Cattleman's LamentChapter 5 free porn video

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Frank rode into the old Johansen ranch yard when the sun wasn’t quite at the noon position. The place was deserted. Based on what his father had said, he figured they had gone to find their sheep. He knew roughly where they had last been, also compliments of his father’s sparse comments from the night before, and headed that way at a canter. His horse was still in good shape. He hadn’t rushed, knowing he’d need a lot more out of the animal before he was done. He was amazed at the width of the trail once he found it. Cattle followed each other, mostly, when they moved naturally, making relatively narrow trails. But this was as wide as he could see. He frowned at the grass, so short that the sun would burn it if it didn’t rain soon.

He set his horse in the direction the sheep had gone, and found the flock three hours later. There were dirty-white animals everywhere.

He was greeted by a dog, who ran around him in circles barking.

His horse didn’t much care for that and danced, almost unseating him. Running his horse didn’t help. The dog was able to keep up easily, though it left off barking mostly. He saw people and horses up ahead, and a wagon that looked something like a Conestoga, but shorter and lower to the ground. He rode up fast, and skidded the horse to a stop, raising dust.

“I’m Frank Collins,” he announced. “I’m here to find my sister and my mother. Do any of you know where I could do that?”

A woman was standing on the front of the wagon, holding the reins to a team of horses pulling the wagon. She had on a bonnet, but her flaming red hair spilled out of that onto her shoulders. The dog had set to barking again. He realized now it was just an adolescent, just grown out of its puppy stage.

The woman shouted at the dog. “Hush now, Zeke.” The dog continued to bark. “Enid!” she yelled. “Shut that dog up!” A girl came around the wagon and jumped over the traces like they weren’t even there. She was dressed in buckskin, like an Indian. Her hair was red, though not so red as the woman’s, and it was done up in pigtails, while the woman’s was pulled back under the bonnet. She tried to catch the dog, but it ran from her, thinking they were playing a game. The girl suddenly wilted to the ground, as if she were, without reason, unconscious. The dog immediately ran to her, sniffing at her face. She grabbed the dog in a lightning move and closed her fingers over its muzzle as it wiggled.

“Gotcha!” she said triumphantly. “You’re so stupid,” she said to the dog, cuddling it, her actions giving lie to the sound of her voice. She obviously loved this dog, even though she called it stupid. It subsided and went limp as she scratched its belly, splaying its legs open and showing it was a male.

The woman spoke. “Do all the Collins men ride around like chickens with their heads cut off?”

Frank had tried to impress these sheep farmers with his riding skill and the control he had over his horse. But the woman didn’t seem all that impressed. He didn’t know what to say.

He fell back on his original statement. “I need to find my mother and sister,” he repeated.

“I had hoped she was already home by now,” said the woman.

“No, Ma’am,” he said automatically. It rankled him to show respect to sheep people, but respect for others had been hammered into him, oddly enough, by his father.

“Then I expect they’re up ahead,” said the woman. “My husband says there are horse tracks up the trail, heading higher.

He says there are five sets, one of which belongs to our son’s horse. It appears he is following your sister too, and has someone with him.”

She looked at Frank and he felt like he was being inspected. Then she went on.

“That might be your mother with my son. If she was looking for your sister they may have met up and are traveling together.”

Frank blinked. His mother, traveling with a sheep herder’s boy? That didn’t make any sense at all.

“I’d like to see these tracks you speak of,” he said, for lack of anything else to say.

“I’ll take him up to Papa,” said the girl, dumping the puppy on the ground and letting him scamper off.

The woman looked at the girl, and then at Frank. She took a deep breath, which made her breasts push at her shirt in the most distracting manner, at least to Frank’s way of thinking.

“All right, Enid,” she said, though it looked like she meant to say much more.

Frank looked at the girl, who now had a name. Enid.

What a strange name. She smiled at him.

“Come on, Mister Cowboy.” She took off at a run, and Frank was startled. Not only did she not ride a horse, she ran like the wind. He had a sudden image of her as an Indian girl, running across the plains. He kicked his horse with his heels and the startled animal jumped, almost unseating him again before he got his seat firm again. He flushed, knowing that the woman had to have seen that, and blamed it on being tired. He caught up to the girl in only a few handfuls of seconds, but she only ran harder, jumping over rocks and darting between stands of brush that Frank had to ride around. He was astonished at how much ground she covered with those two puny legs.

Feeling slightly foolish, Frank let the horse drop to a quick walk, not quite a canter. Now they were going through what looked like a hallway between sheep on both sides of them. The sheep bleated and scurried out of the way. The puppy caught up to them and ran with the girl, barking happily and darting this way and that into the flock.

Enid looked over her shoulder at the puppy and stopped just as her foot contacted a rock she hadn’t seen because she was looking over her shoulder. She pitched forward and ducked her head, rolling onto one shoulder into a somersault and bouncing up into the air, laughing. Then, as if nothing at all had happened, she dashed toward the puppy and scooped him up in her arms.

“Bad dog!” she growled at the wriggling dog, panting. “You don’t know a damn thing about what you’re doing.” She looked up at Frank, who sat his horse with his mouth open. “He’s a pup and he doesn’t know anything yet,” she said, as if that made any sense to him at all. “Come on,” she said. Then she turned and, carrying the struggling hound, took off at a run again.

The sheep had closed in around them in the brief interlude, and Frank didn’t know what to do. He was afraid his horse would step on one of the animals. But as he nudged his mount forward, the sheep bleated and jumped to the side, making a path that opened magically for him. Cows sure didn’t act like this.

His horse would have been shouldering cattle out of the way unless he yipped and swung his hat, or a rolled up lariat at them.

The girl was almost a hundred yards ahead of him, still running hard, and he urged his horse faster.

Enid ran around a corner and saw her father up ahead. He was mounted, and leading Betty, the senior ewe in the flock. The rest of the sheep followed her. She saw Queen off to one side, bunching the flock toward the leader and preventing them from stopping to graze. She hazarded a glance over her shoulder and saw the boy coming around the corner.

She wanted to look at him longer, but didn’t want to fall again. That had embarrassed her, and she didn’t want to look foolish to this boy. That thought exploded in her mind. She’d never cared about what some boy thought of her in the past. Especially a cowboy! But when she’d seen this boy her stomach had felt all fluttery, and her mouth had gone dry. She’d felt like a little girl standing in front of a man years older, even though he was obviously about her own age. He had sounded so stern ... so serious ... so ... manly.

She saw her father look over at her and knew he’d be wondering why she was running so hard. But she also knew that he could see the mounted cowboy behind her. It never occurred to her that he might suspect she was being chased.

Brad did, indeed, suspect that something was wrong. He saw Enid running like her life depended on it, holding a struggling Zeke in her arms, and then a mounted stranger burst into sight behind her. Brad’s Winchester was out of its scabbard and into his hands, one hand working the lever automatically, and he started to bring the rifle up to his shoulder. Just then his horse decided to circle as Betty caught up to him and stopped.

The sheep following her wandered forward, beginning to graze and surrounding his horse.

“Noooo!” He heard Enid’s faint yell above the bleating of the flock. By the time he got back around and could draw a bead on the man chasing his daughter, she was within shouting distance.

“Don’t shoot, Daddy,” she yelled. “He’s looking for that woman.”

Enid ran up to her father and dropped Zeke, who ran full tilt toward his mother. Queen ignored everything except her job of keeping the sheep bunched up and moving.

“He’s ... one of ... those ... Collins ... people,” Enid panted, holding onto her father’s stirrup to steady herself.

She dragged in huge lungfuls of air, trying to catch her breath.

“What’s he doing chasing you?” asked Brad.

“He’s ... not ... chasing me,” she gasped. “He’s ... following ... me. Mamma sent him ... up here.”

Brad looked at the boy on the horse, and lowered his rifle, letting it rest across his lap. He had to admit the boy had sand, as he rode up to Brad and Enid. He hadn’t slowed at all, even though the rifle had been pointed in his direction.

Brad decided to just sit and see what happened.

Frank had, indeed, seen the rifle, and the electric feeling of having a weapon pointed at him had surged through his body. But as teenagers everywhere feel invulnerable from harm, he couldn’t believe that anyone would want to hurt him, and he rode on anyway.

His mind ran over what the man had seen, and he understood immediately what had happened. He’d have done the same thing. He rode on, stopping a few yards away from the girl and her father.

“I’m Frank Collins,” he said. His prepared speech jumped into his mouth without him thinking about it. “I’m looking for my mother.”

Brad was astonished to find that he immediately liked this boy. He couldn’t be a day over fifteen, but he rode and acted like a man. He seemed serious beyond his years.

“There appears to be a lot of people looking for your mother,” said Brad.

Frank was still hopped up from the adrenaline running through his veins from realizing he was in danger. “Your ... wife ... she said there were tracks,” he said.

The man looked off to one side and whistled. Another dog, a bigger one, and the same puppy that the woman had called Zeke came running over.

Brad got down off his horse.

“Queen,” he called. The larger dog ran up to him, tail wagging. “Hold!” Brad commanded. The dog turned as if she’d been shot and bounded off, the puppy trailing. Frank could see that she started circling the part of the flock that was all around them, as if there were some race she had suddenly entered. She disappeared behind a pile of boulders and Frank looked back at the man, who was standing, looking at him.

“Up ahead,” the man said, turning his back on Frank and walking off to leave his horse standing. The girl followed her father.

Frank, not knowing what to do exactly, decided to ride, and he nudged his horse through the sheep that again surrounded him, and followed the two sheep farmers. As they left the flock behind, Frank looked over his shoulder to see the big dog running back and forth, between them and the flock, keeping the sheep from following their shepherd. He was amazed that one dog could control so many sheep.

The man stopped several yards away and looked down at the ground. Frank stepped down off his horse and let the reins drop. He knew the horse wouldn’t move again unless he called it or remounted.

Frank saw the tracks easily. He recognized Tulip’s tracks instantly and took a breath. Then he walked up to the man and bent over to look at the others. They were on a well-defined path that wound its way through small trees and rocks, some as big as a horse.

The man pointed. “Those are from Bobby’s horse - my son,” he said, pointing. “And those over there,” he pointed a few feet to one side, “I believe are from horses belonging to my men.”

Frank could see it now. Now that he was closer he saw the tracks of the horse named Vixen. Three sets of tracks were together, to one side. The Circle C horses’ tracks, and those of another horse with winter shoes on it - this man’s son - were together to the left of the first set. Frank could see that some of his mother’s tracks, and the tracks of the winter shoes, were on top of the others occasionally, meaning they had followed. But he couldn’t tell whether they had all been riding together or not. He got down on his knees and looked at the right hand set. They didn’t look quite as clear as the others, with grains of dust crumbling from the edges into the deeper impressions. He saw that one of the horses was more heavily loaded than the other, but that might only mean a bigger man rode that horse.

Then he looked at his mother’s tracks. They were cleaner, with less dust in them. Vixen’s tracks were deeper than those of Tulip, which was his mother’s horse.

“My mother was following those two,” he said, pointing to the tracks Brad had identified as his men’s tracks. “Your son was either with her, or she was right behind him.” He based that on the fact that his mother’s tracks sometimes were on top of the winter shoed horse, which were just as clean and clear.

“I was thinking the same,” said Brad. “What I don’t know is why she’d think your sister was with my men.”

“See how your son’s tracks go mostly beside the others?” Frank pointed. “And how my mother’s seem to follow his?” Frank pointed to one of Tulip’s prints on top of the one left by a winter shoe. “I think your son was tracking those two, and she was following him. I can’t tell if she was riding Vixen or Tulip, though. I think maybe she brought a horse along for my sister to ride when they found her.

“Then Bobby must think your sister is with my men too,” said Brad. “He left the flock alone with just the dog, and he wouldn’t have done that unless he thought your sister was in some kind of danger.”

“My sister’s horse was shot,” said Frank heavily.

Brad knew it had been wounded, but not how. There wasn’t much to say about it, so he didn’t say anything. “Well they’re up ahead somewhere,” said Brad. “And so are my men. They shouldn’t have left the flock either. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I don’t like it one bit.” Brad looked at Frank. “Where’s your father? You aren’t out here alone, are you?”

What Frank wanted to say was that his father was wasting time back at the ranch, but he didn’t want to air any dirty laundry in front of this sheep farmer. He also felt the sting of another adult treating him like a child, but he bit off the retort that sprang to his mind. “He sent me on ahead to find the trail,” he said, trying to make it sound like he was important.

Brad heard the lie, but couldn’t figure out why the boy would tell it to him. “Well, there’s the trail. We can’t follow it as fast as I’d like with the flock along, but it doesn’t look like rain. I figure we’ll catch up with them sooner or later and find out what in tarnation is going on.”

“I’m not waiting,” said Frank. “I mean to find out what’s going on and I mean to find out soon,” he said defiantly.

“I’ll go with him,” said Enid suddenly.

Both men looked at her and she blushed.

“I mean he shouldn’t go by himself, right?” she tried.

“You’ll do no such thing,” her father said, staring at her.

“I don’t need a girl following along,” said Frank.

Enid almost cursed, mostly at herself for speaking in the first place. She had no idea why she’d said that. What they’d said made her mad, though and she opened her mouth to yell at them both.

“I said no,” her father said firmly. “You have no business going off into trouble.”

“Well ... well ... how do you know there’s trouble anyway?” said Enid, her face flushing red with anger.

Brad looked at her, amazed. She had always been more boyish than Beth, and she carried her weight like a man, but she was just a girl. It should be clear to her that there might be serious trouble afoot.

“I said no,” he said again. “You get back and help your mother. This flock is strung out and we need to keep them together.”

“But his mamma may need help!” insisted Enid, proving that she did suspect there was trouble after all.

“Am I going to have to tan your hide girl?” asked her father, getting angry now.

Enid was as stubborn as he was. “Well then ... what if he finds some kind of trouble that we need to know about? What then Pappa? We could be walking right into an ambush or something!”

Brad started to shout, but swallowed his words. He realized suddenly that he had been foolish. He was so centered on the flock, and getting them to their summer pasture that he hadn’t really thought much about anything else. He was certainly following his son’s trail, but he had never really thought about anything being bad wrong, or representing danger to the rest of his family. While he was just as stubborn as Enid, and just as unlikely to apologize for making a mistake as Jonas Collins was, he was also smart enough to recognize when he hadn’t thought things out as well as he should have too.

“Let’s just suppose there is some kind of trouble up there waiting for us,” said Brad as patiently as he could. “Wouldn’t you just walk into it first?” He was trying to show her that scouting trouble was no job for a fourteen year old girl, despite her boyish ways.

“Not if we were careful,” said Enid immediately. “I know how to sneak around, and besides, he’d be going first, and I could just watch him get ambushed and then come back and tell you about it.”

Enid nodded towards an astonished Frank.

“You’d let me get ambushed and do nothing to help?” he squeaked. That bothered him. His voice hadn’t cracked in a long time. He cleared his throat.

“Well?” she stuck out her chin at him. “You’re the one who said you didn’t need any girl along. So I won’t be along. I’ll just watch what happens from behind you. Then you won’t have to worry about a girl!“

“Enid, that’s crazy,” said her father. “I won’t have it.”

“Well I think it’s a good idea!” she said, now jutting her chin at her father. “But if you want to let our neighbor’s son get himself shot or whatever, I guess we’ll hear it, so I suppose I don’t really need to be there.” She turned around, putting her back to the two men.

Brad thought about that. Damn! If this boy did get hurt, and it turned out he was alone, when there was a full grown man not far away, it wouldn’t look good. Damn! But he couldn’t leave the flock. They were his livelihood ... his whole family’s livelihood. It was hard enough keeping the flock on track with his two daughters and the dogs. Amanda couldn’t do much because she had to bring along the sheep wagon, which had some of the lambs in it that were too small to put on the trail, plus all their supplies for the trip.


Brad looked at the boy. “She could just trail along behind you,” he said. “Just so that if somebody jumped you she could come for help.”

Frank scowled. “I told you. I don’t need no girl to protect me.”

Brad wanted to smile. Instead he tried logic. “I’m not worried about you,” he said. “I’m worried about what your Pa would think if he found out you did get into trouble, and had turned down a little help.”

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The next morning, we were around the breakfast table again. Trish had stayed the night, and was sitting with us, cup of tea in hand and a look of peace on her face. “How are you feeling today?” I asked. “You have no idea! I can’t remember a time in my life when I ever felt this amazing!” Trish replied, her voice tinged with awe and wonder. “You know, you really caused a stir the other day at the clinic.” “Really? How so?” I replied. “People heard the commotion, and then suddenly you burst...

2 years ago
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Didi Ki Dost Ki Chudai

Hello dosto Ye meri pahli kamukta stories h I hope ki aap sabko ye pasand aaye Me apko mere bare me bata du me raj. Ka rehne wala hu meti umar 17 salil h pr umar pe mat jana mere lund me iitna dam h ki me ek sath tin chut pel sakta hu Me apko meri ek sacchi kahani batane ja raha hu ki kese maine apani didi ki best frends ko choda Me bata meri didi ki freind jo ki priya h uska rang bilkul gora h Uska figure 34-32-34 h Ab me jyada samay waste na karte hue story pe atta hu Wese agr kisi ladki ya...

3 years ago
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VacationsChapter 2 Settling In

As they got to the front lawn, the front door opened and Ronnie burst out, to wrap her arms around her sister and embrace. “Sorry, Sis, Frank and I were down by the water! The kids got us. You’re here early!” The other three caught on to the cover story. Everybody helped unload the sedan and take suitcases and clothing inside. Frank unceremoniously dumped it all in the middle of the living room and the others did likewise. Finally, when the car was empty and the living room was full, Ronnie...

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Soldiers WifeChapter 12

Bob forced a smile and tried to sound affable when he met Allen at the door. "Hello, come in." Gwen, her battered frame hunkered under a knee-length raincoat, smiled and followed her husband inside, nodding hello to Bob and hurrying to sit down. "Say, I'm sorry about losing my temper last weekend Had a terrible week, Allen. You know how those things go." "Yeah," Allen said, a bland smile on his face. "We all have our ups and downs." "Sit down, Sybil will be out in a minute....

2 years ago
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Bridgets SpiritChapter 8 Finding Closure

When Liam returned from work Tuesday night, Gina was waiting up in his apartment. "Hey Gina, what's up?" "What do you mean? I thought you'd like that I was here." "Oh, I do." Liam pulled Gina into his arms and planted a heated kiss on her lips. "However, it's pretty late and I expected to see you in my bed not on my sofa." "I called my mother tonight." "Oh. Hold that thought." Liam locked his door and turned off the lights. He kept his arm around Gina as they silently...

1 year ago
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Katies begining 5

Having arrived at school he was suddenly very aware of how vulnerable he felt to exposure. He realised that even going to the toilet was going to be a problem for him. He was mulling over the options of standing to wee or going into a cubicle but either way had its risks, standing may expose his underwear as could using a cubicle was equally fraught with the gap underneath the door, He checked his image in a window as he walked past and ruffled his hair once more to try to lose the slight...

3 years ago
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The Replacement

The Replacement Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a caption by Commentator] Carrie's hands started to tremble as she heard her younger brother entering her apartment. The tea in the cup in her hands thrashed about while she placed it upon her tabletop. Clearing her throat, Carrie called out, "Lee, can you come in here for a moment?" "What's up?" Lee inquired while he stared down at his sister. His inquisitiveness turned to concern once he noticed the nervous look...

2 years ago
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My Pantyhose Massage Part 1

It was early autumn and I was sitting around the house having some tea and watching tv. This was around the time I was getting into dressing in my mums clothes and even my own tights and panties. I've always had a very girly figure. Standing at only 5'7", I was a very petite fem guy. I had long but firm legs and a very bubbly butt. At around 10:30am I recieve a phone call fron my mum."Hey mum, didn't expect to hear from you until after your meeting" "Hi sweety, just calling to let you know I...

2 years ago
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Follow the Rules

Follow the Rules By Margaret Jeanette Toby Hendrickson was checking for background on cases involving a husband raping a wife. He was a legal assistant for a top-notch attorney. He was happy to find many cases that showed a husband could indeed rape a wife. Clients were coming and going at a steady pace. He looked over at Karen Strong who had her desk in a corner. She was the prettiest woman he had ever seen, but he was too bashful to ask her out. Then he looked at Marcia...

4 years ago
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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 8

Introduction: In this newest installment, Chojis ready to fight Naruto over Ayame. Can they come to an agreement? And in part 2 Tentens sick and many things are made known. Speech Thought 14 DAYS BEFORE THE CONCERT It was another beautiful day in Konoha and Naruto was taking Tenten for a walk down Main Street, leash in hand. I know you like going for your walks on a leash Ten-chan, but once you get pregnant I wont allow it. Cmon Naru-kun! I love my leash! I surrendered to your demand that...

1 year ago
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Hubby likes seconds or thirds

I knew from the first time I met Melanie that I was hooked on her, and even though she at told me that it was just an infatuation and I must be fucken’ crazy, I was persistent and told her many times that it was indeed true love. She’d never had a guy love her, for her, I understood that. Love was as weird for her as it was for me. But once I told her that I enjoyed watching her fuck other men; as long as I could watch and join in, she agreed to be my girlfriend. … Heck I thought, who knew you...

Group Sex
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Jamaica Ritual

I passed by my father’s bedroom to tell him I was going down to the river to meet my friend Sydney from the neighboring Sheldon Grove sugar cane plantation to fish for mangrove snapper for cook’s special fish stew, but I could see he was busy. Jimar, the uppity house slave—well beyond his station since childbirth took my mother and the baby away three years earlier, in 1822, when I was but eleven—naked, on his back on my father’s bed. My father held, ramrod straight, above the boy of fourteen,...

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The sun was high in the sky, the light glistening off the snow that lay like a soft, cotton blanket across the countryside. I leant my forehead against the cold window, condensation forming on the glass. I pulled my outstretched legs into me as I lay on the window seat, snuggling down into my woollen turtleneck as I did so, the fitted material stretching at my chest. The fire was roaring opposite me, the heat warming up my bare feet. I glanced down at my sweet little toes, with the nails...

2 years ago
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Can You Help Me Find My Gspot

I love my boyfriend. I really do. I also love having sex with him. He was my first, and I don't have anything for comparison, but I'd say it's really good. The only problem is; I'm pretty sure I don't orgasm. I feel a little guilty sitting in the waiting room of a gynecologist, but I have questions, and no one else to ask."Jennifer?" The nurse calls, and I stand to follow her. They weigh all 110 pounds of me, check my vitals, and lead me to a room. I've never been to this specific office...

3 years ago
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Wife Trains My Ass Pegged PT3

I could not remember the last time I had slept this hard. My nights are usually filled with vivid dreams, but I had no dreams this entire weekend. As I woke up from my most recent blackout induced sleep by my wife's life-like strap on, I made a more conscious effort to pay attention to my immediate surroundings. The last few times she had been busy while I slept. I blinked open my eyes and noticed immediately that she had again blindfolded me. As I began to stir further, I started to hear soft...

2 years ago
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The Saga of Tuck Chapter 13 Situation Normal All Tucked Up

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Situation Normal - All Tucked Up Copyright 1997 by Ellen Hayes. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except...

1 year ago
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Billionaire Trophy Wife

"Chet, I swear this is the single worst idea you've ever come up with!" Laurence Ashcroft stammered with disbelief into his satellite cell phone. "Besides, I don't have the slightest intention of wanting to get married at the moment. I've got far too many things that still need to get done before I turn forty!" Laurence did have a point. It was not for nothing that he had been voted by the Times of London three years in a row "The Most Fascinating Man in the World". The New York...

3 years ago
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Meeting Katie in 1969Innocence

In the summer of 1969, I hitch-hiked from Laramie to Michigan to visit my parents at their summer home on an island in Lake Huron, a place my brother lives now.and went on a" double date" with him and his soon to be bride and a sweet and earnest young Christian woman who was a counselor at the 4-H camp next to my parent's "farm." Katie and my mom were friends. She was at their house a lot. My mom was often there by herself, and my dad was working in Detroit and Ottowa, He would come up on...

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 75 No Other You

"And then, when I sat down on Billy's shaft, I think I, uh, popped my cherry." The professor leaned back in his chair and eyed the red-faced blonde over the top of his horn-rimmed glasses. "Well, is that possible," he asked hopefully, "are you still a virgin?" "No!" Kathy bristled at the suggestion. "Don't be silly." "And in this 'dream' your mother didn't approve of your having sex with your brother? Is this something that's happened in real life?" "I beg your...

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Ancient Abilities Part 2Chapter 2 Alien Technology

I know I said it before but I was a basket case for almost two years after Cathy's death. Cathy's death had been one of the pivotal points in my life that had a profound effect on me. I not only lost my wife, but I also lost our unborn child. I wanted the alcoholic asshole driver that drove his car while under the influence and killed Cathy and her parents to suffer the worst punishment possible. It was during that two-year period that Sam, Mary, and I became a threesome. The exact timing...

1 year ago
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Wonders of American BackroadsChapter 3 Magic Circle

If you think that all the sex adventures would start as soon as we camped in a nudist area, you really don’t understand naturism. The one thing above all about nudist resorts and naturists is that it isn’t about sex. That’s especially true about an encampment like Quartzite’s Magic Circle. When you think about who can take off for the winter, or even a couple of weeks, to camp out and enjoy the mild weather of western Arizona, you have to come to the immediate conclusion of retirees....

4 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 5 AdvocateChapter 4

"With us not finding any trace of what's happing during the day it looks like we're going to have to venture further into the woods at night," said Suzan as she looked at Dusty and Seth. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean we've still not found a single trace of what is taking off with the people from around here," said Dusty as he turned to look at her. "I say we give it at least one more day, maybe two tops, before we go looking for any danger that we may not need to buy for...

2 years ago
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HunterChapter 9

In the observation room, Mike stared in shock at the damage created by the canister launched by the rail gun. He was not alone. Four dozen men and women stood frozen in place staring at the monitors which showed a bright red cloud of dust that was floating throughout the targeted building. The canister had penetrated the exterior of the building and had blown apart. The red powder that they had put in the canister had turned into a huge cloud. The cloud had penetrated every corner of the...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 5 Manya Reborn

Manya woke up early the next morning to find herself alone on the couch. The sun had not risen yet and it was foggy outside. She realized she fell asleep last night on the couch and it must have been Deen who put the blanket over her. He was such a lovely boy, so thoughtful and so caring. She was not in the least worried about him anymore as she had been the last few days. Once she read his diary, all her doubts were cleared, and she knew their relationship would only blossom from that point...

2 years ago
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Harry and His Friend

It was on a Sunday even as I walked along Main street, from behind me I heard a familiar voice. '...Hey David,wait up...' turning I saw Charlie's Uncle (horse dick) Harry. He was walking hurriedly in my direction he wasn't alone. There was a younger guy hurrying along with him. As soon as Harry was reached me he walked around me and slide his hand over my buttocks. Startled, by his show of affection, I quickly glanced at his companion to see if he had noticed. Harry said to me '...David, this...

3 years ago
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This story follows on from: My First Bi- Experience.After my horny session with Jackie and Mark at the party I decided I needed to sleep and subsequently crashed out in the bedroom my friends, our party hosts, had sorted out for me. I stripped off to my underpants and slid between the sheets. I slept very well and with no alarm clock to wake me would probably have still been in the arms of Morpheus well into the Sunday morning. But I was awakened by a body slipping in my bed beside me. Then...

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A slight departure from Mandy

As I said, I was preparing for a US trip for about 5 days before this last encounter with Mandy. Well something happened on the plane coming home which I would like to share as it is sort of related. As is obvious by now, I have been writing about my adventures with Mandy. Well I wrote quite a lot of it during my US trip. So it was an overnight flight back from the US, I was sitting in the window seat of a row of three with a couple next to me. I am not sure of the ages, but I’d guess 40...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Lady D What He Doesnt Know

Lady D is living a double life, but only one of the men she’s fucking knows about it. Murgur finds it hot as hell that his lovely brown eyed babe is leading another man on. He gets hot just watching Lady D on the phone with her other beau, decked out in lingerie and masturbating as she talks dirty to him. When she hangs up, Murgur knows Lady D will be all his. Once Lady D hangs up, she turns all her attention to putting on a show for Murgur. Turning around, she lets Murgur enjoy the full...

3 years ago
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As my wife Katya fucked with me

After the wedding, my wife flew to vacation in Spain, the happy couple, all as expected. Upon arrival at the place, a little rest, Katya suggested we go take a walk around the hotel while I was in the shower, Katya is dressed up-shorts barely covering the elastic rolls and tank top WITHOUT a BRA! before she went without a bra ever! I don't really liked it because her Breasts were big (despite the General thinness of his wife) and to put it mildly not in the form of, a bit saggy though she's...

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A Catholic girl

Alice was a good Catholic girl, at least in all the ways that matter. She went to church regularly. She believed in God. She took seriously the Church’s teaching on various issues, abortion, just war, marriage and divorce. The one thing that she struggled with was sex. It’s not that she was a wild one or anything. Her experience was limited. She was a black haired beauty at the age of 26, with a sweet and sultry voice and a killer body, pale luminescent skin, legs that went on for...

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Collision Course and AfterChapter 23

"Sir, rider approaching on horseback." Sgt. Langford said. "Well well. On a horse you say? This should be good. How soon until the plane is completely unloaded, Sgt?" Greg asked. "About another 10 minutes sir." Was the response. "Well, keep an eye on our rider. I don't think he is dangerous, but double check with security." Greg stated and went over to where one of the two vehicles that had been unloaded already sat. Greg sat on the hood of his Humv and watched as the rider got...

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The Circle of Life

My wife died suddenly. The little hospital waiting room, apparently reserved for those who will get bad news. Empty except for me. I dreaded the door opening, but it finally did. “Mr. Rogers? I am so sorry. Your wife never regained consciousness.” Her death was also unexpected. That morning I had wakened first. She was sleeping with her back to me, her shoulder bare. I put my hand on it, felt her soft warmth, so familiar after all these years, yet still so amazing. I thought of all the...

2 years ago
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Love Street Ch 01 Grinding with Gretchen

I’m still unpacking when there’s a soft tap at my door. The girl who introduces herself as Gretchen, my Residential Advisor, has blonde ringlets, pale blue eyes, and a willowy frame that accentuates coltish legs that go on forever. Even in her Pine Creek Academy polo shirt and plaid skirt, Gretchen is achingly beautiful.We’re both new post-grad students, which gives me hope I may get to know her better.  Much better. But Gretchen carries herself with a remoteness that suggests she’s miles out...

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House guest ll

Frightened, Rebecca pulled her fingers from her wet pussy. Moving quickly, she leaned against the wall. Megan moaned loudly as a body shaking wave went through her. Collapsing on the mattress, Megan and Bob lay covered in sweat. Did I really see her. Was I imagining it, or did Megan motion for me to join them. Quietly Rebecca ran to the couch and climbed under the sheets. Pulling her night gown up Rebecca rubbed her aching pussy. Still wet, her finger slipped in. She covered her mouth as she...

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Unexpected Enjoyment With Girl Next Door

Hi all, This is kumar from Bangalore. I am regular reader of ISS . I am very found of reading sex stories, comedy books etc. I am 24 years of old and working in MNC company in Bangalore . my height is 5.10 and well built . I am writing the story of my own experience which was not expected and totally not think over it. Of fucking a girl next to my door. In the next to my home their is a girl name Tara(name changed) she was 21 years , well built figure and she was good looking and friendly to me...

2 years ago
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milking my sweet cousin

Dear readers. I am kishore ratra. I am a pretty regular reader of the stories over here. Let me tell you about myself first. I am writing a true story here Iam 20 years old from Hyderabad.when I started having an intimate relationship with my cousin swarna We are a middle class family. I was staying at their place for my studies. My cousin was married at the age of 24 to Rajiv. She had given birth to a boy just a few months before it started. It was the baby that started our affair. My...


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