TandraChapter 65 free porn video

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Some new soldiers were to be given some very basic training and sent back to let the rest know of how they were treated and what marvels they saw. The governments would question them, but very little could be found out. This would take a few weeks to accomplish.

The Tandra and others that were awoken, started to help the rest integrate into the new society they were forming. The Earth base became full once again, as any and all of the teaching machines were used to educate and train the ever growing population. The only way it could remain this way was the use of the military shields around the ships doing the massive job of ferrying people.

Charlie and Paul were recalled for another refit of their ship. They had unofficially named the vessel 'Uncle Henry'. Lam and their mother were on hand as they settled into the main hanger in the moon base.

The young men walked down the ramp in their officer's uniforms and basked in the unconscious praise of their mother. Even Lam liked what she saw. The boys looked at the women and saw that they had undergone further time in the tanks, for each looked just old enough to be their younger sisters.

Doris hugged the boys that stood quite a bit over her height. This necessitated them to bend over to allow her to do this. She marvelled at how handsome each looked and wondered at how the girls must chase them till she remembered and shut off her mind.

The boys did catch the thought and were a little sad, but were used to the sentiment. They looked down and saw a grav unit filled with babies and more babies.

Paul, asked Lam, "I see your family has grown." Taking up one of the beautiful children, he said, "They don't even look like Duc though. By the way where is the dad?"

"He is at the academy teaching the boys about humans. He is always busy now. If he is not gardening, he is teaching his boys all they can absorb. If that is not enough he is at the school doing all he can to keep them alive if they have to fight the Samutz."

Paul handed Charlie the baby, while he picked up another for himself. He looked on the newborn sized child and saw just how beautiful they were. It would be so nice to have our own family he thought.

They had not eaten yet and they all went to the communal apartment to have a home made meal. The boys were surprised to see a few women working in the improvised kitchen preparing the food. On closer examination the boys saw that something was wrong but could not really put their finger on it.

Doris was following the boys' thoughts, and said, "These girls are not Human or Tandra but Dolson, in as close to their tongue as we can get. They were on the Samutz ships and would have a grisly end, but for the work of your father and Mr. Buchanan. They can't seem to learn with a tutor, so they are taught individually. They are not as fast as the rest of the races, but do know how to cook. Lam wanted to see what she could do, and so far they have done well looking after the children and preparing the meals. They aren't servants, but just people staying with us and giving us a hand as we try to help them."

The boys were introduced and it looked like the Dolson girls would run and hide, except they had no real place to hide in. The babies in the males' arms did help a little and calmed some fears, but not all of them.

Duc got back soon after the meeting with ten shadows following him. He apologized for being detained and asked about their last mission.

"It was the same as the others, except when the ships came in. We didn't know if they were here to attack or join us. I have to tell you that it was a relief to hear them transmit the deactivation code for the mines."

Moesha, Kimberly, Michelle, Clarice and Dog came in first laughing out loud and being chased by Moth, Cloud, Kitty and finally Topaz. They saw the young men and ran to them for a hug and a kiss from their favourite brothers.

They all ate around a large table and Charlie asked about the food.

Duc answered first, and said, "There are literally mountains of food on the Earth in silos and even caves. From rice, wheat, to butter, cheese and meat. We got very favourable terms when we bought tonnes and tonnes of the produce. Much was being left to rot, because it could not be sold at a high enough price. To give it away, we were told, would just bankrupt the farmers in any particular region trying to make a meagre living from the land. To sell it cheap would drop the price of it, till their own farmers could not survive on the price. Since it is not going back to Earth, it can be picked up very inexpensively."

"Where did all the money come from to buy this food?" Charlie asked.

"Your father and Mr. Buchanan have almost 1.3 billion American dollars. I will explain later how they acquired it. The last 300 million they got when Lieutenant Meech sold some of the gold that was thrown outside when the Tandra were digging up silicates for use in their transmitter. It was sitting in the Earth base for a while with a lot of platinum. The Tandra have little use for it."

Charlie looked around the long table after the amazing disclosure. There were babies and children of all ages sitting around it, not to mention the Dolson women at the far end. All of this was possible because of the Tandra and the efforts of his father and Uncle Henry. There was not much that the Earth money could actually buy that he did not have in plenty just now.

After six hours of leave, both young men were ordered to report to medical for some tests and a few minor enhancements. They came out a few hours later and met William Meech.

Meech said, "I looked at the records and saw how you guys were ready to take on both of those monsters out there. Not everybody I knew before meeting the Tandra, would have even attempted to do that."

Paul answered first, and said, "Thanks for mentioning it, but after the training it was a lot easier to do. Also, all we had was on Earth. If they got by, then they might not have been stopped by the automatics."

"I know about the training. It is a lot easier to make decisions now and not difficult to stick with them no matter what the consequences. Very few people I knew before could do such a thing."

Charlie said, "True. What brings you here now?"

"Mom wanted to run some tests and get a few minor improvements done now that I have more responsibilities."

"The same with us. I just want to get the rest of the hull covered and get back out there. It is quite a feeling to captain a ship like the Uncle Henry."

"Uncle Henry?"

"Ya, sort of a nick name we haven't had time to name her properly. Besides, I think the boss will have something to say about the name even if it wasn't his on the hull."

"I don't know if I'd like mine on a ship, even if it was unofficial, but your uncle doesn't strike me as a stuffed shirt."

"No, he isn't. Dad goes drinking with him a lot of times and both seem to resent authority without a sense of humour. I don't know how long he would be able to hold his temper with some of the things that were happening on Earth. I guess being the Cap, then the Captain, makes him one of the big boys now."

The conversation changed as Meech left for his appointment in medical. Paul and Charlie talked till they got to the large cafeteria. They got some beer and fried wontons while quizzing Mom about all the different kinds of aliens. They got Mom's observations and found most of them were like Humans and like Humans had many failings. The Vauntu were not to be trusted after the fighting stopped. The rest were honest in their dealings, but were too meek to fight the Samutz the way Humans would. The Dolson hid in a far corner while they ate and looking around all the time for somebody that might attack them.

A short hairy person called a Softay, about a metre high, was new to Mom. She had no information in her archives and had to go from what she observed. She was able to get some data from the mighty ships orbiting the Earth. The T'aut were a meek race too and had a reptilian ancestry. All had been featured, one time each, in Mom's TV shows. Other races had their own time on the show. Their characteristics were given and it was easy to see that they would be of little help in any conflict.

One other race was not mentioned yet. When the Nautilus was completely empty and with a much better AI it was able to find 143 Maca. They looked like a teddy bear with long black hair and four fingered hands with a prehensile thumb. They had come on board twenty years ago with a load of Softay. It was assumed by the Samutz crew that the Maca were children, but they turned out to be pets that were smarter than an ape but less than a Human. They were released into the ventilation system and lived by robbing food from the crew or operating the food dispensers that were throughout the ship. Many times the Samutz thought them destroyed but they had managed to keep hidden long enough to multiply again.

The Maca were back as pets of the Softay and even the Dolson children were not afraid of them. In any case, every living creature now wore a crystal to boost communication and allow the computer to find them if needed. For some reason, none of the men found this to be an invasion of their privacy or their rights.

Paul and Charlie got a call from Mom, "Will you boys take your ship to the Nautilus. Bay 33f5b has the remainder of your hull plates and engines. Admiral Buchanan sent back quite a few crystals and wants one now fitted to the ship."

"Sure, Mom." They raced off like boys. The thoughts of having a fully functional ship was the stuff dreams were made of. Having an AI to talk to was orders of magnitude better, almost like having Mom around all the time to talk to.

The light destroyer was small at only 600,000 tonnes and mere 430 metres in length. When compared to the Nautilus, she was just a minnow, but a well built minnow. After querying the Nautilus, a beacon and directions were added to help find the correct bay. The hatch was wide enough, to let the ship pass easily into the almost empty work area. At least a hundred techs were ready to start work and this surprised Charlie for that many techs meant a high priority for this job when so little were available.

As soon as the ship settled into a cradle formed by the Nautilus, the techs jumped on the shield with tools and waited for the shield to disappear. With an almost inaudible sound the ship quieted and the operation began. Diagnostic units went over the hull and into the openings. The computer meshed with that of the Nautilus and any and all of the problems that plagued the ship were looked at for remedial action.

There was very little that the crew could do and the Nautilus seemed to beckon each of them. With a last few orders to the computer, all of the crew left the ship and wondered through the giant battleship.

Techs and crew scurried, some appeared and disappeared as the matter transmitters took them to undisclosed destinations. Charlie and Paul entered their identities into the computer and got permission to enter the bridge. In one respect it was a let down, for there was only a few techs and automated machines working on some of the displays and controls. There was no security or bridge crew, but with a computer and AI of the size Mom said, it would be useless to rely on just biologicals.

Charlie wistfully ran his hand over the Captain's chair and closed his eyes at what the view must be. His hand strayed over one of the many sensors and a vision came into his mind of what he wished for. He steered the gaze as he would on his own ship and viewed the Earth. He was lucky, for the area over his old home was clear and bright, though night and cloud cover would not diminish the view very much. North Bay, and Lake Nipissing came into view. The lake was mostly frozen over and some fishermen were in their huts and fishing through the ice. The city roads were clear of freshly fallen snow, as was his old neighbourhood.

The house he lived in for the last few years had its driveway and walk cleared as his father had made a deal with a neighbour. The view shifted as he saw his father's business and the clear area, as one of his dad's friends took care of the business while he was away. Downtown, his mother's dress shop was closed, but down the street, Duc and Lam's old store was neatly shovelled.

The local schools had some students going to a store he frequented when he was younger and he remembered the layout of the store as if he worked in there all his life. Thinking of his youth, he headed south to Barrie and his old home there and his early schools. One building was where he first met Paul. They were not friends then and only knew one another by sight. The movie theatre caught his eye, remembering his fun times, watching all the science fiction, and adventure shows that came along. An accident at the other end of town caught his eye and he saw the bar where he and Paul had been beaten not that many years ago. Zooming in closer he could see the same bartender shovelling the snow around the back door before he opened. It would be so nice to go back there now that he and Paul were strong and quick. The fight would end the same way with the gang on the floor holding their bleeding bodies.

With a shake, he pulled himself together. It was one thing as a Human to dream of a payback like that, but another as an officer entrusted with the protection of Earth and every life on it.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and opened his eyes to see Paul's kind smile. "It is good that you didn't want revenge. Perhaps there is some hope for Humans after all. I believe as Uncle Henry does that Humans are only a few short steps above animals."

"It feels good to know that I could do it if necessary though. I still see them punching and kicking you till you bled and I thought you were going to die."

"It is over Charlie," he said with a calm voice and his arms around his lover. "It will never happen again."

Charlie smiled and in a moment said, "I doubt if it could. Not with a big strong brute of a man like you to protect me."

Paul and Charlie checked more of the sensors, displays and controls. They compared them to their own little ship. His mind flashed to Earth and compared his destroyer to the Enterprise and knew his little ship was 6 times more massive and almost a hundred metres longer. The Uncle Henry was many times wider and even taller, to accommodate all that the Tandra engineers wanted to put into her hull. The destroyer was loaded with armaments and a large dimensional tap. There was very little wasted space and the ship had millions of years to be developed, even before the Earth was discovered, by the Tandra.

Thinking of the wet navy ship again, Charlie visualized the vessel and the computer spotted it in a second, sailing at night in the Pacific. Through the Tandra satellites he saw fighters now and again taking off or landing, as they went about their duties. A white luminescent wake marked where they had been. He felt happy for them to be so close to their loved ones and sad that they could not be on the Uncle Henry with us when the ship left on its next mission.

Paul looked at what Charlie was seeing but kept a close eye on their ship too. Many of the hull plates were on the deck and repair work was carried on within. The stern section was completely laid bare and one of the original engines was being removed. Paul interrupted Charlie and pointed this fact to him.

Charlie accessed the computer and found the AI present. A strangely masculine voice replied, "There have been some minor improvements since those engines were made. It is best if all three are a matched set and this requires all of them to be replaced. Heavier power conductors are also being installed so that Captain Ching can go out as soon as possible."

Charlie was so startled that he spoke aloud again, "I am the Captain of that ship." Thinking hard he tried to think of a reason for Mom, or Mom and the two new AIs, to find him lacking in his duties. He lived, breathed, and slept, thinking of how to make the tiny ship do as best it could to protect all that he loved.

Regaining his composure a little, he asked, "Mom, why am..." When no reply came, he said, "Nautilus, will you sync my communicator so I can speak to Mom?"

"Yes, Captain Shingle."

"Mom, Do you have a minute for me please?"

"Hello, Charlie," came the kind matronly voice. "I see that you are upset about me transferring both of you. It is necessary. Captain Ching had your blessings when you trained him on your ship. Your report said that he would make a very good officer, his crew of Chinese officers ratings, would work even harder knowing that one of them, was at the helm." "Yes, I did Mom. But I love that wreck and don't want to leave her."

"You have only been the captain for a little over three months now and there are so many other jobs that need to be done. You are young and need to be given challenges that will make you grow. I have been doing my own assessment, and think both of you make one of the best teams I have ever met, and that includes all the Tandra that this base has ever had."

Charlie and Paul stopped to think on that. They had spent so much time learning and training that they had sacrificed much of the time that they could have spent together.

Both said, "Thank you," but Charlie continued with, "what will you have us do then," thinking of a job recruiting or training new recruits of different races? Somebody had to do it and there were only so many jobs that were as demanding as captain. It was best if these jobs were shared so that the system was protected the best it could be. There were a lot of two person fighters that could be flown. Not as nice, but not shabby, when you come to think of it. At least they would be close to Earth and the moon more, for the ships were for close in support.

Mom had been reading their minds, and said, "The fighters are not for you. They are intended for the new recruits. Both of you show great strength in training. The Chinese, Russians, and the Americans think a lot of you. I was thinking of placing you in one of two possible posts."

"Where are they, Mom?"

"The first would keep you home. You would be head of the academy, over viewing all of the training, being a role model for the recruits, and remain on the moon."

The job was certainly tempting. The academy would grow to eventually handle millions of recruits the coming few years and this was a very critical time for a steady hand to guide them. "That is an important job Mom and I would be proud to take it, but what is the other job? Is there one in space?"

"This other job is very similar to the other posting. It will in fact require even more of your time and commitment in training the recruits. Your mother will see you even less than she had in the past. The chances of time together is even less I am afraid."

"We are not afraid of work Mom. If it takes a bit longer till we have time for ourselves, then it is a small price to pay for getting our planet ready to defend itself."

"Where is this post Mom?"

"I need you to remain a captain Charlie and I think Paul should also remain a commander and your executive officer. The post is actually on the screen behind you if you want it?"

The young men turned and looked at the giant display. There were many ships clustered around the un-named carrier. One was a cruiser that was even larger than Uncle Henry. "Which one Mom? There are a few."

"The largest one Charlie."

Charlie was happy once again. The cruiser had a different mix of weapons and was even a little faster than that the Uncle Henry, even when it would be fully operational. The cruiser took off and then so did the other small ships. The view did not change and in fact got even closer. The gigantic bays were open to view and they could see Tandra cadets working on a small fighter.

"You don't mean the carrier, do you?" He said incredulously.

"Yes Charlie, the type of dedication you have shown warrants the posting. I am quite sure, you will enjoy it and we will both benefit from your choice. I know you never wanted a job with regular hours, but wanted little excitement. Why don't you go back to your old ship and say goodbye to your crew and take a shuttle over to your new one?"

The young men forgot all the protocol they were supposed to go through and just held one another. They could still not believe what had happened. Charlie saw the rough layout of the ship, the possible 500,000 crew and the enormous number of officers that would be depending on both of them. Even now he had to include Paul, for a job like this required more hours than there were in a day.

During the winter they had ploughed. In the rest of the year they drilled and broke up rock, or anything else a family business needed to do to stay alive. Now, after only joining the Tandra and Uncle Henry he was a Captain for a second time and of a ship that was one of the most powerful ever made. With galvanized missiles ordinance and small ships to deliver them, the ship might actually be the most powerful.

Charlie felt that he was not capable of handling such a massive commitment. The load would be horrendous even when it was spread among all the officers. He ran through the rules and routines that the Tandra found necessary in the millions of years of developing a command structure and a sort of peace came over him. The training he got from all the machines of one shape or another had given him an education, that with a few exceptions, was second to none. And as he had abandoned his revenge on his old enemies, he saw his duty, and the Tandra knowledge to carry on.

The men left the room with their minds still confused, even with all the augmentation that had been given them.

Within the barest fraction of a second, Mom asked the entity aboard the Nautilus and the one aboard the carrier if they were satisfied with the choices made.

The masculine voice from the Nautilus said, "The Humans are very young with hardly any training. Tandra children have more training than that when they finish at the academy. I am concerned that they may break under pressure and fail our small fleet when we are attacked."

The carrier, in a different, but still masculine voice said, "That is true. I think my job will be more difficult when I have to train them even more than the usual Tandra officers. If the Samutz give us enough time I think it can be accomplished. The Humans are driven much harder than the Tandra and this can lead to mistakes. With the majority of the bridge crew being Tandra, a mix will form what I hope will be an optimum choice."

Mom replied, "I believe that both of you will act the same. Each of you was programmed with a Human component as well as a Tandra element. This way the empire might come back, but even better for all of us."

Paul and Charlie walked slowly the last few steps and were not fully recovered when they got to the destroyer. Coming into the bay they saw the exposed ribs and even more techs working on the ship. Ching was with some of his countrymen and two large Americans watching how the ship was being repaired.

Charlie asked Mom, "Does Ching know he is to command the Uncle Henry?"

"No. There will be a formal procedure in the future, but now there are too few of us to warrant this. You may tell him if you wish. I know he will like it when it comes from both of you."

"Thank you Mom. Then we can do it right."

As they walked up to the group of men the later stood and saluted in the Tandra fashion. It was one of the things ingrained into the training and seemed to be working well, even if it were not needed in such a small crew.

"Sir, the ship is getting much more attention than I believed possible. Do you know the reason why?"

"I do, Lieutenant Ching. It seems that there will be a crew change and the new captain will need all of the performance he can get out of the hull. Your commander and I have been re-posted. Replacements will be notified within moments. I am going to miss being with all of you."

Same as Tandra
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Thanks for reading this story on me and my sister. It was great to write an erotic story. Please vote and comment for better story's and more. The rest is just to fill the characters. AaasssassaaAsasadaraaasasasasaasasasasasasaasadadadsassadsaadsaddaaassassassassassasssaaaaaaaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAaaaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

4 years ago
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How I Get Addicted To My Brother8217s Cock 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, this is Nivedhitha . my family and friends call me nivi. Here I am going to tell you the true incident how I and my mother addicted to my brother’s stinky cock. First let me tell about my family. We are 4 people. My father(anand),my mother(kavi priya), brother(raghu) and me. We are a orthodox tamil Brahmin family. Me and my mom were good in shape and structure. We both look alike except my mom has huge boobs of size 38 well I have 32. My father is working as a bank manager in Delhi...

3 years ago
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Cassies Daughgter IISummer Camp

CASSIE'S DAUGHTER II-SUMMER CAMP Teresa Radford was sitting at the vanity in her room at Grey House, the Bed and Breakfast that her mother Cassie owned in the small Midwest town of Middleton. Sitting at a vanity was one thing out of many that two years ago she had never dreamed she'd be doing. For example, she had just finished brushing and arranging her long, down to the middle of her back, jet black hair. She was applying her makeup, including a bright red lipstick, and she was...

4 years ago
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Helen Space SlaveChapter 20 Caught

Hugo came back during that night and went off to bed in his own room without waking Helen, who was sleeping in her own room, dreaming of Hugo's prick filling her so full that her skin was splitting apart down her sides. Hugo was up very early and reviewed his messages, making a mental note that he needed to 'phone Andrew to make sure he was only joking with Helen when he appeared to accept that she was some sort of deputy for Hugo during their call. This thought was banished from his mind...

3 years ago
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Stay Another Day

I want to give a big thanks to the editor of this story, a very clever and patient lady called Bella Mariposa. Where this reads fluently and clearly, it is down to her. The rubbish bits are all my own doing. I was thirty nine when I first stopped feeling young. I was sitting at a table in a pub watching a striking young woman I called Cat – a stranger until this day – walk to the bar to buy me a pint of Guinness. We had just played a game of pool and she had lost a wager for a drink. Cat, or...

2 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 7 Unwanted Advances

Brianna was standing off to the side of the teleport pads, waiting for Calix’s and Heather’s return. The pads were in the center of a large hex-shaped area, separated from the rest of the base with three-meter-tall walls or dividers painted an unnerving shade of gray. She sighed as she looked up into the fading darkness of oblivion. She could see the walls of the cavern above her, but it faded into darkness before her eyes could make out the roof. She was a little disappointed at being made...

3 years ago
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Sometimes Its Just Not Worth It Ch 03

Authors preface: Everything I wrote about in the previous two chapters actually happened to some degree or other, some minor details may have been slightly exaggerated, but nothing major. As years progress, life gives us different perspectives on things, we grow, experience things and mature in different ways, I always intended to revisit this story a few years after the original but never 11 years! I’m kind of glad, it’s given me real perspective on both sides of things, I’ve been on both...

3 years ago
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Sex With Neighbour Uncles8217s Daughter

Yeh story jab mera 10th complete hua tabhi exitment ke mare mai 11th ka sara books kharid diya. Sab toh jante v hoge hin ki jab hum books kharid lete hai parents ka pressure aur bhi badh jata hai ki padho padho karke. Mera halat kuch yesa hin tha sabhi force karte the. Mai eek din bahana banaya ki eyye sab mujhe nehi samjh mai ata kyu ki higher lvl hai so papa hamare ghar ke paas eek uncle rehte the wo uncle or papa bahot hin ache friend the toh papa ne unse baat kiye toh wo suggest kiye ki...

2 years ago
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Helping My brother

"You're shittin me." I thought there was a punch line in there from my big brother."I wish," and he cast his eyes down. "Don't know why I'm telling you this but you can't share this with a soul. Sara, I don't know who to go to. It's embarrassing. Sue does NOT want to have sex with me anymore."I did not know what to say. I mean Nick is just 31, how could this be? A good looking guy. I began thinking about Suzanne and there was always something a little cold fishy about her and I can't say we...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Khloe Kapri American Hardcore Appointment

At Hands On Hardcore dirty sex is what we do best. Blonde newcomer Khloe Kapri debuts on DDF when she spreads her legs and opens both sets of lips for hunky real estate agent Tyler Steel in an incredible boy-girl performance that is sure to relieve the tension in your balls. The naughty little nympho has an appointment to see a flat, but what she really wants is to get fucked. And this all-American hottie always gets what she wants. See the temptress get on her knees to unwrap his package and...

4 years ago
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Hijabi Tour Guide

Ever since I was young I always wanted to take a trip to Saudi Arabia. The middle-east always fascinated me. I took a plane to Saudi and met my tour guide at the airport. I had no prior knowledge of who my tour guide was to be but my expectations were of a man with considerable knowledge of the land. As I walked out of the plane I saw one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. She wore a black jilbab with a black hijab and black sunglasses. She had fair skin and nice lips. To my luck she...

2 years ago
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Rendevous In Her YouHoo

I have this thought of meeting you in a cabin. Somewhere a little ways out so that it would be hard to spot from any road but easy enough to run to town if needed. I would have arrived around 6am, put some coffee on and then sat on the front veranda/porch to drink it under a blanket as the sun comes up. The air crisp and clean, with snow lightly dusting the ground the night before, had warmed up this morning. I sit looking around, taking in the scenery and the birds. Seeing the colors of the...

1 year ago
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Sis Sits for Coma Bro part 1

Note : This is story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! My brother Donny broke his legs 4 months ago in a car accident. He also sprained his back bad enough so he was left bed ridden for six months. He is 17 and was very proud to get his license, seeing it took him 5 tries to get it. Obviously he still didn’t know how to drive very well. It was him who caused the accident. He ran into a station wagon killing an entire family. Don was trapped in his car with his injuries...

3 years ago
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Chance meeting with my ex part 3

This time it’s slow. Those first few seconds when you wake up and you don’t know where you are and which way is up. That all ends when I move my hands a little and I feel Nancy’s breasts. We fell asleep the same way as we did the night before only apparently, during the night my hands cupped her breasts. For a few minutes I do nothing but enjoy the position I’m in. Nice hotel, gorgeous woman in my arms and two nights in a row of amazing sex. Nancy is still sleeping soundly. “I’ll soon change...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Desi Scat Story 8211 Nikita My Goddess

Nikita shouted “kuthe kidhar hey tu?”, I crawled up to hall where my goddess was watching tv”I was doing dishes in the kitchen” I said. “Muje susu aa rahi hei” she said and stood up parting her legs. I knew what to do, I went to her on my knees and removed her panties as she was wearing a skirt and then sealed my lips around her pussy. She started pissing in my mouth and I started gulping down her liquid like mountain dew. Once she was done I licked her clean and put her panty back on. “Moot...

4 years ago
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Timeless LoveChapter 2

Cynara stepped out of the room and followed the little maid down the hall that she had followed Charles up earlier. The maid was a pretty girl, if not painfully shy. She seemed to be about Cynara's age, and had brunette hair, which was in direct contrast to the pale blonde of Cynara's. Charles had introduced the maid as Jasmine when he had come back a couple of hours later with clothes for her to wear. He had left her alone in a fancy room, with the orders to rest until dinner. How he...

4 years ago
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Just A Tiny Spark

I hadn’t seen her before, and like always when meeting someone I wasn’t familiar with, I became tongue-tied. Though today, for some unfathomable reason, my awkward shyness was even worse. I had decided to come first thing in the morning before the big rush to the library started, but that meant that we were the only two people here and there was no crowd to hide in. Her green eyes roamed up and down the stack of computer books I had placed on the counter from behind sophisticated, dark rimmed...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Fucking My Sexy Maami

Hi everyone,, I am Abhinav from Lucknow. I have average looks&I’m 19 years old. My height is 5″9 with a muscular body. I have a 7.5″dick always ready for girls. I am a regular ISS reader but this one is my first story here. So please don’t mind the mistakes. This story is about how i fucked my fuckawesome Maami(my maternal aunt). Since i was just 12 years old, i had a crush on her. She has not a perfect slim figure but you can say she is so fuckin’sexy. In my opinion she’s the sexiest blonde...

2 years ago
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BangBus Evelyn Payne Fucking Evelyn Hard

Evelyn Payne was walking to her friends house when the bus approached her. The guys did their usual chat up. $100 for an interview. $300 to see her tits. Evelyn liked them. There was a yellow car following her and she felt safer with the boys. Quickly she jumped into the bus. A little but more cash to strip all the way naked. Then Peter Green undressed so she would feel more comfortable. And wow. Peter’s dick was huge. She liked that. In no time she was sucking it, deep throating it, licking...

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Just Molly and Me and her Cute Daughters Three

Introduction: Molly and her 3 daughters move in next to Harry, he beds them ass He was sitting at my computer surfing the web when he heard what sounded like his backyard gate shutting, since he couldnt think of any reason any one would be in his yard he got up to take a look. There, standing by his pool were three little girls. The house next door to his had recently sold. Hed seen the family move in two days ago. There was an adult woman and three children, he didnt see any men except the...

4 years ago
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Sister in Law II

I caught one bad review of my original story and it was probably deserved. The story is true but I changed and shortened it in case the sister in law in question read the story. As I thought about it the chances of that are nil to none so I am including more details to making it as close to real as I can remember :   My wife of many years, Karen had decided that sex was no longer something that she wanted to do. I wasn’t ready to give up on it yet and every girl I saw started to look better...

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Ted and I

My name is Samantha Jackson and this is the story of how my brother and I share a very special relationship, one that is filled wiht love, friendship and sex. Yes sex, my brother and I have been on and off again lovers throughout our lives since I was 14, he was 16. I am a single mom of a gorgous, wonderful daughter. Her dad has been out of our life and gone from my heart since she was one month old. Since then I have only dated a few men very briefly. Untill, I met this wonderful, amazing...

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Sheela And Her Sexual Urges

Hello fellows, I am Sheela, a 53 years old widow with strong sexual urges. I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an Indian man, while my mother was a British woman. I married the man I loved with all my heart and soul, but he, unfortunately, passed away. Together, we made 6 babies before my husband’s untimely demise. As of now, I am a mother of 16 children (all mine, none adopted). But with yoga and gym, I have managed to keep myself in shape. I was doing the laundry one fine morning when I...

2 years ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Alyssa Cole Briana Banks 22481

An easy way for broke college students to make money: steal the answers to all assignments, quizzes and tests from Professor Briana Banks’s classroom, then sell them to all the students taking her classes! That’s the idea Chad White and Alyssa Cole have, and it seems to be working out perfectly…until Professor Banks walks in and catches them red-handed! Where she once trusted Alyssa with the keys to her classroom, she’s now about to go to the dean. Unless! There’s always a catch. Professor...

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Summer Storm

“Why couldn't you have brought a fucking car that had good air conditioning?” my sister complained. “You know damn well why, I wasn't about to rent a luxury Cadillac just to haul your dumb ass around the desert.” I was a little annoyed myself because as mightily as the AC in my car strained, it wasn't keeping the blistering August heat at bay. I was as irritable as my sister. We rolled over the crest of a large hill and the entire western sky was black with storm clouds. We were...

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WildOnCam Britt Blair Naughty Hot Britt Blair Rides All Over His Cock

Welcome young and wild hottie Britt Blair to the studio. Britt is fierce and ready to get down and nasty with Jay Romero. Jay comes in wearing a cowboy hat but soon it is Britt that is being the cowgirl riding on Jays hard cock while grinding her pussy all the way down to the balls. She takes the hat and manages to look extra hot with those gorgeous blue eyes staring at you while Jay pummels her from behind. How much would you love to stick your cock down her throat to make her gag on it? Britt...

4 years ago
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Not My Sisters KeeperChapter 9

Looking back in retrospect, I guess that I had become somewhat dependent on Mister Jolly because he seemed to be around when I needed some support. The fact that he was almost old enough to be my father wasn't important any longer because he had proven he could deliver the goods of a much younger man and with a great degree of experienced skill. It was something that was important to me in a way that the excitement of some younger lad simply could not fill. I was sorely tempted to share...

3 years ago
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The Presidential Secret

The Presidential Secret By Gigi Julianne Langworth is the first woman president of the United States. It all happened very suddenly. It was about two in the morning, local time and 30,000 feet over the Atlantic flying from Paris on Air Force Two when Langworth was awoken from her nap. "Madam Vice-President, uh, we have bad news," whispered the secret service agent, "We just confirmed that President Hunt is dead of heart attack." Julianne's eyes opened in shock. Jason Hunt was a...

2 years ago
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PenthouseGold Jessica Ryan Paige Owens Lesbian Romp For Bi Stepmom

Sultry redhead Jessica Ryan is the sort of stepmom that wet dreams are made of, and in this luscious lesbian Penthouse romp the seductive starlet seduces her sexy stepdaughter Paige Owens. Expertly licking the blonde babe’s clit while fingerfucking her juicy pussy, this naughty nymphet can’t get enough of her delightful moans. Kissing and caressing each other’s pert titties, this hot duo are soon ready to take on a huge vibrator together, both enjoying loud and intense orgasms...

2 years ago
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Last Tango in Texas

New neighbors; you just never know what you’re going to get! I didn’t know my neighbors to the west very well. The husband was a consultant of some sort in the Cayman Islands. He and his wife spent most the year there, only coming “home” for holidays. I never learned what happened to them, but in March, a For Sale sign went up and the house sold in about two months. The housing market here in Beaumont, Texas is pretty lively. The next thing I knew, there was a moving van in the street and...

4 years ago
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Disaster ReliefChapter 6

I normally consider eavesdroppers to be the scum of the earth. I put people who listen into and tape other's telephone conversations without permission in the same scumbag. I felt guilty for listening, but it helped put my life in perspective. From the tone of her voice, I could see that Jennifer was in conflict. I also realized that she had someone in her life whom she had strong feelings for. I assumed that our encounters had been a sexual release effort in her troubled life. I closed a...

3 years ago
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I turned Matt into a Cuck

Before I got married, I admit that I was quite a slut. There's nothing wrong with that, of course. I love sex and I'm not afraid to go and get it. I always enjoyed it in all its forms. And I loved to find kinky guys to be with. I have tried a lot of different things, like being tied down, or blindfolded, or forced to submit. I also like, however, to be in charge. To make the person I’m with submit, to demand things of them. In fact, I never got wetter than when a lover did my bidding. Sure,...

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167 lending library of folk 1

167 lending library of folk 1Rob and Jean Harlow had been invited to dine with the friends they had met while on the holiday cruise a month before, they had found Mary and Jim to be fun and perhaps had let their hair down and their guard, letting slip that they having no relatives left had no ties to speak of. Rob had had a bit of a thing for Mary, and had come close to getting her to bed, which as a slightly overweight male of 50 odd it had been a big boost to his morale. Jean however was less...

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Cousin Needs A Hand Part 8211 1

So, I’ve been a reader here for a few years and have enjoyed the stories people post. Most times, I think the guys are a bit full of themselves with their stories of 8-inch dicks. Frankly, the Indian average is quite a bit less than that  But whatever, if you look past that, it’s great personal experiences. If you’d like to give me feedback or just say hey, drop me a line at I live in Bangalore right now, not that that’s relevant to the story. This happened a good 10 years ago. I was 26 at...

2 years ago
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Beths ArmChapter 18

Two days later, after a several hours of sitting at his desk and trying to put the puzzle together, to see at least what pieces were missing, Alexander Beall revisited Mansfield Clagett's home. After the usual discussions of the changeable weather and the price of tobacco, Beall moved the talk to his purpose. "Mr. Clagett," he said, "I'm still trying to figure out who killed Lem and his wife and boy. It just gnaws at me." "Now you know I think it was savages, Indians that done snuck...

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Maggies Dark Side Chapter 2

Maggie and I were sitting around one Saturday doing nothing, as the grandparents had taken the kids for the weekend and wouldn't be bringing them back until late Sunday night. It was early afternoon and I was having a cold beer and Maggie was having a rum and coke. We had had a couple, so were in a pretty good mood, when the phone rang. Maggie got up and went to answer it. She came back in a little while and told me that it was a friend of ours, Tony, who had been up with Ken about a week...

3 years ago
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House Hunting with a BBW

It was time to move. I had come into some money from good investments and inheriting some money I decided an upgrade was in order. SO I went to a local Realtor and made an appointment to talk to somebody about finding the perfect place. The receptionist gave me a date for the next day with a woman named Jennifer. When I arrived at the office the receptionist showed me into the office and showed me to an office and told me to have a seat and Jennifer would be with me shortly. It was not...

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Domes Early LightChapter 10

Sam Hopkins and I started out on our search for his brother Tony. Since we had no idea how long the trip was going to take, we had a single pack mule along with us. This mule was trained to follow without a lead rope, so she was very easy to get along with. We rode to the place where we had spotted the three sets of tracks leading off into the who-knows-where and began our pursuit. Most of the time the tracks were clear and easy to follow, but a few times, Sam had to work on following the...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 38

BROCK “Loose!” I roared, and a hundred siege engines released at once, sending great boulders into the air. Those that were launched from the trebuchets tumbled as they arced, those that were launched from the catapults flew unspinning upon a line-drive path. The trebuchet boulders rained into Mid Fort, and the catapult boulders smashed into its walls, caving in the final few lengths of its eastern-facing side, revealing the inner sanctum, the citadel, and the high tower. Debris blasted in...

2 years ago
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My roommate dominated me

This is my first time writing a story so please excuse my styleIt is a true and recent story between me and my girlfriend and female roommateLet me start my story by explaining my situation, I'm going to school now so I'm living away from home, I also have a female roommate around my age who is pretty hot... Now this sounds like a guys fantasy to be living with a hot girl but it gets awkward since I have a girlfriend who happens to be here all the time!Anyway me and my roommate never did...

3 years ago
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Just an OldFashioned Romance

Introduction: This story is intended to be a modern romance with a kinky twist. For the romance, I’ve worked hard to provide sympathetic characters, an interesting story, and, of course, a happy ending. For the kink, I’ve provided BDSM, non-consent, incest, anal, minor scat, exhibitionism, implied gay, mature, interracial, and group. Please let me know if I succeeded with either the romance or the kink. Or, best of all, if I succeeded in blending them together. My first scene was inspired by...

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