Harder Mom SaidChapter 7
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Luke shook his head in amazement as he approached a bed littered with sex toys, batteries, and long-dried stains of unknown origin. Some of that’s undoubtedly lube, which probably means I’m going to have to replace the sheets instead of having them washed. They were close to brand new, too. Well, at least they were sacrificed for a magnificent cause.
The most attractive element of the chaos was its centerpiece: a pair of sultry nymphs curled like intimate parentheses, their faces only inches from each other’s pussies. Their final act before falling asleep had obviously included mutual oral pleasure. Both were adorned with jeweled butt plugs, and there was a bumpy and intimidatingly large dildo resting atop Kathryn’s open palm. The tacky residue of even more emissions randomly streaked and mottled their skin. It must have been quite the bacchanal. Bending close to Kathryn’s ear, he opened his mouth to whisper a gentle encouragement to wake up.
“I can already smell the coffee, lover,” she murmured.
“I didn’t think you were awake.”
“Well, I have plenty of reasons not to be. But I neglected and teased you so much yesterday that I don’t want the first thing I taste this morning to be coffee.”
“I’m really okay with...”
“Luke, I guess I wasn’t clear. I want your cock in my mouth and your cum in my stomach. Let’s see if we can do it without waking her up.”
Keeping an eagle eye on his best friend and unexpected sex partner, Luke quietly unfastened his pajama bottoms and presented his rapidly tumescing organ to Kathryn. She took most of its length in a single swallow, her tongue dancing an intricate choreography of pleasure as her hand caressed his balls, and it didn’t take long for him to approach the precipice. She was stealthily fingering herself as his explosion gathered force. Covering his mouth to stifle a groan of ecstasy, he poured thick gouts of cream over her tongue. Her own climax arrived as she gulped down his load.
“Jesus, you two are as noisy as you are predictable. Luke, for fuck’s sake, you don’t think I’m going to wake up when some dude is having sex right next to me? Anyway, when you’re done sullying her beautiful lips with your disgusting ooze, get your ass into the kitchen and make me breakfast.”
Unlike the two of them, Luke had gotten a (barely) acceptable amount of sleep. Only once had the volume of their cries arrested his slumber. He’d opened the door and leaned against the doorframe to watch for a while — Kathryn was enthusiastically working the double-headed dildo in and out of Wendy’s holes, while the latter was coming just as vocally as she had when he’d been involved — then quietly closed the door and put a pillow over his head. He could still hear them, and his inevitable erection was its own form of distraction, but he managed to get back to a sleep that lasted until shortly after dawn. Sneaking back into the bedroom for clothes didn’t disturb their postcoital comas in the slightest. He showered, dressed, and walked a few blocks to the best of his local markets for breakfast ingredients, some of which were already in preparation when he decided to wake them up.
Wendy grumpily begged Kathryn to brush her teeth before she’d accept a morning smooch. Luke had no reason to tease or complain, for both proceeded to greet him with scorching kisses and handsy enthusiasm. While the tenderness and passion of Kathryn’s erotic embrace was already quite familiar, that he was making out with Wendy was something he was still struggling to wrap his head around.
“So,” Wendy asked, “we’re going to DP you this morning, right?” She was already halfway through a second bagel laden past the tipping point with cream cheese, lox, onions, capers, and fresh dill. I wonder what she does to stay in such fabulous shape if this is how she eats? She’d folded both legs beneath her and was leaning on the table, essentially inhaling her food. He glanced between her legs and noted that her lower lips were swollen and glistening with arousal. Kathryn, for her part, was sitting with perfect posture; back subtly arched, breasts prominently displayed, thighs together, both feet on the floor. She looked like an impossibly beautiful living sculpture.
“That’s the plan.”
His naked companions were eating, sipping coffee, and talking as matter-of-factly as if they were having a discussion about the weather. Luke was finishing off a pan of scrambled eggs, but fumbled his spatula at the bland utility of her answer. “Uh, the eggs are ready. Bacon’s on its way. You’ve got bagels and fruit. The fridge is pretty empty, but can I get you anything else?”
“Juice? I know we kinda covered you, each other, and your bed with it last night and this morning, but at the moment I’m in the mood for something that doesn’t taste like pussy. Not that I won’t be right back to drinking from that well at the earliest possible opportunity.”
“Right, I almost forgot! I bought pineapple juice.” He set a large bottle and three empty glasses on the table. Kathryn put a hand in front of her mouth, trying but failing to stifle her snickering.
“I’m missing some sort of private joke, aren’t I?” Wendy mumbled through a mouthful of food.
“Not really private, no, but I guess you’d have no reason to know. Pineapple juice is supposed to make semen taste better.”
“Does it?”
“I have no idea, but I’m probably the wrong woman to ask because I love it no matter what. Diet does change the way it tastes, but so does drinking from a different, um, what did you call it? A different well? You could find out for yourself, you know. I’d be happy to arrange a blind tasting.”
“Yuck. You’re ruining my appetite.” The messy pile of fallen bagel accoutrements that she shoveled into her maw a moment later gave lie to her expression of distaste, but Luke was carefully considering what he’d just heard.
Is she suggesting what I think she’s suggesting? I guess that after last night and today it would only be fair, and she has hinted at this particular desire before, but ... well, no need to worry about it now. Still, I’ll definitely have to bring it up later. He covered his sudden bout of curiosity with a little teasing. “Kathryn, no more caramel-coated apples for you either?”
“I’m pretty sure I ate a few dozen of those last night, so I think I’d like to enjoy something else before heading back to the county fair for more. Anyway, you bought that for yourself, didn’t you?”
“Well, technically I bought it for W...”
“The answer’s still no,” Wendy groused as a small hail of crumbs escaped her lips.
Shrugging, he plopped the finished bacon and eggs in the middle of the table, pulled out a chair, and sat. “I know I’m repeating myself, but you two realize you’re going to kill me, right?”
“Lover, we wouldn’t have it any other way.” Temporarily abandoning her breakfast, Kathryn crawled into his lap, planted a scorching kiss on his lips, and then returned to her seat ... but not before pilfering a slice of bacon and shoving the entire piece into her mouth before he could object. He was just beginning to recover his breath when Wendy replaced her. There was no kiss, but her breasts were pressed against his chest and her nipples were as hard as diamonds as she ungently sank her teeth into the end of his nose.
“Ouch! Hey!“
“Stop whining. I guess I had to sleep on it to decide how I really feel, but your dick is nice and I want to make sure you put it everywhere inside me before I leave. You heard that, right? Everywhere.“
“Adorable. My little penis-loving lesbian’s all growed up,” Kathryn sarcastically cooed between hefty forkfuls of egg.
“Nah, I’m just toying with his mind, though I’m serious about the dick and where I want it. Here’s an actual question, though: when we DP her, do you want her ass or her pussy?”
“Wendy, that’s a silly thing to ask. Clearly he wants my ass.”
“You mean you want him in your ass.”
“I see no difference between what you said and what I said.”
“Anal whore.”
“Put that on the same t-shirt as ‘cum slut’ and I’ll happily wear it. Anyway, you should talk.”
Wendy immediately reddened and tried to remove herself from his lap. Intrigued, he held on tight. “I have no idea what you...”
“Two toys at once? Two?“
Wendy’s furious blush was a wonder to Luke, who’d never seen her so thoroughly embarrassed. “Yeah, okay, I admit that was...”
“Hot. So damned hot. I almost wanted to try it, but I’m way too tight.”
“You really are, and I don’t get it. I mean ... you know I’m kidding about the whore thing, but you’re not exactly averse to anal, and even I grasp that the dude here isn’t exactly tiny. Why are you still so snug back there?”
“You were not kidding, because we both know it’s the truth. Anyway, the answer is that I don’t know. Believe me, I’ve done everything I can to alter that reality,” she added with a sultry smirk. “It loosens up while I’m active, but it never stays that way for long. Thankfully, I rarely feel pain unless I’m dealing with something really big. Taking Luke the first time was more difficult than I wanted to admit, for example. For better or worse, I guess I’m just built that way. Not that I think anyone who’s had the pleasure is likely to complain.”
“It was painful for you? Kathryn, I’m so sorry. I had no idea. You were...”
“Vociferously demanding that you sodomize me? I not only meant every word, I was, and am, eager for you to take my ass as often as you want, which is a tiny fraction of how often I want you to do it. I don’t really mind pain when it leads to such incredible pleasure. In fact, sometimes I actively like it. We’ve talked about this before, you know. Feeling your cock plowing my bottom is well worth any price.”
Wendy smirked, for his organ was threatening to burst out of his pants. “But...”
“Shhhh. You’re about to do something that I’ve wanted done to me since I first realized I loved anal. You should concentrate on that instead. And speaking of things I desperately want inside me, would you mind very much if I stole the rest of your bacon?”
“Can we play around a bit first? Wendy, I know you were shoving things in my ass all night — admittedly, I was begging you to because Luke cruelly neglected my anal needs — but I want to make sure I’m ready.”
After an efficient six-handed cleanup of the kitchen — their mounting lust was surpassing their ability to ignore it in favor of other hungers — Luke hastily shed his clothing and joined them in the bedroom. Kathryn and Wendy were already engaged in noisy foreplay.
“No problem. With the ongoing exception of his jizz, I’m up for pretty much anything. What do you have in mind?”
“You licking me, me licking you, Luke in my ass.”
“Hot. Do you mind if I suck on him every once in a while?”
“Of course not! Though I’m a little surprised you’re into such perversions.”
“Says the woman who practically vacuumed his cock-phlegm out of my rear end. Honey, I’ve inhaled hundreds of fingers and toys fresh from my or someone else’s rectum. If I had any reluctance, it wouldn’t be the ass, it’d be the dick. We’ve both been keeping things clean; there’s a reason I packed an enema kit, after all. Besides, I think I pretty thoroughly explored your ass last night. I doubt there’s anything left to learn.”
“Mmmmm, you sure did.”
“Luke ... are you okay there, pal?”
“For the third time: if the two of you keep talking this way I’m not going to need either one of you to get off.”
“Now that would be a terrible waste. Come over here and stretch my hole, lover. Open me up. Get me ready for two of you.”
She keeps calling me “lover.” That’s new. I like it. “Seriously, I kinda need both of you to be quiet, or at least to talk about something other than sex. Otherwise I’m going to be on injured reserve for a while.”
“Is that some sort of sports reference? Didn’t we talk about this?”
“Dude,” Wendy added, “I think we’ve already proved that we don’t really need you.”
“Actually, Wendy, I need him.”
“Oh, alright. You breeders are so easily hypnotized by dick.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll be good. Anyway, in a few minutes I doubt either of us will be able to talk very much. Fuck her in the ass, Luke. Fuck her hard. Whenever you feel like it, pull out and shove it down my throat for a while. If you do it often enough, you might not even need to replenish the lube.”
Wendy’s teased me before, but this is an entirely different level. It’s a good thing her mouth’s going to be occupied for a while.
Their morning was an orgiastic wonderland of new experiences, at least for him, and he reveled in every moment. After driving Kathryn to innumerable orgasms, Wendy eagerly slurping on his cock every time it slipped free of her nether hole, they reversed their alignment and he pounded that hell out of Wendy’s ass while Kathryn provided the oral interludes.
After a brief cleanup, they were back on the bed and he was pistoning into Wendy’s cunt from behind while Kathryn’s tongue fluttered back and forth between her clit and his swinging balls, after which he scrambled around and impulsively but forcefully impaled Wendy’s throat, keeping it there until the very moment before his explosion, them yanking himself free and plastering Kathryn’s upturned face with ejaculate. Wendy, who’d twisted around for a kiss, tried to recoil in disgust, but Kathryn begged her to stay and watch as she lustily consumed every morsel of his cream. Wendy’s facial expressions eventually drove him to side-splitting fits of laughter, though he noted with interest that she didn’t actually move away. Then he was back in Kathryn’s ass, rotating his hips and steadily priming her hole while Wendy crouched behind him, spreading his cheeks and tonguing his shaved rear entrance, though she issued vociferous complaints that his buttocks weren’t entirely free of hair.
Finally, it was time for the main event. Though she was going to begin as the most passive of the three participants, Wendy was clearly turned on by what was about to happen, moaning as the inward-facing portion of her bidirectional strap-on slid into place. Kathryn’s demeanor was a mixture of pressurized arousal and trepidation, and as he reached for the lube she sounded a tentative alarm.
“I’m sorry, but for the first time in a really long while — well, since I guess you’ve both seen it, the first time since my photo shoot — I’m nervous about whether or not everything’s going to fit. Wendy, can that thing be replaced with something smaller?”
“Of course. This is extremely advanced sex-tech, after all,” Wendy answered with a wicked grin. “But I’m not sure what you’re worried about. You haven’t had any trouble accommodating his dick, and it’s the same size.”
“Yes, but there’s only one of him. While the idea is incredibly arousing, I’m not sure I’m physically ready for two cocks that big at the same time. I hope we can work up to it later, but...” She bit her lip. This was, Luke realized, the first time he’d ever seen her shy away from a sexual act.
“Don’t worry about it,” Wendy replied, unstrapping the device and gripping both dildos — one dry, the other already glistening with her juices — as she wiggled and then unscrewed the exterior-facing version, dug around in her bag, and replaced it with something shorter, narrower, and pinker.
“Luke, now it’s my turn to apologize to you. Do you mind if she’s the first one in my ass? I’m so invested in this being everything I’ve ever wanted that I don’t want to take any chances.” Instead of answering, he joined her on the bed to give her a deeply soulful and passionate kiss, then flopped onto his back and patted his thigh. Smiling with unbridled affection, she mounted his cock, groaning as it slid into her channel. He heard the sticky noise of lube being applied to the dildo, then felt Kathryn’s shuddering contractions as Wendy’s fingers worked even more into her rear entrance. Crawling into position, Wendy pointed the thin shaft at Kathryn’s puckered hole and pressed inward. The meat in their erotic sandwich was uncharacteristically tense, and as a result her sphincter resisted for a few moments before opening and accepting the intrusion. The moment it surrendered, Kathryn reared upward, clawing at his chest and shrieking.
“Okay, I can’t stand it anymore. What the hell just happened?” Wendy demanded with a look of concern.
“She comes from anal penetration,” he absentmindedly replied, enraptured by the beauty of Kathryn’s orgasm.
“So do I, but...”
“No, I mean she comes the exact moment she’s first penetrated. Haven’t you already noticed?”
“I thought I was imagining things. Well fuck, now I feel defective. Seriously, every single time?”
“Close enough.”
“Damn. Damn! You realize this only strengthens my argument that she’s some sort of sexbot sent to us by libidinous alien benefactors, right?”
“Listen,” grumbled Kathryn, who’d finally recovered from her climax, “I’m happy the two of you are so enthralled by my sexual quirks, but this is the first time I’ve ever been doubly penetrated. Can you pause the comedic sci-fi podcast for a while and start fucking me?”
Wendy’s eyebrow elevated. It was accompanied by a salaciously evil grin as one hand disappeared between them. “Tsk-tsk. So impatient. So demanding.”
“I’m not ... oh GOD!“ she yelped as her body was wracked by another convulsion, “you didn’t tell me it was a vibrator!”
Wendy shrugged. “What you’re giving up in size you’re gaining in functionality. Luke, are you ready?”
The buzzing was already threatening to hasten his own climax. “I think we’d better hurry,” he hissed.
“So impatient,” she repeated with a smile, moving her hips. He couldn’t do much more than grind against Kathryn; her thighs were gripping his sides so tightly that he could barely move. It was probably for the best, however, as it helped delay his inevitable explosion. Kathryn’s, on the other hand, came quickly, often, and hard. The first few were accompanied by short, sharp wails, but soon she utterly succumbed to the ravages of pleasure, resting all her weight on him and gasping into his ear like she was being throttled as Wendy savaged her rectal canal. Tears of joy moistened his cheeks, and uncontrollable trembling was a constant. Eventually, he became aware that she was unsuccessfully trying to form words.
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I had been seeing this guy Dave for a few weeks. Not really in a relationship with him but we had traded a couple of blowjobs prior to this.Dave was 6.1 195 lbs pretty fit looking with green eyes and black hair wit ha 6-6.5 real thick cock. (was definately a mouthful)Well one night we were just hanging out at his place and watching a porn we had found (wasn't that bad) and I had figured we were just going to end up 69ing again but he had surprised me by telling me he wanted to try something he...
"Oh, god, I'm turnipy today," Pepper sighed. "It's been way too long since we spinached.""Come here, pumpkin," Sorrel told her. "Are you thinking you'd like some good old-fashioned yamming?""God, yes." Pepper settled into his arms. "It's been a week, and I've been dreaming about your zucchini.""Glad to hear it, because the past few days, all I've been able to think about is your sweet little potato," Sorrel said. He hugged her. "Come on, baby, let's go upstairs so we can cabbage.""Upstairs? My...
The shock of the unexpected arrival of our sons in the middle of one of our wilder sexual exploits had shaken us to our very core. At 42 years old, 56, and 135lbs, I had become a sexual dynamo over the last couple of years, much to the delight of my husband, Chas. Together we had engaged in sexual adventures that would have shamed even the lustiest of ancient Rome. And their marriage of 20 years had never been happier or more fun. Until last night, when our two boys, Rob and Rick derailed our...
As you, John Smith Doe drive to work, you notice a "NOW LEAVING PLOT CONTINUITY ZONE" on the roadside. Odd. You never noticed that one before. It's at about this time that you also notice that...
Within hours it was decided. Daniela, the girl raped by the large man in Brazil and Alicea would go into a tank to be changed just a bit but enough that their auras would put them with my family. Tom and his son found that they to had to take a new wife. Tom was not only worried about this but he had to take the Mexican girl Oaxaca too. She was starting to get serious on one young lad. If this happened then Tom would lose a natural wife and regret it later. Oaxaca was important to us and was...
Waite took the judge's gun, and tossed it in the wagon. He then took down a bag he'd placed on the wagon's seat. He told the judge to precede him back to the office. Once inside Waite locked the door. He 'persuaded' the judge to open the safe. Inside were bank notes of all denominations from federal, state, and private banks. Also in there were gold and silver coins and even more ingots of gold in different sizes. There was also some expensive looking jewelry. He emptied the safe,...
Sara experiences a totally new intimate relationship. Nothing was next, well, nothing at first. After the swingers party, my hormones continued to flow and I felt like a horny adolescent. Ted was the same old boring Puritan in bed. I found myself running to the bathroom after he finished his dozen strokes and pleasuring myself into a self induced orgasm. Spring turned to summer and I was a model mom again. The kids were home from school and we were at the pool and the park. Both kids were...
Fuck did I have the party of all parties last night! Of course the place is now a fucking mess. Luckily, Vienna Black shows up for maid service. She’s replacing my regular cleaning cleaning lady and amn is is she a hottie. The sexy latina is weirded out but some of the things she finds from the last night’s orgy, but she starts warming up to me when i offer her some cash to clean in her bra and panties and then in the nude. Fellas, your going to love seeing her get hornier and hornier while she...
xmoviesforyouThe bell over the door rang, signaling the entrance of a possible customer. Tifa looked up briefly from where she was bent slightly over, polishing the bar. Her posture gave the courier who had just entered a beautiful view of her mammoth tits. They swayed, teasingly encased in a tight white tank top that was little more than a bra, as it ended just below her perfect breasts, showcasing her toned stomach. The man gulped as he approached. She wore suspenders that stretched around the outer...
Doll Works Players: Chuck Dawson and Ms. Grayson are the main characters. Brad and Bud are co-workers and Sam is the security guard. Synopsis: It's Mardi Gras time and for a company that rents "giant things" for people to put on floats it's a very busy time. Land Of Giants Props and Dolls is also where Chuck works. Actually Chuck works in the giant doll section. As it happens, Ms. Grayson, the owner, is marching in the parade as a little girl and, as it also happens, Ms. Grayson...
Is it hard to believe or not, but she got pregnant with my friend while in high school. My uncle almost got in trouble, since she was a minor, but anyway they got married and their marriage worked out. Janette’s parents were rich. She is a very beautiful blonde woman with an awesome gorgeous body. If she didn’t get pregnant and marry, she would have become a super model. Even at 36 she looked very fresh and sexy and I think the one who was fucking this woman was a very lucky chap. Her tits...
Usually a late riser, my dark brown eyes pop open early in anticipation of the day. I lay there with my emotions running from excitement to dread and back again, periodically looking at all the items on the night stand he had me lay out the night before. Blue magic marker, gray hair brush with long thick handle, two vibes, Vick's Vapor Rub, Icy Hot, and forty four clothes pins all sit on the top of the night stand. Every time I look on the forty four clothes pins my heart drops. Surely they...
FetishThe time seemed to fly by. Both of us were now looking for the opening that would allow Majestic Woman to leave the LoH and allow Cindi and me to move on to the next phase of the Plan. She was still spending most of her “Majestic Woman” time with Power Man and the Wraith, searching for clues that might lead to Sadie. Time with me was spent exploring. Each other, my life, her life, there was a lot to cover, for both of us. And there was time for fun too, in bed, in the kitchen (together),...
“Spread your legs,” my whispered command is barely audible as it rides passion-warmed breath to her ear. My hand on her thigh, I feel excited tension grip her body. With nervous hesitance, her legs part slightly. Her eyes question but her body responds nicely. I firmly massage the inner part of her thigh, just above the knee. My grip increases slightly, conveying subtle disregard for her anxiety. “Wider,” my voice is slightly louder and her misty blue eyes dart around the restaurant for fear...
I met Janice in my freshman year of college. We had a few courses together, so we had some talking points to get to know each other better. Janice was beautiful with a soft smile that just someway brightened up the day. Her hair was an auburn color, which she wore down to the tops of her shoulders. She often wore shorts which highlighted strong straight legs that were quite long. Janice was about 5'6" and 125 pounds of pure sensual energy. Her skin was soft and she got enough sun to give her...
My wife Sarah due to poor health hasn,t fucked with me for sixteen years. It makes it tough as I still have sexual desires, the main reason I come on Hamster and surf the photos and videos And Of Course read the stories posted. The other morning I was in the middle of a self masturbation session viewing a hot video of a young blonde female gagging on heavy semen from a stiff cock and almost to the point of climax when suddenly a familiar voice intrrrupted mynthoughts and enjoyment: “What are...
Al's wife had built on his mother's discipline training. She'd gotten him well trained into accepting any and all punishment she wished to inflict on him. Through psychological humiliation and skilled brainwashing, he was now very tractable and slavish.Yes, his wife's punishment was painful, but after it was over, the joy of knowing he'd been forgiven by her seem to outweigh the pain.His wife, Cora had trained her mollycoddled young husband to not move or pull away as she slaps him hard. He...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Béma is the Rohirric name for the Vala Oromë.] In a burst of frustrated energy, he flew at Éowyn, whipping her around and flinging her onto the bed. She did not resist. He’d excited her, he’d given her the orgasm she so desperately needed and so many more, all the while playing her body like master might play a finely tuned instrument. But he was still Wormtongue, still her...
CHAPTER 5: ACCEPT & EMBRACEThe Club Dining Room was equipped with about a dozen and a half tables that sat four people each. They could be moved together for larger groups. The Club served as a more formal dining environment compared to the cafeteria, which was assessable nearly anytime of the day or night. There were always people on duty at the facility.Jenna’s pass card got us to the level with of the Club. Jenna was nervous as we stepped out of the elevator and approached the door where...
530 reverse cuckold or what?It was just 18 months into the marriage, the initial screw everywhere fun was beginning to wane, and there was no sign of the pregnancy Norma so was supposed to so desperately `crave’. Though that was a con, her being on the pill! Not that they had not tried hard of course but she knew in her heart why she had married him was not to breed with him as he was too dim to father any c***d of hers! The `him’ in this case being Richard Mountjoy, son of the local squire,...
By Jax_Teller “We are the in between, cast down as sons of war. Struck to the earth like lightning, on this world we're born, We won't cause the pain, of living out their law, Take joy in who you are we know our wings are flawed, We're bored to death in heaven and all alone in hell, We only want to be ourselves.” Credit: Black Veil Brides The place the War God send us to do battle was not worthy. The target a God, was not a worthy God, the Gods in this far away land are the...
I just had another fight with my boyfriend and decided to hop on a bus to see where it would take me. I got on the first bus that came my way. The driver appeared to be middle aged and very stern looking. He told me to hurry up and find a seat and sit my ass down. I could tell this was going to be a fun ride. I still can’t believe my boyfriend cheated on me again. I’m going to get even this time with that creep. I looked in the back of the bus and saw two guys, they...
Wait a minute - You're telling me you didn't know I wear a woman's panty? No. I'm telling you I'm wearing my panties. You don't understand - Men don't wear panties. Men wear tighty-whities or boxers - Not panties. Panties are for women. Exactly - That's what I'm telling you. I'm wearing panties. So does that make me a woman? You tell me. If I'm wearing a pink panty, am I a woman or a man? Is it okay for me to be a woman in my head and wear pretty clothes? Can't I wear a...
Dear All, I haven't written on the site for years, but something so wonderful happened as part of my acting class I attend that I had to share it. I know we have a tendency to make up things, however this story is as close the truth as I could while still making it a nice story. Whether you choose to belive this or not, its up to you. But if you want my advice. Join an acting group or performance group and something like this could happen to you. You also might meet some wonderful...
Hello readers! I am Anand back with about strangers. Thank you for your amazing comments and love. I really appreciate your patience. I am thankful for such a great fanbase. You inspire me to write more. Keep the support coming, and I will try to keep you cumming! After about 8 months of being inside the comfort of my home, I have finally decided to step into the wilderness and the serene beauty of nature and natural phenomenon. Hills have always been my go-to place to unwind. Sun and sand are...
This incidence happened when i was 17 years old, a fresher in college. I used to take my best friend to college every day. One day, while waiting for him near his house, he called me inside. On getting in, he requested me to stay with his mom for 2 days since he was going out of town. I knew that his father stayed in some different town for service. I had no problem. However, i told auntie to seek permission from my mom. In the evening, my friend came to my house and sought permission for me to...
Your name is John Doe. Since birth, you have been trained by my family to retake some of your kinds lost pride. You are a Quincy, far away from the land of Japan, which was the only place the Shinigami seemed to attack. Thus, all over the world, there still existed more of you, but you were all carefully hidden. You were never allowed to go outside and play with others, constantly training and working to make sure that the same fate would not come to you as it did to the Quincy of ages...
The salt-laced breeze filled my lungs, as I ran along the muddy grass path. The sun was rising over the calm sea to my left, as my puppy Garcia, ran ahead. I loved the beach at that early time of day. No tourists were around, so it was still peaceful, and serene. The only sounds were the gently rippling waves, slowly easing their way up the bay. The gulls were paddling in the shallow water, as they sang. I was eager to get to the meeting point. So eager in fact, that my jog became a run.
Wow! I thought this day would never come. How about you, Bro? Are you as excited as I am? Becky, nobody is as excited as you are. Your nipples are boring holes in your top. Are you still commando? As the Scotsman said to the woman who asked what they wore under their kilts--Give me yer hand, Laddie. Mmmmm. Feels good and tastes better. It’s a real shame that we can’t completely join the Mile High Club this time, but if you can keep it quiet, I’ll try to give you as much as you can...
Hi !!! I m from delhi .. I m gay .. From childhood i always had a tendency to look like a gal . Actually i was quite looked as a sweet boy. Its better if narrate this episode in hindi . Because i btr in it. So it all started when i was 19 year old. I have specialty which is quite abnormal I havw man boobs or u can say man breast . Bacpan se hi mere saaath k frnd mujhe chedte the . Jab v unhe mika milta wo mere bood daaba dete the ishlye unka size thoda bada tha which feel me embarassed. But jab...
"Daddy, will you play with me?” Kitten begs while kissing Daddy. “Yes, baby girl. Go lay in bed, face down. With your ass up. Oh, and don’t forget the blind fold. I’ll meet you in there.” Kitten gets up and goes to the bedroom. She strips her clothes off and puts the blind fold over her eyes. Lays in bed just as Daddy told her to with her face down, and ass up ready for Daddy. Kitten hears daddy come in the room. She waits eagerly to find out what he’s going to do. She can hear him opening...