FidèleChapter 39 free porn video

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For the first time in a long while, Luke woke to an otherwise unoccupied bed. He wondered at her ability to sneak out without waking him, and also why she’d done so.

Several hours later, he received an answer to the second question.

The cellar door yawned open, startling him in the midst of his otherwise mindless work. He was almost done stowing the last of the new arrivals and wondering how he was going to waste the rest of his day in a sufficiently distracting way when the interruption occurred.

“Kathryn, I didn’t expect to see ... what’s wrong?” Though she wasn’t actively crying, it was clear that she’d done so in the very recent past and was teetering on the verge of resumption.

“Come upstairs.” Confused, he followed her up to the apartment. He’d barely reached the top of the staircase when she fell to her knees and began matter-of-factly unbuckling his belt. Glancing nervously at the clock — Bill was scheduled to arrive in less than an hour — he reached down to stop her. She angrily batted his hand away, cradling his soft flesh in her palm as soon as she’d finished exposing his manhood.


“Be quiet,” she grunted, wrapping her lips around his still-unresponsive phallus. It didn’t take her long to change that status, of course, but by the time he was fully erect he noticed her eyes were indeed welling. The blowjob that followed was of a type he’d received from her on a few previous occasions; a ravenous oral pleasuring that was less about building sensation or the eventual gift of his seed than it was about her desire to have his cock in her mouth. Though she didn’t push him nearly as hard as he knew she could, she worked efficiently enough to bring him to orgasm a few short minutes later. Once she’d extracted and swallowed the last few drops of his semen, she sat back on her heels, looking terribly sad as fresh tears flowed down her cheeks.

Feeling helpless and bewildered, he knelt beside her and tried to embrace her. Again, she pushed him away. “No. Please don’t. It’s too intimate.” And a blowjob isn’t? he wondered. As if she’d read his thoughts, she wiped her tears on the sleeve of her shirt and explained, “Giving you head was about me. It was something I needed, and I apologize for using you to get it. Hugging you, being comforted by you ... those make it about us. I can’t be ‘us’ when I have to remember how to be his.”

“I don’t really understand, but let’s put that aside for now. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“You just did it. You let me come over and suck your cock...” she mimicked his earlier glance at the clock, though he doubted she really needed to do so “ ... about fifty minutes before my husband will pull into our driveway, expecting to be greeted by a kiss and a loving embrace.”

“Isn’t that ... aren’t you... ?” He was teetering on the verge of observing how incredibly disrespectful her actions seemed, despite the benefits he’d just enjoyed, but judged it an unwise rhetorical road to travel. Especially coming from me. It’s not like I have any moral legs on which to stand. Still ... even though I want her to leave Bill for me, this isn’t something I’d ever try to do to him. Everything else is bad enough.

“Breaking my very last unbroken promise? Yes, very nearly so. Treating him shabbily? Yes, to an extent that opens up entirely unexplored frontiers of self-loathing. The only thing that could possibly be worse is fucking you. Something I was just barely able to talk myself out of doing, by the way.”

He was still reeling from the encounter, and her clarification only added to his confusion. “I’m not sure I see the difference.”

“Toothpaste and mouthwash can hide this particular sin. Nothing can absolve me of it, but that hardly matters anymore. Evidence left elsewhere in my body is much more difficult to completely eliminate. After our night of bed-swapping with Wendy and Irina, I have recent experience in this regard and would prefer not to repeat a process that’s unpleasant enough without being accompanied by so much guilt.”

He didn’t know what to say in response, so he remained silent until she continued. “I had every intention of remaining in your bed and in your arms until mid-morning, after which I’d set us aside for a while and prepare for the resumption of my marriage. But when I woke up in the middle of the night, the only thing I wanted to do was exactly what I just did. Apparently, I can’t wake up next to you without sucking you dry anymore. The obsession grew until I couldn’t bear it any longer, so I snuck out and fled to my house; naked, horny, and seething with a mixture of lust and self-recrimination over my weakness. I tossed and turned until the voices in my head became a cacophony that made it clear more sleep was to be denied me. I forced myself to go through the motions of preparation, and for a while they were enough of a distraction, but in the end I couldn’t help it. In fact, it was even worse than before, because the closer it got to the time it would no longer be possible, the more I craved it. I couldn’t think about anything else. It became an all-consuming obsession. And so, here I am on my knees, a cheating whore desperately clinging to dental hygiene as the only barrier between me and the ultimate betrayal.” She swiped away another tear. “Every time I think I can’t be more awful to him, I prove myself wrong. Since I’m well aware that I’m also being awful to you with my indecision, I guess that makes me a pretty damned unforgivable person, doesn’t it?”

It sounded like a confession, but Luke was in no better position to offer absolution than her own inner demons. Lacking even the vaguest notion of what to say or do that might free her from misery, he instead focused on his growing anxiety over the rapidly advancing hour. “I know I don’t need to remind you of the time, but...”

“Right, of course.” Refusing his offer of assistance, she rose to her feet and shuffled to the bathroom. When she emerged, it was clear that she’d applied a little makeup to mask the evidence of her tears. She approached him and opened her mouth. “Is it gone? Can you smell it?”

“I’m not sure I’m much of an expert, but...” He sniffed. “You smell like toothpaste and mouthwash. It’s gone.”

“That’s the thing, though. It’s not. It never will be.” Without the briefest touch or backward glance she left the apartment, leaving him in her wake of despair.

Later, as his own obsession over the morning’s events grew, he discovered something surprising in what she’d done: a gossamer thread of hope. That she’d do something like that so close to his arrival has to be a sign that, in some sense, she prioritizes me over him, doesn’t it? I can’t imagine she’s ever done something like that to me; once he’s left for the airport, it’s usually at least several hours before I see her, and as a rule sex takes the better part of a day to resume. She’s clearly telling the truth when she says that what happened this morning was about her needs, but it could also say something about us, couldn’t it? Maybe something she doesn’t even realize, at least not consciously.

As the day went on and the fog of isolation descended, however, he began to question his newly formed assumptions. What do I really know about their sexual motivations, though? I know a surprising amount about what they do, but almost nothing why they do it. How do I know what they’ve gotten up to in the final hours before she returns to me? He gnawed on this distasteful gristle for a while, decided that worrying about it was a sure path to unresolvable insanity, and discarded it in favor of his anorexic but no longer nonexistent optimism.

Screw it. If I’m on the verge of leaving, I’m going to enjoy myself to the fullest. It’s not like I ever got anywhere near taking advantage of my full allowance, anyway. Luke slid the bottle from its home in the rack, staring reverently and a little defiantly at the label. 1992 Leflaive Bâtard-Montrachet. A wine I’ve never tasted and that I can’t believe they own six bottles of. Well, now it’s five. Grabbing a different bottle from the cull rack, he headed upstairs.

It was thus that lunch became an exercise in excess and hedonism. A boneless, skinless chicken breast — to his mind the most tasteless way to consume the ubiquitous bird — was locked in a shell of plastic film and submerged in a swirling water bath, having reached (via the magic of an immersion circulator) its ideal internal temperature. Sous vide was the only reliable way to coax proper texture and doneness from the otherwise frequently dry, too-often flavorless cut, though it was about to become the canvas for a great deal of decadence. Finishing it off with a rich sauce made from shallots, garlic, multiple reductions of an inexpensive chardonnay he’d opened to cook with, and the rest of the previous night’s heavy cream, he added the same meal’s reheated endives to the plate, tipped the decanted Leflaive into a globe-shaped crystal stem, and sat down to the single most expensive lunch he’d concocted since his arrival two and a half months ago. As he meditatively drained the wine to its dregs, he began recalling every moment of his time with Kathryn in exquisite detail, trying to set a pace that would bring him to the end of his reverie the night before she returned to his side.

The afternoon eventually passed into evening, and Luke accomplished little aside from frequent bouts of arousal that he resolutely refused to satisfy on his own. Another trip to the cellar produced a second indulgent prize, a Rayas Châteauneuf-du-Pape from 1998 that he drank alongside duck confit, plus assorted root vegetables roasted in repurposed duck fat and a scattering of herbs. Two heavy meals in a row. Should I make a salad? No, what I should do is get some exercise for a change. He took another sip of the explosively aromatic, animalistic Rayas. Tomorrow. I’ll get some exercise tomorrow. I’ll sweat and strain until everything’s sore.

It was a promise he’d keep, though not exactly the way he expected.

“Luke! How’ve you been?”

“Lazy and indulgent. Hence this long-overdue run.” Bill had emerged from the house as Luke was stretching against the guesthouse wall. “You’re getting an early start, aren’t you?”

“That’s because I’ll be suffering an early finish. I think all this travel has permanently damaged my circadian rhythms. Anyway, I woke up before dawn and figured that I might as well work while I’m still conscious. Speaking of early starts and finishes, come over this afternoon. We’ll have drinks by the pool and an early dinner. Sev’s whipping up something lavish, or so she tells me, but she wouldn’t give me any more information than that. So, unless you can pry it out of her, you might need to bring about half the cellar, just to be on safe side.”

Luke laughed. “Oh no. I’m not messing up all the work I’ve — we’ve — done. I’ll figure it out at dinner. It’s not like the cellar’s all that far from your dining room, though it’s been so long since I’ve gone for a run that I might regret saying that.”

It was Bill’s turn to chuckle. “Speaking of work...”

“It’s very close to done.” Luke knew he should feel shame over the boldfaced lie, but he didn’t. A realization that eventually led to the shame he should have felt in the first place.

“That wasn’t what I was going to ask, son. I was wondering if you could show me how to use the cellar software this afternoon.”

“Oh.” Well, now I feel even guiltier. “Of course I can. Bring your laptop and your phone, and I’ll get you set up. It’s not all that complicated, and if you have any questions, Kathryn’s already an expert.”

“Of that, I’ve no doubt. Though in this case she’s likely to be an impediment to my education.”

“Why’s that?”

“Luke, she’s also going to be relaxing by the pool,” he explained with a sly wink. Luke tried to hide the flush that reddened his cheeks, but he was unsuccessful.

“Ah ... right. Well...” He stuttered for a few more moments, then forced a change of subject. “Will you be home for a while?” I wonder if he can hear the craven selfishness in my question? It’s the only thing I can hear.

Bill’s mod abruptly darkened. “Unfortunately not. I’m back on a plane Sunday, returning the following Saturday. After that, though, a miracle: I’m here for three solid weeks. One of my clients is getting married and going on honeymoon, so I’m finally getting some time away from that unholy mess. But then...” Though he left the rest unsaid, his displeasure was quite evident. Luke didn’t know what to say, but in the back of his mind he was already processing this unexpected information. “Anyway, I need to get to the office while I’m still awake enough to drive. It rained last night, so you shouldn’t have any problems with dust on the road. See you later.”

With a slam of the car door, he was gone. Luke finished stretching and followed in the automobile’s wake, his agile thoughts easily outpacing his sluggish legs.

He opened the shower door and reached for his towel. It wasn’t where he’d left it, nor had it fallen to the floor. His confusion ended when he looked up and noticed a diminutive copper-haired woman holding it just out of reach.


“You know, Luke, if I didn’t have both firsthand and externally documented evidence of just how often you get laid, I wouldn’t believe a word of it. It’s certainly not because you’ve mastered the art of the devilishly clever pickup line.” Irina smirked at his attempt to conceal his nudity behind the completely transparent glass door. “You’ve already put that thing everywhere inside me, remember? I think the time for modesty has passed.”

Still startled by her presence, he blurted out, “I thought you weren’t going to come over without calling.”

“I’m not, and I didn’t. I called ahead and received permission.”

“But I ... who ... oh.” Why would Kathryn tell her to just waltz in without talking to me?

“Seriously, your hesitancy is adorable but unnecessary. Come out and dry yourself off. I promise to look.”

Fine, if that’s the way she wants to play it. He opened the door, taking the towel from her outstretched hands. As promised, she stood and watched everything, following him to the dresser but interrupting him when he reached for his underwear.

“You don’t need to get dressed on my account.”


“There’s that poetic soul at work again.”

“I really don’t think ... why are you getting undressed?” Irina’s shirt was already on the floor and her pants were halfway down her thighs.

“What usually happens when two people are naked and there’s an available bed? Unless you convince me otherwise — though if you do, I promise I’ll be deeply wounded — we’re going to have sex.”


“I appreciate how you incorporate a certain monosyllabic rhythm into your speech patterns,” she dryly observed as she slid her panties down her legs, adding them to the small pile of clothing at her feet.


“But it’s starting to get a little boring,” she continued as she pushed him onto the bed and straddled his lap. “Besides, there are much more interesting things you could be doing with your mouth.”

“I just...” He took a deep breath. Stop being ridiculous and get to the bottom of this. “After our first time, you were pretty clear that a repeat wasn’t likely. But then we did it again when Wendy was here, you propositioned me at the boathouse, and now ... I’m both aroused and confused.”

“Is that a no?”

“Absolutely not. You’re beautiful, you’re sexy, and as you can probably feel I’m already warming to the idea. But I’d at least like to understand why. Not that I really mind, considering what I’ve experienced as a result, but is Kathryn pimping us out again?”

“No, not this time. I mean yes, she and I had a conversation that ended with her encouraging me to do exactly what I hope we’re about to do, and she had her own reasons that you two can discuss later, but this is all about me. I’m...” She blushed a bit and started caressing Luke’s body with her small hands. “As I told you when we hooked up the first time, I was in a tragically long-enduring sexual drought. I thought that I could just go back to it after you and I got together, but it didn’t exactly turn out that way, and your lover had a lot to do why it didn’t. In retrospect, I think it was entirely deliberate on her part. Because in addition to all the sequels you mentioned, you forgot the day I got myself off while listening to the two of you in the cellar, plus the multiple times she made sure I walked in on one or both of you in various states of carnal excess. None of that was accidental; Kathryn rarely leaves anything sexual to pure chance. Add the unexpected encounter with your friend Wendy, which as you might remember she also engineered, and ... well, for better or worse, my sex drive is back. Or, putting it more plainly: I’m horny, your dick is unexpectedly available, you’re very good in bed, and the complications involved in having sex with you are small enough to be manageable. I have just shy of four hours with no competing commitments, and if you’re interested I’d like us to put them to frictional use. So, are you in or not?”

He grinned, wrapping his hands around her tight derriere and pulling her moistening center against his erection. “Not yet, but I certainly intend to be.”

With so much more available time than during any of their previous encounters, Luke was able to test the boundaries of her preference for dominance. After a few early struggles she got into the sport of it as well, even allowing him to take her in the missionary position for a little while before grimacing and rolling him to his back. Still, for her to reach orgasm — and she eventually achieved a quintet; one while receiving oral sex and two each as he pounded her tight holes — she had to be on top, or at least not trapped underneath him in any way. Even interstitial bouts of cunnilingus usually occurred with her riding his face. Her penchant for unimaginably filthy encouragement reached its apogee during one such encounter.

Loosening her anal entrance enough to admit his organ was exactly as arduous as Wendy had claimed, but they persevered and (judging by the fact that she experienced two climaxes over the course of nearly an hour of vigorous sodomy) she seemed to enjoy it even more than the last time. At one point they shared a shower — Irina admitted that she wasn’t nearly as into the buildup of excess sexual fluids as Kathryn — but one with relatively little erotic play. “It takes me so long to come that it ends up being a terrible waste of water,” she explained as she soaped his genitals.

When they returned to bed, she asked if he would just hold her for a while. He recognized it as an expression of trust and comfort on her part, and quickly agreed. As had been the case the last two times they’d had sex, he was a little sore from repeatedly slamming into her lean body. The difficult conversation that followed was as expected as it was inevitable, and led to its own bruises.

“So, how much longer are you planning to fuck her brains into gelatin?”

“I’m not...”

“Oh yes you are. I can see it in her eyes and on her face. I’ve even watched and listened to it, remember? Things have changed since the last time we had this conversation. She’s riding a sexual high unlike any she’s ever experienced, and while I’m a little jealous over not being able to take her there myself, I can only imagine what it’s like for her. I know what it’s like for you, because I’ve been a lucky recipient myself. But you’re making her stupid. You, your hands, your lips, all your kinky theatrics ... but mostly your dick.”

“I’m not trying to do any of that.”

“Well, I wasn’t trying to crawl back onto the aforementioned dick either, yet here I am. And you’re still avoiding my question.”

Luke sighed heavily. The morning’s conversation with Bill had never left his mind, and while he thought he’d been focusing all his conscious energy on pleasuring Irina, some subconscious background process had collated the available data and reached a manifestly unwanted conclusion.

“I’ll be here until next Saturday,” he answered, in a tone as bleak as his future.

Irina turned to face him, her icy blue eyes wide with surprise. “Only one more week? That’s all?”

“By the time I leave, I’ll have been here just shy of three months. They’re paying me very well, but I’m starting to do damage to my career. And there’s something else forcing my hand: starting next weekend, he’ll be home for three straight weeks. That would be torture for me all by itself, plus I have absolutely nothing to do that could possibly maintain the illusion that there’s ongoing or unfinished work. I want whatever time she and I have left to be exclusively our own, and so...” He drifted off, feeling wretched and hopeless.

“When did you decide?”

“I don’t know. I learned about Bill’s schedule this morning, but I hadn’t decided before you arrived. Which means ... sorry ... I guess it was while we were having sex. But I didn’t know until you asked. The answer just popped into my head.”

“You really need to work on your conversational intimacy,” she grumbled, turning back around and cupping his hand over her breast. “Someone with less self-confidence than me might be a little offended that you were rearranging your calendar while we were fucking”

“I promise I wasn’t actively thinking about it.”

“I know you weren’t, and I’m just teasing. No one could make me come that hard or that often — and yes, I know I’m practically frigid compared to her, but five orgasms is a very big morning for me, and I hope we’re not done — without fully committing to it.” She paused, as if she was trying to decide whether or not to say what was on her mind. Luke was completely unsurprised when she plunged ahead anyway. “You thought you’d have more time, didn’t you?”

“I did, but I also didn’t, if that makes sense.”

“As much as anything about your relationship does.”

“Over the last few weeks, I’ve been increasingly aware that I’ve abandoned any pretense that I’m here to work. She and I have openly acknowledged it, and if Bill was here more often there’s no way he wouldn’t have noticed by now. In fact, I suspect he’s starting to wonder, because he came right out and asked me about it. In any case, I no longer have the tools to keep hiding it from him.”

“It seems to me that you’ve gotten pretty good at hiding tools from him.”

“Funny. Plus, Kathryn and I have been doing a lot of talking about us and whether or not we have a future. Long-overdue talking, I suppose, but at least we finally did it. Up to a point, I felt like she was actively encouraging me to stay. Since we got everything out in the open, though, she’s a lot more conflicted. More than once she’s confessed that, for there to be progress towards any kind of future, she needs me to leave. I don’t think I’ve ever fully appreciated just how much pain her double life has been causing her, but I do now. She says that she won’t be able to get her head on straight with me around, and I believe her.”

“It must hurt, though.”

“Everything hurts, so you’re going to have to be more specific.”

“To be dismissed like that, knowing that she hasn’t chosen you. That she might not choose you after all. That you might have just one more week together and then never see each other again. Sorry for being so blunt, but except for the last part it’s exactly what happened to me. I can tell you all about how awful it is if you’d like.”

“You’re not being very comforting,” he muttered.

She wiggled closer to his body as if to provide a counterpoint to the dreariness of her assessment. “Don’t come to Russians if you’re looking for unconditional emotional support. Besides, you know my position. I’m not on your side, and I’m not on his either. I’m on hers.”

“I know. But surely you have an opinion.”

“About her future? I do. Are you sure you want to hear it?”

“Not really, but I’m sick and tired of listening to the repetitive voices in my head. Why not add yours to the guilt-ridden soundtrack?”

“Okay, but don’t forget that I warned you. I think she’d be happier with you, and if she asks — which she won’t, so don’t pin any hopes on me — I’ll tell her exactly that. Sexually, of course, there’s no question who she belongs with. But in the long run, I think she’d also be more fulfilled in all sorts of non-sexual ways. Whether or not he stops being away so much, Bill’s not going to change. He’s never going to allow her the sexual adventure she craves, of course, but it’s about more than just sex. If he ever retires ... and that’s a big if, because he’s always been a workaholic ... they’ll travel, and she’ll enjoy that a great deal. But he’s a lot older than her, and while he keeps himself fit — or at least he used to; I can’t imagine all his travel isn’t taking a toll on his health — he’s going to slow down long before she does. And then what? She’s innately gifted at taking care of people, and she was amazing with my little girl, but if she thinks she feels trapped now...” Irina’s grip on his hand was tightening as she spoke, and by proxy he was squeezing her breast hard enough to cause a little moan of pain. It put an end to the vehemence of what had been turning into a rant. “Sorry, I shouldn’t get so worked up about this. It’s not my life to live. From a purely selfish standpoint, I should hope they stay together lest I lose her as a friend. You told me you’d have to move away, right?”

“I don’t see how we could stay. I couldn’t...”

“You don’t need to explain. The reasons are obvious, and they apply to both of you.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to offer her your wisdom?”

“Don’t ask me to do something like that, Luke. I’m here to be your sexual plaything for a few hours, and vice-versa, but I’m not yours and I don’t belong to you or owe you in any fashion whatsoever ... with one potential exception that we’ll get to later. Also, I don’t promise that what I just said would be the entirety of my advice. You asked me what I thought, and I said she’d be happier, but I didn’t say she’d be better off. I’m still undecided about that. As for you, and as you certainly know by now, the unfortunate truth is that unless someone’s cruel to her, Kathryn doesn’t fall out of love. That, much more than Bill himself and anything he might say or do, is your most formidable opponent, and what’s most likely to keep you two apart.”

Though his gut churned at the frankness of her depressing declaration, he couldn’t deny its fundamental rightness. Grasping for anything that might reopen a tiny window of optimism, he asked, “What do you think she’ll do?”

“Over the short term? I think she’ll beat herself up for a while. She’ll also wage a tremendous campaign of ‘making it up’ to her husband. That’s going to involve as much sex as his stamina will allow, and an unusual amount of deference.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” he mumbled, trying not to grind his teeth into splinters.

“I’m not done. There’s a chance that her sudden deference will make him suspicious, and while she’s usually smart enough to avoid that outcome, you know that I think you’re fucking the smarts right out of her. In any case, when she feels like they’re on more solid ground, she’s going to confess. And by confess, I mean everything, because that — not the sneaky and secretive person she’s become with you — is who she is. You might want to think about high-velocity exit strategies while you still can.”

“I already am. She keeps assuring me he won’t go out of his way to cause me trouble, but...”

“She’s wrong. She’s blinded by love. Bill may seem like a jocular and easygoing man, and outside of work he usually is, but he has a truly fearsome temper, and learning about what you two have been doing, and especially how you feel about each other, will bring it out. No, he’s never directed it at her — he’s probably only raised his voice to her a half-dozen times since they started dating, and even then I’m sure it didn’t last very long — and he doesn’t show it to people like me either, but I’ve heard him on conference calls and in meetings. Remember that when they lived in the city I was around them a lot more than I am now. He’s used to getting his way, and that’s why all these foreign deals going wrong has turned into an obsession that’s endangered his marriage, maybe even fatally. He will be furious, and since he won’t be able to bring himself to take it out on Kathryn — in case you’re wondering, by the way, there’s zero chance he’d lay a finger on her — he’ll turn his attention elsewhere. I don’t know how he’ll take it out on you, but you will feel it.”

“I don’t see how he can do anything but ruin my reputation, and even then he can’t do it globally. The rumors that will follow me are what might accomplish that. Still, what can I do except let him? I deserve it, after all.” A new notion occurred. “Do you think he’ll be furious enough to divorce her?”

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It was a Tuesday morning, mid-August, and again I found myself bored. What to do. We didn’t have the luxury of a house phone (something that you don’t really hear of nowadays anyway) at that time,so to contact me mates we had to call around for them.. I was in the living room watching TV when me sister shouted that she was off out with me mam to see a Jackie who was one of me mam’s friends whom daughter Joanne was a friend of our Tracey’s. I asked if they were gonna be long and as they left me...

2 years ago
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Bedroom Bondage

"Now don't go anywhere. I'll be right back," Jen said, as she grabbed her bag and walked into my closet, closing the door behind her. I smiled to myself as I saw her mischievous grin and I knew I was going to be in for a very interesting night. I climbed into my bed, wondering what her plan for me was. My brother had some friends, Rusty and Matt, over tonight also, but I knew that they were playing video games and would never hear us over the noise. I heard rustling coming from the...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Lacy Lennon Red Hot Squirting Machine

Fiery Redhead Lacy Lennon Shows Manuel That The Carpet Matches The Curtains! Wrapped up in stringy red lingerie Lacy stares at you with her with her piercing blue eyes as she moves her body in the sun. Her red hair flows over her shoulders as Lacy takes off her top and throws it to the side then pulls down her panties to show you her bright firebush. Lacy spins around to give you a look at her amazing ass and spreads her cheeks to show off her horny holes. She makes her way inside and lays down...

3 years ago
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Hammerson House

Hammerson House by Zedd I inherited the old Hammerson mansion when I was 22, back in 1992. At that time I was busy doing my stint in the navy, keeping the country safe and all. So I never had the time to come and take a look at the old place until now. Of course, 'now' was seven years later with me out of the service and still having no source of money. All I had to show for my efforts were a duffel bag full of almost out of date clothes, except for blue jeans, and $27 in a...

4 years ago
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Took You Long Enough

My balls tightened and my cock swelled. I tried to hold back longer but could not as her hand squeezed me. I exploded, one, two three ropes of creamy cum shot from cock. Four, five, six ropes, my cum pooled on Lizzy's bush. "Wow Chuck, that is a big load." Lizzy said as she admired our work. She smeared my cum around her soft golden bush and rubbed it in between her lips and then pushed her cum covered fingers into her wet pussy. "I just love watching you cum on me." Lizzy said. "Well, it might...

3 years ago
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Sir ko mast seduce kia

Hello, main hun nidhi sharma par mere chahne waale call me rupa. Mai 34 28 35 hu..Ab main aapke saamne apna naya experience batane jaa rahi hun hamara ab exams ka time tha.maine to poora saal padai nahin ki thi.aur ab mujhe darr lag raha hai ki pass kaise hungi.lakin mujhe khayal aaya ki main apne teacher se kyun na keh kar dekhun.uski duty bhi hai hamari class mein aur unki kaafi chalti haiwoh pehle bhi nakal karwa chuke hain.woh hume tution bhi padha te hain.waise to main jyada unse tution...

3 years ago
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An Evening Turns Out Unexpectedly Well

What a week it's been. I have been so busy that I've hardly had time to think, let alone time to relax...I am so stressed out by the usual daily grind, I need a break! I need to relax, what I really need is a nice, long, deep massageYes, that would be just the thing to chill me out a bit. I call my friend, the woman who normally does it, but she's not available until next week. Shit. I go to my macbook, check the address book to see who else could do it and as I'm scrolling through I hear the...

Straight Sex
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First Time Fucking My Friends BBW Mother Pt 4

After Diane and I had 69'ed for awhile, she was begging for me to fuck her wet pussy. As she got off of my face, she turn over towards me and started kissing and licking my face saying how she loved tasting her pussy juices off my face. She then laid down on the bed next to me and pulled me up on top of her. Looking me in the eye saying "Oh baby, I want you to slide that hard cock of yours deep in my pussy and fuck me like you've always dreamed of."Her pussy was dripping wet by now that my cock...

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Whata Week

Tell me, Am I boy or girl? =) My name is Alexandria, Alex for short. I'm a senior in high school and without much choice, abstinent. When I was about eight or nine, my parents- mostly my father, tricked me and my little brothers Micah and Zach into signing a contract to stay abstinent till married. When I figured what that meant and how it'll effect my social life I demanded changes, but they only changed one thing. Only when a good man, proposes to me and swears to marry...

4 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 97

When I awoke Monday morning I was in my bed with Tamara. I vaguely remember being coaxed into the bed off the massage table. I snuggled up to Tamara and the deep feelings I had for her rushed through my body. I snaked my hand down towards her love nest and she stopped my hand. She brought it to her breast and pressed her bottom into Mr. Happy. "Good morning, sweetheart," I said and kissed the back of her head. "Good morning to you too. Lena must have done a terrific job on you last...

3 years ago
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Rob vs The Succubus Round 1

In the words of the immortal Clark W. Griswold, “This is crazy! This is crazy! This is crazy!”What the fuck am I doing?I had just flown halfway across the world to hook up with a chick that I barely know.She called herself B, but I prefer to call her the succubus because she was stealing my soul. Oh, yeah, and she is young and beautiful and out of your league. Even worse, I had promised her the big O, and not just one either.How can I be so cocky? What am I doing here anyway?I shouldn’t have...

Straight Sex
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My black neighbor boy

After a devastating fire at my home which destroyed everything I owned I moved into an apartment in Little Rock. I gradually began replenishing my feminine wardrobe which I would wear while at home but I guess maybe I was not always keeping the blinds closed all the way sometimes. I would wear my short shorts when BBQing on the front lawn sometimes. One day I came home from work in a pouring rain and had just started getting settled in when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door I...

2 years ago
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A Night On The Town MMMMMF humil force nc

6PM and the phone rings."Hello?""Lyss! Wanna go have some fun?" cries my best friend Tristen."Fun is my middle name. Where and when?""8 o'clock. That new club on 26th.""Ok. See you there!" I just got home from work when the phone rang. I drop my jacket onto the back of the couch as I kick off my sensible shoes. I work in a relatively liberal office and I often take advantage of that attitude and dress to suit myself. Today was no exception. I'm wearing a loose, swingy black skirt that stops...

1 year ago
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Craigs first sex show

Sometimes I wish Tracey wasn't quite so extravert.We've known each other for twelve months now, since final year at school. We're head over heels. I've never complained about the cheeky little stripteases she gives me, and now we're at uni I'm constantly on edge of 'coming' in the lecture theatre, simply thinking of her size C breasts with their pretty pink tips. But there are limits. We were only four weeks into uni when she announced: "Guess what. I've answered an advert and we're to do a...

3 years ago
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Hit Men Need Love Too

‘Why do I always get the worst assignments?’ Icy Butt grumbled to himself as he waited to board the plane from Austin to New York. He had been a foot soldier in Don Armani’s Mafia family for over 20 years, despite living in Austin and far away from his family. The nickname ‘Icy Butt’ was a joke about the way he hated the heat and always used the air conditioner in his bedroom, as well as reflecting the coldness with which he did his job. He usually enjoyed Don Armani’s jobs, but this time he...

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My Cousin and I at the Beach Part 2

The following morning, I had meant to get up early, but my alarm clock never went off. Or maybe it was thinking of Emily all night that caused me to sleep late. Either way, it was about 9 when I got out of bed and headed downstairs in my t-shirt and pajama bottoms. I walked into the living room to find Emily sitting on one of the couches, legs outstretched and wearing a light pink tank-top and pajama bottoms. She looked up at me and smiled knowingly then looked into the kitchen; I followed her...

2 years ago
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Rain And The Wetness Made Me Go Mad

This is not the first time I did it with a guy but this incident became so erotic and memorable that I wanted people to know about it. About me, I am an average looking guy with short height 5’8 fair a bit chubby and good looking guy. It was a rainy season when I got some work from my dad for which I had to go shopping nearby. As I headed towards the shop it started drizzling. I ignored it and took my vehicle and left home. I hardly drove my bike for 10min when it started raining heavily. I was...

Gay Male
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Submissive Spirits

SUBMISSIVE SPIRITS   By LEWISCHAPPELLE Note: While this story briefly introduces Babs and David it more completely describes the relationship of their similarly unconventional friends Ann and Chip who move to increasingly greater levels of domination and submission. The story is quite lengthy but only represents a portion of a more fully developed, five work,project. While not a quick read, I trust you can take your time and enjoy this particular work and look forward to the remaining...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1 Linda the Mature Petsitter

Linda is 59 years old 5 foot five 140 pounds very busty Latina by descent but originally from New York with a New York accent living in Houston now in a gated community. She has long brown hair and she is very attractive for her age although she rarely wears make up. She lives alone in a big house and has a great job making six figures with the government but she also has a successful so-called part-time pet sitting business that she operates by herself in her neighborhood and a few surrounding...

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Lesson learned by younger texts

I was had posted on CL that I was looking to meet some new friends in the area with some possible benefits. I was 32 at the time and had been divorced for about 3 years. I guy named Guy replied back and sent me his cell number. We texted back and forth for a few days talking about different interests and things to kind of break the ice. He was 21 years old and had a house near campus were he attended school. WM 5'11" 185 with nice cut cock was his stats in the first text. It was Thursday night...

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Dombo and Angel

‘Welcome to this year’s induction ceremony to Major League Baseball’s Hall of Fame. As Commissioner of Major League Baseball, it is always my pleasure to host the annual induction ceremony. However this year is extra special because for the first time in history The Baseball Hall of Fame has waived its 5 year waiting period to accommodate the induction of not only one of the games’ greatest players of all time, but also one of its greatest ambassadors. Dominick Carvoli Passed away 3 weeks ago...

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I Got Caught and Then I Got Spanked

Let me start with a little background before we get to the incident. I grew up in a family of mostly women that believes in strict domestic discipline for children which includes spankings. My younger sister and I lived alone with our Mother and were spanked often growing up when we misbehaved.It was always bare bottom and over the knee with either a hand, slipper, hairbrush or a combination of the three, depending on our offense. Afterwards we were always made to stand in the corner with our...

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Fucking With No Limits

I tell James everything. I’ve only been friends with him for 2 months, but I trust him with all my secrets. One time we were talking and both discovered that the sexual needs we had were mutual. He then asked me if I wanted to live them out with him, and I agreed. I wasn’t nervous at all. I love James, he is the most amazing guy I’ve ever met. I don’t want to date him, I just want someone who I can trust completely and he is that guy. We decided on a Saturday night. I’m clean shaven as I step...

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Human PhoenixChapter 12

Friday, March 9, 2007 Scott arrived early at Mr. Piotrowski's. His suitcase was already at the house, packed and ready to go. Mr. Piotrowski was dressed and ready, standing with a cup of coffee in his hand. "A little eager are we?" "Very!" replied Scott. "You might as well relax and have a good breakfast." Scott moved toward the refrigerator, "How does scrambled eggs and toast sound?" "Just toast for me, please." Jobe bumped his leg as he passed through the kitchen headed...

2 years ago
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One Incredible Day

I have been having an open relationship with a guy named Nick. He’s 21, stunning, 6’5”, very muscular, brown hair and eyes. He graduated from university a few years early and currently works for his dad’s business empire. Nick lives in this lavish apartment in Central London overlooking Hyde Park and I spend most of my time there. When I’m there I usually cook, clean, train and study. Three or four times a week I spend the night at his and one morning I awoke to the sound of his alarm and...

4 years ago
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1 Absolutely Cuckoo

OK, so this is number two in my 69 Love Stories series. That is my audacious and insane plan to write a story inspired by each song on the Magnetic Fields’ brilliant 69 Love Songs album. These are going to be a little short and a little rough. Longer, more elaborate, stories are in the works. This particular one is an attempt at the old Manic Pixie Dream Girl theme. As such, it should be a little more light hearted. As always, it’s a fairly slow build. I like my characters to wait for their...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Melody Marks Rachael Cavalli Perfect Blonde Melody Marks Seduces MILF NextDoor Neighbor with Her Stepdad

Perfect blonde bombshell Melody Marks has an unusual relationship with her stepfather, Charles Dera: when her mom’s away, not only do they fuck, but they go looking for other ladies to party with! Melody’s had her eye on their busty MILF next-door neighbor, Rachael Cavalli, for a while, but they’ve never actually met. Charles and Melody hatch a scheme to make their twisted fantasies a reality by inviting her over for coffee. Rachael accepts the invitation, and once she’s...

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DONNA Overtime in the dungeon

We were doing some overtime at the store, down in the ‘dungeons’ the store rooms right at the bottom of the store where stuff was stockpiled but very rarely used. The managers wanted volunteers to sort through the crap and we would be paid a set fee for each day. I volunteered for a day and what a day it was.The day came and we’d been working for a couple of hours, it was very dusty and dirty, and there were six rooms all the same. 11:00am came and everyone trailed upstairs for a break, I came...

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GoldDigger LoverMother

Anyways, my father remarried a couple years ago; my biological mother, Whitney, married my father 2 years before I was born, and she died in a big pile-up on the Eastern Highway coming home from work when I was a 1-year-old. I’ve never seen a picture of her, but I reckon she had black, silky hair and sharp green eyes, because I couldn’t have inherited them from my brown-haired, hazel-eyed Dad. Yeah, I’m fairly certain Trisha married Dad for the money. Trisha is a complete bombshell, and my...

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World of Warmother

World of Warcraft Azeroth Azeroth is the name of the world in which the majority of the Warcraft series is set. At its core dwells a slumbering world-soul, the nascent spirit of a titan. Where he can land into the Trolls, Elves, Wild god heritage, Dragons, Tauren or a other Native Inhabitants. Or into the Horde Orcs. Alliance, Horde or Neutral Danny x Harem Horde Danny x Aggralan x Greatmother Geyah x Harem ( If Thrall is NTR or 63 or Cucked can you self choise( if cucked give him a micropenis...

2 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 48

Jason entered a house of brooding silence. His father worked in the back yard while his mother sulked in the sewing room. A bare nod of her head was the only acknowledgement she offered when he told her that he was back only long enough to check if he had received an email from a friend. Jason walked to his room at a sedate pace to avoid giving his mother a reason for complaint. He closed the door to his room and fetched the Book. The pendant under his shirt grew warm against his...

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Fouling the ref

I was excited that we were flying to Orlando over Christmas break to play in a national holiday tournament. Our high school basketball team was ranked second in the state of California and eighth in the country. With twin six foot girls already committed to UCLA, I was the five-foot-six, point guard ready to take my services to USC if I played well. As the plane landed, we unpacked in our hotel rooms before eating dinner as a team in the huge conference room downstairs. All the teams, coaches,...

1 year ago
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My Friend My Friends Mother Me Have The Time Of Our Life

I waited outside the door waiting for her to open the door. Soon I heard footsteps and the door opened. It was her mother. For a moment I was awestruck. This was the first time I had seen her mother and she was beautiful. She must have been around 40 but she had a very firm pair of breast. I could see that she was not wearing a bra or anything. So her tits were just bouncing around when she walked. I could even see her nipples. Suddenly I had an urge to touch them, but I contained my self and...

First Time
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How I Lost My Cherry to an Actor

Summary A young fan gets to meet her favorite actor, they develop a friendship and then it turns sexual... Notes I had this story in my head for years and after telling someone about it, I finally typed it up. This is not based on a true story. This is a total work of fiction. Please read this and let me know your feelings about it, good or bad. This is the story of how I gave my heart, soul and cherry to an actor I loved. When I was 15 my father was watching a movie. The name...

4 years ago
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Aunt nephew sex

i am anoop i am 25 this happened when i was 18 .to tell you about my aunt she was 32 thin and sexy she looked like 24 me and my aunt had sex many times because my parents and uncle lived abroad and aunts visa was delaying to come but we enjoyed our sexual life like had sex in the kitchen.we both feel in love with each other deeply we knew it was wrong but we listened to our hearts so my aunt planned for a honey moon trip with me and for our love as my uncle would call on her cellphone he...

2 years ago
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Chads Choice

The only compensation writers at Literotica receive is votes and comments. Please vote and if you have any feedback either leave a comment or send me an email. I love receiving email from my readers. ***** Chad Derry pulled the twelve-pack of Bud Light out of the display cooler at the local wine and beer shop. A twelve pack along with the full six-pack and a couple of singles in his ‘fridge at home should just about do it for the day. His plan consisted primarily of drinking until he couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Shower Fantasy Girls POV

Shower Fantasy I just got out of the shower, having spent about the last half hour in there by myself and thinking of you. You were there with me, in my fantasy only, but still very much there and we had a wonderful time. A very much needed time...I got into the shower and fel the hot water streaming down over my body. As hot as I was, I could still feel it's heat on my skin and felt my body come alive as my hands moved over it, washing my skin with the bar of soap. I always loved the feeling...

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DemiGodChapter 5 Twists of Fate

About once a week Jake's parents made a point of getting home early so that they could have a sit-down dinner with their children and "act like a normal family" was how they put it. Truth to tell, these dinners actually were quite pleasant little family get-togethers and Jake looked forward to them. Everyone was civil, and they got caught up on what was going on with everyone else. For whatever reason, they had not had a family dinner since things started going strange for Jake, but...

2 years ago
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Accident Help Leads to Pleasure

Hi my name is autal (name changed) from pune. I am now 29 years old but the story I am going to write is about when I was 22 years old. This is my first story I am writing and I am not that great writer so mistakes should be forgiven. Well back to my true incident. That time we had a business in karnataka and very often I had to drive from pune to karnataka. I don’t like travelling by train so I used to prefer driving 500 kms. As a routine I was coming back to pune and I was that time driving...

1 year ago
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I am the Very Model of a Modern Male Bisexual

With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan…Now that I in my 50s, it’s fascinating to find internet sites like Lush Stories to share recollections with the like-minded, as the old time personal ads liked to call it. One thing I never did do in over three decades of bisexuality is actually answer one of those “hook up” ads. Never quite had the nerve. I balked once or twice, putting thoughts to paper, but couldn’t find the resolve to go through the hassle. Discreet letter boxes, coffee meets, to me it...

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NFBusty Didi Zerati Every Inch Of Me

Masseuse Jimmy Bud is just getting ready when Didi Zerati enters the room. Jimmy tells Didi strip down to her underwear. She obediently peels off her dress to unveil some sexy sheer lingerie, then slips out of her bra, high heels, and stockings. The last thing to hit the ground is her garter belt. Slicking up his hands, Jimmy goes to work on Didi’s back and shoulders. Moving lower, Jimmy oils up Didi’s calves all the way up to her thighs. Didi can’t help but moan in pleasure...

4 years ago
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BodyGuards III Cyber AssaultChapter 13

Stella wiped the sweat from her face with the towel offered by Mei, then sniffed and made a face. "Damn!" she exclaimed. "I need a shower! How long was I in that thing, anyway." "About three hours," Mei replied. "So, I take it you like our little simulator?" Stella's face brightened as she replied "Oh, that was fun! I'm not quite sure what all that was about, but I had a ball doing it! I mean, it's not quite like real life because there are certain limitations and restrictions...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 271

At bedtime, Eric showered while Angela went to check on the girls. She stayed in their room long enough to make him wonder what was going on. After he dried off, he hastily donned his shorts and slipped under the sheet. His protestations about his sister sleeping with him had landed on deaf ears earlier, but when she finally returned from the girls' bedroom, and after she had assured him the girls were fine, he tried once more. "Baby, I really don't think your sleeping with me is a good...

2 years ago
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Conditional Confidence part 2 Seed Planting

Barb showed up just after 11pm at my door. I was just about to call it a day when she knocked softly. I opened the door just wearing a pair of shorts. There she stood wearing a pair of loose fitting cutoff sweat pants shorts and a very tight fitting,low neck, hot pink t-shirt. With Barb's tan, she looked hot. She had put on a heavy amount of makeup and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her makeup, in my opinion, was very overdone and a slight turn off but her almost bursting...

3 years ago
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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 7

"We've made a mess of ourselves, pretty lady. How about a shower before we begin further exploration of each other's bodies ... hmmm?" Diana smiled and nodded in agreement so Charles picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. She admired his broad shoulders and sinewy back that tapered to his trim waist and lean hips. She ogled his hard, round ass and his strongly muscled legs as she firmly ran her hands over his sexy, hard body. He had a long torso—he needed to wear shirts for a...

2 years ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 17 Zo

Things in general were going well for Bob Lacy. He didn't have any complaints. Well maybe there was something that was bothering him and that was the relationships he was having with women. He was having dates and having sex with women but in thinking about it that's only what is was, sex. It was pure physical attraction to a member of the opposite sex. The women he had been with he assumed had this same physical attraction to him as well. Some had hinted they wanted more in a relationship...

4 years ago
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DISCLAIMER: This is a really long story but if you read till the end, I guess you might like it. Also, this is my first attempt at writing so please bear with me.The funny thing about life is that you never know what is going to happen next. One minute, you are on a bus ride to Coimbatore to attend a seminar and the next minute you are, well, in heaven.I’m 25, 5 ft 8 inches, well toned with broad shoulders and good looking. I work in a reputed company so I usually dress well. That day, I was on...

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AshaChapter 4

Kunwar fucked as fierecely as he could. After ten minutes he was unable to control his cock. Asha too was being overwhelmed by her sexual ecstasy. Screaming wildly and fucking fiercely, they reached their climaxes. Asha twisted her body this way and that way as her cunt went berserk with her cumming. Kunwar's cock shot jet after jet of scalding thick sperm into her young cunt. They clutched at each other and kissed madly, as their bodies shuddered violently and as their orgasms went on and...

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Carl Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Monday Afternoon and Evening The rest of the day went pretty well, I thought. Lunch I was surrounded by some good buddies who didn't hassle me, though they were curious. I admitted that it was really embarrassing to walk around naked, and that the seats were cold!. Gym was an experience. We did some gymnastics type stuff. The rope climb was particularly interesting, because when I was about 13 I'd found a way to get myself off climbing the rope, rubbing against it. By the time I reached...

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Art of Deep throat bondage

Deep throat is an acquired art. Not many know how to do it right. 99.99% give cheaters head. After doing a massage, i like giving deep throat Only to a Man, who can appreciate what i was doing, first. Second that had the stamina to complete the task, not take all day to cum, and third could repeat himself at least minimum 3-4 times in 2 hours. When i take a man into my throat, its an art, i like to first lick all around the head, the underside, the foreskin, then the crown, and finally inside...

1 year ago
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Coming Home A Visit From Kate

Introduction: Only genuine comments please I had the house to myself for the evening, Champions League football on the TV, a six pack of lager in the fridge and a family bag of sweet chilli crisps, magic. Id just sat down on the sofa, a bottle in front of me and opened the crisps, when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to the door, our friend Kate was stood there. Oh hi Kate, if youre looking for Caroline Im afraid youre out of luck, shes at the theatre. In fact I thought you were with her....

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