ElevatedChapter 19 free porn video

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When Plautus Iunius made to climb into the limo that was supposed to take him to the airport and put him on the plane back to Europe, Corvus was already in the car waiting for him.

Plautus froze for a few seconds with one foot in the car and one outside. Finally, he shrugged. "Well, I doubt you'd assassinate me yourself in your own limo. What's the game?"

Corvus gestured to Tansy. He'd watched their tearful farewell in the driveway and she was still looking at Plautus with misty eyes like she would miss him terribly. "Ride with us."

Tansy climbed in and curled up on the seat next to Plautus, resting her head on his leg and looking like nothing so much as a young slave girl seeking the comfort of a few more minutes of contact with a man she'd become attached to. As the ambassador stroked her hair, her eyes drifted closed and her breathing grew slower.

Corvus waited until the car was moving. "War's coming to Europe again."

Plautus smirked and seemed to relax a little. "I know, which is funny because I didn't have a hint of it when I was actually in Europe. It's almost like it has nothing to do with what's going on over there at all."

"Europe is a big place. Maybe word just hasn't reached Bohemia."

"That seems like a more logical explanation than suggesting the proconsul is starting a war simply because it serves her purposes back home."

"But you are suggesting that." said Corvus. Plautus looked around like he was afraid they were being recorded. Corvus gave a wave of his hand. "I had two teams sweep the car for bugs this morning and the driver can't hear us through the partition. We can speak freely."

Plautus closed his eyes and took a deep breath, squeezing the bridge of his nose. "If Barbatus Rufius had gotten control of the Home Guard after that attack on Regulus Agricola, he would have been as good as guaranteed the purple. He would have held the interior and the capital. The senate would have granted him the same extraordinary powers they instead granted your father. He could have squeezed out all the other contenders at his leisure and then harassed any who stood in opposition one by one. The proconsul called Gaius home to hold the capital both with his own troops and the Home Guard, at the same time denying it to Rufius."

"A neat little theory, but why a war after you called your best general home?" Corvus betraying nothing of what he knew even though Plautus seemed to have worked out the truth on his own.

"You don't need good generals to win a war in Europe. You barely need generals at all." Plautus scowled. "They have swords and bows and superstition. We have guns and planes and tanks. We could march from Ys to Edo and not break a sweat. There are a dozen German states alone begging to surrender to the Empire if we would have them. We don't need strategy or military acumen to conquer the world. The Legion could do it with you or me at its head. Only the Hebrews in the north have the technology to give us a real fight, but there are too few of them and they're too fractious to even present a united front."

Corvus smirked. "So, why have we stopped with only England and Italy? If it's so easy to rule the world, why don't we?"

Plautus shook his head. "I said conquering it was easy. Ruling it would be nearly impossible ... and expensive. It's taken twenty years and hundreds of millions of denarii to modernize even part of Londinium to the point where it's anything other than a joke to call the people who live there Roman citizens. Every place we conquer becomes our problem. Constructive engagement is a lot cheaper than conquest. The only reason to start a war is to bleed off some ambition or discontent or patriotism or something equally toxic. Conquest is expensive, but it still costs less than fixing things at home."

Corvus frowned and shook his head. "I'm still missing something."

"Barbatus Rufius has the votes to recall my mother from office and Atellus is positioned to take her place. A war makes her unassailable long enough to finish out her term and have a replacement lined up. Bringing your father home, throwing him a triumph, praising him to the skies at his wedding, it takes away a lot of the incentive to try removing her. Even if Atellus became proconsul, he'd never get the votes to take away control of the capital from Gaius. Barbatus will lick his wounds and bide his time until he has an overwhelming advantage again." Plautus gestured at the small refrigerator embedded in the seat. "By any chance, is that thing stocked?"

Corvus shook his head. "Water only, I'm afraid."

Plautus gestured. "If you please."

Corvus handed him a water bottle. "What will you do now?"

Plautus drank thirstily. "Go back to Bohemia, lick my wounds, bide my time, I imagine." He sighed. "War brings opportunity."

Corvus considered him for a full minute before picking up a leather attache from the floor, unzipping it, and extracting a manila folder. He did it all purposefully, knowing he had Plautus's attention. "I have something else to propose."

Plautus didn't say anything, only held his hand out for the folder. Corvus handed it to him. The ambassador opened it and read, his face paling as he got farther down the first page. He flipped through all the pages, staring at them one by one. "These are papers to sign over all my holdings to my daughter. Why would I sign these?"

Corvus looked Plautus in the eyes. The ambassador was approaching fifty and hadn't led an easy life. There was a pattern of broken veins in the whites of his eyes and a general redness he'd acquired since yesterday. Coming to Rio for Gaius and Lucretia's wedding hadn't proven particularly fruitful and it might well be his last chance to put himself at the center of Roman politics before old age and infirmity took him out of the game for good.

"You'll sign them because I'm going to be emperor and I'm asking you to," said Corvus.

Plautus's head shot up and he laughed. "That's ... very ambitious of you, but blocking Barbatus's plans for the purple is a long way from taking it yourself. You're not even close to having all your pieces in place."

"I'll get them." Corvus spoke with absolute confidence. "Atellus Rufius will never be proconsul. His father will never be emperor. The Gallicii have the only real chance at the purple."

"But does Gaius have the will to use it?" Plautus challenged.

"I have the will. Let me worry about my father," said Corvus. "Crispa will be my mistress. I need her finances free and clear from yours if she's ever going to be more. I'm not going to make her empress just to inherit a scheming father-in-law. I want a clear line to the purple, but I need more distance from you before it's worth it."

Plautus didn't answer for a long time, looking over the papers again. Corvus held almost completely still, trying to guide his action solely by force of will.

"You might not be, you know." Plautus shook his head. "The Rufii still have a better position and they have the will to use it. Your father might genuinely be a good Republican."

"Let me worry about Gaius. I have the will."

That got a chuckle. Plautus closed the folder and handed it back to Corvus. "Sorry. Maybe you do, but Gaius has the armies. If you can find some way to put the two together, you might have something. As it is, I have to pass."

Corvus didn't take the folder back. He considered the ambassador for a few long seconds. "What's your game, Plautus?"

Plautus shook his head. "No game. You don't hold the stronger position and I like to keep my options open. If you're serious about your ambitions and improve your position, we'll talk again."

Corvus shook his head. "No we won't. This is a one-time offer. Another ten years in Darkest Europe and you'll be dead or too old to be of any use to me, but for now you're too dangerous a man to leave at loose ends. If we're not friends by the time you get on the plane, don't unpack your bags when you land because I will find a posting so remote it makes Bohemia look like a paradise. There are places in Europe where it never stops snowing and every senator in Rio wants to do me a favor right now."

The look of amused tolerance on Plautus's face was replaced with a fierce scowl. He fired back, "Not every senator."

Corvus gave a faint smile of acknowledgement. Inside, he was scrambling for some handle he could use to bend the ambassador to his will. Everything he had studied or learned about politics and human nature told him Plautus Iunius was a drowning man and would grab any rope thrown to him. Still, he might be deluded enough to think he had better footing.

He had to hammer the ambassador's position home to him. "We may not be friends, but even the Rufii would help me bury you. They consider you an embarrassment - in the capital a week and the only thing they wanted from you was some reassurance that you wouldn't raise a stink while they cut you out. They don't want your counsel. They don't want your insight. The don't want your experience. All they want is the purple in your blood and they'll take that from Crispa and leave you with nothing."

Plautus allowed himself a long, slow sigh. It was probably meant to suggest he was exasperated by dealing with Corvus, but it came out much more heartfelt than that. "You're weaving yourself a marvelous little fantasy, but that's not how things are."

Corvus sat back and smirked, willing himself to relax as if he didn't have a care in the world. "Am I? If the Rufii value you so much, where are they? If you have other allies, why didn't they take the opportunity to approach you while you were here after years away? If Barbatus Rufius really wanted to join his line to yours, why is he throwing Vitula at me and not at you?" Each question might have an answer, but fired at Plautus one after another, they piled up. Corvus didn't know if Plautus remembered what he'd said the night before while drunk, but he exploited the fears expressed, not giving him a chance to regain his equilibrium. "If they value you at all, why am I the only one who thinks you're dangerous enough to threaten?"

A flick of the eye and a faint shake in Plautus's hand holding the folder told Corvus he'd gotten through. He pushed along that line. "You play too many sides, Plautus. And you keep your options open when no options truly exist. You have to choose between the Gallicii and the Rufii and it's really not a choice. They're offering you nothing. I'm the only one here."

"You're not offering me anything either," Plautus growled. "You're just making demands."

Corvus shook his head. "I'm offering you my friendship and to take your counsel. If I can call in favors to move you farther from the action, I can call in favors to move you closer to the front too - somewhere lesser men would consider a punishment, but where the opportunities of war are thick on the ground."

"I'm sick of Europe. I want a posting to the capital."

Corvus was so relieved to realize Plautus had gone from denying him to negotiating that he was tempted to agree, but he wanted Plautus out of his hair more than he wanted the man's help and his arrogant, imperial posture wouldn't work if he suddenly became accommodating. "I have more than enough friends in the capital. I need one in Europe who knows Europe. Do you have a secure means of communication? I don't trust the transatlantic phone lines."

Plautus nodded. "I have couriers - men who travel back and forth on business and for the empire."

Corvus nodded. "There's a girl in my office - Fusa Sergius. She's just bright enough to act as a dead drop. Your couriers will communicate with her, not me."

Plautus frowned and held up the folder. "We haven't agreed that they'll communicate with anyone yet. This is too much. I need something to live on."

"You don't live on those properties now. You let Crispa use them. She collects the income from them. The only difference would be that she owns them free and clear. If she owns nothing but her blood, my enemies will say she's no real Iunius. She has to hold the deeds to her house and the ancestral lands. You have estates in Britannia and Bohemia and dealings elsewhere."

"I do draw from those incomes back home once in a while. My European holdings aren't always enough."

Corvus gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "Weren't you just touting the opportunities war brings to me? If you're the man I believe you to be, you'll be expanding our holdings in Europe soon."

"Our holdings?" Plautus raised an eyebrow.

Corvus nodded. "Of course. I don't just need intelligence. You'll find the opportunities. I'll provide the funding."

"And we'll split the profits?"

"Not even close. For every five denarii I invest, I'll loan you one to buy in as well."

Plautus sighed and held up the folder. "As you pointed out, I could be dead or retired in ten years. I don't intend to retire in Europe. I doubt my daughter would be as generous as you're asking me to be. A sixth of a thousand denarii here and there won't cut it."

"Will the opportunities be so small?"

"No, but your budget must be. The Galicii aren't exactly known for their wealth."

Corvus smirked. "Is this where I'm supposed to brag to you about my income because you pretend you don't already know how much it is? At what point did I give you the impression that I would fall for such an obvious ruse?"

"You are very new at this," Plautus pointed out.

Corvus just sat and stared at Plautus, waiting him out. This was a crucial moment. Whatever web he'd spun could all come unraveled if Plautus really thought about how little experience Corvus had with political intrigue and correctly came to the conclusion that this was his first real foray into that domain. Both men watched each other, neither blinking much or looking away. It was down to a battle of wills.

Plautus broke first, drawing in a long breath to speak. Corvus deliberately interrupted, "I've put aside fifty thousand denarii for ventures in Europe. I'll put aside another ten to loan you."

"You can raise that much?" Plautus looked surprised.

"I have that much. I can raise whatever we need."

Plautus seemed to consider questioning him about the source of the funds or how he could raise more, but finally said, "One out of six isn't enough if I'm going to take all the risks."

They negotiated a while over the ratio and terms of repayment for a while, finally settling on one much more generous than Corvus had offered. The young patrician started to feel like Plautus was deliberately drawing out the negotiation to force him to rush over some points once they reached the airport. To Corvus, the terms of the larger agreement were more important than the money. He cut the discussion short by accepting worse terms than he could have gotten and asked Plautus for a pen to write down the details so he wouldn't forget.

After he made the note, he held out Plautus's pen for him and, when Plautus took it, held on just a second longer, holding the ambassador's eyes.

Plautus sighed, clicked the pen, and opened the folder. "I always hated the fucking Rufii anyway." He signed one page after another, clicked his pen again and closed the folder.

Corvus allowed himself a faint smile as he reached for the folder. "Well, now we can hate them together ... profitably."

Plautus lowered the folder to his lap instead of offering it to Corvus. "You'll marry Crispa of course."

Corvus shook his head. "I can't yet. She'll be my mistress while I secure other alliances through marriage."

"Then why does it matter who owns the Iunius lands now?"

"Those who want to claim I bought Crispa's estates from you with our new arrangement will have a harder time if the memory is dim by then." Corvus gestured at the folder. "And it's your way of choosing sides, Ambassador. We have words in limitless supply, but this tells me you've made a choice in a way I can believe. You'll stop trying to marry her off to all comers and she and I can secure our alliance. As a widow living on the kindness of her family, she's only interesting as mistress. As the scion of the Iunii, she could be a real partner."

"You're making an awfully big assumption if you think she's yours because your lawyers are talking to each other. Even if I keep out of it, she might have her own ambitions as to who she'll marry. She does have the blood of empresses in her veins."

Corvus shook his head. "Our contract is a foregone conclusion. Crispa will be my mistress and if she gets any funny ideas, I can make sure no other pretender to the laurel wreath will want anything to do with her."

At the sharp look from Plautus, Corvus thought he might have overplayed his hand. The ambassador might view his daughter as a political tool, but Corvus had just issued a threat against her and he was her father. But in the end, Plautus just chuckled and handed Corvus the folder. "You know, my biggest concern about you was that you might not be enough of a bastard to do what will need to be done."

Corvus accepted the folder and, without looking at it, slid it back into his document case. "Now you know."

He extracted a thin, tan letter-sized envelope and extended it to Plautus. Tucked inside were ten hundred denarius bills. "You'll need an operating budget. Use this to get started. The first order of business is to replace all your couriers. They're known to your old allies and I don't want to use anyone they can identify."

Plautus tucked the envelope into his jacket without opening it. "I'll use different couriers for you and my former allies. What else?"

Corvus shook his head. "No. Get rid of your old couriers. Stop using them all together. You won't be contacting your old allies anymore, Plautus."

"I can feed them misinformation. They consider me reliable."

"No. You play too many sides, Ambassador. If you stay in contact with them, eventually they'll find a way to tempt you to betray me. And I want the right people to understand that you're my man in Europe now. They'll have to get their own."

Plautus frowned, but said, "If that's how you want to play it..."

They'd arrived at the airport and were rapidly approaching the departure terminal. Corvus nodded. He'd gotten what he wanted from the conversation and timed it so that there wasn't a lot of time for awkward follow-up conversations. "That's how I want to play it for now at least. When you're approached about renewing your ties with them, I want to know. It will tell me who's serious and who's just playing games for their own sake."

Plautus gave the faintest smirk. "How long have you been plotting, Citizen Gallicus? You haven't come up with all of this since your elevation yesterday."

Corvus hadn't considered that specific question in advance and kept his face carefully neutral while he tried to come up with an answer, hoping that it would look like he was considering how much to reveal to his new ally.

With no other guidance, he decided that a big lie was better than a smaller, more specific one here. Even as he said it, he wondered if it wasn't true. "This goes back before I was born, Ambassador. My mother and General Gallicus have known each other a very long time. I'm not the plotter. I'm part of the plot."

Plautus seemed satisfied with the answer. He nodded and shook Corvus's hand as the car pulled up to the curb and the driver came around to open the door. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"I will convey your thanks to my father."

The ambassador shook his head. "If you must. Although I was speaking of the use of Tansy, I now suspect you had more than a little to do with the warm reception I received on my return to the capital. Gaius Gallicus would never have done that on his own."

Corvus inclined his head in acknowledgement. "He did seek my counsel on the matter."

At the mention of her name, Tansy's eyes had fluttered open. She rolled on her back, head still resting on his leg. "You are going?"

Plautus stroked her cheek and looked down at her fondly. "I have to, but I may be back in the capital sooner than I thought. If Corvus will allow it, I would be most pleased to see you again."

As Tansy took his hand by thumb and forefinger, drew it to her mouth, and kissed the palm, Corvus smiled and climbed out of the car, shaking the ambassador's hand one more time before he headed off to his gate.

Tansy had climbed out as well to watch him go, eyes tracking him until he was almost out of sight, then continuing to stare at the spot where he'd disappeared.

Without her seeming to move at all, Tansy's distracted, sensual, simple persona disappeared and was replaced with Alyse. Corvus couldn't say what she did to make the transition, but it felt like a camera coming into focus, a vague image becoming sharper and more distinct. When she glanced at Corvus, he gestured into the car and she climbed in ahead of him.

Corvus sat across from her. "I think I might actually believe you're going to miss him."

Alyse shrugged. "Tansy will I'm sure. And honestly, he's been a fascinating subject - brilliant, but brilliantly flawed. If you do need Tansy when you host him again, try to give me a little advance notice and I'll make sure to be available."

"So, you're on to another assignment?"

Alyse shook her head. "I don't think I have anything else lined up just now. If you needed Tansy for something else, I imagine we could extend the contract."

Corvus had extracted the folder with the documents concerning the Iunius lands and property and looked them over to make sure Plautus had actually signed them. They were in order. He put them aside, fished out a sheet of paper and handed it to Alyse. She accepted it and with a glance said, "My writ of manumission. Is this your way of cutting me loose?"

"I thought you would want to hold on to that. As far as I know, it's the only copy left."

Alyse frowned. "Other than the one on file at my agency."

Corvus gave a faint shake of his head. "Your boss Tubertus offered to burn his copy for the right price."

Alyse smirked, leaned one elbow on the back of the seat and seemed to relax some of her keen alertness. "I wish that surprised me more than it does." She tilted her head at Corvus. "So, what happens now? Do I disappear and become Tansy for good?"

"You have her writ of manumission. If you like, I'll let you off wherever you like and leave you to deal with this news as you see fit."

Alyse considered the paper for a moment longer, then offered it back to Corvus. "Keep it somewhere safe where I can find it if you get yourself killed, please."

Corvus took the paper, genuinely surprised. "I ... haven't told you what I propose yet."

"No, but it's bound to be too interesting to turn down, so let's start from the assumption I'm going to say yes and work backwards."

Corvus considered the spy across from him, wondering if she wasn't at least a little bit insane. "I could want anything."

"But you don't." Alyse gave a head-shake. "Or you're playing a deeper game than I can follow. You bought out my contract and then handed me your primary bargaining chip. So you want me to trust you. I trust you enough to hand it back to you. Are you serious about being emperor, by the way?"

"I don't know. If the Rufii do make a move for the laurel crown and I have a chance to snatch it away from them, I will. But it will be a long time before I'm in such a position. More likely, that would fall to Gaius and I'd do what I could to support him. Most likely, this remains an ever-shifting stalemate with moves and countermoves for the rest of my life and it becomes a problem for my children to deal with."

Alyse contemplated that for a while before saying, "I want at least twenty percent more per annum than you gave that fat bastard Tuber to sell me out."

Corvus nodded. "At least."

"I don't know how long Tansy's cover will last - longer if you remember to always treat her as a slave. If there's work to be done, she needs to be a part of it. If she does something that deserves punishment, punish her. I think your girl's got the spirit of it now, but you need to follow suit."

"Crispa, too." Corvus pointed out.

"I'm not worried about Crispa. If she slips up and occasionally treats me like a plebeian, no one's likely to spot the difference. And she's already tried to bring Tansy to her bed once. Are you ready to do the same? You seem like the sort who might be squeamish about that sort of thing." There was a hint of a challenge in Alyse's voice.

"I would hardly say 'squeamish, '" Corvus protested. "But it's not like I bring all of my girls to bed. Tansy could be one of the ones I don't."

Alyse shook her head. "Tansy is exotic, young, pretty, and sweet. Nobody buys girls like her to type and file."

Corvus raised an eyebrow. "You know, I'm really not going to need a lot of convincing on the subject if you want it that way."

"Neither will your friends," Alyse smirked. "What do you need me to do next?"

"I'm going to have forensic accountants tearing my father's house apart for the next two weeks. Keep an eye on them."

She didn't look surprised, just nodded. "I can do that."

"And ... can you cook? It would save a trip home to find someone who can before we pick up Aquilina."

Alyse shook her head. "I can't, but Tansy can."

Corvus frowned. "How does that work?"

Alyse shrugged. "Fucked if I know. I'm good at what I do because I compartmentalize her from myself as much as I can. I barely know how to boil water."

Corvus didn't answer, but he couldn't help notice that, with each new addition, his household got stranger and stranger.

The house where Corvus picked up Aquilina was about the same size as his own, but much smaller than his father's. Where the former home of the Vitellii was two-thirds shuttered and lightly staffed, the Herrenius estate bustled. Waiting outside the front gate, Corvus counted more than a dozen slaves engaged in tasks to keep the place looking new and fresh - mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges, and painting the eaves. Corvus thought of his house as having a certain genteel neglect, but the Herrenius house made it seem like a dump.

Instead of opening the gate, Aquilina emerged from the house at a trot. She was wearing a simple sleeveless sundress the color of yellow saffron and flats. The outfit suited and flattered her, but wouldn't have looked out of place on one of Corvus's plebeian classmates. Where many patricians dressed to highlight their wealth, Aquilina Herrenius had nothing to prove.

As Corvus stepped out and held the car door for her, she leaned in against his chest and kissed him on the cheek like they were the most carefree couple on Earth. Corvus returned the kiss and gestured her into the car. Aquilina slid in and saw Tansy. "Oh. Who's this? Will she be standing in for Rose?"

"If you like. But if you start flogging her, lunch will be late." Corvus slid in next to her. "A lot of my girls were still out wherever they served last night when I left this morning. Tansy can cook and she was serving Plautus Iunius for me when I picked him up to take to the airport."

"Any more outbursts from the ambassador?" Aquilina asked.

"He was pretty subdued," said Corvus. "I don't think we'll be having any trouble out of him for a while at least."

"Well, that's one thing off our plate at least." Aquilina gestured to Tansy and the girl clambered across to sit at her side, facing her and leaning forward a little.

"How may I serve?" There was a hint of anticipation in Tansy's voice, like she couldn't wait to hear what Aquilina had in mind for her.

Aquilina chuckled. "Stay close. I'm sure I'll think of something."

When they reached the house, it was silent and all the lights were off. Corvus shook his head and frowned. "I wonder where Malcolm is now. I expected him to be here."

Aquilina just shook her head, indicating she had no idea. But as they passed the foot of the stairway that ascended to the second floor where the steward was temporarily staying, a low moan carried to their ears and she grinned. "Well, there we go. Mystery solved."

Corvus frowned. "And another one emerges. I expected Malcolm to be here alone. As far as I know, the rest of my household is still at my father's house."

Aquilina started to climb the stairs. "We should go see what he's up to, then."

"Aquilina," Corvus whispered sharply and caught her hand. "Just ... leave them be. We can find out who he's got up where when they come downstairs."

She just laughed and gave a tug, indicating he should follow her upstairs. "Come on. It could be fun and it's been hours since I watched anybody have sex."

It was a pointed reminder of what a good sport Aquilina was being considering what she'd seen just the night before and Corvus had no doubt she'd meant it as such. He sighed and allowed himself to be pulled upstairs. Still, he made one more try, "Perry probably found some excuse to come over. We should just eat lunch and let them have their privacy."

"Slaves don't have any expectations of privacy and Tansy hasn't even started lunch yet." Aquilina pointed out quite reasonably, then gave another tug at his hand. "Come on."

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Every year the Association Percy belonged to held a convention in Las Vegas to allow its members a look at the newest ideas and programs for the Hunting Camp/ Fishing Camp/ and Lodge industry. He went every year for several reasons, one it allowed him to network with his fellow owners, and two there was a hell of a lot of fun to be had in Vegas. Judith and Percy went together and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves every year. It was like a second honeymoon, except they weren't really...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 97

Harry came through the hall in a rush, “I have a press room full of reporters screaming for you and answers.” Crap already. After a sigh, “I need to finish with the doctor. Then I need to review the phone video again and look at what the media is running. Then I will be there to rescue you. We may have to run the full version that my people took to get at the full truth. Set up the equipment so I can do that. Go feed them some sugar coated cow manure until then,” I said. The President...

3 years ago
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Why I Hate Magic Pt 2

Daniel had known that he loved Gloria since the very first day they met. He had started college alone; deciding to attended a school that was hundreds of miles away from his friends and family in Texas. It wasn't until he sat in an auditorium of strangers for his freshmen orientation, though, that he realized the depths of his solitude. Sullen, Daniel shrunk in his seat. He hadn't even begun classes and he was already regretting his decision to leave home. "Don't worry. I'm scared...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Jessica Ryan Michelle Anthony 4th Of July Family Shootout

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, swap siblings Tyler Nixon and Michelle Anthony can’t seem to get along. They’ve dressed for a Fourth of July party, but instead of celebrating they’re busy fighting. Chasing Tyler into the living room, Michelle pins him to the ground. They’re making so much noise that their swap mom, Jessica Ryan, comes to see what’s going on. She tries to help...

1 year ago
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Dear JohnChapter 30

“Oh my God! Not in a million years!” said Lana Meacham. “Ben follow my lead, please, and whatever you do, do not say anything offensive to this guy no matter what he says. Got it!” “Got it? What guy?” said Ben Holder. I stared as at a ghost, and uninvited ghost. She was two feet away when the waitress started to show us to our table. “Hello, Sam,” she said. I didn’t respond. I had already begun to wheel my way out of the place. But then Rina cut in on the action. “Sam? Where are you...

1 year ago
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I am a slut

As I got off the subway, I walked down the street and found the address much faster than I would have liked. 6:20. I had ten minutes. I walked around the block, despite the January cold.I was nervous, I couldn't deny that. What he told me, my wrists and ankles would be tied and I would be blindfolded. I would be naked except for garter belt, stockings, and heels. The guys would come in, there would be fifteen to twenty altogether, and they'd all fuck me and come on me and in me. I wouldn't see...

Group Sex
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Emma Ch 31

XXXI “Emma! I love you! I love you! Emma! So Much!” Gasped Maisie in orgasmic pleasure, her body shivering with ecstasy and her voice peculiarly full-throated for one so young. Emma grimaced. Although she was the object of her young lover’s affection, it was obvious she wasn’t the stimulus as the young boy pushed his erect prick in and out of her tight young anus. How could an orifice so small, but so beautifully pursed, allow such a large obscene thing into it? Emma wondered, lying on one...

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A Freaky Weekend Part 2

Our pizza was being delivered, and the girl that was doing the delivery was a bombshell. It turns out that the girl was one of Jennifer's friends. Jennifer is my stepdaughter. They grew up together as neighbors until Janice, or Jan as we know her, moved out.“Jan! Well I’ll be. I haven’t seen you in how many years?”“I know, Terry. I’m back for the summer and was lucky enough to get this job. It’s not much, but I have free room and board. Your boat is beautiful.”“Come aboard. I’ll show you the...

Wife Lovers
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Familiarity with the student via the Internet

My name is Vitaly, I'm 25, I want to talk about the case, which occurred in the spring of 2010. I met a girl Vika on the Internet, and it was from my city, at the time she was a student in the third year. One day she invited me to her home.When I knocked, the door was opened by a girl of 20-21, good-looking, I would say - a typical student. She said that her mom is at home, but do not worry if it's just say that I had an old friend from out of town. Vick led me to his room and asked him to...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend ki chudai

Hi freiends, I am a regular reader of ISS. I like its fucking stories very much. But aaz main aapko apni story batane ja raha hoo ki kaise maine apni college friend ke saath chudai ki. First I want to introduce my self. My Name is Nimish and my age is 27 years. And I have a strong and fair body. I live in Jaipur Rajasthan. I am a software engineer. Ye story us waqt ki hai jab mai MCA kar raha tha. Us waqt mai third semester me tha. Isi sem me hamare institute me UP Laknaw se ek sweet ladki...

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My First Time With Ryan

I'd had a profile on a local swingers site for years and had a few encounters. I had switched my Sexual Orientation back and forth from straight to Bi-curious to Bi-comfortable several times, but finally decided to be true to myself and if it stopped me from getting anything out of the site, oh well... I was Bisexual and was going to keep my ad that way.My wife and I had been swingers for awhile, but she freaked out one day and put it all to an end. Long story there, but she and I only had sex...

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Sweetest Surrender

With her hands crossed and firmly tied together he wrapped the rope around her neck and tied it in a close fitting noose. Rising he took a step back to admire his handiwork. The young girl lay unconscious on her back, her shoulder length brown hair hiding where her hands were tied behind her head and fastened to the rope that encircled her neck. He knew from experience that when she struggled it would tighten the noose and reduce her resistance until she could get enough breath to...

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Lilith Live on Late Night

The television broadcasting studio near Broadway was bustling with excitement because the number two network programming department had landed the fabulous “Lilith” from Hollywood as their newest stellar entry for the late-night sweepstakes. The struggle for number one on the ratings was more important than ever this season because all the big networks were talking about their most important issue. That issue was the pressure to make a successful merger across the media landscape. The lattes...

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Uma Aunty8217s College Days

Hi all, I am back with another story with Uma aunty this story depicts her past so kindly the story read fully and she is narrating this story in her own words. Hi all this is Uma from Bangalore here I am writing this story to re-live my past and I want to share it with all of you. My sizes are 36-36-38 fair 5″7 tall fair with brown nipples and always shaven armpits and pussy. Now let us get back to the story. This happened during my college days and my parents never said no to my dressing...

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My roomate Brian

This is a true story. I was lying in my bed late on one of the hottest nights in August, when I heard the door to my apartment open. I assumed it was my roommate Brian and his girlfriend Rhonda coming home from a night on the town. My bedroom door was closed so I couldn’t hear what was being said, but I remember the door to Brian’s bedroom close and I assumed, that Brian and Rhonda went straight to bed. Now I have watched Brian and Rhonda heave sex on many occasions because his bedroom window...

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I get my mom0

I must confess that I have always fantasized about my mother. Freud says that we all do, but with me, it was more overt than normal, I think. She generally has always stayed in great shape by running and exercising, and has a great body naturally. I would often see her come home from exercising, wearing short shorts and a t-shirt, and wonder what she was like in bed, and frequently had masturbation fantasies about her. My wife looks very much like my mother did when she was...

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A Turned On Ministers Wife In the Beginning

  Contrary to popular belief all preacher wives aren't sexually repressed prudes. Quite to the contrary, most of us are very horny ladies because our husbands have some pretty weird and unnatural ideas where sexual gratification is concerned. Most of them have the misinformed idea that God gave us sex for reproduction only and to enjoy having sex is sinful. I mean, get real. If God hadn't meant us to enjoy having sex, he wouldn't have made having an orgasm feel so fucking fantastic. None...

Group Sex
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My First MMF 3Some

This story is about 5 years old now but I still remember it like it was yesterday! I had been some what conservative as far as sex goes, I had enjoyed sex with a few girls and had a couple of one night stands but nothing too out there. My mind however was full of fantasies. I was living with a couple of mates at the time in a town house about 5 minutes South of Brisbane City. My girlfriend at the time had just broken up with me and moved to the UK to be a nanny for a year. I came...

3 years ago
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Stood Up Part 2

Standing there with my jeans and boxers around my ankles, my still rigid dick and this beautiful wanton brunette gently stroking the remains of my cum into her pussy, I was struggling to believe what had just happened, though I was soon snapped out of reverie when she asked me once again, “Come on, let’s get into your car so we can get back to yours and my pussy can feel that cock inside it.”Who was I to argue? Less than an hour ago I’d just been stood up because my date had a “better...

3 years ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6 White Eagle Walks among Us

John had known for almost 40 years that his totem was the American Bald Eagle. Another name for the majestic bird is the White Eagle. When John participated in healing, he became very high. That is why, after performing healing, he identified himself as White Eagle when he was asked, where under normal circumstances he would have very likely had said “No.” John watched as a young man was riding his bicycle on the sidewalk in front of them. The young man waved at them as he rode by. He looked...

1 year ago
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Sin Whispered Love Ch 02

It didn’t take Adam long to forget. He had spent the next day analyzing the encounter and after reminding himself of the way he had reacted to Zeke’s piercing gaze, he found himself angry. Alone in his apartment, he concluded that there was no way he should’ve felt that way, he was not a ‘fag’ after all. Not that he thought there was anything wrong with gay people, he just didn’t like the idea of seeing himself that way. He forcefully kept all thoughts of Zeke at bay and after a few days he...

3 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy Part 1

I’m consciously trying to keep the look at her brief. “Everything ok?” Katia asks. “Yeah! Big day! She’s finally moving in. I’m sure she’ll love it here”, I reply. I give Katia a hug and kiss. My face must have given it away. I’m freaked out by how hot Nadine is. A week later. Thursday night after dinner. Katia’s in bed. She’s got an early start tomorrow. I’m on the sofa, streaming anime on the TV. Creaking on the stairs. “Hey.” “Hey Nadine, still up?” “Yeah can’t sleep yet. What are you...

1 year ago
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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 12 Anns Surprise

When Dave awoke the next morning and went outside the trailer, Ann was already waiting with all her gear. She was eating breakfast at the picnic table with Dave's parents wearing a pretty light green golf shirt and dark green dress shorts. Dave joined them eating a hardy breakfast before loading up the van for the drive to town. During the drive to town Dave told Ann the first part of their daylong agenda for her birthday, "We are playing at Hornsby with a couple of other juniors. Simone is...

2 years ago
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Abbys Friend Ch 03

Months had past since Jemma’s enslavement of Abby and Mike and had enjoyed their obedience to her as she continued to cast her deep hypnotic spell over them both. But she was on the look out for more to enslave and to widen her hypnotic control. Tom was 21, 6’2′ with dark, long hair and a broad frame, typical of an American football player. He had a long-term girlfriend, Kate who he was planning on proposing to tonight. He was going round Kate’s house for a quiet evening to watch a film. This...

3 years ago
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The Last ManChapter 5

In Washington President Nancy Bellows had just finished with a security council meeting. The number one subject for many weeks was "Who had done this and how are we going to get them?" After chasing down thousands of leads the CIA and FBI had not found a thing. The Air Force had planes running around like chickens with their heads cut off and nobody had found diddly-squat. What they knew wouldn't fill a paragraph and what they didn't know about the disease and more importantly its shady...

3 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 24

"Are you ready to have fun, Daddy?" Amy giggled, as she turned and strode purposefully towards the abandoned Apache sitting there on the helipad. "Amy! Wait! Do you know how to fly one of these? I sure don't." "What a silly question! Remember the prophecy?" Her eyes went blank. "Remember, the armed Indian that flies will save you, save us all; look for it." She reached out to open the door when I stopped her again. "Amy! The pilot programmed something into the keypad on the...

1 year ago
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The cost of an education

"Hurry up," her mother snapped. Sayuri Watanabe may have been taller than her mother, but she'd never been able to keep up with her when she was in a hurry. Sayuri had never been to this part of Matsudo – she'd never had a reason. Not that it really mattered. It looked like any suburb in practically every other city in Kanto, the vast sprawl of cities that made Tokyo the biggest metropolis on Earth. She'd never been to Kansai, but guessed things were the same there. This far from the rail...

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A Married Lady At Westside Bangalore

Hello readers this is my second story. I’m Aryan and you can email me and thanks for your emails regarding my last story. I stay in Bangalore.I’m 5’8 having an athletic body. So this had happened couple of months ago. I had been to Westside for shopping at Garuda mall and I was just checking out chicks from the girls section and there was one hot beauty who had a mangalsutra in her neck . So I got to know she was married but she was damn hot. Her figure was 32-28-32. She didn’t look...

2 years ago
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Cassies Burning Desire Part 2

The work day is finally over and I can’t wait to go home and take a nice long shower. It has been a long week and I am so glad it’s finally come to an end. I have not been able to think of anything but my night with Jacob. It has been 2 weeks since our last encounter. I replay that night over and over in my head making myself so wet just at the thought. Each night there has been a note taped to the inside of my private elevator door from Jacob telling me about all the things he wants us to do...

Straight Sex
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Patchwork People XXIV Cactus Country

XXIV. Cactus country. The day was cool and clear. An auspicious day for new beginnings. The cloudless sky stretched tight, a blue tarpaulin snapped to the horizon. It was almost enough to give Marcia a feeling of hope. Between all the preparations, hastily made as they'd been, throwing together a pair of travel bags, gassing up the truck, collecting maps and whatnot, they were on the road a little later than they'd planned. Traveling south on I-640, traffic was still light but picked...

3 years ago
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Twenty Seven Years Later

Twenty Seven Years Later. It was called ‘The French Cafe,’ which would normally be the kind of place I would avoid, but one of my co workers got me hooked on the french vanilla mocha latte. I now went there every Sunday like clockwork, placing my order before sitting at my favorite table near the back. I would read my Sunday paper and watch the happenings in the small town I called my home. I didn’t interact much with the people, that was my wife’s job throughout our marriage as she never met...

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My older sisterChapter 5

“It’s been a while since I had sex during my period, Randall. It’s really nothing different, except ... I’m a bit messy down below. If I put down a bath towel with a hand towel on top, then you can fuck me all you want, as long as I stay on my back. The little bit of mess is worth the time it takes, and the pleasure of ‘my man.’” “Is that me ... have I become your man, Kami?” I responded straining this condom to its absolute maximum. “Yeah, Randall – get on top, and go ... slow. I want you...

1 year ago
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Reddit blowjob, aka r/Blowjob! Welcome to one of the classics, the blowjob subreddit. What you will get to see is pretty straightforward if you ask me, since there ain’t no rocket science with a subreddit that is this simple. It is called r/BlowJob/, and everyone can explore it for free. So, if you are into cock sucking, then you are more than welcome to check out this amazing subreddit.Reddit.com is a free website with a lot of other NSFW subreddits, so if you get bored of BJs, you know where...

Reddit NSFW List
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Part 7

My Husbands overseas business trip.Waking up Wednesday morning after being well pleasured by my younger lover I quickly got dressed in gym clothes and then went and got my daughter up and ready for school. After dropping her off I made my way to gym where I had a good workout session before heading home. Arriving home at 9h30, I first had some breakfast before going upstairs to my bathroom and running myself a hot relaxing foam bath. As I laid relaxing I first messaged Nick thanking him for...

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Maybe I don

ONTO TEH STORI OF TEH HORE! Back ground info: I hate myself for writing this but i'm really pissed off so i made up the dumbest cracker shit to get it out of my head. have fun reading and i hope you understand humor because it uses alot and it was meant all in good fun. If you hate me, you deserve it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As always, a good story must have humor. This story contains random humor and may or may not be to your approval. I find this to be a...

4 years ago
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My Hot GF Beena 3

Hi to all first of all i would like to say thank a lot to all of the readers who likes my stories n send me there true comments i really like it n appreciate it once again thank a lot well aaj meein apni story ka end likhne jaraha hon so i hope k aap sab ko meri story pasand aayegi or aap log mujhe zaroor mail b karenge n aesa response zaroor denge k mein doobara b gustakhi kersakonga apni mazid stories likhne k liye n thank a lot for the girls who write me mails so ab mein apne story ki taraf...

4 years ago
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Fuck Me Daddy and Suck My Milk Filled Tits

Hello boys and girls. This simply a stroke story and I hope you guys enjoy jerking your cocks and cumming all over your pumping cock filled hand. Ladies, while you might not really be into this sort of thing I would still hope you can diddle and fill your cunts with fingers, dildos or cocks during or after reading this little story. Karen was seventeen the first time she caught me jacking off. There is was naked on my bed with my thick hard cock in my fist as I pumped it until I loosed my...

2 years ago
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Wife in Swinging Webcam Sex

A little background first - we are a happily married couple who are still very much in love. We first started seeing one another in our late teens and are now in our early forties and have a young family. As you can imagine after all that time we have had a go at most things that a couple can do together. We have always been keen to try anything new in the bedroom or anywhere else for that matter.We are both still in pretty good shape, not too over weight or anything, but must admit we aren't...

Wife Lovers
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Until Sequel to The Arrangement

WARNING: This story contains reference to an often misunderstood form of BDSM relationship called Daddy/little girl. To be perfectly clear, it has nothing to do with either incest or pedophilia. It is a depth of emotional bond between a Dom and submissive that intensely mimics the father/daughter trust. Anyone that has read my story, The Arrangement, knows what Samuel would like done to pedophiles. *** ‘Daniel, are you sure about this? We really don’t mind keeping them a few more days?’...

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Always Faithful

30-year-old Janice Knox looked good in her pale blue skirt with the matching jacket. It looked professional, but still allowed her trim figure to show itself. The fact that it went well with her blonde hair, and that the color of the outfit matched the blue of her eyes didn't hurt at all either. She had been standing in line waiting for her table at Chez Arthur for almost 10 minutes, and was beginning to worry that she wouldn't have much time for lunch if the line didn't move a little...

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24 August 2007Chapter 4

Dan and Wendy decided to stroll around the downtown streets of Niagara Falls. The city bustled with hundreds of tourists taking in the different attractions. They walked to the Falls, and as they admired the mighty thunderous flow of the water, her sensually dressed figure was appreciated, just as much as this natural wonder. Looking at different maps and attraction locations, they planned to do their clubbing tonight and Saturday night, museums, attractions tomorrow, and Sunday. At dusk,...

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L1 Lexi Seduces Uncle Billy

L1 Lexi Seduces Uncle Billy By billy69boy“Of course she can, Mary. It was thoughtful of you to call first and ask, but you know all of yours and Beth’s friends are welcome to stay with us when you come up to visit,” I answered, as I juggled the phone with one hand, and used the pool skimmer with the other. “Oh? A new friend you say? What’s her name? Lexi? Okay, I’ll try to remember it. See you all tomorrow then. I’ll have the pool clean and sparkling for you girls…okay, have a safe...

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To the new millenium

I was in love with the love of my life, a girl named Andrea who also attended my college in Philly.The 'Y2K' 'conversion' (rollover) for computers was a big deal, for most people. It certainly was for me; I'd known about it since 1993 but I was far too young to understand its possible consequences.However, in 1999 I was 23 and embarrassingly ignorant to the true world implications. At that time I had only known the government's lies, (even though I'd already had plenty of weed and plenty of...

Quickie Sex
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Biker On The Job

Dave and Mike were members of the same bike club for close to six years. They had been through the prospect stage together and both got their full patches the same day. They’ve caused enough shit together and they were about to head off to mainland Europe for a club meeting, when they were asked by the sergeant-in-arms to do him a favour. Obviously there was no questioning the favour! Dave was a tall man with a deep tan and a muscular frame. His sparkling blue eyes were hypnotising, and he...

2 years ago
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A Spiders Web Ch 04

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

1 year ago
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Diane 11 Shopped Popped

Act I That night, I'd gone to the dance to watch the girls and see what happened (there's something about dancing that seems to get women, especially teenage girls, all excited). There was all the usual goings-on: Marcie sneaking into the bushes with Jerry; Mack and Brutus getting thrown out for fighting (again); Marcie hiding in a locked room with Tom; Rose and Shelly having a screaming match that could be heard over the band; Marcie sneaking behind the curtains behind the band's stage...

1 year ago
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Amys Escort

Relaxing on the couch during a quiet evening at home, Amy entered the search words "couples escort near me" on her iPad and tapped the screen.  Her search was quickly rewarded with several matches that she opened and closed the links for until finding one which peaked her interest.  Scrolling through the menu, she tapped "Gallery" and smiled.  Ever since a vacation several years ago when Eric had choreographed a surprise encounter in their foreign hotel room, Amy had patiently waited to respond...

3 years ago
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SissyTec Part 3

SissyTec - Part 3 By Missy Crystal I have to say, Mom, I am really proud of our AutoDildo. See, its on page 1 of the catalog. The computerized sissy development program is quite an accomplishment, but to improve on something that's been around since Adam was away and Eve found out that sticking a piece of wood in her pussy felt good should get me the Nobel prize, if they gave one out for sex toys. A lot of the mistresses who buy our products were kind enough to loan as their sissies...

2 years ago
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Twins Shopping Trip

Samantha couldn't believe it. Not another fucking store! she thought to herself. Samantha and Hannah had been shopping all day looking for just the right dress. Every dress looked beautiful on the pretty blonde but there was always just something not right. Too short, too plain, nobody wear's that style anymore. Samantha had heard it all. Samantha got to watch Hannah undress down to her black bra and matching thong. This was the sweetest torture as the sight of her sister's nearly naked body...

3 years ago
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Her Secret

Kat had been fucking her dad's friends from a very young age. She found that she loved cock and once she fucked one the word got around and she had several for sex partners. They would go to a hotel and she would meet them there and her first man was Ray. When she got to the motel he was already naked and soon she also was naked. He kissed her as he ran his hands over her tiny tits. Then he began to lick and suck the small mounds and soon his hands found her pussy. He would suck on a tiny...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Exgf

My name is Naveen (fake name), 21 years old 5″10 ft tall with an average body. I never thought of sharing this incident with others but thought of telling this sex story to beautiful ladies out there and share some experience. This is my first story please don’t mind if any mistakes come in between. Any ladies or girls who want to share some secret fantasies or want to have some fun together feel free to contact me at Everything will be private between us. This Incident happened when I was...

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