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“Spread your legs,” my whispered command is barely audible as it rides passion-warmed breath to her ear.

My hand on her thigh, I feel excited tension grip her body. With nervous hesitance, her legs part slightly. Her eyes question but her body responds nicely. I firmly massage the inner part of her thigh, just above the knee. My grip increases slightly, conveying subtle disregard for her anxiety.

“Wider,” my voice is slightly louder and her misty blue eyes dart around the restaurant for fear I might have been heard.

Her thighs tremble slightly, but part nicely at my command. Slowly my fingers begin to gather the light material of her mint sundress until I feel the warm, toned flesh beneath. Her breath quickens and becomes slightly shallow at the feel of my rough palm on her bare skin. She squirms a bit in her seat while scanning the other patrons for any sign of recognition.

“Thank you,” I smile sweetly, completely relaxed on the exterior while desire rages within me.

“The waiter’s coming back with our drinks,” she whispers softly, while smiling back as if nothing out of the ordinary were going on.

“Then you’d better act naturally, or he might catch on,” I shoot her a wicked grin.

“Here we are,” the waiter smiles his best used car salesman smile, “a mojito for the lady and a bloody-Mary for you, sir.”

The waiter sets the drinks before us, his presence causing her legs to reflexively clamp together under the table. I sit calmly, my fingers pinned firmly between her thighs. Supple flesh radiates warmth through the light fabric of her dress. She squirms uncomfortably while smiling a thank you his way.

“Are you guys ready to order, or do you need a few minutes to decide?”

I turn to her and smile warmly, questioning with my eyes. Squeezing her knee just hard enough to be uncomfortable, my expression defers the question to her.

“Um, give us a few minutes? I’d like to enjoy my drink first. Then we can order,” her response is passable for normal but slightly strained.

“Very well, Miss, no hurry at all,” he smiles the car salesman smile again and wanders off to check his other tables.

I lean in close, pressing my weight against her, my lips inches from her ear, excited breath hot on her neck, “If you close your legs again before I ask you, I’ll make sure you regret the decision.”

Her legs immediately return to their original position. I slide my hand to the midway point of her thigh, bringing the hem of her dress with it. My fingertips slowly trace the line where goose-bumped flesh meets the cool, faux leather of our booth cushion.

“Wider,” I whisper softly, my fingers gently teasing her skin.

Her gaze turns hot and her eyes widen slightly with inquisitive disbelief. I tweak the sensitive skin of her soft inner thigh with a hard pinch. A slight, squeaky gasp escapes her lips accompanied by a reflexive flinch.

“Spread your legs wider, Sugar,” my voice, no longer a whisper, has enough volume to be heard at the next table, but not enough to draw attention.

A horrified expression paints her face as she shifts her weight to peel bare skin from vinyl. Her legs obediently widen as my hand creeps further along her smooth, freshly waxed thigh. A thin film of perspiration coats the plump, firm flesh.

“Wider. I won’t tell you again,” my voice is low again, but authoritative.

Without hesitation, her thighs part to the point of trembling with the strain. Apprehensive respirations quicken again. Her expression is one of confusion and curiosity. She scans the room constantly for fear of being caught. My hand finds its way to the tender flesh just before the crease where the thigh meets the soft bikini area. Warm, humid air trapped between her thighs, the booth cushion, and her sundress engulfs my exploratory hand.

I smile warmly and gaze into her frantically searching eyes, “Do you want me to stop? If you want, we can pay the tab now and go. If you wanna continue say, ‘Don’t stop’. If you wanna go home, just tell me to stop.”

Her eyes pause. Their distraught treasure hunt for inquisitive voyeurs takes a short break to meet my gaze. Indecision paints her face. Her wide eyes are windows to a mental and emotional tug-of-war in which rational thought dances around a quickly growing fire built by curiosity and fueled by desire.

Lips part to speak. Nothing. Her jaw quivers at the realization that the decision hasn’t yet been made. Breath catches in her throat when she tries a second time to form a reply. Her eyes search mine for the answers to questions she is afraid to ask. For the questions she doesn’t even know to ask.

“Five seconds,” I smile sweetly while slowly, gently tracing little circles on her thigh, inching imperceptibly closer to the hem of her panties with every miniature lap.

Her brow creases and her eyes beg for explanation.


I feel her body tense with indecision. Rational thought? Emotion? Which will triumph?


Her lips part once more and a wisp of air escapes before the rest of whatever thought was behind it is abruptly cut off. Frustration and aggravation sneak into the dance, joining hands with logic and reason to fend off irrational, emotional desire and curiosity. For a moment, I fear they will win the battle and the evening will be cut short.


“Don’t stop,” her breathy plea jumps forth.

From her expression I gather that she had no idea which response was going to escape her lips until it actually came out. She must have forgotten to listen, because her body tenses and her eyes search mine as though she isn’t sure whether I’m going to continue or not.

A wide, wicked grin cuts my face, “Good girl. Remember what I said about closing your legs. That’s very important.”

“Okay. I won’t. Close them, I mean,” her eyes return to their hunt for knowing souls.

The waiter appears with pen and pad ready, “Do we have a verdict yet guys?”

I begin to intentionally tickle the sensitive flesh along her panty line. Her thighs tense and I can feel her desperately resisting the urge to clap her legs together like a steel trap with a heavy spring. Her legs quake under the table as she squirms ever so slightly under my excruciating touch.

“Yes,” I smile back to the waiter, “my friend will have the fajita salad with salsa on the side and another mojito.”

“Great, and for you, Sir?”

“Oh,” I turn my gaze to her, punctuating the cheesy pun with a sly grin, “I’m gonna have the fish taco.”

“Great choice, Sir,” he replies while taking our menus, “we have the best in town.”

“I hope so,” I shoot her a wink as I turn back to the waiter, “but we’ll see. I’m kinda picky about my tacos.”

He ignores the comment and busily goes about his duties. I immediately stop tickling her thigh and begin to massage the tingling tickle back to warm, growing pleasure.

“That was crazy,” she whispers forcefully and cuts a glare of disbelief my way, “you could’ve made me start giggling and got us busted.”

“Are you wet?” I ask, ignoring her concern for being caught.

“What? I, um, I don’t know. Probably?” She regards me with astonished confusion.

“Are you turned on?”

“Yes. A little. Mostly scared.”

I hook my thumb under one side of her panties and forefinger beneath the other and tug gently upward and outward to form a narrow bunch of material that slips nicely into her crease, putting firm pressure on her clit. I’m very careful not to allow my hand or fingers to touch her. Only the soft, smooth fabric of her lacy underwear contacts her bare skin.

“What about now?” I smile casually, as if we’re having normal dinner conversation.

Slowly I alternate tugging and releasing pressure. Working her panties deep into her puffy folds, creating warm, tingling friction on her increasingly sensitive clit. Her eyes narrow and a faint gasp forces its way from tense lips. Her breathing becomes a little heavier and she absently grasps the edge of the table as if she might slide off the edge of the world.

“Are you turned on now?” For having to repeat myself, my volume increases to just under dangerous levels.

“Yes,” she hisses back.

“Yes, what?” I grin mischievously.

“Yes, I’m fucking turned on,” she snaps in hushed exasperation.

“Good. Are you wet?” Tug, release. Tug, release. Tug, hold pressure and move side to side, release.

“Yes,” her body tenses and her grip tightens on the table edge when the word, ‘wet’ finds her ears.

“Yes what?” My volume goes up and I pull hard on her panties, causing the fabric to bite soft, tender flesh and pinch her sensitive little clit.

“Yes, I’m wet,” she gasps quietly while beginning to rock her hips forward and back.

“What’s wet?” I ask softly.

“I, um, I am?” Her reply is phony inquisition. She knows damned well what her response should be.

I pull her panties tight again, this time twisting my fist in the material to ratchet it into her tender slit and make certain there is a burning pinch in her clit. A rush of sharply inhaled air hisses through pursed lips and across clenched teeth. Her hips rock backward in response to the lacy assault on her succulent flesh but my hand simply rocks with her and maintains the attack.

“My pussy. My fucking pussy is wet!” she spits it out harshly, hoping for relief.

“Say it sexier, Sugar. Make me believe it,” I release some of the tension, but maintain forceful pressure.

“Mmm. My little pussy is wet,” she elongates each syllable with seductive need in her voice.

“Good girl,” I release most of the tension and allow her some relief.

“I want you to rock your hips and grind against your panties, can you do that?” I hold gentle pressure on fabric that is now damp all the way to where my fingers are grasping them.

“Okay. Yes, I can do that,” she begins to rock very slightly forward and back.

“You can do better than that, Sweetie,” I purr into her ear, “Fuck your panties for me. Fuck like you mean it, Doll.”

A shudder rolls through her body. She begins to grind more forcefully into the sopping wet crotch of her panties. The seat beneath me transfers the vibrations of the need trembling in her thighs. Wispy, whimpering pants accompany each thrust of her hips as she loses track of the rest of the world. She slips reluctantly into the foggy realm of physical pleasure.

I can see euphoric intoxication cloud her eyes and weigh their lids to narrow slits. The corners of her passion engorged lips turn downward slightly. The lower one quivers so uncontrollably she has to bite down to get it under control. Her breathing comes as quick, raspy gulps of air which are immediately forced back out. Abdominal muscles spasm with anticipation of impending orgasm. Inadequate penetration of air into her lungs causes a mellow, light-headed high.

Her body begins to shiver as she rhythmically fucks herself under the table. Her system flooded with endorphin overload. A soft, barely audible whimper escapes her lips. Her hand slips from the edge of the table and plants itself in the cushion below to help brace against the orgasm blossoming in her belly.

I brush her hair back and put my lips to her ear, “Don’t cum, Baby.”

Her hips slow. After a few involuntary thrusts of her pelvis, she stills. Except for absently grinding herself gently against the seat, she sits in silent recovery. Her eyes plead with mine. Need fills her. Release is so close. She swallows hard to keep up with flooding salivary glands.

“Don’t stop, Sugar,” I coax, “Just don’t cum. Keep fucking yourself.”

“I…I can’t,” her hips resume the motion of stroking a long, thick, imaginary cock, “If I keep going I’m gonna, I’m gonna get there.”

I twist sopping panties into a knot once again, pulling hard. Really hard. I keep forceful pressure against her puffy, aching cunt while tugging and releasing over and over. Punish-fucking her with her panties.

“Do not stop,” My tone is harsh, sinister, “Do. Not. Fucking. Cum. Do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, yes, I understand,” she hisses through clenched teeth.

Soon her body is wracked with trembling, shaking need for release. Her teeth are clenched tight and her lips locked, holding her breath in a desperate struggle against the orgasm twitching in her aching cunt and sending shivering electricity up and down her spine, branching to every nerve ending in her body.

Tears well in misty-blue eyes. She chews her lower lip. Partially to keep it from quivering. Mostly to keep from crying out in twisting, writhing, miserable pleasure. A whimpering gasp escapes with enough volume to be noticed. No one seems to be paying attention, though. No matter. She wouldn’t notice anyone else right now if I invited the whole room to come get a ringside seat to her orgasm.

A shudder runs through her like snow melt running down her spine and I know she is in danger of losing control. Her eyes open wide and meet mine with pleading need. Forceful pants of exasperated lust puff her cheeks before escaping in little explosive sobs of aching desperation.

“Do not cum,” I demand through clenched teeth, “Don’t you dare. You miserable little Slut, don’t you fucking dare.”

Just as ‘Slut’ leaves my lips, her sobs become more explosive. She slows her hips out of sheer physical exhaustion so I resume tug-fucking her with her panties. Resume control of the speed, pressure, and tempo of the deliciously miserable friction on her twitching little slit. A tear rolls down the passion-flushed cheek closest to me. Her gasping sobs threaten to turn to real, tear-soaked sobs of desperate, unfulfilled need.

“Please. Please let me,” she huffs in a gulp of air between each word, then lets the next spasm in her abdomen force the whispered plea from her pouting lips, “Please. Either let me, or stop.”

I pull my hand from between her legs and fold it in my lap. I regard her panting, perspiration glazed upper lip as it twitches with thoughts not quite ready to be spoken. Her eyes search me again with questioning anxiety. She looks around the room to make sure no one is paying our table too much attention. Satisfied that the world is indifferent, she slips a hand under the table cloth to pull the crotch of her sopping wet panties out of her badly throbbing slit and adjust her sundress.

“Why’d you stop?” She asks as if I simply lost interest.

“You asked me to,” it’s my turn to shoot a puzzled look her way.

“Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d actually just stop! Just leave me hanging…”

“What did you think I would do?” I smile curiously and maintain eye contact.

“I thought you’d let me, you know, get off. Or take me somewhere and fuck me. Something. Not just quit.”

“Do you want to continue?” My tone is serious again.

“Well, yeah. I want to, you know…orgasm,” she cuts her eyes around to make sure no one is listening.

“You’re sure?” I pierce into her with my eyes, searching for hesitance.

“Yes. Yes, I want to continue.”

“Take your panties off,” I casually shrug as if I’m telling her to pass the salt, “and put them in your purse.”

“Okay,” she slips her arm through the strap of her purse and turns toward me.

We sit for a long moment, eyes trapping one another’s gaze. I can smell her musk wafting from beneath her. When the moment threatens to turn into two, her eyes widen. An exaggerated, ‘what the hell?’ expression paints her face.

“You’re gonna have to let me out so I can get to the ladies room. Duh,” her eyes roll and sarcasm drips from her lips.

“Take them off here,” my tone is mellow and even, but still authoritative.

“I really need to pee, too. So just let me out and I’ll take them off in there,” she turns in her seat, preparing for me to move so she can get out of the booth.

“I don’t give a fuck what you need. Take your panties off and put them in your purse. Here,” I tap my finger on the table for effect, “Do it now.”

She slinks her shoulder out of her purse strap and silently regards me with complete disbelief. Her head swivels around the room and misty blue eyes scan for wanton pervs. Finding nothing of the kind, she raises slightly, her ass hovering over the cushion, and gathers the material of her sundress until the hem is well above mid-thigh.

My eyes wander along supple, cream-colored thighs and follow the enticing spectacle of bare flesh all the way to the beginning curve of her ass before running out of skin to ogle. My cock stiffens fully when I see mint green panties, trimmed in hot pink, slide seductively down her thighs. I catch a flash glimpse of a sopping wet, rolled up crotch as the garment disappears under the table, just past her knees.

She lifts first one leg, then the other, carefully stepping out of the mint panties in a way that prevents me from seeing far enough up her dress for my taste. She wads the dripping underwear into a ball and discreetly shoves them in her purse.

“Show them to me,” I indifferently command.

“What?” Her expression is one of shock.

“Show me your fucking panties,” again my volume threatens the lines of safety.

She reaches in her purse and retrieves the soppy ball. Keeping her hand below the table, she extends the wadded undies toward me and holds them in her flattened palm, still beneath table level.

“Looks like a fucking dishrag. Spread them out and hold them up for me.”

With an excited, exasperated, exhilarated, frustrated, confused sigh, she timidly fans out the lacy panties and holds them for my inspection.

“Thank you. Now put them in your purse.”

She quickly snatches the panties from open view and crams them back in her bag. All the while, scanning for anyone who might be sending too much attention our way.

I point to the wall next to her, “Now, lean back right there, pull up your skirt and show me your pussy.”

Her eyes go wide and her pupils dilate in response to released endorphins. Her jaw falls slightly open but no sound escapes. Indecision panics her and she begins to squirm under my scrutinizing stare.

“Here?” She finally manages.

“Right here. Right now. Do it.”

She scans the now memorized faces of the customers who share our dining room. Slowly she leans back against the wall and brings her legs up to the bench. Her hands tremble with fear and exhilaration as she gathers her dress above her thighs while checking one last time for lurking peepers. Finally, she pulls the dress up quickly, with a short pause, then back down just as quickly.

I chuckle at her.

“What?” She is sitting upright now.

“I said show me your pussy, Doll, not flash the tops of your thighs at me. I want you to lean back, spread your legs wide like earlier, pull your skirt up, and spread your little cunt open. Show it to me. Show it off.”

She huffs a long sigh, but leans back as instructed. Legs spread wide beneath her mint sundress, she slowly begins to gather the fabric around her waist. I watch the lower hem of her skirt slide so slowly over her knee, then up her thigh, before finally revealing her closely trimmed little snatch.

Fine, blonde pubic hair, trimmed nicely in a small landing strip above puffy, desire fattened lips. Her slit is swollen closed from unfulfilled manipulation. The sweet musk of her rises from between her legs, teasing my nostrils with her damp, musty scent. I want to touch her pussy. More than anything I want to finger her little cunt.

“Spread it for me. Spread yourself open,” I’m becoming intoxicated by her sweet slit and the chemical rush my brain has released into my bloodstream.

Her fingers slide up and down her slit to separate puffy, pink lips before peeling them the rest of the way apart to reveal her fiery, dew-soaked lotus blossom. Unable to resist, she uses one slender finger to slowly stroke her rigid little clit while tracing the outer lips with fingers from both hands. Her silvery nectar soon coats her fingertips causing gloss-red polish to glisten under the lights.

Her eyes close with renewed desire and the other patrons seem forgotten. She rocks her hips gently to meet her probing fingers at every delicious stroke. Clenching her moist, outer lips between her fingers, she pulls herself wide open, still fussing with her bothered and swollen clit.

My resolve fades and I have to touch her. Have to feel her slippery folds engulf my fingers and coat them with sticky dew. I slide my hand up her thigh slowly. Savoring every precious inch of this sweet violation. Her entire body shudders from my touch and I know she’s ready.

Pressing two fingers gently against her waiting entrance, I tantalizingly push against her until just before the pressure opens her, and then slowly back off. Repeating in slow, rhythmic cycles while she tends her knotted, needy clit. My fingers tickle her inner lips, taunting her to open for me. I tease her to just beyond the fuzzy grey edge of sanity.

“Do you want me to finger you, Baby?” I coo softly as she grinds against my fingers, attempting to take them inside her.

“Yes,” she whispers, unashamed desperation pouring from her.

“Yes what, Doll?”

“Yes, finger me. Fuck me with your fingers. I’ll say whatever you want just put your fingers in me and let me finish,” she is whining like a spoiled teenager.

“Cum quickly, Slut,” I hiss, “If the waiter gets here with our food before you get off, I’m going to let him watch.”

I feel more heavenly drizzle fill her aching cunt and spill down her slit as my fingers plunge just inside her and massage the front wall of her tightly clenching pussy. My palm collects a puddle of girl juice while my index and middle finger slowly work her G-spot. With a “come here” fingering motion, I rhythmically increase and decrease the pressure just inside her cunt, right behind her clit.

“Tell me you’re a slut and you want me to finger your little cunt,” passion and desire have fully taken over my mind.

My mouth waters as infinite ways to explore her spin wild and disorganized through my mind. I could cum easily, without manual stimulation, simply by concentrating on any one of the delightfully wicked scenarios for too long. The lens shutter on my mind’s eye is in hyper drive trying to record every frame of this beautiful woman’s sweet, little pussy offered at my fingertips.

Her eyes closed tight, and her pussy clenching my fingers with every stroke of her hips, I know she will launch into bliss soon. With my free hand I wave the waiters attention and he comes scuttling our way.

The first mini-waves of orgasm caress her gently and warmly trickle through her belly and down her thighs, curling her toes inside stylish, Corral cowgirl boots. Her ass cheeks clench and release in time with her internal muscles as the second and third waves rock her a little harder.

“What can I do for you, S…” the waiter drops the thought when he sees two of my fingers buried to the first knuckle and my entire hand glistening from yummy-sweet syrup.

She tenses at his voice and opens her eyes to see the waiter, jaw agape, watching her climax.

Her blue eyes roll white before closing tightly to brace for the impending explosion. She throws her head back with a pitiful whimper. Tossing her hair side to side, she’s lost in herself and simply following the ebb and flow of sweet, electric sensation wherever it takes her. She grinds harder against my fingers as I slip deeper into her folds and tickle her knotty cervix. A raspy moan escapes tense lips as I dig harder into her mushy cunt, squishing happily and feeling her juices splash on my wrist with every stroke.

“Cum for him, Doll,” I softly coax, “this is the best part of his tip.”

The waiter is speechlessly watching her body shudder and quake through spasm after spasm of soul-wrenching, agonizing pleasure. Her eyes plead for mercy and an end to the overwhelming flood of sensation but her body refuses to let go. He watches her thighs shake and her lips quiver with delicious release. But, mostly he is fixated on her sweet, little pink pussy. Her tight folds hungrily devour my fingers and pour slippery lube down supple thighs and onto the cheap, imitation leather. Her own fingers feverishly strumming her needy clit. Her tiny backdoor clenching and releasing in time with each white-hot flash of ecstasy. He soaks it in. Car salesman smile traded in on a clunker of a ‘holy shit’ expression.

Muffled sobs and raspy, gasping moans approach dangerous volume before the waves begin to subside and leave a vibrating, fluttering hum resonating in her womb and expanding throughout every nerve ending.

I slow my fingers back to a gentle massage, softly toying with her spent cunt and entertaining myself by over-stimulating hyper-sensitive girl flesh. Her breathing is evening out, not back to normal but gasping sobs are subsiding. Her body is pleasure-pliant, her limbs listless, and her mind floating somewhere in another reality.

My evil not yet exorcised, a delightful torture slithers into my mind. I motion the waiter closer while pushing her orgasm-numbed thighs back, knees up by her ears. Still fingering her sopping cunt with one hand, I mold her arms around her knees with the other.

“Do not let go,” I warn her sternly.

Then, to the waiter, “I want you to use both hands and tickle the backs of her thighs. Like this,” she gasps at my touch, “All of your fingers barely grazing the most tender, sensitive parts of her. Just barely touching her. All the way from the backs of her knees, here, to this crease where her inner thigh meets her pussy. Right here.”

He only hesitates for a second before male-math tells him that tickle-fucking a hot blonde is worth losing seven or eight bullshit food-service jobs. There’s always another fucking Applebee’s opening somewhere.

She jumps and twitches against his trembling fingertips as he slowly enjoys her soft, smooth flesh. Her breathing jerks and spasms and I see tears pool in the corners of tightly shut eyes. He works the innermost portion of her thighs, near the curve of her ass the longest and most thorough. Can’t say I blame him, it’s the area of his responsibility closest to that sweet, inviting little pussy.

“Okay,” she pants, “it’s too much, I can’t ooohh, fhhuck…” phase two of my evil plot cuts her breathy plea short.

Her eyes roll back and her body is wracked again with vice-like, bone-wrenching seizures of overwhelming sensation. While the waiter continues to tickle her quivering thighs, I massage her G-spot with two fingers, just like before. With my free hand, I slide two fingers through her soggy slit to coat them with slut-honey before plunging them, without warning, into her tight little starfish.

Her legs bounce from her grasp and she goes completely rigid with orgasm. No sound leaves her body because everything is frozen in fully flexed, suspended animation. Tears bead to life and spill onto flushed cheeks before rolling down her supple neck to unseen oblivion. Her thighs quake uncontrollably and she finally manages an abbreviated breath and a desperate, one word, sobbing appeal, “Please.”

“Please what, Doll?” I smile sadistically into her teary, blurred line of vision, “what do you want, Hun?”

I begin to pump her ass more forcefully. Greedily watching as painfully intense, wonderfully liquid, orgasmic misery ravages her to the point of breakdown.

“Please. Please, stop,” she finally pants, “it’s too much.”

I pull my sticky-sweet fingers from her battered little snatch and well-ravaged asshole. I motion the waiter to back off and give us space when I notice a small crowd of mostly restaurant employees has gathered. They stand in silent, awestruck disbelief. How long they’ve been watching, I have no clue. Guess I was a little caught up.

A rather unhappy little manager rounds the corner just in time to see what two patrons and one of her employees were finishing up a few seconds ago.


Brad (turns out our waiters name was Brad) was fired on the spot. Doubt there will be any severance package. He didn’t really seem distraught. Probably lucky no charges were filed. Also turns out that publicly fingering the shit out of someone… even a willing participant, is a felony. Oops.

We were unceremoniously escorted from the restaurant. Wait. That sounds too much like ‘asked to leave.’ Make no mistake. We got tho’ed the fuck out. And cordially invited to never set foot on the property again, unless we wanted to go to jail. Fun night.

Walking through the silence of deserted downtown, we giggle and laugh about the whole episode. Something to tell the grandkids about someday, I guess.

“Well, that was fun,” her eyes sparkle in the moonlight, “kinda took all the anticipation out of wondering whether there will be a goodnight kiss, though.”

“Yeah. Well, just so ya know,” I shoot her a sly wink, “I don’t kiss on the first date.”

“Pshhh…Yeah, okay cowboy,” she scoffs happily, “You just went places my gyno and two ex-husbands have never been. In a crowded restaurant, no less! But kissing is taboo, huh?”

“Yup,” I smile because she has no idea I’m dead serious, “Just creeps me out to let someone get that close until I get to know ‘em.”

She dribbles a giddy, unbelievably sweet chuckle my way, “Take me home, I wanna test that theory.”

I hate blind dates. Always forget their fucking names and wait until it is super awkward to work it into the conversation. I know I just had my hand jammed up your crotch for a half hour, but what was your name again? Tough to segue into that. Oh well. I can skate by, calling her ‘Babe’ and ‘Doll’ at least long enough to fuck her. Surely I can pull that off.

I turn the key and my truck growls to life, “Okay, which way to get you home, Doll?”

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School Daze

Helen Thomas was as mad as hell. Helen was the coach of the cheerleader squad and she had just caught two of her girls sneaking back to their hotel room with a bottle of wine. The squad was at the state playoff game with the team and it had been a special privilege to get to go on an overnight trip. And now, Lisa and Susan, two juniors on the team had snuck out and bought some wine. They could ruin it for everybody. Helen was so mad she needed time to think. She left the two girls in her room...

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Im sitting in front of my computer camming and playing, there is a knock the the door and i know that heart begins to race as i go answer it. He comes in and sits on the sofa and i sit across the room deciding if I'm gonna make a move or not..see we had a past..long story short we got high together and got freaky. Anyhow i told him that i missed getting high with him and hes says back to me "I think about that all the time" I got bold and asked him if he needed some incentive and...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Josie Tucker I Like How Nasty It Is

Well hung Texan ⭐ Zaddy2x makes his 3rd See H?️M Fuck appearance and we teamed HIM up with newbie cutie Josie Tucker ❤️ for this week’s update. After our smoking director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get reacquainted with HIM ???? Zaddy2x stands and begins to strip for Josie, and once that BBC comes flopping out ? well, she just had to toot on it a little bit ?? Josie then lubes HIM up ? stroking his impressive cock ? from behind. She ? sniffs and licks ? Zaddy2x’s hairy armpits before...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 48 Good Woman Good Man

Ronnie and Carla were the first to arrive and I decided that going after them for getting there after me was petty. I held my soda bottle up in a toast and leaned back and looked at the ceiling. It struck me that we had no record in the Club-Club of our friends’ attendance. I was thinking that I should have our friends take a thick marker and sign the walls or ceiling. I wondered what it would take to get Geddy and the guys and Charlie and Ted and the others to stop in sometime and autograph...

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My movie world

After getting a lot of experience in watching the porn movie, I thought of making my own movie. This thinking was looking simple but when I get started planning on the same then everything really kept me busy and finally I drafted a plan to make the movie. There were many wrong ways to make such things but I had no such ideas or plan to get into the negative side. As I wanted my actors to behave properly with smile as many of the western porn movies have. I had searched for the good looking...

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Before we get started, there's a series of character's for you to choose from. From Naruto to Jiraiya and from Tsunade to Mei Terumi.

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NaughtyAmerica Lizz Tayler 25923

I’m a school girl and a hustling girl to get by however I can, and I love it. My sugar daddy Alec needs to get away from his wife and kids today, and I need some new clothes and fun money. We met up a few weeks ago and he hooked me up with a check for tuition and a few bills, but now I want to be pampered a bit. A new dress. Another trip; maybe a cruise. That’s why I’m gonna skip class for him today. My grades are already up, and that’s all because he’s been able...

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Finding a PlaceChapter 6

Friday dawned. Much to my dismay. She found me outside of calc. "I'm swimming until 5. Is 6 OK?" she asked. "That's fine," I managed. "Great," she said. She gave me her dorm and room number, and said "See you at six," and off she went. Giving me a lovely few hours to panic. And panic I did. What with Jake playing a game tomorrow, he wasn't around at all, so I couldn't even get a pep talk from him. By the time five o'clock rolled around, I was contemplating throwing myself...

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A True Life Tranny Experience

My real name’s Benny, and I’m a 32 year old very passable bi transvestite that has an insatiable craving for receiving another guy’s cum. I’m 5ft 7in tall, quite skinny (10 stone ‘ 140lbs to you Americans), and have perfected the mannerisms of a ‘real’ woman in every way, without going over the top by acting too effeminate like some ‘Nancy-boys’ tend to do. That means that when I’m fully dressed and wearing my wig and makeup, I walk,...

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Chapter 6 Anna Part 1

It was time for the well-known top grade dance ball.The preparations for this take more than half a year, starting with dance courses and the general organization of the evening, to which all parents of the students were invited.You could choose a partner for the dance classes, but since I don't count dancing among the things I can do, it was actually more of a thorn in my side to take part.To make matters worse, all the “coveted” girls were already taken or had already been asked - at least I...

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My friend wife priya

Last year by the time my leave was over i suggested priya that we together go to mumbai and stay there till i get a job and she said it is a good idea.I told her my friend in bombay will arrange a share flat there for stay. We left for mumbai in december 12th and reached there on 14th morning. My friend was there at the railway station and took us to the flat of his friend’s and introduced us to them. They were a couple in their 30’s and having one baby child. The husband is working in a...

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Crossover Chronicles of Outfall

Some are human & some are furry humanoids in this plot twist co-existant world. This is an alternate Chronicles sample of different pov per page as long as its pointed out. Similar in some aspects to the Passion Humiliation Club story, if need to see a humans only based, read that one as planned for it to be continuous also w/multiple endings. The city is Outfall. County is Canti, has a light rail for other destinations not shown. Canti Park has an indoor public gym for sports & the like,...

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The Dragon and the Wager

The Dragon and the Wager By Morpheus With a deafening roar, the enormous reptilian creature easily soared through the air, his body held aloft by a pair of powerful leather wings. Nearly every inch of the creature was covered with thick, virtually impervious scales and from the end of his long tail to the tip of his snout, he was a creature to be feared. If his sheer size alone weren't enough, a single glance at his long claws or vicious saber like teeth were enough to terrify any...

4 years ago
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Vacation 7

In a huge departure from the non-stop loving that we had been engaging in since the holiday began we actually only cuddled for a while before drifting to sleep in each other’s arms that night. We were both sore and satiated and just didn’t feel ‘up’ to it. In fact, even the next morning, despite my typical morning erection we limited play to you very gently sucking me while I watched you on the toilet, and of course I had to clean you up after that little exercise. Oh yeah, and of course we...

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Sex and the Working GirlLike Mother Like Daughter

My mother and I had a very special relationship. We were closer than most mothers and daughters ever become. We were best friends, confidants. We shared our most intimate thoughts and feelings. Nothing was taboo or off limits when we talked. I'm forty-something and my mom's fifty-something but we still have that relationship today. My own daughter, Rachel, and I have the same relationship. Sex plays an essential role in my mother's daily life style is even today. Sex is the one thing that...

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Daddys cock bulging hard

Daddy's cock bulging hard......Nothing like coming home at the end of the day after a long shift. Sitting back in the chair, jeans and work boots still on, and HER coming and crawling into my lap, while we sit and talk and and watch tv for a little while before she goes to bed. Her little nighty on, and her little bum in my lap. My arms holding her close to me as I cuddle her. She moves around a bit so she can get comfortable. The feel of her little legs and bum rubbing against my crotch area,...

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Dost ki bibi bani ghaevali

Ek sharmile dost ki kahani jisne dost ki bibi ko chodne ka sapana banaya tha sapana bhi pura hua lekin khul kar samane aa nahi sakata tha isliye uska sapana suniye…Mera naam Pankaj hai. Ghar par mere alawa mer dost Kulin, Uski bibi Anjana rahati thi…Yeh undino ki baat hai jab mere dost ne nayi nayi shadi kit hi aur ham tino saath me rahate the. Kulin ki umar us samay karib 25 saal,lekin w dubal patal tha Anjana bhabi ki umar sirf 19 saal aur meri 24 saal ki hai. Dost ki shadi abhi 6 mahine...

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HatedPart 4 Full Circle

Pete’s wait in the office was much longer this time around. Given the severity of the beatings he had handed down, and the accusations of assault, and defense, Mr. Robertson had been forced to call the police, and now Pete sat, alone, waiting for them to conclude their interviews. Miss Sarah had not even bothered to show up, telling Pete that she would deal with him when he got home, and Ashley’s aunt had come to collect her while Pete had been giving his statement. In the end, a combination...

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beginningsthe end

Walter and Lou could see I was a little unsure of this new event, even though I was very receptive so they sat on either side of me and we just stroked each other, and they each were rubbing me all over and then Walter moved in to kiss me. It was soft at first, but then his tongue was everywhere, and his lips pressed hard against mine. Then Lou also moved in and the three of us were kissing, and stroking, and it felt amazing to be I'm the middle of these two men who were paying me so much...

4 years ago
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Deflowering my Girl friends twenty something year

My job moved and I rented a nice looking home for a little money. Then I found out it was in a rough neighborhood. I locked my valuables in a storage locker and kept nothing by my clothes and a TV at home. Yet this place had some benefits. A lot of girls were walking around bored and looking for a working man. I got a pair of girl who walked by help me get my house set up. I took them to dinner after and paid them a few dollars. Friday night when i headed to the mall the girls ask for a ride....

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Guys Dont Wear Dresses

Guys don't wear dresses Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I knew that I wasn't going to do it. After all, guys don't wear dresses, at least not any guys I know anyway! But she stood there looking at me with a very determined look on her face, one I was very familiar with. As I looked at the clothes I swallowed hard, wondering if it was true. That I would look sensational as a girl that is. Mom thought so, and made it clear that she wanted me to at least try it. There was going...

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Jayti Singh Part 3

Mark finds a man. Overboard! London. A meeting with Sir Walter Raleigh. The plan to convince Queen Elizabeth. Bear baiting. Mark meets the Queen. The horrors of smallpox. Problems at the altar. Jayti returns? Warning: Some subject matter and explicit language may offend. Don't read unless you are over 18. Jayti Singh Part 3 By Aardvark Chapter 17: Mark finds James Rana Pratap rose and paced the floor for a few anxious moments. His only objective had been to defend Mewar from...

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Jens Story

Jen was home getting dinner ready for her and her husband Jen?s Story Chapter I It seemed like a normal Friday afternoon in South Florida as Jen hustles around the kitchen preparing dinner. The phone rings and it is Jen?s husband, Danny. Since Danny is due home at any time, Jen is a little curious as she recognizes Danny?s number on the caller ID. ?Jen answers the phone and Danny says ?Jen, sorry but I am going to be a little late this evening, I have been caught up in a big meeting...

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I think the fire went out

Their First NightThey had never met. She knew he was divorced with two c***dren. He knew she was married (but not happily) with two c***dren as well. She had seen a picture of him, but he had not seen anything of her. That was gonna change tonight.She was flying to meet him. She lived across the country. Thank god the plane was on time! She had said she would be wearing a denim dress and cowboy boots. Was that her? No. Had she backed out? No, wait a minute. A woman was walking towards him with...

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EvilAngel Anna Bell Peaks Eden Sin Squirting BBC Creampie Foursome

With shocking pink hair, elaborate tattoos, pretty face and big, pierced boobs, alt slut Anna Bell Peaks goes interracial. She sucks big black cocks: tattooed Slimpoke’s spear and Moe ‘The Monster’ Johnson’s gigantic club. Moe’s meat thrills her tight twat, and Anna Bell takes a deep-throat, pussy-to-mouth face fuck as Slimpoke pokes her pussy. Cocks slap her face and spank her snatch to squirting! Tattooed, exotic Eden Sin makes it a foursome, licking cock as it...

4 years ago
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Perchance to Dream 2

Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife. I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her purse, shoes, and clothes from last night and we...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 22 Kidnapped

"I feel quite odd," she said to one of the boys, "as though I'd had too much to drink." Running his hands over her tits, he replied "You feel fine to me," and they both laughed. Just then the other two arrived at a sprint and the aircar took off at maximum acceleration. Although she was feeling very woozy, Jacqui realised that she had been kidnapped and that Martha would be very angry. "Stop, stop," she screamed, "You've got to let me go back." "Shut up," said Leo, "You'll...

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Camping North

I had never been camping before like this, normally I would just camp in my back yard and when it rained go inside. Was never a nature lover. Anyway last summer I decided to start exploring Scotland and decided to go camping to Skye. I’ve never been this far North, to be honest I think the furthest North vie been is Edinburgh (and that not even north tbh more west to me) I started my day by getting everything loaded into the car. Everything managed to fit into my little Peugeot 206 although the...

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Subway encounter

Some summertime trips in the subway are different.This afternoon I see you standing in the subway train where I just got in. Although on the other end of the train, your appearance grabs my attention. But your eyes are grabbing me as well. A strange type of magic fills the train. The train is very full, but I slowly find my way through the crowd in your direction. We loose sight of each other, but I can feel your presence stronger and stronger. You're standing with your back facing me when I...

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The MissionChapter 3 Forward to go back

Alatem and Charles had been talking it over for over an hour, they were still no closer to a decision about what to do with Alatem's sister. "As you know she's also a royal, meaning now you could have a double death penalty on your head. Though father is starting to warm up to you, we still aren't to the point that he'd suspend killing you for touching a royal," Alatem was slightly pissed at her sister for following her, plus there was the fact that she was now privy to the biggest part...

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Isla DAmor Heaven on Earth

I think I have found Heaven on Earth. If so, whether I am truly that ‘li’l devil’ you always joked I was, or not, I feel like a living angel. It all started when Joe, the man I told you I have been living with recently, came home from work the other day. I wish we had the time for you to meet him. I will be sending you a photo so you can see why I joke that, at 6’4′, and with arms of steel, if my ‘Giant Giuseppe,’ as I call him, holds his arms straight out, I can use them as chin up bars...

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Something in my drink the captive part 1

So I'm new to Southern California, and I stop in this club for a few drinks, I meet this tranny, she didn't tell me but I could tell, I didn't plan on taking a run at her, just having a few drinks and chat. I let it slip that I had just moved to Socal and didn't know anyone..the next thing I know I blackout and wake up naked and tied up face down with my mid-section resting on a small stool. I woke up terrified with no clue where I was, or who had done this to me. Just when fear had taken...

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Jungle Mein Mangal Summer Special

Hii dosto mai ankit Sharma apke samne lekar aaya hum mera doosra sex experience. Aapne meri pahli story “Barsaat ki wo raat, Aunty ke sath” padhi hogi aur hope ki enjoy bhi ki hogi. Jin logo ne na padhi ho unhe mai apne bare me bata du, meri age 20 saal hai aur mai ek engineering student hu, Indore city se hu. To ab story start karte hain, first time aunty ko Bhopal me chodne ke baad unhe dobara fir kabhi chodne ka mauka mujhe nahi mila, lekin aap log to jante hi hain ki lund bilkul us sher ki...

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Making Love

 "Dave? I'm Ronnie and I'm really lonely," Veronica cooed sweetly into the portable phone. Dave,her latest boyfriend,was on the other line."Ron dear,why don't I come over?"he suggested."Sure,that's great!But I'm taking a soak in the tub now,come in yourself later!"Veronica replied."Ok,I'll take a shower first.See you."Dave agreed.Dave put down the phone.As he showered,he thought about his conversation with Veronica earlier on."I'm taking a soak in the tub now,"she had said.Dave imagined himself...

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Pados Ki Sexy Aunty Or Uski Beti Ko Ek Saath Choda

Helo dosto this is gurdeep again thanks for liking my recent story anyone can contact on – Ye strory mere saath delhi mai hui ek aunty or uski beti ke saath aunty ki umar 43 or beti ki 18 dono hi bas ek dam hoor pariya mai ek sports man hu or apni training camp ke liye mai delhi gya waha mai apne relatives ke ghar rehne lgaa kuch din aise ho beer gye to mai ek din sham ko trainong se ghar aya to dekha ek aunty bua ke saath baithi bhra hua shareer ek dam rani mukhrjee ki tarah mai use dekhta hi...

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I wanted black sex

Just before I got married some of my friends kept telling me I should “go black”. Then, on my hen night, just before the wedding, they spiked my drink, got me really drunk, and arranged for me to be gangbanged by some black guys. I should have been angry, but I soon realised that it was the best thing that could have ever happen to a white bride-to-be. Up until the time I met my husband I had very little experience of sex. I’d had some one-night-stands, of course, with guys...

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RebelChapter 95 Charity

"Dragoons," George yelled just before we opened fire. "Don' miss!" We didn't, and in a few minutes we had downed six riders, blown a witless driver from his seat and left an armed guard kicking in the ditch. They were good soldiers but no match for our weapons or marksmanship. We had started with four primed rifles, and after the first volley, George had loaded and I had hit them, one after another as they milled about, stopped by a felled tree on the narrow road. One ran for it, and I...

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The Collector Chapter Four

The Collector by Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Initiation Mary Pilson had been working at the Chez Ami for six months when Millicent Varity asked her to come in early one day. Mary finished at the shop and went straight home, washed, fixed her makeup, put on her cigarette girl uniform and got the first bus she could to the Chez Ami. "Come in Mary; close the door behind you," Millicent called out from her office. Millicent was dressed in her daytime attire; an expensive cotton...

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Broadway Hollywood Ch 3

Chapter 3: Sex with the Rich and Famous I was exhausted! While reading my father’s journal, I had taken out my penis and ejaculated onto my new carpet. No wonder dad seemed so happy and content with his employment. Mom and I never understood how he worked without complaint when faced with the long hours and low pay of the Broadway Hollywood Department Store. Now that mom and dad were both gone, I was finally beginning to understand what fed that sly grin he always wore. Dad hadn’t simply...

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Barsat Me Saali Ki Saath

Hai.maine ek saal se is site mai story padhta hun aur kai baar likha bhi .har time maine mera jindagi ki true story likhta hun.main 35 saal ki hun aur average helth ki hun.ek dim maine meri saali nisha ki saath employment exchange gaya tha.july ki mahina tha.achanak jose bariss girne laga,us time hum done rasta bich mai hai.maine mera byke side karki ek jhad ki pass agaye.nish barsat me pura bhigi gayi thi.uski ball t.shirts se pura dikhai de rahi thi.usko chup ne ki kosis karnese bhi chupti...

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Dirty Desires MotherInLaw Seduced

She shouted at the Floor Cleaner, “It has been so long and you are not able to finish your work till now. My guests would be coming soon”. After all it was the most important occasion for her. Her daughter was coming to her house after 7 months and Ms. Neena was very happy today. Ms. Neena, a divorced woman of 45 years, had survived on her own for last 23 years. Her husband divorced her soon after the birth of their daughter and went to marry another woman but Neena fought in the Court of Law...

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Bed side manner

I woke early the next morning for my blood test and after showering dressed in a black soft cup lace bra, I now filled the 38B cup and resolved to buy some larger bras that day. I slid over my feminine hips a pair of matching hipster boy shorts and suspender belt. As I clipped on the suspender belt on the lace top stockings I mused on what outer wear I could reasonably get away with. i choose a very pale, almost off white with a tinge of pink linen shirt. It was loose fitting but when close to...

1 year ago
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Episode 121 Just a day at the office

IntroductionHi, I’m Justine a 44-year old, divorced, green-eyed, highly-sexed bi-sexual redhead, from near Winchester, having recently discovered the joys of submission.This is my story, so I’ve told David not to include any of the u******e girls in red dance leotards or my gorgeous daughter Molly unless absolutely necessary.It starts at the small legal partnership after a heavy weekend with my Dom Sam.OfficeJusty staggered into the law office on Monday morning, grateful for her deeply...

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Big Easy Roommates

The New Orleans air wrapped its heat around Evelyn as she left the Cat’s Meow on Rue Bourbon at eleven thirty. She was buzzed, far from drunk, no where near falling down, and just like any other Friday night, she made her way home from the bar, a few blocks away on the Rue Burgundy. She was upset that she had to leave early to make it to work on time in the morning. She dug for her phone in her purse to call one of her roommates, Dean, to let him know she was on her way. Evelyn had grown up...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 247 Wait Is This Some Test

Hmm. So, Lena isn’t ignoring everyone, after all. Interesting. The girls were introducing themselves, well except for Lena in the front passenger seat. I almost caused us to wreck when Vicki noticed that Sam was naked under her skirt. That got into a whole long discussion about why. Fran mentioned her getting hot and bothered, for the first time, so they began talking about their magic on and off switches. I could tell Lena was listening while acting like she wasn’t. I know that look on...

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Danielle III

If you have been following this “story” you will recall I am spending the night with an 18-year-old BBW TV at her parent’s house. She wanted a “Daddy” type to use her and start her on her journey to become a dirty fat cock whore that lived to please real men. I had just begun using her mouth and throat and despite choking, gagging and coughing up gobs of spit she still knelt there open mouthed willing and ready to accept Daddies penis down her throat again.I looked down at my “son”, the make up...

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My Cousin

We moved to Phnom Penh together, to rend a room in the 3rd apartment, we shared the room two bed but linked together to shared the mosquito net. At the 1st year we spend on the part-time classes. Free time we went to riverbank at Chaktomuk and visited the skating room, and returned. We are poor a bit money but it is very happy all days long. Went we are at apartment he always in only a football shorts, either I with a T-shirt.One day we climb up the apartment rooftop to see the fireworks in the...

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The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 11

Introduction: Great fight I do NOT own Naruto, but then again neither do you, that Honor belongs to Kishimoto. Here another long chapter. The story continues . . . . . . . PLZ REVIEW after you read Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/DarkCloud75 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 11 The ANBU then took one of the scroll that was handed to him and opened it, I will now read the request, these...

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This story takes place After my other story, "Auction". You don't have to read that one first but it gives a backround. Thanks!He signed on line from work, tired after a long day and quickly angered when he saw she was on line. She was up past her curfew Again. Not only was she up but she was on chat as well.. which was breaking yet Another part of her curfew. No... he wasn't going to tolerate it. "Now Kitten. Be in position when I get home." he typed, not even saying hello, and saying nothing...

1 year ago
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The Wifes Wild Ass Chapter 4

Chapter 4The new neighbor, Helen Ramsey, lived on one side of the Stephenses and the house on the other side was occupied by Tom and Darleen Jarvis. They had been there longer and were about the same age as Caroline and Jonathon, and it was natural that the two young couples should become friends. Tom and Jonathon played golf and tennis together. Caroline and Darleen went shopping together. They visited one another's home frequently and once a week or so went out together to a show or a movie...

4 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing Part 18

"Strange fascination, fascinating me..." -- David Bowie A Life Ever Changing #18 Ch-Ch-Changes By Angel I was ready to go home... I walked out with Grace's help and waddled my way to her car. Anyone who saw me now would see Rachel and not Ricky! No, Ricky only existed within me and for all other purposes Ricky was shelved for now. A new beginning was here. I was a sixteen-year-old infant girl. I needed to learn and learn quickly. I would do so at a pace I could handle though...

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