Morning Shower
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
Luke was trying to decide between sneakers and sandals — he hadn’t thought to bring boat shoes — when he heard a car pulling into the driveway. That’s strange. Bill’s not supposed to be back until tonight. Deciding that sandals were a better choice with water involved, especially as they were probably coming off anyway, he rushed to put them on while surprisingly high-pitched squeals of greeting found their way through the open windows. I guess it’s not Bill, then. Unless he flew to LA for some very specific surgery.
The sight that greeted him once he opened the door brought him to an even more astonished standstill.
Definitely not Bill.
“What ... what ... how...?”
“Silver-tongued, isn’t he? The night I met him he was all slick lines and relentless adulation, but ever since he arrived it’s been impossible to get him past caveman preschool. It’s so disappointing.”
“I probably should’ve warned you. A few months ago, I watched him lose control of his basic functions in the presence of an outrageously attractive woman. I’m not sure they ever returned.”
“Is that right? And now there are two of us. No wonder he’s sub-verbal.”
“So, big shot, now that Kathryn’s sprung her surprise, are you gonna come over here and give me a big old heterosexual hug so we can pretend you’re not secretly checking out my tits, or are you just gonna stand there drooling like an idiot?”
After a few more moments of choosing both drool and idiot, Luke finally stepped forward. “Wendy! Holy shit, how did you get here?”
They hugged like giddy teenagers, laughing with joy at this incredibly unexpected reunion, while Kathryn wryly observed, “She got here by car, of course. We really are going to have to keep you away from complex machinery and sharp objects today, aren’t we?”
Luke ignored her japery, instead focusing on a more (and literally) pressing matter. Wendy does have nice breasts.
While Kathryn went back inside the house to finish assembling supplies, Luke gave Wendy a quick tour of the cellar and his living quarters. Not usually all that easy to impress, Wendy was visibly agape at the entire setup, and lovingly fondled more than a few outrageously expensive bottles.
“Damn, kid. I take back what I said. You really did get luckier than any nerd who’s ever lived.” It was a reversal of what she’d said to him the night he’d struck out with Kathryn, and she winked as realization dawned. “Now, stop consuming me with your oppressive male gaze and help me grab twice as much wine as we need. I haven’t been on a boat in a while, and not on an actual lake since I was a kid.”
He blushed a bit, for he had indeed been checking her out. Partly because of Kathryn’s repeated insistence that they were more than just friends, but mostly because she was dressed much differently than he was used to. Her sleeveless, punkish t-shirt bore the image of some musician he’d never heard of, and revealed an extensive network of tattoos that obviously covered more of her body than he’d previously imagined. Her breasts tented the material, the prominent points of her nipples clearly visible through both the shirt and the neon yellow bikini top underneath it. Below that she wore tight green boy shorts — the thin cords of her bikini bottoms peeked out above the waist — that revealed some extremely enticing curves and valleys, but also the surprising athleticism of her heavily tattooed legs. Luke had no idea that Wendy did anything more strenuous than lifting cases of wine, but it was obvious that she did something to keep in shape. Rather fantastic shape, actually. Luke allowed his eyes to wander for another indulgent moment before pulling a handful of bottles from the rack.
Kathryn’s right. I’ve been taking our relationship for granted because there’s no chance of hooking up. I’d wager she knows a hundred times more about me than I know about her. I’m going to change that, starting right now. And she’s right about another thing, too: Wendy’s really hot. How did I miss that?
It took twenty minutes and a half-dozen trips between the house and the lakefront to load up the boat with food, drinks, and supplies. Kathryn was (or so he gathered from the briefest of glimpses through her sleeves), sporting a white bikini that covered just as little flesh as the black one, but — as expected, given her pale skin — also wore a loose white linen coverup that looked, to his fashion-unconscious eyes, like a sort of modified caftan. To the extent possible, her hair was tucked into a wide-brimmed hat with a cord that secured it below her chin. When she was finally finished directing the preparations, she turned to the others and asked, “So, who wants to drive?”
Luke raised his hand. “I can. It’s been a while, but I at least promise not to run into anything. Don’t tell me you own a boat that you don’t know how to operate?”
Hands on hips, she playfully scolded, “I know everything about it, actually. But I want to relax and get to know our guest, which means you’re hired. Though the pay’s not quite what you’re used to.”
“Cruising around the lake with two beautiful women in bikinis? Mere money couldn’t possibly compare.”
Kathryn laughed, but Wendy snorted in mock disgust. “Don’t be gross, perv.”
It took Kathryn a while to go over the controls with him — despite her carefree offer to let him drive, she was understandably cautious with what was, as she’d told him, one of their more expensive indulgences — but soon enough they were on their way. He held to a steady, easy line while the ladies uncorked a bottle of Prosecco and set about making Aperol spritzes, but once they had drinks securely in hand he concentrated on getting a feel for the boat, making both wide and narrow turns and then, once he felt confident enough, opening up the throttle to see just how fast it could go.
Quite a bit faster than he was comfortable with, it turned out.
He let it ride for a while anyway, enjoying the adrenaline rush of pushing past his limits. He couldn’t hear anything but the roar of the engine, but every once in a while he glanced back to observe the ladies deep in animated conversation. The idea of them becoming friends made him smile, though he had to forcefully put down the enticing but impossible alternatives his imagination suggested.
Having reached what seemed to be more or less the midpoint of the lake, he cut power and they drifted to a stop. It was a peaceful, nearly cloudless day, with a light breeze cutting the heat of the sun just enough to make everything comfortable and, more importantly, bug-free. Wendy handed him a freshly assembled spritz as they assembled around a table close to the center of the boat.
Wendy’s straight blonde hair — a little longer than when he’d last seen her — was accented by vibrant pink streaks that looked like candy stripes when she tied it behind her head, as she had today. Without a moment’s hesitation she pulled her shirt over her head, offering him the requisite grimace as he openly gaped at her chest. He immediately grasped the opportunity to tease. “You know, now that I don’t have to secretly check them out with big old heterosexual hugs, I have to admit that you do have really great tits.”
He expected the usual retort about men and their inability to look away from women’s breasts, but her answer surprised him. “About time you noticed.” Kathryn nearly snorted her cocktail through her nose, reaching for a napkin to mute the coughing fit that followed. “Then again, with her around I don’t blame you for having boobs on the brain.” This didn’t help Kathryn’s coughing fit, though it added a lovely new layer of pink to her already reddening cheeks. Wendy waited for both to subside before asking a series of even more outrageous questions. “You ever have those things molded? Sculpted? Ever posed for nudes? Because if you haven’t, you should seriously consider it. Those, my dear, are epic works of mammary art that deserve immortalization. Especially before gravity kicks in, though you’ve apparently found a way to defy it so far.”
Yep. There we go. Hard as a rock. To be honest, it took longer that I thought it would. But if Luke felt lightheaded at Wendy’s queries, it was nothing compared to how he felt when he heard Kathryn’s answers.
“Well ... yes to all three, actually.” Luke sat absolutely still; injury seemed a surety if he attempted to move. He was grateful he wasn’t holding his drink, as it certainly would’ve been all over the deck by now.
“Oooh, really? When? Where? Spill the juicy details!”
Kathryn’s soft laugh grew, at least to his ears, sexier every time he heard it. “I’m not sure how juicy most of them are. I was rather desperate for money in college, but I didn’t have thirty-plus hours a week to spare waiting tables or serving drinks. Sorry, no offense intended.”
Wendy shrugged. “None taken.”
“Good. Anyway, art classes usually pay their models, and they pay nude models more, which meant I could work a fraction of the hours and make almost as much.”
“At the cost of everyone knowing exactly what your tits look like.”
Now it was Kathryn’s turn to shrug. “I didn’t pose at my university. I’ve never been particularly modest, but I’m undressed by more than enough eyes no matter what I’m wearing. No need to accelerate the process. Anyway, molding took the longest — though it was definitely the most common request, which I suppose is its own form of compliment — and so I upped my price for that until the demand leveled off. Since it was the only one of the three that required physical contact, I felt it was reasonable to ask for more. Looking back, it’s a little odd — and admittedly slightly arousing — to think just how many people who weren’t lovers put their hands on me. On the other hand, posing for drawing. painting, or sculpting was vastly easier work and I could usually listen to recorded lectures at the same time, so whenever exams were approaching I restricted myself to those. Anyway, I’m sure that, in some form or another, my breasts and other body parts — or at least someone else’s idea of them — are still on display here and there on various campuses, or maybe even in houses and offices.”
I should start the engines again. Because if I keep listening to this, I’m going to do something I haven’t done since puberty: make a mess in my shorts. Instead, albeit with hands on the verge of uncontrollable tremors, he assembled another round of drinks.
“How about nudes? Did you pose for photography classes too?”
“Yes and no. It was only one time, and there was only one photographer. Given what happens with nude photos these days I guess it was unintentionally prophetic of me, but while I didn’t mind having representations of my body out there, the idea of actual pictures made me uncomfortable. That said, I did a rather naughty photo shoot for a friend.”
Both Luke and Wendy caught the subtle change in intonation underlying the word “friend,” though only Wendy said so out loud. “A little more than a friend, eh?”
Kathryn’s smile was equal parts seductive, wicked, and embarrassed. “Let’s just say that some of the photos were quite naughty indeed.”
Oh god. I’m going to die. I’m going to die right here. Every drop of blood in my body just rushed straight into my dick, and I’m going to drop dead from catastrophic anemia at any moment.
“Kinky! I don’t suppose you’ve got those lying around somewhere.”
“Actually, I do. I’ve got your email address now, so I’ll send you a few of the highlights. Maybe not the really dirty ones, but...”
Her offer was interrupted by Luke’s forehead repeatedly thumping the table.
“I think you’ve broken him, Kathryn.”
“Well, it’s not the first time, and it probably won’t be the last. Especially once I tell you about the photos. In one, I had my...”
His face still pressed into the table, he moaned, “Please, please, please, stop. I’m quite literally going to expire right here on the boat. I’m not nearly strong enough to hear you finish that sentence.”
“Awww, kid. I’ve never seen you like this. I’ll have to remember to make fun of you the next time you’re pretending to be all suave and worldly while trying to impress a hot chick at the bar.”
Like a drowning man, he weakly raised his face to look at her. “Mercy. I beg mercy and respite.”
Both of Wendy’s eyebrows shot up, her surprise at his uncharacteristic pleading plain. “Kathryn, maybe you’d better send our boy here a few of those photos, just to loosen him up.”
“No, I think that’s both inappropriate and unnecessary. After all, he’s here for at least another month. It would be much more entertaining to show him in person.” Luke’s head fell back to the table as the ladies’ gentle laughter taunted his very soul.
Wait ... does she mean the pictures, or...?
They’d finished their spritzes and were starting on the wine when Wendy suddenly stood up. “I want to take the boat for a spin, but I want to do it before I’ve had too much to drink, because it’s been a while for me, too. Don’t worry, I paid close attention to everything you told Luke.”
Kathryn gestured her approval, but Luke was surprised. “When did you learn to handle a boat? I thought you were a city girl from birth.”
Wendy gave him a slightly disappointed look. “Girlfriends, you dope. One was an heiress whose family had several, and another one captained a great big yacht owned by some international banker type. Oh, and get this: his wife made it very plain that she didn’t approve of hot girl-on-girl action, so we made it a point to christen every single surface on that tub with our sinful ladyjuices. Especially their bed.” As was becoming their pattern, Kathryn dissolved in fits of laughter while Luke, still hard as a rock, wore an increasingly pained expression.
As Wendy gradually eased the boat forward, Luke and Kathryn moved aft. He was surprised when she gestured for him to sit so close that their thighs were rubbing against each other. Probably because the engine’s too loud to hear otherwise, though it’s not exactly helping to quell my arousal. They clinked glasses while Wendy went through her own ritual of acclimation, and he did his best to avoid trying to peer through Kathryn’s coverup to study the promising terrain underneath.
“I like her even more now that I know her better. Actually, I take that back: I kinda love her. I can definitely see why you two are perfect for each other.”
Shaking his head, he glanced at Wendy before replying, “As I keep telling you...”
“I know, I know. It’s still a shame, though. Maybe you two should just enter into a sexless marriage and take on all the side pieces you can gather.”
Between gasping laughter and sputtering indignation, he managed to retort, “I guarantee you that the very last thing Wendy wants is a beard. I’m pretty sure she came out at conception. Plus, I don’t think having a super-sexy wife would help me with the ladies unless they swing both ways, and then she’d be trying to steal them from me, so...” He careened to a sudden stop, fixating on the fact that he’d just called Wendy “super-sexy.”
“Threesomes, then?”
This time, he did choke on his wine. “Seriously, are you both trying to kill me? Is this a conspiracy you cooked up while you were planning this little escapade? Are you going to dump my body overboard when I’m gone?”
But Kathryn wasn’t looking at him. Instead, she was rather blatantly eyeing Wendy’s taut posterior. I’m never, ever going to go soft again, am I? Luke sighed and capitulated, enthusiastically joining her study.
“Don’t tell her I told you this because she’ll never let it go, but personality-wise she’s a lot like the only woman I seriously tried to be in love with.”
“Tried to be?”
“A story for another time, but the upshot is that I failed. Still, we dated for about a year, and not a single day together passed without something exceptionally naughty happening.” She grinned at his dazed expression and patted him on the knee. “I’m terribly sorry, Luke, but I don’t have any pictures.”
Oh god. I need to get off this boat.
“Hey, big shot wine dork, pour me something blind.”
“You got it. Kathryn, you want to play too?”
“Sure, why not? But don’t I have an unfair advantage because I know what’s in the cellar?”
“Actually, come to think of it, Wendy has an unfair advantage because she was watching when I pulled most of the bottles. I brought two of everything, so she’s got a one in six chance, and I’d lay a lot of money on her getting every single guess right.”
“Well, maybe this should be a solo challenge. Let’s see how I do under the intimidating glares of the pros.”
He poured three glasses, keeping an eye on Wendy while she swirled and sniffed. Almost immediately, she looked up, momentarily lowered her sunglasses, and winked. I knew it was too easy for her. Luke sidled around to whisper in her ear. “I have to warn you: what happened at your bar wasn’t a fluke. She’s really, really good at this.” Keenly aware that Luke didn’t hand out this sort of praise easily, Wendy joined him in watching Kathryn work her way into the wine.
“Good acidity. A little bracing, actually, but there’s plenty of fruit. Well, not fruit exactly ... maybe some underripe green plum, or some strange cousin of apricot, but more like ... hmmm...” She sipped again, considering. “Ripe celery? And a hint of pepper, but it’s like white pepper rather than black.” Wendy again lowered her sunglasses to reveal her rapidly widening eyes to Luke. He smiled approvingly, as if he was somehow responsible for Kathryn’s skill. Which, of course, he wasn’t. “Is it ... is it Austrian? Grüner veltliner? I don’t usually remember producers very well, so I’m just going to make a wild guess. Needle, Nigel, whatever the name is? Oh, and it’s one of the riper ones if that applies, though I don’t remember those words either.”
Wendy’s mouth was hanging open, only partially obscured by the hand she’d raised to mask her shock. Kathryn glanced at her, then back at Luke. “How badly did I do?”
She’s amazing. Fucking hell, I’d be totally smitten even if she wasn’t devastatingly attractive.
“The name you’re searching for is Nigl ... and Kathryn, everything single thing you said is correct. It’s Austrian grüner veltliner from the Rehberger Zwetl vineyard. Are you sure you don’t want to switch jobs for a while? I’ll hand you bottles and you can do all the super-exciting typing while I stare at you in admiration and wonder.”
With a broad smile, Kathryn stood, circled the table to where he was sitting, grabbed his face, and gave him a big, sloppy kiss on the cheek. “You’re my inspiration, wine stud.”
Wendy cackled and snorted as he turned the deepest possible crimson. A color which only darkened when she added, “Hey, does anyone mind if I get my tits out? I hate tan lines.”
Luke whipped his head around, unable to stop himself from gawking in amazement as she untied her top to reveal pale, conical breasts crowned with extremely prominent — and very much erect — nipples surrounded by rose-hued areolae. In contrast to most of the rest of her body, her breasts remained unsullied by ink.
“Speaking of mammaries meriting memorialization...”
“Aww, thanks Kathryn. Yeah, I like the girls too, though I doubt they’re on display in any museums. On the other hand, since I’ve let pretty much every girlfriend and hookup I’ve ever had take all the pictures they want, if they’re not already everywhere on the internet by now I’d be really surprised. Luke, don’t trip over your chin.”
“Uh, sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it, perv. If I minded you looking I wouldn’t be topless right now. Anyway, this is all about me seducing Kathryn.” In response to the other woman’s delighted laughter, she added, “So are you going to join me or not?”
This is a dream. There’s no way this can possibly be a real thing that I’m experiencing. I must have slipped and hit my head while we were loading the boat, and now I’m on the verge of death, hallucinating an impossible life I never actually led.
Kathryn looked down, and two pairs of eyes followed to stare directly at her still-concealed chest. “Well, the problem is that I don’t tan, I just burn and freckle, so I try to stay out of the sun. I suppose I could take my top off anyway, but it’s going to be pretty anticlimactic because you’re not going to be able to see much of anything. Not to mention that you’re already doing quite a number on poor Luke all by yourself, and I’d hate to add to his troubles.” Indeed, he was practically gasping for breath, looking back and forth between Wendy’s exposed chest and the even more fabulous breasts he’d seen most of yesterday.
“Eh, take it off anyway. Join me in spirit and I promise I’ll let my imagination do the rest. As for him, I suspect that he hasn’t stopped imagining them since the night he met you.”
“Just for that,” Kathryn laughed as she pulled her arms into her sleeves, “I’m going to send you the full set of photos.”
Definitely dead. They’re probably trying to shock my heart back to functionality right now.
“If you really want to. I’m weirdly fascinated by dicks, especially for a lesbian, but I don’t usually want to see the dude that’s attached.”
A microscopic white bikini top joined Wendy’s yellow version.
“Well, to be completely candid the dick in question is somewhat, um, obscured from view in a fair number of the shots, so you’d probably be disappointed.”
“Oh, that kind of naughty! Then yes, I absolutely want to see them, you dirty, dirty girl.”
I haven’t even written a will. I wonder if they’ll bury or cremate my remains? My poor parents, mourning their son before they’ve even reached retirement age. I bet it’s going to lead to a hell of a eulogy. Cause of death: boobs and bawdy conversation.
If there was any obvious way to see for sure that Kathryn was topless, Luke was incapable of finding it. Though it certainly wasn’t from a lack of trying.
If only she was backlit from the side, instead of direct sun that makes her coverup opaque.
Wendy, meanwhile, had shed her shorts and was now about ninety-seven percent naked. He was painfully aware that the tattoos blanketing much of her body continued into the tiny bit of it he couldn’t see. He was also aware that she’d pierced her clitoral hood, for the ring was clearly visible through the thin fabric of her bikini bottoms.
Well, I said I wanted to learn more about her...
Coming to mutual agreement that further imbibing was probably unwise without food, they nibbled on cured meats, hard cheeses, tinned sardines and cockles, olives, and so forth ... all things that would be fine without constant refrigeration ... and debated the wisdom of a swim.
“How’s the water?” Wendy asked.
“Quite nice this time of year, actually. It’s pretty deep where we are, though, so be careful.”
“I’m a good swimmer, and if necessary I can provide plenty of references for just how skilled I am at holding my breath.” Even Luke had to join the laughter at her boast, though it helped cover for what was becoming a somewhat painful state of arousal. Isn’t there some warning about this in those erectile dysfunction ads? How many hours before I’m supposed to call a doctor?
“C’mon wine boy, let’s dive in. You coming, Kathryn?”
She shrugged, pointing up at the sky. “Full sun, so unfortunately it’s not worth it. Besides, it’s not wise for all three of us to be off the boat at the same time. Don’t worry, I’ll stay here and fight off pirates with a corkscrew.”
“Suit yourself. It’s just you and me, kid.” Leaning close, she whispered, “And maybe the water will finally take care of that stiffy you’ve been sporting since you parked us here.” He gaped at the back of her head as she leapt off the side, whooping with joy. He followed her as soon as he’d regained what little sanity he had left. Kathryn adjusted her hat, smiling and laughing at their antics.
As they paddled, dove, swam, and splashed each other with increasing competitiveness and countless insults, Wendy took every opportunity to make things even more difficult for Luke. More than once she overtly smooshed a breast into the side of his face or “accidentally” introduced a thigh between his. That his erection wasn’t even close to subsiding was all too clear, and eventually he’d had enough.
“Would you stop that?” he hissed. “I’m serious: it’s actually getting painful.”
She backed away, but regarded him with a curiously serious look before answering, “If it’s that bad now, what the hell are you going to do for the rest of your time here?”
Rolling her eyes, she floated onto her back. Her breasts were extraordinary in this setting, rising like delicate, snowy peaks above the lake’s surface. “You really are the dumbest person on the planet, you know that?”
“While I’m sure that’s true, I still don’t know what you mean.”
“Whatever, you dope. I’m getting out. I want to open that Yarra Valley stuff. Imagine: an Australian chardonnay that I actually want to drink.”
“The Luke Lambert? Yeah, let’s do that. Hey, Kathryn,” he called, “can you flip the ladder over the side?”
A few minutes later Luke was dripping water all over the deck, opening and pouring the wine while Wendy toweled herself off and applied more sunblock. “Do my back?” she asked, handing the plastic bottle to Kathryn. Luke tried to play it cool as he watched her rub cream onto his friend — Wendy’s eyes were closed, and she was pretty clearly imagining a more enjoyable variation of an already erotic scene — but, as a result, he was considerably less efficient in his own efforts to dry himself.
Taking the sunscreen from Kathryn, he finished as much of his own reapplication as he could accomplish on his own, then paused, beset by indecision over whether or not he should ask someone to cover what he couldn’t reach.
“Gimme. I’ll do it. Just don’t get any ideas, pal.” Before he could recover from his surprise, Wendy was running her hands up and down his back. It felt like half-sunblock application, half-rough massage — her fingers were surprisingly strong — and the brief but blessed interregnum between erections was already in danger of ending. Kathryn observed in silence, downing her glass in two great swigs and pouring another.
They’d been idly chatting about restaurants in the city — to his relief, there was a significant reduction in innuendo — when Wendy stood up, an impish look on her face. “Look, I don’t actually mean to be the slutty exhibitionist here, even though I am a slutty exhibitionist, but I rarely sunbathe with clothes on. Kathryn, would you mind terribly? I already know what the dork’s gonna say: something monosyllabic and useless accompanied by lots of drool.”
Kathryn’s lips tightened and her breathing rather obviously accelerated. For the first time, Luke — already dazed at Wendy’s request — saw a sign of Kathryn’s concealed nudity, for when she inhaled the faint outline of an erect nipple was briefly visible, even through her coverup. Did I miss this before, or have her nipples only recently achieved this state? And if so, what’s the cause: Wendy, or the entire situation? I’ve returned from the brink of death-by-innuendo, but here’s me going into anaphylactic shock. And if she says yes...
“Sure, be my guest. I assume you want me to join you?”
Though he couldn’t clearly see her eyes through her sunglasses, Wendy looked like she was thinking about devouring the redhead. Seeing a rare opportunity for a moment of revenge, Luke cleared his throat. “Speaking of drool...”
“Like you won’t be reduced to jelly yourself.” Well, she’s right about that. “Okay, bottoms down.”
Now I’ve learned two more things I didn’t know: Wendy has a heart-shaped tattoo with an arrow pointing at her vagina, and she either waxes or had her hair permanently removed. No one can shave that cleanly, unless she did it this morning.
When the rest of Kathryn’s bikini fell to the deck and joined the small pile of swimwear on the table, he audibly gulped. Wendy just smiled, reclining on one of the benches that ran along the sides of the boat.
“So how about you, Luke? Going to join us?” To his immense consternation, Kathryn immediately cast a vote in favor.
“Uh, no thanks.”
“Gosh, Kathryn. Do you have any idea why he might refuse right now?”
They snickered as he returned to banging his forehead against the table.
From time to time he caught Kathryn studying Wendy’s form; that is, he noticed whenever he wasn’t memorizing it himself. She eventually flipped over — her ass was considerably narrower and more muscular than Kathryn’s, but still eminently enticing — and drifted into what appeared (judging by her snoring) to be a sun-induced nap. One of her legs slipped from the bench, leaving her sex more than fully exposed. Luke was forced to acknowledge that Wendy was both visually stunning and entirely unashamed about revealing her body.
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The Island Final Part By Lauren Westley (Authoress Comment: All disclaimers to all my writings hold true here. If you think it was you or any character reminds you of someone then I hope it's with fond memories but it isn't about them but maybe me. To all of those who wished I would finish the Island here it is. I stopped writing this because I had some nasty comments about the scat. So,...
After about another fifteen miles, we found ourselves on the outskirts of Derby and I knew where I wanted to go, "Follow the signs to Ashbourne Mickey" I said, "There's a lovely hotel up there right out in the countryside" She nodded and went supersonic again, "What you wearing under the jacket Mickey?" "Tee shirt and bra, why?" she laughed and unzipped the jacket herself, "You're sex mad" she said as my hands slipped inside the jacket and under her tee shirt, "I'll stop...
“Eventually, I asked them to all come over on the same day, as something of an experiment. They had known about each other and were all very willing.” Things were moving along as I felt myself getting harder as I was plumbing the depths of my own biological mother. “On our first attempt, I put an exact hour between assignations, and was able to orgasm only the first and third times. They all got a fairly good-sized amount of my sperm. I hadn’t asked any of them if they were on the pill or...
"Please don't cry, Mrs. Moore," consoled loan officer Jackson Tydman, "this is strictly business, but unless you can come up with $400.00 by this Friday, we're going to have to repossess your car, and that's all there is to it!" Sitting in a chair across from Jack's desk, Nancy Moore was fighting to control her emotions, and unfortunately was failing miserably. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to explain to Mr. Tydman that without a car, her husband Joe would lose his job as a...
EroticHello readers, This is my first story on this site. My name is Aakash from Nagpur. This story is about me and my maami. It all started when she was married to my mama (and became my mami) I was 18 years old then. She was the most beautiful lady I have ever seen in my whole life. She was slim, fair and had long hairs till her waist. She didn’t have big boobs or big ass, nor she was sex goddess, she was just a cute looking beautiful girl. I was so much attracted seeing her in wedding saree. I was...
IncestHi readers. I am Herusen from Chennai, I am a usual visitor of Indian sex and the most interested session for me is the incest stories. There will be hardly no stories that I missed from reading and all of them make me very hot (especially incests). I am a worker in an MNC of the age 22 yrs with 5’10”, athletic body and wheatish colour.I would like to narrate my first sex experience to all of you. It’s a real story. It happened when I was 15 and was on holidays after my 10th std....
IncestThere was a light knock at the door behind me, taking me out of my reverie. I turned to see you peeking around the door as you opened it. You had just started the previous day. I was told you were hired to do a report for the company and that I had been assigned to answer any questions that you may have. The day before, while you had been in the adjacent office, going over the parameters of the report with the boss I couldn’t help but notice you. You wore a modest skirt, accentuating your...
--- I Dream of Demie 7 - Kate and Cat (MF, F-solo, best?, cons, magic, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- When I got home Friday evening I grabbed a beer and plopped my ass down on the couch. I was tired! It had been almost two weeks since Demie had come into my life but sometimes it felt like longer...months...years? I heard a cat howling outside. One of the neighbors hadn't gotten her fixed so she was calling out for the local toms* to come put some kittens in her belly....
The girls and I spent a couple of hours doing dishes; cleaning pots and pans, putting the china and silver back into the cabinet and just generally being domestic. Okay... there was a little bit of grab-ass involved, mostly on my part, so the actual work involved took maybe an hour and ten minutes. But hey, we were young and energetic and a little bit buzzed from all the wine and liquor. We said good night to Anya, staggered our way upstairs and tumbled into bed. There was another hour or...
This story is between a divorced woman and an unmarried guy. The place is Ooty. Akash, a 28-year-old guy runs a business. Kavya, a 35-year-old divorced woman is self-employed. Kavya has Divorced 2 years ago for a personal reason and since then, she has been living alone in her farmhouse. She is slim built, has a dusky skin tone, long curly hair, and has a height of around 5″7. Kavya looks so seductive. Any guy would fall for her looks. Kavya has a best friend and she invited Kavya for her...
I look in the mirror sometimes and ask myself when did it all start? A pointless question because I know exactly when it all started. Oh it’s easy for you to sit there reading this and judging me. Easy because it hasn’t happened to you.Jill and I were the typical happily married couple. She had a promising career as a lawyer and I as an accountant. No! We’re not all boring. Terri, our daughter came along three years after we were married and had grown up to be a tall, elegant young girl...
Clue number one: Furtive, whispered conversations on his cell phone over the past three weeks, some of them very late at night.Clue number two: A box of six pink French-tickler condoms she’d found buried in his underwear drawer, beneath his novelty boxers, two days ago.Lucinda hadn’t been snooping. She just couldn’t remember if she’d bought Bob Fourth of July boxer shorts before. With Independence Day coming up in a few weeks, she had seen a pair at Target with the Stars and Stripes on the...
CheatingLillie and I had had a wonderful time, and I was enthusiastic about what a great pupil of perversion she had turned out to be. After Jason served us our breakfast, Lillie and I had our cigars on the patio and, afterward, she got ready to leave. She had a wicked glimmer in her eyes, and a parting gift for Jason in mind. "Get your ass over here, slave." At this point, nothing should have surprised Jason, but he seemed startled by Lillie's command. "Yes Mistress, right away." As Jason knelt...
BDSMI can tell you’ve got something on your mind sis, what’s up? I’m not sure if I can trust you… Come on you know you can trust me! Fine… I need your help… Could you maybe buy me some condoms? What?! Why do you need me to buy you condoms? I’m just embarrassed to buy them on my own.. please bro! I guess, but you’re going to have to help me out with something too… Anything! I want you to blow me, and I won’t tell mom that you asked me to...
xmoviesforyouAfter the girls had recovered and cleaned up, we headed back home. We dropped them off and gave Randy a brief synopsis of what had happened. We decided to get together the following evening with our wives and work out where to go from here. My wife, Carolyn, understood my position and didn’t really have any issue with what had happened. I wondered if Michelle, Randy’s wife and the girls’ mom, would be so easy going when she found out what had happened, and why. We would find out in less than...
Heading off in search of Jo to borrow some gel to spike his hair, the pursuit led Matthew to the downstairs bathroom where the blast of a hairdryer filled the air. The door ajar, he craned around, espying Jo squatting on the floor, her bare back to him. He was about to reach over to tap her on the shoulder when he caught Amy's reflection in the mirror opposite. Sat between her elder sister's outstretched legs, the party girl was having her damp blonde locks blown by the dryer and teased...
It was a rough day of school. I hated senior year although I can honestly say it was better than sophomore. I would never like to revisit those days. I slammed the door behind me, threw my bag to the ground and collapsed on the couch. With my head in my hands, I started to sob. A million thoughts had gone racing through my mind, repeating the harsh words said to me that day. I wiped my tears and pushed my long, black fringe away from my eyes. "God dammit, Dakota! Why are you such a faggot!" I...
Gay MaleHeather sipped her breakfast tea and looked out the window. She smiled as she heard her toaster pop the freshly crisped bread. She flipped on the televion and found the morning local weather report. The buxom blond smiled from her side of the tv saying "If you have any plans for any outdoor activity, with warm temperatures and a cloudless sky, today is tailor made for you."Heather smiled. "It's far too nice a day to spend in the office," she said to her tea. She found her mobile in the bottom...
It was a friday night and I was at my computer at home looking through the list of perspective clients, you see these clients weren't ordinary, quite the opposite infact this was a long list of very important people, pillars of society and under each name was a description of their most darkest sexual desires. I work for a worldwide prostitution ring and not your usual one at that as we are the women, men and everything inbetween you come to when sex isn't enough. I had three assignments near...
FetishHarriet had put in a full day at work like Mac and Harm and the other members of the JAG legal staff, but when she got home, she'd already given her brother-in-law, Mikey Roberts, a phone call and invited him over to spend the evening with her. It was a Friday and she knew he had some Friday/Saturday privileges from Annapolis, so she asked Mikey if he'd like to stay over that night. Mikey readily agreed and said he was very much looking forward to it. Mikey said he couldn't get there in...
Diane Kennedy greeted Alex and Winona when they arrived for Winona's first practice session. "I'm glad to see you made it OK." She motioned at the confusing mass of bustling people surrounding them. "As you can see, things are a bit crazy here this morning." This was the nicest Alex had ever seen her behave, and he wondered just how much of it was due to the pressure on her to reverse the downward slide of her tour since Patricia left. The place was indeed quite chaotic. They were in...
I’m Nishant (Nish), male aged 30, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC and also an experienced masseur (providing massage) for females and couples. I travel across India to give massage to my clients. All the massages are done by me at the customer’s doorstep (home/hotel) at a very nominal cost. Mail your comments, feedbacks, enquires on Few people think my experiences are fake, etc etc. But I don’t have to prove anything to anybody. People who...
this is another one of my teenage sex stories, this time with my bi-racial gf finally gave it up...She was around 5'6 with 36 c tits and as you probaly already know from my last story lol, with my fetish a nice round ass.i received a text during summer break reading hey boo come over cuz i got a surprise for you. i replied back ok on my way. when i got there she was in a tight top and booty shorts wich realy looked like underwear. i asked where are parents are, she replied the surprise is there...
The next morning found Brooke and Neriah walking hand-in-hand through the Antigua airport, smiling like mothers do when they know where their daughters are. Her presence in Antigua was all the confirmation the paparazzi needed that they had seen her the previous two days. The new headline: BOOB JOB(S). Burke (and daughter???) Get Bust Boost. Joanie, Todd and Audrey stayed snug in their room. This was Stacy’s day, this was Stacy’s play. Dressed in a perfect-for-her sundress, a pair of...
We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...
I awoke the next day promptly remembering what I had done to my little sister. I went upstairs to get some breakfast, and I saw my sister eating some cereal. I sat down and she acted like she was hungover."Go to any parties last night?" I asked."Maybe. When did that become your business?""Oh it didn't. I'm just wondering if you even remember last night at all.""Well.. Nope. I think I slept with some dude though, did I bring anyone over?""Not that I remember. Even if you had, I think you...
Every month me and Francine, my wife spend a night playing cards with my friend Connie and her husband Tim. While playing Canasta we saw on TV that here was a major fire on the other side of town. Since Tim is a fireman he was called to work. At the same time my wife who was a police woman was called to work also. This sadly interrupted our monthly game. Both Tim and Francine left together since the fire station and police station are in the block.As we heard the car leaving. I look at my...
My wife commented that it was time for my monthly trip to the big chain barber shop. You know the place. You can get a haircut, shampoo and a massage all for one low price. I have a favorite lady barber but she is always unavailable so I usually take whoever is available. I entered the place and signed in and waited my turn. Being retired I can go in off peak times so there were only 2 men ahead of me. Those guys were called to chairs and this beautiful young lady calls my name and takes me...
Quickie SexFirst, I'm 18 and just graduated from high school with plans to go to college this fall. The college may have to be put on hold however. One afternoon about two and a half week ago I dropped by my best friends house to see if she wanted to go to the mall with me later. She was not home and her dad was the only one there. Her dad is a very handsome man and I have always had a silly crush on him even though he is married, her dad and much older than me. I had also fantasized about having sex with...
Hi dosto yeh meri pheli or real story hai.Main ankur hu or abhi abhi 11 pass ki hai.Maine iski har story padhi hai.Mujhe aunty,mousi or maa ko chudai wali story bahoot pasand hai.Agar kisi ko mujh se chudwana ho toh mujhe se sex chat kar skta hai meri facebook id hai Abhisake sharma ya search box mein type kare .Main aaj apni real ghatna bata raha hu.main handsome ho or tall.Mere lund ki lenght hai 6 inch or 4feet mota hai.Ab mousi ke baare batata ho.Meri mousi ki age koi 35-36 hogi thodi moti...
Introduction: A Curious Teen Girl has her first sexual experiences and her Young Adult Cousin Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...
I am married and my wife name is Kirti and she is 23 years of age. She had a great figure 38- 28- 36. And has sister her name is Preethi. She is little bit younger than her she is 20 years of age and also have attractive figure may be around 34- 26- 34 you can understand the attractive figure of her means I am pointing out the shape and caves she show boobs line. I and Kirti got married three years back. When I first saw Preethi, I never had any intension in my mind about Preethi. As I was...
Hi , I am john . I am a gigolo. If any girls wants some experience contact me at I am from Kerala.Once I met with a gigolo agent . He told me at morning if a customer comes he will message me and I should go there in the time specified. I was ok with that and he told he will not contact me or my identity will not be exposed. I am 5″7′ high ,well maintained body and a dick size of 7″. One day Sunday morning I got the message from my agent . The message was CONDOM flat name and her name was...
Like many of you, visiting this site, I've dreamed for a long, long time to be used like a piece of slave meat I am. One day I finally told myself OK, you just live once, and decided to make a deal with my girlfriend: We will both write a letter to each other about our deepest sexual fantasy.At first she was like "Nah, you already know all my fantasies". but after a little persuasion (and few more drinks), she said Yes. So we had couple more drinks and then she said " You know what? We should...
July 1979 — Falkenberg, Sweden Our schedule for the week was intense. Our first language class would start at 8:15am and would run until 12:15am, we’d have 45 minutes for lunch, then an hour-long orientation class that would include Swedish history and culture, then another four-hour language class. After an hour for dinner, we’d have options for planned activities or time for ourselves to do as we pleased. There would be no bed checks and no wake-up calls. We were simply expected to show up...
Upon my return from San Diego, things changed between Bryan and me. That Wednesday at work, Bryan sent me a message that he would be stopping by that evening. I was instructed to be naked when he arrived. That evening when Bryan came into my apartment I was nude as told. Bryan and I made love. We had a wonderful evening. We had great fun and great sex. He held power over me that I could not resist. He had me tell him all the things Joe had done with me in San Diego. The details seemed to excite...
TrueFriends I want to share a hot sex story with u. I had sex with my mom. So I do not hesitate now. I was looking for the opportunity to have a sex with my sexy mom. My mom was very sexy with very hot body figure with big boobs and round big buttocks. Finally I got that my dad went outstation for a business trip. I was waiting for that night. Mom after completing her household work went to his bed room and started to change her dress. Mai usi samay unke room ke andar chala gaya unhone apni saree...
The relationship: In retrospect, I should have seen this coming. In the weeks following my decision to open my marriage, as well as my thighs to my husband's best friend, Glenn, the emotional entanglements became more obvious and real. Glenn claimed that he was in love with me. If I am honest, I shared those feelings towards him as well. My emotional connection to Glenn was not surprising since he was only the second man with whom I had made love, and the second man with whom I had ever...
Wife LoversI met Freddie in the summer of 1980. San Diego was my home town, but I lived in a rural community in the Laguna Mountains, of San Diego County. I was major radio junky, and I always called into to win what ever contest was being promoted at the time. I won movie tickets, shirts, food coupons, albums, and money. But the jewel in my contest crown was Queen’s The Game Tour. The contest consisted of being the correct caller, and answering some trivia questions. The trivia questions were: 1. What is...
I'm a good girl, but that's not how you would describe me, I bet. I feel if some guy takes you out and shows you a good time, who I'm I to deny him the pleasure of my body. It helps of course that I enjoy spreading my legs for them too. I'm now at college and the place is jumping with fit guys, most will give me the eye as they pass, for I've been told I'm worth a look. I stop growing at five four when I turned sixteen, but my bust kept on expanding for a year after that, finally stopping...
Zaria wakes to find her father missing again. Fuck! She takes a piece of paper and writes a note for the man saying: I love you with all my heart, Daddy. I can’t wait until we are together again. Then refreshing her lipstick, the Ish leaves the imprint of her lips on the paper. She slips from her room into his and places the note on his pillow. After showering, the girl heads to Yesenia’s for a day together. “And you slept all night?” Yesenia asks her, astounded to hear about Zaria’s...
Thanks in advance! Disclaimer: There is no action in these first chapters. There will be more than enough later, but I want to set up the mood first. Disclaimer for the stupid: No, don't go out kidnapping and stuff. I don't condone it. It's bad mkay? Entrapped, Enslaved Chapter 1) Carpe diem. It all started in the autumn of my career. I had done quite well for myself, starting a few startups, selling them and keeping stocks in the more successful ones. As I was always able...
As you climb the steps to Victoria's house, you feel a chill run down you as the autumn air howls. You've never seen a home this big, before... it's more than a little bit intimidating; especially as the front porch is cloaked in an impenantrable shadow. You ring the bell, and are shocked when the door immediately springs open. Victoria stands, dressed as a slutty angel with a cup of (presumably) beer in her hand. There is a look of pure joy plastered on her face; something you did not expect....
FantasyScarlett Mae and her friend Kiara Cole are getting ready for an Easter party when their giggles attract Ricky Spanish’s attention. He bursts into Scarlett’s room and tries to ask his stepsister and her friend when the party is starting. Scarlett makes it clear that Ricky needs to get out because he’s not invited to anything. Later, Ricky gets back at the girls by coloring his balls like an Easter egg and putting them in a basket for them to lick. He hides beneath a blanket and...
xmoviesforyouI stared out of the patio window while I took a sip from my large, no extra large gin and tonic. It was early morning, I don’t know what time but it was very dark out there. I had slipped out of my bed leaving my lightly snoring husband fast asleep. I stepped back slightly so that I could see my ghostly reflection in the glass. Not bad for 28, but then I always had a good body even from a early age. I looked myself up and down, my body only stopped from being naked by a pair of scanty knickers....
I had a Polish girl friend for about five years and our relationship was pretty good. Sometimes we lived together, sometimes not. She was proud to have an English boyfriend with power, influence and money. She showed me off to her friends. We lived well. She always asked me to sponsor her friends into the country and most times I arranged marriages for them with contacts in the underworld. At first this was a boring chore but then I realised that it was a good source of new girls for sex. The...
At breakfast, Jack remembered to ask Mom about borrowing a pair of boots. "I don't wear pirate boots." Mom answered with an arched look that fell between outrage and humor. But she remembered being young enough that fashion was important. "I suppose my brown boots could be folded down. But the heel is a bit high on those." "That's ok." Jack remained nonchalant. "I'm the only one in my class that doesn't wear high heels all the time." "I've seen some of the little tramps in...
In three minutes, Laura found herself on her back again, her hands handcuffed behind her, while Karen again encircled each of her breasts with rope. This time she left a long strand of rope at the side of each of Laura's breasts, and when they were tightly encased-bulging, hard, and turning a deep rose color from the engorged blood, the nipples shiny and fiercely taut-she pulled both ropes up, yanking Laura's painfully entrapped breasts apart, up, then down, then to the sides, making Laura...
Our sex life was excellent, and after ten years of marriage I was quite proud of that fact.We would spice things up in the bedroom with lingerie, role-play and the occasional sex toy.I was still in good shape and maintained my body with gym workouts four times a week. My wife was blessed with a magnificent body and worked very hard to maintain it. Standing five feet four inches tall, which would increase to five nine when she wore her fuck me shoes, she had the figure you could only describe as...
This is my story. I am a sex addict. I have been since the first time I saw a nude pic as a c***d. Many years later now I have found my niche. I love to masterbate in public places. Moreso I love to be caught, or seen by unsuspecting women. I love the reactions. Well most of them. I have probably been seen jerking off several hundreds of times. So many I can't remember them all. There are a few notables though, like the first. I was on my way home from work one day and I knew I wouldn't be able...
“You look almost disappointed that she didn’t kill you, babe,” I told Nydia while now screwing Shelby. “Maybe a little ... none of us can wait forever to be yours. Your Undead lovers ... for eternity. One by one, we all want this. Sooner or later, trust me, Master,” Nydia assured me, even as I plowed one of my many daughters. “Speaking of eternity ... what’s to be done with these little prisoners, eh?” I smiled at the others, even as Mike Dunne bravely sliced open his own throat in front of...