The Visitor
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Riley was soaked. Half-blind too, the rain racing down the eye-pieces of his glasses doing as much to block his view as the dripping, dark brown hair that fell around his face. He flicked his head, trying to move his fringe out of his eyes. He was tired, and cold, and had just come back from the most boring lecture he had ever had the misfortunate to attend.
‘Ah well, at least I should get to see Sam soon.’ A wide smile crept across his face as he thought of her, forcing the day to seem a little brighter, a little more cheery despite the heavy downpour. He hadn’t seen her for almost two weeks now, their reading weeks falling on different dates, his ending just as hers began, though she was due back tomorrow. As he crossed the road to his student accommodation’s front-gate, he noticed a slim young woman walking towards the same place, though from the inside. He hurried across the grey, cracked pavement and unlocked the gate. He opened it quickly, and stepped to one side, allowing the girl to pass him by. The rain never seemed to reach her, instead avoiding her as if it wouldn’t dare to destroy the appearance of this person. She wore dark jeans, slim-fitting but not tight, and a thick, parker coat that hid her core from the rain and, unfortunately, his gaze. Her hair was just off her shoulder, and had clearly been dyed recently.
‘It had to have been,’ he thought ‘no one’s hair was that dark, that sultry.’ She smiled at him, making his thundering heart leap in his chest, echoing in his ears. Her lips were full, and her shimmering blue eyes sparkled underneath lowered eyelids. At him!
‘Thank you.’ She said, her voice the lilting music of an angel’s choir. Riley matched her smile hesitantly, inwardly cursing himself for his lack of social graces. She walked past him, carefully avoiding a small puddle that lay in her path. He watched her sway away from him for a moment, admiring the graceful way she swung her hips, visible even under the thick coat that ended a few inches below her hips. He shook himself, realising he had been staring for too long. Shaking his head, Riley passed through the gate and jogged across the courtyard to the door labelled ‘Dickens’ House’.
He pushed open the door, grimacing at the state of his black, fingerless gloves. They were wrecked, the water having completely drenched them. He’d only bought them a few days ago, and now they looked more like the poorly preserved artefacts of a long dead beggar.
He climbed the stairs quickly, ripping the gloves from his cold hands. He tossed them into the trash-can set in the hallway, noticing it was close to overflowing… again. Oddly though, he couldn’t smell the stench the bin normally forced on him, instead the air was filled with an almost tangy scent. He shrugged, assuming someone had just sprayed some air-freshener in the air. Making a mental note to take it out, he dug in his pocket for the key to his own little sanctuary. It wasn’t there. He panicked, digging further into the pocket in hope that it would magically appear in his grasp. He rummaged through his other pockets desperately, cursing himself soundly. The smell, strangely, was stronger at his door, as if it was coming from within his own flat.
Just as he was about to turn away from his door, intending to get the spare key the office always kept, when he heard a noise from inside his flat. There was someone in HIS flat. He looked at the lock closely, now noticing the flat was unlocked already. So someone had his key, and had decided to sneak into his flat? He slid his leather coat off his scrawny shoulders, intending to barge in and catch whoever it was red-handed, rather than get help from his flatmates. Drawing in a deep breath of warm, stale air, he pushed at the door.
The smell hit him first, pungent and powerful. It was the scent of wild berries, familiar and yet somehow exotic at the same time. The room was illuminated with candles, scattered over his desk, his bedside cabinet and even a few along the dismal skirting board that ran around the bottom of his dull, cream walls. He stepped forward, puzzled, feeling something underneath his shoe. He glanced down, noticing red flower petals running along the room.
‘Riley.’ He glanced up, a slow smile spreading across his face as he recognised first the voice, then the beautiful figure that rose from his bed. He stepped forward again, his heart pounding at his chest in joy, excitement, love and lust.
‘Sam.’ he whispered, pausing as the flickering light of the candles spread across her body, lovingly. As he spoke her name he felt the thrill that she always gave him, the spreading warmth in his body having little to do with the candles. His gaze followed the sultry orange light, admiring every curve, every shadow that flowed over her. Her legs, dressed in red stockings, gleamed silkily in the light. His gaze ran up her, admiring the scanty red knickers that did little to protect her modesty. He saw her bra, the same colour as both her underwear and her stockings, and felt himself stirring as he saw the glimmering, oiled flesh it contained. The perfect line of her throat sent a shiver through his body, imagining how it would feel, how it would taste. He forced his gaze away from her body, meeting her beautiful, shadowed eyes. Always large and expressive, the flickering light reflected there, mixed with the desire emanating from her, could’ve melted a stone with the heat of her beauty, turned a calm sea into a raging storm with her sheer sexuality.
‘Shoes off.’ She ordered softly. He groaned quietly, the atmosphere she created within the room making the simple command feel as if she had whispered it into his ear, moaned the words into his soul. He knelt, breathing heavily and pulling at the loose laces. After a few seconds he pulled off the shoes, still on his knees. He glanced up at her, fully taking in her beauty, her perfection. She was a work of art, a goddess, an angel given human form. She pointed at the floor, biting her lower lip teasingly.
‘Come here.’ She whispered, sending a chill down Riley’s spine. He crawled across the floor, feeling silken petals beneath his fingers and toes as he moved. For the first time, he noticed the tall, red heels she wore. He almost moaned at the sight of them, thoroughly enjoying the sensuality of her appearance, as well as the effort she had put in, just for him.
‘God,’ he thought, ‘this woman is amazing.’
He reached her feet, staring up at her powerlessly. He saw her smile at him. She knew he was helpless before her, that he couldn’t resist anything she wanted.
‘Take off your shirt.’ She ordered, clearly relishing the role she was playing. He bowed his head.
‘Yes, mistress.’ Riley whispered, pulling at the thin material that covered his slim chest. He threw it away from them and, bare-chested, he looked back up at her, his eyes glittering with avarice. He reached out to her, longing to feel her hot, smooth flesh under his finger-tips. Her hand swung down, knocking his away sharply. He looked into her eyes, puzzled. She shook her head.
‘Today, you’re going to do as you’re told.’ She whispered sultrily, the sound of her voice driving him insane with desire. ‘Is that alright with you?’ She asked sarcastically, though he knew it was a serious question.
‘Yes, mistress.’ He groaned, running his gaze up and down her body.
‘Then first things first, slave,’ she ordered, her voice becoming less soft and more commanding, ‘start with my feet.’
‘Of course, mistress.’ He said excitedly, enjoying her power over him. He tentatively reached out, slowly sliding her foot out of the tall, red heel.
‘God,’ he thought, ‘even her toe-nails have been painted red.’ He felt his jeans rubbing against him but he ignored the slightly painful feeling to lean forward and kiss her foot. His lips caressed her big toe, enjoying the warmth of it in his mouth. He heard her moan softly, and slowly, moved his way along her toes, kissing
, licking and caressing each one as he passed it. His tongue ran along the canal on the underside of her toes, hearing her gasp in pleasure. The taste of her sweat lay upon his tongue, and he loved it. He enveloped each toe again, licking lightly between them, before running his tongue along the side of her foot, and around the ankle. He carefully slipped the shoe off her other foot, before repeating the process, albeit slightly quicker than before. He was almost sad to remove the heels, knowing how amazing she looked in them, but knew this was what she wanted.
‘The legs now, I think.’ She groaned at him. The tone of her voice arousing him further, the pain of his jeans rubbing becoming more profound and noticeable. He ran his hands up her beautiful, warm legs, feeling a slight bristle to them. Just as he liked it. He nuzzled her calf as he slowly made his way up her leg, enjoying her hot, yielding flesh on his own. She moaned again, loudly. Slowly, he kissed his way up her legs, alternating between both left and right. The smell of her sweat and the musky aroma of her sex above him filled his nostrils and his libido screamed at him to hurry up, but he had been ordered to do as he was told, and he would do so. When he reached her thighs her moans became louder, chivvying him on. She sat on the bed heavily, unable to remain standing as he moved up her, nuzzling, kissing, licking and caressing her flesh. He ran his tongue along the soft skin, only stopping when he reached the spot where her leg became her groin. Even so, he still nuzzled her, listening to her moans of pleasure as he teased her. He slid his tongue below the tight material of her underwear, tasting her sweat and her arousal in the soft pubic hair.
‘Take your jeans off.’ She ordered him though, aroused as she was, Riley was certain he could’ve kept them on if he wanted to. With a last powerful lick along the soft silk of her underwear, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her, he rose to his feet, towering over Sam. He reached for his belt, only to have his hands slapped away.
‘No,’ she ordered authoritatively, meeting his gaze, ‘I’ll do it.’ She reached out, pulling at the slim, black leather. She ripped it off him in a frenzy, frantically tugging at the silver buckle to tear the belt off his jeans in one quick, jerking movement. He looked down at her as she slid the zipper down and unbuttoned him.
‘Get them off.’ She ordered, drawing her hands away from him, and regaining control of herself. He grinned and stepped out of them easily. He tugged off his socks, so he stood there in his boxer shorts alone though, due to his current state, they did little to cover the bulge Sam had created.
‘On your knees, boy.’ She ordered him, once again taking charge.
‘Yes mistress.’ He obeyed her, lowering himself again until his face was inches away from hers. She locked his gaze, both dying to please the other.
‘Boy?’ She asked him softly, her words warm against his own lips.
‘Mistress?’ He heard her heart beating, as loud and quickly as his own.
‘Kiss me.’ She whispered, leaning forward slightly. He obeyed her, his lips connecting with hers. He pushed against her, feeling her match his pressure. Her tongue darted out, running around his lips, though when he went to match her she leant away, exposing her throat to him.
‘Enough slave. You know what I want.’
‘Yes mistress.’ He lowered his lips to the curve of her throat, tasting her warmth, feeling the soft pulse of her heart rate against his mouth.
He moved lower, following her collar-bone whilst his hands caressed her back, holding the warm, smooth flesh in his hands. He found the clasp of her bra, and carefully pulled it open, enjoying the slight sag as her breasts fell from the confines of the silken material. He slid the shoulder straps down, smiling as she lifted her arms slightly, to allow him to remove it completely. He stopped kissing her for a moment to take in the view of the freshly revealed flesh. Her nipples stuck out into the warm air, begging to be touched, licked, and kissed. It seemed despite his mistresses’ pride, her body would not adopt the same icy demeanour. He met her eyes, begging for permission without speaking. She nodded.
‘Do it.’ She commanded him, though it had begun to sound like she was the one begging.
‘How desire changed people.’ He thought wryly, and lowered his head.
Sam gasped as he took her nipple in his mouth, sucking at it, grinding his tongue against it. She moaned as he took her other in his fingers, pulling and pinching on it, not enough to hurt her. At least, not judging by the noises she was making. He pulled away from her, admiring the pinkish areola, and the wet nipple, reflecting the candle-light as effectively as her sparkling eyes did.
‘Enough! Enough!’ She ordered, pushing his head down towards her crotch. He almost drooled as he saw the dripping wet patch in her underwear.
‘Hmmm, I think you’ve been enjoying yourself.’ He whispered, running his hands down her stomach lovingly. He nuzzled into her crotch again, enjoying her scent intensely. He breathed in deeply, moaning in anticipation. She writhed in pleasure as he teased her, almost insane with her desire. He lowered his hands behind her, gripping onto her warm, yielding flesh. He pulled her cheeks apart slightly, enjoying her moan. He ran a finger along the curve of her ass, feeling her sweat through the thin silk. He reached the edge of her pussy, the underwear practically useless, soaked as it was. He wrapped his fingers around the sides of her underwear, preparing to yank them away from her.
‘No!’ She ordered him, putting her hands on the back of his head. ‘Use your teeth!’ He smiled at the demand, obeying her meekly.
He gripped the top of the panties with his teeth, slowly lowering his head. As he moved lower, her hair brushed against his nose, and he nuzzled into her, enjoying both her scent, and the warmth of her arousal around him. She moaned as his nose rubbed against her clit, the noise increasing in volume as he stayed there for a few moments. Then he moved lower again, unable to contain himself now. Her panties came free of her with a slight sucking noise, almost unheard against her loud moaning.
She raised her legs so he could yank her soaking panties off her, still using only his teeth. He nuzzled his way back up her legs, kissing and licking her as he went. He paused when he reached her groin, just kneeling there, inhaling the scent of her. Then he dove in, feeling her around his nose, his mouth, his tongue. He raised a hand and ran it along her pussy lips, whilst sucking at her clit. He felt her take a deep, shuddering breath, and moved his hand. She almost screamed in pleasure, as his finger eased into her. He moved in and out of her slowly, still licking at her, taking as much of her taste as possible. He turned his finger around inside her, and began to make a beckoning gesture, stimulating her g-spot, listening to the change in her sounds, her moans becoming screams and her gasps becoming shouts.
‘Oh go… god, yes. Right there! There! Oh my fucking…’ He inserted another finger, then another.
‘Ohh… Oh! It’s so tight! Shit! Shit I’m going to cum! Oh Shit!’ She screamed into the otherwise quiet room, though he could still barely hear her over the sound of his own heart and the wet, sopping sounds that came from her pussy.
She contracted against him, holding his face into her as she ground against him. He pulled his fingers out, replacing them with his tongue. He grabbed her arse and forced himself further into her, his tongue going even deeper. He felt the muscle tighten around his tongue, and heard her scream loudly. She held him in her for a few moments more, still lapping at her juices. Finally, she sagged back.
‘Enough slave.’ She breathed heavily as he wiped at his face, coated with her. She looked at him sternly.
‘Who said you could do that?’ As Riley began to protest
she raised a finger to his lips, and shushed him quietly.
‘Believe me my love,’ she whispered into the silence, ‘I’ve not finished with you yet.’ She rose from the bed and moved towards his desk, her arse gleaming with sweat in the firelight. He noticed a shake in her legs, until she sat on his desk and raised her legs, showing herself to him fully. Sam beckoned at him and, grinning, he moved towards her.
He held her tightly, enjoying the feel of her breasts against his chest, the soaking warmth of her pussy through the thin cotton of his boxers. He shifted, the tip of his penis rubbing against her clit, where his mouth had been only moments before. She opened her mouth to moan and he kissed her, hard and passionately. After a few moments, she pushed at his chest, forcing him back a step.
‘Riley, I want you in me, now!’ She said crudely. She reached out with her feet, hooking her big toes into the band of his boxers. Licking her lips, she pushed them down slowly. His hair rubbed against her toes, tickling them both.
With astonishing dexterity, she pulled his boxers down sharply, releasing his penis into the warm candlelit air. It stood out in front of him, proud and eager. He stepped out of his underwear and advanced on her again.
‘Condom.’ She insisted, holding out one such item towards him. He quickly rolled it on, hating having to wear the thing. He grabbed her legs, raising them as high as she could stretch and pushed into her. He slid in easily, her sopping wet lips wrapping around him. They moaned at the same time, her tight hole stretching around his penis. He thrust into her powerfully, feeling her contract around him.
‘Deeper, Riley’ she moaned at him, ‘deeper!’ He obeyed, forcing himself further into her. She wrapped her arms around him, and matched her rhythm to his own.
‘Hmmm, that feels good,’ she whispered into his ear, ‘do you love me?’
‘Yes, you know I do.’ He said breathlessly, ‘God, I’ve dreamed about you, about this.’
‘is it as good as you dreamt? She asked him, her face flushed in pleasure.
‘It’s better.’ He pushed her off him, so she lay on her back staring up at him. He continued to thrust into her, powered by the flame of his desire for the beautiful woman lying before him. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was open and screaming silently and her make-up had almost been completely destroyed in their passion, but she was astonishingly attractive.
‘Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,’ she moaned loudly, ‘I’m cumming again, I’m cumming!’
She screamed, long and loud, her high voice echoing around the room, the candles flickering madly under the intensity of her pleasure. Sam pushed him away and leapt off the desk, falling to her knees in front of Riley. She ripped off the condom, and wrapped both hands around him lovingly. She closed her eyes and leant forward, her tongue snaking out. Her hands began to caress him, running up and down his length, and her tongue flicked out, lightly tasting the tip of his penis. Riley gasped in pleasure as the coarse texture of her tongue touched him. She looked up at him through half-closed eyes.
‘Hmmm, I think you enjoyed that.’ She commented, releasing her grip on him. Suddenly her hands dug into his arse and her open mouth enveloped him, her tongue stroking the underside of his penis as the head hit the back of her throat. She held him there for a moment, enjoying his pleasure and his taste.
She pulled him out slowly and began to jerk him quickly, her tongue caressing his tip. Riley felt himself tighten, knowing her actions had driven him to the brink.
‘I’m gonna cum Sam, you’d better move.’ He warned her, expecting her to get out of the way.
‘No, I want this.’ She said softly, opening her mouth and waiting for him. He closed his eyes as pleasure ripped through him. With a series of grunts, he shot out at her, his shaft twitching in her still moving hands. He felt her lapping at him, taking in every drop she could find. Opening his eyes, he saw his cum lying on her cheeks, her breasts, her hair, though her mouth was working furiously at the small amount she had captured. She rose to her feet, and parted her lips, showing him the white liquid across her tongue. She swallowed. She smiled at him, displaying her empty mouth. Riley stared at her for a moment, and held her close to him. He felt her nuzzle his neck, and heard two words whispered in a passionate, loving voice.
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The Back Packer VisitorI had been a long time since the wife and I went anywhere together. It was a lovely day so I suggested we go for a drive and spend the day at the river, we could hire a boat just the two of us. She was delighted and rushed to get sandwiches and drinks made up for us and I grabbed a carton of beer from the outside fridge and off we went. The river was about twenty miles away but it was a nice spring day and the weather was great so the drive would be good.We were almost at...
This story was written to the specifications of Bashful as the winner of the second prize from my story contest. SRU: The Visitor By Morpheus The mall was extremely busy, nearly surging with people, almost as if it was nearly Christmas again, which was somewhat unusual for the time of the year. However, Edgar Bryce barely noticed any of the crowd that surrounded him as he made his way slowly through the mall, his mind too busy with other things. Finally something caught Edgar's...
Time Stands Still Chapter Three: A visitor By 7:30 a.m. Jack looks at me sadly. This beautiful god in his summer navy blue uniform stooped over with the weight of the world. "It's bad news, real bad." "Oh no, Jack! Shot! How'd it happen? Is she alive?" I stand there, my happy state of mind reeling with the news. I'm devastated. The tears begin to form in the corners of my eyes. I gaze at Jack. He looks at me and begins to break down, too. All that stiff police... recalling of an experience dressed in a swimsuit didnt seem too popular so perhaps you may prefare the story of a weekend visitor I once had. It was 1981 and I had just got my own place, a nice modern 1 bed flat.Apart from bedsits as a teen this was my first real place of my own.In these pre internet days we had such mediums as contact mags, specialty mags and such and it was though one of these that I got in touch with Colin.....that wasnt his name but the rest of the story is true...
Surprising the Visitor I had the entire day to myself and intended to take full advantage of it. I called the local massage parlor in the area and requested an outcall that included role-play scenarios. I explained I was looking for someone that was a little dominant and who enjoyed cross-dressing. I was offered two names. I decided on Lynn. She was described as a younger woman, blonde hair (long in length), tall and very busty. I made the appointment for three hours from...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 15, 2010) Chapter 16 - Unexpected Visitor Even though I owned my own car, Dad once again seemed to think that as long as he was going to be accompanying me anywhere, it would be in his car. I watched in frustration as the...
THE VISITOR By Sheena Sands I didn't see him at first. I heard him. I heard the jingling of bells on his feet when he gingerly approached the door to answer the bell. "Hello," he said shyly, softly. "Hi. My name is Gina. My car broke down, can I use your phone," I asked. "Sure, please come in," he said, a tad reluctantly. I checked him out as I entered. He was slim, his black hair was cut short but came over the years, a little like the Sharon Stone look and he wore silver...
The Visitor By School Belle What a day! It started out normally enough what with catching up on the laundry we'd skipped on Sunday and starting to get the food we'd bought on Saturday ready for the week. Then there was the homeschooling. I like to use Hannah and Elizabeth to drill Sarah and Mark, especially during the summer, so we don't lose everything we'd gained at the expense of so much weeping, wailing, and...
Unexpected Visitor By [email protected] happened recently on a Saturday evening. I had been watching football on the television all day long and had completely ignored my wife. If I completely ignore her for any length of time when I am home, she feels that have been "naughty" and deserve a spanking. So on this Saturday evening, after we had our supper, my wife informed me that I was going to be spanked for ignoring her. My wife usually spanks me at least once a week, so I was used to...
SpankingAn Unwelcome VisitorI looked at the letters lying on the table, the cut out magazine words standing out against the white background.My friend, Joanna and her boyfriend Marty, had been getting threatening letters for over a week now, though they couldn?t work out why. Each letter had a different message ? we know where you are, we are watching you, look out ? and they gave me the creeps.I had been trying to convince my friends to go to the police for the last hour, but they refused, saying...
My dad is in the hospital, my wife said. My mom is out of town and I don’t want to leave him alone so I’m staying at the hospital tonight Of course my love. No problem with that. Send your dad my best and I hope he is better. Just like that, my wife left the house, en route to care for her sick father. A group text came through that went to her entire side of the family. “Dad is in the hospital, and since mom is out of town I’ll go help out” All was smooth sailing, then I got a...
It was 10:00 AM and I was already high as a kite. I'd snorted a couple of lines, and popped a Viagra in anticipation of a visit by my fuck buddy. She was a walking wet dream, and I loved getting her naked and fucking her silly. She'd called to say that she was on her way. Our favourite porn movie was already playing on my big screen Tv, and I'd stripped naked ready for her arrival. A tube of lube was laying on the coffee table - my long hard cock glistened with the lube as I stroked it to...
Kara Grows Up: Visitor - Copyright, 2007 - 2011, Trace Ekies. All rights reserved. "Oh my God!" "What? What are you looking at?" "The girl next door. She is beautiful." "Probably Kara ... the girl I was telling you about." "Around 18? ... long brown hair? ... cute face... great tits ... and legs ... oh my God ... legs to die for." "Sounds right ... told you she was cute." "Yeah, but you didn't tell me how hot she was. Does she always dress like that?" "What do you mean?...
The first clue I had that this wouldn’t be another boring summer was the second night of Nikki’s visit. I was reading myself to sleep when my bedroom door opened and an angel walked in. What other label would you give to a perfectly formed nude female body standing next to your bed? And then this lovely being asked an amazing question, “Uncle Tony, I’m horny. Can we fuck?” That first time is a blur in my memory. Sensory overload I guess. I do remember her saying it had been five whole days...
"Sandy, the fireworks are hailin' over Little Eden tonight/ Forcin' a light into all those stony faces left stranded on this warm July." With those words Bruce Springsteen begins to paint a picture of one aspect of life as he knew it on the Jersey Shore. For better or worse we've also been subjected to MTV's version of life on the "Jersey Shore." Let me give you a better picture of life on the Jersey Shore as I have experienced it. This is a more realistic story of life at the Jersey...
~May the enemies of the Dark find no place of rest in the dreaded day. May they never know carnal pleasure, or the beauty of a cold night. May they be cursed with a mortal life. May they be chained to the bidding of an uncaring God.~ Prayer of the Dark Acolytes -Devnik- This truly couldn't have turned out worse. I thought, as a stared at my lone candle lighting the cave from my chair. There was an Angel outside. That was certainly bad. There was an angry angel outside ... that was...
I was spending my weekends at Rita's apartment. I didn't want to move her into our house unless and until we were at least engaged. I hadn't yet got to that stage with my thinking. Rita didn't seem to be upset with my being "stuck in neutral." She was apparently satisfied with the status quo. My youngsters (I couldn't keep referring to them as children) were old enough to look after themselves from Friday through Sunday afternoon. We often had a barbeque supper on Sunday evening when...
It is my habit before retiring at the end of the evening to check on the well-being of those enjoying my hospitality. Amanda and Estelle were by now well adapted to the regimen that applies to my students and were both resting quietly when I opened the door to the cellar. I checked the locks on their cage doors and the security of the straps about their wrists and ankles. For Estelle, hooded following an instance of defiance that afternoon, I ensured that her discomfort was no more than I...
Note: This story is a piece of purely erotic fiction, and in no way do the characters involved resemble any real life persons as far as the author is concerned. Hello! My name is Keith Mallory. I am a guy as a nonentity the only point of fame being the property I own. It is a baronial bungalow situated far away from the madding crowds and the place is quite quiet and peaceful. At night it is much more peaceful than in the morning. I make my living out of it. People sometimes come to my place to...
EroticTerry commed Sean that they had visitors. He had picked up the group coming in across the grasslands from the west on his trip up to the ship on Monday morning. A group of thirty-eight people made up of Burgis, Pix and Prol’s were turning up on their back doorstep. Lee suddenly asked Sean to call up his troops. Nine were still on the planet. She called Kyle, Tony, Philip and Haf. Lee also asked for Doc Von and nurse Grace. She also wanted a medical scanner to be put on one of the platforms....
As I sat there enjoying watching my wife being fucked by two other men at the same time, men we had only met the day before, I thought back to how this had all started and evolved so rapidly after we moved to Colorado. Carol and I had just recently moved to Steamboat Springs, Colorado. We are both artists and decided that it was where we wanted to live and work. We love the snow, skiing and especially cuddling and making mad passionate love in front of a big roaring fireplace in the harsh...
Wendy stepped into the great hall and looked around, the light was fading and she pulled the trench coat around her slim figure. She had been so caught up in the ancient splendor of Castle Doune she had forgotten the time. Although old and rundown, she preferred it to the other castle she had visited which was undergoing extensive restoration. Doune however was just the way she imagined a castle. She pushed a strand of long auburn hair from her face and turned at the sound of footsteps echoing...
Chapter 1It was after ten o'clock on a gloomy January night. There was a cold rain falling, and it was being driven by a stiff wind. It was a good night to stay in. I was sitting in front of my computer about to finish my data entry assignments for the night. I thought I would read a porn story or two after that.The only light I had on in the house was the one on my desk. Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on my door. Being naturally suspicious of such unexpected visitors at night, I grabbed...
Love StoriesWhen I arrived and knocked at your front door, I heard you call out that the door was unlocked and to come on in. My eyes had to adjust from the bright daylight outdoors to the dimly lit room inside. The candles flickered from the sudden gust of air from me opening and closing the front door behind me. I calmly locked the door and turned around. I let my coat slip down my arms as I turned away from the door.That’s when I saw you stretched out on the futon. You had your right leg up on the back...
Mina stretched as she stepped out of the shower. Sam, her husband, had left ten minutes ago to take his parents to the airport. Thank God, she thought. She really loved his parents but was grateful to see them go after their weeklong visit. Between graduate school and entertaining them, she was exhausted! She had the house to herself until the afternoon and was grateful for the peace and quiet.Early morning light streamed through the bathroom window bringing out blue highlights in her shoulder...
Vikki wanted a shower after her day at the surgery and after that we decided to have an early night and sat up in bed talking about our day, one thing I always believe in is honesty and I wasn’t going to hide anything as if Vikki didn’t like who I was then it wouldn’t work out and the last thing I wanted was drama or jealousy and I was happy that Vikki provided none of that. When I told her about my visit to Kimmy her immediate reaction was to throw the covers off and take a look at my freshly...
On Friday morning Helena went shopping for the unit. Zac and Fred were in the office looking over the details of the new properties. On arriving back with some food items, an elderly gentlemen was in reception asking about unit 2201. They saw Helena and called her in. Helena asked “May I enquire on who you are please?” Silvio replied “I am Silvio Pisano and wish to see Rita!” Helena shook his hand and advised “Were you close to her?” Harry mentioned ‘Get him to the unit then explain, not...
James woke suddenly. It was still dark and he wasn't sure of the time or of why he had woken up. He blinked at the darkness of his room, pulled the blanket over himself and lay down again. A second later he felt a gloved hand press down across his mouth and weight across his chest as though someone was sitting on him. His eyes sprang open, suddenly more awake than he had ever been before. He found himself staring up into a face masked in a balaclava. The full red lips and mascara-ed eyes he...
Slowly peering over the rock, the dull glow of the setting sun provided poor visibility for the hunter, he saw shadows all around him and heard more noises than just wet snapping of branches under heavy bear paws. Trying to focus on the bear's shadow and sounds, blocking out all else, he moved into a somewhat open space with a clear view of the shadow, he raised his rifle, and with the head of the grizzly shadow caught in its crosshairs he fired. But instead of a thud of bear corps hitting...
The first part of this story is 100% true with very little embellishment. The second part is what would have happened if the plan had gone thru as agreed and arranged I met her on 'Yahoo Personals'. She had put a few 'code words' on her profile to make it clear she differed from the usual frustrated and bitter widows and divorcees on that site. I didn't mean to be looking for a 'hook-up' on there as I was already in a fuck-buddy affair with Gail. And Gail was enough to handle for...
It was nearly midnight as the three men walked through the campsite on their way back from the pub. It was an early Spring moonless night with a chill in the air so they were walking at a brisk pace, chatting and joking in low voices along the way. One of them happened to glance to the right and noticed that a caravan in the near distance was rocking.“Look!” He exclaimed, pointing at the caravan.“There’s fuckin’ goinig on on in there in there!” Said the second.“I know who’s that is,” said the...
It was the rest day, and everyone was happily kicking back, taking it easy. It had been a busy week, and Lee and Sean were thinking of taking the faeries and Drako and going home. The new residents were now part of the scenery and all happily employed. Their addition had helped immensely. Dye now had two Pixs to help her out, and they had taken to the new banking and contracts system like ducks to water. Other Pixs were now running the replicator. The new families of Prols were split...
Caroline lugged her huge green hamper up three flights of stairs to the end of her hallway. She pushed open her door and dragged the heavy clothes in the hamper into her room. Caroline had worked six hours previously today and attended all her early afternoon classes. ‘I don’t have much energy left,’ she told herself. So, she flipped off the lights and plopped down onto her incredibly comfortable bed. Meanwhile, Ethan pulled his old hatchback Subaru up to a cozy looking courtyard with three...