FidèleChapter 10 free porn video

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I’m so sore. Unable to rub the ache out of his protesting muscles, he settled for turning up the shower temperature until it was on the very edge of what he could withstand, hoping without much confidence that the excess heat would ease the pain shooting through his limbs. Three days of the most athletic sex I’ve ever had, and the price is that I feel completely spent after a relatively short run. I know I’ll never be able to bring myself to abandon her to go for a jog or a lift, but I’m going to be terribly out of shape if I don’t get at least a little platonic exercise.

The back of his hand accidentally brushed the side of his cock as he reached between his legs with a bar of soap. Though he’d done his best to ignore it, he’d been periodically erect for much of the morning; a condition that hampered his run almost as much than his aching limbs. Well, whatever. Every single moment with her is worth any possible physical cost.

After a brief, scalding rinse, he turned off the water, ran a towel over his reddened flesh, and exited the bathroom, drying his hair as he wondered just how much self-pleasuring would be required before he could concentrate on work.

“Awwww, that’s sweet. You miss me after all.”

Startled, Luke barely stopped himself from tripping as his towel dropped to the floor. Kathryn was sitting on the couch with an amused but unmistakably eager expression as she stared at his erection. She was also wearing an uncharacteristically modest casual ensemble, which was almost certainly for the best. After a few moments of detailed study of his swelling organ, however, she closed her eyes and turned away. “Could you please put something on? Boxers, a towel... anything.”

“It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” he teased.

“No, but it’s the first time I can’t do anything about it. Put on some clothes.”

He decided that he was feeling feisty. Horny is more like it. “I’m not the one stopping you, you know.”

“Luke,” she groaned, “please don’t make this har ... more difficult, I mean. Just put it away. For now. For me. Please.” Sighing, he picked up the towel and wrapped it around his waist.

“Okay, I’m decent.”

She turned back towards him and cautiously opened her eyes, only to be greeted by the bulge that tented his thick cotton towel. Exasperated, she buried her face in her hands. “Will you please...?”

“Alright, alright. Hold on.” The was a rustling sound as he tucked himself beneath the bedcovers. “There we go. Now you can’t see anything below the waist.” With well-justified skepticism she peeked through her fingers. While he’d spoken the literal truth, he’d neglected to mention that he’d also abandoned the towel. Visibly unnerved by the knowledge that he was naked, erect, and waiting in the very bed upon which they’d shared so much pleasure, she nevertheless decided to quit protesting and carry on with what she’d come to say.

“Thank you, I guess. Anyway, how did you sleep?”

“It wasn’t exactly the sleep of the righteous man, but I managed a few uninterrupted hours. You?”

“Better than you, I suppose, although still not very well. I was pretty exhausted.”

“Well, you put in quite a day’s work ... and that’s even before we got into the hot tub.”

“Luke, could you please just ... not?”

“Sorry. It’s ... I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”

“Thinking about it is fine. Talking about it isn’t.”

“Are you telling me that you have stopped? Thinking about it, I mean?”

She sighed, shoulders slumping a bit as she evaded his question. “I was hoping to gain strength from your resolve.”

“That’s a no, then.”

Shrugging, she attempted another change of subject. “Thank you, by the way.”

“For what?”

“For everything. I know it was a lot to take in, especially all at once.”

Fighting the urge to say something salacious, he decided to speak from the heart instead. “Thank you, but I know I didn’t live up to your expectations.”


“No, you don’t need to placate me. When it comes to dominance and submission I’m well aware that I was in over my head last night. I need to learn more about it, and I promise to try.”

Relaxing enough to offer him a wry grin, she shook her head. “I have no complaints. You know, if you’re trying to seduce me into abandoning my resistance, you’re dangerously close to succeeding.”

He put up a hand. “Now it’s my turn to ask you to stop. Because I’m dangerously close to taking you up on that offer, despite my promise. No, no, I’m not going to,” he assured as a riot of emotions cascaded across her face, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to.”

Intensely interested in some minute detail of the floor, she muttered, “I knew this would be difficult, but...”

“Thank you, I’m glad you agree. But Kathryn, trust me, I know I’m teasing you and I know I probably shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself. It’s not just that we can’t have sex while ... well, you know. It’s that everything has to change. The way we talk to each other. The jokes we share. Even the way we look at each other. It’s ... okay, I’m going to stop avoiding the word: it’s hard to just change everything all at once. It’s not even like we’re going back to the way it was; we’re trying to recreate something that’s never actually been. I’m sorry for being so blunt, but I can’t imagine you’re not experiencing the same struggle.”

Her face was once again covered by her hands. “You have no idea. But Luke, even if every word you say is true, saying it out loud makes everything even harder that it needs to be. That’s why...”

“ ... we have to stop. I get it. So, one more thing about last night and then we can change the subject for good.” He ignored her reflexive wince and continued. “My insufficiencies aside, I really want to thank you for showing...”

She leapt to her feet and started pacing around the kitchen, waving her hand at him as if trying to ward off both his words and her anxiety. He noted with dismay that she’d deliberately put more physical distance between them. I guess it’s not the right time for that conversation, either. “Well, anyway, what’s on your agenda for today? More charity prep?”

Grateful for the respite, she nonetheless gripped the back of a chair for support, quite clearly struggling to keep her emotions in check. “Yes, or at least until late afternoon. Bill gets back around 6:30.”

His tone soured. “I’ll try to be elsewhere when that happens.”

Her eyes darkened in disapproval. “Luke, stop it. You’re never unavailable at that time of day, and trying to hide will look suspicious. You’ll almost certainly be invited over for a drink, you know.”

Great. “I know. I just ... can I at least get away with putting off socialization for a single day? I accept that he’s going to want to talk to me sooner or later. But even if ‘later’ only means tomorrow, can I at least manage that without setting off any alarms?”

Though she didn’t look particularly happy about it, she relented. “Fine, I’ll tell him you haven’t been sleeping well again. Might as well take advantage of the truth.” The internal conflict she felt was all too evident, yet she pressed on. “But tomorrow, whatever he asks, you have to do it.”

“I know. I will. And thank you.”

Their brief dispute resolved, she walked back to the sofa, paused, sighed, moved closer, and finally sat on the far edge of the bed, hands primly folded between her thighs. For the first time since they’d started bickering, he realized that he was still painfully erect.

“Luke, I need to tell you something. If I don’t, I’ll be wishing I had all day, and that’s ... bad, right now.”


“It’s not what you’re thinking. It’s good. But I can’t have it in the front of my mind. I want you to know that being with you, even though it’s only been a few days, is reawakening things that I thought I’d left behind or deliberately buried. Bill’s a good...”

Since she was obviously unable to complete the sentence, he solemnly supplied the rest. “He’s a good lover. It’s okay. You can say that out loud, and even if it upsets me I’ve absolutely no right to feel that way. He is your husband, after all.” That will never get easier to say.

“Right. Well, anyway, I’ve never had much reason for complaint, except that he’s not particularly imaginative or adventurous. I’ve done my best to guide and encourage, and I’ve had some success, but there are things I enjoy that I ... can’t. Not with him. Please don’t ask for details,” she cautioned when he appeared to be readying a question, “because I’m not ready to have that conversation with you, and I might never be. But I am ready to admit that I’m immensely grateful to you for reasons beyond the sheer number and intensity of the orgasms you’ve given me, and I hope that as long as we’re together, we can keep exploring; both the known and the unknown. I think you already understand just how important sex is to me, but the farther we go, the more you’re going to realize that what we’ve done so far is just the tip of a very large and not particularly safe iceberg. I hope you won’t get scared, or think that I’m...” Again she paused, struggling to wrestle a thought into coherency. “You make me want to be bold again. To be brave. To push my sexuality into dangerously exciting realms. I want to lose control, but at the same time I want to be controlled. I’m even ready to be depraved, which is something I haven’t allowed myself to be in a long time. But one thing I’m sure of is that I won’t be able to do any of it without you. Don’t answer now,” she interjected, silencing him with another wave of the hand. “Mull it over so I don’t have to.”

“And Luke,” she added, her expression earnest and (for the first time in a while) focused directly on him, “stop worrying about last night. You were cautious, but you were also wonderful. Holding back, no matter the reason, was the right choice ... because now I trust you even more than I did before. And you will have another chance. Soon, I promise. I don’t know when, but it will happen. My best advice would be to focus less on choreography and more on emotions. There are things I know I like but can’t allow unless there’s sufficient recovery time, so you’ll have to be creative. Anyway, you have at least a week to rise to the challenge.” As if suddenly uncomfortable with the intimacy and erotic promise of their conversation, she stood and retreated to the center of the room. Facing the far wall with her fists clenching and releasing, she once again implored him to be not just civil, but overtly friendly, with Bill.

“I will. I promise that I will. Anyway, I don’t really have a choice, do I? After all, he’s...”

“Your friend? The one and only innocent, if not strictly blameless, party in all of this? Yes, I’m all too aware.” To this, neither of them had any satisfying response, and so she straightened her shoulders and descended the stairs. The moment he heard the door click shut, he flung the covers to the side and began furiously stroking his cock. Only a few seconds later he was filling a hastily gathered handful of tissues with ejaculate ... a liquid breakfast he greatly preferred pouring directly into Kathryn’s thirsty mouth.

“Oh Kleenex, my oldest and most loyal friend-with-benefits, it looks like it’s you and me again. Do I need to buy you dinner? Take you to a movie? No? You’re only in it for the sex?” Sighing, he crumpled the sticky bundle of tissues and tossed them into the small bedside trash receptacle, then extracted a few more from the box. “I feel so used...”

How strange that this should already feel so wrong. Working alone — which was, after all, exactly what he’d expected to be doing until the current job was finished — seemed not only unacceptably lonely, but palpably oppressive now that Kathryn was no longer at his side. It took him a while to fall back into a solitary rhythm, but it was better than dwelling on his situation, and eventually he found the groove with which he’d started several weeks ago.

One wine-free and sinfully healthy lunch later, he was back at work. It was well past six when he finally decided to call it a day, but he still felt full of energy and wondered how he’d expend enough of it to wind down to a much-needed rest. He’d just finished tidying his workspace when he heard a knock on the apartment door.

That’s odd. Why would she need to knock? Readying a salacious quip, he opened the door.

He looks like death.

Indeed, Bill’s exhaustion — a fatigue of spirit well beyond the merely physical — was so shocking that Luke temporarily forgot to be anxious about this unexpected and unwanted reunion.

“Uh ... Bill? Welcome back. I ... I didn’t think that...” Good job. Quality acting. Incoherent stuttering will put him right off your scent.

Fortunately, Bill was too dazed to take note of Luke’s tension. “Thank you, son. I just got back and I’m already about ten minutes from total collapse. Kathryn told me you were a little tired yourself, but I just wanted to check in and see if everything’s okay. I’m sorry I’ve been away so long.”

He really does look like he regrets his absence. I suppose it’s a vaguely positive sign for my karmic wellbeing that, rather than dwelling on my own selfish desires, seeing him actually makes me feel worse ... as if I want to take his side against everything I’m doing. “You have responsibilities and every reason imaginable to be exhausted, so there’s obviously no need to apologize. As for me being tired, I keep waking up in the middle of the night in a fit of sneezing. Kathryn suggested that it might be a mild allergic reaction to something that grows out here, so she gave me some medicine that I hope will clear it it up. Meanwhile, the work’s going great and I’m enjoying every minute.” Lying with the truth is always an effective strategy. Here’s where, if things were different, I’d tell him what a great job his wife’s doing and how much fun I’m having working with her. But since I’ve no idea how to make that sound innocent, I’m going to avoid the entire subject. “I just hope you’ll be able to get some actual rest this week.”

“Don’t worry, I will. But before I fall asleep on your doorstep, I wanted to invite you to dinner tomorrow. Is six okay? I’m going to need early starts until I’m back on my feet.”

Well, there’s no talking my way out of it. “Yes, that sounds wonderful. Six it is. Want me to bring the wine?”

“Of course.” After a weak slap on the shoulder, Bill turned and wearily ambled away. Luke noticed that Kathryn was watching from their doorway. If her attention was divided between her husband and her lover, it wasn’t clear at this distance.

There’s nothing I can say or do to make this easier for her, save to let her know I understand just how hard this is. He put his hand over his heart, tapped his chest twice, smiled, nodded, and retreated to the safety of his apartment. She’d offered no sign of acknowledgement, but he knew she couldn’t even if she wanted to.

My wine ration’s going to get a workout tonight, but first I’m making myself a trough-sized gin and tonic. I need a serious drink.

Luke looked up from his laptop. Another knock? I guess it must be Bill again. Look tired, Luke. Look exhausted. You might even be able to worm your way out of dinner if you play it up enough. And now for the door...


Even distressed and consumed by anxiety, she’s incredibly beautiful. I really want to gather her into my arms and comfort her, but...

“I said hi.”

“I heard you. Hi back. I miss y...”

“Stop it.”

“I can’t. I do miss you.”

“You have to. I mean it.”

Cold. “I’m sorry, I didn’t...”

“Shut up and listen. You’re coming over early.”

“And you seem just thrilled about it.” When she said nothing in response, instead continuing to bore a hole through his chest with her stare, he relented. “Okay, why?”

“We’re having afternoon cocktails by the pool.”

Christ. “I’m not sure...”

“I don’t care. You’re coming over. Bring dinner wines — I have no idea what we’re eating, so either bring a bunch or resign yourself to several back-and-forth trips — and a change of clothes. We’ve got the rest of the drinks sorted.”

“But...” She was already walking away. “Why are you angry at me?” he grumbled at her retreating back, but either she didn’t hear him or, as was more likely, she was purposefully ignoring him.

“If I fall asleep, which seems like it’s going to happen pretty soon, please don’t wake me until dinner.” Bill was dangling a half-finished Americano from his fingertips, endangering the sanctity of the patio with the possibility that he might grow tired enough to lose his grip on the sweating glass.

“Let me grab that for you,” Luke said as he extracted the cocktail from Bill’s hands and set it on a nearby table. “Kathryn, do you want another Negroni?”

“Yes,” she groused, having more or less mainlined her fourth cocktail in the last hour ... though it was also pretty obvious she’d started well before he arrived. Despite his own roiling tension, Luke was experiencing a growing sense of panic at the inexplicable and threatening emotions emanating from her. She was wearing a red variation of what he was beginning to suspect was the only style of bikini she owned. It didn’t quite match her hair, and as a result was the least appealing of the three he’d been lucky enough to see her wear, but it still covered so little of her exquisite form that he was unmanageably aroused whenever he was at her side. He was definitely surprised that she’d wear it in front of him with her husband present, but he kept that to himself.

For his part, Bill was clearly enjoying the opportunity to lay back and turn his mind off for a while. His eyes were closed, and Luke took the opportunity to study his rival for Kathryn’s affections. No, not rival. Husband. He has an actual claim on her. I’m the interloper. Despite long hours in the office and on the road, he’d somehow managed to keep himself in good shape, though the grey hair that metastasized the more he worked had long since spread across his chest. I know he’s disappointing her right now, but he’s a handsome man, and a good man, and I know both of them well enough by now to understand how she could fall in love with him. Whatever the future brings, if it ends up with them still together I’ll force myself to be happy for them.

The thought was a stiletto piercing his heart, but last night — tossing and turning in a pathetic attempt at sleep — he’d resolved to confront the reality of what he was doing head-on. The urge to evade or slink or hide is reprehensible and childish. If I’m going to deliberately fail his trust in such a devastating way, the least I can do is to try to live up to it in others. I need to face him, look him in the eyes, and feel everything that makes me feel. Even if — maybe especially if — what it makes me feel is awful.

Unfortunately, any chance for a relaxing poolside sojourn was being sullied by Kathryn’s foul mood. Nothing he’d said or done seemed to assuage or even contain her mounting rage, and as he delivered her fifth cocktail he knelt at her side, checking to see if Bill was watching or not before whispering, “Do you want me to leave?”

“Fuck off,” she hissed.

Completely taken aback — she’d never before treated or talked to him this way, and he still had no idea why she was doing so now — Luke stood, preparing to do just that. He was trying to remember where he’d put his dinner clothes when she grabbed his ankle. Tragic tears welled in her beautiful eyes, and she seemed like she was struggling to breathe.

“Luke ... please, please don’t go,” she whispered. “I’m so very sorry. I’m being an absolute cunt and you’ve done nothing to deserve it. I just don’t know what to do with all this anger.”

He sat down next to her; this time on the opposite side so he could keep an eye on her snoring husband “Can you at least tell me why you’re angry in the first place? Or if there’s anything I can do to make it better?”

“No, there’s nothing you can do. I’m paying a price I knew I’d have to pay sooner or later. But it’s so much harder than I imagined.” After checking to make sure Bill was asleep, she continued. “He’s ... well, ever since he got back, he’s been...”

“Apologetic? Attentive? Loving?” She needs me to be noble and wise right now, no matter how much it costs me. Now’s not a time for me to be a jealous lover. Now’s a time for me to be an understanding friend. “You want to be mad at him, but he’s doing everything in his power to make it up to you, and so you’re turning your frustrations on me because you can’t justify taking them out on him. Especially because you already feel guilty. Being mad at him is a way to excuse your choices ... but since you can’t be mad at someone who’s doing what he can to make things right, you’ve decided to be angry at the choices themselves. Which means being angry at me, because I’m one of those choices.”

Suddenly, her walls crumbled and the tension in her voice and body fell away. With a deep sigh she reached out for his hand, gripping it with fierce intensity, then letting go. “Luke, you already know me far too well. You’re absolutely right about almost everything. Here’s the one exception: despite the way I’ve been acting, I’m not actually angry at you, and I’m only a little bit angry about my choices. I’m not even angry at myself, or at least not in the way you probably think I should be. I’m angry because I’ve tried to feel all those things, tried to nurse them into a justified and righteous fury, tried to take that fury out on him, on myself, and on you ... but I just can’t. Because the truth is, the only thing I’m actually angry about is that I don’t feel as awful as I should. I thought he’d come back and I’d be shattered by shame and guilt, or that I’d finally confront him with just how much he’s endangering our marriage, or that I’d reconsider what I’m doing with you. Instead, I’m still just me ... the same person I was yesterday, the same person as I was a week ago, the same person I was before you met me. Nothing that’s going on between us seems to have changed that part of who I am. And what upsets me so much is that I’m no longer sure quite how to feel about that person. Anyway, I beg your forgiveness, and I’m deeply ashamed that you had to see me acting this way, much less be my undeserving target. I promise I’ll get it together, sooner or later.”

“Well, I’m obviously no teetotaling saint, but you might want to consider easing your way clear of the Negroni-fest. I brought a lot of wine, and the drunker you get, the more likely it is that you’ll...”

“ ... say or do something else that I regret?” In response to the look of concern that flashed across his eyes, she offered a half-smile. “Luke, you’re not a regret. You’ll never be a regret. Don’t worry. The only things I regret at the moment are entirely within my own head and heart. As for my current state of protective inebriation, you remain wise beyond your years. Could you fetch me an iced tea? And,” she took his hand again, “please say that you forgive me. This is just about as shitty as I’m capable of being, and I’d thank you to forget you ever had to endure this behavior.”

“Done and done. Let me get you that iced tea.”

In the temporary safety of the kitchen, Sevinay regarded him with silent amusement. He sighed, ostensibly searching the fridge for Kathryn’s beverage, but really just taking a few moments to realign the fraying threads of his equanimity. I can’t imagine how we’re going to get through dinner unscathed.

“I was too tired to ask you last night, but how’s it going with Kathryn? The work, I mean.” Luke was grateful for the quick correction, because his foot had started to shake uncontrollably. “She’s not distracting you or slowing you down too much, is she?”

Ignoring the peripheral tragicomedy of a morsel of food slipping from her quaking fork and falling back to her plate, he forced himself to stay focused on Bill. Isn’t overly intense staring supposed to suggest that someone’s lying? Maybe I should look away instead? Well, it’s too late. Don’t say anything suggestive. Ready? Here goes. “She’s been wonderful, of course. While I’m sure you’re used to it by now, it turns out she’s really good at everything she does.” The sharp click of tines against china as she stabbed the plate a little too hard didn’t stall his rush of words. Was that innuendo? It didn’t sound like innuendo. Did it? Was that Kathryn trying to get me to stop? Am I making it worse? He was desperate to interrupt himself and collect his thoughts with the assistance of a mouthful of wine, but Bill was still looking at him, waiting for the rest. What’s he hoping to hear? Does he suspect? I need to say something. Maybe get him to focus on her instead? “As for a being a distraction ... well, I don’t think there’s anything I could say on that subject that you don’t already know.” He could feel her eyes scorching the side of his face. Oops. Maybe that was too much.

If Bill took his words at anything other than face value, he showed no sign. Instead, he turned to grin at his wife. “Well, that’s true. Were I you, son, I’d count your blessings. I do remember what it’s like to work with her.” She was smiling back at him, but Luke thought he could see the strain in her eyes.

“Oh, I do. This week’s going to be a dull grey pit of loneliness by comparison.” In more ways than one. “Now, what do you think of the wine?” Thank god I brought a lot of it tonight. I bet I can use it to bail out of an uncomfortable conversation at least a half-dozen more times before it starts to look suspicious.

“If you’d told me I’d be drinking, and liking, an Australian chardonnay, I would’ve suggested that you pull the other one, though with somewhat more colorful language. Speaking of my talented wife, why aren’t you two doing your usual guessing game?”

“Because she’s already had it. It’s something I intended to show you for exactly the reasons you just mentioned, but when my friend Wendy was here she insisted that we drink it on the boat. So...” He paused, not wanting to say too much about what else happened on the lake.

“ ... so I liked it so much I asked him to order a case,” Kathryn interjected. “I assume that’s okay with you?”

Bill put up his hands. “You know I have complete faith in your judgement, and anyway you have a much better palate than I do. But are you sure you didn’t buy it because of the name?”

“You mean Luke Lambert? Now, Bill ... don’t fluff the young Master Sommelier’s ego more than it already is, or his head won’t fit through the door.” Uh-oh. She’s teasing me. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but she’s still pretty tipsy and I can see a lot of ways for this to go wrong.

Waving her off with a laugh, he retorted, “If anything’s going to keep me from passing through a doorway, it’s another helping of this risotto. It’s amazing.”

“You remember your little soliloquy about risotto a while back? Sevinay was listening, as you might remember, and she did this just for you. She also said that I should ask you what’s unusual about it ... though since she didn’t give me the answer, feel free to make something up. As long as it’s sufficiently authoritative and convincing, I probably won’t notice.” Now they were both gently mocking him, and though he offered a sheepish grin, he felt a little twinge in his guts at an easygoing bonhomie he couldn’t quite manage to share. They’re really such lovely people. In a different universe we’d all be good friends, and there would be nothing but happiness and satisfaction at this table. Maybe... His thoughts turned dark, as they did whenever he tried to peer into the uncertain future. Maybe, when this is all over, we can figure out a way to be just that. But that means I won’t be with Kathryn anymore, and I have no idea how I’ll ever be able to be happy about that.

“Well, considering how you’re both teasing me, I’m guessing false humility will be laughed out of the room, so I’ll admit that I do think that I know. But I bet you can figure it out, too. It’s a seafood risotto, obviously, but do you notice anything unusual about it?”

Bill poked at the rice for a few moments, but his insight didn’t arrive soon enough for Kathryn, who over-excitedly blurted out, “There’s no seafood!”

Luke nodded while Bill shook his head with feigned exasperation. “One day ... just one time ... I’d be really interested to find out what it’s like to not be a step behind her, all the time, in every damned thing.” Though his words were pointed, the affection behind them was clear, and Luke decided that the conditions were right for him attempt another compliment. I feel like I should get him used to me praising his wife. That way, if I slip and say something a little too gushing, it won’t stand out as much.

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Coming to an Understanding

Coming to an Understanding Author's Note: Keep looking for new stories to tell, or at least a new spin on one. Htrae doesn't seem like it went over that well (I judge by number of comments) so I've returned to a husband/wife story for this one. Hope you enjoy. Bill wandered into the kitchen still stretching after waking up on a Saturday morning. He could smell the bacon cooking and could now hear the sizzle as Carol slid the strips around on the griddle. He smiled as he...

4 years ago
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Facebook Fun And So Much Fun Later

Hi dear all Indian Sex Stories readers its being fun reading some great story here on ISS. I love Indian sex stories and almost read all stories over here..ISS only inspired me to write me a story here. Now let’s come to the story I am Franky (name changed) lives in pune.I am basically from North India but now settled in here..I love this city it has a different energy which I doubt other city in India have. The climate of pune rocks. Evenings are romantic as always. I am simple boy comes...

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Vacation In Goa With Friend8217s Single Mom Sonia 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone, I am Raj, age 25 from Delhi. I am an ardent reader of stories here and have decided to share my experience with you all. So, I used to stay with one of my friends and another young roommate Rohan who was from Goa. Rohan was just 19 and used to study in a nearby college. We started bonding well and since I loved Goa, we used to speak a lot about Goa and that was when Rohan told me about his villa in Goa. He asked us if we would love to visit Goa on vacation to which we all agreed....

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AnnChapter 2

Ann arrived about ten thirty, she had taken her car to work. (Parking was not bad on Saturday mornings ) When I heard her blow her horn I opened the door to an empty slot in the garage downstairs. She drove in and I closed the door behind her as soon as I was sure she was inside. She came on up the stairs and walked in to my garage apartment. Ann has to dress nice at her work place. She was drop dead gorgeous in a woman's suit. She wore stockings and medium heels. Her skirt hem was just...

1 year ago
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I am 34 years old and in north Dallas, Texas.....married for 11 years, 5'7", about 110 pounds, long red hair. In college I did a lot of modeling for a department store chain, considered very pretty...I have that 80's "models body"....slender, very small breasts. I do not work outside the home.....we have one c***d, a 3 year old girl. Until fairly recently, I had been with only 2 men sexually in my life, one boy in HS (one time!) and then my husband. He is quite conservative sexually.....very...

3 years ago
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Frolics on the Bus

Daisy was feeling frustrated. She had hoped she and her boyfriend, Lee, would have found time to have sex that weekend. But it turned out to be impossible. Her parents were always around and worse, wanting to spend time with her before she left to spend the week with her Grandparents in Torquay during the summer holidays. Daisy lived in South London with her parents. A single child, she wanted for nothing and generally got what she wanted. She wrapped her Dad round her little finger and her...

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package delivery

Eric and I had been chatting and exchanging pics online for a couple of weeks and we talked about getting together, but our schedules seemed to differ. I preferred to play during the day and he worked during the day. Then I learned that he worked not far from my apartment and thought he could manage to take an extra long lunch break one day when work was slow. We discussed what he wanted and what I was willing to do for him. I explained that I like to suck dick, loved getting face fucked and...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kyler Quinn Pot Of Gold

Kyler Quinn is hanging out on the couch when she hears a suspicious sound behind her. She turns around and spots a creepy leprechaun jerking his willy as he stares at her. Kyler runs to her parents, Sebastian Diox and Crimson Morningstar to try to tell them. They brush her off, telling her there’s nothing out there and that she imagined it. Later, Kyler sees the leprechaun as she admires herself in the mirror after a shower. She freaks out again, but again her parents discount her claims....

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My late wife Gemma and I were pretty much left to our own devices at age sixteen. Though we,d both had sex education at school we seemed destined to be together being next door neighbours and it seemed natural to lose our cherries to each other. As a result Sindy was born when we were both s*******n. Our parents Didn,t pressure us into getting married, but we decided we would at age eighteen. It was a struggle at first with both of us working and Gemma,s parents helping look after baby Sindy as...

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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 6

Once the beers where gone I went back to the kitchen and prepared two Sake Martinis for the two of them. I use a good but not super expensive sake and add a good dash of Grand Marnier, stirred not shaken and served in glasses out of the freezer. When I came out with the new drinks and another beer for myself, I found the two of them in the hot tub. "Come join us boy, but you are overdressed. Lose those swimming trunks, can't have your poor dick abused by the confinement." Blushing...

1 year ago
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Delightful Days With Double Sisters

This happened in 1989 /1990 when we lived in a common tenancy house. I have already written an earlier account about it under the title “NICE TIME WITH A NEIGHBOR WOMEN” which appears in this very site. I have referred to my sexual happiness with my neighbor lady Soundarya there. I had also said that she left that house when her husband was transferred to another place. In their portion which is next to us, a new tenant came. His name was Parthasarathy and his family comprised of himself, his...

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Leprechaun Trickery part 1 of 3

LEPRECHAUN TRICKERY by JENNIFER SUE Part 1 of 3 (For the reader's convenience, there is a directory at the end of part 3) Heath Lee Reilly appeared to be a ragamuffin freckle-faced lad. Unfortunately appearances can be deceiving for he was a problem boy. Academically he was a C student although if he ever applied himself to his studies he could easily be an A student. But he didn't want to be a good student and had absolutely no desire to hang out with the computer...

4 years ago
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my bald female friend Pt 1

the yr was 2015 had just gotten out of jail due to my stupid x which was still giving me problems and bs. i was annoyed by her and very angry at her. i didnt want nothing to do with her. i dont know if i was upset more at her or at myself for letting her and her stupid thoughts and actions caused me my clean criminal record. so i walked over to a local restaurant that a friend owned where i usually go to grab lunch.had not been there in afew months and when i walked in i realized they had a...

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If the Shoe Fits Use It

Weezie, a comely city girl from Chicago was a very sexual creature. Her boyfriend Sal owned a large and successful adult business on Halsted Street in Chicago. A large part of his trade was exotic underwear and clothing for hookers, transvestites, and fetishists not just in Chicagoland but nationwide. They were en route to a lingerie trade show in Los Angeles and picked me up along Interstate 40 just west of Albuquerque. I was hitchhiking out to Santa Barbara in the summer of 1976 from New...

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Beth 4Chapter 11

It turned out I'd prepaid Beth for services she didn't have to render. Monday morning after she left for school I printed out my drawing of the swivel head and drove to the scrap yard, picked up what I hoped was the aluminum I needed and drove to the shop. "Hey, Tommy, how's it going?" "Pretty good, Bud. I've got the week off and thought I'd see how much I remembered about machine tools." I walked through the shop to the office, waved hello to Beth's parents and waited until one...

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Claudia IncarnataPart V

I turn to where I heard That whisper in the night; And there a breath of light Shines like a silver star. - Urbiciani, Canzonetta c. 1250 AD Claudia beamed a smile of satisfaction as she took her seat in the courtyard of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia. Moments before, an usher had guided her to the middle of the third row; a prime position which gave her an excellent view of the concert stage. The night was warm and still and fragrant with the scents of the countless flowers that...

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As the Weather BreaksChapter 4

I bend down and kiss tenderly the spot I jabbed with the pin, before scooting up again to face the dear little thing I have restrained beneath me, returning the swatch of pins to the nightstand with my left hand. I’m finding it hard to take the grin off my face as she writhes beneath me in discomfort and frustration, the adrenaline spike from my little game seeping away leaving just the gentle buzz of fear that lingers in her eyes. I lean over her, grinning, watching, inhaling her breath, her...

2 years ago
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Runaway Rianna

Tony saw the dark clouds ahead. At a stoplight in a little northeastern Texas town he checked his phone radar. Yup, a big rainstorm with heavy downpours wasn’t far. He’d keep going though. In his 72 years he’d driven through all kinds of weather. His hotel for the night was waiting, halfway between his home in rural southwest Missouri and Houston where a periodic cancer visit would start tomorrow. Less than two miles out of town he saw a figure trudging on his side, small and with a backpack....

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my first fuck with mom

my first fuck with mom The night I first fucked my mother was undoubtedly the happiest time inmy life, although it has been nearly equaled many times since in ourtorrid love life. It happened in her father's house way back in the hills of Kentucky. Wegot word that my grandfather was in very poor health, and Mom wanted togo see him right away. Since it was early in the week, Dad couldn't getoff work, and my brother and sister and I were in school, but Mom didn'twant to travel alone, so she...

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Fishing with Grandpa

Her 38 year old father Paul was one of the best local preachers at the newest church in town. Her 57 year old grandpa Warren was a building contractor and recently widowed when her grandmother passed away unexpectedly with a massive heart attack 5 months ago. Tossing the last of her clothes in her duffel bag, Tessa sat on the edge of her bed, thinking of the great 10 days of fishing ahead of her with her two favorite men in the world. A light tapping on her bedroom door...

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Old Friend Fucked

Hello, I am Jyoti and i like to read all stories here, i m new to this so i m telling my real story which happened last year. I m good looking fair girl married to sagar 4 year back. We both are very happy in these four years. We both enjoying our sexual life as well. We are having sex 3-4 times a week. Sagar is very good in sex. Before marriage i had a boy friend in college days named mujahid. He is very handsome tall man. We both had sex many times and his penis also very big in size. After...

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Logan was mowing his modest backyard. Lost in his own thoughts and reminiscing on days gone by. It was a simple kind of therapy. Some normalcy after having lived military life. His newly acquired normalcy was about to be shattered, and he never saw it coming. A rock, the size of a cheap foam football that had traveled the expanse of universe for millions of years, landed eerily silent and gentle near Logan's back fence. On board this makeshift spaceship, a dark-crimson sentient ooze. Having...

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Teachers NightmareChapter 10

I was weightless, floating through the air on my back. A soft, warm breeze passed over my body as I lowered a hand to run my fingertips across the field of daisies. I loved that flower. The yellow center reminded me of the sun and the white petals a clown's collar. I looked to the side. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but daisies. "Where am I?" I asked sleepily. "Mrs. Wilson, I'll get help." The voice seemed to have come from far away. It was a man's voice. I didn't...

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First Encounter After Online Relationship Part 6

The next morning, I get up and start to get ready. You stay in bed telling me how tired you are. As I’m getting ready, you say, “Let’s do lunch today and do you think you can sneak out a little early too? I have a good idea for today.” I look up and say, “I think I should be able to.” And you smile and say, “Let’s hope, meet you at noon for lunch.” I go to the conference and come down after the last morning meeting. You catch me off guard because you’re there early, you’ve never been early...

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Mai mera pati aur unka

Hi, dosto na jan na pehchan par aj ban gaya hu me apka mehman, mera naam he dev hai Dosto meri najar se jivan me pyar aur shadi sirf 1 hi bar hoti he aur use jivan ke ant samay tak pyar se nibhana chahiye. Sorry am i boring? Ye to me apne sukhi sex life ka mantra bata raha tha, age batayegi meri duniya, drasti. My sweet and hot waif meri aur uski sex life. Hi me drasti. Meri shadi arange love meraege hui he, mene 10 ki exam di thi uske bad turant dev muje dekhne aye the, tab meri hight 5.3 inch...

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Rich Guy 1Chapter 15

I returned home late the next afternoon. I’d spent the night violating Selena’s tight body and initiating Skyler into all sorts of fun, kinky sex. The blond got to taste her second pussy of the night and both girls got my dick in their ass. Interestingly enough, when I left the next morning, the girls were cuddled up against each other lovingly. I wondered if they would hook up again. As I got into my car, I checked my phone. I’d received about a hundred text messages and 25 missed calls...

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What a honeymoon

They decided to cut loose on the second night. They went to the bar and were drinking and dancing. Finally, Matt was tired and went to sit down at the bar. Tina was drunk and said, "C'mon I want to dance." A local said, "I will dance with her. Is that alright, man?" He looked to Mattt for approval. Mat figured what the hell and shook his head yes. Tina was a big girl in all the right places. Her tits were big, 44DD. Thedy were natural and they dropped without a bra because they were just...

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Mother With the HotsChapter 9

It was late when Marilyn awoke. She had been sleeping deeply and for a moment failed to understand what woke her up. Then she felt it again and smiled. She was sprawled across the bed, uncovered. Donny was down between her spread thighs, licking and kissing her smooth ass, caressing it tenderly. Marilyn wiggled her ass against his lips and tongue. "Mmmm, what a nice way to wake up." she murmured. "I thought you were still asleep, Mom." he said, then playfully goosed her in the ass...

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Fools in LoveChapter 5

Maureen had tried to stay awake. She wanted to consummate this relationship. She wanted to possess this man. She loved this awkward, lanky, boat building, chicken frying, nose punching young man. She thought about the punch in the nose for a second. That was quite a surprise. Nobody saw that coming. Yeah, Cal had become all she thought about, or cared about. He’d become her obsession. Just exactly when she knew he was the right one; the one for her, she couldn’t say. It had to have been that...

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Blackmailed By My Teenaged Daughter0

Blackmailed By My Teenaged Daughter Teen, Group, Mff, Incest by po469 I am a happily married man of 38. My wife, 18-year-old daughter and I live in Phoenix. I fool around a little bit but what my wife Sue doesn't know won't hurt her. Sue was really into bridge so she is away playing cards several afternoons and evenings each week. This gives me time, when no one is going to be home, to go out and have some fun or bring someone home for a little romp. Maybe I fooled...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 18

So much laughter and fun filled the family’s return trip from Melbourne that the time quickly passed. It was twilight as Andrew drove into the grounds of what he believed was his home and stopped, disoriented by the sight before him, unable to comprehend this was their driveway and their house. Fascinated, the family could only stare at the myriad fairy lights bordering the driveway scattered in the trees and around the garden. The lights took their attention totally, so amazed were they at...

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Pulled OverChapter 4

“What did you do to her?” It was Josh. Doc held up the now empty syringe, “This, dear boy, is a concoction of my own design. Not approved for use, even in the dairy industry, but I have found it to be most effective.” Still fucking his mom, Steve tried to reassure Josh, “No worries. Doc here is the best veterinarian in the state.” With that Hank pushed a small blue pill into Josh’s mouth. Josh wanted to spit it back in Hank’s face, but Hank held up his finger an inch from Josh’s nose....

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All the Kings HorsesChapter 3

Julia showed her ten o'clock patient out, then went to her reception area, expecting to find her regularly eleven o'clock for that day waiting. Instead, there were three women, and Julia looked at her assistant for explanation. "Mrs. McCall had an emergency. These women had called earlier this morning, and they were able to fill in." Suddenly feeling uneasy, Julia picked up the appointment book and checked the three last names. She was already pretty sure, but the names made it certain....

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The Chat Room

I sometimes find myself in some rather interesting situations. In this case it's like I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar. I love my husband but wanted to spice things up. I enjoy watching porn from time to time. I signed up for a free site & uploaded some info & a pic of me fingering my wet pussy. I comment on videos occasionally but mostly watch. My goal was to see different positions & get some new ideas. My husband has expressed returning to anal sex again. It's...

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the spiritual breack in English 6

6. Does it fuck it or does it not fuck (2)Look what I'm wearing: super exciting rubber pants!Oh, nice for you, but if that's your surprise, I don't care much for it, rubber, latex, leather... I see it as packaging material rather than as a fetish, well now everyone has a kink, so what do I do with it?Take it off because it is indeed packaging material, but first undress yourself because afterwards it has to go fast.(In no time I was out of my clothes, you can't blame me for a lack of...

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Ashleys Offer PT1

Daniel Goddard sat at his table. On yet another service call to some far-flung place, this time he found himself in a charming, though really small mid-western town. So small it was, he had actually used a vacation rental app to rent a little bungalow for the week he would be here, as it beat the other place to stay; a local bedbug hotel (or so the reviews claimed). Pushing the ‘Double-Nickel’ in years, Dan had worked his 6ft/183cm frame hard, & managed to stay in excellent shape, and were it...

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Miss Red

Ich möchte euch die Geschichte von Bianca erzählen und wie sie damals mein Leben verändert hat. Das Ganze begann im Sommer 2013. Ich war gerade 18 geworden und verbrachte viel Zeit mit Dates und Freunden. Ich hatte mir gerade eine bekannte Kuppel-app heruntergeladen und sah mir die weiblichen User an als mein Blick auf ein bestimmtes Profil fiel. Auf dem Bild war ein zierliches Punk-Girl mit Roten kurzen haaren zu sehen dass frech in die Kamera grinste. Sie war mir direkt sehr sympatisch und so...

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WebYoung Indica Monroe Sera Ryder Pretty Please Sis

Indica Monroe is relaxing when her stepsister, Sera Ryder, excitedly bounds into her bedroom. Sera’s on the phone with a radio station and needs Indica’s help answering a question related to their favorite band. When Indica offers the correct answer, they’re thrilled because that means they’ve won tickets to a concert, which they’ll go to together! Unfortunately, their hopes and dreams are dashed when they learn that they’re only getting ONE ticket to the...

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Grace in Disgrace 3

I had just had my first experience of a double penetration by fucking my wife, Grace, in the arse while our new friend, Pete, fucked her cunt and Pete's girlfriend, Valerie watched. The three of us just lay on the bed, I was on top, Grace in the middle and Pete underneath. Valerie was standing beside the bed. “That was amazing to watch. I can't wait for my turn.” “OK. I think that John and I need a short break before we DP you, Valerie. Would you get a fresh bottle of Bollinger out of...

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White mans wife black mans toy Telli

For the next few hours of that day I did nothing but fuck myself with my dildo just imaging what Marlon had planned for me in the morning. I also looked through so much porn and discovered alot about cuckolding and bbc worship and there was alot of things I liked the look of. Just before Mike was due home I straightened myself up, redoing my hair and make up making sure I looked good enough to get Mike in my control again.As soon as he walked through the door I started passionately kissing him...

2 years ago
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A Dream to Build a Life On

Chapter 1- Falling They move across the dance floor, perfectly fitted to each other.  Cheek to cheek they dance.  To the music they sway.  He in black tux, bow tie and all, she in a crimson gown, fitted embroidered bodice, with a flowing floor length skirt, showing off all the assets she was given in life.  Her long auburn hair is piled high upon her head, soft curls floating around her face.  Together they dance.  Not noticing anyone else in the room.  No one else exists. Their hearts beat...

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stuttering Jeremy

‘Hey! How’s my favorite nephew?’ I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon. ‘Aunt S-S-S-Sara,’ Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can’t help but notice that his eyes aren’t the only things that...

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3 Mistress and Me

For the love of me I thought I would only like shorter girls or girls that are my height. This time my friend Marco told me about three girls that he works with at a strip club that are down to for some fun. I call Mistress Alexa and tell her I want you and your sisters for a couple hours. She then says "fuck you, your mine for the day" I then said "yes mam" she said "tomorrow 10 am, leave your door unlocked" I did so. Next day I see a black Mercedes roll up and park in my driveway. The three...

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Double or Nothing

This story is about when Teddy and Lance meets! Like I said in my other stories, these events I write about are all true. I try to write detail information as it happens to me and I hope that you are enjoying Naughty Nikki’s life stories!! Tired! Thirsty and hungry! I sat in the TV room wondering what mischief I was going to encounter today. I wanted to go out to the Jamacian restaurant for some spicy food since that is what I was craving. I went upstairs to my bedroom and made preparations to...

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Jessies Journal

as told to BrettJ © 2006 * November 15 Wow! I’m eighteen today, and so far, it’s been a really great day. Mom and Dad let me skip school, my friends are coming over later for a party and my sis sent me this great, leather-bound journal to write in. I hope I’ll have a lot to put down in here, I think it’s going to be a great year! November 16 The party last night was a blast! Mom and Dad even let me have champagne, and it’s true, the bubbles do tickle your nose! I guess I should start by...

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How My Crossdressing Began

Let me find where to start. That may sound like a simple parameter but for a few reasons, it's less clear. I recall as a c***d being magnetized to the colour sales junk mail delivered to the house weekly. Pictures of women in underwear fascinated me and I even collected a few of my favorite cut outs. I even recall making a paper bra to try on. That didn't go too well I don't think. My next step was peeking at my mums underwear drawers for things that looked like the ones in the pamphlets....

3 years ago
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mother traing

visit on website to see top rated stories like theseI was sitting in my dark living room sipping on a mixed drink and fuming. It was nearly midnight. Because my fifteen year old daughter had been caught sneaking out in the past I had checked her room before I went to bed and found that she was out again. Now I was sitting in the dark and staring at the clock on the VCR and waiting for her to come home so that I could kill her. Well, not really. But I was furious and she was...

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Drink at the Mall

Lauren was a pretty 35 year old mother of three who delighted in all facets of parenting and child rearing. In fact she was the type of woman who enjoyed being pregnant, feeling like a complete woman when her tummy was full with a child. In addition to her love of being pregnant, Lauren also found great pleasure in breast feeding, feeling a bond with her child that no man could ever truly understand. The idea of bottle feeding her child seemed foreign to Lauren and she resorted to such methods...

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Honeymoon Cruise

Anna had planed a special second honeymoon. The day she was going to spring the news to her husband he dumped her. That is when her son came to her rescue and gave her the best week of her life. [email protected] Thank you for reading R.L.B.

3 years ago
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Running into Coverage Ch 04

Who doesn’t know (or love) a walk of shame…I do, I DO! Estragon, you know where we stand. You are a godsend, and know football way more than I do. The shame! As always, your thoughts, comments and feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy M **** Sleep crusted at the corners of his eyes, they burned as he rubbed them. Yawning, Marcus looked around and for a moment forgot where he was. Glancing to the side where his alarm clock sat on the dresser, he was surprised to see a shoe instead....

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WetChapter 4

Thursday morning we slept in, had breakfast in bed - after a long slow morning fuck - and after highly overdue showers, we got dressed, packed and checked out of the hotel. We left our luggage there as our flight home was not until the evening. I introduced Melissa to that Booklover's Temple called Hatchard's. Just as we had left it and were walking up Piccadilly hand in hand, my phone rang. It was Lydia. "Daaad!" she said in that voice that means she wants something. "You're in London,...

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My wifes Tinas firs glory hole

At the glory hole.A while back I wrote about how Id like to take my wife Tina to a glory hole. Well I finally found a place that had them. Its a truck stop/adult book store about 30-40mins from where we live. We took a drive this past Sat and guess where I pulled in to? Yep! Tina wasnt to happy with me, and once again told me she wouldnt go in. After about 10mins of sitting there I talked her into going in with me by telling her we would only stay 10mins. The place was very small, but had 6...

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