FidèleChapter 30 free porn video

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“K ... Ka ... Kathryn, what are you... ow!”

“First of all, dipshit, I’m not your morning hummer service. Second, even you aren’t dumb enough to think you can get away with calling a chick you just banged by another girl’s name. I was actually considering it for a moment, just to see the look on your face when you woke up, but now you can fuck right off. Third, it’s time to get up.”

“Was it really necessary to yank on my penis that hard just to wake me up?”

“Of all the things we’ve done over the last eight or so hours, which among them would you call ‘necessary?’” Silence was his only possible answer. “That’s what I thought. Now, get your hairy ass out of bed and into the shower. You smell terrible.”

A few minutes later, clearing the cobwebs under a hot spray, he spared a moment to regret how the morning had started. He’d hoped for at least one more coupling before bringing their impossible rendezvous to a close, but clearly Wendy had different ideas. A shame. On the other hand, I have no reason to complain. If this is how it ends, I’ll still treasure the memory forever.

“Do you have a toothbrush I can borrow?” he called through the partially open bathroom door. Wendy was crashing around the bedroom making what he thought was a rather terrible din for such an early hour, and he had to repeat himself several times before she heard him clearly.

“What kind of dumbass forgets to pack a toothbrush?”

“The kind of dumbass who thought he was going to be sleeping in his own apartment.”

“Oh, right. Yeah, look in the left cabinet below the sink. I don’t promise it hasn’t been used as a sex toy, though.”


“I’m not kidding. You’d better hope it wasn’t in someone’s ass,” she cackled. He eyed it suspiciously for a moment, decided that it looked and smelled clean, that he could just pretend it had been inside a beautiful woman’s unsullied pussy, and went ahead with his ablutions. No deodorant either, but as long as there’s no more sweating I’ll be fine until I get back to the lake.

When he emerged and started fishing through his bag for a change of clothes, Wendy was nowhere to be found. He’d almost finished dressing when she reappeared, wearing the same ultra-tight shorts she’d worn the day she joined them on the boat. What looked to be the very same yellow bikini peeked out from beneath her artfully ripped shirt, and she was sporting a fashionable pair of sunglasses. A bulging backpack was slung over her shoulder. I guess she’s got a big day planned, and I’m keeping her from it. “What’s taking you so long?” she impatiently demanded.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you had somewhere to be. I’ll be out of your way in a moment.” His dismay at their lack of morning intimacy was gradually being supplanted by mild annoyance. It’s as if she can’t wait to get me out of here. I guess she’s battling regrets about last night.

“Not if you don’t dress faster, you won’t.”

“Okay, okay. Talk about wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am,” he muttered.

“Yeah, that’s me. Fist ‘em and leave ‘em. But you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”


“I swear, every conversation with you is like the first day of preschool. Your brain must be made of quicksand. No thoughts will ever escape!”

“What are you talking about?”

“So you don’t recognize this outfit?”

“Of course I do.”

“ ... and?”

“You’re going to the beach?”

“Something like that. What’s more, you’re giving me a ride.”

Typical of her to tell me I’m an idiot and then ask for a favor. “Sure, I suppose, as long as it’s not too far out of my way. I really should have the car back on the early side.”

“It’s exactly zero millimeters out of your way.”

He stared at her blankly, until what should’ve been a completely obvious insight finally hit him square in the forehead. “Are you coming with me? But...” His soaring heart rate and a rush of arousal were immediately dashed by logic. No, it won’t be a repeat of last time. Bill left yesterday and he’ll be back tomorrow. That means no sex, which means this is nothing more than escapist fun.

Giving him a condescending pat on the head, she turned and headed for the door. “By the way, now I can reveal the rest of what I was told: this is the fourth thing, whatever the hell that means.” Luke dropped his shoe, a little stunned at what this implied. “But it won’t be any damned numbered thing if you don’t hurry up!”

“So tell me what’s going on. Why is your panicky lover pimping you out to me? What are all these ‘things’ she’s talking about? And why do you look like someone shot you in the dick every time I mention your One True But Already Married Love’s name?”

They hadn’t even finished exiting the parking garage when Wendy began her interrogation, but for the majority of the ride Luke did most of the talking. She interjected an occasional request for clarity, but otherwise just listened as he spooled out the events and emotions — those he could share without revealing the details of Kathryn’s trauma, that is — of the past few weeks, and especially the rising tension and conflict in the aftermath of what he’d thought was a glorious foursome.

“It sounds to me like you bit off more than you could chew.”

“But how was I to know it would dredge up her nightmares?”

“Since you can’t tell me what happened it’s hard for me to answer, though it’s not too hard to read between the lines and I’m pretty sure I’ve got the reprehensible idea. Please don’t confirm or deny, and anyway I’m not going to speculate about something I don’t know. But I don’t mean the sex. I mean the emotions. You weren’t ready, and now you’re completely off-balance.”

“I guess, but when you take it apart none of the pieces were all that unfamiliar.”

“Ah, but you didn’t take it apart. You did it all at once. When we had our threesome, the only things about it that were different for Kathryn were me and the DPs. Even then, she’d already had plenty of sex with women; I was just her first in a while. Nor was it her first threesome, though it was her first with a man involved. But then you serve up an enormous prong attached to an old lover, with all the dredged-up emotions that entails, dive right into a foursome and the kind of mind-altering DPs she really wanted, toss in a sex-crazed supermodel who sounds like she might be the one and only person on the planet who can sexually intimidate your girl, and reduce her to a pile of snot and tears with that whole big submission drama. Which is what you said led to her breakdown.”

“Yeah, you’re right. It was new for us, anyway — we’d played around with it before, but this was much more serious and intense — and it’s kinda what triggered everything that followed.”

“Luke, you’ve used an out-of-control train analogy a few times. You even used it before we had sex ... or maybe it was during, I can’t remember. The problem is that you’re on the train, which means that you can’t see the train. You think everything that happens is completely comprehensible because you’re in the middle of it, but anyone standing alongside the rails could tell you that you’re headed for a cliff. So, let’s review: she’d been with Alejandro before, but even though all my own experiences are either artificial or forearms, I can tell you that having something that big rearranging your innards is a struggle, physically and emotionally. Then you’ve got a horny supermodel who’s apparently something Kathryn’s never encountered before: a true sexual peer. Who you ask on a date, you fucking moron ... and don’t think that didn’t fire up your lover’s jealousy. I’m right, aren’t I?” He nodded guiltily. “And then there’s the crazy whips-and-chains roleplaying that got you into this mess. After which you trudge home to a situation in which she’s already under intense pressure, expecting to wake up as if nothing’s changed? Your relationship — the intensity of it, the realness of it, but also the conflict and confrontation that’s been built into it from the very beginning — took a huge, scary leap forward, and you weren’t able to handle it. Neither of you were, though I’ve no doubt this is mostly her fault.”

“How is it mostly her fault? We did everything together. I’m the one who couldn’t handle her past.”

“That part was all on you, yeah. But it’s her fault because she knows you can’t say no to her.” Luke nodded contemplatively, remembering Irina telling him essentially the same thing. “Almost no one can, of course. Look at what we did last night and notice where we’re headed right now, after all. But you really can’t. She’d already gotten everything she knew she wanted from you — which was, individually and collectively, what she’s not getting from her husband — and then you had to go and force her onto Alejandro’s elephant dick.”

“Now it sounds like you’re actually blaming me.”

“In a way. It set off a chain reaction of events and emotions neither of you were prepared for. You took the control away from her. In a vacuum, that’s a smart enough gesture and, ultimately, what she wants if she’s truly a submissive, but when you did, you also took her stability and surety away, and you didn’t have any of your own to offer. So far, everything that’s happened between the two of you so far has been her leading, enticing, or seducing while you float through your sexual nirvana like a horny goddamned mime. You gave her something unexpected ... something she didn’t plan or prepare for ... and now she realizes that she not only wants to bang the universe and everyone in it, but that there’s someone out there who’s actually willing to give it to her. Except there’s a huge roadblock. That one great big thing she doesn’t yet know. That enormous, threatening cloud of indecision looming over everything. And when it comes to that, all you have to offer her is your own anxiety and indecision.” She sighed. “If you’d attempted this little romp back in the early days of your relationship, you might’ve had enough time to get your feet back on the ground. Now? I don’t know if you do. You have to be almost done with work, right? I mean, I helped move an entire winery’s cellar from one building to another, and it didn’t take this long.”

“I need a little over a week, but that’s only because I’ve been stretching it out and ... well, y’know, otherwise occupied. Mostly the latter, of course, and don’t tell me you’d make a different choice in my shoes. For better or worse I’m being given that week right now, but since it’s going to be followed by two weeks where it’s just us, I’m not going to try very hard to finish.”

“How ethical of you.”

“I’ve already heard this criticism.”

“I know, and you didn’t listen any better then than you are now.”

“Actually, you’re completely wrong about that. I hear you just fine, and what’s more I agree with everything you said then and everything you’re saying now. I just...”

“You just can’t let her go without a few thousand more shags.”

“I’m not even going to pretend to lie. You’ve been with her. Would you? Yes, the sex is extraordinary beyond anything I’ve ever imagined — I mean it; I’ve never even conceived that it could be like it is with her — and I don’t want to give that up until I absolutely have to. But what I meant was: not without some sort of fight for our future, or at least for closure. That conversation that keeps getting put off, but one way or another we’re going to have it. Otherwise, I’ll waste away in madness and regret, never knowing if there was a chance that we failed to take when we could, or if we were doomed from the start, or if there’s something that one or both of us could say or do that would make the choice clearer. Please tell me you at least understand why I have to do that.”

Putting her hand on his thigh, she squeezed reassuringly. “I understand perfectly well. And you’re right, you can’t go on without having that conversation. You know how I know you’re right?”

“Because you told me the same thing ages ago.”

“Exactly. Even before you were actually together, I warned you. And, unfortunately, I’m going to repeat something I said a few minutes ago: if you’d started having that conversation then, you might have some answers by now. As it is, you’re on a tight deadline and all it’s really going to do is fuck up the last few weeks of your otherwise endless fornication.”

“You really think it’s going to be that bad?”

“I’m sorry, Luke. I meant it when I said I love you, and that means I don’t want to hurt you or see you get hurt, but I think it’s going to be even worse than you imagine.”

“It sounds to me like you don’t think there’s any hope.”

She removed her hand. “To be honest, I’m less certain of that answer. She loves you, and I mean she really loves you. Only someone who loves you a great deal would’ve done what she did for you yesterday. She can probably see a future with you, and I’m sure parts of it look pretty appealing. But she’s seeing an idealized version of you based on a small fraction of an actual life, and when it comes time to decide, she’s going to realize that. Your biggest mistake, Luke, is that you’ve never tried to make it real.”

“I wish you’d said this to me before,” he offered through a pained half-smirk, half-grimace.

“You... insufferable...” she sputtered before he raised his hand.

“I know. I remember that you tried to tell me this as well, and I wouldn’t listen. Actually, it’s more like I couldn’t wrap my head around it. To me, it was no less real than any other relationship. It was only later, when it was clear even to me that it was spiraling out of control, that I finally understood what you meant. If this all goes to hell, you’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”

“On the contrary, I’ll never mention it again. I’m afraid this is a wound that’s never going to heal.”

“Sadly, I finally believe you. Any advice?”

“Next time a sage lebso pal is trying to tell you something important, listen to her.”

“It’s a deal. Anything a little more specific?”

“Not really. Not only don’t I have any particularly good advice to give, I’m not sure I want to give you any on this subject. I honestly don’t know which outcome I think would be better. It might seem obvious to you, but I feel very differently, and have from the beginning. I’ll just say this: do you remember last night ... this morning, whatever ... when I explained how I can get off magnificently while having sex with you, but be unmoved or even repelled by all the other things that should be part a physical or romantic relationship?”


“What I was really talking about were thresholds. There’s a point beyond which I’m not sufficiently attracted to you — several points, actually — to want to keep fucking you. If those didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be a dyed-in-the-labia lesbian, I’d be bisexual, or have you as my one-dick-exception, or whatever. But they do. Even though you’re my best friend, even though there are innumerable reasons we should be a couple, even though we have shockingly good sex, I know I’ll never get past them. Are you with me so far?”

“Unfortunately, but this is all stuff you’ve said before.”

“Right. But what I’m telling you is that Kathryn has thresholds too. You might not see them because she’s apparently up for anything in the sexual galaxy, but they’re there. And the big one — the one that your entire future depends upon — is just how much external and internal pressure it would take to end her marriage. I’m sure you’re already a much more interesting sex partner, so it’s not about that. It’s not a simple matter of love, either. She might in fact love you more, yet still be unwilling to leave him. So far, the only thing you’ve asked her to do is transgress. If you’re really serious about a future with her, you’re going to be asking her to do something much worse: reject and destroy someone else’s love, right alongside some of her own. I think she’s capable of it, but I don’t know if you’re capable of convincing her that you’re worth it.”

He thought about this for a few minutes before responding. “That’s a lot to take in. But I’m also discovering something that I’ve never noticed before: you don’t like Kathryn very much, do you?”

“Actually, I adore Kathryn, though I’m a little wary of someone that attractive who wields that much sexual power. It’s the two of you together that I’m not sure I like.”

“So why are you in this car right now?”

“Because yesterday, before we went to my bar and long before the sex — when I was at lunch watching the procession of tearjerkers and romcoms and horror films screening behind your haunted eyes — I wanted to see what was happening for myself. I didn’t realize that I’d get an opportunity so soon, but I would’ve manufactured one. Because now that I’ve told you off as much as I’m going to, I think it’s going to be a fun day. And because I’m kinda hoping I’ll get laid.”

“I wouldn’t count on that. Kathryn has a rule about sex too close to Bill’s arrival or departure.”

“Which she’s never broken?”

He reddened a bit. “Uh, maybe once, or...”

“Uh-huh. I’ll bet you a very expensive dinner at a restaurant of my choosing that she’s going to break it again today.”

“You really think so?”

“Well, either way I came prepared.” At his puzzled sideways glance she added, “You’re not the only Luke in the car at the moment. Anyway, if the two of us in bed was the ‘third thing’ to make up for your big fight, why would a ‘fourth thing’ that involves me dragging my fabulous ass all the way out here not involve sex?”

“You make a reasonable case. I hope you’re right.”

“I’m sure you do. Which brings me to the final reason I’m in this car, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Kathryn.”

“Which is?”

“We’ve put our clothes on, but we haven’t walked away. That was the signal that we were done, and it hasn’t arrived yet. Even if I’m wrong about your lover, I’m not quite finished with you.”

Luke ran upstairs to apply deodorant and change while the women got noisily reacquainted in the driveway, a greeting that included a truly promising amount of kissing. Kathryn had already stocked the boat with food and beverage, so there was nothing else for them to do. While Wendy took the opportunity for a quick bathroom break, Kathryn pulled him into a tight, almost desperate embrace.

“Just so you know,” she whispered, “I’m suspending the normal rules.”

“I’m sorry if I’m supposed to act surprised, but Wendy already assured me you would. And Kathryn?”

“Yes ... Luke?” She didn’t say what she wanted to say. That’s a problem we have to start fixing right now.

“I love you.”

“Oh god,” she said, holding him even tighter. “I love you too. I’m so sorry.”

“Me too. But if you’re suspending the rules, I think there are better ways to apologize.”

Though her eyes were still a bit misty, an inviting smile spread across her face. “You’re right about that. Did Wendy bring your replacement?”

“I sure did,” the blonde announced as she barreled through the guesthouse door. “And given his pathetic performance last night, maybe we should just leave the original here.”

“At the very least we could let him watch. Anyway, I don’t believe you. I see the look in your eyes. It was fantastic, wasn’t it?”

“Well,” she admitted, grabbing Luke’s elbow and sensuously grinding against his hip, “since he’s such a supermodel-banging stud these days...” Kathryn’s eyes narrowed, and he held up his hands in defense.

“She guessed. It only took her about three minutes. I honestly don’t know how Faith keeps it a secret. I didn’t even say much of anything; I just sat there listening and still managed to blow her cover in the space of a single city block.”

“Like I said, I can read you like a book, man-whore,” she joked. “Now, can we go for a sexy boat ride? I wanna get my tits out and hear all about your orgy. And then maybe recreate it in the water.” All three were laughing uproariously as they crossed the lawn, but in the back of Luke’s mind he wondered if there would be consequences for revisiting such a transformative event.

If there was any hesitation on anyone else’s part, it certainly wasn’t evident. As he had last time, Luke navigated the boat away from the dock and sped around the lake for a while, enjoying the speed and the head-clearing combination of wind and noise. By the time he glanced back to check on his passengers, Wendy was already completely naked and swapping saliva with Kathryn, who (as they were in direct sun) remained fully covered. Mischievously, he abruptly cut the engine and spun the wheel sharply to the left, causing Kathryn to tumble directly on top of the supine blonde. Her surprise lasted just long enough for Wendy to spread her legs in invitation ... an invitation Kathryn greedily accepted, once she’d given her breasts and her tight stomach a thorough oral tribute. Despite being painfully erect, he stayed near the wheel and watched, sure he’d soon get his turn.

Indeed, once Kathryn finished tonguing Wendy to several demonstrative orgasms, she got up and joined Luke. As sexily as possible, given its general formlessness, she lifted her linen caftan to reveal that she was completely naked underneath, fell to her knees, and extracted his cock, moaning with happiness as her lips and tongue worked his length. The blonde joined them a few minutes later, at first standing behind Kathryn to massage her breasts and fondle her swollen nipples, then kneeling right beside her, startling the redhead by wresting control of his shaft and pulling it deep into her throat. She took control of Kathryn’s head and pushed it downward until her lips were pressed against his scrotum, a task for which she harbored no distaste. Luke groaned as his arousal accelerated into overdrive.

If Kathryn was surprised by the eagerness of Wendy’s fellatio, it was nothing compared to the moment she sensed Luke’s onrushing orgasm. Several attempts to nudge the blonde out of the way were rebuffed, and so she attempted a verbal warning. “Wendy, he’s about to...” At that moment, Luke erupted. The redhead watched in shock and delight as he pumped thick gouts of seed into her mouth without resistance or complaint. The moment Wendy moved away, Kathryn’s lips replaced hers, greedily sucking and searching for a few more drops. But Wendy again took control of her head and brought her close for a kiss. Luke watched, mesmerized, as their mouths met. The redhead was enraptured, moaning and quivering her way to climax as Wendy fed his semen to Kathryn, fingering her drenched sex the entire time; a favor she soon returned. Back and forth they passed his cream until Wendy tenderly stroked Kathryn’s throat, gesturing for her to swallow. When she was finished, she gave the blonde a lopsided grin. “I’m guessing that wasn’t your first time. You handled it far too well for it to be no more than show.”

“Last night I took the opportunity to learn a few new things, though like I told the hairy ape I don’t know who’s gonna benefit. His is the first, last, and only dick I’ll ever suck, and the same is true for swallowing his cock paste. Anyway, you’re more than welcome to the rest; I just wanted to experience a ... what’s it called again?”

“Snowball,” the others answered in unison.

“Right. And I wanna try the other thing, too.”

“A creampie?” Kathryn’s other hand shot between her legs, entangling with Wendy’s as Luke spoke the word.

“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll pass that one back to you as well. Anyway, despite the source it’s really not all that bad, and I don’t know why I was so weird about avoiding it last time. That said, you love it and I only tolerate it, so from now on it’s all yours. As are his nuts, which still creep me out. Now, Kathryn ... everyone’s had their top blown off but you, and that small one just now doesn’t count. Sit in that chair and spread your legs so I can devour your delicious pussy. Quicksand-for-brains, get behind me and feed me that salami. I don’t care which hole. Both if you’d like. There’s lube in my backpack if you’re gonna do my ass.”

For the next two hours they coupled and uncoupled ... snacking, washing down the taste of their union with bittersweet Americanos, diving into the lake to rinse away sweat and other fluids, groping each other under the water with such enthusiasm that staying afloat was difficult ... then returning to the shade of the forward canopy to join with each other in duos and trios. Wendy got her creampie straight from Kathryn’s freshly fucked cunt, while the redhead returned the favor from Wendy’s nether orifice shortly thereafter. After some consultation between the two women, Wendy decided to leave the Luke-replicating dildo in her bag, concerned that the boat’s hard surfaces would limit her ability to use it without raising the possibility of bruises; something his lover obviously wished to avoid. On the way back to the dock, however, Kathryn overruled the objection in a clever fashion: letting the blonde navigate back while the redhead stood behind her, driving the strap-on into her overheated pussy. Luke gave the redhead what was almost certainly not going to be her last double penetration of the day; shafting Kathryn’s silky ass while the other half of the double-sided dildo moved around in her sex. Making his lover scream with unbridled ecstasy while Wendy was trying to guide the boat homeward was as hilarious as it was thrilling.

As they unloaded the supplies, both Luke and Wendy admitted that they were on the verge of exhaustion. Their three-person nap got a slow start — Kathryn insisted on providing sequential oral climaxes before she’d let them sleep — but soon thereafter they fell into a tangle of limbs and satisfied organs. Wendy expressed immense relief at having Kathryn’s luscious body to embrace while she snoozed.

A few hours later, Luke woke to Kathryn’s familiar lips around his pole. Her oscillations eventually woke Wendy, who grumbled for a while and then knelt behind the redhead, fingering her pussy and aggressively rimming her ass until she came. Worried about his stamina should their bacchanal continue for as long as it he guessed it might, Luke gently lifted his lover’s face from his overstimulated organ, kissed her, and led everyone to the shower. It was a tight fit for three of them, but they managed it with only a few banged elbows and a handful of orgasms, all of them experienced by Wendy.

“So what should we do now? Wendy, you can stay for a while, right?”

“BTG’s closed tonight, so I can actually stay until tomorrow, if you don’t think you’ll get sick of me before then. I’ll need a ride back to the city, though.”

“I can do that. I have to be at the airport by nine.” Kathryn glanced guiltily at Luke, but he just shrugged and kissed her cheek. She hugged him back, grateful for his understanding. “Anyway, my question was more immediate. Should we stay in bed all day? Move the party somewhere else? Think about dinner? All three at once?”

“Since this entire experience is essentially one giant fantasy for me,” Luke suggested, “why don’t we defile this apartment a while longer, eat something, then reassemble in the jacuzzi.”

“A two-girl hot tub experience? Two hot ladies going down on you while you sit on the edge like a lazy-assed king? How trite.”

“I’m up for it,” Kathryn countered with a hungry smile.

“Wendy, you do remember that you told me your hot tub story, right?”

To Luke’s surprise, she actually blushed. “Oh ... uh, yeah. Right. But it wasn’t...”

“Yes, I remember the number. A little bit more than a threesome, wasn’t it?”

“Now I’m intrigued,” Kathryn interjected.

“Fuck it, let me tell the story so the perv doesn’t start embellishing it the way he probably imagines it. I was pouring wine for some bullshit corporate event at a hotel up in the mountains. All the men were drooling creeps and all the women were straight and/or boring, so I grabbed a few bottles of Champagne and headed for the hot tub. For a while, I was blissfully alone and pleasantly sloshed under a canopy of stars. Then a big group of giggling, already half-drunk, but undeniably hot sorority girls showed up on their way to ... hell, I don’t remember, probably because I didn’t care. Liquor was passed around, our tops came off, we played some bullshit drinking game and showered the deck with our bottoms, we ended up in someone’s suite, one thing led to another, and ... well, I guess ‘lesbian until graduation’ really is a thing for some girls. Though all their toys were too tame, whereas I think mine scared a few.”

“You had an all-girl orgy with a group of drunken sorority chicks, and you have the nerve to call my fantasy trite?” Luke’s teasing made her blush a second time.

“No, the trite part was that one of them decided she really was a lesbian and tracked me down for a three-week rematch. I got a nice cash bonus from Lesbian Human Resources for that one,” she added to Kathryn’s delighted laughter. “Unfortunately, she decided that I wasn’t femme enough for her. Last I heard she was with some actress, but since I can’t seem to remember her name, she can’t be that famous.”

Same as Fidèle
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Eito’s elder sister was down on her knees before him and she was crying real tears. He was a little shocked at her odd request to join him on his transfer to the United States for the Corporation. The fact that he had no wife to accompany him was her excuse to beg his flexibility in giving into her request. In point of fact he personally would have inclined to welcome her company because she could deflect the stigma of being single in a married person’s world and offer him household...

2 years ago
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Keisto and his Baboso

I pulled out my cock. I Walked over to Shelby, and stuck it hard in his Pinche mouth. He squirmed for a bit. Then remained still. He was very weak.  I leaned forward, frowned, and lazily pissed hard down his throat. He gagged, and choked, while thirstily swallowing his warm, yet smelly treat. Once finished, I slapped Shelby with my dick,  across the face, and sat down on his bed. I was sick of questioning this bastardo, and him not sayin shit. Gregg G, Crazy Sam, and Slicky...

2 years ago
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Shrug Boy AtlasChapter 4

I'd been avoiding Lily like the plague. I sat through the rehearsal dinner, still not having spoken directly to her in more than forty-eight hours. After the 'incident', I went to an old buddy's house. I got so drunk he had to call my father to say that I was staying over. Feigning recuperation, I stayed away for the whole next day and night. The rehearsal dinner had forced me to go back, in my same clothes, puke stained and embarrassed. Fortunately, when I got to my father's no one was...

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It was eight thirty when my doorbell rang. As I opened the door and looked at the faces of my neighbors, it was obvious that they came for a change of scenery and maybe, some moral support. ‘Hi, sorry to barge in on you so late,’ apologized Isabel, but we just had to see you for a few minutes and talk to someone like you to refresh ourselves. We are worn to a frazzle.’ ‘You definitely need a refresher, and I have one. I just opened a bottle of a nice Pinot Noir that you cannot refuse.’ They had...

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Janet after the Funeral

It was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Janet and 3 young children. George had run a local business home improvement business before his passing. He had done what seemed quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model car, very few people knew he was leverage to the hilt.. Janet was only 37, she was a stay-at-home mom who had always led the easy life due to George’s...

4 years ago
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The Fair Boss

Years ago I started the second job I’d ever gotten, Sales Associate at Hot Topic. It wasn’t prestigious by any means, but I chased after it pretty hard. I was 16, it sounded cool, and it felt like a supreme upgrade from ‘fry cook’. After the first three months I would find out if I’d be kept on past the Christmas season, rather than the other two people that had been hired. During the winter break from school I worked 14 of the 17 days we were out, covering for people’s shifts or being...

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The Retirees Club 15

The sex had been a little thin since I left the group. Bill and I got together twice in the couple of weeks, those were good times. Andie had met with her ex and the ex's lover, so far it was going ok. I'd gotten with Ed one more time for sex. I told him about the picture sharing site and we cruised some pictures (with each other's cocks in our hands, that was fun.) He set up an account and put some nicely composed pictures up. I masturbated twice to them – and posted the cumshot...

3 years ago
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Chapter FOURA Proper Haircut Opens a New Doorway I stood in the center of the bathroom, legs slightly spread apart, Jake was stilling holding on to my hard cock with his left hand as he opened his cabinet above the sinks. He pulled out a small electric trimmer, a pair of scissors, a comb and a razor. “Are you sure about this,” He asked, smiling at me and gently stroking my hard cock. “It’ll grow back anyway.” He added as if to assure me. “I know it will grow back,” I laughed. “That just means...

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On Further Examination

Robert Ames was growing concerned. Angelica had disappeared behind the inner office door of the clinic over an hour ago. With perfect hindsight he realized they could have left some notes back at the offices of Post outlining the story they were following. It had all seemed so unreal that night a few weeks ago. He and his curvy Latina girlfriend had just finished making love, passionate and satisfying as always, when she looked over at him with a strange expression in dark eyes. "Darling, if...

3 years ago
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Sleeping Sisters

It's 1 a.m. as Ray rolls out of his bed. He scratches his head as he yawns and makes his his way out of his room and down the hall to the bathroom. When he turns on the light he isn't surprised to find a bra and pair of panties in the middle of the floor. He steps over them to the toilet and takes a piss. Then he steps on the scale next to the tub. The digital display flashes 265 lbs., as an semi-pro wrestler Ray like to keep track of his weight. At 6' 5" his goal weight was 280 lbs. Looking...

4 years ago
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BathGirl 2 BathGirl and the Alien Anal Probe

I have received a number of requests for more BathGirl stories, so here's another one, Sorry about that! :) If you read my first BathGirl story, 'BATHGIRL!' it will help you understand this one better, don't worry, it's short! BathGirl 2, BathGirl and the Alien Anal Probe By Mr. Ram The saucer like spacecraft slipped silently through the skies over Gotham. A combination of sophisticated cloaking technology and a low cloud cover made the strangely organic looking...

3 years ago
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A New Start in Life Chapter 32

A New Start in Life Part 32 A New Start in Life: After loosing his family in a horrific road accident Stephen takes refuge in being Susanna part time. However a girl acquaintance visiting his flat accidentally discovers his secret. Stephen then confesses that he wished that he could become Susanna and makes a very important decision that will give him the new start in life. He starts to live as Susanna with the help of his two best girl friends. Susie and Shonali get a job while...

3 years ago
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My WhoresChapter 3

I sat there staring at my mother and not quite believing what she was telling me. My Aunt Cathy was a slut? The woman who had given me my first hard on was an easy piece of ass? I wished that I had known that a long time ago. I can honestly say that I had never once thought about Roxie or my mother in a sexual way until circumstances put them on my dick, but I had lusted after my big titted aunt since I was eleven years old. Still did for that matter and now mom tells me that she's a slut. I...

1 year ago
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fustrated milky tits

This story is not my own.. I got it off the woman who wrote it. Its more then a littleKinky and bizarre, not my thing but hot nonethelessI love the way my breasts look. They are large and full looking with big sticky-out nipples. What's more they are full of milk - too much milk!I gave birth to a baby about six months ago and, since then, my body has become virtually everything I ever wished for. I've worked hard on getting my tummy flat, and have succeeded fairly well, and then there are my...

4 years ago
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Jake and his Debi

Jake And His Debi Penned by: Miss Deborah (Debi) Leigh Johnson Jake is my college roommate. We get along really well, and we have been sharing a dorm room for a little over two years now. I guess that you could say we have sort of gotten used to each other, so we do not have a lot of stress between us, which really helps, especially at exam times, when the last thing that anyone needs is a stressful relationship with a roomie. Jake is almost my complete opposite. He is tall,...

3 years ago
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Connecting Rod Ch 09

Chapter 9: Michelle’s Story February 22, 1961 My name is Michelle Dawson and up until recently, I had no hope of living a perfect life. According to my driver’s license, I’m five foot six and weight one hundred and forty pounds. I am the daughter of Florence Toews and Walter Dawson, and I was an accident. My parents married when Florence discovered she was pregnant at age seventeen. Walter, a handyman with some useful skills, made a scrape-by living. We lived in a small rented house on the...

2 years ago
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A Stones Glow AwayChapter 8

Ledger woke with the cheery, bright morning sun shining directly on his face from the high window. His eyes immediately rebelled, squeezing shut in reaction to the unwelcome, cheerfully bright light. Rather than fight them to re-open, he rolled over to his right side and promptly hit the wood floor face first. His faint groan of pain sounded like the screaming of several banshee’s singing loudly in the middle of his head. Next, he tried to move his arms to push himself up a little. They...

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The Djinn and I Chapter 18 Friday A transformation completed

FRIDAY Their intelligence told them both residences would have skeleton crew. Nobody would be sleeping in the rooms of interest. The fog would be cranked up to improve their chance of approaching undetected. They had the means to defeat the wards and charms. The people in the one household went to bed early and the other stayed up for some very vocal extra-curricular activities. The ingress at both residences was straightforward as the back door locks were easy to defeat. The wards...

4 years ago
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Sweet Romance With Chennai Ramya Aunty

Dear indian sex stories dot net readers. I am Ajay (), I work for an IT MNC in Chennai, I am not good in narrating, So kindly forgive my narration, I live near Adyar, Since being a bachelor I used get dosa batter from Super market, Once I was getting the same, I saw a Sweet Lady around 32 of age ( I came to know later ) who was arguing with cashier for change, She had 2000 rupees note and she didn’t have debit or credit cards, she had purchased around 120 rupees of materials ( that time 500...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Destiny Cruz Getting Off On Step Brothers Amp

Kyle Mason and his stepsister Destiny Cruz both want to use the living room, but for different reasons. Destiny wants to study for her upcoming test, but Kyle wants to practice his guitar. Destiny is so desperate that she offers to give Kyle a blowjob if he’ll leave the room for her. Kyle doesn’t take her up on it, but it sure generates some sexual tension, with Kyle responding that he could make her cum by putting his dick in her. Destiny’s next attempt to make Kyle leave is...

3 years ago
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 11

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

1 year ago
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The Chronicles of Arthur Hawk Part 1 Pool Antics

It was a hot summer day, and my sister and I were laying on the leather furniture, which was completely soaked in our sweat. It had reached 95 degrees in our area that day, and for some reason our air wasn't functioning. Our parents were both at work so we had nothing to in our incubator of a house. We dared not go outside, the sun would bake us alive if we stayed in it for long. To hot to move, we sat there in nothing but our underwear, moaning to each other. "It's so hot..." I...

3 years ago
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Fucking my Bosses Chubby Daughter

True story, though doesn't every one start that way... When I was twenty I worked at a resort in the hills of Northern California. I was cooking for a seasonal resort hotel-restaurant. The place was, or still is, in a part of the redwood forest on a secluded stretch of Highway 101, a short walk from the dramatic cliffs and winding trails down to lagoons of the California coast. The job was lousy, but the pay was incredible and the scenery was unbeatable. The main advantage of the place was...

2 years ago
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Oh No Oh Yes Part 3

Finally.It's been over a year now since I accidentally sent my sister-in-law the email that was supposed to go to my wife. Who knew, as I sat there in a panic at the time wondering what to do, that it would lead up to these encounters. So far my sister-in-law and I have been able to play together on two occasions since my initial accident of hitting the send button. Since our last encounter our families did get together once but we were unable to make anything happen. It was a quick visit and...

1 year ago
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kolkata maid

Hi readers! I mentioned in my previous story how I managed to fuck my maid Shanthi. Believe me, it was a fantastic experience for both of us. After the first round of fucking she got up ran into the bath room to clean full load of my cum which spread across her thighs. She came out of the bath room and hugged to and thanked me for the wonderful experience. She kissed me and this time it was perfect kiss as she learned from my kissing. She said she is ready for another round of show. Here it...

2 years ago
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High School Sex SlavesChapter 2

Monday morning came and Jeannie was right. Suddenly I was interesting to girls who wouldn't even acknowledge my presence before. This was great. I looked for Angie and found her at lunch. Gathering up whatever courage I had, I went over to her. As usual, she was sitting alone and giving evil stares to anyone trying to join her. I ignored the stare and sat down anyway. "Hi Angie." "What do you want, Oscar? Why don't you sit somewhere else, instead. I want to be alone." I thought...

4 years ago
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Clare And James Part One That Time Clare Told James About Her Affair

By the time they'd left the Christmas house party, the world had become white. The cab driver hadn't wanted to go the extra two hundred yards on the untreated surface of their street, so he'd pulled up at the corner and Clare had stepped out onto a snowy carpet that enfolded her feet and hushed her heels as she walked alone towards their house, leaving James to pay the driver.The key won't go into the lock. Is this the right door? Yes, she is sure it is. But the snow has changed everything,...

Wife Lovers
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Swaziland Gangbang Part One

My newlywed wife and I were offered a cabin in the Swaziland highlands to use over a long weekend. The highlands of this little Kingdom of Swaziland are planted to hectares of commercial pine tree plantations. Being on the escarpment there are mountainous areas with pristine streams and rivers that cascade over rapids and waterfalls as they make their respective ways through towering pine forests to the warmer Lowveld.It was an offer we could not refuse, an isolated cabin in scenic woodland...

2 years ago
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Captured and conquered

She woke up tied to the bed, her wrists bound to the corners her ankles tied to the other corners. A bunch of pillows held her ass high in the air. But a robe tied her back down tight to the bed. Her head held straight, she couldn’t see anyone. Just felt there hands on her hips and there cocks in her asshole pounding away until he came. When one was done another took his place. This went on for hours. She was so exhausted she would pass out only to wake up and have the same feelings. The last...

1 year ago
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Sex make a happy family3

Hi Sanjay here. My mom promised me at evening that she will come to my room in late night when all of the family will sleep. I shall waiting for her remembering the whole day enjoyment with her. It was 10.30 then 11 – 12- 1am she has not come. My heart is going to be broken, suddenly I feel the sound of knocking the door, I rushed towards door & found my lovely mom in a sexy bluish nighty with smiling face. I pulled her inside & bolt the door. As soon as she hugged me. I kissed her & asked for...

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Twist of Fate the Life of a Slave

(A tale set before the events of "Twist of Fate") Jabba the Hutt's grand sail barge, the Khetanna, slowly sailed across the western Dune Sea of Tatooine on its way to Mos Espa where the hutt and his entourage were to attend the annual "Tatooine Classic" pod racing event. It was the biggest race of the season and would attract denizens from all over the planet as well as many visiting offworlders eager to witness the exciting sport and wager on its outcome. Along for the trip, Leia...

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Times are Changing Part One

The divorce had been incredibly messy with Nathan’s wife taking the lion’s share of everything, despite the fact that she had been the one cheating. Their marriage had been a rocky one with very few positive points to take away from it. Nicole was one of them. “Did you check every cupboard, Sweetheart?” Nathan called out to his eighteen-year-old daughter, as he stuffed another suitcase into the back of their hired moving van. “Twice.” Nicole replied, as she carried the last of their belongings...

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DchasChapter 14

When he saw everyone was finished with breakfast Jim tapped on his coffee cup to get their attention. "We would like to form three groups this morning. Hopefully we can focus on some immediate issues for the next week. Let's have Sarah's group plus Tara, Erin and Claudette start an accelerated training program this morning on Donna's systems. The nominal leaders will be Sarah and Rusty. Then Bob and Stan can lead another team consisting of Stan, Julia, Nancy, Susan, Alice, Jean, Andy, and...

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Affairs of Government

You step out of your pants and stand there, naked and strong before me, emanating the power of authority, the beauty of masculinity, the aura of dominance. In my day to day life I give the orders as chief of your staff, but here behind closed doors, I voluntarily submit to your carnal will, embraced by your strength, giving pleasure at your silent command. With just the slightest twist... I love watching you on television. You talk like you are master of the universe, looking resplendid in your...

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Bengaluru Diaries Part 8211 4

Thank you, readers of ISS, for your timely and honest feedback. I’m Kishan from Bengaluru and this is my story. This is a continuation of my series of stories. After helping out Pavana’s friend shilpa, I came back to fulfill my long lusty desire of fucking Pavana’s sister Pratima. This is her story. Pratima is just one year younger to me and was a sexy figure herself. Her physical inclination was always towards me which I later realized. She was 32-28-32 which was perfect and I would drool over...

1 year ago
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Forbidden FantasiesChapter 8

Karen’s seduction of their son was not going as well as she hoped. Despite the teasing and flaunting of her breasts, Bobby did nothing more than get an eye full and head to his room and lock the door. Karen was getting desperate. She would have become more blatant and even asked him to have sex with her if Bill had not insisted that Bobby must make the next move that let them know he wanted more from his mother. If all he wanted was a titty show that he could jerk off to then that is as far...

1 year ago
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A School of Bracelets

Your name is Sarah Hawkers. You are a pretty girl, fairly average height, with dirty blonde hair, nice legs, and cute C-cup breasts. Your parents decided to send you to a strict Catholic school, because, according to them, your previous grades from your old school were great, and they'd like that to repeat. You went to a different Catholic school since the fourth grade, and you see little of your parents. Your previous school was an all-girls school, but now you are going to a co-ed Catholic...

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Naughty Nudist ReportChapter 4

Author’s note: This is a continuation of earlier reports. Please see Parts 1 - 3 to understand the purpose of this narrative. It’s taken a while to gather these cases and I appreciate readers sending me their stories. The first one in this part was emailed to me from someone who read the earlier reports. Case 15 – Current – Narration by a reader which I compiled from a series of emails. It is pretty much just as she mailed it to me: My name is Tess. I am married and 56 years old. Our two...

3 years ago
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The Journey Home

As I stand on platform 3, the wind rushes past me, sending an icy chill through my body. Right on schedule, the 9:58pm train appears from around the bend and pulls into the station. A stream of late night commuters whoosh past me as they alight in a colourful swirl of fabric and the smell of perfume, smoke and alcohol assaults my senses as I step aboard. The driver I am replacing passes me at the door to the driver's cabin and we exchange a quick greeting before I enter and take my seat. It is...

2 years ago
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Sweet CarolineChapter 28

Enough time had passed that Caroline and CJ had come home. Aunt Jenn rose to the occasion and was amazing in her pampering of the two of them. I was told to go back to the office and chill out. As I came through the door, all my Realtors started asking how Caroline and the baby were. I told them, both of my girls were doing great. Karen was running things in Caroline and Jenn’s absence. She came in and asked if there was anything she could do for me. “What’s happened around here while we’ve...

2 years ago
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Fuck Buddies Happy Birthday

Note: WIP You've been seeing each other for several months now. You're friends with benefits, hook ups, booty calls, fuck buddies. It's great; really great. You two have a lot of fun together, mostly sexually of course, but you get along well enough when you not fucking each other as well. It's a pretty great setup since neither of you bug the other, unless someone's horny of course. Which you don't mind at all. You met her at a friend's party one night a while back and, after a bit of...

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Anal Ecstasy

“I’ve been cheating on you.” My body froze as the simple sentence left her lips.   I tried to speak but my mind remained completely blank as I struggled to find the words to respond to my girlfriend’s confession. Anger.   Sadness. Disappointment.   A variety of emotions teemed forth, battling one another for supremacy within the maelstrom of my thoughts.   Jessica’s hand gently squeezed mine as if trying to reassure me of something as she gazed apologetically at my emotionless face with...

1 year ago
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Awesome night at Erins

It was a cold winter day in Illinois. I was giving Erin and Haley a ride to Erins house after a basketball game earlier that day. Haley is 5'2, big tits for her size and the most amazing ass. Erin is 5'7 36B tits and a nice ass, second only to Haley's. We arrived at Erins house and she offered me a cup of hot coccoa for the ride. I agreed and headed inside not nowing what else she would offer. We all went inside and sat down in her living room. Erin headed to the kitchen and started making the...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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5 December 2008Chapter 9

Cathy crossed and uncrossed her legs several times to give the men a glimpse of her bare pussy. She adjusted the satin strings to her dress letting it barely cover her full breasts. “Thank you Mom, for the use of your wedding rings,” she muttered placing Ben’s rings back on her finger. She moved her leg and tapped her long fingernails to the beat of the rock music. Of the four men, the one she noticed the most stood and approached her. “I hate seeing such a beautiful looking woman sitting...

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The Preachers Wife Chapter Nine Brotherly Love

Maggie's brother, Bob, learned he had cancer during his physical examination while retiring from the Army. He was forty-seven years old, a big, muscular, macho guy with a bluff manner and a confident air. Maggie was forty-two. Both had married young. Both were divorced, Maggie only recently from her preacher husband. She was working in a refugee camp in Thailand.As adults, their paths had rarely crossed and Maggie didn't see Bob for several months into his treatment and recovery. Their mother...

2 years ago
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The Making of a Fighter Pilots WhoreChapter 15 Epilogue A Fighter Pilots Whore My Love My Wife

That event in the airport hotel when I returned from my remote overseas tour took place about six years ago and it marked the beginning of Lydia's career as a whore. Ingrid was overjoyed with our decision for Lydia to become a whore and decided to move her practice to Washington so that she could stay close to the action and monitor and record the progress of our relationship and Lydia's performance as a whore. Carolyn was true to her word and gave Lydia her client list of rich and...

3 years ago
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Movie Theatre Meeting Part 2

By the time I left home for work the next morning I had decided that I wasn’t going to meet Wayne, the name on the business card given me by the man at the theatre the previous afternoon. The excitement generated by our chance encounter in the movie theatre which had led me to fuck my wife three times the previous night had waned by the time I left for work, but by midday I was not only feeling horny again, but also curious, a sometimes dangerous circumstance. The address on the card was in one...

2 years ago
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Any Opportunity Will Do Ch 07

This is a story about two people trying to escape a sadistic Human Sex Trafficker. There are some scenes of violence and non consensual sex. If you don’t like this type of erotica please don’t read it. If you do like it, read on. Please enjoy and give feedback, as I am still writing later Chapters and as always I like to incorporate some of your suggestions for what will happen to the characters in to the story. * As Josh drove down the small country roads Katrina stared out the car...

3 years ago
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Fucking with My Bhabi

HI Friends i am from chennai 30 yrs old and working in a software company. i came acroos this story and sharing wth u all. pl send u r comments. THis is a true story happend in chennai. One of my brother’s friend has got an offer in chennai and my brother requested me to help them in getting a house. Si have i have arranged an house for them and become close to them. I used to go to their house frequently and msotly on sundays. i call them as brother and bhabi.They have one kid of one year...

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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 6 A Hunk a Hoke a Burnin Love

We turned off Collins onto Ocean Drive and I got my first look at the infamous South Beach. The first glimpse of the Art Deco buildings stunned me. Julie told me there was more of this type architecture along Ocean Drive than anywhere else in the world and that historic preservation thrives in South Beach. There were cantilevered eyebrow ledges jutting out over windows, and terrazzo patterns outlining hotel lobby floors. Streamlined corners and porthole windows seem as if they'd make more...

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Sometimes I wonder how he could even be my son. Stu, god I hate that name and although I’m happy to be rid of his mother who insisted on naming him, every day I am reminded of the silly cow and the years of frustration and water treading I wasted with her. I am alone now, happily single and thriving, thank you very much. I own my own business, nothing large, mind you, but I employ several workers and sales people, to get my little invention onto the store shelves of hardware stores nationwide....

2 years ago
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What I do when I think of you

Liu and Kait were finally able to spend some quality alone time. His promotion to Homicide Detective meant frequent double shifts and nights away from her. He was beyond exhausted. Kait missed spending time with him, but had her ways of releasing that energy. Their first night together in nearly one month was most welcome. Although the next night, Liu cautioned her that he was too tired to do “anything”. She knew what that meant and didn’t press him. They sat on the couch in their living room....

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Naughty Girl Next Door Part 2

I get up and walk to the bathroom, cum running down my leg and turn on the shower. I wait for the water to warm up then step in. I grab the soap and start running it over my breasts, then down my stomach, then down lower to my pussy. I put the soap down and start playing with my pussy, remembering how good it felt having your cock deep inside me. I moan a little. I'm enjoying myself so much that I didn't even notice that you had come into the bathroom and were watching me, stroking your cock....

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