iS ster Act 1
- 3 years ago
- 43
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From the air, the wedding celebrants flowed like a river of light to the Gallicus estate - thousands of headlights streaming north and east from the Temple of Vesta, curving around the Stagnum Colonus and flooding into the lowlands, a flat and narrow strip of land between the lagoon and mountains that had once marked the city's northern border. That river of light flowed over and around the few unsuspecting cars seemingly out for a liesurely Saturday evening drive, overwhelming them like a storm surge. In places the river became turgid and sluggish, but still more cars seemed to come from every part of the city, swelling the river as it curved south and east around the mountains and hills Rio was built on, reinforcing the shape of the city.
All the way east, the cars flowed towards the Promontory district and Gaius's estate. In places they seemed to be keeping pace with the helicopter carrying Corvus, his parents, and Crispa to the wedding reception. In others, they seemed to be standing still with only little streams trickling between the bottlenecks and checkpoints, eventually leading into the biggest bottleneck of all, the security gate controlling access to the Sugarloaf district and the steep single-lane road climbing up and up to the ancestral home of the Galicii. Some people would be in traffic for hours, but still they came.
Corvus had never seen Rio from the air. He'd never flown anywhere. He hadn't known he was going to fly anywhere today until his father, moments before leaving for the reception, had leaned in and said, "We can't be the last ones to the party. I've got a helicopter waiting not far from here. The limo knows the way."
It must have been planned well in advance, but Gaius and Lucretia had decided to wait until the last minute to tell him, probably thinking Corvus might try to balk if given too much notice. He might have too, but today, after that first sensation of rising and rising with nothing underneath him, he'd settled in and enjoyed it. If he was going to die, he was going to die and it would be a pretty good joke on their enemies if they were all killed on the way to their wedding reception before anyone could lay a hand on them.
They didn't die. In strict contravention of Corvus's understanding of physics, the ride was smooth and even. They tracked the mountain road for a while before veering off and heading straight for the estate grounds. Corvus spotted massive parking lots cut in the jungle, something he'd never suspected existed before. The river of cars spilled into them, headlights winking out as they arrived. North and east of that, the road to Gaius's house showed a steady stream of busses shuttling back and forth between the parking lots and the house. Corvus laughed at the sight. The high and mighty of New Rome might well have never seen the inside of a bus before, but they were climbing aboard in droves to pay tribute to Gaius and Lucretia Gallicus.
As the helicopter made its final approach, the Panis Saccharum loomed larger and larger in the windscreen, its ancient lighthouse still a beacon for planes and ships that approached the city from the sea, its light visible twenty or more miles out so that, even without instruments, they could find their way home.
Below them, the grounds of the Gallicus estate spread across the narrow isthmus, glowing with thousands of lights that ran from the north garden to the south garden, gleaming brightest from inside the house. Other lights hung suspended in the crepuscular dusk, showing parts of the arboretum and the guest houses. To the east, the vegetable gardens, the stables, and other, more prosaic buildings were dark as they descended onto a low, flat lawn.
"It's a fortress." Corvus said out loud, surprised.
He knew he couldn't be heard over the rotors or through the protective headphones, but Gaius must have read his lips because he grinned and nodded and when they emerged, he said, "This estate is built on the footprint of the Arx Terminus. In most places, the new walls stand only a few yards outside the old ones."
"Why is it called the last fortress? I thought Rio had never been invaded." Corvus smirked. "At least, that's what we learned in school - Rio semper intacta."
Gaius nodded. "When the first settlement was built at Rio, it sat between the Stagnum Colonus and Bay-of-Rio. The land there was better, less sandy. But this position was much more defensible. The Oracle-King convinced the settlers to build a redoubt here, saying he had visions of massive armies of Injos sweeping in from the north. When they came, united under the Hebrews, they never made it past the mountains, so the Arx Terminus was never needed."
Crispa gave a faint smirk. "It was used in anger once. My father mentioned the story once or twice a week, I think."
Gaius chuckled. "Well, yes. But I wasn't going to bring that up in present company. After the death of Caesar Dento, the Galicii withdrew to the Arx Terminus and bombarded their enemies from the heights until a truce could be brokered."
"And those enemies were the Iunii, my people." Crispa laughed. "Very inconsiderate of you Galicii."
"And not as effective as we might have hoped," acknowledged Gaius. "The Iunii took the purple and the Galicii spent the next hundred fifty years managing their wars for them. We fared better than most, though. Five families vied for the purple and three of them were broken utterly."
"Maybe the Galicii won that one after all," Crispa pointed out. "They certainly seem to have had better job security."
"Uneasy is the head that wears the laurel wreath, but Rome will always need soldiers." Gaius acknowledged. Turning to Corvus, he added, "I do hope you'll consider directing at least one of your children to the War College. I would hate for the Arx Terminus to become just another mansion looking down on the capital."
"Isn't it already?" Corvus asked. "As we just demonstrated, it would be pretty easy to just fly in with helicopters or bomb it from above..." They were close enough to the house and gardens to hear the strains of music, a reminder that this moment of relative quiet was likely to be the last one they all had together for the rest of the night.
Gaius nodded. "Yes. Of course. Against an enemy with air superiority and the willingness to use it, aboveground fortifications are pretty useless."
Straightforward music heavy on percussions emanated from the north gardens, almost completely overwhelming the subtler, more complex melody emanating from the south. The two had so little in common that Corvus turned to Lucretia. "Two parties?"
"More than two." Lucretia, still beaming, indicated the trees on both sides of the road they walked along. "The arboretum is open as are the the main wing and guest wings of the house. Half of Rio is here. Hopefully, everyone will be able to find something to their taste tonight. We want only the fondest memories."
Corvus looked over at the paths of the arboretum. They were much less well-lit than the road or the formal gardens. He narrowly avoided making a snarky comment about people bringing home memories of twisted ankles before it occurred to him what their purpose was tonight. As quickly as he was gaining experiences as a man, he knew he could still be hopelessly naive about some things. He kept his mouth shut.
Still, as they approached and entered the house, Corvus noticed how many slaves he'd never seen before were working tonight - mostly girls, mostly young and pretty. When he spotted his second free hetaera playing hostess, he kissed Lucretia on the cheek. "What sort of party are we throwing here tonight?"
Lucretia kissed him on one cheek and patted the other. "The very best party we can - one we want people to remember fondly a decade from now when some of them will certainly have cause to hate us. There's a lot of energy flowing through people right now and if you don't give it an outlet, it will find one. The arboretum is open so we don't have a bacchanalia in the bougainvillea."
Tullus approached as they entered the main hall. By the way he was blushing, he'd probably caught Lucretia's last comment. Still, he was grinning from burning ear to burning ear. He shook Corvus's hand. "Congratulations. You handled your elevation ceremony with grace and poise. Not everyone does."
"I might have slipped up a little towards the end," Corvus admitted.
"Most do far worse," Tullus insisted. He kissed Crispa on the cheek. "And you're looking lovely as always."
"Tullus, I haven't seen you since the Butterfly Club." Crispa's eyes twinkled. "How was Germanica?"
"A bit rough for my tastes, but a very sweet girl," said Tullus. "Corvus, I spoke to one of my bosses at the wedding about your speech."
Corvus smacked his own forehead. "My speech. I almost completely forgot. But, before we talk business, may I present my parents? General Gallicus, Lucretia, this is Tullus Ovidius, an officer with the Plebeian Affairs Ministry and a personal friend. Tullus, my mother Lucretia Octavius Tullius Gallicus and my father General Gaius Gallicus, the rescuer of our cousins in Old Rome."
Gaius allowed a small smile and nod in Corvus's direction at the modification of his official designation from "conqueror" to "rescuer" in accordance with the proconsul's speech. Lucretia smiled and accepted a kiss on the cheek as Tullus said, "It's an honor to meet you both. New Rome has so few real heroes these days."
"It's lovely to meet you as well, Tullus." said Lucretia graciously. "What did your bosses say about Corvus's speech?"
Corvus knew she was fishing. Lucretia didn't know he'd used the opportunity of what was normally a puff-piece interview to fire his first shot across the bow of New Roman politics. He'd hoped she and Gallicus would be too busy to hear about it before they left for their honeymoon and it would be a done deal by the time they got back.
Tullus, not knowing any of this said, "Corvus just asked me to tell him who he would need to trade favors with in order to get his post-elevation interview on the air in its entirety, but it turns out that he won't need to trade any favors at all. Laternsis Hirtius himself has said the interview should be marked with a senatorial seal, which means the censors won't touch it."
"Shit," muttered Corvus. "Who's Laternsis Hirtius?"
"The head of NAMOC - the News and Media Oversight Commit. He has final say on what goes out and what doesn't." Tullus said.
Corvus looked at his mother. Lucretia smiled, "A good man to owe a favor to."
"Very much so." Corvus took Crispa's hand. "I have to call his office and ask him to clear the interview as a personal favor. Where can I meet you?"
"The north gardens. I'll try to stay close to the house. Will you be long?" Crispa asked.
"No. I'm sure he's at the party somewhere. I'll leave a message at his office and be right down. I just need to do it before he knows I know it's already cleared."
"But ... he's already approved it..." Tullus said to Corvus's back as the future senator headed upstairs to his rooms at a trot. When he got to his antechamber, Datura was sitting at the reception desk.
"I thought I gave you the day off," Crispus frowned.
"I didn't need the whole day," said Datura evenly. "With so much going on, I thought I could help here."
Corvus nodded. "All right. Find the number for Laternsis Hirtius, the head of NAMOC and call his office for me, please."
Datura turned to the computer, looking uncertain. Clover emerged from the back rooms. "How may I serve?"
"Corvus needs me to look up a phone number and call it for him." Datura looked at the computer, fingers over the keyboard. "I know you showed me how, but..."
Clover smiled and came over to stand behind her, looking at the screen. "It's in sleep mode. Just tap the spacebar when it goes dark like that."
Datura smiled up at her. "Thank you."
Clover laid what might be a friendly hand on Datura's shoulder. "Armand came by earlier and asked for every girl you could spare to work at the party. I sent Rose, Nerida, and Perry. I know you've preferred I not serve under such circumstances and I wasn't sure if you felt the same way about Datura, so I kept us here along with Lily."
"I thought I gave Perry the day off too," Corvus said.
"My mother was eager to serve at the party," said Datura. "It was kind of you to send her to be there when I woke this morning, but she might never have forgiven me if I hadn't let her return to work for this."
"All service is a gift," said Clover firmly. "If Corvus told her to stay with you for the day, she should have stayed."
"You did perfectly, Clover." Corvus kissed her on the cheek. "Would you excuse me for a minute, please? I'd like to talk to Datura for a minute."
Clover nodded, smiled, and stepped into the back room. Corvus leaned on the edge of the desk and said to his former classmate. "You could have stayed at the guest house all day if you wanted. There was no rush."
Datura looked up at him, one hand on the phone. "Thank you, but I was well enough to return to my duties and Perry eager to return to some of hers."
"How are you?" Corvus knew it was dangerous to, but he asked anyway.
"Still sore. Paphian says it will fade in a few days, but it's not enough to keep me from working and I did want to do something. I haven't had a lot of duties since you told everyone I wasn't to do cooking or laundry. The slaves ... the other slaves haven't really known what to make of me." She smiled up at him. "I would ask to serve at the party with the others, but I am still rather sore."
Corvus shook his head. "I don't want that for you. I wouldn't have sent your mother either, but I can't blame Clover for doing so."
"My mother wanted to serve tonight," said Datura. "Waking up and finding her waiting for me was much better than waking to an empty house and I do thank you, but by the second hour, we'd had more than enough of each other. Even if we hadn't, she was eager to serve tonight. She's not certain how often she'll have such an opportunity and she didn't want to miss the chance."
"She ... does know what serving at the party likely entails. Doesn't she?" Corvus hedged.
Datura gave him an almost-patronizing smile. "Corvus, my mother has been having sex since before I was born. I'm pretty sure that's how I happened, actually. She may not have your mother's training, but she doesn't lack enthusiasm. She had lovers before my father's death and she's taken quickly enough to Malcolm's bed. She would come to yours eagerly, I imagine. Even if you don't find her attractive, many men do and I think she finds some consolation in that."
Corvus sighed. "You Vitellii women all seem eager to act the pimp for each other. Your mother wanted to make sure I'd keep bringing you to my bed."
"It's always been like that," said Datura. "And I hardly think it's only the Vitellii. Plebeian women are born to be wives and mothers and to make sure that their daughters get a chance to be the same."
Corvus crossed his arms. "Well, if it gives Perry some measure of happiness to serve in that way, I'll find what opportunities I can for her. But, I still don't want it for you. I've only just had you once and I don't share as well as I'm told I should. For now, you're just for me."
"Like Clover?" Datura smiled up at him. "I do like that."
Something about the look she gave him made Corvus want to squirm. He turned to look at the computer. "Is that Citizen Hirtius's number?"
When Corvus emerged into the north garden, he spotted Quad and Fusa immediately. The big centurion grinned and came over to shake his hand, Fusa in tow. "Nicely done, today."
Corvus shook his friend's hand. "Thank you. Have you seen Crispa?"
"She was dancing with Procula Gellius a few minutes ago," Quad indicated a direction with his head.
The notion raised a strange mixture of emotions in Corvus - a hint of jealousy that she'd gone immediately to seek out a former lover while he'd been inside, layered with pleasure that his putative mistress and one of his possible wives still seemed to be friends, and smothered in a blanket of desire as he considered what that might portend. He decided not to intrude. Instead, he said, "It's good to see you here in civilian clothes, both of you."
Fusa grinned and wrapped her arms around Quad's bicep. "It's nice to see each other outside of the office."
Corvus was surprised, but didn't comment. "Quad, that story Curva told about Gaius saving a pinned-down centurion from hundreds of god-crazed natives, that couldn't have been you. Could it? You didn't serve in Britannica."
Quad laughed and patted Corvus on the back. "I was five when the Treaty of Londinium was signed. That definitely wasn't me. I think the proconsul was sharing a little inside joke with the Legion there."
"How so?"
"The rule in Europe is that it's pretty safe to assume all the natives are god-crazed. It's sort of a punchline to call them that. The ones who swarmed me probably weren't even particularly religious. They were a bunch of teenagers, younger than you are now and practically pissing themselves when they charged. I held them off for a while just by pointing the jammed rifle at them like I was going to fire."
"Still, it must have been scary," offered Corvus.
"Terrifying - a hundred people trying to kill you is still a hundred people trying to kill you and fear will get you just as dead as faith."
"Sir." Corvus turned to see a young man approaching. He'd been acting as the bathroom attendant at the reception for Crispa's father, but was really a spy from the same agency that Alyse worked for. He leaned in and said quietly. "Sir, we have a small situation. Plautus Iunius is ... rather agitated and drunk. He's speaking a little too freely about things that might be best left private."
Corvus looked around for Crispa. He didn't see her and he wasn't sure if her presence would help or hinder under such circumstances. He excused himself from Quad and Fusa and said, "Take me to him."
Plautus saw Corvus before Corvus could reach him. The ambassador was sitting alone at a table by one of the bars set up in the guest wings, a glass of something potent-looking gripped in his hand and, by the looks of it, not the first of the evening. Standing behind him with her hands clenched together, waiting to serve, Tansy gave Corvus a worried look.
"Emperor Corvus Gallicus!" he called across the room, receiving a number of alarmed stares from other partygoers. "Fresh from his coronation on live television, come to walk among the little people."
Corvus slid in next to him at the table and said loudly enough to be heard by much of the room. "That is a poor jest, Ambassador. I can't possibly be corrupt enough to seek the purple before I've even joined politics properly. Most men require decades in the senate before they want to tear it down."
It was moderately tasteless to joke about people wanting to be emperor, but greatly preferrable to having anyone think it was being openly discussed. People looked away, each with their own mixture of relief and distaste.
"Not you, my friend," insisted Plautus. "You and your mother have enough ambition for a dozen emperors, I think."
At least he was speaking in conversational tones now. Corvus leaned in, "Ambassador, you've had too much to drink. Your words lack decorum."
"It doesn't matter. No one takes anything I say seriously," declared Plautus. "No one takes me seriously at all. They laugh and point at me as proof that the imperial lines have fallen into decline."
"Then give them no fresh cause to laugh tonight," Corvus warned him. "You should get some rest, Plautus."
"She could have named me, you know," said Plautus. "She was rewriting history. She made your mother a hero. She named a bunch of filthy, lice-ridden savages our cousins. She could just as easily have recast me in some nobler mien."
"The proconsul?"
"My mother!" Plautus pounded the table with his fist, making Corvus and Tansy jump. "When she named my daughter, I thought she might name me too, give me some small role in this glorious new world you're all building. I thought she might name me and then, when she talked about commanders who stayed in Landfall and led from the rear, I was afraid she would cast me a villain. But she had no use for me either way."
He seemed to run out of steam, then blinked and tried to focus on Corvus. "I am very drunk."
"You are." Corvus rose and gestured to him. "Come, we'll get you to bed."
"There are people celebrating in the hallway right outside my rooms," protested Plautus as Corvus helped him to his feet.
Corvus sighed. Of course there were. "Pansy, run ahead to the family wing and ask Clover to have one of the spare rooms upstairs prepared for the ambassador tonight. I think the quiet will do him good."
"Tansy, her name is Tansy," protested Plautus. "And I thank you for the use of her. She's been a great comfort during my stay here."
"I'm glad you liked our hospitality, even if your trip did not go as you would have chosen." Corvus led Plautus through the house, trying to maintain an aura of normalcy as they spoke. There was probably a back way, but he didn't know it.
"I thought there might be some reconciliation, but my mother finally has the son she wants and it is Gaius Gallicus." There was such a world of bitterness in Plautus's words that Corvus found himself wincing in sympathy.
"If it makes you feel better, I will not be calling her 'Nana, '" he offered.
Plautus gave a sharp bark of laughter. "See that you don't. I think she showed more affection to her own granddaughter today than she ever did before."
With difficulty, Corvus got Plautus through the halls, the ambassador alternating through so many moods, it was nearly impossible to keep up. Eventually Tansy returned and guided them to the rooms that Clover and Datura were hastily making up.
"Tansy," said Clover sharply. "Get over here and help, lazy girl. I don't know where you've been."
Tansy glanced back at Corvus. "I ... was serving the ambassador."
"Well, you can serve him by putting clean sheets on his bed," ordered Clover. Then, she seemed to remember Corvus and Plautus was there. "Unless you have some other service for her?"
The two citizens shook their heads. Clover gave Tansy a little shove and followed her into the bedroom. From the antechamber, Corvus could hear Clover continuing to give her orders in that same sharp tone. Plautus shot him a questioning look. Corvus sighed. "I don't know. They don't seem to like each other very much."
When Corvus returned to the party, he found Crispa still dancing with one of his possible wives - not Procula Gellius, but Vitula Rufius. The younger sister of the senator from the heartland was moving with a kind of energetic abandon that, while it certainly didn't follow any form of dance Corvus recognized, could arguably be called infectious.
When she saw Corvus, Vitula stopped dancing and made a little bow. "Citizen Gallicus, I am most pleased to see you again. Thank you for letting your escort dance with me for a time."
Crispa smiled at Vitula. "It was lovely."
"But it may be the last time," said Vitula. "You will not be my sister-in-law. Will you?"
Crispa started to grasp for some words of protest, but Vitula kissed her on the cheek. "I saw it on your face when I said I would like someone to dance with at family gatherings. I wouldn't wish my family on you for the sake of the fun we might have together."
Crispa's eyes pleaded. "Please don't say anything to your brother. I haven't had a chance to speak to him yet."
"I won't." Vitula sketched another bow and turned again to Corvus. "Citizen, I do hope you will call on me when you can."
"I'm not certain how your brother will feel about that," Corvus said carefully.
"He will hate it. Is that not incentive enough?" Vitula grinned.
"I wouldn't toy with your feelings over politics," protested Corvus.
Vitula waved off the objection. "Everyone does. What else are a girl's feelings for?" She continued to grin as she said it even though her eyes were sad. "Besides, my brother does not choose my suitors. My father does and he has already told me you are to be encouraged."
As Vitula strode away, Crispa chuckled. "I like her. She's cynical beyond her years. I was a widow before I reached that level."
"I don't envy her position." Corvus kissed Crispa on the cheek.
"Where did you go?" Crispa asked. "I saw you talking to my cousin, but then you were gone again."
Corvus sighed. "Plautus did not like his mother's speech."
Crispa rolled her eyes. "And he tried to drink it away, I imagine. What did he do?"
"Declared me emperor and redrew the genealogy of the peerage." Corvus took her arm. "As luck would have it, the Iunii and the Gallicii are now one, big happy family with him on the outside. I think that makes us cousins."
"Not close cousins, I hope," Crispa gave him a wicked smile and slid her arm around his waist. "I might not give such things much thought, but people would talk."
Corvus drew her close. "Speaking of which, did you and Quad ever..." He let the question trail off.
Crispa shrugged, not breaking eye contact. "Does it matter? You could have your solicitor ask for a list of all my former lovers if you like."
"Not necessary. I was only wondering." Corvus leaned in to kiss her, but she planted a hand on his chest.
"I haven't spoken to Atellus."
Corvus sighed and stepped back. "You will soon, though? I'm not sure I can make it through this whole night without kissing you."
Crispa grinned at the compliment. "Just a little while longer, I think. I've only had the one drink and this is a four-drink conversation."
In spite of having only just met the man, Corvus knew immediately that the booming voice could only belong to one person. He turned around and called out, "Regulus! Good of you to come."
Reg laughed. "What else was there to do in Rio tonight? Everybody is here."
Corvus smiled. "Thank you. May I present the Widow Crispa Iunius? Crispa, Reg is the son of General Agricola."
Crispa opened her mouth to say something, but the big man was already holding out a hand to shake. "Reg Agricola. Great party."
"Uh ... thank you." Crispa looked a little flustered at his gregariousness. "I'm glad to see you here, Regulus."
"Reg, please." Regulus pronounced the nickname with a hard "j" sound at the end. He looked around. "I seem to have misplaced my date. I should probably find her and introduce her."
When he'd gone, Crispa gave Corvus a confused look. "I really can't believe he doesn't remember me. We weren't close, but I like to think I'm at least somewhat memorable."
"He probably can't see you very well from all the way up there," Corvus said. "Far more people remember the Colossus at Rhodes than the Colossus can put a name to."
"Maybe, but I still think the attempt on his life must have made him simple," grumbled Crispa.
Corvus saw another attendant running towards him and winced, wondering who else had gotten drunk and declared him emperor, but this one had a more benign mission in mind. He panted, "Sir, they're looking for you in the main ballroom to dance with your mother."
Corvus nodded and turned to lead Crispa to the ballroom. Crispa laid a hand on his shoulder. "Go ahead. I will find Atellus Rufius and give my answer to his proposal."
"You're not going to shotgun three drinks before you look for him. Are you?"
Crispa shook her head. "I will be brave. One more drink and then I'll go looking for him in the south gardens."
Corvus seemed to run into roughly half the patricians of Rio as he crossed the main ballroom in the guest wing of the house. Quad and Fusa were there, his community relations director looking surprisingly at ease surrounded by aristocrats. Cato and Metallicus stood side by side escorting women Corvus didn't know, although he suspected the older woman with the glasses was Metallicus's wife.
Tullus was there with a beautiful woman at his side. Corvus thought the man's infatuation with Crispa might be fading and was glad for it. His parents were there talking to Canus Petronius. When she saw him, Lucretia went up on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. "Where's Crispa?"
"Breaking off her courtship, I think." Corvus looked around. He hadn't seen Aquilina or Atellus anywhere and, while he hadn't done a thorough search of the room, he had a sense they weren't there.
"Good for her." Lucretia said firmly.
A stage had been set up for the live band now waiting with instruments poised. An announcer wearing a slightly different style of toga from the wedding party mounted the stage and started welcoming people. He made some weak joke about the traffic on the way over and most everyone laughed politely.
Then, he turned the stage over to General Agricola. Gaius's commanding officer gave a rousing speech about the groom's many positive qualities in which he granted Gaius full credit as the "liberator of Old Rome." For those in the know, it was a watershed moment in a very old fight.
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Recap Two weeks ago, on Saturday morning, my friend Carly and I set into motion our bet on whether or not I could bed her little sister, Haley. I had caught Haley spying on us having sex a few weeks earlier which led to some debate between Carly and I. Carly thought Haley was a nosey little pest, as usual, and was going to use this as blackmail against her. Haley had been watching us for at least twenty minutes, I instantly saw her as a horny freshman who was totally turned on watching...
Doston meri daastan wahan sey shroo hoti hai jab mujhe yeh khaber milli keh hamaarey mohalley main jo makaan kaafi arsey sey khaali paraa hua tha wahan per aik nai family shift hui hai . Khair main ney is khabar per ziada tawajjah nahin di lekin next day jab main apney kaam per jaa raha tha to main ney deekha keh aik larki ghar key sammney farsh dhoo raho hai . Woh jhoki hui thi aur uskey boobs nazar aa rahey the .wow . Main woh manzer nahin bhool sakta hoon .doston aap yaqeen karo keh itney...
CATHY. (Ch.1) Hi. My name's Craig. Well actually my full birth name is Craig Ulysses Thomas Eugene Young, but I don't know how long it's going to be, before something takes place to change that fact, because my nickname around the house is "Cutey" which I really hate. I'm 9 years old going on 10 and I live with my mum and have 3 sisters, all of whom are older than me. We live in a quite large house in a suburb called Gordon, which is on the North Shore of Sydney and that's in...
At first Roger couldn't tell if it was a dream or if he was awake. The events of the night before seemed unreal, like he'd been having a particularly good erotic dream, but slowly he became aware of the fact that it wasn't a dream at all, that Catalina was still sleeping right up against him, her head still on his arm. The fact that his arm was totally numb only brought home the reality that he really had spent the night with this sexy and most interesting woman. He moved his arm around a...
"Hey, beautiful," Jack said into the phone receiver. "Been busy today?" "Definitely. We slept in, but we took a cab up to downtown and visited some of the sites. We had dinner at a great seafood place overlooking the waterfront." Abigail hesitated a moment, seemed unsure. "Jack, there's some stuff we need to talk about." Jack's blood went cold. "Um, OK. What's up?" Did she know? Had Allison confessed their indiscretions? He wouldn't blame her if she did and part of him wanted...
Both Val and Tiffany looked up at me from what they were doing and with a silly look on their faces at the same time they both replied with, "What?" Then Val said, "It's like you've never seen girls do makeovers before. You do have two sisters and a mother in this house. Surely they do this kind of thing all the time." "They do, but normally, they don't do it naked. And why are you shaving each other's pubic areas? From what everyone saw in class you two were already clean down...
Kit nudged open the front door, exhausted but pleased. It had been a long day, and after all the stores and appointments she looked forward to just relaxing the rest of the evening. Laden with shopping bags she bumped the door quietly shut with her back, not wanting to wake the rest of her family. Sneaking in late at night wasn't a problem for Kit -- she'd done it many times before, and with more incriminating companions than cans of soup. She didn't make a sound as she laid down the groceries...
Anna works at a large pharmacy type store near my place. She was polite but efficient the few times that I went through her line, so I was totally shocked when I ran into her and a few of her friends at a pub last week.You see, I was running into get a six-pack for later when I heard a bit of a commotion in the pub, I turned to see a table of 4 young girls doing shots and giggling. Three of them were facing me so I got a good look at the loudest and seemingly drunkest of the bunch and knew it...
"Alys, come with me, " I say to her as Diana and I move the dead weight that is King Louie to a safer place. The throne that Louie was sitting on looks like it is dense enough to stop a bullet. "Alys stay behind the throne with Louie, while Diana and I..." I stop and look at Diana for help. She snorts under her breath and grins. "While we inflict a little damage." She raises an eye brow, " That sound about right to you, Chronos?" "Yes, Damage works fine." "Whata I do?" Alys...
Nikki was married for the last two years. She loved her husband Vishal very much. It was very unfortunate for her that he had to go to US for 6 months. She, being a career oriented woman had decided to stay back and continue with her Job. Nikki was good at her Job. Her Boss liked her work and her colleagues respected her work ethic. She stayed in late when the team needed her. Never used the girl card to get away. She had three boys in her carpool and everyday picked and dropped them. She had...
Falguni was the first woman with whom I had actual penetrative sex. She was a neighbour who came to reside in our chawl about 34 years ago. She was married young and her husband was a machine repairer and they had an 8-month-old baby boy. Her house like ours was a one-room tenement on the first floor. Ours was the second in the row of houses while hers was at the end of the chawl. She was about 22 then. And I was 18. As I grew up and matured, I began to look at Falguni in a different...
It all started online. In a chat room. Like the one here on Lush. We met. We clicked. We chatted. We even cybered a couple of times, when the mood was right. We got to know each other, our likes, our dislikes, some of our sexual preferences. Like I said, we clicked. So, when the opportunity arose for me to travel to your home town, we decided to meet. I suggested dinner, letting you pick the place. You told me what you planned to wear, so I would know you when I got there. You said you had red...
I have been here reading your experiences for some time now and I felt I should share some of my experience too. I am Raj from Bangalore. I am a well groomed, well-read gentleman of 38. I am well experienced in the art of love making and pleasing a woman. I am 6ft tall, well built handsome guy & I don’t want to brag here that my dick is foot long and half feet thick! I respect women for who they are and I am very confidential in all my affairs and can keep secrets very well. Ladies can reach me...
Antoine made himself a third scotch and soda. He sat in his favorite chair with his feet up on the ottoman and let the music toil at soothing him. He was still upset; completely confused about Galaxy Mining and Uncle Gaston, and a bundle of ragged, mixed emotions concerning Ginny Novak. He could hardly think of anything but the vivid memory of her soft, vibrant body pressing hotly against him in the playroom... her kisses and exuberant passion... her admittance that she had wanted him...
It all started at a party. Jim was invited by the host whom he had known for some 19 years. While he was in the kitchen, talking to one of the parents, he bumped into a friend of the family, she’d been invited by one of the host’s cousins. Somehow the chat got onto age and education. “You’re over the hill,” the young girl told Jim. “Partying is a young person’s activity.” “Really” Jim replied nonplussed. “Who teaches you at school? Who shows you the ropes and instructs you? Who tells you how...
I was sitting at church one bright, sunny morning, in the baptismal room, waiting for the minister’s wife to perform my baptism. I hadn’t brought anything to wear under the white robe, thinking it wouldn’t be necessary as a woman was performing the ceremony and I didn’t realize how transparent the robe would become once it was wet. No wonder they hurriedly opened and closed the curtains before and after the baptism. After what seemed like an eternity, to my shock and surprise, a young...
One day my best friend Dave and I were alone at his house drinking and watching T.V. he went into his room and came back with Pornos and asked me if I watched porn and I said yes, we started to watch porn and drinking our beer and soon he all of a sudden pulled out his hard cock and was asking me if I have seen a cock like his. I have seen his cock many times when we showered at school and it was the first time seeing it rock hard, it looked like a cock you see in the porn movies. he was...
When we got to the lake, the party was in full swing. I would guess there were about fifteen to twenty guys there. Although there were a few girls, it was pretty much a sausage fest. When we walked up to the assembled group, I noticed several heads turn.Apparently, most guys were surprised at my appearance. Hell, they were surprised by my boobs. I grabbed a beer and started to nurse it.We hung around for a while. Guys started to come up to me to chat me up. Josh eventually became possessive...
ReluctanceI m rahul and today i m sharing another true incident of my life.when i was in eighth standaard my mom’s fren my aunty used to teach me as my tutor,tat time she was 32 and having 2 small kids and seprated frm her husband,so she lives all alone wid her she is tall abt 5’9. Big boobs around 38 and slim waist and realy huge and seductive ass swinging as she walks.from my tuition time i used to stare at her big boobs,seen her naked boobs so many times while she was feeding her son and also...
IncestI sat down on my usual bench in the park. The headphones connected to my small pink mp3 were in place, my legs were spread and my arms were extended to each side. It was the usual position I had whenever I sat down here in the park, and I wasn’t planning on changing it any time soon. As usual my mind wondered to the subject that my “defense mechanisms” always suppressed: sex. It was a natural subject for me. Something I always enjoyed talking about, thinking about and fantasizing about…...
Personally, I like some porno. That is to say I like porno that panders to my fantasies. I don’t like porno that involves activities I wouldn’t want to do or have done to me. I don’t wear high heeled shoes and net stockings when I have sex and I don’t get off on men ejaculating on my face and breasts, so I don’t watch porno with those things. I don’t do gang bangs so I don’t watch porno of that type. And so on. I’ve done a few unofficial sex videos with a few boyfriends and girlfriends. None...
Hello, friends, this is Kumar with my new sex story, I am 29 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Bangalore. I just completed my engineering in another city and back… [email protected] or ping me on hangouts using same email address to boost me to write more experiences.
IndianMy wife Jaq is a very sexy fifty-year-old who never fails to surprise me. On a recent trip to a large hotel in town, she surprised me once again. We had enjoyed a good night out enjoying a show and a few drinks and we returned to our a hotel a little after midnight. After a final nightcap, we went up to our room, once there we were soon engaging in some sexy play. Jaq was sucking my cock when I noticed the curtains were still open. I mentioned this and Jaq became very aroused indeed. After a...
VoyeurIt was daybreak when Sarah's Clan woke up. Sensing her spouses were awake, Sarah said, "Considering I only had some six hours sleep I feel really good." She then moved to kiss Rusty and Joyce. "Wow," said Tara, "I felt that." "Felt what?" asked Claudette. "I felt Sarah kiss Rusty then Joyce. It wasn't quite like her lips touching me, but I felt it." "So that's what that was. When I first woke, I wasn't sure where I was, then I had trouble believing it." Judy said, "You...
Carol had just given John a spectacular blow job and then had been cuddling with him, giving soft kisses and sweet murmuring in the afterglow of sex. I had watched, and once the cuddling began, I had an emotional breakdown over fear of losing Carol to John. I had been reassured by John and Carol that they did not mean to leave me out and that they loved me. I had some lingering insecurities.Carol said, "Dick, you're my husband. John is an intimate good friend. We don't know how this will...
Wife Lovers"How about this one, honey?" The dark-haired man looked her choice over before shaking his head. "Almost, but not quite. See there at the bottom? It wouldn't last." She looked again. "Oh. I see, yes. How silly of me." She slipped an arm around his waist and laughed. "Can you just see the kids' faces if the tree fell down in the middle of Christmas?" He laughed, a full, deep-throated sound. "I don't think they'd like it too much." "Especially with Roger bringing that new pet he's so proud of."...
BDSMAnya Krey and Clea Gaultier are part of the sexy hairdresser team in Private Specials, Happy Ending Hairdressers and today they’ve come to ready to go the extra mile and give their lucky clients, Alberto Blanco and Sam Bourne, the ultimate experience. Watch these horny stars strip off and get the party started with a couple of deepthroat blowjobs as they get everything wet, ready and warmed up for the main event… An incredible orgy with some anal for Clea that has both girls...
xmoviesforyouBlossom had always been a ‘good girl’ doing everything her parents and professors had demanded of her. Perhaps that was the problem, she was always being ordered to do things and never asked. She grew used to obeying, and by her late teens, she knew no other course. Her college life was supposed to be a time of freedom for her. A release from the constraints of the strict obedience of her youth. This was not to be ... Her roommate sensed her submissive traits at once and turned Blossom into...
Hi My name is Raj (name changed) from the South Indian city of Bangalore. Interested aunties and matured ladies can contact me on As I write this story which is 100% true, my memory dates back to 1990 when I was a 1st year Engineering student with raging hormones. I had a very strong sexual urge but did not know how to or where to release it. In those days, we did not have sites like Indian sex stories but our access to sexual literature was limited to books which were sold in some book stores...
Chapter 3After arranging for Colin to be home from school on Friday, and forcing him to shoot his cum into his own mouth, Veronica had Colin masturbate four more times. She wanted him to sit in front of his computer and watch gay porn, which she had previously downloaded for him onto a flash drive. Each time, Veronica was right beside him with words of encouragement as well as humiliation. Every orgasm was as explosive as the previous and true to her word, Veronica made him swallow every load...
TV Stardom - Part 2 Chapter 8 - Trouble of being a celebrity Although Mark and I had been together for 6 months, we still had to be somewhat cautious every time when we go out. For Mark, since he is a high rank officer for a world famous financial institute, he couldn't afford to be with a woman like me. Me on the other hand, I just want to protect him from the media. Despite my work schedule was so unstable, I cherished every minute I spent with Mark. Sex unfortunately was never...
Introduction: My hot nephew changed me and our relations My name is Rekha, I am 33 years of age and married in a affluent joint family, we have a 3 storied house in Meerut, my husband are 2 brothers, His elder brother stays on first floor with his family he has a son Akash studying in 12th and a daughter Akanksha in 7th grade, Me, my husband and our 3 year old son on 2nd floor while ground floor is for parents in laws and guests, this way we are together as well as have our own privacy. My...
Sue was a very pretty girl, but she had never made a real effort to get to know other girls, or get a boy friend, much to her parent’s "not-really-caring-ness". She lived her life mostly on the internet, and made a healthy living of it doing surveys for big companies, and playing games. She stayed in shape by exercising every few hours or so, or playing with her friends, and every week, she would go and swim the at the local beach, sometimes even on her own if no-one else wanted to. Over...
The intention was to tell the story in its entirety, but due to my own reasons, I decided not to publish the remainder of the story. For those readers who was drawn in by the story itself and not only the sex and filthiness of my behavior, the below would serve as the epilogue in the story of Alexis and me. Ten years later. September 12, 2011 - the day the twin Memorial pools opened to the public. I ran my fingers through the inscribed name on the bronze parapets of the South...
Today is New year 2019. We just exited from the temple after seeking our new year blessings. As we were on the way home; me driving; my wife called her BF. She told him that she wants to go out with him in the afternoon at his residence for a new year fuck. Mind you her BF is unaware that I know about their affair and that I support her and infact motivate her to do so. Going out on a New year’s day was also my idea which I planted in her head a day before. I told her that she should fuck him...
Kristy was awakened by a knock at the door. Circles under her eyes for lack of sleep, her cheeks still tear stained, she opened the door. "What... ?" "I've brought your things and come to pick up mine," said Janeen, "since it looks like this arrangement is going to be permanent." The redhead smiled wickedly while Kristy's eyes fell in dejection. Janeen threw down two bags containing Kristy's few belongings and began gathering her own together. "The Mistress brought me to orgasm...
Its Eva Lovia’s first day on the job and she’s eager to get things started. Scarlett Sage needs to let her know that she’s got some places on her body that are really sensitive. Eva nods and asks her to get ready, as Scarlett undresses in front of her and lies on the table. The massage begins as Eva prompts her for some info. She finally reveals her concern about the fact that if she’s touched in specific places, she has an immediate orgasm. She touches her leg and...
xmoviesforyouSPELLING THINGS OUT By GENEVA In 17th Century France, a young woman Jeanette and her business partner Luc use a magic book in a scheme to supply brides for settlers in New France. START It was dusk and I was still working in the warehouse with Luc, checking on some of our older inventory. Our two hired men had gone home for the day and there were only the two of us left. I was beginning to get very hungry and I really wanted to get home so I could make something for my supper....
My name is John Sutter. I'm a biologist for the Department of Agriculturefor the Alberta Government. I have a bachelor Degree in Biology and aMasters Degree in a****l husbandry from the University of Lethbridge. Ispend my winter behind a dreary desk in Edmonton. Studying reports andmaking more reports. To me very boring, but it pays real good and I haveall my summers in the field."Most of the large ranches in southern Alberta allow most of their herds torange free on public land in the...
I am standing at a mixing desk...with the music pumping..bass line fingers feeling the vibrations every time I touch the decks. I mix in a song which is one of my favourites, smiling at the sound of the first moments..beginning to nod my head to the beat and move my body to the rhythm. I don't notice that this whole time he has been leaning against the door frame behind me, watching me, scanning my figure, my back, my legs, my arse as I move to the music. As he moves closer...
Straight SexThe Club Part 2 I had the older lady lay on the table so the plugged sub could see her torso and what would be happening. She was no novice, she lay back with her hands over her head, feet flat on the table and knees spread. Her breasts settled over her chest, but the row of clamps would bring those back into shape. I noticed the tail hanging down between the legs of the bent over sub twitching. It was in a rhythmic cadence from her contractions. I slipped two fingers inside her to feel...
The weekend started the next morning, and after jacking off three times the night before high while flushed on the aroma of that little yellow bottle that Ray had given me, I finally awoke. I called Ray at the number he had given me. A recorder came on when I called, and without leaving a message, I just hung up. It was around 9:30 in the morning and I had the entire day off with nothing to do. No school on Saturday, I had a day off at work, my parents had gone to garage sales as usual on the...
Jan was going for a photo shoot that she found in a newspaper. It was a nude shoot and she was excited. She knew she was sexy with nice big firm tits and an ass men stared at constantly. She loved to be naked and this was a perfect job for her if she could get it. She wore a tight tank top and no bra and a very short skirt with sexy bikini panties. She was right on time and the secretary let her in the private office. The man behind the desk was older but very handsome. She figured he saw many...
For me, Dan Raymond, the past forty-eight hours had been almost unbelievable. Two days ago, Desmond Greeley, diamond merchant and entrepreneur, had phoned to say he’d enjoyed my last book and had invited me to a party at his luxury mansion. Everything since then seemed to be leading to this gorgeous blonde lady, now squirming and screeching wildly underneath me, as I drove my pounding erection deep into her luscious depths. Slowly back, and, as she squeaked her protest, a harder deeper more...
Straight Sex"Look at you Evie. You're so slutty in your teddy and stockings,” said Mistress Sarah. Then she looked down at my hard cock and said, "....and your clitty is so big. Excited are, you?" Mistress Sarah reached out and firmly squeezed my cock a few times. It was a welcome sensation that reverberated though my entire body. Before I could respond, she ordered, "Turn around slut. Let me see that arse of yours." Ever since I had met Mistress Sarah online, I had dreamed of her fucking me in the arse....
CrossdressingThe three intelligence men, the groundcrew and engineers watched helplessly as John paced the airstrip. He was beside himself and refused anything to do with anybody. It had been half an hour since he'd returned from the mission and there was still no sign of Jana Ivanova. Two technicians carefully removed the film from the two cameras the MiG carried. The negatives were reeled into a can, much like a cine camera, and these they carefully crated to be sent for processing. Rhykov hadn't...
Kristy groaned, true to what the weatherman had predicted the last week of January had been hot enough to melt a person caught in the sun leaving them in a puddle on the sidewalk. She struggled to come to terms with the fact that, going by what had happened in recent years, the heat wave would last at least until Valentine's Day. Two more weeks she grumbled. She didn't care really all that much; she would rather be too hot than too cold; she reminded herself of the news last night where she had...
100% fiction! My name is Vera M. and this is a love story. A story about the utterly unconditional love of two people who are family. I am my son's mother. I'm a black woman of Asian extraction. I'm short, with a small waist, a fat ass, large breasts, and am light-skinned with long curly black hair. My lips are thick and full, my light-brown eyes are large and sexy and my nose is petite; all set on a pretty, heart-shaped face. I'm nasty and I love to fuck. But being a lonely widow of a rich man...
IncestBeen a long time since I went back to the most exciting club I know .Id tried relationships,they never work ,atleast there's no mental pain this way .It's Friday and after texting the owner of the club he assured me I was truly wanted at greedy girls night ,mmmmmmmm.This also meant I would get him ,even better ! He turned me on and knew it ,some say he's no longer in his prime ,and yes when he was younger my god his body was to die for .but to me his charm ,wit and sexual desire was still there...
Ok, what the hell am I doing here? Yeah, yeah… we have talked about this a bunch of times – texts, phone calls, laying in bed giggling about it but now here I am sitting in this little corner booth by myself trying to pull off this casual act. I don’t know if either of us know what to fully expect but we have established the rules to the game, code words, secret looks and signals to bail out if it gets past comfortable. A public place like this is safe and it’s not like the Crowne Plaza is...
Marion anxiously waited for the doorbell to ring, as she checked her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. "Where was she," Marion thought to herself, "I wish for once she'd be on time!!!" Ten seconds later the apartment air was split by the loud resonance of the bell and Marion quickly buzzed her friend in. She opened the door listened for the footsteps coming up the carpeted stairs, but oddly, she swore there was more than just Evelyn's steps she was hearing! A second or two later...
Mujhe oldej lady ke sath sex karna jada pasand h.Aur bharosa rakhiye ye meri real story h kuch mahino pahileki. Main 1 familyse belong karta hu.Hamare yaha building congested h bilkul yek duje ke samane. 1 din me ghar pe akela tha apne window me khada hoke bahar ka najara dekh raha tha.Mera ghar 4 th flower pe h.Jab me khada tha tab maine dekha ki samne wali bild me 5 th flower pe 1 bhabi apne chote bacche ke sath apni window mw khadi thi.Kya lag rahi thi gori sunder aur usne dress pehna tha...
100% fiction! Hi I'm Josh, I'm 18 years of age and this is my story. It all started a few weeks ago. I was in my parents while they where out looking for some of my mothers used under ware which I could use as wanking material. While I was rummaging under the bed I found some old Porn DVDs and magazines. I thought that they must be my dads for when mums out. Took the mags and a pair of my mums knickers and left. A few days later I had only read one of the magazines and completely reined my mums...
IncestAmanda sensed that a secret something was going on. I don't know if she had seen me talking to Clarice in the bar. Whilst we had been out, our room had been done, and everything was tidy and neat and sparkling clean. There were fresh towels and little white slippers for our bare feet and bathrobes, and they had refilled the minibar. I got them to bring champagne and a very special bottle of Russian vodka, and they brought special glasses for the vodka and ... I was SO happy.I showered and got...
ThreesomesThe professor leans out far enough that he is vertical to my horizontal. He slowly brings his cock almost all the way out before slowly thrusting it back in. He thrusts 5 times before pulling his cock out. He slowly slides his cock back in and leans in slightly and thrusts 5 times before pulling out. He leans in even more, slides his cock into my ass, thrusts 5 times before pulling out. Again the professor leans in, this time far enough that he needs to use his out stretched arms as...