Polaroid Club Book IIChapter 2
- 2 years ago
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Ralph was sitting in the glassed-in cubicle which served as his office when Howard arrived at the Auto Circus lot the next morning. He waved, his round face beaming cheerfully, and motioned for Howard to join him.
"Morning, Howie," Ralph said enthusiastically as Howard entered the office. He shook the younger man's hand. "How's the head today?"
"Not too bad," Howard confessed, his voice a little rueful. "I guess I did over-indulge a little, though."
"Nonsense, my boy. Anniversary celebrations were made for over- indulgence." Ralph indicated the client's chair before his molded plastic desk, and then went around behind the modernistic furnishing and seated himself in his swivel chair. He cleared his throat, meeting Howard's eyes; his own were twinkling. "Did you and Cindy, ah, go right to bed after we left, Howie?"
Howard felt heat inadvertently rise on his neck and cheeks as the remembrance of the previous evening's activities with his wife sprang full-blown into his mind once more. "Well, we... I mean, that is... not exactly..."
Ralph chuckled softly. "Tried out the ole Polaroid, eh?" he said sagely. "Norma and I thought you probably would."
Howard searched for words, but none of an appropriate nature came to his mind. He finally managed lamely, "It's a very nice camera, Ralph. We... we appreciate such an expensive gift..."
"Did you--take some pictures of Cindy, Howie?" asked Ralph with a sly intonation.
Howard's face grew an even darker red. "P-pictures?" he stammered.
"Sure," said Ralph, winking. "Like I told you. In the bedroom."
"I... I..."
"Did you try out the timer?"
"The... the timer?"
"The fifteen-second timer, Howie," Ralph said patiently. Then he leaned forward across the desk, dropping his voice conspiratorially. "How far would she go, hey, boy? Just a little cheesecake, I'd guess. The girls are usually pretty shy at first."
"I... I don't know what you mean, Ralph." Howard was fidgeting nervously in his chair, his face flaming now.
"Oh come on, Howie," Ralph said, leaning back in his chair again. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, you know. Almost everybody who gets his first Polaroid-with-timer has the same ideas and does the same things. They're great little intimacy arousers. Get you hornier than hell, especially if you use the timer so that you get shots of you and the wife making it."
Howard stared at his employer with widening eyes. He had known Ralph was open and frank to the point of coarseness at times, but never had he expected to hear such personal comments coming from the man. Why, he was practically suggesting that he, Howard, engage in lewd practices like... well, like voyeurism, for God's sake! Self-voyeurism, at that!
Ralph opened the walnut humidor on his desk and selected an imported cigar. He snipped off the end with a tiny pair of gold scissors, lighted it with a gold lighter, and blew a cloud of blue-gray smoke at the ceiling. "You're not going to tell me you're less of a red-blooded man than I thought, are you, Howie? Especially after our little talk in the kitchen last night."
Howard bristled a little at that, feeling some of the heat leave his face. "What do you mean by that, Ralph?"
"Why do you suppose Norma and I gave you that Polaroid, my boy?"
"I don't know," came the reply. "Why did you?"
"Because I thought you'd appreciate the potential of such a gift, Howie, that's why. I got my first Polaroid four years ago, from Norma's sister, and I appreciated the potential right away. You seemed like the same kind of fun-loving, new-frontiers type that I am; if you hadn't, I wouldn't have allowed our friendship to bond as tightly as it has. Hell, I figured: why should I be having all the kicks, just because I've got a little more money in the bank than old Howie boy."
"You... you mean, you and Norma have... ?"
"Taken pictures of one another? And together, fucking? Sure we have, boy. Why, thousands of people do the same thing all over the country these days. It's the in-thing with those in-the-know." He paused, measuring the younger man candidly. "But, of course, you already knew that, didn't you?"
"Uh, well, sure I did, Ralph. Sure I knew that."
Ralph allowed his smile to widen. "That's what I thought. I didn't really believe for a minute that I'd underestimated my star salesman." He chuckled softly, then leaned forward across his desk again. "Now come on, boy, give a little. Did you get some good cheesecake shots or not last night?"
Howard moistened his lips uncertainly. Ralph had put him in an awkward position: what he and Cindy did in the privacy of their own home was their business and no one else's--but then again, Ralph was a good friend and his boss, as well; and he was in a position to do Howard a great deal of future good. After all, hadn't Ralph been instrumental in getting him his last promotion and pay raise from the company president? Besides that, Ralph had more or less put this business of picture-taking on a masculine-pride level; Howard was one who would never admit to being a lesser man, much less to being naive in the ways of the world.
It wouldn't do any harm, really, he thought, to tell Ralph about the photos he had taken of Cindy the night before. It was all innocent anyway; Cindy would never approve, naturally--but she would never have to know.
Howard managed a smile, licking his lips again. "Well," he said, "as a matter of fact, Ralph, I... I did get some pretty good shots, at that. Some... some cheesecake, as you say."
"I thought so," Ralph beamed. "Pretty hot, eh?"
"Sure," Howard said, having committed himself. "Sure, they were pretty hot ones, Ralph." Ralph laughed. "Nude shots?"
Howard felt himself flushing again. "Well... well, not exactly. But they were pretty good anyway. Cheesecake you know."
Ralph opened the bottom drawer of his desk and took out a small manila envelope, which he placed on the glass top in front of Howard. "Not anywhere in the neighborhood of these, I'll bet," he said.
Howard frowned, looking at the envelope. "What's this?"
"Open it up and take a look, my boy."
Howard did that, extracting several glossy full-color photographs which had obviously been taken with Polaroid cameras. They were blown-up five-by-seven prints, and Howard sucked in his breath sharply as he saw what they graphically depicted. "My God!" he managed to whisper.
The top photo was of a lithe, buxom brunette with an angelic face. She was lying completely nude on her back on a rumpled bed, her slender legs raised and wide-spread so that the whole of her naked loins were displayed to the eye of the camera. Her hands were cupped teasingly around her pubic triangle, framing the wide-splayed splendor of her softly hair-fringed cunt. She was smiling coyly between her ruby-nippled, alabaster breasts.
Howard blinked and looked at the second photo. Another sharp intake of breath, and a small gasp. The same angelic brunette was in this one, but with her also was a dark-haired, handsome male. The brunette was straddling the man's loins, her widespread loins lowered down on the man's hardened penis, so that fully half of its huge length was sunk into her open vagina. She was holding its base between her thumb and forefinger, her small pink tongue held tightly between her full red lips and her eyes squeezed tightly shut in ecstasy. Her other hand was squeezing her left breast, very hard, so that the jutting nipple seemed to point directly at the camera.
Quickly, with beads of sweat lacing his forehead and a rising harness in his loins, Howard thumbed through the other pictures. One showed a different, gray-templed man kneeling between the opened thighs of a petite blonde with pear-shaped breasts, his long tongue snaked out so that it touched the swollen bud of her pink clitoris nestled between fleece-like blonde pubic hair. Another depicted a voluptuous raven-haired girl barely out of her teens with her coral-colored lips voraciously encircling the erect, swollen prick of a muscular hirsute man while he used the middle finger of one hand in the wet, glistening area of her soft pink cunt, her leg being raised so that the full extent of her womanhood was presented to the viewer's eyes while she sucked the man's cock and toyed with his sperm-heavy balls. Still another photo showed two couples, both in their mid-thirties, engaged in an orgiastic group session which Howard could not believe upon first sight, since it involved cunnilingus, fellatio, sodomy all at the same time. The final snap was of two blonde girls and a huge German Shepherd dog, the animal's long hot lolling tongue probing the pubic region of one of the girls while his wet red penis sawed into the upthrust cunt of the second.
Howard was sweating profusely, his breath coming in short gasps as his own genitals tingling with arousal, when he put the group of photographs back on Ralph's desk. "Good Christ, Ralph," he managed, "where did you get those?"
"They're really something, aren't they?" Ralph asked, snickering softly.
"I've never seen anything like that in my life!"
"And these're just one small example of what can be done with a good old Polaroid camera, Howie," said Ralph. "I've got other ones at home-- wilder ones, if you can believe it."
Howard wiped his forehead with the back of one hand. His throat felt dry. "But where did you get them, Ralph? They... they don't look like model-posed pornographic pictures..."
"They're not," Ralph told him. "All the people in these photos are just like you and me, Howie average American citizens just out looking for a few kicks. They all belong to an exchange-photographic organization-- The Polaroid Club. Norma and I are members ourselves."
"You... you are?" Howard could scarcely believe what his boss was telling him; he had thought he knew most everything about Ralph Taylor, his likes and dislikes, his interests and directions. He had never suspected for a moment that Ralph would be involved in this... this... well, this dirty picture club. Still, the photos were extremely stimulating, more stimulating than anything he had ever seen before. Just thinking about them made his prick tremble and begin to rise again...
"The way it works," Ralph was explaining, "we subscribe to this monthly newspaper the Club produces. Couples write in, describing themselves and their photos, what they'd like in return, and so on. Then we exchange pictures."
"You mean this Polaroid Club is a nationwide thing?"
"Sure. There are four chapters--one in New York, one in Florida, one in Chicago, and one in San Francisco-Los Angeles. The New York Chapter puts out the newspaper. Hell, you can buy a copy of it right here in Morriston, under the counter of course. Costs a buck a copy." "Here in Morriston?" Howard was incredulous.
Ralph laughed. "Uh-huh. Why, you'd be surprised at some of the locals who are members of the Club; you really would be, Howie."
"You... you just exchange photos, that's all you do? I mean, you hear so much these days about wife-swapping...
"That's not our bag," Ralph said with a slow smile. "We're strictly out for our own kicks, together. Oh sure, some of the others undoubtedly go in for that sort of thing--witness some of those pictures you just saw- -but that's their business, not ours. I mean, what the hell?"
"Sure," Howard said.
"There's not a damned thing wrong with this picture exchange that I can see," said Ralph. "We're being faithful to our wives, aren't we? Those of us who are in the Club for personal gratification, I mean. All we're doing is getting ourselves and our wives turned on watching some other people doing it, and they're doing the same thing watching us. And it does get you turned on, Howie boy, believe me."
I believe you, all right, Howard thought. I can remember how excited I got last right, taking pictures of Cindy--and they weren't anything more than some harmless cheesecake. I wonder if I dare...
He shook his head, as if to clear it. No, there was no use thinking about trying to carry his thoughts past the pure day-dream stage. Cindy would never allow him to take pictures of her stripped completely naked, even though she had agreed to the cheesecake photos of the previous night, and she would most definitely never allow anything as lascivious as self- photos of the two of them making love. For God's sake, even if she did agree to go that far, she would certainly not agree to let anyone else, much less strangers, see the photos.
And he shouldn't expect her to, damn it; what was the matter with him? Cindy was a sweet, moral girl, faithful and passionate and able to satisfy his every need up until now--so why was he thinking about asking her to do something which fairly shouted of perversity and lack of respect for privacy and personal intimacy? Why should he be so excited at the possibility of seeing more of these photos which Ralph had just shown him? Why should the thought of watching other people making love and performing perversion on a regular basis bring the sweat out on his forehead, and bring a tightness to his chest and loins? Well, he couldn't explain it; it was beyond his comprehension. He knew only that the idea of seeing Cindy in a provocative position in a photograph, as he had for the first time last night, turned him on like he had never been turned on before. And the sight of these photos of strangers today had had the same physical effect on him.
He realized Ralph was speaking to him. "... do you think, Howie boy?"
"I'm sorry, Ralph. what did you say?"
"I said," Ralph repeated, "what do you think of the idea of the Polaroid Club?"
"Well, I... I suppose it's all right," Howard said hesitantly. "For other people, I mean." He averted his eyes.
"But not for you, eh boy?"
"No, I... I don't think so, Ralph."
Ralph smiled knowledgeably. "Sure now? I can tell by your face that you're interested, Howie."
"No... no, I'm not, really, Ralph... I'm not." Howard got quickly to his feet, conscious of his sweat-sheened face and neck. "I... I think I'd better get to work. There are some contracts that have to be drawn up..."
Ralph also stood. "Okay, boy," he said. "But think it over, will you? We'd be mighty glad to have you aboard; it's really a wild bag." He chuckled. "And if you're worried about Cindy going along, I've got just the remedy."
Howard had turned toward the door. Now, without conscious thought, he found himself turning back to his superior. "What kind of remedy?" he heard himself ask.
"Take these pictures with you when you go home for supper tonight," Ralph said, pushing the photos and the manila envelope across the desk toward Howard. "And on your way, stop and buy a copy of that newspaper I was telling you about--The Polaroid Club News. I'll tell you where you can pick it up. Then you leave the paper and the photos where Cindy will be sure to find them..."
"No, I couldn't do that," Howard said, shocked. "It's... not right! Cindy would never forgive me..."
"I think you're underestimating not only your wife but women in general, my boy. Why not give it a try? You're interested, I know you are. You can't fool old Ralph. Take it from me, all you've got to do is put the bug in the wife's ear, get her on the track. Once they see the kicks involved, they're only too happy to go along. I know, boy; Norma was the same as Cindy, shy and retiring, when I first heard about the Polaroid Club. Now she's open and much warmer--and hell on wheels in the rack, let me tell you!"
Howard felt uncomfortable in the face of all this candidness, the unexpected admissions and ideas and concepts which he had been subjected to this morning. He wanted to get out of there, get to work so he could think more clearly. "I... I don't think so, Ralph, I don't think so..." he managed, groping his way to the door, opening it, walking swiftly toward his own small cubicle.
He did not realize until he had entered it and seated himself at his desk that he held the photos Ralph had shown him in his right hand...
Howard left the Auto Circus at five that night, for his hour-and-a- half supper break. The lot stayed open until midnight seven days a week, and this was his week to close up five of the seven days.
He had not had a good day. He had bungled two sales, unable to keep his mind on the demanding task of promoting a customer's confidence in himself and the vehicle he was selling, and had fouled up a contract for a regular volume buyer. He hadn't been able to get his mind off Ralph's words of that morning and of the photos which seemed to be burning a hole in his jacket pocket.
At four-thirty, he had known that there was no use in kidding himself any longer; he was going to take Ralph's suggestion about leaving the photographs and a copy of that newspaper where Cindy would be sure to find them. He had gone in to see Ralph, taken a deep breath, and asked where he could buy a copy of the Polaroid Club News.
Ralph had winked boldly at him, saying, "I thought you'd change your mind, my boy. And you won't be sorry, either; no sir, you won't be sorry at all. Now the place you want to go is Winkler's Used Books, over on Shafer Avenue..."
Feeling a strange combination of guilt and mounting excitement at what he was about to do, Howard drove over to Shafer Avenue and found Winkler's Used Books, a small neighbor hood secondhand store set midway in the block. Somewhat self-consciously, for he had never so much as purchased a girlie magazine in the past--although he had managed to sneak a look at some of them from time to time--Howard went inside and asked the grizzled, bald-headed old man behind the counter for a copy of "a modern swinger's newspaper," as Ralph had instructed him.
The old man didn't even glance at him twice. He reached under the counter, produced a small, six-page, roughly printed news-sheet, and demanded a dollar. Howard gave it to him and, clutching the paper tightly under his arm, he hurried back to where he had parked his car.
He sat inside for a time, his heart beating rapidly in his chest, a curious fluttering sensation in his lower belly. He glanced over the paper, marveling at some of the ads there, growing excited by them; it was as if he couldn't get enough air in his chest. Jesus, but I'd like to send away for some of the photos mentioned in here. If they're half as good as they claim, they ought to really be something...
With trembling fingers, he took the manila envelope of pictures from his coat pocket and glanced through them again. His prick seemed to jerk spasmodically in his pants as he once again saw the lewd, tremendously stimulating acts being performed in the full-color splendor of the Polaroid snaps. The ones that really turned him on the most were those depicting oral love: soft feminine mouths closed eagerly, hungrily over the lust-hardened cocks of their husbands; masculine lips and tongues paying devoted homage to the warm, secret, tender cuntal valleys of their wives. These he would put on top, so that they would be the first ones Cindy would see when she opened the envelope; maybe they would convince her of the beauty, of the rightness, of oral love...
He started to fold the newspaper around the photos when a sudden frown creased his forehead and he stopped. Some of the other photos, besides those depicting oral by-play, were pretty raw for the uninitiated eyes of his naive young wife; instead of being turned on, being interested and excited by the newspaper and snaps as he intended, mightn't she become repulsed and sickened by viewing such blatantly carnal acts as sodomy and seance a trots and bestiality? Yes, yes, of course she would! He couldn't include those pictures, not now, not at this early date just the milder ones, the ones showing a man and his wife making love in all the possible ways...
Cindy lay beneath the comforting warmth of the bedcovers for some time after her husband left for work. She gazed at the square of diffused light which lit the window shade, knowing she should get up and start the housework, but not wanting to. She just wanted to huddle there and think miserably of her troubles. Again and again she played over the events of the previous evening: the evening with the Taylors where it became all too apparent to Cindy that they knew of the photos she had...
The darkened room with the drawn blinds looked strangely unfamiliar to Cindy when she awoke. It was her own bedroom, no question about that; there was her dresser, her white ruffle-lined vanity, the cane-backed chair next to the full-length mirror... She stretched her hand along the bedcovers, feeling the soft material with her fingertips. Yes, it was her bed in her own bedroom in her own house--but in another sense, it wasn't. It wasn't because the love, the marital bond which had united...
Ralph Taylor stood leering down at the hunched, naked, horror- stricken form of his star salesman's lovely young wife. His huge, thickly veined prick jutted towards her in its erection like an accusing finger. Behind him, still beating his own throbbing penis with one hand, his face a flushed, sweating red, stood the thinly built postal clerk, his leer almost as salacious as the Auto Circus manager's. Cindy finally realized the exact dimensions of her position, and scrambled away from the...
Cindy Jamison performed her prosaic household chores like a mechanized robot on Friday, just as she had on each of the other two days since that drunken, hazy party on Tuesday night. Her mind seemed to be in a perpetual state of half-torpor, as if she were filled with some kind of deadening drug to ease the pain of the knowledge she carried within her. She finished the cleaning and sweeping and laundry shortly past four, and made herself a pot of coffee in the kitchen. Then she sat with it...
Cindy Jamison slumped against the door, shuddering as she sat in the passenger side of the Volkswagen Variant, her face buried in her hands. She cried plaintively, weeping her tortured emotions into her palms as one might wash an infected wound. The sangria she had consumed to dull her sensitivities had, if anything, only loosened the barriers holding them back, and now, fully surrendered to the alcohol, she allowed her pent-up emotions release. She had purged her soul once, to Norma...
Cindy sat dejectedly on the living room couch staring thoughtfully into a martini glass. Her head whirled from the fifth one she had drunk since arriving with her husband and the Taylors. The talk was lively around her; the other three in a similar, lightheaded condition from drinking, though not saddened. She hadn't wanted to be part of the foursome tonight, feeling worse than she had when Ralph and Norma had taken her and Howard to dinner at The Gandydancer. She had pleaded with Howard...
Cindy Jamison wore her new summer dress to the company party the following Tuesday evening. It was a pretty thing, a frilly pale-blue sheath with no sleeves or belt, but a matching jacket for evening wear-- which she now had on. The hemline was daringly high for her, just below the current "mini" style, allowing her to show off her slim, wonderfully tanned legs. At first she had been uncomfortable in the dress, for she didn't have a slip she could wear with it and her only underclothing...
"Well, Howie, my boy," Ralph Taylor said jovially, "you about ready to see how those pictures worked?" Howard had been in his office for the better part of three hours now, having come back from his dinner hour still disturbed over what he'd done. All the way home and all during the time he was with his wife he kept telling himself he wouldn't leave the corrupting manila envelope of photos and paper... but he had! He didn't feel right about it, not right at all... but the damage had...
On the Thursday following the party, at eleven-thirty a.m., Ralph Taylor left Auto Circus and drove into downtown Morriston. He parked his year-old Cadillac in front of the large graystone building which housed the Post Office on Second and Market Streets, and stepped out into the brilliant sunshine. He was smiling openly, with smug self-satisfaction and anticipation, as he made his way along the crowded sidewalks, filled with morning shoppers, to enter the mausoleum-like structure. He...
Cindy was lying in the darkened bedroom, staring at the ceiling and trying to blank her mind against the recurring images of what had happened in the home of Steve Samuels, when the telephone rang at four o'clock the next afternoon. She lay there, stiffly listening to the incessant ringing sound, not wanting to answer it, not wanting to talk to anyone. But then, with the ingrained instinct of all humans to answer the doorbell or the telephone when it rings finally overcoming her apathy, she...
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After my confession to Gabriel, the only star’s gravitation that pulled my life’s orbit was family. The kids married, got jobs, bought houses and blessed me with grandchildren. For seven years hubby and I traveled, not just to the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angles, New York but Asia, Europe, South America. Life was good. A few grey hairs, so what? Nothing a hairdresser couldn't fix.Then came the warnings, hot and cold but brushed aside. Soon after my fifty-third birthday, however, it didn’t...
CheatingExactly a month has passed and, surprise-surprise, it is time again to look back and write down some words. Not only for you, dear readers, but also for future us to look back and remember…Experiences with Pamela and Maimu have taken more bold and adventurous. I remember that we both discussed we could also try sex with other couples if we cannot find the right female partner. Birgit was not very sure about it, but, as always, the topic needed some time to settle in. I have told her multiple...
SwingersDave had gotten a large paper map of the United States from AAA. He’d mounted the large map on black foam board. On the map, Dave had worked with Cricket, and plotted out the entire route that Jim Mellon supposedly traveled in the book Road Trip. That information was marked on the map in a very pale blue color with small light blue map pins to indicate the places Mellon had stopped and had some kind of adventure or love affair along his route. Next on the map, Dave had put tiny opaque red...
“This place is seductive.” “Why?” Dave asked. The other pledges in the Circle 101 class learned forward to hear Jocelyn’s response. “The Circle addresses so many of the things that are wrong with society. It ‘rights’ them. I always thought it was hard to make friends; the Circle made it easy. Suddenly, I had about two-hundred of them overnight. “Outside the Circle, there’s a pressure and counter-pressure to fall in love with someone. You have to limit yourself to ONE person even when your...
Friday evening, Dori and Alice headed off to the Club Ecstasy right after an early work. Dori explained that there was probably an hour of prep that Alice would have to go through before she was ready to dance. For one, she needed to do all the government forms that would get her paid; for another, there was extensive makeup required to give her an appealing but tarty appearance as one of the sexy dancers. Dori also wanted her to meet the bouncers, the bartender, and the other dancers. Dave...
Elaine gasped as she looked across the small sea of chaises, many filled with couples or threesomes making love. Alice was already riding Owen on one of them, and beside them on another chaise Julie lay back as Greg pistoned his cock into her naked quim. Elaine said, “I can’t believe you all fuck within sight of each other – like a big orgy. I’m shocked.” Dave teased as they continued to shuffle on the dance floor with Tina also in his arms and paying careful attention to his response....
Cyndi looked from Niki’s laid back position, her fingers already beginning to slide down between her legs, tuft of white tail peeing out below, to Rachel’s almost eager face looking back at her, seeking her approval. Glancing at Kelly and the suddenly confident look she had gained over the last couple of days, she turned back to Ms. Craig, wondering where to begin, and exactly how much to share. “I guess it all started with Max”, Cyndi said, fully intending on choosing her words carefully,...
Karen Whitley is the prettiest girl in the entire school. She is also the most popular, on the Cheerleaders squad and dates only the captain of the Baseball and Football teams. Every boy in school drools as she walks by. Karen will be 18 years old in a few days but her body has been well developed for the last several years. Actually she has been ahead of the other girls in many ways. A few years ago when most of the girls were wearing training bras and girlish under shirts, Karen was already...
James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
SupernaturalChapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...
Chapter Thirty-Two – Ancient History Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: ff, Mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was lying on her bed all alone with the Spellbook of Desires under her sheets. She had been reading through a few of the more wicked spells, including one which had something to do with the golden coins she...
Hello, My name is Krish from Bangalore. I am good looking and always want love, lust and much more ;) . I am going to write a few sex stories from now on which happened already and might happen in near future hope you guys masturbate a lot :D . I love sex and evening thinking about sex makes me hard. I am not so jolly type and not so gloomy type. This story is regarding how I made a girl who met online on facebook to sleep with me. Here we go.. I usually send random friend request on facebook...
Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...
October 4, 1986, Chicago, Illinois Later that evening, I told Bethany that Kara and Jessica had agreed to the date, and that I’d made the reservations. She stayed in with Kara and me, and we watched television and ate popcorn. Tasha had come for her usual homework session, but had left immediately afterwards, saying that she was going home so that she could go to church on Sunday morning. “Anyone interested in a sauna?” Josie asked. “Sure,” I said. “Is Jesse joining us?” “Yes! Jenny will...
Ron ordered his new pets to clean Amy up so she could make them all some lunch. While Louise drained Henry's cum from her twat, Marilyn performed a little analingulus to drain her ass of Jerry's seed. As soon as she was cleaned up, she headed for the kitchen; she had actually already prepared lunch and simply needed to heat everything up in the microwave. While waiting, most of the guests took some time to play a few of the regular games found in the game room (sex free); Lana, however,...
I've had the good fortune to travel a great deal and found Berlin Germany, both before and after the Wall fell, an exciting and interesting city. Some of the clubs there have outstanding entertainment. This story hopefully captures much of the Old Berlin that represented an incredible era in difficult times. Club Katze (The Cat Club) The bar was dimly lit, a bright spotlight on stage. The red velvet curtains were drawn and the crowd was boisterous, eagerly anticipating the...
The Girls Only Club by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 At lunchtime recess one day in late spring, Blake casually strolled to a large garden of rose bushes planted on the far side of the school yard. The other eighth grade boys normally never went there since they preferred to hang out near the school building playing ball games or huddling together in noisy groups teasing each other and roughhousing as boys are wont to do. Normally Blake would be with them, but this...
THE INCEPTION OF THE CLUB (A LAMBS STORY) by Anyport This is the first of, what will hopefully be, a series of stories revolving around the Lambs club theme. Each story will be complete and self contained, though part of the series. DEIDRE "DEIDRE, COME HERE!" The beautiful woman flicked a switch on the remote control she was holding and a partition slide silently open. The woman who entered the room was medium height, though the 4" heels she wore made her much taller....
This story was especially written for me by Darlene Le Queen and to my knowledge has not been published before and now Darlene has very sadly passed away. It does require serious editing but as its Darlene's thoughts its best to leave alone/ The Club How long would I be in for it this time, I asked myself? We were at The Club where my wife Barbara is an active senior member. Club stands for "Civilized Living under Glamorous feminine Beauty." Its motto is "Better Living...
Chapter Three – The Burrow Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, nc-cons, inc, magic Harry and Ron couldn’t stop smiling, even after the unfortunate and grisly attack the previous night by a group of Death Eaters. The Quidditch match had gone so well, with Ireland beating Bulgaria, and Krum catching the snitch. The unwarranted attack by a group of death eaters...
If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
The Milking ParlourSome times of the day were busy times for the staff at the Calcium Club. Just now was one of them, between 10:30 and 11:00 am when many of the young mothers from the offices of the nearby business district found they just had time to slip across to the club instead of taking their morning break. Of course by this time of the morning some of the girls were fairly desperate, although some had fed baby early morning and deprived the club of their full cream!Jodie was one of...
The Black Breeders ClubBlack Breeders Club - a cuckold story if only was true and not fantasy Story about a cuckold wimp husband who has his parents introduce his new wife to a club where their wives are black man fucked and the husbands have to eat the cum from their cunts. It was my dad who first told me about the club. I was 22 at the time, fresh out of college, and had just married my sweetheart of six years, Trish. I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her, and that was of...
The Friday Night Card Club has been a staple of life at the Westhill Country Club for over seventy years. The criteria for membership are simple. You have to be a member of the country club. You have to be invited to join. You have to be a woman. And, most importantly, you have to be willing to abide by all of the rules of the Card Club.The first rule of Card Club is: NOBODY talks about Card Club.The Friday Night Card Club meets at the old clubhouse located at what is now the back of the golf...
BDSMBlack Breeders Club - a cuckold story if only was true and not fantasy Story about a cuckold wimp husband who has his parents introduce his new wife to a club where their wives are black man fucked and the husbands have to eat the cum from their cunts. It was my dad who first told me about the club. I was 22 at the time, fresh out of college, and had just married my sweetheart of six years, Trish. I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her, and that was of course when she and her...
Prologue Codes: m/f, m+/f+, f/m, f+/m+, transgender, chastity belt, latex, bondage, mc, nc, modification, Torture, cbt, lactation, snuff, extreme, watersports, femdom, enema, slavery, ponygirl Story Description There exists in this wide and wonderful world a wide diversity of people. This is a story of a group of men and women who take great delight and sexual pleasure in the ownership, abuse, and humiliation of others. Their organization is known simply as The Club. The Club is...
The idea behind this story actually came from an episode of a show I watched almost 10 years ago. I remembered it last night, and wrote it this morning. Comments, questions, or criticism can be directed to [email protected] or [email protected] The Sketchbook By Allison Voorhees I was drawing a portrait of Christy, my girlfriend, in art class. She was standing over my shoulder as I shaded the strands of honey-colored hair that ran down her shoulders. "Are...
I’m Tom and my lovely wife Silvie and I have been married for eleven years now. We live in suburban Detroit where I’ve worked for one of the auto manufacturing companies for the past fourteen years. We live in this tiny little house in a suburban city just south of Detroit. It’s predominantly a blue collar neighborhood. It’s a nice town and nothing exciting never really happens here. The local newspaper headlines are usually packed full of stories about the high school...
I’m Tom and my lovely wife Erin and I have been married for eleven years now. We live in suburban Detroit where I’ve worked for one of the auto manufacturing company’s for the past fourteen years. We live in this tiny little house in a suburban city just south of Detroit. It’s predominantly a blue collar neighborhood. It’s a nice town and nothing exciting never really happens here. The local newspaper headlines are usually packed full of stories about the high school football team. Now the...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm Daniel, a 32 year old average looking single guy. For almost a year or so now, I regularly visit a sex club. It's an extraordinary place, visited by couples and singles, where your wildest dreams and fantasies can become reality. It is quite a private society, and it is near unknown to non-members, so most members were...
Mark Yes, I went to India, but only for three days not four. I got back a half-day before I appeared at the condo. I spent that time at The Meadows and Club. Everyone else was in the city, except I did see Elsa and Stacy at the soon-to-be-open Club. The reason why was that I wanted to attend to the last details on the Grand Opening of the Club Infinity. With the time difference, and my weird sleeping habits, I was in almost constant communication with Elsa and Stacy about the place. I...
Have you ever heard of those common rumors about secret places where the megarich have their super secluded sex parties? Where the people running the nations would whatever they desire? The backroom within backrooms? What kind of things go on in such places? Marian Dureo knew quite a bit about such things. In fact, she had even laid eyes on it. Officially, she worked in the kitchen of Gran Morte's, a high-end restaurant in the Eastern District. Unofficially she was also in charge of...