HomebodiesChapter 6 free porn video

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The HSF Magnum was a Flintlock class patrol vessel built in the shipyards of Caspia 4 thirty-seven metric years before. Like all Flintlocks, Magnum was ninety-nine meters in length and had a beam of twenty. Its four fusion engines could drive it at a maximum acceleration of 3.5Gs while simultaneously providing power for the artificial gravity generators and stellar coronal capable electromagnetic shielding, thus giving it circuit point capability and enough legs to quickly cross interplanetary distances within a stellar system. It was armed with two forty-centimeter anti-ship lasers which sat upon rotating turrets upon the hull and were capable of overloading the shielding of any non-fleet interstellar vessel known to exist. With a standard crew of forty spacers, a squad of marines, and a medic, the ninety-nine ships, as they were known, were the bane of smuggling and pirate vessels throughout human space. The Magnum, which had been assigned to the Far Space Command for the entirety of its commission, was currently attached to Triad Naval Base in orbit around Mars. Its primary areas of responsibility were the Sol System and the First Cross system, both of which contained large numbers of asteroids, comets, and small moons that rogue vessels seeking safe haven would occasionally hide in.

Magnum was in the Sol system now, docked at berthing airlock 109 at the Homeport Topside HSF base. Gath, who had just received a guided tour of the vessel from its newly frocked commanding officer, was now sitting at a cocktail table in the Far Out intoxicant club on the eighteenth sublevel of the base. By looking out the window of the club—again, not a view screen but an actual window—the vessel was clearly in view, attached to the berthing arm just forward of amidships. The drink in his hand—a Zaphorian flax whiskey poured over ice—had been purchased for him by that same commander who was now sitting across from him at a seat where he could look up at his new ship whenever he wanted. His name was Oxford Dripper and he was a twelve-year veteran of the Fleet. He was also the man who was going to marry Taz in a little more than two metric hours. And Gath was the man slated to give Taz away in lieu of her father, who was unable to attend the ceremony by virtue of being ninety-four light years—or nine circuit jumps—away at the moment.

Ox, as he was called, was forty metric years old. His skin tone was darker than Taz’s, edging into the lighter shades of brown. He was smoothly bald, of course, tall, and a bit pudgy around the middle as naval personnel were not required to maintain the same level of physical fitness as marine personnel. Dressed in the standard off-duty white pullover and blue shorts, he was a jovial man with a sharp and intelligent sense of humor. Gath had only known him for a single day but he found he rather liked him—a situation which did nothing but make him feel more awkward at the situation he now found himself in.

It had been eleven metric weeks—just over a cycle—since that day in Bakersfield when the Norcal army had killed two marines and forced Taz to kill fourteen or fifteen Norcals. Since that night, the night Taz had visited Gath’s quarters, obstinately for burrito making lessons, and the two of them had been “overcome by lust” for each other, they had been engaging in a heavy and frequent sexual relationship with each other. As had been the case with Xenia during school, everyone, even Weasel, knew the two of them were in the relationship but no one made any reference to it, either directly or indirectly. There were no accusations or head nods, no winks or chiding elbows to the side, no graffiti on the bathroom walls or snide remarks on the social media postings. Everyone just pretended that Taz and Gath were coworkers and friends who spent a lot of time together and that Taz’s heart belonged only to her fiancé.

That, at least, was something Gath was used to. This new situation, however, had brought him into an entirely new realm of spaceborn sexual and relationship politics. He had met Taz’s intended, had drank with him and toured his ship, was slated to walk down the aisle with Taz at their wedding, and he was reasonably certain that Ox knew he was sexually involved with her as well. Taz had insisted that he attend the wedding and had introduced him to Ox as her “good friend”, a phrase that carried a certain implication in spaceborn society (although no one would ever say, or even allude to that). And Ox gave no indication that he cared in the least that Gath was playing hide the missile with the woman he was about to vow to dedicate the rest of his life to. He, in fact, had a “good friend” of his own sitting at the table next to him. Her name was Vagal Mannistor—Manny for short—and she was a twenty-something year old spacer first class assigned to one of the short hall maintenance ships in First Cross. And not only did Taz not seem to care about Ox’s “friend”, the two of them seemed to be hitting it off quite nicely. Manny had even agreed to stand in as Taz’s maid of honor.

Spaceborn, Gath thought, exasperated. Why in purg do they make their social lives so torkin complicated?

“I need to offload,” giggled Taz, who was well into her second drink of the day and obviously feeling it. “Manny, you want to come with me?”

“Sure,” Manny said with a friendly smile. “I could probably stand a little offload myself.”

The two females stood and headed for the shitter in the corner of the bar, leaving Gath and Ox alone. Gath wondered if this was the part where Ox would interrogate him about just how good of a friend he really was to his soon-to-be wife, but that did not seem to be on the agenda. Ox was contemplating his drink with a wondrous expression on his face.

“This is pretty good slag,” he said. “Who would have thought that natural hooch would actually taste so ... smooth.”

“Well worth the extra cost,” Gath agreed, taking a sip. In reality, the Zaphorian flax was little more than swill, distilled in a mass production factory in a disreputable part of human space for cheap export, but it was still superior to the spaceborn produced flax because it was actually made from flax instead of synthetic flax flavoring.

“I think you just converted me,” Ox told him. “I’ll have a hard time drinking the normal hooch now.”

“It’s sometimes hard to get hold of,” Gath said. “Unless you’re on the surface, of course.”

“I try to keep me feet off the ground as much as possible,” Ox said. “Natural gravity and unprocessed air don’t agree with me.”

“Ground sickness?” Gath asked, knowing that for some spaceborn the malady was debilitating. Their immune systems simply were not accustomed to dealing with the large variety of plant spores, terrestrial bacteria and general dust that floated around on terrestrial surfaces.

“Something awful,” he said, nodding. “Every time I’m exposed to natural air the medic has to load me up with antihistamines or my face will swell up and my sinuses will plug shut. And even with the drugs, my eyes will itch and water and turn red, my bowels will turn to mush and I’ll have to spend half of every hour sitting on the shitter.” He shook his head. “That’s why I’ve spent all my time in ninety-nine ships. There’s never any reason to set foot on the surface.”

“Understandable,” Gath said. “And now you’ve got your own command. That’s quite an accomplishment for someone with your seniority, isn’t it?”

“Well, a ninety-nine isn’t the most glamorous command—not like a destroyer or a dreadnought—but it’s a working ship. Sees a lot of action. And I like to think we’re the ones who make the most difference out here. We’re the first line against piracy and smuggling.” He took another sip. “It’s a good command and I have a good crew. I’m happy.”

“That’s what it’s all about,” Gath said.

“Damn right,” Ox said. He looked pointedly at Gath. “You and Taz are getting your share of the action too. That was some pretty intense slag down there in ... what was that slaghole called?”

“Bakersfield,” Gath answered.

“Bakersfield,” he said, nodding. “Taz told me what happened down there. Nasty business. She had to push the button and kill those homers. You had to go out and see what those torkin’ savages did to our marines. I’m surprised the two of you are still all right in the head after that.”

“It was not something I’d care to have to experience again,” Gath admitted.

“Maybe you won’t,” Ox said. “After your incident down in Bakersfield and those other two ... where were they?”

“Egypt and South Africa,” Gath replied, knowing instantly what he was talking about. A week after the Bakersfield incident in which homebodies had killed hundreds of themselves and two marines over water pipes, three more marines had died in Egypt when a group of homers calling themselves “the brothers” had attacked an isolated work crew doing maintenance on a dam. And then, only six days later, another five marines had died outside the ruins of a South African city called Pretoria when the marines attempted to intervene in a regional war and were chased down by hordes of homebodies from both sides of the conflict. The five marines in that case had had their armor ripped from their bodies and were stabbed to death with bayonets before the decision to use indiscriminate lethal force was made. Though the three incidents had taken place all over the globe and were completely unrelated, they constituted the highest loss of fleet lives on Earth in more than twenty years.

“Right,” Ox said. “Egypt and South Africa. After ten marines dead in a single cycle and with Mortimer closing in, the higher ups are finally taking a look at Homeland Policy with an eye toward changing it.”

“Do you really think they will?” Gath asked.

“You’ve seen Admiral Zeal and Doc Bookender on the holo, haven’t you?”

“I have,” Gath said. Admiral Zeal, commander of the Fleet’s Eleventh Operational Group, which was primarily the Sol System, and Doc Bookender, chief medical officer in the Sol system, had both been all over the Fleet Network news holos of late and both had been very vocal about the futility of Homeland Policy and how it was not just pointless to go on feeding the homebodies, but a detriment to the lives and wellbeing of the marines who had to carry the policy out. Zeal had even gone so far as to proclaim that if it were up to her, every last member of the Fleet would be pulled off the planet Earth tomorrow and the entire system would be abandoned by day one of the next year.

“Word around the rec room is that the two of them are leaving on a little trip to Fleet HQ in the AZ,” Ox said. “And the purpose of this trip is to demand an adjustment to Homeland Policy.”

“Oh yeah?” Gath said.

“That’s the rumor. I don’t know how big of an adjustment they’re trying to get or what leverage they have to try to get it pushed through, but I can tell you that a high-profile trip of some sort is being planned. The Krakatoa—that’s a high-speed minesweeping frigate—has been sent to Sol from Far Space HQ with orders for best speed. Now since there aren’t any mines that need sweeping out here as far as I know, I’m left with the conclusion that someone needs a speedy ride somewhere.”

“Someone like Doc Bookender,” Gath said.


“He rode down with us when we first deployed here,” Gath said. “He made it very clear that he was not in favor of Homeland Policy.”

“Not many of the top whiteshirts are,” Ox said. “Purg, not much of anyone thinks we should still be here, except for ... well ... you know?”

“The groundies,” Gath said levelly.

“Well ... yeah,” Ox confirmed. “Sorry, but that’s the way most of us spacies see it. We started off with good intentions, trying to save our brothers and sisters that were left behind and all that slag, but somewhere around eight hundred or so years ago, we should have abandoned the effort and let evolution take over—let those torkin’ homers thrust or drift on their own.”

“But my people didn’t want a mass die off,” Gath said. He knew the story well. Though the groundborn rarely came off of their colonized planets and into space, and though more than a quarter of their numbers were living on planets considered to be rogue by the spaceborn, they still represented more than eighty percent of the human population. And though the mainstream spaceborn society in charge of the Fleet was technically its own nation-state that technically did not answer to anyone and could do as they pleased, that seventy-five percent of groundborn who did have a friendly relationship with the spaceborn wielded enormous political power over them. Quite simply put, the spaceborn could only exist if there were groundborn. Without groundborn, there would not be enough food for the spaceborn to eat, there would not be any planetary orbital stations for them to park their dreadnoughts and destroyers at for maintenance, there would not be any carbon fiber and steel and plastic for them to build their space vessels and space stations out of, and there would be no mission for them to accomplish, as they only existed to facilitate interstellar trade and travel. So, when the groundborn insisted that Homeland Policy be continued, Homeland Policy was continued. Or at least it always had been before.

“Like I said, Gath, you seem a nice enough hume with your head on straight. Taz sure as purg likes you—you’re all she torkin’ talks about when we get on the holo together—so I’m just speaking plainly here. You’ve been down there on the surface. You’ve been among those torkin’ savages and know what they’re all about.”

“I do,” Gath said, thinking back on the things he had seen, the experiences he had had since landing at CVS that first day. He remembered thinking that any groundborn assigned to the Sol could not possibly be as jaded toward the homebodies as the spaceborn were. How naïve that seemed now.

“So, what do you think?” Ox asked. “What is your take on the homebodies? On Homeland Policy?”

“Not that it matters much,” Gath said, “but my take is that homebodies are a people who kill each other and us indiscriminately and seem to even get a thrill out of doing it. They’re a people who can’t read and don’t want to learn how, but can still figure out how to build and accurately fire eighty-millimeter mortar shells that will blast through marine armor. They’re a people who cut off the torkin’ tower and bells and carve out the eyeballs of captured enemies, and then send them out for wild dogs to feed on while still alive. There is nothing redeeming about them. And as for Homeland Policy, I think my people are out of their torkin’ minds for blindly supporting it all these years. I don’t think anyone who had spent any time here can possibly think that Homeland Policy is accomplishing anything but perpetual hopelessness.”

That brought a smile to Ox’s face—the kind of smile one gives when he realizes the person he is speaking to is of similar mind regarding a controversial subject. He clapped Gath on the shoulder. “It’s an ugly truth but it’s a truth all the same,” he said. “We’re not doing anyone any good here in this system. It’s high time we got the purg out of it.”

“You don’t have to convince me,” Gath said.

“No, but someone has to convince a hundred billion just like you.”

Gath nodded, taking another sip of his whiskey. “Yeah, good luck with that one.”

“Hopefully we won’t need the luck,” he said. “Bookender and Zeal are undoubtedly going to try to convince the Executive Council and the two lower houses of the legislature to act without groundborn approval.”

“That’s been tried before,” Gath said. “Many times, in fact. Usually your lower houses are all in favor of it but the Executive Council vetoes any legislation aimed at changing the policy.”

“True,” Ox said, “but we’ve never had ten dead marines and Mortimer on our side before, have we?”

“Do you really think that will make the difference?”

“Maybe not individually,” he replied. “But together ... that just might be enough.”

While Gath was pondering that thought and the ramifications of it, Taz and Manny returned from their trip to the shitter.

“Did you miss us?” Manny asked, sliding back into her seat next to Ox.

“Terribly,” Ox said, looking at her with unmistakable affection.

“What were you two boys talking about?” Taz asked, sitting down next to Gath. “You seemed very serious.”

“Oh, just the future of Homeland Policy,” Ox told her.

Taz rolled her eyes. “Tork Homeland Policy,” she said. “Hopefully it has no future.” She brightened. “Hey, does anyone want to shoot some billiards? There’s a table free.”

It turned out they all wanted to shoot some billiards. It was a good way to pass the time in space.

Most groundborn weddings were elaborate affairs, planned out a least a cycle in advance and generally attended by as many guests as the couple’s budget could afford to feed and intoxicate. Everyone wore their very best clothing and the ceremony itself was at least an hour long with both parties to the marriage reciting lengthy vows and proclamations of love. After the ceremony was the wedding feast, in which an extensive variety of lovingly prepared food and top shelf beverages were served. During the feast, the guests would take turns praising the newlyweds in speeches called toasts (no one was quite sure why they were called that) and then, once everyone was intoxicated and stuffed full of rich food, musicians would play and the guests would dance until everyone was too exhausted to dance anymore.

A spaceborn wedding, by contrast, was a much more casual event, Gath found. The joining of Taz and Ox took place, not in a public wedding hall or on a bluff overlooking the ocean, but in one of the recreation rooms near the docking rings of Homeport Topside. The guests consisted of Gath, Manny, Ox’s new executive officer, and a few members of his crew. No food was served before, during, or after. No one dressed up in nice clothing—spaceborn, in fact, did not usually own anything that would be considered nice clothing; all they wore were shorts and pullover shirts. The ceremony itself was officiated over, not by a judge or high-ranking law enforcement official or a certified marriage official as a groundborn ceremony would be, but by the current on-duty naval chaplain, who popped in just as the ceremony was beginning and watched impatiently while Gath gave away the bride and Manny lined up behind her.

“Do you, Lieutenant Commander Oxford Dripper,” Chaplain Fluv recited mechanically, “being of sound mind on this day...”

“Well ... I’ve had a few drinks,” Ox interrupted with a chuckle.

Fluv smiled dutifully, though his eyes indicated he did not really appreciate the joke. “You seem sound enough to me,” he said. “So ... anyway, do you agree to combine your financial assets with your chosen life partner, Corporal Tazagail Relish, to produce legal heirs to your estate with her, to participate fully with all of your familial connections and assets with the raising and education of those heirs, and to fully support those heirs until they become old enough to produce heirs of their own?”

“I do,” Ox said with a nod.

“Nice,” Flux said. He then turned to Taz and repeated the vow, asking is she too agreed to it.

“I do,” Taz said, smiling happily.

“Very well then,” Flux said. “Lay some derm on the pad for me here.”

They each gave their fingerprints. Flux added his own. He then turned to Gath and Manny. “You two are the witnesses?”

“Uh ... yes,” Gath said.

“If you believe these proceedings were carried out legally and that there is no reason to suspect fraud or misrepresentation, please come forward and lay some derm as well.”

First Gath and then Manny stepped forward and put their fingers on the pad.

“It is now official,” Flux said. “You are bound together until death or divorce do you part. Congratulations.”

“Congratulations!” all the guests shouted in unison.

And that was it. Ox did not kiss his bride. They did not even bump elbows. The chaplain pulled out his commer and asked Ox to lay some derm for the eighteen credit charge for his services and then he left without a backward glance. The executive officer and the crewmembers all offered one last round of congratulations at the union and they too departed, leaving the new couple alone with Manny and Gath.

“Well, that’s done,” Ox said lightly. “I’m glad we were able to fit it in.”

“Me too,” Taz agreed, smiling and giving her new husband an affectionate punch in the upper arm. “Should we go get another round of drinks?”

“I think we should,” Ox agreed.

Somewhat flabbergasted, Gath followed behind them as they returned to the Troop Club. Everyone ordered the natural whiskey. Ox picked up the tab.

“We have a lot to do tomorrow,” he told Taz as they sipped their drinks. “We need to get our financial account merger documents completed so they’re shipped out on the next data return.”

“How long do you think it will take?” she asked, excited at the prospect of combining her bank balance with his.

“It depends,” Ox said. “When was the last dump?”

“Nine days ago,” Gath said.

“Probably not for another cycle at least then,” Ox said. “That’s about how long it takes for information to get back to the mainframe at AZ. It’ll still be combined here though.”

“It’s so exciting,” Taz said, beaming. “I can’t believe we finally did it.”

“The circumstances were right,” Ox said. “Both of us stationed in the same region and able to link data profiles on a regular basis. It couldn’t have been better. I’m glad your CO gave you a three-day pass so you could come up here and do the deed.”

“And Gath too,” Taz said. “I was worried that he wouldn’t let him have a three day at the same time as me, and he did seem reluctant at first, but when I told him it was for our wedding ... well, that Colonel Lister is just a big softie at heart.”

“I guess so,” Ox said. “It certainly would have put a damper on things if your best friend couldn’t be here.” He elbowed Gath affectionately in the side. “Eh, Gath?”

The three spaceborn all laughed as if something deliciously naughty had just been said.

“Uh ... yeah,” Gath said, feeling lost and confused. He countered the sensation by taking a large drink of his whiskey and letting it go to work on his brain.

“Were you two able to get a repro appointment for tomorrow as well?” Manny asked.

“It wasn’t easy, but we both got in,” Taz said.

“Repro appointments?” Gath asked, surprised. Repro was short for reproductive specialist, a doc who handled all aspects of human reproduction. To have an appointment with one early in a marriage could only mean they were planning on having their reproductive blocks deactivated, thus making the two of them fertile. And since spaceborn did not believe in natural pregnancy and childbirth... “Uh ... doesn’t that mean you won’t be able to ... uh, I mean that the two of you can’t ... uh ... you know?”

They knew. Both of them blushed quite brightly at his words. Manny did as well, averting her eyes from their faces.

“We ... uh, don’t really talk about such things, Gath,” Taz hissed at him, embarrassed.

“Well ... yeah, but...”

“We don’t talk about that,” she repeated firmly, her eyes drilling into him.

He sighed. “Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to rock the boat.”

“Rock the boat?” Ox said. “What does that mean?”

“Uh ... foul the waste converter,” Gath said, translating it into the proper spaceborn analogy. “I didn’t mean to foul the waste converter.”

Understanding dawned. “Oh ... of course,” Ox said. “I get it ... I think.”

“Anyway,” Taz said in a changing-the-subject voice, “once we’ve been to the repro it’ll take thirty days before we’re producing one hundred percent viable gametes, right Gath?”

“That is conventional medical wisdom,” he replied, “but that is just a safety margin. It is theoretically possible that you, Taz, could release a viable egg in less than a week, especially if you’re taking hormone supplements to get multiple releases.”

“I understand,” Taz said, “but...”

“And Ox, you could theoretically start producing viable sperm in only two days. The problem is that those early sperm could have incorrect genetic code because of the lingering effects of the repro block. They like you to have thirty days to make sure that any damaged gametes have been flushed from the system.”

“Yes,” Taz said. “We know all that. You don’t have to be a medic to understand basic reproductive science.”

“I know that,” Gath said, “but ... well, you do understand that it’s dangerous for you two to have ... you know ... relations with each other starting from the very first day the reproductive blocks are removed, right?”

Again, they all blushed and became embarrassed.

“Gath,” Taz hissed again. “We’re not talking about... relations.” She whispered the word as if it were the dirtiest one she knew. “We never talk about that.”

Gath suppressed the urge to raise his eyebrows. He knew from personal experience that she was very fond of talking about relations when the two of them were alone together. She in fact had been known to scream out to the ceiling how much she wanted him to engage in relations with her—although she did, of course, use more colorful terminology at those moments.

“Then what are we talking about?” he asked.

“We’re talking about when we can start harvesting our gametes,” Taz said. “Why do you groundies have to turn a conversation about that into something sexual?”

Gath blinked slowly. “Harvesting your gametes?”

“Yes,” she said. “We want to get our first baby started as soon as possible. Now it’s obviously very easy for Ox to harvest his gametes.” She blushed again, unable to meet his eyes. “All he has to do is ... you know ... expel some ejaculate into a preservative container and his part is done.”

Ox and Mandy were embarrassed again, their eyes looking up, down, everywhere but at Taz and Gath. Apparently spaceborn did not talk about expelling ejaculate either.

“But with me,” Taz continued, “as you’re aware, it’s a little more invasive of a procedure. I have to take the hormone shots and get multiple gametes to mature and release at once.”

“I know what the procedure is for harvesting female gametes,” Gath said, irritated.

“I know you do,” Taz said. “You’re going to be the one giving me the hormone shots and monitoring my levels.”

“Me?” Gath said.

“Of course, you,” she said. “You’re the medic at CVS, where I’m stationed. And you’ll also be the one to harvest them once I’m ready.”

Gath was now the one feeling awkward. “You want me to harvest them too?” he asked. “Taz, you realize what’s involved, don’t you?”

“Of course,” she said. “I sit in the exam table with my legs in stirrups and you go in with a trans-cervix scope and slide it up into my fallopian tubes to retrieve the eggs. You have been trained in the procedure, haven’t you?”

“Yes, I’ve been trained in the procedure,” he said, “but wouldn’t you rather that Bong or Zen do it?”

She seemed genuinely puzzled by this suggestion. “No,” she said. “Why would I want one of them to do it when you’re there?”

Gath had no answer for her.

“How long will it take before the baby is conceived?” Manny asked, taking advantage of the lull in the conversation to change the subject to something less risqué.

“Probably at least two cycles,” Ox said. “Figure thirty to forty days to store viable gametes for analysis and then another six to eight weeks to ship them back to AZ.”

This was another surprise to Gath. “Ship them back to AZ?” he asked. “Why would you do that?”

“Because that’s where the baby will be incubated,” Ox said. “We have one of the best repro centers lined up to examine the genetic traits of the gametes and send the combo report to us.”

Gath knew that spaceborn did not conceive their children in the natural manner. They used reproduction centers where specialty docs examined the genetic code of multiple sperm cells from the father’s preserved ejaculate (the more sperm cells the couple wished examined, the higher the cost of the service) and from all of the eggs harvested from the mother and then formulated a report known as a genetic combination report, or combo report, outlining what possibilities for hair color, body proportions, mathematical and engineering talents, and dozens of other traits existed. The parents would then choose one sperm and one egg from the report and those two gametes were then united and grown to viability in an artificial womb known as an incubator. About the only identifiable trait that the prospective parents were not allowed to choose was the actual sex of the child, as it had been determined long ago that putting that power in the hands of anything but random chance would lead to an imbalance among the two sexes.

“It’s probably going to take six to eight weeks just for the report to work its way through the circuit points back to us,” Taz said. “And then, after we make our choice, we’ll have to wait for that to work its way back to AZ so they can start putting the little one together.”

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Mike didn’t know what to do with himself. At 48, this was the first time in decades that he had nothing to do on a weekday afternoon. Mike was the Executive VP of Sales for a mid-sized tech firm. He just returned to Chicago from London where he closed the biggest contract in his company’s history. If all went according to plan, the company would make hundreds of millions of dollars on the deal, and Mike was in line for a high six figure bonus. As a result, the Company president said the least...

2 years ago
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Friends By: Fantasy Man Billy had met Stacey several times. His mother worked with her at the fertilityclinic had her over for dinner frequently. Stacey was total knockout. About5.5 feet tall, her dark, straight hair came about half way down her back. Fordinner yesterday, she was wearing a navy blue sport jacket, over a tight whiteshirt. For a young man of 17, Billy was overwhelmed by the sexual image beforehim: massive breasts thrusting against a lacy bra who's outline was clearlyvisible when...

3 years ago
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From College Tour Bus To My Bed

Hey guys, this is Shiva from down south TamilNadu. An average south Indian guy with a medium dark complexion, well-built physique, and conservative nature. Well, I’m not even sure how long a six-inch dick is, that I could compare mine and mention here about my size and boast about it! Just joking! Well coming to the girl of the story. Let’s assume her name to be Shruthi (secrecy issues). She is seriously a hot bubbly chick with a loving pair of 34 D boobs and a hot swinging ass which protrudes...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 23

Sophie could barely suppress her giggles as she and the rest of the crowd stood in anticipation of the event that was about to occur. Sure, the weather wasn't perfect, but that didn't matter. Sure, she was several hundred miles from her home in London, but that didn't matter either. And sure, she was clad in a snug pencil dress and uncomfortable stiletto heeled shoes, but that just served to make the event all the more exciting for Sophie. "I have been waiting for this day for...

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I had just returned from a two week vacation with the bastard better known as my husband. It was really just a last ditch attempt to reconcile our sham of a marriage, but to my thinking, it was just an excuse to get drunk and fuck a lot. To be honest, my husband was great in the sack. It was how he got me to marry him (because he wasn't the best looking guy in the world), but the man certainly knew his way around a woman's body. The problem was that was all he was good for. He couldn't hold...

4 years ago
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A Future Hotwifes Basement Threeway Story

Toward the end of my first year of college, my little sister Rose was about to turn eighteen. She’s a very petite and drop-dead gorgeous blonde with great big, blue eyes. She was the bad girl when we were growing up, and constantly seemed to be in trouble with Mom and Dad, or in school. Now she was old enough to really let loose. I had told her as much as I dared about my sex life, and she seemed genuinely pleased for me that I’d been with a couple of college buddies. I even finally confessed...

Group Sex
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Surprise at the Mall A Madi Story

Hey folks, my name is Matt and you may not believe the story that I am about to tell you but I swear to you it actually happened. You see most guys have that fantasy where they will be out in public and a gorgeous girl will hook up with them in the most random way in the most random place. Today is the day that fantasy came true for me. I was at the mall, hanging out in the food court. It had been a shitty week, my ex had contacted me to let me know she had found some more of my stuff and was...

1 year ago
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Learning To Eat Cum 3

It was Saturday morning; I woke up next to Lynne in her bed. My mind wondered back to the previous evening. Lynne had collected my spunk in a jar and poured it all over my food for me to eat. And then she'd taken me back home, pulled my legs over my head and wanked my cock whilst finger fucking my arse and made me shoot my cum into my mouth to swallow, even the bit that had messed she had scooped up and fed me! My cock started to grow hard. Lynne stirred, turned to me and smiled. She...

3 years ago
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Der iBod Reloaded

Das ist die Geschichte eines Erfinders. Vor kurzem hat diese Person etwas erfunden, was deren Leben für immer verändern wird! Und zwar den iBod, ein iPod-ähnliches Gerät mit Verwandlungsoption. Damit kann man Materie scannen und sich in eine gespeicherte Form verwandeln. Und jetzt ist es an der Zeit, das Teil am Menschen zu testen!

1 year ago
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Part 5 8211 My Neighbourhood Aunty

Falguni was the first woman with whom I had actual penetrative sex. She was a neighbour who came to reside in our chawl about 34 years ago. She was married young and her husband was a machine repairer and they had an 8-month-old baby boy. Her house like ours was a one-room tenement on the first floor. Ours was the second in the row of houses while hers was at the end of the chawl. She was about 22 then. And I was 18. As I grew up and matured, I began to look at Falguni in a different...

1 year ago
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Sacrificed on the alter

Note : This story is completely fictional! The smell of church pews lingered in the air as Tabitha sat quietly praying. The first week of the honeymoon seemed to shout out to her that she was much less of a woman than she thought. Her long brown hair draped down covering her head like a hood of shame as she prayed asking God to show her how she could be a better lover. Joseph had imagined their love making to be so much more passion filled than it was. He blamed himself really for the clumsy...

Erotic Fiction
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Wife Becomes An Actress Act 3

When we got back Sandra caught us as we walked in. She was very excited and said, “Come with me to Ben’s dressing room, we need to talk.” Titan had already told me he was going home and would be back at 10:00 to pick me up and take me home. We kissed goodbye and I went with Sandra to Ben’s dressing room. When she closed the door she said, “Everyone is raving about the play. I spoke with five different critics and they all agree that this is a very, very good play. One of the most erotic in...

Wife Lovers
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Seven Wonders of the WorldChapter 9 The Rest of the Story

A-ri. Our time together was too short. Not to mention the fact that you spent more time writing about sex than making love. But thank you for letting me read this in advance. I knew you were having more fun on that trip than you were letting on. I cried for hours over Karin. Do you think she’ll ever come to America? Damn it, man, you need to win a lottery so you can just send for her and bring her mother and daughter and take care of them. Why doesn’t it work that way? I won’t ask you to...

2 years ago
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Becoming BethanyChapter One

After the initial flurry of excitement with which Lisa and I announced our engagement, our lives quickly settled back into the hum-drum routine to which we had become accustomed. I went back to my part-time job delivering pizza, while Lisa continued in her role as a hostess in a local private club. Our jobs couldn't have contrasted more. My work uniform consisted of one of several pairs of inevitably stained khaki pants, a polo shirt, sneakers and a baseball cap. A quick shower and...

4 years ago
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Family friend

Hi, this is Raj back with a new story. But me iss se pahle aap ko apni pichli story “pahli chudai chachi ke saath” ke baare me batana chahta hoon. Kuch logo ko laga ki maine ye story copy ki hai par ye meri real story thi jo maine he pahle bhi likhi thi par mera wo wala e-mail id heck ho jane ki wajah se mujhe ye story dubara apne ISS friends tak apna e-mail id pahuchane ki wajah se likhni padi. Khair, ab main aapko apna ek aur real incident sunane ja raha hoon. Meri didi ki ek saheli hain...

3 years ago
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Randu veazhambhalukalum khush

Thulli thulumbhunna parvadha khundikalumaai yennodoppam kidhannu pooril adiyude suham nukarumbhol onnu vykhthamaayirunnu.. Poorinu support aayi chandhikku keezhe pillow vaykhenda aavashyam yini varunnilla…. Anghane aliyammm kk pooriladi yude maravi maatti maatti khodukkunna oru raatriyil paathiraaikk kanyakumari yil picknick poayirunna avarude mol lucy ann + husband (preedham) + lucyude sis-in-law (preethi) + 2 kuttikal, yellavarum yaadhrissikamaayi nearathe thirichethy chernnu, pettennu...

4 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart X 5 Tims Family Christmas

The day after Christmas, Suzi, Joey, and their parents all joined us at my mansion for dinner. The three of us were incredibly nervous because we felt we needed to tell their parents about how we felt about each other. We had no idea how they were going to react, and both Joey and Suzi made it quite clear my parents and I were not to interfere in any way except verbally. There was also the matter of exchanging gifts. I knew my gift to Joey would most likely be initially refused, if not by...

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En Magan Nanban Subashai Kaamam Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, en magan vayathu aagum paiyanudan eppadi kaama uravu vaithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalaam, en peyar punitha. Indru en kaama kathaiyai intha inaiyathalathil pathivu seivathail mika magiizhchi adaikiren, enaku vayathu 44 aagugirathu. Enaku kanavan matrum oru paiyan irukiraan, en kanavan bankil velai paarkiraan naan veetil thaan irukiren. Veetu manaiviyaaga veetu velaigalai seithu kondu irukiren, sameeba kalamaaga veetil thanimaiyil...

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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 2 Fianc Worries

The words and peppy beat of the Ashley’s top hit kept going through Dave’s head over and over again as the last vestiges of sleep disappeared from his head. The song had become his favorite, and he admitted to himself that probably had to do with the fact that Ashley had made one of her whirlwind visits to the Circle for the weekend and she’d spent two of those nights in bed with him part of the time trying to see whether she could fuck his brains out. She came close, yet he rewarded her each...

2 years ago
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I want a big black dick

The title “10” black dick looking to fuck tonight, cant host, must travel to you. If this ad is up Im still looking” I opened it, and there was a pick of huge black dick. I wanted it in my ass. I replied. “cum and pound my ass, I live alone and can host” I was shaking so hard with excitement I could hardly hit send. That was it, I just invited a black man from the internet to my house to do as he pleases with me. Probably going to get killed, runs thru the back of my head…Oh, shit. 1 new...

3 years ago
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A Treat for TeacherChapter 3

Nobody said anything for at least a full minute. We all looked at each other in surprise and curiosity. Was she for real? “Come on now. This will be new for me too. I have no idea what to expect, but that’s what excites me! I’m going to get ready, and you can join me when it feels right for you!” April unbuttoned her shirt to reveal a tan lace bra underneath. Then she pulled off her jeans, exposing a matching thong. She stood there before us in her barely-there lingerie. “Mr. Jacobs, you...

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Super Heros SlutChapter 3

Peter checked out the room numbers as he walked down the hall. When he got to room 914 he wondered if the desk clerk had gotten it right. He knew that he was reasonably close to the right place because his Spider Sense was tingling enough to tell him that Kraven was close by and doing something that he shouldn't be. But room 914 didn't look like an office; it looked like the door to any other hotel room. He tried the door and was surprised when it opened under his hand. He walked into a...

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Dirty Jokes ReEdit

Introduction: Forgot some info here the better one hope you like it A guy walks into a sperm donor bank wearing a ski mask and holding a gun. He goes up to the nurse and demands her to open the sperm bank vault. She says "But sir, its just a sperm bank!", "I don't care, open it now!!!" he replies. So she opens the door to the vault and inside are all the sperm samples. The guy says "Take one of those sperm samples and drink it!", she looks at him "BUT, they are sperm samples???" , "DO IT!". So...

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My Sophomore Summer Kickoff PartyChapter 3 Alex

Alex Once Maya left, I sat there in my big comfy deck chair chatting with the rest of the group around the fire pit. All of a sudden, here comes Alex again, making herself comfortable sitting across my lap and leaning up against me saying “is this seat taken?” To be honest I was a bit surprised, and uncomfortable but hey, if she wants to sit on my lap, I’m not going to say no. I said “It was, but for you I’ll make an exception”. She said to me, in a teasing tone “So I’ve seen you sitting...

3 years ago
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My First Time Chapter 1

My First Time Chapter 1 By Sara TV Slut It was Friday night and I had just gotten home from the bar, around 11:30 P.M. There wasn't anything on TV that I wanted to watch. So as I sometimes do late at night I decided it would be a good time to let Sara out. Sara is my female persona. First I jumped into the shower then made sure I was shaved smooth from my face to my toes with just a wisp of pussy hair above my cock-clit. Next I carefully applied makeup being sure to use my...

1 year ago
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Free Greek Nude Camping pt2 eng

...The rest of the day rolled away calmly without any spicy indications.At night we lit a fire on the beach and began drinking, listen music and light conversations.Alexandra and Cleo were ‘playing’ with their dudes. The chubby lady was with a tight-lipped foreigner, while the brunette had become somewhat more effusive but nothing more.When only the sea remained to drink, everybody headed to our tents.Falling to sleep while my mind could not leave what had happened a couple of hours ago.My dick...

4 years ago
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My Hot Indian MILF Kusum

Hi readers. So I had this maid who worked at my house. She had been with us for a over a decade or so. She literally watched me grow. I was a teen at the time when one of my friends pointed out that my maid was one sexy MILF. I had never heard that word before in my life. So I googled the same and came across some images of some mature naked women. They seemed physically fit, sexually attractive and strong women, which was kind of a myth to me. I always thought that women peaked their physical...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 7 Crystal and Woody

After Tiffany and Chuck left, followed by Roberta and Jeff, Crystal gave a sigh and turned to Woody. "You wanted to talk to me. I guess you get your chance." "Don't you think we ought to at least ask them?" commented Woody, gesturing in the direction of Jane and Roger, who were standing, and just looking at each other. "No," said Jane. "It's OK." "Well, then," said Woody, smiling brightly. "Do you want to stop by your room and get your book?" "That wasn't necessary,"...

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Grown up Siblings are the Best Especially Kay

My sister Kay got up off of the couch and I was a little disappointed. The movie had had some hot sex scenes and when the plot took over I had enjoyed looking over and watching her big breasts poking spark plug tops through the thin material of her shirt that strained to control her big tits. It was just like 30 years earlier, me staring and wondering what they would taste like!Her husband had gone up to bed an hour earlier. He had had a hard day at the accounting office, while we had stripped...

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A Victorious Night

A Victorious Night This night was going to be a good one tori and jade both announced their sexual desire for each other they both decided to stay the night with each other. tori said it could happen at their house but jade disagreed stating there were to many people at her house (Trina and her parents) jade said her house would be good her parents were away and with a smile she told tori she had all the right stuff at...

1 year ago
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Don't forget to change the characters names and start the game. It'd ruin the point of the story if you don't... btw, everyone is aged over 18... Each choice you make effects what other characters think of you so keep that in mind before making drastic choices. And you might also need to get items too. For example, if you're going out, be sure to grab a condom just in case. You're also going to need a certain amount of points on a character to do a certain thing with them. For example, you're...

3 years ago
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The Morning After The First Night You Were Cuckolded

You won’t have slept well that first night; in fact if you slept at all it would have been in fits and starts. You will lie there begging for the morning light to come peeping through your curtains and when you finally drag yourself out of bed you will feel so weak that it will be as though you have had a night of battering. You will lie there in the silence listening to the thoughts that will create wave after wave of jealous pangs. The silence will be interrupted from time to time as your...

4 years ago
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Spanking for Miss

Tanya stood in the corner of Mr Davills classroom facing the wall, her hands clasped behind her back. She was wearing a blue plaid pleated skirt, a white blouse and knee high socks with black shoes. All of the students had left for the day.Mr Davill sat at his desk grading papers. He was a tall man in his early forties. He had brown cropped hair and beautiful brown eyes you could get lost in. He was wearing a black suit with a crisp white shirt and a blue and white stripped tie. Tanya thought...

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Carters Exploits Part One The One Night Stand

The all too familiar story seemed so close to Carter's life that he could've sworn that he wasn't alone. But even he knew that was, unfortunately, his existence. How he was meant to be. And he had come to like it that way. The Gothic Lounge was bustling with the spirits of those raving around it. Everyone was jumping, singing, dancing and having a good time. It was a nice sight, seeing so many people happy over his efforts. He was sure to make his money back from the renovations to this place:...

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Strangers in the Night

A fine shiver raced up Kat’s spine, and she knew it was more from the darkness that clung to the curves of the hiking trail than the autumn air that was far too cool for the Capri yoga pants and cropped tank that was her running outfit. Overhead, Spanish moss draped from the boughs of ancient trees, casting shifting shadows, and she questioned once more the intelligence of being here. The silence was broken only by the whispering step of her well-worn sandals on the dirt ground. There was not...

Straight Sex
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Ride Home

I was driving home from  where I was working as a maid for a chain of motels. It was about 11:00 pm cause I work the second shift and it was pouring down rain so there wasn't a lot of traffic out. I was about 2 miles up the street from the hotel when I felt the front of my car start to shake so I pulled off the road. Getting out in the rain, I could see that my driver side tire was flat. I got back in the car because I was getting soaked. As I sat there contemplating what I could do, a car...

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Dream Cums True

100% fiction! One day I was home alone and I felt horny, I entered my sister's room to find bras and pants lying on the floor, bit of background info on my sister, she is about 5'7 34DD's very nice. I started to get hard so I picked up one of the thongs are started sniffing it, I then went into the bathroom started to jack off using her thongs, as I was finishing I heard a car door go so I quickly finished off and looked out the window it was my sister returning home, so I put everything back...

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Who I Am Ch 03

New Readers: Each chapter builds from the previous. I highly suggest you start from chapter 1. Thank you for checking me out! Returning Readers: Thank you thank you thank you!! I appreciate your encouragement. Every single view makes my heart flutter. Please continue to vote and leave comments. It really helps me out! I hope you enjoy this! Ms. Angel Sand All copyrights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic,...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Lover Ch 4

After that night with Kevin, I thought things would be wonderful forever, I was wrong though. For the next two weeks, Kevin and I stole every moment possible together fucking, sucking, and groping each other to multiple orgasms. More than one afternoon was spent at work with my pussy still twitching randomly after my orgasm. Just like everything else, this good thing came to an end shortly after our first time together, but not in a way I would have ever guessed it would happen, leading me to...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kristen Scott The Chase

Kristen Scott sneaks up on Preston Parker and steals his remote control in a playful gesture that gets them both hot and bothered. By the time Preston catches up with Kristen, they are in the bedroom. Their mouths fuse together for passionate kisses as Preston leads Kristen to the bed and starts helping her out of her bra and sheer panties. Pulling Kristen’s underwear aside, Preston dives face first into her landing strip twat. His tongue works overtime as he fondles her clit to the tune...

1 year ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 4

Jets didn't land here often, even private ones. This was really a small field for general aviation. I saw the small jet touch down and taxi over to the terminal and me. I was standing in front of my truck leaning back against the hood. I had watched her show, "live from Birmingham," this morning. She had changed clothes. She was now wearing shorts and a blouse with sneakers. She looked lovely. When she saw me, a big smile lit her face. I walked toward her but she flew down the steps and...

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Active Duty in the Airport Hotel

This is a true story of an experience I had when I was twenty years old and in the Navy, traveling to my active duty station in Norfolk, VA.  It was 1970, and after completing basic training, I had visited my parents in Portland, OR before traveling to my active duty assignment. There weren’t as many flights available back then as there are today, so I had to stay overnight at Chicago’s O’Hare airport, and then take an early flight out to Norfolk the next morning.  Those were the only flights...

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Auntie Marilyn chapter 1

Marilyn Goodge studied herself carefully in the mirror. "Am I getting old," she musedas she stroked her face, studying her high cheekbones with the close scrutiny thatonly a very beautiful woman could do. She was still a knock-out and she knew it, itwas just that earlier on that day she had witnessed something which had shockedher profoundly and had caused her, for the first time, to wonder if she was gettingold.The voluptuous 35 year old woman had just stepped out of the tub and havingtoweled...

4 years ago
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Sins of the Father

Your father is an utter fool. Or,more accurately, WAS an utter fool. His false dreams of grandeur and power for himself and his family was his downfall and by association; yours and the rest of your family as well. The poor idiot believed he and his kin were better than those around him, which brought him many enemies, few friends and even fewer assets. However; the circumstances of birth and other accidents granted him.....

2 years ago
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Ray thought to him. Ray asked. Miahally answered, Ray added. the last one said. Ray thought to Miahally, Ray nodded as he began to push harder, changing his vibrations and energy he was finally through but the effort was exhausting, Ray managed to change the thinking of the military head to Ray being it's best friend and being ignored by others was normal. Barely just barely Ray managed to withdraw, looking at Miahally, Ray nodded yes, then wondered why he...

2 years ago
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Hot Neighbour Next Door

I am Akshat from Ahmedabad. I am 19 years old. Rather than describing about myself now, I will do that as much as we need in the context of the story at necessary parts. I have in a luxurious apartment in the city, but I am out of the city most of the times because of my studies and some work that I do in my free time. Across the hall, lives a girl with her parents, and our family-to-family relationship is good with them. About the girl, her name is Radhika and she is 18 years old, which means...

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Rash Decisions

Rash Decisions Gawaine Caldwater Ross Words 2463 My name is Walker. I play the keyboards, bass guitar and sing for our world music band, No More Hate. We have two percussionists, three guitarists and a female lead singer. Our debut album went platinum, and after that we were all rich. We’ve been together about 8 years now. We all bought adjacent property on the Oregon coast, this made it very easy to jam. I’m 35, and I love having fresh groupies every night. However, I was finding it less...

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Shared with a strangerpart 3

Shared With A Stranger- Part 3(From Part 2)I awaken and find myself alone, I have no idea what time it is or where Sir is. I sit up to see him sitting in a chair across the room just smiling at me.“Good morning baby girl.”“Morning Sir?”“Yes baby girl, morning. You were sleeping too hard and I didn’t want to wake you. You worked hard last night. I am very proud of you.” He comes over and sits on the edge of the bed and gives me a gentle kiss.“Now let’s get you dressed and I’ll take you home to...

4 years ago
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Susan is Complete

Like most of us, my cross dressing started with wearing pantyhose. This is a true story. My older sister (she was 14 and I was 9) would wear them to school (private school with uniforms) everyday. She started to notice that I would stare at her legs when she wore them. To this day I don't know why, but she would tease me trying hard for her not to be obvious about it, letting her skirt hike up to the point where I could see her reinforced band of the pantyhose, clicking her heels on and off...

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Grains of SandChapter 12

Leaving from town was a minor affair, when all was said and done. The tribe had spread up and down the great valley and onto the mountains on either side. As they headed west, they observed crisscrossing the mountains the trails of shepherds and their herds of sheep and goats. As the mountains gave way to the coastal plain, the agronomist stations and experimental farms fanned out before them before they descended downward. The bright blue of the Great Sea was on the horizon, looking more...

3 years ago
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Sometimes They Come To you

Sixteen inches. Sixteen fucking inches. Sixteen goddamned pussy-punishing inches. You can’t imagine how frustrating it is to have to deal with that. Trying to find a man that measures a foot and four inches when you can scarcely find two men of those epic proportions. And with proportions like mine, you’d think I could tame any man, no matter how big his dick was. 38FF cup tits, a slim 26-inch waist, and luscious 36-inch hips are just a start to awesome arsenal I present to the eye. My own eyes...

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