereo.

"Can you take off that music, it's so bitter," she said.

"Some," replied Jonathon, "she's not all like that. Let me put on 'Serene', I think you'll like that."

"Ok, if you must. Can we get on with it please."

"Get on with what? Joanne," Jonathon asked.

"You really are aggravating me," she said as the music came up.

When the song finished, Joanne sat with her eyes closed for a short while.

"Different," she finally said.

"I love it," Jonathon told her.

"I'm happy for you. Got any wine?"

"I rarely drink, but I have some sherry in the kitchen I use for cooking?"

"It's alcohol. Can you fetch me a glass... please?"

When he'd brought them a glass each, she asked,

"Who taught you how to use sherry in cooking?"

"Cooking is one of my passions," Jonathon answered.

"You've surprised me. I'd never have picked it."

Joanne took a sip of sherry,

"Why is it so cold in here? Don't you believe in heaters?"

"I'm trying to keep the power bill down. Here I'll turn it on for you.

Question?" Jonathon said.


"Why me?"

Joanne sighed audibly,

"I'm afraid you're the last one. No-one even got as far as... we did. I can't even buy a screw, apparently."

"A chink in your armour, Joanne."

"It won't happen again."

"A pity. For a while there you were almost human."

Joanne scowled at him.

"Question?" Joanne asked.


"Why me? You could have walked out like the others?"

"I did. You threw me out, remember?"

"Yes, but you invited me in here. You didn't slam the door in my face. Even though I've been such a bitch to you?"

"I like you."

Joanne's laughter bounced around the room. Eventually she spluttered,

"Like me? Haha... are you serious? You don't even know me. Are you Pavlov's dog? The harder you're kicked... haha. Oh Wetherall, you're pathetic."

"Perhaps I see something in you that others can't see."

"Spare me the psychobabble."

"I see a beautiful woman just below the surface..."

"Yeah, yeah, waiting to get out, I know. And you're just the man to set me free. Listen! I DON'T like trash novels, I DON'T like men with mother fixations, I can't STAND amateur Psychologists and I don't like YOU, MR. WETHERALL. And before you ask, I'm NOT going to deal with my anger, it's well founded. Now I'm GOING."

Joanne got to her feet and spun around to leave. In doing so she walked right into Jonathon's coffee table and crashed over the top of it. Jonathon rushed over and put his arms around her waist, to help her to her feet.

"Get your fucking hands off me," Joanne spat. She lashed out with her arm catching Jonathon on the chin with her elbow.

Jonathon's anger rose and he held on tighter. Joanne continued struggling in his arms.

"Calm down," he tried to say.

"Who the FUCK do you think you ARE. My fucking FATHER?" Jonathon let go in shock.

Joanne's eyes were moist. Wordless she completed the distance to the door and walked out, leaving it open.

Shutting it, Jonathon muttered, 'shit' to himself as he went to clear up the mess.

While clearing up he noticed some cards scattered about. Picking one up, he saw,


... Chief Executive...

... Joanne Van Wettering...

(06) 293 5415 After hours (06) 245 1414

Mobile (021) 635 2681

Jonathon smiled to himself and put one in his pocket.

Two days later he called. She eventually answered her mobile.


"It's me."

"What? How the hell did you get this number?"


"Don't play games with me Wetherall. This is serious, you've breached security."

"Van Wettering, YOU left your calling card at MY flat, Question?"

"So that's what's happened. That's theft, Wetherall."

"I'm telling you they're here. You can get them whenever you want. Question?"

"I'll have to change my numbers, Wetherall, what the hell do you want? I'm a busy woman."

"Why didn't you get on the IV program?"

Jonathon could hear Joanne expel her breath in exasperation.

"Because... They wouldn't have me, OK?"

"Why not?"

"Unsuitable. Is that all?"


"Hurry up."

"Why haven't you hung up?"

"That's a mistake, Wetherall, I won't make again." The phone went dead.

That night, around 9, there came a pounding on Jonathon's door. Opening it, he found Joanne standing there in her blue business suit, a look of pure thunder on her face.

"Give me the cards," she seethed.

"Sure Joanne, won't you come in?"

"No! I want those cards."

"Relax, I'll get them," he said.

"All of them."

"Ok, ok."

"Don't you ever do that to me again."

"What?" he asked.

"Call me."

"You don't like people ringing you?"

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Boating with MacIt was early September and I had nothing to do for a few days, so I decided to take a trip to the shore. I thought that it shouldn’t be crowded in the middle of the week. I packed up a few things and threw them in the car and off I went. As I was driving, I noticed that traffic was very light with most of the people heading back to their homes. The weather was picture perfect, around 70 degrees. Well it didn’t take long to get to the shore and found for the most part the beach...

2 years ago
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The Biography of Jessica Ch 03

Dennis Forrest woke up to two abnormalities. One of those was an empty bed. His wife had many great qualities, but she was not a Morning Person. Nor was he, but his career had thrust it upon him and he made the best of it. JJ was admittedly, a grouch for about an hour each morning. The second odd thing took him a minute or so to notice because it was so out of the ordinary. It was the distinctive aroma of food, bacon, cinnamon rolls and freshly-brewed coffee. As JJ wasn’t a morning person, she...

4 years ago
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My Deep Dark Fantasy

My Deep, Dark Fantasy We were traveling back from a visit in the Couer 'd Alene area and stopped at a XXX store in Spokane where I got a new DVD I have been wanting. You and I have become very close friends, have a bond stronger than most friendships and have been able to share our most deepest thoughts and feelings with each other on things never disclosed to another human ever before. A brief history on us, we met when I started going out with your mom and you were only 14 years old....

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Saving Atlanta A studs foundation Chapter 7

Going back about three years ago, we see Kash laying in bed nude with a woman, a couple years older than him, named Marie. Marie matched with Kash on a dating app and had dark hair, was tanned and had green eyes. When it came to her overall appearance, Marie looked exactly like Irina Shayk back in the days when the model was dating Cristiano Ronaldo.Kash started to stretch while being tangled up with his lover, locking lips with her. The breaths became deeper, bodies dripped in sweat, and both...

3 years ago
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Christmas Comes Early

Keeping things fresh after 10 years of marriage is difficult. It was a fact that our sex life had been on the wane for quite a while before Amy came along, Amy being my husband’s 23 year-old girlfriend. I must admit that I laughed in his face and told him that he must be delusional when he claimed that our beautiful blonde neighbour had propositioned him for sex; the sudden spark we found in the bedroom meant I had played along with his supposed-fantasies and I had been trapped by the truth...

Quickie Sex
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Arms Divided

“One day guys! I WILL fuck Keegan Irish! I’m determined!” I said as I got off the bus that drops me off in front of my apartment. My room mate Brittney was waiting for me upstairs in room 618. “Hey! How was the concert?” Brittney asked, she had short black hair, with big boobs that I was jealous of, and the nicest legs. “It was awesome, and obviously Keegan didn’t notice me!?” I said frustrated, I had gone to an Arms Divided concert after school today! It was one of my favorite bands, I...

4 years ago
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Me And My Girlfriend On Her Birthday

Hello friends my name is jay from Mumbai. Forgive me for my mistakes as this is my first story on iss. This is how I and my girlfriend finally had sex and that too for her birthday. For those who want hot action u may have to wait as this may be a lengthy story but if you don’t want to wait then you can change to another story. So beginning with the story – I and my gf were dating for 3 years and we only had oral sex till now. Last week was her birthday and I had to surprise her in a very...

4 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 16

Shawna watched the party, knowing that Connor was around somewhere, but determined not to let it get to her. She had friends here, she knew, and drew her strength from them, smiling fondly whenever any of them came by, checking up on her. And they were, she knew. Marcus would have arranged it, of course, but they did it for her as much as for him. The Gang was back together. "You've had too much already!" She heard someone shouting from one of the other rooms, quieting the conversation...

3 years ago
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Love Hurts

I love Elizabeth and never meant to hurt her, but hurt her I did. We had been close when she was growing up even before she lost her mother to a car accident. It was agonizing to have the one person who provided for Elizabeth ripped away in an instant of stupidity. A ‘hit and run’ they called it… I often found my dreams clouded by what I’d do if I found who had left Lizzy’s mother to die alone on the roadside. Elizabeth was only 16 when it happened and it destroyed her. She had been predicted...

2 years ago
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Theres Something in the Water Chapters 5 to 10

By RawlyRawls This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read lots more stuff, vote on new stories, or support my writing, please visit: Also, all characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older. Late 1950s, somewhere in the Midwest … Chapter 5 Linda sat in a soft chair in the church’s bright, quiet back office. She took a deep breath. She was safe in the house of God. She should have come to Him sooner. Pastor Neilson watched his parishioner...

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Drying my hair in the bathroom, I heard my familiar Rammstein ringtone announcing I'd received a Whatsapp message. Wondering whether I should take a look, or wait until I finished getting ready, I continued waving the hair dryer around my head, feeling the super-heated air wafting through my luxurious locks."Not bad," I muttered to myself while critically studying my reflection in the mirror. "No, not bad at all," which was the best I could expect, considering the hectic week I’d just had."...

4 years ago
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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 31 Weddings and Romance

Dudley, Luna and Petunia were back at Luna's house. Vicky and Justin Finch Fletchley had joined them for the weekend as Dudley had asked him for some advice on extending Luna's property. His sister who was an architect and designer combined was coming later that day to look at the building and suggest how it could best be extended. Luna was delighted to see that Vicky and Justin were very obviously a couple. They had only been together a few weeks but Luna was certain that like her and...

1 year ago
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Alice and Sophia Meet Mrs Heaton

Alice and Sophia knew they were two very lucky girls. Both were twenty-six-years-old and rented a room and lived under the auspices of their two landladies. They both found adverts for single women, their mum's ages, who offered a maternal type arrangement. It turned out that both landladies, Loretta and Monika, enjoyed mothering girls they could treat as their daughters, and charged a lower rent as well. Alice and Sophia jumped at the chance, seeing many benefits to the arrangement.The...

4 years ago
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Hard Body

My stress level was at maximum after a few years of dealing with every disaster imaginable. Family illnesses, personal injury, natural disasters and to top it off a six month fling with a man I thought was heading for divorce, who suddenly moved out of town back with his wife, who used to be my good friend, all of which had me more than on edge. I was fucking done. Emotional toast, brain fried. What could possibly happen next! I needed some stress relief and bad. With my stud muffin gone till...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Mein Name ist Erika, und ich bin eine 42 jährige Jura-Professorin, bzw. war ich das einmal. Aber beginnen wir von vorne... Ich begann meine Karriere als Anwältin in einer kleinen Kanzlei in Berlin. Allerdings war mir eine Familie zu haben immer wichtiger. Mit 28 heiratete ich meinen Mann Paul und kurz darauf bekamen wir ein Kind. Für 12 Jahre lebten wir glücklich zusammen in einem kleinen Haus am Rande Berlins, bis mich mein Mann betrog. Darauf schmiss ich ihn sofort raus. Aber er, selbst...

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My Mom8217s New Boyfriend

Hello all, I am Aryan, 22 years old. I wanted to share my real-life experience about my mom’s new boyfriend, which happened 2 years back. Ours is a small family, me, my mom and dad. We moved to the US when I was 5 years old, and now we are NRI. Mom and dad always had disagreements and issues for the last few years. So one fine day, they decided to find their own ways and divorced. I just finished my first year of college at that time. After the divorce, mom decided to move to India and look...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 49 Lapse in Leadership

Joseph sat wearily in his office and considered what had transpired during the day. The cook had little to add to the footman’s testimony. The only new piece of information she had to import was also simply a rumor. She said she had heard that Elsa Golrick had died while travelling with her father and not at the manor. She said there was a grave for the girl’s mother – who had died a month before The Fall – but none of the young woman. She said she’d always considered it odd but had never...

1 year ago
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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 4

DECEMBER (Part 1) LUKE'S VOICE Christmas was a week away and Karl and Ulrika had finished school the day before. Their end of term reports had glowed and I'd received a typed note of thanks from Herr Fischer, enclosing a thousand euros in crisp new notes. Underneath his signature another hand had written, 'My thanks as well. No Christmas invitation, but maybe one day.' There was no signature. I stuffed the money into my pocket and went down to the dining room. As I slipped into my usual...

3 years ago
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The Pool

The Pool After searching around for the right house, Donny pulled up outside a two-story detached house. The front of the house looked immaculate; the lawns looked they belonged on a golf course. The small shrubs lining the pathway were trimmed to within an inch of perfection. Donny turned to his two work colleagues, 'no fucking about on this job boys’ with that they both looked at the house and whistled, the house shouted money. Donny knocked on the front door, and after a few minutes, it was...

1 year ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 21

With the exception of regular phone calls, Elizabeth and Gustav left Lauren alone to run the house for days on end. As the days passed the troubles in the north grew and spread, the relationship souring between the government and the populace and every new day heralding further sources of discontent. The electricity supply failed for an hour on the day before the election, causing the children to abandon the house for the cooler patio. Two days before the election - and to Lauren's surprise...

2 years ago
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Rebeccas IntrigueChapter 3

Rebecca didn't go into the office the next day. She decided she could equally work from home. She felt her and Bradley needed some time away. Things were getting a little claustrophobic. In any case, he said he needed to do a little field work - to talk to a few people nearer the 'coal face.' It suited Rebecca fine. His remark about her 'stress' had stung her - even days after. She figured it must have hit home and resolved to go to the gym more often. But, would exercise solve her...

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If Carlsberg did dates

++ This is a true story, but names have been changed ++The first time I used an adult dating site, I got chatting to a woman named Kate. I am a fan of a more voluptuous lady, so it was a BBW dating site, and Kate, in my mind, was the perfect BBW. a size 18 but with most of it on the bum and boobs, nice toned chubby thighs and a gorgeous smile. We chatted online for a few hours and then she had to go, so we shared mobile numbers and we texted a couple of times later that evening. The next day...

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Sun Bathing Ex

So a few years ago my Ex was staying at my house to get away from her abusive former partner.I'd booked a week off work and the weather had actually been splendid for once, I'd bought some beers and we sat out in the yard drinking them, both of us in shorts and t shirts. As the sun came into the yard, the Ex had gone inside and put on a yellow bikini she'd bought and laid out to catch some rays, we finished the beers and I said I'd go and buy some more, as I was in the house I also stuck my...

3 years ago
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Futa Naked in School 03 Futa Mvps RewardChapter 2 Futarsquos Taboo Decision

Charisma Lacy’s Week, Tuesday I felt numb as I sat naked in Coach Musil’s office. My little sister was beside me, equally as nude as me. We were both chosen to attend classes sans clothing thanks to the Program. Being naked wasn’t why I was numb. After two months of the Program running at our high school, I’d grown used to seeing naked girls and wild sex around campus. I’d even made love to my sister before our mythology class the day before. No, I was numb because of Principal McTaggart’s...

2 years ago
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Meine Linke wichste meinen Steifen während ich mit der rechten die Maus, und somit den Cursor auf dem Bildschirm zur nächsten Galerie führte. „ Sweet Vicky“ ich klickte sie an und kurz darauf erschienen die Bilder und ein kurzer Text. Durch Glück hatte ich diese Voyeur und Self Pic Seite gefunden. Private Personen zeigten alles, mal war der Kopf nicht auf dem Bild oder das Gesicht wurde unkenntlich gemacht, aber immer zeigten die geilen Frauen wie sie es sich am liebsten selber machten. Mit der...

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Karens BootsChapter 3 Wiedersehen

Bob sat at the kitchen's breakfast bar and thought hard and long about her note. He eventually decided that he would take her back if (1) she was really sincere in her apology, something that would be revealed in time and (2) she would tolerate the most extreme physical punishment that he could think of – short of mutilating or marking her beautiful body. What would be the point of destroying beauty only so that you could own it? But it must be pain or discomfort so bad that she would...

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AllMale Black Private College

My name is Jerome Saint Guillaume. I am a student at Titan College. It’s a small private school located in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It’s also unlike any other school in the planet. You see, Titan College is an all-male college. There used to be many all-male colleges in America, but in the 1970s, most schools went coeducational. Titan College remained all-male, which astonished many but that’s the key to its success. Men attending Titan College are preparing themselves to become the leaders of...

2 years ago
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Bad Condition Ended Up With Wonderful Memories In Pune

Hey guys this is Sandy again. I guess this is my 18th story I am writing here, well many readers know about me here, but let me introduce to new ones. I am Sandy from PUNE, age 22, 5.10 height and average body, completed my graduation this year. Btw let me tell you guys that I am staying here alone as my parents are staying in Bangalore, I am here for my studies sake and for making my future here. Now let’s get back to the story. After getting my graduation, me and my friends planned for a long...

3 years ago
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Davis dies the hardway

WARNING! EXTREME TORTURE, GORE DESCRIPTIONS AND WATER SPORT REFERENCES LURK INSIDE THIS LEMON THAT WAS COMISSIONED BY CHIBI BIYOMON!!!!! "So this is the guy you want me to kill?" Mia asked, looking at a picture of Davis. "Yes, he had been a real nuissance for way too long." TK told her, placing his hand gently over Kari's. "He went too faar, when he tried to get me, by making Veemon rape Gatomon." Kari explained, slamming her fist against the desk of Mia. "Very well, I'll do my...

1 year ago
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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter VI The One In Which Sansa And Joffrey Take A Ride

Sansa Stark was having absolutely the best day of her life. While she was terribly saddened when her scheduled lemoncake brunch with Queen Cersei Lannister was cancelled after the arrival of the King's Guard to escort the King and her Father to King's Landing ahead of the long retinue train, her stomach was set aflutter as the Queen suggested to Prince Joffrey - Sansa's betrothed - to entertain her for the afternoon instead. At his charming assenting smile to the young girl, despite the...

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Walos MistressChapter 7

Eagerly, Lynn squirmed into position in front of them with her voluptuous white thighs opened wide apart enflaming Virgin's desire flushed face, her gilded-hair fringed cunt splayed like a delectable, butterflied fillet before her, its sensitive pink flesh moist with the passionate heat of her own prurient desire. Virgin marveled at it, her eyes momentarily fixed on the vibrant, tense clitoris that peeked out at her from its glistening shrine, the coral petals of her inner lips seeming to...

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How Could You Chapter 2

How Could You Chapter 2 Author's Notes: All of the last names and male first name came from centers from the Pittsburgh Penguins or Steelers. My mom was a huge sports fans and I do not want anyone to think that in any way I named any of my characters after them. ********* As Leah and Ron were driving home, from his unjust and unwarranted punishment of having to wear women clothing in public and let Vi hike it up, the shameful mother thought how could the night get worse. Then...

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Tortured Teresa the Dirty Stripteaser

My Mum Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in the...

1 year ago
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Young malay milf part 2

Continue from part 1A month later since she invited me to stay over at her place, i finally came to her humble place with my stuffs as i will be going to work from there the next day. So after work i head straight back home quickly and picked up my packed bag then proceeded to her place. Thinking of romance and ready to enjoy the evening after her s** goes to bed while on the way there. Reached her place at around 8pm and guess what? Her mom was at her place! Then i saw a missed call from my gf...

3 years ago
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Adult Mom with Adult Son First Time

First let me say that I am fifty-two years old, a widow, and live in a small town. My son is thirty-two years old and is currently separated from his wife. Wiliam, my son, has come back home and has his old bedroom he had as a child. He has lived with me for two months now.William works in a local foundry and was injured just before moving back home, severely burning both hands. He could gingerly use a fork and spoon but had trouble doing most other things.  Anyway, one day I came into his room...

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My sister in law

Introduction: After a sexual tension between my sister in law and me we end up in one bed. It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel. Turning left to the bedroom I hear a startled Oh, excuse me, from the stairs which is located in front of the bathroom door. I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We thought that you used the bathroom...

4 years ago
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The Cursed Castle Chapter 2

The next major occurrence in David and the Princess's relationship came a couple of month's later. David was out in front of the carpentry shop sweeping the front when he spotted Princess Arabella crossing the street towards him at an angle. She was headed for a fabric store a couple doors down, but when she saw him she waved and smiled. Just as she did, a horse-drawn cart came around the corner. The horse had been spooked, thrown the driver, and was out of control–and headed right for the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sending out an SOS Symbol of Sex

First let's decide who's discovery of the symbol we'll follow first: Jonathan Benjamin: A 42 year old married, dark-haired and slim built pastor living in a two-story house in middle America. A staunch, family-values conservative Jonathan has begun hinting at support for the Quiverfull movement, making it clear he resents having only 5 children (all of which are now over 18). His wife is the same age (having been her husband's high school sweetheart) and after marrying they had a child nearly...

Mind Control
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Aunty Barbara part 2

We slept late into the afternoon and I gradually woke up to find myself being gently fondled and caressed by Aunty Barbara. As she realized I was awake she asked me if I had had a nice sleep, I replied “Yes,” and then thanked her, although I have no idea why. She said it was now time for a chat and that I could ask her anything that I wanted. First of all she told me that when she was a student nurse she had lodged with a matron named Carol from one of the wards. Carol had a very submissive...

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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 16

Thursday evening began the string of semi-dress rehearsals wherein the play to be presented with audience on the same day the following week would run straight through sans scripts and in whatever costumes and lighting and set and effects were ready. I hadn't seen Michael's play and Serena's direction of it since the week before. With her skills with language, she had tightened the play considerably, but the physical appearance showed the greatest improvement. Though a better director...

2 years ago
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Good Enough too Eat Blacken

I told my wife that it would be fun and sexy to see a male stripper dance for at a bachelorette party. We never discussed MFM sex but she knew I was open to it from previously discussed fantasies.I went online and found a really good looking black guy who was also a masseuse. When I booked him I asked him if he'd be willing to "play." He said maybe. I sent him a couple of pictures of my wife and not only did he agree to play, he waived his fee because he found her very attractive. He...

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Bikini Beach Old Mister Nelson

Copyright by the author of story. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Bikini Beach: Old Mister Nelson By Elrod W The radio playing in the ticket booth was helping Anya relieve some of the boredom. It was late afternoon, and there were few new customers, just enough that she had to keep the ticket window open. Like the two fraternity guys who had intended to pick up some girls for their fraternity's party that night. Anya...

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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 1

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 2nd November 2018Pete gives the background to Sue and his four-year journey of sexual discoveryAsk any addict and they’ll tell you that it only takes one second to slip. And that once you’ve slipped, you’re in freefall with no earthly idea of where and when that freefall will end. And whether you’ll still be in one piece.I’m Pete, or Peter if you prefer. A ‘happily’ married forty-nine-year-old guy, married to the woman who’s blessed my life these last twenty-six years....

Wife Lovers
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Ballerinas Deliemma

Jenny Marie Stephenson was tense. She could sense that her daughter, Dakota was too as the plane's wheels grabbed the pavement of the LaGuardia runway. Her heart fell into her stomach as the flaps behind the engines closed; reversing the thrust and thrusting them forward in their seats. It wasn't so much that she wasn't used to it or expecting it as much as it seemed to summarize the events of her life in the past few days. Jenny had given up her own dreams of becoming a ballet dancer when...

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