Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 27 Prophecy
- 4 years ago
- 34
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-- Earth time: 2057--
With trepidation, I flew to the island.
I had barely survived the ten weeks of torture of working with Crystal. Now I was to spend an entire week with her in close confinement. The damn woman was one contradiction after another. I hoped this wasn’t a mistake, but the Professor had insisted that she was the best one to deliver the proposal and reluctantly I had to agree.
When I was shown the suite, I was surprised by its opulence. I peeked into the rooms and determined that she had claimed the one on the corner. It was immaculate. I only knew she had claimed it because the towels were missing from that bed. I was sure she’d be a slob, but apparently, I was wrong.
Reception said she had arrived early the morning before and had booked the room for a couple of weeks. ‘Nice for some, ‘ I thought. If this proposal went across liked we wanted, I’d be up to my eyeballs in even more work.
I was putting my stuff away when I heard the outer door open. Taking a deep breath, I went out to greet Crystal. The sight of her took my breath away. Damn, I was in trouble, and I knew it. She was bloody gorgeous, and the still wet skimpy pink bikini wasn’t helping me at all.
My cock went from interested to hard when her sultry voice said, “Hi, Michael.”
Her nipples were hard little points, and the curves of her breasts peeked outside the material begging for my hand. The shadow at her crotch told me she didn’t remove all of her pubic hair. I could even detect the flattened curls hidden under the thin damp material.
I was bloody glad I’d put my dick-togs on and then the baggy shorts over the top as they barely kept me contained. I’d planned on going for a quick swim, grabbing some lunch and then getting down to work. Swimming wasn’t the activity that was foremost in my mind at this point.
Crystal smiled at me. I recognised the predatory gleam in her eyes, and it calmed me down a little. I knew she wanted me, but so far, I’d stayed out of her clutches. I wasn’t into the games she played. Crystal had a knack for collecting scalps, and I hadn’t intended to be one of them.
I knew that smart blokes seemed to attract her for some reason. She didn’t always go for the best looking men, either. One of my mates who had chased her for three months said she spent more time picking his brain and teasing him than she had screwing him.
He’d said that one weekend with Crystal was enough to blow a blokes brain. He’d been pissed off that one weekend was all he got. Even though he hinted it had been more, I knew otherwise. I also knew that a few of the blokes who had said they’d done her had lied as well.
I’d been watching her for the last two years, and I’d seen her party and flirt with the best of them. Oddly, I’d seen her disappear from a party and go home alone on many occasions without her date. I’d a hard time working out what her game was.
I knew that she didn’t like going on dates with blokes unless there were a lot of people around. That had been one of his mate’s bitches as well. If he suggested anything intimate, she refused. She also never let them pick her up for a date, and they were never invited to her place. I’d heard that if they turned up, she never let them in.
If they persisted in annoying her after she had brushed them off, they got the cold shoulder and caustic public put-downs. I’d overheard some of her put-downs for blokes who had pissed her off, and the lady liked the big words. The smarter blokes learnt that Crystal did the chasing and when she was done with you, that was that.
If she took a fancy to you and you played your cards right you just might get lucky. I was still wondering why I’d not let her catch me. I suspected that I liked to do the chasing and didn’t like dancing to a woman’s tune. I’d be happy to meet her halfway, but I wasn’t anyone’s play toy. From what I’d observed, Crystal liked to play and dangled bait.
The bait she was dangling at me at this moment was bloody hard to say no to. I had a feeling it was going to be a long, frustrating week on my side of the suite. That bloody pink bikini was going to haunt my dreams for years to come. I said more gruffly than I intended to, “Are you ready to do some work?”
Crystal lifted her eyebrows at me. She pointed to the counter, and it was then I realised she had already set up a work space and she had a folding file on the desk. Several documents were in folders neatly lined up ready for my inspection. Curious, I walked over to see what she had been working on. I hadn’t told her what I was planning for the presentation.
I got engrossed in her layout and soon realised she had put a lot of thought into it. She had sections where she had question marks as to what my input would be. I turned to ask her a question, but she was gone. Her door was shut, and I wasn’t game to knock on it knowing she’d come out when she was ready and not before. I sighed; I guessed we were off to a great start. I’d pissed her off already.
I looked at her notes again and hurriedly collected my material and set up beside her on the workbench. I was soon absorbed as I busily went through filling in her gaps with what I believed she had envisioned that I would present. I could see how the order of presentation was designed to draw the investors in and then hit them with the wow factor. I couldn’t have done this by myself. The lady had flare I’d give her that.
I was distracted when the chime on the door sounded. Crystal walked behind me and had the waiter wheel the trolley in. She signed his pad and thanked him politely. I hadn’t missed the look the man had dropped down her body before he left and I felt myself bristle. I scolded myself for my reaction.
She wasn’t my woman to get uptight about when some random bloke appreciating her with his eyes. Like the waiter, I too had noticed that she had changed into a black bikini top and tiny, pink silk shorts that didn’t cover much more than the bikini bottoms had.
The top covered her breasts a bit better but if anything, they just made them look bigger and even more delectable. The desire to suck on one of those perfect tits went straight to my groin. I was annoyed with my reaction to her.
“Geez Crystal, I hope you brought something more appropriate to wear for the presentation,” I found myself complaining. I could have kicked myself as soon as the words left my mouth.
To my surprise, Crystal grinned at me, “What, don’t you think I’d sell your project wearing this?”
I groaned inwardly. I wasn’t sure about the project, but I’d bet that I could sell her for enough to fund it. I grunted as I couldn’t come back with an appropriate response without offending her and I knew damn well that I needed her.
The smell of the food made my stomach rumble. I was a poor flyer. I got airsick even in the new Airbuses, and none of the medications seemed to help me. As a result, I hadn’t eaten this morning. I watched Crystal as she started sorting out the food on the trolley.
She opened a cupboard and put a jar of Vegemite and one of Peanut Paste in it with several packets of potato chips and biscuits, and a loaf of bread. Into the fridge, she put a packet of cheese and one of ham, a bag of tomatoes, half a lettuce, three avocados, half a bunch of celery and a small bag of carrots. She added the two litres of milk, a six pack of Rum and Cola UDL cans and a six pack of water bottles.
She put the whole, cooked chook and the three containers of mixed salads on the table with the flat buns and butter. She then went and got plates and cutlery and set them in two places. “I’m having lunch if you wish to join me,” she tossed over her shoulder at me as she found a seat and started getting what she wanted to eat.
I joined her, and we were soon hoeing into the food. To break the silence I started asking her questions about her ideas for selling the project and we were soon deep in discussion about what she had envisaged.
I found myself telling her what went into the blanks and other things I needed to tell her that I’d hadn’t told her before.
It didn’t take me long to realise she knew a lot more about the project that I had believed. I had thought the other two girls did most of the work, but now I was wondering what they had done. She knew their material as well as the research she had done for me.
She got us both a UDL, after asking me if I wanted one, and we ended up on the bench with her adding to the plan and making notes of possible times required to get the information we wanted to get across. I got the next lot of drinks, and we kept working on the basic outline.
It wasn’t until I noticed the sunshine was angling at the top of the wall that I realised how long we had been working. Crystal printed out the document and handed it to me. “I’m going for a swim and our dinner reservations are for seven in your name.”
She picked up her wrap and swimming bag and walked out the door.
Surprised by her abruptness, I watched her walk out.
The sway of her hips suddenly reminded me of my earlier thoughts. I glanced at the table and was surprised by how little was left on it. I dropped the leftovers on the trolley and grabbing my towel and key. I pushed the trolley out into the hall and followed Crystal to the swimming pools.
I found her ploughing through the water in the big Olympic sized pool. I watched her as I stripped down to my togs. She had a nice even stroke, and I waited until she turned before diving in after her.
She wasn’t idling along, and I found that I had to stretch out and put a bit of effort into keeping up with her. She was a strong swimmer, but I soon found her rhythm and settled into it. She did another ten laps before she pulled up.
I looked up to see her climb out of the pool. She grabbed her smaller towel, which she wrapped around her long hair. She dried off a bit with other towel put on her wrap and thongs and walked off. I stood in the pool watching her walk away. I was a little perplexed.
Other than her cheeky comment about what she would wear to the presentations, she had not swapped a personal comment with me since. She had been all business during our discussions, and she seemed like a different woman to the one I thought I knew. She hadn’t tried to flirt with me, and her actions were more one of someone who had to work with me but not have to entertain me.
As I walked back the suite, I was starting to wonder if I had read her wrong. She wasn’t behaving as if she was interested in me at all. I wondered if my previous rebuffs had shifted her interest. I knew bloody well I still wanted her, despite my reservations. I’d not been with anyone for a while.
I’d been wrapped up in my projects this last term in particular, and I hadn’t wanted the distractions that a woman can bring. All the same, Crystal’s coolness was getting to me. I walked into the suite to find her bedroom door firmly shut.
Frustrated with where my thoughts had been going, I went and showered and then changed into pants and a shirt more suitable for the restaurant and went to meet her in the lounge area. She was already waiting for me.
‘Fuckin hell!’ I thought as my eyes roamed over her. I felt as if all my blood had drained to my cock. It was so hard it was throbbing. She was fucking gorgeous. Yet I didn’t get the impression that she was preening. She was just standing there waiting for me to get ready.
She was wearing a half-thigh length black dress with thin red and white stripes that formed the halter strap and cut down over her nipples, curved in at her waist and widened into pleats in the skirt. The neckline joined in line with the centre of her nipples, and the top section didn’t cut across her back until it ran over the top of her arse.
The low heeled shoes had straps of red white and black that encased her long slender feet. She had dried her hair, and it lay down her back in long curls to her arse. As her hair moved, it gave you peeks at her bare back.
“Ready?” she asked and headed for the door, after barely glancing at me.
I was beginning to suspect that watching her arse and legs as she walked away from me was going to become my favourite pastime this week. I sure didn’t mind the view at all. She had a tight little arse and a tiny waist that I bet my hands could span. The gentle sway of her hips when she walked was hypnotic.
Catching hold of myself, I caught up with her at the escalator and took her hand before we got off. She didn’t pull away from me and let me hold her hand as we entered the restaurant. I reluctantly let go when I helped seat her. As I bent to help push her chair in, her delightful smell tickled my nose. ‘Fuck, I am in serious trouble, ‘ I thought as I sat.
After dinner, she didn’t want to go into the nightclub and said she would prefer to go back to the room, as she hadn’t slept much the night before. She let me take her hand again when we walked back and once I’d opened the door she headed straight to her room and closed the door.
I grabbed one of the UDL’s from the fridge, and went and sat on the veranda. I went over our dinner conversation and tried to remember what I had learnt about her. ‘Fuck all’, was my summary.
I was used to women telling me their life story in one evening, but Crystal had told me barely anything at all. I thought back over the weeks of the project, and again I couldn’t pull a lot of information to mind that she had actually told me that was personal.
I knew she had a mother named Sue, a step-father called Brian and no siblings. Oh, and she had gone to boarding school for five years before she came to the University. That was it. I tried to remember what my mate had told me about her, but again, little new information came to me.
She’d asked me a heap of questions about my family, and I’d been surprised to find her easy to talk with. She had mentioned some amusing incidents since she had been at the Uni but none of them directly involve her.
Mystified with just who Crystal was, I took myself off to bed.
I woke several hours later to the sound of a desk being tapped like a keyboard.
I crawled out of bed and walked out into the lounge to find Crystal working. “What are you doing woman?” I asked grumpily. I wasn’t well known as a morning person, especially at three in the morning.
Crystal had jumped and spun her chair around when I had spoken. Her dressing gown had opened, and I got the view of a bare tit flashed at me. Mesmerised by her beauty, I found myself standing beside her and I bent down and captured her lips.
After a hesitation, she kissed me back. Emboldened, I spun her chair around, pushed it back into the bench so it couldn’t move and I kissed her again. Her soft lips moved under mine as she returned my kiss. Her tongue gently wiped across my lips making my cock throb with need.
I returned the favour and licked her pouty lips. I thrust my tongue into her mouth, and she sucked me in. Kissing her didn’t help with my hard-on. I was so hot for her, I wasn’t sure I had rational thoughts anymore.
I slipped my hand into the gown and cupped the breast that had peeped at me. I gently rubbed my thumb over her nipple. It was a hard little nub amongst the soft silkiness of her skin. Crystal gasped into my mouth making me kiss her harder. I then pinched her nipple gently, and she shuddered softly under my hands.
I dropped to my knees and pushed the gown open. “Bloody hell Crystal, you have gorgeous tits,” I got out and latched onto one of them as my hands held them up to my inspection. I licked and flicked the nipple in my mouth as my other hand gently squeezed her other breast.
She moaned softly and pushed her fingers through my hair. I felt her hips slid forward on the chair a little and her legs spread wider giving me access to her treasures. I kissed my way down over her flat abdomen and buried my head in her crotch. She spread her legs even wider for me and rolled her hips so I could suck on her.
She tasted and smelled divine. I found myself devouring her. Her soft, springy cunnie hair tickled my nose as I rubbed it into her. Her fingernails were flexing into my scalp, each time I sucked hard on her clit and her abdomen contracted. Her gasps were soft, and she wasn’t stopping me, so I wiggled my tongue into her and thrust it into her hard as I sucked on her.
Her soft moans of pleasure encouraged me to continue. I loved licking a sweet smelling cunnie that that was as tasty as she was. I felt her tremor from my tongue fucking and swapped back to her clit. She gasped and then groaned when I did. She shuddered and was pushing me away, as she stiffened and her legs tried to close.
I released her and pushed my shorts down. Taking her hand, I encouraged her off the chair and on top of me as I lay back onto the carpeted floor. For a moment, I thought she wasn’t going to entertain me, as she seemed to hesitate. To my relief, she climbed on and found my cock without any help.
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Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have asked. This pleased Catherine because it indicated they were paying attention. However, by the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn't missed her ride. To add insult to injury,...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 I sat in my chair at the dining room table looking at a face that I had not seen in quite a long time. Jennifer asked me, “David, what do you want me to do? Should I let him in or have him come back when we don’t have 1000 college kids here for a party?” “Let him in. But please escort him over to me at this table. I’m not as sober as I would like to be for this meeting,” I tell Jennifer. “OK, I’ll bring him over to you, but I’m getting Jill and...
It was the summer I turned twelve. My mother had gotten sober, again, and she had some new friends. This time she became friends with some people who lived on the south part of town which was mostly dairy farms and small horse farms. I was forced to go to Rick and Sally's house with my mother because she would not let me stay home alone. It turned out that it was not near as bad as I thought it would be. Rick and Sally had a swimming pool, so I would not have to give up my swimming, and they...
"God, I want to fuck you!” Michael whispered. She glanced down at his nakedness and then felt her body respond. A gush of moisture at first, and then drips of her own juices began flowing out of her. He wasn’t shaved, but was trimmed and his cock was cut, long and thick. It throbbed up and down and then stood straight up nearly touching his navel. He had been completely naked under those track shorts. “Oh my dear God!” she moaned loudly. Michael reached down and grasped his shaft with his right...
Straight SexI wrote this last Christmas Eve and sent out to friends who've provided me their email. I tried to include the photo that was the inspiration but couldn't get it to show ... it was stellar! So enjoy ..."Oh Michael, you're company's holiday party is always so boring! Do we really have to go?""You know Courtney that I am expected to be there. I AM the Senior Vice President, after all."Michael wore his typical grey business suit with a festive tie to the event. Courtney, a tall,...
Hannah obeyed and waited in his living room. She was in a silky purple cocktail dress that hit her just above the knee. She paced back and forth, stared down at her feet, and looked about the room waiting for her surprise. “Close your eyes! I’m coming down,” Michael yelled. Hannah turned away from the stairs and shut her eyes as tight as she could. He grabbed her by the hand, telling her he was going to lead her up to his room. She kept her eyes shut, letting him lead her up the stairs, but...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was 2 in the morning when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and thought who could be at my door at this hour. I open the door to find my eightteen year old brother standing there with a little suitcase in his hand. “Hi sis, mom got drunk again and kicked me out of the house for good, and……. Could I stay here tonight please?” He started to cry, and I pull him inside and hugged him. We stood there for about five minutes when I broke away and I said,...
IncestKitty and MichaelKitty Foreman lay in a drowsy haze, Red was in the shower. She was remembering the events that took place last night, it was their 25th wedding anniversary. They were at a very fancy restaurant downtown Milwaukee have drinks and some food. Kitty had been drinking a lot of wine while Red had a couple of beers. Red said to Kitty in a soft voice remember the first years of our marriage when we would swing with our friends and how you would get on your knees and all of us guys...
--True event. Names have not been changed to protect the not-quite-so innocent--I had met Tom online through an adult personals site, meeting to have sex with a young woman he had hooked up with. We kept in contact for a year after that, occasionally meeting up to swap stories, jack off together, etc. After a period of silence, Tom emailed me asking to join him and his new girlfriend, Maggie, and that another guy might be coming. I didn't have to be asked twice.Tom was in his 50's and unlike...
So Michael, the guy I was dancing with in the last story, called me the day after we met in the club. He asked if I wanted to go to dinner and a movie. I said yes of course! He is not the sort of person I would ever say no to, and the date was organised. I decided to wear a dress that was sexy, without being too revealing to go for the: “You might get it, if you try hard enough,” look. We went to dinner at a really nice restaurant, one of the nicest I have ever been to, and saw a very funny...
Straight SexNoah had never though to be much into outdoor sex, but the sparse, suburban woodlet was the only place he could get some time alone with Michael. Both had siblings at home and their parents’ prying eyes wouldn’t leave much space for any secrets remaining private. For a few last months both had been coming up with more and less clever excuses to dsappear for an hour or two after the dawn. Noah had his eyes on Michael for a while now. Tall, muscular and the boyish type of goofy, Michael didn’t...
Blackmailed by Master Michael I met the man I gave my first blow job to on a popular sissy chat website. I'll call it His name was Master Michael. A few weeks before I met Master Michael online, I'd started fully cross- dressing and taking photos of myself in different outfits and poses wearing a wig and makeup. Most of my life, I'd cross-dress and take the clothes off once I self-gratified myself and the pink fog lifted. Digital cameras made it easy to take private...
?Well, it's been a month already. Of course I'm going to be impatient.? ?Yeah, and what exactly have you done besides let him know you're accessible?? Tanya made a valid point. Alan sat back on his computer chair and frowned. He'd pulled out all the stops to get his roommate Tom in his clutches; a slutty maid outfit, a makeup artist, and a bet gone awry had done wonders. A sore ass and exhaustion had kept them from round two, and after that... Tom had been avoiding him as much as...
I went for a hike. I’d not been out to the Isa for ages, and you still didn’t have to go far out of town to be in the bush. Most of the area was cattle stations and mine sites. I bummed a lift to the airport with a bloke heading that way from my hotel and then hiked out to the man-made dam they called Lake Moondarra. It was about 14km in, and I had packed my small backpack for the day. Making sure, I had plenty of water in my two belt canteens and steriliser tablets. I had a box of my...
‘Ho-ho, ho-ho, a bussing we will go.’ Actually, I hate buses as much as I hate planes. But they are a necessary evil when you travel. I’d had to bus to a hotel in town for the night. I then bussed to a different airport. I then jumped on my next flight to get to Kuching and then another one to get to the Mulu airport. A friend had organised for me to stay in Mulu Village with a family that he had stayed with previously. From here, I could pretty much do as I wished. I’d organised a couple...
I got up and found the loo. Upon inspection, I decided that it needed to go. I headed downstairs to the better bathroom and used it instead. I even took a quick bath. I put on my clean set of clothes and spruced them up a little, now I knew how. I tightened the waist on the pants and lengthened them a little with the excess material. Then I trimmed some of the excesses out of the shirt by tightening the weave and trimming the material. It looked a higher quality of material now and a better...
The rest of that week was busy. I collected a heap of new crystals and Wally, Walter, and I went around the house embedding them in the walls. We then went room to room, and we decided on a colour scheme for each. Once we were all happy, we liked it, I transported the furniture I’d picked for the room, and we arranged it accordingly. Pammy suggested we move some to different rooms, so they didn’t look cluttered, so the boys moved it. I then inspected the alteration and approved the moves...
I helped myself to the port and sat across from Kim. I asked why he was down here alone and he pouted at me and told me it was my fault. When I gave him an inquiring look, he grinned and said I shouldn’t have winked at him. I laughed. “Sorry, I’ve never actually been with a bloke, but for some reason, I thought if I did, you wouldn’t be a bad place to start.” He must have liked this answer because he said, “Damn straight! You’d break my heart if you did it with anyone else before...
I got up early. I wanted to get the building I owned fixed before it fell down. I also needed to do a bit of Lord Wizard’s stuff. I tried not to disturb Kim when I got up, and I headed to the cavern workshop and double checked what was required to build the boxes for Kim and Mathew. I was finding I only slept for about four hours and I was awake and ready to go. Most of the rest I was learning slept about seven hours. I found all I needed in the cavern, except the copper. I still had...
We went with the others to Mathew’s place. We sat and talked for a bit and then the couples wandered off to find a room. I wasn’t surprised that the new couples had been invited, nor that they disappeared early. I was left with Lindell. She giggled and said, “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.” The others wouldn’t know if we sat here for the night or not. I finished my drink and said, “My place.” I got up, and I made her stand and then blinked her to my room. She was surprised to...
I woke to a cock between my arse cheeks. Kim was rocking his hard cock between my arse cheeks. He had already managed to penetrate me and was happily working in deeper, and my arse didn’t seem to mind at all. I found my cock was rocking in between Lindell’s cheeks. I could feel Junior was already between her cunnie lips and she wasn’t helping by encouraging him to bury in further. I groaned as Kim pushed in harder and Lindell pushed back onto me. I think they both realised they were...
We found the formal dining room set up for us. I think I had to accept that I couldn’t eat with the staff now the house was getting a mistress. Kim whispered something to Lindell. She looked at me and then headed for the kitchen. I took my seat and then looked up to see my staff heading into the dining room, their plates in one hand and a dish of food in the other. They all picked a seat and made themselves comfortable as Kim and Lindell sat either side of me. I beamed at them, and they all...
Our staff were happy to see us home. We had to attend meetings with the Magistrates and learned that Veldor had flipped out on them. The man had not liked admitting a few home truths as to how he obtained his wealth or his wife. They ended up sending him to a special place where they put people, who had difficulties relating to the world and that had been convicted of serious crimes. All of his wealth was confiscated. They determined that he has used Raelene’s wealth and title to accrue...
I don’t sleep as long as my loves. I got up and decided to consult the crystal ball on the location of the broken medallions. I was surprised they weren’t in the wing I couldn’t approach but in a different house. I blinked over but stayed invisible. The house had a couple of ‘protection’ spells, but they couldn’t detect me while I was inside the invisibility shield. I entered the establishment and found what I was looking for. They were stuffed in a box in the man’s study. They looked like...
It didn’t surprise me to find a mouth on my cock when I woke. Kim was happily licking me and sliding his mouth down my cock. My groan and tightening hips made him aware I was awake. He sucked me harder making my hips flex in time with him. Once he was happy that I was suitably prepared, he popped off my cock. “Fuck Lindell, so I can fuck you,” he asked. My wife removed her tit from my mouth where it had found itself and grinned at me. She moved on to all fours and wiggled her arse at me. I...
In the morning, we had a staff meeting. I explained that we had to go home for a few days and then we had to take the Sarans home. I appointed Oslo as my manager and told him to contact James in Iron Hills for his supplies. If he needed more staff, he was welcome to hire them. He could also have the flat above, once we left. He liked this idea very much. He and Wayne asked if their girls could stay. They wanted to marry them. I don’t think this surprised any of the staff. I said I’d ask the...
David James cussed when he banged his busted knee on the old trunk. He rubbed it and noticed the knee was swelling up again. He was supposed to stay off it for at least another week, but that wasn’t happening. While in the hospital, he had been contacted by a lawyer about his Father’s estate. He owned an apartment building containing sixteen units in the city of Cairns, Queensland, on the northern end of the Esplanade. The lawyer had a buyer. UNSEC (The United Nations Security...