FidèleChapter 9 free porn video

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Pressure expelled him from the comforting warmth of the upper mantle, crashing through hard layers of sedimentary rock until he geysered into the atmosphere, held aloft on a pillar of scalding lava and indescribable pleasure.

But why am I naked?

Reflexively, his hands flew downward to protect his vulnerable genitals, only to be impeded by a riot of softness oscillating up and down at a furious pace. Some sort of demonic terror was fiercely tugging on the end of his cock, trying to consume his life essence, and for lack of any better defense he thrust his mighty spear upward, trying to skewer whatever foul beast was feeding on his energy and endangering his very existence.

The attacker groaned. Gulped. Swallowed. Shuddered. And then released him, softly moaning his name.

It knows my name?

Floating back to the earth through soft clouds of bliss, he came to rest on stable ground and opened his eyes. Kathryn was right where she promised she’d be the night before, hovering over his throbbing shaft and lapping at every dollop of cream oozing from his oversensitive rod. Though he couldn’t quite see her mouth, her glittering eyes assured him that she’d experienced just as much pleasure as he had. Perhaps even more.

“If it makes you that happy, I might never offer you actual food again.”

“Finally, a diet that appeals to me.” With a loud smack, she sucked the last drop from his shrinking organ and rolled from the bed. To his surprise, she was dressed in her usual cellar attire of form-fitting yoga pants and a breast-hugging t-shirt ... an outfit he’d found all too distracting even before he’d fully explored the delicious terrain it obscured.

“You’re dressed. You’re... dressed? Why are you dressed? Did I snore?”

“A little bit, but I assure you that it was adorable snoring.”

“You’re lying.”

“I’m actually not, but please don’t take that as an invitation to challenge my tolerance. Anyway, I’m dressed because I have to go. I have way too many things to do, and your magnificent cock has prevented me from doing any of them for days upon end.”

“What time is it?”

“7:04, and I’m terribly sorry.” When his brow furrowed in sleepy confusion, she explained, “I was aiming for seven on the dot, but you were muttering some sort of nonsense about geological formations and I found it too strange and endearing to interrupt.”

“I was ... what ... wait, I was?”

“As I said: adorable. Now, I have several things to tell you. Are you awake enough to pay attention, or do I need to take the time to inject coffee into your arteries?”

He slid backwards and propped himself against a pillow, slightly put out by her unannounced departure but sensing her seriousness. “I’m awake enough. What’s up?”

“I thought I could put it off until later, but before I started blowing you this morning I began tallying everything I have to get done before next week and it made me panicky. Sorry. I really don’t want to leave, and I promise I’ll make it up to you later. But for now, just listen.”


“So, let’s start with this. The ridiculous amount of sex we’ve had over the last few days ... there’s a reason for it beyond the simple fact that it’s exactly what I wanted and needed. To my immense regret, however, it’s about to be on hold for a while. Next week I have to focus on my charities, as four of them are holding board meetings and three of them are throwing galas. I’m going to be occupied by meetings during the day and fundraising events at night. Moreover ... well, here’s my one allowance per day: Bill’s going to be home most of the week.”

Though his face clouded, he attempted to cover it with a brave solemnity he didn’t quite feel. “I understand.”

“I’m sorry, Luke, but you know how it has to be. Anyway, I’m not going to be able to be with you until that changes. Not alone, at least, and not even in the way we were before ... well, before. I suggest you take the opportunity to work, because despite my heartfelt eagerness for you to extend your engagement as long as you can, it’d be better to get as far ahead as possible now so you can let things slow down later on. That said, I’m not going to be able to help you for at least a week, so if you find that you can’t work all that quickly, I’m happy to be a convenient excuse.”

“Uh ... right. I mean, okay. Yes, I’ll work. I did give an estimated timeline, after all, and it doesn’t look good if I’m nowhere close to it.” Sigh...

“Well, good. Unfortunately, it gets worse ... and I hope you’re ready for this, because I’m sure not. Sunday night, you’re invited to dinner.”

No. “I ... but...”

“No buts. If you’re struggling — and I know you are — just think about how hard it will be for me. But you have to do this. I know it, and so do you. It’s part of the price, or the penance, or whatever else you want to call it.”

Luke sighed in surrender, though he was having a hard time looking her in the eye. “You’re right, I do know it. To be honest, maybe a few hours apart will give me an opportunity to figure out just how the hell I’m going to manage it.”

“Again, try to remember that I’m in an even more difficult position. I...”

He held up his hand. “You don’t need to explain. I get it. I do. I’ll make it work, somehow.”

“I hope I don’t need to remind you that...”

“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” Even as he spoke, he recognized the casual cruelty in saying “your” rather than “our,” but he didn’t feel awake enough to find a more polite way to express his turbulent emotions.

To her credit, she took his hand. “I heard what you said, and I accept it. But it’s still our secret, and you know it as well as I do. Please believe me: I don’t want to stop. I want to be with you as much as possible. As soon as I can, I will.”

Don’t be an ass. Be mature. For once since you took this benighted job, be an adult. “I know. I feel the same way. It’s just ... it’s hard, you know? But I do recognize that it’s worse for you. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

“Good.” She seemed doubtful, but pressed on. “Anyway, we have tonight. Let’s make the most of it.”

“Tonight? Just tonight? But I thought ... I mean, I thought he wasn’t...”

“Sadly, yes. I have to make sure I get enough done that I don’t descend into panic tomorrow, as that’ll not only endanger my work, but also increase the likelihood that I won’t be able to navigate my emotions when the two of you are in the same room. And I really do mean tonight, not tomorrow morning. Bill comes back tomorrow evening, and as I said yesterday...”

“I know. I ... I get it. No reason to make it harder or more confusing for everyone. Tonight, then. I’ll try to make sure it’s memorable.” He was still trying to put on a brave face, but in truth he felt the return of an intense wave of guilt that their frenzied coupling had almost completely forced aside.

Smiling through their tension, she countered, “It might be more memorable than you realize. Come over at five. We’ll work up a sweat, I’ll make dinner, and at some point I have a few things I want to do with you. Special things. Things I hope ... well, no. Let them be a surprise. But come over at five. Bring a bold, medium-bodied red. Oh, and no touching yourself before dinner. You’re my appetizer, after all.”

“I feel so used.”

She just winked. “Finally, take this and put it on a shelf, or in a drawer, or wherever. Somewhere you’ll know where it is when it’s needed.”

Curious, he examined what she’d handed him. It was a plain white envelope, sealed, with a hastily scrawled message on the front: When she tells you she knows.

“What’s this?” he asked in utter bewilderment. “Who’s ‘she,’ and what’s she supposed to know?”

“All your questions will be answered in time. See you later, sex god.” And then, after a long, soulful kiss, she was gone.

Luke took longer in the shower than was his norm, for his heart and mind were a riot of conflicted thoughts and emotions. I’ve grown so very used to her being here. After he emerged and dressed, he checked his phone to find a series of increasingly impatient texts from Wendy. Answering them one by one seemed likely to result in confusion, so he took a chance and gave her a call. To his surprise, she picked up immediately.

For a few minutes their banter proceeded as it usually did: her teasing and abusing, him laughing and deflecting. But as her references to, and questions about, Kathryn grew more explicit and more persistent, Luke’s answers diminished to dubiously responsive monosyllables. Her tone turned suspicious by stages until, at last, they fell into a wary silence. When she finally resumed speaking, her voice was full of weariness and defeat.

“So, I was right the last time I saw you. It was already too late.”

“Are you ever going to explain what you mean by that?”

“At this point, Luke, I really shouldn’t have to.”

“So that’s a no?”

She sighed heavily. And then, with an edge: “Luke, I want you to promise on the continuing existence of our friendship that you’ll answer my next question honestly.”

“Jesus, Wendy, why so intense?”

“Do you know what you’re doing?”

“I ... what do you mean? Doing what?”

“Rat bastard. Motherfucker. Lying sack of shit. You promised on our friendship that you wouldn’t lie to me, and then it’s the very first thing you do?”

“I’m not lying! I’m just not sure what you’re talking about.”

Another sigh. “Yes you are. Though I suppose that, in your tiny little brain, you’re only trying to be honorable and respectful. Which would actually be admirable if you weren’t being the exact opposite.”

Now he was nervous, for this struck far too close to home. “Wendy, what ... I don’t ... what do you...?”

“Ah. Got you there, didn’t I?”

“I don’t...”

“Luke ... fine. Fuck it. I suppose I can respect your reluctance to blab. Most dudes would be announcing it with skywriting.”

Luke was silent, for it was all too clear that she saw right through him. How did she know? Moreover, how did she know from the very beginning, even before I did?

“I’ll give you one more chance, but only one. I really mean it this time. Tell me the truth, or our friendship is over.” Acknowledging the inevitability of his defeat, he assented. “Obviously, you two are having sex.” His extended silence was eventually interrupted by, “Usually, I’d take that as a yes. But after the bullshit you just pulled, I need to hear you say it out loud.”

With a giant exhalation of bottled-up tension, he admitted the truth. “Yes. We are.”

“Since when?”

“Well, that’s a difficult question to answer.”

Her response dripped with contempt. “I see. So you don’t remember the first time you had sex with Kathryn Lloyd Maddox ... unquestionably the most beautiful woman either of us have ever known, the woman you’ve been desperate to fuck since the moment you met and the reason you took the job in the first place, hoping for this very outcome. I totally believe you. Luke, I ... I’m afraid you and I...” Worried that she was about to hang up on him, he resorted to desperate pleading.

“No, wait! Wendy, please just wait. I am being honest. It’s a complicated answer because it depends on what you mean by...”

“You can fuck right off with that Clintonian bullshit, Lucas Bronson.”

“Sorry. I’m sorry. You’re right, but it’s still complicated.” He took a deep breath. “The first time either of us touched each other with sexual intent was a week ago Wednesday, though it took another week before I knew for sure it was intentional. The first time we had, uh, intercourse was Tuesday night.”

She seemed only slightly mollified. “Thank you for finally being honest with me, at least.”

“I’m really, really sorry, Wendy. I don’t want to lie to anyone, and I really don’t want to lie to you, but if this gets out, it could be catastrophic for everyone.”

“Well, naturally. That’s what happens when you fuck a married woman.”

Now he was on the defensive. “It’s not like you haven’t done the exact same thing. More than once, too.”

To his surprise, she laughed. It sounded neither sarcastic nor bitter. “Are you seriously using me as a moral compass? Christ, Luke, I thought you were better than that. My brilliant life choices have led me to ... well, what exactly? Running a barely profitable bar in a ‘transitional’ part of town, working all by myself for the majority of every single day, and trolling apps for anonymous hookups because I’ve already banged too many of the people I’ll run into should I dare set foot in a dyke bar. Listen, pal: I’ll accept the rebuke if you can tell me that the next thing I’m going to say is wrong. I haven’t gone into a single one of those relationships thinking about anything other than getting laid. But you ... what you’re doing with Kathryn is a lot more than just fucking. A lot more. Am I right?”

Once again his silence spoke volumes, but this time she didn’t bail him out. Finally, he sighed. “Wendy, I just ... I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“Yes you do. You’ve known all along. You knew when they asked you to take the job, you knew when you signed the contract, you knew when you showed up on their doorstep, you knew when she paraded around in her bikini, you knew when she snuggled against you on the boat, you knew when I yelled at you in your wine-soaked erotic hideaway, and you knew when you ... well, tell me: what was the first thing that happened? Last week, I mean. Be specific. If I can’t approve of your decisions, at least you can give me some good Hitachi material.”

Unto the end of my days, I’ll never understand how her mind works. “Long story short, I gave her a foot massage that turned dangerously intimate. She fled. I thought it was because I’d gone too far and made her uncomfortable. Later that night she came back, snuck up behind me, and ... took matters into her own hands.”

“Hot. Was she drunk?”

“Yeah. Quite drunk, actually.”

“Were you?”


He could hear Wendy’s tongue tapping random sequences against her teeth. It sounded like she was calculating something. “I see. Well, that doesn’t quite count, then. The booze granted permission to do what you both wanted, but it probably wouldn’t have happened if you were sober.” As when she’d yelled at him in his apartment, Luke wondered how serious she was about including Kathryn in her accusations of intent. “And then?”

“The next day, while we were working, she seemed uncomfortable even beyond her obvious hangover, but she very clearly denied any knowledge of how the previous night ended. At one point, she escaped upstairs as if she was about to be sick. When she didn’t come back, I followed her upstairs to see if she was okay, or if there was anything I could do. I found her in the bathroom, but she wasn’t sick. She was masturbating. And then I ... well, it was my turn to give her a hand, so to speak.”

“Super hot. Was she drunk then, too?”

“Completely sober. Both of us.”

“Okay. So that was the moment you both decided you didn’t care about the consequences.”

“I don’t know if that’s right, actually. Me, maybe. But I’m not sure about her. I was ready to keep going, but she ordered me out of the guesthouse, and while I was gone she disappeared. Left the property entirely, in fact. Eventually, I got so concerned that I had to call Bill and ask where she was.”

“And how did that make you feel? Asking the husband where his wife — the woman you’d just finger-banged — was, I mean?”

Ouch. “Wendy, stop it.”

“Fine. Finish the story the way you want to tell it. But I’m not letting you off the phone until we’ve had a conversation.” The way she said the word was so ominous that he almost couldn’t proceed.

“Well, uh ... anyway, I was still worried that I’d been too aggressive or presumptuous, and that I’d ruined everything. I even wondered if I’d be let go.”

“A natural conclusion. Unless you’re on a porn set, banging the boss’ wife is rarely a solid employment strategy.”

“Wendy, please...”

“C’mon, Luke. If you weren’t the current target of my sarcasm you’d be saying the same. You’ve dished out plenty of snark with me over a little too much wine, on scores of occasions. Now it’s your turn to take it — you’ve certainly earned it — and suddenly you can’t handle it?” She’s probably right, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. “So where’d she go? No, hold on, let me guess: girls’ trip to wine country?”

Wow. “How could you possibly know that? Have you already talked to her?”

“No, and there’s no need. You know how most women find men pathetically predictable? I don’t know if it’s lesbian intuition or what, but, to me, straight women — or straight-ish, because I know she’s eaten some pussy in her day — are just as predictable. Your girl Kathryn ... she’s different in a lot of really interesting ways, and I can certainly understand why you weren’t able to resist her, but in other ways she’s just a woman after all.”

“But how did you know that...?”

“Did she tell you all about it?”

“Yeah, but...”

“Then let me flesh out the tale, and afterwards you can tell me what I got wrong. They stayed in a nice little private resort ... or wait, no: a rented luxury home, so they could cook and drink and relax without being interrupted by housekeeping or the need to remember their room numbers. Food, wine, spa treatments, chauffeured trips to and from wineries ... the whole package. Day one, everyone’s relaxed and having giggly fun, because they left all their troubles back home, and it’s such a relief to not have to look them right in the eye every single day. That night, when everyone’s more than a bit tipsy, racy little anecdotes start to sneak out. One by one they push the boundaries a little harder, because girls get competitive in groups, and every one of them wants to ‘reluctantly’ admit the juiciest, most shocking indiscretion, but not so shocking that the others turn on them. ‘Teehee, aren’t we misbehaving, isn’t this just like the old days when we were all single ... or at least able to fake it if presented with a sufficiently hot hookup?’”

“The next day, sober and a little tired — because at their age they don’t usually stay up so late or drink so much, though I’d wager your Kathryn’s an exception to that rule — the more serious bitching starts in earnest. John’s gaining weight and won’t go to the gym. Bob’s not the attentive lover he used to be, which makes me wonder if he’s having an affair. Bill’s never around, because he’s working way too much. He is working too much, isn’t he? He’s away from home all the time? She’s lonely, frustrated, and unfulfilled, emotionally and sexually?”

Amazed at her perceptiveness, he answered, “Uh, yeah. He’s...”

“I don’t need you to fill in the details. He’s not my concern in any of this; you are. Anyway: later that night, back in the confessional embrace of Bacchus — and they’re drinking harder than the night before, because now it’s not just escapist fun, it’s about numbing the pain and the anxieties and the affronts — the real truths start to come out. Betty’s talked to a divorce lawyer. Not seriously, just assessing the terrain. Kelly and John fight all the time, even about insignificant little things, because arguing is all they have left. Susie’s wearing low-cut tops with no bra around the hot landscapers, hoping they’ll notice ... which they have. Kathryn’s thinking about banging her wine consultant.”

He grimaced, but she pressed on.

“The next day, it’s all about hangovers and regrets. They keep doing the wine tours, or the spa, or whatever, but it’s not as much fun as it was the first day because everyone’s in their own head, trying to decide what to do. When they finally reconvene they’re floating audacious trial balloons, daring their friends to grant permission ... or, alternatively, to talk them out of it. And they do both, depending on the story and how closely it mirrors their own problems. Betty’s backing away from the idea of divorce because of the kids, but now Kelly’s considering it for the first time. Susie still wants to fuck the landscapers, but she’s afraid. Unfortunately, it’s not because she’s concerned about cheating on her husband; she’s sure she could get away with it. No, she’s worried about her friends finding out and thinking she’s a slut. After all, Susie’s been very careful to avoid being known as a slut since that night back in college when she got drunk and took on six dudes at a party, even though she’d already started dating the guy she eventually married.”

“Meanwhile, Kathryn’s looking at the calendar and realizing her husband won’t be home very much over the next few months, but that the virile young stud who obviously wants her so very badly is available all day, every day. Suddenly, she’s resolved: she’s going to do it. Everyone bonds over the unhappiness of their lives — whether or not they’re actually all that unhappy — after which come the hugs, fake girl-power bullshit, and a lot of theatrical crying about how they never see each other anymore but they’ll always have each others’ backs, blah, blah, blah. Everyone goes home feeling supported and empowered to do something they weren’t necessarily going to do until the trip somehow gave them permission, even though that permission was only granted inside their own heads. So tell me: was that exactly how it happened?”

Jesus fucking ... how the hell did she intuit all that? “I can’t believe you can just...”

“Shut up and answer the question. Was it?”

“Yes. I mean, some of the details were wrong, but yes.”

“And so ... wait, let me guess this part, too. When she came back, it was her that took things to the next level. Right?”

How can she know any of this? “It was, yes. I came upstairs and she was waiting in my bed, naked.”

“Of course. At that point, there’s no possible way you could say no.”

“Are you suggesting that I could have?”

“No, no, no. Kathryn Lloyd Maddox in your bed, naked and horny ... there might not be more than a few dozen people on this earth who could resist her. Hell, I know some gay men who’d wouldn’t be on that very short list. In that situation, she holds a royal flush and everyone else has a five.”

“Well, you’re right. I couldn’t have resisted even if I’d wanted to.”

“Especially as it was your entire purpose in taking the job to begin with.”

“You keep saying that, but no it wasn’t,” he objected. “I mean ... yeah, I was obviously thinking about her that way, and I certainly fantasized about her often enough, but it was something I only thought about, not something that I actually believed might...”

“Bullshit. Such self-serving bullshit.”

“Wendy, why are you so angry at me? Didn’t you tell me that you’d have sex with her if you could? Wouldn’t you still? What’s the difference? Are you jealous or something?”

“Yes, I did say that. Yes, I still would. No, I certainly wouldn’t have made a different choice if I found her waiting in my bed. Yes, I’m jealous. And by the way, jackass, I’m not actually mad at you for the reason you think. I thought I was, but now I see that I’m really not. I am more than a little upset about you trying to lie to me, but I’m not mad about you and Kathryn fucking, because I knew all along that it was going to happen. I’m mad because I thought I could talk you out of it, which was stupid of me. I was painfully wrong, maybe because I didn’t have the strength of my own convictions and my arguments couldn’t bear the strain of my hypocrisy. But still, despite all your bullshit, you’re supposed to be my friend and I had to at least try. Which, by the way, I’m going to do one more time before I give up. Luke, you know that this is a terrible, awful, no good idea, right? Please, please, please at least tell me that you know that much.”

All his turmoil and internal conflict came bubbling to the surface. Damn her. Everything is so good. Why is she trying to ruin it? “I know. Objectively, I do. But ... fuck, Wendy, you told me not to lie. The truth is that I’m not even sure about that. I know I should feel guilty, and I often do, especially when I’m alone, but deep down? I should feel a lot worse than I actually do. Guilt kept me on the straight and narrow for a while, but now? I ... I guess I don’t feel bad enough, if that makes sense. Does that make me a shitty person?”

“Well, you tell me: how do you feel when you’re talking to your dear old family friend Bill Harris? Do you feel like a shitty person then?”

“Ouch. That hurts. I know I probably deserve it, but ouch, Wendy.”

“Well, you know what they say about the truth. Does he know? Wait ... do they have an open marriage? That would change everything. I might even have to apologize to you.”

Wouldn’t that be nice? “No, he doesn’t know, or at least I don’t think he does. Kathryn was kinda weird about it, saying that if he figured it out he’d probably ignore it. To my knowledge, though, they don’t have an open marriage. If they did, I think she would’ve told me by now, considering what we’re doing. Though she also told me, once, that she wouldn’t care if he had an affair either, as long as he was honest with her if she asked. So maybe he feels the same way? I dunno, I feel like I’m grasping for justifications and excuses.”

“At least you realize it. Are you her first? Extramarital affair, I mean?”

“She says I am. In fact, she says this is the first time she’s ever cheated on anyone. For what it’s worth, she also claims that what we’re having isn’t an affair.”

“Really? Well, this should be good. What does she call it, then?”

“Her exact words were ‘it’s not an affair, it’s separate.’”

“Ah, the glories of sexual apartheid. You should change your name to Jim Crow. There’s no way it’s a two-way street, then. She’s determined to do you no matter what, and whether or not he has his own side piece, she doesn’t want him to find out.”

“Well, I obviously can’t ask him about it. Especially not now.”

“No. No you can’t. That bridge is already on fire. But even if he never figures it out, you’ll always know. You’re not a psychopath, after all. Once you stop fucking her, you’re going to feel guilty about it for the rest of your life. I hope you’re prepared for that.”

“Once we stop?”

“Christ, now you’re being a dumbass again. What do you think the endgame is?”

“I guess I haven’t thought about it.”

“No, of course you haven’t. That’s what I was trying to explain when I was yelling at you, but you wouldn’t listen. And unless your brain stops vacationing in your dick and moves back between your ears, you never will.”

“Do you think it’s going to end badly?’

“For one of you, a one hundred percent chance. For two of you, something uncomfortably close to that. For all three of you, still higher than fifty percent. Maybe the best you can hope for is that it doesn’t end badly for absolutely everyone involved, immolating your families, your friends, your professional reputations...”

Jesus, she’s being dramatic. “So what are you really saying? That you think I should stop?”

“Is there a word or phrase in any language that would make you walk away the next time Kathryn begs you to fuck her?” When no answer seemed imminent, Wendy snorted and continued, “That’s what I thought. No, Luke. I’m not telling you to stop, because what would be the point? I’d just be wasting my breath.”

“But ... okay, what if I tried to talk her into being the one to end it? Or maybe you could talk to her, and...”

“You can fuck right off with that shit. I’ll do no such thing, and never, ever ask me to do something like that again. Anyway, there’s nothing I could say that would change her mind, either.”

“Why do you say that?”

“How can you be such a moron? Really, how can you possibly be this dumb?”

“Wendy, what...?”

“She’s been planning this since the night she met you. This is the reason she hired you.”

What? “No, but that’s ... no, wait, she said that...”

“You’re about to say something incredibly stupid that suggests women are above devious machinations in the pursuit of a little strange. I suggest that you keep that sexist trash to yourself.”

“So you actually think she intended to cheat on Bill all along?”

“No, dear, because she’s not cheating. It’s not an affair, it’s separate.” Her derision was like a container of acid splashed across his face, and he hated it.

“Do you mean that she maneuvered me into this position? Like she sprung some sort of trap I was too besotted to see until it was too late?”

“No, no, nothing like that. You’re taking what I’m saying the wrong way. I think both of you went into this legitimately believing that you could restrain yourselves, as deranged as that belief was. But deep down, you also both went into this intending to finish what you started at my bar. You took the job so you could fuck her, she invited you to stay on the property so she could fuck you, and now — quelle surprise — you’re fucking. Mission accomplished! Honestly, the most shocking thing is that it took this long.”

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LETTER FROM JARRETSBURGDear Shoeblossom: Most of my life, I’ve been known for bad skin and worse work habits. But Amaretto, my wife loves me anyway ?You’re good for nothing, Zits, but unlike the other bums in the neighborhood you don’t bother to take my purse in the bathroom?you dip in it right in front of me?at least you’re no phony!?One day Amaretto came home from work greeting me as I got high while watching ?Bob the Builder?. She had interesting news about her employer, T. Lionel McBride....

4 years ago
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My Planned Sex Part 8211 1

Hello, horny guys and girls, this is my first story.I am charan my age is 18.I came to Bangalore for my don’t like hostels so I took a room for rent.My house owners are a married couple Ramesh uncle and saradha aunty.Saradha aunty looks very sexy with figure 36’28’38 and with fair complexion.Everyone in our colony checks out her ass all the time.They are very good to me. My college started and I became busy with my studies.I am basically a sex lover but never had sex.I watch porn every...

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Gym Junky

I guess it all began about 9 months ago when Beverley - my wife, at the age of 53 started to think life had slipped away from her. She was typical of all woman - brought up our kids, worked and was now at that stage where she didnt know what to with herself As i was leaving for work one day, there she stood looking at herself in the mirror - not an ugly sight - standing semi naked - only in her pantys - her eyes critically looking at how her body had deteriorated over the years. We had just had...

Group Sex
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Humiliating HollyChapter 3

I got up early and reluctantly proceeded to get ready for work. Of course it didn't take long because I couldn't dress. All I did was put on a little makeup and brushed my hair. The time to leave for work came way too soon for me. After getting a quick bite to eat for breakfast I left the house and got to my car with no problems. It was fortunately still dark out, so I don't think anyone could see me. As I drove to work and noticed the gas gage was below 1/8th of a tank so I would have to...

3 years ago
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A Girlfriend is Caned

It was the end of another week, Friday 6th June 1969 to be precise, as Debbie Abbott and her new boyfriend Martyn Wetherby headed towards the main door of the school on their way home. Hand in hand, they made their way through the large and imposing arched doorway and out into the summer sunshine, smiling at each other at every opportunity.With her parents on holiday in Spain, and her elder sister away at university, Debbie had invited Martyn to spend the weekend at her house, their first real...

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Milf Mommy Dommy pegs me for being a bratty sissy

My hot, busty blonde milf mom chided me for being a horny teen. "Fine, mother..." I replied with an eye roll. My mother had just caught me watching porn and fapping in the bathroom when I was supposed to be doing the dishes. My mom was always very strict about technology but she took off the tracking apps after I turned 18. However, she insisted as long as I was in her house I was still "her little baby". After a few days, my dick was already begging me for a release. At a week, it...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Awakening Part 6 Playing with Fire

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. I looked around and saw a note lying on the pillow next to me. "Sorry to screw and run, but I had an early call time this morning. Hope to see you again." I began to replay the events on the previous night in my mind. I could feel myself getting hard just thinking about her soft skin, her firm breasts and most of all that wonderful pussy. How we tumbled out of the shower and collapsed on the bed. How she took immediate control and used me as nothing...

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Romancing Jacquee

Wayne got out of the car and hurried around to help his sister. As he held open the door and took her hand, he looked down upon her and smiled. Today was her fortieth birthday. She deserved a special celebration, and he was doing his best to give it to her. It wasn’t hard to understand why Wayne felt so strongly for his sister Jacquee. Jacquee is a truly beautiful woman. Jacquee had all the features most men would desire in a woman; she was petite and weighed about 115 pounds, her olive colored...

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MommysGirl Brandi Love Uma Jolie Mommy Games

Uma Jolie is busy playing video games when she’s interrupted by her step-mother Brandi Love reminding her that she must make it on time for school. Uma pays no mind and continues her day online. When Brandi comes home from work, she hears Uma in her bedroom still playing video games. Brandi emphasizes the importance of school but Uma wants to know nothing about it and disregards her mothers decree. Uma is so in her own world of online video games that Brandi takes this opportunity to have...

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A New PastChapter 41 Poking the Bear

“Pan-pan, pan-pan, pan-pan. This is Golf Sierra Niner, in de-orbit profile, passing latitude eight-nine north on heading one nine zero. Altitude two-one-two klicks, descending. We are broadcasting in the blind and unable to receive communications.” I marveled at the disciplined voice of Terry White, the pilot. We had been on what I considered a routine flight up to PTO-1 for a supply delivery. We’d launched the station in December of 1994, just outside my eighteen-month goal, and had...

2 years ago
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Gray Jedi Ch 4

“There it is,” Malik said, pointing at the star map.  “I’ll program our route to the Dagobah system.” “Excellent,” Serra replied.  “Oh, incoming transmission from Alderaan, encoded.” “I’d bet that it’s Bail Organa.  Put it on screen.”  As his face appeared on the monitor, Malik said, “Senator, I apologize for our abrupt departure.” “Think nothing of it, Malik.  I had anticipated something like this might happen.  I’m just glad you two made it out without issue.” “Thank you for...

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Big Blue EyesChapter 26

“All he did was sing it, I’m the one who programmed and played it, where’s my kiss?” Maurice said with a smirk on his face. My beautiful little sister walked over to where Maurice was sitting, got on his lap, and gave him a nice kiss, on the lips, surprising him so much, that he actually blushed. SUNDAY LATE AFTERNOON This second weekend’s performances of WEST SIDE STORY went better than anticipated, a subtle notch below opening night, but quite good nonetheless. Word of mouth generated...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 39 Secret Flight to Dinner

"Mr. President, the Swiss Ambassador is calling. Are you free to accept his call, Sir?" "Of course, Mrs. Tompkins. Please put him through, and if possible, will you see that I'm not disturbed? Thank you." Acting President Aaron Bronstein motioned for his ever-present Secret Service minder to leave him alone in the Oval Office, while he answered the telephone. "Jacques, what a pleasure! It was only last week that we enjoyed a lovely evening together! How may I help the Swiss today, my...

4 years ago
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ExGirlfriends Gay Cousin

Demarco pulled the chicken tenders out of the oven. He placed a couple on two paper plates. Then, he added a scoop of boxed macaroni and cheese to each. He placed a spoonful of green beans on them for posterity. The 31 year-old heard a car door slam. In walked the mother of his c***d with whom he cohabitated.“Hey, baby,” the dark-brown brotha greeted her.Kandice replied, “Hey!”“How was your day?”“Ridiculous,” she scowled throwing her hands in the air. “Those people can’t do anything right. I...

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Altered Fates Stabbed in the Back

Altered Fates: Stabbed In The Back By: Regina Lawson I may have been selfish; in fact, I was selfish, I knew it. I wanted so much to make some sort of difference in the world that I overrode my wife?s objections and took the diplomatic position offered to me anyhow. I was to take up a minor position at our embassy in Panama which was responsible for American tourism, but that put me in touch with intelligence assets in the Central American region. My name is Stuart Barnes...

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Face Ride

Their bodies slid effortlessly against each other, the thin layer of oil making them just slippery enough to almost merged. She gasped as Jennifer's wet pussy straddled her leg and left a long wet line of cum on her thigh as she slid down and off her. Amy was a virgin to being with a woman, every sensation was new to her, it was all so exciting.Jennifer let her long hair fall across Amy's chest and slowly tickled her with it, smiling as she watched Amy squirm and wiggle. The two laughed and...

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when this sub got home from work

when this sub got home from work it found this e-mail. "We know what you are. you are a little submissive male slut. We can make your fantasies come true; e-mail us back if you dare." well, I mailed them back. "Come out to the old mall at 8pm, the one where Penneys used to be. Park in back. You will suck cock and pose for pictures. Wear a tee shirt and shorts, no underwear and no shoes. When you get there open the trunk of the car and stand facing it. Do not turn around!" when this sub got...

4 years ago
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Holiday with Mum Chapter seven

"Oh for God's sake," I laughed, "She's at it again."Paige had a hand inside her panties again as she sat between the twins, watching the puzzled expressions on their faces.Their squeals of laughter could have been heard all over the island when, with a flourish, she produced a little silver wrap and showed them the contents.Mum (or Sarah) got the main prize and delighted Paige by sucking lasciviously at the foil, glistening with her juices and then both of them listened while I told them that...

1 year ago
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I am finally a woman Episode 3

Our first encounter by the pool had been magical. Mustapha and l live in a utopian community on the coast of Brazil called Macaon. Our community has been founded by a rich Egyptian, Najib. The place looks very much like a sea resort, with bungalows, swimming pools, palm trees and a luscious, tropical vegetation, the ocean and a fairly long strand. It's quite vast, and affords safety and freedom to transsexual women (both pre-op and post-op) and the men who like them. Women (both trans-...

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One Night Only

I'm dancing with my friends in the club when a group of noisy teenagers walk in. I look back and frown. Not another bunch of cocky assholes! Just as I'm about to turn around to my friends, I notice a boy amongst the group of lively teens. He looks around 18 years old and out of place. He's looking around awkwardly whilst his friends sway to the music and laugh at something they've just seen, or someone. Moments pass, maybe an hour and I can't keep my eyes off of that boy. He's sitting by...

First Time
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Classic Adventure

You wake up in your room, having a pleasant dream last night. Looking around your room, you see a silver platter by your bedside with a lid over it. You sit up and leaned over carefully to grab the platter, removing the lid. Your favorite breakfast! How wonderful! You eat your breakfast, thinking about how both your parents went away to do business, a whole week to yourself with your servants. While drinking down your glass of orange juice (no pulp), you wonder what kind of business they are...

3 years ago
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Meteor by g.p. Friday Tony Ward and his best friend Steve Sanders were nearing the end of their first week of a two week holiday in a rented beach house on North Carolina's Outer Banks. It was the second week of September, the weather was just as good as mid summer, the crowds were gone, and the rental rates were about half of peak season. The only risk to this week of pure relaxation could have been an off chance hurricane, but figured the odds slim especially since the...

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Hidden Love Ch 02

Two hours later I was already screamed at the principal and my parents. My mother was still yelling at me, while my father sat in the kitchen in stony silence. And of course I would see my little brother sneak a peek down the hallway and silently laugh at me. I rolled my eyes wishing I hadn’t gotten caught, but I did. And I was so embarrassed that I wished that a black hole would suddenly appear below me and swallow me whole. Thinking of sucking, Sylar or whatever his name is, sucked on my...

3 years ago
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The Pastors WifeChapter 14

It was noon on Monday when Aggie decided to take the shot. She didn’t know if she was pursuing it the right way but had to tie up her loose ends. The palms of her hands were sweating as she dialed the number of the fraternity house. When the phone on the other end of the line rang it shocked her. She had the urge to slam down the receiver and run away from the phone. “Lambda Theta Mu,” It was one of the pledges answering. “May I speak with Bart Edwards please?” “May I ask who is...

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Lauras lesbian awakening

This is the first of my stories that doesn’t involve me. This story about my girlfriend Laura. I saved it for one of those moments when I’m between my own sexual adventures. That’s sort of now. Laura and I were having a snugly night in, this winter. There we were with a bottle of wine and mushy DVD and she just came out with it. It’s a story of seduction. How she lost her virginity to an older woman when she was baby sitting in her school holidays. The film we were watching was a bit dreary to...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 212

A city girl was driving back to town after attending a family funeral when she ran out of gas. It was getting late so she asked two good ol’ boys sitting on the stoop of a mobile home where she could get some gas. “Well,” said one, “the fillin’ station ain’t open ‘till tomorrie, but I reckon you kin stay the night with me & Billy-Bob here.” She accepted, only to be told that there was only one bed, which both Billy-Bob & Billy-Ray slept in. Thinking it might be fun, she went ahead...

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Chinese Business Liason

Men lusted after her, and drooled and pursued her relentlessly. She spurned them over and over again but to no avail. She was always cold and haughty but it only seemed to make them want her more. We began kissing and the heated presence of my body against her body after nine months alone, had fired her passions to an explosive level. She was aware too of my throbbing excitement ... of the huge bulge in my tight pants. The cloth of my crotch seemed to give off waves in torrid temptation to...

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Mothers Submission Chapter 11 reposted

Trevor hadn't told them anything, except his mother's name, Rhonda. Alicia opened the door, smiling at Trevor, whose virginity she had taken hours earlier. Beside him stood a beautiful black woman, her hair hanging in waves past her shoulders. She had full, plump lips, large breasts that were at least a D cup, wide hips and a thick ass. "Welcome to our home. You must be Rhonda", Alicia said, shaking the woman's hand. "Pleased to meet you. You must be Alicia", Rhonda said. As Alicia...

4 years ago
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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 4 Futa Seduces Her Mom Big Sis

Chapter Four: Futa Seduces Her Mom & Big Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers! Asuka Takamaki The front door whisked opened and closed softly, the knob turned to keep it from latching. My eldest daughter, Ruri, entered like a thief in the night. She was a shadow, back from her date and an hour after curfew. She took two steps when I flicked on the light. Ruri jumped, squeaking in shock. Her brown hair danced around her face. She looked the most...

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Full CircleChapter 5

Life returned to normal. Peter and Wendy continued as though nothing had happened although Wendy did notice sheepdog eyes a few times. They both became caught up in their new jobs and shared their thoughts. Wendy thoroughly enjoyed her dealings with industry. There was no sexism as she had feared there might be and she was delighted to meet enthusiastic and forward thinking engineers. One Tuesday morning Wendy came downstairs and was mildly surprised not to see Theresa, who normally beat her...

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MyPervyFamily Melody Marks Bored Stepsis Finds Excitement from Big Brother Home on College Break

I’m so glad I stumbled into my sister’s room after a night of partying. I was tired but sis was grinding herself all over my leg, and running her hands up and down my body.. “I want you so bad right now” she tells me. Melody gets on top of me and teases my cock even more before giving me head. It felt so good too.. I couldn’t believe my own sister was sucking my cock! I slide myself deep into her perfect pussy and fuck her while our parents have no idea about this...

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The Convocation Night With My Bestie Part 8211 2

Hi, guys its Darshan again with the second part of The Convocation Night with Bestie. Those who haven’t read the first part yet, here is the link ===>> To brief you about my partner, her name is Ninoshka, 34B-30-34. I’m Darshan from Bangalore. Dick size 6”. In the last story, I told how we lost our virginity. So this is a continuation of what happened in the next morning. It was a chilling dawn. We were sleeping naked after an...

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Devil May Cry The Lascivious Espada

The echo of footsteps filled the underground tomb's caverns. The squeak of rusted door-hinges opening for the first time in god knows how long. The screech of awakened demons. A salvo of gunshots. Dante sighed as he stepped over the now-perforated Msira bodies, paying them little heed as they flailed around in their death throws before dissolving into ash. "I never did get the idea behind using you guys to guard crypts," he muttered to the deceased demons as he holstered his pistols....

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Copyright© She was an employee, a retail sales clerk I found out. I spotted her not two minutes after I entered the store to buy furniture from the local store of a national chain. She was digging through some papers trying to find information for a customer and when she couldn't find what she wanted, she bent way over and dug deeper into the package with the papers. And when she bent over, that's when something caught my eye, like a magnet attracted to metal filings. I wasn't even...

1 year ago
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Its Just Politics

It's is only Politics "Oh, oh," Gina moaned in ecstasy as Kathy grinned at her with a final thrust, pulled out of her and moved up the bed. The black plastic 'cock' at her crotch was swinging and she moved it to Gina's mouth. It went in deeper to encouraging words from Kathy. Gina took it to the base tasting her own juices. "This is a great way to start the day," Gina said, removing the dildo from her mouth and sitting up. "Do you think Mark will allocate the funds to us?" Kathy...

2 years ago
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Manager With Mother

Hello everyone, I am Ritu 43 year old guy from Guwahati the following story is completely a fiction. I hope you will like it. Please send your feedback to me Jyotsna my mother had got some complaints about her son ritu and now she had to visit his Bank as was going to rusticate him. She grabbed her handbag with some cash as she knew that she had to pay for the damage her son had caused in the Bank accidently. She took a taxi and headed to the Bank all the way she was just thinking about her...

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This, I guess, is a true confession of sorts. I am, in this story, trying to sort out what happened so I (and you) can understand what it all means. Maybe I should start with Lisa, my lovely wife of eight years. Lisa has always been a sweet, loving, soft spoken, gentle person. You can tell a lot about her just by looking at her. She has soft, blue eyes and light brown hair, which hangs straight to just her shoulders. A button nose and full, pretty lips. She's short, with a thin waist and...

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Uncle BIll V

Coming inside and sitting at the table my butt hurt a little. Bill started making dinner. As he cooked I got up and stood beside him. He reached over and rubbed my butt. I arched my hips and pushed against his hand. He stopped rubbing and reached lower. Cupping the bottom of my butt he pushed a finger between my cheeks and slid his hand up. Reaching my waist, he slid back down. As he did I spread my legs and leaned against the counter allowing him to slip his finger deep in my chack. When he...

2 years ago
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Exposed to sister Pt 1

When I was in high school I started to become quite attracted to my little sister, who is two years younger than I am. It was no big deal at first. She was cute and I assumed it was normal and temporary. I didn’t think much of it. Then one day when I was home on break from college I happened to notice a pair of purple cotton panties in the hamper and I sniffed them and got so horny that everything changed. I was now obsessed, but my family and my sister are all very conservative religious...

4 years ago
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A visitor at my door

Derby University 1995:When I was (very briefly) at Uni I maintained an entirely heterosexual profile, this despitemy many trysts at school, with the girls and the nuns and two lads.One night I was dead asleep after a RIGHT session in the Students Union bar, when I was awoken by the knocking of doors. Firstly not my door, but getting closer. Then they WERE at my door. I got up quickly and opened it. Standing at my door was a girl I knew, called Leigh. She was very drunk, and naked, in...

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Sizzling Sex Of The Shy

Karan, , back with another story. This was during the time when I was extremely shy and could barely manage talking to girls. The world is very mean to people who are under-confident. So, anyone could come anytime and make fun of me because of my apprehensions of my capability of talking to girls. I had just entered college with the image of a coy boy writ large all over my face and demeanor. The first month passed by as a matter of introductions and ragging. This was the time when I got to...

4 years ago
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AimeeChapter 3

Darynn walked through the room again, his robes still flowing behind him. Everything seemed to be in order, just as it had a week ago. He was concerned with every detail of the room's appearance; he wanted to put his young student completely at ease. Not, he thought grimly, that that could ever be fully achieved. In his head he reviewed the note Bethsany had sent him describing what she had learned this week of the situation amidst Teltirray's "girls." He new now that the original report...

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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 3 Alternate Ending

PLEASURE ISLAND: The Bikini Chapter 3B Wendy/Wendell? Tells You How It Is Both? You spin the word around in the hazy glow of your mind blowing orgasm with a strange blonde man that took you from an alley, bound you, and then fucked you. He'd just taken your virginity (at least in this body) by rape. Instead of outrage all that you could feel was the mixture of your cum and his mixing as it trickled out of your now used pussy. The only regret that you had was not giving your virgin pussy to...

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Involuntary Females Jona a script

EXT., HIGHWAY, NIGHT A highway in Kansas, the Pony Express Highway, somewhere in the flat emptiness between two towns that are several miles away. It's night, and it storms and rains heavily. The road is dark, no street-lamps. And no cars. Hardly visible, a woman in a black hooded rain cape fights against the storm and tried to stay exactly beside the road. We see her only from behind, so we don't know how she looks like, just that she seems to be slim. ...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 57 MAO AND HANS

Commander Fleming had taken them to the Security command center after they had made it planet side in a shuttle following the Captain’s yacht. Ultra Marines and black ops teams of the most elite special forces units in the Union worked together to keep the VIPs safe. Joint command of them had General Alycia Lichfangh. Mao had had the same basic security training than all the other cadets and Midshipmen and he had rotated into that department to deepen his skills and knowledge. His declared...

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The Perfect Prank

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. I groan, flop over, and swat the alarm clock with my hand, but the stupid thing won’t shut up. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Then I remember that it isn’t my alarm clock sounding off. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I sit up and dig my phone out of the covers on the bed beside me. I unlock the screen, shut off the alarm, and take a look at the date, reminding myself all over again why the alarm on my phone was even necessary. April 1st, 2015, also known as April Fools Day. April first...

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The view

The heavy door closes behind me with a click and a dull thud. I slide the Do Not Disturb latch into place – no interruptions. You are sitting on the edge of the bed, knees crossed. You frown and take an exaggerated look at your slim wrist watch, but the smile that plays across your dark red painted lips tells me that you’re not really cross. As I move across the room towards you I quickly appraise your outfit; professional looking business suit, with a tailored jacket that emphasises your slim...

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My Wifes Daughter A Quick Study

It was a regular evening as I watched TV with my new wife, her daughter and an adventure I certainly wasn’t ready for. This is a quick description and I hope you enjoy it! My wife, her daughter Ally and I were watching TV but Mary was actually more interested in the book she was reading, hardly even glancing up at the TV. I was watching her daughter very carefully. Ally knew I was watching her and was no doubt finding this experience very exciting. She would glance at me, see my entire...

1 year ago
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Sultana Chapter 6 Discoveries

YounosThe Sultana sat down next to her husband, and cleared her throat. Everyone in the room was paying attention, including her ‘lord and master’.“They are using some manner of battle tactics,” she said. “Even a cursory examination of their sheer power will tell any of us that they could decimate our kingdom if that was their purpose. This means one of three possible alternatives. One. Someone inimical to our kingdom who has designs on its resources has managed to control them. Two. These...

2 years ago
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My name is James and I have a story to tell about what happened to me when I was at summer camp!This is a true story but I have changed all the names because I don't won't anyone I know to find out about this.I had just started high school and was kinda shy and was really afraid to talk to girls, etc. I was nice looking but didn't seem to have any luck at all asking girls out to the school dances, etc. That summer, my parents sent me to a camp for three weeks that was supposed to help boys my...

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New master 2

MEET-2I had the front room ready. Blanket spread out on the floor. The footstool covered with a towel. The leatherette beanbag. A clean towel. The wooden stick, three feet long, two inches wide, varnished and polished with grip handle! Nipple clamps. An elasticated bungy chord (like you use to hook stuff on a bike or roof rack). Poppers. Dildo! And extra lube.I had told him what I was setting out in readiness. He had been evasive as to what he would and wouldn't use, not wanting me too prepared...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Marley Brinx Interracial Gangbang

Marley Brinx takes on 5 BBC’s in this ALL INTERRACIAL gangbang! Pale skinned beauty, Marley, is seductively sexy as she dances on the balcony in a tiny one piece that barely covers her. She makes her way inside and climbs onto the counter top and pushes her ass back and forth before untying her thong to give us a perfect look at her beautiful holes. Marley removes her top, leaving her totally naked with only high heels on. She’s joined by her 5 suitors who get right to inspecting every inch of...

2 years ago
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I had just finished a well needed shower and was enjoying the a/c in my cut-offs and t-shirt when someone knocked on the door. Upon answering the door, I found two girls looking up an t me and a little frightened. The older one, probably 17-18 asked, "Mr., could we use your phone, we think grandma is having a heart attack? " I motioned for them to come in and pointed them to the phone. I asked the yopunger one to go with me back to their grandmothers' house, to which she complied. The...

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LostChapter 8

The TV was out in the front room, a room specially put aside for TV watching since they'd splashed out earlier in the year and bought a big flat screen TV and a high definition receiver for the commonwealth games. The room was just big enough for the screen and a seat for each of them. After dinner, Eddie led them out to the TV room, and casually turned the television on without mentioning anything to Sarah. Like all televisions, it took a while to warm up, and then it suddenly burst into...

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