Cattleman's LamentChapter 6 free porn video

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Jonas was shaken awake by his elder son. Peter’s face looked anxious.

“Frank’s gone, Pa,” he said.

“What do you mean gone?” asked Jonas, trying to command full wakefulness to come to him.

“His bed wasn’t slept in and his horse is gone. His trail leads toward the old Johansen place,” explained Peter.

“Shit!” roared Jonas. “Doesn’t anybody around here do what I tell them to any more?” He rose and began dressing immediately.

Less than thirty minutes later three men rode away from the Circle C ranch house, headed toward the last place they’d seen a flock of sheep.

Bobby was nervous. He had no idea what fighting for Sarah meant. He had no idea what kind of weapons would be involved, or what constituted winning the fight. But he knew he couldn’t go back and face anyone in his family if he failed to try to get the girl back. Molly weighed heavily on his mind too. If he lost the fight, what did that mean for her? Would they try to claim her too? He needed more information badly, but was afraid to ask for it. He didn’t want to appear stupid.

He was relieved beyond measure when Man Who Runs Like A Deer smiled and said that, as the challenger, Bobby got to choose the weapons for the combat. Bobby knew that one of the two young men who was with Man Who Runs Like A Deer must be the boy he’d have to fight. Both looked strong and savage to him. He knew he couldn’t fight with a knife, or tomahawk or anything like that, and he didn’t want to suggest guns either.

Instead he took a chance and offered to wrestle for the girl. He and his father wrestled every so often, and Xian Bai had delighted in doing the same thing, winning hands down by using things he had learned in China. Over time Bobby had learned some of what Xian Bai did during those wrestling matches, and he hoped that might give him some advantage.

The young Indian smiled widely and accepted. When he looked at Bobby he saw a thin, pale white boy. He was sure he could break this boy in half.

Both boys took their shirts off as a crowd formed to watch the entertainment. Soon there was a large circle of Indians, primarily men, but with some women and older children mixed in.

The crowd only grew as the battle started.

Bobby figured out almost immediately that his definition of “wrestling” and that of Sees Long Distance were very different. He tried to grapple with the Indian boy and take him down.

Sees Long Distance tried to punch, kick and gouge. His fingernail left a long stripe of bleeding skin from the corner of Bobby’s eye to just below his ear with that first attempt, and Bobby barely avoided losing his eye. As he backpedaled away, the boy’s moccasin covered foot came up and lashed between his legs.

Bobby felt like he was going to throw up as paralysis hit him and he fell flat on his back. Sees Long Distance stood and watched, smiling as Bobby lay there and rolled to one side, drawing his legs up to ease the pain.

Man Who Runs Like A Deer came over to Bobby. “Is it over so quickly?” he asked. “If you do not get up it is done.”

Bobby groaned and rolled to his hands and knees. The pain was less now. He hadn’t been kicked quite as hard as he had thought. He started to stand and saw the boy running at him, grinning widely.

Bobby let his left leg collapse and he fell sideways, as if that leg was broken. Then he rolled quickly toward the running brave. Sees Long Distance tripped and went sprawling. He was up before Bobby, and wasn’t grinning any more. Several men in the circle were laughing.

The two youths circled, and the Indian boy darted in to lash out with his foot again. Bobby saw it coming and turned sideways, putting his hand under the boy’s ankle as it streaked by Bobby’s chest. He helped the ankle keep going up long after the Indian boy would have stopped it, and Sees Long Distance flopped hard onto his back. There was an explosive burst of air from his lungs and he lay stunned. Bobby stood and waited to see what would happen.

The boy got to his feet, smiling again. This was a feral grin, though, as the boy decided that this was a worthy opponent after all, and that it would bring him honor to beat this white boy into submission. He decided to count coup on the boy by slapping him. He jumped to his feet and circled warily, trying to find an opening. He kept his arm at his side, not wanting to telegraph what he was going to do.

There! The white boy’s arms were too wide. He stepped forward and his arm streaked forward, hand open and cupped.

If he hit the boy hard enough it might break his eardrum and he could finish this quickly.

Instead he watched in amazement as his hand missed the boy’s face completely, and kept going, dragging his body forward. He felt something hit his shins, and he was falling face down into the dirt. He wasn’t hurt, but he heard more laughter and he saw red.

As he got up he saw Dove woman, the wife of Racing Boar in front of him. She was smiling ... laughing at him. Her cooking knife was at her belt. In a rage he snatched at it and pulled it free, turning back to the white boy who had shamed him. With a scream he ran at Bobby, the knife weaving low in his hand, aiming for the soft belly of his opponent.

Bobby saw the knife and knew he could be in trouble. He timed his movements with the Indian boy’s rushing stride and fell down backwards as the boy reached him. Putting his feet in Sees Long Distance’s stomach, Bobby let the boy’s weight carry him forward as Bobby straightened his legs, pushing hard. Sees Long Distance flew high into the air, toward the edge of the crowd, which parted for him like magic. The crowd there was only two people deep, because behind them ... was Man Who Runs Like A Deer’s cooking fire.

The tumbling youth landed on top of the meat rack on his back, and crushed it. His arms were outstretched and he had no purchase. He screamed as red hot coals burned into the flesh of his back and tried to roll to one side. That put his shoulder and upper arm into the coals and he screamed again. He could not believe the agony of the pain that ate at his back and arm, or the amazing coolness of the packed dirt that his chest rolled onto.

Three women acted instantly. Two held clay jars of water in their arms as they watched. They had been getting ready to cook when the excitement drew them away from their fires. Both of them threw their water on the burned boy’s back, where blisters were already forming. Another ducked into a teepee and brought water, also dumping it on the boy. He tried to get up, but was seized by four men and carried to the stream, where he was submerged in the water. He was yelling that he wanted to go back and fight, and was told to be quiet.

Bobby, of course, was not aware that the fight was over. He was on his feet, horrified at what had happened. He looked at the people in the circle, some of whom were staring at him. One older man stalked toward him, his face stern. Bobby didn’t know what to do, but this man’s hair was white with age, and Bobby knew he could not bring himself to strike a man so old. He stood and waited, his fists balled up.

The old man approached as if he had nothing to fear from this young white eyes. He stopped in front of Bobby and stared into his eyes. He said something Bobby couldn’t understand, and then reached out to slam one old hand down on top of Bobby’s right shoulder.

“Ah yeh tah ha,” he screeched. Bobby tensed.

The crowd roared, and the old man smiled, tapping Bobby on his shoulder several more times, but much less strongly. Bobby turned to see people smiling and laughing. He looked at Man Who Runs Like A Deer, who was also smiling. Bobby went to him.

“A good win,” said the Indian. “You fought well, even when Sees Long Distance disgraced himself.”

“I won?” asked Bobby.

“When Sees Long Distance lost honor by taking a weapon, he gave you the battle. You fought well and have much honor with the people,” said the man.

Bobby was suddenly tackled from behind and arms came around him, slim white hands sliding across his sweaty chest.

“I thought you’d be killed,” came Molly’s soft, almost whining voice in his ear.

Bobby had tensed when he first felt her hit his body. His brain had identified that there was no threat, but now it was trying to deal with her hands sliding across his nipples, gripping his flesh as her soft breasts pressed into his back. The woman’s hair tickled his shoulder and he was amazed at how good it felt to be hugged in this way.

Instinct told him to turn and tell the woman that he’d won ... that her daughter could be recovered now. He did so, not realizing that she would not move back from him. Her turned inside her arms, and saw wide, tear-filled blue eyes staring into his from only inches away.

“I won,” he said, amazement in his voice.

“You were wonderful,” said Molly, her voice husky. “I was so worried. I didn’t know what to do.”

Bobby had the strongest urge to put his arms around this woman.

He felt himself stiffen in his pants, and was instantly ashamed. He pushed at her waist, and turned back to Man Who Runs Like A Deer.

“I want my woman now,” he said.

The big Indian laughed. “You cannot satisfy two women at once, and this woman looks like she needs to be satisfied now.”

He chuckled. “But I will get your other woman and bring her to you.” He slapped Bobby on his shoulder, like the old man had. “Yes, it was a good fight.”

Bobby and Molly stood nervously beside each other as the crowd began to break up. Several members of the tribe pulled Sees Long Distance out of the water and he began limping back toward Bobby. There was a scowl on his face as he approached, pushing at the hands that held his arms. He teetered a little bit, and Bobby could see that he was clenching his jaws at the pain, but he limped up to Bobby and faced him.

The boy let out a string of words that Bobby couldn’t understand, and he looked at the boy blankly. A woman stepped forward and in a soft hesitant voice said in remarkably good English, “He says he feels shame for his dishonor and begs that you give him an honorable death.”

Bobby rocked back on his heels and thought furiously. Then he said to the woman: “Tell him that battle brings out many emotions, some not good, and which cause us to do things we would not otherwise do. My people do not kill brave men who do foolish things. My people try to learn from their mistakes. Tell him it would dishonor me to take his life.”

The woman turned and spoke to the boy, who scowled more, but then began to relax as the woman went on and on. Finally he said something to the woman and, with a look at Bobby, turned and limped off.

Bobby looked at the woman expectantly. Her skin darkened and she couldn’t meet his eyes.

“I told him what you said, and that white people are strange and different, and don’t know how to live sometimes ... that they have strange ideas. I did not mean to dishonor you, but I want him for my man, and I did not want him to die. He said you are welcome to the white tiger woman. He says she is too much trouble anyway. I am happy to see her leave his lodge.”

Bobby stared at her. “Your English is very good,” he said, for lack of anything else to say.

“I went to the white man’s school for a little while,” she said, now able to look at him. “Your ways are too strange for me though, and I came back here to be with the people.”

Molly gasped and Bobby looked to see a white girl being led toward them. She was snarling and pulling at the men who escorted her, one of whom was Man Who Runs Like A Deer, and he was laughing as she slapped at his hands. She was dressed in a worn and faded buckskin dress, and was barefoot. With a start Bobby realized it was beginning to get dark.

When Sarah saw Bobby, and then her mother, she let out a hysterical screech and pulled violently away from her escort, running toward them. She slammed into Molly, crying with great wracking sobs of relief.

Molly exulted in the feel of her live and apparently well daughter in her arms. But her adult mind still hummed in her skull. She knew they were not safe yet. These people thought Sarah was one of Bobby’s wives, and that deception needed to be continued. She put her lips next to her sobbing daughter’s ear and whispered urgently.

“This man is named Bobby. He fought for you and saved you. You must greet him as if you love him.

Now! Sarah, you must hug him as if you love him now!”

Molly pushed her daughter away from her and towards Bobby, who stood, eyes wide and mouth open. Sarah, hearing her mother’s commands, reacted in several ways. She didn’t want to leave her mother’s protective arms, but her brain processed what Molly told her. Part of her brain rebelled at the notion of treating a stranger ... any stranger ... as if she loved him. And she wasn’t enthralled with men at the moment either. But her mother’s urgent commands penetrated and, without looking at the man, she turned and grasped him tightly, burying her face in his neck. His strong arms went around her and she felt his hands on her back as he rocked backwards, compensating for her frenzied hug.

“It’s okay,” he said into her ear. “It’s going to be okay”

His voice soothed her and she slumped, exhausted, letting him hold her up to some degree. That pulled her against him even more as he held her tightly to keep her buckling knees from letting her fall to the ground.

Molly moved to put her arms around both of the teens. She thought of it as a protective gesture in one sense, but she wanted to touch them both too. Her relationship with Bobby, in the space of a short thirty minutes, had altered radically. It was almost too much to contemplate. Over time, she would think about what had happened, and would think about it rationally. But for now she responded with pure emotion.

Bobby felt the girl stiffen her knees and somehow knew it was time to let her go. He moved his hands from her back to her waist and tried to look through the tangled blond hair that wreathed her dirty face.

“You need to be strong just a little longer,” he said, his face inches from hers. “They think you’re my wife and we can leave in a while. Just be strong a little longer, all right? Everything’s going to be all right.”

“All right” she sniffed. She turned back to her mother and hugged her again.

Man Who Runs Like A Deer was still standing near them. Bobby turned to him.

“We can leave now, yes?” he asked, butterflies in his stomach.

“Father Sun is fading from the sky,” said the Indian. “We will find a lodge for you and your women to sleep in tonight. When Father Sun returns then you can take your women and go.” It was more of a pronouncement than suggestion, and Bobby didn’t know whether to argue or not.

Molly turned her head. “This is a good thing husband. The night will be cold.”

Bobby looked at her in astonishment, but she just stared at him over her daughter’s blond hair, her eyes piercing his. He remembered the night before in a jarring mixture of biting cold, and a warm female body pressed to his back. It would be cold, and the girl was probably in no condition to travel.

“All right then,” said Bobby, nervously.

As things turned out, Swallow Tail, the Indian girl who had spoken English to them, was chosen to host the “visitors”, since she slept in a lodge with only her grandmother. Her grandmother turned out to be the toothless woman who had examined Molly earlier, and whose fingers seemed oblivious to heat. Swallow Tail led them to a teepee and lifted the flap for them. Inside was dark, but there was a small fire in the fire pit in the center of the floor which gave off some light. Swallow Tail’s grandmother followed them into the structure and there was some animated conversation between her and her daughter as a bed was made for Bobby and his wives.

It soon became clear to Molly, Bobby and Sarah, who had stopped crying now, and was taking everything in with wide eyes, that there was to be one bed for all three of them to sleep in.

Swallow Tail turned from making up the bed and spoke.

“This is my Grandmother. She is called Birthing Woman among the people. She says she will stay here with you tonight. I am going to go tend Sees Long Distance’s wounds. You have done me a great service by giving me this opportunity to soothe him. He has not paid attention to me because I lived with the white man. Perhaps tonight I can change that.” She grinned.

She turned to leave and then paused. “My grandmother says you are not performing your husbandly duties well.” Her face was completely straight as she looked at Molly. “She says this woman’s belly is empty of life, and that it is your fault.

She has offered our best furs and will help you so you can remedy that problem tonight.”

Bobby’s mouth fell open, but still Swallow Tail went on.

“She says she remembers what my grandfather was like after battle, and she will burn the herbs that increase fertility so that you may have a son to remind you of this victory.”

Then, as if that had been the most normal thing in the world to say, she ducked through the flap of the wigwam and disappeared into the night.

Frank Collins was disgusted. He’d lost the trail. He couldn’t believe that he could lose the trail of five horses, but he had. At first he thought he’d pick it up in a few hundred yards, but when he hadn’t, he had to backtrack. From there he fanned out, but still couldn’t find any sign. He heard the measured clip-clop of a walking horse and stood up from where he’d been bent over, trying to find something in the dust. He put his hand on one of his pearl handled revolvers and then almost groaned as Enid rode around a rock on her piebald mare. He groaned again as he realized how good she looked on a horse.

“Hi there, Mister Cowboy,” she said gaily, waving at him.

“Can’t you leave me alone?” he whined.

“I can’t help it if you’re on the trail I want to go along,” she said smugly. “Actually, though, you’re not on the trail. I saw where you went wrong about a quarter mile back. The trail you want is over there.” She waved one hand off to the north.

“You’re just a girl. You don’t know anything about tracking,” he said gruffly. She sat up in the saddle and stretched. He saw two bumps on the front of her smooth leather shirt and felt his penis lurch in his pants. Damn, but she was pretty.

“Oh,” she said airily. “I suppose you’re right. But, then again, I don’t need to know how to trail anybody. I already know where they’re going.”

Frank’s jaw dropped. “What are you talking about?” he asked.

“There’s only one place they could be going, and that’s to our summer camp up in the high meadows. There isn’t anyplace else to go up here ... is there?” Her words posed a question, but her tone of voice indicated she was disgusted with him for being so stupid.

“Why didn’t you tell me that two hours ago?” he ranted.

“Why, mister big strong cowboy, because I’m just a girl, and don’t know nothing at all,” she simpered. Then she smiled.

“Besides ... you didn’t ask me.” She kneed her horse and, just like a cow pony, it turned without the reins being touched.

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my two wives part 1

Introduction: misterjedi MY TWO WIVES PART I I am not the author of this story. Chapter 1 JACKS NARRATIVE I first met Carol when she was a virginal 16 and I was19. We got on well together, and after dating for a couple of years we had gotten married, when she reached 18. She was no stunner by any means, but was very attractive, 5 feet 6 inches tall, slightly over weight but not fat, with a beautifully proportioned figure. In fact she had the best breasts I had ever seen, or felt –...

2 years ago
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PenthouseGold Holly Morgan Ruby Knox Lesbian Sex Kittens Enjoy A Raunchy 69

Wearing fluffy ears and long tails for this Penthouse lesbian fantasy, gorgeous Ruby Knox and Holly Morgan are two naughty kitties in this outdoor girl on girl fuck fest. As they caress each other’s pert titties, both dreamgirls are soon wet and ready with legs spread for a long sensual pussy licking, writhing with pleasure as those juicy shaved lips get a thorough licking. Using their fingers and a vibrator, this sapphic duo both cum hard as they enjoy a raunchy 69 together. Don’t...

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Sheryls StoryChapter 9

The first week in my new home was like a dream come true. It began on the first night. With my clothes put away, I joined Greg and Sophie at the dining room table. He had showered while I had been busy, and Sophie had prepared a light snack and something to drink. We sat together quietly; there was no need for conversation, each of us happy with how things were. Sophie broke the silence as she got up from the table. "I need a shower before bed." Her eyes silently asking if I would like to...

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RiseChapter 6 De Sanguis Ferro et Cor Tuum

I stood in the midst of a cacophony of sounds and impressions. The practice yard of The Abbey was awash with motion and energy. In the far corner, the three youngest novices were wrestling, learning which of the myriad of styles, that blended into The Peace of All, would best become the foundation blocks of their own unique form. Their exuberance tempered only by the knowledge that, one day, the simple forms they now practiced may very likely save their lives. I smiled as I watched Veritas...

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The Angel Next DoorChapter 7

Robert, the four other angels, and Azrael were all busy watching the slumber of the mortals when they heard a voice say, “I see that Caroline has moved on without me. That’s for the best, as much as it hurts.” “Andrew Dexter? Is that you?” Robert asked the apparition, who certainly looked like Caroline’s deceased husband’s ghost. “It is I. I would crack a joke about you looking like you’ve seen a ghost, but my mood isn’t particularly jovial right now. I was carved up and eaten by a God....

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The Naruto Adventures

Naruto Uzumaki: Male; Blonde Messy Hair; Blue Eyes; Orange Jumpsuit. Generally loud and outgoing, and is always open for a fight to help him get stronger. Eventually wants to be Hokage. Small cock. Sasuke Uchiha: Male; Black Straight Long Hair; Brown Eyes Can turn red/black when activated Bloodline); A white rope top with a black baggy pants with a purple belt. Generally quiet and "cool". Never wants to lose a fight and will eventually wants to kill his traitorous brother, Itachi Uchiha. Large...

2 years ago
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My Hangout With Chubby Lady

Hey friends, Lately, I joined one social adulthood network and found dexx joe, the wildest hottie there!!She is a housewife came for in India Let us jump into the sex story. Two months back I joined a social networking site which was meant for an extra-martial affair.That time I got a chat initiation from dexx joe,a married Indian lady. After exchanging formalities she asked She: why you joined this site when you are married? Me: I often stay away from my family and hence I joined! Then I...

4 years ago
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Our Only Hope Chapter 02

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

2 years ago
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SOSChapter 2

The U.S.S. Dauntless began its long breaking procedures, it was slowing from several multiples above light speed. To those inside the ship it would seem to take three months to drop from its top speed, it had only taken one month to reach its top speed, the ship had remained at top speed for 120 days before it had to begin its slow down procedure. To those out side the ship the voyage would have seemed to have lasted a century and a half, ah the wonders of relativistic travel. Janus the...

5 years ago
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New neighbors IV

After Dan went to his room I went outside, and Bill said to come back in the pool. I climbed the ladder, Bill held his arms out and said jump. When I jumped Bill caught me and asked where Dan was, I said he went to lay down. He asked if I liked it here,I said yes very much. That's good he said.I asked if he could motorboat me again, he said sure . He laid me on my belly and put his hands under me and asked if I was ready, I said yes. He spun me around quickly as I kicked and laughed. After a...

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Wiz TV Mixing Magic

Wiz TV Mixing Magic Nervously Sherman waited for the start of his turn to compete in the run through the labyrinth. The show was still popular though it was not broadcasted live or on primetime anymore. They were just finishing with the previous run, which produced the winner, a rugged looking man and several buxom babes in various states of undress. Looking at those babes made him aroused, but Sherman quickly looked away, so he could focus on the task ahead. Sherman was not...

3 years ago
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The Short Straw

The Short Straw Rita Soto came into the living room in her little black dress ready for her double dinner date with Elmer Rice and his friend and his friend with benefits. The dress' hemline was high and showed her her wonderful legs, it was tight to bring attention to her curves and the neckline plunged to highlight her cleavage. She asked her beau, "How do I look in this dress dear?" Elmer would had said she looked great in anything she wore. The man who adores her said, "You look...

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Ride No More

The sky’s blue-gray — opaque and oppressive. The clouds can’t even seem to stand up to it, because they’re ghostly — unreal — their dark bottoms devoured by that steely background. I’ve got a nice view of it, not that I want it. The narrow rock shelf I’m lying on doesn’t give me much else to look at, other than the crumbled remains of the significantly narrower bike trail above. I suppose I’m better off than my bike. It’s somewhere down there. I might be able to see it, if I could move....

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Kinky Carla Part 1 ldquoPostChristmas Party I

Our office Christmas party is legendary in our building, complete with catered food and a bartender. This year was no exception. I guess the typical office party winds down at about noon, since the employees prefer to pursue more personal things on the afternoon of Christmas eve. By the time the party was over, most of the building was empty.By the time I reached the parking garage, very few cars were still there. As I moved to my driver’s door, I heard sounds coming from the car parked...

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The train has compartments. The seats are old and have a musty smell. The heating, turned on full and not to be changed, makes the air cloying and presses the cause of sleep and release. The misted windows offer us only vague reflections. The darkness outside says ‘stay in your warm bright cave and wait for me to be gone’. Our minds are numbed by the cradling rattle and rumble of the train. Our eyes open and close with no change in what we perceive. Your head rests on my plaid covered chest as...

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Seduced And Fucked Advocate Bhabhi

Hello ISS readers, my name is Anay & i am from Pune. I am 21 years old and a law student. This is my story about how I fucked a hot and horny advocate. Being law student i have to frequently visit registration court of Pune division. There i saw a really hot married lady, later i came to know she is also a advocate. She has white skin color, used to wear Punjabi dress as she was Punjabi. Soon, i started talking to her and used to ask her for help and she used to help me a lot and we used to...

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Archies Weird Mysteries Alternate Reality 2

This is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. This is a continuation of an episode of the cartoon show. Archie Weird Mysteries: Alternate Reality 2 By Paul G. Jutras For once Archie Andrews showed up right on time for his date with Veronica Lodge, but he learned that showing up on time wasn't the right thing to do. "Oh, heck, Ronnie! You're not ready and the movie starts in less than a half...

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Tempting Trevor Full

18-year-old Trevor's graduated from high school and summer break has just begun! It’s time to become an adult and start exploring his curiosity about sex with his super-cute girlfriend, Mary. Only, Mary doesn’t quite feel the same way. She’s afraid. Home from college for the summer. Trevor’s older sister, Stacy, has some exploring of her own she wants to do. To Stacy, other people are only toys to fulfill her perverted need for sexual control. She delights in seduction, and she’s got her...

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Double Dip

Sitting under the awning next to her truck, Vanille looked down the street and decided that the fair was beginning to wind down. She breathed a sigh of relief both because the long day was over, and because she was going to turn a decent profit from working the small town street fair. Considering her name, she might very well have been destined to sell homemade ice cream from the back of a truck, but it certainly hadn’t been her plan. A victim of the economic downturn, she was one of many...

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Thickumz Jenna Foxx Thick Laundromat Lust

Leave it to a bodacious black babe like Jenna Foxx to turn laundry day into a fun time. Today, she is doing a couple loads when she gets the bug to do some twerking. She has a little fun, shaking her ass in the laundromat and getting her pussy nice and wet in the process. Then, she makes her way back to the hotel to strip down to her birthday suit with our stud. She gets down and sucks on his huge cock, enjoying every inch as it slides in and out of her hungry mouth. Then, she pops her silky...

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Brother Fucking Sister By Planning

I am Aryan from Chd so directly coming to story after reading many of the stories of incest from iss I also started thinking of fucking my sis but never dare to do so till 18 but after I pass my +2 in the Holidays I got this lucky chance to have the fun in my life and those were the golden days of my life which I cannot forget I n my whole and it was a big time for me as it was 3 months holidays for me it was like a heaven to me In those days life coming to story As due to some business work my...

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Hell Hath No Fury Like Totally a Woman Scorned

I wrote this story about two years ago for an Image Pool Writing Contest, a contest by the TF-TG-Contests Deviantart group page. This was a contest where people write stories based on Before/After gender swap pictures. For the record, I didn't win. Anyway, it recently occurred to me that I only posted this story on my Deviantart page (search for "Amber Smyth") and decided to share my story on other TG story sites as well. Hope you enjoy and also wouldn't mind some feedback/constructive...

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Best Friends And Oral Sex In College

This is a real story and I haven’t dramatized anything here. As I tried and failed to find substitute names to narrate a beautiful experience, I am using initials. A (being the boy) and K (being me). First things first, A and I first met in our college’s first year. We’ve been friends ever since. He’s single and I am mindlessly committed to my high-school sweetheart. S (my long term boyfriend) lives in a different city. So, any physical contact we share is limited to a very unreasonably...

5 years ago
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Poker With Cousin Sister And Her Friend

Hello everybody,this is rahul from bangalore,age 19,studying Eng now.i am a big fan of iss and have been reading stories from this site from past 2 years.this is my first story at this site,so if any mistakes sorry for that.This is the story of how i fucked my cousin sister riya and her friend pooja in mysore. I am an average built guy,with decent dick size staying in bangalore riya is my uncle’s daughter,age 18,the best part about her body is her 32d boobs and her round ass,i would always...

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The Three Of Us

He came over aro6und 11, wearing loose shorts and a t-shirt. She was wearing loose white panties and a singlet. It was exciting to see her swelling breasts and tight nipples swaying under the loose fabric. I had on a pair of soft loose drawstring pants and my cock and balls were enclosed in a g-string. We were all loose. And excited. He sat on the sofa next to me, legs apart. I stroked his inside thigh, my fingers moving softly over his mound. I could feel him growing larger. She sat opposite,...

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My first time swinging part 1

The first time I went swinging I was just 19 and I contacted a couple through a local paper that was mainly used to buy and sell items but it also had a contacts section at the back. I remember searching through the ads sat in my bedroom reading all the abbreviations and thinking what the hell do all these mean but before long I figured out and was eager to give it a try.One Sunday morning I started flicking through the pages reading how these mature busty women wanted to fuck a young stud like...

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A Night at the Grand Hotel

Joe and Brian walked into the Grand Hotel on an autumn day. They had just eaten an early lunch, and they were eager to check into the hotel. Since they only booked a one night stay, they wanted to check in right away. They strolled up to a desk in the middle of the lobby. The woman behind the counter looked up at them and smiled. "Welcome to the Grand Hotel," the woman said before she took their reservation. "Have a nice stay. Everyone always does," she said to them as she...

2 years ago
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Good Friends

I own a small business based in Arizona and took over a similar company in Newport Beach a couple years ago. As my wife hates to travel, I was delegated to visit the store mid-week to assure the operations run smooth. I found myself staying in a nice hotel near a lagoon and each morning I would enjoy sitting on the balcony having coffee and watching the area come alive. This includes the daily walkers and joggers. After a few months, I became a regular at the hotel and the staff began to know...

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Ms Marca Mother and I Part 3

  Ms Marca / Mother and I   Part 3   I was surprised that we were already out of the marina and heading into the ocean. When I got up top side, Eric immediately stopped talking to Thomas, walked over to me and gave me a long, wet kiss.   Squeezing my ass and then gently pulling the back of my thong up my ass. I could see both the Captain, who was up on the top deck and Thomas who was at the chair smiling at me from a few feet away. I was wearing my new white string...

Group Sex
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Hello College Part 2

As Aidan kissed his way back up my body he made sure to stop and pay special attention to my neck. Slight breaths escaped from me as I continually felt pleasure from him. All I wanted to do was return the favor. I pulled his face to mine and as our tongues met, I began to spread my hands over his body. I could feel his tense muscles, not only on my fingertips but also on top of my body. I reached towards his member, slowly stroking his erect shaft. In order to fully take control, I decided to...

College Sex
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The changing of the fates

The great bear savaged as it ate the young king tearing his stomach up and clawed him ripping him to bloody shreds. Later when he had calmed down the bear took human form again the rage had subsided and he looked at his prize as had been promised by his new goddess the dark goddess of love and lust Laure standing there smiling in that strange but rousingly tight and shining attire, Barak walked quickly over to where Ce’Nedra stood screaming and crying at what had just happened and grabbed...

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The Girls of Club Cache Part 3

The Girls of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 3] By Diana Heche Part 3: A Drug When I woke up I was tired and dehydrated that was not a new feeling for me. I had spent the past few months under the knife transforming myself into the woman that I wanted to be. As soon as the doctor cleared me to go back into surgery, I did so again. Since I had the money to wave, they often rushed the process a little more quickly than they normally would. I sat up...

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Adventure in Longwood Day 05

I wake with the sky, the birds making noise to greet the light sounding a bit anxious. I get up and look out the window to see nothing I look above to see a nest and a bird coaxing the little birds to fly. I sing a prayer that the birds fly, all but one take off and swoop about. The one that does not fly almost has it, still falls toward the ground the wings out trying then just before hitting the ground gets it right. I am smiling as I pull back in to the room to see Dan looking at me. ...

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Sex With The GM As Well As Pro

Hi readers, I am back with my very own sex story of how I drilled two ladies, one is beautiful high class lady and the next one is her sweet pro who completed her MBA recently. The gm’s name is Prathiksha she is having around 4 companies at Chennai and she is also a partner for various companies. She is having a lot of money but god’s curse her husband was not a such good person. So she was in stress and finally somehow we got hook up many times. Many times she used to fly and come from Chennai...

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