- 3 years ago
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It was almost eleven o'clock when I woke up the following morning. After a long shower I took the advice of the motel clerk and went back down to route 6 to the Eighteen Wheeler Restaurant to eat. The food was good and there was plenty of it. While I was eating I was able relaxed for the first time since this all started. This gave me the opportunity to clearly consider my options. I could try to turn myself into the police but I didn't know who on the Riverton Police Force I could trust. I thought about possibly turning myself into the Missouri State Police, but if I couldn't get them to believe my story they would just turn me over to the Riverton Police. The main reason for deciding not to go to the police was that I needed to find a way to protect Holly and I couldn't do that if I was dead or in jail.
I finally concluded that my only hope to clear my name and save Holly was to find a way to connect Big Tony and his gang to Holly's shooting and the attempt on Detective Olson's life. The idea came to me while I was thinking about what I had overheard the previous night at the farmhouse. The solution to my problem was the Sony ICD voice recorder I had purchased for work a few months earlier. If I could have recorded Big Tony and his men talking about what they had done or were planning to do, I would have had all of the proof I needed.
The recorder was small enough to fit in my pocket and powerful enough that when I set it on my conference room table I could record everything that was said during my staff meetings. It's capability of recording continuously for 280 hours made it ideal for what I was planning. The problem was that the recorder was in my briefcase, which was sitting in my house. Porky and Slim might still be watching the house and there was the possibility that the police might also be watching. My hope was that the police had been alerted to my banking and credit card activity down in Hannibal and would believe that I had left town. That should make them lose interest in my house. I was pretty sure that if the police thought that I had left town Big Tony would find that out from his sources in the police department.
I hung around Taylor until about three o'clock in the afternoon before starting back toward Riverton. I took my time on the ride and arrived in Riverton shortly after four o'clock. Once I got to town I turned west on Fifth Street Road and drove until I reached the Union Pacific railroad tracks. From there I drove slowly alongside the tracks until I was directly behind my house. I was about to do something that I had done many times when I was in high school. I used to sneak out of the house at night to meet up with my friends and then I would have to sneak back in when I went home. I was always afraid that my father would be waiting for me when I got home but I had never been as scared as I was at that moment. Between the tracks and the house was a large field overgrown with weeds and brush. Just like when I was in high school, I was going to crawl up through the field and sneak into my house. I was pretty sure I could get to the house without being seen but I wasn't sure what I might find waiting for me once I got inside.
I drove the bike up off the tracks into the field about twenty yards and laid it down. The house was still more than a hundred yards away but I sat down behind a clump of bushes and watched the house. When, after twenty minutes I saw no sign of activity I started moving up through the tall weeds and brush stopping occasionally to look for any sign that I was being watched. At the end of the field, twenty-five yards short of the house, I squatted down behind a large Forsythia bush and thought about my next move. From my hiding place I could see the police tape on the back door that leads into the kitchen. It was just inside that door that Holly had been lying in a pool of her own blood. I wasn't about to cut through the police tape and go in that way and I couldn't risk being seen going around to the front of the house and using the front door. I was left with only one option and that was to enter through the basement.
Most of the houses in my neighborhood were built in the mid-fifties and were constructed on concrete slabs. My house however, was the only house in the neighborhood with a basement. The man who built the house had an over whelming fear of two things; nuclear war and tornados so he built a basement that was a combination fallout shelter and storm cellar under the house. When my father bought the house he converted the basement into a game room complete with television and a pool table.
There are only two ways into and out of the basement. There is a door hidden inside the kitchen pantry that opens to a flight of stairs going down to steel door that opens into the basement and then there is an outside entrance on the north side of the house. There is a storm door that you have to lift up to get access to the stairs leading down to the entrance. The basement is completely below ground level and except for the door that covers the stairs to the side entrance, it can't be seen from outside the house.
After one last look around I ran the last twenty five yards to the house and retrieved the keys to the storm door and the basement door from their hiding place behind the left shutter on the living room window. After removing the padlock I lifted the heavy steel storm door and lowered it again behind me as I descended the stairs. With the storm door closed I was in complete darkness and had to feel my way down the last three steps and over to the basement door. With no light in the cellar way to help me locate the door lock it took me several minutes to insert the key into the lock and open the door.
Still in complete darkness, I moved slowly into the room until I bumped into the pool table. Visualizing the layout of the room and using the edge of the pool table as a guild I moved around the pool table until I was roughly opposite from where I had started. I moved away from the table, shuffling my feel and using my hands to feel for obstructions until I reached the wall. Moving along the wall to my right, using my hands to guide me I found the light switch. I turned the lights on and then flipped the switch on the intercom.
With the lights on I was able to relax for a moment. I sat down on the sofa in front of the television and took a few deep breaths. I knew that I was secure in this room. If anyone was upstairs they would not have been able to hear me moving around in the basement but with the intercom turned on I would be able to hear anyone moving around upstairs. I spent the next ten minutes sitting quietly and listening for any sounds from the intercom that would indicate that someone was upstairs.
When I decided that the silence on the main floor of the house was just as deafening as the silence in the basement I headed upstairs. I hesitated in the pantry for a minute before stepping out into the kitchen. There was slight metallic or coppery smell and the pool of Holly's congealed blood on the floor made my stomach turn. I wasn't sure I would be able make it out of the kitchen without vomiting. I turned my head away from the sickening sight and put my hand over my mouth and nose. Then, holding my breath I move quickly to my left and around the corner and out into the living room.
I wanted to sit and let my stomach settle down for a minute but I forced myself to keep moving. I went to my study, which was in the front of the house just inside the front door. I peeked carefully through the curtains and to my relief I saw no cars within two hundred yards of the house. Turning from the windows I notice that my briefcase wasn't where it should have been. I always put my briefcase on the floor on the right side of my desk when I got home from work but it wasn't there. It felt as if an icy fist was squeezing my spine as panic began to take control of my thinking. Where was my briefcase? Had the police taken it? I tried to think but I couldn't seem to concentrate.
Finally, sitting at my desk, I took a few deep breaths and managed to calm myself. I reviewed everything that happened on Tuesday from the time I left work until I found Holly on the floor in the kitchen. Then it came to me. I hadn't brought my briefcase into the study. I dropped it and the bag from JC Penney's on the sofa in the living room before I went into the kitchen and found Holly.
I sprang from the chair and ran to the living room but the briefcase wasn't there. The bag from Penney's was also missing. The panic I was feeling a couple of minutes earlier was back. Now I was sure the police had the briefcase. I started walking around the house with no real objective in mind when I saw it. My briefcase was sitting opened on the dining room table. I was almost afraid to look inside because I wasn't sure if I could handle it if my recorder wasn't in the briefcase. It was.
Over the next half hour I fixed myself a cheese sandwich and got a bottle of diet Pepsi from the refrigerator. I ate it in my study while watching out the window for police cars or any other cars that didn't belong in the neighborhood. After eating I put a new battery in my recorder and then slipped it into my pocket. I also grabbed a small flashlight from my desk drawer before returning to the basement, leaving the house the way I had entered and locking the doors behind me.
Chapter 12: Thursday June 12, 5:30 PMI retrieved the bike and rode back along the tracks to Fifth Street Road and then headed toward town. I turned on Industrial Drive and then onto Commerce Road and eventually ended up on Rayburn Road. When I found the fence gate where I had exited the Cheswick property the night before, I stopped and walked the bike through the partially opened gate. I rolled the bike up behind some bushes where it wouldn't be seen from any cars that might come along on Rayburn Road and then I stashed the helmet and riding leathers with the bike and started walking toward the Cheswick house.
When the house was in sight I could see that there were no cars in the driveway. I moved off the farm road so that the barn was between the house and me. When I got to the barn I peeked in the window and saw that my Mustang was the only car in the barn. I was reasonably certain that no one was in the house but I tied to say out of sight as much as possible as I approached the house. When I got to the back of the house I hide behind the propane tank for a minute while I listened for any sound that would indicate that someone was in the house. Hearing nothing I moved over to the door for the old coal chute and lowered myself into the cellar the way I had the previous night. Again I listened for any sounds in the house but heard only the sound of my own breathing.
Using the flashlight I was able to find my way out of the coal bin and up the cellar stairs in less than a minute. I paused again at the kitchen door and listened to the empty house. Hearing nothing, I pushed the kitchen door open slowly and peek inside. The room was empty. Well not actually empty. There were no people in the room but the sink was full of dirty dishes and the table was covered with empty beer bottles and full ashtrays. Once inside kitchen I started looking for a good place to hide my recorder. I had to be sure that I wouldn't miss any of their conversations. I found the perfect place above the kitchen window. The window had venetian blinds and curtains. Standing on a chair I was able to place the recorder on top of the venetian blinds and hide it behind the ruffle on the top of the curtains. With the recorder in place and turned on I walked around the room talking and then listened to what I had recorded. It was perfect. The recorder picked up everything. I erased what I had recorded and then set the recorder for voice activation and placed it back on top of the blinds. After checking once more to make sure it couldn't be seen I headed for the back door.
My plan up to that point was working. My problem was that I didn't know how I was going to be able to retrieve the recorder. I had decided that I would watch the house from behind the barn until Big Tony and his guys showed up at the farm house and then I would have to look for an opportunity to go back into the house to get the recorder. Worst case, I would call Detective Olson and try to convince him over the phone that he should go to the farm house and question Big Tony and his men. I figured I could trust Olson because if he was one of the cops Big Tony was paying something would have been said about it after Porky shot him.
As weak as my plan was it never had a chance. I was just about to open the back door when a black Lincoln Town Car came down the driveway followed by the red Camry and a white Ford Torus. I ran across the kitchen to the cellar door. I think I actually only touched two steps on my way down the stairs to the cellar. Once again I took my position under the cellar stairs so I could hear what was going on upstairs.
In the silence before they entered the house I could hear my own heart beating in my chest. Moments later I heard several people coming into the house but no one was talking. It wasn't until after I heard the door close that anyone spoke.
"So what do we do now Boss?" This was a voice that I hadn't heard the last time I was in the cellar. "The cops don't know where he is, so how we gonna find him?"
"We sit tight. Maybe those numb nuts cops will find him. Either way that bitch dies tonight. Tomorrow Bean, you and Pug will take Blanchard's car down to St. Louis and dump it somewhere."
"How ya gonna do her widout them come lookin for us?" Sounded like Porky.
"We got a guy, a nurse, on night shift at the hospital. He's gonna pay her a little visit around three o'clock in the morning and give her a shot of insulin. Nobody will notice because she is already in a coma. She'll be dead before morning and it will look like she died from her injuries."
The feeling of panic was back. Suddenly, my only option was to call Olson before they had a chance to kill Holly but there was no way I could get out of the house during daylight with all of them sitting upstairs. I was going to have to wait until dark before I could do anything. So I just sat and listened, hoping that my recorder was getting everything they said.
"What if they do one of them autopsy things on her?' I think it was Slim talking. "Won't they find out about the insulin?"
"Maybe, but we'll be long away from here before that happens," Digger said. Our friend in the hospital is going to drop Blanchard's cell phone under her bed. Make it look like Blanchard paid her a visit. If they discover the insulin in her system the coppers will think Blanchard went to the hospital to finish the job."
"Oh, right. Good plan." Porky said.
"I am so glad you approve since it's your fault we're still here. If you and Bean hadn't fucked things up in the first place we would be back home by now," Big Tony said.
"Yeah Boss."
"I want you to go into town and get some Chinese food," Big Tony said.
"Can't we have it delivered?"
"What, are you fuckin brain dead? Nobody knows we're here and I want to keep it that way."
Once Slim left to get their food the conversation changed to subjects not important to me so I tuned them out while I tried to plan my escape. With the gang chatting away upstairs I felt safe to explore the cellar. Using the flash light I brought from my house I searched to see if there was an easy way to get out. After a quick look around it was obvious that there were only two ways to get out of the cellar. Go upstairs through the kitchen, which would be suicide or climb back out through the coal chute door.
The coal chute presented its own problems for me. The bottom edge of the chute was a little over two feet above my head, which meant that I couldn't just open the door and crawl out. The chute door opened inward so even if I could pull myself up onto the ledge I wouldn't be able to open the door. I needed to stand on something so that I could reach the chute door.
I began another search of the cellar. In the far corner on the opposite side of the cellar I found an old wooden crate that looked as though it would suit my purpose. I brought the crate over to the coal bin and set it on the floor below the coal chute. I carefully put one foot on the crate and slowly lifted my weight onto it to make sure it would not break when I attempted to climb out of the cellar. The crate was strong enough to support me and I was able to reach the chute door.
When I was standing on the crate I noticed another problem. There were two pipes that ran parallel to the coal chute and were hanging from the floor joists about a foot out from the opening. One was a one inch galvanized pipe and the other was a one inch flexible pipe. I figured the galvanized pipe was the water supply and that the flexible pipe was probably a conduit for the electrical wires. The pipes hadn't been in my way the two times I came in through the coal chute but I thought that they might be a problem on my way out. I would have to be careful not to bump or kick the pipes because the noise would probably be heard upstairs.
I had my escape plan, now all I had to do was wait until dark. It was almost six o'clock so I had about another three and a half hours before it would be dark enough outside for me to attempt my escape.
Chapter 13: Thursday June 12, 9:35 PMFor more than three hours I sat on the cellar floor under the stairs and listened to Big Tony and the other scum bags talk. Bean had returned with the food and I could smell it in the cellar. If my recorder was doing its job I would not only have proof of my innocence but proof of other crimes Big Tony had committed. I heard Digger tell a story of how he and Big Tony shot two guys from another mob gang and dumped their bodies in a swamp a few miles south of the Meadowlands Sports Complex in New Jersey. If I lived long enough to get the recording to the police, Big Tony and his boys would be in a world of shit.
I spent a good bit of my time in the cellar trying to figure out why these assholes wanted Holly and me dead. I had never heard of Big Tony or any of the others before so what possible reason could they have to kill us? In all of the conversations I overheard, not once did I hear anything that would explain their murderous intentions toward us.
At 9:35 PM I decided it was time to make my move. I knew it wouldn't be as dark as I would like, but with the lights on in the house it should be dark enough outside that they wouldn't be able to see me running through the back yard. I hoped.
When I stepped onto the wooden create my heart was pounding so hard I was sure it could be heard by the criminal brain trust sitting in the room above me. I tried to calm my nerves by taking several deep breaths but only succeeded in making myself dizzy and I nearly feel off the crate. When the dizzy spell passed I lifted the chute door with my left hand and held it opened far enough so that I could get my head and shoulders under the door. I had to let the door drop down onto my back so that I could pull myself through the opening. I had managed to pull myself halfway out of the chute when my forward progress was stopped. The chute door had closed down against the back of my legs and the more I tried to move forward the more it cut into my legs. It was like being stuck in a Chinese finger trap. I began to panic when I thought that I heard someone open the back door and an image of Big Tony and the boys standing over me as I lay trapped halfway out of the chute opening flashed through my mind. I held my breath and waited but no one came out of the house.
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xmoviesforyouHere is our lovely Miss Tsuna Kimura is a lovely girl but the last few days she has not been feeling well. If you remember her friend stopped by to see if he could help her. Here is the time he had to rub her body with a cold damp cloth to cool her hot tits down. What a nice friend he was to her to take care of her. He is doing his best to take care of her and make sure her fever breaks but also keep her cool as she is burning up. He is so tender with her and really taking care of her even as...
xmoviesforyouChristina awoke naked in a dark room. She looked around and saw that she appeared to be strapped into what look like a dentist chair. She felt groggy and wondered how she had got there, vaguely her memory started to come back to her. She remembered the church youth group meeting. She had just given a speech about how important it was to remain a virgin. She had got down from the stage and the guest speaker had started talking to her. He was a young man that no one knew. She recalled drinking...
Girard awoke to the sound of loud moaning nearby. He rose to a sitting position on his floor mat and looked toward the sounds. A man not far away was sitting on his bench and a woman was bent over in front of him, holding her knees with her back to him. She was bouncing up and down against the man’s lap as he leaned back with his hands on the bench. His moans were mournful, hers were of frustration. The woman stood up, turned around with her hands on her hips and shook her head in disgust....
Straight SexBefore I get into a long discourse on my fabulous Aunt Polly, I should inform all readers that the delectable Polly Summers was in no way a blood relative. In fact, she is not even my aunt at all. I just call her my “Aunt” or address her sometimes as “Auntie” simply because it is a source of amusement to us both and a joke that only we share with hidden laughter. Aunt Polly and I were thrown together by the fortunes of fate on a cold winter day that cut right through to the bone whilst...
I had anxiously looked forward to this night ever since I won the Playboy lottery [offered only to very long term subscribers] to serve as a waiter at the Valentine’s Day party at the Mansion. I knew it would be an exciting night but what actually occurred was far more thrilling than anything I could possibly have imagined! We ‘winning waiters’ were issued light cream-colored tuxes with gold bow ties and cummerbunds so guests could easily spot us. The chief bartender kept us running, serving...
When I was just a little girl, I told everyone that I was going to marry a cowboy and live on a ranch in Texas when I grew up. I grew up and married a Connecticut Yankee but I still loved everything cowboy/cowgirl. I loved country music. I loved to go square dancing. I love to go horseback riding. I loved to go honky-tonking. With my Connecticut Yankee I never got to dress western, listen to country and western music, go horseback riding, or go to a honky-tonk. As the years passed, I thought...
Straight SexI travel by commuter flight each week for work. My week starts Sunday night and ends Thursday night when I go home. I met Joan a couple of weeks ago on my flight to work. She was on her way home to Milwaukee from a vacation in London. The flight and our first week together was an experiment in sex and exhibitionism. Two coeds watched Joan and I in my hotel room from their apartment, twenty feet across an alley. The second week, Joan had to go to on a business trip, but gave me some things to do...
Love StoriesI stopped at Mrs. Amador’s on the way out of town to pick up some towels and a pair of leather work gloves. I made a mental note to sit down with her when I got back from El Paso, to talk about the expected influx of people and work up a regular supply list. I pulled up to the house in the early afternoon and looked around the plateau. It looked much different than when I’d left. I wasn’t sure what Jorge and Giuseppe had done with tall man, but I really didn’t care. What I did care about...
hello friends mera naam fahad ha aur main rawalpindi main reha hon .meri umer 20 saal hai aur height 5.9 hai…mera id hai apni life ka aik aik haseen pal share karny ja rah ya aaj sy 2 mheeny pehly ki baat hameri aik net frd ha jis ka naam hina ha wo bhi lhr main hi rehti ha aur hum net main bohat achy dost hain aur lover bhi hum aksar net aur fone sex kia karty hain .hina bohat garam larki ha age 20 size36 24 36 aik din hum fone sex kar rahy thy ky hina nai kaha ky fahad aaj mery ghar main koi...
Hi, I am Ishita and this my story when I went to for a check-up to a doctor with my mom (Sujata). Read about the great time we had. I was 18 when this happened and was a virgin with a figure of 32-28-32. Let me first tell you a bit about my family. We are 3 people in the house, me, my mom (Sujata), and dad (Rajesh). My dad works in a company where he holds a good post. His job is a responsible one and her works almost 10 hours daily. My mom is a housewife. My mom is very beautiful and was...
LesbianI was awakened by someone banging on my door. Bleary-eyed, I made my way to the door and opened it. "Geez!" Joey and a middle-aged woman were standing there. "You look like crap." He observed. "What is it Wheeler?" My back and neck were both stiff. A bed of some kind was moving up on my priority list. "My Mom wanted to meet you." He muttered. "Mom, Kaiba. Kaiba, Mom." Meeting your lover's parents was supposed to be an important event. I bowed slightly. "Forgive my appearance....
Several days later, Joshua and Saitx have both been training in a mental and physical fashion. During which time, they took a number of breaks to have sex. While Joshua and Saitx were able to figure out the medical equipment on board, their escapades did not impregnate Saitx as of yet, no matter how much they had tried. They both were sore from the training as well but it had really paid off. Joshua's muscles were now firmer and tighter than before, and Saitx was looking fitter as...
--- The girls decided to call it quits for the night since most of them had class the next morning. Shaila, in particular, had a test the next morning in psychology, and like the typical college freshman, she'd not yet studied for it. They all stepped out of the pool and headed toward the dorm except for Shaila, who had to go to the locker room to grab her stuff. "Hey Jessica, I`ll be back in ten minutes. I left my stuff in the locker room." Shaila said as she waved her off. "Take your...
How long had Tim known Phoebe? They had been best friends for many years now. He was practically one of the family, he had spent so much time at their home. But in no amount of years could he foresee the events that would happen today.It was their senior year in high school, Tim was sitting in his math class, when he felt his phone's vibration go off in his pocket. He wasn't a saint of a k**, and his school was pretty lenient about it, so he pulled his phone out, not-so-subtly hiding it behind...
I awoke the following morning to a beautiful Canaries sunrise. Slightly disorientated due to being in a strange bed I lay back wondering if what happened the previous night had been a dream. Meeting my new friends Sven and Inga seemed so surreal I couldn't accept that it really happened. Well I was in Tenerife, wasn't I? At least that was not a dream.I arose and made my way onto the balcony dressed in a tiny pair of pants. The winter sun felt good, Britain can be so grey and cold in November, I...
BisexualThis was supposed to be a routine mission, but as usual although starting out easy it rapidly turned fubar. I didn't have a second but instead had gotten saddled with a radio specialist that was afraid of his own shadow. We were supposed to be testing some new type of radio that scrambled the signal so that the VC couldn't listen to our transmissions. Although a good idea the A Shaw wasn't a good place to test it. I had been overruled by the General and was ordered to go out with this...
Zodiac Coin: Taurus By JRD 2250 YEARS AGO... He was a farmer, just a farmer, but he dared to defy the gods. He had always been a believer. He had always been a supplicant to the powers that be, keeping his head bowed even in the presence of the graven images of the gods. But all that changed that last winter. The crops had been poor last fall and at the beginning of winter they barely had enough food stored to get them through to spring. But that was before his...
Simon had called a meeting of the Council to discuss with our allies where best to prosecute the war against the Nephilim and Daoine Sidhe. It had been a freewheeling debate and at times quite acrimonious, although our allies didn’t seem to mind too much as the Council hadn’t shown itself up to any extent. Towards the end of the debate, there was silence as the Council members and our various allies contemplated the plans before us for the invasion of the Outer Realms. “Much as it pains me...
Hi, friends!! This is my first post on the ISS forum. My name is Alex. My age is 27 years and I am from New Delhi. I have been thinking a lot for penning down my real life sex incidents and ultimately ISS gave me the opportunity. My story is true and the names I would take in the stories are real. I don’t believe in fantasizing with names becasue the lustiness of the story does not remain while writing. I am writing this story both in Hindi and English. I like desi words as it arouses more....
When i got the news to go to jammu i was feeling boring as i knew no one but i got remembered of arjun who left our company and working in bang. With mnc and he got married to pallavi 3 years back and still remember how nicely he made his wedding card with group who is famous in jammu…(ananda vigadan publishing grp)i got his number and gave a ring to him he was so happy to speak to me that he invited to his house when i am reaching jammu . I thought of going to his place till i...
Authors Note: This part is an epilogue to a story I hope to continue long into the future, other sections will be considerably longer than this. It is my first piece of fictional writing and would love feedback from people who read it, I cannot wait to share the story with you all! Lastly this story is inspired by some of my favourite authors on this site including K T Pel and Lily Florette, I implore everyone to go and read the stories these authors have written, they're...
Downstairs the family reunion had progressed into an orgy. My relatives sat around stripped to the waist, shoes off, playing cards to see who would take off what next. The air was thick with the smoke of cigars and the growl of conversation had become a constant factor. I took the family car keys off the dresser and slipped out into the night. I had many changes of mind and heart on the way to Frank's place, and if it hadn't been for the fact that the car kept getting closer to him I might...
I just got out of a hot bath, my body is clean and dripping water as I stand on the bath mat. As I’m drying myself the towel brushes against my asshole and it feels so good. I drop the towel and push my middle finger deep inside my asshole... I pretend it’s a hard cock and start moving it in and out of my dark steamy hole. I really want some cock! I go online and put an ad on Craigslist with my address in code and the line my front door is unlocked, and my backdoor is is wide open. Then I wait...
I knew better before I even opened my mouth. I am not good with kids. They make me uncomfortable and they seem to know it. But I have a curse. I am one of those people that likes to help out when I can. So when my boss was fuming and so terribly upset at the office yesterday I asked what had upset him so. I knew that he was all set to leave on a ten day cruise with his wife. It was going to be their second honeymoon. We had been working furiously to get ahead at work so that he could take...
It was late on a Friday night, about 11:00PM, and Tori was alone in her dorm drinking peach schnapps and angrily cursing aloud to herself about how upset she was with her freshman English class. ‘I speak English,’ Tori said to herself. ‘I should be acing that class,’ her poor use of logos and connecting a writing class with her so-called native language gave ample indication of why she was doing so poorly in Mr. Avery’s class, she didn’t pay attention in class, nor did she successfully complete...
As Renee led Joni to the suite they stopped in the hall and Renee pulled Joni close and told her great she looked, then kissed her, hard. Joni forgot all about her nerves, and thanked Renee again. They entered the suite and Joni saw they there were several people already there. There was a large tv on a wall with with xxx videos playing, a few other gurls chatting and a couple of men talking to a couple more. Renee got Joni a glass of wine and showed her around. There was the room they entered...
Hi ISS readers, this is Saroj Sharma again from Rajasthan. As I have promised I am here with next part of my story “My Suhagrat”. This was to be the concluding part of the story but due to its length, I will conclude this story in next part. This is a story of my Suhagrat with the intimate Muslim friend of my hubby according to his desire. I want to explain again that this story is totally a work of fiction and have no concern with reality of my personal life. After first round of fucking, we...
"Sorry to interrupt, guys," Kaija apologized with Admirable nonchalance. "But I'm looking for my friend. About my height with mousy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail?" The amorous duo separated and shrugged. "Haven't seen her," they responded in unison. "Sorry," Erica added, a little breathless. "No problem. Hmm, I wonder where she went..." Kaija wondered aloud. "Oh well, she'll turn up sooner or later I'm sure. Catch ya later!" Kaija smiled as she left the...
Mary and I were returning from a family reunion and driving a little longer than usual trying to get home. Mary mentioned the need for a rest stop, so I pulled into the next place which happened to be a Flying J facility. I hadn't come to a full stop and Mary was out of the car and on her way to the rest room. She had a key to the car so I went into the men's room and took care of my needs.I was just finishing up when I overheard one guy say, " I swear that lady that just ran into the next room...