A Trip To Remember 1Chapter 12 free porn video

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There was a buzz wherever they went the next day. Word of Maria had traveled around the house and extended to the farm, warehouse, restaurant, and hotel. Tom should have known that word would spread quickly but decided to give them all a day or two to think about their own futures and what they wanted before confronting them. Instead he went through his inventory of supplies and started to make many things they were running low on as well as some new things. He filled crates and single-highhandedly seemed to restock the entire warehouse.

He was bad and made a bag of potato chips and some beer for lunch. As he thought about it, he hadn’t gained or lost any weight since he had been in Rome. His hair grew and it was cut but he hadn’t aged any. He wondered if it was too early to start thinking of an exit strategy. It would be hard when Mara was 60 and Mary and Tom were still in their mid-20s. He enjoyed the chips and knew that since they were growing potatoes he could start making and selling chips without them being so out there with a funky new product. He had plenty of salt to add to the chips and fries sounded good since he wasn’t gaining weight. Fish and chips should be making a presence sooner than later.

He saw that some ships had come in, so he went exploring to see what they had for sale. He found some rugs from Persia and some brass hookahs. He should open a rooftop bar with hookahs and munchies. The young and wealthy would love it. He was also contemplating the slaves and what he would do if they all stayed or if they all left and how he would backfill them if needed. He had high hopes and didn’t feel like worrying about it would help very much. There were a few other items like oranges from the northern coast of Africa that he bought and a lion cub that he played with. However, knew he would be dealing with a different creature in a few months.

After putting things in order, he moved the things for the mall out to the area in front of the doors and he would have Adel and some laborers move them to the mall the next day. He went up to the restaurant with some food items for Adrianna. She said things were going well and business was good from the people in town and the guests from the hotel. Tom was about to leave when she asked, “I heard you that you released Maria.”

“I told all of you that you would earn your freedom as you worked to pay off what was paid for you. When I release you from your bond, what will you do?”

“I will ask for a raise and keep doing what I’m doing if you will let me. I may try to find my sister but doubt I will take a boat to look for her. I may send a letter to her and see if she responds or if the letter even finds her.”

“How much are you worth or do you just want a raise over what I’m paying you now?”

“I know that when I’m free, I will have to pay for many of the things that are now provided for me. I am happy with my life and would like it not to change much.”

“Why don’t we do this. I will let you continue to have your apartment here. You can still eat at the restaurant when you want. I will pay you 10d a day. I know that doesn’t sound like much and it isn’t when most make between 30 and 100d a day. I will also pay you 20% of the profit the restaurant makes. The more people that come in. The better your shopping and food skills to reduce waste, all that makes more profit and for every 5d we make in profit you will get 1d.”

“I think we average 5000d a day in profit. We serve three meals a day every day.”

“Then you would make a 1000d per day in income. You can hire more people and that will go down but maybe make your life easier.”

“That is a lot, more than most. I am definitely staying when you set me free.”

Tom reached behind her neck and unclasped her necklace. “You are free. I didn’t pay anything for you except the cost of your collar and you have earned that back easily.”

She hugged him and cried. He reached in his pocket and handed her five gold coins. “This should cover the next week. I had no idea we were doing so well down here. I should talk to the accountant.”

She just looked at her hand with the gold in it. He dropped the necklace on top of the small stack of coins. “Remind me that I want you to learn how to make my version of fish and chips. I miss that from back home.”

“Anytime you want Tom. You have made me a happy woman.”

On his way up the hill. He smiled to himself. He knew that he treated his people well but no matter how well they were treated, freedom was worth so much more to them. At least he felt good about it and knew how one of them would work out. His restaurant was in good hands. As he walked in the door, he had to stop. There were a lot of people in his house. They were all trying to look busy doing something else except for Helena who was sitting on the couch smiling with only a skirt on. She wore a leather collar and had both of her little nipples pierced and had a gold hoop in each.

Tom walked to Helena and picked her up. “How was your day, little one?”

“Good. I went to work with Mary, and we had a long talk. I have decided to be the house pet. I will belong to you, Mary, and Mara. I love you all and you all take care of me and love me.”

“I know that I care for you and want you to be happy. Are you happy?”

Pulling on her nipple rings and then her collar she said, “I’m Purrfect.”

He set her down and saw Durr talking to one of the guards. Tom walked over and asked, “Is there a problem, Durr?”

“Um. No Sir. I mean Tom. There has been some talk about you freeing the slaves and the men were asking? I thought I would come and talk to you and let the men know what is going on.”

Tom just looked at him for a minute. “Durr, I told you that when I think that you have done the work to repay what I have invested in you and your men that I would free you. I paid well for you, I paid for the gold around your neck and the clothes and armor you wear. I have housed you and fed you. I have sent a captain and crew along with my advocate to Judea to track down and free your families and brought them all back here.”

Durr was rocking from foot to foot and looking like he picked a poor time to bring this up. But Tom continued. “That being said, “Since you have come from a far-off country and now your families are here, I thought it may be a more difficult choice whether to go back, stay here, stay with me or find something else to do. I wanted to give you some time to talk amongst yourselves and your families so that you could make up your minds before I put you on the spot. You have twenty men and seventeen families. What have you all decided?”

“I didn’t think about all those costs. We heard about Maria and then thought you may be out to see us and tell us the same thing. I think we have some more time to cover those costs.”

“Durr, I asked what you and your men have decided about staying or moving on. I need to plan. If I set you all free today, you could all walk away but me and my family and all that we have worked for would be in risk or in danger without anyone looking after it.”

“Tom to be honest we haven’t discussed it or made any decisions. I would like to stay but haven’t spoken to my wife. I will talk with the men and find out what they want to do.”

“When I do let you go free, you will have the gold around your neck. If any want to travel back to Judea with their families, I will pay for their passage. I have been pleased with the work. I am probably a little early in releasing Maria and a little late releasing Adrianna. I don’t keep a close accounting of all income and expenses. I do plan to give freedom but can’t afford to have all my slaves walk off. I want to know for each man and his family what they decide. Each must make their own decisions and whatever they decide is fine.”

“Thanks, Tom. I guess big choices like this are never as easy as they seem.”

“When I bought you all to keep you together, I didn’t even have a place for you all to stay. Sometimes we go with the flow and sometimes we have time to plan.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry for barging in and bothering you.”

“My door is always open to you and your men. It will happen soon. Just not today.”

“Thanks Tom. I will talk to the men here and then go down to the warehouse before going home to the farm. I will talk to you in a few days with their plans.” He walked out towards the carriage house to talk to those staying there.

The ladies, Mary, Mara, Pace and Helena were all there and looking a little more relaxed than when Tom had first walked in. He smirked and said, “I only own one of you, what has you ladies all worked up tonight?”

Taking a step forward, Mara said, “I saw you talking to Helena earlier. You also know that Adel and I have gotten closer in the last month. She and I would both like to stay here and we both care very much about Helena. She works with Adel all day with the horses and then comes to the mall to help Mary but spends time with me. We just want to make sure we aren’t split up.”

Nodding he looked to Pace, “And you?”

She laughed, “I just stopped by for a glass of wine and to watch the drama unfold.”

“Mary do you have anything you want to say?”

“It sounds like everything has been said already. I am hungry and horny. Do you want to have dinner or go to bed and fuck?”

“Maria is a free girl now, so it is harder for me to make her come back later when we are sated sexually but starving for food. Let’s eat and then retire for the night. Any of these others can join us for one or both.”

The smiles were back, and Maria slipped back into the kitchen to get ready to serve everyone. It was a surprise to Tom that after dinner, Maria thought to him. “We will be staying and would like to live here in Kinda’s room if that’s okay. He may ask for a couple months to go look for his son, but we will be working for you as long as you will have us, Sir, Tom.”

The second surprise was that when he was done talking to Maria, the other girls were all gone. When he went to the bedroom there was only Mary and a very pretty, Pace tied to the bed naked except for a blindfold. Mary was kneeling over her mouth letting Pace lick her while Mary played with her nipples. She was younger but not as young as Helena. Mary whispered but loud enough for Pace to hear. Treat her like a slave tonight and we can let her free in the morning. I sent a guard to let her parents know that she won’t be home tonight. She wants to be our fucktoy.”

Tom went to get some toys and tried to recreate the VIP treatment for her but included a huge deposit of cum in every orifice she had available to accept his cock. When they were done it was early the next morning. Tom scooped her up off the bed and carried her to the bath where hesat down with her on his lap. Mary sat beside them and rubbed her legs. Pace said, “That was better than I was expecting. My parents know that I like to play with women, but both have heard stories about Tom. Now I can tell them that all the stories are true and not all men are worthless in bed.”

“The problem is getting out of bed in the morning and going into work. Tom can laze around and take his time.”

“The mall doesn’t open that early. I am normally gone way before you are.”

“Don’t question my arguments. Mary and I have a schedule to attend to. I need to dry off and get some sleep.”

They ended up falling asleep with a woman on each shoulder cuddled to Tom. He awoke the same way but with Helena pressing her nipple rings into his chest. He looked up at the little woman. “Where did you come from?”

“You know horse people. Up with the sun. I was hoping that you wanted to go out to the farm today so I could help train and practice racing.”

Patting her butt, he said, “Let me get up and we can get going, little one. Have Adel saddle a horse for me. I don’t care if you ride or take a wagon or carriage. I will need some food too, so let Maria know that I’m up and on my way for breakfast.”

Before they left, Mary stopped him and said, “We were invited to the Emperor’s box at the coliseum this weekend. I don’t think you can refuse unless you are out of town or dead.”

“Who sent the invite?”

“Alexa stopped by the mall yesterday.”

“Can we bring some cold beers or some food to tailgate or party in the box?”

“I didn’t ask but I will. She has a spa treatment today.”

“Get a number of people and we can cater the box.”

“I will talk to Alexa and her mother.”

After saying goodbye to Mary, Tom walked out to see Adel and Helena in a chariot. This was one with a bench seat that folded down after you got in in case you didn’t want to stand the whole time. He had a horse with a regular saddle as did Kinda who would be riding with them. The men started off slow but soon were passed by the girls as Helena had the reins and Adel was hanging on. Tom wasn’t going to try to keep up with them, so he talked to Kinda.

“I hear that you and Maria plan to stay at the house and continue to work for us. I’m happy to hear that. Since it sounds more permanent, we will remodel and combine some space so that you can have a nice space to call home.”

“You don’t have to but that would be great.”

“Do you think you will go and try to find your son? How old is he?”

“He should be about 10 now. I do want him to know that his father isn’t dead, he didn’t forget about him and still loves him. I could also let him know that if he needs me, he could write, and I would try to help out.”

“I think that is very noble of you. I’m sorry that your wife decided not to come back. Maria is a good girl and I’m glad you found each other.”

“She is and we find ways to talk with our hands, with motions and even her writing while I speak.”

When they were out of the city, they picked up the pace and were at the farm soon enough. Hans had horses in all different places doing all different things. Tom spoke with him a while and he seemed happy. Tom asked, “I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors. You came to us much later than most of the other slaves, but have you spoken with your family about staying on or going out on your own?”

“If we are free, then we can always leave but we like the house you built for us. We like the farm with everything built the way we like it. We can do what we love and get paid to do it. We plan to stay unless we would be kicked off the farm or the money wasn’t enough to live on.”

“You don’t need to worry about either of those things when the time comes.”

“You are an interesting man, Tom. The way you think is different than most. You look at old problems and come up with new solutions. It is exciting every day we come to work.”

The smith and his family were not slaves, but Tom stopped to see if they had enough work or needed anything. They were busy and happy. The carpenter, Jeri was busy and had a few different projects underway. They looked at the carriage and it was almost ready. It had a lot of leather and silk finishes. The driver’s box was high so he could see. The whole carriage was enclosed to keep out the sun and dirt. The springs were just right to absorb the bumps but not too loose so that it was continually bouncing. It was pulled by a four-horse team and there was a place on the back for two guards to ride along. Luggage could be stored under the seats or in large compartments.

“Jeri, will it be ready this weekend? We may take it to the coliseum. The Emperor will appreciate the fine craftsmanship. I love the brass lamps for driving at night and the lenses should do a good job shining it ahead on the road.”

“We will make sure it is ready for this weekend.”

“I will have Adel bring out some purple silk pillows that we can have in the carriage.”

“That would look great. It is a big gift.”

“I also want to talk to you about chariots. I have some ideas about how to build them to race faster. Not for everyday use but for the races.”

“You can make it lighter but what else is there?

“They go around in circles and it seems like most of the races are won or lost in the corners. I saw a few even flips over last time I went.”

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Charley was able to immediately keep his promise to his daughters regarding the Summer Camp, and by the next afternoon, (a Sunday) all bunk house superintendents were passing out revised activity schedules to all the bunk houses, and at that evening's dinner, the kids enjoyed sitting with their friends, family and selected companions for the first time since camp started. With all co-gender programs up and running again, you might think that the Riverdale bunk house toll bridge would be a...

3 years ago
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Trip to Mushroom Castle

Disclaimer: This story depicts teenage recreational drug use, and only as an ironic yet relevant plot device. If drugs or drug usage scares you or you disagree with it, please read no further. As usual, there is strong sexual language. Fun tip: I wrote this story while high. Trip to Mushroom Castle By Zephyrus Pete boringly marched his usual route home from school, not paying attention to much of anything around him. Not...

1 year ago
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Trip to Mainz with Hannah and Tim

‘Or’ The question, if it was a question was left unfinished. A pause and a glance that said all that needed to be said. Hannah put an arm around each of our waists and pulled us towards her. I looked Tim in the eye and the look on his face said it all: neither of us had expected this. She had started off by explaining that she would sleep on the sofa and we should share the bed. Then as if by way as an afterthought she suggested another possibility. I had known Tim fifteen years. We were...

3 years ago
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Trip to Mainz with Hannah and Tim

"Or" The question, if it was a question was left unfinished. A pause and a glance that said all that needed to be said. Hannah put an arm around each of our waists and pulled us towards her. I looked Tim in the eye and the look on his face said it all: neither of us had expected this. She had started off by explaining that she would sleep on the sofa and we should share the bed. Then as if by way as an afterthought she suggested another possibility. I had known Tim fifteen years. We were at...

First Time
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A Beautiful Wish Chp 5 The Heart Remembers

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibGorrilaChapter 5: The Heart RemembersThe water streamed across George and Dawn's entwined bodies.  It traced the lines of George's lean muscles and caressed Dawn's impossible curves.  They kissed and embraced and joined over and over, enjoying a closeness that neither had felt in their short time together.  George cleaned her first, starting with her golden brown hair, which looked and smelled just as intoxicating wet.  He lathered up his hands and slowly ran them over...

3 years ago
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Trip Home

Every body was getting ready to leave our cabin. It had been a fun Vacation, Mom and Dad, my 10 year old sister Carrie and me Rafe I am 16 and nothing spectacular bout me lets face it ...I am a Nerd. You know black plastic rimmed glasses, skinny, but that is where it ends. I am not a computer whiz and I am not a brainiac. I am a fake I just have the look. The only thing I have going for me is 9 ½ inches of manhood, but no one knows about that. I am...still... a virgin, Also...

2 years ago
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Strippers and Prostitutes Ch 09

Ch. 9: ‘Dana’s’ 25th Celebrations Author’s notes: 1. This story follows on from my previous story ‘Mixed Emotions’ in which the characters are introduced and developed. It is strongly recommended that ‘Mixed Emotions’ is read first. 2. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this series are neither condoned nor recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk. 3. All characters are fictional and any...

3 years ago
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Trip to San Diego

My wife and I were spending a winter down at Yuma, AZ at our friends' place. They had their motor home parked in their front yard and we stayed in it. It was very comfortable and saved us lots of money not having to rent a place. Even though we were getting older my wife had taken care of herself and had a great body; a nice set of 36 D breasts and a cute little ass, compared to my friend's wife who had put on lots of weight, and wasn't interested in having sex any more. My wife Maggie still...

3 years ago
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Trip Gone Wild 8211 Part 1

Hy readers…this is Alia. Ye story Sachi h or mere sath hui this. I am 5’3 tall, fair color with long black hair. Big boobs and bums. Hum family trip per bahar ja rhe the… Sirf meri family which included my papa mom my brother and me. Sab kuch decide hogya tha jab mere bhai be bola ki uska waha aakele maan nhi lagega. Iss per papa me suggest Kia ki vo apne dost Nitin ko bhi bula le. Nitin or bhai chote se hi bohot aache frnds the..more like brothers. Or vo humare ghar aata jata rehta tha or ek...

3 years ago
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Trip To Delhi With Pooja

Hi it is Vishal again…today i will tell how i made my girlfriend super horny in the bed… Kindly response to my id My gf pooja is 25 year old..she is 5’5″ with super hot figure 36-26-36.. she is as fair as milk. Her boobs are v soft n good in shape with light brown nipples. Her waist flat with deep navel. We planned a trip of Delhi. She never wore hot dresses so delhi trip was going to Be our dream trip. We booked a room in 4 star hotel. Coming to main part of story. We did shopping for her....

2 years ago
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Trip To Goa With Amee 8211 Part 2

After we both wake up in the afternoon, we had our shower and later we ordered some food. We had our food and we both got ready for the private beach of the resort. Only the residents of the resort were allowed to enter the beach. It was a half moon size, clean beach with blue water. It was afternoon so there was no rush on the beach only few people were there on the beach. We both headed to the sea, the ambiance was simply enchanting and presence of Amee in a black bikini which was showing her...

2 years ago
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Trip With The Sister

Hi this Raj,I am a regular reader for sex stories. It’s the incident happened with me and my sister. Let me introduce myself and my sister ,I am 28 yrs, single 5.9 inch height with good physics and working as an manager in pune. My sister is 34yrs old and IT professional having perfect mass where is required, her height is 5.6 with figure 36 32 38.I love her assets. So lets start the incident, my sister had love marriage against our family decision, so my family member had stopped all the...

3 years ago
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Like most young boys, I wanted to have sex with my mother. She wasn’t one of those moms that look like a movie star, she was just average. A little hippy, as I always remembered. Just average looks. Her tits were nice enough, but nothing special to look at, but nice to play with. Growing up I would jack off thinking of my mother. I would visualize having all kinds of sex with her, from blowjobs to straight fucking. I did get to see her a number of time undressing or dressing. We lived upstairs...

2 years ago
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Trip to Amsterdam

Trip to Amsterdam By: SiCiAiT"Dawn, are you ready to go?""Almost" Dawn finishes up packing her bags and headed down stairs. "I don't understand why you can't stay with me for one day in Chicago? The Plane stops there anyhow so you can transfer.""Because Roberta and I do not get along.""Well maybe if you did not call her a cunt and me a bitch in front of her family she would like you." "Well I was pissed off and I say things when I'm pissed off.""No you were drunk. Why is it I always feel like I...

1 year ago
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Trip with mum

Note : This story is completely fictional! We were heading home from out trip and my mum and I both were still horny from all the fucking we had done in home my father passed threes years ago my mum and I am alone in home, weekend we arrange a holiday trip to any place. We had practice incestuous relation from since my father died after three months mum encouraged me to fuck her with my monster. here is one of my trip fuck with mum for all mother fuckers) Feeling horny on the way I reached over...

1 year ago
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Trip to pleasure

Her name was Amita. She was about 42 . she was a married woman. although she was above 40 she had a perfect body thanks to her regular yoga and aerobics. Her Height was about 5ft 4inch. At that time I was 19. I had a strong physique perfectly good cock. And one more thing I like Married woman. She was the paying guests in my home. I has two portion in same house with just a door to seprate it. Her husband was a nice man with a 10 to 5 job. She also has a daughter which study in hostel out of...

2 years ago
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A summer to remember0

I am fully aware that this happened a long time ago and some of the details are fading or even failing me. But I have relived these events so many times in my memory that they are almost burnt in. I am writing this down to the best of my recollection, before it will fade even more: My family was not exactly a nudist family. We never went to any nudist resort or met with other nudists. But we had a nice house with a totally secluded backyard and a very large deck with a good size pool...

3 years ago
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A day to remember3

The Maine visit kind of took me by surprise, while on business trip I decided to stay at a B&B instead of a hotel. It was in November so it was a little cool but they has a covered swimming pool and in a building next to the pool a sauna. Heading into the sauna it did not surprise me to find men and women naked sitting around. There was one large sauna but I soon found out there were multiple small saunas where people went to have sex. This opened my eyes and when I was in south Florida...

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A reunion to remember1

I looked at her again closely. Did she have any idea how many students I'd had in the 20 years I'd been teaching? Certainly thousands. Hell, I had several hundred students this year alone. She was seriously cute though, so I was a little shocked that I couldn't even remember having her in class let alone what her name was. Usually I tucked the names, faces - and bodies- into the back of my memory for um, later recall. "George Thompson! Is that YOU under that blond wig?" I said with...

4 years ago
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A day to remember1

Anyways it was about 7am when I reached my first stop, and I sluggishly got out of the truck and grabbed the items. Fast forward a few hours, roughly around 9am. I arrived at an address and I did not see anything placed outside for us to grab and go. I parked the truck and got out to go knock on the door. I look up and see a woman place 2 bags outside her storm door before slamming it shut. I was roughly 10 feet away about to hand her a Tax Deduction receipt. I was stunned, nothing like that...

3 years ago
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A summer to remember3

By: Joseph Smith It was summer break for the tanner girls DJ [age 16] and Stephanie [age 14] were in their room talking about boys. Stephanie ask DJ if she ever thought of making love with another girl. Me and kimmy Gibbler have masturbated each other a couple of times. Stephanie and DJ looked at each other for a minute or two, it seemed like forever . can you satisfy my curious side girl to girl sex ? Stephanie asked. DJ responded, but you are my sister. I know. What are sisters for?...

2 years ago
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a night to remember3

It had been a long day, well week actually. Boring meetings and conference speakers, I could barely stay awake in the taxi on the way back to the hotel. I work in insurance and hate every minute of it but have not got around to making a career change yet. Besides, the money and perks at my particular firm are phenomenal. Just for example I am staying in a spacious 3 bedroom suite by myself while interstate for the week. Not to mention the indirect perks such as the social life and the...

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a night to remember21

It was two days after Christmas; we were 15 and had just gotten back from skating at Rockefeller Center and having fun in the city. My parents were going to a wake and staying over at a hotel there. It had been so long since we had time to ourselves. We had sex twice before, but that was in the summer and I was extremely horny. He had gone back home to get a shower and his parents needed him for something. I guess I may as well give you guys a little background on us. I'm pretty tall...

2 years ago
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Without thinking about it I just gasped, I went to turn around and she had moved so I slapped her ass. She got real close and said I like it rough, and I'll bet you will too. It had been about another hour I noticed she had disappeared for a little while but didn't really think much of it. but she had joined us for another drink 2 of the girls were talking about going out while Leah, my sister, and Crystal were going to stay behind and keep me company. Crystal had asked me to come into the...

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He has shown me depths of depravity I had never thought I could go to. Men and women have fucked me and I have willingly fucked them, in groups and as individuals. He has required I stand and be used as a dog’s bitch and though that was unpleasant as an untried thought, I loved it as an actualized event, from the very first mount. Now the several dogs that live on our small farm in the country regularly take me, singularly and as a pack. I wear full sun-type dresses or ma kettle dresses...

3 years ago
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A run to remember0

I slowed down a bit to navigate the more rugged terrain and never even heard the commotion in the bushes until the dog bounded out into my way on the path, barking frantically! I have always been a little bit afraid of dogs, especially big ones. This one was massive- a large black dog with short hair and seemed to me to be very menacing. I panicked a bit and stopped still while trying to think what to do. The dog did not seem to expect me to stop and ran into me, knocking me to the...

2 years ago
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a night to remember14

I walked into the bathroom and saw... a red thong? I had to take a closer look at this. Then I saw that they had recently been worn because they were still warm and the stain on them was still quite wet. I thought nothing else of it but to place it in the wash basket and then preceeded to the shower when... "Aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!" a girl's voice screamed as I suddenly jolted back a yard or two. It seems like I forgot my cousin Ginny, a 17 year old virgin was staying with me and my...

1 year ago
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An affair to remember0

It all started the day I got the phone call from the university I wanted to transfer to, they had an opening mid semester and I arrived late on a rainy day and had a class which I was now late for. I dumped my bags in my dorm room and headed straight over to my first class with Professor McDonald, the head of the art department who was teaching the class about compositions and colours, I was drenched from the rain by the time I reached the art studio, when I run in to class with a black parka...

2 years ago
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I remember0

The first time was just a normal night with him at home. Mom was working and he and I were watching tv like normal. He always used the tv as a babysitter. He was in his usual spot on the couch legs up on the coffee table watching something and I guess bareley paying attention to me. Looking back I guess he paid more attention than I realized. I was in my pajamas on the floor playing with my toys and I remember looking back a few times and he was staring at me and would smile and...

4 years ago
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a night to remember17

She is perfect. Amber is the most stunningly beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. Her beauty is not conventional…and I can’t help but feel like that is part of the attraction. She wears the most interesting clothing. The garments are almost like dresses, but very casual and full of bold colors like magenta, evergreen, and blood red. Now, the story of how I got to know her is a long one so I will spare you the gritty details. All you really need to know is that she lives next door to me,...

4 years ago
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a night to remember15

The one thing I did have to look forward to back then was getting my license. That not only meant being able to actually get a car, but also all the freedom that went with it. To a small town kid like me that was huge. The other thing was that I was always a bit of a gear-head. When I turned 16 I got a job in a local garage owned by the father of a friend of mine from school. I basically cleaned up the place and was trying to learn welding and basic machining at the time. I was always...

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