An Emerging Pt. 02 free porn video

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First, a warning – this story is based around a ‘Loving wives’ theme. If that gives you issues, you are going to have to grind your way to the end, some 50,000 words away before you can grumble. Ask yourself, is it really worth the effort?

The second warning is, the first 2 1/2 sections are substantially the same as an earlier submission of mine ‘Emergence’.

Thanks to ‘Blackstallion21’ for editing support.


He was standing at the foot of the bed, looking hesitant. This was the moment of truth. Rachael collected her wits and leaned back against the door frame. Intent on looking her best, she placed her hands on her hips and drew her shoulders back, feeling the lace trim of the slip pull taut against her breasts. She raised her left leg, bent it and placed the sole flat against the door frame at knee height. She knew that the pose would accentuate her shapely frame and present her breasts to his sight. His eyes roved over her body, seemingly wanting to miss nothing. Momentarily they rested at her nearly exposed groin. Inwardly Rachael groaned with lust, this was the first male to see that part of her, apart from Alistair, and he apparently approved. More than that, she realised. The very act of displaying herself was even more arousing than she’d imagined it to be. Despite the pleasure she broke the pose to move towards him

He opened his mouth, as if to speak. As before, she held her finger to his lips.

She spoke:

‘No names, OK? Anything else, but no names.’

She gestured for him to sit on the end of the bed and stepped past him. The movement left her naked rear just inches from him.

She lifted the champagne bottle with a questioning rising of her eyebrows. He nodded and she handed him a glass. As she bent to pour, she became aware that the gesture exposed her entire cleavage to his gaze. He smiled. She turned to pour her own glass, behind her on the table.

His first touch on the exposed flesh of her left buttock was like an electric shock. Hesitantly, gently, he traced its form. Rachael couldn’t help but sigh audibly. It felt glorious — but it wasn’t going to be enough. Slowly, fully aware that as she bent forward to pour her own glass, the highlighted lips of her vulva would be exposed to his view. When the glass was full she made no attempt to resume her upright pose, but bent further, resting her elbows on the table. Thus he was allowed to explore her hindquarters without hindrance, his second hand joining his first after just a moment.

As his hands slid over her flesh, she revelled in the sensation. The slight roughness of his hands suggested an outdoor life. They shifted to the lower curve of her buttocks, testing for softness. She relaxed, knowing they were firm to the touch. Now his hands were moving up, his palms and fingers tracing her outer curves, his thumbs gently separating the globes, running up close to her sensitive anus.

Rachael pressed back against the pressure of his hands. ‘My God’ she thought, ‘He’s going to push a finger up me…and I’m going to let him’. She shuddered with a mix of trepidation and anticipation. The movement of his hands paused, the outside of his thumbs just at the side of her most private place of all. With firm pressure she felt herself being spread, aware that she was completely exposed to his gaze. His hands started to move downward, maintaining the separation as they went. Rachael didn’t know if the tremor that passed through her was relief or disappointment.

As his fingers reached the point where her legs met the curve of her rear they stopped. His thumbs continued downward. As they moved they traced a path over the exquisitely sensitive flesh between her anus and the rearmost juncture of her labia. She bit her lip, suppressing a gasp of ecstasy, his thumbs had reached her vulva, and were inching along the slit.

‘Please, open them, spread me,’ she begged silently as she pictured the steady flow of her juices onto his digits. Her throat was too dry to speak the words out loud. Her knees were close to buckling. Rather than spreading her, or entering her, he reversed their travel. They stroked back along the length of her cleft. Rachael’s entire universe seemed to centre on that few inches of oozing flesh. As his hands moved back up onto the ordinary skin of her buttocks, she wanted to beg him to return. She had to speak, and so sipped her drink to moisten her mouth.

‘That feels so, so good…don’t stop.’

His hands reached the top of their travel, again spreading her to view. His kneading of her rump made her feel like a toy in his hands.

‘Pretty. You’ve got a gorgeous arse’

The crudeness caused her a frisson of lust. The everyday Rachael, she thought, would have found this posture humiliating yet tonight she luxuriated in being scrutinised so intimately and found desirable. Her mind flashed back to Frank’s comments. Maybe she shouldn’t have been so irritated by them. She purred:

‘Glad you like it. I’ve been complimented on it before.’

He chuckled.

‘Oh yes. I like it a lot. I like all I’ve seen.’

His approval was yet further aphrodisiacal. She felt truly provocative. Craning her neck to look back at him, she purred, ‘Do you want to see the rest? I’d love to show you. But you’ll have to be a very good boy.’

Everyday Rachael couldn’t have said that, she’d have been too insecure in her own skin. The need to take control asserted itself in this new Rachael. Reaching back, she grasped his wrists. She turned to face him, dropping to her knees as she did so. What should she do to excite him, she pondered? The glossy sheen on his thumbs was her clue. She bent over them and extended her tongue, licking along their length. Somewhere in her head there remained the small voice of a rational observer. That voice expressed incredulity at her act, normally, she wouldn’t even allow her husband to kiss her if he’d performed oral sex on her.

Raising her head, she smiled at him. Releasing his hands, she started to unbutton his shirt, and when that was complete, she pushed it back from his shoulders. Next, his trouser buttons were undone, and the zip pulled down. Taking the hint, he lifted and pushed trousers and underpants down over his hips. He kicked of his shoes, and bent down to pull off his socks. Eager now to see him naked, she rose in front of him, and offered her hands.

‘Stand up’

Her voice sounded earthy, a slightly lower register than its usual contralto. He took her hands in his and stood. She stepped back, now it was her turn to peruse his body. He was as lean as she’d expected, if not so heavy shouldered or muscular as her ideal. His stomach was flat, the muscles finely delineated. Her eyes were drawn to the semi-soft form of his penis. She reached for it, stroking its length with her fingertips. It stirred. Taking it gently into her hand Rachael led him to the side of the bed before pushing him gently backwards until he was sitting. Grasping her intent, swinging his legs onto the bed, he settled against the pillows. She sat alongside him, encircling his penis with her hands. Without breaking eye contact for a second she began to work them up and down the shaft. Within seconds it firmed and swelled. She was finding it all, so far, easier than she’d anticipated. In fact, pretty much instinctive.

Casting her eyes down, Rachael was pleased. She’d chosen well. Although not freakishly big, she noted with gratitude that it was considerably larger than she was used to. The girth in particular promised satisfaction. It’d have been a pity, she mused, if her first extra-marital one had been unimpressive.

She released her grip with her left hand, continuing to tickle the tip with her right. It rewarded her by producing a drop of clear fluid, and with a fingertip she spread it around the head. This produced a sharp hiss from him. Her free hand reached to the bedside table and opened the drawer, pro
ducing a condom. He took it from her, tore the packet open, and handed her the contents. Rolling it down over his erect penis took all her attention. Completing the job Rachael devoted her attention to kissing her way up his stomach, teasing his nipples with her tongue while she caressed his heavy testicles.

It was time. Rachael sat up and placed one knee on the bed, by his hip. Leaning forward, with her silk clad breasts just above his face, she swung her other knee across him. She took his hands, placing them on the headboard, before straightening up.

He was looking up at her with an expectant expression. For her part Rachael’s lips were open and her cheeks flushed. Her hands were trembling as they reached for his cock, placing the bulbous head against her vulva.

As Rachael manoeuvred it into place her mind was racing. Taking such care to place it just so, such that it could slide into her in a single smooth movement, was the most wanton thing she’d ever done. This was nothing to do with relationships, love, or family. She was doing it purely because she knew the sensations it would produce would be exquisite. In her imagination she could already feel it stretching her, probing her limits. She pictured herself as he would see her, sliding up and down on him, seeing her stretched to accept the penetration.

Finding the place, she began lowering he body, feeling the smooth roundness of the head probing into her. She was stretched, but nowhere near the point that it caused discomfort. More startling, as she bore down was how far it seemed to push into her. She was wholly, unambiguously engorged, the head was pressing against her cervix, and still she wasn’t squatting on the base. Rachael paused. The sensations were everything she’d craved.

The insistent pressure against her womb was producing spasms throughout her whole vagina. Added to that, the sensation of being stretched, invaded, made her feel more female than at any time in her life. She wasn’t only being fucked — she was being impaled, and it put her on an adrenaline high. Her thighs tensed as she raised herself. As the cock slid out of her it felt as though it left a void, stirring yet more alien and acute sensations. She looked down, seeing the shiny shaft protruding from her distended lips. It looked obscene — and, to her, glorious. She lowered herself again, this time revelling in the slippery friction as it slid past her lips and along the clasping walls. This time it penetrated deeper, she felt her rump lightly touching the heels of her shoes.

There seemed to be no part of her that wasn’t filled. Impulsively, she placed a hand on her stomach. Surely she’d be able to feel its intrusion? She rose again. This time the sensations of it sliding out of her were overwhelming, and she prolonged them by rising until just the tip was engaged in her. Then she bore down, this time forcefully.

Rachael sank down now on the full length. She felt her lips pressing onto her lover’s pelvis while his shaft penetrated more deeply than anything she’d ever felt before. There was pressure on her clitoris, there was a burning sensation as her entrance was distended, and above all there was the feeling of being possessed. It seemed as though her cervix was being physically displaced, as though his tip was trying to batter it’s way directly into her womb. It was all too much. Her vaginal muscles spasmed, causing her to double forward with an incoherent cry. Her hands dropped onto his chest in order not to fall forward completely.

Still doubled forward, and without conscious intent, she tried to squash down further. Rachael was responding to a visceral need to be penetrated to the maximum. Her hips twisted and turned as she sought the last few precious millimetres. It failed to produce more depth, but the squirming rubbed the head across her cervix again, resulting in another convulsion in her depths.

Still grinding down on him she adopted a rocking motion, her pelvis moving forward and backward. That way the waves of pleasure came rhythmically. Looking down on him through the curtain of her forward-fallen hair, she needed to verbalise her joy. It was like a dam bursting. She had to express all the pent up emotion, her elation at discovering her new self.

‘Oh, God, that felt like nothing else I’ve ever known…you’re touching me in places I’ve never ever been touched, and it’s wonderful…I want it to go on forever. I just want to be fucked like this forever…’

The unaccustomed obscenity felt good in her mouth. She slipped over the edge into full-fledged orgasm, and the world went black. When awareness returned she found herself slumped forward onto his chest

Solicitously, he asked, ‘Are you OK?’

Rachael could only nod. In reality she’d never felt more ‘OK’ in her life. Penetration had never caused her to climax before. She’d come from being masturbated by Alistair, and from cunnilingus. Even the latter was rare as she felt uncomfortable with the act, believing that it must be distasteful to the one performing it. By contrast, coming as she had, felt sublime, natural, and profound.

And, as she began to become aware, this was fundamentally different in another way. Her usual orgasms induced a sense of lassitude. There was none such now. She simply wanted more.

He was still in her. With only slight difficulty, posed by her trembling limbs, she sat back upright again, and resumed rising and falling on him. At the bottom of each stroke she performed a slight twist, corkscrewing her hips on the way up and down. His hands reached around her to grasp her haunches. The movements were designed to maximise her own pleasure, but after a moment she realised were working for him, too.

His eyes were shining as he looked at her, and she felt a craving to display herself. She raised her arms, placing her hands behind her head. As she rose, she slipped one of the straps of the slip down over her shoulder and down her arm. On her next up-stroke she did the same for the other. The flimsy garment was supported now only by its own friction against her breasts. She placed her right arm across them, in a parody of maidenly modesty, while with her left she tugged the soft material down behind the shield of her arm. She crossed her left arm over her right.

He was transfixed. She continued in silence, bobbing up and down on him, her hips gyrating.

He croaked, ‘Please.’

She moved her hands to cup her breasts, still hiding them from him, teasing. Finally, she dropped them, purring.

‘I hope they were worth waiting for.’

She crossed her arms below her bosom, and with her upper arms pressed them together, accentuating their fullness. The nipples were swollen and reddened, prominent way beyond their normal form. Rachael knew her breasts were impressive, a curvaceous 32C, not materially affected by motherhood. They were less firm than they had been, but had sagged little.

He nodded.

Her palms moved to support the undersides. With her thumbs she stroked the enlarged teats. She cast a brief glance downward. They looked full and ripe, their upper curves enhanced by a flush of arousal. She reached behind her, taking his hands from her rear, and pressing them to her bosom.

‘They feel good, too. Try them.’

He kneaded them vigorously. Normally she’d have found the treatment excessively rough, now it just fitted her mood. She focussed on the sensations building in her pelvis, increasing the pace of her gyrations. There was another climax building. He’d started responding to her down-strokes by forcing himself upward.

His rising arousal showed on his face, delighting her, and her orgasm came another step closer. Rachael’s mind was racing, infatuated with her new character and wanting to hear of its effect on him.

‘Tell me. Tell me how it feels.’

That wasn’t it, she thought. It needed to be expressed in terms that fitted the persona she felt emerging.

‘Tell me how it feels bei
ng inside me. Tell me what you want to do to me.’

He took a moment to form words, his breath short.

‘You feel fantastic. You’re tight, and hot and wet, and you…’

She waited on his words.

‘…fuck superbly.’

He could not have chosen the words better for her if she’d scripted them for him. She groaned:

‘Ohhhh. That’s it — that’s how I want to be.’

He warmed to his subject

‘Your tits are superb…and I’m going to fuck you every way I can. You’ll love it, beg for it, like a little tart…’

Another orgasmic spasm exploded in her belly. Her head snapped backward as her spine arched, snatching her breasts away from his grasp. Slumping sideways, she moaned as he slipped from her. The spasms continued, dying away only slowly. Lying on her side Rachael waited for her breathing to steady enough to speak. She naturally curled into a semi-foetal position. She felt his weight shifting beside her. His hands were placed on her knees, and she felt herself being manhandled onto her back, her legs being spread. She was too stupefied to be other than entirely passive.


He was kneeling over her, his inflamed cock standing proud. Unconsciously she reached between her thighs, her hands moving entirely through instinct . She spread herself, opening for him.

He took no further encouraging, suddenly driving into her. His pelvis impacted hers with sufficient force that her hips were jarred upward from the bed. He withdrew, to plunge forward again.

With that small part of her intelligence that still functioned, Rachael could feel that he wasn’t filling her quite so deeply. But, by compensation, he was able to thrust into her energetically, making her feel as though he was trying to drive through the top of her skull. Reflexively she raised her heels, pressing them hard against his backside, egging on his assault.

His passion was infectious. She started to thrust back against him. His mouth was close to hers and she latched onto it. Their first kiss, Rachael realised as his tongue stabbed into her mouth and she sucked on it hungrily. As the kiss broke she looked up at him. His eyes were glassy, defocused. He dropped heavily onto her, his mouth by her ear. The only sound that came from him was a guttural grunt. She found herself gasping encouragement, seeking to rouse him further.

‘Come on…fuck me harder, fuck me. Use me.’

His energy showed no sign of slackening and she found herself writhing under his weight, seeking to goad him. She expected him to climax quickly yet, to her elation, he was showing no signs of this. Instead he lifted from her and, grasping her hips while supporting her neck, raised them both to a sitting position. She was on his lap, speared by his member, and he was once more grasping her buttocks, this time in order to work her up and down on himself.

For Rachael this could not have felt more different from the situation of a few moments ago. Then she’d been in control, dominant in their lovemaking. Now she was being handled like a rag doll, a piece of meat to be exploited for his pleasure. She found it be no less thrilling. She was, after all, the cause of his frenzy. It was her, and only her, who’d driven him to this animal fervour.

Even in this state the effort of lifting and twisting her on his shaft was too much for him to bear for more than a few moments. Without warning he tipped her backwards so that again she lay supine, his weight above her. He continued grinding into her. More provocation was needed, intuition told her:

‘God, you’re huge…I’m so close to coming, you’re going to make me come. Please make me come, I need it so much…Do it, and I’ll let you do anything you want with me.’

He reared up from her. This released her hands to grasp her own breasts as yet again she felt an incipient orgasm rising. Now, She could sense he was also close. Suddenly she regretted the condom, wanting the sensation of being filled with semen. ‘Come on…fuck me, fuck me. I want you to come in me, fill me’

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Domination of mother and son

Throughout our five year marriage I and my wife Melanie had experimented in sub/dom roles.Being poorly endowed, naturally submissive, and only five feet four in height it was I who naturally took the docile role.Melanie who was A tell assertive blonde with a magnificent 38DD bust revelled in her dominant position.The only problem was that over time it became a little boring with just the two of us, that when Melanie hit on the idea of involving someone else in on our little games.At first...

1 year ago
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Der geile Geburtstag

Es ist 23.15 Uhr... Ich sage immer: lieber früher, als zu spät! Ich gehe unauffällig in das Haus unserer Nachbarn (durch die Terrassentür, die netterweise für mich geöffnet war)... Ich entscheide mich, zuerst in das Zimmer der Zwillinge zugehen... Vielleicht ist die Nachricht auf deren Misst gewachsen. Ich höre schon Geräusche aus dessen Zimme... Schließlich bin ich angekommen, stehe vor dem Zimmer der Zwillinge, kurz davor die Klinke zum Zimmer runter zu drücken und das Zimmer zu...

3 years ago
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Man And Women Vs Wild

Hi guys. This story is a sequel to my previous story “One day with my wife”. Please read my previous stories to catch up. I will share a small intro for new readers. I am married to my aunt and lead a spicy sex life. I am 24 years old and she is three years older than me. She is too hot and her itchy cunt wants my cock all the time. We indulge in sex any time we want and spend all our time naked. I will go straight into the story without wasting much time. I was requested by our company...

2 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 26

Once we'd finished lunch and cleaned up the mess I grabbed a handful of the baby carrots and the four of us made our way out to the corral. Peggy was so full of energy and excitement I thought she might burst, bouncing around on her toes and darting forward then running back to rejoin us, urging us all to hurry. The horses weren't as leery of us as they'd been the day before and approached with no coaxing or effort from me. Izzy and Lilly fed carrots to the adults and Peggy focused her...

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Lily Adams All Tied Up

Lily Adams knows that girls have needs, and she’s happy to take care of herself. She puts on some porn and starts rubbing her clit and breasts as she masturbates her landing strip pussy. She has just reached climax when her stepbrother Kyle Mason finds her. He rushes to tell their parents, but Lily intercepts him and offers to do anything he wants to keep her secret. She spends the next few days being nice to Kyle, but when that doesn’t work for her she decides there’s a...

2 years ago
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iSster Act 1

Friday Afternoon - Carly's Bedroom."So you mean you'll be gone the whoooole weekend?" Sam whined to Carly."Yes, Sam. We've been over this at least three times every day since Tuesday. It's why we taped iCarly last night. My grandpa is in the hospital and Spencer and I are going to Yakima for the weekend." The brunette responded, quickly packing some clothes into the bag that's sitting on her bed."So what am I supposed to do this weekend?" Sam asked, with her head hanging upside down off the...

3 years ago
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Catherine the Great

Not that I want to claim to be historically accurate (and who can, considering it is only rumor), but the speculation that she was 'good' to her horses gets my imagination stirring! So, maybe it happened like this... Our not yet horsebred Russkie is not allowed loose comingling, both for bloodlines and for security, but she is eighteen, devoid of her 'flower' thanks to a (helpful?) servant, and becoming addicted to dick! The servant didn't realize she'd love it so much but if he...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 41

Tamara's ringing phone woke me up that Friday morning. I heard her answer, and then felt her leave the bed. I rolled over and saw her walk out the bedroom door. She quietly closed the door behind her. I was curious; was she being quiet to not wake me or was it she didn't want me to hear her conversation? I couldn't believe I was doubting her. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I came out I could hear her yelling. I opened the door and started down the hall. As I turned the...

1 year ago
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Fucked Seductive Babita Aunty

Once my aunty Babita came to my house in Mumbai along with her son and daughter. At that time I was in Second year of My Graduation. In fact they had come for her son's admission for Degree. I was alone at home, because parents went to attain a wedding of priya. Priya is summit uncle’s daughter, who is my paa’s best friend. I was very happy that the fact was she is going to stay with me and alone.We had a nice time in the morning when we went to my cousin's college for admission. Continued my...

2 years ago
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A World FoundChapter 17

The first that Dani knew that something wasn't right, was when Iris got into the ambulance with her and Mike did not. Iris knew from the look that passed across Dani's face what she was thinking. "Dani, it's ok. Mike will be right behind us, I'm sure. Jim needed to talk to him about what was found in the offices. Without you there, he and Sandra are the ones in charge." "I know. I just wanted him to be with me, that's all." "I know," Iris finished as the EMT climbed into the...

3 years ago
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My First BBC

My First BBCbyJessi4u©So, I've wanted to try black dick for a few months, now. All my boyfriends all my life have been white. I've never slept with a black guy. I met this really sexy black guy on an adult chat site over the summer, and our chat was really hot. It didn't hurt that I saw some really sexy pictures of him. He had these awesome six pack abs, and this huge cock, that I wanted to wrap my lips around. I've chatted with him, and a few others online since then. Unfortunately, I still...

2 years ago
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Seasons Greetings

I suppose I was something of a cad back in college, but I didn’t see it that way then. I thought I was just making up for the lost time of high school and then my freshman year.  At the very end of that first semester in 1974, circumstances started to break in my favor. I wasn’t involved in casual sex or one-night stands, but I had several overlapping girlfriends for a while. Two of them even offered several threesome sessions to me, and I happily obliged. In my mind, with pornography openly...

4 years ago
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Seven Year Ache Part 2 Of 2

I sat on one side of the small rectangular table, she and Ray on the other, with Kaitlyn directly across from me. The steaks were perfect, mine rare as requested, and the side dishes and Cabernet I’d brought hit all the right notes. Partway through the meal, I felt Kaity’s bare foot touch my boot and then begin a slow journey up my calf and thigh until she found the soft bulge of my balls and my now-flaccid cock.Then began a long, slow tease, Kaity carrying on the casual conversation as she...

3 years ago
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Book 2 Bitsys StoryChapter 13 SheringCross

Bitsy sat watching Kat sewing, the room was quiet, Rav was sleeping, everyone was off busy, getting ready for the storm they could all feel coming. Suddenly Rav let out a screech and sat up, climbing down off his bed, he ran to Kat. "Brand, my Brand coming." Bitsy and Kat looked at Rav, Rav ran to Bitsy pulling on her hand, Brand, my Brand coming. He pulled her to the window, hopping up and down trying to see out the window, he kept pointing. Kat walked over and picked Rav up, holding him,...

2 years ago
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One Handed Tales 9 Carla Vicky and Mistress Cindy

One Handed Tales #9: Carla, Vicky and Mistress Cindy By Sarcastic Slut I slipped the long woollen cloak from my shoulders and let Vicky catch it before it fell on the floor. The tight, heavy satin busti?re top showed my breasts and my pretty shoulders to good advantage. I was dressed entirely in black and smoothed my flared velvet mini skirt down over my bare thighs as I accepted the drink handed to me by Carla. "Thank you, slut," I said. She curtsied and replied, "You're w...

3 years ago
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A Queen Princesss Fall

Dear fiends of the dark world, thy name be sludge a lonely slave through one from berth.   I bear a story of love and happiness or is it?   For a tail so old that only the oldest trees in the wood whisper it on the wind, as they remember.Before I tell my story a warning to everyone if you are easily offended or of a young age this stories is not for thy pleasure. Thy stories be fiction and not reality for it be in this ream that we shall dream of dark tails and happiness.   The author my master...

4 years ago
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Dallas Kidnapping

Amanda was tall at 5’7 and a bit stockier than her friend with wider shoulders but adoring curves that led down to her generously sized bottom and long legs that she showed off with tight skinny jeans. Her hot pink tank top complimented her full breasts. She had dark, brown hair that went a bit past her shoulders and chestnut brown eyes that could make anybody melt. Although Amanda looked almost innocent, she was snappy and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Amanda rarely let anybody push her...

1 year ago
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Gus and Gracies Great AdventureChapter 3 Reunited

Leaving the motel, Ben returned her to her car. Gus wasted no time, heading for the highway, anxious to get home. She wanted to shower, or perhaps take a long soaking bath. She wanted to feel clean again. Going to bed with Ben had been a mistake; she now realized these things weigh heavier on a woman’s mind than on a man’s. She felt bad for every drunken bar room pick up she’d ever made as a man, looking for a quick thrill or one night stand. She felt horrible for using this unknown woman’s...

3 years ago
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Things I Never Told My WifeChapter 9

LIFE IN MINNEAPOLIS was insane. We ran eight shows in rep over the course of the year and the theatre was dark during the summer. With both of our salaries combined, we were able to rent an apartment off Loring Park. We could walk to work, which was really good during the winter when the snow was eight feet deep. No, it wasn’t. It was thirty-three inches that fell in a span of two days. It was sad to see so many empty seats in the theatre those nights. People just couldn’t get there. Of...

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The Peasant Mothers Sacrifice

In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride first on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae nocti or "first night rights." In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers, as well as experiencing the obvious pleasures. This story takes place in 1453 AD in eastern France. “Mother, John will not marry me if the...

2 years ago
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Geek Girl

"I'm a really great fuck. Like, really. I'm kind of a dork, no, more of ageek really, but guys, take note – the geeky girls? the ones who telldumb jokes and are, like, too smart and don't do their makeup and wear boy'sclothes... the ones who are silly and freaky and who, to this day, have yetto wear an outfit that you can see their body in? Yeah, those girls...we'll ride your cock until your eyes roll back in your head, we have sweet,sweet asses underneath all that khaki, we'll tie you up and...

3 years ago
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First Kiss Goes Too Far Part II

His blue eyes were looking at me sternly, his lips tightly closed. I knew I was caught but I was more afraid that my mother was behind him than anything else. My father was always a softie where I was concerned but my mother...she would KILL me. "Your mother is upstairs sleeping," he told me, reading correctly my worst dread and something in my chest loosened a bit although I knew I wasn't quite out of the woods yet. He turned his gaze on Mike and his eyes went even colder as he...

1 year ago
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A new found friend

Now that I have known you good folks for a while, let me introduce to you my best friend - CAN YOU GUESS,WHO HE IS? Apparently we first meet shortly after my birth, but I must admit, that I really did not pay much attention to our relationship for the first 7-8 years of my life. Now at some point in time shortly after my 8th birthday, our relationship took to turn for the better. I started to realize, that my friend could actually be interesting company and I started to grow really fond of him....

3 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 12 May Day

-- APRIL 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- Life could be tough for a Sex God. I had to satisfy my woman whenever she woke up horny in the mornings. Then I had to arrange an orgy with two other guys and two other girls so that we could see how many ways we could triple-team (or quintuple-team) someone, usually with Dawn in the middle. And just when I'd finally satisfied my woman, leaving her sore, walking a little funny, and telling me she'd need like a week off to recuperate, my duties weren't...

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A Spring Day Fantasy A Poem

Copyright 1974, 2001, swl all rights reserved. Permission is given to download a copy for personal use. Permission is given for Fictionmania to post a copy at its website. A spring Day Fantasy a poem by shalimar We walk along the beach as the surf crashes ashore, Above us the sea gulls cry out for more. Other birds run on this side of the water, A snail or crab is their food for slaughter. Helen finds a bottle, one of the old ones from Coke. As she pries off the cap she said as...

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Down By The River

Sex, the final frontier. A never ending voyage to explore new sexual realms. To come together to create a new definition of erotic enjoyment. Giving each other mutual pleasure. To boldly go where we have never gone … before.Back in the day, when my wife and I were a new couple, we were still exploring each other’s bodies. I asked her to marry me just fifteen days after we met. I could only see her on weekends, because she lived an hour away and we both worked during the week. However, Friday...

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The Capture of Sweet Pussy Pam

The Capture of Sweet Pussy By Stroker88 Part One God how he loved this. Her naked ass faced him; proffered high in the air. “Wiggle it for me Sweet Pussy” he cooed as he brought his riding crop smartly across a bare ass cheek. Face pressed against the carpet she could barely hear her own sobs as she jumped then wiggled in total humiliation...”Yes master”. “Thank you master”, she cried; knowing what real pain would follow if she failed to respond properly. “Again!! Sweet Pussy…faster this time”....

3 years ago
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An early bi encounter

I contacted a bi couple at an online contact site and after a few e-mails between us we decided to meet and see if we were compatible. We arranged to meet at a bar in town but due to some confusion I went to one bar any they went to another. I thought I’d been stood up as did they. They did, though, have my mobile number and I got a call asking where I was. I let them know and they advised me where they were so I exited my bar and headed to theirs. I had’t actually seen facial pictures of them...

1 year ago
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I Enjoyed Virgin Girl

4. Good to see me again on this site…Hi am a guy with fair complexion.. With average body structure and had a penis of 7 inches and now I am going to share one more sex incident of my past. I had completed my graduation and then looking for a job.. i didn’t get a job and gets frustrated. While searching for job I daily visit my uncle who lives in a village near Chandigarh. Hi lives on rent and the landlord is Muslim. I was very frank to uncle and we always talk about beautiful girls of...

3 years ago
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The Massage

As you lay on the bed, radiant in your nudity, resplendent on the clean sheets; I am already aroused before I even approach you.In my hand is a bottle. I have removed it from the sink, where it sat in hot water, warming up the oily liquid inside. As I approach, I begin unscrewing the top. You watch me, and your legs part. I can already see liquid glistening on your swelling labia.I bend over and kiss you, sweetly. Then I whisper in your ear, “Turn over, baby”.You do. And as doing so, I...

1 year ago
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Evs Early Adventures

About ten minutes after Brad got me a see-thru top for my 23rd birthday I was hooked. He had been trying to get me to dress sexy for him for months, but I felt a little too shy. After all, why would anyone be interested in a petite with 32C boobies? Doesn't everyone want to see a blonde bombshell with boobs so big she can't get her shoes on? Maybe it would help if I told you a little more about myself. I have been told by my friends I look a lot like Demi Moore. Any questions? I thought not....

Group Sex
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Lila Gave Me The Ultimate Pleasure 8211 Part II

Hi to all readers, I am from Kolkata and I too have been a reader of this site for quite some and now I this is the second true story I am sharing with all. Lila has now become my sex object and she now takes special care of her body to please me. She regularly shaves her underarms and also keeps her pussy hairless. She uses good soap while taking a bath and uses perfume to smell good and also have started wearing nice and sexy undergarments to please me, but her normal dress is still a simple...

1 year ago
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Family Ties CH 21

"Are you ready for more Lydia?" Said Brenda. "Yes mommy I'm ready." Lydia went to her mom and started to kiss her slowly. She had fucked everyone in the family except for her mom, so she was somewhat nervous. But Brenda pulled her in closer rubbing her had all over Lydia's body. Lydia moved her mouth to her mother beautiful round tits, licking and sucking all over them. Brenda took Lydia to the bed bending her over the edge. "Spread your legs open sweetie," Brenda...

4 years ago
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The making of boy pussies

Study hard and go to school was all my mom ever told me if i wanted good lifeit was a good advice and i was even chosen for a master after my bachelor, in anothewr state moving there at the end of summerI was out of the plane in the uber getting to the student dorm and arrived in a small complexe with 6 units mine the last to the lefti got myself in and unpack my stuff , the place was ok , i got out and enjoy myself discovering the city , until it was dark, meeting with another student , from...

4 years ago
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A Match for the el Maiens Ch 03

Please leave comments for me. Thank you! (Diolch.) ***** Commander-Lord Clair el Maien van Sietter opened his slanted grey eyes and stared dreamily across his floor. Dim light through his curtains glinted on a china statue of a Northern peasant girl which Tashka had brought back for him the previous spring from P’shan. Her china smile and the bright glaze of her wide-hipped trousers were softened in the dimness of the early dawn. Clair smiled to think of Tashka. Then his mouth tightened to...

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