Mutt indian porn

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A woman tries sex with a big mutt and discovers she really likes it

I live on the outskirts of good size city in a nice three story townhouse. I’m a professional in my thirties who keeps in good shape. I’m a small girl, just 5′ tall but I’m nicely rounded with breasts big for my size and a pronounced rounded ass. I workout on just about a daily basis and keep my body looking good. I turned my bottom floor 2 car garage into a little mini-gym and I spend a lot of time there after work and on the weekends. Of course nowadays I spend a lot...

3 years ago
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Die Erziehung einer Mutter

Wie alles begannEs war 1981 und ich war gerade mit der Schule fertig, als ich in einer Kneipe meine Freundin kennen lernte. Sie war ein Jahr jünger als ich und eines Tages, als wir beide etwas vom Alkohol angeheitert waren und uns richtig schön gegenseitig geil gemacht hatten, gingen wir nachts gemeinsam zur Wohnung ihrer Eltern, um dort unseren Rausch aus zu schlafen und natürlich noch ein wenig weiter zu kuscheln.Es war auch schon ziemlich spät in der Nacht, und als wir ankamen, war schon...

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Goddamnit. I just got banned from Facebook again. I was under the impression they changed their stance on breastfeeding photographs. After all, it’s only natural. I guess the two dudes getting their fill of milk were a couple of decades older than your typical titty-sucker, but who am I to question a mother’s instinct? Anyway, I think I’m going to try posting it to Smutty, where they let you post all kinds of sexy shit. According to the introductory blurb at the top of the front page,...

Porn Pictures Sites
2 years ago
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Die b ouml se Mutter

Für diejenigen, die lieber eine Geschichte mit grenzenlosem wilden Rumgevögele lesen möchten, ist diese Geschichte eher nicht geeignet. Die böse Mutter Ich heiße Julia, bin 42 Jahre alt und komme aus dem schönen Rheinland in der Nähe von Köln. Schneewittchen war seit jeher mein Lieblingsmärchen. Das lag in erster Linie daran, dass zwischen meiner Mutter und mir nie eine enge Bindung bestand. Ich war der festen Überzeugung, dass meine Mutter nicht meine richtige Mutter, sondern meine Stiefmutter...

2 years ago
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Vor einigen Jahren wurde ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das es Frauen erlaubt am Muttertag Sex mit ihren erwachsenen Kindern und Enkeln Sex zu haben. Seitdem ist es zur Normalität geworden, dass an diesem Tag im ganzen Land Mutter es mit ihren Töchtern treiben und Großmütter mit ihren Enkeln, in manchen Familien hat es sich sogar etabliert, dass Stiefmütter auch von den Kindern ihrer Männer verwöhnt werden. Auch die Industrie hat sich an diese neue Form des Muttertags angepasst. Bordelle bieten ein...

4 years ago
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Reitstunde Mutter reitet Freund der Tochter ein

In Anlehnung an eine wahre Geschichte:Lena war 17, ich war gerde volljährig geworden. Ich würde mich als Spätzünder bezeichnen, hatte mit meinen ebenfalls 18 Jahren zwar schon ein paar Freundinnen, doch viel lief nicht. Mit Lena auch nicht. Sie war sehr selbstbewusst, die beste in unserer Klasse auf dem Gymnasium, nicht der Typ Mädchen, in das sich alle auf Anhieb verlieben, eher eine, die sich einsetzte für die anderen und die daher viele Freunde hatte. Sie trug weite Pullover, seit sich ihre...

2 years ago
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Meine sch uuml chterne Mutter

Meine schüchterne MutterLiebe LeserInnen, diese Geschichte ist nicht von mir. Sie ist vom Benutzer "optocynic" der diese schöne Geschichte auf der britischen Plattform von xxxxxxxxxx hochgeladen hat. Allerdings hat sie mir so gut gefallen als ich sie gelesen habe, dass ich mir dachte: Ich muss sie übersetzen. Also habe ich mich einen Tag lang hingesetzt und hier ist sie, übersetzt ins Deutsche von mir mehr aber auch nicht.Noch eine letzte Bemerkung: Ich habe nicht wortwörtlich übersetzte, ich...

4 years ago
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Mutter meiner Freundin

Die Mutter meiner FreundinIm  Herbst 1994 absolvierte ich ein Praktikum in Dresden in der Rechtsabteilung einer Bank. Einige Monate zuvor hatte ich Susi kennen gelernt und mich unsterblich in sie verliebt. Seitdem musste ich sehr um sie k?mpfen, weil ich als 20-j?hriger Jura-Student bei ihren Eltern nicht gerade wohl gelitten war. Sie war gerade 17 geworden und ihre Eltern machten ihr regelm??ig Vorw?rfe, warum sie ausgerechnet einen 20-j?hrigen Wessi-Schn?sel anschleppen musste. Umso mehr freute ich mi...

2 years ago
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Erziehungsmassnahmen einer Mutter Teil 1

Erziehungsma?nahmen einer Mutter Kapitel 1 Manche w?rden es als pervers beschreiben - andere w?rden mich jedoch f?r meinen Mut loben. Ich komme mit beiden Meinungen zurecht, wenngleich ich pers?nlich eher zwiesp?ltig dem gegen?berstehe, was ich getan habe. Alles begann damit, dass ich wieder am Rande eines Nervenzusammenbruches war. Christian, mein zw?lfj?hriger Sohn, brachte mich wie so oft in Rage. Sein penetranter Ungehorsam mir gegen?ber lie? mich an meinen Erzie...

2 years ago
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Stiefmutters fall

Hallo mein Name ich Doris 43 Jahre 166cm groß sehr Schlank mit hängenden schweren Brüsten. Was ich sicher meinen beiden Kindern zu verdanken habe. Die mittlerweile ihre eigenen Wege gehen. Nach dem ich mich von ihren Vater getrennt habe lernte ich einen Neuen Mann kennen. Der vor 2 Jahren gestorben ist bei einem Betriebsunfall nun war ich Witwe. Zusammen lebten wir in einem kleinem Eigenheim Martin mein Schwiegersohn wurde vor ein Paar tagen 18. Der junge macht mich wahnsinnig kein Bock auf...

3 years ago
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Apni Saali Ko Mutth Maarte Dekha

Meri saali ko dekh dekh kar aur uske baare main soch soch kar mainain kayin baar muth maara h.Main usse nanga dekhta hun aur muth maarta hun kareeb kareeb har roz.Mujhe uski gaand ki saari jankaari h.Uski chhut kaisi dikhti h ye bhi pata h aur usske gaand ka chhed kitna pink ye bhi pata h.Mujhe pata h uske maume meri biwi se chhote hain aur ye bhi pata h gaand usse badi h.Kaise?Wo hamare saath bahut dino se rehti h.Main usse yahan shalini bulaunga.Shalini mast maal h.Raat main kapde pure...

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Marina wischt sich den Schweiß von der Stirne. Die drückende Sommerhitze macht den Hausputz unerträglich. Glücklicherweise muss sie nur noch die Treppe und die Diele wischen, dann ist sie endlich mit dem Putzen fertig. In diesem Moment hört sie, wie direkt hinter ihrem Rücken die Haustüre aufgeschlossen und geöffnet wird. Ist es tatsächlich schon so spät, denkt sie überrascht. Normalerweise versucht sie immer mit ihrer Hausarbeit fertig zu sein, bis ihr achtzehnjähriger Sohn Michael aus der...

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Geile Schwiegermutter

Alles begann damit, dass sich Sabine, die Mutter meiner Freundin, beim ausruhen in der Sonne immer mehr entblösste. Als sie nur mehr in Spitzenunterwäsche vor mir saß, wurde ich auf ihre kleinen aber festen Brüste aufmerksam und ihre gute Figur machte mich tierisch an. In der Folgzeit schlich ich mich mehrmals in ihr Zimmer, entwendete einige Slips von ihr und wichste hinein. Dann legte ich sie zurück in ihren Schrank. In der Hoffnung, dass sie es merkt (und sie musste es merken) und mich zur...

2 years ago
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Alleinerziehende Mutter und Sohn

Susanne Lang war mit Ihren 38 Jahren eine sehr attraktive Frau. Sie war 1,78 m groß, hatte blonde lange Haare, strahlende blaue Augen, sehr sinnliche Lippen , super schöne und lange Beine , einen festen runden geilen Apfelarsch und ihre Titten waren der reinste Blickfang. Sie war sich ihrer Wirkung auf Männer sehr bewusst und nutzte das oft aus, indem sie sich sehr offenherzig und erotisch kleidete. Allerdings spielte sie nur mit den Männern - sie hatten bei ihr keine wirkliche Chance. Als...

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Meine Mutter und mein Freund

Meine Mutter ist Kellnerin und hatte einen Arbeitskollegen der war damals 28 Jahre alt und ich 23. Manchmal war ich bei meiner Mutter im Lokal und so habe ich ihn auch kennengelernt. Wir waren uns sympathisch und fingen an uns zu befreunden was trinken gehen und solche Dinge. Ich habe aber immer mitgekriegt wie meine Mutter über ihn geredet hat wie lustig er ist und wie sie mit ihm in der Arbeit geflirtet hat. Einmal waren wir was trinken und haben über Frauen gesprochen und irgendwie fiel das...

4 years ago
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Ich werde Mutter Teil 1

Irgendwie kann ich es noch gar nicht glauben ... ich bekomme ein Baby und werde Mutter! Ich bin so gl?cklich ... auch wenn die Schwangerschaft nun wirklich nicht die angenehmste Zeit ist. Aber jedes Mal wenn ich sp?re wie sich mein Baby bewegt k?nnte mein Herz zerspringen vor Gl?ck Und das obwohl ich vor f?nf Jahren noch ein Mann war! Ich f?hlte mich schon mein ganzes Leben weiblich und wollte immer ein M?dchen und sp?ter eine Frau sein ... aber das es einmal so weit kommt ... das h?tte ich ...

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Die erpresste Mutter

Leon kam eines Tages heim und hörte merkwürdige Geräusche aus dem Schlafzimmer seiner Eltern. Er kannte diese Art von Geräuschen. In manchen Nächten, wenn es seine Eltern mit einander Taten, gab es die Gleichen. Aber erstaunt darüber solche Töne jetzt zu hören, schlich er über die Treppe nach oben bis zur Tür seiner Eltern. Sie stand offen und er konnte hineinsehen. Auf dem Bett lag seine Mutter Monika, mit weit gespreizten Beinen, aber zwischen ihren Schenkel lag nicht sein Vater, sondern ein...

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Marion Hausfrau und Mutter 1

Fortsetzung von "Während der Tagung"Nach nur kurzem Schlaf war ich wieder aufgewacht. Schlaftrunken richtete ich mich auf und hörte meinen Mann, wie fast jede Nacht, neben mir schnarchen. Durch die halb geöffnete Tür hörte ich noch Stimmen von unten. Die spontane Party unserer Kinder war also noch nicht zu Ende. Gestern Abend hatte unsere Tochter und ihre beste Freundin, nachdem sie das Frauen-Doppel beim jährlichen Badmintonturnier ihres Vereins gewonnen hatten, mit einigen anderen aus ihrem...

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Meine Mutter ist besoffen

Es war im Sommer. Nachdem sich meine Eltern an einem Nachmittag fürchterlich gestritten hatten, hatte mein Vater meiner Mutter gesagt, sie könne ihm gestohlen bleiben, und wenn sie noch irgendwelches Geld von ihm wolle, dann solle sie doch lieber auf den Strich gehen, um sich etwas selbst zu verdienen. Wutschnaubend war Mami abgerauscht und hatte ihn noch angebrüllt, sie werde sich jetzt amüsieren, und ihr sei es scheißegal, ob er das gut fände oder nicht. Ich hatte mich in mein Zimmer...

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Hausfrau Mutter

Alle Personen sind mindestens 18 Jahre. Heike .M 39 Geschieden Mutter von einer Tochter und 18 Jahren schaut aus dem Fenster.Seit ihrer Scheidung muß sie notgedrungen hier am Rande der Stadt Wohnen. Die Riesigen Wohnblöcke sind beklemmend. Ihre Nachbarn hat sie seit dem Einzug fast nie gesehen gegenüber Lebt Gerd ungepflegt 50+ mit Halbglatze und einem beginnenden Alt Herren Bauch.Oft Hört sie das Gerd mit Freunden am feiern ist. Ein Paar Wohnung sind leer und das nicht nur auf ihrem...

3 years ago
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Entf hrung einer Mutter

Katharina (39) stoppte ihren Minivan in der gepflasterten Einfahrt vor ihrem Einfamilienhaus. Mit einem leisen Surren schloss sich das Straßentor hinter dem geparkten Wagen, während die dreifache Mutter in Richtung der Eingangstür des Hauses ging. Sie hatte gerade ihre Kinder Lisa(18) und Paul (19) in die Schule gefahren und wollte nun erst einmal durchschnaufen. Jeder Morgen war ein einziger Kampf im Haus der Familie Grüzner, denn die Kinder kamen meist ewig nicht aus ihren Betten heraus und...

2 years ago
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Mutter Tochter Gangbang

„Oh mein Gott, was wollen die denn hier?“, seufzt die 36jährige Mary-Ann. Sie sieht aus dem Küchenfenster, wie vier schwarze Jungens aus einem klapprigen Chevy steigen und auf ihr Haus zukommen. Die Kerle sehen in ihrer schlampigen Kleidung wie Ghetto-Kids aus. Mary-Ann erkennt ihren Anführer wieder, einen gewissen Tyrone, der nach dem Footballspiel in der vergangenen Woche die ganze Zeit um ihre 18jährige Tochter Lisa herumscharwenzelt ist. Gott sei Dank ist Lisa jetzt nicht zu Hause, denkt...

4 years ago
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Wie die Mutter so die Tochter

„Das Flugzeug ist gelandet“, ruft die 18jährige Jenny aufgeregt und hüpft auf und ab, um besser sehen zu können. Angesteckt von der Vorfreude ihrer Tochter lächelt auch Melanie und sieht Jenny dabei voller Stolz an. Ihre Tochter hat sich in den letzten beiden Jahren von einem unscheinbaren Teenager zu einer wunderhübschen jungen Dame entwickelt. Ihr langes blondes Lockenhaar liegt beinahe wie Seide auf ihren schmalen Schultern und umrahmt ein schönes Gesicht mit weichen Zügen und großen...

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Die Mutter meines besten Freundes

Vor ein paar Tagen war Mike, mein bester Freund, endlich volljährig geworden. Und dieses Wochenende sollte die große Party bei ihm steigen. Schon am Nachmittag waren wir in der Stadt. Weil Mike jetzt der letzte in unserer Clique war, der die Volljährigkeit erreicht hat, gingen wir in eine Peepshow, so ein Laden, wo man nen Euro in einen Automaten stecken muss und dann geht so ein Vorhang hoch und man sieht ne Nackte auf einer Drehscheibe sich räkeln. Unsere Clique, fünf Jungs die für einander...

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Judy 1 Judy s Bedroom Surprise

Judy Martinelli looked happily at the note on the kitchen table: her mother wouldn't be home until after 7PM, so she has the house to herself for three hours, until her brother Ken and sister Gwynne get home after 5:30. Three hours! She can do anything she wanted! First, chase the two dogs, Mutt and Jeff, outside in the backyard with Cody, then she can have some fun. Three minutes later, all three dogs are inside and she's not strong enough to get Mutt or Cody out; the only one she can get...

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Adventures of a Hot Wife

Since that wonderful night with Bill and my husband our sex life has been amazing. I've become if I say so myself a sexual hottie. Most of my friends have noticed the difference in me, the way I dress and the attitude I carry. To refresh your memory my named is Linda, I'm blonde about 5'4' 118 lbs., I wear a 34' D cup bra and I now have a completely shaven pussy. While the women say I'm much more confident, the men say I've become a fox. It was as if all the sexual repression was lifted after...

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Morning Snack With Miem

I woke up with a raging hard on. I allowed my slut miem to sleep in my bed not tied down. I thought she had been a good bitch last night. Every mutt needs a break. I looked at her short brown hair, listened as her breathe slowly filled her lungs, her tiny tits rose and fell. she looked like and angel, so sweet and beautiful. She was, still miem is my slut and my slave. It's time for her to get up!I look into her closed eyes. Reach over and rub the top of her head. mutt miem's eyes snap open! so...

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After World War 3Chapter 2

Tim and greg go through a door on the side of the stairs.Tim goes down a flight of stairs with huge cages lined on the sides, it was a dark except for the neon light on the top.Greg spot the master of the brown mutt sitting in a chair with his mutt kneeling beside him.The master was in his mid thirties, grey beard and a scar on the side of his face and mutt looked like he was in his mid twenties. Tim starts talking to him about how cool the fight was and how excited he was and found out that...

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Carefree Cove Ch 06

Another Seville Hills, Missouri Wednesday, and the Methodist Domino Club gathered on an August evening at the shelter house by the community pool. Mutt Hayes talked his grandsons and their friends into playing Texas Hold ‘Em with his usual companions, with Reverend Hoot Pidgeon acting as dealer for the evening. ‘Check.’ ‘Call.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Raise the pot.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Call.’ Mutt Hayes looked smug as he peeked at his cards. His grandson Todd studied the old man, searching for a clue to his hand....

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Shania Twain and her Pets

Shania Twain was walking toward one of the barns on the estate she and Mutt had in Switzerland. She was going to feed her horses. She was dressed in loose sweat pants and a tee shirt. When she was away from the public she dressed as comfortable as she could. One of her dogs was cavorting around her as she made her way to the barn, the others were off on the estate somewhere. This dog was her favorite, he was a big German Shepherd, Tan and black, weighed about 110 pounds. His name was Tim and...

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Second Chance Part 1

Second Chances By Alexander Kung A/N: Here's an edited and revised chapter. I hope you enjoy ~ Alexander Second Chances - Part 1 It was a slow day in Felicia Lupescu's curiosity shop, The Relic. It was a humble little shop nestled in right in the middle of the town of Tyson's Cove . It stocked various antiques and oddities from around the world. From an actual Egyptian mummy(not for sale), rare ancient books and everything in between seemed to pass through her shop. However...

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A story in part related to Busted By the Lawnman After finishing my story of "Busted by the Lawnman" of her daughters "discovery" a ultimate pleasure from their own pet. The entirety of the story is all together so read it please: Anyway after having written the story about how her daughter got actually "busted" by me having pleasure with their pet at their home. And having written chapter 7 on the end of that finally and finishing with how her "Mom" nearly "busted her"...

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first love

When I got to be thirteen, and watching my Mom getting fucked by a boat load of men, all my life, I was very curious about sex, especially getting my pussy licked, as I had seen quite a few of her men, do that to her. This included my father, who had divorced her when I was two, because she was trying to fuck every man in the township we lived in, and my Dad never stopped fucking her, even after she got remarried to a real asshole. My Dad fucked my Mom on the morning of the day she was getting...

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The Contest was to make a Panto using a Fairy Tale. As an American I really don't understand the concept of a panto but with any luck I made an enjoyable story. There is very little in the way of explicit sex in this story though I tried to make it as suggestive as possible. The Thematic tags of beastiality and nonconsensual sex are for one scene only. Please leave comments ***** Once upon a time in a far away kingdom lived a young couple who were very much in love. They...

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Tried it and liked it

I was brought up on a farm so at an early age I was exposed to animals mating. My first such encounter was with our dogs. We had 2 male labradors named Mutt and Jeff. When I was 18 I saw Mutt mounted on a female dog that belonged to one of our neighbors. I was fascinated and as I watched I got a boner. I took my dick out and started playing with myself. Mutt really seemed to be enjoying himself and I was able to cum really quick. I was suddenly knocked down to my knees and when I...

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Bhabi Ki Gand Chataie

Hi dosto, Mera naam akram hai, mai Banglore ka rhene wala hu aur 25 age ka hu. Maine bohot sari sex stories padi hai unhi se impress ho kar mere bhi dil me khayal aya ke mai bi apni sex ki kuch dastan apko sunau. Mai engineere hu aur KANPUR kea k MNC company me job karta hu, Kanpur me mai ak PG me rheta hu, aur meri sex ki kahani wahi se shuru hoti hai. Jaise mai ne aap ko bataya ki mai 25 saal ka hu,lekin maine apni virginity 2 saal phele he khodi hai, mere virginity ki kahani mai aap ko baad...

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ldquo Joe is that making love

Introduction: Just toolin' along hummin' a song Country roads take me home; I’m humming the John Denver song, the radio’s off, I’m making my own music like I do a lot of the time when I’m driving. When I take off on a journey it’s always Willie and On the road again, sometimes, when I’m cruising during the day I’m with Tim McGraw going Everywhere, but at night, on a lonely country road it’s always Denver.And I am on a country road, two lanes of mcadam, a single white line down the middle but...

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Play with my titties Joe

Introduction: Just toolin' along hummin' a song Country roads take me home; I’m humming the John Denver song, the radio’s off, I’m making my own music like I do a lot of the time when I’m driving. When I take off on a journey it’s always Willie and On the road again, sometimes, when I’m cruising during the day I’m with Tim McGraw going Everywhere, but at night, on a lonely country road it’s always Denver.And I am on a country road, two lanes of mcadam, a single white line down the middle but...

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Joe on the Road

Introduction: Just toolin' along hummin' a song Country roads take me home; I’m humming the John Denver song, the radio’s off, I’m making my own music like I do a lot of the time when I’m driving. When I take off on a journey it’s always Willie and On the road again, sometimes, when I’m cruising during the day I’m with Tim McGraw going Everywhere, but at night, on a lonely country road it’s always Denver.And I am on a country road, two lanes of mcadam, a single white line down the middle but...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 6 The Wedding

Jenny paced back in forth in her room. Her nerves were on edge as she walked in her cabin. All around her room hung the items for her upcoming wedding to Ted. She knew it was supposed to be a day of celebration, but with the casualty count still coming in from Reno, she was terrified that something would go wrong. Jenny stopped as her eyes fell on her long white wedding gown. Even with Jessica and Amy acting as their wedding coordinator, the date had been pushed back a few days due to the...

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Carefree Cove Ch 02

Thomas Albright sat up in bed at the beginning of a new day. His bedroom faced east, so the dawn usually served him better than an alarm clock. All was silent in the house: his four year old daughter Amanda wasn’t stirring yet. Shaking the cobwebs from his head, he got up, took off his pajamas and hopped into the shower. As he soaped himself, his manhood stirred fully. He tried to ignore it but it wouldn’t go away. Rising himself, he focused on the rest of his routine and succeeded in...

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Carefree Cove Ch 03

It was another August Wednesday, another meeting of the Methodist Domino Club of Seville Hills, MO. They sat in the park next to the community pool on benches, analyzing the problems of the world as the local teenage society played out nearby. All but one were comfortably plump old men, with little or no hair, little or no teeth, and prune wrinkled skin. The only one who wasn’t was a much younger man of fifty one with a full beard, a full head of hair, and a slightly full figure. The head of a...

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Silver Slugger the Sixth Game

Mary Catherine McMillian sat in owner’s box in the eighth inning of the Sixth Game. Her boys fought hard during this championship series, they won the first two games at home, lost three on the road, and now they were poised to claim the Sixth Game at home. If they made it to Game Seven, anything could happen. But they were three outs away, after her team finished hitting in this inning, and had a two run lead to protect. Another run or two would be nice: no cushion was big enough. Her friend,...

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The neighbor s dog 1

Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little better, so sit back and prop your feet up... I'm a 42-year-old mortician / funeral director who operates our family's mortuary and cemetery. I'm 5 feet 7 inches; approximately 120 pounds with long raven-black hair and glasses with natural abnormally long top incisors ( K9's or fangs). I'm in a polygamist marriage (not...

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Lamb of GodChapter 6

Jackie and Susan exchanged smiles and then broke up in giggle fits, now ready to go see Chester. His name was, in fact, Chester as Susan discovered en route. With three blocks to go, Susan said, "What is he like with you, Jackie--bossy, pleading, begging, demanding. Is he shy or straight forward?" "He's not shy, and he doesn't beg. He's not bossy, either. He sorta acts like he's doing you a favor and tells you want he wants. You get the feeling that if you don't do exactly as he...

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Poor Hunter

Do you remember the Academy Award winning movie "Rain Man"? Dustin Hoffman won an Academy award for his character of the autistic Raymond Babbitt. Well I am not as bad as that, but I do have Asperger's syndrome. For the most part, I am just like you, just a bit quirky. All right, a lot quirky. Us "Aspies" cannot decode social cues. Most people understand that if the person they are speaking with is yawning and looking at their watch, it is time to go. People with Aspergers are unable to...

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Point of No Return Part 6

Melissa sighed with relief as five o’clock arrived, and she stepped out the door to see Beth waiting for her. Jumping into the car, Melissa scanned the area looking for any signs of Lesslie. "Sweetheart don't bother. I have already looked, and there are no signs of the little bitch." Beth reached over and patted Melissa's leg and gave her a reassuring smile. " Now let's get you home so you can change." They arrived at the airport just before 8 pm, parked and went in to wait...

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Armin und Lea Teil 9

Es war soweit, in zwei Stunden würde Frau Brehmer mit ihrem Mann vor der Tür stehen. Erhard, Heike und Lea saßen beim Abendbrot, splitternackt wie immer, aber heute war es sehr still am Tisch und die Anspannung war zu spüren, da sie nicht genau wussten, was sie von Frau Brehmer und ihrem Mann zu erwarten hatten. „Ziehen wir uns denn gleich was an?“ fragte Lea. „Nein, nein, wir benehmen uns wie immer. Wir sind Nudisten und verleugnen das nicht. Auch wenn wir normalerweise fremden Besuch...

4 years ago
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After World War 3Chapter 3

Jessica woke up and as ordered by Greg went to take a shower, her clothes laid out for her to wear.The warm water cleansed every book and cranny of her body, all that shit piss going down the drain. It was weird for her to feel her tail and move it like a hand and drag it through the hole in her shorts, it felt humiliating.She remembered when her father used to say that if he could he will kill all the mutts. Jessica herself, hated mutts so much... , I can’t think about all those things now...

3 years ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 08

Life was normal in Carefree Cove on an August Wednesday. Amanda Albright had just taken a vacation with her great-grandmother Gracie, and on awakening was anxious to go back to the cove from the moment the sun peeked over the horizon. When her father, Thomas Albright, reported that their neighbor Michelle Hawkins was at her dock, Amanda was out of her clothes and running down the path to the water at full tilt. Michelle welcomed her warmly, they frolicked in the water while Tom stood above...

3 years ago
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Anushkaa Kaa BDSM Gangbang 10 Hunks Nee Kiyaa

Author: suckhot 1 ( NOTE : Is story me bahut gandaa likhaa huaa haa –  jasee kee chudnee valee hooty ko shit khilnaa etc. Joo readers is tarah ke batoo se bachte hoo unsee hamaree  request ha ke vo story na padee, par hamee  to jo bhee Anushka kee saath huaa vo sab kuchh sach likhnaa haa ) Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id:     ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek...

3 years ago
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Molly Gets Stuck in the Alley

PART 2: Molly became aware of her surroundings. Near the end of the very dimly lit alley, she realized it was a good block back to the main street. She only guessed at the hour, figuring she had been fucked for almost two hours. Looking around some more, she found her clothes. Wrinkled a little, but intact just the same. Slowly, she began to get dressed. Her white panties were stretched out a little, but served to help keep the sperm from running too much down her tan thighs. Next she pulled...

4 years ago
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Meri bua ka badla Part 8211 2

Thanks indian sex stories dot net friends jo aap sabne meri first story meri bua ka badla ko like kiya ab mai meri bua ka badla ke second part ke sath hu Meri bua jo ki mare maa se badla lane ke liye mera use kar rahi thi meri maa meri bua ka use karti thi apni aag thandi karne ko aur meri bua meri meri bua badla badhta ja raha tha ek raat ja mai unki chut chaat raha tha to oh boli ki meri gand ko bhi chato maine nahi bua please mujhe ghin aati hai bua boli sale maderchod chat jaldi se teri...

2 years ago
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Lamb of GodChapter 17

Eve was being kept prisoner in the home of Pastor John. Though he had no wife, he had five significant others and their children to serve as jailers. Most of the younger children and babies were his, but most of those over the age of twelve weren't. John ran what amounted to a home for divorcees with no place to go and nothing to do with children to raise. He had turnover but the current batch had been with him for many years. In all, there were twenty eight children, roughly half were his....

2 years ago
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Miem s dog day

Miem has been my slut and nasty fucking mutt bitch for awhile now. The more sick shit I do to her the more she love me and begs for more. I called her from work, to tell her that we were going to have a party. Of course Miem was going to be the party favor. Little did she know how she was going to learn a lot of new tricks tonight...I arrived home with 15 guys. My puppy miem's eyes lite up. She shok and came. she is such a cunt slut that just thinking of being fucked over and used by 15 guys...

2 years ago
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Marwadi Aunty Ki Gaand Mari

Hello dosto mera naam rohit im from chennai, Vaisey tou main delhi ka hoon lakin mera job chennai main hai. Main dikhney mai smart hoon meri age 24 hai aur apney land ka size 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai. Ab main aap ko jayada bore na kartay huey apni story par aata hoon. Main daily iss padtaa hoon socha aaj mai apni story bhi aap ke saath sair karu. Chennai mai north side ka khana milnaa bhout muskil hai es leye maine apney office main kaam karney wala staaf sey punchaa ki khana kaha achaa...

4 years ago
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Lewd abony woman

It happened in the summer of faraway 1978 in Houston, Texas. It was a usual place like many others throughout the world and one of those usual locals Joush Stine had been very interested in military stuff since he was a child. He did his best to join the army and it was his cherished dream. Joush had to be good trained in subjects like Maths to win home. Despite it, the guy happened to be a really lucky bastard: he was enrolled and taught to operate a multi-dollar helicopter. It looked...

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Tamil Lungi Wala Uncle Kay Saath Gay Sex In Chennai

Main chennai mai job kartaa hoon vaisay main Delhi ka hoon mujay chennai mai aakar 3 saal ho chukay hai thodi bhout tamil bhi Aati hay Yah meri real story hai agar pasand aaye tou mail karnaa Yah ghatnaa last month ki hay Mai night show movie dekhnay gaya tamil movie teeMovie suru hui mere movie hall full taa movie bhi achchi tee mujay tamil movie dekh naa bhout pasand hai. Pass EK mature uncle ki seat tee jo thoda mota or rang thoda sawlaa taa age mere khayal se lagbhag 40 ke aas paas hogi jab...

2 years ago
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EchoesChapter 15 Glad Handing the Fates

The future was in my hands. Literally. Dad always told me not to underestimate the value of a firm handshake. Now it seemed a handshake from me would mean the difference between life or death. It was difficult to get my head wrapped around the reality of that. How many hands can a man shake in four years, if he works at it? If I shook a hundred hands a day, every day for four years, I could save 146,000 people. Less than the population of even a middling sized American city. There was...

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Black Magick

found this wonderful story about a white boy with no purpose in life, and not knowing his true destiny to serve as a dominant Black Man's pet. I only wish I could have been found like Danny, and had my life give the purpose to be a Snowflake for a Man like Master Shabaz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danny Sullivan planned on spending the long Thanksgiving weekend with...

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Postapocalyptic reality 1

Jenny didn't look like a mutant. Not at all like the green skinned super-mutants, nor the hideous ghouls. She didn’t have two heads, or three arms, or anything out of the ordinary. In fact, she looked absolutely normal – maybe even a little prettier than the average Wasteland girl. But there was something that set her apart – a hidden mutation triggered by the radiation that her parents and grandparents had been exposed to.Apart from cellular damage to most life-forms, the radiation that still...

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Lucky Bitch pussyboy doggy slut

Lucky Bitch (pussyboy doggy slut)Story about a sissy pussyboy who becomes a dog bitch.Some mornings the smell of cum is so thick in the kennel that it could knock me on my ass--if I wasn't already on all fours with a fat dogcock jerking and spurting inside me. On a good day I'll take on a half dozen or more mutts. On a very good day, my owner, Ed, comes by to watch me get dog fucked.I'm used to being watched. Ed pimps me out every chance he gets. I've taken on the chief of police (a mean...

2 years ago
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Mucat Mariya 8211 Part I

Hello sukurthukale, Oru abhyarthana..! Yente jeevidha anubhavanghal pakarnnittulla mun adhayayangal mikkadhum ninghal vaayichirunnallo othiri othiri vilapetta upadeshagalum / vimarsanagalum kitti, adhu yennikk undaayittulla anubhava yaadhaarthyangal thanmayathamode ningalilekku pakarnnu nalkuvaan prerana aayi, adhinokke nallavaraaya yella vayanakkaodum undaayittilla kadappaadukal nanni yode smarikkunnu. Upadeshangal maathram alla vimarsanagalum thurannu parayuvaan yeaadhanum chila maanya...

3 years ago
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The next morning, Sunday. When I woke up, the first thing that entered my mind was Beth’s hot body and Max. Two weeks she said. Before I could have my way with her. Well, things are what they are I thought. So I went about my daily business. Later that afternoon. The doorbell rang. Upon opening the door. Much to my desires. Beth was standing on my doorstep. I said, “Well isn’t this an unexpected pleasure!” As I quickly looked around to see if Max was with her. But he was now where to be...

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Field of Dreams

My girlfriend Sue is a 21 year old blond, blue eyes, long shapely legs, and C-cup tits. She plays soccer at her college. When I was 26 years old I was lucky enough to have sex with a cute 12 year old daughter of a friend. That was some experience. I've not had sex with anyone that young again but I sure wouldn't mind it. My friend moved away that year. I was walking Sue home from the movies one night when I saw a field that looked familiar to me. I asked Sue if she knew where it went...

4 years ago
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Komal Aunty

Hello dosto mera naam vinay hai meri jim body hai meri dekhney mai bada smart aur chiknaa hoon age 22 mere land ka size 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch choda Ab meri sachi story sunata hoon Main Delhi ke karol baag ka rahney wala hoon hamara flat 3rd floor par hai mere saamney waley bilding mai ek uncle aur aunty rahatay hai unka ek beta hai jo karib mere se 7 saal bada hai uncle ka naam premkumar aur unkey ladkay ka naam pankaj hai main Usay bhaiya kahakar bulaata hoon hamari ghar ki balcony aur unki...

3 years ago
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Dumpster Date

She had sworn to herself she wasn’t going to do it again. But here she was, behind a parked car in yet another dank and quiet alley way, willingly parting her long, bare legs and lifting her skirt hem for another dog’s curious muzzle while the animal’s leering owner and her father looked on. This one was grayish, rangy-legged, nondescript. A mutt. But a mutt definitely now into the smell and flavor of an offered treat of pussy. In no time her hips were rocking in that usual wanton way,...

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Heather s Stray day part 1

The laundry room was small, and just off her back porch, Heather stripped down to her sweat pants and a tank top throwing everything else, bra's panties, and all into the basket. She had gotten a little behind on her laundry with the move, and her ex being a nonstop whiny bitch about it. Heather smiled and took a gulp of her kryptonite. The Ever Clear and Vault soda burned its way straight to her pussy. Erotic tingles rippled up her body to her nipples as she picked up the basket and...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Aur Uski Maa K Sath Threesome 8211 Part 2

Thanks for the reading my first story and liking it …. .Hope ki yeh part v apko pasand ayega…Toh …. Readers ap logo ne toh mera pehla story padha hoga aur agr nhi padhe ho den padh lo qq ki yeh story usse related h “Threesome with gf and her stepmom”.Toh story ki baat bolta hun …. .Usme toh ap logo ne padha hoge ki kaise maine apne gf k sath sex karna start hi kiya tha ki uske mom aa gye. Chalo ab aur apo bor nah karte hue story batata hun…Phr boli ki chal mc khada ho ja aur mjhe apne kandhe me...

3 years ago
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Lamb of GodChapter 18

Karen helped Eve find something to wear to school. After learning that the very worst kind of skirt to wear was anything tight and clingy; because, once lifted, such a skirt tended to remain up on its own, and by the terms of indenture to Richie Rich, a girl can only restore her clothing if directed by a teacher. Karen found the perfect skirt, then went in search of the perfect top. The perfect top was a stretch-knit halter top that could be pushed up to bare tits or pulled down to bare tits...

5 years ago
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My Master my Dog Part 2

This is a continuation of the first story. Please read Part 1 before this. The next morning Chief woke me up whit a lick on my face. Gently grabbing his head I hugged him. He licked my naked breast grazing my erect nipple. A tingling sensation started between my legs. I hurried to get ready to go outside. I opened the bedroom door and Chief ran out. Choosing my clothes was now different. Selecting a bikini with ties at the side might be easer to get out of when I was down on all fours....

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 146 A Special Broadcast

Monday, December 10, 2001 We had flown back on a Thursday, so I took a long weekend back home to get to know my daughters again. Charlie was at sea again, deployed on the U.S.S. Fort McHenry, which I thought was nicely poetic, since Fort McHenry was in Baltimore. She was a Whidbey Island class ‘gator, short for alligator, an amphibious ship that went from sea to land and back, just out of dry dock and a lengthy refit, and was going to be at sea for a good six months. He had left right before...

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Rich Bitch 1

Susan had almost everything. When it came to money her parents allowed her to have anything she wanted. Money was no object in her life. She even had two cars and was looking at a third one. She had a red Mustang convertible, a black Trans-Am and now she wanted a midnight blue Corvette. She loved sports cars and she had a feeling that her father was going to get the Corvette for her as a graduation present; and the party was tomorrow. When it came to looks, she had it all there also. She...

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Telgu Hot Aunty Ki Chudai

telgu hot aunty ki chudai rohit Hello iss reders kaisay hai. aap badi gaand wali autyio ko mere land ka namaskaar. Main rohit main ek handsame ladka hoon achchi hight body ka aakrsak boy hoon meri age 24 years hai land ki size pura khada hooney par 8.5 inch ka hota hai aur jab woh nind mai hota hai tou karid 5 inch ka.ab jayada apni parsansaa nahi krunga kyo ki jitnee bhi auntyio ko fuck kiya hai woh meri land ki tarif kiye bina nahi rah sakti. aap ne meri real story tamil aunty ki gaand mari...

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Die Schulsperre

Die SchulsperreReiner, 18 SohnGudrun, 38 MutterRenate Borg, 54 LehrerinDer Anruf von der Schule kam überraschend, ich dachte mit 18 werden die Eltern nicht mehr unterrichtet, wenn ich etwas angestellt habe. Ich merkte sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmte, die Stimmung war ziemlich frostig. Meine Mutter rief mich mit meinem vollen Namen ins Wohnzimmer, ein eindeutiges Indiz, dass etwas faul war. „Deine Klassenlehrerin hat mich kontaktiert. Was fällt dir eigentlich ein, dich so zu benehmen? Du...

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Second Chances Reboot

Not-The-Original Author's Note: This is a tribute to Alexander Kung's great story "Second Chances". The original ideas and story belong to them. This version was written mostly because the original author never finished that work and I very much enjoyed it (going on five years with no conclusion now) and I wish they had. I've expanded on it where I felt appropriate, maintained the original ideas and motifs as much as I could, and updated it to match my own writing style. I have no idea...

2 years ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 01

‘Sing the song, Daddy!’ The small voice rang brightly across the waters of the cove, and Thomas Albright shook his head a couple of times. A long, lean, nut brown body turned around and swam back past him, the blonde head poking indignantly out of the water. The nymph demanded: ‘Sing the song, Daddy! You know I’ll keep this up ’til you do!’ Tom took a deep breath, and in his shaky tenor did his best Peter Blegvad impression: ‘That’s my daughter in the watereverything she owns I bought...

3 years ago
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Three dicks and a dog under one roof

The Smedleys had a boarder living in the loft, a writer, an odd sort but he paid very well to have his meals brought to him. He was little trouble, little noticed, seldom seen, but the six-hundred dollars he paid in cash each month was. That money was a godsend to the Smedleys who had three teenage daughters all needing the things growing teenage daughters need just to stay abreast of other teenage daughters breasts. They went through bras like boys went through socks and would not wear...

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Two by Two Chapter 15

Two by Two, Chapter 15 ? By: Beverly Taff Two by Two, Chapter 15 (Conclusion) A few days later, Trysta took up her new job as Nanny to Vicky's triplets and part time au pair. She was pleased with the conditions for the children were now spending several hours each day in the kindergarten. Her busiest times were the mornings when she prepared the triplets for kindergarten then returned home to do some housework. Before picking the children up she usually took Staz...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 7

I woke up feeling pretty good about myself and pulled the curtains to let the sunlight in, it was a beautiful day. Trish had gone off early as usual as her car had gone from the car port so I got the washing out the dryer and carefully folded it up ready for Tams to collect whenever she was ready.Things were progressing nicely with Trish and I was glad we opened up, it was hot thinking about the fun we can have with their panties and the thought went through my mind of her sexuality and I had...

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Lindsey Blossoms

****************************************************************************** STANDARD DISCLAIMER =================== The following piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment and has only been posted to an appropriate group on the Internet. If it is found in any other place it is not the responsibility of the author. If you are not an ADULT of legal age, you should avoid this text, and find something more appropriate to read All characters in this story are fictitious, and any...

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In the Enemy s TerritoryChapter 2

The sound of a campfire was the first thing to tell Nova she was awake. Opening her eyes, it was dark. A vague recollection of it being day when she had been watered, fed and relieved before he used another drop of the drug came to her slowly. Her head ached too much to think about it in any detail, though. Peering around drowsily, she startled when she noticed him. Like a gargoyle, he perched on a tree root on the other side of the fire. His only clothing was a thick pelt loincloth so the...

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In the Enemy s TerritoryChapter 4

Three days. Three nights. That was how many times she had awoken and had to endure his breedings. In any position that struck his fancy, he violated her, constantly reminding her of how helpless she was, how she belonged to him and would be mothering many pups for him. After all, she was his slave now, and that was her purpose. As helpless as she was, he showed a greater restraint than she thought he’d be capable of. Before he would have his way with her, he made certain she was ready and...

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Carefree Cove Ch 05

Tom Albright drawing in the summer Missouri morning. He wore his swimsuit and surfing shoes beneath his white T-shirt as he stood on the dock of his neighbor, Michelle Hawkins. She was a voluptuous woman of forty whom he just started a physical relationship the night before. She posed on her lounger for forty five minutes in her white robe in different positions before removing it so he could draw her naked. Her face was a little tired from lack of sleep, but aglow with the aftermath of great...

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Chachi Ke Saath Sex Part 8211 2

Hi guys mere taraf se sab ko pranam. Yeah story 100% sachi gatna hai aur yeah mera first story ka second part hai aaplogoun ke liye.Mere aur mere chachi ke beech mein huwa sex.Aaj bhi yaad aathe hai wo raat mujhe.Wahi aaplogoun ko bathawunga ki kaise hum dono ke beech mein sex huwa. Jou logoun ne mera first story nahi pada hai unko bathadhoon ki story tital -chachi ke saath sex . Ush raat jou mere saath huwa aaj bhi yaad kartha hoon tho hot ho jaatha hoon. Next din main college se aane ke...

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Carefree Cove Ch 07

It was a quiet evening at the Q and A Bar amd Grill in Seville Hills, MO. Thomas Albright sat with two of his friends, Petey Harms and Freddy Kleinschmidt, nursing beer. The hour was just past 8:00. Tom was a relatively young man at 51 compared to his two friends, who were grizzled old men in their 70s. The old men was on furlough from their wives of many years, Tom was a fugitive from his home at Carefree Cove, trying not to think where his lover of the past few days, Michelle Hawkins, might...

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The Silencer s DaughterChapter 4

Back in John's office, John had turned on the television and had a comfortable chair brought in for Paul to sit in. They sat watching the game for a while, eating Wilma's cookies. Paul became lost in his own thoughts. He wondered who he should get to train Lilly. He was pretty sure she would join up. She was an adrenaline junky just like Paul was. He decided he had better broach the subject with John so they could start making plans. "John, I know I said Lilly had to make up her mind, but...

2 years ago
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Postapocalyptic reality 4

This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1 reality 2 reality 3 spent the remainder of the day clearing out the cellar. She didn't want the decaying remains of the female dog, nor the half eaten remains of the previous tenant fouling the place up, so she dumped them outside a...

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Postapocalyptic reality 3

This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1 reality 2 was not the first time she had seriously considered using her talent to help domesticate a****ls. She often wished she had a Brahmin to help her carry the heavy burdens she had to haul home, or to a trader for sale, so she once decided to capture one. Domesticating the strange two headed bovine that...

4 years ago
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Gaand Ka Jalwa 8211 Part II

Hello dosto kaisay hai aap main Jai meri umar 24 saal diknay mai handsame hoon achchi body hai mere Lund ka size 7 inch lumba aur 3 mota  Dosto yah meri real story hai agar story padhnay ke baad maza aaye tou plz aap muj say sex chat bhi kar saktay hai mail wohi karay jisko gaand marwana pasand hai ladkiya wohi mail karay jisay gaand marwanay Mai enterest hoo mail karay Jo bhi gaandu Bhai apni gaand ki khujli mitaana chata hou tou mujay mail karay main aap ko apney baday lawada ka photo mail...

4 years ago
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Boss Ki Gaand Mari

Hello dosto mera naam Ajay hai main mumbai main rahta hoon meri umar 29 Saal hai main ek hand same man hoon muje sex bhout pasnd hai main pahlay roj apney land ko mooth marta taa kyo ki choot aur gaand kabhi mili nahi es liye hath sey hee kaam chala raha taa main badi gaand ka bada sookin hoon lakin kismat mai aadmi ki gaand likhi hou tou ladish ki kaha sey milegi aisa hi mere saath hua Main iss roj padhtaa hoon aaj mainey bhi socha kyo na main bhi apni real ghatnaa aap sey sair karu main ek...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

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Grandma s Old Ring

Ever had one of those days? I've been sitting on this for a couple of weeks because work has been in the way. Last night I finally managed to find some time to make another pass. Those who archive stories freely may do so, if you so wish. Just let me know where it's going to be. And don't make any changes in the text. Hope you all enjoy it. Bill [email protected] Grandma's Old Ring by Bill Hart "This is a load of crap," said Jake Harrison into the air, knowing...

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In My Cage

In My Cage By Joanna Maguire I did as I was ordered to by my Mistress. Completely naked I went down the hallway and locked myself into the small metal cage consisting of parallel bars space about 6 cm apart. It was situated just outside the front door. The cage was on the ground but a chain ran from the top of the cage and was attached to a tree near the front door of the house. The cage was so small all I could do was sit on my bottom with my legs folded. The cage was...

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  ?? My Life as a Dog By Cager  i am a dogslave., sold to a young skinhead Master who is heavily into humiliating guys by collaring and chaining them, and training them as dogs.  How then are you reading this? As a dogslave, forced into the behaviour of a dog, with the risk of punishment hanging over my head for any show of human behaviour, how can I communicate to you my story? What were hands are now paws, encased in leather mitts, padlocked, unopenable, rendering my hands useless.? I...

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My Dog Takes a Lover

Chris and I go way back. Hell we grew up together, shared our discoveries about sex with each other, jerked each other off, hell, once we even traded blowjobs just to see what one felt like. So yes, we were close. I've never known Chris to lie and so when he called asking to meet for a beer and a story, I took my digital voice recorder along. I'd learned long ago that if Chris had a story it'd be good enough to want to save. Chris and I met up at a local watering hole with a very liberally...

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Natalie s Family AdventureChapter 7

Natalie wakes up to find her pussy wet. She slides two fingers into it and luxuriates in the feeling of her lips parting and the warmth inside. She lies there for a moment or two, gently thrusting her fingers in and out of herself, before an idea occurs to her. She takes the tablet off the charger, the time on it reads 6:20 AM, and turns on the flashlight app. Walking around the room she collects the mirror, lube, and the horse-shaped dildo that The Controller gave her. She places the mirror...

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