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October 11, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

Although the O stunk up the pitch, in a relative sense, we beat Midland 2-0. Coach was not happy with us. Of course, we were not happy with us. While the pitch was wet and caused us some problems, it was not that wet. We were scoreless in the first half but did a bit better after Coach took us to task at halftime. Around the 55-minute mark, we were on a good offensive press and I got a shot off from just inside the penalty box. Their goalie made a good save by diving to her left and redirecting the ball, but Rhee was right there and stuffed it into the net. I made my only really good play of the game about 15 minutes later, when I sent a pass into the penalty box from well outside, a pass that split between Rhee and Heather and also bisected the space between two of their fullbacks to Jess making a run; she popped it into the net just inside the right post. After that, Coach pulled all five of us for backups. Coach’s postgame critique was not as critical as the one she gave at the half, but it was not good, either. She awarded the game ball to Kim for the superb show she made at right back, blocking two shots on goal and throttling the left side of their O.

October 12, 2017

“Gather ‘round.”

Once the team was all near Coach and paying attention, she said, “At the risk of jinxing things, the offense is playing much better than it did yesterday. Yes, we have only a one-goal lead, but had you played like this yesterday, that game would have already been beyond Midland’s reach. I want to see more of that play in the second half, much more, so don’t go back to sleep.”

Coach then looked around at the starting O, beginning with me, her eyes drilling into our minds. I could feel my face heating but kept my chin up and shoulders back and held her eyes for the entire time she stared into my brain. When her eyes moved on, although I didn’t change the positions of any of my body parts, relief washed through me and I became less tense. She made her way through Heather and Rhee to Jess and Jules.

“Our D is doing a great job and I have no substantive comments to make about it, except to give Katie an attagirl for her decision to come in behind their striker while Shameka played the anvil to Katie’s hammer, strip the ball from that striker, and initiate the counterattack that resulted in our second goal. That was also a good decision, Katie, to carry the ball across the centerline and join the attack.

“Boynton’s D is very good, so our O needs to keep up the excellent off-ball movement and the superb passing. Civia noticed that their back line may be susceptible to passes over the top to runs, and I will let her explain.”

Civia stepped up and said, “I think their right back gets caught up in guarding Jess closely, which may allow for a run behind her. That back is very good one-on-one, but I think we can use that to beat her. Katie or, particularly, Rachel, you might consider heading up the sideline and working with Jess. Jess, if you can keep that back occupied watching your feet with the ball, you might be able to chip it over her to Rachel on a run. That might give you a chance for a give-and-go around her or for Rachel to make a cross. Beth, Rhee, keep that in mind and either try to keep the center backs occupied or set yourselves up to receive a cross.”

While Coach quickly looked at all of us that Civia mentioned, she said, “While I’m not sure about Civia’s observation, she is certainly right about the one-on-one skills that back has. I will also say that if Civia is right, her suggestion could give us a good chance at an insurance goal. Keep it in mind. Back line, Katie, and Gracey, keep doing the job you were doing in the first half, as it’s working very well. Boynton has yet to get a good shot on goal; that PK doesn’t really count.”

When we huddled up before the second-half kickoff, Shameka asked me if I had a play.

“Yes. I’d like to test Civia’s observation, but I’d like to do it with you. Gracey, if you’d be willing to sit back to cover for Shameka, I’d like to take Katie and the whole offense upfield. We won’t have to get upfield quickly, we just have to get upfield far enough to trigger Shameka’s run. I want to angle left, so that may mean that while you’re involved early, Heather, you’ll want to drift upfield and right to keep the left side of their back line occupied. If we make it beyond halfway into their side, you should start your run, Shameka. If Jess is outside, angle to split between her and Rhee. If inside, curl around Jess. Jess, if you have it at the time shortly before we need to make the pass to Shameka do so or you can send it back to me or over to Rhee, although I expect to be more open than Rhee, given that she’s already burned that line twice.

“I don’t think that their D will try to push us to our right, as they’ve seemed to push to our left quite a few times, perhaps depending on their right back to provide containment, as she is really good one-on-one. However, if they do, then quickly reorient. Shameka, if you see that, we’ll take the play right rather than left. If you get up there and we still have the ball, one of us will find you.”

Shameka looked around the huddle, particularly at the veterans, and asked, “Any concerns?”

Katie responded, “No concerns, just a comment. I think Civia made a good point, as did Beth when she said that it looked like they were trying to push us to our left. Their right back is really good, but she’s short, which is probably the only reason that she’s not a center back. I’ll bet they use her as the anvil for their right center back’s hammer. This could work. If it doesn’t, then we’re only way out of position. What problems could that cause?”

There was much chuckling.

Shameka grinned, then said, “Rachel, Kim, Gracey. If things go to hell, you’ll have to cover for us, although I’ll be back as quickly as I can be.”

When the ref blew his whistle, Rhee tapped the ball to me. I looked upfield, noted their striker was coming at me, then turned as if I were going to send the ball back. However, I tapped it out to field right, following the ball as that striker whizzed behind me. I passed to Jules and then the offense began methodically playing keep away. We had made nearly 20 passes but had not gotten halfway into their side. We had pulled it back once before, but we had to retreat with the ball again, with the pass going back to Shameka. She sent it to Gracey, who passed up to Jess. Their right half immediately attacked. Jess deked her and began sprinting into empty space upfield, which was the break we wanted. I hauled upfield and reasonably close to Jess to provide an outlet for her. Rhee hauled upfield angling a bit left, while Heather did the same but angled slightly right. I could see Jules angling left as she motored upfield. I snuck a brief corner-of-my-left-eye peek for Shameka; she was on her way.

Jess slowed as she approached their right back, then flicked it toward me. Rhee made an obvious call for the ball and made a run to the right, taking one of their center backs with her. I faked a chip to her, then moved upfield toward their right center back. As I looked at Jess, I could see Shameka closing in on us. I sent the ball hard on the ground to Jess, the ball passing about ten feet in front of Shameka. I broke hard to my right and Rhee did the same, which forced the two center backs to shift to their left. I could see the sudden concern in the eyes of the right center back in front of me, concern almost certainly engendered by her finally seeing Shameka coming hard right up the slot that Rhee and I had created for her. As the ball approached her, Jess put her back to the defender, chipped it lightly up to herself, then booted it softly over her head and toward the goal. Shameka ran under it and headed it over the goalie and into the right third of the net!

When I looked at the clock, I was amazed that we had run nearly five minutes off it from the kickoff. I commented on the clock to everyone as we walked back to our half of the field.

Shameka replied, “Huh. If we can kill that much time once or twice more, we could be in good shape. Beth, what do you think about sitting back and playing for counterattacks?”

“If we can kill off a bunch of time with another set of tiki taka, I would agree, whether we get a goal out of it or not.”

She nodded and said, “Okay.” She turned to Jess and Jules and said, “If we do get another four or five minutes of tiki taka, then, with Coach’s okay, I’ll pull you two back to be more D-focused. If we do that, watch for counterattack possibilities.”

The Brits responded in the affirmative.

Boynton moved quickly upfield after kicking off but Gracey made a huge stretch and poked a pass off course that Katie vacuumed up. She started upfield, then passed to me when their center half got in front of her. That started off another set of tiki taka, although we lost the ball after about a dozen passes. From that point, neither team could get a good offensive press going, not even a quick counterattack until the 65th minute when we held the ball for nearly six minutes and making in excess of 40 passes before we finally lost the ball out of bounds. However, Boynton was on the ball immediately, threw it in, and started upfield with their own version of crisp passing.

After a couple minutes, Shameka scotched that incursion with a nifty interception. Since there was a bunch of open space in front of her, she started upfield with the ball as the rest of us reversed course. She ran a give-and-go with Gracey around their center half and continued upfield with the ball. I could see the vague shape of something interesting, so moved quickly upfield to get in position to be a pivot if Shameka needed another give-and-go. She did, and we pulled it off against their left half, and Shameka carried it past the halfway mark on their side of the field. I chased after her in case she needed a back outlet, because, even with Shameka dribbling, I was not going to catch her.

Rhee moved to the left, both to clear out for Shameka, but also to provide an outlet for her if she needed one. Heather moved inward and put herself in the right place to run a give-and-go around their left back, who had moved ahead to take her on. Shameka sent the pass to Heather and blitzed by the left back on her right side as she lunged for, but missed, the pass to Heather, who one-touched it toward the goal. Shameka ran onto it and blasted a rocket from a few yards outside the box that whistled past the left center back’s head – she ducked – and into the top right corner. We had another Shameka-centered scrum left of the goal.

Coach pulled Shameka for Rose and brought in Susannah Jackson for Katie and Mila for Hope. We sat back for the remainder of the game, clogging the box. While we had a couple of good counterattack chances, neither came to fruition. With five minutes to go, Coach sent Makayla, Jimena, and Addiah in for Rhee, Heather, and me, respectively. Coach had obviously also sent instructions to the D to send long balls up the field and let the fresh legs go streaking. It was a little heart-breaking that the only shot we took after those substitutions, Addiah’s, caromed off the left post and out of bounds for a goal kick.


I was a bit surprised that Coach did not have to repeat that, as everyone was pretty rowdy. However, chatter and laughing ceased nearly immediately, and Coach grinned.

“Congratulations on a well-deserved win over a good team. There was one drawback to the game, a drawback that forced me to make a change in goal, as Hope was almost falling asleep out there.”

There was much laughing.

Coach waited for it, smiled when she got it, then continued with, “I’m going to have to slip Shameka a few bucks so that every once in a while, she’ll let one of those forwards get through to take a shot on goal.”

There was much laughter.

“I don’t know if anyone other than Hope and I noticed, but the only shot that Boynton took today that was on goal, was that PK. Shameka, Rachel, and Kim deserve high praise from all of you for the way they, with some help from Katie and Gracey, completely shut down Boynton’s offense. All five of them also deserve it from me, and I give all of them my heartiest attagirls!”

There was much whistling, cheering, and stomping.

“Other attagirls go to Rhee for her brace of goals; to Beth for designing yet another successful kickoff play for a goal; to Jess for an incredibly sweet assist on Shameka’s first goal; and to the backups Rose, Mila, Makayla, Jimena, and Addiah for maintaining the second-half shutout. I also give Addiah her own attagirl for a lovely shot that needed the goal post to be just a few inches more to the left for her to have tallied a goal.”

There was much chuckling and back slapping of Addiah.

“My last attagirl goes to Civia for correctly spotting a minor weakness in Boynton’s defense, the weakness of which Beth’s play, Jess’s assist, and Shameka’s head took advantage.”

There was much chuckling.

“Before we get to the game ball, we here instigate something new. From now forward, Liya and Civia will have regular parts of these post-game announcements, today beginning with Liya.”

Liya stepped up and said, “I add my congratulations to Coach’s for a game very well played by all of you, particularly Shamonster’s back line!”

There was much laughing.

“In case any of you do not realize it, we have three games next week. Practice tomorrow will be coming up with a game plan for Monday’s game at East. We also play Springfield on Wednesday and West on Friday, both at home. We would like to get a lot of the backups game time next week, so you should all be prepared to play. You can’t let the starters have all the fun!”

There was much chuckling.

“Finally, apparently, the powers that be did not like the results of our last photo shoot, so we’re going to have to go through that again on Tuesday. Please, please, please bring your uniform to school that day.”

“Thank you, Liya,” Coach said. “Civia, you’re up.”

Civia stepped up, smiled at everyone, then said, “Since I’m sure that you would all like to get clean and get home, for her leadership of a stifling defense and two very pretty goals, the game ball goes to Shameka Johnson!”

October 13, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

In the team discussion after laps, we decided that, while the seniors would all start, the rest of the positions would be filled by a variable mix of starters and backups and that the seniors would not play the entire game. After that decision was made, Coach made a point to the starting offense about our missing a chance to pad team and individual stats against Midland.

“While I am not that interested in individual stats, they are what get individuals recognized by the powers that give out awards and such. I was greatly surprised by and disappointed in the offense’s showing on Wednesday. You missed a chance to make yourselves known more widely. I certainly hope I don’t see such a poor showing against the relatively weak teams that we’ll play next week.”

Same as Beth
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Old Girlfriend new adventures

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology and social networking sights, it doesn't take much to trace old friends. Heres one story after catching up with an old girlfriend.....We had went out with each other for a couple of weeks over 20 years ago, never done nothing much but kiss and cuddle and a quick fumble in the back seat of the car. After high school finished, we both went our seperate ways and eventually lost contact. So I was pleasantly surprised to get an e-mail from her one day...

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Nice Guys Finish Last Pt 1

Gabrielle was a doll. She was tall, good-looking, and smart. She was also funny. I had a crush on her within a couple of weeks of our first meeting. When I told her I enjoyed the company of attractive women with a brain, she sort of scoffed. “Brains, huh?” she snickered. “That’s right,” I asserted. “You can’t have much of a conversation with a boob.” “I don’t think that’s what they’re for,” she deflected. “Of course not,” I countered. “Just making a point.” Eventually the occasional jousting...

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Bye Bi

Bye Bi I looked at the sexy goddess before me. I am not normally lost for words but this vision of extreme sensuality defied even my rather large vocabulary. In order to do her justice, I will start from the bottom and describe her to the top. Her heels ended on thin 4" stilettos encasing two very shapely legs. These long legs were covered in shiny patterned fishnet stockings which were attached to garters. This lady didn't wear tights. The magnificently proportioned body was...

4 years ago
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Dont Shoot the Messenger Chapter 9

There were two almost identical bedrooms, each with a big double bed and their own ensuite bathroom. Between the two was a living area with a small kitchen, providing a social space between the bedrooms and ensuring a certain amount of soundproofing if one or other couple got noisy. The living area had a couple of couches, a big TV, and two armchairs.After the session with Adrian, Julie had made the basement more hospitable. There was a large fold-down bed, and she’d added a rug, a couple of...

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Selena and JoeChapter 67

We sat at Neptune's and looked into each others eyes and we both smiled. "I can't believe I did this, I'm not that kind of girl. My Mom and Dad would ground me for a month, number one if they saw this bikini, number two if I went on a date without him being screened. But you,... you... you do something... well, leave it. Suffice it to say I'm getting cold feet, er... a guilty conscience." I said stammering through my response. Phineas stood up and shucked his t-shirt revealing a towel...

2 years ago
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Swimmer Boy

I and eleven other teen boys walked into the locker room, dripping wet, and towels draped over our shoulders. We’d just finished the last practice of our training camp, and all the guys were joking with each other and horsing around, relieved that we had three months before swim season started. Even though I was a sophomore, and in my second year on the team, I didn’t really join in on the joking. Most of my friends were girls; the only boys that I was close to were boys I had a crush on. Even...

Gay Male
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Taking Care of the BoysChapter 6

One day when Judi and her mother Sally were driving somewhere and talking about personal things, Sally asked, “How often do you and Dad make love?” Her mom was quite surprised so responded, “What made you ask that?” “My room is right next to yours and I never hear you doing it. Don’t be shy with me, you have probably figured out that I was fucking Bill and now Nate. I am far from innocent or naive about sex.” Mom’s jaw dropped a bit at the directness of her daughter. “Ummm ... a couple of...

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Playing the GameChapter 17 The Hot Lazy Saturday

Saturday morning dawned hot and sunny. Molly and I met Lori at Kip and Davey's soccer game just before ten o'clock at the park where the boys and I had drilled. We all sat together on the sidelines and watched as the boys tried out some of their newly learned skills. We cheered and hollered every time one of them touched the ball, shouting out encouragement. Kids that age tend to drift back into the habits of the group, and Davey and Kip were no exception. It was swarmball at its ugliest,...

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Moms Panties

It’s not easy growing up with a sexy mother. It messes with your mind a lot. Sexiness is not a quality you want readily to associate with your mother, who should really represent something far more wholesome and reassuring. The mind of a teenage boy growing up is full of enough confusion as he starts discovering women and sexual urges without them being tied to thoughts and feelings about his mother. The breasts that once fed you as a baby should never confront you in later life barely...

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the best text ive ever got

this is not a story, just a text that a friend of mine sent me! enjoy the picture as i did! "I wish I had one hand around your left leg and my other wrapped around your big balls. First I'd lick those big balls, slowly work that left ball in and play with it with my tongue before slowly spiting it our to give the right on it's turn, my they look big and juicy! Then I would start on that lovely dick, working that foreskin back to get at that big head working it down my throat feeling it pulse,...

3 years ago
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The Venus Seed

The Venus Seed By: Erapuer - [email protected] In the summer of 2000, a fellow colleague named John Nash and I received a grant from the University of Geneva to study a plant located somewhere in the Amazon rain forest. Fresh out of college, we were determined to prove ourselves within our small scientific community of various botanists and biologists. The plant officially had no name because it had never been documented in any scientific journals but the local word for it...

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FOUR BAD-ASS JOCKS, TENDERIZED AND READIED FOR USE."God Fucking Damn! ... I need me some ass ... NOW! ...", shouted the burly bro nastily. Stroking the outline of his cock in his army camo. He roughly squeezed the shoulder of master Lucas's bitch sitting next to him. "How about it Greg? Want to go another round on this?", joked Jeremiah. "Hands off my boy, Jerry! ... His ass is still gaping from the last time I let you borrow his hole.", said master Lucas sternly. "Shit man, ... If I don't get...

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Business Trip Hotel Hookup Partially true story o

Owning my own general contracting business was a blast 80% of the time, 20% of it was all headaches. But that was about to change. I had a deal in the works that would cut that 20% to near 0. The last thing needed was a face to face with the owner to go over the final contract. He had requested a few days of training for me on the systems and contracting schedules they need to complete the jobs. I booked a nice room in a nice hotel for two nights, Wednesday-& Thursday.When the days got...

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the lustful dreamgiver 12

I was 18 when she moved into our building. A just married couple who were originally from uttar pradesh, the northern part of India. She was very beautiful, educated too, compared to her husband she was a sexual goddess, he was very naive. He was a fruit-seller by occupation who would leave home at 5:00 am in the morning and be back by 11:00pm - 11:45pm close to mid-night. As they lived in our same floor, room adjacent to ours, I had a track of his in and out timings. Every Sunday i would get...

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Inside me Ch4

I was quietly reading my book on the recliner in the living room. Ean was off probably in his room. It was the summer, quiet, lots of free time. Mom was at work. Dad was still in the hospital. He was getting better. That’s all I knew. I was a year over a decade old though. Adults like to lie to children.  My peaceful reading was disturbingly enough interrupted by the phone ringing in the kitchen behind me. By the end of the first ring, Ean was bouncing from his room. Probably expecting a call...

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New Assimilation Technique

For decades, the Borg had been attempting to assimilate the Federation. Everything they tried failed. Even Locutus was a spectacular failure and the Queen had especially high hopes for that one. Now, with the utter collapse of nearly 85% of the transwarp network and mounting resistance from the humans, the Collective had to try something more radical. The Collective had encountered many unusual technologies over the centuries. The most recent, though, was so unusual that only one species...

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Mothers and Daughters

Mothers and Daughters: So, in the course of a very short space of time our home had gone from having two women and three men to having five women and no men. Somehow, when it had just been Mum and Cara, things had been kept relatively tidy but now there were bras, panties, suspenders, stockings and tights all over the place. Not just in the laundry room, but in Dad's garage, although she was now Aunt Robyn, in the kitchen and dining room, in the living room, literally...

4 years ago
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First time pussy eating Pt 1

Since when i was a teen,i had read lots of magazines & novels about pussy eating but no guy had ever done it to me...i knew it would feel great but it was greater than whatever i had imagined.At the time,my friends & family had been complaining about my weight so i decided to register with the school gym.On this particular day,i had on a figure-hugging black top with equally fitting sky blue jeans,by the way,just to tell u guys about how i look,my jeans & top sizes are 2 dress sizes...

3 years ago
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Pulled OverChapter 10

“Hey, Josh. I thought you were going to share. We want to fuck your big titted whore.” “Patience, guys. You’ll all get a turn. Just not until I’m done fucking her first.” Josh could feel those massive tits pressed firmly against his chest, feel their combined heartbeats as he hugged her body tightly against his. “Josh, please. I’m your mother.” With a firm grip on each of her butt cheeks, he slowly ground his hard cock into her pussy. “Someone get some rope so we can tie this bitch up...

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I Dream of DemieChapter 27 The Mystery of the Neighbor is Solved

“Tom!” I started awake. I was lying diagonally across my bed where I had collapsed after having sex with my ex-girlfriend Laura, randomly somehow my next-door neighbor. I still felt incredibly tired. Kate was there, holding the baby. “It’s your turn. I have to get some sleep.” She handed me Amy and then took a second look at me. “You feeling okay?” “Just really tired,” I replied. She continued to scan my face. “You look like you need to eat more. I’m sorry Demie and I have been...

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Under the sheets

If you fell asleep beside me i would have some whip cream and some warm caramel waiting for you. I would push my head down inbetween your thighs and lick your pussy up and down making your juices drain into my mouth. I would stick my tongue in as deep as i can while sucking the warm insides of your pussy into my mouth while playing with my tongue and teeth. I would creep my tongue into your dream taking over your body mind and soul. I would keep making you cum in my mouth until you open your...

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Beast Feast SisterChapter 5

When Tony had left Karen's apartment, bitterly ashamed and embarrassed by his inability to get another hard-on, the pitiful fellow had turned into the nearest bar and ordered a stiff whisky--as if to compensate for his less-than-stiff prick. He had drained the glass at a single gulp, but unlike his balls, the glass could be instantly refilled, and he ordered another drink. Standing at the bar, he thought wistfully about the beautiful woman he had so miserably failed. He'd had plenty of...

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GangbangCreampie Payton Hall G182

TGIFFFF!!! THANK GAWD IT’S FUCK ‘EM FILL ‘EM FEED ‘EM FRIDAY! Now you can sit back relax and bust a nut to our hot ass GMILF Payton H. Payton is on the bench, she’s got a grand ol’ smile, and those blue eyes are poppin’. She’s ready for some dick, and the guys are ready to make it happen, so they push her back and proceed to getting her naked. Jack gets her those totally unpractical panties off and the guys take turns eating her pussy. Rey gets...

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Bua Ki Chudai Kashmir

Hi Guys my name is imran and I am from Kashmir. My age is 24. Height 5.6 feet. Mei buht si ladhkiyoon ko choodh chukka hoon. Apni gfs ko jot hi aur hai aur auratoon koo bhi apni padoosan ko mummy ki friend ko lekin bua ki chudie mei sabh sae zyada maza aaya aur usko choodh na mera sapna isleye uskae bare mei likh raha hun Let me tell you about my bua she is 50 years old height 5.4 feet features breast 40 and ass 42 meray andazay sae figure 40-38-42 hoga uskay doo betay bi hai.. Let me continue...

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Stepson losing virginity to new stepmom

Stepson losing virginity to step mum. Pt1 I had just finished dinner with my step mom gale, as my father was still away on a work trip. Dad had just met her a year ago and they quickly got married. Gale was 40, 5-11 brunette with brown eyes and a voluptuous figure. Her ass was round and plump with a slim waist and flat belly, she worked out a lot. Then the tits omg her tits made me so hard, two huge double d's. Ohh how she must of caught me looking every time we talk. She has these beautiful...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 553

The night was quiet followed by breakfast as a low-keyed affair. I was in my office at 0730; it felt good not to have to make the run to Washington. It allowed me to do something that I had only been able to do sporadically for the last six months. I started down the list of embassies, video conferencing with our security team leaders at each and doing it by the time zones. I wanted to speak to the day shift supervisor. All of them were startled to find me on their VCATS screen instead of...

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Prehensile Appendage

Prehensile Appendage by Alice Barry You are probably guessing that the hero of this story has an enormous dick. Well, you are only partially correct. While his dick is long, this story is about a different part of his body. Hi, my name is Al, sometimes called Alice and sometimes a masculine, Al. My partners name is George. I met George at my company picnic. He was the one in the muscle shirt and incredibly tight running shorts. I was the one hanging...

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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 16 Going South

Drew MacIntosh found himself in the main incident room, staring at the board that still had the timeline showing the vigilante incidents. With no new leads, Drew was working other cases now but he continually came back to the vigilante. The Crimewatch programme had been a big disappointment. Drew had held out high hopes that someone out there knew something, had that vital little clue that would unlock the case, but there had been only a trickle of calls and none of them threw up anything...

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How I married your mother

My name is Alex, I am in my mid thirties and I want to find love! My best friend and her husband are so happy...... They recently got back from a holiday to the realm of the Olympian Gods with the greatest of news "So Alex we have some amazing news.... We just learnt that we are about to have an egg together!!" "What?? Already.... I thought it would take a lot longer for you two to have small people together? I mean I told you it would take a lot longer to conceive, mingling human and harpy...


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