Spit-takeChapter 3 free porn video

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N.B.: I was watching WAY too much "Lost" when I wrote this, since I decided to try something a little ambitious with the timeline in this final chapter, and may or may not have pulled it off. It sure took forever to finish writing and editing. You be the judge as to whether it worked. All manner of comments, criticism, insults or adulation are welcome.

"Hiya Becka!" said Maggie.

"Hey Maggie," Becka said, extending a hand to shake over the net. "Good to see you again. You warmed up yet, or should we hit for a while first?"

"Actually, I just got here - I haven't even stretched yet. Would you mind helping me loosen up a bit?" Maggie asked, as she set down her bag and unzipped her jacket.

"Mmmmm, damn, you've got a nice body!" Becka thought lewdly. "Not at all," she said politely. Becka had given her student a very thorough ogle as she walked over to the court, just like she had done every week since Maggie had started taking lessons from her. And just like every week, she really liked what she saw.

It had been a rough two months for Becka, and she had come to anticipate her weekly lesson with Maggie with a strange mixture of excitement and dread. It should have been impossibly awkward to give tennis lessons to someone this close to the woman who stole her lover, but for one thing, Becka had stolen enough lovers from other women to know that she had no reason to blame Maggie for any complaint she may have had with Alex.

Second, there was something about Maggie that made it hard to hate her. She smelled really nice, or something. It was hard to pin down, but for whatever inarticulable reasons people have for being drawn to one another, Becka could tell she was drawn to Maggie.

It certainly didn't hurt that as usual, Maggie's workout clothes looked like a fetish catalogue version of a tennis outfit. It was a two-piece ensemble, featuring a skin-tight top that was thin enough to let her delectable nipples poke through just so and a scandalous skirt that was short enough to reward anyone who paid attention with tantalizing glimpses of ass cheek anytime Maggie exerted herself.

Between them, the two pieces framed a dramatic gap that highlighted Maggie's creamy smooth midriff, complete with bellybutton ring. On a lot of people, bellybutton jewelry just looks ridiculous. On Maggie, it looked hot enough to make Anita Bryant reconsider.

"Thanks, how about we sit down and do some hamstring stretches," suggested Maggie. Becka let her eyes linger as she sat across from the young Asian woman's widely spread legs, propped her feet against Maggie's and reached out so they could hold hands. Although neither showed it, both women enjoyed a nice rush from the all-but-overt sexuality of this position.

Becka spoke up to try and focus on their lessons. "Ok now, remember, to get a good stretch you need to roll your back in and out of each--"

"I know how to do partner stretches, Becka," Maggie said with a grin, as she let Becka pull her upper body forward. "Let's talk about something else."

"Like what?"

"Like you. You seen the light at the end of the tunnel yet?"

"Maggie, don't ask me about this again, you know I don't like to talk about it."

"Yes, I do know you don't like to talk about it Becka. But I also know you need to talk about it. You'll never move on if you don't let yourself get over her, and you could get over her a lot easier if you'd just open up about it a little."

Silence. Awkward eye contact, then more silence.

"Ok, suit yoursel--" said Maggie.

"Is she happy?" blurted Becka.


"I know you see them together every day, Maggie," Becka said quietly, "and ... I want to know if Alex makes Debbie happy."

"Well, yes. I believe Alex has made Debbie very happy. I hope this makes it easier for you, Becka, and not harder, but yes, I really believe they do make each other happy. Very happy."

Yet more silence.

"You could be happy again too, you know," added Maggie with a meaningful glance into Becka's eyes. "There are other fish in the sea..."

Becka had been hit on by her tennis students often enough to know exactly what Maggie meant, and although she greatly enjoyed the attention - and the view, as she and Maggie finished their stretches - she sidestepped the suggestion by abruptly turning their conversation back to the lessons.

"Well, I thought we'd get started this time with some more backhand drills, then work on some passing shots, and finish up with a couple practice games to see how you're progressing. Sounds good?"

"Sounds good, boss lady!" replied Maggie, taking the hint as they stood up to grab their rackets. "Do your worst!"

"Debbie!" Alex called cheerfully, as Debbie stepped into the doorway of her office. "Hey there, sexygirl, get in here!"

Alex grinned at Debbie conspiratorially as she stepped quickly around her desk. She walked across the room to take Debbie by the hands and give her a quick kiss. Alex was aiming for the mouth, but Debbie awkwardly turned her cheek just as Alex's lips arrived. "Right, wait a sec," said Alex, in light of Debbie's lukewarm response, "better get the door."

Just in the instant Alex touched her, Debbie felt a now-familiar rush as her pulse quickened and her nipples went all nipply. These sensations of arousal held no real surprise for Debbie anymore - and physically they were still very pleasant - but instead of reveling in this surge of sexheat like she had just hours earlier in Alex's living room, right now Debbie was redoubling her resolve to get some answers.

She bit her lip to try to silence her private turmoil, and as she turned back to go close off Alex's office she scolded herself. "STOP it, dammit, this is weird!" she thought. "Get a hold of yourself - you would never gone all gooey like this a year ago."

Then again, lots of things were different a year ago. Lots of things were different twenty-four hours ago.

Alex, meanwhile, had perched herself on the front edge of her desk, and smiled as Debbie returned to have a seat on the far side of the adjacent couch. "So, young lady," Alex asked wryly, "care to explain what took you so long to show up at work this morning?"

Debbie turned up the corner of her mouth in the vaguest possible smile in response, but her apprehension was practically written across her face.

"OK, fair enough, lame joke," said Alex. "It's just that you really look a little freaked out - I figured it couldn't hurt to try and lighten you up a little."

Debbie's continued silence spoke for itself.

Unfazed, Alex continued. "Look, I know this is all a little weird, but c'mon. So what? Ok, fine, you're not supposed to screw around at the office - but really, so what? Don't you ever drive 66 miles an hour on the freeway? Take two pennies from the "Take A Penny" tray? Honestly, Debbie, I really didn't expect you to be so shaken up by this. I know you're not going to try to tell me you didn't enjoy yourself last night, so think about it: as long as we really communicate with each other, there's no reason we can't have a hell of a good time together, right? So just let yourself enjoy it, and everything will be fine!"

"Fine?!? FINE???" Debbie finally broke her silence, standing up to confront Alex eye-to-eye. That turned out to be a mistake, though, as the smouldering eye contact she got from Alex seemed to fire sexsparks right back into Debbie's nipples and clit. She quickly looked away and began pacing beside the coffee table instead, and although she stopped herself from shouting, she failed utterly to keep the emotion out of her voice.

"How the FUCK is everything going to be 'fine, ' Alex?"

Alex paused for a moment, and said "Oh, Debbie, come on. You think I've never been through this? What, you think you're the first girl who ever had a crush on the boss?"

"God-damn it, Alex! That is not what I'm talking about, so stop trying to trivialize this!"

If Alex was ready to give any indication that she understood Debbie's display of anger, she sure didn't show it. "OK, Debbie, fine, but take it easy. How am I trying to trivialize anything?"

Forcing herself to calm down, Debbie replied, "You're trying to pretend like you actually think I'm freaked because I'm worried about the 'rules of the office, ' or because I can't be trusted to be discreet about a fling. This is not about a 'crush, ' and you know it."

"I do?" Alex said. "How fascinating. Honestly, I can't imagine what you mean, Debbie, so I'm afraid I must be missing something. So please, tell me: if it's not a crush, what it is it?"

Debbie just stood in silence, struggling to find the words to respond, but her emotions were bringing back a familiar flush to her face and neck.

"You're all worked up about something, Debbie, but I obviously can't help you if won't tell me what it is," said Alex. "So tell you what," she continued, walking over to hand Debbie a bottled water, "first, how about you settle yourself down a bit, okay? Sit down, take a deep breath, have a drink of water, and then tell me exactly what you recall happening between us last night."

From their very first lesson, two months ago, Maggie had surprised Becka with her skill and athleticism. Even more than Debbie, she had the makings of a damn good player but Becka's superior talent and experience still allowed her to control the play. She quickly got a read on Maggie's strengths and weaknesses, and in most of their lessons she made Maggie work very hard - running her sideline to sideline, plopping in impossible drop-shots to draw Maggie into the net and then either tantalizing her with lobs, or scorching passing shots by her with ease.

Becka knew it was probably a little unfair of her to dominate their exchanges like this, probably didn't create the best learning environment for her student, but Maggie didn't seem to mind and Becka really needed the release.

On a psychological level, Debbie's disappearing act had forced Becka to confront the fact that she was not the one in control of that relationship. That hurt a little, but more than anything she was surprised by the realization that she wouldn't even have minded that much as long as she could still be with Debbie.

Becka had never been a bottom to anyone, but over the preceding couple months she found that her feelings for Debbie were strong enough to make her open to new possibilities. Or at least, she would have been open to new possibilities had Debbie not left her so abruptly - the frustration of it all was enough to drive her crazy.

Accordingly, it felt great for Becka to have the upper hand on somebody again, and it certainly didn't hurt for that "somebody" to be the fetchingly attractive young woman across the net.

Maggie held up very well, considering - she would have lost to Becka badly had the women ever kept score, but under the circumstances she gave a very good account of herself. She continued to surprise Becka with flashes of excellent play, and oddly, she seemed to deeply enjoy how engrossed Becka got into the game, even though it meant losing to her even worse.

Maggie's not-so-subtle suggestion during their stretching stayed with Becka as they worked their way through this week's lesson. "You know," Becka thought as she sized Maggie up for her next serve, "it's such a cliche to go bang a friend the person who took your lover, but even so, Maggie would make a helluva good rebound fuck. Think about it: she's got that perfect curvy ass, she's seems to be into girls, and she definitely enjoys being dominated."

Receiving Becka's serve, Maggie wound up a flawless backswing and, with a Seles-esque grunt, smoked that serve back past Becka for a return winner.

"Okay," Becka thought, "maybe she's definitely into girls, and she only seems to enjoy being dominated."

Debbie sat back on the couch, and made a point of inspecting the tamper-seal on the water bottle as she screwed off the cap. She took a deep breath and a sip of water before responding to Alex, "Right - as if you don't remember what we did last night."

Before answering, Alex casually slipped out of her suit jacket and sat back on the couch next to Debbie. "Actually, Debbie, I remember last night quite ... vividly," said Alex with a shamelessly erotic sigh, "but I'm very curious to learn how much you remember. A lot of girls I've been with have only hazy recollections of their first night with me - overcome by their emotions, I guess - but you seem to be reacting quite differently." Alex unclipped her barrette and shook her hair out of its tight ponytail as she spoke. "So, please - indulge me, Debbie - and tell me what it is you think you remember."

Now Debbie paused, took a long drink, stared down Alex for a moment or two and said, "What I know I remember is that you fucked me, Alex. And I don't mean with a dildo, or a toy, or anything artificial, but with a cock. You fucked me last night like a guy would. You. Fucked. Me."

Debbie evidently meant to sound accusatory, but the flush in her skin and the catch in her voice gave away her conflicted frame of mind. Alex recognized her advantage and pressed it. "Really? I 'fucked' you! With a cock, you say? So, I'm actually a transsexual? Who knew!?!" Alex seemed to be enjoying this immensely, which was not the reaction Debbie wanted to get. "Oooo, this is gonna be a hell of a story, isn't it?! Do continue, please! What else?" Alex asked, turning her hips towards Debbie and propping up her head on her hand.

"It's not funny Alex, it's messed up. And I don't think you're a transsexual, it wasn't like that. Your body, I mean - it wasn't exactly like a guy's, but it was ... different. Similar, but different - I just ... I don't remember all the specifics. And that's actually the main thing I don't understand, Alex - there are some parts I just don't remember at all, but the other parts I do remember clear as day are just ... bizarre."

"How so?" Alex asked, licking her lips.

"Well, it was like you had some kind of control over me. It felt like you drugged me or something, I remember being really dopey and groggy, but also ... hot. I mean, really hot.

"I admit I've always wanted you since the first time we met at that interview on campus - I even bragged to my girlfriend once about wanting to seduce you, and I definitely thought you might make a pass at me when you invited me to your house - but once we had that wine last night and started talking and everything, it was like I was just out of control. I mean, I seriously felt like I couldn't control myself."

"Oh, how terrible!" Alex said with a smirk. "You must have been horrified!" Her left hand had started caressing her own neck, and her right hand had crept down between her knees. "Gimme details."

Debbie found that words were coming a little faster now, and although she wanted to stay focused on being angry, what she was really feeling was arousal - and it was only getting stronger. She didn't want to give into it, but neither could she stifle it. Instead, she just kept talking.

"Well, for a long time I know we just talked, but something was already happening to me. I was kind of out of it from the moment I walked in the door, but I was also so hot. So ... turned on ... It was like, just taking a breath or just glancing at you was practically a sexual act."

She looked over at Alex as she said it, making solid eye contact with her for the first time since just after she walked into the office, and she immediately regretted it. It was a sexual act, all right - the wanton look in Alex's eyes sizzled through Debbie like a soft, humid breath across her pussy. She allowed herself a quick glance down to savor the sight of Alex's pebbly nipples and then just forced her brain to get out of the way of her mouth.

"I remember how ... wet I was, and how bad I wanted us to fuck, but I couldn't do anything about it. I felt like that for so long, wanting you so bad but not being able to do anything about it, but then something finally started happening between us. I think I tried to leave or something, but we started making out instead, and then you took your top off and had me, hhhhnnnn, ssssuck your tits."

Debbie had to practically moan out those last words as she watched Alex slide her hands up her body to cup her breasts gently. Alex sighed gently and licked her lips.

"It felt like something spiked at that point - I remember the rush I got as soon as my tongue touched your nipple." Debbie's arousal was mushrooming just like Alex's now. She held her water bottle tightly in both hands to try to keep them off her body, but just recounting this recollection had Debbie nearly panting. "And you tasted like heaven. You were lactating, but not milk - it had the most wonderful taste ... So much stronger than milk, and somehow it was just the hottest thing ever. It was like the more I sucked and swallowed the groggier I got, but always just more and more turned on. My head was spinning but the rest of my body was so sensitive. I could practically feel each air molecule in the room, but I doubt I could've thought straight enough to tie my shoes."

"And then what, Debbie?"

"Then I ... guess I went down on you? I think? And somehow I remember eventually sucking you. Not at first, but like, after I had been licking you for a while I ended up sucking, like, sucking a dick. Your dick. It was really big, and I know it has to have been a toy but I swear it didn't seem like one - it was hot and firm and wet and, like, pulsing in my mouth. And then I leaned back so we could fuck, and we did and ... it was really fucking big and hot and I remember..."


Debbie went silent again, but an unmistakable blush shot right across her face.

"Go on, Debbie," whispered Alex, sliding up next to Debbie and softly brushing her hand up the front of Debbie's waist. "Tell me what you remember next."

"The next thing I remember," Debbie said, practically drooling with lust, finally staring deeply into Alex's eyes, "is you ... coming inside me, hot and big and deep inside me ... and how hard I came when I felt it." Debbie scissored her thighs hard against each other as she spilled out this confession. She could no longer keep a hand from stealing its way up to stroke the skin of her chest just inside the collar of her shirt.

"Wow," said Alex, putting an arm around Debbie's shoulders and leaning in close to whisper in her ear. "That is one really fucked-up little story, Debbie."

She reached up to toy with a lock of Debbie's hair. "No wonder you were so upset - it's so graphic and bizarre and troubling and just freaky. I'm sure parts of it would strike a lot of people as downright abusive. I'm your boss, after all ... But I don't think what actually happened last night is what's really bothering you," she said. "I think the real question you're struggling with," added Alex, as she ran her other hand high up between Debbie's thighs, "is why it turns you on so much."

Debbie couldn't even find words to respond anymore, instead she just sighed. Her resolve was simply gone, and in an abject act of surrender she brought both her hands up to pinch her nipples through her shirt and bra, and opened her legs to silently invite Alex's hand all the way in between them. Alex wasted no time responding - reaching up to stroke Debbie's soaking wet panties and leaning in to french her deeply.

Debbie was hot, very hot, and felt her clit swelling up like never before. Strangely, in fact, she actually felt her clit pushing out hard against the soaking crotch of her panties - practically tenting them up. She marveled at the electric sensation of Alex's fingertips caressing her through the taut, wet nylon, while their tongues played in Debbie's mouth. After a few delightful moments enjoying this foreplay, Alex broke their kiss and sat up.

She smirked a little as she methodically unbuttoned her shirt. Alex's bra latched in the front, and after she unclasped it she allowed her hands to gently caress each perfect breast from base to nipple. Drops of thin, milky fluid appeared at their tips as Alex casually stroked herself.

"It always starts here, doesn't it Debbie? You've got such beautiful breasts, too - I bet that's what first attracted Becka to you, wasn't it? It's funny how everyone think guys are the ones getting all hung up on tits, but women get just as hot for the really exquisite ones, like these."

With her shirt and bra now spread wide open, she leaned back in over Debbie and dangled a hot, drippy nipple right in front of Debbie's face. As soon as it brushed her lips, Debbie sucked Alex's tit deep into her mouth as though her life depended on it.

"Mmmm, that's right Debbie. Swallow it all down, just like last night. You go ahead and have a nice suck while I explain a few things." Debbie simply reeled, bathing in lust and sensation.

"Everything single thing you just described is real, Debbie. 100% real. Every last fucked up, hallucinatory, fever-sweat detail of it. I really did take control of you last night, I really do have something very much like a cock to play with now, and last night I really did fuck you senseless with it. And very soon, you are really going to thank me for it."

Alex reached down, peeled Debbie's panties to the side and smiled. "Oh, this is very good Debbie, your clit is already adapting quite nicely." Debbie left her lips attached to the sweet, rubbery nipple Alex was feeding her with, but turned her head to peer down around the slope of that perfect breast to see what Alex was talking about.

She gasped at what she saw between her own legs. Her supersensitive clit didn't just feel unusually firm and swollen, it now poked up visibly out of her carefully trimmed bush, looking for all the world like a small, wet, red hard-on. "You see, Debbie, this isn't going to be just a clit for much longer," Alex explained. She reached over and stroked it very gently between her thumb and two fingers. Debbie's eyes rolled back under an onslaught of pleasure as she rolled her hips in time to Alex's insistent stroking.

"So beautiful. So ... erect, and stalky, and rooty," Alex added. "And that's really exactly what I've shared with you. I've given you a root - we're like aspens, Debbie, our roots bind all of us who have Turned all together. And now you have a root that runs straight up your spine, right from the tip of this proud, beautiful clittycock all the way up to your brain."

Debbie tried to panic, but somehow it all just came out as orgasm instead.

"So those are the basic things I'd recommend for next week," Becka said, still panting rather hard after uncharacteristically having to actually exert herself against a student. "I want you to stop looking for excuses to run around that backhand, and pay a little more attention to the big-picture strategy stuff. Start winning the next point before the ball is even in play. Same time next week?"

"Sure," replied Maggie, "that sounds great." She mopped some sweat off her forehead which gave Becka a chance to really leer at her tits again through her sweat-soaked top. She let eyes linger a little too long, however, and Maggie had dropped the towel in time to catch Becka staring. "Sooooo," Maggie added, "you seem like you're nearly ready to rejoin the living. I was gonna head over to grab a smoothie after this - you wanna come with?"

Becka's eyes shot straight into Maggie's as she answered. "You know, Maggie, that sounds really good. As a matter of fact, I'd love to come with you. Anytime." The unmistakable tone of Becka's response surprised both girls, but at the same time Becka was greatly relieved to find herself back in the hunt again.

"Why Becka, darling, if I didn't know better I might think you're being bad," Maggie responded with a naughty smile, stepping forward to touch Becka's forearm lightly. She turned to walk towards the locker room before throwing a smouldering look over her shoulder back at Becka. "You might have to be punished for that."

"Oh, this is definitely on," Becka thought, and collected her gear before following Maggie into the locker room.

"I have to say, your reaction is very unusual, Debbie. No other girl I've Turned has remembered anything at all about it, but you seem to have a surprisingly good command of what happened. And your body - this beautiful, delightful body," Alex said, sliding her hand up Debbie's torso to thumb the wet spot spreading through the fabric covering her right breast, "is working through the Turning more quickly than I've ever seen. Obviously, your breasts are already producing, and from the way your lovely cunt is developing all that exciting new anatomy, I'd say you could finish Turning in a couple months. Maybe even sooner." Debbie could hardly bear to take her mouth away from Alex's tits, but she was starting to pay more attention to exactly what Alex was saying. Her apprehension was starting to work its way back through the sexual arousal, and she now found the strength to challenge Alex's explanations.

"Tur- Turning? Um, wait a minute, Alex, just ... wait a minute." Blinking rapidly to try to clear her thoughts, she leaned back away from Alex's wet breasts and slid her hips out from under Alex's hand.

Her distended clit still sizzled like a lump of molten iron atop her pussy, but these details rang enough of a bell with her that she disregarded her lust for the moment and pushed for more information.

Shaking her head for a second and praying it was clear enough to hold complex thoughts, she continued. "We have to slow down for a second, Alex, because this is what I need to ask you about - this 'Turning.' That's what you called it last night, right? Turning? And you said something else, too, about 'Implanting, ' right? Is that what you meant by this 'root to my brain' idea?"

Debbie paused to take a breath, and before Alex could reply she continued, "Holy shit Alex, have you listened to yourself recently? None of this makes any sense - I admit it's hot and everything, but do you expect me to take this seriously?"

Alex's hesitation told Debbie that she simply never expected this kind of reaction. Just seconds earlier Debbie had been lolling around helplessly with a milky tit in her mouth and her rock-hard "clittycock" in Alex's hand, but somehow she had put her mind back together just like that. "Unprecedented," Alex thought silently.

"OK, Debbie," she said at last, "I think I can explain. I gave Maggie the morning off so we'd have some more time to fool around," she said with a bit of a frustrated sneer, "but since you seem to be so eager to ask so many surprisingly detailed questions, there are a couple things I may as well show you first. Go ahead and compose yourself for a second and have a look at this." Debbie sat up, wiped her mouth, took a quick deep breath and gulped a long drink from her water. Meanwhile, Alex clicked a remote at the flat screen teevee on the wall of her office.

P-P-P-FFFFTTTTTTT!!!!! With an enormous, sputtering gush, Debbie sprayed a large mouthful of water across the room when she realized what was playing on Alex's video system. What Debbie saw was a crystal clear video, apparently shot by a home security system, of herself, kneeling in front of the couch in Alex's living room and fingering her pussy hard while she laved her tongue all over a huge wet spot the couch.

"Definitely Tivo material, don't you think?" asked Alex. Debbie could only stare in shock.

"It was really hot to watch this live," Alex said, "but this is actually the fourth time I've watched the replay. Here comes my favorite part."

Becka swooned as Maggie pinned her against the locker room wall and sucked hungrily on her tongue. The young Asian woman had a simply delightful body, and responded to each of Becka's touches with passion and unrestrained lust. She moaned as Becka slid her shirt up over her head and palmed her small, perfect breasts roughly through the elastic shelf of her sports bra.

Becka was responding just as strongly - in fact she surprised herself a little. She half-expected her passion to be a little dulled by her hurt feelings over Debbie, but her body didn't feel dulled at all. Her lips and tongue burned deliciously as they wrestled with Maggie's, and it felt like sparks shot off her nipples and clit every time they brushed against Maggie's smooth, tan skin.

If anything it was Becka's thoughts that seemed to be kind of dulled - from practically the moment Becka got Maggie's shirt off, Maggie had taken the assertive role, leaving Becka a little confused about who was seducing whom here. She couldn't hold the thought, however, and soon simply lolled back against the wall and let Maggie do the work.

And do it very well.

Debbie looked up at the screen and watched herself on video unlatch her bra, play with her nipple for a moment and then hungrily suck nearly the full globe of her own heavy breast deep into her mouth.

Alex leaned back on the couch and spread her legs widely. Glancing over quickly, Debbie noticed that Alex had removed her skirt, and apparently never had panties to bother with. Debbie sighed a little as she watched Alex mirror Debbie's on-screen doppleganger by forming her fingers into a cone and firmly start pushing her hand deep into herself.

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Spit Roasted

"Stand in the corner," she said. I hesitated for just one second. "Stand in the corner now you fucking sissy!" she yelled. I quickly went to my designated corner and bowed my head with my nose barely touching the wall. "Hands behind your back," she said authoritatively. I put them back and was instantly handcuffed. I was shocked; I hadn't done anything I thought I might be punished for. I had woken Mistress as she preferred and brought her breakfast and coffee in bed. I had...

1 year ago
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Spit and Image 3

They'd looked everywhere. He wasn't on the streets near the country club, or on the way home, or at the school or at The Dairy Bar. He wasn't downtown or in the park. He wasn't at McDonalds, or Burger King, or Dairy Queen... he wasn't anywhere. They'd gone home and checked twice; he wasn't there. Lori called the kids from school and asked for their help. They'd spread out and looked everywhere. He was nowhere to be found. Lori was at her wits' end. Lilly was staying controlled for...

2 years ago
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SpittakeChapter 2

Debbie always woke up slowly, and in that one narrow, specific sense, this day was no exception. For the first thirty seconds or so, she really just laid there and savored the delightful sensations of half-asleepness. She had just started the full body stretch that would really begin her day when some recollection of the events of the previous night started flooding back to her. "Holy shit," she thought, "what the fuck did I do last night?" All at once - in a millisecond - a couple...

3 years ago
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Spitting Contest

Silvina walked down the sidewalk toward Paula's apartment. Her ashen white skin glowed amid the crowd of golden people of Buenos Aires. Her brown hair blew in the strong wind of the Zonda that had brought in hot dry air from the interior of Argentina. She rubbed the sweat from the brutal South American summer heat from her brown eyes as she entered the cool, refreshing lobby of Paula's apartment house. Paula looked down at Robert, lying on his back, naked, and bound with strong packaging...

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HOSPITALITY By Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Police corruption in post-colonial Kenya is a fact of life.  Transparency International, a watchdog organization, ranks Kenya as the 11th most corrupt nation in the world. The average city dweller in Kenya pays 16 bribes per month.  In 2007 an English family was enslaved by a corrupt and depraved Police Inspector.  PART 1: Kate & HarryThey were always shaking someone down and making them pay.  They operated out of the Langata...

3 years ago
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Spit roast boyfriend

I have to confess my boyfriend is a bit of a tart, a gorgeous and sexy tart, but a tart none the less. He’s a writer, well claims to be. That’s not fair he has had one novel published, some angst ridden shit. Not my cup of tea at all. To be honest I don’t know why we are still together. Ah I remember. James has the most delicious sexy body and the most beautiful cock you can ever imagine. We are both in our early 40s, while most of my still married friends complain about how their flabby...

4 years ago
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spit roast

my son and his two friends came round to play on the wii as ian walked past me he winked at me .they all went in the lounge so i thought i would have a rest up stairs. as i lay there i herd the chering at the game so i dose of.i was woke up with ian waveing is cock in my face and my blowse of.i even had my boobs exposed.he stated to kiss me then ben came up with some butter out the fridge.by this time ian had his cloths f and was in bed all over me i said no but ian said is ok. before to long...

3 years ago
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Spit Roast With Maggie

These events took place a few years ago , in my friends house.My mate Rick lived with his dad , his parents where separated and I used to quite often crash on the sofa there on a Saturday night . Rab was always a good laugh and I got on well with him. His dad had a fuck buddy called Maggie who was pretty hot I guess we'd call her a GILF these days . I was too discover that she was a horny bitch . When me and Rick would arrive back from the pub after we would have a few more drinks with Rab and...

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Spit Roasted in college

I had been in college about two weeks and it was difficult making the adjustment. It seemed like everyone had friends and was already getting laid and I was left behindI learned about a party in the country and I was looking forward to a night out with the possibility of girls under the influence.The place was in the country and the area was heavily wooded. There were a few fires and plenty of drinksI had a few beers and even a couple of shots and I felt like life was going to turn for meI’m...

2 years ago
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Spit roasted in an Adult Theater

One day I was feeling particularly horny from not having any satisfactory hookups in quite some time. So I showered and shaved my legs smooth and slipped on a pair of bright pink bikini thong panties. I put on a pair of sweat pants that I could easily slip off and just put on an old sweat shirt as a top. I then headed off to a popular adult theater a few towns north of where I live, about a 45 min. drive away. I paid the $10 admission, got my ticket and walked inside the theater. I...

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spit roast

my son and his two friends came round to play on the wii as ian walked past me he winked at me .they all went in the lounge so i thought i would have a rest up stairs. as i lay there i herd the chering at the game so i dose of.i was woke up with ian waveing is cock in my face and my blowse of.i even had my boobs exposed.he stated to kiss me then ben came up with some butter out the fridge.by this time ian had his cloths f and was in bed all over me i said no but ian said is ok. before to...

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Spit and Image 2

"Hey, cutie. Why is your hair up in a bun again? It looks so pretty when it's down." Lori was in Paul's driveway, picking him up for school, just as she did every school day morning at 7:05. "That's exactly why it's up," Paul countered. "I swear it's even lighter this morning than it was yesterday. It was always more red than blonde. Now, it's blonde with just a little red. I just hope no one notices." "Well, what difference would it make if someone did? I mean, people dye their hair...

3 years ago
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Spit and Image 4

"Oh, Paulie, that's just adorable," one of the girls in Lori's homeroom group said. "Those bangs, Paulie," said another, "they're so cute. I really like them. They make your face look kinda... I don't know... cherubic." "Cherubic!?" Said a third. "Angelic isn't enough. He has to look 'cherubic'!? You're going to make a great writer, Lisa." Everyone laughed. Paul loved the attention. He'd worn his hair down, parted on the right side and, as Allison had promised, there was no hiding...

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Spit and Image 5

"You should have something more substantial than just a piece of toast and a cup of tea, Paulie. You've got a long day ahead of you. Remember, I need you to come right home after school so we can get things ready for tomorrow. We've got a lot to do." Paul laughed quietly to himself. His mother was getting very wound up and stressed over what was supposed to a simple event to recreate a picture that was taken fifty-five years ago. "Don't worry, mommy. I'll be here by 2:45. I promise....

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Spit and Image 6

It was barely past 6:30am on that Saturday morning and Lilly was already showered and dressed. She'd pulled her ivory, jacketed-sheath dress from the closet, hung it on the back of the door and pulled out her shoes and jewelry, preparing for the big day. The entire time, she'd been as quiet as she could so as not to wake her son. It was going to be a long, tiring day for him. He might as well sleep as long as he could. She creeped past his door and headed down the stairs to make...

3 years ago
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Spit and Image 7

'I know it's Sunday and all, but if you have a few minutes, I could use someone to talk to. Nothing big, just trying to decide how I will live the rest of my life.' Paul added a smiley face emoji to the end of the text and hit send. He'd wanted to talk with Dr Kim all night, but held off until 4:30am to actually send a text. If she was available some time today, that would be helpful, but he thought that he kind of knew what direction his life was headed. He'd given up tossing and...

1 year ago
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Spit And Polish

They came with playing-field mud on their shoes, drizzle in their hair, andmurder in their eyes. They stood side-by-side in the doorway, the very pictureof cold vengeance — large, grim and freckled. Anna had already heardthem on the gravel in front of the barracks, and on the wooden stairs; hadalready guessed that nothing good was coming to her, because nothing good ever cameto her, while trouble visited her daily — sometimes metaphorically, andsometimes, as now, rather physically. So she...

3 years ago
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Eyes wide with shock, Lisa’s head whipped around at the sound of shattering glass, the object having hurtled past her shoulder and collided with the door frame. “Don’t you walk out on me Lisa, I’m not finished talking about this,” the edgy frustration in Jason’s voice was evident as he stood just inside the dimly lit bedroom. “You did not just throw that!” Lisa hissed furiously, her green eyes narrowing into emerald slits, as auburn curls swung angrily around her stiff shoulders. She...

2 years ago
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Hospitality Conference Hyderabad

Hi everyone, I am Raj, a regular reader of ISS. Have been thinking of my own real life story but somehow that happening. Today I am going to share my story with you all, hope you like that .This happen in of February month when I was traveling to Hyderabad for my office work, I was given a services apartment near to Jubilee Hills, We had an event in 17th to 19th Feb 2012 Hospitality conference Hyderabad at HITEX I have shower in morning then to the event and opposite to the stall I saw a female...

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She opened the bedroom door and entered. Without a word she lifted the plain cotton nightie over her head revealing a nicely shaped mid-twenties body to the somewhat older man lying expectantly on the bed. She approached him and pulled the sheet off the tenting erection. With practiced ease the young woman straddled him and took the bare cock inside of her. She smiled as he fondled her breasts while she rode him. Her beauty and talented cunt ensured that he soon thrust into her groin and...

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Chapter 1 She opened the bedroom door and entered. Without a word she lifted the plain cotton nightie over her head revealing a nicely shaped mid-twenties body to the older man waiting expectantly on the bed. She approached him and pulled the sheet off his tenting erection. With practiced ease the young woman straddled him and took the bare cock inside of her. She smiled as he fondled her breasts while she rode him vigorously. Her beauty and talented cunt ensured that he soon thrust deep into...

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Hospital Suit Part 1

J. Doe V. Mercy General Hospital Things didn't feel right at all. I was really groggy, but that was to be expected. I was dimly aware of people in the room. And I had to concentrate to remember where I was. I'd gone in after my appendix burst. A simple enough operation to correct. Or so I had thought. Once I was able to shake some of the grogginess, I recognized my doctor standing at the foot of the bed. There were two other men, in nice suits, one standing next to Dr. Faber, and one...

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Hospital Men often complain that their wives aren't interested in sex, but my husband doesn't complain at all---I'm the one with the complaint! From early morning to late at night, my husband works as a heavy equipment salesman. He makes tons of money, but he never makes love to me except for a half-hearted effort on some weekends. What's even worse, when he gets home at night he usually falls asleep on the couch. We never see a movie, go out to dinner, or even just go to the mall to get out of...

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Hospital on the Hill

Jenny Marie Stephens was a pure, unsuspecting victim. She just didn't know it yet as she studied her watercolor. She was on her third try of the blown-up view of the purple cannas. Jenny was in a unique position as an artist. Some of the better artists her age had been much better when they were all young, but were making a living at it. At some point, the better ones had come to a stage where they had begun to develop a formula. They were able to use their level of skill to put out large...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 10 The Missing Staff

Sushi issued the command to the WE in the centaurs in the hospital to bring back their native intelligence. We decided to bring back the hospital staff centaurs' intelligence next. In the group was Captain Fran Harris. The WE reported that the rebuilding their intelligence would take two to five days. There would be some memory loss. They would remember their lives before and after conversion. They would not remember the conversion. I had Wendy, Anu, Toni, and Shari drive half of the field...

4 years ago
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Hospital Ke Storeroom Mein Ammi Ko Choda

Dopahar ke 1 baje mein hopital ke paas se guzar raha tha. Meine socha kyun na ammi se milta jaun. Pichle 15 din se dadi hospital mein the aur ammi unke saath unka dhyaan rakhne ke liye ruke hue the. Pichle 15 din se wo sirf shaam ko 2 ghante ke liye ghr aate aur firse hospital chale jate. Hospital mein is waqt kafi sannata tha, doctor is waqt break par hote the aur patients ka lunch time hone ki wajah se zyada chahel pehel nahi hoti thi. Patient se milna ke liye shaam ko 2 ghante ka visiting...

2 years ago
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Hospital Hijinks Part 2

The next morning, after Edna and I had jacked and jilled each other off with our feet and she had left abruptly without saying even one word, I made it a point to watch for her in the hospital hallways. Eventually, around 10 o’clock, I saw her walking toward me. I stepped in front of her, stopped her and said, “Hi, My name is Phil, that’s short for Phillip. Do you remember being with me in the telephone alcove off of the hallway last evening?” Edna grinned, reached down with one hand and gently...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 9 The Evil Dr Steele

When we were eight hours from Tau Ceti, Anu had everyone suit up in their Gore-Tex suits. He arranged our approach to Bangalore so we were shielded by Tau Ceti 4. We came up on Bangalore so we were on the opposite side of the moon from the hospital. Anu skillfully parked the Endeavor in synchronous orbit shielded by the moon. Day 1 Bangalore: Sushi, James, Marsha, and I launched the F-16s. As soon as we came out of the moon shadow, our bodies switched to wired WE mode. We were under WE...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 11 50 Million to Serve

After I saw the Endeavor launch, I went and scrubbed for surgery. I chose Dr Crosby as my assistant and Dr. James as my anesthesiologist. Marsha had Dr. Gertz as her assistant and Dr. Smith as her anesthesiologist. We started on our first two patients. We performed surgery on six patients today. We switched our doctors around to give them all the most experience. After the surgeries I had the doctors all meet with me for a debriefing. I was pleased for many reasons. The doctors were all very...

2 years ago
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Hospital surprise

Recently I had cause to go into hospital - a chest infection, which turned into Pneumonia. As there were no spare beds in the breathing ward, I was put next door in the ENT ward. On the third day in hospital, the antibiotics had done their stuff and I was feeling 100% better, but had another five days until my intravenous antibiotic was removed and I could go home.My bed was in a room of four, and luckily I had the bed by the window. The other three beds all had women in them. There was talk of...

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Hospital surprise

Recently I had cause to go into hospital - a chest infection, which turned into Pneumonia. As there were no spare beds in the breathing ward, I was put next door in the ENT ward. On the third day in hospital, the antibiotics had done their stuff and I was feeling 100% better, but had another five days until my intravenous antibiotic was removed and I could go home.My bed was in a room of four, and luckily I had the bed by the window. The other three beds all had women in them. There was talk of...

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Hospital Hijinks

Back around 1969 I had medical problems and was sent to a military hospital (which I won't name) for treatment. While there I engaged in some hijinks with the wife of a member of the military who had been sent on assignment for several months at a remote duty station. After all these years since then I cannot recall her name because at my age my memory is even shorter than my pecker. I will just call her Edna for the purpose of relating our sexual activities together. Edna was from South...

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Hospital Volunteer during COVID

We are all suffering in some way from the Pandemic and being on lockdown is never fun. I have been isolated with my family and while I love them, the experience has been less than ideal. Beyond the general getting on each other’s nerves, being together so much has really cut into my sex life. Even just with my husband and not expanding out with friends it has been difficult to find the privacy, in a full house, to get a really good fuck in. My husband has continued to work outside the home and...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 8 The Team is Ready

Sunday: Sushi woke us all. It was 0900. Oh it felt so good to sleep in. Sally and Waush Shaua were given permission to hunt. Sushi and I rode to my folk's home. Mom took one look at me and started to cry. She asked, "How long do we have?" "Mom we have a lifetime. We leave for Bangalore on Friday. It's my plan to be back in September. Besides we are cats, and you know we have nine lives." She boxed my ears for that. Sushi stole the show and asked, "Do you want to listen to your...

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Hospital orderly

I seriously love hairy men as well as men with uncut cocks. Both get me hard and randy, and I love to orally pleasure them even more than any other type of man. This incident, I believe, is the root of my fascination of, desire for, and never-ending quest of hairy or uncut men. I was 17 years old and in the hospital with pneumonia, although recovering nicely. Probably in the last 2-3 days of my stay, I was restless at night, and so awake when the evening orderly came into the room to change...

2 years ago
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Hospital Fun

English is not my main language, sorry for bad spelling As people often say, one thing leads to a other.. But sometimes things come.. or let me say cum out from the blue. This is from some years back when i was 25, and stupid enough had been involved in a accident which made me fracture my ankle and in need for operation. Since I'm not in too good connection of my family I didn't really care too much about it, and as my mother told me on the phone, boys will be boys. But anyhow I got told that...

1 year ago
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Hospital orderly

I seriously love hairy men as well as men with uncut cocks. Both get me hard and randy, and I love to orally pleasure them even more than any other type of man. This incident, I believe, is the root of my fascination of, desire for, and never-ending quest of hairy or uncut men. I was 17 years old and in the hospital with pneumonia, although recovering nicely. Probably in the last 2-3 days of my stay, I was restless at night, and so awake when the evening orderly came into the room to change...

1 year ago
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Hospital Nurse Udan Midnight Kaamam

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil night shift velai paarkum nursesai usar seithu avalai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Raj. Naan kalluri padithu mudithu vittu veetil velai thedikondu irukiren. Enaku pengalai ookavendum endru aasai irukum aanal ithu naal varai naan entha penaiyum oothathe kidaiyaathu. Than kaiye thanaku uthavi endru ninaithu thinamum kai matum adithu kondu irunthen. Nan niraiya kama padngal kama kathaigal padipen athanaal en paarvai pengalai paarkum pozhuthu ooka...

2 years ago
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Hospital Nurse Udan Midnight Kaamam

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil night shift velai paarkum nursesai usar seithu avalai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Raj. Naan kalluri padithu mudithu vittu veetil velai thedikondu irukiren. Enaku pengalai ookavendum endru aasai irukum aanal ithu naal varai naan entha penaiyum oothathe kidaiyaathu. Than kaiye thanaku uthavi endru ninaithu thinamum kai matum adithu kondu irunthen. Nan niraiya kama padngal kama kathaigal padipen athanaal en paarvai pengalai paarkum pozhuthu ooka...

3 years ago
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Hospital Island

I never used to believe in the spiritual world. Psychics, seances, Voodoo, Santa Rosa and all the rest always bored me. I guess you could say I didn't believe in Ghosts or the Supernatural. What changed my mind about all that was a strange event in my life. It happened the summer after my 25th birthday. It was a warm August day. A couple of my friends and I decided we'd crash a local nude beach. The only place where clothing optional beaches on Long Island where I live, were either...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 3 Flying the Feather River Canyon

Many times I have gotten up at 0300 to go hunting with dad and Top. 0300 is still early. Sushi complained, then got ready. We were ready at 0315. We got in dad's Humvee and drove to Sonoma County Airport. Nowell had both F-16Ds cleaned, checked and fueled. Mom made Sushi and I go over the preflight with her. Then we filed our flight plan. We had a direct flight to Wichita, Kansas. Then we flew from Wichita to Sparks, Nevada. From Sparks we flew over Portola, California to Chico then back to...

1 year ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 13 The Plan

Day 19 Bangalore: I was up early. A few minutes later Sushi joined me in the bathroom. She reached around my waist and hugged. We were off on another daily adventure. Sally had a great breakfast ready for all of the humans and smart cats at the farm. After breakfast, I walked with Anu to the hospital. We had a meeting planned with Mark. Mark had a major proposal he wanted to talk about. I decided to have each of the department heads at the meeting. We met in the large conference room. We...

2 years ago
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I remember when I first heard about Squirmies. Like a lot of people, I was just a bored woman searching for something interesting online. Porn, mostly. But I'd already seen the kinds of things I wanted to, and some of the things I didn't, even scat porn and bestiality porn until I was commenting on camera angles and choices of outfit even in the middle of Hungry Bitches, and while I craved excitement, I was not even remotely interested in anything illegal or vile. No gore for me, no snuff...

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Spots of dappled sunlight streamed through the trees and danced and twirled on the pavement as I waited for her outside the building. She was always late, frantically trying to keep up with her life. Not that I would ever want her life, I snorted to myself. Immediately regretting the thought, I focussed on the distant rush of traffic echoing softly through what had to be the last quiet street in Brisbane’s central business district. The occasional fragrance of Lebanese cooking swirled on the...

4 years ago
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Hospital Hijinks

Back around 1969 I had medical problems and was sent to a military hospital (which I won’t name) for treatment. While there I engaged in some hijinks with the wife of a member of the military who had been sent on assignment for several months at a remote duty station. After all these years since then I cannot recall her name because at my age my memory is even shorter than my pecker. I will just call her Edna for the purpose of relating our sexual activities together. Edna was from South...

3 years ago
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Hospital visit

I injured my knee and needed surgery on it, the Doctor set the date and I booked a private room. Not liking a roommate with a bunch of noisy visitors.The date came and I checked in at administrations, and was taken to my room. My nurses came in and introduced themselves and said if there's anything I need just push the button. That afternoon a nurse came in with a hospital gown and said I need to completely undress and put it on. I waited for her to leave, then I stripped down and put the...

3 years ago
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Hospital bed

I recall years ago when I was laying on a hospital bed and getting an ultrasound done to see if I had a bloodclot in my leg. I had not had any sex for awhile and all the nurses were hottttt to look at. As I lay on the bed waiting for the ultrasound tech to arrive, my mind wandered to sex as usual due to all the pretty nurses walking around. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door and in my doorway was one of the hottest looking gals I'd seen in a long time. She had long brown hair with brown...

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Hospital Hijinks Finale

Having just enjoyed the most volcanic ejaculations anyone could ever imagine, I was weak and at least temporarily sated and spent. I lay on my back on the landing at the turn of the stairway, breathing heavily. Edna sat next to me and began gently kissing me on my face, chest and stomach, as I slowly began to regain my stamina. After a few minutes, which seemed much longer, I was able to put my arms around Edna and pull her down to where I could kiss her on her lips and insert my tongue between...

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Hospital by shalimar I went to the hospital because I'm a diabetic and my toe had an infection. They admitted me to a double bed room and told me they would need to remove the toe. Charles, my roommate, was in for pain in the abdomen. Although he had been in the hospital for a week the doctors still didn't know its cause. "Maybe you're pregnant," I kidded. He gave me a chuckle before we talked on other subjects. Just before I had my operation the next day Chuck came back...

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