HomebodiesChapter 11 free porn video

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Two local weeks after Bookender’s announcement as to the real identity of the concluding resolution drug of choice, Gath was hosting yet another breakfast gathering in the clinic just prior to opening time. Taz was there, as it was her day to serve as the tech in the clinic, as was Bong, whose day it was not, but who always showed up when breakfast was being served. Conspicuously absent were Zen and Sax. Neither of them of had been to one of Gath’s breakfasts or dinners since that night.

It was not that they had been disinvited, Gath would have fed them had they shown up. It was that they no longer felt they were welcome at such events. Ever since the announcement and the flurry of debate that had accompanied it, rifts had been formed in friendships and working relationships when the friends and coworkers in question fell on opposite sides of the debate. The four medics continued to work together, but the interaction between them was now strained, even uncomfortable at times. They never spoke of their respective views on the debate. They hardly talked at all unless conversation was necessary to their jobs.

In the medic clinic at CVS was not the only place such rifts had formed. It was not an exaggeration to say that the rift was present throughout every unit of marines, naval personnel, science and engineering personnel, and civilian organization stationed anywhere in the entire Sol system. And the rifts were causing problems, both on the personal level and the operational level.

The ratio of those in favor of the concluding resolution as described versus those opposed to it stood, as best as anyone could figure, at about four to one. There were very few documented cases of someone being unsure how they felt on the matter, or indifferent to it. Opinion stood either on one end of the spectrum or the other. One was either vehemently opposed to the resolution or wholeheartedly in favor of it. As Zing had predicted, unit cohesion system wide had taken a hit and the efficiency of units, particularly those not involved directly in combat, had suffered correspondingly. Maintenance of aircraft and other vehicles had fallen behind schedule. Supply runs came in late, under-loaded, or, increasingly often, not at all. Aboard the fleet vessels in the system, repairs went undone and orders were questioned. At Homeport Topside and Homeport Ground, the highest levels of convolution were taking place. A good number of civilian port workers—who, when taken as an isolated group were a little less than three to one in favor of the resolution—were refusing to offload food products from Mars because the drug was within them. And at Homeport Ground the Fleet was having trouble getting ocean shipping crews—most of whom were groundborn and they, as a group, were more than two to one against the concluding resolution—to staff their ships and make the runs to the homebody ports. The Fleet whiteshirts were being forced to quickly cross-train unwilling and terrified spaceborn as floaties so they could at least get skeleton crews aboard the vessels and get them on their way.

The problem was so bad that Admiral Zing, the week before, gave a media conference and announced that he would like any member of the Fleet and any scientist or civilian operating as adjuncts to the Fleet in the Sol, to declare their opposition officially if they were opposed to following orders and assignments related to the concluding resolution.

“While I myself know in my heart,” the Admiral told them, “that there is nothing illegal or immoral about the concluding resolution, and that any orders given in support of it will be deemed legal orders that should have been followed once the issue is submitted for judicial review, I must respect and appreciate the fact that many of you are under the impression the orders are, in fact, illegal and are responding as you feel you must. I will make no attempt to sway you from your views, other than to remind you that if, after judicial review, the orders are ruled legal, you may be subjected to disciplinary measures up to and including discharge from the Fleet or even imprisonment. But that is not for me to decide. What I would like to ask, however, is that all personnel, military, scientific, and civilian, who are opposed to the concluding resolution in such a way that you will refuse orders related to it, give us that official declaration so we can know who we’re dealing with and in what numbers and therefore be able to formulate plans and reorganization strategies and bring about some return to unit discipline and cohesion.”

It was a reasonable request. For the most part, however, his plea fell upon unwilling ears. Those opposed to the plan were not interested in helping those in favor of it carry it out more efficiently. Nor was anyone willing to put one’s head in a noose—which is basically what an official declaration of opposition would be doing—until one had to. Official opposition declarations were filed—hundreds of them every day—but none were filed until an actual order was given that one had to refuse.

Gath had filed no such declaration yet. Neither had Bong. Neither had any of the other eighty-some-odd marines and civilians at CVS who had come out unofficially as being opposed to the concluding resolution. This was not to say that no one at CVS knew Gath or Bong or anyone else was opposed. Quite the opposite. Everyone pretty much knew everyone else’s stand on the matter. And, unlike with sexual matters, this knowledge was not kept in the proverbial closet. The tension and strife at CVS was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Anywhere that personnel got together the discussion was the concluding resolution. As on the bulletin boards and elsewhere in the system, there were no neutral opinions. Arguments broke out frequently as people fruitlessly tried to change the opinion of someone from the other side. Fights broke out as well. In the past two weeks the clinic had treated more than a dozen assault injuries and six marines had been remanded into custody for assault with potential of great bodily injury—charges that, if confirmed, could result in up to a metric year in the brig.

All in all, CVS, like the rest of the system, was not a happy place to be these days.

A rather graphic demonstration of this showed up at the clinic just as Gath was finishing up the potato, sausage and egg scrambles that were the breakfast of the day.

The buzzer at the clinic front door sounded, indicating someone without specific authorization was requesting entry.

Gath looked up at the time display. 0820 local. Still forty local minutes until the clinic opened.

“Meddy,” he spoke to the holo terminal, “who is at the door?”

“The person at the door is partially covering his face and I cannot make facial recognition,” she replied. “However, the rank and identification insignia on his shirt suggests the visitor is Lieutenant Sparksafroth of Second platoon. He does appear to be injured to some degree.”

“Sparky?” Bong said from around a mouthful of scramble.

“What the purg?” said Gath, who was filling his own plate. “Taz, go let him in.”

“Right,” she said, getting up and going to the door.

A moment later she returned, Sparky in tow. He was holding a bloody rag to his forehead. His marine corps duty shirt had a few drops of blood on it as well.

“Sparky,” Gath said. “What the purg happened?”

“I fell down,” Sparky said miserably.

“You fell down?” asked Bong.

“Yeah,” he said. “Cut my torkin’ forehead open. How about you humes stop asking me dumb questions and fix me up?”

“Right,” said Gath, putting his plate aside and standing up. He led Sparky over to one of the exam tables and had him sit down. “Let me take a look.”

Sparky pulled the towel away, revealing a ragged laceration of about twelve centimeters that ran vertically up the center of his forehead from just above eyebrow level all the way to the peak of where his hairline would be had he possessed any hair. The edges of the wound were crusted with clotted blood, as if it had already stopped bleeding once and then been reopened. The skin around the edges of the wound were dotted with dozens of little circular indentations that had come close to breaking the skin but had not actually done so. Gath was immediately suspicious of the story.

“You fell down, huh?” he asked Sparky. “Are you going to stick with that?”

“For the moment,” Sparky said with a sigh.

“What time did this happen?”

“About twenty-two hundred last night,” he said. “I didn’t think it was that bad at the time. I got the bleeding stopped and went to bed. This morning ... well, when I got up and tried to take a shower, it opened up again and I saw how deep it actually was.”

“You’re not hurt anywhere else?” Gath asked, pulling a sterile bandage from a tray and placing it over the wound.

“No,” Sparky said. “Just there. I really should be more careful.”

“You really should,” Gath agreed. He looked over at Bong and Taz, both of whom had gone back to eating their breakfast and were well out of earshot. “What really happened, Sparky?”

“I fell,” he said tonelessly. “Just like I told you.”

“Come on, Sparky,” Gath insisted. “You can’t ratslag me. I’m going to have to report this as a suspicious injury unless you give me some reasonable explanation I can work with, know what I mean? Just tell me what really happened and we’ll see what we can do.”

Sparky sighed. “Well ... I had a friend visiting my quarters last night.”

“Gnarly?” Gath asked.

“Uh ... yes,” Sparky said, surprise in his voice. “It was Lieutenant Viggs, as a matter of fact. How did you know that?”

“Lucky guess,” Gath said. “So ... Gnarly was visiting, and...”

“And, well she had had a few glasses of hooch ... you know, the stuff that Skank sells?”

“I’m familiar with it,” Gath assured him.

“Yeah, well, we started arguing about this Whoever damned concluding resolution slag.”

“She’s in favor of it?” Gath asked, knowing already that Sparky was opposed to it, though not officially as of yet.

“She is,” he said. “Things got a little heated. I might’ve called her a skarp.”

“Ooh,” Gath said, wincing. “Women really don’t like that word.” And they didn’t. Skarp was one of the many slang terms for a female prostitute. It was not meant to convey the meaning of a high-class prostitute, but rather one who was on her last legs and was trading sex for hooch or food or illegal intoxicants. To call any woman a skarp—even if she really was one—was about as hateful an insult it was possible to throw.

“No,” Sparky agreed. “They really don’t. And I really shouldn’t have said it, but she was tossing some pretty nasty slag at me too.”

“Of course,” Gath said. “So ... you called her a skarp, and...”

“She hit me,” he said.

“She hit you with what?” Gath asked.

“It’s not important,” he said, shaking his head. “She just hit me.”

“Come on, Sparky,” Gath said. “Give it up. There’s a really odd pattern to that wound.”

Another sigh. “It was a vibrating dildo,” he said, his eyes looking everywhere but at Gath.

“A vibrating dildo?” Gath said, eyebrows going up.

“Yeah,” Sparky said. “One of those ones with the straps on it so they can be worn. She swung it by the strap and hit me right in the torkin’ forehead.”

“What was a strap-on vibrating dildo doing in arm’s reach in a lieutenant’s quarters, might I ask?” Gath enquired, hiding a smirk.

“Uh ... well, it’s kind of a novelty item, you know?” Sparky told him, his eyes looking at the floor again. “Something I picked up as a joke up in one of those shops up on Topside. I don’t even know why I kept it. I don’t use it for anything, of course.”

Gath nodded, continuing to hide the smirk. “I’m sure you don’t,” he said. “Go ahead and take that shirt off and lay back on the table. I’ll get you fixed up.”

Sparky pulled the shirt over his head and lay back. “What are you going to put in your report, Gath?” he asked him.

“Well, according to regs, I’m supposed to report this injury to the MPs and let them know who inflicted it so they can bring her in for questioning and possibly charge her with assault with a deadly weapon.”

“Don’t do that, Gath,” Sparky pleaded. “It was just a disagreement and I provoked her. I don’t want to see Gnarly get in any trouble. She has a good career going. She’ll be up for company command in another year. Even if they only give her a minor assault charge, she’ll likely get bucked back down to sergeant and stay there forever. I don’t want that.”

“I don’t know,” Gath said thoughtfully as he pulled some wound cleaning supplies out of a drawer. “If I file my report endorsing your fall and bonked head story and someone finds out later that she assaulted you, I’ll be putting the aiming rectical on my slagger, you know what I mean. And since this concluding resolution ratslag started I’ve already got a few of those recticals seeking me out.”

“I would consider it a personal favor, Gath,” Sparky told him. “I’d owe you a big one.”

“That would do me little good if I’m under investigation,” Gath replied. “How do I know that Gnarly is not out there right now telling everyone about how she whacked the Whoever damned groundie lover across the head with a strap-on dildo?”

“She’s not,” Sparky assured him. “Once it happened she broke down and started crying, telling me she was sorry. She genuinely regrets doing it. She doesn’t want this getting out any more than I do. And it won’t happen again.”

“No?” Gath asked. “Are you two going to stay friends?”

He sighed. “We’re going to take a little break from friendship for the time being.” He shrugged. “There’s always other friends, aren’t there?”

“That does seem to be the tradition,” Gath said, glancing over at Taz for a second. He looked back at Sparky. “All right, Sparky. We’ll do it your way. You tripped in your quarters and fell down, striking a novelty strap-on dildo that happened to be on your floor.”

Sparky winced. “Do you have to put in the part about the dildo?” he asked.

“I have to explain those odd little pockmarks around the wound,” he said. “What are those anyway?”

“The ... uh ... device has all these little raised knobs on it,” he said, blushing. “I guess, like if someone was going to actually use the thing, you know, it makes the sensation better or something. That’s just a guess, of course.”

“Of course,” Gath replied, opening up a bottle of sterile saline. “All right. Let’s clean this thing up and put you back together. Let me put in a little local anesthetic first.”

“No, go ahead and let it hurt,” Sparky told him. “Maybe it’ll teach me a torkin’ lesson.”

It took about fifteen local minutes to clean and repair the wound. After the application of a little synthamino and the use of a portable ERE, the edges sealed together leaving a hint of scar tissue that would fade to nothing in a few days. Sparky remained stoic throughout the procedure, which was not without a fair degree of pain.

“There you go,” Gath said when he was done. “Almost good as new.”

“Thanks, Gath,” he said. “For everything, you know?”

“Hey, we groundie lovers need to stick together,” Gath told him. “Just be sure that when you call a woman a skarp you don’t have any sharp or blunt objects in her reach.”

“You should’ve told me that twelve local ago,” he said sourly, standing up from the table and putting his shirt back on. Once it was in place he looked at Gath meaningfully. “Are you still undeclared?”

Undeclared, meaning he had not officially come out against the concluding resolution because he had not yet been given an order to further it. “Still undeclared,” he told him. “That might change tomorrow though.”

“Oh?” Sparky asked.

“There’s a briefing tonight after clinic closing. A couple of cultural anthropologists are flying in from NAWM to go over plans to infuse the Modoc with the drug. Apparently, they are much more in favor of the concluding resolution than Yank was. It’s likely they’ll ask us to participate in whatever mission they’ve got cooked up. At that point I will be forced to respectfully decline and go on record as being opposed.”

Sparky looked a little concerned with this. “Interesting news,” he said. “This might be how they force my hand.”

“What do you mean?” Gath asked.

“If there’s a mission on, they’ll need marines to fly on it as overwatch. If they want to pull them from my platoon I’ll have to issue the orders. I’ll have to decline to do that.”

“There are eight platoons of combat marines on this base,” Gath said. “What makes you think they’ll pull from yours?”

“I’m the only combat platoon commander who is known to be in opposition to the concluding resolution,” he said. “The ultra-whites know that. If they pull from my platoon they force me to either give in or make my stand. That is what they want, either obedience or declaration of illegal order. Trust me, they’ll pull from my platoon.”

Gath nodded. “I suppose that makes sense,” he allowed.

Sparky shrugged. “Oh well. I guess it’s time to put my credits where my hooch hole is, huh?”

“It would seem,” Gath said. “Tell me something, Sparky, if you don’t mind?”

“Why am I opposed to the plan?” he asked.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Gath said. “I’m just curious. You’re a combat hardened marine and you’ve done what ... four, five tours here in the Sol?”

“This is my sixth,” Sparky said. “The first was twelve years ago when I was a grunt private who didn’t know his weapon from his gun. Every time I get promoted they send me back here for another tour or two.”

“So, you have no warm fuzzy feelings for the homers then,” Gath said.

“I do not,” Sparky assured him. “I believe there is no redeeming quality to these people and that Mortimer is probably a torkin’ blessing to them.”

“Then why the opposition?”

“Because what they’re planning to do ... what they’re already doing, is fundamentally wrong,” he said. “People can argue the semantics and the legal definitions all they want. This is genocide—destruction of a race of people. My college degree is in human history, did you know that?”

“I did not,” Gath told him.

“Yeah,” he said, “with the obligatory minor in military history. It’s a pretty common combo for those of us who want to move up the career ladder in the corps instead of just stay for a few years and move on to something else. So, I’m pretty down with the history of our people, both civilian and military. I’ve studied some of the things we’ve done in the past. Unlike a lot of my colleagues, however, I have actually absorbed the lessons in my history studies and one of those lessons is that what they’re trying to do here is wrong. Those in favor of it are going to be on the wrong side of history when this is said and done and they are going to be judged harshly when this all comes to light. And those who helped to carry it out...” He shook his head. “They are going to have to answer for what they have done. I am not going to be one of them. I will not lift a single finger or issue a single order that helps carry this genocide out. I only wish there was something I could do to put a stop to it before it goes too far.”

“Funny you should say that, Sparky,” Gath said. “I have a little idea I’ve been tossing around in my head. Maybe you can tell me what you think about it.”

“I’m listening,” Sparky said.

“The fundamental problem we have here is that no one outside of this system, particularly the groundborn, have any way of finding out just what is being done here. No ships are going in and out.”

“Do we have confirmation of that?” Sparky asked.

“Taz tells me that her husband, Ox, is stuck in the Sol system, his ship re-assigned to berth at Topside. He has been forbidden to go through the circuit point to First Cross for any reason. And his ship is not the only one. All ships currently in the Sol have been ordered to remain here. The Fleet is giving no reason.”

“That sounds like confirmation to me,” Sparky said.

“Yeah,” Gath said. “They’re not even bothering to come up with a ratslag excuse. And then there are the telemetry probes. That first one is not going to fire until it reaches five hundred petes. That will take another six to eight metric weeks at the rate data is accumulating now.”

“Right,” said Sparky. “And then another five to six weeks at each circuit point beyond since each successive probe has a higher data limit.”

“Net effect is a year to get information back to the AZ,” Gath said.

“Everyone has been ranting about this, in person and on the bulletin boards,” Sparky said. “No one believes that ratslag about the probe shortage. Even those in favor of the resolution know it’s just a ploy to keep the word about what we’re doing here from getting to the groundies before phase one is complete.”

“I understand all that,” Gath said. “But what if there was a way to get that telemetry probe to fire sooner?”

“Sooner?” Sparky said, his eyes probing. “How would you do that?”

“Not me alone, but all in opposition to what is going on here,” Gath said. “We flood that probe with data and get it to reach its threshold sooner. We try to get everyone in opposition to send as many documents, mail files, reports, general blathering, anything we can think of. If they’re high def holo file intensive, so much the better. If everyone puts in an effort to do this, that probe could reach threshold in a week, maybe less.”

“Hmm,” Sparky said, thinking it over. “It has some merit, maybe. What would we send? Random mail to people we hardly know? Reports on our bowel movements?”

“Anything you wanted, to whoever you wanted. The content and the recipient doesn’t matter, just the volume. HD holo needs to be attached to everything though. If you send a report on your bowel movement, you attach a Whoever damned HD holo file of it to support that report. If you mail some slaghole you barely know, you make sure he sees you in torkin’ high def and you ramble on for at least ten torkin’ minutes.”

“So, you want to put this idea out on the bulletin boards then?”

“Tork yes,” Gath said. “Send it out far and wide, to everywhere anyone is opposed to this plan.”

Sparky was nodding a little. “It could work,” he said, but then he suddenly shook his head. “At least for the first jump. It still has to accumulate enough data at the second, third, fourth, and fifth jumps to fire those probes as well.”

“What if we forward the bulletin board postings to the boards in the adjoining systems,” Gath said. “We spread the same idea in each successive system. I’ll encourage anyone who knows anyone stationed in First Cross, Alpha Centauri and beyond to address them personally with one of their messages and pass the word along to flood the telemetry probes there as well. And we don’t have to wait until the information gets all the way back to the AZ. Once it hits the Redreams system and the Coralis cluster, there are planets with groundborn living on them. That will get the outrage rolling toward the AZ like a spark in an oxygen leak.”

Sparky was nodding again. “It could work,” he repeated. “The emotion tied to this is pretty strong. I’m sure those of us against it will participate in this plan. I know that I sure as slag will. But do you really think that it will get the word to AZ before phase one is complete? They only need to infiltrate that drug for one hundred days.”

“And they’re having trouble with that one hundred days due to the opposition,” Gath said. “A good portion of the homers have still not taken their first bite of tainted food. The only homers who are getting a steady, unrelenting dose of it are the Opies who got their water spiked.” Something that I actually helped do, he could not help but remember.

“Well, it’s worth a try anyway,” Sparky said. “You can count me in. I’m going to take a nice high def shot of my next slag and send it to a few select ultra-whites I know.”

“Along with a complete report on the procedure,” Gath said with a smile.

“A report composed holographically,” Sparky agreed.

The briefing began ten minutes after the clinic closed for the day. Present were Bong, Zen, Sax, Gath, and Weasel. It was full of surprises, the first of which was that Colonel Lister, commander of CVS and all troops assigned to it, accompanied the two scientists from NAWM to the briefing.

Lister was second career age, and fairly late in that second career as well. Like many marines of command rank, he had spent both of his careers in the corps and was happy to tell anyone who asked—and many who didn’t—this little factoid. His physique was impressively fit as he ran twice as many kilometers per week as was required of him, just to say that he did. His skin tone was light, bespeaking of a primarily European ancestry. His eyes were dark, probing, and looked as if they had the ability to shoot lasers at you if he so desired. His white shirt of command and his shorts appeared to have actually been pressed by a machine.

“Colonel,” stammered Weasel when he saw the CO enter the clinic. “To who ... I mean to what do we owe this honor?”

Lister gave Weasel a brief blast of the laser eyes, making him almost cower. “This is no honor, Cooler,” he told him. “I’m here to make sure my base operates efficiently in these trying times.” He shifted his glance to Bong and Gath as he said this. He undoubtedly knew who the opposition members under his command were.

Gath tried not to let himself be intimidated. It was a tough job. “Welcome to the clinic, Colonel,” he said, offering his hand for the traditional shake and bump of subordinate meeting commander.

Lister stared at the hand for a moment and then reluctantly went through the ritual with him. He did not offer his hand to any of the other medics, however, nor did they offer theirs to him.

The second surprise was that the two scientists accompanying the colonel were not cultural anthropologists at all.

“I’m PhD Roosabelle Strange,” said the female of the group. She was second career age, a bit on the pudgy side, with short red hair and an impressive set of breasts. “You can call me Roos if you like. I’m a planetary fauna biologist specializing in aquatic life, fish in particular.”

“Fish?” said Bong.

“Fish,” she confirmed. “Cold blooded aquatic gill bearing vertebrates who inhabit the oceans and freshwater of planetary bodies. Perhaps you have heard of them?”

“Yeah,” said Bong. “I’ve heard of fish.”

“Excellent,” she said. “That will certainly make our upcoming mission a little easier.”

“What do fish have to do with anything?” asked Gath.

“We will get to that,” Lister said. He then nodded to the other scientist, a male of first career age whose brown hair and mustache marked him as a groundborn. This was confirmed when he began to speak.

“I am PhD Ogonnel Gross,” he said, the accent identifying as from the Gargant system two jumps beyond the AZ. “You may call me Oggy. I am a planetary botanist. My specialty is native, self-germinating plants.”

“A botanist?” Gath asked. “What about the cultural anthropologist?”

“We have no need of a cultural anthropologist,” Oggy said. “The one who was assigned to this region previously—PhD Yankeur, I believe her name was—did quite an admirable job recording and analyzing the behavior, customs, and lifestyle of the native homers who are the target of our attention. From her files we’ve learned enough to develop a plan on how to reliably infiltrate XC to the entire population of Modoc, as they are called.”

“You have?” asked Bong, sharing a glance with Gath.

“Indeed, we have,” Oggy replied.

“From her files,” said Roos, “we’ve learned that the Modoc diet consists primarily of trout and venison as meat sources, and primarily of acorns and blackberries as plant sources.”

“Trout and venison?” asked Weasel. “What are those?”

“Trout are the primary large fish that inhabit the Pit River and its tributaries. Venison is the meat of the wild, cloven hooved ruminant mammals that inhabit the forests around their population. We believe we have found a way to introduce the drug into the trout population on a consistent enough level to achieve therapeutic effect.”

“And,” added Oggy, “we have also developed a method for introducing it into their blackberry supply as well. This will serve as redundancy to maintain therapeutic affect in the event that our estimates of trout infiltration do not hold up.”

“So ... you’re going to give the drug to their fish and hope they eat it?” asked Sax, who looked rather doubtful about this.

“We will be using a genetic modification drug that will be infused about the spawning sites of the trout,” Roos said. “Once infused into the eggs, the adult fish will actually secrete the drug into their muscle tissue, which will then be consumed by the Modoc.”

“The blackberry infiltration works in a similar way,” put in Oggy. “We will perform airborne spraying of the blackberry bushes they harvest their fruit from. The spray will change the genetic code of the flora so the drug is produced and secreted into the fruit.”

Same as Homebodies
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The LandlordChapter 9 Confrontation

It had been a year since I took Jenny up on her indecent proposal of sex for rent. For me, it was a year of hell. The devastating pain in my heart threatened to consume me. Nothing I did could make it go away. It never lessened. It never ebbed. It was always there. Constant, unyielding. You know that saying, "Time heals all wounds"? It's a lie. If it wasn't the pain of Jenny's absence from my life, it was the guilt. The guilt of knowing what I had done, of knowing the pain that I...

2 years ago
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Linda and the Boys

Linda had never wanted to allow strangers into her house. It was a necessity.Living in the Welsh countryside, many miles from any decent sized town made it difficult to make a decent living. And, with the big old house her rat of a husband had left her (after running off with the art student from Manchester); the obvious thing to do was to let out the rooms.There were no shortage of takers. Her home was in the middle of the Snowdonia national park and so attracted hikers, climbers and general...

1 year ago
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Like Mother Like Daughter Like Father Like SonChapter 2

It was a warm summer Saturday late in August about 1:30 in the afternoon and Lydia and I were lounging on the pool chairs in our backyard with some bloody mary's. Lydia was looking forward to being able to give her overworked cunt and asshole a rest since her engagement calendar was free through Monday. She had gotten in late last night about 3 am from an 8 hour engagement with one of her favorite clients who always brought his Great Dane dog with him to her whore's pad. She said that dog...

3 years ago
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Surpressed Passion

Everyone was gathered in the church for rehearsal. Olivia was beaming, this was a day she had been dreaming about since she was a child. She looked over at her fiancé Will, smiling. Instead of returning the smile he scowled at her. She glanced around wondering what could be upsetting him. Not seeing anything out of place she went to talk to him. ‘I can’t wait.’ She said happily giving him a hug. ‘For what?’ His voice was flat. ‘For Saturday silly, to become Mrs. William Benson.’ Olivia...

1 year ago
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My Wife is a Corporate Slut

My wife and I met in college. We are both Asians and quite conservative. Janice wanted to save virginity until she's married, so for years we've only gone so far as masturbating each other. Finally we had our first intercourse when we got married at 25. We were both inexperienced and it was a mess. It took me 10 minutes to figure out how to push my penis into her vagina. By the time I figured it out, Janice's pussy was all tight and dry. I took her virginity almost in this lets-get-it-over-with...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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A Romantic Night Indeed

It was five o’ clock in the evening. I was in the living room, on a comfortable black sofa, laying down, staring at my phone with distaste. I had gotten a text from my boyfriend, saying that he would not be home until ten o clock. He was going to have a night out with his guy friends. I sighed, and wondered what I should say back to him. Maybe I should tell him “fine.”But I was not fine. In fact, I wish he did not say he was going to come home late. Instead, I wanted him to come home now. I...

2 years ago
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just another boring business trip

I was told by my manager that I was to go on a business trip for a few days up in Scotland they had a hotel lined up for me all paid for and I only had to pay travel so I went home to pack and let the family know as I got home my wife said the manager had called and she knew and she had packed my bags for a few days I walked to the station and I paid for my tickets as I turned I saw this very attractive young lady behind we she was wearing a beautiful low cut top with Metallica on the front,...

3 years ago
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Alba Damned

So let me tell you a story I'm not even sure I believe happened......About a week ago I was working on a lounge suite (I'm an upholsterer by trade) listening to the radio when the DJ asked what his listeners thought would be good New Years resolutions could be for celebrities.I'll tell you he sparked some interest (among his listeners) and the calls came pouring in. Britney Spears should release another album, Lindsey Lohan should re-think her whole alternate life-style, and Angelina Jolie...

2 years ago
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A hens night with a difference the final chapter

Natalie let Maria’s wrists go a few moments after Bianca had delivered the last stroke with the tawse, and she immediately jerked her hands back to rub furiously at her stinging butt cheeks. At the same time, Maria levered herself up from her position bent over the arm of the couch, before Bianca could think about making true her threat of extra strokes. She may have agreed to this, but she was damned if she was going to stay in such a vulnerable position any longer than she had to. Tears...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2118 Junior

We celebrated Melanie’s birthday on July twelfth with the news that Sly and Lily had officially adopted her and Stephanie. Both girls loved their new parents and had settled into a stable life in the village, even though Melanie had done two bit parts in movies and Sly had accompanied her on location as her bodyguard. I think Sly was happy to be where he could actively protect her. When I talked to Sly about what he had done as a profession before he retired, he just said he was a security...

3 years ago
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Auction for Charity

Auction for Charity Submitted by babygirl1204 5/10/2008 This is the first story I have posted on any site.  I have enjoyed reading these stories for years, in fact it was reading erotic stories on sites like this that made me realize I am a submissive.  A couple of months ago I met a man that I now call Sir Daddy, with his encouragement developing  my submissive side is a natural as having a baby.  This story was inspired from an email Sir Daddy sent me and I hope you enjoy it, for Sir Daddy...

1 year ago
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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 25 Seeking Wife Status

Thursday, Mindy and I went out to a small Mexican restaurant for lunch. She asked me, “What are your travel plans for tomorrow?” “I have a red-eye flight out of SFO that leaves at eleven p.m. and gets in to Tampa Saturday morning at about seven a.m. I only get five hours sleep, but I’ve done it before. I usually take an afternoon nap at home to help get over the jetlag.” “Would you want to arrive home at a more decent time tomorrow night and have some fun during the trip?” I perked up,...

3 years ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 18 Best Friends

Kathy Smart, a shapely, busty, eighteen year old blonde answered the doorbell of the big, rambling house. Standing outside was a girl who might have been her twin. Kathy threw her arms around the other girl and after a warm hug exclaimed, "C'mon in Cindy. Where've you been? Haven't seen you for weeks." "Uh... like... I'm going to Silverstone Academy... in Smootsville." "Huh! Why're you going to that elitist snob-factory? I know it's run by the church but... Do you think you're...

2 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 27

Mary was startled awake by the high pressure spray of icy cold water from the garden hose directed at her defenseless body by her smiling owner on the porch. "Time to get up pet. We have a busy day today" Mary's night had not been very restful. Aside from her bowels churning and forcing her to further dirty herself and her sleeping area her mind was so confused she was just unable to get much sleep. She had remembered her life as it was just a couple of weeks ago compared to her current...

3 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 04

My continued thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. With this chapter especially… If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first. Again, open your mind and unlock your heart! Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 4 **** Even before Lynn could leave, Sam quickly excused herself and headed to the bathroom. She closed the door and quickly pulled off her jeans to expose her rapidly moistening pussy to the cool air. Sam trembled with forbidden excitement. She didn’t...

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3Way at Work

It was another, typical Monday morning for Linda. After what had been a fun weekend with a pleasant walk in the Cheshire countryside and some relaxing gardening it was back to the weekly reality of making a living. She'd not long been in work when her computer went dead and the water wouldn't drain from the sink in the washroom she shared between her office and the other managers. So the SOS went out to get the computer-man and a plumber.After giving out the assignments to the staff for the day...

3 years ago
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Keliana shopping for heels

Keliana wasn’t far from several shopping centers and malls, but headed to a shoe warehouse that had a gigantic selection. Having bought a few pairs here in the past, she knew this place would have her busy for quite a while. Her problem wasn’t finding something she liked; it was narrowing the choices to one or two.Even before she entered the store she could see they weren’t too busy. Being only slightly after 1:00, none of the stores had much traffic. Greeting the cashier with a smile, she...

2 years ago
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My birthday sex party part 4

My Birthday Sex Party Part 4…………………..shall we go get another drink lads and leave the girls to recover and clean themselves up they laughed as they walked out. Jo said right that’s them out of the way lets clean you up, leaning towards me and kissing me again. Then pushing me back on the bed she started to like above my pussy at all the cum that had been spilt there. She made sure it was all gone before saying its on your stockings too hun, and removed them too so for the first time I was...

2 years ago
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Never Ever Give UpChapter 2

Every time I washed up in front of the mirror my eyes were drawn to the figure on my chest and the huge emerald it boasted. Why was it there? What was its purpose? Supposedly wizards didn’t do anything without a reason and that sawed-off little guy that put it there was definitely a wizard. I realized that I’d been ensorcelled to not forget, but ignore that I’d been through a gate and all about that short little fucker that jump started my abilities. I ran through my memories with a fine...

1 year ago
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Couple enjoys sex party

Hi readers i am back with an real true incident happened last weekend, those who are reading me for the first time I am 28yrs old single guy from delhi, well educated and settled. I think a lot of couples would agree with this incident happened with me last week. Those living in Delhi might be aware that there are some groups and people who organize small sex and orgy parties in their farmhouses in gurgaon and far off farm houses on weekend and everything happens here which you can’t even think...

2 years ago
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Rig Pig A true story

My wife and I have a very rich sex life she we were into threesomes but had not been with more than 2 guys since she was gang banged by 4 biker the second year we got married. This changed when we were on holidays a few years ago. We were traveling through an area where there was a lot of oil and gas exploration. This story is true and has fueled my wife’s lust of gang bangs.I was getting tired so we decided to stop and get a room at the small motel in town. We pulled into the parking lot...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 3 The Hunter Soars

That same night in Los Angeles, Lisa got home from work at the Denny's at ten. It was raining, though it was not even cloudy when she had gone to work at eight that morning. She was wet and exhausted. All she wanted was to sleep and forget the bills that needed to be paid with the pennies she got paid from her two jobs. She opened the door, threw her purse at the kitchen slash living room slash dining room table, and locked the door behind her. Kicking off her shoes, she began taking off her...

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Giving my girlfriend to my friend for the night

Jason squeezed girlfriend's tits as he kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth, making her moan. They’d been out having a good time, drinking and hanging out with friends. He’d kept Anya close to him. His girlfriend of two years was super-hot and guys tended to flock to her wherever they went. Jason had learned very early in their relationship that the only way for him to avoid getting into fist fights, over assholes hitting on her, was to keep her by his side, making sure every dude in...

2 years ago
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A Different Kind of Woman pt1

As I was leaving work, a car stopped at the corner in the drivers seat was the most sexiest woman that I have ever seen. She had a pair of breast that was to die for, and legs that seemed to stretch for ever, and a smile that would bend steel. She saw me looking at her, probably with my mouth hanging open, she smiled and sorta of waved than drove off. I could not get her out of my mind, when I got home I jerked off thinking about her. Two nights later I was at the corner waiting for the light...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 453

From Uther Pendragon 2 Real old ones:???? “A B C D Goldfish?” “L M N O Goldfish.” “O S A R.” A jolly old fellow from Lyme Married three wives at a time. When asked, “Why the third?” He said, “One is absurd, And bigamy, sir, is a crime.”???? Growing old is obligatory. Growing up is optional. “Mommy, why can we land a helicopter on Mars, and we can’t turn on a light in Texas?” “Because Mars is run by scientists, and Texas is run by Republicans.” Her first-year teaching, Miss Smith is...

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A Gift of Love

Twenty seven dollars and sixteen cents. That was the balance of their check book. The net worth of two people, accumulated over 20 years of marriage. The number had rattled through his sodden brain for the hours he should have spent sleeping. He had wanted to count sheep, but instead all he could count were the pennies stored in the credit union. Their total wealth could more easily be stored in a ceramic piggy bank than a commercial establishment. Sleep had eluded him. Twenty seven dollars and...

2 years ago
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Opportunity Knocked On My Door Pt 1 Fundraiser

Sex is more than an act of pleasure. It’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person. so connected. so comfortable that it’s almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can’t take it. And at this moment you’re a part of them. I don’t have a dirty mind. I have a very wider sexy imagination and that makes me keep writing. Making you guys horny and making you smile are my two favorite things and hope I am able to do it. Connect for feedback and email or hangouts @ . It was a blazing hot...

1 year ago
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A taste of Scum

Often it’s the little things that change your life. Two lines of an old song, a trace of scent you all but forgot existed, a face in a crowd looking just like someone you knew and cared about… It sparks a thought, encourages a gesture, the little gears get in motion, the synapses start firing. The change is just an idea, weak, barely noticeable and unlikely to survive, but it snowballs on until there it is – a different life than the one you once knew. A new life, born of a small,...

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Bangalore Mall Boy With Customer

I am Ashu working with in a mall at Bangalore and this incident took place Jan 2012 and I finished with my customer and our manager already left the store. It was 9:15 and some of the stores in the mall were already pulling the gates halfway down. Typically on a Monday night like this the mall was nearly deserted at this time. A lay stood looking through the window of the shoe store. The first one thing done at closing time would start cleaning and then the lady came in and ask are you guys...

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Babygirl and DaddyChapter 2

In reality, I'm a grown married woman who goes by the nickname, Babygirl. I have had some incestuous encounters with her real dad when I was a teenager. The whole experience taught me that sex is fun and exciting as daddy was never mean to me. He is now deceased. Oh how I have longed to become friends with an older man, one who can step in and play the roll of my daddy. So I went searching online and found one, I will not give you his real name, I will just refer to him as, "Daddy." Daddy...

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Teasing Dad with my friends

The last month had passed in an awkward silent yet normal way. Katie and her dad, Mark, still had their normal interactions, but both avoided any mention of what had happened. Katie didn’t dress deliberately skimpy to tease her dad, and avoided any type of conversation that might get them close to talking about what they had done. Katie waited until she felt her motivation would not be realized by her dad before asking him to chaperone her and her friend Becki, a striking redhead with green...

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SLuT9 pt 15

"The Day After" Friday, December 22, Morning Dave found himself alone in Jennifer's bed the next morning. Olivia and Jennifer had been in the bed when he'd fallen asleep. Out of necessity, he had sent Emily into the master bath to take a shower after their fun and then sent her back to her own bedroom to avoid unnecessary and possibly dangerous questions from Emily's cousins, Molly and Megan. Dave lay there looking out the window thinking about the past few days and about events yet...

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Patience Pays Well

Hello everyone of indian sex stories dot net , my name is Rohan 5’7 tall with an athletic body, having tool size 6’5 inch & m from Kurukshetra (Haryana). My email id is: It all started when I was in my 12th class. I went to my cousin’s marriage. There on the time of Jaimala, the heroine of the story comes “Seema”. She was a friend of my cousin’s wife. When she came on stage along with the bride, everyone was looking at her in a mesmerizing way. Of course, I was also from the gazing ones...

2 years ago
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My Fianceacute and Her Ex a Threesome F

My fiancé and I have a pretty satisfying sex life. Both of us were virgins when we met, she had the idea of waiting for marriage. Smooth talker that I am we started fucking after a few months together. I knew she had a wild side that just needed to be let out; I could see it in her eyes. We didn't live together but fucked every chance we could, in the park at night, in the stairwell in her apartment, in the bathroom of a bar, wherever the mood struck us. And by us I mean her. Her strict...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Jill Kassidy The Motivator

It’s finals week at my college and I’ve been studying for exams for the past few weeks. The other night while studying at home, I was laying on my belly with my legs up reading a book and working on my laptop. My boyfriend, Jake, wouldn’t stop bothering me trying to have sex. I was too concentrated on studying to care. But he just wouldn’t let up. He even pulled his cock out trying to convince me but it didn’t break my focus. He started to kiss my feet and asked if...

2 years ago
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Scared being with a older man

I had watched a very attractive college girl walk into my neighbor's backyard BBQ. A real beauty, her 32-B breasts topped off her petite and not quite five foot tall body. She has long silky softly styled black hair down to the middle of her back. My neighbor introduced me to April, as we chatted April told me about herself; she is 19, she is single, she is not currently dating anyone, and she is attracted to older men. I Suggested that we leave the party and go to dinner. I sat at the bar...

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Charlottes sexual awakening

Charlotte is a strong minded career woman with extensive experience in the property market. For the last five years she worked for the same high profile property company working her way up the ranks in quick succession where she was now one of the senior managers there.On the home front, she's married to Andrew where they have a three year old son. Such was her strong minded independence out in the employment field she endeavoured to get herself back into work shortly after her son's birth. Due...

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Pervert Reincarnates in Another World

You are a pervert who, for a series of unfortunate events, die. But what it's the end for other people is not for you, because for a reason or another you reincarnate in another world. What will you do? Make all you're perverted fantasies become reality? Become a villain? A hero? The choice is yours. But, first, who are you?

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Summer Pleasure With Tasty Sweat

Hi dear sexy and lovely readers, am Naveen from Bangalore and native of Andhra Pradesh, about me am 24 years old, 5.7 height and 70kg of dark skin average looking guy and i completed B.Tech and now searching for job in Bangalore. Now i just tell u about my body, i have a nice hairy chest and brown lips, lovely little belly, and coming to the main hot spot i.e., my cock its sexy shaved 7” black cock. Ha ha ha Coming to my sex partner his name is Kar (sorry i can’t reveal his name) he is little...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Some sex questions answered

What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Lips and absWhat color panties are you wearing? Right now: none ;PWhat’s your favorite sexual position? SpoonsDo you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On topDo you prefer sex with the lights on or off? Depends on my moodDo you like rough sex or smooth sex? Depends on my partnerWhat one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? SlipperyWhat’s your favorite part of sex? Do I have to choose?Are you familiar with the term “erotic...

4 years ago
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Plump sexy mother in law

On occasion my wife wouldn’t be home when her mother stopped by and I would always become slightly nervous as we made small talk. Partially because of the dirty thoughts I was having and knowing I would be jacking off minutes after she left with the sight of her big juicy ass in thin loosely fitting shorts fresh on my mind. I was certain she would enjoy a good stern fucking from a young stud, and was quite confident in my girthy seven & a half inches, but how in the hell would I ever...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 131

Skye and Jill scattered like cockroaches when the light comes on as soon as my face appeared in the doorway. Liz looked up from her desk while I stood sheepishly in front of her. “If you want Brea gone, she’s gone,” I said. “No,” Liz said almost at once. “I was being silly.” “It’s not worth arguing with you over,” I told her. “If she’s going to be a problem then you’re right. We should let her go. But I still think we do it in a way that it doesn’t come back on her at the hospital.” “She...

1 year ago
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Hidden Heritage II The ScholarsChapter 10

During the following few years things remained the same - and at the same time, everything started to change. The trade with Birgit flourished and she insisted that I spend those few days with her as a part of the deal. Somehow the women who took part in those trade missions found that more humorous than I did. Well, the truth was that now, when I knew that both Bellcauniel and Fainauriel were okay with it, I did enjoy those trips myself without any problems with my conscience. Those trips to...

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367 Hi Im Kay

Hi I`m Kay! Alcoholic start with the statement, I`m x and I`m an alcoholic and …. This lady starts with Hi I`m Kay and I`m a Masochist… my life so far has been such that I feel I need to be punished. Now me I have talked to ladies like this before, in fact I`ve written stories for one such lady, a lovely cuddly housewife in the uk, who needed to atone for something in her past life and happily paid to be used and abused professionally. (my stories number 167 297 and 298) so I wasn`t as shocked...

4 years ago
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Wendy and Miss West II

It was exactly 7 pm as Wendy knocked on the door to Miss West’s office. This was her second evening at her new place of employment. She was being paid extremely well by a posh woman to allow her to use her as she pleased. Wendy didn’t consider herself to be attracted to other women but if this intelligent pretty lady wanted to look at or even touch her naked body then, as long as nobody found out, that was just fine by Wendy as long as she received her money. And what’s more, on her...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 40

The next weekend I realized I had forgotten to do something, and grabbed the frame, and drove out to the skating rink. I walked in about an hour before they opened, and asked for the manager. As soon as he saw me he smiled and bid me to come in. The same girl was translating, and I told them to hold on and that I would be right back. I returned with the frames and set them on the counter where the skates were handed out. I told them that this was a gift from the owner of the rink in...

4 years ago
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Marc and Moni part 4

It's not over yet Lamont tells hubby and I. I said you are mine for the week this only day 4. I listen to him as I am sucking his cock as to what he has in store for me. Hubby just listening and nodding knowing he has no choice at seeing his wife being used by Lamont and whoever he tells to. Today we are going to the theatre . Going to a movie hubby says. Something like that Lamont laughs as he cums in my mouth for the 3rd time today. He tells me to get ready and shower, his girlfriend...

4 years ago
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The New Flat

I stabbed my key into the door lock. My chest felt like it was going to explode it felt like thunderclap rumbling in the distance as I panted for breath. The rain was striking the ground so hard it was bouncing back. I was forced to run through this drenching downpour because I was three miles away from home with no way to get there otherwise. Out-of-breath, angry, and soaking wet, I was in the doorway to my flat Squeezing hard on the doorknob, I froze as the girl next door put her head out to...

3 years ago
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Last Frontier IIChapter 1

Darla Reynolds had finished her shift at 2:00 a.m. as usual, and made her way to her 2002 Subaru Forester parked in the employee lot at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, where she worked assisting with the Baggage Claim. Typically frigid in the month of February, a storm blew in just before midnight. At her car, her attempt to open her door was hampered by someone pouring water into her door, and freezing the locking mechanism. When the remote door lock wouldn't work, Darla...

2 years ago
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The Wedding Ch 06

Bob Thomas went to his sister’s house after he finished working his eleven a.m. to seven p.m. ‘morning mid-watch’ shift on the Jamestown Police Department. Tim Jackman, one of his fellow officers, was getting married the next morning and, since Bob lived quite a distance out of town, he left his tux at his sister’s house in town. That way he could save himself the drive home and be rested for the wedding in the morning. His sister, Lise greeted him at the door wearing a pink sweat suit. Bob...

3 years ago
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The Big Sleep

All characters are 18 or over After hanging my fedora and trench coat on the rack, I leaned forward, allowing my head to bump the wall. I had already taken 6 Tylenol, but my head still felt like a collision of Cal football and the Stanford Marching Band. I've had a lot of hard nights in the 6 months since she left. She, being my girlfriend of 6 years, Brigid Wonderly. She said she wanted a man with higher aspirations than being a mall cop. I think she just couldn't handle being with a man with...

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