ShawnChapter 28 free porn video

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We landed ten minutes later and collected all of our luggage. Liz phoned home and didn't get an answer and was worried. "Sweetie she is here at the airport looking for us. Let's find her. You go that way and I will stay with the luggage. Don't go outside the building." She gave me a peck on the lips and ran off. She was quite changed from a week ago. My eye had already found her mother Mary and that was why I shooed her off in that direction.

Soon a young looking woman of twenty seven same to us holding Liz's hand. She looked more like an older sister than the mother. The girl was bounding all over the place telling her what had recently happened to her.

When the mother got closer I was shocked and staggered a bit. She had a glow about her, like Lusa had, but it was more subdued. Everybody had an aura but normally it was hard to detect and took a bit of concentration on my part. Hers was brighter than most but had a dark area around her abdomen. This told me that something was wrong. When they got close, I tried to control myself and faced them. "Hello Mrs. Norton. I am happy to finally meet you."

"Hello Sir Shawn. I am even more glad to meet you. You have done wondrous things with my daughter. Nobody else was able to do anything for her."

I was still stunned by finding this aura and especially this woman. "It's all in the approach. Not many wanted to start the session by jumping into cold water."

"That is the most important thing I have to thank you for, Sir Shawn."

I studied the woman more intently than I had any other woman I had met other than my family. "Please; Shawn only. As for understanding people, you must also understand that I have a much different perspective. The professional people you talked to were much older and followed doctrine to the letter. I am young enough to know the difference."

She looked at me closely. It was hard for her to understand what I had done in my life and compare it to the boy in front of her. "Where are you staying Shawn?"

"I made reservations at the Marriott."

"We have an extra room and would love to have you stay with us." Liz was jumping but also trying to control herself at the same time.

I smiled politely and said, "I keep odd hours. I get back late and sometimes leave early in the morning. The worst part is the noisy friends that stay with me on occasion."

"That doesn't matter. There's more than enough room. We will give you all the privacy you want. Besides, Sally and two of Liz's friends are dying to meet you."

"I will accept your generous offer then." Liz was so happy she ran to me and gave me a kiss in front of her mother. Then remembered where she was and who she was with. Mary wasn't just surprised, she was shell shocked. Her daughter who'd always been so introverted was now giving a very public display of affection. The second thing which caused her eyes to widen was the way I held her daughter protectively. "There is a condition though," I added. "As a member of the household I get to provide for the others without an argument."

Mary kept her eye on Liz as she held me close. The mother could see that her daughter was very dependant on me. "It seems my daughter has grown quite attached to you in the short time you have been together."

"If you recall the way we met, then the attraction is self explanatory. I too find your daughter pleasing to the psyche and the eye. She is bright, caring, witty and of course beautiful. I can also see where she gets these attributes from." She smiled and wondered why I was trying to flatter her. "Will you accept me into your home with my condition?"

"Yes I will. You seem to be much more than even I expected." She did not know that I found her much more than I had ever thought too.

The suitcases were loaded in Mary's old station wagon. The trip was almost fifty minutes long because of both the slippery conditions as well as the distance. The house was in an area just north of Toronto, not too far from where Sofia & Rachael lived, but it was old and needed a lot of work. Seeing the condition of the property and a peek into Mary's mind told me that she didn't have too much extra money to put into frivolous things.

After setting the luggage down inside the front door, "Let me take your coat Shawn."

I handed it to her and said, "Thank you Mrs Norton."

"Call me Mary please. I'm calling you Shawn."

"Thank you Mary. You mentioned a small admirer of mine. Where is Sally?"

"She is next door with a neighbour. I didn't want to take her to the airport even if the roads aren't bad. Give me some of your bags and I will show you to your room."

I handed her my attaché case and I took the two suitcases. She gave me the eye then walked up the steps to a fair sized room. I admired the view but I knew that I would love it no matter what her shape was. The furnishings in the room were old but in good shape. The rest of the house contained similar furniture. It was good but worn from a lot of use."

"This room looks fine. I should be comfortable here. Thank you for inviting me."

"You're welcome Shawn. Let me make some tea after I get Sally and we can talk." I helped Liz with her luggage and took out her clothes and sorted them for wash and put the clean garments away. "You start the wash Sweetie and I will get a few of my own things."

"But mom usually..."

"Your mom is busy. You need to look out for yourself and not rely on others. Find your mom's and sister's soiled clothes too and we can clean them."


While this was happening I phoned the hotel and cancelled my reservation. Rachael and Sofia were next and I gave them the address of the house and asked them to call taxis and I would pay when they arrived. I also said that they had to behave because we would not be alone. One decision was made for me by fate but others had to be made too. I had to wait for the girls' arrivals to find how I would plot the rest of my life.

When that was done the front door opened and Mary came in followed by a three year old cutie in a snow suit. When she saw me she hid behind her mother making it difficult for Mary to get her coat off. I stepped forward and assisted.

I hung Mary's garment up and she thanked me.

"Hello Sally. May I help you with your snowsuit?" She came out of hiding but didn't come closer. "Well I guess I will go back upstairs then." After only one slow step the girl ran to me. I slowly turned around again and with a smile picked her up, then sat her on a chair and started to take off her boots. "Where I come from there's no snow at all. Your suit reminds me of my cat."

"We had a cat."

"Mine goes away too sometimes and the neighbours get mad and call me to take her back. She is a lot bigger than you though. When she yawns her mouth is so big you can put your head into it, but her breath is bad from all the raw meat she eats."

"Cats aren't bigger 'n me."

"Mine is. I found her one day on the plains. Her mommy didn't have enough food for her and left her to die. I took her to my camp and fed her. Now when she leans on somebody they have to lean back or they will get pushed over. She hogs my bed too."

"How big's your cat?"

I showed her with my hands and had to use the wall as a reference point when her tail was added. "I have a picture of when she was young if you want to see it." Sally's head went up and down and a grin was on her face.

Mary asked, "What kind of cat do you have Shawn?"

"Felis leo. She's only a little domesticated but accepts everybody at our school after getting a good sniff. You have to keep your legs tight or it can hurt," I said as I removed the snowsuit. I opened the closet and hung the suit and put the boots into the tray by the door. "I used your telephone to make two local calls to two of the girls that were on the plane with me that flew from Lisbon. They don't live too far from here and they are coming over for a visit. I would like you to meet them and we can all go out to lunch together after."

"I would be happy to meet them Shawn," said Mary. As her mother observed, Liz was a little heartbroken as she wanted me to herself for a while longer.

We sat down for some tea and a chat. Liz had to go downstairs and shut off the washing machine so she could be part of our talk. I gave some of my early life but as usual I glossed over much of it. I talked a bit about the help I gave father in Rhodesia when young and then about our trip to Britain including our meeting the royal family. I adjourned the talk and went downstairs to put the clothes through the wringer and rinse them in the washer one more time.

Mary came down a moment later and said, "You don't have to do that Shawn. You are our guest."

"Remember what I said about me being a member of the household. That precludes me from being a guest." I finished the laundry with her standing beside me. I went outside with Liz to hang the clothing on the line. The day wasn't that cold for this area but it took only minutes for the clothing to freeze solid. Liz handed me the warm wet clothing and I did the hanging. She at least had warm material to keep her fingers warm. She now understood a bit more about what her mother had to put up with.

When I got inside I chased the girls around the house with my cold hands until Sally almost peed herself. Soon after that a taxi pulled up and I went out to welcome Sofia in. She had a shopping bag with her that had a change of underclothing because she was wet already and would be wetter even more after seeing me. She couldn't restrain herself and gave me a kiss but tried to keep it chaste as possible. I pinched her bum a little and paid the driver before escorting her into the house.

The people in the house had not seen the pinch but did see the kiss. On the way up the walkway I said, "Liz is twelve years old and wants to join us. Be especially nice to her please." I didn't mention the mother yet but she was going to be in my future if I could manage it.

"Yes master," she giggled to me. "I love you."

"I will show you later how much I love you too."

After introductions we sat at the table again and talked about all the recent happenings of the people who were on the flight. I explained the background of the people we were mentioning. The stewardesses had mentioned that the co-pilot was now a pilot and that both he and the engineer were back flying.

A honk was heard and I went to get Rachael. I got a kiss from her too as I paid the fare. When the taxi left I said, "Hello Sweetheart, Sofia is in the house and Liz is with her. She wants to joining us but I am not going to push in any way. Be nice to her for me."

"I'll do anything for you Shawn. Are we going someplace private after?"

"I sure hope so. I want to throw your legs over my shoulders and feast on your clit as my finger slips into your vagina." She stopped at the imagery and had to hold my shoulder until she recovered. Her panties were now soaked but they had been getting wetter as she came to the house.

"Master, you are so cruel."

"Master is it? I guess you and Sofia have decided to call me that. I think I am going to have to dress you in harem silks. What do you think?"

I got a very big kiss in reply and knew she loved the idea. She and Sofia had not fit in as well on returning to Canada and I knew that I wanted them with me. It had hurt me to part with them in just the same way as it had hurt to part with the girls and children of my Ethiopian family.

When Rachael sat at the table to talk, the smell of aroused female came to me even stronger than it had done while I was outside. Since there were only five chairs I picked up Sally and put her in my lap as I sat in her chair. She just cuddled to me and was happy at the trade.

My mind now scanned all of the women in the room. Mary was now part of my life whether she knew it or not. Liz was just a nice girl but now I would have to keep her as a wife for she could never go back to a daughter if I took her mother.

I looked deeply into Sofia and Rachael as I studied them more than I had done beforehand. They seemed to be attracted to me as strongly as I was now to Mary. It would be cruel to abandon them now. They would slowly recover in a few years but in that time their attraction to me would cause them to lose interest in school and probably fail in life. The other side of the coin showed that if they stayed with me they would truly blossom and make their mark on the world.

I mentioned more of Ethiopia and how the Emperor wanted some help from me in dealing with the educational system we were setting up. There were more explanations of the criteria I was looking for in potential educators for the country. Rachael and Sofia were told that they could be part of the restructuring of the country if they would get a teachers licence and learn to speak Amharic or one of the many other languages spoken in Ethiopia.

"You think we can teach!" Sofia said.

"You are both very bright, the same as I think all of you around this table. With the right courses you could teach at the local university and live at my home in Addis Ababa. You have to remember that the amount of education you get here in Canada will be far superior to that which the natives can get over there."

This was only one of the possible solutions. If the girls taught in Ethiopia then more of my family would be together in one place.

Liz asked, "What could I do?"

"I am going to start up a corporation here in Canada. Probably in British Columbia to facilitate trade with the orient. Japanese articles are now looked on poorly but are bound to improve as their economy grows. Like Germany, they have had to completely rebuild from scratch and this will make for a vastly improved business climate. Their machinery will be new and state of the art thus making them more efficient and accurate. In a few years after graduating from university with a business degree you can begin in that corporation."

"What! How do you see that?"

"As I already said all of you are very bright. Business will be a snap for you. I can coach you on a few points if you want and you should make a top notch executive. Possibly taking the presidency later."

Sally squirmed a bit in my lap and looked at me and said, "What about me?"

"You my little monkey are going to work hard at school and then go to culinary school after high school to become a chef. You will tour the world for a while and then set up a culinary school of your own."

"Mommy, mommy, I'm a chef. Can I cook something?"

"Not right now Honey." She turned her inquisitive eyes to me and said, "How do you see all this Shawn? Is it just where you would like people to go?"

"I talk to people and get ideas from them and others that know those individuals. I can see trends that others can't. That is why my companies do so well. It's not too much different with people or companies. In this case I choose to vocalize my assessment to you. Normally that is not done because it would conflict with my plans but it won't this time."

Mary now asked, "Since you did everybody else, what about me?"

"You will go back to school and get your BA. When you have graduated with top marks, you will take up residence in British Columbia in a small import/export business that will bloom to a very substantial size. I have to warn you though that another graduate will be gunning for your position. You will probably have to take a new job in Ethiopia or South America."

Mary just sat there with her mouth open. Her mind was working fast and in its haste was missing important points. Nobody talked for a while till she was finally able to vocalize, "I can't go to school. I have a family to support. I was never that good in school in the first place. You are going to give me a job in a company that doesn't exist yet?"

"What's so hard to understand? I invest in companies, countries, and causes but mostly in people. Now let's go for lunch and you can think about it over a nice meal."

Chairs were reluctantly pushed back. Liz took Sofia and Rachael with her to talk and get ready. I still had Sally in my lap. As I put her down I said, "You, young lady go to the bathroom first. I will get your clothes for you." She hurried off without even looking back.

Being the only one left I walked to Sally's room and pulled out some of her better outfits and laid them on the bed. Mary came by to do the same thing after dressing herself and saw what I had done. Sally raced around her mother and into the bedroom. I bent down and took off her top and pants. She needed a bit of cleaning so I threw her over my shoulder and took her to the bathroom again.

Mary followed, interested in what I was going to do and not worried for her daughter. I started the shower and when it was warm removed the rest of the girl's clothes and popped her in the tub and quickly washed all of her except the hair. In two minutes she was done and I wrapped her in a large towel and threw her over my shoulder again. Within another minute the girl was dressed.

We got downstairs to see Liz changed too and holding the hands of the other two girls. It seemed that they had come to a bit of an understanding. With my coat and boots on I opened the door and when Mary passed, I asked for the car keys.

"Shawn, you are too... Is it legal for me to give them to you here?"

"Certainly. Remember I have my pilots licence and an international drivers licence too." She fished in her purse and handed me the keys. Everybody was standing beside the car waiting for me to get in so they could sit beside me. I opened the door and got each in as a gentleman should. Mary sat in the front with me. I adjusted all the mirrors and started the engine. I had to adjust the seat and drove off. My eyes were not that high above the dash and I had to cheat a little and pick myself up a bit.

The trip was about ten minutes and I stopped in plenty of time but used my ability to assist in steering and acceleration. The girls talked in the back and Mary took her claw like hands from the dash and door when she saw that we were not in any imminent danger of having an accident. We only had one close call and that was when somebody slid through a stop sign and I had to avoid them. "Toronto drivers are not nearly as aggressive as the ones in London or Paris, that's where I have to really concentrate on my driving."

In a parking lot still covered in a compressed layer of snow. I revved the engine and the back end of the car fishtailed. When the vehicle swung around it lined up with the parking spot. I casually backed it into a position that would keep it the safest. Sally liked the manoeuvre; Mary didn't but said nothing.

The restaurant was nice and the décor was tasteful. The girls were apprehensive because all this cost money. I took the girl's coats and hung them on hangers at the front. When the waitress took us to our seats I sat each of the girls. I asked to see the kitchen and when word came back I took Sally and went through the double swinging doors. There was a fair amount of activity and a lot of noise. Cooks and one chef raced about using economical steps to get the various meals ready.

Most glanced at us as they worked and soon the chef came over to kick two children out. Before he said anything I stuck out my right hand, "Good day sir. My name is Sir Shawn Boz. We just came to see if the reputation of your establishment was warranted."

The chef already had his hand out before thinking and paused as he remembered facts he had learned about me. "Hello Sir Shawn. You are the first knight I have ever spoken to. Would you like me to give you a tour?"

"I would like that very much but I want to introduce you to a chef that in two decades will be world renown. This is Sally Norton."

"Sally, this is Chef Henri Colson. He is the reason this restaurant is as popular as it is." Henri put out his hand and the little girl blushed but shook it.

The man said, "I am very glad to meet an up and coming chef, especially one starting so young. Do you have some special recipes you would care to share with a fellow chef?"

"Ah, no."

I looked at the chef and said, "I am not joking about where this young lady will go in life. I predict that twenty years from now you will fondly remember this time."

Henri was not disbelieving but found it hard to conceive of this girl finding her way so soon in life. He took out a sheet of paper and a pen and said, "Please make a picture on this."

Sally used her childish strokes to put a flower down on the sheet as her mother taught her. I took the pen too and wrote my prediction and then signed and dated the paper before I handed it back to the man. "Now we would like the tour if it is still available Chef Henri." Ten minutes later we sat at our seats. Sally had a big grin and ordered right away from Chef Henri's suggestions.

Mary asked, "Why were you two so long in there and why is Sally ordering things she never even heard of before?"

I looked at Sally and said, "Tell your mother Sally."

"Ah; we had a tour and told us the good stuff."

"That sounds nice. You will have to give me a taste of your food. Does this mean that you do all the cooking now daughter?"

"I'm too small mommy."

When the meal was ready the chef himself came out and theatrically did a flambé as he served Sally and then the rest of us. The diners in the area were dressed nice and appeared fairly wealthy. They looked at out table and some began to talk as my name was whispered about. The servers confirmed their suspicions and the talk returned to normal.

The meal was very good and when we were done I sent my thanks to Chef Henri and we left. On the way back to the house I talked to Mary about the need to be with Sofia and Rachael for an hour or so. She claimed to not mind but now had a bit of jealousy creep into her thoughts. Then after this went around a few times in her mind she wondered what I did to her daughter when I had her alone. She thought that because I was young I would not be interested in sex. New thoughts and permutations made war in her mind and she decided to wait before making any drastic decisions. She was already becoming attached to me through my own aura but it was just taking more time.

Liz was heartbroken for a while until my words of sharing came to her. Now she just hoped that I would have time for her too.

The two girls in question just turned red and hung their heads. The thoughts of our coming encounter made them squirm in their seats. Liz recognized what they were doing from her own actions earlier this morning.

When we got into the house Mary just said, "I am a little tired and I'll go for a short nap," She picked up Sally and said to Liz, "You should go for one too. It was a tiring day."

When Mary took Sally upstairs I said to Liz, "Don't be worried. There is nothing wrong and soon things will be just great for you. You trust me don't you?"


"Then go to your room and leave the door open. These two girls are always noisy." Looking Sofia in the eye I asked, "Aren't you?"

She squirmed and then said, "Yes but I can't help myself."

"That is the way I want you both. Now go upstairs please. I will be up in a moment." As they walked up the stairs they looked back at me till they entered my room and closed the door. To Liz I asked, "Liz I have decided I want to keep Sofia and Rachael as my women, not just girlfriends. They need me close to them or they will fail in life. If they stay with me they will grow in leaps and bounds and also make me very happy. One day they will have my children."

"I know that I want you too. There will be many other women but usually they will be all over the planet. Some will be just friends but only a few will be in my family. Don't answer now but soon I will ask if you are interested in joining. The part that you may not understand is that I find your mother the same way. She has something about her that I love and I have to stay close as Rachael and Sofia are to me. Soon I know that your mother will feel the same way. Would you object to sharing her with me?"

"You want my mom too!"

"She is not yet thirty and would be an asset to our family. If you do not want me as your man I can be like a father." The last part hurt and she cried because she wanted me to be more, much more. "I would like you to have my children too but I will understand if you don't want that."

She flung her arms around me and said, "Oh I want you so bad. I will share even with mom if you want. Just don't leave me."

I kissed her then said, "I will make love to your mom tonight after Sofia and Rachael. I will talk to her after and see what she thinks about sharing with you. If she agrees I will make love to you later like a man."

"Ahh, I want that Shawn."

I simply threw her over my shoulder and took her to her room and removed her clothing then put her into bed with some tissues handy. "Listen to the girls well my sweet. Soon you will be singing with them."

Sofia and Rachael were in bed naked and waiting for me, even in this odd encounter. I took off my own clothing and climbed on the foot of the bed and sat facing them. "Sofia Honey, I have to talk first."

"Ok," she said tentatively.

"I see how attached you and Rachael have become to me. I am afraid I am the same way to both of you," she smiled wide and her anxiety left her. "What I wanted to ask each of you is what will come of it? We can enjoy sex often and that is nice for everybody or you can be something close to a wife, just without a formalised contract. I will not really marry anybody but in a way you will all be my wives. You also have to know that there will be many other women like you in everyplace I go. As a husband I will support you and guide your education and your careers. You will run the family businesses and bear my children."

They started to come at me now but I held my hand up. "Mary and Liz; I want them to join our family too. You know every other person I want, although I will slow down in my acquisitions. I would never have enough time with each of you or the children. Please don't answer now because this needs a lot of thought. You both have to complete high school and go to university. We may not see each other very much until you graduate. If you accept me in this verbal contract you will not be able to have a man of your own."

Sofia said, "Shawn, I only want you, forever."

"You got us now Shawn and we will never let go," said Rachael in a solemn voice. "I never thought I would want somebody as much as I want you. Say the word and I will do anything for you."

"Well I want to make love to both of you. So prepare to go to sleep." They looked at me questioningly and I had to say, "It doesn't take long until you have too much and your mind shuts you down for a while so you can recover."

Sofia was my first choice this time. I walked on my knees to her and started to kiss her lips and moved to her ears and eyes. My hands caressed her breasts and gently pinching her nipples. Her beautiful face contorted to a vision exquisite agony. Her demeanour just asking for anything I would bestow on her. My lips moved lower and found the first nipple and slowly sucked it into my mouth taking a large portion of her breast with my wide mouth. She was in a sitting position and I lowered her to her back. In another moment she had her first orgasm. She groaned in the sheer pleasure of it and twisted some but stayed at the source of her stimulations.

Just as she started to settle I moved between her legs and slipped inside very slowly. Her arms came up to hold me tight and her mind only felt me and nothing else. Her concentration was on an image of me and I now slipped into her mind and inserted an image of her with the children she would one day bear me. Her pelvis worked furiously now to make the vision true.

"Sofia I love you, this is the first time I told you this. I want you as my woman till the end of our days." She held me even tighter and had a small orgasm.

"Yes Shawn, always," she pledged as I started to thrust into her faster and faster. She was pushed toward the headboard and thrust back at me. "Oh yes, like that Shawn. Faster, oh faster, I am almost there again," she shouted as her emotions overcame her again and she inhaled for a scream. I managed to stifle most of it with my mouth as she thrashed about in the bed causing the headboard to strike the wall a half dozen times in succession.

I had my own orgasm and continued to stroke into my woman as if trying to gain entrance. I brought my powers into play and her vagina was stretched a bit and her anus entered. Seconds later her scream was so loud that my mouth could not contain it well and she collapsed senseless to the bed.

Pulling out of Sofia, I moved her limbs so they would not be hurt and looked at Rachael. "Are you ready for me Sweetheart?" Rachael had been playing with her self and was almost at her second orgasm when she stared into my eyes. Even without reading her mind I knew her desperate need and laid her down beside Sofia and slipped into her. She was very wet and in less than a minute completed her orgasm as she ground her pelvis into me.

Same as Shawn
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I've not done much of anything in my fifty years; well, other than read books and work. That formula has worked for me till now, but no more. I've finally decided to make a change. Oh me? My name is Bruce Turner: more about me later. Working I'd become a major success; Well, if a hundred million in liquid assets can be considered success. My job? I'm self-employed. I buy and sell foreign currencies: not an occupation for the unlettered or the faint of heart. Me, I'm lettered as hell and...

3 years ago
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Marions Story Chapter Seven

Credit here to my friend and fellow author EM Kay (Marina Kelly) who helped with the story and kept me on the straight and narrow and of course did all the editing so thanks Marina.... With the finals over and the win in the bag we sat around the green room relaxing, Molly worked her way around the band giving us all hug and kisses but she stopped at me and we hugged for the longest time before she gave me a huge sloppy kiss. As we separated, she whispered in my ear, "That's for Sandy....

2 years ago
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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 01 Food whore

The zombie apocalypse was one of the best things that happened to Troy. Before this, he was a manager at a trucking company. He hated the job, but it paid really well. By a terrible coincidence, his wife was killed in a freak accident on the road with a truck from the same company he worked for. She was a sweet woman, but they had grown apart. So, he didn’t really miss her. But the company packaged him out and he was able to get a large settlement. He was then loaded with cash, but nothing to...

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The Demons Sacrifice

“The demon,” the Great Mother spoke, and her voice boomed all around us, “is too strong!” Silence fell over the hall like a leaden blanket. A pair of feet shuffled on the floor next to me and stirred up dust. A choked sob sounded from somewhere further back. A muffled, crashing noise made it through the thick wooden gates and made some of my fellow sisters whimper in fright. I had seen him with my own eyes, felt the raw power spring forth from his hands and shake the foundations of our refuge....

1 year ago
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The TempleChapter 5

Three months had passed since the goddess had practically laid waste to Geeta's massage parlor. The deaths of a dozen customers had temporarily shut the place down for some time while the police and the coroner's office investigated. It was a long and baffling investigation. Autopsies performed on the deceased men showed that in each case, death had been caused by a massive heart attack. In some cases, the heart attack was perhaps explicable by the man's age, weight, blocked arteries or...

4 years ago
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The Widower Bride

The Widower Bride by enduringshades Three months ago Tom gathered his immediate family together and told them of his plans for his wedding anniversary. At first they were not sure they heard correctly, then they were shocked, and then they became very emotional when Tom told them of his ambitious plan and asked for their blessing and support to make it an unforgettable day and to celebrate Jessica's memory. Tom had married his childhood sweetheart Jessica last year. They were...

1 year ago
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Getting hooked on oral sex

After my first cock sucking experience, I couldn’t wait to do more. Unfortunately G. had gone home for the weekend and I spent the whole weekend fantasizing about how I could elicit the maximum pleasure from G by sucking on his cock.There was this VHS tape that G. had left with me…and there was this actress in it- Tera Patrick – she was some sort of a mix girl – I think some Chinese mixed with European…and she became my virtual teacher in the art of cock sucking. When everybody went to sleep, I...

2 years ago
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Oh no what have I done Pt 2

I went to bed that night and fucked Maria harder than I ever had before all the while wishing that it was Libby I was sinking my steel hard shaft into. Maria said what the hell has gotten into you are you trying to fuck a hole through me take it easy if you keep this up my pussy will be sore and we won’t be able to do this again for weeks. It was then I came back to my senses and said I’m sorry babe it’s just that your pussy feels so good I couldn’t help myself. Maria got on top of me and rode...

4 years ago
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A Very Special Delivery

It was late Monday afternoon and Cindy Adams had just come home from another day at her job as a receptionist for a large bank. Amanda Clark, her best friend and roomate, was already home when Cindy arrived. Amanda and Cindy had known each other from their college days, sharing a dorm room there as well. They had gotten to be good friends, and it seemed only natural that after college they continue their friendship. Although neither girl considered herself a lesbian, they had shared more than a...

Office Sex
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friends with benefitscontinued

well...yea...he smirks a bit embarassedumm.. we were in high school..and his folks were divorced, so his mom worked lots of long crazy hours, he was home alone much of the time so i would go over and hang out with him, sometomes even sleep over, well anyway this one night his mom calls and says she has to work a double wants to make sure he is ok...he tells her thats fine that bob is here and asks if its ok I sleep over so he doesnt have to be alone...she thinks thats great and says sure, since...

3 years ago
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What The Hell Is Wrong With My Step Brother

I stood in my room as the clock struck one on a Saturday afternoon, looking at dresses in nothing but a silk pink thong. I glanced over the three dresses on my bed, but then I heard moaning enter the airwaves. I looked over at my closet and saw my doors jiggling a bit. "Are you fucking kidding me? Again, David?" I yelled, marching to my closet. I nearly broke the door off as I opened it to find his six-foot brunette figure hiding in there with his hand down his shorts again. "Have you gotten a...

1 year ago
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The Adventurers ClubChapter 7

Friday Laura left her last class and hurried back to her room. Anyone who knew her would be able to tell she was very high and excited about something. But none of her friends from her home town or from here would have guessed that what had her so up was the prospect of being stripped naked, bound and whipped. Of course it wasn't just this, It was also the certainty of incredible sex that would accompany the other activities. At about 2:30 Ashley showed up at Laura's door. "Come on in,"...

2 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 1 England

One of the assets that David Ransome, now His Magnificence Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever and have many sons, inherited on becoming was the Imperial Voyager, the royal yacht. It was the size of a medium sized cruise liner, about eleven thousand tons displacement, four hundred feet long overall, and had palatial accommodation in forty guest suites which included space for all the necessary concubines and staff. The a crew numbered three hundred, including eunuchs and hostesses...

3 years ago
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The Bitchs Daughter 2

He let her in. “I didn’t expect to see you today,” he said, she was wearing a thin halter top and a short flared skirt. She was obviously braless and her breasts were moving nicely inside her top. “I couldn’t stay away Daddy,” she said, pressing herself against him, “l was so horny all night l had to come over for another session with Buster.” “Sorry,” he said, “you can’t this morning, l’m just waiting for Eva to arrive then l have to take Buster back to the kennels, he has another job...

2 years ago
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My sister likes to fuck

It was the morning after a big party at my aunt's house to celebrate the start of the summer holidays and my sister and I had slept in the front room, me on the floor and her on the couch. I awoke aching from the hard floor and the effects of a night of drinking and dancing. My sister Cassandra - 'Cassie' - on the other hand, seemed to blossom out of her blanket as fresh as if the party was about to start. Even her subtle makeup was hardly disturbed, I suppose because we'd only been asleep a...

1 year ago
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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 25

"So I grabbed my jeans, went upstairs and called you." Finished Mike. He looked around and saw everyone staring at him in wide eyed shock. Just seeing that dungeon told us it had been bad, but we'd had no idea how bad. My best friend had been through a hell I couldn't imagine. Tiffany, who'd been sitting next to him with her arm around his waist the whole time he told us his story, hugged him tighter. "I can't believe how horrible that man was. It must have been awful for...

3 years ago
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Sujata8217s Incest Saga 8211 Part 3

(This narration is based on true events narrated by Sujata, well, almost, I added spice as required with her approval. Please send your comments/suggestions to or to My good friend Sudha (heroine of Vanaja story) helped me a lot with this story. I am quite grateful to her) Once her son Rohit started to fuck her, Sujata’s sex life transformed over night. Prior to that her brother and husbands of few friends’ used to fuck her. Now suddenly flood gates seemed to have opened and almost drowning...

3 years ago
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Better Business

Better Business By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - The Unpronounceable There just aren't many endophilologists in the world. Maybe a hundred when I started out. Endophile Partners had 23 of them, including me. It was a very successful company because, as we all know, when you need an endophilologist you really need one. My name is Lenny Blackburn. When I joined Endophile Partners, the ink was still wet on my degree from Fromage University. Two months later, I passed my...

3 years ago
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flight 233 by loyalsock

Colt Thompson hefted his small attache’ case into the over head compartment and sat down in the aisle seat and waited for the 737 to take off. Leaving the bone chilling cold of Detroit to spend a long weekend in New Orleans was enough to bring a smile to the face of any seasoned traveler! One stop over in Memphis, and it would be good by Woodward Ave. and hello Bourbon Street! This would be Colt's sixth visit to the Crescent City, and it was definitely his favorite destination, with all the...

2 years ago
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How My Father In Law Made Me His Slut

Hi, my name is Mikel and I am from Kathmandu, Nepal. Today I am going to tell you about the sexual encounter of one of my readers with her father-in-law. You can contact her at her email Now the story will continue from the perspective of my female reader. A bit about me first, I am 43 medium build 5’4 with good boobs and an ass that people love to stare at. I have been with my partner for 5 years and he is 7 years younger than me and has a son who is 18. I have been bisexual since I was 18...

1 year ago
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my 1st dirty female teacher part 2

Thank you all for the positive feedback on the first one! I though I may as well post the second for you all to see! After I had finished school me and the teacher ,miss. S I will call her , had been texting all through it. We exchanged some dirty pics and videos. I sent a videos of me Cumming on pics she sent me, she loved those! She sent me super hot strip teases and joi videos which had me going through a lot of tissue! However, I really wanted to meet again. Our high school prom was coming...

4 years ago
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wife wants to watch me

My wife and I share many fantasies, but I didn't know about this one. MMF I have always wanted to watch my wife getting fucked by another man. I wanted to see her VERY excited, I wanted to see her coming and coming, watching her riding a huge hard cock. I wanted to see her use all her talents to make that cock explode cum all over her. I imagined that this stranger would join us, perhaps on the beach, perhaps in the bedroom. He does not have any specific features, but is healthy, strong, and...

4 years ago
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BethChapter 35

July 31, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke to a hand jostling me; I roused from the depths of sleep. I cracked my eyes open and blearily looked at ... Mom. Sandy. “If Heather’s going to ride to school with Charlie, she’s got to get a move on,” she whispered. That snapped my brain into gear. Today is Heather’s first day at university! I sat up a bit to find her. Oh. That’s right. There are five of us in the bed this morning. Fortunately, Heather was the girl snuggled into my left side. I shook...

3 years ago
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Tina and the Park Pickup Pt 1

As I slowly walked across the park towards home I could make out in the distance on a bench the outline of a person sitting down.Unsure who it was I started walking further across the other side to avoid them.I had stayed out way way too late and was walking home in daylight which I never really did.Too scared still at this stage.A car came screeching in through the park and I froze and immediately ducked away out of sight into some trees hoping they wouldn't see me.It was a spot to go for...

3 years ago
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Ladyboy Finds Vyc Part 1

Recent fetish desire & porn writing example:One of you ladyboys finds your way over to me, and you're fucking in for it bitch. First I'll strip yah, inspect your body, see if your cock, balls and butt is shaved smooth. Then I'll bend you over to squirt an anal douche in your asshole for cleansing, set you on the shitter, then watch and listen as you fart and squeeze it out, make you wipe up then take you to the middle of a room, and watch you dress into fishnets, bottomless lingerie, and...

2 years ago
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Compound X131Chapter 4 Rescue

It was cold and dark and wet, this much she knew, but nothing more. Slowly Anita's vision swam around, focused and became diffuse again. Agonizingly she crawled up the side of the ditch staggering on to the damp verge, and then limping markedly started off down the road. Not that she knew where she was headed, she didn't, her memory was temporarily wiped, it just felt right to walk this way back to... something? As her feet unsteadily traced back her cycle ride from the lab her undamaged...

2 years ago
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All AloneChapter 5 A New Life

It was another Monday. What can you say about them other than they start the workweek and most people hate them? This morning was a prime example. I got some rest last night, but it was probably not enough. Over the weekend, I didn't seem to rest much. I think that now that I'd made some decisions about my future, I did rest somewhat better. Today, I received a new scooter order. They wanted us to send it to Belgium for someone who is 4 feet 2 inches tall, but weighed almost 150 lbs. After...

1 year ago
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Baby DollChapter 25

“Wait. You want to what?” Jamie asked, as she was drying her hair. “Spend the day with you. It occurred to me that I’ve never seen what you do during the day when I’m at work.” He said, and Jamie looked at him strangely. “What’s the catch?” She asked him as she started to put on a pair of jeans. “No catch. Just figured it would be a nice change of pace.” Noah said, as he laid back on the bed. Jamie looked over at Noah. She thought for a second, and then walked over, climbing onto the bed, to...

3 years ago
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My GirlsChapter 10

We were all delighted to get Victoria home from the hospital. She was sore, so the girls had a wonderful time catering to her. It was a treat for them to have Mommy around for more than a day or two, whatever the reason. Victoria took it with grace, although I know she got sick of doing nothing. However, she was glad to be with the girls and me too, so she did not complain. I was delighted to have her around too - we spent too little time together. Over the years we had learned to spend...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 6

This chapter will be a bit different than the preceding chapters only in the sense that I have combined the relation of the facts of the conflict between the American Indian Tribes and the European Settlers into the (fictional account) at the end of each chapter. This account is in actuality taken from a number of combined reports of the ferocity of the fighting in the middle of the time period leading up to the formal hostilities of the French and Indian Wars for supremacy in the New World....

2 years ago
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Taking of Valerie Tan0

___ Through his bluetooth earpiece, he could hear the 19 year old girl sobbing and mewing into her gag. “shhhh, shhh” he cooed, “I know it’s been nearly two hours…you must be really uncomfortable and hot and sweaty. But we’ll reach the old school soon where your new daddy is waiting for you…“ Valerie Tan, a sweet, petite chinese girl, made a strangled sound which excited him. She was crammed into a small suitcase that was buried beneath steel shelves full of industrial equipment in the...

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I am finally a woman Episode 13

It happens to genetic women, and it had happened to me too. My figurative pregnancy had shaped my body irreversibly. They say a woman looks a lot more beautiful and tender after she's borne a child. I saw myself very different in the mirror, and for the first time I had a feeling of mellow, but profound realization. With fat accumulating under my chin and on my face, I didn't need to worry anymore about my jawline being a little too square. I'm still planning, one day, on undergoing...

1 year ago
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Life Of A Teenager 8211 Part 2 A Betting Game

Hi guys, this the second part of the story. I usually compare the woman in the story to actresses. So please browse the actress’s name while reading the story. Also, read the previous part to understand the betting game story. I fucked my aunt Trisha in the kitchen slab, and then we dressed up as nothing happened. In the afternoon, as we were eating lunch, aunty was sitting on my left side. I pinched her hip and slid my hand inside her petticoat, fingering her pussy. She started to move around,...

2 years ago
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Drops in a Strawberry

Elena stood in the middle of an unknown airport. She looked for a familiar face only seen on the screen of a computer. An e-mail attachment photo of a man with grey silver hair and tired eyes. She searched around and at the far end of an aisle she saw a man in black trouser and dark blue shirt. He was holding what seemed to be a dozen roses wrapped in plastic paper with a red lace holding them together. She approached him cautiously and asked, ‘Andrew Gallager?’ He looked at her and took...

3 years ago
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daddy bill finally inside me

I was wearing silky pink dress-like pajammas that were short and just barely covered my ass. I had removed my panties and thrown them somewhere once I had decided to go to town on my clitoris while I fingered myself to orgasm. It was so hot, rubbing my silky pajamas in my pussy juices and over my wet pussy lips while thinking about the several hot times I'd had with my stepdad. I imagined his hands all over me, squeezing my large C cups and pinching my nipples. I remembered the times he...

3 years ago
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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes last days

This is a sequel to my previous story.Its 430 am and I hear a snore,I feel my wifes back and see her in the moonlight shining through the window.I see that our friend Glen(Fats is his Nickname) is in our bed sleeping.I don't see his wife,but I know we shared wifes last night as we have done most of our vacation.I decide to wake and get ready for our last few days left.I go to our bathroom,as i am brushing my teeth,Glens wife Kay comes into the room from their bedroom and closes the door to my...

1 year ago
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My Wife

Before I start with an experience that changed our lives forever, Id like to introduce ourselves. I am 39 years old well built guy living in the south, and my wife has just entered in her 30s. She has a dream body that any man could ask for. She is 5 feet 6 with a 34B size, 30 waist and an ass of 36. She always loves to cary her tan look around. She has the sexiest pair of long and slender legs, which she just loves to show off in shorts or mini dresses. Last summer we went to the mountains...

4 years ago
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Stripper Party Anyone

I was dead sleep when I heard tapping on my apartment door. I glanced at the alarm clock and it read “3:15 AM”As I swung my feet out of bed, I wondered who in the heck would be knocking on my door at three in the morning. I had forgotten about Shannon, my neighbor, although I am not quite sure how I could have possibly forgotten that I had a stripper living close by.I looked in my peep hole and saw the top of her head and that of two other young girls, standing nearby.Suddenly, I remembered...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl India Summer Reagan Foxx Amilia Onyx Caught By The Cop

Reagan Foxx is at home reading a book when she gets a knock at the door. Officer India Summer has arrested Reagan’s stepdaughter, Amilia Onyx, and asks if she can come in. Amilia has been caught spray-painting the school. Reagan assures India that she’ll ground her stepdaughter and make sure she never does it again. The thing is, this is the second time India has arrested her and it’s pretty clear that grounding her is not going to cut it. Reagan retorts that perhaps she could...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anna Claire Clouds Spencer Bradley One Last Fling

Anna Claire Clouds is having a coffee date with her friend Spencer Bradley. Anna is getting married soon, but she’s not quite ready to settle down without one more wild fling. She doesn’t think her boyfriend, Oliver Flynn, will be on board, though. After discussing, the girls come up with a plan that will allow Anna to get everything she wants. Later, decked out in sheer lingerie, Anna corners Oliver in the bedroom with clear intent to seduce him. They’re just getting hot and...

1 year ago
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My Mom Is The Best Kinky Lady Part II

Hey guys, I’m writing the II version of the sex relationship between me and my mom. To understand things better, please go through My Mom Is The Best Kinky Lady, Introduction – Part I. So, here we go! After the D-day, we enjoyed our sex life a lot. In fact, I took another day off from office to enjoy her completely. Outside the room, we were like humble son and good, traditional mother. But inside the room, she was a naughty slut and me, a mother-fucking son. Soon came Saturday and we decided...

3 years ago
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Jake The PIChapter 4

It was Saturday and this was the beginning of the end for two marriages. I knew when I returned home on Monday that my marriage would be over. I headed to Jenny's place since her husband was paying me to keep my eyes on her. I parked on the hill overlooking the gated entrance waiting for Roger to leave. I made sure that when he left home that he would be able to see my vehicle; after all, he should see his money working for him. I thought I'd call Doris one last time. The phone rang and...

2 years ago
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Why my wife fucks around

I was just sharing some memories with a new friend. I was telling him how I had fucked my girlfriend ( my wife now ) in her family's den one day while her grandmother was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I was on my way out of town for my job and I made a quick detour to see my sexy girlfriend. She was still in high school so I knew I had to get there early before she left. Her grandmother lived with them and she let me in. Then she called my girlfriends name . Leila she said you have a visitor....

2 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 2

By the time I had driven back home, it was almost dark. The traffic was pretty light so it didn't take as long as usual. I walked up on the porch and immediately noticed that the motion sensor security light didn't come on. I reached back and drew my Sig Nine. I dropped to a crouch and looked around. I didn't see any movement so I went around the house, checking the windows and the back door. All of them were securely locked and I didn't see any signs of anyone trying to get in. This was...

1 year ago
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NSFWxxx has a lot going for it. For one thing, that’s the sleekest-looking domain name I’ve seen all day, streamlined yet vaguely futuristic. Pull up the site and you’ll find exactly the kind of next-gen layout deserving of the name, simple yet powerful in its presentation of amateur sluts, cartoon monster sex and gaping videos. I’m telling you, vertical columns are the wave of the future, and it won’t be long until the free tubes start copying sites like this one.Of course, the title and...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Mummy Ki Padosfod Chudai 8211 Part 11

Readers, aap sabhi ka bohut bohut shukriya jo aaplog is chudai ki story series ko continue padh rahe the. New readers aaplog series ko 1st part se padhiyega. Last part mein hum dekh chuke ki mummy Sourav bhaiya se zordaar tarike se chudai kar ke ghar waaps ja chuki thi. Is part mein aplogo ko us din ke baad se dono kaise apni chudai life ko maze le rahe the. Kaise kaise tariko se dono chupte chupaate chudai ke maze le rahe the isi ko bataunga. Us din ghar aa ke maa ne ache se shower kiya. Fir...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter MYLF

Shoplyfter MYLF! I’ve been watching a lot of Internet videos lately of mom-aged broads getting into trouble. The Karens freaking out in grocery stores about wearing masks are good for a laugh, but they’re pretty hard to jack off to. I’m a determined pervert, though, so I just snorted a couple of lines of Viagra and kept at it. I could have saved myself a few bucks and a lot of chafing if I’d known Shoplyfter now has a MILF site called ShoplyfterMYLF.If you’ve read my full review of Shoplyfter...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Katie Ch 01

Chapter One: Stationery Work was moving slowly. He had plenty on his plate but it didn’t really seem to be going anywhere. He was constantly distracted. Perhaps it was the construction site across the road or the strange smell coming from the kitchen or even his concern that he hadn’t locked his front door before he left that morning — these would distract anyone. The more likely cause, he had recently determined, was the new secretary. She had started a few weeks ago and it was about his...

2 years ago
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The Restaurant

"Good evening sir," the hostess spoke softly "How many in your party?" "Just one," I replied, slipping a bill between her fingers. "But I'd like to be seated near the lady that just went in." "Of course," she whispered knowingly, "right this way." Within seconds I was seated only a few feet away from the most incredible woman I'd seen in a long time. Long soft hair framed her face, drawing all attention to the most incredible blue eyes I had ever seen. Clinging to her body was a flirty emerald...

Straight Sex
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Once Upon an AlienChapter 8 Sons of the Viper

Lieutenant Salim Al Khoury leaned back in his chair and looked at the Sergeant standing at attention in front of his desk. The Lieutenant's uniform was crisply starched and creased. His short, black hair was neatly trimmed. The only thing about his appearance that didn't scream military efficiency was his luxuriant, flowing black mustache. He stroked it thoughtfully as he considered the Sergeant. "At ease, Sergeant Mahdi," Salim said quietly. The Sergeant's right foot snapped out...

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