FidèleChapter 8 free porn video

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Luke groaned as her tongue cradled his swollen balls, slurping on them like a long-desired treat. His cock ached from hours of engorgement, but despite having already produced enough pre-ejaculate to fill even her greedy mouth, she still wouldn’t let him come. It was as if she was waiting for something. The noisy enthusiasm with which she was bathing his genitals echoed off windows and walls, and he held on to the railing with the last of his failing strength, silently begging for the climax she continued to deny him.

And then she sped up, taking as much of his length as she could, and an explosion beyond all others built in his contracting testicles. Grabbing the back of her head, he thrust forward and let loose a mighty torrent. Her eyes widened as she struggled to consume the enormous quantity of semen with which he was flooding her mouth, but in an impressive display of thirst, she managed it anyway. He was shuddering through the last of what might have been twenty aftershocks when, with a wet smack, she pulled her lips free.

“I was wondering when you’d get here.”

In his post-orgasmic haze, he struggled to understand her odd non sequitur until a gravelly throat-clearing broke his concentration.

“I see the work’s going well, son.”

His head swung wildly back and forth, trying to locate the source of the voice. The voice he dreaded most. The voice that would bring well-deserved ruin raining down over everything and everyone.

But Bill was nowhere to be found. Kathryn, on the other hand, was; her wild mane of flame-tinged hair completely obscuring his midsection as she sensuously fellated his morning wood. Luke let his head fall back to the pillow while he reveled in the exquisite sensation of her lips and tongue on his organ, relieved that their discovery had been no more than a bad dream.

Sensing that he’d stirred, she accelerated her efforts; bobbing up and down, taking more of him with each stroke. Her fingers caressed the wrinkled flesh of his balls. A tidal swell that began deep in his loins rushed through his spear as he filled her oral cavity with wave after wave of thick cream. She hummed with pleasure and contentedly swallowed, pumping the base of his shaft until he was emptied. He moved her hair out of the way to reveal a beautiful face flushed with passion, her soft lips still wrapped around his cock, her vivid green eyes staring straight into his and melting his brain.

“That was ... oh my god, what a way to wake up!”

He almost regretted speaking when she pulled her lips from his shaft to answer. “If we fall asleep together, you can count on waking up like that.”

“I’m disinclined to protest. How long have you been doing that?”

Teasing his glans with her tongue, she shrugged. “I’m not sure. What time is it?” Her tone seemed oddly evasive, as if she was keeping some sort of secret from him, but he was so delirious with pleasure that he brushed it off as a misread.

He reached out to grab his phone. “9:48. Holy mother of ... I can’t remember the last time I slept this late. Even my worst hangovers usually wake me up by eight.”

Her tongue danced down to the base of his shaft. “9:48? So ... a little over two hours, then.”

At this he sat up, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. “Two hours? But how ... why ... how...?”

“Have you already forgotten how much I like doing this? Or is this your subtle way of suggesting that I should keep going?”

“No ... I mean, yes ... but no. Not right this second. I just don’t understand how I slept through it.”

“You didn’t wake up because I didn’t want you to wake up. Most of the last two hours were about what I wanted, and what I wanted was your cock in my mouth. When I finally changed my mind and wanted you to come, you woke up and you came. A lot.” Running her tongue around her lips in an outrageously sexy way, she continued, “I think I’ve figured out how to generate those enormous loads, by the way.”

“You did? How?”

“Honestly, do you really care? You could just sit back and enjoy the fruits of my experimentation.”

Sighing, he admitted, “I suppose, at least in theory, it’d be interesting to know. But you’re right. Experiment away. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it no matter what.”

Kissing the head of his staff, she finally let go of him and slid up to nuzzle his neck. The heat of her body against his remained powerfully affecting; he knew that, despite her abandonment, his erection was unlikely to abate anytime soon. “That’s what I thought. Maybe I’ll tell you, or maybe I’ll just keep showing you until you figure it out for yourself.” Her lips brushed against his cheek. “Did you sleep well?”

Pushing the disturbing final image of his dream aside, he acknowledged, “Apparently, the sleep of the angels. Or maybe the devils.”

“I’m not sure which we are either,” she sighed, “but you drained enough of my energy yesterday that my naughty middle-of-the-night plans didn’t come to fruition.”

“So you’re saying I’m a succubus? That means I’m on the side of the devils.”

She poked him in the chest with her nail. “Incubus, not succubus. Don’t they teach anything about sex demons in school anymore?”

Luke started laughing. “Sex demons? What kind of classes did you take? I bet this is something they teach in law school, isn’t it? Professional Opportunities for Lawyers, 101?”

She playfully swatted his thigh. “No, just an avid reader of escapist material in a particular genre. Fictional and otherwise. Anyway, didn’t you claim to be a Buffy fan? They’re mentioned in the very first episode.”

“Oh, right. Giles’ monologue. Sorry, my memories of nubile young Slayers fighting demonic hordes have been waved aside by much more tactile memories of a pulchritudinous succubus nursing on my hog for hours upon end.”

By gradual stages she descended into helpless, convulsive merriment. At one point she actually snorted. “That was both the most erudite and the most uncouth sentence ever assembled. I’m simultaneously impressed and disgusted. Anyway, you’re lying. You only remember the last few minutes.”

“You’re assuming I actually believe you were blowing me for two hours.”

“I would never lie about giving head. You’ll soon learn that I don’t need to.”

“I’ll look forward to the proof. On another subject, what were your naughty middle-of-the-night plans?”

“Why would I just tell you? It’ll be so much more fun to show you.”

“Once again, I accept your proposal.”

“Yes, I’m sure you carefully weighed the pros and cons before signing on the dotted line. You would’ve failed Contracts.”

“There are cons?”

“Only your incessant need for naps.”

“Well, I’ve never been bedded by a succubus before.”

“I suppose I do have the hair for it. Speaking of which, your succubus has put in a solid morning’s work and is interested in three things that, unfortunately, can’t by supplied by your lovely dick: a shower, coffee, and breakfast.”

His stomach rumbled at the mention of food. “Good ideas, all three. I have a feeling I’m going to need energy as well. Want me to start on the latter while you wash our sins away?”

For a moment she stiffened, and he realized he’d just tiptoed over the one line they had to be most careful about crossing. He braced for a scolding, but instead she wiggled away and stood up. “No. You’re joining me in the shower. Unless,” she added, tracing a finger around the ripe curve of her breast, “you’re not interested in having to touch each other absolutely everywhere...”

Sex in showers had never been Luke’s favorite activity. The angles were usually as limited as the space, and unless the shower was specifically equipped for someone older or with special needs (which meant handrails and benches), there was rarely anything to hold onto or brace against. Worse, both water and soap tended to wash away essential lubrication. Nor did turning off the water improve things all that much; all it did was make clear just how suboptimal the conditions for erotic play were.

But, as he was finding to be the case in situation after situation, it was somehow different (and better) with Kathryn. The thrill of touching her would’ve been enough all by itself, and in fact they turned what could have been a ten minute mutual cleansing into a half hour of sensual caresses. When he dropped to his knees, spread her legs, and drove his tongue into her pussy with hot water cascading down her body and over his head, her sharp cries of passion echoed off the tiles until it sounded like they were having wild sex in a driving tropical monsoon, sheltered from the perils of the jungle by a few slabs of corrugated tin. The fantasy carried him so far along his own path of arousal that, having brought her to a trio of climaxes, he stood, put his discomfort with the awkward positioning aside, and slammed his rod into her tight channel, pounding her to a fourth before releasing in the shallows of her slick cunt. He pulled out quickly, and they watched in fascination as his cream slowly oozed from her dilated hole to be diluted and carried away by the water.

Over coffee, pineapple juice (Kathryn’s suggestion; he bore no illusions as to why) and herbed omelets with a little bit of leftover goat cheese, they settled in for what already appeared to be their ritual morning conversation about the conditions of their erotic engagement. A casual comment about how she managed to remain lubricated despite the interference of the shower water turned into a surprisingly frank discussion about her body ... a subject in which Luke had an intense and ever-growing interest.

“I admit that it can be a problem, sometimes,” she admitted. “It’s most dangerous with a dress like the one I was wearing the other night. I obviously can’t wear underwear of any kind under something like that, unless it’s the most microscopic of thongs ... but those spend hours rubbing against certain places in a way I find intensely stimulating, which makes the problem they’re designed to solve even worse. I have to be extremely careful about allowing myself to become aroused.”

“How does that work out for you?” He knew he was deliberately prodding her into outrageous revelations. She knew it too, and appeared to be escalating the tenor of her responses to see how much he could take.

“Not very well, especially when I’m proximate to the reason for my arousal.”

“So what do you do about it?”

“Have sex, of course. Which creates its own fluid problems, but at least those are worth the mess.”

Raising an eyebrow, Luke countered, “That’s it? You just have sex? Anywhere, anytime?”

Her eyes were full of challenge. “Yes, of course. If it’s possible ... and frankly, it usually is. If you’d like expert-level advice on how to have stealthy sex in bathrooms, locked or unlocked offices, hidden alcoves, and so forth, I’m your gal. Anyway, why not?”

“So does that means you’re pretty much ready to go all the time?”

With a slight tightening of her lips, she said, “No, not all the time. I’m sometimes able to hold it together in professional situations, and I can control myself if it’s really necessary. But you’re right: it doesn’t take very much to make me wet.”

His other eyebrow went up. “Are you wet right now?”

To his surprise, what he’d intended as a fairly innocuous morsel of sexualized banter seemed to secure some sort of rhetorical victory. Her eyes dropped. “Of course I am, Luke.” Her voice quieted to a low murmur. “I’m always wet around you.”

Well, this erection isn’t going down anytime soon. “Always? Even...?”

Now her entire face was aimed downward. “Yes. Starting about ten minutes after I met you. And these days, especially, it happens at extremely inappropriate times. I’ve...” She stopped short, biting her lip.

“You’ve...?” he encouraged, but with a small shake of her head she put an end to the conversational detour. Concluding that her reluctance involved situations in which her husband was present, he attempted to reroute. “Are you trying to tell me that, when it’s just us, I can just presume you’re ready to have sex all the time?”

Despite her downcast face, she smiled. “Yes and no. Yes, I’m almost always physically ready to have sex, and aside from the obvious boundaries you are more than free to take me wherever and whenever you want. Though I think we’ve already established that I’m more likely to be the one sitting around horny and unfulfilled while you’re passed out, exhausted.”

“Sadly, you’re probably right. But other than when ... well, you know ... what boundaries do you mean? Just so I’m clear.”

Her eyes were on him, clouded by ambiguity. “Not while he’s here, obviously. And not right before, either. I can’t ... I can’t do that.” She seemed to be struggling with her own prohibition against mentioning her husband. Since he didn’t really want to talk about Bill either — especially after his dream — he cast her a lifeline.

“Yes, that one’s completely obvious. But,” he prodded, “it seems like there are others...?”

Nodding, silently but gratefully acknowledging his understanding, she continued. “This apartment, including the cellar — yes, I fully intend for us to find creative ways to do unspeakable things to each other while surrounded by all that wine — is, unless someone else is present, our safe space in which everything and everywhere is okay. Outside the apartment...” Again she hesitated, but this time he waited for her to assemble her thoughts. “There are several places in the house that I won’t ... well, I don’t really have to spell those out, do I?” He shook his head; it was clear for many reasons that their bedroom and bathroom were off-limits. “Not the dining room, because it’s unhygienic, and none of the major indoor common areas, either. Probably not the kitchen, though if you have an especially creative proposal I’m willing to listen. Aside from that, though, the rest of the property’s fair game: the pool, the jacuzzi — definitely the jacuzzi — the outdoor shower, the gym, anywhere in the house I haven’t already mentioned, the lawn, the lake, the boat, the boathouse, the beach, the lawn ... all a very enthusiastic yes. Ravish me at will.” She was finally smiling again. “I don’t think we’re going to run out of options. Or are you asking because you’re already bored with our sex life?”

“I could never be bored when your body provides all the unexplored terrain I’ll ever need. I just prefer to know what the rules are so I don’t inadvertently break one of them. Complete openness is refreshing.”

Her smile faded a bit. Damnit, I keep stepping over the same line. But it’s hard to avoid it when we’re talking about having sex while trying to respect her marriage. Making another attempt to change the mood, he asked, “So what’s on the agenda for today?”

The cloud hovering over her expression disappeared, and she snorted. “Haven’t you listened to a thing I’ve said? Sex. Sex is on the agenda. Sex, followed by more sex, followed by even more sex. I’ll allow breaks for lunch and dinner. Or, based on the conversation we were just having, do you mean where? We’re not leaving the apartment, because I have zero interest in clothing today.”

“I hope you realize that, if we keep up this pace, there’s a fair chance I won’t make it to the weekend alive.”

Shrugging, she idly picked at her elegant nails. “As long as rigor mortis keeps you hard, I don’t think it matters to me either way.”

“Kathryn!” he sputtered. Her answering grin was exceedingly wicked.

“Don’t worry. I’ll nurse you back to life and health.” The innuendo was escalating beyond his ability to stay in his chair, and he could see that her own arousal was smoldering as well.

“Do you mind if I...?”

“ ... leave the dishes where they are so you can fuck me until I scream? No, not at all.”

She was in an acrobatic mood, and they cycled through a half-dozen positions; Luke sweating and straining to hold back his orgasm while Kathryn treated herself to at least a dozen. He was somewhat violently taking her from behind when she started begging for a finger in her ass. Wetting a digit with his saliva, he slid it into her gripping hole. She came right on cue, confirming his tentative observation from the previous day: her anal orgasms were accompanied by a great deal more shaking and limb convulsions than those induced by other means.

His prodding of her nether passage was far gentler than the pounding to which he was subjecting her pussy, but then she began loudly encouraging him to fuck her harder in both holes. He withdrew for a moment, added more spit, and introduced a second finger to her tight orifice. Again she climaxed, collapsing onto the bed while he proceeded to thoroughly ravage her channels.

The finish line was fast approaching, at least for him, and so he retrieved his digits a second time, added all the saliva he could manage from an increasingly dry mouth, and devilishly pressed three tightly nodded fingers into her anal canal.

She screamed, an orgasm seizing her body into a rictus approaching catatonia, but when this was followed by what sounded like desperate gasping for breath he began to doubt the wisdom of his actions. He was on the verge of abandoning her ass when she shrieked, “No! Don’t! Stretch my slutty ass with your fingers. Fuck the shit out of me. Both holes at the same time. Both holes! Oh god, oh fuck, holy shit, I’m ... I’m... fuuuuuuck!!!” Liquid squirted past his driving cock and drenched his thighs; a spectacle that, accompanied by her unfathomably filthy monologue, made staving off his own release for even a second longer impossible. With a furious roar, he flooded the depths of her cunt with a tsunami of his seed. It, too, squeezed past his pistoning rod to coat his swinging testicles.

As if telepathically compelled by the possibility of consuming his semen, she spun around and scrabbled for his erection, slipping her mouth over his prick and sucking as hard as she could, taking the last few meager jets into her throat, lifting his cock to clean the rest from his balls, and then (to his amazement) chasing down what had fallen onto the sheets, slurping up even the tiniest pearls of cream and then swallowing everything she’d gathered in one mighty gulp. By the time Luke fully comprehended what he’d just witnessed, she was on her back, scooping ejaculate from her slippery cunt and feeding it into her greedy maw. He almost climaxed once more at the sight, but the rest of his body demanded respite. And so he tumbled to his side and collapsed next to her, watching her lurid display with something as close to religious rapture as he’d experienced.

“That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I know you keep telling me your sex drive is turned up past eleven and your limits are close to nonexistent, but it’s one thing to hear you say it, and quite another to experience it live and in person.”

Pulling sticky, cum-drenched fingers from her mouth, she turned and raised an eyebrow. “That, Lucas Bronson, was nothing.” She returned to her meal while he looked on, stunned and — for the first time — even a little bit fearful. He’d arrived at their lakefront estate confident in his sexual skills and his stamina, but then again he’d never met anyone like Kathryn. Still, he couldn’t wait to see what she had in store.

When she was done, she turned to him. “I want your tongue inside me. Let me get cleaned up, and then...”

He encircled her midsection with his arm, stopping her from getting up. “Why?”

As absurd at it was, given what he’d just watched her do, she blushed a bit. “Are you sure don’t you want...?”

He was already crawling down the bed to position himself between her widely stretched thighs. “Since you appear to be fine with pretty much everything, I feel it necessary to step up my game. Plus, I like a challenge.”

The green of her eyes seemed to grow in intensity, and there was something else there as well; something he still couldn’t quite get a handle on. He’d seen it yesterday, when he kissed her after she’d sucked his dick in the immediate aftermath of anal. He filed it away for further investigation and lowered his face to her steaming cunt. The moment his tongue met her clitoris, her thighs pressed into the sides of his head and her fingers gripped his neck, holding him in place. “Yessssss... ”

Luke wished for no advantageous shortcuts today. He wanted to try everything he knew how to do, just to see how she reacted, and so he left her nipples alone. From time to time he caught her idly circling one with a fingertip, but she seemed to sense his intent and let him explore at will, occasionally offering explicit feedback but otherwise encouraging him with sighs, moans, dirty talk, and wails of pleasure.

Just how many times he made her come was impossible to say; after a certain point, the peaks of her climaxes and the valleys between them were essentially indistinguishable. On three separate occasions she filled his mouth with fluid in response to his probing fingers, and by the third time it happened he’d figured out the rhythms and pressures that led to such releases.

Finally, with a strained gasp, she pushed him away. From between her legs he assumed a cocky grin. “Need a break?”

Smirking back at him, she casually shook her head. “Not the kind you mean. As far as I’m concerned, you can spend the rest of the day and night right where you are. But the coffee’s hitting me, and we’ve already made a mess of the bed.”

“Despite your erotic maid service.”

“I do aim to provide a top quality experience for my guests. Now, are you going to let me up?”

A few minutes later, she called from the bathroom. “Are you hard?”

“Not at the moment. Actually, wait...” The question itself caused blood to start flowing back into his manhood. “Never mind, it looks like I will be by the time you’re done. Why?”

“Because my ass is lonely and in desperate need of companionship.”

He shook his head, laughing as he watched his erection rise and swell. He’d had other partners who loved raw sexual banter — Luke himself felt oddly uncomfortable about being the source of such talk, though he enjoyed hearing it from others — but there was something about Kathryn’s strikingly filthy mouth, especially on the brink of climax, that thrilled him beyond reason. His initial and lingering impression of her had been one of supreme elegance and sophistication; an impression bolstered by her incomparable beauty and the way she carried herself in most situations. But now, even aside from the visceral experience of their coupling, he recognized that she possessed a raw carnal hunger that not only changed how she talked, but even seemed to change the way she looked. In full rut she was no longer unapproachably lovely, but rather the exact opposite: an open sexual invitation, dirty-minded, infinitely eager, and absolutely impossible to resist.

I wonder if I could come just from listening to her talk that way? he mused, slowly stroking what was now a fully erect shaft. Maybe I’ll ask her to try it one of these days.

The bathroom door opened and Kathryn emerged, looking for all the world like she’d just stepped out of the shower after a day at the spa. He hadn’t heard the water running, yet she’d somehow reassembled herself into a vision of un-ravished perfection. “Okay, then. The script is yours to direct. Any position, as long as you want, as gentle or as hard as you wish. The only thing I request is that you sodomize me until I can’t remember what day it is.”

Glancing down at his twitching penis, he held his breath until the throb subsided. Judging by how close that was, I think I’ve already discovered that the answer to my question is a resounding yes.

“Sticking with the classics, are you?”

“The classics are classic for a reason,” he sniffed as he worked another dollop of lube into her ass. Despite his earlier three-fingered assault, she was as tight as when he’d first introduced one, and so his preparation included a fair bit of patient stretching. She hadn’t come yet — he guessed she was deliberately holding herself back — but the increasing volume of her moans suggested that she was certainly building up to it.

“It’s fine, don’t worry. I love doggy. Being taken from behind like a bitch in heat is my idea of a good time, too.”

He came to a dead stop with two fingers in her channel. “You know, when you and Wendy were torturing me on the boat, I thought that I was suffering just about as much as I could from the words coming out of your mouth. Only now do I fully realize the magnitude of my error.”

“Awww, poor Luke. Would you prefer me to be demure and ladylike?”

“This is a question you can ask me with a straight face when I’ve been probing your ass for ten minutes, prepping you for what’s more than a little aspirationally supposed to be hours of what you keep daintily referring to as sodomy?”

“You can’t see my face. You have no idea how straight it is. And there’s nothing dainty about sodomy, at least not the way I like it.”

“I’ve memorized your face. But you make a fair point. Please don’t ever wash that mouth out with soap.”

“Of course I won’t. The only foreign substances I want in my mouth are...”

“You’re doing it again!”

“You know you love it.”

“I don’t disagree, but unfortunately it makes me perform like an excitable young boy who’s never known the touch of a woman.”

“You have been a little quick on the draw for a man who claims to have bedded his way around town. I’ve been choosing to take it as a compliment.”

“Just for that, I’m going to summon up all my energy and give you what you want.”

“But Luke, I want everything. Can you give me that?”

Replacing his fingers with the lube-slicked head of his cock, he pushed inward just enough to dilate her sphincter. As her moan ascended in pitch, he growled, “Your ass is about to find out.”

“Oh, Luke! You say such naughty things,” she purred in an outrageous parody of a sexy voice. With a demented grin, he punched through her entrance and didn’t stop until he was buried to the root, reveling in the sudden convulsions that cut off whatever additional mockery she’d intended. “Fuck, that was hot,” she managed as her orgasm receded. “Do that again!”

Pulling free, he plunged back into her ass and watched as she wailed and quivered a second time, tensing when he withdrew. “Wait, I didn’t ... you’re not...”

I hadn’t really thought about doing it this way, but now that she mentions it...

Luke grabbed his shaft and pointed it at her hole, driving forward until he was deep inside her anal canal. Right on cue she climaxed again, nails clawing the bedsheets.

“Luke ... I don’t know if I can take this for very long,” she gasped.” I love the orgasms, but...”

“I thought you said I was in charge?” Dismissing her plea, he backed away, paused, and then slammed through her tight anus.

“Fuuuuuck! Jesus, Luke, what do you...?”

Again he reared back, then forcefully impaled her ass with one mighty thrust. Liquid spattered his thighs, and he leaned over to assess the fresh damage to their environment. She’d absolutely soaked the sheets with her explosion, struggling for breath as even more juice dripped from her pulsing cunt.

“Luke ... god ... okay, okay, you win. You win!”

While she couldn’t see his victorious expression, the triumph in his voice was all too clear. “Finally! Even though I suspect this is the only round I’ll take. Still, I’m surprised.”

Squirming and gripping the bedsheets, for she was still fighting off the aftereffects of her most recent orgasm, she asked, “About what? That I actually admitted defeat?”

“No; that given your unique physical response to anal penetration, no one’s ever thought to do that to you before.”

“I don’t recall saying you were the first.”

Crestfallen, though with no justifiable reason, he asked, “So I’m not?”

There was a long pause before she answered, and when she did it was in a quiet, almost humbled voice. “You’re the first to do it deliberately. It’s ... I don’t ... you’re...” Whatever she’d been about to say faltered, and when it became clear she wasn’t going to finish, he shrugged it off. Pulling slowly outward until only an inch of his shaft remained inside her, he eased back into her depths with considerably more care and sensuality than before.

“Ohhhhhhh ... Luke, yes, yes, yessssss...” she hissed, her climax now a slow, rolling undulation that caressed his cock from base to tip. Firming his grip on her flanks, he began to piston in and out of her ass, reveling in the grip and tug of her tight channel, in her soft moans of pleasure, in the still-unbelievable experience of just whose beautiful hindquarters he was plundering. All these sensations came together in a rush, and he realized that his temporary victory had come at a cost: he was only moments away from his peak. There’s no way to hold back. I’m too close. I...

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VPN Sites

VPN Sites still seem like a goddamn mystery to most of the internet-using population, which includes basically everybody in the developed world. Shit, you’re reading this on the internet right now! What do you really know about using a Virtual Private Network to unblock content and keep your computer safe? The fact that you’re even reading this page tells me you might know a little more than the average joe, but perhaps you ain’t quite sure which VPN is right for you. It’s a crowded market...

Best VPN Sites
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ShesNew Raquel Diamond Little Miss Diamond On Your Dick

Raquel Diamond was meeting up with a porn producer for one of her first shoots. She did not seem too nervous, and was quick to show our boy how flexible she was. He could not wait to fuck that perky petite pussy of hers. Before he got to her cunt she had volunteered her mouth. This girl was an above average cocksucker. Her pussy was damn tight too, and because of her size bouncing on that dick took almost no effort. Her cutesy face was covered in cum, and our producer was faced with a tough...

1 year ago
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SiliqueChapter 2 Brood

The small town in Montana awoke with no knowledge of the events that had transpired the. Some of the women and girls noticed their bed sheets in unusual positions, but nothing to be alarming. It was not for several weeks before the town physician became concerned that many of the town's girls and women were coming to him with early pregnancy symptoms. Most of the women and girls were even on birth control. Most professed a lack of sexual contact during the time when conception would have...

2 years ago
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TRADE Part one: Dissorientation The night had begun normally enough; a quiet evening alone with my girlfriend, Vanessa. We inevitably ended making love languidly in the bedroom. She was beatiful, and I smiled at her, looking into her eyes as we moved in unison. We rolled around so that she was on top, her dark and curly hair falling over her face. I took a second to admire her athletic body with its pert tits and well-formed abs. I slid my hands over her smooth, curved hips as she...

3 years ago
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Manmoirs Post Game Celebration

Super Bowl 2005 featured the defending champion New England Patriots taking on the Philadelphia Eagles. I decided to attend a house party hosted by Leah, a classmate of mine. A bunch of us prepared food and brought our special dishes over to her place. Add a little alcohol and some girls, and you have a real Super Bowl party. I was rooting for the Patriots. I hated Donovan McNabb and Terrell Owens. The girls cheered for New England because of Tom Brady. I was on the girls side, and from the...

Straight Sex
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H Flash

Today, we're playing hentai flash games on H-Flash! Gamers (of HFlash) are synonymous with masturbators, not because they play games per se, but because the lifestyle they lead and the hobbies they like usually come with a price – that price is being socially inept and failing to acquire the one achievement which they can never achieve in any video game ever: Getting a real girlfriend. Not all gamers out there fit this profile, but most of them do and they’re usually pretty familiar with nerd...

Free Sex Games
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Ally turned to focus on Jack, who was setting his laptop aside and getting up from his seat on the couch. After the shower he changed into flannel pajama pants and a worn T-shirt advertising UC Davis School of Law. He’d done nothing with his hair out of the shower and it had dried into a wavy mop. He looked incredible and Ally wanted to shout to the world that he was hers—all hers—but he wasn’t hers. She smiled through the familiar stab of hurt. ‘Are you being protective? That’s adorable.’ Her...

2 years ago
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sex with my nurse 2

This is part 1 of the story as a hungry k** just pounced over them and started sucking one boob and crushing another in hand quite hardly alternatively she has pink areaola wich pointing nipples I kept that nipple between my teeth and started pulling out and pinching…………….i thought she might get hurt but she never stopped moaning and asking for more I played with her boobs for 30 minThen I lifted her arms and started licking her underarms I...

1 year ago
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Slave for the week

Part 1 - SaturdayThere was a ring on the doorbell. I basically knew it was her, but I was still madly excited, as though I didn't know, as though there was a chance it wasn't her and I was hoping it was.Sure enough, there she was. Stacey looked fantastic, her brown hair drifting slightly over her eyes, her wonderful body perfectly shown off by her tight top and jeans."Hi, you ok?" I asked, smiling. I gazed down at her feet and laughed. "You know me too well!" She was wearing a gorgeous pair of...

4 years ago
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Leave It to Cole pt2

Chapter 2After he was finished I felt confused. I know what I just did was wrong on so many levels, yet I felt that I needed something more. My conscious mind was disgusted by what I had just done while at the same time I could feel that the crotch my panties were soaked. This and the idea that I could bring such pleasure to a man left me in a sort of emotional shock.Without saying anything I left the den and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice. Upon entering the kitchen I...

3 years ago
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Started the day straight

….then he fed me his semi hard cock and....I needed a few things from the neighborhood store down the road from the apartments I just moved into. While I was there picking up my needed supplies, the manager asked if I needed any help. I said no, I just moved and needed a few items. I noticed he had dark piercing eyes. He had a slight build, but carried himself with authority. After I was headed to the check stand, he moved in behind the register to check me out...and “check me out”. I found him...

3 years ago
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A Boy and His dungeon XIV

Friday morning, Jill and I were on our way to London to bring Jennifer home. We rented a small trailer, and the three of us had all of Jennifer's things loaded, including her scooter, and were on the road by mid afternoon. The drive back to Swansea passed quickly. We arrived in the early evening, unloaded everything and returned the trailer to the rental yard, had dinner at a coffee shop, and went home exhausted, lacking the energy for anything more than cuddling together. Saturday...

3 years ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 15

BILL and MINA, DD and CARL: Wound too Tight. Chapter 15 "Hey Mike, you got your 'Ace' mechanic's license on File?" "Yeah?" Mike was curious too, "wanna see it?" Right off the bat, Bill said, "this isn't Government issued. They don't use perforated roller printer paper. Look at the edges ... see them little tears? Tear off strips. This was run through a copier but they used printer paper. "Call and see who this number was issued to." "FAA?" "Who does licensing for...

2 years ago
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Amity 1 StormChapter 11 Boyoboy

I helped myself to the port and sat across from Kim. I asked why he was down here alone and he pouted at me and told me it was my fault. When I gave him an inquiring look, he grinned and said I shouldn’t have winked at him. I laughed. “Sorry, I’ve never actually been with a bloke, but for some reason, I thought if I did, you wouldn’t be a bad place to start.” He must have liked this answer because he said, “Damn straight! You’d break my heart if you did it with anyone else before...

3 years ago
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Exploration With My Sexy Cousin

I was 18 or 19 years old and exploring my sexuality. During that time after 12th standard, I was introduced to sex, porn movies and girls. Having a computer in my room helped me watch movies with ease. This story is about that wonderful summer and how it unfolded into a wonderful mêlée of sweat, cum, breasts and smelly pussy. I was old enough but not old enough to have a separate bed when our house gets crowded with relatives. It was an innocent night except for the fact Pooja was in the house....

1 year ago
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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 8 Noon

Fran and I made fresh greens and mango salad. B&B brought our main course: a Spanish style hot sandwich with tomato, pesto, and thinly sliced chicken. And to wrap it all up Vodka Lemon Sorbet that Fran found on the internet. Buena started the conversion. “Remember ‘Jake the Snake’, the PE teachers’ assistant?” June commented, “How could anyone forget what all could see outlined in his tight shorts. No clue what the boys thought, but the girls were divided between wanting to get his...

2 years ago
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The Baby Machine

The Baby Machine by Ashley B. D. ZachariasPart 1: Mindy at 16Chapter 1: Biology RulesMr. Crane.I’m stuffing my sixth period mid-semester exam papers into my briefcase when Mindy comes into my office. I don’t have her this year but I know her from my tenth-grade Introduction to Biology class last year. I will remember her for the rest of my career. She'd not only been the top student in her class last year, she’s unquestionably the sharpest student that I've had during the entire fifteen years...

1 year ago
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BoobDay Claudia Bavel Challenge Accepted

Here, on Cumlouder, we all love to give our girls a good challenge, especially if they are as wild and fun as the voluptuous Claudia Bavel. Raul Lora’s perverted mind has come up with a bunch of sex challenges that this hot Spanish will have to cope with. But she’s not alone today. She can count on the help of Angie White, Potro de Bilbao and Kevin Coto. The final award is the consumption of her first ever MMF threesome, that will be filmed exclusively by our cameras. Are you gonna...

2 years ago
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A Day With My CoWorker

HI readers this is Jeet from Gujarat a new writer, I always read stories on ISS, They r really good, so I to decide to share one of my experience with my co-worker Let me describe myself. I’m 5.11″ not so handsome but a normal one. Having average body, unmarried, I am a network engineer but that time I was a guy working as a manager of hair salon. I have 4 co-workers 2 of them R good but another 2 r better so now without wasting your time let me start the story her name was Sunita. I was...

3 years ago
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Tale of Jet and Quartz Chapter Four Blowing Town

THE TALE OF JET AND QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter Four: Blowing Town Sergeant Malcolm Stark was in a rather lot of pain. It has been several hours since the Carmichael twins had left. He was convinced now. The two of them had to have been the twins, not some kidnapping terrorists. What a load of bull. With something like two hours of observation, he knew that, and he was just a grunt. Well, maybe not just a grunt. You didn't get the kind of position he held if you were just...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 2

Drew woke the next morning and was sure he still had the smile on his face. He quickly dressed himself in work clothes, checked the time, 7:45am, and padded down the hall to the kitchen in his socks. He found the phone directory and wrote down the name, number and address of a smash repair shop and the local dealer for the particular make of car that lay at the bottom of his drive. He wrote a note: "Feel free to use the telephone, I have found the numbers for you. I should be back in an hour or...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Fantasy Fulifilled

Damn! I really should be focusing on studying the internal components of this computer, but I am so tortured right now. I have been stuck on him for weeks and I just cannot get him out of my mind. I should have never got that close to him, but he is just so fucking sexy, I could hardly resist. Chuck is 6’6, he has a sexy ass skin tone, and he sports a low cut and a goatee. He has tattoos covering his entire upper body and can please me like no one else can. How do I know? Almost two months ago...

Straight Sex
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Mated with Bruno

Before you tell me, I know it can’t happen. I know it is an impossibility to breed, but call it poetic licence, call it fantasy, but whatever you call it, enjoy and forget the physics for a while. His powerful forelegs clamped her heaving hips in a tight embrace pulling her to his furred underbelly and preventing her release. With each thrust of his canine hips, his cock drove deeper into her belly causing her to whimper with the pain of having this monstrous dog cock search out the neck...

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I am a young professional who has just moved into a nice suburban neighborhood.I go to work and get home a little earlier than most of my neighbors. I oftensit outside on my front porch sipping a beer after work. Everyone at work aswell as my neighbors think I am just a nice guy. Little do they know I havea darker side. I had noticed this woman each day as she walked home from work. She was in20's with long dark hair, nice body and an almost virginal look. I realizedthat I had to have her, but...

4 years ago
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Dont Go Breaking My HeartChapter 4

When we got home, Mom had a wonderful hot meal ready for us—soup and sandwiches. We ate a bunch and as we finished Mom went into her apron and dropped two condoms on the table in front of me. "I'm aware that these usually come in threes, young man, can you show me the third one, please?" Busted! I looked over to Joan, who was flush in both cheeks, as I was probably as well. "I didn't tell your father that I found these. Is there something you need to tell me, Jerry? Joanie?" she...

1 year ago
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18Eighteen Mella CumCovered Butthole

Mella wants to try anal, and her brother’s friend is the most readily available cock. She lures him in by saying she needs help with a question on her homework, but the real question is will he fuck her pussy and ass? The answer, of course, is yes. This guy laps up Mella’s meaty pussy. Her nipples stick straight up from a flat chest as she lies back and enjoys the tongue lapping. Then it’s Mella’s turn to perform oral, and she doesn’t shy away from choking on his...

4 years ago
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Punish Me

My heart pounded furiously as I sped through the busy streets of New York. I bit my lip in anticipation hoping I wouldn’t’t get fired from my job. This was my fourth time being late and only God knows what my bitch of a boss would try to do to me today. Her name was Reylin, Reylin Hothworth. She had long gorgeous black hair with a nice firm ass. Her long tan legs led up to this glory and made every male and female in the office want a piece. “If only she wasn’t such a bitch” I murmured softly.

1 year ago
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Slut The Cheater Part 3

Slut: The Cheater part 3As Jim pulled into their drive, Suzi still clamped her tight pussy on to my semi erect cock. Not a drop of semen had oozed from her smooth pussy during the short drive, as she tantalisingly nibbled my bottom lip.Jim opened the car door, looked down at his wife’s stockinged legs, parted and wrapped around his good friend, smiled and said.“She has a fantastic tight pussy doesn’t she?” Then lifted his wife off my impaled cock and out of the car.Jim opened the front door,...

4 years ago
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After The Fall

You continued your sprint through the darkness, but the rumblings behind you grew louder. As you slammed into the chain fence the spotlight hit you, a few rubber bullets followed. As you fell to the ground in pain you felt the jolt of a taser. As your convulsions subsided you heard a voice over you. "Almost made it." Instantly your hands were cuffed behind your back and a bag was placed over your head. You heard the voice again, "Who's reade for some fun?" You heard a roar from the crowd. You...

2 years ago
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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Left

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Left By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned...

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RSOBChapter 19

The rest of the week passed fairly quickly. However, the weekend didn't. The locals don't venture out on the lake on holidays. It's just too much of a hassle for us since we're used to not having to share the lake with outsiders. So, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, I just stayed on the property and piddled around. I did some work on some of the web sites that I keep up for customers, but that didn't really kill much time. I tried to catch some news from the convention that might give a hint...

2 years ago
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Higher EducationPart 3

I was feeling a little remorseful as I left Abigail's office that afternoon. I'm not entirely sure why, or even what was bothering me. I was worried about my job for sure, but it was more than that. As I have said, I was a somewhat naïve guy, almost leading a sheltered life to that point. Incredibly, it might have been that I was feeling like I was using Abigail and not the other way around. However, I knew that wasn't rational. Abigail wanted what happened. Hell, she set it up....

2 years ago
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Natalie Hears a Songbird

Natalie was sitting in the sun. She was covered with sun-screen to protect her skin. The grass was mowed and the blades were all trimmed short and neatly. She inhaled deeply to catch the scent of the freshly-cut grass. She loved that smell. It made her feel fresh and clean like right after a shower. Her sister and brother were away at some silly game. She has happy to be alone and have some peace and quiet. She loved them dearly but sometimes they could make her feel so vexed. “Thank goodness...

2 years ago
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Captain of the CheerleadersChapter 1

Brenda was actually the captain of the varsity cheerleading squad. She'd been a cheerleader since she'd been a freshman and now she was the "queen" as everyone referred to whoever was the captain of the cheerleading squad each year. Brenda intended to be the queen in more ways than anyone ever had in the past. She'd had several boyfriends during the last two years and now that she was a senior, she'd decided she was going to sample the crowd and not necessarily tie herself down to only...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 7

I slowly woke up, and realized that the bed was moving, and my cock felt very good. I opened my eyes as I realized that it was surrounded by a pussy. And as I expected, it was Linda’s pussy. She was astride my hips and moving up and down, my cock already deep inside of her. “Good morning lover” she whispered as she kept moving up and down. I whispered good morning back, and moved my hands to rest on her hips. She was doing that little shimmy thing with her hips that always drove me wild,...

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The circumstances of this Saturday morning consultation were decidedly irregular, but not without precedent. First, of course, was the day of the week, for Dr. Cohen did not, as a general rule, accept appointments on Saturdays, preferring to preserve weekends for his own mental health regimen-- that is to say, his enjoyment of the variety of teenaged females available to him through the Daughter Share Program. However, in Leo Cohen’s view, seeing to one’s clinical duties need not always...

1 year ago
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Initiation of Trina

"Baby if you do not like it, I promise never again." He told me. In my heart my morality was sinking. The Beer was taking it away. He was buying one after another. When they showed up, my mind was on another day. Him and I in the kitchen. Him with his hands on me...pressing me against the wall. "You have to try it to know weather you like it or not. You will do it!" He said in his drunken slur. Having been trying for years to get me to do a threesome. A foursome, a girl, so he could...

3 years ago
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A Saturday in September

A SATURDAY IN SEPTEMBER The roommate is away-- four days in Vegas-- work seminar. It's Saturday. And it's 94 fucking degrees. I have absolutely nothing to do. The pool. I'll spend the day at the pool. Sunbathing and reading a book and chilling in the water. Nice! I pack my gear, head down, set up in a cabana, jump in the water, jump out, lay down and crack my book. My cell phone rings. Lucy. Roommates girlfriend. Cool-stoner-hot chick,  petite and blonde. Small but nice tits. Hot body. Oozes...

2 years ago
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Neighbor is a stripper

                                 Discrete affair.  Thai Neighbor is a Stripper, ‘Friendly’ , AND Cooks Too!               Ever dream of a ‘discrete affair’ fantasy? I had one drop into my lap so easily, It’s better than winning the Lottery!        My wife’s job takes her  away two weekends a month. Normally that means getting off with ‘Internet help’  till my ‘fuck machine’ returns.       Last July, I noticed a moving van bringing furniture into the home next door. Curious of course, I...

2 years ago
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Another Welcome GuestChapter 9

Greek Gods Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister, and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage,...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 46

When Simon joined Nick’s Threnody Ferrari-Stone taskforce, he hadn’t considered at the time that it would mean he sometimes got priority access to Nick himself. But while he wouldn’t admit it under pain of torture, he was really quite pleased to find himself riding down into Italy’s interior in the limo with Nick, Pilar, Pilar’s odd cousin Inez, and Tanvi while Dennis was relegated to riding with Lev, Arwen, Max and Romanitza in the other car. “Why isn’t Aria Giovanni coming with us today? I...

1 year ago
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Mirtle Mayhem

Here we were on our annual trip to Mirtle Beach for our week of golf and fun. Each year we get together a group to spend a week in the May heat. This years group looked to be a lot of fun. We had returning members Jeff, Paul, Myself, and two new guys Tom and Mike. We were all in our early twenties and ready for mayhem. After 20 hours driving down from Toronto we arrived and checked into the hotel. We had two rooms so Jeff and I took one and Mike, Paul and Tom the other. Our room overlooked the...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Jewelz Blu Kate Bloom A Secret Nude Daughter Party

Sweet and petite Kate Bloom has all her ducks in a row when it comes to technology. She has a list of passwords just in case she ever forgets one. After all, with so many apps to juggle, who can blame her? Especially when she has a folder of secret nudes hidden away on her phone. But when her nosy dad pokes around, he discovers the key to paradise. He opens the folder and finds some sexy photos of Kates best friend, Jewelz Blu, and he is stunned. The blue haired babe has always seemed so...

3 years ago
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A Surprise Encounter Ch 02

She pushes me hard against the door frame and I let out a soft grunt. I grab the wood behind my back and dig in, my only defense against her attack. I am enjoying every second and she knows it, revels in her new found power over me. I watch as she brings her thumb to her mouth and bites down provocatively. She studies my expression and laughs softy. ‘Are you enjoying yourself?’ I muse. ‘Not as much as you,’ she gestures with her eyes and bites down on her thumb again. ‘I don’t know. You...

1 year ago
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MyDaughtersHotFriend Devon Green 23883

Internships – still a great way to get your foot in the door. But even so, times are tougher these days, and college students like Devon Green still need to support themselves. She explains to her friend’s dad Mark how grateful and thankful she is to be employed as his intern, but she admits that she’s still having money woes. For business reasons, Mark can’t take her on as a part-time employee yet, but he can slip her some extra cash…in exchange for some other kind of “help” he needs. And, of...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 18

When they arrived home Megan quickly went to her room to try on both suits to see how the looked. She tried on the first one she picked out, a bright yellow bikini, and came into the kitchen to model it for her mother. "How's this look?" "Very pretty Megan, I like the color. It will look even better after you get a nice tan. The contrast of tanned skin and the yellow suit will look good. Try the other one and let's see how that fits." Megan slipped on the second suit and looked into...

1 year ago
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I had an eventful weekend

I had an eventful weekend...I went to my mates to watch football and his sister and her friend was there too. We watched the football and had a few beers and pizza and more beers then watched Joyride with Paul Walker...The film is about 2 brothers that go on a road trip in a car and get a CB radio and have fun with truckers; one of the brothers puts on a girls voice and has fun with a trucker, they arrange to meet at a motel, but then give the hotel room number of a guest that was rude to them....

3 years ago
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The Marquis East India Catering Company

   THE MARQUIS' EAST INDIA CATERING COMPANY                             By: Charles E. CampbellCHAPTER 1   My name's Mark Evans. I'm an entrepreneur, really. Plain and simple. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less. Although some people would employ other much more graphic and derogatory terms to describe my vocation, maybe labeling me  a pimp, or even a slaver perhaps. But I think entrepreneur is a far more fitting and accurate term.    I've really been engaged in pursuits that are...

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While she sleeps

For Katarina it all started with a few confused mornings. She would awaken to find her bed covers ruffled in strange ways. Her nightdress hooked up around her armpits. Legs freezing cold because they'd apparently decided to kick themselves free of all insulation over night. It was odd… but the only daughter of the Ivankov family just assumed she was dancing restlessly in her sleep. Stressed out by the hardships of teenage life in this small, rural village. However, the first time she woke up to...

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MARCYChapter 1Marcy was a bitch, plain and simple.  Face it, with her body and good looks, she could have been a model, or at least head cheerleader.  But that would have required her to show off her body, and that was the last thing she wanted.  At 16, her long brunette tresses, medium size breasts and long legs were the envy of most of the girls in her class.  She always felt she was too good for any of the boys her age, and she also felt she was better than any of the girls she knew.She was...

3 years ago
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Professors Rape GamesChapter 3

The twins, as soon as their mom closed the door to their room, turned and looked at each other, their eyes glowing with mischief. Debrah got out of bed, and padded on her dainty white feet, over to Donna's bed. The twins curled up beside each other, to talk. "He was so handsome tonight, didn't you think so?" Debrah asked her sister, who was one minute and thirty seconds younger than she. "I just almost died!" Donna exclaimed. "My pussy just creamed and creamed." "I thought I'd...

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