FidèleChapter 41 free porn video

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“Luke?” she whispered.

“What time is it?” he whispered back, his head throbbing. Not from an alcohol-induced hangover — they hadn’t even opened a bottle last night — but an emotional one.

“Time for this,” she murmured, kissing her way down his chest until her lips met his cock. It was unusual for her to wake him before she began fellating him, and curiosity eventually pried his tear-glued eyelids open. It was light out, but only just. Power still hadn’t returned, and the apartment was a little chillier than usual. Well, I know one way to keep warm, he said to himself, leaning back and concentrating on the waves of pleasure emanating from his expanding manhood.

The exhaustion of a long day of sex, and an even longer night with less sex but more difficult emotions than either of them would have preferred, sent them back into each other’s arms for a few more hours of sleep. When they finally stirred, the power was back on. Luke stared across the room at the microwave clock blinking its never-changing noon. If only those numbers could shape reality. We could stay like this forever.

He sighed, hugging her closer. She responded, though still without words.

Four days.

Neither of them seemed to be able to talk to each other. They shared breakfast, a shower during which he devoured her sex through several orgasms, and a through-the-window survey of the exterior damage. A number of branches had fallen, and the first of the season’s autumn leaves were scattered around what had previously been a pristine lawn, but otherwise the storm’s fury seemed to have been more audiovisual than physical.

“I need to check on the house and the pool.” Her voice was flat and emotionless.

“I’ll take a look at the boat and the beach,” he offered.

“Thank you,” she responded, taking his hand and squeezing it once before letting go. It was a cool, almost distancing gesture, as if she couldn’t bring herself to reopen her badly wounded heart. “I also have to make a few calls, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Lawn service?”

“Among others.”

“Ah.” He didn’t have to ask who “others” included.

“Everything okay?” he asked as she trudged up the stairs.

“One umbrella knocked over and some tree litter in the pool. The flowerbeds have looked better. You?”

“The beach is a bit of a mess; I guess the wind ended up blowing in our direction. Everything else looked fine.”

“That’s good.” She glanced at him before returning her sullen gaze to the floor. “I would’ve waited until after the weekend to clean up the mess, but given that B ... well, anyway, I had to schedule the lawn service and the pool cleaner over the next few days. Sorry.”

“I understand. It’s no different than having to put the wine away before I leave. I guess we’ll just have to be quiet and keep some emergency clothes nearby.”

For the first time in a while, he saw the faintest hint of a smile on her face. “I guess we will, unless you want me to generate some new story material.” Suddenly, she rushed into his arms, gluing herself to him as if she’d never let him go. “I’m so sorry about yesterday.”

“I fail to see how you did anything requiring an apology, and even if you did, you more than made up for it with everything else. It’s too bad that our last attempt to explore submission ended that way.”


“No. I think, given everything else we’re going through, it’s too emotionally fraught. Especially after what you told me last night.”

When she kissed him, he realized she was crying again. “You’re right, we shouldn’t. I’m just ... sad.”

“I know. Me too.”

“What can we do to stop being sad?”

“I don’t think we can. Which means there’s only one thing we can do.”

With a tear-streaked smile, she began shedding her clothes.

There was, for the rest of the day and well into the night, no stretch longer than five minutes without them at least touching each other. With the exception of dinner, there was no stretch longer than thirty minutes during which they weren’t engaged in some sort of sexual contact, every moment of it orchestrated by her. Though it wasn’t obvious to him until later, she was carefully managing the pace of his orgasms so that he never reached a point of collapse or exhaustion, all the while driving herself into an orgiastic frenzy during which he suspected she was attempting to set a personal record for cumulative climaxes. By the time sleep finally took him, they’d revisited absolutely everything they’d ever done together, often considerably more than once. And when he finally succumbed, it was with her still slowly riding his shockingly resilient erection. What happened next he never learned, though he was fully aware of the single obsessive thought that chased him into and tortured his dreams.

Three days.

Wednesday began and proceeded much like Tuesday, at least until mid-afternoon. With a mysterious smile and a refusal to offer any explanation, Kathryn disappeared for a little while, forcing Luke to distract himself with emails until he heard the guesthouse door open. To his surprise, she didn’t come upstairs but walked straight into the cellar. When she finally reappeared, she was toting a pair of baskets. “Put some clothes on, grab these, and follow me,” she playfully demanded. Moments later, they were crossing the branch-strewn lawn. His heart started to race, and his vision blurred.

He knew where they were headed.

It wasn’t a precise reconstruction of their first lakeside picnic — the many ways their poolside adventure had deviated from the original demonstrated the folly of such attempts — but rather a sort of bookend. As the season had changed from summer to fall, so had the cheeses. And this time, she was making him guess the identity of the wines.

“Do you actually remember what we drank all those weeks ago?”

“Of course: Brun ‘Terres Dorées’ Brouilly and Chidaine Montlouis-sur-Loire Clos Habert.” Without verifying his answer, she produced a foil-wrapped bottle and poured him a taste. “So now I have to put on a show for you?” he mock-complained. “What am I, a performing seal?”

“Can I make you do absolutely anything I want?”


“Then you’re a performing seal,” she smirked. “Dance for me, wine boy.”

“No problem, Wendy,” he mumbled while trying to analyze the wine’s color. The dim grey light of a blustery day — eerily reminiscent of the first time they’d visited the rock — made it difficult, but by the time his glass was empty he was brimming with confidence. “It’s still Chidaine, but it’s riper and sweeter, so it has to be the Les Bournais. Young, though the exact vintage would be no more than a random guess, as by now you own the last four.”

“And the red?” she asked, handing him a second glass of pale, burnished wine with a faded outer rim.

“Well, if it’s another Brouilly, it’s definitely not the same bottling. It’s pretty old, and...” After a few minutes of brow-furrowing analysis, he held out his glass for another taste. “Assuming this came from your cellar, and not from some secret fool-the-sommelier stash, there’s only one thing it can be, and so my guess amounts to cheating: 1998 Chamonard Morgon Le Clos de Lys.”

“Cheating or not, that’s still sexy as hell.”

“Not as sexy as when you do almost as well with absolutely no formal training. But will I perhaps be rewarded for the brilliance of my sexy-as-hell insight?”

“You know, since you don’t have to exert the slightest effort to get laid anymore — if anything, you’d have to exert more effort to pry me off your dick — I really should come up with a more meaningful reward system. But yes, your correct guesses will receive compensatory sexual favors. Now, relax and enjoy while we still can.” She peered at the low-hanging, fast-moving clouds. “I don’t think the weather’s done being metaphorical with us yet.”

She backed herself into his chest, balancing the cheese platter on her thighs. Instead of letting him serve himself, she periodically offered him morsels of bread and cheese, refilling their glasses whenever the need arose. “The first time we were here, eating and drinking almost exactly like this, did you ever imagine we’d end up doing everything we’ve done? That we’d fall in love with each other?”

“It’s difficult for me to know anymore. I think you may be conflating events, though. The first time we were here I tentatively put my arm around your shoulders, and you not only didn’t resist, you leaned against me. The second time was when you made me spread my legs so you could nestle between them, like you’re doing now. You chose that moment to explain you were tactile, which I certainly think you’ve more than proven.”

With a sexy giggle, she acknowledged, “I guess I have. But the first visit is the one we’re paying tribute to, right? The one with chenin, gamay, and cheese, I mean.”


“And the second was late-night Champagne.”

“That’s right. I also remember you telling me to stop worrying about my erection, which of course made me worry about it the entire time.”

“Not that you’ll be surprised to hear this,” she admitted, “but once I felt it pressing into my back, I was horny for the rest of the night. In fact, when I got home I quietly snuck into my office and took care of myself a few times before going to bed. And I might as well share another secret: I came pretty close to giving you a grossly premature handjob right then and there.”

“Why didn’t you? Wait, never mind, I know why you didn’t. Your husband was home.”

“Well, there was that, yes. Back then I still held to my rule about not having sex with you while Bill was around, even though I was already having a lot of sex with you in my imagination. But even if I’d been of a mind to break the rule that very night, it wouldn’t have happened because I wasn’t drunk enough to stop it from going farther.”

“You’re going to have to walk me through that leap, because I’m pretty sure I don’t follow.”

“The night after the charity ball — the night I made my big but manifestly unwise move into your pajamas — I was altered enough to make you come and then drunkenly weave home without worrying about my own satisfaction. If I’d touched you ... intimately, I mean ... the night we were here, I would’ve demanded that you return the favor. But I was not ready for that. Not ready enough, anyway. And for the record, I’d like to point out that you’ve once again evaded my question.”

“I have, probably because given everything that’s happened since, it’s hard for me to remember what was real and what was all in my head. Did I know we’d fall in love? I was already in love with you, of course. As for how you felt about me, or whether or not our relationship was ever going to turn physical, that was my period of peak confusion. In retrospect, it’s obvious that you were sending out a blizzard of mixed signals, and it would’ve been impossible for me to interpret them coherently or correctly. At the time, at least for me, it was more about the nexus of my desire, my caution, and my guilt. You were driving me insane, and I simply had no idea what to do about it, or what you wanted me to do about it.”

“I know I was, and I’m sorry. For what it’s worth, I was just as crazed. The difference was that I had an externally imposed structure that, at least for a little while, stayed my hand. Literally, that is,” she laughed, “until the night it didn’t.”

“So let me turn the question around. What did you think was going to happen?”

“I was still trying to deny the plain and obvious truth. Still fooling myself into thinking that I had things under control, even though everything I was feeling, saying, and doing indicated otherwise. That first week and a half — and I still can’t believe that’s how little time it took for all this to start — blurs together for me as well, but by the time we careened over the cliff I’d done pretty much everything except rip my clothes off and beg you to fuck me. All the sexual innuendo on the boat and elsewhere, constantly finding reasons to touch you, even though I knew exactly what it was doing to you — and to me, too — sneaking off for a romantic night of Champagne and moonlight while my husband was sleeping off his jet lag, interrogating you about your sex life, lounging around the pool in a bikini so small I might as well have been naked, encouraging you to go beat off because I couldn’t stop staring at your cock and I was growing increasingly desperate for it ... like I said, I was acting like a complete whore, with the sole exception of the one thing a whore’s ostensibly there to do. So the answer to your question, my love, is that I absolutely ‘knew’ we were going to have sex — the realization that we were in love took a little longer — but I would’ve denied it if you or anyone else had asked, and I would’ve have fooled myself into believing that I meant it. Like I said,” she added, punctuating her coda with a lusty swallow of the Montlouis and taking up her glass of Morgon, “I was in denial.”

“Do you ever wonder if we waited too long? In retrospect, it all seems so inevitable.”

“Not really. I know why you’re asking, especially now, but earlier would’ve been too soon. As it was, I almost screwed everything up by acting rashly. That night was like a perfect storm of motivation and opportunity: I was angry at my husband, I was dolled up and worked up, I’d been flirting relentlessly with you even though I wouldn’t have called it that, I was drunk, and you weren’t just available, you were obviously desperate for something to happen. You remember my story about losing control after the sculpture class, right? Well, that night was the moment I lost control with you. And then, the very next day, it happened again, with only your own restraint standing between what we did and complete capitulation. Since I returned from my panicked mini-vacation, it’s never stopped happening. Which is part of why I’ve been so willing and eager to cede control to you, because it’s clear that when we’re together, I’m no longer capable of it. I can control our sexual choreography, but I can’t control us.”

He tensed at the reminder of the previous night’s difficulties. She obviously felt it, as she twisted around to refill both his glasses and feed him a few more pieces of cheese. “Anyway, I don’t regret not getting together earlier. Those weren’t days and nights we could’ve managed without prematurely imploding. I’ve sometimes regretted the times when the intensity of our relationship stole hours, or even whole days, from us, but after last night I don’t anymore. Nor should you.”

“It’s hard not to,” he groused.

“I know, but listen carefully and tell me if I’m not right. Wall-to-wall sex isn’t a relationship. It’s not love, either. We’ve come as close as two people can to that exact kind of sexual excess, but though there’s been hurt, pain, and anger along the way, if we hadn’t experienced those things — the bad alongside the good — none of this would matter. It wouldn’t be real. You tell me over and over that you love me, with words and gestures and sometimes even silence, but the reason I know it’s true is that you can hurt me and I still love you just as much as I did before. Sometimes even more.”

To Luke, it seemed that the myriad and impenetrable grays of his horizon were inexorably darkening. If there’s been a theme running through the entirety of our relationship, that’s it right there. That love means I can hurt her. That I am hurting her by the very act of loving her. Wendy tried and failed to make me hear the words, and it took me a truly unfortunate amount of time to understand what they mean. But even after everything that’s happened, I still don’t know what to do with that knowledge. Am I supposed to keep on hurting her, or am I supposed to find a way to stop? I know I can’t stop loving her, and I guess that means I’ll never stop hurting her in all the ways she’s explained that I am, but I don’t see how I can keep on doing both unless we’re together. How can I go on hurting her if the entirety of our future is measured in days? Isn’t that the way to make it stop, just like she’s been saying all along?

Kathryn sat up again, scanning the sky. After a while, she stood and held out her hand. Though she spoke no words, he knew what she was asking. What she was initiating. Shaking off his grim hopelessness, he rewrapped the cheese and secured it on the bench while she did the same with the rest of the wine.

She drew close and kissed him, her eyes speaking silently to his of the intensity of her love, then started removing layers of his clothing. With fumbling fingers, he did the same to her until they were both naked. It was cool and breezy enough that he felt the approach of goosebumps — especially when she lowered him to the table-shaped portion of the rock formation, and the cold, unyielding hardness of the stone seeped into his bones — but then she began warming him in her own inimitable way, and all thoughts of any temperatures other than their own were forgotten.

Her lips traveled all over his body, paying lavish homage to realms she rarely visited and places her mouth hardly seemed to leave anymore. But their final destination was never in doubt, and by the time they reached it, he was painfully erect. At first, her oral attentions were a tease — a kiss, a lick, a lusty inhalation of his masculinity — but her hunger escalated until both hands were working his staff alongside her sucking mouth, never taking him to the root, but instead trying to pleasure the entirety of his shaft and his balls at once. It was a treatment he couldn’t resist for long, and when he finally poured his cream into her mouth and she greedily swallowed it down, it was more than just needed relief from the enormous pressure — not all of it sexual — that had been building in his heart and his loins. It was a tribute to, and a reward for, her love. Even more than her infinite skill.

The wind picked up, churning the lake’s surface into whitecaps and causing branches to wave back and forth. Leaves weakened by the previous night’s tempest gave up their hold on life and swirled away to join their fallen brethren.

Cradling his head between her hands, she slid up his body until her sex was positioned directly above his mouth. He made love to her dripping entrance, drinking her sensuous essence and feasting on her overheated sex, probing and caressing until she exploded, doing it again and again while she writhed and wailed and came, covering his face with her arousal.

The wind shifted, racing across the turbulent lake to steal its cooling humidity, buffeting a pair of lovers lost in an erotic universe that contracted towards singularity with every passing moment.

Rising up on her knees and shuffling backward, she bent down to offer a benedictive kiss, reached between her legs, and directed his cock into her depths, grinding and rolling her hips and crying out her pleasure. Her nipples drew roadmaps of desire across his chest. Her pace increased until she was pounding herself onto his impaling rod. Throwing her head back, hair whipping wildly about in the wind and the fury of their lust, she bellowed her climax, retracing the paths her nipples had forged with fingernails that scraped and abraded his flesh; claws dragging him to the edge of a cliff that released the animal and the pain within.

The wind howled back at her, at first mimicking and mocking, then desperate to surpass she whose pleasure pierced and turned back nature’s roar. Their writhing bodies were baptized by the spray from a surging wave as it crashed into the shoreline.

Gripping her buttocks, he reared upward and reversed their positions, just barely managing to cushion her head with his palm as he slammed her into the unforgiving rock. Her eyes spoke of nothing except raw sexual hunger, her lips wrestled with his, her legs widened and wrapped around his lower back to urge him to thrust harder, to thrust deeper, to take and possess and fuck her until she belonged to no one but him.

Raindrops battered his back. Wind-whipped leaves briefly abraded his flesh before swirling back towards the sky. Trees flung their razored fingers at him, stinging and lashing his skin. Nature fell harder and faster, scolding and punishing and then, when it made no difference at all to their furious coupling, showering them in resentful celebration. Kathryn screamed in continuous climax as the skies flailed in a futile and failed attempt to drown her passion. Luke dragged her to the end of the rock and stood, bending her legs back and hammering her cunt, giving in to a raw, atavistic, primal need to conquer beyond recourse.

The heavens drenched them with tears, wailing with desire and loss, howling in pain and ecstasy. Weeping without respite for a love beyond the cruelty of time. For a union that would last forever, yet might never again be.

“I think this would be a good time to overdose on vitamins,” she said through chattering teeth as they huddled in a fortress of blankets, cradling steaming cups of tea. Though their naked bodies were pressed tightly together, neither was yet warm enough to provide radiant comfort for the other.

“I agree. And I’m starting to think the tea should’ve come after a hot shower.”

“Better yet, a hot bath.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Though you might want to bring the tea.”

“Not the bourbon?”

“No, because once I’m warmed up I intend to make further use of you, and bourbon’s only going to get in the way.”

“Understood,” he acknowledged with an eager grin as he followed her into the bathroom.

Once again — though it was, in part, a decision made easier by how much they’d consumed before the storm arrived — they skipped wine with dinner. Having expended their fiercest energies in the heart of the tempest, they made slow, romantic love straight through the night and well into the morning.

Two days.

It was his final thought as he submitted to the seduction of Morpheus only hours earlier, and it was his first thought as Kathryn finished swallowing his load and his post-orgasmic heart rate slowed to a more normal pace. She’d woken him up and voraciously attacked his rod, but once she’d taken him right to the precipice, she held him there, teasing and edging him for nearly an hour until his balls ached. Her reward — multiple mouthfuls of ejaculate — seemed to temporarily sate her ravenous hunger, and she patted his chest and told him to rest while she showered.

Two days, he repeated, misery compressing his chest. Through the windows glowed a healing sun rising up through a bright blue sky. He hated both for being full of an optimism he was no longer capable of feeling. What was it that Sevinay said? Leave something unfinished, for tomorrow will arrive whether or not I remain to see it? It would be wise advice, were what I’m leaving unfinished anything other than our love.

They fought it as long as they could, but by the time lunch was over and they were entering their fourth or fifth hour of seemingly tireless rutting, their overwhelming sadness finally crushed the last of their resistance in its pitiless grip. For the rest of the afternoon they made love, rested, fucked, and rested again in a haze of tears, desperately reaffirming their love in word and deed, but finding less and less hope within their declarations. For the first time all week, she lost control over his climaxes. Eventually, he collapsed, exhausted and spent, pleading for some time to recover.

Dinner came and dinner went, they pushed themselves beyond all previous limits until there was no more darkness left to the night, and they slept on a pillow soaked with their despair.

One day.

Wide awake despite the early hour and so little sleep, Luke stared at Kathryn. Her eyes were as haunted as his. Her hand was wrapped around his manhood in preparation for their usual morning ritual, but he was neither erect nor aroused, and she was making no attempt to change either of those conditions. Instead, she stared back at him, bereft of words and devoid of life.

This can’t be it, he berated himself. We have so little time, yet here we are succumbing to the inertia of grief. But no one has stood still more often or more stubbornly than I have, and if it’s the only recompense I can make, this is the time to make it. If this is our last day together, this emptiness can’t be where we spend it. If today is all we have left, then I refuse to waste it. Not like this. Flinging her to her back, he buried his face between her thighs. She came within fifteen seconds of his tongue meeting her clit. And again, less than a minute later. He realized that all her tragic vulnerability came with an unexpected side effect: the entirety of her flesh was a raw, exposed nerve. I wonder if the same is true for me? Knowing her, I’ll find out sooner or later.

Scores of deafening climaxes later, Kathryn forcefully shoved his head away from her sex and clamped her legs together, silently begging for respite. I’ve never done that to her before, he mused, wondering if it was only the emotion of the moment, a new plateau in their connection, or a majestic horizon that would, in a matter of hours, no longer exist. She was murmuring incoherently, waving her hands at the empty air. He watched her flail and grasp at ephemera as a few tears escaped her tightly closed eyes.

They were the last tears he’d see her shed.

“You should pack.”

“I don’t...”

“No. Pack now. If not now, when?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then you’ll end up spending the final hours of our beautiful journey doing something neither of us wants you to do. Is that how you want to leave? In a panicked rush to stuff your last few belongings into a suitcase? Do it now. Do it before it becomes impossible. Do it so we can spend every beautiful moment together, without interruption, until there are no more moments to spend.”

“You keep calling it the end.”

“Everything has an end, my love. But there’s always a tomorrow, and one way or another we’ll see it together.”

“I don’t understand how you can call anything about this beautiful.”

“Because, my love,” she said, caressing his cheek, “everything about us is beautiful. And whether or not we cry or feel pain doesn’t change that. Not in the least.”

There was a preternatural calmness to Kathryn’s demeanor, as if she was taking on the full weight of their emotional burdens, burying it in a deep, quiet place so she could shepherd their waning hours with love and infinite care. He was deeply grateful, for every atom of his being was at war with itself, but the more he struggled and lashed out, the more generous and protective she became. He remembered Irina praising her skill as a caregiver, and wondered if this was yet another side of her that he’d never seen. I’ve only ever known her as the brilliant, vivacious, romantic, wicked, and sexually indomitable woman I love. Is this the maternal instinct so unfairly torn from her all those years ago? She’s comforting me because I’m no longer capable of controlling myself or my emotions, and she doesn’t want to experience these moments through an impenetrable veil of tears. She’s given me everything but the future, yet she’s somehow still strong enough to give me this.

He tried to steel himself, but there were piles of rubble around his heart that he knew would take more strength than he possessed to clear. I have to get hold of myself. The cost of her effort must be unimaginable, yet all I’m doing is taking. I have to summon the courage to do better ... if not for me, then for her. But where, other than her, can I possibly find that sort of courage?

“I...” Good start.

“Shhhh.” She kissed him for a very long time. Not to escalate, but to assure and affirm. “Finish packing. I’ll help.”

“You knew?”

“Of course I did.”

“You can’t possibly...”

“You’re right, I don’t. But I will. It’s something a woman does for the man she loves.”

Despite the relentless and thunderous orgasms to which they’d treated each other over the past few hours, he was restless and on edge, unable to remain still in their postcoital embrace, yet unwilling to leave her side. Once again she took the initiative to heal his open wounds, rolling away and pulling him from the bed.

“Put on some clothes — or don’t; it doesn’t matter unless the lawn folks are here, which it doesn’t sound like they are — and go for a walk. The air in here is thick, and not just with all the fluids we’ve released into it this week. Go and clear your head, or you’ll be no good to me later. I’ll be waiting when you get back.” The easy smile on her face, the lighthearted teasing — as if nothing at all about this day was different from any other — were incomprehensible to him. Yet he perceived no guile. Only openness, compassion, and love.

Unable to answer, unable to contradict, unable to do anything but cling to what was no longer there and fleeing farther away with every moment, he dug through his suitcase, threw on some unused workout clothes, and departed the apartment.

Same as Fidèle
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After a strange flash of light my senses slowly started coming back to me. Everything felt off. My head felt like it had extra weight pulling my down from the back. I shook my head and the weight shifted around. Did my hair grow longer? Was this some kind of prank? Those little brats had better not of glued some fucking wig to my head while I was passed out or I'll... No, something else wasn't right. I could still barely open my eyes so I brought both my hands to my face and gave the...

2 years ago
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Learning CurveChapter 8

Ellie Wong was watching the late night news when Alena came into the apartment. "So, how'd your date go?" she inquired as she peeled a banana that was turning brown. "It was okay," Alena replied as she kicked off her shoes and plopped down in the only other chair in the room beside the couch where Ellie was sprawled, her mouth half full of banana. "You get laid?" "Is that really any of your business?" Alena said trying to avoid any discussion of her "date." "I hope you did,"...

3 years ago
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StrandedChapter 4

Miri stared for a moment at the wood paneling of the small room they were in. Only seconds before, they were stepping through a doorway on Crossroads. "Okay, that was weird," she exclaimed. Thinking of the strange twisting sensation in her stomach, she turned to her brother. "Did it feel that way the first time?" He nodded and then shrugged. "I was pretty much out of it at the time, but that felt like I remembered it." Looking down at the instruction sheet Tasha gave him, he motioned...

1 year ago
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Photographic MemoryChapter 12

We stayed at the beach for the rest of the afternoon, swapping stories and sunblock. Okay, so I applied most of the sunblock, and the twins told most of the stories. I took everything they said with a grain of salt, but even if some of it was true, the two of them were unstoppable forces. I just kept listening. By the time we ran from the water for the third or fourth time we'd all had enough of the heat, and Steph decreed that it was time to go back home and get ready for the evening at...

2 years ago
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University Life First Ch 12

Kainene did not think she had ever danced as hard or well as she danced that night. Maybe it was a result of the kiss she had shared with Rufus but she was certainly on fire. Siobhan said as much. ‘Whoa, tiger! Where have you been hiding? You truly saved everything for the last day and by jove, is it all paying off.’ Kainene grinned at her as she wiped some sweat off her brow. She only had one more dance to go and there was an interlude now. Two other sets of dancers in which she was not a...

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Tucks American Road Trip The Agony The Ecstasy

Part One — The Agony & The EcstasyBradley Tucker ‘Tuck’ Grayson was scurrying about his apartment getting ready for his wedding. His long time best friend and Best Man, ‘Bimbo’ Billy Bryson, had just arrived from picking up the bride-to-be’s suitcases for the honeymoon and was squeezing Tuck’s one measly banged up bag into the trunk of Tuck’s car with all of Prissy’s bags. After closing the trunk Bimbo looked at the freshly washed and waxed black car and thought how much fun it would be when he...

Straight Sex
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Making Yasmin Talk

Making Yasmin TalkIt began in the basement of Security Headquarters. A single tip-off and, under the hot blaze of powerful lamps, a woman was being made to talk?‘Who was the girl??’ the uniformed figure of Colonel Mehmet Behadri, Chief of Internal Security, asked quietly, ‘the name please??’ The naked, middle-aged woman strapped to the seatless metal chair didn’t respond. Her head lolled, mouth open so that saliva dribbled onto her heaving chest. To her torturers gathered eagerly round the...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 15

I decided to give Keith plenty of time to regain his erection, after all I didn't want him going off half cocked. Leaving him to recover on the bed, I threw on a dressing gown and made my way to the bathroom. I was oozing again; I needed a sponge down. With all this exercise, surely I was losing some weight. I stepped on to the scales and dared to look. Brilliant, I'd lost eight pounds. I was delighted. The trouble with weight gain and loss though, is that the last place the fat goes to is...

1 year ago
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According to Chelsea

"According to Chelsea" c.2023 Flyover State. "Bro, these girls, man..." "What happened this time?" I asked, knowing where it was going. "She gave me her number, but never answered or texted back," my best friend Cody answered. I was used to this complaint, I'd heard it many times before, and would likely hear it again. "You met this chick while she was working," I told him, according to his own story. Cody was 23, and still a virgin. He had no confidence issues, and he wasn't...

2 years ago
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I was sold into apprenticeship at the age of four. My master was a knight commander of the order of the Golden Knights. They protected caravans and towns and fought battles and evil. By the age of ten I was very good with the blade and the bow. By fourteen I was a master of both and by sixteen none in the order could best me. I was still an apprentice and served my master. I brought him food and made his bed and put up his tent. I cared for his horse and his equipment and tended to all his...

4 years ago
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A Very Provocative and Loving Marriage Part 6

Michael was going crazy waiting at home and imagining what Michelle might be doing right at that moment. It had been over an hour since she had sent the text and his mind was filled with erotic images of her and Brandon. He had already had a couple of beers and even smoked a joint yet he felt like, instead, he had drunk five cups of black coffee. When Michelle left the house he became hard and even now he was still that way. He tried to somehow relax but inside he knew that she could walk in...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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The game changer 3 Shopping CCTV more

I for one did not want to move, her little plug has got me hard, and I wanted to enter that tight hole. But it was too late she was up and off to get ready. She's probably using this to get an expensive phone.....and it's working. We jumped in the car and drove off. She was jumping with excitement in the front seat for a new phone, I couldn't help but smile. "Daddy what phone you getting me" She began to rub my crotch. "Haha, you'll see when we get there. Nothing too expensive...

3 years ago
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Wife lets me eat Cum

I came home from work today to find my sexy wife laying in bed with wet panties on as I got closer to her I could see white cum all over her thighs. I knew right away that she had been fucking someone right before I got home she knew that I couldn’t resist sucking cum out of her well used pussy. She reached down and removed her panties and offered them to me I stuck them up to my nose and smelled the fresh cum that had leaked out of her pussy and ass and had been trapped in her panties.I took...

4 years ago
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OSL Morris CampChapter 5 Conversations

-- NOVEMBER 6 -- "Balcony?" I suggested as Nick and I met up outside the staff cabin. "We'd better hurry, though. The sun is dropping fast." Indeed, Daylight Savings had ended on October 30, and the sun had been setting around 5pm ever since. We had just enough time to hike out there, enjoy the view, and then get back by 5:30pm chow time. Nick checked his watch and nodded to me. He then stepped off the porch and took two steps before turning around and looking back for me. "You gonna...

2 years ago
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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 3

I wondered if she counted as my first virgin, while I wound down and slowed to a halt. She was so sexual, perhaps she didn’t. I felt pretty sure another girl would have needed more time, and just generally more looking after, and perhaps eating or something, to be ready for my size. “OOooh that was so right,” she beamed up at me. “It was,” I smiled back. I worked my arms under her and rolled us over so she was on top, still impaled, legs astraddle, feeling gorgeous. She lay her head on my...

4 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 51 Panic at a Pickup

School was out for until after the New Year so for the next few days, Jason, Jessica, and I spent time relaxing with our planned companions. Ashley, Lenore, and I recreated our first morning in the treehouse one day, and affirmed that we definitely wanted to stay together. The biggest surprise came on Christmas day. We had all gathered at the Robert's home for a small feast. Jessica showed up with Milli and Kathy. Our friends were smiling and laughing when they arrived. "Some good news?"...

2 years ago
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Adult Arcade Leads to Motel

I was at a conference in Columbus some years back, staying overnight for a couple of nights at a motel. Unfortunately, the motel’s wireless internet was not working, so I was left with no means of private “entertainment.” I had passed an adult bookstore a ways up the street, so I decided to stop by to watch some videos in the arcade. I had not done so in some time, and I approached the prospect with trepidation. Thoughts went through my mind … what if someone saw me, what if my car broke down...

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WildOnCam Dani Blu Adorable And Feisty Dani Blu Knows How To Suck Cock LIVE

Petite hottie Dani Blu has a workout planned for this wild show. Do you want to see her peel down those workout shorts so you can admire her sexy toned ass and perky little tits? Just give her a minute and she will be doing much more than that sucking on Robby Echos hard cock! She loves giving blowjobs getting all sloppy on that dick. Robby found himself in pussy heaven as it seems he does not want to stop eating that pussy! Who would blame him with this sexy spinner to devour. Dani’s...

4 years ago
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New Technology and the Government

New Technology and Government F/MThis story is set in the future in the United States. However, it could happen anyplace in the world with the new changes in technology and governments.In the future, cameras will be everywhere. With the new video technology, you are now able to see the person you are talking to. Even our cars have cameras in them. Wireless Internet is now in every home. Everywhere you have a computer or phone or cell phone; there is a microphone and camera that is attached...

2 years ago
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The Coffee Shop Couple

Some days do not go as planned. Sometimes this can be a good thing. What had been planned as an orderly and mundane, but busy day, transpired very differently. I was at work and had planned to leave at about 6:00 to do some late night shopping. It was about four in the afternoon when I got a reminder email that my local coffee shop, which serves absolutely divine coffee, was having a Christmas party. I had previously said I would be attending. Christina is the young lass who manages the...

2 years ago
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Nancy and the Boss

Nancy and the BossByJohn TagliaferroPART ONEMorning With The Kneelers?Oh, yum, good morning Little Mister,? Sarah said with a moan as she woke to her husband deep inside her wetness, ?hope you are not too close, I am just getting warmed up.??Ah, Miss Sarah, you sounded in full fury during your vocal dream only a few moments ago,? Edward responded with a powerful thrust.?Really now?  I don’t remember,? she feigned ignorance of her vivid reliving of a swap session the couple had just a few weeks...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Scarlett Baby Nicols An Immaculate MILF Threesome

When our stud shows up at Scarletts fancy mansion, he thinks he has it made. The incredibly sexy MILF is ready to show him the time of his life with her juicy pussy and incredible DSLs. But this guy does not realize how much fun she has planned for him. Scarlett blindfolds him and brings her sizzling MILF friend Baby Nicols into the fold. She sucks his cock, making the guys toes curl before he realizes that he is in the middle of the threesome of his life! Then, the chicks bend over and let...

4 years ago
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Should A FatherInLaw Be Seduced 8211 Part 2

As I was about to enter, I decided not to. I closed the door and went and slept on the sofa. The next morning my son Aarav came and woke me up. Aarav: Papa, why are you sleeping here and not in your room? I was still sleepy and immediately remembered what had happened last night. The sight of Ria in that sexy nighty came to my mind. I felt an immediate sensation in my penis as I was lost in the thoughts of Ria. Aarav: Papa, what happened? Ria: Yes, papa, what happened last night? I was a bit...

1 year ago
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A Call to Cum Home

I was at this hopping frat party, and was just about to bang this hot chick when I got a drunken txt from my sister. Grt homee now! Now Becky normally gets on my case about my txt speech so I knew right away something was up. I walked in to the living room to the sight of my mother passed out on the sofa wearing only a thin bright yellow summer dress and plain white panties. I could see her panties because sitting next to her, my drunken naked sister was trying to pull them off. This sight...

1 year ago
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Cum for the first time

Well I was just 18 when I met them I was waiting for my bus to take me to meet my mate and they was waiting at the same stop one of them ask me the time and we got talking from there we got on the same bus and the girls told me they was Tracy and Kay Tracy had short blonde hair was one that did all the talking she was a nice looking girl and her breast was standing out from under her jumper she told me she was 18 Kay had black hair smaller breast and she also said she was 18 soon to be 19 we...

First Time
3 years ago
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Sex With Sexy Ex Girlfriend

Hello Readers, Here I come with another great sexperience of mine. Am James 35 years from Mumbai and working in a reputed IT Co in Navi Mumbai. Now coming to the story pinky (name changed) of girlfriend has a structure to die for 36-32-36 she is having wonderful pair of boobs and butts we were in a relationship from collage days she was 2 yrs junior to me that time. Though we had a breakup due to some reason and go married to our respective spouses, We never got in contact these years though we...

4 years ago
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Thirsty Sister 8211 Part I

Hello friends, Rinku once again with a new story. This is the 23rd story on this site. Hope you all enjoy it very much. I would like to give heartiest thanks for comments and guidance to all my readers and fans. Once again I am going to narrate a story from girl’s feeling. This is also a real story happened in Raipur (Chatishgarh). Once again I want to inform all my readers that I am male and 32 yrs. Old. Every time when I wrote story form female’s words I got many mails from readers and they...

3 years ago
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My sister and Me Part 2 Conclusion

I woke up to half light in the room from the dawn. I could feel my sister lying in my arms. I was half turned towards her with my arm under her neck. She had her left arm over my stomach holding me by the waist while she slept. I didn’t wear any shirt to sleep and I could feel her bare nipples rubbing against me. They were hard and warm and I enjoyed feeling them rubbing me. She had apparently pulled her teddy up above her breasts to expose her nipples while I slept. I turned further to face...

1 year ago
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Becoming The Favorite II Henry is Horny

Introduction: Big brother finds himself addicted to the charms of little sister…and gets caught Hi, my name is Henry Harrington. Im a Sophomore in college and I have two sexy younger sisters named Emma and Elizabeth, we call her Lizzy for short. Emma is 18 and Lizzy is 16. This is my story of how things in my life went from normal to orgasmic in the blink of an eye, and then a certain complication threatened it all. I always tried to be a good big brother and look out for my sisters, but I...

3 years ago
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Changes In Life And Outlooks 8211 Exciting

This story is completely fictional. Let me tell about myself. I am Alan John. I am aged 22, living In Kerala. The story here is my fictional fantasy. Anyone, male or female, preferably from Kerala interested to chat with me can mail me. Those who liked the story should give me their feedbacks. Mail me at Boys, put yourself in the place of me and my sweet ladies you can have any of the two roles and enjoy. This is a sex story but told in a decent manner. Hope it will be interesting and it is...

2 years ago
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Passionate Sex With Stranger

Hello Friends, My Name is Amit, 31yrs, married guy from Mumbai. I would like to share my real life incident that happened to me recently where I fucked a stranger to both our satisfaction. I am a fair and good looking guy who has always enjoyed the female attention. Also, me, by nature, being a private person helps as women friends always share their secrets and fantasies with me and I ensure that I keep all of this a secret. The story is about (Asha), slim, fair, in excellent shape, good...

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A Different Curse

This is my first story. Please let me know if you like this format. Please remember to vote and to leave a comment. Julie Naha was 28 years old and was 5’7′. She had dark brown hair that was long and framed her face. She had brown eyes, a small nose, and medium lips. Her body wasn’t too muscular but she was fit because of her activities. Her breast was a 32B, a firm stomach area, and legs that were somewhat firm. Julie loved to do many things. She loved to hang out with her friends. She also...

4 years ago
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I take a deep drag of my ‘cigarette’, have a large gulp of tea. Then exhale. The sound of the vibrations of my phone on the wooden bench are familiar. A sound I subconsciously wait for. I pick up my phone and a message reads: ‘I’m coming over in 5. Hope thats OK’ It’s from her. But she never comes over. I take one last drag and put the stub out. Pick up my still steaming mug and bring it inside. I sit down back at my computer, open a blank page, and put fingers to keyboard to record my...

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Youngsville Part 3 Settling in

Part 3: Settling inLater that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3x4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, making it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning.Thinking about the light, I saw a shadow move outside the window above my head. There was...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 4

Becky and Lena were standing beside my truck when I got there. I walked over and opened the door on my side and Lena got in first. She slid across to the other side, then Becky got in. Becky was wearing a skirt even shorter than her sister, Lena’s and I saw all the way up her leg, to the crease of her butt cheek. Boy, she must be part Mexican too, as brown as she is way up close to her butt. I was already wondering if she was that brown all over her butt and titties. I was hoping she was and...

4 years ago
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Sometimes Life Is Not a Bowl of CherriesChapter 1

I'm not even quite sure where to start explaining. I wasn't involved in the beginning. It began when my mother made a terrible mistake. I found out about all of this second hand, of course. But I think I have the story straight. School had just started back in the fall. My brother and I are both attending Benedict Arnold High School. I'm a sophomore. My brother is in the eighth grade. He stayed back a year and attends the intermediate school that is located with the high school. My...

4 years ago
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The Pool GirlChapter 15

I woke up Wednesday morning and stared at their robes hanging in the bathroom. I sighed as I headed into the shower. A hot shower would make things feel more right in the world. It’s not like I hadn’t known what I was getting into. Since that first kiss, I had been running downhill, out of control, hoping I wouldn’t crash along the way. Getting under the water I felt some tension ease. It was both scary and delightful. I’d built a life of consistency. While my feet were coming out from under...

2 years ago
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Mathew Mats Rogers SeriesChapter 3 Back on the Road Again

For me, there is the good and the bad to every part of my extended trip. The good part is to be on the move again; in this case, destination unknown. The bad part is leaving Krystin and her mother behind, as well as the unknown with Lane. The twelve-year-old preteen was a delight to know. Between the two of them, I enjoyed over a week of mother and daughter loving. After meeting Krystin, it just reinforces my view on the wonders of young girls. The maturity level, of the several I’ve had the...

3 years ago
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Don and Kate

This story is about how I first met Kate. My name is Don. Im just your average 22 year old guy. Im 5'10'' tall and around 200 pounds. I have brown hair and eyes. Nothing really special about me. I work for a company that goes all over the United States to help remodel wal mart stores. Im usally gone for about a month at a time and home for about a week or two, then Im gone again. Since Im single and dont have any kids its a good job for me. So because Im gone so much, I dont have many...

4 years ago
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(Author's Note: This is a Chyoo version of a story I am writing on Hentai Foundry. You can find it by searching on there for Inheritance by Galloway. ) Adam let out a sigh as the last of the financial advisors left, leaving him alone in the large office. He sat back in his chair and relaxed, reflecting on the day. After arriving in the morning, he had been in constant meetings with all sorts of people, as the ownership of his great uncle's estate and investments was transferred to him. He had...

1 year ago
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Bed maid

Hi my name is Mohit and I am doing engineering in Mumbai. I am a good looking guy and have a hot built because of my fitness. I am going to gym from past two year’s so obviously I have a hot body. I am very much addicted to sex because of many girls in my past. Very easily girls fall for me because of my looks and body. I would like to come up with my real life incident with a maid. Her name is Vidya and her figure is 34-28-34 and got really busty boobs and she is little dark. she is average in...

2 years ago
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My downward spiral to becoming a slut Chapter 22 Finding happiness

Introduction: This is the next chapter in the story of Tori. After finally opening up about her feelings about all the things going on in her life, and beginning to face the difficult circumstances in her life will Tori begin to find a bit of happiness? Read on to find out. The last several weeks have been so crazy for me. I have been going to group twice a week and also attending a private session with a counselor once a week. My mom helped me find an OBGYN to help with the baby and we are...

1 year ago
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Christies Summer Job part 2

Christies Summer Job, part 2 The unexpected Christie stood there in shock not sure if she should enter the tub, She had no idea what to expect and wasn’t sure what all would be involved, knowing it would be sexual. After a couple long minutes Nick took her by the hand saying “come on hun, its ok” He began to remove her clothing caressing her soft nipples in the process. She looked down almost shaking at Lynn looking up at her licking her lips and starring with her greedy eyes. Finally Christie...

First Time
4 years ago
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Helping Out the Teacher Chapter Two

Becky and I had been dating for six months when she came home one evening in a very agitated state. “What’s up, babe?” I inquired. “I know a girl who is a bit on the plain side and she needs to get laid.” Becky told me. Seeing that she wanted to tell me more, I asked her who her friend was and just why is her getting some dick any concern to Becky. After prodding for quite a while, I had the basics of this poor girl’s plight. Amy is a teacher at Becky’s high school, a recent college grad, and...

2 years ago
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by Isabelle VagabaThe couple walks to the pool area with Isabelle giggling and greeting her office friends while Nate just smiles along, noticing the lewd stares of the guys at his sexy wife???s body. They leave the main hall and arrive at a large open area.There are, in fact three different pools, a larger one that is full of people, swimming and playing around, a smaller one that is clearly meant for c***dren and is almost empty and a last pool, that is, in fact a hot tub. The tub is round...

1 year ago
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FB JAV! A site with a short name and an even shorter list of features. This place aims for simplicity, so we’ll try to keep it simple here as well at ThePornDude. Honestly, though, I have never seen a Japanese Adult Video site that is this simple. I present to you, a free JAV site to amaze you with several things, including its simplicity as well as all of the amazing content that you get to watch on it. All of the content on FB jav is free to view, so you’ll have endless hours of fun...

Asian Porn Sites
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 235

Randi had taken down her braids, as she did from time to time, and the impact on Laura was immediate. Grabbing a quick coffee to-go in the lunch room, she saw Randi making herself a sandwich at the sandwich bar. The girl had the kind of face that made a hot little flutter pulse deep inside Laura's pussy if she even passed a similar looking girl on the street. It was the same face, no matter what hair style, and yet Randi seemed like two different women, with braids and without. She did not...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 18 Daves Ride

(Dave’s Story) As he walked through the mall Dave patted the pocket containing the stolen Breeding Pass. Stealing his friend’s pass may have been a dick move, but Dave felt it was justified. Kurt wouldn’t have even known about Breeding Day if not for him. Having experienced first hand how much potential the Breeding Pass held in a mall full of strangers Dave’s mind was brimming with the possibilities of what he could do with one outside of the mall. The brash teen was so engrossed in his...

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Bewitched Bothered Etc Ch 01

‘Carl, I need to ask you a big, BIG favor!’ Hayley said rather loudly as her eyes sank to the ground like a couple of ten pound weights had just been tied to them. I waited for her next line but finally decided that she must have missed rehearsal. ‘I’m listening,’ I prompted. The noisy cars escaping the restaurant parking lot would have made it difficult enough to hear her even if she had said anything and yet I thought I heard her in my head even before she finally spoke. ‘I’ve…had one hell...

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MyPervyFamily Addie Andrews Aunt Addie is Cooler Than Your Mother

My Aunt Addie decided to check up on me, but on thing lead to another and next thing I know, she’s groping my balls! I had no control over what happened next, my cock grew bigger and she just wanted it in her mouth. Watch me fuck my Aunt deep inside her MILF cunt. She looks so good as she slides her wet pussy all over my big shaft. It’s so hot seeing her throw her head back and moan with pure satisfaction from juicy big cock.. I finally fill my aunt’s pussy up with my cum and...


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