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This was the first story I ever finished, and I would not have done it with out Bea's help and encouragement. Thanks Bea I owe you one! Mikes Run - By Trish Shaw December 99 Horrified, I look at you sitting down in the chair in front of me. You look back at me in amazement, recognising me instantly. "What the hell," you ask, shocked. "Happened to you?" Slowly at first I start to tell my story starting at the very beginning. Hesitating often. You gently encourage me to tell you everything. My voice sounds thin and unsteady as I whisper in my lisping girlish tones. ......... "I can still smell the scent of the campfires when I think back to the night it all began." It was either very early or very late depending on which way you looked at it but dawn was just starting to appear on the eastern horizon. I was wandering around the camping fields happily pissed and somewhat stoned. I was still on a big high from us pulling the rally off again, and was enjoying the crack with those rallyists who had not already passed out or crashed out. The matte black transit van cruised on to the campsite from the main show field, close to where I was stood chatting. The side door was open and I recognised the driver as one of the local 'Outlaw' club, a psycho named Blubber who acted as the sergeant at arms and broke heads for the club. From my position I was able to see everything when the shooting started, I could clearly see the ribbon of fire that came out from within the van as it passed by the small group of tents set apart from the main camping area. I stood there agog as the van came screaming back past me and out on to the main road. I don't remember running down to the shot up tents or recall screaming in to my radio. "Jesus Christ...fuck...shooting on campsite ONE, first aid to campsite ONE, call a fuckin' ambulance now!" The only reason why I know I did, is because the police had been recording all our radio traffic and played it back to me later. By the time the police arrived I was incoherent and being a fool I gave them a statement. My mate Ken just stood there in amazement as I named Blubber as the van driver. It was only later after the police got what they wanted did it occur to me that the club would almost certainly try to kill me. I had given evidence against a club member! I was scared at first, but while the police were protecting me during the court case it was not so bad. Except for some visual intimidation I didn't have that much trouble from the club. However, on the day when Blubber and a prospect called Nobby were found guilty, my flat was fire bombed. Petrol through the letterbox - the clubs calling card. Of course now that the case was concluded the police were neither use nor ornament. I was well enough known on the political Biker scene to know that I had to drop out totally for a while. Telling no one what I had planned not even the police protection officers who were supposed to check in with me every week, I got started on doing a disappearing act. What I was relying on was that when the club chased up my background they would find out where my family was and that I had had next to no contact with them, since I had left home under a cloud. I was hoping that they would then concentrate their effort's looking for me in the biker circles I frequented. What they could not know was that I had an old close friend, Cathy, who had lived next door when I was young. As children we were best of friends even though she was two years older than me. When she first admitted that she felt she might be gay at Polytechnic I was the person who she came home to talk with, we were that close. I hadn't seen much of her over the last year or two since she now was a successful software designer and lived way up north near Hadrian's Wall. Without thinking I had talked to her on the phone the day after the shooting. On explaining the worst possible outcome she straightaway had offered me a hiding place. Then she advised me not to let any one else know about her, something I had not intended to do anyway. She was to be my hidey-hole. My route took me up the motorway network and I was some two hundred miles from home when I stopped at a service station and called her. "Cath? It's me Mike. I guess you saw the news last night?" "Yup." She replied. "The Police?" I laughed harshly at that. "My flat got firebombed." "Oh god!" I could hear the shock in her voice. "When will you be here?" "Two or three hours I guess." "Good. I will open the gate and garage so you can ride straight in. Thank god the neighbours are on holiday, so no one will be able to see you stop here. You had better come over the moors though, there are a lot of biker's round here." Her tone changed adding. "I think some of them know you." I had not considered that and from my silence Cath realised it but continued more brightly. "But I know I can disguise you no problem. Your hair's still long isn't it?" "Yes. I suppose I will have to get it cut." I harumphed. "Not necessarily, I have an idea to talk over with you when you get here. Now get a move on I'll expect you about three-ish. Take care and don't do any thing silly." "Yes mum!" I filled up the bike's tank and headed on up the M6 coming off at Penrith. Taking the Alston road I thrashed my bike along one of the best motorcycle roads in the country. I knew that this was probably going to be the last time that I could really push my self on my bike and I went very silly. Perhaps I was subconsciously throwing my fate in to the lap of the gods at 90mph on a road that has a frightening mortality rate for motorcyclists. I knew full well that my best chance of success in avoiding the club meant that I would have to have no involvement with bikers or the bikes that had been my life since I was sixteen. It was not surprising then that I resented having to calm down when I crossed the A69 and went up on to the narrow twisty moorland road that led to Hardale and Cath's house. As she had said, the gate and garage doors were open and I was able to ride straight in and park the bike away from any curious eyes. The connecting door flew open with a loud bang that I could hear though my crash helmet and earplugs. Typically hyperactive Cath came charging towards me. Roughly she pulled me in to a big hug totally ignoring that I still had on my lid and leathers. Finally she pulled away from me and allowed me to remove my damp and smelly riding gear. "Jesus. Mike you look like a mess!" Her eyes softened and she hugged me again. For the first time in nearly a year I felt some of my fear and tension start to slide away. "God!" She theatrically pinched her nose. "You pong, Why don't you go and have a bath? I will bring you a brew and a bifty up." Surprised I looked at her, "You don't smoke?" She winked, "Don't I?" With a beaming smile she pointed her finger upwards and said. "Bath now please. You really do smell." Ten minutes later I was laid out in Cath's very plush large bath. Wallowing in hot water made bubbly with Radox salts, feeling the aches and pains of over four hundred miles of high-speed riding slipping away. I was almost asleep when Cath bustled in clutching two mugs of tea in her hands. Thrusting one at me she smiled around the joint and flopped on to the loo commenting. "Be blowed if I am going to try to talk though the door!" We chatted about nothing of consequence as we drank our tea and smoked the joint, just family stuff and mutual friends reacquainting our friendship as if my sudden visit was completely normal. Suddenly she stood up and started to examine my hair, offering to wash it for me. I shrugged, accepting. Shortly, the soothing action of her hands on my scalp had me half-dozing. "Oy! No sleeping in the bath." Cath called then, commenting on my hair. "It needs a good trim Mike. I can do that for you later if you want. Now out of the bath and into bed for a few hours!" I was out for a good while because it was just starting to go dark when I awoke. As I lay there I noticed that the room was getting lighter not darker and that it was morning not evening. I lay there dozing until my watch started bleeping at me. Automatically I lurched out of bed and started to look for my clothes. Eventually finding a note addressed to me sat on top of a pair of jogging bottoms and tee shirt. "Morning! - Hope you slept well, you looked so peaceful when I looked in. I have to be at work for eight today and will be home for three thirty, four o'clock. Keep your head down and stay in. I have bunged all your clothes in the washer so here are some, which should fit you. Luv Cath. PS Put the dinner in at 3pm please. It's in the fridge 130 C." Once dressed I stumbled down to the kitchen and made my self-a mug of tea, having nothing else to do I cleaned the kitchen, and bathroom before sitting my self down in a comfy chair with yesterdays paper and a book. By three I was bored so when I went to put the casserole in the oven I also had a root in her fridge. By the time she got home I was just cleaning up after making a tossed salad and some coleslaw. She collapsed in to a chair in the kitchen and nodded her thanks as I handed her a cuppa. "God what a day!" She muttered. "Thanks Mike." After a moment she looked round the kitchen and smiled. "You did the kitchen!" Then she looked at me and nodded. "Your hairs a mess and you need a shave, but I think it might work." "What might?" I asked. Totally ignoring my question she asked in a worried tone. "Have you been out?" "No." "That's good I was taking to one of the technicians you see. He's a biker, he knows all about you, who you are and what you did. I think he admires your balls." She gave me a big friendly smile. "I did not realise just how serious your situation was. And!" She held up her hand as I tried to comment. "I want you to know just how proud of you I am." I just grinned weakly and said. "Well I knew what could happen I suppose." She kissed me and said. "Well I am. But I want to dye your hair because it's a big give away." She grinned suddenly looking like the mischievous tomboy teenager she used to be. "They'll never figure out the disguise I have in mind." "What disguise?" She giggled. "The same one you used to play football for us when I was a student, for the Poly-ladies team." "It would never work!" I spluttered, all of a sudden realising what her comments had been all about. "'Course it would! It did then. You know you make a convincing woman! You fooled them all that night." "That was five years ago Cath." "So, you are only twenty-four now and I doubt you have had a razor on your face more times than I have fingers." "Well yes... But?" I replied wide-eyed in shock at her audacious plan. "No buts. If they know as much about you as I think they do, then sooner or later they will find me. If they see any sign of you then? We're both fucked!" I knew she was right and my being there had put her in as much danger as I was already in. Having little option I nodded my agreement to her scheme while she continued. "But when they do come around, all they will see is me and my pretty housekeeper. Asking the folks in the village will just reinforce that, because down there they all think, quite rightly, that I am a lesbian. Anybody looking for you will take you as my girlfriend, and then they won't bother us. Its perfect!" I could see the sense in her plan but my doubts were written all over my face. "Look Mike how about having a try tonight and see what you look like. You will only have to pass from a distance at first. If it's a no hoper then at least we tried. Anyway?" She giggled. "It'll be fun. I'll start on your hair now. Then after dinner, some wine and a joint or two, we can play dress up all night." "Sounds fun," I laughed swept up with her good humour. Cath was right. It did turn out to be fun. Right after she had lightened my hair, we had dinner. At first I felt stupid sitting eating dinner with rollers in my now blond hair, but that initial embarrassment soon left me. By the time she produced a vast collection of what she called. "Things I don't wear any more." By now I was off my head and enjoying myself too much to suffer from any great embarrassment or discomfort. We were both a bit pissed and as the evening progressed we worked our way though all of the clothes that would fit me. Eventually she decided on what I was to wear and handed me the selection. I quickly dressed in the pale blue matching panties and bra, filling the cups with water filled balloons. Then came a pair of tights, purple 'hippie' skirt, and a black Fruit of the Loom sleeveless polo necked top. She was stumped for my feet. None of her size six shoes or boots would fit my size eight and had to settle on my hi-tech Jesus boots. The sense of foolishness returned when I saw my reflection, but by now the alcohol had lowered most of my inhibitions and I sat without protesting as Cath drunkenly made up my face and brushed out my hair. "What 'cha think Sis?" She slurred slightly as she spoke. "Bloody hell, I could fancy myself!" I answered realising that I didn't look that bad. The alcohol and pot soon had me aware of the fatigue I was feeling. Cath saw this and grinned at me. "Night Sis." Her eyes were bright with possibilities as she examined how I looked. "I'm going to log on for a while. I have a few things to look at." I soon dozed off vaguely aware of her presence in the next room because of the CD she was playing on her computer as she surfed. The haunting traditional Irish melodies eventually lulled me in to a deep and very restful sleep. The next morning I got up with a stinking hangover and staggered down to the kitchen looking for a mug of tea. Beside the kettle was a note, which I ignored until after aspirin and caffeine. Feeling the headache recede I started on my second mug and read Cath's note. "Morning. Thank god it's Friday!!!! Hope you feel as bad as I do! Last night you promised to shave your legs and armpits today. I forgot to tell you to use lots of moisturiser afterwards. I will get you some properly fitting clothes today. Put on what you had on last night for now. You will have to anyway, as I have already shoved all your dry clothes in the attic. Any chance of you disguising your bike some - 'coz it's a bit obvious if any one looks in there? See you, luv. Cath PS don't forget to do your chest as well, if you have any hair there!" I vaguely remembered something about shaving from the previous night but I had thought she was talking about my face. Following her instructions I headed for the bathroom and started to shave. It took forever and used up five or six razors but by the time I was finished I was pretty much hairless from the neck down. As I slapped the moisturiser on to my legs I marveled over how smooth and sensitive my skin felt. Eventually I got dressed in the jogging bottoms and tee shirt I had worn the previous day and tidied up the empty bottles and clothes that were scattered all over the front room. Over my lunch I considered my bike. How to disguise it? I eventually came to the reluctant conclusion that I had to strip it and pack it away. No sooner had I started than Cath phoned to check that I was up and still agreeing to try her disguise for a month. I told her yes, that I was fine about her plan and would try it. - I wasn't the whole Idea was a little scary and well wrong feeling, but there was no way I was going to admit that to Cath! Putting such worries aside I got stuck in to my bike, thinking about perhaps a restoration project? Working quickly I soon had the bike stripped until all I was left with was the engine sitting in the frame on the garage floor. The bike, which was my pride and joy, was now looking very strange and forlorn with its front end missing, all the bodywork removed and no wheels. I packed all the parts I had removed into some cardboard boxes and placed the lot in the small attic above the garage. Throwing a dust cover over the only visible part left, I went to get cleaned up because I had got oil and bike grime on the jogging bottoms and tee shirt. After a quick shower feeling very foolish and embarrassed I changed back in to the blouse, skirt and undies Cath had lent me the previous evening. Something that I knew Cath had wanted me to do that morning. My mind was still full of mad thoughts as I prepared some dinner for Cath and my self. Losing my troubles by concentrating on what I was doing. I need not have rushed because Cath did not get home until after seven o'clock. She had been shopping and had a huge collection of pretty boxes and branded shopping bags the contents of which were destined to be my new wardrobe and life! She must have spent a fortune! Giggling and well pleased with herself she spread the contents all over the front room. I guessed that she had just bought me every thing she could think of. Chattering on delightedly she showed me all the pretty bra's, knickers, shoes, boots, skirts, tights and things I did not even recognise. Ashen faced I sat looking at her in a state of shock. "Cath!" I exclaimed when she emptied the last bag. "What happened? You must have spent a fortune." She grinned and nodded. "I did. It was fun. You know how much I love shopping. Anyway don't worry about it. I can afford it." Smiling she walked towards me. "Now what's for tea and how long is it going to be?" "Lamb chops with something potato's, mushy peas and gravy. About twenty minutes," I replied still looking at the vast array of feminine items that she had bought that day. "Great, I'm going for a shower and to get changed." She called back to me, giggling from the stairs. "Pop my apron on as well, will you? It's behind the door. Fat's a bugger to get out of that skirt." Not wanting to have to answer for that! I quickly donned the crisp white apron. Guessing correctly that it was usually little more than a kitchen ornament for Cath. Straight after I had cleared up after tea she had me strip down to my panties so she could carefully examine my body shape. Passing approving comment on my now smooth shaven skin she quickly sized up my problem. "Your waist needs to come in and your arse needs to come out. You're on a diet from now on. Your legs are too muscular, so no more running; I will get us a dance aerobics tape or some thing. OK then..." She stuck out her tongue comically and her eyes went out of focus as she considered her options. I have always enjoyed watching Cath think. You can almost see the ideas flying over her features. Cath's facial expression was one I recognised - when we were kids it usually heralded me getting in to trouble. Triumphantly she snorted. "Got it! OK then, your waist is easy enough I will get you a corset or something similar. Some form of padded girdle will fill out your arse easy enough for tight skirts and looser ones can be cut full. Just put a short frilly petticoat on underneath and who will ever know. Perhaps I can even get a combined corset and girdle," she giggled delighted. "Your hair I'll cut tonight and when you get a bit less self conscious about looking like a girl. I will get Wendy to do it properly when she does mine. Boobs! Now there's a kicker! All I could get were some latex covered breast forms and they have no life so won't look very natural when you move. I will have a look on the 'net later." She stood and turned grabbing a bottle of red from the rack saying, "Ready?" I nodded whispering, "When you are." Firmly she took my hand and led me back in to the kitchen. Sitting me on a chair she lent me back over the sink and quickly washed and conditioned my hair. Snipping a pair of scissors in front of my face she carefully gave me a fringe. Commenting cheerfully, "I'll pluck your eyebrows once I've done your hair." It did not take her very long before she once again had my head covered with her rollers. Then she let loose a sadistic chuckle, clicking her tweezers. "You will love this!" As I had expected I did not. It hurt! Cath enjoyed it though, condescendingly saying. "What are you complaining about? Most women go through this regularly. Now stop squealing and carrying on like a little girl." I tried but continued to wince and say, 'Shit! Ouch!' a lot. When she had finished torturing me with her tweezers she grabbed my right ear. Before I could say or do anything she quickly pierced my ear lobe twice to match my already pierced left. With the deed done I saw little point in complaining and allowed her to put the sleepers in to the newly pierced holes. My only query being if the needle was sterile? A question that she considered too stupid to answer and instead pulled me firmly back in to the lounge with a strange look burning in her eyes. "What to try first?" she giggled. "Now I know you will look kind of odd until we get your body shape right, however I think I can make you reasonably passable first time. Shall we try?" I was feeling cold from the kitchen and said with a mock shiver. "Yes get a bloody move on will you. I am freezing!" Picking up a shocking pink silky body she grinned mischievously at me. "Here we go then, slip this body on please." I did so and found out that it was a tight bugger to get on and therefore pulled my waist in slightly. In addition the padded bra cups instantly gave me an instant feminine bust and to match my almost curvy waist. Cath, who had watched my performance silently, except to giggle as I was trying to get the body straight over my chest, said between her fits. "I didn't think that would pull your waist in enough! But the colour suits you. Here," she held out a pair of flesh-coloured briefs, "Put these on, then fasten the catches on the body, they will be very tight," she laughed crudely, "They have to be to hide your knob away under your skirt." She kissed me lightly adding, "Because you're definitely going to be no trousers girl!" She was right again. The briefs were tight but once they were in place my pubic area lost its distinctive male lunchbox bulge. About my now slightly pulled in waist Cath fastened a pink matching suspender belt and handed me a pair of stockings. "I'll do your toenails later. Put these on. You've seen me put tights on often enough. Be careful though, they are quite fine and can ladder easily. Stockings are a pain but so much more feminine than tights." Pointing my toes I simply rolled each stocking up my legs before fumbling around with the suspender catches until I worked out how they fastened. Cath whistled approvingly as I did a twirl in front of her. "Nice legs Sis! I can't wait to see them with the heels!" Handing me a blue satin blouse and a black pleated skirt she watched closely as I finished dressing. Quickly pushing me in to a chair she picked up the heels she had mentioned and slid them on to my feet. By now I was in sensual overload. The sensation on the fine silky materials on my super sensitive skin was mind blowing. I started to stand I had to see what I looked like, but Cath firmly pushed me back down saying bluntly. "You're not seeing yourself until I am done! Now be a good girl and sit still while I do your face!" I blushed when she called me a girl. I was getting worried. Was I starting to enjoy this far more than I should? I did not really follow what she was doing to my face but it seemed to take much longer than it had the night before. She kept stepping back and checking how I looked before painting something else on. When she was done and my hair had been unrolled and brushed out, I saw why. She pulled me from the chair until I was standing unsteadily in the high heels. At first walking was a nightmare, the heels altered my centre of gravity tilting my body forward. To walk, I had to pull my shoulders back and take short steps. "If you wiggle your hips and put one foot in front of the other it gets easier," Cath advised, loving it all. Walking carefully I reached the mirror and saw the blond girl that was me reflected back and realised why it had taken her so long to do my face. I looked totally different; she had skilfully altered the shape of my face with my hairstyle and makeup. I stood in front of the mirror for ages shocked at my reflection. I was totally unaware of Cath's presence watching from the door with a delighted expression on her face. "Fuck me!" I thought making a halfhearted wave at my reflection "She isn't me? Can't be me? Can she?" My reflection waved back looking so feminine from her blond hair to her pretty (if very painful) high heel shoes. "Well you don't look like my reprobate biker friend any more and certainly not some one called Mike. So what do you want to be called? They'll never recognise you now!" "Sorry?" I had only caught half of what she had said and was trying to sound more positive than I felt. "I am gobsmacked Cath!" She smiled adding lightly. "Glad you like it - Laura." "Pardon?" I replied, listening this time. "I am going to call you Laura from now on. You look like a Laura, Laura." "Laura?" I asked. "Laura." She replied happy now, seeing my capitulation and knowing her plan would work. "Laura, Jane Brown!" "Why not Laura Roberts?" "Because you don't have a sister and I went to school with a Laura Brown which means if any one checks up on my history they will see a Laura Brown on the class list for my sixth form," Cath grinned and added. "She was also my first girlfriend I suppose. Give me your hand Laura and I will tell you about her as I do your nails." Interested I asked her about my namesake as I gained ten long red fingernails and matching toenails. When she was done with my nails we finished the bottle of red we'd started and opened another bottle of wine and earned ourselves another hangover! Over the weekend, Cath had me try on almost all the things she had bought for me and always called me Laura. She spent hours on teaching me how to walk, sit, move my body and, when we were not doing that she had me practising holding cutlery in a feminine way and getting used to a handbag. One initial worry for her was my voice. She however recalled my ability to do accents and with a touch of Scottish; my voice started to sound very good to her. Even though it sounded bloody awful to me! Obviously she was enjoying herself far more than I. I think that she got off on putting me through the crap she had to live with. Because after a few drinks and a smoke she would tease me mercilessly about keeping my seams straight and how pretty my legs were. Which although very funny at the time was then usually followed by a feeling of guilt about enjoying myself so much on the following day. By Monday I had become somewhat physically accustomed to the feminine clothing that I was now wearing. I was even starting to get used to wearing heels, even though I took them off as often as possible. Working my fingers with false nails and even applying make up had become part of my life, which was a total gender shock! Yet to me no matter how hard I tried I still hated seeing my reflection in the many mirrors in her house. When I had something to do or if I was a bit pissed or stoned I felt fine and relaxed but in the cold light of morning I cringed. Since Cath's excuse for my presence in the house was as her housekeeper I was able to distract my mind from its misgivings with the housework. The weirdness of the situation did not escape my notice and I found some black humour over performing the traditionally female tasks to take my mind off the necessity of hiding behind that same gender role. Adding to my confusion was that I found some of what she had me wear incredibly sensual and one hell of a turn on. Often giving me a sudden hardon in my frilly panties to deal with! Which just increased the sense of guilt I was already feeling about my cross-dressing. Not wanting to upset Cath I mentioned nothing about these mounting misgivings about what she had in mind for me. Cath however knew me very well and could read me like an open book. I was becoming more and more disheartened with living as Laura throughout that first week even though by the end of it I did look rather good. The problem was that I still had my male identity under the frills and fancies and no amount of pretty clothes and beauty products would alter that basic fact. I was still Mike in my head not Laura. Sure I had become accustomed to responding to being called Laura but I did not feel like a Laura. By the second week I was ready to call it off. Some of the physical side was a pain, mainly in my feet but I could accept that! It was in my mind where it was not working. Cath, finally worked out why I was having problems coming to terms with the necessity what she was doing. One morning when she was home late, she had made me breakfast in bed for a treat and had seen my normal wake up routine. Like most men, even though I was wearing a babydoll nightie and panties, I stumbled out of bed scratching my nuts and yawning as I went to the loo. On arrival in the loo I pulled up my nightie and pointed Percy at the pot and let rip. "Ahh," I muttered and after the obligatory shake or two I shambled back to find Cath looking at me with comprehension in her eyes exclaiming. "You wake up male Laura! That's why!" Still blurry eyed and half asleep I grunted, "Wot?" "Nothing Laura," she said. "Nothing at all. I have to be at work for eleven. Enjoy your breakfast Laura. Tarra!" And rushed out, leaving me bemused by her unexpected exit looking at the now empty doorway. That evening she had decided were having a healthy night and without alcohol or pot to lower my inhibitions I was feeling very uncomfortable and self-conscious. We were trying to watch Star Trek on the telly but I was shifting around beside her on the settee embarrassed by my reflection in the large wall mirror. Intellectually I knew that her plan held the best chance of me never having to answer to the club but emotionally I was becoming very screwed up. Subtle as ever Cath looked at me after my umpteenth nervous shift and said bluntly, "I can help you with that Laura." She nodded at my reflection, "And I know it will sound a little kinky but I am positive it will work." I looked at my reflection and said nodding at the mirror. "Anything's got to be better than feeling like this when I see that." Taking that comment as my agreement she launched in and sold me her idea. "Do you know what stimulus and response psychology is about?" "A bit, yea." I recalled various lectures on psychology adding. "Pavlov and what's it? Arthur and the white rat?" She nodded enthusiastically. "That's the one. What I want to do is remove the masculine stimuli from your life." "Hang on a minute?" I interrupted, frightening thoughts clamouring in my mind. She grinned, "Not that, honest. Now where was I?" She stood up and fetched in a box in from her car. "Your corset arrived this morning and when I got to thinking about your emotional problems it occurred to me that if you don't see your body's masculinity every day then you will come to accept your feminine disguise." Having lost track of what she was talking about I just nodded and told her to go on. "What I plan to do is to use these. I got them through a friend." She opened a box and displayed a pair of very realistic false boobs and a belt contraption. "These are medical standard body prosthetic's and can be cemented to the wearer. The cement lasts seventy-two hours and then it naturally comes free. You must then let the skin breath for a minimum of twelve hours before replacement. With me, Laura?" "Yes. You want to glue a pair of false tits on me." Cath giggled rudely. "And more Sis. Thing is once they are on you will be unable to remove them yourself. You will have to become used to having a chest that's gets in the way and having to sit down to have a pee like I do." If I had understood what she meant by having to sit to pee and the inconvenience that it was to cause me I would never have let her fix the infernal thing on me. The boobs were easy enough after preparing my chest with a position mark or two and some chemical smelling adhesive. She simply lined up the boobs to the marks and stuck them on, securing them with a bra until the cement had set. When she pulled me upright I could feel the weight of my new boobs pulling gently almost seductively on my chest and bra. God they were heavy and felt huge. Once I was stood she pulled down my panties and shocked me by spaying my penis and balls with depilatory lotion that was cold enough to retract my balls and shrink my dick down until it was tiny. Cath did not mention that it also contained a mild local anaesthetic to keep it shrunk. When my pubis was hairless she fixed the belt thing about my waist and said. "Take a look, and have a scratch because once I fix this you won't be seeing it for a while." Astonished I watched as she slid an open-ended condom over my shrunken penis and then sprayed every thing with what she used to fix my boobs in place. Fixing a clear plastic crotch strap to the belt she slipped the end of the condom through the waiting hole in the clear piece and pulled most of it through. Carefully arranging my penis and making sure that my balls were still retracted she pulled the crotch piece tightly between my legs and fastened it to the back of the belt. It was very uncomfortable at first but after a minute or two the discomfort eased off but what she did next blew my mind. On the front of the clear crotch piece above the hole was a small valve. On to this valve she connected a can, the contents of which she sprayed through the valve. I could feel and see the warm flesh coloured fluid fill the crotch piece covering my shrunken genitals. I kept the strap on for about half an hour until Cath had me remove my bra to reveal the false boobs now standing proudly on my chest, gently bobbing swaying about with my body motion. A quick touch of make up on the feathered edges and you would never have guessed that they were not naturally part of me. When the belt and strap came off I nearly had a heart attack, because she had given me a vagina. The stuff she had sprayed in to the strap had set over my genitals into the form of a passable (though a pair of panties) pussy. The only thought in my mind when I looked down for the first time was. "How the hell am I supposed to have a piss?" I swallowed and continued my examination of the pubic disguise becoming more and more worried as my masculine mind cried out against my new body image. Examining her handy work strangely oblivious to my mounting self- disgust. Cath smiled and said firmly, "Look at your self Laura and tell me what you see." Tapping her foot she barked at me. "Laura Jane Brown I asked you a question! What do you see?" Wearing nothing but an embarrassed expression I looked directly in to the mirror and stammered now close to tears, "I see a woman, Cath." "What sort of woman Laura?" Cath persisted. Trying to make me see what I was becoming, and relax behind it. "A naked, woman?" I muttered, noticing my boobs, my hair and the message they gave out. She giggled at the tone of my voice, "Tell me? C'mon! I know what I am making you into. Now I want you to tell me!" "Oh god!" I mumbled. "I see a big titted blond Cath!" "And who is she?" Cath twisted her mental knife a touch deeper. "Laura! Me!" I finally whispered before covering my face with my hands and bursting into tears. I released a year's worth of anxiety, frustration and fears in that moment. Cath threw her arms around me and whispered, "That's it Laura, let it out, let it go." I did. In sobbing breaths I told her all my fears about the club, what they would do to us. How her plan had in turn excited me and repulsed me. My flood of tears was soon spent and I clung to Cath's voice like it was a rock in a storm, "There, their Laura, don't be scared. You're going to be safe with me. Don't be afraid any more. It's all going to be fine." Strangely I did feel better once my weeping was done and almost laughed when Cath said drolly, "All I see now is a very attractive red faced blond bird! Go and get some clothes on you brazen tart!" She grinned giggling naughtily, "And then I will tell you the kinky bit!" Quickly I pulled on the skirt and top I had been wearing before Cath had glued the prosthetics on me. Noticing how the top emphasised my now bouncing boob's. Wow! Did they bounce I could feel their every movement. It was almost as if they really were part of me. Without thinking, I told Cath, "I really need a bra on now!" "Yes Sis. You do but you don't half look sexy without one under that top!" I glanced at Cath I knew her sexuality. She couldn't? Could she? "What's that supposed to mean?" Cath demanded reading my expression. Stumbling over my words Cath eventually prised out of me the thought that had occurred so visibly on my face. "Did she fancy me as Laura?" Refusing to answer she simply smiled and handed me a brandy to settle my still trembling nerves. "Now, as I was going to say earlier?" she started, then to my total astonishment, she blushed. "I told you about the need to breathe your skin under the prosthetics?" I nodded sipping at my brandy fascinated by her sudden embarrassment. "Well a friend of mine she works at the Uni in town. Well she has a transsexual partner Lucy and Lucy had a few problems adapting when she went full time." I nodded trying not to giggle at Cath's red face; I couldn't wait to hear this! "Well what they did is what I have just done to you. But then?" Cath took a breath and said quickly. "When ever the prosthetics were removed Lucy was hooded, restrained and relieved," she paused and giggled. "Of any masculine tension. This treatment made sure that she never saw any conflict between her public gender role and her physical gender." Considering my flood of tears not ten minutes previously I was amazed to hear my self-say teasingly. "Sounds like fun!" Feeling the pressure in my groin, as my masculine tension increased! Cath giggled, "It does doesn't it. I could never understand what Mandy saw in Lucy." She leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek, "Until now." "Also," Cath said looking at me straight in the eye, "Like you, Lucy spent most of her time in the home and Mandy insisted that until she could feel comfortable in her new self she should spend her home life as her personal maid." I didn't quite follow Cath because I had already proved that I could easily be her housekeeper. Pre-empting my question she explained, "The reason why Lucy became Mandy's maid was because the maid in her uniform is unmistakably feminine and that is what Lucy had to become and it worked very well. As you will see when you meet her, you could never guess she had been born and lived for twenty six years as a boy." She hugged me tightly; "I will have to be very strict with you, about your appearance, your demeanour and every thing else. It will mean that you will have to call me Madam or Miss Cathy whenever you are on duty and do every thing I say. Including," she stood back and looked me in the eyes. "Not removing your heels when I am away at work." "Guilty," I admitted. "Don't worry Sis I will make damn sure you don't from now on." Her hands slipped of my shoulders asking. "How about another brandy Laura?" "Please." I said noticing that my glass was empty. Cath slumped in to the chair saying with a teasing smile, "You're my maid. Fetch me one as well please Laura." I started to move but Cath cut me short adding lightly, "Don't forget your heels." Reluctantly I slipped my aching feet back in to my shoes and went to fetch the brandy bottle and a glass for Cath. Patting the chair beside her I sat down as gracefully as I could. Cath smiled happily at me and raised her glass. "Here's to you Laura." I lifted mine and we clinked our glasses together the sound of the liquid in our glasses reminding me of my predicament. "Cath? How the hell do I have a slash?" "You don't!" She laughed. "Have a slash! You go for a pee sitting on the toilet just like any other girl!" All I was able to say was. "But?" Before Cath continued. "That's what the condom thingy is for. To allow you to pee and make sure it goes in the correct direction." "Oh!" Cath insisted on coming with me to the loo just so she could watch my first feminine pee. Delightedly pointing out that from now on I would be wiping not shaking. I lay in bed that night wearing a long silky nightie that felt lovely on my skin. Carefully exploring my new body additions. I again felt that rush of sexual energy and a sense of ineffective pressure in my groin when my fingers brushed the nipples on my false boobs. I dozed off thinking about the body I now sported and the look on Cath's face when she measured me! The next morning my life changed dramatically. I knew Cath was in work early and as we had agreed I was to start my new life as her housekeeper/maid. Going to the loo that morning was another shock, which jolted me awake. I had as usual stumbled from the bed half asleep when my alarm went off. I had spent a semi-sleepless night disturbed by the strange sudden movements of my new breasts and the unaccustomed pressure on my groin. Working on autopilot I had pulled up my nightie and reached for Percy and found a pussy! "Oh god!" The night's surprise returned to my mind with a bang. Tentatively I sat down and relaxed my bladder astonished again to find that the jet of urine fell straight in to the pan. The sensation was weird to some one who for most of their life has had to point to pee, and then often missed! I was up, washed, dressed in the clothes she had mentioned as being suitable for my role and ready with her breakfast when she appeared from the shower wrapped in a purple fluffy robe. "Coffee, Miss Cath?" I enquired remembering the rules of our agreement. "Thank you Laura, that will be lovely." She smiled and looked me over as I served her coffee. "Go and put your heels on Laura and your apron. I think both are a necessity for my maid even at this time in a morning." As I turned away she teased, "Excuse me Laura, but doesn't a maid curtsey and say yes Miss Cath, before obeying her employer?" I blushed and nodded. I didn't have much of a clue but I bobbed at the knees and said as girlishly as possible, "Yes Miss. Sorry Miss." Her laughing comment's reaching in my ears as I did as she had Asked, "You look very pretty when you blush Laura, so sweet, so girlish. Your voice is very good this morning as well. I think you soon might even pass on the phone with a little help. " When I returned wearing my heels and the apron, which looked rather good with the dark full-skirted dress I was wearing. She was well in to her breakfast. Playing my role I curtseyed again and continued pottering about the kitchen. "Thank you Laura that was lovely." She smiled sternly at me comfortable in her role as my employer inquiring, "Are you wearing stockings Laura?" "No Miss," I replied surprised by the question. She shook her head saying, "Go and get a pair of seamed please and then remove your dress and wait for me in the lounge Laura," adding as I curtseyed. "I am going to have to teach you to do that properly first thing this evening." I quickly did as she asked, feeling that same twisted sense of self- loathing as I did so. This time there was something else in that emotional mix, I do not know quite what but because I had given my word over working for her, I felt subconsciously that I had an excuse. When I walked in to the lounge she produced the corset saying, "Told you it had come, now let's get it on you and see just how good it is. Come on Laura get your kit off." Strangely the atmosphere between us seemed to take on a highly charged feel as she slipped the almost ridged garment about my waist and clipped the two halves together. Then with a smooth practised air she spun me round and began to tighten the laces. At first it was not so bad. She pulled my waist in a small amount and then sent me off to clean her shoes. When I had returned with the clean shoes and the now obligatory curtsey she pulled my waist in again taking perhaps three inches off my waist in total. After fastening the laces tightly and clipping some sort of metallic clasp shut she smacked my bum and said with a self- depreciating giggle, "OOPS. I should have got you to put on your stockings on first. Never mind!" She quickly slid the fine nylon up my legs and attached the tops to the waiting suspenders telling me not to be such a silly tart in the future and put my stocking on before my corset. "Slip your dress and apron back on please and we will get you made up so I can get to work." She kissed me lightly on the cheek whispering. "Maids dress their employers not the other way round Laura." With out any embarrassment on her side she shrugged off her robe and started to dress along side me. I had not seen her naked in years, certainly not as an adult. Yet here she was in front of me displaying all her charms just as if I really was her maid. The sight of her sent my manhood in to a futile battle against the unmoving restraint glued to my crotch causing a few winces of pain in that area. "Oh!" Cath teased. "Bad period pains Laura?" Wincing I managed, "Something like that Cath." "Miss Cath," she barked, amusement written on her face. I half smiled as I felt Percy give up the battle for now and the pain receded. "Yes Miss Cath." "Here." She handed me a small paper wrapped object still teasing. "You will need this then." She looked at my puzzled expression. I didn't have clue what the object was. "It's a sanitary towel silly. We girls wear them when we are on our period." Blushing brightly I took the towel and slipped it in to my apron pocket. "Thank you Miss Cath that's very kind." Cath smiled adding, "Make sure you have it in place when I get home this evening," before pushing the cosmetics she had bought especially for me over the table. The corset was a pain when I came to put on my dress back on. No longer being able to bend over and pick it up in the first place was just the start, by restricting my movement and posture I had to learn a totally new way of fastening the row of buttons up. Cath was dressed well before me and stood silently watching what I was doing with a strange expression on her face. Sitting in the corset turned out to be like sensual agony. I had to sit up properly, with my back straight and shoulders back. Totally different to my usual rounded shoulder slump. Showing her years of practice, Cath was fully made up and hair dressed in a matter of minutes then stood watching me with satisfied look on her face as I finished messing about with my hair and face. "Your getting much better at that you know?" She handed me a shoebox once my face was to her satisfaction. Here put these on Laura." Inside were a pair of black 3 1/2 inch stiletto heels almost identical to the pair I had been wearing for most of the last two weeks except these were a bit higher in the heel and were fitted with an ankle strap and pretty buckle. Hampered by my corset I found the only way I could put them on was to step in to them and get Cath to fasten the straps, which she obligingly did. Laughing to her self as she fastened the buckles. Standing up she announced, "Well you won't be swapping them for your Jesus boots!" Obviously pleased with her creation she informed me in a smug tone. "The buckles on your shoes are like the ones on your corset - they lock Laura. I will release you when I get home from work. Have a nice day." With that she kissed me and strode out still giggling, delighted at the expression on my face. The introduction of the corset and shoes in to my daily regime at first caused me few problems. After all I had been wearing heels for a good part of every day for over two weeks and had become used to walking in them. Working in them turned out to a totally different affair and by lunchtime my legs and feet were on fire. Then my corset made its presence felt! It was with a sense of relief that I collapsed on to a chair for my low calorific lunch. Not that I would have called two pieces of lettuce, low fat yoghurt and a cracker my lunch three weeks earlier! I wanted to relax but my corset had firmly altered my collapsed state from a rounded shoulder slump in to straight back, shoulder back, and correct demure sitting position. It also had another side effect of making me unable to eat much more than my lunch provided even if I could have had more to eat. Sitting very correctly with my legs crossed exactly as Cath liked, I looked at the mountain of ironing I wanted to get done that day and swore quietly at my shoes and corset. I was still ironing when Cath arrived home early from work and I had to get my skates on to have a pot of tea ready when she walked through the door. Bobbing a curtsey I said holding the tea tray, "Where would you like to take your tea Mistress?" "Ooh! I like the sound of that Laura. Mistress. Yes indeed." She waved her hand towards the kitchen patio. "I'll have it outside thank you Laura. Bring yourself a cup and saucer. We can have a chat. You can put the ironing away while I am getting changed and then join me." It did not take me long to put the ironed clothing away and tidy up the kitchen but Cath still beat me to the garden by a good five minutes. Having to take care even with all the practice I had in my heels I carefully walked over to the table where she was sat. Bobbing at the knees I said with a smile, "Tea Miss Cathy." She smiled up at me and said, "I prefer Mistress I think." I smiled feeling rather nervous about being in full view of the road as I had walked along the path and said, "Your tea Mistress." "Much better Laura." Then she teased, "Call that a curtsey?" I blushed as she continued more firmly, "I do not! So listen and do it right." The teasing tone was still in her voice but I could hear she meant it when she said she wanted me to curtsey to her. Even though my legs were in agony having had no relief from the heels all day she made me spend fifteen minutes walking up and down in front of her curtseying to her at each turn until she was satisfied. "Make sure you do it like that from now on Laura. Graceful and demure just like a deferential maid should behave." "Yes Mistress," I hoarsely whispered feeling breathless and light headed from the effects of my corset during that exercise. She grinned and her tone changed again, "I must get you a proper uniform." Then she waved her hand towards a chair. "Sit down pet. What time did you start today Laura?" I slid in to the chair beside her and sipped my now cold tea. "I was up for six Mistress." Cath laughed her voice echoing off the walls surrounding the Garden, "You don't have to call me Mistress any more you ninny. You are sat beside me. We're both finished work for the day." I smiled and relaxed taking no notice of my reflection in the patio door, not deliberately avoiding it but not going and looking at it either. She nodded at my feet saying in a humorous/sadistic tone. "How are your feet?" "Painful," I admitted. Smiling a told you so smile Cath released the buckles and allowed me to remove them. What a relief! I let out a squeak of pleasure and said gratefully. "Thanks" We chatted about her day for a while longer before she dropped that evening's bombshell. "Come' on then lets get you changed and then we can be off." "Off?" I nearly had a fit. "Cath what do you mean?" She grinned once again delighted at the reaction she had created. "Oh! Did I forget to tell you?" "What Cath?" I said now back under control. "It's the last Tuesday of the month," she was grinning like a Cheshire cat enjoying her self at my expense. I knew the expression from old and knew that whatever she had planned one way or the other I would agree to it. "And?" "I have made an appointment for my maid and I at Wendy's to get our hair done," she said still grinning. "Oh shit!" I thought but said opting just to give in before she teased/convinced me in to getting my hair done. "Oh! Cath, is that such a good idea yet?" The reply was an emphatic, "Yes." Taking a leaf out of her book I suddenly jumped up and said grinning down at her. "Well? Coming?" She threw back her head and laughed, pouting at me, "I expected more of a fight than that!" Saying with a giggle, "I know!" I slipped my feet back in to my stiletto shoes and turned smoothly on my heel. Although she had just changed into a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and removed her makeup except for a pale lipstick, she insisted that I replace my plain dress with a pretty skirt and blouse and refresh my makeup. Lounging by the door she watched, amused, as I stripped down to my corset, stockings and panties. Made me blush like a red traffic light when she wolf whistled at my revealed underwear. As I turned I noted her eyes sharpen. "Where's the sanitary pad Laura?" "Oh shit! I forgot!" I said. She read my expression and said coldly, "I told you to do something this morning Laura. Did you do as I asked?" Suddenly, I realised that I was in a fix. "I..I forgot Mistress." I Whispered, "I am sorry, I just forgot." "You forget what I tell you?" She looked at me and there was no amusement in her face. "And if you forget when those Biker's call? Then what?" She took a breath and screamed, "I pay for it!" Her arm flew out and knocked me on to the bed. "Well you're gonna pay for it now! Roll over on to your chest. I will bloody well make sure you never forget any thing I tell you again!" I can't say I didn't know what she was going to do, but totally subjugated, I turned myself to face downwards on the bedcovers. She roughly grabbed the back of my panties and yanked them down to my knees. "Wack!" Her hand came down on my bum and she spat. "Tell me you are sorry, Laura." She swatted my bum again as I cried, "I am sorry Mistress, I am sorry." After the initial shock of her spanking my bum, came the humiliating knowledge that my girl friend was now totally dominating me - a bloody GIRL was spanking me - and I didn't have the strength to stop her! Other than the psychological hurt, it wasn't too painful at first, but as she continued to spank my backside remorselessly, the cumulative effect became more and more painful. Eventually I started to cry as I begged her forgiveness. "Please Mistress, I am sorry. I only wanted to be ready when you got home. Please!" The tears were rolling down my face as I continued to plead with her. Only when I was bawling my eyes out did she cease spanking me. "Next time it's my slipper girl! Understand this you thick tart! When I want you to be dizzy and forgetful I will tell you. Otherwise, I'll tan your arse again!" Then, curtly informing me to be ready downstairs in half an hour - or else - she stalked out, muttering to her self. I felt totally humiliated when I walked down to the hall and curtseyed to her. She smiled thinly at me and pointed to the door. I was absolutely terrified when I walked out to the car, and filled with embarrassment when I slid in to the passenger seat of her Toyota RAV. I took my time making doubly sure I got into the car in the ladylike manner she had taught me. I had pissed her off once already today and had no intention of doing it again. Watching like a hawk she smiled at my performance before closing the door for me. Slipping the car in to gear she drove quickly down the lane towards the village waving at a man with a dog adding as if my spanking had not taken place. "That's Bill. He lives in the village. He's an ex copper from Newcastle and a real sweetie. Got a really twisted sense of humour." As she drove she kept up a running commentary pointing out all the local attractions, the co-op, the pub, and the post office and of course the Roman ruins. The village was a close knit place where every one knew every one else judging by the number of people Cath either waved at or flashed her lights to. She accurately summed up the attitude of the place. "They, the real locals all hate the tourists but need the money from tourism so they have banded together. Village society and social groups have all started up since the early 90's and the tourism boom. Thing is, they are quite happy to let newcomers join in-so long as you actually move to live here of course. The people they can't stand are the holiday cottage home owners." I don't know when I stopped feeling stupid and embarrassed and started to take note of what Cath was saying but it was during this conversation. She then explained that there were two types of holiday cottager types. Those who had retirement in mind and tended to let their house to locals and those who just rented them out, the first type were tolerated the second were detested. By the time we arrived at the hairdresser I was too interested in Cath's insights about rural villages to notice the walk from the car to the salon. Except for a brief feeling of vulnerability when I first left the safety of the car I happily tripped along beside Cath in my comfortable heels asking my self. "Since when did they become comfortable? The salon was a strange place somewhere that was totally alien to my experience. Cath breezed in and called. "Hi Wendy, come and meet my friend Laura, she the one I told you about." Lowering her voice Cath whispered in to my ear. "Don't worry about Wendy she knows. OK?" Feeling that 'Oh Shit!' sensation again I followed Cath towards where a cheerful voice said, "I'm in the back Cathy. Come through." I took to Wendy straight away she was just so nice, her bubbly personality and infectious humour soon had me at ease. It was also amusing to see her boss Cath around just as much as she did with me. No sooner had we met than she had me sat in a styling chair and soon after that we had decided on what she was going to do to my hair. Not that I understood most of what was said because it all sounded like a foreign language so, to be honest, Wendy decided and I agreed. Cath spoke smugly from the next chair in a teacherish tone. "Never argue with you hairdresser Laura. They are almost always right." While Cath had been chattering Wendy had walked back in to the shop shouting. "Lucy!" Moments later a harried looking girl with lovely dark hair rushed in, her well-manicured hands full of tube's bottles and packets. Saying abruptly, "What?" Wendy smiled and shook her head. "You could have left them in the store you know?" She looked at her hands and blushed, "OOPS!" "Come and meet your new sister, Laura, Cath's friend." 'Was this Lucy? Good god!' Then strangely I said to my self. 'I hope I am that convincing.' Lucy and I said hi and then she had to start on Cath's hair while Wendy did mine. I watched in the mirror as she carefully rolled my hair on to tiny rollers until my head was covered. Then she soaked each roller with a smelly chemical and left it on for a set length of time and moved on to my fingernails. Expressing her distaste for the false nails Cath had put on me she had my right hand tipped in five long red acrylic nails before she put something else on to my hair. I moved my hand around amazed at how it looked with my new nails. I could tell they were a good bit longer than the ones I had become used to and said in a light tone, "And how long will it take me to get used to these Wendy?" Wendy laughed and said, "Not long Laura, you will see. She finished my left hand while I was under the dryer and then said something, which I could not hear because of the noise. Smiling at her I nodded and closed my eyes actually enjoying being pampered like a woman. I felt her rub some thing on my lips, which felt, cool and warm at the same time. I opened my eyes to see her position a white box over my lips and press it firmly on to my mouth causing a nearly painful pins and needles sensation in my lips. When she removed it my lips were no longer thin strips of red around my teeth. They had some how been pumped up until they had that bee stung look that the super models have. Wendy nodded with satisfaction at what she saw and picked up a lip pencil and lined my new lips before filling them in with a bright red lipstick and a coating of shiny gloss. "That's looks much better. I have used a form of artificial collagen to pump them up by fifty percent. The effect will last about six weeks but I will redo them when you come in for your hair." When she moved away and I saw what my mouth looked like my first thought was. "She's given me lips made for cock sucking!" Wendy turned off the dryer and brushed out my now spiral curled blond hair and retouched my makeup. She gave me a hug and smiled at me in the mirror. "Like it Laura?" "Yes its lovely, thanks Wendy. Wow! I look like a blond Kate Bush!" This time I was not faking my appreciation. I genuinely liked what she had done. "Only one thing left to do then," Wendy laughed and looked a Cath who nodded. "Stick out your tongue Laura, this wont take a tick." Surprised at her request I complied stuck my tongue out at her. Quick as a flash she held the tip and Lucy, who I had not noticed, walked behind me, positioned a piercing gun and popped a large gold stud in to my tongue. "All done." Lucy smiled at me and stuck out her tongue displaying a stud identical to the one I had just been given. She winked and giggled rudely, "You will need that tomorrow night." "Don't worry Laura. I will explain in the car. Say, silly sausage smiths, for me will you?" I then discovered one of the reasons why the stud was large headed because I said using the Scottish accent that was slowly becoming second nature. "Thilly, thathage, thmith..thit!" "Slowly and enunciate your words," Lucy advised. "Thsilly, thsausage,thmith." Eventually with Lucy's patient coaching I managed to work out how to speak with only a slight lisp, a lisp that Cath smugly informed me gave my voice just a hint of little girl to lift the pitch of my voice enough to sound totally convincing. "That's just perfect Laura," Wendy complemented me removing the pink cape I had been wearing to protect my clothing. "Stand up and take a look?" "Jethus!" I muttered when I saw what I now looked like in the full- length mirror. Wendy had done my hair in a spiral perm, which now framed my face in a cascade of blond curls. I recognised the style. It was what I would have called 'a bimbo hairdo' when describing a potential girlfriend to a mate. I felt like I had taken a punch to my head when I realised that if any of my old biker mates saw me now they would be chasing after me like randy dogs! The combination of full glossy red lips, blond hair and boobs would simply act as bait! "Very suitable for my maid," said Cathy with a sly smile. "Very feminine and a bit tarty. Lovely job Wendy. Just what I wanted, and Laura needed." She turned to me and said firmly, "Curtsey to Miss Wendy Laura and say thank you for making you look so pretty." There was no humour in her tone or in her face and for the first time in my life I felt almost afraid of Cath. I had never before seen such a look on her face. Even when she was spanking me earlier, her face had

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Affair With Varun

Hi all., Thank you for the overwhelming response to the previous story “New beginning”.. A lot of suggestions here is the continuation..   After sending varun I just entered into my house after adjusting myself.. Ashwin is already waiting there for me.. he welcomed me with a gentle hug and gave me a cup of coffee which he prepared for me.. saying have this and get refreshed we need to move for the dinner.. then he got busy with his official call ..   I started sipping the coffee sitting on my...

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Mated with Bruno

Before you tell me, I know it can’t happen. I know it is an impossibility to breed, but call it poetic licence, call it fantasy, but whatever you call it, enjoy and forget the physics for a while. His powerful forelegs clamped her heaving hips in a tight embrace pulling her to his furred underbelly and preventing her release. With each thrust of his canine hips, his cock drove deeper into her belly causing her to whimper with the pain of having this monstrous dog cock search out the neck...

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Horny Aruna

Hi, my name is Aruna. I was born in Mumbai but moved to London, England when I was 15 years old. I was 18 when this happened. I loved sports. The chance came for me to join the netball squad. The team made up out of mainly Asians, which is comforting. I was surprised I made it, since I do not consider myself that good. True, I have never had trouble-finding people, and my figure is good but not perfect. It took about three days to find out who the bitches were, and who the friendly girls were....

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The ResearcherChapter 13 Bruno

Tom was delighted with Gerry's efforts and said how pleased he was. Kim did not think he would have been so pleased if the additional steel wrist bands had not been provided, Tom wanted obvious clues to her real position as a slave but Kim was overjoyed at the more elaborate methods that Gerry had devised. These were much more in keeping with her idea of modernised Gothic control, some of the true 'gentlemen's furniture' that she had seen at exhibitions of bondage and slavery in her...

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Hema Soothu Sexyaaga Irunthathu

Hi friends, en peyar Gautham, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, naan Hemavai en nanban thirumanthin pozhuthu paarthen. Aval sema make up pottukonde chudithaar aninthukondu vanthu irunthaal, aval chudithaar aval mulaiyai maraikave illai. Iru mulaiyum kaiku adakamaaga sexiyaaga therinthu kondu irunthathu. Naan aval mugathai paarpatharku munathaaga aval mulaiyai thaan muthal muthalil paarthen. Haa, aval mulai azhagai rasithu irukum pozhuthu aval thirumbinaal. Appozhuthu thaan aval soothu azhagai paarthen...

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Hema Soothu Sexyaaga Irunthathu

Hi friends, en peyar Gautham, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, naan Hemavai en nanban thirumanthin pozhuthu paarthen. Aval sema make up pottukonde chudithaar aninthukondu vanthu irunthaal, aval chudithaar aval mulaiyai maraikave illai. Iru mulaiyum kaiku adakamaaga sexiyaaga therinthu kondu irunthathu. Naan aval mugathai paarpatharku munathaaga aval mulaiyai thaan muthal muthalil paarthen. Haa, aval mulai azhagai rasithu irukum pozhuthu aval thirumbinaal. Appozhuthu thaan aval soothu azhagai paarthen...

2 years ago
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Robbie MacraeChapter 3 Zoe meets Bruno

Amanda watched her daughter enter the kitchen through eyes that remained heavy and tear stained after a restless night crying over the loss of her husband Jason. She was surprised to see that Zoe seemed much brighter this morning despite the trauma of losing her father the previous day. "Morning angel, how are you feeling this morning?" she asked. "Okay mommy" Zoe replied. "I think in the circumstances you should skip school today" Amanda suggested. "Yeah" thought Zoe "A day away...

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Milky Adventure Part 11 Fucking Varun

Everyone was fast asleep in their rooms, tired after the excitement of the day and the noisy dinner. But Shreyas felt a hand on his shoulder waking him from a deep sleep. “Shreyas, wake up,” a voice whispered. He shook the handoff, not wanting to be disturbed. “Shreyas, wake up, come on, wake up.” Rajesh was standing beside him, shaking his shoulder. “What is it?” he murmured sleepily. “Come and see, quick, hurry up!” “Come and see what? What time is it?” “Come on, hurry, but...

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Runaways Runaways By JensenDenmark 1. Holiday Amber met me at the park. We had left our High School separately so we could not be sighted. I rode my skateboard at the path toward the park. It was a shame that we had to keep it so secretly. Amber waited for me. She was 15 like me. ?Darling. I was afraid that your mother had picked you up.? ?No. I told her that I had to study extra for a project.? I kissed her. ?Lets go down to the creek, so we can have some undisturbed time.? The creek...

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Mated with Bruno

His powerful forelegs clamped her heaving hips in a tight embrace pulling her to his furred underbelly and preventing her release. With each thrust of his canine hips, his cock drove deeper into her belly causing her to whimper with the pain of having this monstrous dog cock search out the neck of her womb. The Doberman was her master now in more than just the physical sense. She had invaded his territory and offered her sex to him. The pack instinct had taken over, this was not just about...

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Milky Adventure Part 10 Welcoming Varun

Riya stepped off the crowded bus onto the dusty roadway, relieved to get away from the bustle of the bus ride and the market stalls. She was tired but she was also quietly excited and full of anticipation for the return this evening of Varun, her husband, after two months working away in Dubai on an engineering project. He was well known in the field. He spent many months away at various projects, mostly in the Middle East but also as far away as Australia, and even sometimes home in India. She...

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Hot experience of Aruna

Dear friends my nick name is Aruna and I am new to ISS site and find this absolutely fantastic! This I believe is an ideal way to express and share my sensual feelings with all of you. Sex I believe is one of the most intriguing things in this world. Have you guys ever noticed that it is the only thing along with eating where we use all our five senses? Anyway let’s get down to business. My first and only experience is something I will treasure to the last breath. I can already feel my petals...

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After the Exodus Runaways

Runaways By: Malissa Madison Kitten, had grown up in an orphanage, mistreated and abused. All she really wanted in life was to be a girl. She'd discovered her desire at ten years of age right after she was orphaned. The name on her birth certificate though was Daryl Simpson. She'd watched how people fawned over the girls, and how they always got pretty things. The first ones who ever got presented to prospective adopting parents were the girls. So few of the boys ever got adopted...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Experience With Stranger Arun

Hai to ISS readers after getting a huge response for my previous two post I decided to write this story..This my third story…Send your feedback and suggestions to “”….Now am coming to the story… This is a true story of mine which happened at the age of 18 now I am 22.I am vijay from chennai..Oru naal na busla enga native place ku ponnen november month end so apa busla avulova kootam illa..Na private busla ticket book panni poonan busla last 5 rows gaaliya thaan irunthuthu… So na lastla poi...

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Aunt Meg pt 4 Peach Prune

I pretty much hid out after School Friday. I hated to say it but I needed a break I went straight home. I made me a sandwich and Tater Tots for supper. I called Mother to see how Grandma was doing. Mom said she was doing alright. She asked if I was at Aunt Meg's I told her no to many girls means to much noise. Mom reminded me of my tutoring for Saturday. I watched a movie, in the middle of the movie Lori and Keri called to see if I wanted some company. I told them no. When the movie...

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TKKG Die Entfhrung

TKKG - Die Entführung Tim, Karl, Klößchen und Gabi saßen im Zug in Richtung Tschechien. Dort wollten sie zu einem Klubtreffen eines "Klubs der Tollkühnen", zu dem sie eingeladen worden waren. Voller Vorfreude erwarteten sie eine Woche voller Spaß und Abwechslung. Der Zug hielt in Hochsteupen. TKKG stieg aus und stand auf einer leeren Straße. Nein. Sie war nicht leer. Am Ende der Station lehnte ein Mann mittleren Alters mit einer Straßekarte an seinem Auto. TKKG ging zu dem Mann, welcher sie...

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Multiversum Eine Einfhrung

Einf?hrung: Multiversum Am Anfang war Nichts, war Gott, war Alles. Man k?nnte sagen Gott war langweilig, oder einsam, oder vielleicht auch einfach kreativ. Gott tr?umte, Gott dachte, Gott erschuf, denn jeder Gedanke wurde Wirklichkeit. Zuerst erschuf er Steine. Mit ihnen konnte man interessante Formen erschaffen. Was aber w?re, wenn sie das alleine k?nnten? Er erschuf Gravitation, Druck und W?rme. Er erschuf die Kernfusion ... und es wurde Licht. Ok, vielleicht war es nicht ganz so...

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This Story starts with guy who 35, but takes place when he's 25. The 2 girls are Jenifer (Jen) she 10-11 and Sarah who's 9-10. As with my other stories I use the ******** lines to sepparate the sex scenes. So if you get sick of the boring part of the story, just skip ahead. RUNAWAYS My name is John I’m 35, I’ve always loved younger girls but I didn’t realize how young until 10 yrs ago. When I was 22 I won $100,000,000.00 from a lottery, so I’m set for life. Anyway, 10yrs ago I was...

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The Runaways

Every story must have a beginning, middle and an end; a universal rule that will seemingly never change. However, one can always control how they read a story, or rather exactly where they start. Typically you would pick the first chapter of a narrative, but perhaps you'd rather skip to the good stuff, or maybe you already read and want to start somewhere else. The Runaways is an episodic series that follows either Marty or Bethany Wright. A Brother/Sister from England who moved to the United...

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MAU Slayers Runaways

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Runaways "So what happened?" Agent R asked his partner, Agent S. They...

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Sexual Encounter In Bangalore Over Brunch

Hello readers, I am back with my another real sexual encounter with a married lady who was deprived of sex and was so sad in her life. My name is Akhil and I have been actively reading stories on Indian Sex Stories from a long time. Recently I submitted one of my stories and received great feedback. I never thought that women/girls reach out to a stranger on mail. Thanks a lot for your feedbacks and I will be very happy to help you and your desires. Privacy and discreet sex are my priority, so...

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Spring Runneys

Jimmie’s the one started it all. He’s bigger’n me cuz I’m only eight. He’s ten. We’s awalkin’ home from school takin’ a short cut through ole man Simm’s pasture. Yuh know how cow plop smells in Spring when the grass in new an’ all them cows got the runnys. Ugh! It’s gross. I’m tellin yuh cuz I know. Well, anyway, Jimmie takes this big stick, see, and he dips the end into this big nasty cow plop. Then he stirs it up a little so it stinks real good like an’ he pushes it right up under my nose....

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Its going going GONE Homerun

It was a hot day, and the opening day for my brother’s baseball league. Just what I enjoy more, on hot sunny days is watching baseball. All the players are in there tight pants, with tall athletic tan bodies. Not a single one of the players are ugly on my brothers team but one player stood out to me. Like any other normal hot day I wore tiny tight shorts and a tank top, hoping to get a little color early this year. I was sitting in my chair relaxing watching the game when I noticed one of the...

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Hallo zusammen, unter dieser Geschichte werde ich mehrere Kurzgeschichten veröffentlichen die einen Handlungsstrang haben und mal länger und mal kürzer gehen werden. Je nach Beliebtheit werde ich mich auf einzelne Handlungsstränge fokussieren. Weitere Autoren sind herzlich willkommen und können ihre Ideen umsetzen und gerne mitschreiben. Grundsätzlich steht bei jeder Kurzgeschichte ein Protagonist im Vordergrund der entweder der Verführer oder der Verführte ist. Viel Spaß beim Lesen, euer Uwe!

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Benns Feminisierung

So richtig Lust hatte Benn nicht auf den Geburtstag seiner besten Freundin. Sonnst waren nur Mädchen eingeladen. Aber er mochte Lisa, also ging der 18 Jährige am Freitagabend auf die Übernachtungsparty.

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Tiefgreifende Vernderungen

„Mann so ein Kackwetter", fluchte Sarah und schaltete den Scheibenwischer auf die höchste Stufe, um den Schnee so gut wie möglich von der Windschutzscheibe runter zukriegen. Aber trotzdem hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die tiefverschneite Straße vor sich noch auszumachen. „Ist doch toll, dass es jetzt mal richtig schneit. Die Fahrt auf die Hütte hätten wir uns sonst sparen können", meinte Melanie auf dem Beifahrersitz, die vor lauter Vorfreude auf das verlängerte Wochenende auf der Skihütte die...

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Harter Gangbang mit Schwngerung

Hannah geht zum Geldverleiher in einer deutschen Grenzstadt. Sie kommt zu einem großen Haus in dem der Mann wohnt, der ihrem Vater ziemlich viel Geld für den Umbau eines kleinen Betriebs in der polnischen Nachbargemeinde geliehen hat. Die Rate von 1.000 Eur für diesen Monat hatte er aber nicht begleichen können, weil zu viele seiner Kunden ihre Rechnungen noch nicht beglichen hatten. Leider war das jetzt schon im dritten Monat so. Er hatte das Geld bei dem Finanzhai Großholz geliehen weil er...

Group Sex
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Die Eroberung

Amber sah Richard auf dem lokalen Treff der Teenys, da wo ihre Mama nicht wollte, dass sie dort verkehrte. Sie dachte, dass er entzückend aussehe. Sie musste kichern, als sie ihn erblickte. Sie flüsterte mit ihren Freundinnen und nickte ihm zu, um ihr Interesse zu zeigen. Ihre Freundinnen erzählten ihr, dass sie nichts mit ihm zu tun haben wollten, dass er Ärger bedeute. "Aber er ist so entzückend!" sagte sie. Die Freundinnen schüttelten nur den Kopf. Sie hatten Einiges über den gut aussehenden...

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Das Schwngerungsritual

Der Club / Übertragung aus dem englischen – Autor General X Ordus Orbis, der Orden des Kreises soll schon im Alten Rom gegründet worden sein. Das Ordenskennzeichen war seine Geheimhaltung und Widerstandsfähigkeit, die ihn den Niedergang der Zivilisation überleben ließ. Die Versammlungen sind auch heutzutage geheimnisvoll, zurückgezogen und exklusiv. Seine Existenz war nur den Mitgliedern und denen bekannt, deren Lebensaufgabe im Dienst darin war. Diejenigen, von denen bekannt wurde, dass sie...

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Tiefgreifende Vernderungen

„Mann so ein Kackwetter“, fluchte Sarah und schaltete den Scheibenwischer auf die höchste Stufe, um den Schnee so gut wie möglich von der Windschutzscheibe runter zukriegen. Aber trotzdem hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die tiefverschneite Straße vor sich noch auszumachen. „Ist doch toll, dass es jetzt mal richtig schneit. Die Fahrt auf die Hütte hätten wir uns sonst sparen können“, meinte Melanie auf dem Beifahrersitz, die vor lauter Vorfreude auf das verlängerte Wochenende auf der Skihütte die...

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Ein letztes kreisen mit den Fingerspitzen, dann gab Lisa auf. Es klappte einfach nicht. Sie hatte es schon mehr als 10 mal versucht, einen Höhepunkt zu erreichen, aber mehr als ein bisschen angenehmes Streicheln war nicht dabei rumgekommen. Auch mit den Jungs lief es nicht besser: Lisa hatte keinen Freund, erst recht war sie noch nie mit einem Jungen im Bett gewesen. Das lag keineswegs daran, dass Lisa hässlich war. Sie hatte nahezu einen idealen Körper: Groß, blonde Haare, lange Beine,...

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Du stehst in der S-Bahn und bist auf dem Weg zum See. Es ist ein warmer Nachmittag im Sommer. Neben der Sonne bringen dich vorallem die Frauen und Mädchen um dich herrum, in ihren kurzen Röcken, engen Hotpants und Sommerkleidern, zum Schwitzen. Am einen Ende der Bahn sitzt eine Gruppe von 4 jungen Mädchen, vermutlich alle noch Schülerinnen, und gackern um die Wette. Die 2 Blondinen möchten wohl mit der Bruenetten und der Schwarzhaarigen Baden gehen, denn dank der knappen Tops siehst du...

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S H A D O W R U N It is the year 2050. Megacorporations rule most of the world. United States of America is now called UCAS - United Canadian and American States - a tiny husk of its former glory. Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds. Internet has transformed into a virtual reality called the Matrix. Cybernetic augmentation of human bodies is an everyday business at the flesh-clinics. Deadly new viruses have decimated much of the world but the worst calamity to happen was the...

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Die Ausgelieferte Tochter 1 Auslieferung

von Andrew_K für LoveAndPainIch denke, sie hat sich ihr Leben anders vorgestellt, hat andere Pläne und Hoffnungen, von Familie, von Freunden, vielleicht von Liebe. Aber die Welt ist schon immer ein grausamer Platz für junge Menschen, was auch sie hart lernen muss. Sie hat sich nie Träumen lassen, dass sie für die Schulden ihrer Eltern aufkommen muss und in welcher Art das passieren würde. Aber nun steht sie vor mir und wird ihre Familie verlassen müssen. Sie wird den nächsten Teil ihres Lebens...

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Erste bisexuelle Erfahrungen

Ich gebe es mir selbst gegenüber zu: Schwänze erregen michEs war mit Anfang 20, ich war gerade Student an einer mittelgroßen Großstadt, dass ich meine Bisexualität so richtig entdeckte. Als Junge hatte ich während der Pubertät schon öfters mit dem Gedanken gespielt, mal einen anderen Schwanz anzufassen und zu wichsen, es aber nie ausprobieren können. Knapp 10 Jahre später war das einfacher: Einerseits hatte ich eine eigene Wohnung und konnte tun und lassen was ich wollte,...

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The Hidden Side Of Brundavani

Hello guys, This is jai, storywriterxx2 with a tale of a married woman who is naughty, raunchy, sexy and horny but under a cover of innocent and typical Indian housewife image.This is the story where she gets a chance to open up her true self and have a lifetime experience.What is she going to do with this chance? Feel the story now. Men who are reading this story, you will fall in love with the brundavani that your innocent wives may have inside them.Try to unleash her to have fun. Boys who...

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My Hot Classmate Karuna

Hello readers, this is my second story. My first story got a very good response where how I fucked my physics teacher in the school lab. For those who don’t know me, I am Aman(fake) from a small town of Chhattisgarh and to describe myself I am normal guy with normal physic, 5.11ft height and 6 inch tool which is enough to satisfy any women. Currently I am doing my B.tech from Raipur. Now coming to the story, it will be a bit boring but trust me you will enjoy it to the fullest. For feedback or...

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Sunanda Sangeetha Srungaram

Hi friends, ela unnaru andaru, na story “Sunanda Srungara Kavyam” vachina response ki thanks, kondaru ithe english or hindi lo rayamantunnaru, possible ithe next English lo rasthanu, meku emaina objection unte naku cheppandi. Cheppalante ippudu cheppaboyedi aa story ki sequel anochu lekapovachu, endukante aa story last lo cheppina nenu replies and comments ni batti thana friend tho threesome chesina incident chepthanu ani, so idi aa story ki sequel or not anedi meeke vadilesthunna. Ika incident...

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Its going going GONE Homerun

It was a hot day, and the opening day for my brother's baseball league. Just what I enjoy more, on hot sunny days is watching baseball. All the players are in there tight pants, with tall athletic tan bodies. Not a single one of the players are ugly on my brothers team but one player stood out to me. Like any other normal hot day I wore tiny tight shorts and a tank top, hoping to get a little color early this year. I was sitting in my chair relaxing watching the game when I noticed one of the...

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Office Virgin 8211 Lite Aa Blood Vanthathu Pola Irrunthathu

I am back after small gap with one real story. Real story padika yeppavum konjam porumai vendum friends. Na eppo work pannitu irrukura company la nadantha oru unmai sambavam ethu. En office ku puthusa oru 10 peru join pannaga athula boys 7 peru girls 3nu peru.Athu la 2 ponnu north india oru ponnu hydrabad. 2 peru nu oru team la potanga athula yen team ku oru paiyanum oru ponnum potanga (hydrabad). Antha ponnu name preethi. Antha ponna paaka appavi maari irrukum, avaluku padipu mattum tha...

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Another Story With Karuna

Dear ladies and men welcome again. I m Andy again here with another story. You had read my last story about my sexual pleasure with long haired maid Karuna. Here I comes with another story. But this happened at another place. It happened again in Pune. It was again Sunday around 4 pm in summer days. I was alone at home, watching IPL match. Door bell rang and Karuna came with naughty smile. She was busy on phone while entering. She entered and went directly to the kitchen. I went to kitchen and...

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Senior Akka Tho Na Srungaram

Hey guys this is Mahesh from Hyderabad. This is my first incident when I was perceiving btech from a reputed college in rayalaseema. This incident happened when I was in second year of btech. Fresher’s treat lo naku konthamandi seniors parichayam ayyaru.. Andulo oka ammayi ruhi (thurakadi) nanu baga ragging chesindi.. Evening treat ayi velpothunapdu thanu na dagarki vachi neku emana help kavalante nanu adugu ani vellipoyindi.. Starting lo nakem feelings lewu just akka ani piliche vadni.. Thanu...

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Erste Erfahrungen

Ich war so ungefähr 17 Jahre alt, im Sommer legte ich mich immer Nackt auf den Balkon. Dann bemerkte ich das mich meine Nachbarin dabei sehen konnte. Ich dachte mir nichts dabei denn sie war immerhin schon an die 60 Jahre alt.Also rekelte ich mich weiter nackt in der Sonne, mir viel aber auf das sie mich doch beobachtete. Da merkte ich das es mir gefiel, ich wurde erregt und mein Schwanz wurde hart. Erst schämte ich mich und wollte mir mein Handtuch überwerfen. Ich blieb dann aber liegen und...

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Mein Bani Rundi

Hi friends mein ho Shaina mery age 36 saal hai mein aik married aurat ho or meray 3 buchay hai basically Indian  ho magar pechlay 5 saal say apnay husband k sath trindad and tobacco mein settle ho mera figure 36 30 36 hai  hum port of spain mein rehtay hai jo yaha ka capital hai meray pati ki age 42 saal hai magar woh abtak bohat hot hai takrebun roz he mjhay chodtay hai bister pay woh aik wild mard hai jo chodtay waqt mujhay patni nahi Rundie samajhtay hai waisay hum daily he kartay hai magar...

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My Beautiful Auntie Runa

My auntie Runa was my maternal aunt. I remember as a child, my sexy auntie Runa had one of the most beautiful facial structures I had ever observed, it was almost poetic! Her complexion is warm-cream in tone, with a hint of vanilla. Her soft flesh lights up as she smiles, yielding a set of fine teethes, and her lips are soft-pink in color and succulent and savory in shape. To suckle on her lips would be like to suckle on soft sweet oranges! Her nose is the classic Indian nose, with a hump like...

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Mias Verwirrung

Mia war auf dem Nachhauseweg, als eine dunkle Limousine neben ihr hielt. "Mia Sanderson?", fragte ein Mann, der aus der Beifahrert?r gesprungen war. "Ja", sagte Mia. "Darf ich Sie bitten, kurz mit uns mitzukommen. Es gibt da wahrscheinlich ein Missverst?ndnis Ihre Person betreffend. Aber das wird sich bestimmt ganz schnell aufkl?ren." Der Mann zeigte ihr einen Ausweis, und ?ffnete die Hintert?r. Er deutete mit der Hand in Richtung R?cksitz und l?chelte freundlich. "Wie gesagt, es handelt sich h?chst w...

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Pakistani Dost Ki Ma Bani Meri Rundi

main nay yahan indiansexstories per kafi stories parheen hain aur unko parh kar main yahi sochta tha keh sex bohat he mazaydar and full of satisfaction hota hay aur main unhi sochon main rehta tha aur kafi khush hota tha likin aik jagah darta bhe tha keh agar mujh say asal main nah howa yah mujhay koi baymari ho gae yeh soch kar main kafi dar jata tha kiya karta main us waqt virgin tha likin bus phir main yahi sochta tha keh jo hoga acha he hoga … mera naam zain hai aur main pakistan kay...

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Ich freute mich schon seit langem auf die Party, denn ich wusste dass Vanessa auch kommen würde. Sie war das mit abstand heißeste Mädchen der ganzen Stufe. Aber das wussten auch die anderen und so war ich nicht der einzige der an ihr interessiert war. Um 10 holte Erik mich ab und wir gingen zur Party. Wir spielten ein paar Runden Bierpong und landeten irgendwann im Zimmer der Gastgeberin und spielten Wahrheit oder Pflicht. Alle waren ziemlich angetrunken und dementsprechend hemmungslos. Dann...

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Gewagte Vereinbarungen

Katja, 35 Jahre, lebte in einer 3 Zimmerwohnung in Berlin. Sie hatte kinnlange dunkelblonde Haare, eine schlanke Figur mit einem BH-Cup von 75 C und trug eine Brille. Sie war die typische Bürokauffrau, die immer im entsprechenden Outfit zur Arbeit ging. Nicht so ihr Bruder, der Anfang 20 war und notgedrungen bei ihr lebte. Er hatte mehrere Jugendstrafen abgesessen und war auf Bewährung. Notgedrungen lebte er bei ihr, weil er keinen Job fand. Im Gefängnis wurde er aufgrund seiner schmächtigen...

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Dirty Sex Chat With Hot Mumbai Girl Runjhun

I was at the house of a close friend. She was hot and super tall. Her body drove me nuts every time I looked at it. Her curves made me want to trace her frame with the tip of my cock. One day, she invited me over for a party, and it went well at first. Everyone was talking and having a good time. We all ate, laughed and drank like old times, and she was extra friendly with me. She kept touching my arm and I kept trying to make her laugh and it was awesome. Finally, everyone started leaving, but...

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