Hausfrau wird Pornostar
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Alle Personen sind mindestens 18 Jahre.
Heike .M 39 Geschieden Mutter von einer Tochter und 18 Jahren schaut aus dem Fenster.Seit ihrer Scheidung muß sie notgedrungen hier am Rande der Stadt Wohnen.
Die Riesigen Wohnblöcke sind beklemmend. Ihre Nachbarn hat sie seit dem Einzug fast nie gesehen gegenüber Lebt Gerd ungepflegt 50+ mit Halbglatze und einem beginnenden Alt Herren Bauch.Oft Hört sie das Gerd mit Freunden am feiern ist.
Ein Paar Wohnung sind leer und das nicht nur auf ihrem Stockwerk.Ein Junger Mann ist drei Türen weiter erst eingezogen. Dann kommen noch zwei weitere Wohnungen die mit Osteuropäischen Männern im Durchschnitt 30 bis 50 Jahre etwa 4 belegt sind.
Wenn die Sonne untergeht treiben sich draußen und in den Treppenhäusern viele zwielichtige Gestalten rum.
Ihre Tochter ist sich dessen auch bewusst und vermeidet es im Dunkeln draußen zusein.Sie selber mußte sich schon einige Male gegen diverse Annäherungsversuchen wehren.
Heikes Figur ist nicht mehr so in Form 66 kg bei 1.67cm ihre Beine lang schlang aber mit griffigen Oberschenkel auch ihr Po ist etwas größer geworden genauso ihre Brust mit einer Sichtbaren Tendenz zum Boden ihren Brustwarzen sah man an das sie ihr Kind lange gestillt hatte und trotzdem oder gerade deswegen schaute der eine oder andere ihr nach.
Die ständige Angst um ihr Kind der ewige Geldmangel und die Wohnverhältnisse machten ihr zu schaffen.Freunde von damals gab es nicht mehr ob es daran lag das sie hier wohnt oder ihr Ex schlecht über sie redete egal sie schafft das Leben auch alleine für einen Mann hatte sie kein Platz es ging immer nur um die Kind.
Es war mal wieder nix im Haus der Kühlschrank Fast leer aber zum Glück hatte sie in der Tiefkühltruhe noch einiges liegen was ihnen über die Tagen retten würde. Geld gab es auch nicht mehr da ein Rate bezahlt werden mußte wurde von Einer dieser Schulden die ihr Ex ihr auf Auge gedrückt hatte wieder so ein scheiß Tag.
Ihn ihren Gedanken vertieft Klingel es an der Tür „Ja wer ist da“ Heike öffnet nie einfach so die Tür in dieser Gegend ist das auch besser so.
„Stadtwerke Walter .H. hier“ Heike öffnet da stand nun Herr Hunze ein n großer Mann um die 40 Schlank Wirren Haaren und einer Hasenscharte und Knollennase alles klar m allen kein Prinz der sie Retten wird.
„Guten Tag Walter H.. mein Name ich bin hier weil ich den Strom abstellen soll“ Er reichte ihr den Auftragszettel .Heike erschrak sie dachte sie hätte noch Zeit und nun ohne Strom ist schon schlimm das aber die letzten Vorräte verderben sollen.Geld für Alternativen hatte sie nicht.
Heike setzte ihr liebstes Netteste Lächeln auf „Herr H.. können sie nicht noch einige Tage warten ich besorge das Geld“
Walter kannte dieses Spiel zu genüge und ein freundliches Lächeln würde ihn nicht erweichen.
„Frau M es ist mein Job und ich muss es dann erklären und rechtfertigen also bitte lassen sie mich meine Arbeit machen“
Heike war am Boden was kann sie jetzt noch machen.
Walter stand nun vor dem Sicherungskasten fummelte diverse Wegzeuge aus seiner Cargohose.
Im Kopf von Heike drehte sich alles „Frau M im übrigen kostet dieser Einsatz 150 Euro das wird dann auf der Rechnung draufgeschlagen falls sie dann nächste Woche zahlen können denken die dran das bei einer Freischaltung noch mal die Hälfte der Monatskosten als Sicherheitszahlung fällig wären“
Heike überschlug die Gesamt kosten 150. Strom Abstellen 35 Euro Sicherheitszahlung und dann noch drei Monate nachzahlen 395 das konnte sie nicht zahlen.
Heike stand nun da mit Tränen in den Augen „können wir uns nicht doch einigen Herr H gibt es den nichts was ich machen kann ?“ dabei stand sie sehr Dicht bei Walter und streichelte über seinen Bauch hinunter zum Schritt.Heike schaute zu ihm hoch „Bitte“
Walter strich ihr durchs Haar drückte sie runter auf ihre Knie „aber sicher Frau M wenn sie mir helfen“ Heike wusste was zu tun ist, mit wenigen Handgriffen fischte sie den Penis aus Walters Hose.
Ein normal großer aber sehr Dicker Schwanz mit leichten Fisch Geruch aber egal es muss sein dachte sie.
„Nenn mich Walter wenn du schon meinen kleinen Freund in der Hand hast“nun drückte Walter ihren Kopf zu seinem Schwanz.
Heike mußte sich überwinden und lies deshalb seine Vorhaut noch über seine Eichel. Zärtlich nuckelte Heike den Schwanz.Walter lehnte sich an die Wand legte seinen Kopf zurück und genoss es einfach.
Einige Zeit später wurde Heike mutiger ob es daran lag das ihr letzter Schwanz schon über ein Jahr seinen Weg in ihren Mund gefunden hat ?. Egal ihre Mutter Votze reagierte die Schamlippen dick feucht das Fickloch öffnete sich in gehockter Stellung Beine etwas auseinander.
!! Da ich die Geschichte nebenbei schreibe können einige Fehler auftreten.Ich versuche diese zwischendurch zu korrigieren.Dabei könnte es auch in der Story zu Veränderungen und Erweiterungen kommen.Für die Motivation Daumen Hoch !!
Meine schüchterne MutterLiebe LeserInnen, diese Geschichte ist nicht von mir. Sie ist vom Benutzer "optocynic" der diese schöne Geschichte auf der britischen Plattform von xxxxxxxxxx hochgeladen hat. Allerdings hat sie mir so gut gefallen als ich sie gelesen habe, dass ich mir dachte: Ich muss sie übersetzen. Also habe ich mich einen Tag lang hingesetzt und hier ist sie, übersetzt ins Deutsche von mir mehr aber auch nicht.Noch eine letzte Bemerkung: Ich habe nicht wortwörtlich übersetzte, ich...
Leon kam eines Tages heim und hörte merkwürdige Geräusche aus dem Schlafzimmer seiner Eltern. Er kannte diese Art von Geräuschen. In manchen Nächten, wenn es seine Eltern mit einander Taten, gab es die Gleichen. Aber erstaunt darüber solche Töne jetzt zu hören, schlich er über die Treppe nach oben bis zur Tür seiner Eltern. Sie stand offen und er konnte hineinsehen. Auf dem Bett lag seine Mutter Monika, mit weit gespreizten Beinen, aber zwischen ihren Schenkel lag nicht sein Vater, sondern ein...
IncestKatharina (39) stoppte ihren Minivan in der gepflasterten Einfahrt vor ihrem Einfamilienhaus. Mit einem leisen Surren schloss sich das Straßentor hinter dem geparkten Wagen, während die dreifache Mutter in Richtung der Eingangstür des Hauses ging. Sie hatte gerade ihre Kinder Lisa(18) und Paul (19) in die Schule gefahren und wollte nun erst einmal durchschnaufen. Jeder Morgen war ein einziger Kampf im Haus der Familie Grüzner, denn die Kinder kamen meist ewig nicht aus ihren Betten heraus und...
MILFMarina wischt sich den Schweiß von der Stirne. Die drückende Sommerhitze macht den Hausputz unerträglich. Glücklicherweise muss sie nur noch die Treppe und die Diele wischen, dann ist sie endlich mit dem Putzen fertig. In diesem Moment hört sie, wie direkt hinter ihrem Rücken die Haustüre aufgeschlossen und geöffnet wird. Ist es tatsächlich schon so spät, denkt sie überrascht. Normalerweise versucht sie immer mit ihrer Hausarbeit fertig zu sein, bis ihr achtzehnjähriger Sohn Michael aus der...
Vor einigen Jahren wurde ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das es Frauen erlaubt am Muttertag Sex mit ihren erwachsenen Kindern und Enkeln Sex zu haben. Seitdem ist es zur Normalität geworden, dass an diesem Tag im ganzen Land Mutter es mit ihren Töchtern treiben und Großmütter mit ihren Enkeln, in manchen Familien hat es sich sogar etabliert, dass Stiefmütter auch von den Kindern ihrer Männer verwöhnt werden. Auch die Industrie hat sich an diese neue Form des Muttertags angepasst. Bordelle bieten ein...
IncestAlles begann damit, dass sich Sabine, die Mutter meiner Freundin, beim ausruhen in der Sonne immer mehr entblösste. Als sie nur mehr in Spitzenunterwäsche vor mir saß, wurde ich auf ihre kleinen aber festen Brüste aufmerksam und ihre gute Figur machte mich tierisch an. In der Folgzeit schlich ich mich mehrmals in ihr Zimmer, entwendete einige Slips von ihr und wichste hinein. Dann legte ich sie zurück in ihren Schrank. In der Hoffnung, dass sie es merkt (und sie musste es merken) und mich zur...
I took note that Evie said nothing at all about Daphne Bergendorf. She either had no opinion, or felt like an outsider despite how hard we worked to make her an equal in our relationship. We were pretty tired, so she might just have been feeling sleep coming on instead of keeping her opinion a secret from us. The new day brought new challenges. “Lord Terrance, we have a labor problem in Texas.” The phone call was unexpected. The General Manager of one of our manufacturing plants was...
Tanya couldn't wait to meet Sabrina. She insisted that we come over for dinner within days. The most humorous part of the whole visit was that Ralph and Sabrina looked, at least physically, like they'd be the perfect match, while Tanya, her belly bulging with what I thought of as our eight month old baby, was much closer to my size. The fact that my baby was pressed into Sabrina's... well... upper thighs... during her welcoming hug, could have been a rough spot, but Sabrina didn't bat...
I had just graduated and was home for summer for the first time in three years. I had been home occasionally since starting uni, but never for an extended period of time. I was only really home now as I'd had to sell my flat at university, ready to start my graduate job in the city in a few months.My sister was also home after her first year at a different university - we were quite an affluent family so had no need to work over the summer, which meant we both spent most of our time lounging...
I was actually neck deep with work and planned to write only by Christmas but due to the overwhelming response and mails. I thought I will write before I begun I want make one point clear. This was a real incident and it’s not an imaginative story. I and Priti got inside the jam packed bus and pushed our way inside the bus to move to the center and I managed to stand next to her such that i can see what is happening? Straight away the guy behind her placed his cock on her buttocks and started...
------------------------------------ It was a simple plan but one that progressed to unimaginable events. How could watching a simple high school football game turn into something so insane, and a week later, into something so life-changing? I was a freshman in high school. No, I wasn’t in the popular group. We were the poor of the poor and I was thin, not athletic, and my brown hair tussled too much out of control. I wasn’t yet shaving, didn’t know sports, generally clueless to...
This story starts with my boyfriend and I. First, let me describe us. I am a 5'7", 21-year-old woman. I have 32DD tits, a firm ass, a flat stomach, long brown hair, and green eyes. My boyfriend, I'll call him Kenneth, is 6'2", 22 years old, has a six pack, shaggy brown hair, brown eyes, and a 9-inch dick. He and I had been dating about seven months when we decided to spice up our sex life. So, he bought me a vibrator. Not just any vibrator. An 8 inch, silicone, silent, rabbit vibrator. It came...
Straight Sexanother joint story between me and Mel:TP: I was working away from home for the week and was stuck in a hotel on my own. While everything was available in terms of food, drink and amenities, it was boring being on my own. on the second evening i was sitting in a corner of the bar making my drink last along as i cold when i spotted 2 blondes at the bar. One of them looked familiar but i wasn't able to get a good look at her face. I got up and went to the gents and got to see their faces as i...
Growing up Chloe Call was a confident kid but then she went through puberty and became all self-conscious. Growing up, being skinny with no ass, was the hottest body you could have. Growing up she had an ass, so other's made fun of her, hence her younger self-conscious years. It took until age nineteen for her to become confident and to start showing off her curves. It took her until age nineteen to stop caring about others opinions. By now, being curvy, having a small waist, and having an...
Mind ControlIt was dusk up At Black Hill Sabden (UK), a Tuesday night in late May. I was really into biking at the time and I made the effort to go up to the forest once a week to do some night riding. I loved Tuesday nights up there - I always got an early finish from work on a Tuesday which allowed be to get a good 7 or 8 miles in before it got too dark to see anything.I had really bright lights on my bike and and was just coming down into one of the car parks when the sound of a car door closing made me...
This story I’m about to begin happened many years ago, as I was in High School, a 19 yo., I reckon. This event has triggered my enthusiasm for matures ever since, mad in the hunt for matures especially if they are portly and big. This way I was initiated for the first time into this new world of mature women. Her name was Dulce, a Spaniard who had begun to work as a new maid at home. I can’t reckon with accuracy how old she was, probably 40 yo.? A round woman with enormous incredible tits -...
MatureI have always leaned toward a submissive side. My curiosity was building. I had a fantasy to have someone enter my apartment while I was sleeping and take me. I couldn’t get this fantasy out of my mind and finally I decided to make it happen. I posted an ad on a local website. The ad read something like Submissive Bi-Curious Male looking for someone to sneak into my apartment through an unlocked door while I sleep and have your way with me. In my gut I knew this wasn’t the smartest thing to do...
A Devils Tale: Jacqueline's descent Part OneJacqueline stared at the bruiser of a man sitting across from her at the table. He appeared to be in perfect shape and a man who took care of himself. Probably in his mid-30s but could've been much older for he had an aura of real self-confidence not the false bravado of the young. She wondered if he was some sort of professional athlete but if so she did not know him. He was the only one still in the game and she had just raised him everything she...
Most of Japanese culture is about reserve, control, lowered eyes and the showing of respect, but there is a bathhouse in Tokyo where gay Japan shows the underbelly and repressed desires of Japanese gays. It is called 24 Kaisha Kan and is located in Asakasa, a "downtown" neighborhood of Tokyo. There are bathhouses in trendy Shinjuku which attracted the young, hip and hot Japanese boys, but in the late '80s, no foreigners were allowed. Needing to get a load off after long work days, I eventually...
I was 17 years old at the time, and had had my drivers license for about 2 months. Every week of that two months I had asked Ava out on a date, and she had turned me down every time. But I was persistent and she kept on smiling each time I asked, and each time that she said "No". I met Ava at a cafe that I frequented each day after school. Yep, I was in my last year of high school, and had just a few weeks to the end. Ava, I learnt was 16 years old, not having finished school. She had been...
Story is the narration of incidence between mom (Lousie ) & son (Garry). Hello ! My hot mom LOUSIE is back from her spa.I have explained my sisters the truth of physical relation that happened between me (garry) & my mom(lousie).my sisters have not believed my words , so they have asked me to show prove for their trust. I have planned to record a video of sex between us.In the evening all family members are in dinnng hall watching t.v & maid have prepared coffee for us.we are having it & after...
MILFCarol's First Threesome My wife Carol and I had been discussing the possibilities of a threesome but would always wonder who we could get much less trust. One night while making love I suggested my best friend of many years Greg. Knowing that there was some sort of physical attraction between them and knowing I fully trusted him I thought he would be a natural. From the way my wife reacted when I mentioned it and the way she exploded, I knew he would be the one. ...
Group SexChapter 1 A dark, stormy night. Thunder, Lightning, and heavy rain fills the night, You are at the mall, I've been watching you for weeks, the way you wiggle that sexy ass, the way you smile, the way you flirt, the way you walk, the way you tease, Now its time for you to realize your lesson. I waited patiently, and as you left the mall, no one else was near, So I jumped out and grabbed you as you unlocked your car door. I covered your mouth and nose with a drugged rag, and you quickly passed...
Hi mera naam Ravi hai aaj mein apko apne mummy papa ke sambhog KI kahani sunane ja raga hu. Mere papa mother dairy chalate hain aur mummy housewife hai. Mere papa ki umar 39 hai aur mummy ki 36 saal. Meri mummy bahut gori hai aur saree mein bold lagti hai. Papa bhi gore hai par unka gora rang kale balon KI wajah se nazar nhi aata.main apne baap KI sabse badi aulad hu mera ek bhai bhi hai. Wo 10 saal ka hai. Baat December January ki hai. Papa ghar me 8 baje aa jate the aur 9 baje him hum log...
The making of a Whale (cunt) (The real bit) We had chatted at length, my darling sub and I, about how things would go if we ever met in person. The outfits, the toys, the acts of depravity…I had cum so many times I found it hard to have an orgasm without our little “chats”. Now just to be clear, I can understand the level of irony of referring to another “larger” woman as a whale, but that is something that developed between us and through our chats and through our love for each other. My...
One thing nags me even after all these years, and writing this memoir brings it all back: did we somehow rob our daughter of her childhood by our actions? I know that it's a silly fantasy of many parents, many of them in positions of influence, sadly, that if they don't say anything about sex their kids won't learn about it, won't experiment, won't hurt themselves, and won't get pregnant or diseased or raped or whatever. This is a little bit of a rant, but bear with me. Or, heck, skip...
I first learned of the magnetism of sexual odor as a teenager. In school, I was more cerebral than athletic. Consequently, I participated in science and debate clubs instead of sports. Reserved and shy, I was not popular with the girls. My senior year, trigonometry was being taught by a new teacher. Miss Howard was a young, gorgeous, 25-year-old slender blond of perfect proportion. Of course, she was the object of desire by the males in the class. On one science-fair field trip, which she...
Corvino's Defense of Homosexuality By Cal Y. Pygia Note: While it is true that not all transvestites are gay, many profess to be. In any case, this essay is likely to be of interest to many, regardless of their sexual orientation, and to members of the wider gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, many of whom have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender friends themselves. In his essay, "Why Shouldn't Tommy and Jim Have Sex?," which appears in Contemporary Moral...
Kevin is kinda a geek, but not too bad, but although he could use a better haircut, it wasn't his hair that I first noticed. I remember seeing him running with the rest of the boys on the track field. I love to watch the boys run. Especially when they pass me by and I can see their buns flexing in the nylon school shorts we all have to wear. The guys all seem to get their shorts two sizes too big and the girls get theirs one size too small. So there I was standing with my girlfriends waiting...
An evening to remember with Nicole and Nick - went downstairs all three of us, and the blonde portier smile as she sees us. I see her slowly lick her lips as she’s eyeing us. We smile back, and head out. Nicole you walk with your head held high, and Nick you are proudly hoping people will see your cuckold shirt.We go to a nearby restaurant in the old part of town. It’s small and cozy and dark. A lot of fun things can happen in the dark. The young...
Sean’s mother, upon charging into Suzie’s house, took nearly a minute to catch her breath. While waiting, she decided that the den was the safest place to hide until someone was able to bring over some clothes. She did not think it appropriate to be parading around in someone else’s home wearing a half bra, sheer panties, garter belt, and stockings. Her high heels had been left behind when fleeing the Dwarves. Her hair, standing out in every direction, gave her the appearance of having stuck...
Candace was an awesome wingman as usual. I continued to fuck Harley as she sucked Deadshot back to life. We then planted Harley on Deadshot’s lap and Candace licked her asshole while I face fucked Harley. Then, after much whimpering and some screaming, I forced my cock into Harley’s ass. Candace tried to kiss the girl to keep the noise down, but it was of little help. I did count at least two orgams as we double penetrated the girl and she might have gotten a third when I filled her ass with...
Hello all. I wanted to begin this by telling you a bit about myself and a bit about this story. I am a new writer on this site, having been to a few others and been a long time reader, but never an author. I aspire to become a published author and I have been writing for several years, hoping to finish something and try to turn it into a book. I write stuff here to challenge myself but also to explain the softer side of myself and the various things that go through my head or that I...
The bed in the dorm room felt like it had been slept in a hundred times over and then some. My body sunk right in the middle of it and the aches I was feeling from the effects of having no support were evident as I began to twist and contort my eighteen year old body to get the kinks out. What I needed was a hot shower to sooth them away.So, I slipped on my flip-flops, grabbed my robe, a bra, and some panties, along with a towel, and for the first time in my college career, tread down to the...
LesbianA couple after seeing my pictures and reading my blog. They happen to live nearby and want me to be the Bull. I’m reluctant at first, so they offer to pay me $1,000 in “acting fees” as they would like to video the event for later enjoyment. Their house is nice and pleasantly decorated, if a bit conservative, and they’re both very excited and happy to see me in real life, and eager to get started. The wife is blushing because she can’t believe her husband has agreed...
I was browsing through internet one time when I found a good site called friendfinder. I made a profile for me and in my information i said in it am male 45 years old 165 cm tall 65 kg bottom looking for top, I also put some naked and sexy pictures for me, after some time I received many messages from people all over the world want to make friendship with me, I was happy because most of them are young, good looking and horny too, I reply to many of them, but there is one guy he kept sending me...
EroticThis story is based on the real life of a world where 4 and 5 year old girls are forced to fuck grown men that pay for their services. Please keep in mind that although The story here is 100% fiction similar events do happen in real life. To get the facts behind this story check out This is the story of how three sisters ended up with a former Senator who was now trading in child prostitution. Kim Jill Sun had made an agreement with Former...
Julie Kay and Candice Dare have been competing to go out on a date with one of the hottest and richest guys in the valley. The day came where they both had a date scheduled with him, and only the baddest, hottest, and most prompt girl would be able to make the cut! Julie and Candice arrive at Nathan’s door at almost the same exact time. There were a few extra seconds for them to talk shit about each other, then Nathan opened the door. His eyes and cock instantly pointed towards his nubian...
xmoviesforyouI firmly believe a person knows when they have met the woman of their dreams. A reaction occurs that is clearly out of the range of normal everyday life. A mental or visual connection is established that cannot be denied. Some people believe that there is one person on this earth that was created just for them. I have spoken with people who have felt a tingling, developed goose bumps, or felt some other strange sensation run through their body. It can happen when you see a lady across the...
Niece Katy’s Surprise Visit By billy69boy (Sequel to “The Truth about Oral Sex Clubs”) “Bye, honey, have a great week!” I yelled to my wife, as she headed out the door to her car. It was all packed and ready for her trip to the beach house that she rented with her s****r. I was home alone for seven glorious days, and I was going to make the best of it. I sat down on the patio with my newspaper and glass of scotch, even though it wasn’t quite noon yet. The waterfall gurgled in the background,...
Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Autumn By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson (c)2005 Part 3 -- December Sunday, December 3, 1871 Trisha stopped a few feet from the entrance to the schoolhouse. The building was filling with people come for Sunday worship. "What's the matter, dear?" Kaitlin asked. Trisha sighed. "I'm just not sure about wearing these women's clothes to church." After much arguing, Kaitlin had managed to convince Trisha that her poorly fitting men's clothes were...
I was walking home from school that afternoon, thinking about what my friend, Holly, had told me. She spilled her secret to me that she was bi-curious. She is very attractive. She is only 5"2' but we're only 13. She has medium, shoulder length dark brown curly hair. She has 34C breasts and a pretty nice ass. I have been bi- sexual since I was 11. My mom never really paid attention to what I was doing so it was easy for me to find my dad's porn videos and my brother's playboy magazines...
LesbianI sat on my heels trying to be as small as possible. I squatted really, hiding my nudity by pulling my knees up to my chin. My whole body was folded up on itself with just the bottom of my feet touching the cool sand. It had only been a 30 minutes since Bo had left, but it seemed like hours. The waiting was getting to me. I wanted to get out of there and be done with it all! Just then the box sitting on the sand in front of me crackled to life. "Heidi? Are you there? Press the orange...
The Hotel It is not often that I get the chance to stay in a hotel a long way from home, alone and paid for by my company, so I planned what I would do and take there with great care, so as to make the most of the very special time. As it was high summer and unusually hot, the most important thing would be something really light and cool, for instance my long silk floaty dress covered with a multitude of flowers. Whilst underneath would be a delicate lacy bra and boy shorts set, in...
Part 1 : A Conflict of Interest So this is perhaps the most peculiar client I have had. My name is Katya Izotova and I have been now in England for almost four years. This Daphne has been a real life-saver for me after Nicky ran out but even so, she has been a most peculiar client. First it was strange how she contacted me. Usually people just call but instead she gets this guy Rick to set up a meeting. Then there's this strange situation with her and her live in lover; this Branca girl....
Brock awoke early Friday morning as was becoming his habit more and more. As Meredith continued to sleep, he took a few moments to watch "Nightly Sports Update" on ASN and to slip outside for a newspaper that was delivered to all the suites. He sat down and opened the sports section to peruse the standings. The playoffs weren't that far in the future and he wanted to mentally assess who his team might face. The Marlins had played the night before and lost, dropping them 12 games out of...
Joe sat back, trying to ease the kinks from the concentration, but the screen told him what he needed to know. The patch was good, the suite was running, and the payroll would be through on time. He glanced across at the next terminal. Sue was leaning back in her chair, long legs stretched out, eyes closed. He took a moment to admire the sleek shape of her, from her pixie-cut cap of red hair, over her shapely breasts, her flat belly, and down the long, lovely line of her legs. "What time is...
This will ne the transition from the 'I now own this slut' to a new series 'Call Me Daddy', utilizing the same characters and theme.There she was... naked and bound on the exam table; Legs secured in the spread stirrups, arms secured to the side of the table, freshly waxed vulva - void of pubes, with the exception of a little heart-shaped patch just above the beginning of her folds.. just as I had arranged. The attendant was standing just outside the treatment room and I was just sliding into...
One day Carly and Sam were in the iCarly studio doing a rehearsal for an upcoming episode of their popular web-show when their technical producer, Freddie Benson, came bouncing in with a long, big box.“What’s that for?” asked Carly.“It’s a new device I found on Sky-Mall which allows the person strapped in to bounce around the room safely and securely. Almost like you’re bungee jumping, but in all different directions,” Freddie answered as he placed the box down onto the floor.“So you didn’t buy...
Haley Reed is horny all the time. When she interprets her pastor’s advice that having sex for procreation without birth control is okay, she decides to go all the way with her boyfriend Brick Danger. Peeling off her miniskirt, bra, and thon for Brick’s pleasure, she urges him to feel up her boobs and then to squeeze her ass. Then she pulls his hard dick out and lays on her belly to start sucking. Licking and slurping at Brick’s hardon gets him all riled up. When Haley gets on...
xmoviesforyouI'd just started a new job and had only been there two weeks. There were two women there who gave me instant hard ons whenever I saw them and both for similar reasons. I'm a leg man and I'm into good legs, high heels and sexy feet. Blayne was in her early forties, had long black hair that hung down to the middle of her back and she had superb legs. She knew it to and she always wore high heels to accentuate them. In the two weeks I'd been there I never saw her in less that a four-inch heel...
I slowly came awake, not wanting to leave the wonderful dreams I’d been having. My bed was oh so comfortable and for some reason, my body was feeling a wonderful tingly sensation. Sunlight streamed through the open curtains in my bedroom and I squinted my eyes trying to get my bearings. That’s when I saw a head of tousled brunette hair draped across my groin. More awake now, I realized that soft, warm lips were kissing up and down my semi-erect cock, sending waves of pleasure through me. I...
A Cautionary Tale by Raven Once upon a time there used to be a manchild, with the heart of a poet, who imagined himself to be a great lover. Unfortunately, the world did not agree with him. He was a lover without anyone to love. However, the universe is a funny thing. Chance tends to draw together two souls that are compatible. So it was that one day, a girl named Ariel came into Trystyn's life. For awhile they, were together as one. Trystyn felt as if he had found his reson...
Dosto ye meri pahali storie ha umid karta hu ap sbiko pasaand aaegi meranam sahed ha meri age 24 yer mere saath aisa experience hua jo mai soch bhi nahin sakta tha. Mere aik reletiv ke factory hai hu gisay mere riletiv aur unke partner chala tey factki me mebi kam karta hu uski partner ke achnak death ho gai. Uski death key 5 month key baad uski widow meray saath kaam karney lagi. Woh aik 42 years ki aurat shakal aur firgure koi khaas nehin, un ka naam saira hai. Per dostoon gis ko...
Well, Amanda was certainly a new experience. She knew what she wanted and she went all out to get it. I must say I was happy with the result. Me, a man who hadn't touched a woman other than my wife for close to twenty years. Maria and I mind talked when I found out about the troubles and saw what Amanda was doing and she told me I knew what I had to do. Somehow, I don't think she would have been the same if I'd called her six months ago and told her I wasn't coming home until the morning...