Cattleman's LamentChapter 5 free porn video

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Frank rode into the old Johansen ranch yard when the sun wasn’t quite at the noon position. The place was deserted. Based on what his father had said, he figured they had gone to find their sheep. He knew roughly where they had last been, also compliments of his father’s sparse comments from the night before, and headed that way at a canter. His horse was still in good shape. He hadn’t rushed, knowing he’d need a lot more out of the animal before he was done. He was amazed at the width of the trail once he found it. Cattle followed each other, mostly, when they moved naturally, making relatively narrow trails. But this was as wide as he could see. He frowned at the grass, so short that the sun would burn it if it didn’t rain soon.

He set his horse in the direction the sheep had gone, and found the flock three hours later. There were dirty-white animals everywhere.

He was greeted by a dog, who ran around him in circles barking.

His horse didn’t much care for that and danced, almost unseating him. Running his horse didn’t help. The dog was able to keep up easily, though it left off barking mostly. He saw people and horses up ahead, and a wagon that looked something like a Conestoga, but shorter and lower to the ground. He rode up fast, and skidded the horse to a stop, raising dust.

“I’m Frank Collins,” he announced. “I’m here to find my sister and my mother. Do any of you know where I could do that?”

A woman was standing on the front of the wagon, holding the reins to a team of horses pulling the wagon. She had on a bonnet, but her flaming red hair spilled out of that onto her shoulders. The dog had set to barking again. He realized now it was just an adolescent, just grown out of its puppy stage.

The woman shouted at the dog. “Hush now, Zeke.” The dog continued to bark. “Enid!” she yelled. “Shut that dog up!” A girl came around the wagon and jumped over the traces like they weren’t even there. She was dressed in buckskin, like an Indian. Her hair was red, though not so red as the woman’s, and it was done up in pigtails, while the woman’s was pulled back under the bonnet. She tried to catch the dog, but it ran from her, thinking they were playing a game. The girl suddenly wilted to the ground, as if she were, without reason, unconscious. The dog immediately ran to her, sniffing at her face. She grabbed the dog in a lightning move and closed her fingers over its muzzle as it wiggled.

“Gotcha!” she said triumphantly. “You’re so stupid,” she said to the dog, cuddling it, her actions giving lie to the sound of her voice. She obviously loved this dog, even though she called it stupid. It subsided and went limp as she scratched its belly, splaying its legs open and showing it was a male.

The woman spoke. “Do all the Collins men ride around like chickens with their heads cut off?”

Frank had tried to impress these sheep farmers with his riding skill and the control he had over his horse. But the woman didn’t seem all that impressed. He didn’t know what to say.

He fell back on his original statement. “I need to find my mother and sister,” he repeated.

“I had hoped she was already home by now,” said the woman.

“No, Ma’am,” he said automatically. It rankled him to show respect to sheep people, but respect for others had been hammered into him, oddly enough, by his father.

“Then I expect they’re up ahead,” said the woman. “My husband says there are horse tracks up the trail, heading higher.

He says there are five sets, one of which belongs to our son’s horse. It appears he is following your sister too, and has someone with him.”

She looked at Frank and he felt like he was being inspected. Then she went on.

“That might be your mother with my son. If she was looking for your sister they may have met up and are traveling together.”

Frank blinked. His mother, traveling with a sheep herder’s boy? That didn’t make any sense at all.

“I’d like to see these tracks you speak of,” he said, for lack of anything else to say.

“I’ll take him up to Papa,” said the girl, dumping the puppy on the ground and letting him scamper off.

The woman looked at the girl, and then at Frank. She took a deep breath, which made her breasts push at her shirt in the most distracting manner, at least to Frank’s way of thinking.

“All right, Enid,” she said, though it looked like she meant to say much more.

Frank looked at the girl, who now had a name. Enid.

What a strange name. She smiled at him.

“Come on, Mister Cowboy.” She took off at a run, and Frank was startled. Not only did she not ride a horse, she ran like the wind. He had a sudden image of her as an Indian girl, running across the plains. He kicked his horse with his heels and the startled animal jumped, almost unseating him again before he got his seat firm again. He flushed, knowing that the woman had to have seen that, and blamed it on being tired. He caught up to the girl in only a few handfuls of seconds, but she only ran harder, jumping over rocks and darting between stands of brush that Frank had to ride around. He was astonished at how much ground she covered with those two puny legs.

Feeling slightly foolish, Frank let the horse drop to a quick walk, not quite a canter. Now they were going through what looked like a hallway between sheep on both sides of them. The sheep bleated and scurried out of the way. The puppy caught up to them and ran with the girl, barking happily and darting this way and that into the flock.

Enid looked over her shoulder at the puppy and stopped just as her foot contacted a rock she hadn’t seen because she was looking over her shoulder. She pitched forward and ducked her head, rolling onto one shoulder into a somersault and bouncing up into the air, laughing. Then, as if nothing at all had happened, she dashed toward the puppy and scooped him up in her arms.

“Bad dog!” she growled at the wriggling dog, panting. “You don’t know a damn thing about what you’re doing.” She looked up at Frank, who sat his horse with his mouth open. “He’s a pup and he doesn’t know anything yet,” she said, as if that made any sense to him at all. “Come on,” she said. Then she turned and, carrying the struggling hound, took off at a run again.

The sheep had closed in around them in the brief interlude, and Frank didn’t know what to do. He was afraid his horse would step on one of the animals. But as he nudged his mount forward, the sheep bleated and jumped to the side, making a path that opened magically for him. Cows sure didn’t act like this.

His horse would have been shouldering cattle out of the way unless he yipped and swung his hat, or a rolled up lariat at them.

The girl was almost a hundred yards ahead of him, still running hard, and he urged his horse faster.

Enid ran around a corner and saw her father up ahead. He was mounted, and leading Betty, the senior ewe in the flock. The rest of the sheep followed her. She saw Queen off to one side, bunching the flock toward the leader and preventing them from stopping to graze. She hazarded a glance over her shoulder and saw the boy coming around the corner.

She wanted to look at him longer, but didn’t want to fall again. That had embarrassed her, and she didn’t want to look foolish to this boy. That thought exploded in her mind. She’d never cared about what some boy thought of her in the past. Especially a cowboy! But when she’d seen this boy her stomach had felt all fluttery, and her mouth had gone dry. She’d felt like a little girl standing in front of a man years older, even though he was obviously about her own age. He had sounded so stern ... so serious ... so ... manly.

She saw her father look over at her and knew he’d be wondering why she was running so hard. But she also knew that he could see the mounted cowboy behind her. It never occurred to her that he might suspect she was being chased.

Brad did, indeed, suspect that something was wrong. He saw Enid running like her life depended on it, holding a struggling Zeke in her arms, and then a mounted stranger burst into sight behind her. Brad’s Winchester was out of its scabbard and into his hands, one hand working the lever automatically, and he started to bring the rifle up to his shoulder. Just then his horse decided to circle as Betty caught up to him and stopped.

The sheep following her wandered forward, beginning to graze and surrounding his horse.

“Noooo!” He heard Enid’s faint yell above the bleating of the flock. By the time he got back around and could draw a bead on the man chasing his daughter, she was within shouting distance.

“Don’t shoot, Daddy,” she yelled. “He’s looking for that woman.”

Enid ran up to her father and dropped Zeke, who ran full tilt toward his mother. Queen ignored everything except her job of keeping the sheep bunched up and moving.

“He’s ... one of ... those ... Collins ... people,” Enid panted, holding onto her father’s stirrup to steady herself.

She dragged in huge lungfuls of air, trying to catch her breath.

“What’s he doing chasing you?” asked Brad.

“He’s ... not ... chasing me,” she gasped. “He’s ... following ... me. Mamma sent him ... up here.”

Brad looked at the boy on the horse, and lowered his rifle, letting it rest across his lap. He had to admit the boy had sand, as he rode up to Brad and Enid. He hadn’t slowed at all, even though the rifle had been pointed in his direction.

Brad decided to just sit and see what happened.

Frank had, indeed, seen the rifle, and the electric feeling of having a weapon pointed at him had surged through his body. But as teenagers everywhere feel invulnerable from harm, he couldn’t believe that anyone would want to hurt him, and he rode on anyway.

His mind ran over what the man had seen, and he understood immediately what had happened. He’d have done the same thing. He rode on, stopping a few yards away from the girl and her father.

“I’m Frank Collins,” he said. His prepared speech jumped into his mouth without him thinking about it. “I’m looking for my mother.”

Brad was astonished to find that he immediately liked this boy. He couldn’t be a day over fifteen, but he rode and acted like a man. He seemed serious beyond his years.

“There appears to be a lot of people looking for your mother,” said Brad.

Frank was still hopped up from the adrenaline running through his veins from realizing he was in danger. “Your ... wife ... she said there were tracks,” he said.

The man looked off to one side and whistled. Another dog, a bigger one, and the same puppy that the woman had called Zeke came running over.

Brad got down off his horse.

“Queen,” he called. The larger dog ran up to him, tail wagging. “Hold!” Brad commanded. The dog turned as if she’d been shot and bounded off, the puppy trailing. Frank could see that she started circling the part of the flock that was all around them, as if there were some race she had suddenly entered. She disappeared behind a pile of boulders and Frank looked back at the man, who was standing, looking at him.

“Up ahead,” the man said, turning his back on Frank and walking off to leave his horse standing. The girl followed her father.

Frank, not knowing what to do exactly, decided to ride, and he nudged his horse through the sheep that again surrounded him, and followed the two sheep farmers. As they left the flock behind, Frank looked over his shoulder to see the big dog running back and forth, between them and the flock, keeping the sheep from following their shepherd. He was amazed that one dog could control so many sheep.

The man stopped several yards away and looked down at the ground. Frank stepped down off his horse and let the reins drop. He knew the horse wouldn’t move again unless he called it or remounted.

Frank saw the tracks easily. He recognized Tulip’s tracks instantly and took a breath. Then he walked up to the man and bent over to look at the others. They were on a well-defined path that wound its way through small trees and rocks, some as big as a horse.

The man pointed. “Those are from Bobby’s horse - my son,” he said, pointing. “And those over there,” he pointed a few feet to one side, “I believe are from horses belonging to my men.”

Frank could see it now. Now that he was closer he saw the tracks of the horse named Vixen. Three sets of tracks were together, to one side. The Circle C horses’ tracks, and those of another horse with winter shoes on it - this man’s son - were together to the left of the first set. Frank could see that some of his mother’s tracks, and the tracks of the winter shoes, were on top of the others occasionally, meaning they had followed. But he couldn’t tell whether they had all been riding together or not. He got down on his knees and looked at the right hand set. They didn’t look quite as clear as the others, with grains of dust crumbling from the edges into the deeper impressions. He saw that one of the horses was more heavily loaded than the other, but that might only mean a bigger man rode that horse.

Then he looked at his mother’s tracks. They were cleaner, with less dust in them. Vixen’s tracks were deeper than those of Tulip, which was his mother’s horse.

“My mother was following those two,” he said, pointing to the tracks Brad had identified as his men’s tracks. “Your son was either with her, or she was right behind him.” He based that on the fact that his mother’s tracks sometimes were on top of the winter shoed horse, which were just as clean and clear.

“I was thinking the same,” said Brad. “What I don’t know is why she’d think your sister was with my men.”

“See how your son’s tracks go mostly beside the others?” Frank pointed. “And how my mother’s seem to follow his?” Frank pointed to one of Tulip’s prints on top of the one left by a winter shoe. “I think your son was tracking those two, and she was following him. I can’t tell if she was riding Vixen or Tulip, though. I think maybe she brought a horse along for my sister to ride when they found her.

“Then Bobby must think your sister is with my men too,” said Brad. “He left the flock alone with just the dog, and he wouldn’t have done that unless he thought your sister was in some kind of danger.”

“My sister’s horse was shot,” said Frank heavily.

Brad knew it had been wounded, but not how. There wasn’t much to say about it, so he didn’t say anything. “Well they’re up ahead somewhere,” said Brad. “And so are my men. They shouldn’t have left the flock either. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I don’t like it one bit.” Brad looked at Frank. “Where’s your father? You aren’t out here alone, are you?”

What Frank wanted to say was that his father was wasting time back at the ranch, but he didn’t want to air any dirty laundry in front of this sheep farmer. He also felt the sting of another adult treating him like a child, but he bit off the retort that sprang to his mind. “He sent me on ahead to find the trail,” he said, trying to make it sound like he was important.

Brad heard the lie, but couldn’t figure out why the boy would tell it to him. “Well, there’s the trail. We can’t follow it as fast as I’d like with the flock along, but it doesn’t look like rain. I figure we’ll catch up with them sooner or later and find out what in tarnation is going on.”

“I’m not waiting,” said Frank. “I mean to find out what’s going on and I mean to find out soon,” he said defiantly.

“I’ll go with him,” said Enid suddenly.

Both men looked at her and she blushed.

“I mean he shouldn’t go by himself, right?” she tried.

“You’ll do no such thing,” her father said, staring at her.

“I don’t need a girl following along,” said Frank.

Enid almost cursed, mostly at herself for speaking in the first place. She had no idea why she’d said that. What they’d said made her mad, though and she opened her mouth to yell at them both.

“I said no,” her father said firmly. “You have no business going off into trouble.”

“Well ... well ... how do you know there’s trouble anyway?” said Enid, her face flushing red with anger.

Brad looked at her, amazed. She had always been more boyish than Beth, and she carried her weight like a man, but she was just a girl. It should be clear to her that there might be serious trouble afoot.

“I said no,” he said again. “You get back and help your mother. This flock is strung out and we need to keep them together.”

“But his mamma may need help!” insisted Enid, proving that she did suspect there was trouble after all.

“Am I going to have to tan your hide girl?” asked her father, getting angry now.

Enid was as stubborn as he was. “Well then ... what if he finds some kind of trouble that we need to know about? What then Pappa? We could be walking right into an ambush or something!”

Brad started to shout, but swallowed his words. He realized suddenly that he had been foolish. He was so centered on the flock, and getting them to their summer pasture that he hadn’t really thought much about anything else. He was certainly following his son’s trail, but he had never really thought about anything being bad wrong, or representing danger to the rest of his family. While he was just as stubborn as Enid, and just as unlikely to apologize for making a mistake as Jonas Collins was, he was also smart enough to recognize when he hadn’t thought things out as well as he should have too.

“Let’s just suppose there is some kind of trouble up there waiting for us,” said Brad as patiently as he could. “Wouldn’t you just walk into it first?” He was trying to show her that scouting trouble was no job for a fourteen year old girl, despite her boyish ways.

“Not if we were careful,” said Enid immediately. “I know how to sneak around, and besides, he’d be going first, and I could just watch him get ambushed and then come back and tell you about it.”

Enid nodded towards an astonished Frank.

“You’d let me get ambushed and do nothing to help?” he squeaked. That bothered him. His voice hadn’t cracked in a long time. He cleared his throat.

“Well?” she stuck out her chin at him. “You’re the one who said you didn’t need any girl along. So I won’t be along. I’ll just watch what happens from behind you. Then you won’t have to worry about a girl!“

“Enid, that’s crazy,” said her father. “I won’t have it.”

“Well I think it’s a good idea!” she said, now jutting her chin at her father. “But if you want to let our neighbor’s son get himself shot or whatever, I guess we’ll hear it, so I suppose I don’t really need to be there.” She turned around, putting her back to the two men.

Brad thought about that. Damn! If this boy did get hurt, and it turned out he was alone, when there was a full grown man not far away, it wouldn’t look good. Damn! But he couldn’t leave the flock. They were his livelihood ... his whole family’s livelihood. It was hard enough keeping the flock on track with his two daughters and the dogs. Amanda couldn’t do much because she had to bring along the sheep wagon, which had some of the lambs in it that were too small to put on the trail, plus all their supplies for the trip.


Brad looked at the boy. “She could just trail along behind you,” he said. “Just so that if somebody jumped you she could come for help.”

Frank scowled. “I told you. I don’t need no girl to protect me.”

Brad wanted to smile. Instead he tried logic. “I’m not worried about you,” he said. “I’m worried about what your Pa would think if he found out you did get into trouble, and had turned down a little help.”

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Jack raised his voice slightly so all could hear and said, “OK Glorious. It’s time. Surface and enclose us with the shield so we can board.” When the assembled people heard that a murmur broke out. They began looking around as did the guards. Someone in the rear of the assembled people saw the lake water swirl then a metal antenna broke the surface quickly followed by a dirty, weed and mud encrusted hull. Dirty muddy water roiled and flowed everywhere as Glorious rose from the depths. She...

2 years ago
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My virgin ass first time fuck by pervert man

The names and locations on this story is hidden for privacy. This is a true story. It all started when I was late to get back home, around 11:30 pm. The suburb I lived was in a different city that was 3 hours away from my friends house, I stayed too long playing video games with him. I wore a tight t shirt, sweatpants and it showed off my round ass. I was chubby at that time and also playful with a hint of naughtiness. My thighs were thick and I had man boobs, I was hairless, had a spotless...

3 years ago
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Come in from the rain

We run into the house to get out of the rain. I am standing there drenched from head to toe. My nipples were fully erect and my man noticed them and ripped off my blouse taking them into his mouth. His mouth felt so warm on my cold body. I felt tingles go down my spine. I got weak in the knees and wet between my legs. His strong hands slidding under my skirt prying my thighs apart. He begins to rub my pussy with such lust and passion in his eyes. In one swift motion he picks me up and carries...

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sex village II

I was stunned.I could not believe my eyes and ears.All the wives in the world who cheated on husbands would act innocent,but here was a lady who was gloating.I was prepared for the husband to fetch the gun or chopper and was wondering how I could escape or defend myself.Then came the second shock. Rabbit asked her " Did he come in your pussy?"Vijaya smiled" No,that honour went to Jehangir.(she told his name,but in my story names will be decided by me).He filled Mandakini's hole". Rabbit picked...

4 years ago
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Just Like the Stories

Just Like the StoriesChapter 1It took me two years to convert my basement into my very own custom dungeon.  I had to dig extra space through the wall in my basement to create a separate room that would not be on the blue prints.  Just taking the time to make sure I was digging in an area that didn’t have any underground wires and pipes took a while in itself.  I laid down a layer of soundproofing in between two layers of brick for the walls, floors and ceiling of this six foot by ten foot room,...

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Conquerors RewardChapter 6 Feeling A Little Hungry

Dana awoke the next morning to find Diun eating ice cream. From the look of it she saw it was her French vanilla. "Hey!" Dana said as she watched him eat another spoonful. Swallowing Diun said, "What? I woke up this morning and was really hungry." Walking over to the ice cream container she found it empty. "So you ate all my ice cream!" Dana said. Shrugging Diun replied, "It tasted good. You have really good taste." "Don't try to kiss up. You owe me a new container of ice...

2 years ago
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Always A Good Girl

The week had been an extremely difficult and challenging one. Meetings with clients had filled my schedule day after day, some lasting well into the evening. The social expectations alone had weighed heavily upon my shoulders. To say that I was glad that the weekend had finally arrived would have been an understatement. I needed to relax, my thoughts kept threatening to drown me as I sank into my sofa with a sigh, I needed them to quieten. The sudden shrill of my phone raised panic in my chest....

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Baywatch Babes

Cast: Guys – Mitch, JD, Matt, Cody, others CJ Parker – Pamela Anderson Jenna – Krista Allen Skylar – Marilece Andrada Leigh – Brande Roderick Jordan – Traci Bingham Caroline – Yasmine Bleeth April – Kelly Packard Steph – Alexandra Paul Taylor – Angelica Bridges Jessie – Brooke Burns Kimm – Kimm Collinsworth Donna – Donna D’Errico Lani – Carmen Electra Shauni – Erika Eleniak Neely – Gena Lee Nolin (Feel free to add someone if I left them out, someone can be Baywatch or Baywatch Hawaii or just...

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Swim Lessons Get Sexy

Jason groaned as his turned off the alarm clock. Summer was winding down and instead of spending it at the beach or out with friends this was yet another day he would be spending at work. He couldn’t really complain though. After all teaching swim lessons was a great job to have during his summer breaks from university. After a quick shower and bowl of cereal he hopped in his truck and drove to work. He walked into the pool deck with in his trunks and faded lifeguard shirt. The staff room was...

4 years ago
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getting just what i asked for and much much more

getting just what i asked for, and much much more. authors note: this is a story i have been meaning to write for some time after finding a hot transgender contract online several years ago (which is at the end) xx part 1 chapter 1 how the hell did i end up here? tied and gagged in a cage my cock locked in chastity, a big butt plug deep in my ass i supposed i better start at the beginning. my name is (or rather was) David, i met my girlfriend (or rather Mistress as i...

2 years ago
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First Bareback With A Tranny From Da Street

I know, I know, you guys must think that I'm CRAAZZYY!! Specially since I have this hangouts and hookups here in South America, but maaann!! These gals are really worth the risk (YOLO!! LOL).. also to be fair, most of the people tend to exaggerate about them..Anyway, here's the thing.. I was just walkin' from work, goin' home and well, If you follow me, you'll know that I live in a hotel room I rented in Downtown.. then I saw this gorgeous tall blonde gal from Streets doin' her "lil turn on the...

3 years ago
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The Doctor Cured It

I received my annual check up letter from my old family GP; only this time it also announced the surgery had been taken over by a new doctor as my old one had now retired; further more it stated that all annual medicals would now take over an hour and a half so would be scheduled for the end of the day. "Ok!" I thought, "Obviously wants to be really thorough for the first one!" Boy I did not realise just how thorough my new doctor and nurse intended to be. I phoned to confirm the...

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They are my Sister

September 3rd, 2:00pm I don’t know what I’m doing. My therapist told me I should start writing. Like, in a journal, or I guess girls call it a diary? Whatever, let’s start over. Dear Journal, I don’t know what I’m doing. So, I’m just going to sit here on my bed and scribble in this journal and try to figure it out. I like my therapist. I think what he’s doing is working, as far as I can tell. So if he thinks this is gonna help I might as well give it a shot. It’s not like I have a whole lot...

2 years ago
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Strangers In The Sauna

I left to go to the gym after work. I intended on toning up my abs some more and getting stronger. I was already in shape but could really use some muscle work. I wore a purple sports bra and black spandex shorts. I threw my towel down and hopped on a machine. ‘Hey, Bridgette,’ Brittany, my friend I see around here, greeted me. ‘Oh hey,’ I smiled. She was pouring sweat and it glistened her body. ‘Just work out real hard?’ I guessed. ‘No I just got out of the sauna. Real relaxing,’ she...

4 years ago
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All Shall Be Well Again

Three naked bodies hit the water simultaneously and disappeared. A moment later, three heads broke the surface screaming in unison "Yow, it's cold!" Their traditional yell was truer than usual: notwithstanding the unseasonable heat of Indian Summer, October was pushing the limits of the season for their favorite swimming hole. "Why did I let you two talk me into this?" yelled Jill, her teeth chattering, mostly for effect. Holly's jaw dropped, also for effect. "Who talked who into...

3 years ago
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That 2 Minute With Bhabhi

Hi, all Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. Here I’m with my first sex story. This is a true incident which happened 7 years back. I don’t remember the sex positions and all but I do remember are the sequences which led to having sex with one of my cousin’s wife. My cousin’s wife is not of a great beauty. She is fair and bit fat. But she had the big melons which would stand out in her body. Other parts of her body were ok. Initially, I thought she is very conservative. She used to be very...

3 years ago
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Work of a Slut

Work of a slut Work of a slut. I sit there, thinking about my day. 6 hours behind the desk, pussy full of vibrations as I fulfill my instructions for this evenings meeting.I have to be ready, stimulated, and orgasmic when I arrive. It is the duty of a true slut to be prepared and I strive to perfection.The vibrator has buzzed inside me all day, the belt firmly secured around my waist and between my legs, ensured that it stayed in place, and once he set the control on it, my destiny was...

2 years ago
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Sex Bomb

Hi folks . I am first to this site and also this is my first submission so please tell me your moments.I am a handsome guy with muscular body and working in MNC here the story begins .  was 18 year old . Just finished my 12 th and waiting to join college . My neighbor is a sex bomb i have masturbated thinking about her many times .Her name is Rnu (name changed) She got married and went to USA when i was studying 12th . i was wishing for a chance to fuck her and time gave me the chance .My...

4 years ago
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Georgia Peach Chapter 1

It was late August shortly after a workplace injury had left me bored out of my mind. I was playing around with different chat apps when I stumbled upon Joselin. She was around my age and gorgeous as the perfect Sunset. We started chatting and found out we had a lot in common. I asked if she wanted to exchange phone numbers so it’s easier to keep in touch. She agreed that it would be better than the app. It was kind of glitchy and didn’t always notify you of a new message. Once I got her...

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The Mens Room

Just at the wrong time the door to the men's room swooshes open. Not now! I'm right there... Right there! I grit my teeth and freeze, keeping very still. The stall door two cubicles down squawks on its hinges and the metallic jangle of a belt buckle sounds loud in the silence. I can feel you tense beneath me, your manhood hugely swollen in my steaming sheath. As silently as I can, I pull my legs up so that they won't be visible beneath the partition. It's difficult to balance on your lap that...

Straight Sex
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Broken Virginity

TVs provide the perfect light for romance their soft gentle glow sets the mind mood the fear of being caught has its tensions which can be difficult to over come but relief is just down the stairs back to the glow refire the mood lips touch lips hands fingers enterlaced kiss after kiss exposed skin soft caress fully undressed light blankets the skin glorious in every shade of pale skin closing in to commit our sin entry welcomed encourage to come in bodies hot tightly joined pushed over to...

2 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 34

“Joan, we need to pack up to leave the motel. We are through with this base of operations. We are going to have to find another temporary one. So why don’t you look on google and find somewhere within twenty five mile, more or less, of here. We might only be there a day or two, or maybe a week or two. Just depends on how it plays out with the FBI. “I can’t work for the FBI. I work for Durham County Film Coop,” Joan said. “Just do it hon, you aren’t working for the FBI, I am but our job is...

3 years ago
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Luna Mission

I took a moment to admire her naked body; she was absolutely gorgeous. She had curves: lots of them, and they were all fantastic. Since Luna had fallen pregnant I found myself fantasising of nothing but energetic fornication with gravid young ladies. The merest sight of her pregnant form became intensely arousing, as I became desperate for sex with her. I sought out "preggo porn" on the Internet, and spent so much of my evenings watching expectant women fuck their way through masses of...

4 years ago
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Open Mouth

She loved the weight of him in her hands. The color, dark with blood brought on by lust teased her. The heat, the dark scent of him at the base of that heavy stalk where the hair curled wild always made her mouth water. Just the sight of his hand at his waist during simple conversation drew her eyes and made her think about his taste. God, his taste was a salty treat she loved. Her hands would itch to undo his pants so she could suck the hard length of him down her throat. The twitch of his...

Oral Sex
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bathroom break

Finally we get a night out without the k**s! We decide to go out to the new restaurant in town, where the waitresses aren’t wearing much. In the process of talking before our meal, we joke about “picking a girl to take home” and both look around trying to figure out which girl would be the best to take home. I notice one girl with really hot tits, and we both giggle a little at my choice. We flirt and touch each other under the table all night and finally screw up the courage to do...

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Bhai Ke Sath Gayi Jannat Mein

Bhai Ke Sath Gayi Jannat MeinHi, My name is priya yadav & i m from gurgaon. I know aap sab apni hawas mitane ke liye tadap rahe h lekin us se pahle main apna intoduction de dun. Main ek middle class family se belong karti hun. meri family mein mere mom dad or mera bhai mohit h. Papa ek MNC mein kam karte h isliye 1 saal mein sirf ek bar hi aate h. Mera bhao Mohit mujhe 1 saal chota h. Main 18 ki hun. Mera fig 36-30-38 h. Jab bhi main scool jaati hun raaste mein khade ladke meri gand ko...

3 years ago
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Shandi the Sweet

“You wanna tell the folks back home your name?” “Umm…Call me Shandi Sweet.” “Nice,” The man with the camera retorted before adding, “Well Shandi, I hear this is your first scene… Why don’t you stand up and let me see you.” “…Okay…” “I like your body. You’re a well-built girl. You said earlier you were 5’ 8” and a 40 30 42. Can I ask, are those natural?” “Ya…They’re mine.” “What are they EE’s? Are they F cups maybe? They’re Huge!” “Umm, JJ-cups actually…” Shandi said...

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The White Guilt PimpChapter 4

In the next room, looking through a peep hole, Tyrone, Quanesha’s Black Daddy chuckled to himself. He couldn’t believe how these naive white sluts bought into that racism bullshit. He also continued to be surprised that even very young teenage white girls were addicted to interracial porn. Quanesha was an expert at getting the sluts to first be ashamed of their whiteness and wanting to make amends and then dangling the carrot of fucking a big Black cock that they all fantasized about. Of...

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17th BirthdayChapter 3

It was a Saturday, and Mom and Dad were waiting to talk with me when I returned from the beach. I went in, took a quick shower, and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt before meeting with them. Mom started the discussion, "Don, your father and I are really proud of your success at your new job, but we wanted to talk to you about what your plans for the future are." I just looked at her, and she continued. "Right now the minimum wage is under five dollars an hour, and many adults with...

4 years ago
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The grocery store

We are in line at the grocery store , the person ahead of you has a large order. As we both stand there silent, smiling at the check out, I look at you. You are a black, shapely, mature gal, impulsively my hand brushes your ass. You swiftly turn and I smile.I am encouraged by you not appearing to be angry. You lay the last of your items on the belt at the check out, and my hand firmly grabs your ass, and lets go. Again you look at me, but say nothing. My items go on the belt and I get a bit...

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The Match

It was Friday night, and time for the big sexual wrestling match that would be broadcast on pay-per-view nationwide. Jordan Driller was set to face Jillian Juggs in a inter-sex match. In this company, the winner gets to fuck the loser on national television, no strings attached. Jordan went to the gym around two to prepare for the match at Seven. He started his routine at the punching bags. He was magnificent at his kicks, with the grace of Bruce Lee as he performed them. His punches could...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Blair Williams Hot And Heavy

No bra obscures Blair Williams’s nipples beneath her shirt as she enjoys a book while her boyfriend Bambino works out. She’s nice and ready for him by the time he finishes up, arousing her with the musk of his masculinity. The relocate to the bedroom, where the blonde waits for Bambino to shower before getting him all hot and bothered again. Helping Bambino drop the towel to the floor, Blair reaches out with her soft hands and strokes up and down his stiffie. Bambino is eager to...

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First Time Whore

The next day. Caeser and myself went to visit Alex in his playhouse. His sister and another kid from the area were hanging out. The kid was named michael, who is about a year older than I am. Alex's sister eventually left, and Alex began telling Michael how he had fucked us. Michael was a surprised and listened closely. Alex and Caeser agreed I had the best ass. They began describing how white and soft and bubbly it was. Alex said it was better than a girl's and he couldn't wait to fuck me...

4 years ago
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At Any Cost

Author’s Note: I know I’ve left two other stories hanging, I am still working on them. Meanwhile, I got an itch to write another Regency tale, and so, here it is. Enjoy! *** The room smelled heavily of perfume covering the faint hint of sex. Around him, the furnishings were very feminine, with frills of silk and lace in various shades of red. Silk damask covered the walls and lush drapes over the windows. A small table was set with two glasses and a decanter of fine brandy. Mrs. Winslow’s...

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A dream comes true

This is a story that I made. The high school part is the real part in my life that happen, the rest of the story is part of my fantasy.I was down on my luck, my girl left me after I left high school. We both almost liked the same things, we both liked the same video games, anime hated the Twilight series(ugh even typing it make me feel sick even if it is over) I tried moving on but it was hard but couldn't get her out of my head. When I was not thinking about her my head brings me back to her...

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Ammu8217s Family Sex Story 8211 Part 2

I am continuing my story. In this, you can see how we moved to the next level by becoming a nudist family. As you have read in my earlier story, our daddy became bolder day by day and started flashing his dick more. One day Rekha and I were sitting in the hall, and mom was cooking in the kitchen. We can see the kitchen from the hall. Daddy became bolder. He went to the kitchen, lifted Mom’s saree, and petticoat up. I started rubbing his penis on mom ass. He was playing with mom boobs at the...


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